#im letting yall figure out the lore lol
clownpalette · 9 months
Inka <333
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dragon-fuccer · 2 months
Hi!!! If u're reading this u're probably the author of this absolutely amazing fic ✨
And if u're not, go read it;!! It's so good u won't regret it<33
First some fanart jumpscare !!! (I hope u're ok w it bc I haven't asked for permission 😭)
It's just how I imagine Jack to look with a few smaller headcannons based on the fic, and there will be more fic related doodles soon, so prepare for that >;D (ofc as long as u're ok with it!!)
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Second, the thing I lured ya here with, aka mine n my bfs ocs, art and description for ya to use in the fic if u want to ^^
TYSM for this offer, both me and my bf feel hella honored and it actually gave us a ton of motivation to actually expand on these two!
Tws : body horror, brief description of violence n death, mentioned suicide and brief description of murder
Smokey belongs to my bf and Something is mine !
Normal text is all written by me and green text was written by him ^^
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Art and design by my dearly beloved:
Real name : Victor Wilson
Age : around 26 yo
possible victor lore
used to be victor by marble hornets standards known as smokey
a dropout uni student with raging nicotine addiction (smokey did not retain any uni info but vic used to be psych student (projecting much lol))
prolly watched marble hornets with friends for fun and against better judgement decided to give a visit to rosswood park thinking its a film project in the beginning
turns out its not and they spotted the lanky guy
smokey the horror movie enthusiast wants out at that point before shize goes down but its late and they r deep in the forest so comes to conclusion they r all p much dead at this point
peeps want to go hunt for the lanky man cus cool and internet views
my guy is like f that yall r following basic horror lore of everyone dies im not playin like that and straight up says hes not going and hed rather go and sleep in the burned down psych ward
he gets called a wimp but decides if hes gonna die hes not dying an idiot and decides to vidtape everything on his mid tier phone camera
not sure what happens to the rest but they do their meet cute w slendy and prolly with time like half of em ends up in the arko e way or another
smokey manages most of the night fine but like luck would have it still end up meeting the guy
does not go well
wakes up in the burned down hospital not remembering the last unknown time and broken phone beyond repair
decides oho this is bad lets go back to uni and never talk abt it
meets with most friends back at uni but like 2 of em r missing and they just pretend nothing happened, friend group dissolves
after that he starts slowly having memory gaps, waking up in other places
all comes to head when it turns out he missed 5 months of uni after he wakes up back in rosswood really far from home and skinnier than ever and suddenly no more uni student
after that victor surfaces less and less till hes just kinda gone at that point
Smokey first shows up the night victor goes with friends to rosewood
in the beginning surfaces confused unsure who they are and what is their purpose
with time smokey goes through both phone and computer of vics
binges whole marble hornets in one sitting and decides he has a personal vendetta against the operator
since then they work on somehow stoping it (and terribly fails given the lack of information) leading to continuous trips back to rosewood and sleepovers in the rubble of the ex psych ward
figuring out the nicotine addiction takes a bit of time and leads to pretty nasty withdrawal symptoms as well as a very wrecked dorm room (he does find the cigarettes tho and is smart enough to connect the dots (smart cookie, here have a star sticker))
smokey learns asl and isolates themself a lot in the months of operator research
he still maintains two personas to some extends which is one the masked smokey who uses mostly asl and rarely speaks (to some extent also a tactic against being caught by police) and times when he goes without mask on library searches and grocery shoppings
smokey starts a yt channel dedicated to catching the operator and ending it which attracts at best some people commenting on obvious marble hornets ripoff and few cents into his wallet
with passing time they do start finding victims in order to keep themselves alive n appease the the big slinky leading to series of alleged suicides then turned to series of murders
he starts off with two of his ex friends who go back to rosewood and start showing symptoms he learned from mh
When they commit murder they hide in the trunk of the car and basically hotbox the whole thing due to smoking making the victim whoozy and confused, moving on they connect a pipe (like garden hose or whatevs) to the exhaustion pipe and suffocate their victims with the car smoke
the thing that tips off the police is the nicotine in the system of every victim and an account of almost to be one that got stalked by smokey who upon being discovered (also while smoking and which earned him the name) decided to bolt
since then he continues on just about the same, aka researching the operator, finding new victims and surviving untill they meet Something
His hoodie is dark green, the mask is greyish from the grime n dirt, the big cross on it is black so are his pants and hair
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Real name : Rae Dyer
Age : 23 before transformation, currently unknown
Something used to be a cryptid fan. They worked at a radio station and had a small night show where they played old rock and often rambled about the latest creature they heard about. While out, looking for a new creature to maybe see, they stumbled upon the Slenderman and became obsessed to document it somehow, quickly spiraling out of control and slowly, bit by bit became a creature themselves.
Something doesn't remember much from it's past life. It used to just wander, guided by the static in it's head towards it's victims, always terrified itself but not knowing why. After Smokey found it, they started wandering together. At first they had serious communication issues - Something only able to speak in tap code and Smokey mainly using ASL - but with time they learned to speak with each other, and now they can understand the other almost without words.
Something doesn't really eat, it survives on fear and between itself and Smokey, it always has more than enough of it. It does steal food for Smokey tho, cigarettes as well, usually leaving them in whatever ruined building he decided to stay in for the night. Something got also addicted to nicotine by just being around Smokey so much, leading to separation anxiety fueled by withdrawal when they're apart.
Something cannot speak, and can only communicate using tap code. When it's particularly worried or scared it does emit a small noise, that sounds like a particularly breathy whine, and more commonly when it tries to speak, quiet spider like ticking can be heard coming from it's mouths.
It usually walks hunched over, used to having to duck under branches, entryways, etc bc of it's height.
Something has pale skin reminiscent of porcelain, and is usually wearing a v neck sweater with a white undershirt and jeans or other pants. It's hair is very thin and scarce, floating around it's head down to it's lower back
Also a tiny doodle bonus of how I imagine these two showing up on Jacks doorstep xjbxbcbcb
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We think the most probable case of them showing up would be Smokey getting bonked on a mission (probably by a car or a would be victim) and Something bringing them over to Jacks cabin to get pached up, tho feel free to do something else ya might think fits =w=
Again, thank you so much for the offer, we're both so honored to have the opportunity to show these two off and maybe if you're so inclined getting them a chapter in ur amazing fic<3
If u have any questions you need answered Abt the two don't hesitate to ask them as well! ^^
-Kai n Bean
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bigboipyromaniac · 2 years
Okay hear me out- Asexual reader and Doomguy having their back. Let’s say, an allosexual was insisting to have sex and being a general acephobe.
omg just like me fr
i try to understand the lore of it but its just a mess for me lol, but im enjoying writing these
Flynn doesn't mind the fact that your ace
he doesn't have a high sex drive
(is that what it calls? idk anymore)
he's mostly busy working on his machine and killing demons
but let's just say that Earth was normal for now
and we got normal Flynn
well not normal 
I mean have you seen that big guy????
but anyways 
so this is modern au time!
he would work for the military 
I would say a drill sergeant 
cause he's big and scary
but everyone loves him
 you don't see him that often
so once and a while you and his stay at home
or go out!
and yall planned out a date on when he comes back
yall decided to go out to a bar nearby
it was the only thing open late at night 
cause yall usually cuddle together when he came home
but bar time
you know there are weirdos out there
but hey you got Flynn
what sane person would try to hit it with the Dooms Slayers' partner??
some drunk guy
Flynn was going to leave you for a second just to get a drink
while waiting you notice a guy eyeing you 
you started to feel uncomfortable
you immediately looked away
but unlucky you 
the guy came over
he started spewing about how hot you are and how much he wanted to sleep with you
drunk out of his mind 
you didn't say anything fearing that you might get hurt by the man
but luck came to you once again 
cause your big boy Flynn is here!
he notice how uncomfortable you were with this guy
he walked over to you and the guy noticed him
suddenly his emotion switched from horny to scared
it was now finding ways to leave now 
he was stuttering all over the place
soon he left
Flynn just sits with you very confused about what just happened
you just laugh and thank him
but overall the date was a 10/10
honestly if Flynn figured out that he was flirting with you and making you uncomfortable
 the guy would be dead in an ally way
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cassyapper · 1 year
<3 thank u to everyone who has encouraged me now u get oc lore tonight rather than tomorrow
so, here's a collection of notes re characters and worldbuilding. some of this is stuff i already had in my head but im ready to share publicly now, and some of this is stuff that is genuinely as new to me as it'll be for yall but im set on it so. here we go
character updates
so i've mentioned arha is a solider*. the truth is arha is originally a soldier for the opposing country to ai/william/adalia's. in fact she and ai et al meet because arha is captured after a battle. arha is snapping at people and fully prepared to be either tortured or killed or sent to an absolutely abysmal prison and she is not looking forward to it so she's hoping for the best of the options (dying) by provoking them. shes honestly exhausting to deal with so she gets relegated to a tent as a makeshift jail for a while LOL. eventually ai comes in as part of her duties and is like "are you ready to be a normal person and go get dinner" and arha is like "what" and ai is like "it's dinner time. i was sent to fetch you. or did you want to see the doctor first." "arent you going to kill me" "why the fuck would we kill you when you surrendered already" oh arha mad af about that line she doesnt like being reminded of surrendering she's so prideful but she's also confused af. she grew up being told that if the enemy caught her she was for sure going to fucking die and be miserable while she did but here therye offering medical attention?? arha does not like being left in the dark so she just complies. to a point. basically she jsut follows ai around and makes her explain things and ai is like so fucking annoyed but arha wont leave her alone no matter how snippy she is or how much she ignores her so she figures answering her questions will get her to leave her alone (at least until they finish this campaign and return to the capital and arha in theory goes to actual jail. of course arha grows on her and vice versa. cause . im weak. theyre gonna be endgame whatever that means)
adalia kills a man revealed: the man is her country's fucking general. th set up: upon return to the capital after aforementioned campaign, another drafting occurs, and since this is common place seeing as they have been at war for 100 years now, no one is really surprised and it doesnt raise super big alarms however the rules have changed while ai adalia and william's troop were out; age of enlistment has been lowered. zoinks! so context for it: when they make it back to the capital, ai and arha return to ai's mother's house. ai's mom is really uspet over arha being there and she and ai get into a big argument about it. ai's mom is like "i just dont understand why you care, her country killed your father and brother" and ai is like "no YOU did when you refused to LOOK FOR THEM" and she storms out. arha of course follows but before she does ai's mom asks her to please look out for ai cause "she obviously chose you. you need to choose her too. you need to. i will never forgive you if you don't." arha is troubled by this but agrees and ai's mom lets them go. they go to adalia's house to spend the night but uh oh Adalia Has Killed A Man. while arha and ai clean her up as her family is gathering supplies for travel packs, adalia manages to shakily explain: when adalia came home, she found the general there and he was drafting her two siblings (twins, aged 12). adalia could not let that happen so in her panic, and in line with her training, she jsut swung a sword at her problems. this kills the man. uh oh! and now adalia has to flee cause like. she can't stay she has committed utmost treason. and the general is Going to be found and if her family tries to hide it they are going to Die and adalia is not gonna let that happen. so she will run. arha and ai go with her of course. and on their way out of the city william finds them cause already, when the general never appeared at the next house he was supposed to draft from, military personnel had been deployed over the city to investigate. william decides to go with them too cause he's just too soft and frankly he doesnt wanna participate in a military that engages use of child soldiers it's not what he signed up for. wow it's almost like both countries have their skeletons and both were employing fucked up tactics against their citizens...anyway. the silver lining is that adalia killing the general did in fact save her siblings form being drafted (for now) cause the houses were chosen at complete random it's kinda like a fucked up lottery thing. since adalia wont let her family cover up her crime and in fact makes them turn her in (just yknow once she's out of the house; theyre gonna be all "oh we woke up in the night and found the general dead and adalia gone") so that officials wont punish them by sending in the twins anyway cause like, as far as the law is concerned they had nothing to do with adalia turning rogue. but this wont keep them from being named in other drafts...but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
ther's gonna be an underwater arc and ai is . well. ai. (: m'beware the light. n'lol
qiu, due to being raised by dragons ie some of the most blunt species on the planet, just fucking sucks at human social etiquette. he is very forthcoming and his speaking tone is very flat and he does not Do minor facial expressions his face shifts from its resting state only to full-on smile or full-on frown etc. he is very honest in this way but he reads as very blunt and honestly? kinda mean. but he's literally not trying to be he's just standing there. if you know anything about deaf culture he's very similar to that. just no filter or what human hearing etiquette calls a filter. he also gestures in weird ways cause dragons do most of their gestures with wings cause theyre tetrapods and qiu obviously is bipedal. he's got constantly chicken wings going on also t-rex hands
im going to be candid btw arha and ai are based on my read on noritaro. so sorry. it's the only way i could get myself to think about these guys again after three years forgive me
william is 44. when ai's village was raided when he had just officially become a soldier, so he was called in to help reclaim the town and drive off the enemy soldiers. he and ai never actually meet during this because ai and her mom were long gone by the time reinforcements arrived, but he saw firsthand how fucking ravanged the village was and how indescriminate the killing was so when he finds out ai is from there and was a child during that, he just can't help but feel bad honestly. like he's nice in general but that's the reason he gives ai so much leeway. he kinda pities her. she hates him for it a little but eventually it evolves past pity and as such she stops hating him
the reason ai at el and arha's countries are at war is cause, okay. country a (ai et al's country) and country b (arha's country) are both world superpowers. there are others beside them but theyre big players in the game so to speak. both are very influential etc. however they're very different: country a is a xenophobic ethnostate that hates magic for religious reasons, and country b is based on a huge metropolis of many intersecting races and such, such as orcs, humans, dwarves, elves, etc. im still adding stuff. and theyre very big on magic. one day 100 years ago kingdom b accuses kingdom a of stealing a very important magical artifact in order to get an edge on them in terms of world superpowerism. kingdom a is very offended that they've been accused of wanting fucking anything to do with magic let alone dealing with kingdom b or lands that have people not of the same ethnicity and they accuse kingdom b right back of making shit up, esp cause kingdom b won't actually describe the artifact or what it does, just so they can use it as a bartering tool for their land (there has been a few land disputes over resources lately). so war breaks out cause neither side is happy and there's already a lot of judgement and irritation going in. so. yikes
magic! speaking of! let's discuss. it's something anyone can learn in this world but some people are more naturally inclined to it. it's a lot like being ambidextrous: some people just know intuitively how to do it and others have to be taught but either way both can do it and both can be very good at it. witches are magic users that had to be taught and wizards are magic users that had a natural affinity for it. witches tend to use wands/staffs as conduits for magic; helps to get from point a to point b. wizards tend to use staffs/wands as well but just to make their spells more powerful. everyone has a sort of magical energy just by being alive in this world. however the amount of magical energy you have in you is finite like ur body isn't just gonna keep making more on its own just like normal energy, and if you drain yourself of your own juice by using too much magical energy you will die! so to replenish the supply (think of it like a health bar) you can do various things that all amount to just, using other lifeforms' magical energy. like, you know how energy from the sun is traced along the food chain. it's like that here. you can like take something's magical energy by eating it, by rubbing it on yourself like sunscreen and absorbing things that way, or inhaling things, etc. just any way you can think of how you get a vitamin, it's similar for how you can take magical energy from things. what your magic is and what it does depends on what you take magical energy from
um yes i believe that's all. i didnt proofread this so sorry. if you actually read all of this i think youre a fuckin saint
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rosykims · 3 years
loved every second of poe2 for the most part but the aloth ending was so bullshit ummmmmm 🙏.... ur telling me that MY WATCHER, AKA,
a godlike whose entire existence is in danger because the gods are talking abt doing mass godlike recalls,
a stoic/rational/benevolent chara who would begrudgingly help anyone for half a snickers bar,
the "lady" of a castle that literally Does Not Exist anymore bc a god stomped on it, thus currently homeless with nothing better to do,
an r/athiest andy who hates the gods and wants to duke it out w them at all times,
a person with a lifelong hatred of sailing and a crippling fear of the sea who cant wait to leave the deadfire,
and lastly. ahem.
ur telling me that THAT WATCHER. would just let aloth leave her ass AGAIN after everything that went down ??? ok well ummm ✌ anyways ! saoirse ends poe2 reinforcing aloth's resolve to destroy the leaden key, while also coming to grips with her OWN unhealthy co-dependency/older sibling complex irt her little sister laoghaire. after seeing laoghaire actually cope with the deadfire saoirse finally gives herself permission to focus on her own life and trust laoghaire to make her own way as an adult, and inevitably realizes that her poe1 goal of finding a home was a dream she'd mostly had for laoghaire's sake/safety, and her REAL ambition is to help people and make a difference in the world. so she joins aloth and together they have wacky bisexual adventures taking down cultists and trying to figure out what bs the gods have planned next <3 thanks for coming to my ted talk
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nekromanika · 2 years
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i finally found the courage to show lily... lol
she's a lawrence fucker for those of yall who do not know
some misc facts for her under the cut :3
- her full name is actually lilith, but she prefers to go by lily and introduces herself as such.
- works at a comic book store
- codes in her free time, but is genius with it and is a very notorious hacker
- is a smoker, but isn't addicted. lights a cigarette sometimes out of habit but doesn't actually smoke it. also partakes in weed on occasion lmfao. but it takes her FOREVER to get high so she doesn't do it often.
- rarely leaves her house other than for work and sometimes to go out and grab a drink at the jackalope.
- she socializes sometimes out of "necessity" but for the most part she just kind of keeps to herself. she's an introvert by nature but sometimes she's gotta do what's she's gotta do
- can appear nice and friendly when needed as a result. shes a bit of a social chameleon in that way i think.
- inwardly though she would obviously prefer to be at home by herself. but i think she enjoys getting to know people. but not in the normal way. i mean in the way where she talks to you, and she is immediately curious about all the dirty laundry you might have lol.
- she definitely prefers to observe and listen when talking to someone. she finds superficial and surface level conversations like small talk mind-numbingly boring, though
- if she finds a person she likes or thinks is interesting she will absolutely be obsessed with them. im just saying
- is guilty of mostly eating take out. she can't cook to save her life.
- is a weeb on the dl
now time for some actual LORE
- she's a succubus so she's actually immortal lmfao
- so because of that shes quite old! she was probably born during the middle ages or something. unsure of her exact origin but i keep picturing her in the 1700s so maybe around that time period?
- made a contract with a demon rire after she died for the sole purpose of getting revenge on those who wronged her before she died. she lived a very fucked life. her own death was also quite brutal so its no wonder she couldn't just let things go and move on
- so because of that she has indeed seen the river 👍 but she was so full of rage she was determined not to pass on she was desperate to get out of there no matter the cost
- in terms of her actual abilities as a succubus, i still have yet to figure that out? but i remember writing down being able to fuck someone dry jejfiv
- i mean that in the sense that they die because she drains their life force that way lol. its how she keeps herself alive really. hence why she needs to socialize bc she needs to find someone to replenish her energy
- funny enough i feel that her libido is quite average? when she first turned her thirst was basically insatiable. sort of similar to a vampire when they first turn. over time its just dulled down a lot so now she only ever gets the urge when she's "hungry" i guess.
- her libido increases around people she likes, though.
- she can control herself pretty well though and absolutely has sex for funsies when the mood strikes her.
- she rarely kills people actually unless they're like jerks to her / absolute scum of humanity. her definition of that varies though lmfaoooo
- when she goes to the jackalope 80% of the time it's because she needs to stock up on energy it's the most low effort place to hook up with people
- sometimes its kind if dead though so when that happens she just hopes she'll pick up someone on the way home.
- usually her pheromones are "enhanced" during this period to help her lure people in, but it's a double edged sword because the opposite partys pheromones are enhanced as well. since she's a succubus, her scent always changes to fit her prey's preferences. :)
- different people have different scents though! some people smell absolutely foul to her and other people smell really nice. beastkins, demons, and other non-humans have their own unique scents, as well.
- in true succubus fashion, she can probably manipulate a person's dreams. usually she can just influence others to have erotic dreams about her, but it can sometimes extend to daydreams as well. daydreams are more difficult to manipulate since the person is conscious, though. but if they're weak-willed she can do it pretty easily.
- also the best way for her to regain energy is for her to consume cum. cuming inside her is also the key. it is also her favorite. once you're in you can't escape. for the girlies its a bit different but as i said before she just needs to consume it. she will literally have a feast lol
- on that topic yes she loves everyone <3 love is love
now... for her and lawrence :3
- i think she mostly just wanted to know wtf was wrong with him at first
- she saw him for the first time and immediately felt weird vibes from him. but strange people are the people she finds deeply intriguing so she wanted to get to know him
- he complimented her on her name and she took that as a bit of flirting, so she naturally flirted back. i feel like she sensed he was mildly uncomfortable and embarrassed by it so she left him alone
- she did turn up her pheromones though just so he'd keep his attention on her. so in my silly brain lawrence just kept glancing at her the whole time and ren felt like he was third wheeling djjfic.
- their canon ending would definitely be the "you both know the truth" ending. their whole thing is both of them seeing the river and because of that i think they'd understand each other very intimately.
- lily reached for and took lawrence's drink purely as a show of dominance and that is the only reason law was able to get the upper hand on her.
- knockout drugs don't have a strong effect on her though so she honestly lets herself get kidnapped just to see what would happen. she's curious to see what someone like lawrence would do in that sort of situation
- so when she 'wakes up' and sees him kind of panicking she's inwardly amused and reassures him that he's the one in control.
- probably teases him a lot throughout her captivity but knows when to stop before she takes it too far. she tries to be calm when she can too because he's most receptive to that kind of temperament. plus she is the queen of knowing how people feel, and how to get along with others in general, so its mostly smooth sailing.
- lawrence has his moments where he reacts and behaves unpredictably, though. lily is at a loss during those times but she can usually bounce back fairly quickly. and she's more pleasantly surprised than anything.
- I believe that lily finds a sort of comfort in the way he talks about mortality and life. she doesn't think she's met anyone like lawrence in her life, and she's lived a pretty long time. she really loves his introspective side quite a bit, and finds herself empathizing with him as well. :]
BONUS: her and ren?
- ren has always been a big fave so in a world where lily does not pursue lawrence for whatever reason i firmly believe that she would be enamored with ren
- like he's so cute... she saw him at the jackalope for the first time and had heart eyes. it was probably her urges enhancing his pheromones to the max but she wanted him then and there lol
- she flirted with him and he reciprocated and lawrence was just there third wheelin.
- he smelled so unique too... it made her even more curious about him. so when it was time to leave she followed him home♡ or at least that was what she was planning on doing but then law chased her down so she had to get outta there lawl
- things worked out in her favor when ren ended up kidnapping her though, so hooray? she wasn't really a fan of being a captive of his though
- i think her canon ending for her and ren would probably end up being the "you took ren for yourself" ending. or the love one lol. both can exist simultaneously though so perhaps a bit of both.
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screechinginthevoid · 3 years
No, okay. Thats it.
This is a full on ramble. But I need to get this shit off my chest.
I love shooter games. I love when they add lore to them. But r6s and Valorant are FUCKING up big time.
Centering lore and interactions on certain characters kills the lore. Every single character has an opinion. There are countless writers waiting for an opportunity. Hire them. If you Keep adding characters that dont do anything in the lore (like adding operators and then not using them lore wise, ex: jackal) then...you shouldnt have lore its like the characters dont exist
Jackal has no content. The elite skin HAS THOSE SHITTY GOGGLES. theres no New lore of him and the kali and ash storyline is getting no-where. Realeasing lore every time theres a New season doesnt help. UBISOFT isnt shit at writing because they made ASSASINS CREED. it has an amazing story telling and writers. They have no excuse for this.
1) they have countless characters and they Keep adding more and more.
Jackal, flores, capitao, goyo, amaru, Maverick and countless more characters have interesting story lines. Amazing personalities and are full of possibilities And potential. Its good to expand the lore.
2) the ash and kali story line:
Its getting no-where fast. We are updated every once or twice a year. No New voicelines or story telling resources. It was fun at first...now? Its just ..Boring. yes. Kali is up to something. What? Fuck knows! We dont know. Are they also evil? Is kali sending info? To whom? Why? What are they planning? We dont have a FUCKING clue. No idea as far as motives go.
3) r6s extraction
Look. I wont lie I think its cool they expand to the chimera thing w rainbow. But dude. They cant handle r6s' lore. Whose to say theyll do a better work on r6E.
They recicle characters. UBISOFT you can do better.
That amongst Many other things ruin a games lore posibilities. Bad management.
now about valorant:
Okay I get it, you guys have 3 people on the lore team. But its riot games. They made LOL and the lore they have. Is crazy extensive. THEY MADE A SHOW. THATS HOW MUCH LORE YALL HAVE.
Again. Plenty of writers. Maybe its not as easy as hiring them but guys. You are a big company. Im sure you can sort this out.
The Twitter takeover is shit. There. I said It. Four tweets (breach had TWO) some vids and to figure it yourself you go. Cyphers takeover was all about chess. Character have layers. His past has plenty of oportunities. You cant leave it at "his family is deceased and he blames himself".
The chess tweets were probably a publicity stunt for....valorant...chess? Okay. You do you.
Its a shooter. The chess board can be its own separate merch campaign. These takeovers should be for lore only, the community is asking nonstop for more lore. Intricacy its fun until its not. Lore thats too complicated to understand or crack Open Will eventually tire the fanbase and they'll move on to "greener pastures".
You made a shooter and want to add lore to it? Okay. Make it. Fix the issues that come up and Keep the lore going. Its story telling. Its supposed to be entertaining. Not a hook to boost the numbers up when the playerbase starts dying down.
The Twitter take over is not being fruitfull. When you favor characters over others, thats the problem not everybody likes the character youre focusing the content on.
Misterious characters like chamber, cypher. OMEN OR VIPER cant Keep their secrets forever. Maybe lore wise they can. But you cant Keep the lore away from the fans
Let me explain.
Cyphers secrets can be kept unkown to the characters inside the lore. But the fanbase Will not take that shit much longer. They Will get burnt out and tired.
Chambers motives can be kept unkown to brim or viper. And though chamber is quite New. Theres little to no info as to why they do it
Omens and vipers past and how they link eachother can be kept a secret from the characters inside the lore. Furthermore. Its a good way of saying that whatever went down WAS BAD BCS EVEN OMEN AND VIPER DONT WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT. But the fans Will tire of not knowing.
There has to be a balance. When the lore is the only thing that keeps bringing New fans in, Thats the problem. Adding games to the Franchise when you can barely Keep the existing games running. Thats the problem.
There has to be a balance. For me its basic storytelling. The best example is overwatch.
Feel free to add to this ramble. Be respectful.
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kideternity · 4 years
For the ask game: Helena Bertinelli, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, Dinah Lance, Diana Prince & Stephanie Brown
Oh god oh yea okay hold on op this will get long (under read more)
Helena Bertinelli
How I feel about this character: I adore her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 literally my wife my muse my love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dinah, Karen, Renee
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Helena and Eel, John Henry and Zauriel ^_^ also think she and Vic Sage should have “LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!” Energy together
My unpopular opinion about this character: I love Barbara dont get me wrong but shes an AWWFUUUUUULL friend to Helena 😭😭😭 like I LITERALLY CANNOT GET OVER HOW BABS CANONICALLY BEFRIENDED HELENA SOLELY TO MANIPULATE HER ORIGINALLY... not to mention all of that unnecessary beef over dick and like OTHER PEOPLE calling Helena batgirl.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she stayed with the justice league for more time so much 😭😭😭 I have a soft spot for JLA (1997) always its my fav critically examined run but MAN helena getting fired when the first run was ending pissed me off!!!!
my OTP: Probably right now Dinahelena? Tie between Reneehelena and that one
my cross over ship: I don’t have a ton of non dc media I like but Liz sherman from hellboy maybe
a headcanon fact: She has a wine cooler in her car at all times for people to grab a drink from if needed, the only rule she has is to try not to spill it everywhere because it’s a bitch to get out of her leather seats
Selina Kyle
How I feel about this character: Admittedly idk a ton about Selina I need to haul ass on reading catwoman solos 😭 I've had a complicated relationship with her but as of right now I like her! I think she’s cool
All the people I ship romantically with this character: All i'm turning up is Zatanna bc my friend writes really good zee/selina fics wjwjajajwua stan randy!!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I am like OBSESSED w the small little friendship tidbits Helena B and Selina have....... its not suer amazing or anything but huntress year old Selina insta best friending helena made me 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: IM NOT REALLY SURE WHY SELINA IS CONSIDERED A GOTHAM CITY SIREN NGL.... like its most likely definitely me knowing nothing Abt popular characters but its just always struck me as kinda weird/the only thing ivy harley and selina have in common is like. The most well known bad women in gotham
my OTP: idk sry !
my cross over ship: Felicia hardy purely because its just really fucking funny to me
a headcanon fact: Selina fucking hates Gnort more then anything imaginable
Cassandra Cain
How I feel about this character: I like her!!!!! Definitely my second favourite batkid after Duke ^_^
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Steph
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duke! Ultimate siblings. Also just like the idea of Lonnie and Cass getting along bc they tell old men they suck
My unpopular opinion about this character: Cass should not be able to beat everybody. She should not be able to beat people of unimaginable power such as Dr Fate. Like I think she could defeat normal fighters, or maybe enhanced fighters, but actual metas and magic casters etc I don’t think she would be able to, especially since iirc she almost fucking died fighting metahuman assassins??? So
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I know we all say it but let cass be batman v_v but also let her be batman and let carrie Kelly be her batwoman so that they can absolutely hate each other I wanna see that play out
my OTP: Stephcass im basic
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: Duke introduced her to heavy metal now she cant get enough of it
Stephanie Brown
How I feel about this character: I like her! I still need to continue reading her batgirl solo and more but I like her! Good character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Cass
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lonnie ^_^ Rebirth lonnie is literally so OOC and nasty I don’t wanna hear any bs abt how its ‘better’ but I did like the idea of Steph and Lonnie being friends and I think it'd work still with Lonnie’s good characterisation
My unpopular opinion about this character: Timsteph is a bad ship its objectively bad and I hate it a lot also Steph kissing Tim knowing he was dating Arianna was shitty writing/a dick move on her part i just hate all of it its comp het the ship
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: OKAY I NEED TO READ MORE STEPH COMICS FIRST but I am perpetually haunted by my idea of steph in the future becoming huntress.... I Ponder It
my OTP: Stephcass lol
my cross over ship: Gwen Stacy and Steph could be fun :O
a headcanon fact: She doesn’t like condiments unless it’s say, syrup for waffles
Harper Row
How I feel about this character: I used to be like obseeeeeeessed with harper used to think abt her 24/7 but ive mellowed down a lot.... havent read her comics in like literally ages...... still love her a lot tho
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody 😔
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Steph and Cass being Harper’s friends was always cute to me also I like when I think both or just Steph was Harper’s roommate it was fun
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mostly nobody seems to fucking care about her 🙄 you guys cry for gay batkids 24/7 but you wont even acknowledge harper existed........ smh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she stuck around more : ( i liked how her brother cullen sorta became this like oracle esque figure so I like the idea of her being a vigilante in some place like bludhaven maybe w Cullen giving tech support
my OTP: n/a :/
my cross over ship: not really a ship but maybe Miles and Harper teaming up one time?
a headcanon fact: Would really like to own a pet snake
Dinah Lance
How I feel about this character: I love women.... I love this woman.......
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ollie, Helena
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Babs :] best friends 4ever !
My unpopular opinion about this character: Dinahs done a lot of fucked up things and like i dont even mean like in a “its bad writing way” i mean just like consistently dinah is not perfect and she shouldnt be regarded as such and i dont like when people do
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish she stayed with the JSA longer :[ I really liked her with the JSA it was fun!!!!
my OTP: Dinahelena 💜🖤🤍💛
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: She's really bad at cooking most dishes
Diana Prince
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER a very interesting character with a lot of interesting lore
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Zatanna, Natasha Teranova
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Clark and Bruce ^_^ they are her close friends and teammates and I want absolutely nothing to go on between them. Ever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Not abt diana specifically But damn yall when the fuck you guys gonna actually.... talk about diana.... like when are you going to make metaposts about her and hot takes and so on as much as you do for ppl like bruce
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: She and Natasha should have gotten married whilst in space together period it was homophobia to have Natasha just go back to russia and never show up ever again
my OTP: Wondermagics
my cross over ship: not a ship again but LET HELLBOY TEAM UP W DIANA
a headcanon fact: She's really good at pottery! Especially during the sculpting stage
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faemytho · 4 years
OwO you too wish to organize the lore? I have been looking at it since I was a small child. I welcome getting to see the posts
yeah! i got back into it and went "uhhhh how does the story go again"
i uh. dropped out of the fandom around the time fnaf 4 came out lol
then i found out that they made three more games, VR games, and there's also a book continuity now since i last looked at it.
and it turns out, nobody knows how the story actually goes. i mean yeah i guess the theorists on youtube tried, but i have literally never watched a theorist video in my life and i couldn't tell you who the popular fnaf theorists were if my life depended on it and also i plan to never watch any fnaf theory videos ever.
basically, i want to base my theorizing on actual lore and stuff that appears in the games instead of making something up that Might have to do with something that appeared in the games
ive already put together a timeline based on everything ive seen from the games so far, but im not done factoring in all six games yet
let me tell u, ffps is giving me a run for my money, hot damn. ive pieced together a possible explanation for candy cadet's three stories, an explanation for fruit maze, and we all know what happens with the security puppet, but midnight motorist is killing me yall, i feel like im missing something there bc i just can't figure it out.
also, apparently, the VR games (i haven't actually watched someone play them fully yet) pulled some BULL shit about how all the previous games were fake and didn't actually happen and that PISSED me off SO much because that is the LAZIEST thing you can do when writing a story, holy fucking shit.
so my theories and timelining focus on games 1-6 and maybe a bit of UCN too, while completely ignoring the VR games. i might actually just treat the VR games as a separate continuity. it'd take the sour taste out of my mouth whenever i think about them if i did, ngl.
uhhh anyways, pls direct all future fnaf asks over to @springlock-fae!! that's where ill be doing my fnaf things uwu
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getaroomyouheck · 6 years
aight bet dmc5 story thoughts
for all yall that wanted to know
obvious spoilers under cut lol
the shit i was most worried about was V’s backstory, specifically that the explanation they’d give for him being vergils human half would be forced. but in actuality it turned out really cool, i think it was explained well and had cool context
actually showing us the specific actions vergil did really made it work i think. showing him shamble to his old home, and impale himself with yamato only to just have V naked pop out + vergil going sicko mode and turning into urizen was really cool to see
plus, V is less like vergils human side, more so his good aspects. his ambition, his guilt, his souls desire to prevent others from getting involved, all of that. and urizen was just like vergils power gluttony and such given full rise
and it actually gives this cool lore detail to the yamato being able to separate man and devil, which retroactively gives nice lore to rebellion too and finally makes that sword more than just “hehe big hit stick”. cause dante thinks about why sparda gave him rebellion out of everything, and eventually realizes that if yamato severs and vergil impaled himself to sever his human and demon sides, rebellion should do the inverse. and so he pulls out his hilt of rebellion and just fucking impales himself. rebellion’s hilt combines with sparda, and we get the demon sword dante + majin form
besides V being vergil there wasnt much left i was worried about. and as a whole the game had a good story with nice highlights. still wacky over the top fun action, but with a couple more loftier storytelling scenes. whether it was V explaining to trish his backstory, V speaking to nero about the story of dante and vergil as dante is impaling urizen, dante driving rebellion into himself, and all that + more. was hype as fuck to see unfold
and hell even a couple emotional moments too. nero’s DT scene being a particular highlight, as it really lets his character breathe and come to life. he namedrops credo and talks about how he felt useless and refuses to forgive himself for his death, only to scream “I WONT LET YOU DIE” to both dante and vergil and going DT
which is perfect characterization for him + calls back to when dante calls him dead weight in the prologue. nero dwelled on that so much, because its actively what he’s been trying so hard to never be again
when he saw credo die, he felt like a dead weight. a useless nothing who let his brother figure + closest friend perish without anything. and he vowed to himself there that he’d never let anything like that happen again. the buildup of legacy as nero began walking also really let the emotion soak in
one of the most fascinating things regarding dmc5 is the lore behind V’s summons and what happens to em after V and uri join and make vergil. as it turns out, griffon shadow and nightmare were essentially just vergils nightmares and night terrors he had as nelo angelo made manifest into living creatures (griffon as he’s speaking to dante literally namedrops nelo angelo it was a really cool moment). hence why all 3 are enemies found on mallet island. they really add some angst to vergil, showing that as he was being tortured and experimented with by mundus he suffered and had so many nightmares over them that they literally manifested themselves into the dmc1 creatures
also griffons last words to dante were really fucking sad lmao. “we were just vergils nightmares. and this is our last battle. godspeed dante, you’ll need it” like shit dude yall making me sad for the death of a demon birb
really the only thing that disappointed me was that neither trish nor lady really have a central role here. like they’re cool and i love their designs and there are some cool interactions between V and trish in a few moments, but as a whole they don’t really do much. what they do is just like shown off screen or through dialogue. and i understand it aint really their story to be told and nico’s more the main heroine of the game than them, but its still kinda disappointing. hoping that there’s a dlc focused on them and such, that’d be cool
besides that small gripe i really enjoyed seeing how the story unfolded. was really cool to go from knowing like fucking nothing to piecing together the pieces and little bits of story till everything became truly clear. and it was cool how many things they pulled from the other dmc stuff into this. mentioning mundus, nell, a bit of dmc2, its cool. def a satisfying story to me, i did not predict it being like this, but im ok with it regardless
very excited to see where they go from here, the ending feels less like a conclusion and more like a new page starting up. hearing nero answer his phone with “devil may cry” really cemented that feeling for me
also as a side note the end credits scene with dante and vergil duking it out in hell is like almost self aware to how fucking ridiculous it actually is lmao. like the 2 are keeping score of their battles and dante wins a clash and says “yes, im 1 above!” and vergil responds with “where’d you learn to count, we’re even.” like the game is 100% acknowledging how ridiculous and like nearly childish their sibling rivalry is lol. even as like 41 year old men they’re still like this
dante even comments on it like “y’know, is this ever even going to end?” or something like that
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