Sunshine comes to those who feel the rain.
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Yesterday I talked about motivating yourself through others and how I stopped being a hater, or bitter... it’s all practically the same thing. Yesterday I mentioned how we tend to reflect our own insecurities onto others, and its something I used to do a lot. I also mentioned targeting others insecurities when feeling cornered. Growing out of that isn't easy... you have to be aware of what your doing. In my perspective someone telling me what I'm ‘doing wrong is like not telling me anything at all... noticing I'm doing something wrong is a totally different story. It’s an eye opening experience... and recently I opened my eyes. For a while someone in my life was telling me I was being “hateful” and I didn't really see it. It took me a while to see it if I’m honest, and I don't really remember what caused me to open my eyes. When I did I had to ask myself why, and I knew exactly why... I just didn't want to admit it. I was insecure and unhappy with myself, and the people around me weren't helping. I had no one to blame but myself.  I began to start reading a book called “Radical Self Love” by Gala Darling, and I highly recommend that book for anybody who is trying to find themselves, love themselves, and honestly that book comes in handy in any situation. Its kinda like my bible I carry it everywhere re read it and tell everyone about it. That book helped me channel my feelings so I could sort through them. When I was done with the book I had enough insight to write my own. In the mean time of reading that book I deleted all of my social media and just.kept to myself while I figured everything out. Which wasn't easy because I kinda had an unhealthy relationship with Snap Chat and Instagram. I began to meditate twice a day and work out. I began to be at peace with being alone, and it was was a lot better for my mental health. Once I was officially done with the book I didn't rush back into social media, I just began to think a lot more before I spoke. Now at days I think a lot more before I speak, I tend to look on the bright side, and think about how my comment is going to affect everyone. Which isn't easy... specially not for me. It’s all a process, keep reading to find out more. 
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Rich vs. Poor
Some people are so poor... all they have is money. When you hear the word poor you think of someone who is broke. But have you ever thought they might actually be rich... There are two different types of rich and people don't always consider the two. One is having everything you want, and the other is being satisfied and happy with what you have. What some don't seem to understand is that money isn't always everything... well it is because we pay for everything, but does it make you happy? Maybe temporarily... but in the long run how long do you think its going to keep you satisfied? Not long. Poor people wish they were rich, and rich people wish they were poor. Believe it or not money doesn't change you, it simply amplifies who you truly are. People talk a lot about the come up but its not worth it if you leave everyone who helped you get there behind. Its understandable friends come and go, but is the price worth it... to some it is and others it isn't. 
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It’s not always easy being nice to those who aren't nice to you... my brother in law always comes to mind in these kinds of situations. Simply because he’s has always told me to never stop being who I truly am just because others are mean, he’s always told me “eventually they’ll realize how they've been treating you is wrong” and all you can do is hope they’ll change. I believe you shouldn’t let those bitter people change you and the way you are. I know how hard it is but you can't let them steal your happiness!
“No beauty shines brighter than a good heart.”
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Motivating Yourself Through Others
I can sit at home for hours looking at Instagram models and their perfect bodies wishing I was them. Doing that is like playing with fire... it can either light a fire in you, or burn you. By that I mean it can either make you go over eat your sadness away making you even more insecure, or it can motivate you to get up and go work out. Like I was saying it all depends on our actions. It took me a while to learn how to not hate... because lets be real sometimes we hate and don't even notice. I could be sitting at home with my cousin looking at another girls Instagram talking bad and calling her body fake, but it was all because of my own insecurities. What some of us don't know as that we tend to target our own insecurities onto others. Believe it or not thats not me... that was never me until I started hanging out with people who did that for fun. I was never that one hating ass girl, I was always the loving and uplifting one out of all my friends. But thats what a negative environment does to you. It makes you secretly bitter and insecure. I’m still growing out of that phase in my life, although I don't do that anymore when I feel attacked I will return to bad habits and target other girls insecurities. Which is wrong... but thats why I'm still growing. Through this growing process I have gathered a lot of different tips and tricks on quitting those bad habits... I will be sharing them the more I post, so keep reading!
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Clutter isn't always the physical things around you... clutter is all the unnecessary things around you that aren't going to help you grow. For example toxic relationships/friendships, negative thoughts, old ideas, and bad habits. None of these things are helping you and you’re better off sorting through it, or getting rid of it. 
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Being body positive is one of the hardest things to do. I believe that we are our biggest critics, we notice things on ourselves that other people don't see. I for one know I always find something wrong with myself, and I always tell my biggest confidant... my mom, in which she always replies not only that whatever I'm judging isn't true, but also that the only beauty that matters is always whats on the inside. What’s a pretty face and a nice body when that same pretty face and nice body always has something mean, rude, or negative to say all the time. It destroys all that exterior beauty. You should feel comfortable in your own skin whether it is 20 lbs. lighter or 20 lbs. heavier. 
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Hi there, I’m Rachel! Everyone keeps messaging me and asking me “what was your secret to losing weight?” so I decided to make this post. This is how I was able to lose 40 pounds in 2 months with almost no exercise or change in diet.
A few months ago, my friend who’s studying to becoming a dietician told me about a fruit from Southeast Asia called Garcinia Cambogia. The fruit increases your metabolism & helps slightly suppress your appetite so you don’t overeat. Despite feeling skeptical I decided to try it. I ordered a pure extract of the fruit online. Now I’m able to eat the same food, and burn more fat at the same time. This is what I do every morning: mix the supplement with lemon water + honey to jumpstart my metabolism for the day, then drink it once more before dinner. That’s it. I ate the same way as before, worked out once a week & my fat melted away like butter. The way I see it, if it worked for me.. it can work for anybody.
EDIT: people keep asking me where you can get the supplement. I got mine here, because you can get a free month supply for only $5 shipping with the coupon at the bottom!! I’ve spent more than that on a salad before 🤦🤦
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Yesterday I began to talk about the source of my unhappiness and the source of others unhappiness. For me one major factor was social media... and if I'm honest I love it, specially when I’m bored and have nothing to do. After a while me and my best friend began to notice what a negative impact it had on us and our lives. Now anyone with an Instagram Snap Chat or any other social media platform knows what I mean when I say, everyone lives the perfect white picket fence life. Everything is picture perfect... literally. What some of us don’t really notice or pay attention to is that none of it is actually real. We see and know only what they allow us to. They might post their perfect gym body, and you might sit at home wishing you had it (something I alway do), but what we don’t know is the hard work, money, or skipped meals it took to get there. Some people don’t put that struggle out there, others do... but it doesn't make it any better. You still sit at home coveting what the other person has. Over time I had to train myself, meaning when I’d go on Instagram and see things like that I would let it motivate me not bring me down. You may not notice it but all that wishing, coveting, and scrolling is doing you no good. I know this sounds confusing what’s the difference in wishing you had it, wanting it, and using it to motivate you. Well the difference is in your actions.. instead of sitting there for hours looking at something that sometimes is naturally unrealistic, get up and go workout... you might not look like that in the end, but thats where you learn to be realistic and happy with yourself. In due time the more in-depth I get on this topic, the more you will understand, and the more it will help you.
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No one can teach you how to love your self, it's something you learn on your own.
Sincerely, Karina 
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In order to live a happy life you must live a healthy one first. Now I’m not talking about your diet, although that is an important factor, it’s not my main focus... yet. Some of us don't notice how un-happy we are deep down until all the unimportant things fade away. Some people say social media makes them happy, although for me and some others... thats not the case. Whether you’d like to admit it or not, it tends to consume you. A lot of the time that is the main source of your unhappiness. I’ve never really blogged but I think this could be the start of something good... let the journey begin.
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