#im listening to spring and a storm rn
amara-laz · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Aww why thank you :') I like you too /p
1. Ruler of Everything - Tally Hall
2. Away From The Rain - Chamber Chu
3. Murders - Miracle Musical
4. Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
5. Fate of the Stars - Tally Hall
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cinnamonsly · 1 year
who else up losing they entire mind (pun intended) over storm and a spring. or is it just me
i’ve always rly liked this song but as of recently i have become. obsessed with it. like between the instrumentals (the swing portion lights every single neuron in my brain on fire/pos/pos/pos) and the LYRICS and just the delivery of everything as a whole. oh my gosh. i. i love mind’s character so much. he’s actually so pathetic but i love him. this song is everything to me rn i’ve been listening to it on repeat all night rhhdjjfj im going to SCREAM
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hackerqueen · 11 months
Lost without you
a/n: yes im on my period, and yes im crying rn. JakexMC as always
A life went on. It was not the same.
But it went on.
Who would have believed two years ago that we would be where we are at this moment? In the beautifully decorated church where, less than twenty-four months ago, the funeral of one of our friends was held.
The decorative flowers, however, did not overshadow the beauty of the gorgeous bride, who was just walking down the aisle to join her soul there with the man of her life. The organist was playing a wedding tune on the piano, which was now ringing in my ears. I watched, listened and felt their love as they looked deeply into each other's eyes, put on rings or swore fidelity to each other until the end of their days. If someone were to ask me about a couple that went through so many storms and hurricanes together that didn't wipe them off the planet but only made them stronger I wouldn't have to think long.
Hannah and Thomas.
They were perfect. They had survived a nightmare from which they were nevertheless able to wake up, and the life that lay ahead seemed like a long-desired dream.
The wedding was also wonderful. But as I stood in the middle of the crowd, boisterously chanting the names of the new newlyweds a wave of loneliness and alienation hit me like hail on the first days of spring.
Life flashed on, even though it only took one look at each of them for me to know the loss they had experienced. Dan and Cleo stood under the bar and sipped whiskey, drinking up the fact that Richy was not here with them. Jessy sat distant, and although a small smile wandered on her lips, her eyes remained blank.
Similar to mine.
Where had he gone? What had happened to him? Was he still in hiding, or was he now being brutally interrogated by the FBI? He had to be alive. I didn't believe anything else.
Why did he leave me with only the memory of oceanic eyes and the bitter aftertaste of the last three words he wrote to me? I didn't know what feelings accompanied me. Anger, grief, sadness?
All that was certain was that I damn missed him.
What if I never forget him?
What if, all my life when I meet someone new I can never fall for them because they aren't him?
And just like that I started to cry.
I thought we'd have more time. If I had known how our story would turn out I would never have allowed it to end this way. Was it even possible to call it a story? What were we?
A failed potential. A faded picture. A memory.
We were memories that blurred each new morning when I had to wake up and get on with my life.
And even though my heart screamed that this chapter was not yet over, I knew deeply the painful truth. Sensitivity and longing believed that Jake would one day return. Perhaps he will write and explain that this was the only way he could keep us safe. Perhaps he will stand on my doorstep one day and beg for forgiveness. And perhaps he will sit in the last pew at my wedding, when I will finally give my heart to someone else, and I will never know of his presence.
But one thing hasn't changed and never will. I felt a warmth in my heart that told me that the hacker who turned my whole world upside down was alive. In the same city or on the other side of the globe. It didn't matter as long as he was safe.
Despite my gaze blurred by tears, I smiled. We were under the same sky at least.
My gaze then fell on Thomas. The man I had comforted as much as I could two years ago and convinced him to fight on. That his beloved one was alive and together we would find her.
But when he regained the love of his life, I lost mine.
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euclydya · 5 months
questions: 1) if you were to be associated with a weapon, what weapon would you pick (sword, bow, bomb, trident, fists, etc)? 2) what's your favorite flower in terms of flower language? 3) favorite kind of candy?
statements: 1) my youtube mix is currently mainly chonny thank you for this /gen i am listening to storm and a spring at the moment <3 2) im glad we're friends!! i appreciate u!! <3 3) [wordlessly hands you a very nice smooth stone] :]
Ummmm depends on the sysmate. I'd have a magical staff, I think Mind would be associated with brass knuckles, and Soul has a trident,! idk abt the Furies though ifjdjakakejdjsdjd I'd say for certain Vol would have a sword though ! -Saint
ooo we don't actually know flower language let's see! Hibiscus has a nice meaning but we're biased i guess because that's the name of one of our friends HSHSHSHDDJ I'd say we're also biased to the meanings of Pansies and Sweet Williams because they're flowers heavily associated with sysmates of ours, same goes for Tulips! -Saint
We all enjoy sour candy the most I think. We love grape sour patch kids the most though despite them not being that sour... Sidenote we could burn through a pack of warheads rn they sound very nice at the moment -Mind
!!! Do you have a favourite song of his omg!! Storm and a Spring is one of my favourites at the moment :)) Mind and I sing along to it together all the time heehee -Saint
We're glad we're friends too!!! We appreciate you lots <3 -Soul
:O thank you for this gift,, I shall treasure it 4ever <3 -Saint
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auggggggh ive been wanting to make this post for an eternity but i havent been able to because I keep trying to explain myself WELL guess what. Im giving up, heres the song Wenn ich tanzen will from Elisabeth: das Musical with english translations, does it not make you think of what if Feysand was interesting
If you dont wanna watch the whole thing for some reason, I'd like to highlight this part
I'll fly alone!
I alone want to accompany you through night and storm
I don't want to be accompanied anymore
Not even by you — I won't let myself be led
You're free only through me
Only through me
Only for me
For me!
For you shall make the way for me
I'm going my own way now
I've seperated myself from you — Leave me alone!
You've fallen in love with me
Because there's no freedom without me
And no one can understand you except for me!
Oh and also this part (theyre kinda singing over each other at this point)
I'm strong enough on my own!
You were only strong as long as you still thought that you were weak
I'm not calling for you!
You will call for me!
I'm not seeking you out!
You will seek me out!
I'm beginning to love my life!
Soon you will hate it!
Okay, I actually lied at the start of this post, I am gonna try to explain myself. My ideal not-boring version of Feysand that I think of when I listen to this song is like. Okay so, the structure of the story is fundamentally the same (except it takes place over a wayyyy longer timespan) with Feyre initially just kinda going about her new life as a traumatized fae and Rhysand coming to pick her up once a month, which ends up helping her because the SC manorhouse is kind of just covered in a bunch of depressing ooze rn (figuratively) and she cant really leave and Rhysand is basically giving her an excuse to hang out in a place without ooze, so its easier for her to have a good time. Rhysand is kinda awkward around her initially because hes basically like "ohhhhhh shit oh fuck, the woman that I tortured UTM as a fucked up way of coping with what Amarantha was doing to is my soulmate!!" because i really hate the fact that Rhysand apparently already knew about her and dreamt about her before she was even fae, it shouldve snapped in place for both of them during that little scene at the end of ACOTAR but Feyre has no concept of how a mating bond is supposed to feel like so shes just kinda like "huh, that felt kinda weird. anyway"
(this inexplicably got very long. like, 6 more paragraphs long. so much for me not explaining myself)
So yeah, Rhysand is hardcore struggling trying to figure out how to win her over despite all of the torture, but fortunately for him all she wants is to be left alone, so he does that, no putting her in unecessary danger and no asking insane favors of her even though theyve only been hanging out for like two weeks. Idrk how, but at some point they would start to get closer, this all happens very slowly, its a true slow-burn. And then one day Tamlin is like "I cant stand it, I need to find a way to break this bargain" so he collects a bunch of guys and he tells Feyre that theyre gonna go out and travel through all of Prythian and maybe even beyond in order to find a way to do it and itll probably take them atleast a few months. And then when Feyre says she wants to come along because this is about her after all, hes like "no, its dangerous and also, if Im gone then the Spring Court is gonna needs its Lady" and then he puts the shield around the manor because yeah, Im keeping Tamlin shitty in this one, sorry. This is about me trying to make Feysand good but trying to figure that out with Tamlin being in-character is too complicated for me rn so Im just gonna stick to the character assassination (thats something SJM probably also said while writing ACOMAF)
So yeah, like in canon, Mor gets her outta there and then Feyre starts permanently staying the night court except shes not going out on political errands because of the war with Hybern because honestly, this whole war plot is so stupid and it feels so unecessary like cmon Sarah girlie, I can tell youre not actually interested in writing politics, just stick to the romance and the healing journey. Anyway, during her stay she inadvertantly starts spending more time with Rhysand and realizing that he suffered too and that hes only human or fae or something like that, which helps her deal with her UTM trauma because she kinda thought of him as the embodiment of all her new trauma, so seeing that hes really not that and that hes just a person that she can make peace with helps her
Rhys is falling head over heels for Feyre because she just reminds him SO much of Cassian while Feyre is kinda conflicted but starting to develop some affection for him, and again, this happens over the course of many many months instead of just two. And after all that time, Feyre is starting feel pretty good and she doesnt really wanna go back to the spring court if shes totally honest with herself and then oops, Tamlin's back! He finds her and hes super worried like "oh my cauldron, feyre, my servants told me he just kidnapped you and they couldnt find a way to free you!! but Im here now and Im taking you back home dont worry" and Feyre feels guilty and shes basically like "yeahhhhh this was totally necessary, I definitely wanna go back... home, its just that he exploited this loophole in the bargain so had to stay here. Totally against my will, oh no it was so bad" and Tamlin tells her not to worry, theyve found a way to break they just need to get back to the spring court so they do that
At the Spring Court, Feyre gets to thinking. She thinks shes basically completely defeated her trauma by hanging out with Rhysand and shes like "well, my trauma was pretty much the main thing that made mine and Tamlins relationship not work, so now that my trauma is gone its gonna be all smooth sailing from here" and she just willfully ignores the fact that his way of coping with his UTM trauma was suffocating her and making it impossible to deal with her own issues and when she pointed it out to him he had a panic attack about it. Also, at this point it kinda hits her that shes been spending all this time with Tamlins enemy and feeling this affection for him that she hasnt really felt for Tamlin ever since theyve been back from UTM and their relationship started getting really bad, so now she feels very guilty and wants to rush into a marriage with him after all. Also, maybe by this point shes revovered enough to take a step back and start focusing on her surroundings again instead of just herself, and she realises that the people of the Spring Court would really need this kind of big celebration after this long time of turmoil and suffering, so maybe that plays into her decision to marry Tamlin as well idk
Meanwhile, Rhysand is back at the night court absolutely CONVINCED that Feyre is gonna come back to him even without the bargain or atleast send him a message or something, because of the mating bond and because by this point he thinks that Feyre loves him back, she just hasnt said it because Tamlin interrupted them or whatever. Yknow, because Feyre stopped throwing shoes at him and started to tolerate his presence somewhat, which are obviously the surefire signs that someone is in love with you. But anyway, Feyre never does get back to him because shes busy with her wedding and also trying very hard not think about either Rhysand or Tamlin too much so she doesnt simply run out into the forest to avoid dealing with all this bullshit
So yeah, Rhysand finds out about Feyre marrying Tamlin and he gets very upset and so he winnows to the Spring Court on the day of the wedding. Feyre has just been dressed up in this gorgeous pastel pink and green pantssuit (thats very important for the story) and now Ianthe is leaving her alone for a bit before the grand wedding ceremony. At this point Rhysand comes in and they have a confrontation thats basically just the song except in dialogue-form, remember when this post was about a song I really like, yeah me neither. During this confrontation I really want Rhysand to bring up the mating bond and kinda throw it in her face and I want Feyre to basically respond "oh, so now the guy who always preached about giving me choices and not letting others decide for me is gonna get on my case for not doing what some god wants from me, gtfo" and thats basically how it ends. Then the next book is the book where Feyre hay to make the choice between Tamlin and Rhysand because its a romance series at the end of the day, so even though I would like the last book to just be Feyre ending up single and going on her own adventures, I recognize that thats not a great ending for a romance series so
I wanna end this off by saying that I was trying to only focus on the romance for this because its easier, if I were to write my ideal acotar sequel it would look different than this even if I used the original acomaf as a base. So yeah, thats it hope you enjoyed my 7am ramblings, I have been awake for three hours already writing this
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idk if its on there but one of my fav things rn i like to consider systemy is chonnys charming chaos compendium album by chonny jash which follows the story of the conflict of Mind, Heart, and Soul. i relate 2 it a lot here and there because it sounds like the kind of stuff thrown around in my headspace with protectors n prosecutors. its a lot to listen to and read the lyrics on but the bidding and all the mind electric variants are good examples 2 me. spring and a storm/storm and a spring and night and light r good too. sorry for big ramble abt this im super interested in it rn tho
Haven't heard of that one before. And nothing wrong with a little infodump!
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heckolve · 5 years
Biii- Its so hard to find people who like or even know Tally Hall! A little sad they arent together anymore (so cant ever got to a concert) but their songs are god damn bops and a treasure. What's your favorite? I gotta give it to Sweet Dream in Sea Minor (from Hawaii part 2) and Fate of the Stars
OH those songs r rad?? i like taken for a ride a lot and never meant to know…… 
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bordeleaubeau · 2 years
aww im sorry. why do u hate ur school (if thats not too personal)
here is the list of reasons why i hate my school, in almost chronological order: (tw sa)
fall semester:
roommate was strange........
mold in my dorm room
got a boyfriend, one of my best friends at the time (lets call her a, all former best friends will go in an alphabetical order. people current besties will be fruits!) basically tries to steal him and flirts w him, denies it when i confront her
boyfriend sexually assaults me<3
a gets "blackout drunk" and gets mad when i say shes faking it (she had two shots and she was a large, built gal. i also had drank with her before and she drank waaaay more than 2 shots and was good)
a comes to my room when we are gonna go out with b and c, i did not want a to come with us. b was already VERY drunk as we had started to pregame, a makes her a drink. we yell at her as b is very intoxicated, visibly intoxicated, she then storms out and talks shit about c and i in a groupchat we are in
a comes to my room to get alc she left, she screams in my face and grabs my arm (technically assault)
a accuses b and i of assaulting her when in reality, she assaulted me ! she tells her ra, ra says she needs to be emergency moved. this goes to dean of students!!!!! this happens while me, b and c are at a hockey game LOL
i get involved w a boy.... boy uses me
i get involved w another boy, one of the boys in my friend group that i had always had a crush on. we says he no longer likes me when i will not do sexual things w him RIGHT after he told me he liked me...
^ same boy starts being really fucking mean to me in our friend group, i cry a lot from october-december
my friend group falls apart over winter break
spring semester
i make 3 new friends almost as soon as the semester starts ! lasts like 2 days. friend d calls me psychotic and tells everyone who will listen that im a psychotic bitch and a stalker
i find out best friend b actually hated me the entire time we were friends (6 months). she always called me her best friend and then i find this out lol
she talked shit about me to her boyfriend who i was good friends with! the whole time we were friends!!!!
best friend c gets a boyfriend....
i rush for greek life, make it to formals and do not get a bid after one of the sisters basically told me i got a bid
best friend c starts to ignore all of my text messages
i get raped lol
best friend c now never answers and gets mad when roommates for next year, apple and orange and i all hang out without her. the plan was for the four of us to room together
i had applied to be an ra, didn't get it due to the issues in first semester that got brought to dean of students:)
thats all i can think of rn i blacked a lot out lol
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justgleekout · 4 years
@gorgxoxus did this “list 50 things that you love” thing. And I thought I’d give it a shot as negativitie is all around rn and that shit ain’t good for a hsp yo.
Glee! Though mostly watching klaine scenes
Reading and writing fic
Making fanart and looking at the amazing shit other people draw
Watching anything with my gleewatch pals
Talking about glee with friends
Chris Colfer being an amazing person and giving me hope
Darren Criss doing anything silly
Playing guitar
Listening to music
Playing nintendo games
Hanging out with my brother
Watching stupid dutch tv with my mom
Talking about music with my dad
Baking (and succeding)
A big ass plate of good food after a long day
Animals I see omw to my internship (birds, cows, sheep and dogs, mostly)
Nice dreams
Hugs from my housemate
Hanging out with good friends
Feeling the warm sun on my skin (and not burning to death)
Beach days
Harry Potter audiobooks
Hearing it storm, rain and thunder at night when I’m in bed
The movie Hairspray
Taking lavender scented baths
Seeing flowers start to bloom in spring
Making snowmen
The smell of bakeries/food places when walking through a city
Making cosplays
Going to cons and other cosplay events
Getting attention/recognition about something I’m proud of/something I want to be good at
Sleeping in
My uni building
The cafés in the city I study
Exchanging gifts
Botanical gardens
Spontaneous ideas of ordering food/getting good snacks
Crawling under fresh clean sheets after havin taken a shower
The feeling of having no obligations. Having literally nothing you have to do
Live music performances; concerts, festivals etc
Laughing really hard about something funny
Having the idea that someone I think is great, likes me back
Being baffled by nature
This was super nice to do. I highly recommend! Tag me if you do this too! I wanna see what makes y’all happy ❤️
Edit: fuck this im gonna tag people: @esperantoauthor @spookyklaine @klainedrops-on-roses and @steph-luvs-klaine you go ahead and write down 50 things that make you happy!
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funeraloracle · 5 years
tagged by @softapollo​ tho not really? they just tagged anyone that wanted to do it and i did! so im tagging @gguksostara @faithums @coyoteskies @dramathics @headstronghawkshaw @mercurian-goddess @schoolofapollo @fatherofghosts @aresdaughters @greyscalegalaxie @cloudedaura @witchytinky @withmygoldenmagicslingshot and youuuu!
1. name: listen this shit changes every week but lets go with Miette for the time being.
2. nickname: oh lord any number of things. the most popular ones are Mimi, Crumbcake... i’ve had a few people call me Funeral.
3. zodiac sign: leo sun, taurus moon, taurus rising. 
4. height: 5′8. if im taller than you, reply with your height muahahaha
5. languages: english and some american sign language. i’m supposed to be learning greek but all i know is the alphabet and i barely know that. i’ll get back to it soon;;
6. nationality: american, though i have heavy welsh ancestry. i’m from somewhere in the south but i won’t tell you where. no, it ain’t texas.
7. favourite season: see this is hard for me. there are too many storms in spring and i’m piss scared of storms (sorry zeus). there’s also a lot of thunderstorms in the summer and a higher chance of tornadoes where i live so its no bueno. winter is really cold and very depressing, so i’m gonna have to go with autumn by process of elimination. though tbh the margin between summer and winter has gotten smaller and smaller these days.
8. favourite flower: ohh are you kidding me... sunflowers, lillies of the valley, specifically pink carnations, bleeding heart flowers, angel’s trumpet flower, hyacinths, coral roses, yellow marigolds, red poppies... 
9. favourite scent: it changes all the time because im autistic, and therefore scents can be very overwhelming. but right now im very into thick, desserty scents. all the candles i buy are in buttery pastry or mocha-y/coffee scents. my partners bought me a chocolate chip candle for valentines day and it just finished its burn today ): i also love gasoline for some reason?
10. favourite colour: this too changes! i especially love pink, i have so many things in pink. but i also love yellow, orange, mint green, baby blue, scheele’s green...
11. favourite animal: BEARS!!! bears for sure i love bears so fucking much especially giant grizzlies UGH
12. favourite fictional character: i hate these questions i can’t pick a favorite ANYTHING. so ill go with the characters that i most relate to/most influenced who i am today, in no particular order: bubbles and blossom from powerpuff girls, princess luna and pinkie pie from my little pony, alice liddell from alice in wonderland, hello kitty and mimi from the hello kitty straight to vhs series, harley quinn from the dc universe, bambi from disney’s bambi, ariel from the little mermaid-- have you learned something about me yet?
13. coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: ill drink anything with matcha, whether thats tea or coffee. i’ll go on the record rn to say if you put something with matcha in front of me i will fucking eat/drink it.
14. average hours of sleep: 7-7.5 hours is what i try to stick to.
15. cat of dog person: cats! though im just an animal lover in general, i own a cat of my own.
16. number of blankets you sleep with: one big heavy ass duvet. i cant imagine sleeping with more than one... that’d be so heavy and uncomfortable. sensory hell.
17. dream trip: greece! country ROADSSSS TAKE ME HOMEEEEE
18. blog established: only a few months? i believe i made it at the end of 2019, though this is a sideblog. ive been on tumblr since 2014.
19. followers: 49 on my main @softmiette and 496 on here.
20. a random fact: i have a deer skull on my altar! he’s the best. i also have two unidentified bones that i received from a close friend. i believe one is a coyote rib and the other is a deer’s femur.
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bramlouisgreenfeld · 8 years
okay so like my day has consisted of only two activities: crying over divide, making & eating french fries. im hoping to read a little bit tonight i have four books on my shelf rn that i should be reading smh anyways congrats on almost 3k that's so many ppl i hope they all love renee walker 🐾 🌸 💝
ok honestly me ?? i wish i’d had fries but yeah i listened to the album again and i’m cryign once more pl ease
position: striker | offensive dealer |defensive dealer | backliner | goalkeeperplace: the dorms | rooftop | house in columbia | eden’s twilight |the court | wymack’s apartment | abby’s houseteam colours: black and red | orange and white | red and goldfox: dan | kevin | andrew | matt | aaron | allison | nicky | renee| neil
element: water | fire | wind | earth | spiritplace: forest | beach | mountain | city | ocean | desert | fieldstime: dawn | morning | midday | afternoon | dusk | evening | nightweather: sunny | overcast | storm | rain | fog | snowseason: spring | summer | autumn | winter
compliment: syeda??? i love you sm honestly pls. ur one half of the synamic duo and for some fuckign reason i’m in a group chat w u two and it’s so delightful. ur so talented?? and funny and kind and ur a great friend i Know u got ur friends backs?? and literally the charity thing would have never happened if you hadn’t been like “mate i know ur ill but we need Details right now” and kicked my ass i appreciate u sm
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