#im looking into ko fi
gmaybe666 · 1 year
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this is basically two middle school girlies fighting
full college!kenstewy comic!
context for their fight
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damienns · 1 year
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Lena Luthor | Season 4 Episode 7: Rather the Fallen Angel
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ask-october-fox · 8 months
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OwO whats this? Me shamelessly self advertising again?? Say it aint so! Thats right, spirits! The gift boxes for this year are still available over in my ko-fi shop, but they are going quickly! Only 9 are left currently, so if you're on the fence about getting one, perhaps this might help you decide ;3 You can also purchase the digital version of this year- and previous years- prints too! Those come with extra versions because im indecisive I just wanted to give you a extra special treat! Thank you all again for your support over the years. Because none of these things could happen without you! 🤍🖤🧡
clicky click here for shop
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ninjagocrohw · 5 months
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collected the outfits ive actively designed for morro(not just slapped together without planning)
first one is his canon gi, colour corrected,
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that i only ended up using in his initial arrival pages of @juniorjago oops lol. Ill probably use it for flashback stuff to morros babby years
second one is what i designed for him to wear in the post where he apologises to the kids for being a shit
third one is a failed design(yay!) where it was meant to be just. some clothes he threw on, but it looked too. formal? worky? so sCREW IT. he gets a new gi at some point in juniorjago! The fourth is what i ended up going with for this next arc that will EVENTUALLY come about.
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villainartist · 4 months
please help me out of a financial crisis
hello, i try to never do this but im in serious need of money, urgently. ive had to recently move to las vegas due to california being too expensive to be sustainable. i have to pay rent in a few days. i only have 200 right now and i need to pay 600 for rent for this month!
ko-fi - for an incentive, you'll get an uncolored doodle of whatever you request for only 5 dollars!
pa.ypal / ven.mo - if you don't really need an incentive, pretty much ANY amount of money would be appreciated. thank you so much.
i'm a broke as fuck trans person with autism trying to survive on my own. i havent been able to land a stable and well paying job and although ive been looking for new jobs, as we all know they take far too long to get back to you. while i continue to job hunt and attempt to make quick money on the side. i've been forced to come on here and pray that there are some people who see this who want to help me out in raising money quicker. im not even gonna go into my five missed months of my car payments. im absolutely desperate at this point. i dont really have anybody who can take care of me in the worst case scenario so any amount of money i'd be so, so grateful for. thank you so much for considering. 
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the-kipsabian · 3 days
okay but wholeheartedly 110% genuinely
would anyone. absolutely anyone. be interested in buying sketch commissions if i opened that option on ko-fi
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atthebell · 5 months
bell I do have a crochet question for you. how do you get better at freehanding things? is it just experience? bc I've been crocheting for a few years now but I still sweat if I can't find a pattern for what I want to make 😭
so my initial answer is just fuck around and find out-- as in just start making stuff, sometimes don't even try for a specific shape, just do stuff and see what shapes you make and get a feel for how increasing and decreasing impact a work, how to incorporate larger stitches (i.e. switch from sc to dc to make one side of the round taller), all that kind of stuff. and maybe try and make something purely based off an image-- as in, no pattern, no fucking clue how to go about it, just go at it and see what you get. it won't always be pretty, but it'll teach you! and practice helps immensely, so you can even just work on things you do have patterns for/know how to make and that will teach you how shapes come together and how to sculpt something (bc that's what amigurumi is, really, just figuring out how to sculpt something with loop & hook-- imo, it's what makes crochet pretty different to other fiber arts, although you can do 3-D stuff with them as well) into what you want.
my other answer is i've been crocheting for thirteen years and i consider myself pretty damn good at it and i still whine and cry when i can't find a pattern for what i want 😭 i think getting really good at tracking stuff down and also sometimes just resigning yourself to having to buy a pattern is really the answer. also, tbh, you can look at how someone else made it and try and replicate that without a pattern-- if you sell stuff, i recommend you still credit the original designer, since you are basing it off their work, but looking at how someone else made something and trying to do the same thing is how a lot of artists build technique. again, don't rip them off entirely, but going "how tf did they make this?" and trying to do something similar can help you learn more about how pieces are put together.
also ravelry, pinterest (if you know how to use it properly and are willing to deal with the spam/clickbait fake pins... bane of my existence), various pattern databases, and, tbh, just rando people's blogs are your best friend. i have a few amigurumi artists where when i'm just absolutely lost, i go on their sites and search up what i'm trying to make to see if they've done it before, and sometimes they have! elisa's crochet has really cute stuff, as does ami amour, and you can find way more people through instagram (the one and only time i will recommend going on that site)
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onethousxndvoices · 1 month
BEE TEE DUBS i'm opening full commissions on sunday!! i'll post a comms sheet + add my ko-fi link to my bio once everything's ready :]
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pancakessart · 2 months
totally didn't revive my ko-fi shop or anything hahaaaa
and this imbed totally isn't a link to it lol that's crazy
and these pics below totally aren't some things you can find on it haha wow and I totally didn't enable international shipping on most things (everything except bookmarks and pins for now cuz I gotta figure that out lol)
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anyways totally don't go to my ko-fi shop at this link below lollll
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 6 months
Would you all be interested in me opening art commissions?
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pikslasrce · 1 month
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hellishgayliath · 11 months
Do you have a dream job?
(Also have an awesome week helli!)
Not really I don't think?? I never had that kind of ambition to aim for. I don't really have any experience working at any job honestly so I'm not even sure what kind of environment I'd be comfortable in or fit in with (not the food service kind tho, i hear that is just god awful).
I'd be just content with being an artist, I wouldn't be able to handle like actual deadlines or expectations from commissions or big timey art jobs cuz my brain just cant handle pressure like that but it's the route I'd rather stick with until I am able to find something that'll help keep me financially stable.
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inkysquelched · 7 days
So I made a commissions sheet!
Ko-fi: For requests or any tips!
Carrd: For commissions, I'm pretty chill with most things so if you aren't sure just ask! :)
I uh, don't know what else to put here. So thanks for reading! :)
Comms: OPEN
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time to crowdfund this shit
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thelooniemoonie · 7 months
Man. I'm only now realizing I havent...updated any of my art stuff in a while huh?
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larkkspuur · 1 year
if they dont roll back the fees, I am removing both my redbubbles next sunday.
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