#im losing my mind lmfao
glacialswordsman-a · 2 months
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lost-dragon-mage · 2 years
There’s so many voice actors I’m recognizing in Mass Effect omfg
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glockmonkey · 1 year
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nay-murdock · 2 months
I watched xmen like last month and I'm HOOKED on Cherik. I keep seeing these interviews or like gifs of interviews but I cannot find them anywhere and I'm tweaking out bc I need ALL THE JAMES AND MICHAEL CONTENT INJECTED INTO MY BONES.
Part of me wants to save every interview and then make a big list of them to share out to all my fellow Cherik individuals who want the content too but I ain't good at keeping up with these things. For now I'd like to ask if you guys (whoever sees this) could send me links to any interviews, I'm planning to save every single one to a yt playlist or just my notes if it's not on yt and then I may make the list at some point <3
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funnyscienceman · 1 year
listen listen listen listen. i am never going to get over singed & viktor. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE MENTAL ANGUISH. THE MESS OF EMOTIONS VIKTOR HAS TO DEAL WITH. he's so steadfast with his morals and ideals. hextech must not be weaponized. dangerous science is fine as long as the only person at risk of getting hurt is me. the moment it kills someone else he's fucking BROKEN by it and just throws in the gd towel. YET SINGED WAS THE ONE WHO TAUGHT HIM. like just. imagine, ok. imagine— take the premise that singed & viktor were actually pretty close. viktor was lonely as a kid, but he found company in rio. in singed. singed provides a space and opportunity for viktor to do his science stuff. "we can be loners together." here's someone he probably has a decent amount of affection and respect for, maybe even admires like a kid would a mentor/role model/parental figure. and he hurts rio. and viktor doesn't understand, he can't reconcile this. "we can be loners together," but also, "you did this?" viktor's got like a whole slew of emotions to deal with. What the fuck? How could you? I hate you. But also, "I told you, I was consulting a friend about our quandary."
"You built this? Why aren't you playing with the others?"
"We can be loners together."
Like just what are you supposed to do when someone who provided for you — who took care of you, who looked after you as a kid — hurts someone? Someone that you care about? What the FUCK are you supposed to when that person is willing to torture and kill for science — something that you are also passionate about, the very thing you both found commonality in, bonded over — and does it all without even a hint of remorse? What are you supposed to think?
Are you allowed to find comfort and safety in that person anymore? Can you still have good memories about them, and look back at them fondly? Can you be thankful for all the good that person's done for you?
What does it say about you, if they're the one who influenced you so much so early in your life, and here they are now?
Viktor gets Sky killed, and can you imagine what must've been running through his head? I'm no better than him. I'm turning out just like him. I am just like him. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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nabaath-areng · 3 months
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Started pondering on an AU where Ieeha is much older than his canon 20 something years... in his late 30s/early 40s or so to be specific. In such an AU he both inherited and dissolved House Verral in the span of only a couple years, as well as using the wealth he acquired to further his medical expertise.
His overwhelming emotional side is not gone by any means, but he's had more years to learn how to rein in his more volatile tendencies. Whereas in his youth he would explode with both joy and anger, his older self is sharp as coldest ice.
His fears around death has not diminished, if anything he's only gotten more anxious by it with age. He continues his work as both a doctor and healer like always... in fact, he tends to overwork himself, so as to compensate for the guilt he's been carrying since childhood.
(As Warrior of Light, he grows closer to the Scions much quicker in this AU. However, it takes a while for them to truly get to know him, as he is even more averse to letting people see beneath the surface. He scoffs at the title of 'Warrior of Light', and acts like it's someone else while he retreats to the background for the gruesome work he handles best.)
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newpartnerincrime · 2 years
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"This message is the hope of a people."
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itseghost · 21 days
im trying so hard to finish awakenings but it just hasnt grabbed me like origins did and i wanna be playing da2 so bad that its becoming a chore AUGH
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kithj · 2 months
is it just me or is the southern book club's guide to slaying vampires.... really bad?
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I saw that you might actually kill off some characters in your lights out au and pls pls pLS PROVIDE SOFT CUTE DOODLES OF THE DECEASED BECAUSE MY HEART CANNOT HANDLE IT- ESPECIALLY WALLY ORZ
Also me, the dark side that loves whump fics: Suffer! Make them cry! Make me cry! Do your worst!!!!
ah, but if i provided soft scribbles Then! you would all know Who kicks the bucket(s)!! and i'm not sure if i'm ready to share those details yet <3
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lovetheorem · 2 months
yk what this is not a post for the tags tbqh. im gonna be so real rn i cannot stand reading takes from usamericans about venezuela. like, i understand and agree that you should be allowed to critique and question all kinds of US intervention or support. which is why anyone would be hesitant to support the US backed opposition in venezuela. but at the same time you should also be able to recognize that this country has been suffering under a left wing dictatorship for the past 20+ years that has constantly cheated and committed fraud, imprisoned political opponents, violated human rights, and more recently, lead their country into starvation and an economic crisis. like. there HAS to be change!! it's gone on for too long!! anyone who has looked into venezuela even a little beyond the surface will realize this! i'm not asking for a US intervention either i'm just saying that you SHOULD NOT be supporting maduro's reelection and the majority of venezuelans wouldn't want you to either because he DID not win
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alluralater · 3 days
i send moaning audios whining about how pretty girls are and how much i wanna kiss them btw
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alyimoss · 1 month
cursed with never knowing whats appropriate and what isnt in conversation. talked to a guy yesterday and he asked me a question abt one of my interests and i answered. and then he just. did not follow up. even tho i asked him smthn. and like id love to point it out but goddd damn. do i not want to cross boundaries
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nekropsii · 2 years
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800db-cloud · 1 year
pizza tower is old nickelodeon while sugary spire is old cartoon network. i can’t explain it
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bunny-j3st3r · 4 months
. Ugh
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