#im not actually sure how im going to vote in this one personally. i kinda want to support cecil tho since i bet he'll lose
coolandspicy · 1 year
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Why vote for Cecil: He’s a prince from another dimension/time/world(?) who appears initially in the form of a black cat because anime. And he then he becomes an idol. Uta no prince is a dating sim if you were unclear.
Why vote for Zacharie: okay so Zacharie has two masks one more resembling a frog and one more resembling a cat. He also has some affiliation with The Judge which gives some bonus cat points I think. I don’t think I need to give much more argument, this guy was like a b-list tumblr sexy man so really I think you have all the information you need already.
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totaldrama-showdowns · 3 months
Unused Submissions for the Favorite Rivalry Showdown!
justin and trent
please im so tired of seeing fluffy ship art of them THEY DO NOT LIKE EACH OTHER
justin literally got him eliminated i cant imagine they had a good relationship after action
"one time justin threw a tambourine at me and that kinda hurt >:|"
you know they had the nastiest most jawdropping arguments in the recording room during drama brothers recording sessions
uhh yeah they hate each other they should get to fight to the death as a treat
Alejandro and duncan
they're perfect
is this a rivalry? idk
Dave vs Leonard
Lindsay vs Courtney
it was brief but it was enjoyable
Izzy and Justin
They're sooo funny, especially cause they're exes
Julia vs Priya
I don’t actually think this is the best one I’m just putting it here because we need more reboot characters in this bracket
Whatever Lindsay and Beth had with Heather after Island
you go girls
Geoff and Trent
hockey bros vs birds
why do they get beat up by birds so frequently
Dawn and Scott
Ok sure they lasted for two scenes but THEY COULD'VE BEEN SUCH GOOD RIVALS MAN
Julia vs Every Other TD '23 Blonde
Nominating this because I think it's funny
Julia and Caleb
I don’t actually gaf about them but i like when julia hit him with a frying pan or something
the roti writers and gen 2 female characters
they did them so dirty :(
bowie vs straight people
he's seen enough
chris vs blaineley
divorced enemies sweep
lightning vs cameron
it was ooc but it kinda slayed
Chris and Sierra
The New York episode. Please Chris should've been a hater the whole season and Sierra wouldn't notice it would be funny. See my vision
Ezekiel Vs Death
I just know Death keeps snapping those bony fingers any time Ezekiel escapes death
Emma and Julia
white on white violence
Terry and Chref
We saw that tweet
Mal and Julia
Mal plays the game really well and Julia's getting insecure. But I have faith Julia will triumph
Marmaduke and Garfield
I love tti
Me vs Blaineley
We are currently fighting over who gets 2 date Kelly (I'm winning)
larry v chef
chef’s gotta defend his man what can I say
Everyone (- Priya) Vs Caleb
He literally has no friends.
priya's personality versus the writers
season 2. need I say more?
Heather Vs Blaineley
I cannot tell you how funny it is that Blaineley turned up to the TD jumbo jet and chose violence against a girl half her age
Ezekiel and Chris
demolish that monster zeke
Sky vs Dave
He tried to kill her I think this counts as a rivalry at least a little bit
Damien vs Millie
Yeah! The finish line!
toxic yaoi
Noah anf Harold
autism on autism violence and we love that
do alejandro and noah count,,, if not im voting leshawna and heather
brainrot says so
jasmine and shawn
just being a hater here, they were much more tolerable (but still crappy) when she hated him over them being a couple
dramarama ella and dramarama max
why couldnt this be their dynamic in the canon show
Damien & Julia
MK vs the bear
They literally fought in a duel together
Geoff/Bridgette and blaineley
Ma'am that's a child. Leave him by
Mal Vs Duncan
They suck I hope they get in so they're elimination fodder so someone else can go forward easily.
alejandro puppet and heather
Wayne and me
I hate you little white boy! Get a job
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Haha, Did I Scare Ya?
Anyways I Noticed That You’re Looking For Some Silly Questions, So Your Wish Is Granted Mate!
A Simple One Of Course, What Are Your Thoughts/Opinions About One Of The Villains Such as The Interesting Twins?
JXJDB sure did
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These guys, are by far my favorite villians, also im sucker for sibling dynamics
Wished they were taken more seriously, but won't deny some of their episode were my favorites by far (especially OP T.R.I.P). Less because of the gags they thrown them in, but rather we do finally see glimpses of their own personalities cause up until then there rlly wasnt much on them besides them failing and falling out a whole damn window all the time xxbdj honestly, that calls into question how resistant these guys are holy shit
The sister(if anyone got any name suggestions for them plz tell so I can steal them too/j), is fed UP, and I love her for it, cause with the amount of shit she's face i'd go fucking insane too. I vote we should give her gun, all her problems would be solved/j but actually, i enjoy that she's a little shit, impulsive, arrogant, etc, but i think it kinda stems from a fear of failure because how else would they've been known as father's bestest spies? Sector V had knocked down a pedestal, and that fucks with her head, but then their failures began to pile up and now she's becoming increasingly desperate to prove that she's still somehow #1– in turn she because implusive, impatient, etc. Sbe 100% cares for her brother, so at the same time she feels like she's dragging him down, it all piles on. Maybe a vaca would do her some good.
The brother, I absolutely adore him – tbh I adore both of them equally. He seems more like the younger of the two in terms of personality, we seem always following his sister's lead despite how irrational it could be. His loyalty and compassion to her is something that kinda pushes him to being my fav twin spot, cuz well im a sucker for good brother characters. And despite his more "softer" attuide compared to his sister's, they're both evil and flawed equally on the same level ‐ mo manipulation or pressure(well kind), nah-da. As the brother is just as implusive, selfish, and arrogant, but he hasn't let their failure get to his head just yet – in turn, he has more clearer head than his sister, so he ends becoming a voice of reason than a leader.
(Readmore cuz this is long jdbdb)
It's pretty popular theory that they're delightful, which is something I think about a LOT when it comes to their characters. And a bit more headcanon here: their non-delightful selves are still conscious, as to me(inspired heavily by my SS au with a friend), being delightful serves as just a filter for kids. Kinda like you feel the urge to chuck a plate, but because you're delightful, it's like a parasite keeping your hands folded in your lap, controlling your behaviors and words.
And they both don't like that their delightful-selves are fighting against old comrades because they were probably ex-KND operatives. perhaps got caught during a mission in Father's mansion, and faded to obscurity in KND history. Either that, or maybe they were father's first delightful experiments? Before the DCFDTL? Maybe that's why they aren't as insync as the DCFDTL, cuz you'd think them being related by blood would strength that bond.
Honestly, i just want an AU where they're happy:))
More headcanons:
Lesbian/Gay solidarity and hostility
They are the entire Evelyn Evelyn album(or not idk, havent listen to it in awhile)
If they ever do end up being undelightfulized, they'd have vastly different asthetics out of spite. Not sure which ones yet
They'd marathon Saturday morning cartoons to get the full childhood experience!!
They consider the DCFDTL sort like cousins, a familial connection is there at least
They're presumed missing, so they live alone in a house bought by Father. They're able to split the chores usually, but the Brother is the better cook between them, so the sister just does the dishes.
Alternatively they also live in Father's mansion, but because they keep falling out of windows at comical heights, they're in bed rest planning their next schemes, therefore more out the way
If they got turned into animals, they'd probably be panthers or owls idk
(Lord save me it's nearly 1am on a school might xmsb)
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plus-i-miss-you · 6 months
▷ listening to:
"praise me when i'm by your side and then you'll say goodbye"
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⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılıㅤ
♪ note: (i didn't forget about this blog i swear i just didn't have the time to sit down and write something for it jdkdlssl) HI HI YES I AM ALSO VERY INSANE ABOUT THEM. I AM NOT THAT GOOD AT MAKING THEORIES BUT I HOPE THESE MAKE SENSE.
♪ summary: just some thoughts about how 0104 are possibly going to act in season 3!
♪ warnings: unhealthy relationships, mentions of suicide and self-harm, mention of cults.
♪ first of all, let's get this out of the way: i don't think muu is being abusive to haruka. actually, i don't think this relationship is toxic only on "one side". both muu and haruka need each other. both of them have something the other wants. both of them need attention, but in a different way: haruka wants to feel like somebody needs him and loves him and sees as useful, muu wants someone who will listen to everything she says, will do as she says and will never leave her. on the screenshot below, we can see that both of them are connected by chains. sure, they may have a "queen and slave" kind of relationship, just like jackalope says, but haruka still needs someone to depend on just as much as muu needs someone to control. so yeah, they both suck (affectionate).
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♪ it definitely may seem like haruka "likes muu more than muu likes him". we all know just how desperate he is for love and attention and muu is right there to give it to him and he's obsessed with her to the point of seeing her as a mother figure and threatening to kill himself if es doesn't forgive her (and oh well.). it also should be mentioned that they had kinda interacted even before the whole t2 thing.
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♪ however, even if both of them depend on each other for one reason or another, i think muu is still a bit more.. rational, maybe? or cold? haruka seems to genuinely believe there might be some kind of connection between him and muu, meanwhile muu simply mentions how kind he is to her and when she gets asked if there are any prisoners she likes, she says there's no one like that. so yeah, i think if haruka really does like muu, in the best case she sees him as a friend, but refuses to admit it for now and in the worst case she simply sees him as a guy who can follow her around if he wants. and he definitely wants that.
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♪ it doesn't mean that muu hates him or thinks haruka can easily be replaced even if she's okay with him killing himself for her sake (and she's either pretending to accept it, doesn't understand how bad it actually is or she really does see it as a "proof" of his loyalty to her. i see it as the third one). she does bring him food after he got voted guilty. she also makes sure to praise herself for that though, haha. and he got those hairpins he wears now from her as well.
♪ so! now, let's finally get into the theories! to be honest, i did think that there can be a possibility of muu either refusing to give more attention to haruka or even completely "leaving" him because of her guilty vote but now i feel like i understand muu's character better and considering their timeline convos.. maybe. just maybe. i feel like there's a possibility of them becoming even more codependent?
♪ i'm pretty sure muu is the only one who actually takes care of haruka at the moment. sure, maybe shidou and kazui will help out somehow if haruka really does try to hurt himself, but i think he will still see her as the most important person to him. yes, fuuta showed that he's worried about him but also.
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dude at least try to be more open about it.
♪ i feel like haruka will feel like he has "let muu down" because of him "breaking his promise" and even if he manages to hurt himself in some way, he won't be satisfied with it. he feels like he needs to actually die for her sake. so, maybe he will try to come up with some kind of new plan to try and blackmail es into forgiving muu. maybe his injuries will be too bad and he will use that to make es feel guilty about it? sort of like "if you don't forgive muu-san this time as well, i'll definitely kill myself next time".
♪ i think haruka definitely won't be happy with his verdict and maybe he will even feel betrayed by es and will call them out for it, but muu's verdict will still bother him more because in the end he still sees himself as someone who doesn't deserve love and forgiveness, so.. maybe his second verdict actually wasn't that surprising to him. muu, on the other hand? she needs to be saved.
♪ what really worries me about recent timeline convos is that muu.. hasn't changed at all? we can definitely see that haruka is going through it, we can see fuuta potentially becoming amane's cult's new member, but muu is still.. muu? i've really tried to find any, even very subtle changes, but i really think she's still her usual self? and to be honest, i feel like it could possibly mean that if muu really did feel guilty about her crime and was just trying to hide it with her "it's not my fault" attitude, maybe she could become much more apathetic in season 3? maybe she will just stop caring about everything. what's the point? even es hasn't forgiven her. both es and muu know she's guilty. oh well, she will stop fighting for now.
♪ i also think if haruka ends up hurting himself, muu actually will feel bad about it, but will still try to hide it and say that it's not her fault yet again. it was his choice, right? she didn't ask him to do it! so how can it be her fault? are you just going to blame her for everything again, es? she has a guilty verdict to deal with already!.. that's probably how it would go.
♪ if somehow, kotoko ends up being voted innocent (i feel like she will get that guilty sweep, but also. i believe in people who have yuri feelings for her. i am also not immune to hot wolf girl.). i feel like these guys will become even more obsessed with each other as the only guilty prisoners. it's just them and their toxic codependent relationship against the world! maybe one or both of them will bring it up, sort of like "really, es? you really had to ruin one thing that made us happy, huh?"
♪ and if kotoko does end up being voted guilty, i honestly have no idea how these three could interact, but i am excited to see it. i still think they can possibly hold some sort of grudge against the innocent prisoners, especially the ones who were voted guilty in the first season. like, what did they do to make es forgive them? are haruka and muu really that bad compared to them? is it es admitting that they've done something wrong and agreeing to forgive those prisoners? does it mean that there's a chance of haruka and muu being forgiven again?
♪ about other possible relationship dynamics: i think it'd be interesting to see someone saving haruka and muu being a little afraid of losing him. come onnnn, show us that she is dependent on him too!! imagine shidou treating haruka's injuries and haruka suddenly going "does that mean.. shidou-san.. is my mom?". this guy called a nonbinary 15 year old his mom. imagine what will happen to him when he recognizes shidou's milf energy /j
♪ also i've just said that i can imagine them isolating themselves from the inno prisoners, but i think it'd also be cute to see mahiru feeling sorry for them and trying to cheer them up and take care of them :) i would gladly throw both of them in a blender (i love them i swear), but they also deserve some happy moments. imagine these two following mahiru around with nothing but a tbh creature look in their eyes.
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♪ speaking of another innocent prisoner who got voted guilty in s1.. this most likely won't happen, but i think it'd just be a fun (and terrifying) concept. imagine if amane also manages to get these two to join her cult. muu is more logical, so it would most likely take some time, but haruka? he believes in god, very easy to "break" and is overall very trusting and naive. and according to his t2 interrogation, he isn't afraid of amane anymore. do you see what i see.
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ROUND 3: SIDE 2: Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio)/Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo) VS Megaman (Megaman)/Pit (Kid Icarus)
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Propaganda for Jiminy Cricket/Timothy Q. Mouse:
This ask! So cute!
Also this ask~!
I swear to god, this has nothing to do with the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour thing, I came up with the ship separate from that. So like, as someone who grew up watching both movies, I was like "There are similar elements to these movies." "These two characters are kinda similar." "You know, I wonder how these two would interact, given their similar circumstances." "Yeah, they'd def bond over talks of the kids they watch over and such." "Perhaps the two would be besties." "Wait, both appeared in Dumbo's hat in the opening of The Mickey Mouse Club? Awesome!" "Hold on, maybe they could also be an interesting romantic couple." "I am writing stuff in my head and also a fic and doing art as we speak." "There are old Disney comics that have them interacting, I am on Cloud Nine right now." "This is my ship, I love them. They are both not straight. They're besties. They're trying their best." And here we are. I'd be more than happy to make art specifically for the polls if asked/contacted. Otherwise, I'd be happy to direct your attention to those old comics and stuff. And I'd be more than happy to also elaborate/talk more about 'em when asked.
#hi! my partner submitted Jimothy! please vote for them!
Cute art!
To the person who's drawn the cute chibified art of them, thank you for doing prop off gander today. I've been sick in bed all day and completely forgot.
So hi! Yes, hello. I came up with Jimothy several years ago and was the one to submit the prior propaganda to the blog. These two have been in so many scenarios in my mind, y'all have no idea. They are so small. They are both mentor figures (more or less). They, uh, small. Even outside the ship dynamic, I can imagine them being amazing friends. Did you know that prior to their Disney work, both of their original voice actors (Cliff Edwards for Jiminy, Edward Brophy for Timothy) were in a live-action film with Buster Keaton? That has nothing to do with the ship, that's just a fun fact. I would have more to say, but like I said, still sick. Please vote Jimothy.
More art!
Uhm hi, please vote for Timothy and Jim…PLEASE!! They are literally so cute together :0) just two little dads living their best lives
Even more art!
#they are from the 40s…so old and in love Jimothy is a couple you can fit in your pocket. To be honest, I'm just glad they made it past round 1. This silly lil crossover ship I've made sure has grown over the years, huh. I'm super-glad that it's gotten so much love over the years. No matter what the outcome is, I love you guys.
#jimothy SWEEP
Propaganda for Megaman/Pit:
This ask, which includes the art used in the bracket image!
Oh my god. This one came immediately to mind. Idk how big the ship is now, but I remember like seeing it everywhere back when Super Smash Bros Ultimate was like popular on Tumblr/Twitter. I think it was originally a crackship cause both of them were in Captain N (a cartoon), but it’s like a serious thing now. Literally all it took was one interaction between them (there’s like dialogue you can get if you do some combination when you play as Pit) which is just Pit gushing about Mega Man. It’s cute. And honestly kind of iconic
#MEGAPIT ?? good for them #go back in time and tell kid me the ship he came up with on a whim would be in a tumblr bracket :'3
#megapit sweep!
#megapit nation let's pokémon go to the polls #let's give it for a wholesome and iconic crackship
#c'mon megapit nation #sure they may lose but let's get them some votes anyways!
#vote for the boys people!!! #let's get them as far as possible
Art Credit: Jiminy/Timothy pic from the Disney comics Megaman/Pit art by @/farraigeart
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linabirb · 3 months
okay i think ive looked through linagram masterlist here is my review
not going to review these who im completely neutral towards like they're... just here... they exist
miki - i like her design and the savior complex is funny
akio - skrunkly, i think his average ass design is his charm point👍 also sorry about the homosexuality
aimi - i like her design and the ideas with bullying are interesting to me, also you should redraw her to a frame from carrie
shun - i find him interesting as a character, neutral about him as a person, a lot of things wrong with him for sure
naomi - gorgeous t2 design and i like her personality, i like the idea of a sort of childish adult. FUCK THEM KIDS 💥 i love when adult women go fuck them kids this is hilairous
eiko - the woman ever 👍👍 thank you for e-dating representation
asahi - skrunkly, happy that i got to draw him out of all people for the new year requests
yurika - i like her, idk why you all people are so mean to her, girls must be covered in blood at all times
riku - boy situationship with a person you're sick of much 👍👍 get it 👍👍 being idolized and because of that isolated since you're not Just a Person like everyone but also not ready to let go of being idolized since you cant experience affection in normal ways👍👍
i think my top of those i like the most would be like ... asahi > naomi > akio > riku > yurika maybes?
also i really like the idea with two (well now three) wardens, that makes the vds much more lively, and the verdicts more, thought through? since you can actually see how the arguments went in their conversations, and you dont have to twist the warden's personality to adapt to the verdict since each represents only one verdict
have you ever made smth like a popularity poll i want to know what is the general rating among the linagrammers im new to the fandom
"sorry about the homosexuality" made me scream you're so right.. sometimes i think about how if akio was straight maybe all of this wouldn't have happened /j
and yes, when i started thinking about naomi's character more, i actually had this idea that like.. "what if we had a character who's an adult woman and who doesn't like children, but she has no idea that she's actually still a child on the inside". her third mv will focus a lot on that too..
thank you for summarizing riku's character 😌😌 the guy actually probably has a god complex that's worse than akio's but his story isn't about that. he's also a god who's kinda tired of his followers but knows he won't be able to do anything without them so.. what a dilemma.. kurae ban ban ban..
actually yes, i kinda went with multiple guards bc i did have only one guard oc at first but when i started to think about the vds the conversations sounded very awkward.. so i was like two guards it is! well now three. it's okay to forget hinode exists btw i forget about him sometimes too writing him is agonizing bc this guy is just linagram komaeda
i think i haven't really made any polls like that and i don't think linagram has like. a really big fandom hdjkskssk i think people were more active when i just started, but i remember making a poll that was like "hey if linagram was a dating sim, who would you date" and kei and eiji got the most votes. sanada brothers are overall very popular i think? and i think if i made a poll like that kei and/or yurika would win djsksls
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m1cr0rant · 9 months
Boycotting MC
I find this little trend hilarious, at least until it gets to a serious point, kinda. To the point we use actual wars where people sacrificed their lives for whatever cause. I watched this one video where they used the REVOLUTIONARY WAR. yes, the war for FREEDOM against BRITAIN. a MONARCHY. To "invoke" a feeling of war. Rebellion. Whatever you wish to use.
The revolutionary war was a war between Great Britain against the revolt of its colonies leading to the beginning of a new nation called America. So why are we using this war, a war where people on both sides sacrificed their lives for their way of thinking; to boycott a simple, NON-WAR LIKE, video game because they wont add all the Mobs on.
Not only has the mob vote been going on for years now, but its also a way to get feedback from the people, and a way to excite people about the upcoming updates.
Minecraft is updated almost on a 2 month basis. Most being minor, but every year there comes more or less a major update. A lot of games DONT do this.
You paid 26-27 U.S dollars for this game that gets updated more than a game that costed you.. lets say 60 dollars. Thats A PRETTY GOOD FUCKIN DEAL. RIGHT??
They also posted a poster of being like "support your modding community." You boycotting against the modders of mohjang is 1. not supporting. 2. If you wish to support modders, play mods, promote the modder, make videos, tell epople tp subscribe to them. Thats supporting. Boycotting ?? is no where near supporting.
Along with it uses multiple american references. Idk that just seems unsettling to me. A game where people of all shapes, sizes, colours, come to play. And youre using a like.. weird way to get these people to boycott a silly game.
Yes, a modder made a mod of the upcoming characters in the mobvote the crab in just under 16 hours. Woahhhh. They have the time to do that.
Mojang devs and creators are paid. To them this is a job. Yes a job they may like. BUT a job. Which means there are job hours. I do not know about you but me personally? Id rather not work overtime.
Mojang devs are not being lazy, they are working on their own time. They are people just like us. They have lives. Some may get sick, some may have wife and children. JUST BECAUSE they are not working up to speed, like modders do in THEIR FREETIME, does not mean they are lazy.
These updates go into the OFFICIAL game. They have to make sure they do not break or damage the original software. Also its the mob vote, sure is one of the bigger updates, but its also in a series of updates. More things are added than just a mob. Ask modders how long it took them to mod an entire biome, an entire mob series, how long it took to take designs, the small details. A while, right? Now put that into an official game.
PEOPLE THIS IS AN ACTUAL. RUNNING. COMPANY. This means, that they are not just in charge of the game, theyre in charge of trades, all products. the lego products, the plush products, weird toy products. They are in charge of overseeing their revenue, and so many more things. MODDERS. dont typically have to do this.
Board meetings are gonna come and go. Thats when ideas come in. Remember that these devs are probably high-ranking people.
They are not modders, modding in their freetime. This is a job. A company.
Stop calling the devs lazy.
Stop using actual wars to invoke a feeling of "revolt".
Bro. just stop. Using actual wars is like.. sm disrespect????
IDK i need people's opinions on this. Im going CRAZY. the fact is i could go more into depth. Im so tempted to make a analysis type video on all of this just to like?? idk. Someone like help.
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lgcjaehyun · 10 months
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hi everyone!! and thank you sm for all the welcomes 💕 it's me again wenjun's mun with a second muse !! i'm super excited to bring jaehyun!! he's a sort of (??) fresh trainee and has been around since july 2022 so he's just reached his one year mark woohoo! a just slightly above average dancer and less than average singer who's only getting by thanks to his okay personality 👍🏻 you can find his profile here ! i would love to plot with everyone so pls feel free to like this post and i will fly straight into ur ims!! i also have a twitter @haoylt if anyone would prefer to plot there! i have a discord as well 🫶🏻
underneath the cut i've got a basic profile and some plot ideas!!
both his parents were news anchors
they would bring him to their work place and their colleagues would always comment on how jaehyun looked like he could be a celebrity
received a lot of love from his parents
( tw death ) his mum passed away when giving birth to his little brother when jaehyun was three ( tw end )
jaehyun really adores his little brother!! since they're close in age jaehyun thinks of him as one of his best friends
his dad is still a news anchor for a big broadcast station ( kinda like kbs or sbs ), and even after his mother's passing, jaehyun would still visit the broadcasting station as a kid with his little brother
got through school pretty easily – not because he was particularly smart, but because of his laidback attitude and how easily he made friends
got scouted by an entertainment company when he was a first year in highschool while he was performing at his school's festival
the company went bust though, and jaehyun was forced to leave 💔
was kinda juggling between whether the celebrity life was something that he really wanted and decided yea fuck it it is !! auditioned for legacy and somehow made it in
is a pretty okay dancer, but can't really sing or rap so he really has no idea how he got through the audition
very much the kind of guy that will send funny "good morning... have a beautiful day" messages like this to his friends or in the gc ... is he serious about it?? who knows he just likes sending good morning messages to friends
just trying to get through life with no real direction 👍🏻
plot ideas
friends from childhood, school, etc! jaehyun grew up in seoul all his life
someone who doesnt like him... like you have no idea how he even made it in lgc... sure he can dance but he can't hold a note and his rapping is barely considered 'rapping' to your standards... jaehyun also doesn't seem to take things seriously enough which rightfully annoys you!!
someone who debuted before july 2022 and jaehyun's a huge fan like "i bought your albums" "i voted for you" fan
jaehyun's actually surprisingly a pretty okay actor and your muse helps him realize this ... maybe youre watching dramas together and jaehyun suddenly decides to imitate one of the scenes for fun
jaehyun is a bit of a weeb and the type of guy to text your muse "lets play genshin" in the middle of the night even tho you have training early the next day
your muse has a bit of a crush on jaehyun ?? could be because of his easy going attitude or because jaehyun is the kind of guy who may tend to give off ~ wrong signals ~ when he's trying to be friendly
an ex... could be pre or post lgc era! things don't have to have ended amicably ( because who doesnt love some angst 🫶🏻 )
jaehyun has a bit of a crush on your muse and doesn't know how to act ( stuttering on words, tripping, avoiding eye contact )
anything !!! really!!!!!!
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sunspira · 8 months
i often feel like the male socialization claim against trans women is bullshit but also has some "passing privilege" discourse aspects to it to unpack. and yet the specific damage and suffering of someone forced to pass and hide is sometimes HARDER to put into words and eats her from the inside out more insidiously and with less support systems for it or even Words for it just having words for misogyny can help us cope with the oppression be heard and validated and fight it when when youre a cis woman and have always be sure and assured that you are. that's why so many trans women are facing material oppression like poverty and mental illness (like actual mental illness caused by lifelong pain and trauma not the transphobic idea). tho even then there are such insidious, invisible aspects of misogyny that all women even we as cis girls are still trying to identify unpack and uplift each other out of so it's still a concern that runs deep. for me a lack of girls in stem is still so insidious and i would even give priority to helping more cis girls into stem because that pipeline to arts and humanities (and domestication) vs stem is pushed on kids and adolescents more subtly than the more obvious blantant misogyny. they don't outright say "oh you look like a boy to me you should work on computers" it comes in the form of subtle praise for one academic or life skill and subtle discouragement for another academic or life skill from adults who assigned your gender. so we say ya ok cool :) they're so proud of me :) not even cis women have put good words to it yet or figured out a good fight for it so we aren't really better off than trans girls in this aspect as we are on like more well established fights like autonomy in reproductive health or the right to vote or work
the passing privilege discourse thing to me isvery similar to a white passing person of color or a person with an invisible illness or disability or a gay guy who has a traditionally masculine personality. like a fem gay guy who was considered obviously gay since birth have problems that people who can kinda hide it don't and their childhood homophobia experiences were so different. tho still homophobia. but the people who can hide it are also forced to hide it, even from themselves!!?!. trans girls in childhood aren't visible girls until they come out. being closeted isn't a privilege but we know that invisibility vs hyper visibility are different kinds of pain that don't really counteract each other. also to be clear it's the aspect of being a GIRL that is invisible. often a trans girl is very visibly marginalized for not conforming to whatever a boy ks supposed to be. tho feminine boys and girls still have different experiences under misogyny where someone seen as a feminine boy is the indirect target. and how horrific that must be to homophobically / patriachically marginalized for not being the right kind of boy and on top of that like IM NOT EVEN A BOY LEAVE ME ALONE. it must be hell. it's not supposed to be about how easy it was for trans girls for fucks sake that's so deluded or that trans girls had the same experiences as cis het boys. it is usually just helpful to look at like opportunities and protections afforded to you by not being a visible girl like Mulan being encouraged and taken more seriously as Ping stuff like that is actually very healing to go over in your mind and process.
for me it was the dichotomy of having a serious but invisible childhood neurological disorder or difference but never being diagnosed until late in life early adulthood because i had atypical symptoms and was good in school. and i can't tell you how important it is formatively to be good in school and be able to blend in well enough to not get called out of class for extra help and not get bullied. but also the lack of help and slow invisible descent into madness and detachment from myself and denial of my own emotions and stressors and detachment from my soul while 24/7 masking and confusion every time i felt differently from what was expected like averse and avoidant and anxious or overwhelmed over "abnormal" things, or struggled with something that should be easy for "someone like me", i would just self gaslight and self deny and self blame. culminating in complete and total nervous mental breakdown at like 21 and at least a decade of recovery. with all that of COURSE i am sometimes gripped by envy of people who were diagnosed as young children as intended and spent their whole life knowing the most simple neurodivergent stuff about themselves like sensory overload because without that label when experiencing sensory overload i'm telling you it just seems like random bipolar mood swings, no wonder they put me on lithium. it was hell. and yet when i look at neurdivergent people who are so much more openly and obviously impaired than me and that increased NEED and severity is part of the reason they were dx'd in the first place, who are forced into abusive aba therapy and go nonverbal and want a relationship but struggle to connect with people irl or even go out or be allowed to go out. well i would never pretend like i have it harder in that regard even tho the experience of being undiagnosed were awful. not the cleanest comparison tho but
that hypervisibility vs invisibility thing. and the ramifications of being abused or controlled and silenced for a visible marginalization vs the life long debilitating scars and damage done by suppressed repressed and gaslighted marginalization is how i look at cis girls childhoods vs trans girls childhoods. cis hypervisible girlhood vs trans invisible girlhood. is this anything
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sophfandoms53 · 10 months
I agree I wish people could view things with more neutrality because it would greatly improve the type of gameplay that we see but It feels sometimes like the fandom has these unrealistic borderline double standard expectations for how houseguests should act. There is so much negativity and hate around things like players getting frustrated if someone is making a move that will negatively impact them, or crying when someone they like gets voted out, or venting and shit talking other houseguests who are getting on their nerves. There is anger if players make up lies about their faves but also anger if people in the house get mad about people lying because lying is part of the game. I could go on but I won’t bore you any further lol. but the fandom who isn’t even competing couldn’t stop doing any of those things if their life depended on it so it’s like why then do those same people insist that the ones actually playing the high stress game for a life changing amount of money should are bad and wrong and silly for being emotional when things aren’t going their way.
Omg im so sorry for responding late to this 😭
I am answering this now bc i still think its kinda relevant especially when it comes to how people talk about Cirie or Cory’s game recently.
You can’t appreciate or criticize how either of them play without someone trying to bash them or misinterpreting how they’re playing for the sake of wanting to feel valid for disliking them.
I really like Cirie and Cory as players and people but I’m not gonna act like they’re flawless in every way or that their strategies don’t have issues. They for sure do, Cory’s been cracking a lot recently especially with Jared treating him the way he has. And Cirie and Izzy spiral every hour and change plans constantly, its a disaster in there LMAO
But they’re also just trying to play the game and their moves don’t need to be over analyzed with some deeper motivation behind it bc they’re going after someone or they aren’t working with someone you personally favor.
Full disclosure though, you’re allowed to dislike any houseguest for any reason. It doesn’t have to be this essay of reasons or you searching for evidence so you feel valid about it. That’s kinda the problem with ppl here and on twitter, they wanna feel validated for not vibing with a houseguest so they constantly misinterpret things that arent that big a deal and want ppl to agree with them. And its kinda not necessary imo.
I think we’re just so used to disliking a majority of the hgs that people don’t know what to do with a cast that’s messy all around as people and players but are overall decent (cameron, red, and jared suck tho lemme be clear they are not part of what im talking about), so some people wanna just hate so they reach to the most extremes because that’s what we’ve come to expect. But humans don’t work in such a good or bad way, and i think this season is a reminder that people are messy and complex but aren’t bad.
It’s hard for players to truly play BB and it’s hard as a viewer to talk about gameplay bc of this “this or that” lense ppl watch the game through.
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unfortunate--moth · 8 months
I've been seeing all this uh
This Milgram stuff on your page
The Milgram and the Rain Code stuff I mean and
Can I ask, are you planning to write either of the AU's? Like into a story?
The Raincode Cellblock and the uh. The other one. The AU that goes the other way around.
No worries obviously if not, I'm just wondering because they both sound really fun and cool to read if they were a story
Im considering it!! Right now I'm working on a different thing that will be around 14 or so chapters. I wanted to write all of those chapters first before posting the story because I have the tendency to drop stories and leave my readers with unfinished WIPs... So I want to focus on that first, and if I end up being unable to finish it no one will be disappointed.
As for my two AUs I think it would be fun to do both of them! I'd have to develop things more past just Fortes and what crimes they did.
For my Rain Code Cellblock AU if I do that, I have a few different ideas as to how I'd like to go about doing that. Like if I just want to make it a regular fic or if I want to go the Milgram route and have readers be able to affect the story. So if I go that way it'll be kinda new for me and I want to plot that whole thing out. I'd also have to think about how I'll translate music videos into like. Stories without it giving the crime away so obviously.. Also things like if I want the warden to be one of the characters or if I should go full Milgram and have the warden be just the readers.
Also not sure which characters I want to make into inmates. I was thinking just all the detectives, including the chapter 0 ones. Buuut if I decide to go the voting route with this story, there's a very BIG chance that everyone will get voted innocent because those are our faves. And while that'd be very very funny, it wouldn't be super interesting to read. So I could also include Amaterasu people, but then I think the exact opposite would happen. And I can't exactly blame people for wanting to vote their faves innocent. We all know these characters, so it's not as mysterious as actual Milgram where we're still learning who exactly everyone is. This thing is probably the biggest concern of mine if I decide to go for the interactive story route.
As for the Master Detectives Milgram AU, it wouldn't be interactive, but it would probably be very long. And I don't mind long fics, but if I decide to do it I don't think I could write all of that beforehand so there is a chance of me going dark on readers... Still if I do decide to do it, I'll have to plan out cases and how I think everyone's Fortes can be used together as well as like a different ending. There's also the fact that Milgram isn't finished so we don't even know who Es really is or if the prisoners are hiding more about their personalities/crimes.
Writing about things that aren't finished is just a slippery slope in general. I don't mind doing it, though! I just know if I decide certain things for characters and especially whatever the hell is going on with Es that it will probably end up outdated. Which isn't something I really mind but I know future readers would probably be confused.
BUT to make a long story short the big thing is just: Maybe. Both will require some planning, and they'll probably be long projects. I think they'd be really cool to do! But they're both concepts I'm not really used to writing. I will definitely be talking about them more however!! They're very fun to talk about and it's cool getting asks with everyone's ideas. Kind of like a big group project! But I'll keep people posted on if I decide to tackle these or not :]
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Blue time :D I’m watching Shelby
Thank you Shelby!! Hair is normal and it’s so weird that society tries to make afab people feel bad for how their body naturally exists
Shelby talking about needing a reminder to take her vitamin D when I’ve been out of mine for over a week now 👀
STARLORD!!!! Oh my gosh, I just remembered I’m seeing gotg3 this weekend
Blue’s skins for this event are so cute I could freaking explode
When will my husband (buildmart) return from the war (hiatus)???
MCC is about the vibes first and foremost, if you’re not in it for a good time then why are you here lmao??
Wait when was there a 3-player team???
Shelby’s chat is so silly and for what (me not knowing who that was either)
Yeah no, they do sound alike, I didn’t think they did but ummm yeah
I too forget meltdown exists lol
“I didn’t vote, oh my gosh, I’m a bad ciziten” I can’t believe you Dave, smh
Grid Runners
A bit rough but it was such a smooth grid runners overall
They did so good on the Minecraft one!!!
Dave trying to craft a daylight sensor with their minecraft in Spanish 😭
I feel like this is a good sot team, why do they want it so early??
Parkour Warrior
This team is so chill until Shelby just starts screaming lol
“I can’t do that one- that’s not even parkour, that’s like mind games and I have a small brain” Dave 😂
“You got 30 seconds, no pressure” I love False
“I played so bad, how is that number one?? These guys honestly need to step up, I played horribly” we stan a humble/self-deprecating king
Dave calling out Fruit’s hypocrisy, as he should!!
Did I know Shelby has adhd? I’m not sure if I did tbh, we’re literally the same person tho
That fox dissociated into the afterlife, same dude
Sands of Time
Dave sandkeeper arc my beloved
Dave’s saying all the right things, be more confident, man
Why didn’t Shelby get that sand??
“I’m coming for you, sir” Dave what is that voice????
Why are they so flustered?? This team has experience and are all strong sot-ers, they just need someone to take charge
Shelby you need to rush red vault, everyone else is busy, you got this queen
Fruit praying to the timer and giving the gold key as an offering 😂
Trust yourself Shelby, you had it, you just need to believe in yourself
“I like [sandkeeping] because all I have to do is talk the whole time which is… what I do anyways” Dave my beloved
Ace Race
*Giving Shelby all my asexuality* “now have him home by 8”
REAL!! Ace race is so hard to commentate
Tridents broken, real and true
Purple is stacked, fear them
Identity theft?? In my minecraft tournament???? /j
Halftime show my beloved
The most polite power negotiation in history
They are merely cruising
It’s the bare minimum but people actually using both sets of pronouns for Ranboo means way too much to me as a fellow he/they
That was such a tragic way to go :((
Dave popping off!! As she should!!!
It’s easy for them!!!
Dave going absolutely insane and Fruit just sounding so concerned 😂
“This is my game, baby!!” YEAH IT IS!!!
“Dave you’re so insane!!” “I don’t know what I’m on today, I’m just three beers deep” “I like it! Wait, beers?” “Who said that? Not me” I swear I could hear the 👀 in Dave’s voice
Blue 2nd and Dave 2nd individual!!!
Battle Box
I’m so ready for them to pop off
Oh that first round was so smooth!!!
“They’re a piñata” IM WHEEZING
Aimsey and Shelby screaming their love for each other my beloved
“I kinda love this map” “Yeah, I could see how people could hate this map” real
“Our comms make no sense but they work” seriously, they’re killing it!!
Dave is such a good igl, I’m glad they’re leaning into it :))
Good calls on better comms False :)
“Ori” 😭😭😭
That’s was sooooo close against cyan, my goodness
Gosh this event was SO close
Sky Battle
“Mr. Fruit ridge over here” the temptation to make a gay joke is nearing max capacity
“I was reviewing the map ‘cause I’m a dork” I love her, you don’t understand, Dave Krtzy my beloved
False advocating for hermit on hermit violence, as she should lol
Dave popping off!! He’s insane!!!
“Alright, new plan for me: not miss the jump” I love you False
Shelby’s death was so sad what
That second round territory battle was so tense, sad how much it threw them off though
Good eyes and good comms, rip to lime but blue handled that sneak attack like absolute champs
Fruit popping off???? Not unexpected by any means, but it was so chaotic and he was just running around like ‘mhm yep and dead’ what a king
Dave and Fruit holding hands, real
Dave only has banger opinions, MCC is about the silly goofy first and foremost
Not the AirPods 😭😭😭
Hole in the Wall
“Whatever happens, we did great” “Whatever happens, I love you guys” what is this, the finale battle to defeat the Firelord???? /lh I love them
They’re too in the zone to do meaningless things like so called ‘bodily functions’
Oh the way Shelby went out was so tragic, she bounced and slipped all the way off the edge ;-;
“Purple! No- I wish I never said that, I’m shutting up” Shelby 😭
NOOOOOO why does Shelby always go out in the saddest ways
“We did our best” real and true!!
Dave s-tier real and true!!! If you disagree you hate nonbinary people /j
I think they’re getting confused on who’s saying “purple” vs “Purpled” lol
“This is what [All Stars] should’ve been” Shelby spitting absolute facts
Gumi insane!!!
False changing sides just as her new pick loses rip
Ah yes, reverse psychology on reality as we know it
“I have faith in Purpled, which probably means he’s gonna miss these… yep”
GGs, great team, great time
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duckshoes · 2 years
Hey hey! Was wondering what you've voted each milgram character so far? (And why you voted them that if it's not too much to write lol)
hi! i actually only got into milgram in july so I didn’t get the opportunity to vote, but I did make a list of what I would have voted them and why before I found out the results :o i have no idea how to make this into a read more post so sorry to make a wall of text
trial 1
haruka: forgiven & direct murder - terrible mental state and looks like abuse or something happening. wanted to see what good mental health would look like for him and what information you get
yuno: forgiven & indirect - wasn’t sure if she killed her boyfriend or if she killed a baby, probably desperation either way. started reading theories after this and thought that she was just young and in a bad situation with the compensated dating  and possible pregnancy
futa: forgiven & indirect - firm believer that he’s just delusional and stupid. so very stupid. the fact that the tweets he’s posting before the supposed murder are all about moral justice leads me to believe it was a case of caught up in the moment, and the video game scenes made me think he has no grip on reality. after the “monster” is killed and he has blood on his face he looks terrified and has a reality check, so when the scene switches to real life there’s no body behind him. then he’s holed up terrified in a blanket. i think he’s dumb and delusional and an sjw and i don’t think he deserves a death penalty just a serious talking to
mu: unforgiven & direct - i did feel very sorry for her but after reading the stuff on the chalkboard and also the fact that the purple girl didn’t seem to be involved in the bullying (also the voice drama lmao), it seems like a case of an entitled rich kid who got bullied for that and took it out on the girl
shidou: unforgiven & what the fuck - my original theory was that he was either stealing organs from his patients and pretending that they had grave illnesses, or he was allowing patients that were very ill to die instead of helping them and then taking their organs. he used them on the flower person. didn’t understand the point of meta voting at this stage but now that i do i’m curious for the second trial
mahiru: forgiven & no idea - i actually thought she was dating the crush at first and on day 16 with food he came home with another girl and she killed one of them, but now i’m thinking that she probably stalked him and he committed or something? either way i think she’s delusional someone save her. she’s really such a sweet person that i couldn’t fathom her doing something with a full intention to kill
kazui: forgiven & indirect - i thought his wife committed. i didn’t understand his mv lol so i had no clue
amane: forgiven & direct - i will die on the hill that she is innocent. she was either an abused and brainwashed child who was manipulated into killing someone outside the cult, or she tried to escape by murdering them (though she’s still spouting their values so i guess the first one). either way it’s so not her fault idc what she says. she needs therapy
mikoto: unforgiven & direct - kinda obvious since we saw the video but i’ve absorbed so much analysis of mikoto that i really did want to forgive him. he needs so much help. im going to lock him in inpatient care
kotoko: unforgiven & direct - i noted that she was taking a moral standpoint but the difference between her and futa was that she was actively going out and hunting people down with a bat
trial 2
haruka: idk - going back and forth for the 50/50 but also i can’t decide. i think i want to do innocent again, idk. i think if he feels loved he might start getting better ?? he killed out of neglect right. also i have just been informed that it’s possible that they could harm eachother or themselves and that is Worrying
yuno: inno - saw her mv but it’s not out so i won’t really touch on it. she doesn’t want to be forgiven but.. sorry
futa: inno - his song preview isn’t really clear but i still agree with my 1st trial opinion
mu: guilty - chill out girl 
shidou: guilty - he said he’s guilty i believe him
mahiru: inno - PLEASE DON’T KYS 
kazui: guilty - what in the world. cat is going to be such an interesting mv, probably very revealing
amane: inno - what the fuck. therapy please amane im begging. maybe if she gets inno the pressure of her cult will ease off and she’ll improve........
mikoto: inno ??? - still unclear which alter did the murder but i don’t think it was as villainous as the mv portrayed it. miko2 appears to be a protective alter and if miko1 was in some kind of percieved danger idk if i can fault that. and miko1 has serious mental health issues so really i just want to send him to therapy. actually if miko3 exists he needs help too. send all of them to therapy. please.
kotoko: guilty - STOP????? you are not saving the world girl please calm your ego
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tiktaaliker · 1 year
@wickedcitrus (tag referring to the poll option where i had a play i wrote preformed in front of an audience)
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ok so. i live in a small-to-mid-sized town with a really active theater community. We have like 2 different really good community theater companies that, alongside putting on regular plays, hold some smaller events throughout the year. for a few years, one of these theater companies hosted a 10 minute play competition, where people could write and submit plays to possibly be preformed (with prize money depending on how you placed). I think they changed it recently to have more plays preformed with more categories, but when it started, only about... six or eight plays got picked? the top three or four would be given a full performances, and the rest only got stage read. either way, all the chosen plays were handed off to different directors who picked who was going to preform/read, and people bought tickets to the actual event where the plays were preformed. After the stage readings were done, the audience could vote on which they liked best and that play would be given a stage performance the next year
Two of the plays I wrote got selected- the first year i submitted a play i just got a stage reading (and didn't get the audience choice), and it was kiiinda awkward since one of the performed plays was literally just the same concept as mine. pretty sure the other one got first place too lol
but the SECOND one i did for the next one they held actually did get performed- i got second place that year!! it was fucking BONKERS since like. i think i was like 16 maybe? and every single other person who placed were grown adults, including people who wrote in and traveled from like 5 hours away from a bigger city to enter?? like. people actually planning on going into playwriting???
so yes anyways. the play was about a guy trying to order from a white castle but in the process accidentally went through a time portal and wound up in an Actual Castle where he gets imprisoned for witchcraft because of his smartphone. there's a recording of it on youtube but im not going to link it since it has both my full legal name and the theater company has my home county in the name and id rather not doxx myself lol
maybe if i have time ill download and cut the recording to remove all the identifying shit and just post it here directly?? idk. its like a 240p video and also it is so so so SO hard for me to sit through my old kinda bad attempts at writing dialogue, but the video is kind the only way id be able to share it since ive since lost the script i wrote :c
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vacantgodling · 1 year
15 10 Very Normal Questions
thank you @kaiusvnoir 😂 i’m kinda obsessed and will give weird answers no one asked for. open tag :) have fun with it lol
1. Do you prefer owls, capybaras, or flamingos?
THIS IS ACTUALLY PAINFULLY DIFFICULT but i’ll probably go capybaras i want what they have absolute ANGELS they are
2. What is your favorite soup?
i like deadass hate soup ngl (bc texture or lack thereof + liquids being salty is kind of :/ to me + my mom literally made soup almost every day growing up i am so sick of SOUP) however, cabbage soup that my mom makes is probably my favorite. it’s so comforting and she always makes it for me when i’m sick so idk nostalgia and feel good vibes.
3. What is your favorite…rock (idfk)?
funny story about rocks: my favorite type of rock (as in, how they’re formed) is igneous rocks. fire rocks >>> (i too wanted to be a geologist growing up lmao). in third grade a boy i was friends with went on vacation and brought me back an igneous rock—like literally got it checked out and everything to make sure it was—bc he knew i liked them, and asked me out lmao. as i am super awkward and he was just a good friend to me i turned him down (plus we were seven? tf lol) but it was probably one of the cutest ways i’ve ever been confessed to, only second to my partner and so so thoughtful.
jeffery if you see this, i wish i still had that rock but it got lost in a move. rip the dream but it was so sweet lol.
when it comes to crystals it’s a different story i’m a huge crystal hoarder but i don’t have the $$ to get as many as i’d like. sodalite is my favorite bc of the meanings associated with it; it’s kind of like my “personal rock” and i have several :)
4. Choose a familiar:
very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. He loves you but will never listen to you ever
a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants
a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks
probably the toad. i think that’d be funny as hell
5. Which planet do you feel like would be kind of an asshole if you met them?
NONE???? IM LOVE… SPACE….. (okay perhaps jupiter only by association with zeus/jupiter) HOWEVER…. They are Sweeties… my Beloveds….
6. if you were a worm would you love me? (@/ legiomiam)
i mean i voted worm in the bug race so yeth
7. Least favorite type of clothing?
most clothes are a sensory nightmare but anything that is scratchy or woolen or whatever it’s AWFUL
8. You are now in a horror movie-so sorry. Chance of survival?
genuinely depends on the type of horror move it is. if it’s any apocalypse sorry i’m killing myself i’m not dealing with that shit like not even remotely. serial killer eugh… it depends if it’s a supernatural one or a natural one. if natural i think odds are pretty good i like to think that since my natural adrenaline response is flight i would be going and going and going (like out the country probs). supernatural? sorry killing myself not doing it. anything torture porn-y i’m also offing myself— yknow i’m just gonna say odds are low bc i hate being uncomfortable so if given the opportunity i will off myself before i deal with nonsense.
9. Would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache, or ability to talk to vegetables?
mustache if it means i can grow facial hair generally speaking
10. What do you think of whales?
i think they’re gorgeous but i hate the ocean so i will appreciate from afar as nature intended.
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yisanged · 2 years
wait i wanna hear your judgements on all the milgram characters now because im curious and i feel like it actually says a lot about a person. if you wanna
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yes hi sam hi. okay.
well first i want to say that i'm not super knowledgeable on all the theories and analyses out there so there might be stuff i'm missing that would change my opinions. i am still kinda lost on where exactly you get access to all the milgram content so there's a lot i'm not in the know on. second is that i don't think it's really fair to judge whether or not the characters are forgivable especially since we don't know all the details yet. i obviously learned about milgram a bit late but i would've voted innocent for all of them honestly because like. they all caused the death of another person for sure which is obviously Bad. but i feel like we don't really have a right to form opinions on whether they're forgivable or not. there's still a lot we don't know about their individual circumstances and even if we did know everything we're not even involved other than as outside observers so idk it just doesn't fully sit right. even if they are fictional characters created specifically to be judged by us. so yeah i would've voted them all innocent and i probably will for trial 2 too unless shit starts hitting the fan. of course i do have opinions about each of the characters beyond that and i will be glad to share them 💯
my favorites first. haruka is. scrunkly. fr. his presumed crimes are beating that dog to death and drowning/choking his brother which i think on a personal level is one of the worse crimes out of the characters? but i like him so it's okay. i'm interested in learning more about his situation and character his first trial video left me wondering about that stuff the most out of all of them. amane. ouugh. religious trauma always gets to me in characters. people who said she needed to get voted guilty so she learns the consequences of her actions or whatever are so annoying... like yeah sure that stuff is important i guess but. you think the best way to teach morals to a 12 yo raised in a cult is by slapping her with the guilty and unforgivable label after she gets kidnapped to a strange prison??? while not even knowing what might happen to her after she is voted guilty????? seriously what did they do to her i might kill. anyways. futa. he's a twitter user and he has a black and white sense of justice and thinks he has the authority to judge someone as good or bad. none of those are points in his favor but idk i still really like his character for some reason. i think if he made some friends and stopped going on social media he would be mostly fixed honestly. mu i also really like not for any particular reason... i mean she seems kind of spoiled and whiny but idk. i just like her. being the odd girl out is a relatable experience for me. she's pretty and her song was one of my favorites. these four are the ones i care the most about and want to learn more about
the rest..... i never had any strong feelings towards mahiru in the beginning but i feel kind of bad that she was one of the few that got voted guilty like the way she said things along the lines of if you leave me i'll die and i can't live without you was kind of. uh. but i didn't think her crime seemed that unforgivable especially compared to some of the others that didn't get voted guilty? idk. i mentioned not liking mikoto and i stand by that. i don't really buy into the mental illness/multiple personalities theories and i'll honestly be kind of disappointed if they turn out to be true that's such an overdone and harmful and annoying murderer trope. i think he's just a guy that likes violence and killing and is really good at lying about it after. which is pretty slay for him i guess. it just annoys me how many people latch on to the mental illness thing and it annoys me even more how many people are horny for this guy. they're probably the reason i don't like him actually other than that i don't really have anything against him. i'm not a hardcore yuno fan like she doesn't make me normal but i do love and support her. i like kotoko too the vigilante type thing i'm pretty sure she has going on is interesting but. i know i said i would vote them all innocent but i don't love that her getting voted innocent is leading her into thinking she's working with es behind the scenes i don't think she's that trustworthy. shidou. organ harvester possibly? medical malpracticer most definitely. i don't know i guess i'd want more details before saying anything else i don't have many thoughts about him with what we have right now. i don't really like kazui on a personal level but his story does interest me i want to know more details. es is there. i'm curious about what the story there is and all but they honestly don't interest me that much beyond the standard amount.
anyways this has been my opinions on the milgram characters. it's not super in depth i just kinda briefly touched on my main thoughts because this answer is already too long i am so sorry. but. yeah. i hope you still think im cool
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