#im not actually there yet i just watched it for cross guild
hraeesvelgr · 7 months
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tldr of the new episode
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invidiia · 9 months
Hello! 🙃 Do you mind if I request a platonic yandere Dazai with a reader who used to be his subordinate in the port mafia but then they cross paths on a mission?
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ "i watch the rising sun!" 𖤐 p!yandere dazai // reader.
platonic yandere dazai meets his old subordinate.
m.list // now playing..
[ a/n ; THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING!! if something doesn't make sense, please god just ignore it because it's 2am, i'm dehydrated, half asleep, and i really need to continue writing on this blog. ]
[ warning ; platonic yandere, dazai himself needs a warning, mentions of abuse (not towards reader), mentions of the abuse cycle, user is about 18, mori is present, there's literally more backstory/explanation to this than the actual point, im sobbin ]
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It was years since Dazai left the Port Mafia.
You were his other subordinate, besides Akutagawa. The ways he treated you both were entirely different - it usually ended in you being forced to watch Dazai 'train' Akutagawa, while he later patted your head, praising you for being good, which was standing by his side and watching as he mistreated others. Of course, after that, you would treat any of Akutagawa's wounds. Dazai treated you so well because you were like him, but why didn't he treat Akutagawa the same? You never understood.
Dazai spoke to you once before leaving - ordering you to stay put. He even injured you, breaking a few of your fingers and telling you to say you had gotten into a fight before he left, so you wouldn't be suspected in aiding his treason.
While you were glad that Akutagawa would no longer have to suffer by his hands - you were somewhat upset by him leaving. While some of the others were fine with comforting you, it wasn't the same as when Dazai did it. You couldn't help but miss the times he would praise you and pat your head for doing well.
But over time, you changed. You'd learned how to cope a much better way, and instead of wanting his praise and affection, you grew colder to anyone who tried showing you any kind of love. When others in the mafia tried to comfort you over him leaving, they'd watch as you became cold to them, not letting yourself be vulnerable to anybody anymore. Akutagawa had also changed - however, he was.. worse. The abuse cycle that had started from Mori had yet to break.
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It was about a month after Kyouka had been taken in by the Armed Detective Agency. Mori never told you much about the agency, nothing about who was in it aside from Fukuzawa, Yosano, Atsushi, and Kyouka, and that they were different in many obvious ways, but had a form of alliance to defeat the Guild, none of which you'd been involved in. Everyone else was a mystery to you, since you were never given jobs involved with the agency anyway.
It came to your surprise when Mori presented you with a brand new mission of sort, to go with him while meeting with the leader of the Agency. That was unusual - usually Chuuya or Akutagawa did jobs like this, or when you were given one, they took it anyway, just to 'be nice to you'.
But Mori insisted you go, even though he gave you a choice to give it to Chuuya, Akutagawa, or anyone else. Even Chuuya suggested he take the job, not explaining himself, just insisting you let him take it. But this time was different - you were offered this, given an actual chance to be involved with the agency's dealings with the Port Mafia, something you were never given.
Of course you took the job.
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You trailed closely behind Mori, following him loyally as you two had walked to the meeting place. If it was held in secret, then why the hell was it outside, anyway?
"[Name]," Mori called to you, turning to meet your eyes. He continued speaking after he knew you were listening. "Fukuzawa-san brought another of his own for the same reason I am bringing you. Just a heads up," Mori cheerfully spoke. Why didn't he tell you beforehand? It didn't matter now, though.
Both you and Mori approached the place to meet with the leader. You could see there was another person with Fukuzawa, but you stood behind Mori, and their upper half had been blocked out. No big deal.
You stepped out from behind your boss, arms crossed above your chest as you eyed the leader of the agency. He looked so kind, a part of you wondered what it'd be like if you were with the agency instead.
But Fukuzawa wasn't the only person you saw.
Standing close behind him was a tall man with dark, wavy chestnut hair, in a long, tan trench coat. He wasn't just any man. That was the familiar face of Osamu Dazai. The youngest executive in the history of the Port Mafia.
And you were his ex-subordinate, right there in front of both. Both of your eyes widened, but you were much more surprised to see Dazai than he was to see you, Like he expected this.
You barely listened to the conversation between Fukuzawa and Mori, only making out a few words - 'Guild', Defeat', 'Fitzgerald', 'Agency', and 'Mafia'. None of them mattered to you as much as they should have. Your eyes flickered between the pavement and Dazai, who stared at you intently, not bothering to hide it. He had an expression that you just couldn't read precisely - it was impossible to tell what he was thinking in the moment. You on the other hand? Your thoughts were clear, a beyond frustrated glare was evident on your face.
It felt like an hour standing there, listening to Mori and Fukuzawa talk, if you could even say you were listening. But it was over only twenty minutes later.
Mori smiled at Fukuzawa, while the other just nodded calmly. Your boss began to walk forward, looking at you to signal you were to walk with him. Fukuzawa and Dazai did the same.
However, when you and Dazai were next to each other, he stopped, turning to look at you. Out of curiosity, you sighed and looked up at him. His eyes were not kind, but a slight smile was etched onto his face. A bandaged hand took your shoulder, and Dazai spoke to you for the first time in years.
"My, how you've grown." Verbal surprise was clear in his voice. Dazai was about to speak again, but you cut him off before he could get a word out. "Don't fucking touch me." The taller brunette sighed, turning his full body towards you this time, not just his head.
He smiled at you, closing his eyes. "You've changed so much. We'll meet again, I'll make sure of it." After finishing his sentence, he began to catch up with Fukuzawa. You stood there, looking at Dazai as he walked off calmly.
While you were upset about how he left you, it wasn't your main concern. Was he not sorry about the way he treated Akutagawa, making you watch as he made him suffer for so long?
Part of you wanted to run after him and punch him, but it wasn't worth it, not now. Even so, the thought seeing him was upsetting, and meeting him again wasn't in your best interest.
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[ extra // i'll do a part two sometime later.. it's 3:51am rn lmao km sobingmgkgkgm ]
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acescorazon · 7 months
Hiii! Just like the last person, i also started with the live action and then found your fanfics and ah! Im the one that commented on almost all your work djdj and told you i read it on my lunch break and the train! Thank god i speak spanish so people wouldn't read what was on my phone sbdbbd and yeah, thank god i was also wearing a mask on the train so no one would see me giggling like and idiot. But i wanted to tell you that omgg i love your stories how the hell your brain is so sexy but also funny i love how the smut its very silly also because we get to read buggy's thoughts. I didn't even like buggy on the live action till i saw the fanarts and i was suddenly like "you know what? He actually has pretty eyes..." and then here i am with a massive crush on a clown. I also started to ship buggy with mihawk because i have a thing for rare pairs and i was like you know what they would be hot but i was only imagining them like the live action BUT THEN YOUR FANFICS and now im on episode 7 of the anime cause i just want to understand better, like i love your crocodile but i dont even know how he is so yep, im on the anime nfnfnf and im here to tell you that you are amazing, seriously, i read your stories at night, at morning, when i finish my work bfnfj like i became obsessed with the ot3
Hi i remember you lolllll i replied to your comments this morning :) honestly it blows my mind that you'd read them in public, i could never have that bravery LMAOOOO. BUT STOPPPPP I'M LITERALLY AN IDIOT LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO. i think i said this at the end of my most recent fic but like i'm really out here just writing the most unrealistic ass smut sometimes. sometimes its just plain STUPIIIDDD lmao. but i do fancy me a good laugh but i never verge off into Crack territory lol. The actor does have really nice eyes, doesn't he???? i'm a clown f*cker tho so i was always going to simp for h- ANYWAYSSSSSS. @here i am with a massive crush on a clown. LMAOOOOO? First time???? LOOK L I S T E N. Honestly. i'm a Cross Guild girlie at heart so for me this is a buy one get two free deal but i swear to god Mihawk/Buggy IDKKKKKK. IDKKKK BABESSSSS. idk those two have the potential to have the messiest relationship yet and plus they're hot like you said LMAOOOOOO. LISTENNNNN LISTENNNN I'M THE BUGGY SIMPPPPP (jk there's probably someone who loves him more) AND WHEN I TELL YOU THERE'S JUST SOMETHING ABOUT THAT MANNNNN. JUST HES. *CHEF KISS* he's delicious, tasty, and PATHETIC. HES SO FUNNY AND DUMB AND I LOVE HIM SOOO MUCH. His debut episodes/ Episode 46 which is like 'Little Buggy's big adventure' is honestly the funniest shit to me and like they're my comfort episodes. Also like i said in the prev ask Alabasta is just my comfort arc for so many reasons lolololol Mainly bc my fave character appears and so does Croco and i love baroque works with a passion. (nobody asked.) it may not be everyone's slice of pie, but it's mine :))))
ANYWAYS LMAOOOOOOOO. Trust me bestie the way i write Crocodile isn't a headcanon LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. You'll see when you get there aljsldjasldjasldkajsdasd. If anything i typically go light on my depiction of him bc he's hngngnngngngngngn. Yeah, he's Crocodile alright LMAO. Not much of a spoiler but i'm here to tell you that Oda is starving us in terms of Cross Guild content, but have no fear jlkjsljdlkasjdaks i'll take one for the team. ANYWAYSSSSSSSS.Thank you again for the really nice message dear, i really appreciate it and i hope you end up actually liking the show a lot and don't have to watch 9845840850948509485098450840548094850948 episodes to think it's got any sort of appeal LMAO. THANK YOU AGAIN X30000 But know this: the moment Cross Guild debuted i knew...I KNEW i had to write for them. I knew i had to write Buggy in every scenario possible, and i'm working on it.
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send-me-a-puffalope · 2 years
Legacy vampires can only be killed by someone they love.
“Is my heart safe with you” like literally is it. Because if I give it to you you’re my Achilles heel (GREEK MYTH REFERENXE!!!!)
Legacy’s can only die *if they want to*
Legacies can only die while they’re broken hearted
Etc I could go on forever about killing legacies
So imagine some angsty ass shit.
“Cal- I’m sorry. I love you.” Juliette pleaded, the pure silver tip of Calliope’s spear burning against her skin. Juliette barely even notices the burn, she’s too distraught, tears streaming down her face.
“Don’t say that.” Calliope responds, her own hear breaking in turn.
“Do it. Cal. Stake me. It’s okay. You want to kill me. Do it. I won’t stop you.” Juliette’s thoughts are ablaze, her mind running a thousand miles an instant, and yet, she couldn’t help but recall Juliet, in a similar position as herself, blade pressed to her chest, as she is faced with the reality of never holding her lover again, letting the dagger strike, for a life without her, is not truly worth living.
Calliope’s mind splits, her inner voices arguing, you still love her, one argues, you can’t do this. She turned Theo! Another voice shouts. She destroyed your family. Stake her. She deserves it! It’s not like she’ll die anyway. Choking back tears, Calliope lets the spear sink in, and watches as the red blood leaks from Juliette’s broken heart.
Ao. In terms of other theories. I think that cal’s mom is gonna go to Juliette, thank her, maybe even take her family out of the hunters guild. But cal is still gonna be determined to bring the legacies down. And it’ll build tension. Cuz they’ll see eachother in school. And Jules is still just heart eyes in love fuckin crying everytime cal glares.
And then something crazy is gonna happen and cals gonna be in danger. And Juliette will save her. Possibly at peril to herself. And cal will be mad about it.
Apollo is gonna not too fast but pretty soon decide that Juliette can’t be that bad. She saved Theo! Even after Apollo got him killed. And that Theo is still their brother vampire or not. Vampires aren’t all evil. Because my brothers one. And if they’re not all evil… then…
But I think maybe around 1/3rd or halfway through the season depending on how many more seasons they commit to, cal and Jules will get back together, BUT a legacy vampire. Who is a real threat. Will emerge. And. Wait. I scratch that.
At like. The climax of the plot. Before our star crossed lovers reconvene, there’s gonna be a thing. With the legacy vampires. Where someone really evil needs to be killed. And Cal and Jules will have to do it together. Which means Jules will tell cal how to kill a legacy. Even though cal still wants Jules dead.
All the while. While they’re broken up. They’re still sharing dreams. So there’s scenes like
Cut. They’re making out. Cal stumbles back. WHATRE YOU DOING HERE
Cut. They’re on a date. They’re being all lovey.
Thank u for listening to so so so much bs
EXACTLY!! Thats what im thinking too!!! I feel like more likely they're gonna do smth with the Emerald Malkia being killed being the thing to kill vampires, however I think its infinitely more moving to have Legacy vampires' weakness be love since it seems like Margot and Juliette are the exception compared to other Legacy vampires, being the ones to chase for love rather than power and tradition.
Bestie. have you checked out the First Kill tag on ao3 cause my bestie Cal wrote some ANGSTY ASS FICS AND I REREAD THEM EVERY DAY AND ITS INSANE (every unworthy thing and dwell upon thine eyes). Actually, if you dm me I'll send you all the fics I've been obsessing over. The First Kill gays really went heavy on the angst in their fanfics.
I feel like they're building up for Oliver to be the true villain, despite his "arc" in season 1. Him revealing his monster army to Theo at the end of ep 8 feels like leading up to him taking over Savannah altogether. In my mind, Oliver is just as manipulative and power hungry as Elinor, he just refuses to admit it. Idk if Jules will actively pursue for his death but I love the idea that you brought up. Jules trusting in Cal the knowledge of how to kill her and her family and the conflict that'll inevitably bring.
THE DREAM THINGGG,,, brings me back to fanfic hellooooo. I've read at least like 5 fics with them seeing each other in their dreams after ep 8. Insane.
PLEASE!!! Talk to me more, in I'm in a First Kill discord and the amount of thoughts we have. I am constantly knee deep in First Kill theories and god I'm so invested. At this point, I've read so much fanfic that it is hard to tell what's canon and what's just a popular headcanon LMFAO.
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lake-arrius-caverns · 3 years
Nerevarine Rising
Chapter 9: Outlander Avenger
this took too long to post heehoo ive noticed that sometimes italics don’t save when im posting on tumblr? might have been a glitch idk but in that case it’s better to read on AO3 where the formatting is actually proper lol 
summary On their arrival to Vivec City, the twins part ways and Fahjoth finds himself drawn into the investigation of a very serious crime. 
content warnings violence, blood, minor character death
read under the cut or on AO3, cheers 👍
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“Ey, Ribyna, have you ever heard of Ashlanders?”
“Yeah, why?”
Fahjoth paused, pulling a disgruntled pout. The sun had well and truly set now; the last vestiges of warmth had evaporated entirely, replaced by a nipping chill and creeping shadows that submerged their surroundings in deep blue blankets. Vivec City loomed in the distance, unlike anything Fahjoth had ever seen before. Instead of individual houses like he had seen in every other town he’d been to so far, the city was populated by rows of colossal cantons, square and blocky yet towering over them with a kind of intimidating grandeur. Walkways bridged the gaps between the cantons, stretching over the rolling waters of the Ascadian Isles’ open bay, and several flags and tapestries fluttered from the sides of the cantons, embroidered with differing patterns and art that Fahjoth couldn’t make out from a distance. 
Turning his gaze back to Ribyna as they crossed the bridge towards the first canton, Fahjoth gave an exasperated huff, though there was no real annoyance in his tone. “Oh, so it’s just me, then?” he questioned. “Being an idiot as per usual. D’you know, I made a right tit of myself to Cosades earlier. Told him I didn’t know what Ashlanders were, then he gave me a bollocking for being a dipshit. I mean, how was I supposed to know? Nobody’s told me!” 
Ribyna’s response was surprisingly terse. “Well, maybe if you kept your mouth shut more often instead of chatting a load of shit, you’d listen and actually learn something for once.”
Fahjoth blinked, taken aback by this harsh rebuttal. He was used to Ribyna’s blunt manner of speaking of course, but this was something else entirely. He had noticed her demeanour getting more subdued and her posture stiffening the closer they got to Vivec City, and chalked it up to weariness after their long walk. Now, however, he was not so sure. Was that a hint of nervousness he detected in her voice?
“Are you alright?” he asked, then frowned sympathetically. “Bit nervous about being in the big city?”
“What?” Ribyna turned back to Fahjoth and flashed him a scathing look. “No, of course not. Don’t be stupid.” 
“Then what is it?” He received no response, as Ribyna stopped walking and examined their surroundings, occasionally dropping her gaze down and squinting at the map she held. 
“Right, I’ve got some shit to do,” she announced, as if she hadn’t even heard Fahjoth’s concerns. Fahjoth was certain that this wasn’t the case. “I’ll see you later.”
“Whoah, hang on a second!” Fahjoth protested, disconcerted by Ribyna’s unexpected change of plans. “I didn’t realise we’d be splitting up. What are you doing, anyway?” 
“Just... stuff,” Ribyna replied vaguely. Fahjoth grimaced; perhaps it was best that he didn’t know the details after all, if she was here on business with the Thieves Guild. 
“Alright, fine,” Fahjoth said, relenting. “But where should I meet you?” 
“Uh...” Ribyna gestured aimlessly at the immediate canton, the details on its banners now impossible to make out in the dark. “The map says this is the Foreign Quarter. Just find a cornerclub or something in here and get a room sorted for us. I’ll meet you back here when I’m done.” 
“Right,” Fahjoth replied mutedly. Admittedly, he was disappointed; he had been assuming that he and Ribyna would explore Vivec City together, but now, he was resigning himself to being Billy-No-Mates for the next few hours, or however long Ribyna would take to do her mysterious errand. “See you later then.” 
Fahjoth thought Ribyna may have flashed him an apologetic glance before she turned away, but then she stalked away along the path flanking the canton and rounded the corner, disappearing out of sight. Heaving a sigh that materialised in the air as a faint puff of steam, Fahjoth turned and headed up the sloping path towards the canton’s upper door, slipping inside and into the warmth. 
The inside of the canton was well-lit with torches and rather cheerfully decorated, an array of potted plants sitting in the corners while colourful tapestries and banners hung from the walls. Fahjoth could see a variety of people going about their business, not just Dunmer but Imperials, Bretons, and Redguards, among others, and in that moment he felt a strange sense of almost belonging. Initially he was surprised, until he realised that he was in the Foreign Quarter, and he was left with a deep feeling of despondency instead. 
This grim reminder that he truly was an outlander was accentuated by the unrelenting glares he received from the Ordinators who patrolled the corridors, striking an intimidating presence with their gleaming gold armour and helmets, fashioned into the shape of a sharp elven face with a crest of hair atop their heads. 
“We’ll have no trouble here,” one of the Ordinators said in a low, rasping voice as he walked by. “Move along.”
Suppressing a shudder, Fahjoth began to wander around the upper floor of the canton, trying to look as if he knew where he was going as opposed to being totally lost. Fortunately, it didn’t take too long before he found himself at a door with a sign overhead reading The Black Shalk Cornerclub. Figuring that he was not going to find anywhere more ideal than this, he pushed the door open and stepped in with caution. 
The cornerclub was quiet, with only a few punters sitting around tables or standing in the corners of the room, deep in conversation. A Dunmer stood organising a collection of bottles behind the counter, while an Argonian sat at the bar nursing a drink of his own. Fahjoth approached, plonked himself onto a stool near to the Argonian, and offered him a smile of greeting. The Argonian, who had seemed quite tense as Fahjoth sat down, suddenly relaxed and gave Fahjoth a polite smile in return. 
“Can I have a mazte, please?” he asked the barman, reaching into his pocket for his coin purse. “Oh, and how much would a room be for the night for two people?”
“That’ll be twenty drakes for the room, sera,” the barman replied, pushing a bottle of mazte towards Fahjoth. “And ten for the mazte.”
“Oh, alright, cheers! I’ll take it then,” Fahjoth replied, handing over the coins with relief. He caught the Argonian’s eye and chuckled, a wry grin curling the corner of his mouth. “Ribyna reckoned it’d be more expensive than that.”
“Ribyna?” the Argonian questioned. 
“Ah, that’s my twin! She’s off doing... something,” Fahjoth answered, his voice trailing off thoughtfully as a mild frown settled on his face. “I’m not sure what. She wouldn’t say.” 
“I see. That sounds rather sinister.” The Argonian smirked. “Forgive me, but I don’t believe we’ve met.”
Fahjoth couldn’t hold back an awkward giggle. “You’re right, sorry. My name’s Fahjoth,” he said, holding his hand out, which the Argonian shook after a brief pause. 
“Huleeya,” he introduced himself, withdrawing his hand and taking a sip of his drink. “Well, I can’t blame your twin for being secretive. Not with this recent spate of attacks on outlanders.” 
Fahjoth’s smile slipped from his face. “Attacks?”
“Oh, yes.” Huleeya nodded gravely. “Not just attacks, but murders. Five outlanders have been found dead this week. Not only that, but two Ordinators have been found dead too. Killed in the same way — that is, with their throats slit.” 
“Gods alive... Do they know who’s doing it?”
“If they knew, they would have been caught already,” Huleeya replied. “The Justice Offices are looking for help in catching the killer, from what I’ve heard.” 
Fahjoth paused. Though this had given him a lot to think about, there was something else he wanted to ask. “Is that why you looked a bit...” — he gestured vaguely with a wave of his hand — “on edge when I came over?”
“Hm? Ah, no. It’s not that,” Huleeya said. “It just wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had trouble from the local Dunmer, that’s all.”
“What do you—?”
“Excuse me, outlander. I should get going.” Huleeya finished the remainder of his drink and stood up. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Fahjoth. You and your twin should be careful if you’re out wandering alone at night.”
“Ah... we will. Thanks, mate,” Fahjoth answered, watching as Huleeya said his farewells to the barkeep and took his leave. Once again, Fahjoth was left alone with his thoughts, and he began to get some very dangerous thoughts indeed. 
The Justice Offices are looking for help in catching the killer...
He bit his lip as he nursed his mazte, quietly wrestling with his own brain. To think that he would be able to go up against a serial killer who had slain two highly trained Ordinators was madness, and yet...
By the time he had drained the last of his mazte from the bottle, he had made his decision. Fahjoth stood up, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of foreboding, dropped off his supplies in his rented room and headed outside into the fresh night air once more. 
The Office of the Watch was much further away than Fahjoth had anticipated, and by the time he arrived, his legs — which had been trembling with nerves — were heavy and aching from weariness, which didn’t bode well for what he had to do. It had been a very long day already, and more than anything Fahjoth was craving a nice warm bed to fall into, but he’d come all this way. There was no going back now. 
After navigating the Hall of Justice — with some difficulty, assuaged only slightly by the directions given to him from irate Ordinators on patrol — Fahjoth eventually found himself at the doors of the Office of the Watch, which he knocked gently and waited to be given permission to enter. 
Peering around the door, Fahjoth was faced with a rather small and cluttered office inhabited by three Dunmer in the usual golden cuirass and boots, who were sitting at messy desks and perusing sheaves of parchment. One of them, a dark-haired Mer with a moustache and goatee, eyed Fahjoth as he crossed the threshold, the heavy bags under his eyes indicative of his tiredness.
“Can I help you?” he asked, his voice hoarse. “We’re very busy, as you can see.”
“Sorry to bother you,” Fahjoth apologised, “but I’m looking for an Elam Andas?”
“Yes, that’s me. I am Elam Andas, chief of Vivec's Order of the Watch. Are you here looking for work?”
Fahjoth bit his lip, knowing full well that this was his last chance to back out of his foolish and potentially suicidal mission, but he ploughed on anyway. “I heard you were looking for help solving these recent murders.”
The effect his words had on the office was startling. The officers stopped what they were doing, each of them fixing their red eyes on Fahjoth with dubious expressions. Fahjoth remained silent until Andas spoke again. 
“We cannot officially hire you as only Ordinators can serve the watch,” he explained. “But if you can find this killer and bring them to justice, we’ll see to it that you’re rewarded for your efforts.”
Bring them to justice? Now that was something Fahjoth was sure was well above his pay grade. He had been hoping to do a bit of investigation, to help the Watch with their search, but to be tasked with bringing down a serial killer himself? That wasn’t something he was at all confident he could handle. 
“Oh, I—” he started in alarm, but Andas cut him off. 
“I require no commitment from you,” Andas informed him. “In fact, I can’t even officially accept one. But if you’re serious about helping, I can tell you what we know so far about the killer and the victims.”  
After a moment of hesitation, Fahjoth nodded, and Andas gestured to the seat across his desk. Fahjoth obeyed, sitting and listening in silence. 
“There have been seven victims so far, five outlanders and two Ordinators, and all with their throats slit. Three of the victims were found in the Foreign Quarter, one near the Arena and one in the Hlaalu Compound. None of the outlanders had been on Vvardenfell for more than a week.
“Our Ordinators were found near the body in the Hlaalu Compound, and we think they interrupted the killer at work. Despite the fact that they were armed and on duty, their weapons were still in their sheaths when their bodies were found, which is unsettling. We’re likely looking at someone incredibly stealthy, or adept at illusion magic.”
It was times like this that Fahjoth dearly wished he could read and write. At least then he would have been able to make notes. 
“Finally... there is the matter of witnesses. We’ve had no official witnesses come forward, but one outlander reported being threatened by a Dunmer woman with a dagger in the Hlaalu Compound, around the time of the other murders. He couldn’t give us a very clear description as he teleported himself away to safety, but he told us she was wearing a skirt and netch leather armour.”
Fahjoth nodded, frowning as he tried to absorb all of this information, all the while his heartbeat had quickened uncomfortably with apprehension. Without further ado, he stood and excused himself from the office, heading back outside and into the late night’s chilly grip. 
Hearing about the victims, as well as Huleeya’s dire warning, had strengthened Fahjoth’s resolve. Someone was lurking in the shadows of Vivec City, slaughtering innocent people seemingly purely because of their foreign origins. People just like him.
His years spent away from Morrowind had left him as good as an outlander in the eyes of the native Dunmer, and if someone considered that fact alone a trait punishable by death, then they couldn’t be allowed to continue to walk free. Someone needed to deal with them, and if the city’s Ordinators couldn’t — or wouldn’t — then perhaps it would be up to him. 
Although... it would probably be a good idea to find Ribyna first, Fahjoth figured as he set off towards the city’s northernmost cantons, before he went blundering headfirst to his potential death. Again. 
The path ahead was dark and unsettling, and Fahjoth found himself throwing anxious glances over his shoulder every few minutes, flinching at the slightest unexpected sound and eyeing every shadow with mistrust lest he be ambushed by a dagger-wielding, skirt-donning Dunmer intent on ending his life. It was with relief that he made it to the first of his destinations and, incidentally, the last place he had seen Ribyna heading towards — the Arena. 
Unfortunately for Fahjoth, Ribyna was nowhere to be seen, so he lingered around the Arena for long enough to do some investigating, inquiring with a few inhabitants and Ordinators but turning up no new leads. Eventually he was forced to resign himself to the fact that he would be a lone worker in this case — a thought that inspired a well of dread in his gut — and moved on. 
The same was to be said with the Hlaalu Compound, where Fahjoth had checked in the hope that someone would have seen something about the attempted attack, but he had no luck there either. He then moved on to the Foreign Quarter where, to his surprise, an Orc was happy to assist. 
“I recall someone — maybe one of the sewer cleaners — saying something about seeing a Dunmer woman down in the Underworks. Wouldn’t be that odd, but... in the Underworks? That’s odd. Nothing down there but rats and sewers.”
Which led Fahjoth to his next point of investigation — the Underworks. 
The moment he stepped foot in the Underworks, the smell hit him like a brick to the face. Almost choking on the pungent stench of sewage water, Fahjoth lingered for just long enough to feel just a little more regret before he set off, trying to forget the misgivings he felt. He yanked his scarf up to cover his nose and mouth and navigated the Underworks as carefully as he could, every footstep deliberately placed to be as quiet as possible. He was well aware that the killer could be lurking around any corner, and the deeper he tread into the sewers the more he felt his legs begin to tremble.  
It was almost silent down here, the only sounds being that of the murky water sloshing against the smooth stone sewer walls and the occasional drip of moisture from the damp-ridden ceiling. Every so often he would hear a rat scuttling around in the darkness and his heart would jolt, requiring him to take a moment to stop and let his adrenaline levels fall after an unpleasant spike that set his pulse racing. 
As he progressed, however, more unpleasant thoughts began to surface in his mind. One possibility kept presenting itself to him, and as hard as he tried to reject it, he found that he couldn’t wholeheartedly dismiss it. 
“What are you doing, anyway?” 
“Just... stuff.”
He remembered that strange look on Ribyna’s face when he mentioned going to Vivec City. He could tell easily when his twin was apprehensive, and as brief as it was, it had been only too clear to see on her face back in Balmora. Was she nervous about returning to the scene of the crime?
But that was ridiculous! His twin wasn’t a murderer! 
What reason would she have to kill outlanders, anyway? The more Fahjoth thought about it, the more illogical it seemed. Least of all because he had never even seen Ribyna wear a skirt for as long as he could remember. So why couldn’t he simply disregard it? The fact that he even had doubts in the first place said enough, and he was even more nervous as he crept through the tunnels, dreading the possibility of seeing his twin around the next bend. 
So wrapped up was he in his own thoughts that as Fahjoth rounded a corner and exited a smaller tunnel into a larger section of the sewers, he didn’t even notice the figure standing at the end of the tunnel until he was looking straight at them. With a choked gasp, he flung himself back around the corner from which he had just emerged and pressed himself against the wall, his heart pounding in his chest and his stomach tied up in knots. After pausing to listen for any sign of the stranger’s approach, he deemed it safe enough to peer around the wall again and get a better look at the figure ahead. 
Even in the low light, he could tell that it was a Dunmer, and they were indeed wearing a skirt with what seemed to be a leather cuirass. This particular corner of the sewer almost looked like a base, with a scruffy bedroll laying on the ground near evidence of where a makeshift fireplace had been lit in the form of a charred mound of wood scraps. A pile of dilapidated crates and debris were strewn haphazardly around the alcove, in some cases holding — or failing to hold — contents like food and bottles of alcohol. Evidently, this was someone who had stocked up for some time. 
Fortunately, she hadn’t noticed Fahjoth yet. She sat atop one of the crates, perusing some sort of book or journal and occasionally making notes. A dagger — stained an ominous rusty hue — sat by her side, and Fahjoth’s suspicions were all but confirmed. 
How was he going to do this?
He could call it a day, back out quietly the way he came and return to the Office of the Watch with what he knew of the killer’s whereabouts. But even then, would anything get done? Would the Ordinators get here in time before the killer made another move, and claimed another victim?
Perhaps if he could sneak up behind her, he could get the advantage. He knew better than anyone that he was no master of stealth, but she looked fairly preoccupied. Perhaps if he was quiet and quick, then— 
No sooner had the thought crossed his mind did he become aware of a weight suddenly pulling vigorously on his foot. As he looked down, he silently squirmed and grimaced at the sight of a large rat digging its teeth into the chitin, shaking its head as if determined to pull his boot clean off. It made no noise other than a soft, squeaky growl, but the splashing of the water beneath its paws was unsettlingly loud and echoed due to the circular tunnel’s acoustics. If this kept up, it was only a matter of time before the killer would notice him. 
“Get off!” Fahjoth hissed, frantically shaking his foot. “Get off! Get off, you little c—!”
Unfortunately, the rat refused to budge. It was dragged along in the wake of Fahjoth’s mild kicks, which gradually grew more and more vigorous as he fought to free his foot of the rat’s vice-like grip. Leaning on the wall for balance, he raised his foot up off the ground, now aggressively kicking at the air when all prior attempts at gently shaking the rat off failed. The situation would have been comical had Fahjoth not been so painfully conscious of the murderer sitting barely 20 yards away from where he stood. 
At last, after what felt like hours, the rat let go. However, the momentum given to it by Fahjoth’s kicking motion caused it to gracefully soar away as it was flung off his foot and land with a tremendous splash in the deep sewer water in front of him. 
Instantly, Fahjoth froze. He pressed himself back against the wall, his breathing fast and laboured as he strained his ears for any sign of movement. Apart from the splashing of the rat as it swam away, apparently done with terrorising Fahjoth for the time being, all was silent. Then, as he dared to peek around the corner to evaluate the situation, a pair of red eyes stared into his own as he made direct eye contact with the Dunmer. 
Her reaction was instant. She leapt up from her seat, dagger in hand, and stormed the length of the tunnel towards him, already screaming abuse and profanities in his direction. Kicking hard off the ground, Fahjoth threw himself into motion, and with the Dunmer hurtling closer his options for where to go were limited. A brown and grey blur in his peripheral as he passed indicated that the Dunmer was giving chase, but with the advantage of having longer legs, Fahjoth half-sprinted and half-leapt over a nearby bridge spanning the sewer water before pelting down to the tunnel’s end. Whirling around once he came to a stop, the Dunmer was mere seconds behind him, so Fahjoth drew his sword and stood fast. 
Wielding a dagger which seemed to emanate a sickly red glow, his opponent lunged, landing a glancing blow against Fahjoth’s armour as he leapt back. But she was much faster than he had anticipated. He stumbled back and threw himself from side to side to avoid the Dunmer’s aggressive strategy of repeated jabs and slashes, breaking into a sweat and feeling his flanks ache with every shallow pant. One thrust of the dagger slid between the gap in the chitin protecting his arm, slicing through the sleeve and nicking the skin beneath. 
With a gasp, Fahjoth flung himself backwards. There was a dull thud as his heel collided with something on the ground and his balance was completely thrown off. 
His stomach lurched as he began a sharp descent, hitting the ground with a painful bump. The scraping and groans of the crates he fell against rang in his ears as the Dunmer was suddenly filling his vision, dagger poised ready to plunge into his throat. 
With his sword arm raised in a vague attempt to defend himself, Fahjoth reached to the side, grasping at nothingness in a frantic search for something, anything, that could— 
The cold sliminess of damp wood brushed against his fingertips. He fastened his grip, braced himself and flung the broken chunk at his assailant with as much force as he could muster. 
The jagged lump of wood, a deadly weapon in its own right in the right circumstances, struck the Dunmer square in the face. She staggered back with a howl of pain, clutching her eye while blood seeped from a fresh injury above her brow. With adrenaline coursing through him, Fahjoth sprung to his feet, clutching the hilt of his sword with fingers now damp from his own blood. 
The Dunmer lifted her gaze to Fahjoth again, her uninjured eye blazing with a chilling hatred, but before she could make another move Fahjoth had sprung. He rushed forward and thrust his sword into the Dunmer’s midriff, the tip of the blade piercing the thin, aged leather of her armour with surprising ease. Then he continued pushing forward, until his sword had been buried up to its hilt into her stomach and protruded out from her navel. 
The Dunmer froze, paralysed by the deadly blow, and Fahjoth relinquished his weapon and backed off, unable to do anything else but stare as she staggered to the side and fell. A sharp clang announced her collision to the ground as the sword’s blade hit the ground first, but once her momentum stopped and she lay still, total silence fell upon them. 
Silence, apart from the sound of Fahjoth’s ragged breathing. 
As he stared down at the lifeless Dunmer on the ground before him, Fahjoth only became conscious of how badly his legs were shaking when he tried to take a step forward and his knees almost buckled beneath his weight. Only one thought circled in his mind, over and over, as he silently watched the blood starting to ooze out from beneath her body. 
He had done this.
Someone was dead because of him. 
The more logical part of his brain insisted that if he hadn’t, it would have been him lying there in a pool of his own blood instead. But that didn’t make him feel much better about the fact that he had just taken someone’s life. 
There was a part of him that didn’t even want to approach the body to retrieve his shortsword, but at the end of the day, he had paid good money for that. And it wasn’t as if he had a backup. So with a trembling hand he grasped the hilt, slowly prising the sword out of the Dunmer’s body and wincing at the sickening sound of the blade gliding against flesh, squelching and wet. He cleaned the metal as best he could using linen from the makeshift bed, then sheathed his weapon and reluctantly searched the camp for evidence to present to Elam Andas. 
He didn’t find much of any substance. The journal the Dunmer had been reading was, of course, impossible for him to read. Quite apart from not finding any sense in the words, it was damp and smudged terribly to the point where it was barely legible. Still, perhaps the Office of the Watch would have better luck; he took it, along with an old rusty key and the Dunmer’s dagger, which left him feeling oddly nauseous and drained after his fingertips came into direct contact with it.
The damp stickiness of blood on his arm and staining his sleeve was impossible to ignore, as was the injury beneath it, so Fahjoth took a moment to attempt to heal it on his own. With the spell he had acquired from the Mages Guild in mind, Fahjoth closed his eyes and furrowed his brows in concentration; he racked every corner of his brain, searching for any spark that could ignite the spell that he could feel hesitating at his fingertips. But in his already worn-out state, the attempts only ended up draining yet more of his energy and left him with a considerable headache. In the end he conceded and admitted defeat, recognising a lost cause when he saw one. 
Then Fahjoth embarked on the long walk back to the Hall of Justice, craving fresh air and a warm bed above all else. It hadn’t quite sunk in yet that he had successfully taken on a serial killer and lived to tell the tale, but there was an odd light-heartedness in his chest as he traipsed back along the paths through Vivec City’s shadowy cantons, feeling somehow more confident than before.
Fahjoth’s triumphant — albeit exhausted and bloodied — return to the Office of the Watch was met with disbelief at first, followed by amazement once he broke the news that the killer had been dealt with. Elam Andas was thrilled and accepted the dagger and journal as evidence without question, perhaps a sign of how desperate he was to believe that this Dunmer was no longer a threat. After expressing his gratitude he sent Fahjoth on his way, with a promise that Ordinators would be sent to clean up the mess and the reward of an enchanted belt to protect him on his travels, which Fahjoth accepted eagerly. Although he was pleased with the response to his daring deed, he was now more than ever looking forward to collapsing into bed after a very, very long day. 
With thoughts of only soft pillows and warm sheets on his mind as he entered the familiarity of the Foreign Quarter, it wasn’t until he came face-to-face with someone approaching the hallway to the cornerclub from the opposite way that he realised he had forgotten something — or rather, someone.
“Ribyna!” Fahjoth exclaimed, recognising his sibling even from a distance. But something was wrong. There was no wave or call of greeting from Ribyna, who walked silently over to him with a pronounced limp in her step.
In the light of the torch that hung from the nearby wall, Fahjoth could see that Ribyna was in a dreadful state. Her armour was scuffed and damaged in places and her hair was a mess, but most worryingly was the copious amount of bloodstains that spattered and smeared her almost from head to foot.
“Ribyna!” Fahjoth gasped, rushing over to meet her and instantly beginning to fuss. “What the hell happened?! Are you okay?!”
“I’m fine,” Ribyna grunted, making a half-hearted attempt to push Fahjoth away.
“You’re covered in blood!”
“It’s fine. It’s not my blood.” Ribyna paused to wince, doubling over slightly and gritting her teeth. “Most of it...” 
Before Fahjoth could question her further, they were interrupted by the rapid approach of an Ordinator, his sword drawn and raised at Ribyna threateningly. 
“Halt!” he barked. “Murderous scum! You violated the law, outlander. Surrender and come with me immediately.”
Fahjoth's mouth fell open with horror. Murderous? Surely there had to be some kind of mistake...
However, Ribyna's silence was not encouraging. Instead of protesting her innocence, she reached into a pocket and tugged out a somewhat bloodstained roll of parchment, which she passed over to the guard without a word. To Fahjoth's astonishment, once he had finished reading it, he nodded and tucked the note away in his own armour.
“All of your papers seem to be in order,” he said, dipping his head to Ribyna. “You are free to go.”
And then he walked away, leaving Fahjoth utterly bemused as he stared at his still very quiet twin. 
“Are you gonna tell me what the hell just happened?” he questioned, and Ribyna huffed. 
"In a sec. Let's get inside first," she muttered, slipping away into the cornerclub without waiting for a response. Fahjoth, left with little choice, followed her in and then led the way to their room. The moment he opened the door, Ribyna pushed past him and dropped down onto the bed with a groan — much to Fahjoth's displeasure, as he had been hoping to do this exact thing first. 
“Well?” he prompted, lowering himself into a nearby chair and slouching back, relishing the chance to take the weight off his sore feet for a while. “What was that guard on about, calling you ‘murderous scum’?” 
It was a moment or two before Ribyna dragged herself upright again and turned her gaze to Fahjoth. 
“I joined the Morag Tong.”
Fahjoth, who had been in the process of removing his boots, froze motionless as he felt his blood run cold. “You what?!” he hissed, once he found his voice again. “You’ve— what?!”
“Yeah.” Ribyna’s tone was level as she stared back at Fahjoth, looking more tired than defensive. “Don’t start, alright? I’m knackered.”
“Don’t st—?!” Fahjoth bolted upright, keeping his voice hushed as best he could but fighting to quash the outrage that burned in his chest. “You’ve gone and joined a murder cult and you’re telling me to not start?!”
“It’s not a murder cult!” Ribyna protested. “It’s perfectly legal!”
“Just because it’s legal, doesn’t mean it’s not a—” Fahjoth stopped mid-rant, rubbing his eyes with exasperation. “Just... Ugh, what have you gone and done that for? Can’t you just do something... normal?! Like... I dunno, go join the Fighters Guild if you really wanna stab things!”
“No.” She slouched down, looking suddenly more tired than ever. “Look, maybe I’m fed up of being treated like the shit on everyone’s shoes, alright? Maybe I just... wanted a bit of respect for once.”
Fahjoth faltered, experiencing a flicker of sympathy for his twin. He knew that feeling all too well. “Beebs, you don’t need to become a murderer to be respected.”
“I was already a murderer,” Ribyna pointed out bluntly. Fahjoth felt a twist in his gut, memories from that horrendous day threatening to resurface in his mind. “At least this way I can get paid for it.” 
Fahjoth paused, struggling to find an argument and fighting to put into words exactly how he felt about Ribyna’s new career choice. Eventually, he heaved a sigh. “But... it can’t be safe. Look, you’re injured! I’m... I’m worried about you, Ribyna.” 
“Well, don’t be. Turns out I’m half-decent at killing people.” Naturally, Ribyna’s answer didn’t reassure Fahjoth in the slightest, but she ploughed on anyway with a change of subject. “Anyway, what about you? What have you been up to?” Now that she was evaluating Fahjoth properly, her eyes soon fell on the bloodstains that still blemished his clothes and armour. “Is that blood?!”
“Yeah... and this time, it is mine. Honestly, you won’t believe the day I’ve had, Beebs,” Fahjoth said, before he began to regale the whole story; meeting Huleeya, learning about the outlander killings, going to the Office of the Watch, venturing into the Underworks... 
By the time he had finished, Ribyna was staring at him with an incredulous look on her face. 
“Hang on,” she started, “you killed someone and you’re having a go at me for joining the Morag Tong? Hypocrite, much!”
“I— but— what?!” Fahjoth spluttered, affronted. “Th-that’s different! I’m not an assassin, I was stopping a serial killer—”
But he promptly shut his mouth once he noticed the wry grin curling at the corners of Ribyna’s lips. 
“I’m only messing,” she chortled, her smirk quickly becoming a proud smile. “Holy shit, that’s amazing, Fahji. Shame they didn’t pay you for it, mind.” 
“I don’t mind,” Fahjoth replied honestly, calming down again. “I’m just glad she can’t hurt anyone else.” He paused, feeling heat rising in his face as he prepared himself to confess to something. “Honestly for a little while, I was worried that the killer was gonna be you.”
Ribyna promptly cocked a brow. “You fucking donkey, why would I go around killing outlanders? I am an outlander!”
“I was just freaking out!” Fahjoth protested. “I was tired, and nervous, and you’d been acting proper shifty, and— well, I obviously wasn’t that far off, was I? Might not’ve been outlanders, but you were planning on killing people after all!”
Ribyna rolled her eyes, busying herself with removing her own armour. “Yeah yeah, alright, you’ve already said your piece. Come on, let’s get cleaned up and get some sleep. I’m absolutely wrecked.”
Though he still had plenty more to say on the matter, Fahjoth agreed, for both their sakes. He was looking forward to crashing just as much as Ribyna was, and once they had finished helping each other tend to their injuries and settled down for the night, Fahjoth was asleep almost as soon as his head had hit the pillows. 
tag list  @boulderfall-cave , @padomaicocean (lmk if you’d like to be added!)
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faelune-home · 4 years
FFXIV Write 2020 #8: Clamour
(A/N: Very nearly a bit late posting and submitting this entry - and actually it was right at 8pm my timezone that I did submit it, which is when the deadline is so idk if it counts :’D i tried, irl got me busy during the day, I wrote this in an hour. If it doesn’t count then oh well :’)
But i dicided to make this one about my other WoL Yuri, and her first time in Limsa. My standard for her as an au ra is that she tried to keep herself covered during ARR timeline, unused to Eorzea as she was, as well as knowing au ra weren’t common here. Plus she’s heard certain rumours about Ishgard >.>
So again, I wrote this in an hour and just made it to the deadline, maybe even didn’t make it in time, so I’m sorry if this is a bit quick and rough
Word count: 622
The hustle and bustle of Limsa Lominsa was not unlike Kugane’s ports. People walked to and fro, chatting eagerly with friends while shoppers bargained with market vendors. So busy were the streets that no one seemed to pay the new passengers fresh off the boat any mind.
Yuri’s eyes darted around, pulling her face mask tighter over her horns and scales and brushing her bangs, making sure they covered her forehead well. She was already nervous enough being in a land where auri folk were uncommon, if not completely unheard of, yet at least for now, she had blended in. She just needed to attune to the local aetheryte, find the arcanist’s guild, then she could spend the rest of the day settling in and finding her way around town. Brushing past the boat’s disembarked passengers - some few roegadyn men, a gaggle of giggling hyuran girls and a pair of similar looking elezen children - she made her way through the markets.
Stall after stall filled with weapons and armour and robes, and shopkeepers of all different appearances. Large stocky roegadyns carrying crates on their shoulders, broad hyurans skulking between each stall, and tiny miqo’te milling by the market boards, their fluffy tails swinging to and fro. A rat-like creature crossed Yuri’s path at one point, making her jump.
Her steps quickened, passing from one market to the next, spying the aetheryte in the next plaza over. The familiar rush of aether flooded over her as she attuned, finally settling her somewhat, as though grounding her more in the local area. It wasn’t much, but it was a start.
A word with the man dressed in yellow standing watch over the plaza redirected her back the way she’d come for the arcanists' guild, flustering the young woman. Did she miss some signage when she’d left the boat?
A ruckus had broken out near a food stand in the eastern-most stretch of markets. Two men, both hyuran though one was taller, with scars writ across both their faces and arms had started shouting at each other, pushing and pointing firmly, while one held a knife in his grip, albeit kept low at his side. The crowd kept their distance, people warily eyeing the pair.
“Lads there’s no need for this,” the vendor pleaded, trying to get between them, however a sudden lunge from the taller man sent the vendor stumbling into the other, who regained his footing and jumped, his fist bearing the knife now flying. Yuri rushed forward, bending down to see to the shopkeeper. A bruise on his temple, but he was fine. 
Anger burst through the auri woman, outweighing any fear or nerves, and she shot to her feet. “That is enough!” she shouted. The taller of the two had already been downed, holding a hand to his shoulder where blood gushed between his fingers. The smaller, rabid man spun on her, bloodied knife at the ready.
“What? You want to say somethin’?” he growled. Yuri stepped back, suddenly realising the situation, yet before she could decide to snap back or back down, he winced, and crumbled to the ground, a knife in his side. 
Behind him, as though having manifested out of nowhere, a miqo’te woman with red hair winked at Yuri and said, “Good try, love, but ye can leave ‘im to us.”
To Yuri’s surprise, the crowd almost seemed to relax, and a mumbling rippled through. “We can leave the thieves to handle this then.”
“The jackets’ll be on ‘em two shortly.”
Yuri put her head down, surprised at her own temper and how quickly she’d jumped into the fray, and she walked off quickly. Perhaps Limsa Lominsa was far more different from Kugane than she’d first thought.
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Part Two
Shios quirk. Fear Touch if she has skin to skin contact with someone she can make them see scary things causing them to be terrified. Their eyes get as big as hers abd a Grim Reaper can get inside their heads and lead them to their death.
The walk home was a little long plus a subway ride to the far end of the city. Shio sat down on the mostly empty subway with her bag on her lap, the tips of her shoes touching rubbing together thinking.
Did she waste her time in General Studies? What if she pushed herself to focus more, would she be in the Hero Course? Shio leaned back closing her eyes listening to the rails. Could she.. be a Hero? She already had a sketch of her costume; it was a corset piece with a special black robe tied around her neck that traveled down to her feet to hide her exposed skin. A small smile appeared on her face just thinking about it. Sometimes Shio could see her quirk in her head, a little dog with stitches all over it running around excited. He wasn't scary. None of the images were, at least not to her.
Her eyes shot open to see a man looking at her. “I think the last stop is next”
“Th..tha..” she got up running off the train as soon as it stopped, heaving hard.
“I almost fell asleep ..” Shio flipped her hair to one side and started her walk home.
Shio was greeted by her family's seven cats , all meowing loudly to show how happy they were to see her. Only one would let her pick them up though, it was a white cat with one green eye and one blue one. “Baby.. how are you?” She asked petting the cat. . “Mom and dad are not home yet..?” They always got home late..
Shio set the cat down on her desk and pulled off her uniform and leggings for some blue high waisted shorts and a t shirt with cats on them. She turned her laptop on to see that the MMO game was done installing. As soon as she clicked the icon Baby jumped onto her lap getting comfortable. Shio shifted to sit indian style to accommodate her and the cat.
The game was a MMO fantasy type with character creation and tons of quests and of course skins to buy or roll. She was just starting out and she the choice of Healer,Attacker, or Witch/Wizard. She chose Healer and a giant purple hat with a matching purple robe and curly black boots with big gold buckles on them , her hair was down to her back and black in one long braid. Since she chose Healer she started off a little far behind everyone else in her party. It was random till you reached level 15, then you could make a guild or join one. Everyone was nice to her in the chat but she did not say too much, she used the emotes more than anything.
It was a few hours later and she had only reached level 10 , Baby was still on her lap and her parents were home now. They peaked into her room and Shio said Hello, answered the endless questions till they were satisfied and left.
Most people in the party left, it was just her and one other person whose username was Dust. Their character was an Attacker in what looked like really rare gear; it was armour that had a shine to it with a gold crown on its head tilted to the side. They played together till about 9 at night. She even saved him a few times.
🧂No problem! Thank you for the exp help
🗡mhm. You did good , can I send you a request?
🧂sure heh.
🗡is that you?
🧂huh? Yeah , heh.
It was a medium circle above her profile that displayed her character info with a picture of her in it. Sitting criss cross with Baby on her lap sleeping.
🗡Hmm. Pretty
🧂o-oh uhm.. thank you!
Shio felt her heart jump in her chest
🗡Will you be on tomorrow?
🧂yes around 4 maybe.
🗡ah, okay then.
🧂ill catch you tomorrow!
🗡. Sure.
Shio clicked off the game and placed her hand over her chest, she leaned back trying not to giggle at the thought of making a friend .. but still.. it was nice.
Meanwhile, Shigaraki was still playing the game, pausing every now and then to look at her picture till he actually saved it.
Shio felt nice for the first time in a long time. Her heart all aflutter over meeting someone even if it was online. Now she had something to look forward to everyday besides leaving school. Shio cuddled her pillow in bed falling asleep with a dumb smile on her face.
In the morning she was woken up by her mother.
“Shio , honey.”
Shio rolled over , her hair falling in her face.
“Time for school”
“Uhnn..” she pulled herself up in bed on her arms giving her mother a tired/annoyed look. “Fine..”
It always took Shio a long time to get ready for school, everyday she was losing motivation to even show up. She was sitting on her floor in front of a mirror braiding her hair thinking about it. Could she even drop out? She rolled her eyes at the thought. As if her parents would allow that. ‘Find a nice Pro Hero at UA and settle down’ is what they would say. But that was easier said than done.
The subway ride was crowded this morning and Shio was forced to use one of the handles in the middle of the walk way. It was okay for the most part.
Shigaraki stepped onto the subway in all black taking a seat in the corner of the subway . Looking all around he spotted a purple haired girl who seemed to be leaning on her arm looking sad. Hm. A UA student? Was that her? He tilted his head watching her while pulling his burner phone out to look at the picture and then her a few times. Same hair, same eyes. It was her. Well his day just got interesting.
Shigaraki kept his eyes on her the whole ride , he was getting off at the same stop so why not. He had a little plan for UA…
Shio was still leaning on her arm looking at her phone scrolling the internet . Her search list consisted of:
Touch based quirks
Skin to skin quirks
How to control skin to skin quirks
Quirk Marrages
Her parents wouldint actually do that tonher right..? She was their daughter. Maybe Aizawa could help her with her quirk today. The subway screeched to a stop and Shio put her phone in her bag getting off the stop and making her way up the long hill to UA.
Shigaraki followed her close by watching her posture, her movements. That uniform was too big for her. The sleeves were too long . Was she in the Hero Course? What was her quirk? So many questions. He hung back when he noticed a group of kids all huddled together , they seemed to be waiting for someone.
Popular huh? Well look at you. He thought to himself tilting his head.
Shio walked past the group stepping into the UA grounds and Shigaraki clicked his teeth in annoyance. Okay maybe not. Well he would see you again soon enough. He pulled his burner phone out again , this time dialing Kurigiri. “Im here, be ready in a hour or so”
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sandwyrm · 5 years
TL;DR melancholic rant on why I took the writing in WoW so badly this year just to get it all out and finish my fucking five stages of grief spin routine.
Gonna read more it, it’s probably gonna end up super long and unedited really so don’t feel obligated to read lol
     I am one of those losers that has been with Warcraft for the whole 25 years. I watched the company grow from “check out this FULL GAME coming with this gaming magazine! it’s called Warcraft: Orcs and Humans!” to being the biggest MMO around and celebrating 25 years while the world is burning.      And when I was younger, it was perfect. It had everything. Nice gameplay, cool and funny voices, decent graphics for its time, cool models, and it started having a story too. Perf! 
     I never got along well with my brother, but by the gods the only fond memories I have of him are centered around Warcraft. Watching him play WC1. Him teaching me to play WC2. Me playing WC3. Him leaving our abusive home to hide out in internet cafes, and my parents sending me to look for him, and us just staying in there for hours, me watching him play WC3. Fond memories of us getting our two toaster computers hooked up for LAN to play WC over it.
     Then WoW came, and my brother first got us an US account - it was impossible to play cross-region back then, our lag was immense, in the thousand of ms on a good day. So then an EU account. First rolled on Sylvanas, one of the biggest servers back then, then on Twisting Nether. I would skip school just so I could play because my toaster wouldn’t run it, only my brother’s computer, so when he was at work I’d be skipping high school playing WoW (I did fine, don’t worry). I invested so much time into my vanilla account it’s surreal. I wouldn’t be shocked if I found out it has more /played than the rest of my life in the game.      I met my ex on TN. I still have my vanilla account and characters on EU TN. The relationship with my ex doesn’t matter, it was abusive, toxic, I was a dumb optimist that stayed in it, doesn’t matter. He tried to get me to stop playing WoW. I still remember many instances when he went off on me for seeing me online, it’s 5 years since I broke up with him and like 8 since I stopped playing WoW with him and my heart still skips a beat when I get a whisper or hear the guild member login sound. It was that bad. He sure did his best to make me play the game only with him, “because he didn’t trust me and I would cheat on him through the game” - guys, if any of you are in this boat, please please please, put your foot down or break up. Your interests should be sacred and respected, as should be your entire person. But I digress.
     Instead of breaking up, I went the mature route of buying a US license, and playing it while he was at work or I was visiting my parents. I rolled on a RP server for the first time ever, and it was probably the best decision of my life, so, gotta thank my abusive ex for that. I met many wonderful people, have many wonderful things on that account, and another 7 years of wonderful things on my EU account.
     Then, the community itself. I hate it. Believe me, I hate the playerbase and fanbase of WoW with a burning passion. But at the same time, I have met amazing, wonderful, intelligent, friendly people I love and respect and wish the best for (if you’re reading this you’re part of this, yes, don’t let your brain trick you into thinking you’re a horrible person lol).      This is another fun arc. I started in the cringe culture. OCs are lame, who makes OCs lol. Then I became, I make OCs and cringe culture can die. Same with characters, but it’s different there. Oh, so different.
     See, I began by loving the obvious characters - Thrall, Jaina, Sylvanas, Tyrande, Malf, the works. I didn’t even like Garrosh much as his arc was unfolding - between the thing with my ex, quitting Cataclysm, changing regions and restarting, I didn’t really have a chance to dwell into him fully. He became a villain and I was all yeah okay. Iguess.jpg. I even wanted him out of the story at his peak edgelord moments because I liked Anduin more obviously. WoD was something I did not process almost at all because I was high on a cocktail of pain meds and post-partum depression and sleep deprivation. Legion was pointless bullcrap in my eyes on the main story factor, and I sort of enjoyed BFA until the whole Saurfang sucks Sylvanas fucks deal in the writer dept and fandom.
     Deciding to finally read the novels I had missed out on, and reading War Crimes, was what propelled me into “hahahahahah these idiots actually acquitted Garrosh of crimes in this book? Are they for fucking real?” and actually realizing the entire arc was a complete mess, BFA is a mess, the writer dept is a mess, and suddenly, I had no footing to stand anymore. A spit in the face, and then it overlapped the Saurfang hErOiC sAcRiFiCe special edition. I sort of had a breakdown and I hid it behind “well Saurfang was hot lol now I don’t have my orc grandpa anymore” but it was deeper than that.
     See, when we get into a setting, we have this selfish expectation that it will grow with us. That it will mature with us. Keep up with us. That we will always enjoy this setting, definitely not as starry eyed as we did as children, but that it will always be good. ATLA is a great example. Dragonlance is still good. Star Wars may be hammy and have tons of issues now as an adult, but it’s still good.  But Warcraft was my lifeblood for 25 years.       And to know that not only it did not grow with me, but it regressed beyond belief, destroyed me in a strange sense. Kind of like losing a friend, a family member. They didn’t just kill Saurfang for me, the setting died with him as far as I’m concerned. Because he was the last bastion of what interested me in it. 
     I am that weirdo that loves, loves, war movies and books. I devour them. That was part of my downfall, and the writers and fanbase of WoW so often make it feel like it is, somehow, MY FAULT (just like Garrosh getting backstabbed repeatedly was his fault I guess?)       It feels like it’s my fault that I care about weird things like the Geneva Conventions, and the Paris Conventions, and so on and so forth. It feels like I’m the idiot for knowing basic military tactics and conventions. It feels like I’m the idiot for wanting WARcraft to, at all, even a little bit, bear any resemblance to real wars, to real military tactics, to genuine war stories with genuinely well written soldiers. In my folly and pride, I forgot it’s first and foremost, a fantasy setting, a simplistic one at that.
     It insulted me these guys can’t even google what consists a war crime. It insults me to my core these guys paint the ONE (1) character who goes all “hey maybe.... weird concept but..... maybe not kill kids, or torture prisoners, or kill unarmed soldiers and civilians. Maybe show COMPASSION”, that this guy had to go. It also insults me the only other character who listened to him - Garrosh, yes - was written as the setting’s biggest fucking villain to this day, and it needed some real fucking propaganda and twisting of the OBJECTIVE narrative to get that to pass, and yet it successfully passed by so many, including myself years ago as it unfolded. 
     At this point, it’s insulting to see the same themes - mentally unstable or hurt people deserve to suffer and die, there is no happiness because happiness and happy endings are for toddlers, we are just edgelords jacking off to our self inserts, world isn’t fair because real world isn’t fair anyway kiddo grow up, and what the fuck is honor even we just make it up no? Also objective facts and lore? Fuck that who cares lmao.
     Here’s the deal. 
     War stories NEED hope. I can handle watching a whole regimen be killed in brutal ways in war, because REAL war stories always leave you SOMETHING at the end that was worth the whole pain. In a REAL war story, perhaps Saurfang would have still committed suicide by proxy in front of everyone, but people around him would have actually then gone and maybe fucking went “you know what he was correct. Let’s write the Geneva Conventions.” In a REAL war story, it would have been handled so much better. And perhaps, in a REAL war story, he would have survived. With so much loss, so much pain, and yet - with HOPE. Hope, for HIMSELF, for the future. Not the generic bullshit hOpE they tried to write into him. yOu CaNt KiLL hOpE.......      Yes, you can.       You fucking can.      By killing off the last fucking character in the setting that cared about actual military honor (not just the buzzword it is in this fandom and setting), the last fucking character that cared about tomorrow, about fighting for a better world.      That’s how you kill hope.      And in my eyes, they did so damn well.
     Because I don’t want to sit around and be insulted for another 25 years that I’m the only idiot who expects tactics, honor, a good outcome, a hopeful ending. Because I have reached the point I hate being in this game only to hear sTrEnGtH aNd hOnOr when it literally means nothing. Because I reached a point I hate watching the double standards they apply to their precious babes while the minor characters get thrown under the bus for way less. Because I reached a point where the fandom trying to go all “but Alex, someone has to set a precedent for a war crime trial!” means jack shit when nobody ELSE has been tried for any war crimes AFTER Garrosh (which would’ve been PEACHY by the fucking way). Because I got to a point Blizzcon gave me goddamn anxiety every time someone IMed me to tell me an announcement, and I got to a point I blacklisted half the tags on tumblr because I walk in to read what my friends have been up to and some damn Discourse makes its way to my dash, only for me to find myself feeling stupid and in the wrong for liking Saurfang. Not even Garrosh, which I would admit is Problematic(tm) but goddamn Saurfang.       Leave it to this setting and fandom for making me feel stupid and idiotic and in the wrong for loving the goddamn war movie protagonist.
     And at the end of it all, after much debate, I don’t think I will quit the setting. Writers don’t care, about their lore, about their characters, about us. The other fans don’t care who they hurt with their edgy rhetoric, I sure as fuck didn’t when I was younger and dumber myself. I’m sure eventually the wound will close completely and I’ll dissociate again from the story and fanbase and enjoy the gameplay and my very wonderful friends. First step in that, just for me, is to not buy Shadowlands. The xpack after, perhaps, it depends. But just out of spite, I will be that one idiot who has a sub running but doesn’t give a +1 sale on Shadowlands. Just for myself.
     Second step...? Who knows.... Who the hell knows what tomorrow will bring... This has indeed hurt worse than anything in my life. I have been going through the stages of grief - jokingly or seriously - since 8.2.5 now (and a whole load of 5 months of pure anger before that processing Garrosh’s arc from an objective standpoint). I cried more over the death of Saurfang (and the setting) than over my ex of 10 years leaving me as a single mom, or over all my other relationships combined. I’m not ashamed to admit that even if it’s cRiNgY. Like I said, it wasn’t just the death of one fictional character, but the death of a setting I loved and grew up with. The final acceptance that there is nothing left for me in the setting that shaped my interests, art, writing, and all that. That my interests have gone too far in other directions - optimism, actual war stories, good stories, being a mature individual, acknowledging mentally ill or divergent characters and not making excuses for author darlings. It’s a weird thing... Like the final acceptance that I have lost what could qualify as a dear friend or family member. While they are still alive and interacting with me daily. Like a breakup. But way worse.      It is a pain I wish on noone honestly.      But I do hope against hope, like an idiot, that other settings, other writers, future generations of writers, will do better. I know they won’t. But I’ll take my sliver of hope.
     And if you read this far, I do genuinely hope the game - this game, any other interests - will keep bringing joy to you. And also, help yourself to a cookie. Thanks <3 I wish you a good day/weekend.
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gaymirajane · 5 years
the lion’s mark
Happy Valentines Day @jinx13gxa2!! 
It’s so funny to me that I got you for the exchange, and I do sincerely hope that you enjoy this, as well as the dumb little edits I’ve added at the bottom. I love you, sweetheart, and I hope this does not disappoint!
Also thanks to @gaysquaredwrites for being my beautiful beta <3
It was cold inside, which was not unusual, and yet both boys were curled by the fire, shirtless, inspecting each other’s bare torsos.
“Mine is way more impressive than yours!”  Lyon smirked, and Gray smacked him in the arm, irritated. Still, his azure eyes were wide, and full of awe; he had never seen anything as beautiful as the tattoo on Lyon’s pectoral before.
The lion head was a mere outline, and yet it sat poised, majestic, in deep golden swirls across Lyon’s body. He had a tattoo too, of course, but the black Chinese dragon that curled around Gray’s forearm was more simplistic, less memorable.
These markings were all they had been able to talk about since Ur had explained their origins, sitting them down and talking in smooth, hushed tones. It was rare that all three of them were calm and together, but Gray’s pain had made him insensitive, and he had mocked Lyon’s lack of knowledge on the subject matter.
“You don’t even know what your tattoo is?” Gray had sneered, and Lyon blushed furiously, indignant that the younger boy could know something so fundamental to their society, and yet he did not. Growing up on the streets had not been kind to Lyon, and he had had nobody to speak to, or explain these matters to him. The peculiar lion’s head was a mystery to him growing up; but when Ur took in the two orphans, she was agreeing to take care of them mentally, as well as physically.
Ur stretched her limbs, threw some more kindle on the fire, and smiled gently at the two boys. They leaned forward, eagerly, and she rested a hand on both of their cheeks. She had never been more of a mother to them than in that moment, sitting there and explaining an ancient magic to her two adopted children. Gray had heard this story from his parents, but still he sat there tentatively, his penance for being rude to Lyon earlier. He had never had a brother before, and it took some getting used to. It wasn’t a bad feeling to him, though; far from it.
“Back before our time, when dragons still roamed free, there was a great wizard who had a large family of daughters. Each of these daughters had their own personalities, their own pain and heartache, and he wanted to protect them. The thing was, the wizard was old and did not know how much time he had left on this world. So he did all he could do; he enchanted his family to always be able to tell when they met their soulmate, so that they would never be hurt by somebody who was wasting their time. To do this, he gave them markings that were symbolic of their loves, and as they married and had children, families grew and spread, and so did the wizard’s magic; not long after, generation after generation were experiencing the magic marks, and it just became our norm.”
Rolling up her sleeve, Ur exposed her own mark, a series of deep blue swirls covering the pale expanse of her wrist. The boys had seen it during training, of course, but had never thought to ask. Ur smiled at it, like she was seeing something that was not there; or rather, someone. Her thumb ran across the mark, and there was a redness to her cheeks that made her seem younger than her years, somehow vulnerable.
“I lost my love when she was still young. This was before Ultear was born, of course. They always say that the greatest pain a person can know, but…”
The sentence hung in the air, heavy and unfinished. Lyon looked down at his hands, and Gray sniffed loudly. Both boys knew how it ended:
But it does not compare to the pain of losing a child.
Standing abruptly, Ur cleared her throat, hands on hips as she stared down at her two disciples.
“Right! Who’s for hot chocolate?”
Both boys grinned, jumping up and racing to the kitchen, and Ur watched them go, grateful that they could not see the single, lone tear that slipped down her cheek.
She took one last glance at her mark before she pulled down her sleeve and followed the boys into the kitchen, relieved that they were discussing everything from species of lizard to if they could lick their elbows, the weight of the previous conversation already forgotten in their young minds.
Magnolia baked in the heat of the summer, and the wizards of Fairy Tail felt it more than most. Gray was naked by midday, threatening to peel off his skin just to be rid of the suffocating warmth, and Lucy was pressed against the bar, where Mirajane had set up a fan to rotate around the guil, allowing short breaks of respite.
“Someone… put potatoes on me, I’m cooking, I swear it,” Lucy groaned, and Mirajane laughed at her, but it lacked energy, and the barmaid soon slumped against the wall in defeat.
“Well, you lot are certainly lively today,” Loke grinned, and Lucy barely managed to lift an eyebrow at his sudden appearance.
“You’d better not be using my magic to come here,” She muttered, and Loke slid into the next to her, laughing. The small breeze his movements created were bliss, and Lucy sighed happily.
“Your concern is touching as always, Princess, but I’m using my own magic to be here and see my guildmates.”
“Are you even a member of Fairy Tail anymore?” Lucy rolled her eyes at him, and he stared at her. There was a hardness to him then that contrasted his usual bravado, and it was enough to have Lucy sitting up, giving him her full attention.
Loke removed his jacket, loosened his tie, and began to unbutton his dress shirt, much to Lucy’s ardent protests.
“Why are you doing a Gray, Loke?” Cana questioned, taking a swig from her barrel. Gray protested this, but nobody had the heart to point out that, as nude as he was, he did not have a leg to stand on.
Soon enough Loke had lost his shirt, and before Lucy had a chance to admire his impressive chest, he turned so that his back was facing her. In the middle of his back was a lime-green guild symbol. But that was not what grabbed Lucy’s attention; on his forearm was the outline of a snowflake, and Lucy almost fell from her stool in her haste to stand, to touch the marking.
“You have a match mark? I thought spirits were immune to that, not being human and all!” Her eyes were wide, and it was the most animated she had been all day. Sweat beaded on her forehead, slipped down her neck, and she fell back onto her seat.
Loke shrugged. “I guess because of the amount of time I spent in the human world, I became the exception? We’re not sure on that front, but I definitely have one. Mine’s a snowflake, Princess. What’s yours?”
She blushed, and Mirajane chuckled behind her hand.
“Um... it doesn’t matter. Forget I asked.”
Lucy crossed her arm over her chest in discomfort, knowing the tarot card that covered the majority of her left breast: the Lovers. Two women stood in front of the ocean. Mirajane had seen it, had commented on how it matched Juvia’s, only instead of the ocean, Juvia’s lovers were stood in front of the moon. It was reminiscent of Cana’s mark; the moon pulling the tide, and the meaning was clear. That did not mean that Lucy was ready to accept it.
Idly, Lucy wondered about Loke’s mark. The obvious link was to Gray, but Gray had found his dragon in Natsu; Loke was a lion, so it did not match. She did not ponder it any longer, the heat and the questions causing a headache to form in the front of her skull.
The guild went back to melting in peace, Loke tried to pick a fight with Gray, and the conversation was forgotten.
Lyon, no longer fearing his mark, pushed it to the back of his mind. Life passed, simultaneously over and underwhelming to him, and the next ten years were a blur of poorly suppressed emotions and guilt. Ur’s death, Galuna Island, Zeref, Deliora; he was ashamed of his heritage, but it was all he had.
Life improved, of course, once he joined Lamia Scale. The guild became his family, and he could keep track of Gray without actually having to speak to him. In many ways, it was perfect. Everything he had ever wanted, besides surpassing Ur, was coming true, and whether Lyon felt that he deserved it or not was irrelevant; this was his reality, and he was determined to live for it.
“The Masters have decided to combat the threat of the Barram Alliance once and for all, starting with the most prominent threat, the Oracion Seis. I’m sending Lyon, Sherry, and Jura. If you brats fail, I’ll spin you!”
The old woman was eccentric and tiresome, but in a warm way; like a great aunt that, no matter how she yelled, there was a fondness for. Lyon felt it then, in the trust that she was placing in him and Sherry despite their respective pasts. A second chance was something that Lyon was grateful for, something he had found within the guild, and he knew that Fairy Tail would be participating in this battle. With any luck, he would be able to fight alongside Gray again, prove to his brother that he had changed; that things between them could improve.
He got his wish.
The Oracion Seis were formidable; nothing like Lyon had encountered before; their resources alone were enough to terrify him. Gray flanked him on one side, Lucy and Sherry on the other. The women bickered, and Lyon wanted to point out that the midst of battle was hardly the time nor place for such pettiness, but he and Gray had been the same, had lost their shirts in the heat of their argument. Fighting with Gray, their match marks exposed, creating ice in beautiful, magical sculptures, made Lyon feel like a child again; as though none of the pain and suffering and tears had ever happened at all. But there were scars along the left side of Gray’s body that told a different story, and Lyon swallowed his guilt down at seeing the after-effects of Gray’s failed Iced Shell.
They were surrounded by lesser magic guilds, mere lackies; but their numbers were incredible, and even weak, they were slowing the group of wizards down.
“We need to reduce their numbers, and quickly!” Lyon yelled, sending an ice eagle flying through the crowd, picking up and dropping criminals onto one another.
Sherry animated the trees around them, Gray made shields and geysers, blocking attacks and separating the group of evil wizards; and Lucy stood grasping her keys. She found the one that she desired, and smirked to herself.
“Open, gate of the lion: Loke!”
Light exploded from Lucy’s hand, bright and golden and a familiar, a hue that Lyon had seen every day of his life. His step faltered, eyes darting to the tattoo on his chest, a bust of a lion.
Open, gate of the lion.
A man appeared, smartly dressed, grinning like a cat.
“Always a pleasure to serve you, Princess.”
He turned, and his gaze caught Lyon’s; they both halted. The man was beautiful, with a mane of ginger hair and sharp, shining teeth. He had two sets of ears, which was odd; but Lyon found that he did not mind. It added to the feline sense of lithe strength, and Lyon was surprised with the urge that passed over him, to touch those lean muscles and that soft hair.
An enemy ran at him, and with one hand he produced an ice panther that leapt on him, taking him down with ease.
“You’re an ice wizard?” The celestial spirit yelped, and Lyon nodded slowly, quizzical.
In a second the man had stripped, his muscles defined and pale and so close that if Lyon just reached out--
But then he turned to the side, and his match mark became apparent. A snowflake, indigo, the same shade as Lyon’s guild mark, and Lucy let out a nervous laugh.
“No way…”
Gray noticed next, and the horror that darkened his features was fitting for the middle of battle, but maybe not this situation.
“My brother and my best mate? No fucking way.”
“Lyon-sama…” Sherry blushed, eyes wide, and Lyon cleared his throat.
His heart was racing, heat crawled over his skin; but there was a mission to do, a job to complete. Being a guild wizard meant putting yourself second, and his personal life came long after protecting Cait Shelter; still, if Lyon’s destined match was a celestial spirit, that brought more questions to mind than he had time to answer. There was no doubting it; he had to survive this battle to get to know the man with a lion’s mane, and take the next tentative steps towards his future, whatever that may be.
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booksandtea · 6 years
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Author Interview | Rhiannon Frater For the month of October I’m hosting Spooks and Tea where we aim to consume as much horror, or spooky, books as possible.
I also wanted to do something a little different and fun this year so I reached out to a few authors to see if any would be interested in taking part, most of them agreed to do a Q&A with the Book Club! I have never felt more blessed.
If you’re a member of Books and Tea you’ll have been given the chance to ask these authors questions, as well as getting to see their answers early.
It is now time for me to share the second one which is the amazing Rhiannon Frater! I was introduced to her work in my early blogging years and I think she’s a staple to the horror world tbh, and I love the fact she’ll sell personalised signed copies of her work on her etsy which makes us international bookworms very happy! Keep reading to see what we asked her.
Rhiannon Frater
Rhiannon Frater is the award-winning author of the As the World Dies zombie trilogy (Tor) as well as independent works such as The Last Bastion of the Living (declared the #1 Zombie Release of 2012 by Explorations Fantasy Blog and the #1 Zombie Novel of the Decade by B&N Book Blog).
She was born and raised in Texas where she currently resides with her husband and furry children (a.k.a pets).
She loves scary movies, sci-fi and horror shows, playing video games, cooking, dyeing her hair weird colors, and shopping for Betsey Johnson purses and shoes.
Find her at: Instagram | Twitter | GoodReads | Website | Pinterest
What are your hopes for Z Nation season 5? (I picked this series back up thanks to you and I screamed about it so much a few of my friends did too!) I’m thrilled you started watching because of me! SHARE THE ZOMBIE LOVE!
To answer your question, I would love to see the return of all our missing favs: Sun Mei, Red, 5k, and Addy. It looks like I’m getting my wish! Of course, Karl Schaeffer, the showrunner, has to evilly tease us by saying (paraphrasing) “They’re back, but how long until they die!” He loves his hashtag #donttrustznation.
I would also LOVE it if the show was able to book Steven Yuen or Chandler Riggs. The showrunners promised the actors they won’t kill them if they guest star.
Which character from Z Nation would you most want to be watching your back in a Zombie Apocalypse? Roberta Warren. She’s an amazing leader and I would follow her to the ends of the earth.
In a typical horror movie setting, how long do you see yourself surviving? I’m not certain what typical is anymore. If it’s World War Z, I’m toast instantly. I do know how to shoot and I drive like a stunt driver (so I’m told), so I could probably last a reasonable amount of time against a regular monster if I have a gun and fast car. If I don’t have those things, I’m probably dead meat.
What horror monsters could you see yourself beating a fight? Traditional vampires. I know better than to invite them into my house. I win automatically.
Which horror monsters do you fear the most? Slasher monsters like Jason and Freddie. I don’t watch slashers at all.
If you could write a horror book with any author, living or dead, who would you pick and why? Jane Austen. It would be so subversive and fun.
What media influenced you the most? (i.e movies, tv shows, books) I love books. I always have. But when it comes to my love of horror, definitely films. I follow in my grandfather’s love of the horror film genre.
What video games do you find yourself returning ot the most, and what aspect do you find most important? (For me its definitely character customisation, but also the ability to reload should I make the wrong decision) I play Guild Wars 2 religiously. Every damn day. I love it so much. The setting is just so imaginative and fun. Plus, I love the “fashion wars” aspect of the game, too. I’m a big fan of Fallout New Vegas and Mass Effect, too. I enjoy games that allow me to play women who kick ass.
What was your first main struggle on becoming a writer? The main struggle was figuring out how to get published. In 2008, my husband approached me with the idea of self-publishing. We self-published As The World Dies and it was later picked up by Tor. It was very rewarding to take things into my own hands and have the end result be a traditional publishing contract with a genre powerhouse like Tor.
You’re currently writing two serials on two different platforms (Patreon and Radish), what has your experience been like with these? It’s fun, but can be mentally exhausting when I have to keep switching back and forth between very different stories. I’ve grown as a writer by doing the serials, so I’m glad I’m doing them.
Can you tell new readers a bit more about your serials? The serial on Patreon was revised and published as The Unblessed Dead and The Accused Dead. It’s now a new post-apocalyptic book series. It’s origin was actually a short story called The Necromancer (you can read it here for free) originally published in Zombie Tales From Dead Worlds.
The Radish serial, The Impaled Bride, is a sequel/prequel to The Vampire Bride Dark Rebirth trilogy. By the time I’m done, it will be a whole new trilogy that I will most likely self-publish.
If you could be in any of your characters shoes, which would it by any why? That’s tough because all my characters are in really difficult situations and dealing with stuff I definitely don’t want to deal with. I think I’ll have to take a pass on this question!
Why Zombies, Vampires, and Necromancers of all creatures? What makes them so unique and compelling that you write about them? Well, zombies always make a great background for a post-apocalyptic tale. Their constant threat and the dread that comes with it really adds to any tale of survival. I have always loved vampires thanks to Bela Lugosi and Hammer Films. Necromancers are intriguing because they bridge the gap between the living and dead. They add a new dynamic to any story because of their abilities. I love all monsters, of course. I just haven’t written about all of them yet.
Oh and lastly this is more just for me than anything, I think you’re still blonde with a bit of very light pink? How difficult has it been for you to not return to a more intense bright colour? Im currently in the same position but a bit of very light blue and I feel like I lost a bit of me in this change. I’ve wanted to do rose gold for a while. It’s a very hard color to maintain. I’m trying to figure out how to make it work at least for a few more months before I switch it out again. The platinum blonde look before the rose gold has been tough to keep up, too, but it’s been fun to experiment.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, I had so much fun talking to Rhiannon and I’m super excited to dive back into Z Nation and seeing her tweets about it weekly! I have her As She Dies trilogy on my TBR for this month so *fingers crossed* I have time for that with all the travelling I have coming up.
Thank you so much for reading this! What did you think about Rhiannon’s answers?
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Spooky Q+A: @RhiannonFrater #blogoween #BooksandTeaBC Author Interview | Rhiannon Frater For the month of October I'm hosting Spooks and Tea where we aim to consume as much horror, or spooky, books as possible.
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evenaworm-moved · 6 years
literally a summary of my entire campaign (or all i can be bothered to write right now)
@ghostofghostspast so you wanted to hear about my campaign
warning for a bunch of rambling, plot holes, and in general a big unstructured mess as this story is still very early in development and i havent quite figured out how everything goes together yet (and multiple people dont even have names) s o
also theres like. a lot there. i typed a lot. its basically the entire plot of the whole campaign which is: a lot. like i keep going back to update this part as i get further in writing it and im at 2k words right now- yeah okay back here after finishing (for today) and we got 3k+ words down here.
also, warning for gory and gruesome stuffs!
here we go!
the story and first arc, in a very original decision, starts out in a bar with the party members. the bar has a stage with a microphone at one side, and after a little while, a halfling women wearing a long black dress and an intricate heart locket steps up. also, killer heels. 
rather than singing, she pulls out a violin and begins to play. its.. gorgeous music, shes incredibly talented, and with every string her bow crosses over it just feels like you're getting pulled into a universe this song is creating. its almost... enchanting.
surprise you fuckers shes a bard and shes casting (a modified for plot purposes and kind of op version of) sleep. the players will get to make a constitution saving throw, to see if they get to stay awake or not. regardless of what happens to them, the entire rest of the bar falls asleep.
if they manage to stay awake, they can interact with her- enter initiative or talk or whatever, i dont know who these players will be and they could very well do something bizarre and unexpected. she’s going to attempt to rob the bar while the people sleep- if all three members of the party fail their saving throws then they’ll just sleep and awake to find the entire bar groggily rising and most of the money in the room  gone, along with the mysterious violinist.
throughout all of this the woman hadn’t said a word. if they stay awake and say catch her, and get into some sort of conversation, she will talk- but only telepathically.
no matter what happens, she will escape before the rest of the bar wakes up (unless the party pulls some really wild shit). depending on what happens the party may even end up leaving with her- if they don’t, the bar owner will ask them to track her down, as she just stole basically all the valuables in this bar she could get her hands on in the few minutes everyone was asleep.
one way or another they’ll find her- playing violin at a sort of.. community of thieves, having a get together. like a big potluck almost with a bunch of theives from different guilds and groups hanging out. getting there will involve fun side quests and fights, with more or less two slightly different routes: they’ll either be travelling alongside the bard (who’s name is Lealynn, for the record), or travelling alone, attempting to track her down to take her back to the bar and probably get paid.
once they’re at the gathering, they’ll meet a few different npcs- zaaki, a young dwarf boy looking for his dads. plural- there are seven of them and none of them are actually his dad he was just kind of adopted by all of them at once when he joined their guild of sorts at a very young age. or, more he was just taken in, as they all found him abandoned when he was like, 2. with some weird mishaps, they discovered zaaki to be a very powerful sorcerer that just needed some training. however, after several years bad things(tm) happened and zaaki has found himself seperated from all of them. zaaki and lealynn are the only ones here that have prominent roles, but they can talk to/possibly fight depending on what happens other minor people.
preferably they will not just attempt to fight everyone but also they might. if they have gotten here with lealynn, there most likely wont be any fighting at all, unless they just fuck shit up. lealynn will introduce them to the people around, and then probably leave them with zaaki to go play her violin for the rest of the people gathered here (normal music this time, no more disguised spells). if they came here on their own, lealynn will already be playing and they’ll have to figure out how to get in by theirselves. stuff’ll happen! i really cant tell what these currently nonexistent players will end up doing, but i will be making sure they dont fuckin kill off zaaki and lealynn, because we need those two for the plot gosh darn it. another possible way of them meeting zaaki would be, once they’re in, him just going up to them with a poster with seven dudes on it and going “hello have you seen my dads?”
eventually things will happen (wow!) and they'll discover that lealynn doesnt usually steal, as shes actually a very successful violinist and typically makes plenty enough money to keep herself living fine. however, one day she had met zaaki (whos like 8 at present time) and discovered his situation. his current next step in trying to find his dads was to go to a very popular arena, a place some of his dads used to like and go see fights at. the issue was zaaki only knows simple pit pocketing, and tickets are very expensive. lealynn agreed to help him get the money he needs so the two of them could go search for his dads there. lealynn explains all of this to the party members, with zaaki helping at some parts. Lea then asks if they’d be willing to help- they could definitely use the assistance in finding this poor boys dads, and she now does have enough money to get all of them in.
if my players dont say yes then well there goes the plot I GUESS. but with this the first arc ends. yay.
on to arc two! if youre still reading this then holy fucking shit you just read like 1k words of me messily explaining the start of the story and basically everything else is going to be the same sort of mess except possibly even messier
the party (now with lea and zaaki included) goes on more fun adventuring to get to the arena, which is in a somewhat discreet location as it might be slightly illegal? getting there is a little tough, but also on the way they’ll have some cool puzzles and battles as they check a few different places for zaaki’s dads. once they do get there they're actually sold out :^) also, amidst the time it takes to get there, they may get to find out some of lea’s story- if not, it will come up at other times, but to explain it in a simplified way: 4 or 5 years ago (shes currently 21) she had a girlfriend that she dated for like, 2 years. but stuff just stopped working out, as they do, and eventually she broke up with this girl. this totally wrecked the girl emotionally wise, and she threw quite a.. fit. she was a very powerful witch: and, placing a curse on the locket that she had previously given to lea as a gift, she took away lea’s ability to speak. Lea actually used to be a rather successful singer before this incident, and her salty ex was hoping to ruin her career by stealing her voice. it.. backfired on her, as lea adapted and became even more successful as an instrumental violinist. however, she still has no voice. the curse placed on her appears to reside inside the locket, but as much as shes tried, she cant remove the necklace or destroy it. after the fiasco that the breakup was, her now ex girlfriend vanished, and she hasn’t seen her since. lea still wants her voice back, and has spent her free time attempting to track down this ex of hers.
back to the present situation of sold out tickets:
there are several solutions to this puzzle! there are various ways for them to sneak in, or a mini quest where they can buy tickets from a secondhand source, or whatever creative stuff the party comes up with. eventually, they'll end up in the arena!
this arena is a place where gladiators fight each other to the death.  its obviously brutal and not for the faint of heart (zaaki’s poor little baby heart does not take well to this show). fighting tonight is a weirdly young elf girl, who’s only 12 years old. but she’s a fucking champion, and the crowd loves her. apparently she’s been fighting two or three years, as the party may be able to figure out by asking around (the party will also be asking around to see if they can find any clues on the location of zaaki’s parents, which may or may not be succesful depending on who they ask). this kid is named Flip, (im sorry i cant take any of my own characters seriously,) and currently she has a +6 in dex but this is just her at level 1 and she’s gonna be a few more levels up. shes extremely talented at what she does, her entire aesthetic is flowers but also: violently killing people with her big ol’ daisy covered mace. she does wild acrobatics and makes a bunch of one liner puns, all related to flowers. 
after a little bit while the show finishes, with flip beating two different opponents this night, and claiming a prize as usual. i plan on throwing in a spot in here where the players can actually choose to interrupt the fight, if say, their characters find this little girl fighting big, buff grizzly dudes too immoral. they can get theirselves wrapped up in a fight in the arena if they do this- but they can also just sit back and watch and flip will win because shes more than capable of it, the players just may not know this. it’ll definitely be fun to see what happens!
if they interrupt the fight there will probably be a few annoyed members of security, as well as an annoyed Flip. ur actions have consequences! i cant say for certain what all will happen here, but my intention is for them to be able to have a one on one conversation with flip later on in the evening (if they dont end up talking to her in whatever bizarre path they make, they can meet her at an autograph session after the show). they can talk to flip about whatever they want, maybe ask if she knows anything about the whereabouts for zaaki’s parents, or figure out why she’s 12 and a gladiator.
one thing they’ll also discover once getting near her is a necklace she’s wearing, that appears to be half of a metal flower. on a successful investigation roll,  there are more details they can discover: the flat side of the flower half has little notches in it, as though it has a matching half on another necklace that would fit into place with it. the words “little sis” are very carefully etched into the metal.
after talking for a bit, something... weird, happens.
Flip’s necklace begins to float, and suddenly the lightbulbs shatter and candles go out- its pitch black, and all you can see is this necklace floating in the air as it begins to glow. a disembodied, somewhat distorted, young womans voice rings out:
“Whats up motherfuckers.”
 the lights suddenly turn back on, the necklace goes back to normal, and the party will find Flip on her knees, gasping for air. a fresh cut is across her nose, one that will most likely leave a scar. security comes in, hearing the ruckus, but flip ushers them to leave. its safe to assume my players are going to be like “hey what the fuck just happened”
flip is going to explain, but only somewhat. she’ll talk about how, recently, she’s had issues with a sort of “haunting” as she describes it. she says that truthfully, she’s killed so many people, it could easily be any one of them, and that she has no idea which one it was or how to stop them.  This is a lie; Flip has a very good idea of who it might be, but she doesn’t plan on admitting it any time soon (or maybe she will idk what shit my players will get up to in these conversations)
(god ive been typing for like three hours i may have to go to bed before i can finish. whoevers still reading high five)
Lea will bring up that it seems she might need help; Flip will initially turn this down, and i cant really say where the conversation will sprout from there due to the fact it depends on my nonexistent players. the end goal will be for Flip to agree to group up with the rest of them; they all have something they’re looking for, and maybe if they all help each other eventually they’ll all fix their problems together. Flip should agree to meet back up with them tomorrow morning, and the rest of the party will go to an inn and sleep.
the next morning is probably where i insert a chance for the players to level up and go shopping for some items. its also the part where i give up at separating this story into arcs! i’ll figure that shit out Later
fuckin umm.. its late so my storytelling will probably begin gradually devolving. 
the next day our heroes will meet back up and discuss. Flip mentions that they may have most luck figuring things out with her haunting if they go to the arenas base of operations. the arena is somewhat part of a chain, all run by one person. he doesnt have a name yet but i’ve been calling him “mr. bitch business boy”. for now i’ll just call him mr. b. the party will travel to this place. However, Zaaki stays behind; he’s a little boy and doesn’t want to get super involved with all of this killing stuff! The other NPCs (and hopefully the players) agree to keep an eye out for information on his dads. its a large, sleek collection of buildings surrounded by a high tech gate and a bunch of people guarding it. 
for something kind of illegal, they’ve got a lot of big stuff going on.
there are three main areas they can check out: one, on the left, the smallest building. it has no windows and only two heavy metal doors. in the middle, you have the largest building,several stories, which does have some windows and looks kind of like.. a combination between a big fancy hotel and a business building, but also super like ~modern~ and stuff. it has a fountain in front. And lastly, on the right, is the second biggest building out of the three, but still considerably smaller than the middle one. while it is large, its still only one story. Flip can inform the party that the middle one is where the boss, mr. b, resides.
its the players choices where they check out first. but first, before any of that is seen actually, they have to get past security at the gate- this can either be done via initiative or via something else, up to them!
in the building on the right, they find a long, wide hall filled with seats and benches, and.. people. a lot of people, some holding papers, others holding weapons, and all looking like they’re both ready for a fight and a job interview. at the end of the hallway is another room, with a door and a big glass window  looking out at the rest of the hall. every once in awhile, a dragonborn man at the desk will call out “next” and someone will rise from the seats. Flip seems confused by this area, and Lea just seems weirded out by the entire business in general.
upon entrance, a few people will gasp at seeing Flip, and she’ll wave a bit to them. But one half-orc woman (un-named currently but also i love her) will run right up, going “oh my gosh, you’re flip, right?! i love all of your performances!” and the party will engage in a conversation with her. assuming that people ask questions, they can get a few answers. She’ll explain that this is where people apply to become a fighter for the arena, and it’s always been a dream of hers (what a weird dream man) to become a fighter in this organization. Flip is a little confused, as she didn’t go through any of this when she joined; but the half-orc says that sometimes there are definitely special cases where people are just found. if anyone mentions zaaki’s dads, she actually will know some things about them. she’ll explain that she was good friends with them, and when zaaki was really little and the dads were just getting the hang of raising a kid, she would sometimes babysit. however, she then gets a little sad, mentioning that she actually hasnt heard anything from them in a year. she doesn’t know where they are, but they’re probably not here. eventually she gets called up to go talk to the dragonborn behind the desk, and she bids you all farewell cheerfully and goes off for a.. sort of job interview, i guess.
there are a few other things people can check out here, but nothing i’ll bother mentioning here.
if they try to go to the tiniest room on the left, they’ll have to fight more security (no talking your way out of this one). inside they find a small hallway, some closets, and an elevator at the end that they just cant gosh hecking get open! meaning its puzzle time but i havent come up with a puzzle yet but THERS A PUZZLE and they solve it cool. once inside the elevator, they just see rows upon rows of buttons, starting at ground level (1) and then going down, down, down.
at any level they choose, they will just find large collections of rotting corpses, getting newer the deeper down they go. this horrifies flip, and if the players choose to view multiple floors, flip will stay in the small hall outside. Lea remains with the players, but extremely solemn. there are two special floors in this collection. there are 31 floors. at the 31st floor, they will find the most recent dumped bodies; and one of them is actually still just a little alive (but in a horrible, horrible state). It’s a tiefling man, and with a hoarse voice he will usher the players over. he does not ask for help, merely asks them to not forget about him. he tells them his name and his story in hopes that someone won’t forget he existed. if it occurs to the players, they can actually heal and help him escape this terrible mass graveyard. this will result in an advantage for them later on, and also just make them like fucking feel better about themselves y’know.
the other thing that they can find is on an undecided as of now floor, but will probably be a random number, as to make it less likely for them to end up at it. because what they will find is, well a bunch more dead bodies, but with a successful perception check they will notice one young woman's corpse that is wearing a necklace. this necklace has half a flower on it- and matches Flips. most of it is a bit rusted and dirty, making it hard to read, but you can more or less make out “Big sis” etched out into the metal. its the players choice whether they bring this up to flip once back outside with her.
Once grouped back up, Flip suggests they go and talk to Mr. B (if they havent gone in that building already). for once, security lets them in the building. inside is a rather extravagant sort of lobby, with two staircases on either side, and a semi-circle desk in the area between them. a dark elf woman with glasses sits their, seeming to be checking off things in a book. the players can go approach the woman, and ask to see mr. b
and i am not at all done (still have like, half a story and half the main npcs to introduce) but this is over 3k words and it is 12 am so i will stop for now, and continue in a new post tomorrow! 
if anybody has name suggestions for the bar owner at the beginning, the half orc lady, or the dark elf-- just lemme know i have so many npcs to name and not enough creativity. also, if you read all of this, just.. holy shit. gimme ur thoughts! 
also i am open for suggestions to name the campaign
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misty-reeyus · 7 years
watching vesperia play through* ive always the part where judith gets mad at estelle for changing her mind and dragging them around because while i understand why she would be annoyed by this, right now estelle is their client so even if its annoying going where estelle wants to go is their job. (Yuri even says later in the game when shes iffy about using their help "estelle youre Brave Vesperias client, if you tell us to go somewhere we'll go there. If you tell us to go get Pharaoh (part 1)
(Part 2) And bring him back here, we’ll do it" so that part with judith has always seemed rude and unnecessary to me. i was wondering your thoughts on the matter.
sorry if im playing a bit out of your tune anon but a couple things i wanna note:
i honestly don’t believe that judy is out of line when she calls estelle out on this. consider the context of the times she calls estelle out: once when estelle wants to go running after cumore, and again when estelle wants to go give the clear ciel crystal back to its rightful owner. the original contract job was to bodyguard and escort estelle through the desert to find phaeroh. that’s it. the agreement wasn’t for the guild to heed her every whim. especially whims that can be seen to be not really the best ideas when one steps back and actually looks at the big picture.
in the first place too, just blindly doing whatever the client asks of you just because they’re paying you money even if you think they might be making a mistake seems. a little disconcerting as a policy to me tbh.
i feel like the game is making a point here: that as genuinely kindhearted as estelle is, she’s still been extremely privileged all her life. she’s used to ordering people around and getting what she wants, she’s a princess for god’s sake. she’s used to having servants who will cater to her every whim. that’s not what brave vesperia is, who these people are. these people aren’t going to treat her like a princess, they’re going to treat her like a person, and that includes calling her out whenever she might be doing something foolish. estelle realizes it too, once it’s pointed out to her—that she’s being selfish, and not entirely thinking about the bigger picture, and so she acknowledges it and tries to correct it.
also just. consider where judith herself is coming from on this. her job was to kill estelle. from the very beginning her mission was to destroy anything that used up a lot of aer—at first thought to only be hermes blastia, until judy realized that this time it was a person, and that made her hesitate. she’s not ready to commit murder, that’s a line she’s not willing to cross just yet, and rn, judy is having to deal with that fact. part of her might want to find any flaw in estelle that she can use as justification for killing her, or part of her might be scared of getting attached to this sweet princess in the case that she later has to kill her. i’m not saying that this necessarily justifies being cold or harsh, but judy genuinely does have a point when she calls estelle out, and considering her own emotional turmoil at the whole situation, it makes perfect sense for judy to act out somewhat.
besides, at this point, i think it’s kinda apparent that the guild laws for brave vesperia are a little bit…flexible. and they also like it that way. in the end, they’re friends more than they can honesty just be a client-service relationship. that’s just how they roll.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
camping trips, three way wars, and general chaos
Anne #2: *roars, coming from the floor* atsushi: !! shitshitshitshitshitshit! *runs* Anne #2: *clutches Atsushi, wrapping him in ribbons* atsushi:.... ah biscuits. Lucy: *waves* "Toodles." *The door opens, pulling Atsushi in* atsushi: FUUUUUUUUUUU- *Door slams shut* Lucy: "And now, that just leaves the doctor..." *smiles* "You're free to go~ Fitzgerald told me I only had to take care of the Man-Tiger, not some dotting middle-age tired old fart--" White Coat: "..." *smiles* Lucy: "???" White Coat: *creepy face* "Why don't you give it a try, little girl?" Lucy: "!!!" *feels a chill run up her spine* atsushi: *ahem* White Coat: "You can't...because you have lost." Lucy: "???" *looks* "Man-Tiger?! How are you--" atsushi: the game...isnt over...just yet... Lucy: "How?! The door was shut! I saw it!" atsushi: seems the plan worked then... this was a two against 1 battle. *White Snow dissolves...The door was a fake* Lucy: "B-But how were you able to resist being pulled?!" atsushi: sheer willpower and the help of a friend. you know, there's one thing you got wrong. im not the most strong or popular of people. in all seriousness, i bring misfortune by being alive, so i can understand why you resent other people. in all honesty, i dont want you to fail and be abandoned. but i have to protect the people close to me! Lucy: *shaking...tries to step back but feels like she's being pulled forward* "What?!" atsushi: gotcha. *yanks on the ribbon* Lucy: "AAAHH!" *pulled towards Atsushi* atsushi: *catches her* please, deactivate your ability and let everyone go. if not, you'll get dragged in with me and we'll all be trapped! Lucy: "I-I can't be defeated! I mustn't--" atsushi: please hurry, i cant hold on forever. *slipping* Lucy: "..." *sobs, de-activates...* atsushi: *blinks.* -everyone is back outside- ???: *crying* atsushi: *turns to see naomi comforting a crying lilac* naomi: it's ok, we'll find your friends soon. naho: LILA! *hugs him* I WAS SO WORRIED! Lilac: *holding on* "I was so scared!" Tanizaki: "Naomi!" naomi:.. BIG BRO~! *HUUUG* atsushi:....*notice someone*...hey...s-sorry about that....but if you need somewhere to stay, maybe the agency- *PUNCH* atsushi: X-X ok...i deserved that....*nosebleed* Lucy: *runs* White Coat: "Oh dear..." atsushi:... elise: what, did you look up her skirt or something? atsushi: w-what?! N-NO! THAT ISNT- I-I WOULDNT- White Coat: *shiny eyes* "Elise! You're safe!" elise: yeah, i thought it would be funny to see you freak out if i went missing, rintarou. atsushi: !! oh! you're that guy from the hotel the other day! is this your daughter? White Coat: .w.; "...What?" elise: nah, rintarou just makes me call him 'daddy'. atsushi:........................... White Coat: OWO;;; *Someone hugs Atsushi* atsushi: eh- kyouka!.... owo; kyouka, i think we should go away from this man. i get the feeling he wants bad things for you. White Coat: O____________O Kyoka: "...I was worried about you..." atsushi: well, im here now, but we really should be getting far from this weird guy. White Coat: Q~Q "...I'm just a middle-aged nobody who works at a small company..." *clears his throat, smiles friendly at Atsushi* "But I would like to give you advice, young man." atsushi: if its on how to pick up young girls, i'll pass thanks. Kyoka: *protective tug on Atsushi's arm* White Coat: (thinking: "ENOUGH WITH THE FUCKING JOKES YOU LITTLE--") *serene smile* "No matter how dire the circumstances seem, every problem has a solution. Don't forget that." Kyoka: "..." *realization* O_O atsushi: yeaaah- HOLY MOLEY WHAT IS THAT?! *points to something, then picks up kyouka and runs* Kyoka: *clutching Atsushi, partially to protect him, partially in fear* White Coat: "??? ...Well, that was fun!" elise: come on rintatou, lets blow this popcicle stand! atsushi:...*phew* its ok kyouka, that creepy guy wont hurt you now....kyouka? Kyoka: *collapsed to her knees, shaking* "N-No..." atsushi: ?! kyouka? kyouka what's wrong?! -down the road- White Coat: "..." ???:.....ugh, you know, the stubble makes you look like even more of a disgusting creep, sir. -_-; White Coat: "You think I need a shave, then?" elise: yeah, you look like an old man. ???:.....*cringe* aaanyway, you might want to take a look at this. *walking into an alley* White Coat: "???" -several mafioso's are surrounding a dead man- mafioso: eyyy the boss is here! *White Coat is now in a dark coat...Mori...* Mori: "...Who did this? An assassin from the Guild?" mafioso 2: actually, i think this guy _was_ from the guild. mafioso 3: hey errand chick, here to get screwed by the boss again? rain: FUCK OFF, JERRY! Mori: *stares at Rain* "...Late." rain: D8< i lead you here! sir! Mori: *looks down upon her* "You were not when I needed you...You will make up for that today." rain: !!!..... TT~TT yes, sir... Mori: *smirks, before looking back at the dead man* "The Guild...The Agency...This is quite a problem...But no matter how difficult the problem, a solution will present itself. A solution bathed in blood." -elsewhere- Lucy: *shaking* -elsewhere- lilac: *shaking* Sakuya: "It's okay...You're safe now." naho: i know, it sounds ridiculous, but it really happened! >n< Sakuya: "I believe you! I'm not doubting that...Not like we haven't seen other people make it look like we're somewhere else..." naho: i guess.....*slight pout* Sakuya: "..." *holds her hand* naho: to be honest, im a bit jealous. i mean, higan can use fire, lavender can paralyze people, otogiri can use her strings, but i cant do anything. even lilac has a cool ability, and he's younger than me! Sakuya: "...Maybe you just haven't discovered your own ability...And I think you already have one." naho: you think so? Sakuya: *nods* "You got a level head that keeps a lot of people here sane. Including me." -elsewhere- Rin: "Think I over-packed?" kyouko: ... *sweatdrop* Yukio: "...You're not taking an entire television set with you." Rin: "Then what do I watch out there?" kyouko: im sure they're letting you bring your phones with you, right? Rin: "I think so...but I like a big screen--" kyouko: maybe someone is bringing an ipad? Rin: "..." *pouts* "Okay, fine." *hands the TV to Yukio--who collapses under its weight* Yukio: >__< kyouko:...oh! that's right, uncle shiro told me to give you this. *it's bug spray* just in case. Rin: "Oh, sweet! That'll help!" *smiles* -elsewhere- Kid: "Feeling okay?" stocking: yeah. Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad. Busy few days ahead..." stocking: yeah. Kid: "...That camping trip?" stocking: not that exactly, but just work in general. Kid: "...The woman...?" stocking: i think her name is michelle? .....i kind of feel bad for neuhaus... Kid: *nods* "...Is True Cross pursuing any actions against him?" stocking: i havent found out yet. but if i were the one in charge, i'd say the pain he's going through is punishment enough. Kid: "...Have you said so to your father?" stocking: yeah. he said he'll see what he can do. Kid: *nods* "...This is sad." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You're late." atsushi: well, we ran into a bit of trouble on the way. Tanizaki: *protective of Naomi* Kyoka: "..." Kunikida: "...Evidently. What happened?" -atsushi explains what happened- Kunikida: "...Fitzgerald, making a move." atsushi: what do we do? Kunikida: "...Keep an eye on their locations as best we can. Anticipate attacks. Arm ourselves." atsushi: .... Dazai: "...Too bad I wasn't there. I bet I would've been some help." *friendly smile* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "I think someone else may need to visit the Mafia and the Agency." louisa: w-w-who do you suggest, lord francis? Fitzgerald: "Maybe Steinbeck?" louisa: r-right. i'll inform him right away! Fitzgerald: *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- tall man:......... Shorter man: "Why are the roads here so narrow?!" tall man:....we should just walk.... Shorter man: *pouts, as he puts on his hat* "It'll be a long walk to deliver the package..." *stares the car* "My poor steed..." -elsewhere, in a garden- ???: .... Mori: "Are you ready?" ???: *she nods* dont worry kyouka, mama will be there soon.... -the next day- Kyoka: "..." atsushi: hey, we got ourselves a job today! *hands her a stun gun* here. Kyoka: "...What is this for?" atsushi: so you can protect yourself. (thinking: without using her ability...) -and so- Kyoka: "...This errand..." atsushi: all we have to do is deliver this evidence to a court judge. *shows her a picture* here's what he looks like. think you can handle this? Kyoka: "It's fine. I will definitely succeed." -and so- guard: sorry miss, but a permit is required. Kyoka: "I am from the Detective Agency. I am here to deliver." guard: just the same, you're just gonna have to wait, i dont make the rules i just enforce them, ok? Kyoka: "..." *walks back to Atsushi* atsushi: darn. we'll need to get past him somehow. Kyoka: "Finish him off." atsushi: we're not...gonna kill him. *sweatdrop* Kyoka: "...I could seduce him away." atsushi: we're not doing that either!! (thinking: that would just be weird!) Kyoka: *pouts* *then sees someone walking to a side entrance* "...There." atsushi: ?? perfect. -it was the judge- atsushi: !! come on! Kyoka: *follows* atsushi: you head in, i'll keep watch. Kyoka: *pulls out lock-pick and opens the door to enter* Kyoka: *holds her stun gun, aiming as she passes through hall* atsushi: ^^; y-you could just knock. Kyoka: "...Then it would not be infiltration, would it?" Kyoka: *spots a janitor's locker* "..." *light bulb* -and so- Kyoka: *in janitor's uniform, pushing cart up to a guard* "Judge wanted his room cleaned." guard: um...ok... Kyoka: *nods* "Thank you." *quickly goes to judge's office* judge: ye-? Kyoka: *hold up envelop* "Delivery." judge: oh, why thank you. -later- atsushi: i got crepes! Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Yummy..." atsushi: so how did it go? Kyoka: "I did not have to electrocute anyone...mostly." atsushi: ah. that's....good. ^^; Kyoka: "...Why did you have me go with you?" atsushi: i guess to train you? show you the ropes? m-metaphorically speaking. Kyoka: "...'Ropes'?" atsushi: n-not actual 'ropes' per say, i-its a metaphor. like a figure of speech. Kyoka: "...I'd rather see actual ropes. They are useful in missions: infiltration, asphyxiation--" Kyoka: *holds her cell phone* atsushi: *sweatdrop* Kyoka: "...I learned many ways to kill." -phone buzzes- atsushi: !!! Kyoka: "?!!!" ???: demon snow. punish the man who brought kyouka into this world of lies. -shink- atsushi:.....*collapses, bleeding* Kyoka: *frozen* "..." ????: there you are, kyouka. *she smiles* Kyoka: "...No..." kouyou: i was so worried when you didnt return home, and here i find you, playing with this monster. *steps onto atsushi's back* atsushi: *yelps in pain* Kyoka: "How...You...The phone?" kouyou: simple, i just got a new phone~ it's ok. mama will protect you. atsushi: k-kyouka, run! Kyoka: *tries to move...trips backwards* kouyou: it's alright now. im here to help you. Kyoka: *can't move* kouyou: *she hugs her* you poor thing, deluded into believeing this world is one of light. but i know one day, these knaves will exploit you and your ability. i promise, i wont let that happen... if i must eliminate them, then i shall do so. atsushi: tch-...that's rich coming from the mafia. -he charges at her, but is slashed- atsushi: ?! Kyoka: *shocked* Kyoka: "St-St-" atsushi: *he looks up to see an entity, similar to demon snow.* w-what? kouyou: golden demon. finish him off. Kyoka: "STOP!" kouyou: ?? Kyoka: "Do not hurt him." kouyou: ....*faux smile* oh you poor naive girl. im afraid its not that simple. you see, mr mori has issued an execution notice for all members of the ADA. i was able to convince him to spare you, so come home with us. a flower born in the dark, can only survive in the dark, after all. Kyoka: "You're wrong!" kouyou: ?! Kyoka: "I am not a flower of darkness." kouyou:....*glares hatefully at atsushi* this is your fault, boy. you've tainted her with your light...but i can still save her. -she aims her sword at his neck- kouyou: if he dies under your care, the agency will surely abandon you... Kyoka: "Stop!" *quiet* "...I'll go." atsushi: !! kouyou:...good girl. Kyoka: "..." *walks to Kouyou* kouyou: *opens her arms to hug her* *STAB* kouyou: ....*sneers, holding the blade to keep it from piercing any further* well done, it seems i have taught you well... Kyoka: *holds up a phone* kouyou:....!!! Kyoka: *flips it open* kouyou: dont do it! if you do, you'll- Kyoka: "Demon Snow!" -elsewhere- toru: *crawling* chie: *smiles* Yohei: "That a boy!" toru: guu! Yohei: "Good!" *claps his hands* "You're moving so fast, kiddo!" -he tumbles and falls on his side- toru: ah....hehe. chie: aw, you're ok buddy. Yohei: *smiles* "He's in good spirits--'cause he's going to keep trying 'til he gets it." chie: *smiles* just like his daddy. Yohei: ^\\\^ *smooch* -elsewhere- -slash slash clang- kouyou: do you see now?! this is the nature of your blade! killing all in your way without hesitation; just like a demon! Kyoka: "You're wrong!" kouyou:.... please, its not because i do not sympathize with you...however, some things are not meant to be. a flower that blooms in the dark can only survive in the dark. if it touches the light, it will burn... Kyoka: "...Even if that is the case...how can I forget this wonderful dream--now that I've seen it?!" kouyou:...please come home, my child. your true nature can never change. if that was not the case, you would not be able to use the demon as a weapon. after all, it was that demon who killed your parents. atsushi: !!! Kyoka: *struggles to look back at Atsushi* "It's not true...It's...not..." *drops her cell phone* -several mafia cars pull up- atsushi: (thinking: ah biscuits) Kyoka: *looking around, fearful* -suddenly, a car gets straight up flung into the air- kouyou: !!! what the ever-loving fuck?! atsushi: kenji! Kenji: "Howdy!" *adjusts dress* mafioso: who's the strong chick? Maifioso 2: *heart eyes* she's gorgeous! Kenji: "Hee hee..." *winks* mafioso 2: PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME! atsushi: -__-; (thinking: he's enjoying this way too much...) kouyou:.... (thinking: an onnagata?) Kenji: "We can talk about dinner and gifts later. First, I have to do this--" *picks up a car and holds it over the Mafiosos' heads* mafioso: hot dam- -KO- atsushi:....oh, kunikida! Kunikida: "We followed a signal on Kyoka's phone--" *picks up Atsushi by the head* atsushi: ow! kouyou: why you vermin....kyouka, come here! Kunikida: "..." *sets Atsushi down* "Dragging us into this, because you can't fight your own battles...But if it is a war this monster wants..." atsushi: kyouka, its ok, we'll help you! mafioso 3: wa, wa, waaaa.... Mafioso 4: "What the hell, Frank?" mafioso 5: uh....who're those guys? ???: "Ooooo! A fight!" Kunikida: "???" tall man: itchy....*walks over to the fountain...and sits in the water*....better.... Shorter Man: "...The Guild is not paying you to bathe in public water! And little kids could've spit in there!" atsushi: o-o;;;; ooooohhhh shiiiitake mushrooms. Shorter Man: "Besides, we're here to deliver a package--" *looks at Kenji* o\\\\\\o "Daymn." Kenji: "Hee hee...You make me blush." atsushi:.....do you want to tell him or should i? Kunikida: -_-;;; "We have bigger worries...Like a three-way battle between the Mafia, the Agency, and now the Guild." frank:....um...does anyone hear- -CRASH- ???: *cough cough* ???: "We have arrived?" ???: well i do believe so. ??: 'bout time. i was gettin' bored up there. ???: well, it is a shame poe and alcott arent here, they're afraid'a heights you see, but they're better off dead. ??: yeah, real damn sha- *spots kenji* !! *slides on up to 'her'* well hello there, good lookin~ Kenji: "??? Man, I am really pulling this off!" *waves* atsushi: *JAWDROP* Kenji: "What's your name, stranger?" ??: the name's twain, but you can call me, *winks* anytime~ *hands kenji his number* tall man: *has birds all over him like he's a statue* steinbeck....twain's hitting on your date. Steinbeck: (ಠ_ಠ) *grabs Kenji's hand* "I saw her first!" Kenji: *blushes* twain: steinbeck, do not cockblock me here, i havent had a date since getting here. kouyou:... shoot them! mafioso: no way, this is getting good! Kenji: "Boys, boys! This is no way to behave! The proper way is with bribery!" -DOUBLE WHACK- ???: i do apologize for these two hooligans. they dont know how to mind their manners, miss....? atsushi: toshiko! her name is toshiko! Kenji: owo; "...Toshiko is my name-o!" ???: i see. atsushi: *looks at kunikida* Kunikida: "..." *sigh* "I have to do everything..." *pulls out a smoke bomb* -BOOOOOOOM- Steinbeck: *cough cough* ???: !!!! *uses the windy thing to blow the smoke away. both the agency and mafia have escaped* hmph. they got away. Steinbeck: D:< "Including my lil apple dumplin’!" twain: damn. well, i got to give her my number~! -thunk- twain: ow! Steinbeck: >_< ???: now you just keep your lil snake in your pants mister. Steinbeck: "...Ha ha. 'Little.'" twain: tch-, at least i know how to show her a good time, unlike you, farmer boy. Steinbeck: "I know how to please a woman! Farms teach you lots of stuff!" ??: reeeeally hoping that isnt relevant. Steinbeck: "...So, what now? We report to Fitzgerald while I find the Agency and my sweet cherry pie darlin’?" twain: why dont you leave that to me~ and i'll take her out to a nice dinner to boot! Steinbeck: "I'll take her dancing!" -the squabbling continues until the tall man picks them both up and holds them away from each other before clunking their heads together- tall man:...too noisy. ???: thank you, lovecraft. lovecraft:.... Steinbeck: X_X twain: >-< ow! -elsewhere- Mori: "...Failure." mafioso: w-we're really sorry sir, and we dont know where the boss lady went. kyouka ran off in all the chaos and she followed after....she kinda vanished.... Mori: "...None of you followed her? Or could find her? Then what good are you?" mafioso: there was too much smoke and screaming sir! Mori: "If you could not handle the Agency _and_ the Guild, then I need someone more powerful to face them..." Mori: "And that means targeting the Director of the Detective Agency!" *smiles brightly* "Elise! New dress time!" -elsewhere- Yosano: "Time to heal injuries?" kouyou:....do your worst. *smirks* atsushi:....(thinking: kyouka vanished during all the commotion...) Yosano: *smirks* "Yay! New plaything..." *pulls out chainsaw* Dazai: "??? ...Maybe call her, Atsushi?" atsushi:... if i do that, i risk activating demon snow... Dazai: "Then that would get a report out...and either we would find her...or the Mafia would first." atsushi:.....this would be easier if she wasnt a wanted criminal... Dazai: "...Hey. We'll find her. Just have to keep searching." -later- kouyou:.....*smiling, but trembling* dazaaaai. how...nice...to see you.... Dazai: "...Big sis. Long time." atsushi: wait, she's your sister? kouyou: it's a figure of speech, rememeber? atsushi: ....... Dazai: "Now, kouyou, let's chat: where's Kyoka?" kouyou: that's what i would like to know myself.....*looks at atsushi* boy. atsushi: i have a name! kouyou: a name i do not know, nor do i care to. atsushi: D8 atsushi:....you... you scared her off! kouyou:...*chuckles* atsushi: WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING?! *claw arm* Dazai: *puts out his arm* "Atsushi, no." atsushi: b-but- Dazai: *takes him by the shoulders, spins him around* "Leave her to me. I got this." atsushi:..... -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Aim..." *BANG* Steinbeck: "Good shot!" louisa: *holds up a card that says '10'* ???: mr fitzgerald, we've recieved a report that the agency has vacated their building. Fitzgerald: "..." *smiles* "A hunt is no fun without the challenge of finding your prey." louisa: t-the mafia is making they're move as well, sir. Fitzgerald: *stares* "...I had to work two whole years to buy a gun of this model." Fitzgerald: *fires multiple shots at the target, demolishing it* -elsewhere- atsushi: i didnt think there was a seminar hall underground. yosano: well, death city is just full of surprises, as well as underground passages. there's even rumors of an ancient inventor living within the catacombs. atsushi: *gulp* creepy. Kunikida: "I assume we will be dividing up our resources effectively now." atsushi: i guess.....oh, looks like the boss is here. mr fukuza- Fukuzawa: *holds up a hand* "Listen, everyone. A few days ago, war was avoidable. That option is no longer available." atsushi: ?! d-dazai? Fukuzawa: "Dazai will lead the discussion about where we go from here." Dazai: "Call me Professor Dazai!" *stands behind teacher's desk* atsushi: *sweatdrop* [thinking: i fear to imagine what school would be like with him as a teacher...] Dazai: "The Guild has a lot of money, the Mafia has a lot of troops. Therefore, if we fight either one head-on, we'll end up a beaten pulp of blood, tendons, and bones!" yosano:.....*griiiiiin* atsushi: o.o;;; (thinking: having these guys as teachers or classmates....would be terrifying) Dazai: "That means guerrilla tactics are our best options--dividing up our members into defense and offense. And that means you in defense have one objective: protect Doctor Yosano!" yosano:...for some reason i am tempted to hit you. but then again, i am your only medic, so... Dazai: "And with the Doctor protected, you'll all be able to go all out in battle without worrying about the deadly injuries you will surely experience!" atsushi: (thinking: im not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing) yosano: and we also have a one-up on the guild. our secret weapon; kenji! or rather 'toshiko'. Kenji: "Huh? Oh, thanks!" *smiles* atsushi: (at least kenji is having a good time...) Dazai: "Offense will divide into two teams: me and Atsushi, Kunikida and Tanizaki." atsushi: *points to self* me? o-o; Dazai: *nods* "You'll need my power nullifier." atsushi: then everyone else is defence, right? -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmph. I said we can't trust outsiders..." *dials up Mori* *Phone dials...* Chuuya: "Come on...Someone, answer." elise: giddeyup horsey! rain: TT_TT Mori: "Rain, get the phone, please." rain: eliiise, please get off me TT-TT elise: but im not doooone yeeeet. *kicks her in the hip* rain: ow! Mori: "Rain. Now!" rain: alriiiight! *gets up, dropping elise* elise: owie! rain: *answers the phone* yes? Chuuya: "Oh, Rain. Hello. Is Mori there?" Mori: *gasps* "Elise!" *runs to her* "Are you okay?" rain: m-mu-chu-mr nakahara! h-he's right here! Mori: *glares at Rain* elise: rain bucked me off! *faux crying* she's so mean to me! rain: D8 Mori: "Then she will be punished." *takes the phone* "Elise, continue your play while I speak with Nakahara~" elise: ok~ *kicks rain in the shin* rain: AH! *falls* Chuuya: "Boss, the attack failed. Even though I had men tailing him--" Mori: "Relax. It is to be expected of the Detectives' leader. Carry on with the plan. The thing we planted on the Assassin's sleeve--how's the scan marker?" Chuuya: *checks* "...I got a signal." Mori: "Follow it. That is where we make our first attack." Mori: *looks to Elise and Rain* rain: please stoooop TT-TT Mori: *smiles* "Having fun, Elise?" elise: *kicking her in the stomach* you hurt me dummy! *looks at mori* yeah rintarou. ^^ Mori: "That's good! Elise, keep playing. Rain, stop screwing up." rain: TT____TT -elsewhere- *A man is seated, reading, as a woman stares at him* Man: "...Stop looking at me." woman: i wasnt. *looks up* i cant wait for autumn to get here already. Man: "Why, so you can see things die?" *flips a page* woman: well arent you gloomy. but no. its i may finally be free from this stiflin’ heat. Man: "Then go into the shade." *continues reading* "I cool my blood..." woman: hmph. tell me, father, does the term 'ashes to ashes' ring any bells? *cue the windy thing tearing up his book* Man: *stares at his broken book, then up at the fragments of pages* "...Genesis 3:19." woman: hmm... just dont ya'll forget why we're here now. this here hotel room is now our base of operations. Man: "I think you have forgotten God's mission to me: pass judgment on sinners. Those would be our enemies. Unless you want to atone as well, Margaret Mitchell?" margaret: oh please, ya'll arent even worthy of polishin' my shoes, hawthorne. guild worker: oh for the lovva god, just kiss already! margaret: LESS TALKING MORE MOVING Hawthorne: "Hmph." guild worker: oh and another thing. you've been kinda treating us like dirt since we got here. this isnt the civil war, ma'am. so we decided to form a union! Hawthorne: "...A union? Seriously?" margaret:... *windy things him off the roof* guild worker: *SCREAMS* -crunch- Hawthorne: *looks around* "Anyone else in this union?" -silence- Hawthorne: "Good. Now, give us our mail." guild worker 2: you got a letter, just came in this morning. margaret:....is this..crayon? Hawthorne: *reads it* "Looks like an adult's handwriting, though." *reads it* " 'Dearest sir and madam: Seeing that you came all this way, I am sure you may feel out of place. My little lady as well feels confined and wishes to play outside. Even as she is so boisterous, she is still so adorable I could die!'" *looks at Margaret* "...What the devil is he prattling on about?" margaret: seems they dote on their daughter quite a bit. Hawthorne: *continues reading* " 'But I digress. I write about our recent military conflict. Below is the list of the Guild's assets we will destroy--'" margaret: .... O_O they're going to attack the hotel?! this is a public facility! they must be nuttier than a squirrel's thanksgivin'! Hawthorne: *reading* " 'First, your hotel. Second, Mr--'" *pauses* "...'Mr. Hawthorne's life.'" margaret: ...miss mitchell's life?! c-clearly this is some kind of a joke by some petty immigrants. guild worker: woooow. not okay! guild worker 2: hey! we got an intruder! Hawthorne: *stares at the man* "...What kind of eyepiece is he wearing? And are those...lemons?" margaret: must be some homeless vagabond. Hawthorne: "Now I recognize him: that insane bomber on the train a while back--" Motojiro: "I'M NOT INSANE!" Hawthorne: "And the Detective Agency easily defeated you." margaret: we should just turn him over to the authorities. Hawthorne: *takes his cross in his hand* "Not the best plan, as he has already planted those 'lemons'--bombs--around our building." margaret: you're telling me those lemons are bombs? *laughing* Motojiro: "Sh-Shut up! My plan was genius!" Hawthorne: *cuts into his own hand* margaret:.... Motojiro: .____. "You're a cutter and calling me insane--" *SLICE* margaret: ......*sly grin* Motojiro: *gasps, shuddering in pain* "WHAT THE HELL?!" Hawthorne: "Will you not atone, you boring bomber of the Mafia?" Motojiro: "I-I-I'm not with the Mafia! I'm the ambassador of the universe! Here to bring a message of...um...love?" margaret:...he must have been snorting something before he arrived here. Motojiro: .w.; "...Did that excuse work, pretty lady?" margaret:........father, if you would so kindly proceed. Hawthorne: *takes a lemon* "You have your scarlet mark now upon your body..." *points to the A carved into Motojiro* "Now, without your penance..." *tosses the lemon at Motojiro* Motojiro: "!!! No--" *BOOM* Hawthorne: "...God's grace." -a helicopter flies over- Hawthorne: "Let's hope they are careful with the supplies--" ???: " 'God'?" margaret: ??....!!! h-how?! Motojiro: *grins* "You think God speaks to you? Ha! You call me insane, you crazy preacher?! The language of God is science!" -beep- Motojiro: "And science means always questioning...And you didn't question what was in that shipment on your helicopter..." margaret: what was that? *looks up*.... oh ya'll have to be shitting me. Motojiro: "My actual ability is not making bombs--it's surviving _lemon-shaped bombs_!" person on the streets below: are those....lemons? Hawthorne: "...That's still asinine." Motojiro: "Say that to your God when you're dead!" margaret: EVERYONE OFF THE ROOF! -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- lana: !?!?! w-what the heck was that? Bellhop: "?! An explosion?! Is that...fire?!" lana: *goes to call the fire brigade* -on the streets below- margaret: *landing via the windy thing* what on earth is this place?!?! guild worker: the whole roof is in flames....good thing there's steel keeping it from spreading....i think that's how steel works...right? Hawthorne: "The letter referred to destroying three items on their list. We are Numbers 2 and 3. I suggest we escape." margaret: indeed. *they run into an underground tunnel* Hawthorne: *follows--and sees someone* "??" margaret: oh, that's the senior secretary, isnt it? ......w-wha... Dead!Secretary: *mouth opens...then rips the face apart, revealing...lemon bombs* Hawthorne: "Mitchell!" *tackles her out of the way* margaret: ?!?! *BOOM* margaret: !!! are you alright? Hawthorne: *covers her, as building around them collapses* -elsewhere- Burns: "...You finished?" dia: we've detained the culprit. Burns: "Bring him here." foien: *has his hands ziptied and sits him down* there you go. Motojiro: "Ow! Hey! I know my rights! You can't just--" Burns: *holds up a flame to his face* Motojiro: ._. dia: you'll have time to explain during the trial. -elsewhere- Mori: *playing chess with himself* "The Guild has formidable people. Difficult to take down." *picks up the Rook* "We'll have to send our most spirited piece..." -elsewhere- -shink- margaret:...ah....*coughing blood* Hawthorne: *stares in shock* "Oh no..." Akutagawa: "This is stifling--" *SHINK* Hawthorne: *wide-eyed, as he sees himself stabbed* Akutagawa: "Let's get this over with." Hawthorne: "..." *smiles, laughs* "Here to test me, Examiner?" Akutagawa: "I shall test you, yes." *sends his tendrils at Hawthorne* Hawthorne: *blocks with his blood* Akutagawa: "?!" Hawthorne: "You can't shake my faith so easily, demon." Akutagawa: "...Rashomon." Hawthorne: "SCARLET LETTER!" *CLASH* Hawthorne: *his attack is sliced down* "?!!" Akutagawa: "Pathetic. Fight me with all you have, Brother, or this assassination will be for nothing." Hawthorne: "Do not call me that...I don't need to fight with all I have--when this fight is already over." Akutagawa: "???" *sees his own blood on his coat* "You cut me. Congratulations--" *The blood leaps up* Akutagawa: "?!!!" Hawthorne: "Not your blood." *The blood circles around Akutagawa* Hawthorne: "I was wrong, though. You are not a demon: you merely feast on prey weaker than you." -a breeze is blowing- margaret: nng... Akutagawa: "?!!" Hawthorne: "Mitchell...?" margaret:...the mafia...war...all meaningless...the only thing that matters to me is restoring my family's reputation. how could the likes of you, who has never known humiliation or defeat, ever beat me?! *The ground starts to shake* margaret: ....wha-....ah..... *SLICE* Hawthorne: "!!!" Akutagawa: "_I_ have never known defeat? No. Defeat has been my constant companion." Hawthorne: ("He's broken free of my technique! I can't run--") Akutagawa: *rushes at Hawthorne--* *COUGH* Akutagawa: *collapses to his knees, clutching his stomach* Akutagawa: "...What are you doing? I said I would battle you. So fight me with all that you have!" Hawthorne: "...Why do you persist, despite your injuries?" Akutagawa: "..." *steps forward* "I want to hear something from someone..." Hawthorne: "...You have faith." *slices his hand* "I have changed my mind: I will fight you with all I have--" Akutagawa: *leaps* Hawthorne: *fires at him* margaret: *attempting to break free* *pained scream* Hawthorne: *spots her* "Mitchell, stop!" margaret: it...hu..rts... Hawthorne: "Don't! Just stay--" *SLICE* margaret:.......no... Akutagawa: *shot...but smiling, as Rashomon slices through Hawthorne* Hawthorne: "..." *shudders, collapsing to his knees* Akutagawa: "To finish this..." *releases his last attack* margaret: !!! nathaniel!! Hawthorne: "..." *smiles peacefully* Akutagawa: "?!!!" *Akutagawa pictures Dazai smiling at him...and Atsushi...* *The blood of Hawthorne slices at Akutagawa, ripping at his body...* Akutagawa: "N-No...No! Rashamon! Destroy him!" *Rashamon reaches for Hawthorne...* -SHINK- margaret:....*impaled, holding hawthorne* Hawthorne: "!!! ..." *sobs* "M-Margaret...Why?" margaret: i....lo..lov....*collapses* Hawthorne: "...Margaret!" *SLICE* *BOOM* Akutagawa: *stays back, as he sees the ceiling fall onto the couple* *Blood pools under the debris* Akutagawa: " 'It's okay...to live'..." -elsewhere- Kenji: "But I have a date!" yosano: no butts, it's too dangerous right now. that goes for you too edogawa! -morning- chie: good thing they finally caught that bomber... Yohei: "...Can't have more of them. Not again." chie: *she nods* Yohei: "...Maybe I should help. I mean, I'm sure I have something that could detective explosives..." -elsewhere- higuchi: motojiro is requesting a lawyer to bust him out of prison. Mori: *pouts* "That's troublesome. Can't someone else do it?" higuchi: well, ryunosuke recently became ill and has confined himself to his room... Mori: "...Fine. Send Q. Oh, and tell Ryunosuke to get better immediately. RAIN! BRING HIM HOT SOUP!" higuchi: !!!??? q?! y-you cant be serious! Mori: *stares* "You think I'm not a serious person?" *he's writing letters with glittery crayons* elise: im gonna want those back when you're done, rintarou! >n< higuchi:....im on it then....*shudders* -muttering amongst the mafiosos- mafioso: is he out of his mind?! Mafioso 2: you saw what that...that _thing_ did to ted...poor, poor ted. Mafioso #3: *sniff* "Ted still owed me $20..." TT_TT -elsewhere- kirako: hi there mii-chan. i know you must be so lonely right now. but dont you worry, the pet sitter is taking good care of you. naomi:.... kirako: EEP! n-naomi! i-i was working! i swear! naomi: i didnt say anything, im just standing here. but look at this. *puts a newspaper on the table* kirako: *reading* 'explosion at local hotel, mad man in ski goggles held for questioning'. -meanwhile- yosano:....!!! we have someone on the cameras Fukuzawa: "...One man." Chuuya: "..." *grins at the camera* Fukuzawa: "Yosano, activate the guns." -vreeeeeen- -the camera disconnects- yosano: ?!?! Fukuzawa: "?!" *The bullets bounce away and off each other, missing Chuuya* Chuuya: "If you're still alive, come on out, Detectives." yosano:....director? Fukuzawa: "..." *looks at Rampo* Rampo: *nods* -and so- Chuuya: "How insulting. The Agency sends only two?" yosano: sorry hun, but you're gonna need an appointment first~ Chuuya: "Ha ha ha...You think the Mafia needs an appointment to tear down your base?" Kenji: "I don't think you need to!" yosano: if you want to, be my guest. but i have the feeling you arent here for that. Chuuya: "??? You think so?" yosano: we _are_ detectives after all. if we cant deduce the reason for a client's visit, then what kind of detectives are we? -elsewhere- lovecraft: ...... Steinbeck: "So, as I was saying, that's the way to properly farm and sell your produce." lovecraft:....there's the lodge. -quite a bit of flowers growing here- Steinbeck: *shiny eyes* "Flowers!" Steinbeck: "Sunflowers! And flower crowns! Woo hoo!" lovecraft:....how nice. Steinbeck: "I'll grow her more flowers!" *pulls out his sack* lovecraft: the secretary? Steinbeck: "??? I don't know--I wasn't up for getting her flowers--" lovecraft:.....*already walking ahead* -fantasy!toshiko: teehee~ oh john, you're such a sweetie pie~<3- Steinbeck: =\\\\\= "My darling clementine, I will make you a thousand flower crowns..." *stabs his neck* lovecraft: .... Steinbeck: *plants flower seeds...which grow out of him* -inside- naomi: *running with kirako* this way! kirako: why are we going through the staff passage? naomi: the enemy will most likely be there. i sent a request to have your car moved in here. kirako: wow... -VRRRRRRRR- -halfway down the road, and a noise is heard- kirako: EEK! naomi: the door is stuck! *A vine appears* naomi: this is bad, they're gonna break the car! kirako: nooooo! i just got this car! *The car is lifted into the air...the vines crush the car a bit...then stop* naomi:....*looks out the window* O_O are they....growing out of his body?! Steinbeck: *waves* "Hi, ladies! I should've expected the best from your Agency." naomi: doesnt that hurt?! Steinbeck: "A bit. The biggest pain is picking pieces out of my skin. And I think I got grape leaves along my spine...Wait, what were we talking about?" lovecraft:....we're here to make a request of you. naomi: 'request' basically means 'dispose after use' to villains like you. Steinbeck: "??? I'm not a villain. I got a sister about your age, back home." naomi:.....*lightbulb* say, you know that girl 'toshiko'? Steinbeck: owo;;; "...Yes. That's one reason I have this job. I get paid well to support my family--and I hope to impress her!" naomi: if you let us go, i'll set you two up on a romantic date! Steinbeck: owo;;;;;;;;; "...But if I did, I wouldn't be able to support my sister!" *slight crush of the vines* "I-I can just convince Toshiko I did what I had to do!" lovecraft:....??...it's snowing...in july? *BANG* lovecraft:...oh. ok. Steinbeck: "???!" *BANG* Steinbeck: *Blocks with a vine* ???: "Naomi! naomi: !! big bro! Tanizaki: *helps her and Kirako down* "Get to the railroad tracks--there's a train waiting for you!" naomi: right! Kunikida: *aims at Steinbeck* ("Just need to keep him from the girls--") *Vine whip* Kunikida: "!!!" -elsewhere- -pine acres train stop- atsushi: *looking around* (thinking: death city is such a big place...it's almost like a small country...) Dazai: "Look it the tiny creature!" dog: *bark bark* Dazai: *holds up doggie treat* "Hello!" dog: *wags* Dazai: *hides the dog treat--and it vanishes* dog: *head tilt* Dazai: "That's the difference between our status: I WIN!" dog: ?? Dazai: *suddenly, the treat appears back in his hand--and he eats it* dog: D8 atsushi: D8 -on the train- kirako: *phew*...that was a close one... Naomi: "..." kirako:..chin up, im sure you're brother will be fine. ??? *sniffling* -a young boy is seated in one of the seats, holding a doll and crying- Naomi: "??? Oh dear...Are you okay?" boy: i-im just scared and l-lonely. mommy and daddy had a fight, and im mad at them so i decided to run away to live with my grandparents in pine acres. but this is my first time on my own and im scared. kirako: aww. boy: will you two go with me so i wont be as scared? Naomi: *smiles* "We're getting off at Pine Acres, too." boy: r-really? kirako: it's alright. we'll help you find your grandparents. boy: thank you. you seem like really nice people. -at the station- Dazai: *tenses up* atsushi: dazai? what's wrong? Dazai: "I-I just remembered: doggie treats give me the shits!" atsushi: THEN WHY DO YOU EAT THEM?! Dazai: *hands him the bag of treats* "I must take care of business! The fate of the Agency rests in your hands! Do not fail!" Dazai: *runs* atsushi:.... random person: your friend seems like an interesting person. atsushi: you have no idea. Dazai: *running* "..." *looks back* gin: *holds a blade up to dazai's neck* Dazai: "...Ginny! You've gotten taller!" gin:... higuchi: *aims her gun at me* start talking. now. Dazai: "...Oh, please. I developed your surveillance techniques. I could smell you a mile away." Dazai: "And you really intend to kill me? Just you two?" higuchi: *nods at gin, who puts her weapon away* we have a message from the boss. Dazai: "From Mori? Hmm...A threat? Complaint? Murder notice? Hard to guess..." higuchi: i'll just summarize the point; are you interested in returning to the mafia as an executive member? Dazai: o__o Dazai: o_____o "...BWA HA HA HA!" higuchi: w-what's so funny? Dazai: "Ha ha! What a serious offer! I'm overjoyed!" higuchi: i've seen the records. your methods, the sadistic way you hollow your enemy’s hearts. you have a heart of darkness, and blood as black as ash. Dazai: "...People change, Higuchi. Why, I remember when Gin here was just a tiny cute little girl before she grew up to an androgynous ninja warrior. Still a hot look, though." gin:....do you want me to kill you in your sleep? higuchi:......................................................................................................wait what? Dazai: "With that cute voice of yours, sure~" -train arrival sounds- gin: you better go. q is on board. Dazai: "...What?!" higuchi: i tried to talk mori out of it, but... Dazai: *already running* -meanwhile- atsushi: naomi, kirako, glad you're ok. boy: miss naomi? who is this? atsushi:...same question for you. Naomi: "The poor dear was all alone, so we offered to accompany him to this stop." boy: *trips* ah! atsushi: *catches him* boy: *whimpers* owie, my ankle! you hurt me! atsushi: n-no i didnt! i helped catch him! Naomi: *glares at Atsushi* boy: no.....you....hurt....me.... *pulls up his sleeve to reveal a bunch of razors taped to his arm, cutting him up* atsushi: ?!?! kirako: !!! *covers her mouth in shock* Naomi: "What?! K-Kid! Who did this to you?" boy: her mister....wanna plaaaaay a gaaaaame~<3 ? -his doll begins to laugh- Naomi: "...Oh fuck no." -the doll rips its head- kirako: ......*strangling atsushi* Naomi: "K-Kirako! Stop!" atsushi: im really sorry about this! *grabs her and slams her into a wall* Naomi: "..." atsushi: !!!! -several people are screaming and fleeing from the scene- Naomi: *rushes at Atsushi with a pocket knife* -outside- -more people fleeing- Dazai: *running* (" 'Protect me,' they said as I was running off...Protect me from what? From--") "!!!" atsushi: NAOMI! SNAP OUT OF IT! *strangling her* kirako: *crying as she has broken her arm* Dazai: "No! Atsushi! _You_ snap out of it! Now!" Naomi: *crying, gasping for air* atsushi: ?! d-dazai wait! *backing away* p-put the knife down! Dazai: "??? 'Knife'? Dude, chill...You're being manipulated..." boy: oh hiiiii mr dazaaaaai~<3 ! Dazai: "...Goddamn it, Q..." Q: oooh you said a bad woooord, hug time! *tries to leap at him* Dazai: *dodges--and seizes Q's doll* Q: hey! give it back meanie! atsushi: *fetal position and screaming* Dazai: "...Dissolve, you abomination." *nullifies the doll* atsushi: w-wha?...!!! Naomi: *cowers, trying to crawl away from Atsushi* Q: boooo, you're no fun. but i had a good day today. atsushi: n-naomi i- Naomi: "Stay away from me, you monster!" atsushi: *his heart drops* naomi no i...i was just..i i didnt mean... Q: heehee~ thanks for showing me a good time everyone. im gonna go cause trouble somewhere else. *the train begings to leave* bye bye dazaaaaai~! Dazai: *watches Q's escape* "..." ("The Mafia will do anything...So will I.") *turns to Atsushi* "...Come on, buddy. We're going home." atsushi: *hic* im..s-so...rryy-yy.... Dazai: "...Atsushi..." atsushi: *winces* Dazai: "..." *hug* atsushi: ?! w-why are...y-you... Dazai: *mini-chop* atsushi: >.< Dazai: "I can't change your past. But as your senior, I have advice for you: stop it with the self-pity." atsushi: .... Dazai: "Self-pity is what makes life a nightmare. Don't do that to yourself.") atsushi: *looks at naomi and kirako*.... kirako: *winces* ow! Naomi: *glares at Atsushi* "It's okay, Kirako..." atsushi:......... Naomi: *helps Kirako along* "Let's get home..." -elsewhere- q: *humming to himself* *RING RING* q: ~? Mori: "How did it go?" Q: i broke the weretiger reeeeally good. he broke the lady's arm and tried to choke the other one. she was nice. if i was older, i'd probably be her boyfriend then i would get to tinkle in her! Mori: *chuckles* "One thing at a time, Q. Just get back here, and you'll get yummy cake and toys!" Q: yay! rain: you're awful mori! elise: we can beat up rainy together, too! rain: I HATE YOU BOTH SO MUCH! Mori: *chuckles* "Elise, go play for a bit. Rain and I have an important task to finish." rain: TT-TT -elsewhere- louisa: *breaths* (thinking: remember to breathe when you talk and you'll be fine...) Bellhop: "May I help you?" louisa: EEP! *runs into a wall then flees* (thinking: that was too close!).....*about to knock on the door* ???: "Stop dawdling and get yourself in here." louisa: !!!! -creeeeak- Fitzgerald: *staring at the door* louisa: l-lord francis? i-i have another s-strategy proposal. Fitzgerald: *flips through pages* "I am impressed how quickly you write these reports--but must they be so long?" louisa: s-sorry...i-i can...abridge it for you..i-if you like... Fitzgerald: *takes the report and walks to the door* "Forget it. I'll read it while we walk." -elsewhere- Kid: *hug* stocking: well arent you cuddly~ Kid: *purrs* "Indeed." *smooch* stocking: hehe~<3 Kid: "How are you?" stocking: doing well~ Kid: *smiles* "I'm glad...You know what may be better?" stocking: what~? Kid: "How about a specially made dinner, with dessert, and dancing?" stocking: sounds wonderful~<3 Kid: "Good, because I already made the reservations~" stocking: and tonight, maybe we can enjoy a night to ourselves~? *tracing a finger down his chest* Kid: .\\\\w\\\\. "Of course...But that's the next surprise..." *smooch on her cheek, before whispering* "A hotel room." stocking: oh~ *kisses his nose* Kid: *blushes* "Stocking, you're so loving." stocking: mmmm~ *nuzzle* Kid: *nuzzles* "I love you." stocking: thank you kid.....thank you for meeting me. *smiles* Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "Thank you for letting me into your life." -elsewhere- Giriko: "..." *loud laugh* "What happened to you?!" kirika:....*covered in tape, ribbons, and feathers* you wont believe us. even if we told you. Gopher: .\\\\^\\\\. *he's missing a shoe, a pant leg is ripped off, and he is shirtless--with paint slapped across his chest* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...Lilac? You there, buddy?" lilac: .....*shivering* Sakuya: "...May I come in?" lilac:...if you...want to... Sakuya: *opens the door, looks inside* lilac: *curled up in the futon*...... Sakuya: "..." *sits by the futon* "...You get any sleep?" lilac:....would i...have been better off....staying in that place? Sakuya: "??? 'That place'? ...You mean...not here?" lilac: it was.....peaceful....i didnt...feel anything....am i...a bad person for thinking that? Sakuya: "..." *swallows* "If...I had that chance...yeah, I'd consider staying there, too." lilac:....oh.... Sakuya: "So, no, I don't think you're a bad person for thinking that. But I also think it would be a mistake for you to have stayed there." lilac: ?? Sakuya: "Because you would miss so many opportunities in front of you." lilac:...sakuya....why did you start dating naho? Sakuya: "..." =\\\\= "...'Cause I like her." lilac:....what about her do you like? didnt you also say you liked mahiru? Sakuya: "!!! Um...I mean, yeah. I just...There are different things I like..." Sakuya: "...Just...happy being around her." -elsewhere- Mori: "Good meeting." higuchi: ...... gin:....*nods* Mori: "Higuchi, please see to Akutagawa. And someone, give me an update on the Agency's location." higuchi: right.....*knocks on akutagawa's door* ryunosuke? are you alright? Akutagawa: "..." *shivering in the corner of his room* higuchi:....may i come in? Akutagawa: "..." *silence* higuchi:...*turns the knob* Akutagawa: *tries to cover his head* higuchi: ryunosuke? are you doing any better? Akutagawa: "...What is wrong with my brain?" higuchi: ?? Akutagawa: "What does it mean to fight for something you believe...if you believe nothing?" higuchi: ....? Akutagawa: "That smile...Get it out of my head..." *fetal position* higuchi: ryu- *puts a hand to his shoulder* Akutagawa: *pulls back* higuchi:..... -elsewhere- Rin: "Hello, everyone!" konekomaru: hey rin shiemi: hi there rin! izumo: hey. Bon: "..." *goes back to what he was reading* Rin: D:< "Bon! Look at me, man!" shura: yo. Rin: "Oh, hey, Teach. What's up?" shura: you kids ready for this thing? Rin: "...Well, no use waiting around." -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusts his tie* stocking: looking good~ Kid: *smiles* "Just matching you~" stocking: *smooch* you flirt~ Kid: *blushes* "I only speak the truth." *offers his arm* "Shall we?" stocking: indeed~ Kid: *takes her inside to the restaurant* "I hope the menu will be to your liking." *leads her to their table* -early morning, a parking garage- Dazai: *shiny eyes* "Ango!" ango: it's been quite some time, dazai. i see your eye is doing better now. Dazai: "You know it!" *walks by him--pats his behind* ango: ..... -the two other agents hold their weapons up at dazai- Dazai: *Has removed the handgun from Ango's back, aiming at him* ango: you know you wont actually shoot. i did clean your ledger after all. you still owe me back, correct? Dazai: "..." *returns the gun* "I know that. And you knew what I would do--hence why you didn't load your gun, huh?" ango: seems you're right on the mark. now, if you arent here to catch up with an old friend, what is the point of this meeting then? Dazai: *points to Ango's car* "You can't bring this shiny vehicle here and not offer me a ride!" ango: please stop rubbing my car, you'll get fingerprints all over it. Dazai: "I will if you give me a ride." -and so- ango: ah, so this 'guild' has arrived in death city then? Dazai: "Yeeeeep! So, you better get to investigating." ango: *glasses shine* rest assure, the death city council's gifted’s department has been more than aware of this. Dazai: "So...What're you all doing?" ango:....do you know what kind of an organization the guild is? it's a secret society. each member has an identity of their own outside the organization. their influence isnt just limited to the eastern states, they are possibly capable of eating their way into this very city. Dazai: "...That's an odd turn to this discussion." ango: it would appear they've been granted diplomatic immunity. being that death city is considered a city-state, there isnt much we are able to do. it's more than likely they will abuse this power. unfortunately, even this meeting is being monitored as well. *he stops the car* dazai. run. warn your coworkers. Dazai: "?!!!" -CRASH- -elsewhere- atsushi:....dazai's late..... *thinking back to wat kouyou said* [kouyou: please, take care of kyouka..] ???: "Sorry to keep you waiting." atsushi: took you long enough daza-.... !!!! Fitzgerald: *smiles* "One thing money cannot cure: boredom." atsushi: *backing away* ???: *from behind him* "That's a typical reaction." atsushi: ?! !!! *attempts to punch him* Fitzgerald: *catches the punch* atsushi: !!! -kicks him in the fitz-junior- Fitzgerald: "..." *tenses...then smiles widely* "What a kick! Worth $10,000!" atsushi: o_o (thinking: aaah biscuits) Fitzgerald: *Million Dollar Kick* atsushi: NYEEEEEEEEEEE *CRASH* fuuuuuuuuuck..... Fitzgerald: *picks Atsushi up by the head* "We put a bounty of 7 billion on you. If this is all you got, you're not worth that much. But don't despair, old sport: your worth lies elsewhere." atsushi:...*spits in his face* Fitzgerald: "..." *wipes away the spit* "Ha. There's the fight I wanted--" *Footsteps heard* atsushi:... !!! -a wild kyouka appears- Fitzgerald: *snaps his fingers* "Oh! The lower-rank Mafia girl!" Kyoka: "No. I am Kyoka of the Detective Agency. It is nice to meet you." atsushi ... Kyoka: *leaps, slashes at Fitzgerald with a knife--but he dodges* Fitzgerald: "My, such a barbarous child to attack without giving off any murderous intention." Kyoka: "..." *takes Atsushi's wrist* atsushi: woah! Kyoka: *leaps up and over the barrier--towards the water--pulling Atsushi with her* Fitzgerald: "?!!" atsushi: YOIP! -splash- Kyoka: "...You can swim, yes?" atsushi: i think so. i did help you swim to the short that one time... heh, hard to believe that was almost a month ago now... Kyoka: "Less talking, more escaping." *doggie paddle* Fitzgerald: "...Huh. They're getting away." *opens notebook* "What am I supposed to do...Ah, here it is! 'Do...nothing.' ...Okay!" *smiles* -elsewhere- shura: gooood morning campers! Rin: *groaning* "Five more minutes, Mommy..." shura: ooooi. Yukio: "..." *dumps bucket of cold water onto Rin* Rin: *gasps* "Wh-What?!" shura: time to get up. we got a big day ahead. Rin: "..." *grabs a towel to dry off* "What's the first lesson, teach?" -elsewhere- Kid: *purrs* stocking: good morning honey~<3 Kid: "Morning~" *smooch* stocking: god, you were amazing last night. still are~ Kid: *smiles, blushing* "I can say the same to you..." *traces his finger along her arm* "...Stocking?" stocking: yes~? Kid: "...It felt so good without protection." *blush* stocking: *blushing and nuzzles* Kid: *holds her* "...You know...We're not always going to have this kind of time to ourselves in the future." stocking: yeah. that's why we got to enjoy it. Kid: "...We have the room for a few more hours...How should we enjoy this time?" -elsewhere- Mori: "Late again, I see." rain: my alarm clock needed batteries! Mori: "Well, that's no good. You didn't have extra batteries lying around to use?" rain: i thought i did, and i went to check but i was all out, so i had to go to the convenience store and buy some more. Mori: "What, none in your smoke detectors? And let me guess: then you missed your bus, yes?" rain:... yes. Q.Q Mori: "..." *sigh, walks around her* "What am I to do with you..." rain: im really sorry sir! im doing my best, really! Mori: "And you missed the memo." rain: memo? o-o; Mori: "The memo. The one about coming in late for work?" *sighs, hands her a sheet of notebook paper--written in crayon* rain: um... *examines it* 'those who arrive late will be made to play the 'punishment game'..... Q_Q Mori: *nods* "Follow me..." rain: TT~TT Mori: *opens the door* "Enter..." -elsewhere- atsushi: *pants* alright...we should be safe here....kyouka, where did you run off to- Kyoka: "In the darkness. Where I was from." atsushi:.....kyouka... Kyoka: "...I didn't belong there any more." atsushi: ......!!! hide, it's the police! Kyoka: "..." *hides* "...I called them." atsushi: ??!! Kyoka: "The Guild will not attempt an attack with police in the open. Let's go." *starts to move* atsushi:....why did you come back? why get involved in this war? Kyoka: "...Because the Detective Agency is the only place where I belong." Kyoka: "This is the first time I have ever wanted to be somewhere, be something. I will fight for it, I will resort to anything--even the monstrosity within me." atsushi: ........ Kyoka: "Now, let me carry you...And exaggerate your limp." atsushi: um ok?....ooooooh. oh the paaaaain! my ice skating careeeer! Police Officer #1: "???" Kyoka: "...Help. We were attacked by people with weapons." -elsewhere- Victor: *sitting in front of Hot Wheels toy cars--which are now on fire* "..." nozomi: !! *getting the extinguisher* Victor: "Why do cars hate me?! I just am trying my best with them!" -elsewhere- atsushi: *running with kyouka* (thinking: im glad i stopped her before she hurt anyone...) !!! Kyoka: "Let me go." atsushi: um....we have company. old man:.... Fitzgerald: "Hello, old sport." atsushi: why you son of a bi- *BANG* ACK! owwww...fuuuuck. twain: *from a roof* bulls eye, baby. Kyoka: O_O Fitzgerald: *on incom* "Good work, Mr. Twain." *picks up Atsushi by the neck* Kyoka: O__O Fitzgerald: "Well, then, little princess: I will be taking your boyfriend--" Kyoka: "...My what?" atsushi: HUH? o-o; -rumble rumble- -whale noises- atsushi:....what the fuck. melville: hello, old friend. moby dick: ^o^ Fitzgerald: *carrying Atsushi to the whale* "I have only known you for a short time, princess. But please, listen to my experience: saving people does not suit you. But you already know that." Kyoka: "..." *crying* "Why...? Then...Then why show me the light?" atsushi: *trying to reach her* kyouka! run! Kyoka: "..." *shakes her head, starts to run at Fitzgerald* Fitzgerald: *entering the whale's mouth* -police sirens- officer: hands in the air! atsushi: !!!! no.... Kyoka: "..." *turns and sees police behind her* officer: you're under arrest under the suspicion of murder. atsushi: KYOUKA!!! Kyoka: "..." *crying, looks up* "...Goodbye." -elsewhere- Relan: "..." *holds his hand* shinra: ^^ *hug* iris: *hug* Relan: "Feel better?" shinra: yeah. Relan: "That's good...Anything you wanted to do today?" -elsewhere- Mori: "Have you learned your lesson?" -elsewhere- judge: court will now come to order. the case of motojiro kajii vs public welfare will begin. is the plaintiff here? Motojiro: *playing a 3DS...in handcuffs* hirotsu: *facepalm* lawyer: yes, your honor. judge: and the defendant? Hirotsu: "Here, your honor, defending Motojiro Kajii--" Motojiro: "NO, I WON'T TRADE MY SAPPHIRE FOR YOUR SANTA COAT, YOU ASS!" judge:...mr kajii! do you mind saving the game and paying attention? Motojiro: "Huh? Oh, fine." *closes, folds his hands together* "I plead not guilty. Now, let's get this show on the road!" -elsewhere- ???: *wheezing* -beep. beep. beep- ???:.....rn....mr hawthorne? Hawthorne: *inhale, wheeze* nurse: mr hawthorne? Hawthorne: "Wh-What?" nurse: i see you're awake. ^^ Hawthorne: "Wh-Where...?" nurse: you're in the hospital. you and the lady next to you were found badly injured. it's amazing you're still alive.. Hawthorne: "Lady...!!! Mi-Mitchell?" nurse: she's right next to you....she's in a bad state....we arent sure if she'll ever recover. margaret: *no reply* [margaret: i....i lo...lov-....] Hawthorne: "...Margaret..." nurse:.... nurse 2: mr hawthorne? there's a phone call for you. Hawthorne: "...Who would know I am awake?" nurse 2: i guess it was good timing? *hands him the phone* Hawthorne: "...Hello?" Fitzgerald: "Hello, old sport." Hawthorne: "!!!" Fitzgerald: "Report. What happened to you on the front lines--?" Hawthorne: "..." *laughs* nurse: ?? Hawthorne: "Foolish...She was so, so, foolish!" *crying laughing* nurse:...*backing out of the room* Hawthorne: "To sacrifice one's safety...Ha ha..." *stops laughing, now stone-cold serious* "Mitchell...She wanted to salvage her family's legacy. So why did she--" Fitzgerald: "She joined this war to pay off her family's debt and to re-establish them. That dream is now gone with the wind." Hawthorne: "..." *shaking, gripping the phone harder until the plastic around it is chipping off* "No..." nurse: !! Hawthorne: "With all due respect, Lord Fitzgerald: _you_ left her to the winds." margaret:.... *no reply* Hawthorne: "You led her down a path of no return...with your damn money. Sacrificing what she had for a pittance!" Fitzgerald: "What?!" Hawthorne: "...I will restore her honor." *hangs up* Fitzgerald: "???" nurse 3: letter for you, sir. Hawthorne: "...What is it?" -no address or name, just says 'mr hawthorne'- Hawthorne: *struggles to open it...* note: dearest mr hawthorne. i can help you save her. upon your discharge, meet me at the following address. with love, FD. -the note has what looks like a demented mouse logo- Hawthorne: "..." *sets the letter aside* "..." (" 'FD'?") -elsewhere- shiemi: look, i found margie! *holds up some wild flowers* Yukio: "...Maybe try the common name for them?" konekomaru: *writing down notes* Rin: "That one kind of looks like an ardvark." *points to the sky* takara: ..... Shima: "..." *pokes Takara's shoulder* takara: ?? Shima: "Are you still asleep?" takara:.... Shima: "...YO! DUDE! WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" takara's puppet: I AM AWAKE, MCSHITLORD! Shima: "EEK!" *falls back--and down a hill* -splash- izumo:....*soaked*.... Shima: O~O "...I will be running now..." -elsewhere- Kid: "We're home." liz: hey, welcome back! Patty: *hug/tackle* "You're back!" Death the Kid: Kid: "Unf!" stocking: ^^ Patty: *sitting on Kid's chest* "What'd you bring me?!" Kid: -_-;;;; -elsewhere- Shotaro: *looking through the phone book* nea: looking for something, kiddo? Shotaro: "Just wondering something: are there more of us? I mean, in my family and other Dokeshi." nea: what brought this up? Shotaro: "Just...wanting to do a good deed, I guess. After what some of us have gone through..." *glances at Emine...who is seated under a tree...in shadows...just staring* nea:.....what exactly are you looking for? Shotaro: "Just anyone whose name sounds like a Dokeshi name...Oh! Like this one! 'D. O. Keshi'! Actual name in the phone book!" nea:....*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Rin: *staring at his scabbard* shiemi: did you want to toast marshmallows? Rin: "Huh?" *forcing a smile* "Y-Yeah, sure..." shiemi: have you ever roasted marshmallows before? Rin: "Not very well: they always melted too fast." shiemi: aw. Rin: "I guess I added too much heat to them..." shiemi: ^^; izumo: yukio told me that you and your cousins roasted marshmallows once before when you were kids, right? Rin: "Yeah. Dad wanted to do some 'great outdoors' thing...in our backyard." shiemi: that sounds like fun. ^^ Rin: "It was...until I shook that tree with the beehive..." shiemi: oh no! Rin: "Those suckers sting..." -elsewhere- naho: we're baaaaa...... O_O; Higan: *gyrating his hips to music* "...Oh. You're back early." naho: *covers her eyes and screams* Higan: "??? What? I'm wearing boxers and a shirt." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *stunned* "...I now have the urge to pour bleach into my eyes." reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "...Sorry. Just had a mental image that was most unpleasant." *sips his tea* "...How are you?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "..." *burns a sheet of paper* -elsewhere- Bakugo: *tugging at his collar* mama bakugou: nervous, kiddo? Bakugo: "No, I'm not! It's nothing, right?!" -elsewhere- yuuji: ...... Aizawa: "...You're quieter than usual." yuuji: sorry just....not good with social situations. *looks out at all the people on the dance floor* Aizawa: "...Join the club." *sips his punch* "...Heh. A club of asocial people." yuuji: talk about irony... Aizawa: "Just take it slow. No rush trying to get used to this setting..." yuuji: ....why did you decide to become a hero? Aizawa: "...We want to see people with quirks looked upon in a better light. I think being a hero is one part of that." yuuji: hmm....i guess that makes sense....there are some parts of the world where they're still frowned on... Aizawa: "...I had hot coffee thrown at me when I was 12." yuuji: ....that's rough, dude. sachi....*tenses* she had it a lot worse. back in our hometown, sachi didnt have the best home life. she lived in a 'religious' household. and im talkin the bad kinds too. they treated her like absolute shit, all because she had a quirk. she became resentful, bitter. she wanted to make the world pay for the hell she was put through. all i wanted was for her to be happy...*tearing up* Aizawa: "..." *offers a napkin* yuuji:...*sniff* thanks... Aizawa: "No problem...What do you want now in your life?" yuuji: ...i dont really know. i never really thought about it. Aizawa: "You got time. You're still pretty young...but make it something that is meaningful and helpful." yuuji:...right. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *collapses on the couch* kim: rough day? Jacqueline: *groan* "My eyes are buggy from staring at books." kim: aw. Jacqueline: "...It could be worse." *turns over* "...Your day go alright?" kim: *she nods* Jacqueline: *yawn* "That's good...Kim?" kim: hmm? Jacqueline: "Do you like this?" kim: what do you mean? Jacqueline: "Are you happy...with your job? With this home? ...With me?" kim: yeah. life's pretty sweet. *smiles* Jacqueline: *smiles back* "Yeah..." *reaches out to Kim* -elsewhere- izumo: so how are we doing this test then? Yukio: "You'll be divided into teams." izumo: *nods* shiemi:... konekomaru: will they be equal teams or randomly decided? Yukio: "More or less equal. Shura will announce Team #1." shura: team one will be kamiki, takara, and shiemi. Rin: *raises his hand* "Which team am I on?" shura: you'll be on suguro's team. konekomaru: then i guess that just leaves shima and i on the last team. Shima: "Woo! Team Best Team!" Rin: "..." Bon: *serious look at Rin* "...Don't screw up." Rin: D: shura: whoever brings their lanturn back first is the winner and recieves a mystery prize. may the best team win! Shima: "!!! Come on, Konekomaru! I know exactly what I want that mystery prize to be!" Rin: "Is the mystery prize food?!" shura: on your marks......*looks at yukio* Yukio: *lets off a party popper* "Go!" -as they begin running in, several moths begin flocking to them- Rin: "Ah, look at the pretty butterflies--" *they swarm his face* "...AH!" izumo: *summoning familiars* Rin: *spots Shiemi* "!!!" shiemi: eep! nii-chan we- -one of the moths rips the paper- shiemi: D8> Rin: "Shiemi! Watch out!" shiemi: EEP! *ducks from a big ass moth creature* Rin: *swings at the moth* "Back, Mothra!" moth: SCREEEE! Rin: "I said--" *flaming up* "--back!" moth: *hisss* 'child....of satan....' Rin: .///.;;;; "Wh-Where?" -elsewhere in the woods- Rin: .///.;;;; "Wh-Where?" -elsewhere in the woods- maid: *panting* l-lord amaimon...can..can we...go back now? *carrying him piggy-back stye* Amaimon: "No. I want to piggy back a bit longer." *pats her* "Onward." maid: *grumble* why did you make us come out here in the middle of the night? Amaimon: "Big brother asked me to." maid: then why doesnt _he_ monitor the brat? Amaimon: "Because something about me not getting out of the house enough. If you're tired, we can take a break." maid: yes please. Amaimon: *pulls up on her reins like a horse* "Wow, there. We can graze over yonder." maid: why did you put this on me -_-; Amaimon: "It's what a horsie needs." *gets off of her, stretches* "You can go drink at the stream." maid: *mumbling* cant believe i left my home in gehenna for this...*mumble mumble* Amaimon: *picking berries* "...Are these poisonous?" -fwoooom- maid: what was that?! Amaimon: "...Huh. So that's why brother wanted me to check..." maid: shall we investigate then? Amaimon: "..." *grabs a handful of berries* "Let's go, horsie." maid: *sighs and sprouts wings, flying over* -back over- shiemi: niiiii... Q~Q Rin: *whapping away the last moths* "...I'm sorry, Shiemi." Bon: *having arrived* "...Just make a new paper." shiemi: *sniff* Q-Q Rin: *glares* Bon: ._.;;;; "...Just being honest--" *Light flashes in Bon's eyes* Bon: "AH!" shiemi: ah! oh no, i got seperated from my team! ???: "INCOMING!" shiemi: ?!?! Shima: *waving flashlight at moths, his other hand waving his staff* "Back off, you stupid bugs!" konekomaru: *reciting the moth demon's fatal verse* Shima: "...Oh! You guys are all here--" *spots Shiemi* "!!! Shiemi! Are you okay?" *gets down on one knee* shiemi: i-im fine. my neck is a little itchy though... Bon: "...Mind if I check?" -one lantern acquirement later- Rin: .___.;;; "...I thought it'd be a tiny little paper lantern..." izumo: took you guys long enough. Bon: "Delayed on account of moths." Shima: *moves up to Izumo* "They didn't come this way, did they?" izumo: the circle would have kept them out. *staring at her prize; a pen set* Rin: "...Yukio picked out the pen set, huh? I was hoping for food..." shiemi:....*walking into the woods* Bon: "???" Shima: "Yo, Shiemi! We're over here!" shiemi:.... Rin: "Shiemi? Shiemi!" -something is squirming in the back of her neck- Rin: "!!!" izumo: gross! ???: "Found you all." shura: ?! Yukio: "What on Earth?" Amaimon: "Hello." *waves Shiemi over to him* shiemi: *walking over* Yukio: "Shiemi!" Rin: *follows Shiemi* "Hey! Get back here--" shiemi: *not responding* -in the trees- maid: oh nooooo this is bad. lord pheles is gonna kill me TT-TT Rin: *takes Shiemi's wrist* Amaimon: "Hey. No. Don't do that." behemoth: *GROWLS* Rin: "...Please tell me that was my stomach..." behemoth: *GAAAAOOOOO!* Rin: *leaps out of the way* "AH!" Amaimon: *gestures to Shiemi* "Come to me." izumo: !!! shiemi: *walks over to him* izumo: on no you dont! *summons familiars* Amaimon: "Why can't you let my bride and me go off on our honeymoon?" izumo: O_O maid: *JAWDROP* Amaimon: *picks up Shiemi, bridal style* "Do you take me, in sickness and health--" -doink- konekomaru: *tossing pebbles at him* >-< *The pebble hits the top of his hair and--* *POOF* Amaimon: "..." *pat pat* Shima: "..." *snort* "Broccoli head!" Amaimon: "..." *vanishes with Shiemi* izumo: dont let him get away! maid:...WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?! ???: "Who said I was going away?" maid: *SCREAM* l-l-lord pheles!? w-when did you- Mephisto: "I was finished handling the sundaes and thought I'd take in some entertainment." maid: b-but he's going against orders! he wasnt supposed to attack! Mephisto: "Oh, don't worry. Just a small hiccup to this exam." maid: hmm... -back on the ground- Shima: "Where did he--?" *KICKED* Shima: *sent flying* konekomaru: SHIMA!! Amaimon: *stares at Konekomaru* "I had my hair just the way I wanted it..." konekomaru: um..*sweating* Amaimon: *taps the tip of his finger on Konekomaru's forearm* konekomaru: *screams of pain* Bon: "!!! Konekomaru!" izumo: what the hell did you do to him?! Amaimon: "I broke his arm. My hair is very important." izumo: !!! Amaimon: *grabs Bon by the throat, lifting him up, while he's holding Shiemi in his arm* Bon: "URK!" shiemi: ..... Bon: "..." *cough* "If you're blaming anyone...don't blame me! Blame Rin Okumura!" Rin: ._. "...Wha?" Bon: "Always running off. Always being a mystery. This isn't just our fight, Okumura--it's yours too! And you're just going to sit on the sidelines?!" Rin: "..." *takes his scabbard* shura: !!! rin dont do it! Yukio: "Stop!" Rin: "...I'm sorry. But I have to use these flames for kindness..." *removes the sword* shura: oh my god. *A bright light shines* Bon: "?!!!" Amaimon: "..." *puts on sunglasses* konekomaru: t...thats.... maid: *JAWDROP* oh fuuuck. Rin: *covered in blue flames* "I am your opponent!" Amaimon: "...Ha ha ha!" *hands Shiemi to Izumo* "Hold my bride." izumo: !!! *squished* oof! h...heavy...... Amaimon: *leaps at Rin* "Whee!!!" Rin: *blocks* Bon: *staring, shaking* shura: come on, we need to get shiemi to safety. Bon: "Demon sword...Rin...What the hell is going on?!" Rin: *summons flame along his sword, sending it in a wave at Amaimon* Amaimon: "Shiny!" maid: sir, is this REALLY a good idea?! Amaimon: *leaps behind Rin--tugging on his tail* Rin: *howl* Mephisto: "How else will the boy learn?" maid: oh this is a bad idea, if the order finds out about this- Mephisto: "I'm not telling them." *stares at Maid* maid: i guess all we can do is hope it works for the best.... Mephisto: *shrug* "What's the worst that can happen?" *holding a bowl of ice cream* -back on the ground- Yukio: "Shiemi!" *trying to examine the wound on her neck* "We have to get this poison out..." izumo: *getting the medkit* Yukio: *examining Shiemi's eyes* "Chuchi sting. We'll need the holy water, too..." Rin: *screaming as he slices at Amaimon, cutting his arm* Amaimon: *howl, as he continues swiping* Mephisto: "?!" maid: shouldnt we be doing something?! Rin: *burning trees, as he flings Amaimon across the sky* Mephisto: "..." Amaimon: *bounces back, coming at Rin* Rin: "AAAAH!" Amaimon: "GRRRR!" Mephisto: "...ENOUGH!" *catches both of their fists* maid: eep! >.< shiemi: ...nn.....nhuh? Yukio: "??? Shiemi?" Mephisto: *smiles* "There. Dawn has come. Time to go home." shiemi:..yu...ki? Yukio: "I-I'm here...Are you back with us?" shiemi: i...i think so...my neck itches... Yukio: "Easy...We all need to evacuate..." shiemi: whats...going on? *BOOM* Yukio: *shields her* shiemi: ah! izumo: ?! konekomaru: bon...thats- Bon: "...Blue flames..." Amaimon: "Brother! You told me if I followed your instructions, you'd give me infinite play!" Rin: *growling--being held back by Mephisto, who merely holds the palm of his hand at Rin's forehead* maid: im so confused. Mephisto: "I also told you not to damage the school..." *holds up his cell phone--showing a photograph that a tree from the forest flew all the way from and smashed into Mephisto's True Cross office* Amaimon: .____. Mephisto: "And you fail to recognize, Brother: this child has more power that exceeds your abilities--" ???: you also damaged the shower, that i was using~ ^^# Mephisto: "..." *turns around* o\\\o Rin: *confused grunt* Amaimon: "...Hello." felisia: ^^# *heavenly bitch slaps rin and amaimon into the ground* Rin: O______O *face-plant into the ground* Amaimon: "Aaaaaaaah--" *butt-crash into the ground* "...I'm stuck." Mephisto: "...Oh my." shiemi: !!! Yukio: D: "Rin!" felisia: *cracks knuckles* well, my frustration has been vented. ^^ Mephisto: "...You are so amazing when you're furious." izumo: ....ugh. i can almost smell the second-hand embarrassment. Mephisto: "Now, where was I? Oh, yes! I think Rin should come along with me--" Rin: *growling* -chop to rin's head- felisia: down you. Rin: *collapses, flames dissipating* Shima: .\\\\. "So cool..." izumo: shima, pay attention! *chop* Shima: "I was! She knocked out Rin!" shiemi: ..... shura: oooooi. you alright there? Yukio: "Shiemi...Do you need to sit?" shiemi: *staring at rin* Rin: X____X shura: ok, i didnt want to have to do this.....*licks finger and sticks it in rin's ear* Rin: >_____O "WHAT THE HELL?!!!" shura: oh good, you're still alive. Rin: "Yeah, I am--and you didn't have to--" *looks around...sees burned forest...and his classmate* Yukio: "..." konekomaru: ... izumo:.... Rin: "...Oh man..." *tries to look at his classmates* "Guys, I...I just--" shiemi: do you really think this is funny?! *tearing up* Rin: "!!! I-I wasn't making any joke! Shiemi! Are you okay--" izumo: ...??!! *notices something in the trees* ???: "Son of Satan! Prepare to meet your executioner!" Shinra: "What the hell?!" shura: ahh hell. Triple A: "The son of Satan will be killed by Arthur A. Ang--" shura + felisia: *swords out* Triple A: "...Hell. Hmph. Stand aside. I am executing the Son of Satan--" shura: like hell you are, baldy. Triple A: "Then I will have to get by you--" *dashes at Shura* -clang- felisia: how about no. Triple A: "?!!! You want to fight as well? Fine!" *aims at her* shura: ok kids, get back to the campsite and pack up. we'll handle this one. Yukio: "...Come on, Shiemi." Rin: "...Shiemi. I...I..." Bon: *glaring* shiemi: .... *looking away* Rin: *holding out a hand* "W-Wait! Just..." Bon: *muttering* "Goddamn son of Satan..." Rin: "..." *just stares at the ground* felisia:...*pitiful glance at rin* Rin: *avoids eye contact* *sniff* Triple A: "Have at thee, fallen angel--" -morning- Akitaru: "...Blue...flames." *pauses* *goes back to reading his newspaper* "Out of my jurisdiction. Not getting involved in that again." shinra: sir? Akitaru: "Long time ago. Don't want to get into it." *tries to keep reading the newspaper...then puts it down* "I've seen some shit, man." shinra: i could only imagine... Akitaru: "If you ever see the blue flames...you're gonna need more than just someone to purify the soul--you're going to need an exorcist." shinra: *opens mouth to say something, but decides not to* Akitaru: "Something you wanted to ask me, son?" shinra: nothing, just thinking. Akitaru: "..." *pats his shoulder* "Okay." shinra: ....*hug* Akitaru: "!!! ..." *hug* "You're okay." shinra:......thanks dad... Akitaru: "..." *smiles* "Sure, son." -elsewhere- -later, after the trial was concluded, and rin asked shura to train him- madoka: *knocking* excuse me? is rin home? Fujimoto: *smiles* "Yes, he is." *stands aside* "Please, come in." madoka: *she nods and leaves her shoes at the door* Fujimoto: "It'll be good for him. I'm sure he wants to see his girlfriend." madoka: *she smile and knocks on his door* Rin: *inside* "Go away." madoka: rin? it's me, madoka. may i please come in? Rin: "..." *whimpering sound* madoka:...*opens the door just a creak* rin? *noticing kuro by her feet* Kuro: *meow* Rin: *hiding under bedcover* madoka: rin...im not mad at you. i dont have any reason to be. Rin: "...I'm a monster." madoka:....*sits on his bed* rin....*light hug* Rin: *shakes* "St-Stop..." madoka:...... Rin: "They hate me." madoka:....*holds his hand* i dont hate you. Rin: "...Why not? You know what I am." madoka: *she smiles* because i know that you're still a good person, despite what you are. Rin: *shakes his head* "...Did you know?" madoka: ...yukio told me. Rin: *squirms, pouts* "I wasn't ready to tell you...Were you mad I didn't?" madoka: well...its a scary thing to live with... if it were me, i'd be scared too. Rin: "...When I first had the blue flames...Dad..." madoka: *holds him* Rin: *sniff* "I-I didn't want people to know, just for this reason...They're going to want to kill me." madoka: its ok. we're still here for you, rin. me, your brother, your dad, kyouko... Rin: "...Promise?" madoka: *kisses his forehead* always. Rin: *sniff* *holds onto her* madoka: *hums a bit* Rin: *closes his eyes...* "Hmmm..." -elsewhere- Belkia: *blindfolded, holding a knife* "Now just stand still, and I will make sure the knife does not hurt you." naho: are you sure this is a good idea? o-o; Belkia: "Of course--after all, it's my idea! Now, let's get ready...Get set..." -elsewhere- Rino: "Your kid made a mess of your office." Hibana: "...How big a mess?" hanako: *crying* -some pens fell over- Hibana: "Oh, sweetie." *picks her up* "It's okay." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *holding her hands together* "Please? Just turn into your tanuki form for a second." kim: for five dollars, yes. Jacqueline: "..." *sigh* "Fine." *hands her a five* kim: thank you~ *poof* Jacqueline: *smirks, as she holds up a tanuki-size doll outfit* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." kirako: ...... Kunikida: "Still no idea where they are." yosano: where do you think they might be? Kunikida: "Dazai had said he was meeting with a friend. And he dragged Atsushi along." -someone has arrived- yosano: ?! kirako: mr dazai! Dazai: *his arm is in a sling* "Yo." *tries to wave--then cringes* Q~Q yosano: *smirks* need some help, dazai~? Dazai: O_____O;;;; "I think I'll run now--" Kunikida: "Hold him!" -LE TACKLE- -too graphic- yosano: *cracks knuckles* now that wasnt too difficult, was it dazai? Dazai: Q~Q "...You're too rough." yosano: daawwww, does baby want a wowwypop? Dazai: "...Lemon, pwease." yosano:... -throws a lemon lollipop at his face- Dazai: *Lemon lollipop sticks to his face* "...Thanks?" Kunikida: "Kirako, get Dazai's report." kirako: right. -elsewhere- lana: did you see that guy with the raccoon here? Bellhop: "...What?" lana: yeah. one of the guys in the executive suite had a raccoon with him. Bellhop: "...Huh. Weird. Well, not the weirdest thing to happen here--" ???: *animal screech* lana: gah! *A raccoon leaps at Lana* lana: *SHRIEK* ???: "Karl! Stop that!" lana: eh? *Picks up Karl* ???: "My apologies. He got off his leash." lana: i-its..fine. ^^; Karl: *growling at Lana, sticking out its paws again* ???: "Karl, no!" *bonks his head with a rolled up newspaper* "Bad Karl! Bad!" Karl: Q_Q -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *chuckles, looking at the photos* kim: -_-; Jacqueline: "Five dollars for some juicy blackmail." *shows off pic--of Tanuki Kim in an adorable dress and bow* "Cute!" kim: you're evil. Jacqueline: *smiles* "You taught me well." *pats Kim's cheek* -elsewhere- Wes: "Want a drink?" liz: sure. Wes: "Wine? Beer? Water? Juice?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Where is everyone?" lord death: kirika's in the den, studying. Yumi: "Kid, Liz, Patty?" -elsewhere- Konro: "Meal's about ready." kabuki: *smiles* Tsukiyo: *stomach growling* "Looking forward to your good cooking, Captain!" -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Here you go." *hands her an ice cream cone* vivian: thank you~ Kishiri: *smiles* "Feel like forever since I saw you. You're looking good." -elsewhere- Gopher: *reading* "I think I know the answer to Question 5!" -the next day- Rin: *deep inhale* "Okay...I'm ready." shura: ok. *hands him a wooden sword and some candles* Rin: "...The heck is with the candles?" *sniff sniff* "They scented?" shura: its to help you control your flames. if you can light the two at the ends at the same time without lighting the one in the middle, you'll be able to use the kurikura again. sound easy enough? Rin: "...I burned down an entire forest." shura: thats why we're training. to help you control it. Rin: "..." *sighs* "Fine..." *sits down in front of the candles...points at them...and bites his lip* "HMMMMMMMPH!" -FWOOOM- shura: .... *licks fingers and puts out a small flame on her hair* -tsss- Rin: ._.; "Oh, snap. Sorry!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "??? What's all this?" -a few days later- Q: *humming* ???: *aimless* "Itchy..." Q: ~? hey misteeeer~ im bored, humor me! ^w^ ???: "Humor...a child...I'll make you a balloon animal...But I have no balloons..." *tentacles crawl out from under his sleeves* Q: *squicked face* ew. what is this, motojiro's DVDs? ???: "??? I just...think of these things." Q: how lame. *puts on barbed wire fisticuffs and punches, causing his hand to bleed* -a handprint appears- Q: that mark appears on anyone who hurts me. teeheehee~ i wonder how it will look when you break down~? ???: "...I don't know...what you mean by 'break down...'" *His arm twists a bit, a gurgling sound coming from his throat* Q:............................. *a puddle has formed under him* -several civilians scream in terror- -elsewhere- Yohei: "And this is your thumb..." *taps Toru's hand* toru: ah! Yohei: "And here is your little pinky..." *taps his pinky* -elsewhere- Stein: "How is my patient?" valentine: they seem to be doing much better this morning. Stein: "Let me meet with them..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Howdy!" louisa: eep! g-good morning! Steinbeck: "What're you up to?" *picks up a file* louisa: lord francis asked me to get a plan together. h-ho-how is your mission? Steinbeck: "All tied up!" louisa: goodness, that busy, huh? Steinbeck: "No, I just meant I tied up the target in vines and keep him locked in a room." louisa: o-oh... right... ._.; Steinbeck: "Is the boss in?" louisa: i believe he- Fitzgerald: "EMERGENCY!" louisa: EEP! Steinbeck: "... Fitzgerald: "Give me the EMERGENCY plan!" louisa: b-but lord francis, i-if we use that, it would lead to collateral damage! Fitzgerald: "It is direct, is it not?!" louisa: y-yes, b-but if we go forward with it, the city council is certain to take notice. Fitzgerald: "Let them!" *spots a snow globe with a piano inside* louisa: oh, we'll be in so much trouble Q-Q Fitzgerald: "Every single thing here belong to me! Down to the blinds on the curtains! And that includes you and all my subordinates!" *brings down the snowglobe* louisa: lord francis.... Fitzgerald: *stops at that phrase...calmly sets down the snowglobe* "So, from now on, I will not let my subordinates die." -elsewhere- Shouto: "...This is embarrassing." eijiro: what is, man? Shouto: "Getting coffee with someone." eijiro: oh cool, who is it? ???: ok, i got the coffees. hmm? oh, is this a friend of yours, shouto? Shouto: -_-; "Fuyumi, this is my classmate, Eijiro Kirishima. Eijiro, this is my sister." fuyumi: hey there, nice to meet you. ^^ eijiro: oh, hey! i heard you were a teacher, is that right? fuyumi: mmhmm. Shouto: "..." *cough* "We were here to get coffee." eijiro: neat. -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." yosano: hey, we'll find him, alright? Dazai: "I hope so--for his sake, and whoever gets in his way." yosano: ...*small chuckle* he's only younger than you by a few years, but you've kinda become like a dad to him. Dazai: *shrug* "Someone has to keep an eye on him. What, you'd rather Old Man Kunikida do it?" yosano:....do you want a honest answer or no? Dazai: "I'd go for honest--he may be eavesdropping, so it'll irritate him." yosano:....*casually sips coffee* *shrugs* *An annoyed grunt is heard behind a door* Dazai: *smirks* -elsewhere- Belkia: *sitting in the corner* tsubaki: have you learned your lesson now? Belkia: "I should use rubber-tipped fake knifes?" tsubaki: *nods* Yukio: "How goes training?" shura: it's a work in progress. Yukio: "...How much did he burn?" shura:......well good news is the buildings are still standing. Yukio: *sigh* "Rin? Maybe I can try helping--" Rin: Q~Q "It's all on fire..." kyouko: *extinguishing it* phew... Yukio: "...Rin, come on. You have to get this under control...Shura, any alternative lesson?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "I CAN'T KEEP WAITING!" -elsewhere- Mori: *putting an x across faces of Guild and Detective members in photos* rain:....Q still isnt back yet... Mori: "Then call him." rain: alright. *dials phone* -somewhere- -pon pon pon plays as a ringtone- Q:...hnnn? Steinbeck: "Howdy!" Q: nhh? rain: !!!! w-who are- Steinbeck: "Someone who's got your boy." rain: i dont know who you are...but if you do ANYTHING to hurt him- Steinbeck: "Please. You won't do anything--because you won't be able to." rain: what do you mean? *tense* Q: *screaming* it hurts! it hurts! i'll kill you! i'll kill everyone! Steinbeck: "Raze the earth...eat the grapes of wrath..." -elsewhere- atsushi:....what do you want, you pompous sack of jerknuts? Fitzgerald: *smiles* "What would you do for your friends?" atsushi: what kind of question is that? Fitzgerald: "The only question, because everyone has a price--something to sacrifice to earn something back in exchange. And as payment to you, for what I need from you, I'm going to tell you why I took you. We are seeking...a book." atsushi:....thats it? cant you just go to the library or something? Fitzgerald: "It's the only book of its kind. Tell me, how many books do you know that can withstand fire and almost all forms of destruction?" atsushi: um...magic books? maybe? Fitzgerald: "_One_ book. And that's why I need you, tiger beetle." atsushi: im not a beetle. what the hell is with that weird nickname? Fitzgerald: "You are valuable--and I can't afford to lose such an expensive acquisition. After all, to get this book, I am about to take drastic actions." atsushi: something about the threatening vagueness of that statement has me worried. Fitzgerald: "Needle. Haystack. To find a book that can survive fire, there is only one logical conclusion: burn down the entire city." atsushi:....are you absolutly insane? Fitzgerald: "Of course not! If I was, I would be using my vast wealth for therapy." atsushi: you know if you pull a stunt like that, the whole city will be after you! Fitzgerald: "Who would be left to stop me?" atsushi: ....*notices something*.....ooooh frick. -its a doll. a very creepy doll- Fitzgerald: "Recognize this little fellow?" atsushi: that's- Fitzgerald: This doll, with its head ripped off, will curse about 20 percent of the city's residents." atsushi: !!! you cant! -meanwhile- rain: *still on the phone* you're insane!! Steinbeck: "Maybe. But I'm just following orders." Q: *whimpering* i-i never asked to be born like this... w-why do bad things happen to me?! *crying* rain: ....kyusaku... Mori: "..." Steinbeck: "Child, you should be happy! You're going to be part of something bigger than yourself." Steinbeck: *serious face* "That's what I'm supposed to tell you." *sits down* Q: *hic* i wanna go home. i wa-i want my mother! Steinbeck: "There are those with power. There are those without power. Your lot in life was determined before your birth. You have this power? Then you have no choice but to die with it, too." Steinbeck: *smiles* "Your mother isn't here. God is here. And He doesn't love you." Q: *tears streaming as he screams* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I'LL CURSE EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU! I HATE THIS! rain:...*heart cracking* -elsewhere- chie: mono, where did you get that bruise? mono: what bruise? -several marks appear on several people, including eternal feather, shouto, and kunikida- kyouko: ...yukio, what happened? Yukio: "???" *looks in the mirror* "Where did this...?" -on the moby dick- Doll: "Ha ha ha ha..." Fitzgerald: "Activated. Now all that is left is to damage this doll--" atsushi: how about this, the agency will help you look for whatever you're looking for, ok? that way you find your book, and no one gets hurt. its a win win! Fitzgerald: "...An interesting proposal. Very well. I'll accept--" atsushi: great! so where do we- Fitzgerald: "--with anyone who survives this." -riiiip- atsushi: ooooooh fudge. -on the streets- sancha: see anything? Tsukauchi: *staring at one person walking down the street* "...Is that a zombie?" sancha: maybe hopped up on something. try pulling ov- -the person is screaming and lands on the car- sancha: HOLY FRISKIES! -in the office- kirako: ..... yosano: feel anything yet, kunikida? -a ghostly woman appears in the corner- ghost: do...ppo.... -on the moby dick- atsushi: this is bad. think man, think! ???: "You? What can you do?" atsushi: ??! ???: "You would bring only misfortune. You dragged them into this--those young girls." atsushi: i was...just trying to help them! ???: "And that's why...You thought you were their hero." atsushi: just stop it! *punches the door* agh! dammit! ??? (a different voice): "...Who are you talking to?" atsushi: huh? *peeks* oh! you're that redheaded girl. Montgomery: "Yes, me. Serves you right..." atsushi: are you still mad at me im guessing? *notices the doll* that doll! Montgomery: "Yeah. It's trash, so it goes in the dumpster." atsushi: please, you have to let me out. if we dont do something, the whole city- Montgomery: "By 'everyone,' you mean your 'champions'? So, not me, huh? Sorry. I want to see you survive this, alone. Then you'll know how I feel." atsushi: listen, i understand how you feel. i was all alone before too- Montgomery: "Don't patronize me! How can you understand?! The Guild is all I have left! Have you been stuck with the same leftovers for a whole year?! Been hit with a hot iron poker?! Washed dishes all day with frostbitten and bleeding hands?!" *pulls up her sleeve* atsushi: !!!! Montgomery: "This is my mark!" *the burn of a poker* atsushi:....the first time is always the most painful. but the third time is the worst... *pulls up his shirt to reveal a similar mark* Montgomery: "!!! Wh-What...?" atsushi: i lived in a pretty bad orphanage too. so i know what its like to be alone and afraid. but that doesnt mean we can let it control us as adults. when i joined the agency, i finally realized that. i guess im pretty dumb for not realizing it sooner... Montgomery: "..." *shaking* "...'Too late'..." atsushi: ?? -they are now in 'anne's room'- Montgomery: "It was too late for you...It was too late for me...It's too late for them. Can't stop it." atsushi: ...no. there is a way. dazai's ability. if he touches the doll, it will deactivate the curse. he did it one before when it affected me... Montgomery: "... *glares* "How is that supposed to work? We're in the air! You don't know where he is!" atsushi: well, i read something once; 'not once have i regretted the things i did, i only regret the things i didnt do'. it was from a book in the library orphanage, i dont remember the authors name, but it stuck with me. Montgomery: "..." Anne: *roar* atsushi: !! Anne: *hands bag to Atsushi* atsushi: um...what is this? Montgomery: "A parachute." atsushi: so then, you're helping me? Montgomery: "..." *points to a door* "This door bridges you to the walls of Moby-Dick to escape." atsushi: thank you so much....what made you change your mind? Montgomery: "...Solitude is my life." atsushi: .... Montgomery: "Maybe that is the problem. Maybe if the Detective Agency and the Mafia had collaborated..." atsushi: *light bulb* thats it! *hugs her* you're a genius....um...did i ever get your name? Montgomery: o\\\\o "G-Get off of me! You have to get out of here!" atsushi: ah! right...are you sure you'll be ok in here? Montgomery: "...No. But I'll survive. And you better--because I'm going to need someone to get me out of here." atsushi: right. i'll be sure to come back for you. and if things dont work at the guild. you can always join the agency! Montgomery: "...I'll be waiting." *push* "Now get going!" atsushi: OKAAAAAYYYYYY!!!! -inside- guild member: the weretiger has escaped! twain: *smirks* alright, my time to shine~ -outside- atsushi: *falling* (thinking: i just have to get to dazai at the new base, then i can-) *notices something* eh? that's....the port mafia! -not just the mafia, but also the DWMA, pro heroes, true cross, the brigades, the whole 9 yards- -BANG- atsushi: ?! what the- -inside the bullet is a little boy?- boy: gotcha! -the bullet continues downward- atsushi: *gulps and activates the parachute* Chuuya: "Guard the traffic network!" gin: *nods* -elsewhere- shura: alright, lets keep civilian casualties to a minimum! all those unaffected get indoors! adrian: understood! shura: gilda, get into the shop and treat any wounded. gilda: *nods and goes to do that* Rin: " 'Casualties'?" shura: just get back inside and focus on your training, leave this one to the adults, m'kay? seiya: i dont know if you noticed, but things have gone kind of nuts out here. momo sakura: *sniffs* *hugs shiro* uncle shiro, im scared. Fujimoto: *pat pat* "I know, kid. Just stay behind me..." kyouko: ... *checks the shed* yukio? feeling better yet? Yukio: "Let me go!" *rocking in the chair* kyouko:...guess not... *closes the door* -elsewhere- -a tiger lands on the ground- -nice landing- atsushi: oholycrap i cant believe i didnt just die! oh shit! right! doll! to dazai! gotta hurryyyyy! *runs* -bullets shoot down from above- atsushi: FUUUUCK! *running. the whole city is in chaos. he can see a baby about to fall into traffic* !!!! *grabs the stroller and makes a run for it as bullets tail behind* oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck! -he keeps running until...- -squish~- rain: !!!! o///o atsushi: .__________.;;; IM SO SORRY MA'AM HERE, PLEASE WATCH THIS KID I GOTTA GO THANK YOU! *runs* rain: ah...what just.... -in the moby dick- twain: oh, dodging and hiding, eh tiger boy? classy. but i'll come out soon enough... -on the ground- atsushi: *noticing easter eggs as he runs* -a wave of ice shoots out, with him barely dodging it- atsushi: HOLY CRAP! fuyumi: shouto, calm down! he isnt here! Shouto: "GET AWAY FROM ME!" *summons a sharp icicle in his hand* "Take another step, and I'll kill you!" eijiro: dude, chill! and i dont mean that as a pun! fuyumi: shouto... atsushi: *still running* -BOOM- atsushi: *sent flying* oh fu- *crash* nnng...ow... cant stop now...got to....keep going... *trying to reach the doll* *BOOM* *BANG BANG BANG* atsushi: come on...come ooon... *someone approaches* ???: "VICTORY!!!" atsushi: ...!!! dazai! -atsushi cries tears of joy- atsushi: oh thank fu-huuuck... TTuTT Dazai: "??? What's wrong? You hurt?" atsushi: they're shooting at us from above! Dazai: "..." *looks up* "Huh. I forgot to set off the smoke screen..." *pulls out a giant remote control, pulls the antenna up* -fwoooooom- twain: D8.....ok. i'll give them that one. -on the surface- Dazai: "Come on...Lean on me...Subway station is right here...Watch the step..." atsushi: um, the doll? if you would please?! Dazai: "Oh, super! With this we will save everyone!" atsushi: yeah, could you please do that like, um, NOW?! Dazai: "...Well, here's the thing: it's not going to stop the major problem." *picks up the doll head--which stops laughing* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "As long as the Guild has Q, they can re-use his abilities in new ways. Unless I'm right there with him to neutralize him, I can't do anything." atsushi: but you dissolved the doll before! Dazai: "And what do I do then? Dissolve the doll again? And again? And again?" atsushi:....when i was on the ship, the red haired girl gave me an idea. now, this is going to sound insane but... they are one of the most powerful organizations of gifteds in the whole city. Dazai: "...'They'?" atsushi: ....the port mafia. Dazai: "...You hit your head pretty hard." atsushi: i'm serious! true, they might not be the most trustworthy, but they're the best we can work with right now who are aware of this whole guild thing. besides, Q is one of their members, isnt he? Dazai: "...Have fun talking to the boss." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Oh no..." mono: *passes out* mana: i think she's ok now... mono: nnnh... huh? Shotaro: *frowning* chie: feeling better? mono:.....*shaking* -elsewhere- Rin: "Bro?" Yukio: "..." kyouko: ....*pats his back* you ok? Yukio: "...I lost control..." kyouko: i dont know what that was...but maybe you should take a break today. maybe some rest will help you out. Yukio: "...I...don't feel like resting--" Rin: *shoves a copy of manga into his hands* "You haven't read this yet! Get on it!" kyouko:...*small smile* (thinking: im glad he's in good spirits again....) {kyouko: YOU CANT JUST KEEP BEATING YOURSELF UP OVER THIS! if you want them to forgive you, then prove it to them! prove you're a good person!} Yukio: "..." *opens it* "...The art isn't as good this week..." -elsewhere, somewhere in true cross district- guard: *whistling* hmm? hey, this is a restricted area. you arent allowed to be in here! *A figure in a gas mask is seen* guard: freeze! Gas Mask: *holds up a hand...and some black drips from it* guard: !!!! Gas Mask: *the drips accumulating into a blob, which they hurl at the Guard* -early the next morning- Rin: *nod nod* "Yeah! I am! See?" *holds up one paper* "This one is only scorched along the edges!" shura: *nods* Rin: "Hee hee hee...I did good!" -phone rings- shura: hold up...yo.....what?...ok. oi kiddo, we got a mission. Rin: "???! A mission! Sweet!" *takes his sword* -snatch- Rin: "HEY!" shura: uh-uh-uh, until you can control your flames, and i mean it, this baby's stayin with me. Rin: *pout* "What if there's an emergency?" -and so- Yukio: "I am Yukio Okumura, Middle First Class Exorcist." exorcist: i've heard about you. mr todo, mind explaining the situation? i'll tend to the wounded... Yukio: "We heard reports of a theft: the Left Eye." shura: ..... woman: please, they took my son! i dont know what i'll do if something happened to him, he's all i have left! Rin: "Don't worry, ma'am! With Rin Okumura, Exorcist No Class--" Yukio: -_-; Rin: "--on the job, I'll save him--" Yukio: *pushes Rin back* "We cannot ensure the safety of your son." woman: !!! Rin: "Dude! That's not very encouraging--" Yukio: *drags Rin back by the back of his shirt* woman: *crying* exorcist: we'll do what we can ma'am... Rin: "What the hell do?!" Yukio: "You cannot make promises for things you cannot predict!" Rin: "So I'm supposed to make her feel badly?! And I will save that kid! Just get out of my way and--" *takes a step forward* shura: *grabs him by the collar* come on kiddo. we got stuff to do. Rin: "Let go of me, Boob-zilla!" exorcist: mr okumura, we got the hazmat suits out. Yukio: "Thank you." *accepts his, starts to put it on* todo: please, allow me to come with you. im partially responsible for this, after all. Yukio: "Okay. Get on a suit, and you can guide me to the suspect." -inside- todo: so, i heard you're quite the prodigy, mr okumura. im certain your father is proud of you. Yukio: "...Thank you. I hope he is." -the bird is still chirping- Rin: "So, what's the bird for, Mr. Todo?" Yukio: "???!!!" Rin: "Yo!" *stares at Mr. Todo* "...Do I know you?" todo: im sabutora todo, from the order's deep keep, where i serve as the warden. Yukio: "Why are you here?! Where is Shura?!" Rin: "I ditched her. Kind of surprised how easy that was..." todo: ah! there he is! Gasmask: *holding the boy* Yukio: *aims--fires* Gasmask: *dissolves, dropping the boy onto the floor* Yukio: "?!! Todo, cover me--" boy: *wheezing* Rin: "I got this!" *leaps over to the boy* -the eye of the impure king lays on the ground- Yukio: "Rin! What did I tell you--" *spots the eye, grabs it* -squeeeek- Rin: ._. Yukio: "...It's a fake!" ???: oops. seems my cover's blown. -todo rips his hazmat suit off.....revealing goat like horns- Rin: "What the hell?!" todo: *smirks* boy: *coughs* Yukio: "Rin! Get the boy out of here!" *fires at Todo* Rin: "Right!" *picks up the boy, starts running* -todo sends smog at rin- Rin: "Ha! A little smoke ain't got nothing on my flames!" *flame on* boy: *SCREAMS* Yukio: "Rin, stop!" Rin: "!!!" Yukio: "He's infected! The miasma off Todo was enacted by your flames!" Rin: "Oh no--" todo: *tackles yukio* heh, y'know, you remind me of myself when i was younger. my family planned my whole life for me as soon as i was born. i wanted to be just like my father and brother, and what do i have to show for it? nothing, thats what. i decided then that i should be honest with myself, and the truth is; i hate all of it. my father, my brother, this whole organization. hell, this whole world! Yukio: *trying to push him off* "N-No! I am not like that..." Rin: *holding the kid, looking at the spreading infection* "...Kid...Come on, hold on..." todo: every heart has its darkness...i wonder..what is it you're so afraid of... *checks watch* oops. time for me to go, glad i had this time to chat, yukio. *vanishes* boy: *breathing hard* Yukio: *staring at where Todo was* "..." Rin: "Yo, bro! The infection!" -they were able to treat the child and bring him back out- boy: mommy? woman: satoru!! *hugs him* oh thank god... Yukio: *smiles...his arm is bloody* "He'll need additional medical treatment. Please follow the Exorcists to our EMT unit." woman: r-right! shura: there you are!...jeez, always playing the hero. what do you think this is brat, a shonen manga? Rin: *crosses his arms* "Just trying to help! So, you find what it was you were looking for?" *smirk* shura:..*rolls eyes* well, bad news, seems the real eye is long gone. i have my familiar tracking it now. Rin: "...What's the good news?" shura: well- Mephisto: "Ice cream!" shura: *facepalms* sir? the right eye? Mephisto: "Fine. I--" Rin: "Sweet! Cherry!" Yukio: *slaps the back of his head* Rin: -3- Mephisto: "The Right Eye of the Impure King was stolen. Now it is your task to retrieve it." shura: it was the left eye that was stolen. the _right_ eye almost got stolen, but the attempt was thwarted. i swear, you're going senile. Mephisto: -w-;;; "_I was busy_. Maybe if someone--or someones--hadn't lost one of them..." Yukio: ._. Rin: *nom nom nom* *mouth full* "Huh?" shura: *facepalm* unbelievable. come on, we got training to do. *drags rin off* Rin: *still having his ice cream, as he's pulled away* Mephisto: "Well, time to get back to work." *pulls out a 3DS* -elsewhere, in a park- cat: *walking along a brick wall* Fukuzawa: *holds up small fish* cat: 83 *nom* ^w^ atsushi: .... Fukuzawa: "..." *turns, spots Atsushi* "???" -elsewhere- rain: -_- .... at least that child was returned to its mother. Mori: "The baby probably took to you because of your large breasts." rain: *jawdrop* (thinking: HE ISNT EVEN BEING SUBTLE) THEY ARENT THAT BIG YOU DAMN BASTARD! 737 you arent even into that... Mori: *grabs her breasts* "Feel big." ???: *aHEM* if you're done harassing the poor girl... Mori: "??? Kouyou? Pleased to see you return." *lets go of Rain* kouyou: likewise. *hands him a letter* as it would have it, the leader of the agency has scheduled a meeting with you. rain: TT~TT why is it always me? curse this ability of mine... Mori: "..." *smirks* "So, it's come to this...A reunion." Chuuya: *walks in, notices Rain* "???" kouyou: indeed. shall i get a team to go with you? *smiles at chuuya* Chuuya: "!!! Kouyou? When did you--" Mori: "Please do. Rain, gather the ones I want." rain: understood. -that afternoon, at a park- Mori: *waves at Dazai* Dazai: "..." rain: O-O; >->;;; Mori: "Four years, yes? Do you have my coat--" Dazai: "Burned it." *spots Rain* "!!!" *winks* rain: *half glare* Chuuya: *furious face at Dazai* rain: ah, seems he's here! Fukuzawa: *enters* *The two men approach* mafioso: wa wa waaaa kouyou: again? seriously? Mafioso: "Frank, I swear to God..." Kunikida: *stare* Tachihara: *stare* -the tension is so thick, you could cut it with a knife- Tachihara: *takes Gin's knife* gin: -_-; hirotsu: *observing* Mori: "The powers-that-be would not be happy that two such powerful organizations meet--" Fukuzawa: "I'll get to the point: one of our newest members proposed our organizations form an alliance." Mori: "...Interesting." Fukuzawa: "I am against it: we should not work with an illegal organization." atsushi: ..... Fukuzawa: "However, given how often and brutally your organization has injured this newest recruit--" Tachihara: "HA!" gin: *elbows him* Tachihara: "Ouch!" rain: *observing* Fukuzawa: "--it is shocking how poignant and eloquent he was in making this proposal." Mori: "Ha! Quite interesting indeed." higuchi: ... Fukuzawa: "Even if we cannot form an alliance, I want a detente." Mori: "..." Tachihara: *whispers* "What's a 'dee-ten-tee'?" hirotsu: i believe he refers to a temporary truce. Fukuzawa: "I have many reasons to pursue this plan. First--" Mori: "Have you ever read Thomas Schelling? Or Nash? Or Kissinger?" Dazai: "...War strategists. Schelling looks at game theory--" Tachihara: "Like 'Battleship'?" higuchi: ....were you dropped as a child? Tachihara: "Why do you think I have this bandage on my nose?" Dazai: "...You just want to shove more war theory into my head. _Both_ of you..." Fukuzawa: "I read 'The Art of War.'" frank: yeah, thats where the guy puts all the animals on a boat and beats the shit out of 'em. and thats why whenever any group of animals is together its called a zoo! Tachihara: "..." Dazai: "..." frank:...unless it's a farm. Mori: "...And I think that the war between nations is not so different between the war between organizations. Let's say we pursue this alliance. What happens if someone breaks it? Who enforces any rules?" Dazai: "So, if you don't trust us...and we don't trust you...this falls apart." rain: .... Mori: "And many of us do not trust you at all." Tachihara: *cracks his knuckles* rain: .... atsushi: *gulp* Fukuzawa: "My subordinates were also attacked by your people." Mori: "But no one died--to our embarrassment." Fukuzawa: "Then...we have one solution before we may proceed--" rain: a-and that is? Fukuzawa: "Settle our scores, right here, right now." rain + atsushi: oh no. Fukuzawa: *leaps at Tachihara and Gin* gin: !! Tachihara: "Oh, hell no--" *SLICE* gin: !!!! *her sword broke* D8 Tachihara: "MY GUNS!" Fukuzawa: *in front of Mori, sword at his neck* Mori: *a scalpel slides out of his sleeve, at Fukuzawa's neck* rain: why does he have a scalpel?! Fukuzawa: "Your 'medical ethics' have not changed, Dr. Mori." rain: wait he's a doctor?! higuchi: well, he was our medic before the previous boss passed away. Fukuzawa: "And I assume you still have a fetish for young girls." rain: DOES HE EVER! *WHOOSH* *Another scalpel sails past the side of Rain's head* rain: O-O;;;;;; *quivering* Q-Q Chuuya: "..." *pat pat* Mori: "Still whispering to cats, Silver Wolf?" Fukuzawa: "..." Mori: *gestures to Mafia to turn to leave* atsushi: wait. i have....an offering......*teary eyed and hands mori a shopping bag* Mori: *looks into the bag* "???" -it was a doujin....a hentai doujin.....a _loli_ hentai doujin- rain: D8 gin: O_O higuchi: D8 hirotsu: -_- Fukuzawa: "...What the fuck?" atsushi: *crying* do you know...how AWKWARD it was to make this purchase?! IM NOT PROUD OF THIS! I DID WHAT NEEDED TO BE DONE! with all due respect mr mori...you are a sick. sick. man. Dazai: *pat pat, smiles widely* "You did good! I wouldn't have done it." Kunikida: "You sick brat." atsushi: *whimpering* i need a cold shower for about 10 years. TT~TT Mori: "...What's the catch?" atsushi: maybe we can work on an agreement? please?.....we'll help you get Q back? Mori: "...Ha. The Guild is too powerful for the Agency to defeat. You don't stand a chance." -at the hospital- nurse: *working on things* hmm? oh hello sir. ???: "Good day." nurse: are you here to make an appointment? ???: "Here to meet with two patients." nurse: ah i see. which room? ???: "The one with Hawthorne and Mitchell." nurse: ah. right this way sir. ???: *follows* nurse: mr hawthorne? you have a visitor. Hawthorne: "??? I expected no--" ???: *holds up a piece of paper with a rat drawn onto it* Hawthorne: "?!!!" nurse 2: who was the foreign guy? he's cute. nurse: honestly zoey... ???: "Hello, friend. We have much to discuss." Hawthorne: "...We are not friends--" ???: "Would I be, if I did something about her?" *points to Mitchell* Hawthorne: "..." ???: "The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half--and you have a habit of following someone. So, follow me." Hawthorne: "...I struggle to hold onto hope, God--" ???: "To live without Hope is to Cease to live. Live, Hawthorne--live! And I will make her live..." zoey: what do you think they're talking about?...i wonder if he's single? nurse: -_-; you're shameless. zoey: come on veronica, you only get to say that cause you're engaged. Hawthorne: "And how do you intend to have me released from this hospital?" ???: *waves to Veronica and Zoey* "Hello. I have spoken with Mr. Hawthorne, and he has agreed that he and Ms. Mitchell will be taken released into my care." veronica: ah, i see. zoey: soooo....you seeing anyone~? veronica: *facepalm* ???: "..." ???: "No, I'm not. For to love someone is to see them as they really are--and few ever see me as I really am." Hawthorne: *raises an eyebrow* zoey: aww. maybe i could try? veronica: (thinking: are you that desperate for a relationship?) ???: "...Oh? Are you busy this weekend?" zoey: nope! ???: *smiles* "Care to walk with me and talk about when and where to go out?" -elsewhere- stocking: how was the meeting, kiddo? Kid: "Disconcerting, as you can imagine." *sits* "This is an ability like none I have seen." stocking: it wasnt the kishin... Kid: *shakes his head* "What the victims had in common was not a proclivity to madness." stocking: oh? Kid: "It was almost like chance, like if they...just happened to bump into the wrong person." stocking: that's a scary thought. Kid: "Yes...How are your colleagues holding up?" stocking: yukio's doing better now. i got some news that some guy named todo went rogue, but it was unrelated to the incident. Kid: "What did Todo do?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: "At least the cats finally calmed down...Whatever happened freaked them out." lisa: no kidding... Vulcan: "Glad Giovanni didn't come over--he'd probably toss one of you little guys away for bothering him." lisa:... -elsewhere- shinra: how's the commander? nozomi: resting....whatever he saw must have really shook him... Takehisa: *slight shiver in his sleep* maki: .... -elsewhere- naho:....sakkun? you awake? Sakuya: "Hmm? Wha--" *opens an eye* "...Naho?" naho: *hugs him* i was worried about you... Sakuya: "..." *hugs* "...What happened?" naho: you just...broke down and screamed... Sakuya: "..." *memories hit him all at once--and he is frozen* naho: ......*holds him close* Sakuya: *not responding, just still, eyes wide* naho: it's ok now....we're here... Sakuya: "...I was so scared. Angry. Felt my brain exploding." naho: *rubs his back* -in another room- lavender: how is he? Higan: "Not great. Temperature still not going down." lilac: *shivering* lavender: poor kid....it was like he couldnt breathe... Higan: "Happening to both him and Sakuya? Doesn't seem right...I'm not a medical professional, so I wasn't sure what he needs: food, water." lavender: ....maybe i should schedule a therapy appointment for them. Higan: *nods* "Given his health, maybe the therapist should come here?" lavender: maybe. -elsewhere- fuyumi: hmm? oh. are you shouto's classmates? ochako: yep. took us a while to find the place. Izuku: "...We heard what happened..." fuyumi: ah...he's in the guest room. he hasnt come out all day. Izuku: "..." *looks at Ochako* "Did you want to talk to him first?" ochako: i guess. *knocks* todoroki? its us. Shouto: *silent* ochako: ..... Shouto: *turns over in bed* "Leave." ochako: .....well, we brought you lunch. we'll leave it on the table for you. or by the door....i'll just put it by the door. Shouto: "..." *pulls covers over him* "What is in the lunch?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *taps his fingers on the table* atsushi: dazai, are you sure you'll be ok going by yourself? Dazai: "Just think of it as a milk run: in-and-out, fast." atsushi: um....phrasing? i think? Dazai: "...Need I remind you what book you bought?" atsushi:....*tearing up* *shame corner* -mushrooms sprouting- atsushi: im the scum of the earth, i should just die in a hole. Dazai: "Not before me! I still need a cutie for a suicide pact--" yosano: just get this done with already. -_-; Dazai: *pout* "Fine. If I'm not back in an hour...wait longer." -that night- Dazai: "Hmmm...Cozy house. Lots of plants." -rustle rustle- Dazai: "!!" ("Please be a squirrel.") lovecraft:.... Dazai: "...You aren't a squirrel." lovecraft: .....steinbeck? *looks around* *zip* lovecraft:...... Steinbeck: *zipping up his pants* "Sorry. Drank too much juice." lovecraft: 7_7 Dazai: "Gross...So, you the two who kidnapped Creepy the Kid?" lovecraft:..more or less. Dazai: "Super! I'll just pop inside and take him--" -BOOOOOM- Dazai: "?!" lovecraft: *faceplanted*...ow. Chuuya: "I have arrived." Dazai: "...SHORTY!" -in the parking lot- rain: ...(thinking: mr nakahara...please be ok...) *BOOM* rain: !!! Dazai: "Watch where you leap, shrimp." Chuuya: "SHUT YOUR PRETTY BOY MOUTH!" Steinbeck: *sends vines at Chuuya* "Not getting away, lightfoot--Lovecraft, go!" lovecraft: ..... Dazai: "You've gotten lazy, shrimp. How am I to land a punch and nullify if you don't--" *BAM* Chuuya: "*holding a tree* "DON'T MAKE FUN OF ME!" Steinbeck: "...I thought they were fighting us." lovecraft:...zzzz... guild member: *knocked into the trees* oooow Dazai: "Why are you getting mad at me?" *knocks down another Guilder* Chuuya: "Because you abandoned us!" Steinbeck: *pokes Lovecraft* lovecraft: zzzzz Dazai: "You didn't witness what I did! If you did, maybe you'd leave--" Chuuya: "I ain't leaving! I want power! The fine things! Wine! Money! And--" *Vines encircle them* Chuuya: *vines cover his mouth* Dazai: "...Huh. Not my first choice for dying. Or my first choice in a lover's pact--" Chuuya: 0////0 *muffled screams* -one pwning of steinbeck later- Steinbeck: x______x lovecraft: zzzzz Chuuya: "...He's just going to sleep? Jeez, this mission is stupid." Dazai: "Worst day in years." *Both reach for the door* Chuuya and Dazai: "?!" Dazai: "Step off." Chuuya: "Don't walk next to me." Chuuya: "Look, if this isn't wasn't a mission, I would have blown you--" Dazai: "..." Chuuya: "--away." Dazai: "Suit yourself..." Chuuya: *enters* "Have you heard of Petrus? It's a wine so expensive that your eyes would pop just from looking at the price. When you left the organization...I opened a bottle to celebrate. I hate you that much." Dazai: "Funny. When I left you, I celebrated by rigging your car with a bomb--" Chuuya: "FUUUUUUUUUU--" Chuuya: *kick* Dazai: *dodges* "Please. I know everything about you, down to your breathing." Q:..... Dazai: "Oh. I found sleeping beauty." Chuuya: "..." Dazai: "I need to cut off the roots. Give me your knife." Chuuya: "Fine. Here is--" *checks pockets* "!!!" Dazai: *holding it up* Chuuya: "...Motherfucker." Dazai: *takes knife...up to Q's neck* Q: .nn...mo...mmy.... Dazai: "..." *sad frown, before smirking at Chuuya* "Won't stop me?" Chuuya: "The boss said I had to bring him back alive. But there are two problems. First, you are too far from me to reach in time--" Dazai: "Obviously." Chuuya: "And I could care less. I still see the people he murdered. My colleagues. Friends. Let him meet his mommy." Dazai: "Then..." *stab* -the vine begins to wither- Chuuya: "Tch. Goody two-shoes doesn't want to kill?" Dazai: "...You kept Q around because you always had me as a check, to nullify his abilities." Chuuya: "So?" Dazai: "So whether he lives or die doesn't matter to me--he's not my problem, he's yours. The only problem I have is Kunikida's yammering." -Elsewhere- Kunikida: "!!!" *punches a wall* -back at the little house- Q:....zzzz.... Dazai: "You carry him." Chuuya: "Wait, why?!" Dazai: "You got anti-gravity abilities and child-bearing hips--" Chuuya: "!!!" Q: zzzzz... Dazai: *takes the doll* "And I'll keep this out of your hands." Chuuya: "Bondage freak." Dazai: "Petite mafia." Chuuya: "Death lover!" Q: *snore and hugs chuuya* mama.... Chuuya: .\\\\\. "N-No..." Dazai: *smirks* "Mama..." Chuuya: *grunts, kicks down door* "Let's just get out." -creack- Dazai: "...?!!" Chuuya: "What?" lovecraft: i've been....stiff lately......have i been working too much? Chuuya: "??? What did--" -TENTACLE PUNCH- Chuuya: D: *knocked back into a tree* Dazai: *catches Q* .___. Q: zzzzzz Chuuya: *marches back to Dazai* "Huff...Huff...Okay...Why is this guy now all turned around with his head snapped back?" Dazai: "Nah, don't worry! I'll just catch his tentacle--" Chuuya: "I bet you will." Dazai: "--and nullify his ability." *hands Q back to Dazai* "Put them here, buddy!" *holds out his hand at Lovecraft* -WHACK- Dazai: *bounce bounce along the ground--into another tree* Chuuya: D: "Crap!" *jumps to dodge another tentacle* lovecraft: that was...a heavy punch. Dazai: *coughs up blood* "D-Damn...My power nullifier isn't working..." Chuuya: "But you can stop any ability! The only way that could happen is if it...wasn't...an...ability...Oh, fucking hell." lovecraft: so tired....starving....got to....FiNiSh ThE jOb...ThEn I cAn...Go BaCk... Dazai: *gets up* "Okay...Operation 'Shame and Toad.'" Chuuya: "No! 'Rains Falls Outside the Window Frame'!" Dazai: "...Oh, please. Have I ever picked the wrong strategy?" Chuuya: "...Damn it. Fine!" Chuuya: "Sucking people dry..." Dazai: "..." *LOUD LAUGHTER* lovecraft: complete the mission....then go home.... Dazai: *holds up his hands, smiles* Dazai: *ducks* Chuuya: *stare* -a barrage of tentacles shoot out- Chuuya: "Gravity manipulation..." lovecraft: a decoy? Chuuya: *GRAVITON PUNCH* lovecraft:...heavy.. Dazai: *claps* "Nicely done." Chuuya: *glare* "Stop treating me like your pet dog." Dazai: "I'd have a dog do tricks to stop this guy--but since I don't, I settle for you." Chuuya: *glare* Chuuya: "I HOPE YOU CATCH AN STD THAT ROTS YOU FROM YOUR BOWELS UP TO YOUR HEAD!" Dazai: "I hope your big hat eats you from the head down." Chuuya: "IT'S NOT BIG!" Dazai: "You're over-compensating." lovecraft: what a chore....but the contract....needs to be fufilled... Chuuya: "YOU KNOW YOU'RE LYING!" Dazai: "Maybe ask your girlfriend." Chuuya: "...What?" -SLICE- Chuuya: "!!!" Dazai: "...Huh. That was my favorite hand." Chuuya: "..." *turns around* D: -churning noises- Chuuya: .______. "Do...not...want..." a horrific monstrosity is standing before them- rain: *looks in her rear view* O_O !!! Chuuya: *runs away* Dazai: "Ouchie...Chuuya...Help me..." Chuuya: "H-How can I help you...?" Dazai: "Pick my nose." Chuuya: "...What?" Dazai: "I can't reach my nose--" Chuuya: "USE YOUR OTHER HAND!" Dazai: "Please...Make it my last wish." Chuuya: "...Fine." *moves his fingers to his nose* Dazai: *snatches his fingers--with both hands* :D "GOTCHA!" Chuuya: "I WILL RIP OFF YOUR HANDS AND WEAR THEM AS MY MITTENS!" Dazai: "In other news, we're going to die." Chuuya: "...What?" Dazai: "...I suppose there is one thing we could do. Or you could. 'Tainted.'" -in the parking lot- rain:....*overwhelmed with a feeling of dread* -back with them- Chuuya: "...Like I have any choice..." Dazai: "Go to it, tiny!" Chuuya: "You're tiny!" Chuuya: *steps before Lovecraft...inhales...* lovecraft: *growls* Chuuya: "O, grantors of dark disgrace...Do not wake me again!" Steinbeck: "Ouchie...What happened?" Dazai: "You got a knife at your neck--and get to witness Chuuya's ultimate ability." Chuuya: *vibrating...as blood drips from his limbs* *BLAST* rain: !!!!!! *getting out of the car, locking it, and running towards the clearing, though she has quite a ways to go* Dazai: "Chuuya can manipulate gravitons, increasing the density of his body--and the projectiles made by the compress gravitons consume all matter, like black holes." Chuuya: *launches a compressed graviton at Lovecraft* -FWOOOM- lovecraft: *SHRIIIIEK* Dazai: "So, why are his limbs regrowing, Grape Boy?" Steinbeck: "...I have no reason to tell you. And it looks like your friend has exceeded his abilities--he could only hurt Lovecraft from inside--" Dazai: "..." *smirks* *holds up remote control* Steinbeck: "?!!!" -beep- -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- rain: AH! *falls, scuffing herself up in the process, as she keeps running* -back with the others, a large crater is left in the ground where lovecraft had been standing- Chuuya: *staaaaaaare* Chuuya: "...Hee..." *covered in blood* Chuuya: *summoning more gravitons...* "Hee hee hee--" Dazai: *smacks Chuuya upside the head* Chuuya: "?!" -tainted's marks fade away- Dazai: "Hey, Chuuya." *smiles* Chuuya: "...Dazai? I...I..." Dazai: "It's okay, buddy. Let it out--" Chuuya: *BARF* Dazai: .w.;;;; "...This was a new shirt, you dick!" -a few minutes later, and rain meets dazai on his own on the path- rain: you! mr nakahara, where is he? Dazai: "...Oh, hey!" Dazai: "Um...He's dead." rain: *drops to her knees, teary eyed* no....no no no no.... Dazai: "Yep. The gravitons just ripped his body apart. Limbs went flying. Head popped off like a broken Pez dispenser. Pancreas stuck in a tree branch." rain: *breaks down sobbing* Dazai: "Yeah. Sometimes, if I close my eyes, I can still hear him--" Chuuya: "Moron! You almost sent me into poison ivy! I can't wipe my ass with those!" rain: !!!! .......*she looks at dazai, and slaps him across the face. hard* Dazai: *hit hard* "WORTH IT!" *lands face-first in the dirt* Chuuya: "...Rain? Your eyes are red..." rain: HOW CAN YOU BE SO GODDAMN RECKLESS YOU IDIOT! *hugs him* i was....so worried that you'd....please....dont scare me like that anymore.... -she's shaking- Chuuya: .\\\\\. "I-I wasn't trying to scare you! I had a mission and wanted to end it quickly so I could get you out of here--" rain: *pulls back, slightly blushing* m...mr nakahara? Chuuya: "...Chuuya...Rain..." Dazai: *standing...and...PUSH* -squish- rain: O-O.... o////////o KYAAA!! Q: *yaaaawn* hmm? im....outside? Chuuya: "Ah!" *tripping and--SMOOCH* Dazai: "Oh, hello, kiddo." rain: O//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Q: ....eeeeew. cooties! Chuuya: o\\\\\\\\\\o Dazai: "Ha ha ha ha! Congrats on moving on from me, Chuuya! I give you up to your new girlfriend." Q: ??? rain: w-wha-wha?!! O////O;;; Chuuya: o\\\\\\\\\o "I-I-I--" *gravity powers kick in--as he is floating* rain: m-mu-mr nakahara!! Chuuya: "I AM JUST EXCITED THAT IS ALL!" Dazai: *nudges Rain* "You make something rise in him." rain: .....you're terrible. but even with all that....you're still better than that walking scumbag, mori. Dazai: *serious face* "Yes." Q:.....im confused. can we go home now? rain: r-right! my car is this way. Chuuya: *trying to swim through the air, he's floating so much* "I can't get down!" Dazai: "Think of baseball and take a cold shower." -in the car- Chuuya: .\\\\\. rain:....so...mr dazai...do you want me to drop you off at the agency building then? Chuuya: "..." *shakes his head* Q: *clutching his doll, asleep* Chuuya: "...I want to go to a bar." rain: tomorrow. but right now, you need rest...i worry about you, you know. Chuuya: "..." *looks away* "Thank you. I...worry about you, too. I didn't want you...hurt." rain: *small blush* mr nakahara... Chuuya: *at a stop light* "..." *puts his hand on her shoulder* rain: ah...*blushing* Dazai: "You two going to neck?" rain: will you just keep quiet?! >n< Dazai: "Nope! This is too much fun! So, when's the baby shower?" rain:......... -she doesnt reply- Chuuya: "..." *punches Dazai in the mouth* Dazai: "Oh! I was just teasing! I know you and Chuuya haven't boinked yet. But I would get on that--Chuuya doesn't last long--" Chuuya: "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?!" Dazai: "...Rain? Please promise me you will make my little Chuuya the happiest man on earth." rain: do you mind? im trying to drive... Dazai: "Well, you can drop me off at my place, then you can get the kid home, then you two can...you know." rain: ....we're here. -she parks in front of the agency building- Dazai: "Oh, super! Well, good--" Chuuya: *punches him out of the car* rain:...*sighs* look...mr nakahara. i am so sorry about....what happened. 7///7; Chuuya: "...I'm...not." rain: e-eh? Chuuya: "...You are an incredible woman, Rain. And I...I..." rain: mr nakahara- Chuuya: "!!!" *reaches over and slams his foot on her brakes* rain: ah! h-huh? wha? *blinks* was i...dozing off? Chuuya: "J-Just a stop sign you missed..." *his arm also reached out across her to block her* rain: r-right...thank you....mr nakahara... Chuuya: "A-Any time..." *looks at her* "I..." rain: ?? Chuuya: "...I would prefer...that we...that you..." Q: keep your damn pickles to yourself, monkey man...zzzz rain: ....see you at work tomorrow then? Chuuya: "...Yes..." *sad frown* "Sleep well, Rain." rain: *she parks the car and nods* good night, mr nakahara. *walking back to her apartment* (thinking: i've been feeling out of it the past couple of days....i cant be...right?...i'll just....check first thing tomorrow...) *An image of Chuuya's face comes to her* rain:...*faint smile* ???: do you really believe you have a right to speak with him? -a small, black cat like creature is by her feet- rain: just leave me be. cat: but technically, i am you. and you are nothing but a magnet for misfortune and humiliation. rain: you think i dont already know that? cat:....im curious as to how this plays out for you. and as they say, 'curiosity killed the cat', rain. or should i say- rain: dont. -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his drink* kouyou: *on the phone* i see....a job well done.... *hangs up* Q has been returned. elise: yay! Mori: "...Hmm. Dazai did that?" kouyou: or rather, team 'double black' did that....onto other matters. we've had reports that a member of 'the rats in the house of the dead' has made themselves known in death city. Mori: "...Troublesome." -elsewhere- FD: "Enjoying this?" zoey: this is really nice. *she smiles* FD: "I'm glad." *puts a hand on her shoulder* "Nights back home...could be so cold." zoey: ...*holding his hand* FD: *takes her hand up to his lips* zoey: *blushing* FD: "my dear..." zoey: yes? FD: "Close your eyes..." zoey: *does so* *She feels something wrap along her wrists and ankles* zoey: ah- *riiiiiiiip* zoey: !!! .////. FD: *holds up a camera* zoey: um....k-kinky much? owo; FD: *puts it on a tripod* "Very..." *presses record* "Now...I want to start with a few questions..." *his hand slides down her stomach* zoey: l-like what? FD: "Your patients..." *his finger slides under her panties* "Hawthorne and Mitchell..." zoey: a-ah! w-what about them? FD: "I want them." *rubbing his finger along her* zoey: *soft sigh* f-for what? FD: "I'm looking for something..." *his other hand rests along her leg* "If you give me the answers I want, you'll be happy." *slides his finger slowly into her* zoey: *soft moan* FD: "I want them released into my care. Okay?" zoey: r-right. FD: *slides a bit deeper* "And you will delete all records you have on them from the hospital files." zoey: y-yes! >////o FD: "Good girl...Because if you hadn't, I would have to punish you." *takes her bra--and rips it off* zoey: *squeak* FD: "I need them to find me a book...Maybe you know where it is?" *continues fingering her, as his lips kiss lightly along her shoulder* zoey: w-what ki-ind of a-ah, a book? FD: "It can survive anything...even fire." *coaxes her back up, as he fingers deeper into her...he kisses lightly on her neck* zoey: *loud moan* FD: "But I don't hear an answer from you..." *tightens one strap* zoey: i-im not sure...this is..the first i-i've heard of something like that. FD: "Not the answer I wanted. I have to find that book--" *tightens more* zoey: mmmn! FD: "Answer, damn it--have you seen it?" zoey: i-i dont know what it is! FD: *smiles* "Good girl." *gentle kiss on her cheek* "Next question..." *his hand is along her breast* "Who admitted Hawthorne and Mitchell to your hospital?" zoey: a-a man by the name fitzgerald... FD: *gropes her breast, his other hand sliding lightly along her hip* "And where does he reside?" zoey: h-he's been staying at a hotel. FD: *light pinch on her nipple* "The name of the hotel...?" zoey: a-ah! FD: *leans to her other breast* "The name...Give it to me..." *the tip of his tongue rests along her nipple* zoey: *shivering* FD: *suckles on her nipple--then bites* zoey: ah! *wince* FD: "The name, you bitch--the name of the hotel..." *his nails scratch along her side* zoey: i-i didnt get it! h-he didnt t-tell me! FD: "And how will you find it for me?" *his hands hold her hips* zoey: i-i'll f-find out..s-somehow... FD: " 'Somehow'?" *massages her hips* "That's a start...Good girl..." *lets go, removing his shirt* "Are you turned on, dear girl?" zoey: y-yes. FD: *smiles* "Correct answer. And I believe you..." *unbuckling his belt, pulling down his pants* "You know what I want to hear now?" zoey: w-wha? FD: *pulls down his boxers* "I want the passwords to the hospital's network..." *he grinds along her* zoey: a-ahh! i-its... 151-KNTO. FD: "Is it?" *grabs her cheeks, squeezing* zoey: y-yes! FD: "Good..." *guides himself into her, holding her hands* "Because if you lie, do you know what I'll do?" zoey: w-what? FD: *thrust* "That video? It's uploading right now into my secure account." *thrust thrust* "If you fail...that video is emailed to your boss." zoey: !!!! FD: *scratches his fingers along her hips as he continues thrusting* "Problem?" zoey: *too shocked to say anything* FD: *frowns, as he digs his nails into her* "Speak." zoey: ah-ah!! FD: "Not enough!" *pulls back his hand and slaps her face* zoey: *winces, whimpering a bit* FD: "Speak, goddamn you!" *thrusts into her* "Or I'll give you something to cry about!" zoey: t-that is the passcode! really! FD: *smiles, polite* "Thank you..." *nuzzles against her breasts, as he thrusts* "God, you make me so hard...You're so tight." zoey: its....my first...actually... FD: *smiles* "I have lots of practice. I'll make it good for you..." *strokes where he slapped her* zoey: *slight wince* FD: *frowns* "Give me a smile, dear girl." zoey: .....*trying to fake a smile* FD: "...You're almost there..." *thrusts deeper into her* "Mmmm...Ah..." zoey: *panting, shivering* FD: "my dear, you're amazing...And I know we're going to get along so well...Ah! Oh...Do you think about this kind of thing when you're touching yourself?" zoey: ..... FD: *warning tone* "Zoey. Answer." zoey:...*quietly* s-sometimes... FD: *his hand pulls on her hair* "Louder." zoey: s-sometimes! FD: *smiles* "Good. You'll think about this more after tonight...Now, what would you say if I came into you?" zoey: ?! FD: "I am not hearing you say 'no'..." zoey: w-wha? FD: " 'Yes' or 'no': two syllables. Say one." *thrusting faster* zoey: aH! y-you- FD: *grunting* " 'You' what?" zoey: you wouldnt- w-would you? FD: *smirks, still thrusting, his member twitching inside of her* "Answer me..." zoey: *screams* FD: *cackles--as he pulls out--and cums onto her* zoey: >///o ah.... -she's bleeding slightly- FD: "..." *taps his fingers along her blood...and licks it* zoey: *trembling* FD: "Shh...It's okay, Zoey. I'm going to remove the straps...give you a bath...bandage you...and you won't tell about this to anyone..." zoey: *small whimper* FD: *small kiss on her lips* "Thank you..." *loosens her wrist straps* -elsewhere- Mori: *in front of his chess set* "Tomorrow, we make the next move." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." *staring at a photograph* kouyou: hmm? *It's of a night at the bar--him, Higuchi, Gin--and Rain* kouyou: oh i know where that is. the bar lupin, correct? Chuuya: *nods* "Good spot...Memories." kouyou: *she nods* from what i recall, dazai, sakaguchi, and oda were frequents there a few years ago... Chuuya: *frowns* "Dazai...He ruins it all..." -elsewhere- shura: ooi, rin. ever been to kyoto? Rin: "...No?" shura: well that's about to change. so get your stuff packed and ready to rumble. we're heading to the airport as soon as the sun rises, ok? Rin: "!!! B-But what will I pack?!" -early morning- Rin: *yawn* -at the airport- madoka: *hugs him* be safe, alright? Rin: *nods* "...I wish you were coming." madoka: yeah...but this is an exorcist only trip... i'll be sure to talk to you over vid chat. *smiles* Rin: "..." *leans, kisses her forehead* madoka: ^///^ Rin: *pats her head, giggles* shura: come on loverboy. *drags him off* madoka: ^^; *waves* be safe! Rin: *waves back, smiling* Rin: "I'll bring you a souvenir!" -on the plane- Rin: *sitting in the front seat, stretches out* "Ah...Leg room!" shiemi: .... *sad frown* Rin: "Oh, hey, Shiemi! Where're you sitting?" shiemi: ...... (thinking: why cant i say anything?) Bon: "Yo, Shiemi! Get in your seat! We got luggage to store." shiemi: ah! r-right! konekomaru:.... Rin: "Hey, Bon! Konekomaru! Shima!" Bon: *growls* konekomaru: ....*looking down at his feet* Rin: "??? Um...Guys? I--" Bon: "Just go, Konekomaru. Got to get going before flight attendants yell at us." Shima: "Hey, buddy, just calm--" Bon: "Now!" konekomaru: *taking a seat* Rin: D: "What the heck?!" izumo:......*grumbles and takes a seat in the same row as him* Rin: -3- "Oh, what, you're going to be pissy at me too?" izumo: im not- Rin: "Not what? Not happy sitting next to Satan's boy?!" shura: *blows a whistle* ok, listen up everyone. i take it you all know who i am, but for those who dont, i'm shura kirigakure, the one forced into leading this op. Shima: "Hi, Ms. Kirigakure!" shura: hello shima. anyway. as you know, two days ago, during the mass hysteria incident, the left eye of the impure king was stolen from the true cross deep keep. it's been confirmed that the former warden, sabutora todo, was part of the incursion, but at the current moment, his reasons and accomplices remain unknown. Rin: *crosses his arms* Bon: *listening* shura: at the same time, a similar attack was made at the kyoto field office, which fortunately was averted, but their goal was undoubtedly the impure king's right eye. izumo: *raises a hand* just what is the impure king? we havent gone over the lesson yet. Bon: "..." ("Dad...") shura: *looks at another teacher* care to explain? Teacher: "The Impure King was an upper-class demon during the late Edo period--causing the spread of fevers, epidemics, 40,000 deaths. His power was suppressed by his eyes, which were removed by the monk Fukaku--" Shima: *snort* Teacher: "Each eye is dangerous enough on its own, releasing a large amount of miasma." Rin: *muttering* "Monk Fukaku just had to show off..." izumo: *elbows him* pay attention. Rin: "Ow!" shura: our main objective is to tend to the wounded and strengthen their defenses. all exwires will assist as well. now lets work together on this and make it easy on me, got it? Rin: "Ow!" shura: our main objective is to tend to the wounded and strengthen their defenses. all exwires will assist as well. now lets work together on this and make it easy on me, got it? -ding- Rin: "???" intercom: flight 117 to kyoto, japan now departing. -the plane begins to move- Bon: *grips the armrests* Rin: *looking past Izumo and out the window* shiemi: .... -that awkward moment when you've grown up in a japanese home but never set foot in japan before- Rin: "Oh? Really? Huh." izumo: what? Rin: "...Why are you not scared sitting here?" izumo: psh- me? scared of you? as if. having demon blood isnt too uncommon, even amongst exorcists. hell, one of the teachers in training is a half demon half angel. Rin: "...Well, when you put it that way...Yeah, I guess. So, why are so many people still being all pissy at me?" izumo: it's probably because of you being satan's son. i know its harsh, but that's just how it is. the only reason you havent been killed is because the order doesnt know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Rin: "..." *nods* "Th-Thanks for cheering me on, Eyebrows." Rin: "I knew you were a nice girl!" izumo: w-who the hell are you calling eyebrows?! Rin: "??? What? Friends give friends nicknames--" izumo: what makes you think we're friends, huh?! my name is izumo kamiki! >-< Rin: "Thank you, Izumo." izumo: >n< d-dont get so casual! Rin: "...'Miss Kamiki'?" izumo: ....say, you've never been to japan before, right? Rin: "Nope! I'm super-excited! Did you know Kyoto has a tower?" izumo: yes, i know that. i've seen it. Rin: "Really?! What's it like? How tall is it? You ever spit from the roof of it? Can you see Tokyo from the top?" izumo: -_-; -elsewhere- Ranpo: "HA HA HA! Challenge accepted!" lana: may i help you, sir? Ranpo: "Hello. I am here for a game of wits against a worthy opponent." lana:.... yosano: *shows her the letter* lana: ah i see. i'll bring you two right up. Ranpo: "And soon the game of deduction will commence!" -ding- lana: here we are. Ranpo: "A note on the door...Hmm...Doctor, a pen, please." yosano: *hands him one* Ranpo: "Same words must appear in X and Y...Got it!" Ranpo: *writes the answer, rips the paper from the door* "We enter!" -creeeeak- yosano + lana: *peeek* *seated at the table is a tall, gaunt man--with a raccoon on his shoulder* lana: (thinking: so they're friends with that weird guy?) Poe: "Hee hee hee...Have you solved the puzzle, Ranpo?" Ranpo: *holds up the puzzle* lana:.. 'this puzzle has five words' 'this puzzle does not have five words'. oh, so one of those brain teasers? yosano: (thinking: jeez, dont you have anything better to do?) Poe: "I should expect nothing less of my rival." Ranpo: "Now I have a question for you!" *dramatic glasses removal* yosano: ? Ranpo: "...Who are you?" Poe: *falls out of chair* lana: he's been staying at this hotel for a while with his pet raccoon. Ranpo: "...Oh! Karl! What up?" Karl: ^W^ Poe: "!!!" yosano: so i take it this scruffy haired weirdo is with the guild then? Poe: *muttering* "How? I planned for Lord knows how long...Came all this way to this city...I wrote that letter in my own hand, decorated this room as based on the lengthy domestic ideology texts I wrote..." Ranpo: *smack* "SPEAK UP!" lana: D8 Poe: "R-Right...I am Poe. Detective, luminary author. But...I lost to a certain detective in a contest six years ago." Poe: "Such humiliation! It will not stand! I--" lana: oh, you're a detective? Poe: *turns to Lana, smiles* "Why, yes, Ligeia, I am." lana: it's lana, actually. *sweatdrop* Poe: "And so I used my powers of observation, critical thinking, and a Death City phone book to track my opponent to this very--" Ranpo: "BORING!" *tosses papers away* "Where's the game?" yosano: *sweatdrop* Poe: "OUR FATES ARE INTERTWINED! Much as the Earth revolves around the Sun, we are pull at each other! And on this day, it will be the sun that revolves around the Earth--I WILL BE VICTORIOUS--" Ranpo: "Shhh...I just want the game. I don't really care about you." Poe: D: *collapses* "Karl...Save me, my sweetie..." lana: *sweatdrop* Ranpo: "Could you get on with this? I have a client waiting for me..." yosano: yeah, anyway. Poe: *holds up a book, crying* "Our competition *sniff* requires we read this mystery novel to find the serial killer--" Ranpo: "Minus one point." Poe: "YOU AREN'T THE REFEREE OF THIS GAME! LIGEIA IS!" lana: it's lana! la-na! Ranpo: "Ligeia is right: a fictional work is hardly a challenge for a real-life detective." lana: you too?! Poe: *smirks* "I thought so..." *pulls out a stack of papers* "Which is why, if you win, you'll learn the Guild's weakness. How about that?" yosano: wow. is that right? Poe: "I will show you how to take down the Guild's fortress, the flying Moby-Dick." lana: ....what? Ranpo: "..." *points at Poe* "Plus one point to you." *points to Lana* "Two points to Ligeia." lana: who even is that?! yosano: im as confused as you are, lana. lana:...you're officially my favorite person in this room. Poe: D:< *continues* "The Guild's fights are all about money, violence--which bores me to death. The only thing worthy of admiration and awe in this world is..." *points at Ranpo* "...your ability, 'Super Deduction.'" yosano: *sweatdrop* Ranpo: "..." *snatches the book* "Plus five points. Let's begin the game!" *sits down in a chair* Poe: "I picked that chair out myself. You see, when the room is oblong, you want to have a chair that suits the curvature of the walls--" *rambles* yosano: how do we know this isnt a trap? Poe: "If you are concerned, doctor, please, join the game: the rules permit other members of the Detective Agency to collaborate." yosano: and lana? Poe: *looks at Lana* "...Do you like murder mysteries?" lana: well, i did attend a murder mystery theme party during senior year. Poe: "Perfect! Well, then, read along with them!" lana: *looking* Ranpo: *reading* Book: "Our story begins on a night, in a certain era. A few guests were trapped into a mansion due to a blizzard. Our main character, a private detective, must stay overnight--when he is roused from his sleep by a strange noise next door." -a bright light fills the room- lana: ?! -you awake in a mansion- lana: w-wha? where...? Poe: *heard throughout the room* "My ability...to transport readers into any book..." lana: w-what?! what is he? a dokeshi? yosano: not exactly. Ranpo: "He has an 'ability,' like my ability of deduction." lana: like a quirk? yosano: somewhere in the middle i guess. Ranpo: *looks around the room for evidence* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "They are late." atsushi: i just hope they're alright... Kunikida: "They'll be fine--physically, at least." -back in the hotel room- Poe: *staring at the book with a smirk* -a light shines from the book- Ranpo: *holding up his hands* "So bright...Where am I? Why do I feel like I'm in a different set of clothes?" lana: *SCREAMS!* yosano: !!!! -a dead corpse is in the middle of the room- Ranpo: "What?! What happened? I don't have my glasses." -4 other individuals are there- Ranpo: *feels his foot hit something* "???" yosano: *looks* Person #1: "That man...Is he dead?" girl: what happened? Ranpo: "I'm...not sure myself." victim: *handing ranpo a key and pointing to a door* ah... Ranpo: "Wh-What?" *looks at the door* "Is that how the culprit escaped?" *walks to the door, inserts the key, opens--* *There is a wall, with something painted...in paint?* Person #1: *reading* " 'Welcome to'...Does that say 'Locked Room' or 'Locked Poem'?" lana: whats with the cat missing an eye? Ranpo: "Hmm...The creepy guy said if we face a serial killer. Therefore, if we fail to solve the mystery...we die." lana: seriously?! Ranpo: "Doctor, please use your ability on the dying man." yosano:...!!! what? my ability doesnt work in here! Ranpo: "..." *holds his head* "Nor will mine..." lana: then we're basically fucked. Ranpo: "Hmm...Locked room. No exit. Victim murdered. But without my ability...to solve this case...would be...BORING! DULL! FOOLISH! A great detective does not investigate--their superpowers just solve the case for them!" lana *face plants* yosano: (thinking: are you fucking real?) Suspect #1 (the gambler Kizaki): "Hey! Can I leave now?" Ranpo: *head slammed against table* "Zzz..." girl: -_-; Suspect #3 (Ukai, journalist): "Interesting how quick everyone here is to deny before they were accused...But I didn't do it either." -one session of questioning and investigating later- Ukai: "Allow an actual journalist to investigate!" Ranpo: "What, you're going to do a list of the worst 5 moments in anime that you totes never noticed?" -AAAH!- Ukai: "?!!!" -they follow the scream to a room....where yosano has an axe in her stomach- yosano: i messed up... lana: !!!! Ranpo: "Doctor! What happened? Oh no...W-We need a doctor!" lana: SHE IS A DOCTOR! Ranpo: "ONE WHO IS NOT DYING, YOU IDIOT!" yosano: i didnt see who did it....but i know you can solve this. number one detective...... -back in the hotel- Poe: "Hee hee hee...This was the mystery all along: you can't solve it, and if you try, you'll discover only something about yourself that you don't want to know, Ranpo...I WIN! Ha ha ha!" -flash- Poe: .w.;;;; *turns around* lana: *mortified* yosano: eh, getting axed wouldnt have been the worst thing to happen to me. Ranpo: *waves* "I win!" Poe: D: "B-B-but how?!" lana: what he said! Ranpo: "??? That I won, or that the Doctor survived?" lana: YES! Ranpo: "Well, the Doctor can heal injuries if the person is to the point of dying." *holds up an axe* "Want to try?" lana: but i thought that abilities didnt work in the book? Ranpo: "When released from the book she must've been able to heal herself immediately." *hands axe to Yosano* lana: but who was the killer then? Ranpo: "...Me." lana: ...EH?! yosano: and what brought you to that conclusion? Ranpo: "I was the only person in the room. The book has to have a narrator--and if the detective is themselves that narrator, then they are an unreliable narrator." *stares at Poe* "You must use those a lot in your works." Poe: D: lana: clever. Poe: "B-But--she was murdered! How did that happen when you weren't there?!" lana: that is true. Ranpo: "Magnets." lana: ......huh? Poe: "Ha! Like such a thing is possible--" Ranpo: "In that setting? The hints were everywhere in your story. Advanced medical appliances. Clothes provided by the mansion itself. The novel was actually set in the year 2050, where the house is an entertainment facility within orbit--that is its secret, is it not?" lana + yosano:....what. Poe: "...Alright, yes, it's true! You got it all!" *covers his face, whimpering* lana: i-its ok sir! but....why did you do all this? what did the guy do to you? Poe: "What did he do? ...He is my rival! He--" Ranpo: "I solved a mock-murder he designed in this very room a long time ago." lana: eh? O-O Poe: .w. "...You remember?" Ranpo: "Of course! I had to expend all of my ability to solve it." yosano: i'll be giving you two your moment and just wait outside. *exits* Ranpo: *smiles* "The one and only time another detective pushed me to my limit!" Poe: QWQ lana: ^^ (thinking: i have no idea what is happening) Ranpo: *picks up stack of papers labeled 'Moby Dick'* "I'll just take these and be on my way. Keep writing, Detective: I need you to work for my brain's sake. ^^ " lana: *watches them leave* .....do you need something to drink, sir? Poe: "...Amontillado." lana: ah. -elsewhere- Dazai: "I guess we'll need Light Snow and Man Tiger on this one." atsushi: *gulps* Dazai: *holds up the plans to the Moby-Dick* "We can't let that giant whale crash into the city below." atsushi: *nods* Dazai: "Now, if you excuse me, I have a friend who was stuck in a car accident--" atsushi: what?! Dazai: "Oh, he's fine. Lucky bastard. I wanted to die in a car crash with an attractive woman..." atsushi: *sweatdrop* (thinking: you have some weird goals.) Dazai: *pinches Atsushi's cheek* "And you hang tight, and if you behave, I'll bring you back something you like." ("Or someone...") -and so, in the helicopter- atsushi: you sure you're ok, tanizaki? Tanizaki: "Piloting..." atsushi: *sweats* intercom: now entering the moby dick's field of vision. Tanizaki: *focusing* Tanizaki: "Light snow..." Tanizaki: "Atsushi, go!" atsushi: *nods* -on the moby dick cargo hold- guild worker: !!!! w-what the hell?! Guild Crewperson #1: "I told her not to go out with him--but she's in her rebellious phase." guild worker: NOT THAT IDIOT! I MEAN THE DEAD BODIES! Guild Crewperson #1: "...?!!" Akutagawa: "..." *cough* guild worker: *running* Akutagawa: "Rashomon..." -SLASH- ???: you go on ahead, mr akutagawa.... rain: *looks up and smiles, but her eyes are dull and lifeless* i'll catch up. Akutagawa: "...Very well." *walks* -elsewhere- atsushi: im in. Dazai: *on radio* "How is it?" atsushi: quiet....and as cliche as it sounds....too quiet. ???: "I hate that cliche, too." atsushi: ACK! oh jeez, dont give me a heart attack like that! ???: "Ha ha ha...I'm older than you, and you worry about yourself having a heart attack? That's no way to live. I suggest a cruise. Very relaxing." atsushi:...a little birdy told us you were going to drop the whale onto the city. cant you stop it? Melville: "...Whoever is left on Moby Dick should have taken the next freighter off by now. You know why, kiddo? Because this war is ending." atsushi: how do we stop it from falling though?! Melville: "...This last act will obliterate the Guild's enemies...and...Moby Dick." atsushi: how do we stop it?! *shaking him* JUST TELL ME, DAMMIT! Melville: "With 70 percent of Moby Dick weaponized, I no longer control it enough." atsushi: isnt there an off switch or something?! Melville: "...The control terminal. Heavily guarded." atsushi: right. thank you sir!....wait...why are you still here if everyone else left? Melville: "Why? Well...Moby Dick once roamed the skies, before it was altered into a Guild fortress. If it is to go down...I should as well." atsushi:.....*nods and runs* .....!!!! Akutagawa: "?!! Man-Tiger?!" atsushi: OH COME ON! listen akutagawa, i'd love to stay and chat, but i have a very urgent thing that needs to get done pronto and i would appreciate doing it in one piece, thanks! Akutagawa: "..." *black energy swirls around him* atsushi: hey. im on the line with dazai, he said he has something he wanted to tell you, sounds important! Akutagawa: "...Dazai wants to speak with me?" atsushi: yeah! *tosses the communicator* Akutagawa: *pants like a dog, rushing to catch it* atsushi: *runs* Akutagawa: "Dazai! I'm here!" -the number you are trying to reach has hung up. if you would like to try again- Akutagawa: "..." *black flames around him* -elsewhere- atsushi: *opening the door* Fitzgerald: *holding a phone* "Hi, Zelda. It's me, Francis." atsushi: *sneak sneak* Fitzgerald: "I'm almost done--What? No! I could never forget my wife." atsushi: *reaching for the terminal* Fitzgerald: *spots a reflection on his wedding photo* "Sorry, I have a guest coming. I'll call right back. I love you, Zelda. Goodbye." *puts down the phone* atsushi: *grab* (thinking: got it!) *FLASH* -BANG- atsushi: oooow... wha?... O-O;;;;; hhhheeeeeeyyyy siiiiir. ^^;;;; Fitzgerald: "Hello, Tiger. You thought you hit the jackpot?" atsushi: listen. i kinda left my phone at home, and then i lost my communicator, soo...imgonnaborrowthisnowthankyou! *running* Fitzgerald: *already in front of him--tripping him* atsushi: !! oh shi- *notices something coming at them from the hall* Fitzgerald: "???" Akutagawa: *glare* atsushi: owo; *backing away and RUNS* Fitzgerald: "I'm sorry, Mr. Akutagawa, but I am occupied right now." Akutagawa: *practically passes through Fitzgerald* -in one of the halls- atsushi: *panting* just got to get someplace safe, then i can-
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