#im not even a cas blog lmao
valenthario · 11 months
feeling sooo stuck with my content rn🤪🤪‼️
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williamy3w · 4 days
h e l l o? why is your blog so o l d
Woah! Howdy, Tati! Here to check out our new decor?
n o
the vibes in here are a w f u l btw 🤎
haha, p roba b ly. i d id m y be s t!
i  n e e d to talk to you i've been w a i t i n g for a while 🤍 you guys really take your t i m e in that garden of yours huh 🤭
Oh, ab-so-lute-ly!
um . . . may b e.
ew. forget i said anything anyway my angels are telling me your m o n s t e r is looking for us ‼️
sh ould we hide? we could go back to my pl ac e.
I mean, I figure it ain’t benefitting any of us if we split up. S’pose the thing would simply come for Tati here again. 
y e s  i don’t want to be HERE a l o n e ‼️ and if i was in your w e i r d old screensaver i’d be as uncomfortable as grandpa radio is over here
h e y!
i’m not asking for h e l p like i think you shouldn’t be a l o n e either ❌
that’d just be s t u p i d
and didn't they already find you there o n c e.
your place isn't s a f e. 🔓
i don' t t h ink i can st ay here muc h lon ge r, though.
And this ain’t the most secure place to hide anyway. As much as I like the folks here, it ain’t exactly private. We’d hafta find somewhere you all solidly have feet on the ground, somewhere just for the three of us.
why n ot the pl a ce we u sed to ha ng out? 
your boyfriend d e s t r o y e d it. lmao
Technically, Mal did! Or maybe those folks we’re lookin’ to avoid! Who can say?
oh. wha t if we ma ke a new on e?
what about m a l 💓
shouldn’t we all be t o g e t h e r
Someone let us know she could be stoppin’ by a while back, but I ain’t heard a peep from her yet. S’pose we could wait for her, though time is of the essence!
and…i don’t kno w. hiding out’s only temp orary. and the kind of p la ce we need sounds pretty s m all. d a r k. lone l y. we can’t stay ther e forev er
maybe we'll have time to come up with a permanent s o l u t i o n
Henry and I have been working on some thin’ like that! Couple of the folks out there seem to think I’m responsible for the sticky situation those kids are in. 
w e al l ar e.
Well, figure a fella ought to be able to admit when it ain’t turning out like he hoped. And start hopin’ for somethin’ new! 
like pick in g them ap ar t, if we ca n .
aren’t they like the closest thing to d e a t h HERE 💒
how are you even gonna do that
Erm. Well. We ain’t rightly sure!
but with a little more t ime ma yb e we ca n figure it ou t
And I’d sure appreciate your brains on the matter, kid!
t h a n k s.
i guess if we had a s a f e p l a c e we could think about it more. or come up with more of a p l a n at least
and may be o n e of our buddie s wh o it isn ' t so dang erous to will g et to it bef ore w e ca n
… spea king of which, how a re we gonna make a new place? …
What’re ya lookin at me for? 
i mean. you’re the only one who can m o v e around comfortably. have you s e e n anywhere that could work
We ain’t tryin to make anythin’ so big as a whole “Site!” All we need’s a li’l pocket. Somewhere that thing can’t access! 
i don’t think we can do it. even all t o g e t h e r.
but mayb e they could.
i don’t t r u s t them 💔
Ya got any better ideas, kid?
💬 💬 💬
fine. let's ask mal once she gets here.
if sh e get s here. should i g o ch eck on he r?
Sweetheart, you ain't in much condition to go hoppin' around! If I knew where she'd got off to, I'd do it, but nobody's found occasion to say.
yeah, i dunno eith e r.
well. let's s e e.
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danvillecheese · 1 year
why do u think act ur age is fucked
[cracks knuckles] alright. essay time. you asked for it.
I’ve done a similar response to this before here and mentioned something else about it here but I’ll go over it again since those posts are both from a while ago. also bear in mind I haven’t seen aya recently bc I don’t like it. okay let’s get into it
[also im gonna preface this saying maybe i sound very pessimistic but im ranting and its just gonna sound like im complaining because i am. i mean no real malice by the way. im simply a person with a blog.]
first off. they don’t use the show don’t tell as well as they could. in the what might have been montage, sure, they showed potential scenarios and how phineas felt (very briefly) when isa stopped visiting his backyard but it just feels so rushed. I get that they only had like 11 minutes to show it but idk there has to be another way to write it. or just not have it at all idk its just from a writing point of view the whole episode feels rushed and out of place from everything else continuity-wise. why not use little easter eggs planted in the show beforehand? operation crumbcake? pharmacists? meapless in seattle? god theres so many episodes with evidence that phineas liked her back even if he didnt know. just. continuity!!!!
second. why did their friends not try something sooner. it’s not like they didn’t know. like phineas seems to be okay with saying “i wish! i am so in the friend zone there” in front of his friends (that quote alone makes me lose my shit but that’s a whole other point) so clearly they knew about phineas. and isabella also wasn’t quiet about it (source: pnf s1-4). they had like four years of high school to do something and they planned it the day isa left for college? nah its just the least realistic thing ever for me. also them being 18 is like yeah okay maybe the slow burn was worth it and theyre way more grown up (i love a good slowburn) but ohhhhhh my god SURELY their friends were getting sick of them dancing around each other. just me?
third. and I’m sorry to ash simpson but oh my god I hate the character designs like They Would Not Fucking Look Like That. it almost feels like it completely disregards their arcs during the original summer. like yeah child chub disappears over ur teen years but sometimes it stays a little longer! make phineas less twiggy!! make isa look more like her mother! (am i about to redesign them again? whoops)
four. and i know this is no fault of dan and swampy but the show was about to end anyways and yet the entire friend group was paired off into hetero ships?? get fucking real. none of those kids are straight. realistically, i know it was a different time and gay marriage wasnt even legal in the us yet so it wasnt all that common to have queer romance on screen let alone on disney channel but like i said, the show was about to end. what were the disney channel execs gonna do? cancel it? lmao
five. "I am so in the friend zone there." "we are guys. we do not talk about our feelings." WHAT!!! i cant believe this shit is real. these lines of dialogue are canon. what the hell. what kind of message does that even send to younger, impressionable viewers? if ur a 10 year old boy watching that (ok fine maybe that isnt gonna stick with you forever but listen) and you go 'oh its okay to just bottle everything up and not tell my friends about my feelings about anything ever' that is insane! thats not how things should go!! like i get the whole "im so in the friend zone" and yes, this also has to do with the era but like if they wanted to be a more progressive cartoon that kids look up to and enjoy maybe they just. shouldn't have put that whole conversation in.
i barely have any problems with the b plot. in fact id watch the episode just for the kazoo solo. because that plot lines up with the continuity. i can totally see heinz having bowling night with perry and carl and monogram every week! i can totally see perry and monogram retired! and carl running owca and getting payed for it! that all checks out! that one makes sense and works with the canon! if they got that plot so right how did they get the a plot so wrong?
i can answer this question: fanservice. its an awful word, i know. act your age is a fanservicey episode which is why i think it crashed and burned. mml season 2 is rooted in the same issue: doof is very present and takes away from the original plot of the show. like, the one he wasnt even in until the last episode of s1. slightly getting off topic but it is the crux of the issue. fanservice doesnt make for good storytelling. even if it brings in the big bucks. at its core, telling the story the way it should be told is the best one. even if it pisses people off. a good portion of the viewers will still appreciate whatever ending the creators come up with. and no, im not saying phinbella shouldn't have become canon, in fact i really like the ship and all their dynamics, i just think they went about it the wrong way.
as someone who's written and published fic about them getting together in different universes (granted, they were from when i was younger so its mildly terrible. take them with a grain of salt) there are a lot of other ways to tell that story canonically. honestly, i think the best way of doing it was to keep it ambiguous. dont tell that story. let the viewers pick their own ending for phineas and isabella. maybe they dont get together after all. who knows!
thanks for the ask! hope you had fun getting lectured <3
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mrkis · 6 months
you characterise all the nct members in your writings so well aswell 🫶🏼🫶🏼
it’s fictional but it also makes sense in a realistic way? like renjun and jaemin as introverted private, blunt and kinda rude but it’s in a way where you know they keep to themselves and don’t really like a lot of attention or drama, just very chill. donghyuck and yangyang as annoying lmfao, but with very very big hearts and very protective that it’s scary. can’t wait to see you dive into that in his fic even more
and jeno… my fucking man. i feel like a lot of your followers and anons are jeno lovers?? i’ve been seeing a lot of him on your blog recently and just in general and i see why <3 your characterisation of him is perfection, chefs kiss. he’s popular, very loud (in a more subtle way, like not how he speaks but his presence, you know he’s there and it’s impossible to ignore him even if he’s not trying to get attention), very outgoing and bold both sexually and personality wise, like his parties?? it just makes so much sense to make him the party thrower out of all the group
and also his soft sweet caring side… maybe not sexually because i think that soft dom jeno is something that’s quite rare (let me know your opinion on it please cas :) whatever you say will always make so much sense and i know you’ll probably change my mind on it lol) but like he’s a sweetheart! he’s so caring and kind hearted as a friend and it’s driving me crazy cus we’ve only seen that side to him when treating his friends (like twlg mc and jaemin) imagine how heightened that is when we finally get to see boyfriend jeno?? i’m gonna go crazy like it’s gonna be the best side to him that we’ve seen im screaming
and this mf seems like someone who doesn’t try but things always go his way 😭 like he’s smart, gets good grades, has good sex, has a great friend group and is such a social guy? how does he have it all? it’s crazy
it seems like you mean just twlg😅 i appreciate it tho, truly! it makes me feel good knowing that it can come across as realistic.
and actually, a lot of my followers/anons here (from what i’ve witnessed since the beginning) are mainly jaemin & mark lovers. twlg is what brought the jaemin stans in (🫶) and mark obviously because of myself and how much i write for him. its only veryyyy recently, like… two days ago, that the jeno asks have started coming in!
but anyway, with twlg!jeno, he’s that really social and popular guy that everyone wants to get with or everyone wants to be yk? that typical type of thing. he also doesn’t go looking for attention and whatnot, he just happens to have it on him all the time. he’s that guy LMAO. but he’s also really sweet & caring, especially towards his close group of friends. (his relationship with jaemin mainly and mc, you can see that clearly).
twlg!jeno really did get a lot of love throughout the series… so thank you everyone!!🫶🫶🫶
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silver-wield · 4 months
at this point I would believe the devs had a check list of all the CA lies and set on burning them with fire, Im not even a shipper when i say rebirth going to slaughter the cleriths lmao
It's probably the list on Calli's blog 🤣
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hornystiel · 2 years
ok ok i was tagged by @chapeldean @faithdeann and @pointyearedelvishprincling (thank you for tagging me lovelies!) so i might as well do it already haha
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: svetlana or just lana
star sign: aquarius
height: 156 cm/ 5'1 ft
time: 14:32
birthday: february 6th
favourite bands/artists: ghost, hozier, scorpions, lord huron, phoebe bridgers, radio company (yea), порнофильмы, ic3peak
last movie: bring it on. yay for cheerleaders
last show: banshee. oooff this one is great.
when did i create this blog: yesterday was 9 years since i created it :)))) i'm old
what I post: destiel, spn, bits and pieces of other interests (art, architecture, games, languages, nature etc)
last thing i googled: the haserot angel
other blogs: nope we post everything on here and die like men
do I get asks: sometimes and i'm extremely happy every time
following: 167
average hours of sleep: 6-8
instruments: can't
what im wearing: tshirt with bunnies doing three wise monkeys thing, grey lounge pants with barbie logos
dream job: at this point i don't even know but smth that'll combine the quiet moments and me being the center of attention lmao. idk maybe at some museum in a pretty city because i love art in any form and know how to get people interested in listening to me
dream trip: painful subject since i dunno if now it'd be possible at all but since we're talking about dreams? european cities (sweden esp because sana and ireland because mel and aoife <3) and new zealand. here in russia every time i visit st petersburg is my dream trip :')
nationality: russian
last book i've read: ok ok i suck at reading books these days so i'll just say i was rereading Carnival Oasis AND finally read Death by Stereo by aoife! (i'll give the feedback later but for now it's AAAAA)
top 3 fictional universes i'd like to live in: middle earth (lotr my beloved i also want to marry both eowyn and eomer don't judge), star trek (space and the ability to fuck with government more), studio ghibli verse (i can't chose a movie i just want to be there, travel, eat pretty food and get a (relatively) happy ending)
tagging (no pressure at all i think most of you have already done it <3)
@sobernatural @caskarass @emeraldcas @marlborocas @hexbait @limbel @blanket-cas @dualityofcastiel @blue-eyed-cutiepatootie @theyarebothgunshot @achillestiel @goatiel @faithdeans @demonlandline @florenzim
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onmyyan · 2 years
I did not even finish my feral barking over Gabe and Cas and now u post ricky nsfw?!??!. Tbh i was only into the two of em but i took a lil scroll thru ricky's and the tw and uhhhhhhhh might need to add to the list 🥵🥵🥵 you're uploading so much good stuff hsjsklsls and so quickly too!!! Pls make sure ur taking care of urself 🥺💞💞 and tysm for all the fuckin delicious food like seriously i only found ur blog like a day ago but i have read everysingle thing and had constant brainrot over it like you just have a GIFT for writing my dream men and ilysm for that. Tbh im having a hard time right now and ur writings are something to distract me and its so perfect and just like ?????? Literally feels like its catered to my tastes so im rlly thankful for u and ur ocs 💞💞💞
You are too mf cute anon omgggggg thank you for the well wishes, I love love love that my stuff can help during hard times cuz that's exactly what fanfic has always done for me so to hear it's helping someone else has me like tearing up lmao thank you for taking the time to write this ilysmbb
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heyassbuttlmao · 2 years
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I posted 4,352 times in 2022
That's 4,352 more posts than 2021!
159 posts created (4%)
4,193 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,221 of my posts in 2022
#art <3 - 223 posts
#spn - 77 posts
#supernatural - 75 posts
#the boys - 65 posts
#my faves &lt;3 - 57 posts
#the boys spoilers - 39 posts
#destiel - 23 posts
#ow - 23 posts
#dean winchester - 20 posts
#castiel - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#are no different than the characters they portray as mentally ill™️ because no that's different our characters just have daddy issues and
My Top Posts in 2022:
fic masterlist
I only ever post my fics on ao3, because it's where I read fanfic, but I figured I should at least link them here, so viola, have a post about my spn fanfic I've written (I'm not bothering to link all the stucky I write here because I do not think y'all care, but that is on my ao3 too if you want to check it out)
yes all my fic titles are song lyrics shut up
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hand me a pen and I'll rewrite the pain - complete, 37k
domestic destiel fluff, but also mostly family angst lmao. instead of bringing just mary back, amara also brings back john, and dean has to grapple with the fact that oh shit he was actually a very shitty father. (also she brings back bobby and charlie because I say so)
i'll take my chances on the curb here with you - oneshot, 1.8k
finale fix-it. aka the finale didn't happen and they get cas back. aka post-confession destiel reunion + first kiss
i've got this sentimental heart that beats - oneshot, 4.5k
outsider pov about one of sam's friends from stanford running into him years later. mostly just fluff and me getting overly invested in this oc by accident
running through the numbers in my phone - oneshot, 700 words
sequel/companion to i've got this sentimental heart that beats. literally just sam's other friends from stanford spamming his phone after getting his number from the oc from the last fic. because I could
show me the rivers crossed, the mountains scaled - oneshot, 2.5k
first spn fic I wrote, was supposed to be a destiel fic but cas isn't even in it whoops. (destiel is still the ship but like,,,, only mentioned ghdgghsd). anyways what this actually ended up being was sam and dean running into each other at a gay bar and awkwardly coming out to each other as bi (I'm not even necessarily a queer sam truther so I have no fucking clue where this fic came from lmao)
33 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
also also ALSO thinking. thinking. cas fucking letting go, pushing dean away from him, in purgatory. making sure dean saves himself but not letting him save him. and dean fucking convincing himself he was the one who let go, not cas, because that was easier. it just makes me wonder what dean told himself after cas pushed him away in 15x18, to make it easier than admitting to himself that cas loved him so much he would die for it
45 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
my suggested posts rn are SO funny and also so valid
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See the full post
53 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
ngl but I don't get why so much attention is being placed on whether AI art is "real art" or not instead of??? the fact that it's using stolen art?? like that feels like the actual problem here for me???
71 notes - Posted December 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
84 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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onlyswan · 1 year
hi art!! I just recently came across ur acc and im curious abt some stuff like for one what are ur fave musicians to listen to ? Bc I remember the first thing I read from ur page - I forgot the name 😭 but it was when oc and jungkook kept meeting on a train while she was listening to cas and reading a book and omg since that moment I knew u were my favorite writer bc you were able to capture all my feelings and I just resonated with ur writings sm !! And I also have been using cas as my safe music for years now so seeing someone else also feels the same from years back makes me feel heard somehow !! I felt so safe and just so happy reading ur stuff like I forget about all my struggles I get excited to go to bed since my routine consists of reading ur stuff and it’s literally a daily thing now lol, and if u ever think about doing a long fic or even a novel pls do bc I am in LOVE with ur writing style you are able to capture the smallest details without dragging a story or make it boring you truly can bring stuff to life !! I used to read a lot and try and write poetry and sometimes stories too but thing got in the way and is slowly stopped but you made me remember why I love books so much and why I wish I couldve been a writer and that’s something so special !! also when did u first start stanning bts and have you ever been on the editing community lol? sorry for the rant and bombardment of questions and extreme enthusiasm but tbh I’ve realised that since I love ur fics so much I should start to get to know a bit about the writer and how you came across to writing them !! I hope u know how many peoples days you make better with these stories and ur so sweet too, keep being u !! :33
some of the other artists i listen to are txt, iu, frank ocean, beabadoobee, niki, mitski, fka twigs, omar apollo, hozier, the rose, wave to earth :D and i became an army during mots7! and i assume you meant writing community? :O but since i was like 9 i’ve been writing short stories and mainly poetry as a hobby and hid them all in the drafts. i never rlly published anything until i started this blog !
OMGSJDHDKDKF you’ve been here since gold rush!? this is so insane to me bcs i was pretty much mia in 2021 plus i was in my experimenting phase :| thank you so much for being here all these time !! 😭😭😭💗 i’m so happy we were able to connect through music <3 my favorite form of art <3
and i reallyyyy wish i can do a long fic but i have such a horrible attention span and committment issues lmao 😭 once i get annoyed or bored i immediately detach myself from something it’s a big problem </3 but thank you for your interest i can’t believe you would want to read an entire novel from me 🥹🥹🥹
I am in LOVE with ur writing style you are able to capture the smallest details without dragging a story or make it boring you truly can bring stuff to life !!
oh i’m gonna cry 🥲 i love you so much you have no idea how much i needed to hear this! i’m always insecure about being too much or too little with my writing so this is so comforting 🫂🫂🫂
and omg don’t be sorry i love this energy 🥹 !! i sometimes receive asks from ppl that seem to forget that there’s a real person running this account and that makes me feel dispirited so you’re such a breath of fresh air <3 thank you beloved for being so sweet and kind and reading my works it means the world to me 🤍🤍🤍
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ursamajori · 3 years
god it’s kinda funny how for the longest time this blog has been pretty scattered like no one specific media i like getting more than the other it’s all sorts of things and then boom. deltarune. rejoice hyperfixation be upon ye
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marigoldjimmy · 3 years
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#HOW did they even find that post#(it was one where i mentioned they blocked me)#suspicious but im happy being unable to interact <3#although i spose they unblocked me now?#maybe i just couldn't interact with them for some other reason?#oh well?#anyways#this scared me to death i had just woken up#(also apparently they're insulted i called them a popular blog? maybe insulted isn't the right word but i did not mean that as a bad thing#i literally meant it as a i see their posts all the time and i can't interact thing??)#(adding this incase they somehow find this post too lmao)#(also mullets aren't short hair (: thats what i would be judging them about (:)#im sexy for being vagued by big accounts though hehe <3#which they are. if i see multiple of someones post in the recommended tab they are a big account#okay okay sorry about how long these tags are im just weirded out by them responding and taking offense to what i said in the tags#OH okay okay sorry i just realized why they assumed i dislike dean and dean stans from those tags#(i must infer they only saw that post?)#its because i said it was cringe that they weren't a cas account lmao#btw i don't actually hate dean stans ily guys i just don't really like dean personally <3#okay but im actually done now hsjdgdj i need to study for one of my finals#mine#okay im adding more im so sorry#but i said it was cringe that they weren't a cas blog in the tags because i had called them a cas blog in the main post#i figured i didn't just randomly call non cas blogs cringe i knew it was a joke lmao#im not even a cas blog lmao#okay im hopefully actually done now. if i had literally anyone to text about this i would but because i don't it gets to be a post <3#rip to not being able to talk to people online i could have used you rn 💔#although i would have needed to already have befriended them#i couldn't start a conversation like 'okay so a while back i made a post about.....'#well i could but that would be weird
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stinkrascal · 3 years
thank u ;-; they’re my favs lmao
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gayboybeetle · 3 years
⭑☆ h o w d y :] ☆⭑
my name is milo and heres a pinned post so you can know some basic info on me
!!! So !!! I'm Milo !!!
I recently accepted myself as plural, and while it's always cool to call me Milo and to refer to me as one person/as a whole, heres all the alters I'm willing to share to the World Wide Web™:
Kota - He/Vi
Cas - Vi/He
Micah - He/They
Maya - She/Any
Moth - They/It
Cricket - It/Its
Siffrin - They/Them
Rye - He/Any
Warren - He/Him
Jax - They/She
Nod - He/Any
Kota and Cas are typically the primary fronters when it comes to having our online persona. course, we're all interconnected, so all of us make up Milo together! If you have any questions feel free to ask :] my askbox and dms are always open
Other basic stuffs about us (as Milo):
I'm 21 years old (finally a full adult!)
We use Vi/Vin/Vis and He/Him/His pronouns collectively. here's a guide on how to use them :) neopronouns can be funky so if you mess up the grammar i really dont mind lmao
gender fucky! i'm a nonbinary man, but i'm basically a full boy whenever its funny lmao
sexuality is ALSO fucky becuase i'm a Gay & Bi oriented Asexual, DemiAro, as well as Polyam. so. WOOF thats a lotta labels
basically: big queer.
im SO neurodivergent you dont even wanna know. *slaps the roof of my me* this bad boy can fit so much autism in it
my art blog is @budderball and my pokeblog (currently on hiatus) is @askplayerpkmn so check those out!!!!!
my current special interests are: Rain World, gorgonopsids, art (color theory, linework, etc), and queer labels/flags :) feel free to talk to me about any of these things and i'll shit my pants
DNI: lgbt+ exclusionist (this includes excluding Ace/Aro, Pan, Mspec Lesbian, Nonbinary genders, etc etc), Terf/Swerf, TransMed/Truscum, SysMed, Anti-BLM and/or Pro-Cop. I don't want you here.
thanks :) have a lovely day. enjoy the blog.
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theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
hello! first time sending an ask here! in terms of the reactors for spn, do you recommend anyone? because right now im following a few people but only one of them has outright said that she ships it (and has even watched a spoiler-free jenmish compilation lmao). it is too bad she just started watching s7 so it'll be a while until she sees cas again.
the other people i follow are:
- this one straight dude who doesnt ship deancas (or atleast not aware of it) but its fine since he's a casgirl and its relatable how he freaks out everytime cas appears in an episode, and im excited bc he just started s8;
- this other pretty queer guy who's still in early s4 but is already in his early stages of castiel derangement syndrome so we'll see if he sees the romantic tension between dean and cas;
- and this other lady who's still in s2 but i have a feeling that she knows about destiel and will detect it once she's in s4.
that's all thank you! and i love your blog!
hiii! welcome and thank you so much! <3 i think i follow every one of those you mentioned except for the lady who is still in s2, can you tell me who that is? (in all honesty i think i have seen every reactor at least once, because i am constantly starving for new content, so this question was right up my alley, so strap in!)
i really love alle.y box's reactions, she is great and a big destiel shipper but she only reacted to later seasons (11 - 15) and i think i like her reactions the best (but i am biased cause i am also a huge fan of her buffy reactions, of which she is currently watching s4).
i watch some of fan theory tv's reactions but honestly only if it's a destiel heavy episode lmao im looking forward to them reacting to tmwwbk soon. one of them has already seen the show. i can't really tell if she's a shipper but i feel like she is.
even though they are very dude bro-y, i find the guys from justus pretty funny and honestly am kind of curious how they will react to castiel (they are now in the middle of s3). one of them has already seen the show.
i watch the destiel heavy eps that sesskasays reacts to (which aren't a lot atm because she just started s4 sdfhshf), so far no signs of shipping detected lmao.
and then i also watch simplereactions but those i like the least because i feel like he just watches it and laughs and makes a remark every once in a while and that's it. the reason i love watching reactors is because i love hearing their thoughts and predictions and reactors who only watch an ep and bounce are a bit ehhh to me. it's the same 'problem' i have with dakara's reactions, who does react a bit more but still a bit too ehh for my taste.
abnormallyadam has done reactions as well to the later seasons and i loved watching his reactions to the destiel heavy eps, if you only watch one reaction from him definitely make sure it's his video for 15x18. i'm pretty sure he is the reactor jensen and misha shared the video from through texts because he is literally sobbing in it lol.
also this is a bonus one, and doesn't really count, but if you haven't watched dylanisintrouble's video of him only watching the first and last episode of supernatural, it's definitely worth it shfdjshf i love him so much (although this does require you to be confronted with the finale, so i get it if you'd skip this one)
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paneerlajwanti · 3 years
@rosadiaz-givesme-bipanic thanks for the tag and im also sorry chain posts and tag mail kinda make me a little uhm i dont know but there were a few questions right wait lemme just yeah, i am bored and will do my assignments later so i guess this is storytime bestie
why did you choose your url?
i was feeling a little uncomfortable with my earlier (folkwh0res) and wanted a change so my brain randomly went paneer lajawab and im like hmm not bad and then one bad pun and one tinkle reference later, paneerlajwanti
any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
ah yes lets go. fuck. this one's my main. @paavam is my aesthetic side blog for art and history and poetry. @hoeticulture is my blog for ocs and resources and similar stuff. i have 2 random unused private blogs, then uhm there’s one for bucky that I just saved the url and uhm I don’t know I don’t keep track lmao oh and idk why I forgot @sebsax a blog i had once created solely for writing my “thoughts”
how long have you been on tumblr?
technically, six years. but i started using it in later 2018 and i got popular and made friends and social circles in 2019 and 2020.
do you have a queue tag?
yeah, bestie i do, but i also randomly pour a million reblogs at a time. my current tag is called “#queue main teri arti utaru?”
why did you start your blog in the first place?
my loyalties will always lie with starplus mahabharat and the baahubali fandom and cringey indian television that are now my comfort shows
why did you choose your icon/ pfp?
sleepy loki in the tva while working supremacy
why did you choose your header?
i made the header while watching the second episode of loki and used the colours in the palette of the show and wanted to make something that fit
what’s your post with most notes
brown light under sunlight supremacy (872 notes)
existential dard - pt one (771 notes)
thread of sanghana ranaut’s worst behaviours (860 notes)
“yo a ti cas" a very bad meme that i made before entering the fandom somewhere around november 2020 (743 notes)
unofficial indian pride flag (622 notes)
my most detailed mandala (511 notes)
how many followers do you have?
how many people do you follow?
900-1200? i think i’m not sure cant switch tabs
have you made shitposts?
oh they’re very on brand for me. i do make shitposts. they’re mainly stupid and yearny and huh. i think that’s my entire personality in three words huh.
did you have a fight/ argument with a blog once?
i don’t remember tho but i don’t think so but the most i think i can jog my memory is an angry rant to anon hate for my friend
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
oh dude i didn’t even know that was an anxiety i had until i used tumblr. the compulsion and my adhd guilt brain feels bad for not doing or doing anything. initially i would reblog it because my guilt for scrolling over something that i am not the target audience for didn’t sit right with me and i would reblog every chain post and took me a while to work out the balance and tell myself that these reblog and something will/ won’t happen is not how life works so don’t let that hover in your brain and make you feel bad and idk dude lmao
do you like tag games?
i like them, i get to know my friends because of them, but i also get overwhelmed and a lot of times mentally answer them and forget to actually respond and then feel guilty days if not weeks later that they waited for me to talk or interact and then i didn’t. oh and the very long tag games like you know mutual to mutual and tag mutuals i don’t know something like that happens and i freeze in my tracks lmao
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i think a lot of them, if not most of them.
do you have a crush on a mutual?
platonically, yes. real strong.
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nancylou444 · 3 years
hi. I'm coming here to rant. hope it doesn't bother you. the point, i am a deancas blog and i feel like you'd cancel me if you ever got in my blog lmao. we have some different opinions, there's a lot actually, but i respect yours and im not gonna talk about that. since i'm a midly-popular blog now, I interact with a bunch of other destiel accounts. hellers. and I won't talk about this on my own blog, maybe because I'm a coward and afraid of losing followers, but I don't agree with most stuff (1)
but I don't agree with most stuff they say. and i wanted to talk specially about jared's last tweets. i don't hate jared. in fact i think he's a cool guy and doesn't deserve most the shit they put him through. and i'm glad love for jared (or whatever the hashtag was) was trending because he deserves it. i'm here to apologize, i think, because i've said stuff i didn't mean to say myself. not targeting anyone but maybe talking about people. i say i think you'd cancel me because it's true,,, (2)
because some of my opinions yknow. on dean's orientation, and dean and cas's relationship, etc. and i get it. i just wanted to say that even though you are against these opinions, i respect you, and i would never get to the point of saying something like this. i like jared. and i guess i apologize for maybe giving that impression (even though im anon, because im a coward) idk why im even doing this. probably you'll say this is bullshit and rightfully so, i just needed to vent. have a nice day xx
I get the sense that there’s a part 3? But maybe not? Yeah, I was right. 
Hello my darling.  💖
You may have noticed the anon crap that I’ve gotten in the last couple of weeks, so this little rant of yours is no bother. Far from it. 💖
Hmm, since you make no mention that I’ve blocked you, you must be doing something right (ie tagging correctly) so I have no reason to ‘cancel’ you. As I have always said, show me respect, and I’ll do the same. 
Rant here all you want, sweetheart. You would be surprised at the number of destiel shippers that I have following me, and I love them all. If they want to giggle and nod their heads at my posts while the destiehellers continue on with their delusions, so be it. 
It’s not about being a ‘coward’, it’s about THEM turning against their own for any slight that THEY see as ‘mutiny’. 
It’s been five months, and to continue attacking Jared is insane. 
I get that you needed to get this off your chest and my askbox is always open for that. And even if you gave me your url, I would take it off, because I would never allow a target to be put on somebody’s head. If the destiehellers want to go after somebody, let it be me. I’m more than happy to teach them a thing or five. 😉
Here’s a hug for you, my darling.  💖 💖
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