#im not nitpicky about things i dont care for
dayurno · 4 months
cousin dayurno…. thots on tsc. i remember you mentioning before it came out that you weren’t super excited about it/might not read it for a while. im curious now if you think it’s worth getting into sooner rather than later! as someone who keeps forgetting to start it i must know the opinion of the council
cousin dayurno............... hi! well okay so. going into tsc i didn't have many expectations besides maybe seeing kevin at some point, and getting told an interesting story. i was not disappointed in the kevin front nor whenever the foxes were concerned: i think nora sakavic's grasp on them is as strong as ever and the few that showed up (kevin, renee, neil) were capable of carrying any story no matter what. jean spends a good chunk of the book in palmetto and you can tell it's nora's strongest suit as a writer; it's the most interesting part of the book and the character work is, as expected, very well thought out. i couldn't stop reading for the entire period of jean's stay with the foxes.
i will say the book kind of fell flat for me after jean left palmetto. half of it is because jean sucks the life out of basically any of the trojans character-wise; the foxes were able to compete with him because they are well established characters with complex backstories who already feel real to the reader, whereas the trojans (bar lucas, who is a highlight if there was ever one), while lovely, aren't really much of characters at all. i think nora sakavic likes to write a very specific kind of story, and in that niche she is fabulous, but she stumbles when she has to make simpler stories interesting. she is a high-stakes writer writing a very low-stakes story, and in tsc you can tell.
jeremy was supposed to be the main character along with jean, but in his very few chapters, not much about him is learned; from the moment he is in a room with jean, jeremy's whole character starts to revolve around him. yes, you can say this is jeremy repressing even in his own mind, and maybe that's true where it concerns his backstory, but that's not all there is to a character. even if jeremy's backstory wasn't going to be discussed, there's effectively nothing else about him: we know that he's rich, that he's gay, and that's it. no particular quirks nor non-trojan related interests. the only discernable character trait i can put out about jeremy is that he is very pushy, and i don't think that's what nora intended for him. he was a breath of fresh air in his first chapters, but what little personality he shows is immediately mowed down by being on 'taking care of jean' mode 24/7. i thought he could use more personality, and overall more scenes away from jean (and even laila and cat) to establish himself as a character
you have not yet read it so i will not spoil you the reason, but i felt that neil's appearance later down the line was the highlight of the book because it made the story feel interesting again. neil steals the show because he's neil, and he's more interesting than all of the trojans combined. he also makes them all look worse by comparison: we see personality and chemistry and history and that is something that the trojans just don't have. they're lovely, but that's all there is to it. jeremy and the trojans feel more like tools to achieve jean's happiness than actual characters, and that's a bit of the upperclassmen curse in aftg, but in a book that's so specifically centered around jean's inner world and his healing trajectory, they feel flat and out of place by contrast. they can't win. they can't even compete. but if they could, catalina and laila would get the closest to being real characters
this got away from me so tl;dr: tsc is fine! it's not tfc, and i think the contrast might feel surprising and hard to adjust to, especially when it comes to character work. it has all of nora's trademark writing with none of the groundwork there was for tfc, and it would have benefitted a lot from staying in the drafts for a little longer. it's an ok book! it didn't change my life nor did it save anyone, but it was there, and it did what it said it was going to do. if i saw it on ao3 i probably wouldn't read it, but i wouldn't hate on it either
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sonknuxadow · 29 days
stuck in an endless cycle of being annoyed about some of the stuff that was in the trailer and then i see how excited other people are and start thinking "well maybe some of the stuff that upset me could go in a different direction than im expecting. and there was still some cool stuff in there. maybe im overreacting or jumping to conclusions" and then i remember what exactly i was annoyed about and start thinking maybe i was right the first time and then i just kind of feel sad thinking about how excited i was over the first two movies compared to how ive been feeling about the more recent movieverse content and then i get frustrated with how it feels like im not allowed to express these feelings and opinions with how defensive some movie fans get and dismiss all criticism as needless hate regardless of who its coming from or what theyre saying and then i go Okay im normal now . until im reminded of the movie again
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amphitritebaby · 2 months
still watching dune 2 not only is it an extremely long movie my internet is shit so it keeps pausing every 3 seconds. anyway all theyre talking about is bloodlines. like boo hoo ur harkkonen, is ur father not of house atreides? were you not able to open the room of warheads designated only for your bloodline? like. who care. tbh like yeah ig "ohh some of my family are brutal colonizers" is that not literally what you were there to do in the first movie. and now its like oh well actually no i am going to rule. called himself the duke of arrakis bitch since when. i thought he was gonna stay behind in the north and maybe send one of the warheads towards the harkkonen base/the spice fields and like save the day but no he decides in like. half a second to go south and drink the poison. and now hes having more visions of his unborn sister like okay man yeah. this seems like a great time for you to be in a position of power. on a planet you are not from and originally planned to colonize okay man uh huh.
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nonbinaryaubrey · 2 years
pretty muuch everyone in the cast has some minor inconsistencies between their artbook cover artwork, ingame art work, and sprites. (this is INCREDIBLY nitpicky i do not care thaat much.. but still. wanna point it out. also i am DEFINITELY missing things i am not going too in depth here i am soo eepy)
some small examples:
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in sunny's official artwork, and all of his in game artwork, his vest is completely black, the only time this isnt consistent is in his actual pixel sprite
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he has a preeetty simple design? so his never gets too inconsistent. but at times his sock length are changed.
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(socks higher up)
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(socks lower than the knees)
Obviously, DW!Kels shirt changes constantly between artworks. cant even be annoyed at this one that shirt looks like agony to draw, altho his sprite loses the more pastel coloration.. altho i think this is just kind of a consistent thing with the dw sprites, so i wont point it out much with them.
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RW Kel doesnt have.. anything suuuper noticeable ?as far as i can tell. but his sprite and actual artwork definitely have.. inconsistencies (skin tone, along with the stripe on his pants)
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DW Aubrey doesnt have anything suuper inconsistent i believe? so i wont bring her up. and we have already talked about RW Aubrey. her outfit is. WILLDLY inconsistent between artworks, even in the game itself. (im NOT getting into other official artworks here but . her shoes too i believe tend to not stick too one design)
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for DW Hero, just inconsistencies with the stripe thickness, the collar part of his pajamas, and.. whatever the part near the hands are called being either solid white, solid blue, or striped
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for RW Hero.. oh boy. His shirt collar
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Official artwork (and tag photos) it looks like this ^
in his talk sprite, its still a vneck but with a white stripe
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when he saves you from drowning, it looks like this
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even his pixel sprites have inconsistencies between eachother
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good fucking lord man .!!!
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not too much with her actually!! main thing is. inconsistencies with her having shoes or not. (if u want a bit in non-in game comparisons, some official art has her dw self wearing socks when in game i dont think shes ever shown wearing them?)
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and to end it all off, lets move onto Basil. !!!
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(going to point this out first, in a LOT of both RW in DW Basil's actual artwork, he has 2 little tufts of hair at the top of his head, but in both his talk sprites and overworld sprites, its missing)
for DW Basil there is.. 2 things i think?
1: the flower crown. it varies.. a LOT between artwork. kind of obvious.
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aaand. 2. his shirt . in most artwork ^ like shown above, it has a rounded tshirt neck. but in one specific artwork, it shows it being a collared shirt with a button
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for RW Basil.. i dont think theres much?
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kiiind of the same issue as sunny? tho less obvious ig. his shirt is shown as dark green in the official artwork, but as a muuch lighter green in the sprite.
also in his battle sprite, he loses that... little part between the vest and the collar of his shirt? idk what to call it.
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i beliiieeeve thats.. it for them all? i think i am missing things apologies .but i dont feel like looking thru the wiki anymore . and i have no space left for imgs pretty much
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HELLO BELOVED CKB!! I have been restraining myself for months (hypothetical since I have no sense of time) on the topic of fictional characters that remind people of Yves. Because Oh Boy do I have a big one.
Have you seen Vil Schoenheit from Twisted Wonderland? There are so many parallels it makes me go absolutely bonkers. I might get his character wrong but oh well.
- Vil is insanely rich & a model/actor. Very influential and worked his way to that spot. His skincare and makeup routine is fucking impertinent to him; he must look flawless at all times. He makes sure that he is in prime condition and pushes to make sure that the people in his dorm are of similar regimens.
- Vil is based off of the evil queen (he’s not related to her in any sense btw.) He, by nature, is very nitpicky and motherly towards the people that he cares about even though it can be seen by them as smothering and overwhelming sometimes.
- He specializes in making potions and specifically poisons.
- Oh My God he is so mother and honestly one of my favorite characters and so is Yves which honestly says a lot about me. I need help. Canonically calls his right hand man “dear/darling.”
If I had to relate Yves to another TWST character it would be Malleus Draconia but only looks and obsessiveness and the whole “I want to be with you for eternity” thing.
- 🌷
Oh hell yeah i know Twisted wonderland, I follow a couple of blogs who specialized in making Yandere Fics about them, my favourite is Malleus Fuckin Draconia my man. Im pretty sure you can see my type (Long black hair, green eyes, calm, lithe and vampiric types)
I didn't know shit about twisted wonderland at first, I fr thought it was a yandere dating sim, but I had to learn everything bit by bit from the bits and bobs of canon those authors would sometimes post about, so it was like learning a language from scratch.
I was partially interested in Vil Schoenheit, but I guess most of the fics wrote him as mainly focused on his fanbase and not the reader- like he needs the world to have their eyes on him or he will throw up and die. So that kinda killed my yearning boner off for him because reader's attention is not enough and he requires love from the masses too.
Like fr i appreciate the maternalness of Vil, but it just feels... surface level since I doubt he would be interested in personally wiping reader's ass when they're incapable or cleaning up your puke on himself with a straight face without making a big deal out of it.
and IMO i think he's a little too loud, a little too naggy and his nitpicky comes from a place of self service, not really in the reader's best interest. Like Yves would listen to you and observe 100%, whereas its the other way round for Vil, where you gotta drink the yappuchino he serves. Dont come for me Vil simps i think he is swell despite this </3 I just don't think he would be the parallel of Yves </333
but for MALLEUS tho,,, mans a quiet, antisocial loner from what I saw, only yearning for the attention of the reader (or "yuu"), he's super calm, a recluse, and has like 4 friends. I have read fics that painted him in a maternal light that tickled my heartussy, and I guess thas why i like him more. Because to me, I headcannon he would take care of you himself as if you're paralyzed from the head neck down without complaints or feeling icky when he gotta handle with human bodily fluids. He would mostly listen and observe, maybe infodump about gargoyles but I think he would be a closer match to Yves than Vil in vibes and looks.
Though might wanna consider Jamil Viper from Scarabia, he hates standing out and mans was always depicted as the caretaker to Kalim. And I would like always have the biggest crush on him because,,, hehe caretaker
But he does so begrudgingly and like has a deep hatred for Kalim, I was like damn what if he loves caretaking for me,,, that isn't gonna happen because Jamil comes from a background of injustice and he isn't going to like being subjected to the role forced upon him since birth,,, aha ... unless...
and he's hella smart, but he's moving in silence just like Yves, gritting his teeth but keep on trucking no matter how angery he is. He is calm and quiet, and he listens because he need that information to succeed in his goals, but my delulu ass would be like omg he is so attentive
but theres that spite in Jamil that do be present in Yves though, ironically I would say that Yves is closer in character to Malleus and Jamil than Vil, but i could be just biased and say that because of both appearances are similar to that of Yves rn (Malleus and Jamil has like long, straightish dark hair and them sharp eyes)
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 years
it's kinda sad to see that aro/ace rep is seen as an afterthought, it's actually really nice to see you ask these questions and talk about them cause I've kinda grown jaded after every time it's brought up, we'd be called ungrateful or nitpicky about our rep. Even if it wasn't even confirmed, a speculation or our label was being overshadowed by another identity headcanon and in general never taken seriously
True! Even when there is a canon aro ace character that isnt (like i theorize it is in the case of Lilith) an afterthought based around said character being unshippable with anyone in canon, people love just... ignoring it to ship them anyways. And the thing is, im all for writing aroace characters experimenting and in relationships! Both aro and ace labels are spectrums that deserve to be explored, especially in term of aromantics — our love can feel so so different than what were generally show in romance media. Its fun! Its a fun thing to write about! But instead fandoms as a whole choose to ignore this altogether because it gets in the way of their ship, or at least their idea of how a "ship" can look like (ie their treatment of queerplatonics. To be fair i also cannot expect allos to understand these experiences enough to write abt them in an accurate way)
Sure, the characters are fictional and cant really care abt it much, but aroace people... exist in fandom spaces too, and since i am one it feels kind of weird for my identity to be deemed unimportant and a blank slate for headcanons. Like its not worlds biggest issue its just very much annoying... as much as i dont like the fact that out of all characters lilith is the canonical aro, at least the fandom is nice about it? Which is not something i can say about other ones
This is very much why so many characters of mine are aro (and ace but im mostly talking abt romantic stuff here) btw i find exploring the spectrum really fun. I love queerplatonics i love demis i love loveless aros
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cogbreath · 9 months
i waint to hea r your bbt things
sheldon is also not the only one whos autistic imo. im not certain of who i all headcanon as such, but i feel its a fitting one for amy and bernadette actually. i think a lot of the problems with the way sheldon's autism is written is the fact that other characters don't *respect* him about it. like his needs and behaviors are often belittled or treated as nonsensical. overall i think everyone should be much kinder and understanding about it towards him seeing as they are literally his friends and all.
also probably a nitpicky thing and a matter of my own autistic sensory preferences but i feel it makes more sense for sheldon to NOT wear his sleeves rolled up for sensory reasons. whatever though im allowed to project. also i think they missed an opportunity to explore his interest in vexillology more? like there was maybe 1 or 2 episodes i remember about it but if youve ever met a vexillology enjoyer you know its a common topic they gush about.
speaking of gushing i think the dynamic between sheldon and amy would be like. two autistic best friends who love to infodump at eachother and do parallel activities. at most maybe they have some sort of queerplatonic thing going on? but im not actually super versed in what that means despite being aromantic myself xP
oh anothet thing that bothers me is how the female characters are written as not getting any of the geeky stuff??? it's stupid. like, yeah penny isnt a nerd, but she's an aspiring actress i think she would know what a star trek is. -_- honestly like, all of them would understand a lot of those things and are probably into similar stuff. bbt seems to think that like, these are Guy interests that all women dont understand or get when in reality like, dc comics n shit like that, literally your average person can follow along so i hate that they make the women seem as if they don't understand star wars references.
obviously this is probably one of the most common complaints about the show but id love to have made a lot of the pop culture references controlled and niche. we dont need a reference every other 5 minutes, id like to define each character's interests in a more sensicle way outside of just "haha guys look theres nerd stuff on tv hahah did you guys get that reference"?
also another problem is the way howard behaves. like some episodes his behavior is like, sexual harassment at times, which is met with a laugh track every time. not cool, and unnecessary, should be written to be more respectful. and then of course id like to make him have a better view of his mother, the dynamic in the show is one based off of antisemitic stereotypes about jewish mothers, and thats shitty. i wont retcon it to be a perfect mother/son relationship, like they would definitely still bicker, but i want to potray his mother as more than nagging and obsessive, like perhaps she does care too much and doesn't always treat him as an adult at times, but i dont find a lot of the overall nastiness that happens in the show between them to be funny or interesting.
raj is a pretty okay character imho, but definitely needs to be written more respectfully. He is a major example of the trope of characters of colour being sidelined. like the fact he was the ONLY character to be single in the end of the series? its kinda fucked up lol. obviously as mentioned before i think raj x howard should be the canon outcome. howeber both of them are bisexual, they both are potrayed as having interest in women; but i also think their interest in eachother is serious, or at least should be written as such. its also probably likely that the way he's written in terms of his culture should be improved but i havent gotten around to that just yet. i also think his anxiety issues should have been written with more respect, like the fact he was physically unable to talk to girls i think shouldnt have been an issue he had with *just* women. it seems they were trying to potray him as having selective mutism? but obviously thats not a thing that ONLY happens when one is a around ppl they r attracted to.
bernadette im actually rlly excited to write better because she reminds me of myself at times. i will dial her mischievous nature and her interest in microbiology up to 10. i will make her infodump about prions just i do.
also imho leonard is transmasc. i dont have any like, "evidence" or theory for why i think that other than just he feels that way to me. not that we even need justifications for transgender headcanons around these parts though.
also wil wheaton will NOT be existing anymore as a character in the narrative due to the fact he blocked me on tumblr for some dumbass shit. LOL.
uh i didnt expect to actually have all that much to say about this show... LOL.. enjoy my rambling!
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I just need to rant about my boyfriend so you can ignore this cause it's gonna be long
he's not a bad guy. he's not a bad boyfriend. I know he has a kind heart.
but COME ON.
I feel like I'm the crazy one here.
we talked last weekend and I gave him a whole spiel I typed out. I told him that I spent a lot of time and effort and mental/emotional energy to write out this long thing. When I finished, he was kind. he was understanding and receptive. But I told him that his understanding / openness doesn’t do anything for me unless he shows me with his actions that he actually listened.
So then last Sunday he came over and laid on my couch for a while while I studied. When we were gonna leave for dinner, he left the throw pillows from my couch on the ground. Just like always. Just like I've asked him not to do. Is it a massive deal? no. but literally just put them back! how hard is that?? So then I brought it to his attention and he was like “oh! wait! :) no! I’m not done yet!! :) I didn't forget!! :)” and he put them back. he was trying to be all cheeky and jokey but I didn’t find it funny bc its something that I have told him about a million times. Yeah, its small but like, just put the fucking pillows back where the belong? don't leave my things on the floor? It's simple. it's common sense- it should be second fucking nature.
He is THIRTY SEVEN! he should know better.
so I was annoyed at him for the rest of that night lol. And we had to have another talk that evening. It was kind of productive and made me feel better- but that's always how it goes. Every time we have these talks (which is often) I feel better after. But it never sticks. I'm not a confrontational person, so bringing up these kinds of things is not easy for me. It takes a lot of my energy and gives me anxiety. He knows this.
I expressed that I'm feeling very frustrated, very tired of these conversations.
So then he comes over this weekend (friday night) and takes a shower. After he got in bed, I went to the bathroom and there was some of his body lotion on the floor- like a few drops. Which, is bad for a few reasons. first of all, if my cat were to ingest it, it could hurt him. Bc everything is poison to cats. And i've explained this to my boyfriend a million times. second of all, I could've slipped and hurt myself. and third, that's just another thing he did that I had to clean up.
So I obviously was like dude, what the fuck. I didn’t get “mad”, I didn't yell. but I was clearly frustrated. Bc he walks around with his eyes closed. I have BEGGED him to be aware, to use his eyes, to be mindful, and he just doesn’t.
And I know he loves me but it’s hard for me not to be constantly annoyed at him when he just keeps fucking up. Like I said, the rose colored glasses are gone. destroyed. I'll never get them back.
He just keeps showing me that he doesn’t care. And it makes me feel like that bad guy when I keep bringing it up and getting frustrated at him. I feel bad for being so annoyed at him, for 'nagging' him. But im like, Jesus christ, it's been MONTHS of this shit.
Four months of me constantly cleaning up after him. Reminding him to do things or asking him not to do other things. Asking him to keep me and my happiness in mind. Asking him to respect my space and protect my cat.
It’s just so frustrating bc it feels so nitpicky and annoying, you know? But I’m just like DUDE. COME ON. I’m not asking him to move mountains or anything. I'm asking him to put things back when he uses them. to not put dirty things on my bed. To push his chair in after he's done sitting in it. etc etc. I'm asking him to be a normal human adult with basic manners.
And I dont know how many conversations we can have before I lose it
it's not fair. I have a lot of stress on my shoulders bc of school. And he adds to it by not making me feel cared for or respected.
it's so tough, bc he's sweet and has a great heart. I know he's a good person. But it's like he chooses not to use his brain. I'm not saying he has to be perfect. He doesn't have to like, vacuum my apartment or dust my baseboards when he comes over (I would never ask him to do anything like that). I just want him to leave my space either the same or better than he found it.
I've even asked him to frame my requests in different ways if it makes it easier for him to remember how to act at my place. I told him to frame it in such a way that "okay, if I do this it will make less work for hope" or "if I do this it will make hope less stressed" or even "if I do this, hope will be in a better mood and she'll be more inclined to have sex with me" (which is selfish and stupid and he shouldn't need to think that way- but I'm desperate).
and none of it has worked.
I find myself feeling so annoyed at him like 85% of the time, because we've had so many talks that haven't done shit. and its like, every time he comes over, I know there's gonna be something. Again, he does not have to be perfect.
And the things that I'm asking him to do are not hard or time consuming- I could very easily do these things for him. but I refuse to. I will not do them. I will not be his mother and clean up after him. I will not let him just traipse around my apartment leaving little messes in his wake like a toddler.
I need him to have basic respect for me, my cat, my things, and my apartment.
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skinmite · 10 months
can i be honest i find the “we have no healthcare only money for war” type phrase to be gross while yeah agreeing with making antiwar sentiment popular and finding ways to package it for more people and the need for free & abundant healthcare All Over The Earth And Right Now. i understand its good to make this a clear demand backed by the vast majority of people. i understand its a crowdpleaser of a sentence which i guess is good. something for people to think about and fuel their anger in addition to what should already fuel their anger enough. so. sure. i guess. i donno.
it just feels so fucking bleak and inappropriately timed to me. how can you see hospitals being bombed and connect something like that to your own healthcare. i physically cant stop thinking about premature babies left to decompose they didnt have healthcare either when they needed it most. people going through the most intense nightmarish indescribable violence and trauma and illness including covid all without enough medical supplies amputations without anesthesia
and i dont really care if it sounds nitpicky you should understand im speaking genuinely here about my feelings i just really believe it to be selfish to pair these things together rn im always going to be thinking its kinda just morally fucked. really doesnt sit right to focus on yourself and benefits you could be receiving with usa riches when that money is used now and has been used to destroy human lives overseas and the earth itself. bombing children makes people mad enough and sure it can be effective to mention the taxdollars but theres better ways to get average people to care and the thing is average people DO care already. and where that fucking repulsive hoard money should go instead well there does need to be universal healthcare already but also that insane amount of war money desperately needs to be redistributed to the people who are facing the effects of usmilitary. to each according to his needs etc etc
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cozybearz · 7 months
(sorry long post this got rambly but i needed an outlet for it oops)
having. brain thoughts that i cannot articulate and its very annoying
not new thoughts either but i guess just sort of boils down to like-
when theres stuff that you know is best practice ethically or health wise or whatever else and you do care and want to do your best with it but Also you actively have to check yourself from getting Too into it. which probably comes off weird like “oh why would you actively keep yourself from doing the better things all the time”
but its because if you get too nitpicky or perfectionist about it your brain is gonna eat itself alive worrying about doing the right or wrong thing over shit like. buying something from a brand owned by a shitty corporation because its the more affordable option
or throwing out something that might actually be recyclable but you’ve been hoarding it thinking you’ll figure out the best way to recycle it but our recycling systems suck and nothing i do with my own recycling can guarantee that it actually gets reused and now i just have trash sitting around and if i dont throw it out its just gonna be bad for my mental health
or like. water usage when washing dishes and feeling guilty for wasting water knowing theres gotta be more water efficient ways to do it but also if i get too caught up on that im never gonna do the dishes bc of sensory issues etc.etc.
idk its like this combination of some kind of moral paranoia + perfectionism (and then also some level of demand avoidance that can kick in if i get too strict with myself) and its a pain and kind of hard to explain to people so i hope this makes any kind of sense dhdhd
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syrips · 10 months
really makes me sad how my family doesnt let me enjoy anything
tw: child abuse, abuse
if i laugh, they get upset at me for 'not laughing with them'. if i cry, they get upset at me for 'framing them in a terrible way'. if i express interest in something, they make fun of me. if i dont express interest in something they say im ungrateful or unempathetic. if i enjoy someone's company then im a liar, manipulator, 'just using them'. but if i dont like someone's company then its because im selfish, rude, and 'not willing to give them another chance.' if someone likes me, it's because im fake and 'just hanging out with them because they say what i want them to say'. but if someone dislikes me, then it's my fault for 'giving them a reason' to hurt me. i can't be myself because i'm shamed for it, but i can't be someone else because it doesnt fit their mold
its exhausting and i feel like no matter what i do, they'll find a way to ruin/strip away any sense of peace i have
my relative is so 'nitpicky' with things like how long i take in the bathroom, how much the sink/shower/bathroom/bathmat has water, how much toilet paper/soap/shampoo i use. everytime i go to the bathroom for a shower for anything. i got so used to their 'inspection' about my hygiene, body, health, clothing. they mask their controlling, abusive behavior as 'care and concern'. it just feels so strange and uncomfortable.
all i could do is just mourn that, and surround myself with people who do 'say what i want them to say'. because the things they say are that they love me, that im valid, that im accepted, and that i deserve happiness
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the thing about the new fall out boy song is (coming from someone who actually likes the og) is that the lyrics are pretty bad. some come across better in the actual song but some are still very bad, even in the context of the music. they aren't chronological and are only loosely grouped by topic, which i feel is a bit easier at best and lazy at worst. it makes the theme of the inevitable march of time, or progress, weaker. this also ties into my other issue, identifying the events.
some topics are very vague and not exactly contained to singular events, for example "polar bears got no ice," isn't the best lyric to begin with but it also covers about twenty to thirty years of time, in which lots of major newsworthy events happend that contributed. not to be finicky as well, but polar bears still have at least a little ice. i wouldn't care about this at all if it had actually made headlines that the entire arctic had melted or if polar bears had actually gone extinct. there is also. "earthquakes." just earthquakes. which fucking earthquakes??? just all of them???? an increase in earthquakes?? well i googled it and, "in the past 40-50 years, our records show that we have exceeded the long-term average number of major earthquakes about a dozen times." ( according to this website: https://www.usgs.gov/faqs/why-are-we-having-so-many-earthquakes-has-naturally-occurring-earthquake-activity-been) so sort of? but also, this isn't a super modern issue, and it didn't begin in the songs time frame. the og did have some vague lyrics, such as just "homeless vets." however, in the context of the song, it's a couple lines after "russians in afghanistan," which helps to provide a timeframe, but also becomes a logical extension of the earlier line. i have other little nitpicks with the new lyrics, but i feel like those cover my general problems with different lines.
i'm not a huge fall out boy fan, don't get me wrong, but i do like some of their music. generally, i like it lyrically, so i don't think it's a lack of talent. there are also quite clever little lines in there that i definitely do like, don't get me wrong. what they did get right, however, is that this song fucking rocks. its very good. its a great modernisation of the original, and feels like a fall out boy song while still being fun and light hearted like the original. the singers voice (dont know his name, sorry, like i said im not a fan) sounds great even when hes having to fight the lyrics. would i say musically it's on par with bon jovis og? definitely. if i ignore the lyrics, i would love it.
i just really wish it had been workshopped a little more to smooth out the rough edges. i also wish it had waited a little longer. bon jovis covered fifty years of events (technicaly 51, but whatever). its a significant and meaningful number, a half a century. this one only covers 34. it just doesn't feel right to me. again, maybe this is too nitpicky, and you could definitely argue that more and more significant events have happened exponentially in that time, which i would definitely think is a valid argument. i would rebuttal that this could also just be an increase in seemingly important events due to the nature of the modern news cycle. i would think that only time would tell if some things are that big a deal. i think this is definitely a matter of opinion, though, and it's really up to you where you fall.
in conclusion, it the lyrics are probably as bad as people are saying, but the song definitely isn't that bad overall. if you feel this song accurately represents your experience of the last thirty years, that's great! maybe im just too young for this, and it wasn't made for me, and that's fine.
anyways i just wanted to share my thoughts, lol
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cephalomon · 1 year
ok i am almost done wth pokemon ruby and i have to say i may have judged gen 3 a bit harshly. i used to not like it very much and cpuld never finish my playthroughs but now im thinkin these games r pretty good. 👍. if u care uhhh my extended thoughts will be under the read more
ok brief negative thoughts. the beginning of the game feels reeeeeally slow to me, and there are like NO good places to train until right before norman's gym. i felt like i was constantly struggling to get aaaany exp it was very annoying. controversial, but i honestly just dont find the hoenn region to be very interesting. it could be because i replayed ORAS sixty million times, though. and i reaaaaally hate how these games dont let you run inside buildings, it can be really frustrating at times, but thats nitpicky
ok thats the end of my negative thoughts. i LOVE the selection of pokemon in gen 3, and the new pokemon are almost all fantastic which is definitely more than i can say for recent gens. these designs are just so solid, and my whole team is comprised of gen 3 pokemon which doesnt always happen in other games. like, in the most recent two gens ive struggled to have more than 1 or 2 new pokemon on my team bc the designs just havent been resonating with me. pokemon ruby definitely doesnt have that problem.
the soundtrack is hit or miss for me (which, again, i think is because i played ORAS too much so the songs start to get on my nerves more easily), but when it hits it really hits. in general im not a fan of most of the town themes, but the gym theme and evil team themes are really fun. i havent gotten there, but i already know i like Steven's theme in this game. dont even get me started on steven (i love him).
i thought it would be frustrating, but playing a game without the physical/special move split has been really interesting! im having fun playing around with my teams movesets and im using some pokemon and moves i wouldnt have used before. rn one of my MVPs is a Zangoose named Kitty. Since ghost is physical in this gen, shes absolutely obliterating things with shadow ball.
one of my favorite things about this game so far has been just how interactive and alive the hoenn region is. i bitched about Violet feeling extremely barren; hoenn is the exact opposite. although i dont find the region itself to be super interesting, im extremely appreciative of how much life is in the region. every route and city has something going on, the story requires you to interact with random NPCs and explore the towns to progress.
Scarlet/Violet and SWSH felt very much like "go to city. battle gym. go to city. battle gym." but pokemon ruby feels like you are genuinely exploring this region, meeting and helping all kinds of people, etc. the region just feels like its bustling, and it makes me wish this kind of life was present in the newer games.
Overall, i think i see why these games are beloved. Although there are some pokemon games i definitely like more than these ones, these are some pretty good pokemon games.
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 4 years
urg many thoughts head full
#you know that feel when youre like slightly annoyed at something and you know its irrational but you cant stop thinking about it?#thats me rn lmao#with this english class thing#we're almost done with the color purple and i still have barely read any lol ive just been relying on sparknotes and class discussions#but ik from another student that i think in the end the main character forgives the bad guy? and thats the annoyance#bc thats like a common narrative with storys including abuse right? and brains like but forgiveness is not the only way to get closure#and im like well brain thats just this story dude. the main character being able to do that is showing her growth! good for her!#and brain is like yes butttttt common narrative that is going to be painted in a super duper positive light during discussions and is#going to be shown as proof that the character has grown and is stronger and seeming like forgiveness is always the end goal#and im like brain no thats dumb this is just one book and its also a really old one and you know that this is not a serious issue at all#and brain is like well i dont care im gonna be anxious about it anyways hehe because you cant stop me :D !#ugh idk from what ive seen the book is pretty decent and its a good tool to teach stuff for an english class my brain just wont shut up#it involves a lot of trauma and some repetitive narratives but in the end the message of the story is all about growth as a person#and learning to be your truest self despite negative things happening so like the book its ok my brain is just nitpicky :(#unrelated but also contributing to the many thoughts head full is just thinking about how weird it is that when i thought i was a girl#i had a preference for girls and identified as a lesbian for a while but then i realized i was nonbinary and bi at about the same time#and ive more recently realized that im more masc-leaning nonbinary and im bi but currently with a preference for guys so im just like#why does the part of my brain thats in charge of this stuff just really want me to be as gay as possible like what even? how?#ive seen stuff related to other people experiencing a similar thing before too so like im not the only one#idk its weird#another source of many thoughts head full#is just generally the dream smp lore bc i mean it always is lol. surprisingly tho i dont have too many thoughts of yesterdays tales?#like the episode itself didnt have like a crazy amount of new info that would be important and even the inbetween bit added a little#but not too much new info. we already suspected that the castle/the inbetween had bad intentions and the only really new thing is#the portal right? whoevers been leaving the hidden like not-supposed-to-be-there books wants him to get to the portal#obviously theres questions like who wrote the books whats up with the portal ect but i mean i dont really have any theories so idk#i am thinking about the less plot important stuff of the smp tho like how when tommy gets out i hope he reacts to tubbos marriage#with like (jokey) anger- not because he got married/adopted a kid without him knowing. not because of him building a rival hotel#but because tubbo married an american lmao#frog has the zoomies
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fbdo1986 · 4 years
okay but would it kill people in television and film to give their characters canon sexualities 
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winedogs · 6 years
literally no one asked but I’ve got Opinions about toller conformation
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