#im not sure if its because he's just more confident in the first choice
frankiebirds · 4 months
s02e01 — the fisher king
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s02e15 — revelations
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wszczebrzyszynie · 1 year
i do have a question but first I just wanna say oh my GOD I LOVE YOUR SPACE MINING AU SO MUCH!!! The vibes, the story, the characters, everything!!!!!!
and my question: do you have any plans for Scott? He's been mentioned a couple times but hasn't been given much information other than being Jimmy's divorced husband. Do you have any concepts for him? How did he handle his and Jimmy's divorce? Your au makes me go so crazy in a good way <33
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Scott is not a prominent character and doesnt really show up that much; he doesnt really have a reason to, as he lives and works on a space station somewhere in the solar system. More info related to him below (and thank you for the kind words! Im glad so many people like this au!)
Space stations themselves arent really fullfilling the same role in the au as they do for us? Theyre bigger and made to fit a lot more people in. A lot of the planets arent habitable for the long run but are otherwise rich in resources, so there are usually small bases on the planet itself (for active mining) and one in space; Scott works in maintance (mostly plants and food related... things. I imagine something like the gardening mechanics from subnautica) on one of those space stations. Thats how he met Jimmy; they got along, dated and then married very quickly, which went well for a while, until it just... didnt. natural falling out of love i suppose. Scott handled it better than Jim did, but that has less to do with their view on the relationship and more with the fact that Scott was Jimmys only hm, normal close person. The divorce left Jim with a middle age crisis at the age of max 30 and Scott with a very awkward ex-husband friend, because despite everything they still keep in touch. Scott is sure Jimmy would go insane if they didnt. Scott is also very much aware of Jimmys weird criminal semi-family (met both Grian and Pearl on the wedding. not sure if Pearl was invited but even if she wasnt she let herself in and they got along insantly. And then had a falling out around the time of the divorce so you can imagine Pearl as Jimmys first and best divorce hype woman), and later of Tango, but he just... doesnt care. Teases Jim sometimes about turning them in so his life can get even a bit better, but he wouldnt... probably
The space station is not exactly his dream place but it works well enough; he loves the no-gravity space and space walking, so everywhere in more or less open space is a good enough choice for him. Hes fine with taking care of the food and whatnot too. Hes not really into gardening but he likes when things Work Well and Look Pretty, so he does his job pretty well. Hopes to one day leave for something more
Less on Scott and more on Jimmy, but i think its a good thing to mention when talking about their relationship: if Scott for some reason offered, Jimmy would come back to him, but not vice versa. Theyre both very confident about the choices they take in life; in Scotts case its because hes actually good at planning things out and can be 100% sure about what he does with himself. He has a stable life that he worked hard on himself and knows what his options are. In Jimmys case its because hes proud and if he wasnt forcing himself to be as confident as possible about what he does at all times he would probably break. That man has very little idea about most things in his life but would rather eat dirt than admit that. That being said the loneliness would make all of this crumble the second Scott says something. It changes later on but thats the headspace Jimmy starts with in this au! desperate
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comradefleur · 10 months
i found out that zoro was apparently supposed to initially be a part of buggy's crew and i am giggling thinking about luffy stealing him away to join his crew instead
while i do think oda made the right choice in zoro being luffy's first mate (i could never not think that) im thinking about the implications of him meeting luffy and being bowled over by his resolute confidence in himself to be the pirate king, stating it like it's just a fact of life and his general sunshineness
luffy would be like what's your dream? surely you can't be living to your fullest as a bodyguard for this booger guy and then zoro's like wait actually fuck this clown this rubber guy is way more interesting, intriguing and magnetic
and luffy being all like yes, him i want him which we technically already got since zoro's the only crew member luffy actually sought out but in this context its accompanied with another layer of possessiveness since he would be wanting to actively steal zoro from another pirate
i wouldn't change canon zolu for life because zoro being luffy's from the jump is just unmatched but this is fun to think about if you see the vision!
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
hi, im an 18 year old pre-transition trans guy and ive grown up in an incredibly repressive fundie household which has caused me to really struggle both socially and with my sexual development. ive been homeschooled nearly my whole life and am currently getting everything set up to enroll for college this fall, this will be my first time living away from my abusive household and im very nervous about it..
anyhow, im in a really really weird situation right now. because of my shelteredness ive always been extremely isolated irl, ive never had a consensual romantic or sexual experience irl and all of my friends are online friends. well, one of my online friends (a cis guy who i knew from an online forum) and i started fooling around a bit, flirting and then eventually very explicit conversations, trading nudes and sexual video calls. we were extremely emotionally close and the relationship was pseudo-romantic but we both agreed we didn't want to do online dating after both of us having a bad experience with it previously.
this whole situation allowed me to experiment sexually more than i ever have, and i really felt more sexually confident than i ever have.
when we met, he told me he was freshly 19. and for the whole relationship i was under that impression, he didn't give me any reason to doubt it. but two days ago he couldn't handle lying anymore and revealed that he was 15. needless to say that was an incredible shock and i dealt with it as responsibly as i think i can.
the reason i'm coming to you about this is because i feel really weird about the whole thing, i dont blame myself for believing him and im not mad at him because i understand what lead him to those choices, but now i feel really awkward about all of the good things i got out of the situation before the reveal.. this was my first time ever really doing "real" sexual stuff with someone (beyond just texting i mean, i had never exchanged nudes or done vidoe calls like that before) everything sexual i encounter now makes me feel awkward because of all of this, its really weird and uncomfortable and i don't know what to do :(
im not sure what im hoping to get out of telling you this but i can't really talk about this to anyone else i feel like, so i guess i just wanted to get it off my chest
(if anyone responds to this accusing me of taking advantage of him or not handling the situation correctly, firstly you have basically no context and secondly you don't know what i did to take care of the situation. let me and my close friends be the ones to judge how i handled it, this is an extremely complicated situation for me to be in and you being judgmental does nothing positive for it.)
hi anon,
oofah doofah, what a sucky situation.
I totally understand feeling grossed out by the reveal; those feelings are real and deserve recognition. it's not nice to be lied to, especially when the truth casts all of your previous experiences in a totally different light - and a much scarier one, since you could very well have been breaking the law by exchanging nudes with a 15 year old, depending on where you live! this person could have gotten you in huge trouble by lying, which makes this whole situation that much worse.
having said that, you don't need to feel good about having had a good time and having gotten some positive experiences out of this dynamic. you were enjoying a relationship that you had every reason to believe was above board and it did great things for your sexual confidence! that's not retroactively untrue just because you were being misled; all of the good things you felt are still real.
think of it this way: when a couple breaks up there's often a urge to feel that they've been wasting their time together, that all of the energy and devotion they brought to their relationship was ultimately a waste because they didn't die together in bed holding hands at the tender age of 107. but that isn't true! no relationship is a waste of time, and even when things don't work out, that doesn't mean the good things didn't count. every time those people made each other laugh, everything they encouraged each other to try, every new thing they experienced together, every time they had sex, every meal they shared - all of these are real and matter and helped shape them for the better, even if they ended up parting ways as romantic partners.
the same is true for you. take your time to sit with your hurt at this loss and betrayal of your trust, but don't throw the good out with the bad. this wasn't ultimately a good relationship for you, but that doesn't mean it brought nothing of value into your life, and you can carry what you learned about yourself forward with you as you seek more appropriate partners :)
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miya-rin · 2 years
whenever someone is in a “please can you pretend to be my boyfriend” situation they will always turn to iwaizumi hajime to stand in, and you were no different.
when you were dragged to a house party by your friends your first year of college, you didn’t expect for there to be so many eyes on you. and it may just be because you looked good in your outfit, but it felt different, especially when you made eye contact with one guy who looked a little older than you, but despite the age gap he stared you down like he wanted to eat you alive.
a feeling of dread washed over you and you scan around the room for something, anything that can help you. and thats when your eyes fall on him.
iwaizumi hajime.
you had never really spoken to him before, only once or twice during your shared maths class, but you didn’t really have a choice at that moment, so you walk up to him.
“hi,” oh shit you’re really doing this, “my names yn.” you’re nervous, incredibly nervous. you’re pretty sure he can see it on your face.
“i know, we share some classes together, are you okay? you seem kinda off.” he looks worried, its a look that you don’t see often from strangers, he actually wants to help you.
“please can you pretend to be my boyfriend?” that catches him off guard, you can tell by the way his drink gets caught in his throat and his eyes go wide.
he was not expecting that.
“excuse me?”
“just for a little bit, this guy keeps staring at me and its making me really uncomfortable, i get the question was sudden and we don’t know each other but please, i’m begging you, can you go along with it?”
“..yeah sure, i don’t see why not. sit down.”
“there’s nowhere to sit..?” you look at him puzzled as he starts to pat his lap. oh.
“sit. if you’re comfortable of course, it would just make it more believable.”
hesitantly you get on your tip toes and as you are about you hoist yourself up he grabs onto either side of your waist and lifts you up, then places you down until you are flush against him. to say you are flustered would be an understatement. and the way he naturally wraps his arms around you makes it worse, its like he’s meant to do this.
iwaizumi is attractive, you would have to either be blind or an idiot to not admit that, but being like this with him was so…weird, in a good way.
it felt normal, almost too normal, like you two had been friends (or maybe something more) for years. and you weren’t complaining.
“who is it?” his breath is fanning over your neck ever so slightly and his hands were playing with the hem of your shirt. ”the one that’s bothering you.”
“you see that guy in the corner over there, long-ish hair, striped shirt and a sorta scruffy excuse for a beard?” that makes him chuckle, its a beautiful sound.
“yeah i see him, he looks a little old don’t ya think?”
“yeah thats the whole problem, he looks like 5 years older than me.” you turn you head to face hajime, hes staring at you already.
“you know…i have an idea to get him to lay off, its all up to you though.” you know what he’s thinking, you were hoping he’d ask.
“and what would that be?” his face changes, its slight but definitely there, he looks more confident, like he knows what you are gonna say.
“let me kiss you,” his hand snakes up your arm and settles on your nape, “it would sure get rid of him.”
“go for it, kiss me.” and thats all he needs before he gently places his lips against yours, staying still for a second or two before he starts moving, turning his head slightly to get a better angle.
it all feels so right.
you both pull away to catch your breath, having the same idea you look for the man that was staring at you, only to find him gone.
“well,” he starts, “looks like it worked.” he looks proud of himself, but the boyish grin on his face, the blush on his cheeks, and the fact that he is all fidgety now tells you that he didn’t just do it to help you, he wanted to kiss you, so why not give him what he wants?
“im not sure hajime, i think we should carry on, you know, just to make sure he is actually gone.” your hands start to play with the hair above his neck and he gets this wobbly smile across his face.
he likes the sound of that.
“i mean if it would make you feel better then i guess i should, shouldn’t i?”
“absolutely.” you say before you pull him back into you.
you went home that night with a new phone contact and a not-so-pretend boyfriend.
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Honestly after having done a Gale romance save at the same time as a completion save (do every single side quest available in each act) i can confidently say that the way some galemancers perceive gale falling in love fast and hard is actually completely subjective and not objective at all (im not saying its wrong im just saying its not the only way his story is paced my experience is also subjective too).
First of all this game doesn't really have a set pace the player sets the pace and tells their own story and if they decide to do the main quests fairly quickly or even moderately with a sprinkler of side quests then yes the romance will be fast paced and gale will fall hard and fast but
The beautiful thing about this game is that your choices as the person controling the game's pace affect every single thing and for me when i spent so much time completely finishing each act (not done with act 3 yet but soon hehe) the pace ofc completely changed but surprising to me the pace of the romance also completely changed
What I thought was gonna happen was that i will get all the cutscenes early on and then have the second half of the game with no romance cutscenes untill after the battle but i was wrong the way it adjusted and paced itself made it look like gale was trying his hardest to be cautious despite being super in love(and having full approval) he felt like he was kinda waiting and observing as to try to not get hurt again and only confessing when his feelings have reached past beyond thier peak when hes totally sure of them he also was very nervous about each of his steps. (This happened because i spent alot of time between each cutscenes doing other things so talking to him in the middle of all that made it seem so instead of moving fast between his lines they actually took thier time to settle in and have an impact on my story for the save and the fact that the cut scenes are tied to major game events along side approval not the second only too but you only get this effect if you put alot of time between major game events)
I talk to him like 50 times in a second and he still only sarted calling Nare'(my oc) "my love" even with full approval and a confession like halfway through act 3 so to me he absolutely looks like he intentionally took his time and strategized his moves to try to get the ultimate results and minimise any possibility of getting hurt and being alittle cheeky and extending the pace alittle to cause the oc to long for him and his touch/confession
Ofc i expected nothing less form the great strategizer that is Gale Dekarios but i think you reaaaalllyyy dont get the full effect of this unless you play the long game like hi is doing which is also like the biggest nod to what his story is about and what he needs from you patience time and trust literally that
and i fucking love that it makes everything so much more intense and makes the game and his story so much more rewarding and that is what i think i can never not romance him again.
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devilagent · 2 months
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SONGS I ASSOCIATE WITH NICHOLAS. in depth because i am insane!
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DARK SHADOWS THEME / NIGHT OF THE PENTAGRAM.    these are pretty self explanatory! i figured to add some actual music from the series on here especially since Pentagram has played often in nicholas scenes.
STAY DOWN HERE WHERE YOU BELONG.    this is 100% a self indulgent choice i will admit, tiny tim is one of my favorite singers especially when he sings with his deep voice, which he does on this track.  truthfully, nicholas should've stayed down below where he belongs.
BURNING FOR YOU.    i Always associated him with this song whenever itd play on the radio, another one ive seen people associate him with is Dont Fear The Reaper. i chose this one specifically for its lyrics. 'i'm living for giving the devil his due / i'm burning for you' really freaking good. 
WHO IS SHE?    i love how hypnotic and psychedlic this song sounds. i understand its a modern song but the vibe of it is So Trippy and the hypnotic instruments feel fitting, as if looking into nicholas psyche itself!! i wish i could find more songs like it that match his character. as for its role in his playlist, i interpret the song as nicholas meeting maggie for the first time.
SHE'D RATHER BE WITH ME.    60s song woohoo! the POV of this track is nicholas at joe, about maggie. it sounds SO arrogant and aligns quite well with his feelings on the matter. don't let his confidence fool you though, he knows deep down she'd rather be with joe. this is during the time he began to sabotage their relationship. BOOOO NICHOLAS
EARTH ANGEL (WILL YOU BE MINE?)    silly sappy love song. nicks feelings toward maggie, for sure viewing her as an angel on earth. which, she is polar opposite of what he is. her kindness and love has bewitched him.
YOU'RE AS PRETTY AS A PICTURE.    this track is an era of music i continually try to find more for nick. i LOVE this era music, it matches him well. if this song sounds a bit unnerving, its supposed to be. i want sweet old songs that feel unnatural or unnerving on a nicholas blair playlist, because of what he is. this is one is my favorite tracks for that reason. this song is meant to be nicholas feelings for maggie once again, "pretty as a picture" implies her fathers paintings, one of which she sold to him. see what i did there...
TONIGHT YOU BELONG TO ME.    yet another track meant to be unnerving. this song is definitely signaling the black wedding. 
GOODNIGHT SWEETHEART, GOODNIGHT.    i'm sorry im such a sicko /LIGHTHEARTED another song with unsettling tones. this song is implying episode 632! after being sacrificed on the alter... 
I CAN'T LET MAGGIE GO.    incredible song reccomended by @widowshill , its Perfection! very 60s vibed and describes nicholas feelings quite well. i adore it! it's true, he genuinely struggles to let her go and face the facts of the situation. he needs to accept things as they are even if he genuinely loves her.
AFTER TONIGHT WE SAY GOODBYE.    nicholas defeat, when he is destroyed on top of widowshill. directed toward maggie along with everyone else in Collinsport. most people will not really miss him LOL 
MR SANDMAN  (HALLOWEEN II VERS.)    i love this version so much. its atmosphere, the crackling of the music player, the jarring quality. its SO GOOD and fitting!! it makes sense for nicholas to be mr sandman since he hypnotizes people too, lol.
MIDNIGHT, THE STARS & YOU.    hm, this song wasn't geared at anyone in particular, just a general vibe that matches nicholas aesthetic! it could be interpreted as him & maggie as well i suppose.
THE MAGICIAN.    the lyrics to this one REALLY get me, they describe nicholas's character well. it was the first song i ever associated with him & its pretty solid. " do you find it gets a little easier each time you make things disappear? / old fools the magician bends the rules / as the crowd watches his every move "  JUST A SHAKING HAND WITHOUT A CONCRETE PLAN!! I'M A SHAKING HAND WITHOUT A PLAN!!! (screams on the floor)
WHEN HE DIED.    modern song but eh! got the spooky vibe and i like the lyrics. its self-explanatory, nicholas's destructions. its unhinged!
GOODNIGHT DAD, I LOVE YOU.    don't worry about it...completely self indulgent on my part.
WE'LL MEET AGAIN.    implies that nicholas always comes back, eventually! you can't keep a scheming warlock down for long! 
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yoonsdoll · 9 months
hi im bored and this is my professional opinion if seventeen r kitty or puppy coded and why because this is very important to me !!!!!!!!!
seungcheol : kitty coded
ok this was actually a really hard choice because he actually does have both kitty and puppy features but ultimately i decided kitty because hes so persian cat.
but laura!!! he has a dog!!! YES I KNOW OKAY!! i LOVE kkuma. and as much as he wants to be a dog dad hes just a cat taking care of a dog beeeee so fr!!!!!
ok in conclusion realistically he can be both but like.. look at these photos and try spot the difference
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cheol get well soon i miss u .
if u disagree then u just dont get the vision!
jeonghan : kitty coded
i have previously stated how he is a ragdoll cat. and yes, he really is.
hes so mischievous in like the best way ever, tell me a kitty wouldn't do that. U CANT!!!!
as a cat owner myself.. im just correct.
he 100% knows how to get someone to give him what he wants (treats) and he sits there all day looking fabulous and getting attention for being so cute.
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also jeonghan get well soon im losing hair the longer ur gone.
anyway pls agree ive never been so confident in an answer in my life. dont ruin this
joshua : puppy coded
the more i look at shua smiling the more he reminds me of a cute puppy.
pls this man has me breaking down hes literally so cute.
i have no reason apart from the fact im so very sure he would be a puppy. and also hes an extrovert which automatically strikes me as a dog!!!
he looks like a fancy cat on a lot of pictures but dont let him gaslight u.
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he told me himself hes a smiley shiba inu.
im a strong believer in puppy shua.
junhui : kitty coded
i feel like this is a very obvious answer but still
0% puppy in him. its all a very feral cat.
when i look at jun i think of a british shorthair kitty. a baby one in specific.
especially because hes playful as hell but also has his moments when he just prefers to be quiet and listen to the others.
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he alternatively could just be a white and black cat.. it did occur to me while making this. however i still feel like a british shorthair is more suitable.
jun is so cat coded and even he knows it!
hoshi : kitty coded ?????
okay see my issue is that yes.. tigers are in the cat family. but do u not also ever look at hoshi playing around w the members and think that he could be a puppy if he wasnt so obsessed w tigers..
anyhow, he is kitty coded for the most part I GUESS.
sometimes he really does remind me of a hamster more than anything though, but again this isnt the point of this post.
ill give him this win and say he is a toyger cat.
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look at him tryna convince everyone in that 2nd pic.. ok wtv he convinced me
wonwoo : kitty coded
so very calm, knows what his boundaries are, likes playing around once in a while.
wonwoo is THE black cat. one of those that are really well taken care of with short yet super soft fur.
same as jun.. u will never find any puppy energy in this man.
he has a dog too, but hes the most cat coded person u will ever see. this is why my cheol point was also correct.
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im giggling those photos r so perfect. 3 wonwoos ^^^^^^
bye u legit cant even argue with this one if u wanted to
woozi : kitty coded
just as i know wonus a black cat, i know ujis a white cat.
hes so elegant yet so fun and so cute pls someone tie me down
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the fact i already knew what photos im gonna use says enough.
i would also like to say that hes also very bear coded. like if hes not a cat hes a bear.
dokyeom : puppy coded
everyone cheered!!!!
dk has always been very puppy to me, even in interviews where hes speaking to people he doesnt know (which makes it difficult for him (and hoshi)), hes ALWAYS trying his best.
hes so cute!??!?!?! like, im really not good with dog breeds AT ALL, but he clearly is a pomeranian.
is he a grown 5'10 man? yes. is he also a very cute puppy breed? also yes. why? it just makes so much sense.
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the 2 glasses photos were a coincidence but they somehow make him look even more puppy coded.
him in curly hair.. dude it doesnt get any better than that!!!
mingyu : puppy coded
DUH!!!! hes the puppiest out of all puppy in seventeen
surprisingly, i always see everyone call him a golden retriever which, personality wise I SO AGREE!!! but something itches my brain when hes compared to a husky. IT MAKES SM MORE SENSE NO??
i lied btw ive never seen anyone compare him to a husky this is me trying to drop my opinion without getting dragged.
theres not much else to say apart from that his emoji rep is litch a puppy so u cant deny it!
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no matter what breed u wanna compare him to, itll still always be a dog
i truly wish i could see him as a cat but its just not right!
minghao : kitty coded
kitty coded through and through!!!!
i dont think i cld ever compare hao to a puppy?? his vibes r so cat.
SIAMESE CAT** let me say. dont u agree!!
hes so sassy and i feel like that rlly influences my opinion but also when have u ever looked at minghao and thought he was puppy coded. literally NEVER. i cant name u one time.
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give him blue contacts and hes that cat in the middle (pls dont)
i rest my case thank yew!
seungkwan : BOTH?!
seungkwans a really difficult one for me. because he quite literally is both.
he has moments when hes so puppy coded then the next second hes the most kitty coded man ever.
same in selcas.. i cant even decide thru them!!!
if i really had to pick, id lean towards a cat, but again.. its too hard to decide.
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therefore, he would be an orange kitty or a samoyed dog! :3
im sorry for cheating my way out of this one but i srsly cant decide.
vernon : kitty coded
chillest cat ever trust me.
vernon said himself he really likes cats and that made this even easier than it was before cause it just makes sm sense!
im aware vernon likes dogs too but him liking cats is so ?? vernon ??????
i always go back to that photo of him holding the baby kitty. hes such a cat person. literally look up vernon being a cat person on twt and theres a whole thread proving it!
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this is why vernon is a siberian cat! he looks like it sm and he is chill like that ong
vernon and kitties give me life
dino : puppy coded
surprisingly i originally wanted to say kitty coded but after a think abt it.. hes clearly puppy coded
a very loved puppy by his 12 older brothers lolol
he always loves the attention and enjoys smiling and making others laugh a lot too..
do u guys remember that puppy interview? yeah.
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his light brown hair was the prime border collie days!
i found that middle photo and immediately thought dino.
ok i originally didnt even mean to assign them all to breeds or wtv but it just happened... thank u for reading this is what happens when i get too bored!!! anyway i think i did pretty well so!
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mmuffncakes · 5 months
Okay, okay, so now we know the two secret endings, and you mentioned the Inquisitorious Ending. But what about the others?
oh im trying to remember what ive said about each ending
so you know Secret Ending 1 or "Full Heart, Clear Skies" and you know Secret Ending 2 or "For Tayala" you know the True Ending because that's what the video is and i vaaaguely talked about the Inquisitorious Ending as well.
so TECHNICALLY, the last one is UFO Ending
which, i mentioned before is just a meme/joke in reference to my love for Silent Hill which offers a UFO ending for each game depending on a few choices where it turns out it wasnt a cult or the town is evil or whatever, but it was in fact ~ALIENS~. which in a world where aliens are the norm, it almost seems mundane
but to GET that ending, you actually have to get TWO bad endings in the run, make sure to choose "play your cards right" instead of "it has to be different", then talk about Merrin instead of Talk about Us. This puts Cal into being your best friend with no romantic interest. You follow through with NOT revealing yourself and Lucrehulk, but revealing yourself after Dagan 3 and NOT Jedha. This will actually make it to where Cal's more hesitant to help you get Kata, so you have to do the rescue mission alone. kata will be a little less excited, but shocked your home. her drawings reflect her emotions, and one of them has something ~spooky~ going on. this starts the UFO ending. Where instead of going to deal with Denvik, you in fact deal with SURPRISE!!!!!!!!! A L I E N S. like, classic grey dude aliens who have been stalking you since youve come out of the world between worlds a couple times and have been trying to experiment on the human who cant die. they end up showing you that this???? was all a lie, and all the cals you experience are actually just CLONES. your brain is broken with one final NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and the game ends. congrats, you've gained the Miami Vice Cal!
Of all the endings, this is probably the hardest one to get because its the most in depth to figure out, i feel.
and i know i mentioned how the inquis cal with act differently and such, but so does the scrapper and miami cal!
scrapper cal will actually talk more like how cal does in jfo. that sort of slight hesitation, not quite confident in himself, a little more exciteable because he hasnt figure out how to control his outward emotions. and his jokes arent as solid (tbf, my writing of jokes are horrendous. im a horror writer not harhar writer)
and miami vice cal is a smooth operator, and ever smoother smooth talker. he's confident in himself, knows how to flirt, and knows how to play tricks and get what he needs. he's definitely the most boisterous of all the cal's (and you have @mystofselune to thank for this wonderful creation of a Miami Vice Cal, or Mimi for short. she is the brains behind that operation!)
i had thought about making more endings, but realized that would also mean possibly finding more cosmetics to win, and i wanted there to be the base cosmetics to achieve (certain paths change the cosmetics! but i have my personal favourites that i used. i actually ended my first playthough in the red bomber jacket!) and TECHNICALLY i could have done like, Obi-Wan's or Han Solo's or Luke's outfits you can put on Cal. but those dont fully feel like cal, just like a cosplay for him.
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
Judy blinked, instinctively reaching for her nose even after Nick had already poked it. "Nick," she turned to the grinning fox with pinched brows. "Did you just--"
"Boop you?" Nick replied, his voice completely serious. "Yes. Yes, I did."
"Why?" Judy asked cautiously, still covering her nose (and her cheeks just in case they flushed without her permission).
"Because you were thinking too hard," he answered easily, shrugging as if he booped her nose at the time. (He didn't, but that didn't mean he didn't want to.)
"Well," Judy scoffed, turning her head in the other direction. "That doesn't make it right. How would you like it if I booped you?" Hah! That would show him. You really shouldn't boop other mammals noses without permission. (Especially if the noses Nick was booping were attached to attractive mammals.)
But to her disappointment, Nick only bursted into laughter, making her cheeks flush in anger. "And just what is so funny? "
"Sorry, carrots," Nick said, actually wiping a tear from his eyes. "But can you even reach my face?"
"Course I can," Judy said confidently, her smiling falling when Nick started laughing again.
"Yeah," he snickered into his paw, pissing Judy off even more. "I'm sure if you hopped you could."
If anyone asked Judy later, she would simply say that she was pushed to her limit and had absolutely no recollection of her choice in the decision of yanking down Nick's tie (thus reaching his face) and kissing him.
But she would also say that she didn't regret it.
author's note: and thus concludes my first wildehopps fic <3 happy booping day babe!!!!
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piviani · 1 year
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2023 and 2024: kim sunoo’s career
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( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
cards: judgement - knight of pentacles in reverse - eight of swords in reverse - page of pentacles - knight of swords
sunoo may be starting to truly know what name he wants for himself. for sunoo’s career this 2023 he could just be evaluating his potential, stability, talent and such and carefully picking and choosing which one brings him more expansion to his career. “to take an action is to understand.” year 2023 is like just a preperation for himself, whats about to come, and a handful ideas as dawning an acceptance for himself. sunoo’s still finding his purpose, which leads to hundreds of not-so-good choices as hes taking risks here and there and i believe its completely okay. there will be regret and there will be sucess; it’s part of the process—he’s still new to the kpop world with so many to experience! what’s important is he learns. he should just be aware of where environment he’s in and reflect. anyway—this year is about learning to create new rooms for his name, career, stability, and with his ambition, he could! there’s not much of an opportunities leaping on his table, and i dont think sunoo’s honestly sad about it. his focus for this year is about his growth and how to build and strengthen his walk, or like potential as an idol. (very dedicated.) because as far as i know, he will have the bag and his expansion (which creates long run opportunities in the long run) either way. and he knows he will not receive opportunities for himself if he doesn’t understand the first step first. he’s very self aware of this.
cards: strength - two of wands - nine of pentacles - five of wands - page of pentacles in reverse - the sun
unlike for the year 2023, sunoo’s career for this upcoming 2024 has two major arcanas which are considered to be positive. for early 2024 he could still be dealing with building and strengthening his image but the difference is he will take big leaps instead of what he did in his earlier years. bigger risks. bigger outcomes. he seems to build confidence along the way and these choices he will make this upcoming 2024 are an example. im not sure which eras in 2024 though. (but from my vision its either in the middle of the year or late 2024) he will bag certain deals and will reak really of independency. im hearing of solo deals so he’ll either reach a point where deals are not by group anymore but solely by himself. (with the visualization of the cards the deals could be related with fashion and something that involves the crowd!) anyhow, the difficulties he had to face in the earlier years are now in its ending point. 2024 might be the start of sunoo’s. hard work will be paid off! he just needs to be careful of certain arguments that will occur around this year. the company could be restraining him. and of course since this is also as well a fresh start for him he could meet few competitors in his environment (kpop) and a disclaimer, this is not limited with his own group! kpop will continue to expand and this equivalents of many competitors too which might overwhelm sunoo. though this wont really overshadow nor halt his upcoming achievements as from my point of view compared to the other two cards these are “minor arcanas”. so it’s likely to be just an another phase he will face. at the end of the day this is a great year for sunoo and his career. the strength and the sun card is really a great indication! he will receive not only abundance but also well meet sucess. especially the sun! its a great sign.
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[ reading was done in august 18, 2023. ]
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walnutcookie · 7 months
hello there!! found you a few minutes ago, yes, but I have already fallen in love with your tsp x crob au
may I ask for more on roguefort specifically? they are my favourite out of the bunch and I do find them to be very interesting and your au version of them is also very intriguing to me. I hope you are having a relatively alright day, feel free to answe this whenever you want.
AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! ive had a pretty good day so far, just a bit tired right now, so i hope this is somewhat comprehensible GHGZJDBF
hmmm ,,, im not really sure what else to say since i said most of it in the other post, i may be repeating myself but im just gonna talk abt them GSHDBFJ
Id say that theyre probably storykeepers favorite stanley. she is very annoyed when walnut keeps getting off track and cappu refuses to do anything she asks him to do (and soon becomes plain bored of almond because he does things right too often) but roquefort? what a specimen!
they dont disobey out of curiosity or out of spite, they just,,, do things. Storykeeper wants to study them under a microscope. they always manage to be completely unpredictable. absolutely no pattern in their behavior. Theyll take the first few doors, then take a turn, and then find another way that they werent even meant to be able to go ?
(also i should add that theres not a specific amount of "endings" the stanleys can get in this au, its kind of just. Do whatever they want. storykeeper creates new rooms and scenarios for them that arent from the game and theyre able to do things that you cant usually do in tsp because if it was just them doing all the regular endings it wouldnt be as fun‼️ they can make the same choices but they can also do much more than that :] )
SPEAKING OF WHICH. i think that storykeeper does that a lot. Create new rooms and such just to see what roque will do. What option they will choose, or rather what unintended option :]c Will they do nothing? will they somehow do a combination of everything? Who knows!!!!!
although. Roque likes to act confident and smug but they are NOT. they are very uneasy being in this office, having everything loop over and over, being observed and used as a little plaything and a source of entertainment. They physically cannot protest but if they could they would not. theyre just filled with this increasing dread ESPECIALLY when that fucking bucket comes around. when it wont stop FOLLOWING THEM‼️‼️ that bucket. oohhhh that bucket. its stalking them its lurking in the shadows its listening behind every door, watching, watching their every move.... (storykeeper keeps moving it and then playing dumb because its funny to watch them silently freak out. Or does she ?)
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quietbluejay · 4 months
The Crimson Fist 1
Things are a bit less on fire so I can read more
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you know if i had a nickel for every BL work of fiction that started like this i'd have like 2 nickels possibly more
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OH ITS ALEXIS the dude from Unremembered Empire that I wanted to know more about one of the big reasons I'm reading this
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ok but why yeah yeah i know about all the stupid space marine joining rituals but they're stupid and his brother died to save him
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oh we're going first person. groovy oh he woke up floating in the vacuum of space his armour is slowly failing he's surrounded by the corpses of the human crew
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isn't dread a type of fear?
so Alexis is not good at reading people and he's now stuck in command because his mentor listed him as next and his mentor is dead so they lost 2/5ths of their force to the warp, rip
okay so Dorn lost his temper and since he couldn't go himself sent thirty thousand imperial fists as a retribution fleet things i know about Dorn as a commander: -did this -ordered them all to return and they did regardless of the situation on the ground i am not filled with confidence about these guys
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he forgot to cherish them okay im memeing but it's true augh i. don't like when writers switch between third person and first person between chapters im reconsidering how i chose to write harem protagonist now like it seems to flow naturally to me when i read it, but i wrote it but also i don't alternate chapters third vs first okay so Alexis is chilling waiting, trying to make contact vs Tyr is unhappy and thinks they should go to Isstvan except lmao he's lost 10 ships trying to get through the warp storms …i wonder how the imperial fists would have dealt with The Buried Dagger i honestly keep getting similar vibes between them and the Death Guard in a lot of ways
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This explains a lot
they get hit by a psychic attack, not anything Alexis was expecting okay they found Something on Phall and now back to terra
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pleasant fellow
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oh they just got news about isstvan v and thus he orders the Retribution Fleet back oh hey over to Iron Warriors Perturabo is making a major if understandable blunder in assuming that Sigismund is in command
Dorn needs like something he can do as stress relief some kind of hobby he should take up embroidery ah Sigismund is going to confess the real reason he stayed behind on Terra to Dorn it was Keeler
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French really loves this kind of stuff huh
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okay! there is a LOT to unpack here me @ black library: PLEASE stop giving me potential primarch blorbos i have too many already im being attacked at all my weak points but also like i mean dorn you could have ordered him if you thought the choice was unwise ah, he feels betrayed because he trusted sigismund's judgement
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this guy is such a great villain
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and then Dorn is like "okay you stay you keep your command"
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wow so sigismund manages to finally screw up his nerve to be honest and it goes absolute worst case scenario in a way i'm pretty sure he was completely unprepared for and unaware could happen
it kind of makes sense that this guy ended up founding the Black Templars, huh i still need a moment to go AAAAAA okay im back from chewing furniture so the final bit Keeler said to him was
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mwah ghhh i need to rip apart dorn with my teeth like a dog he needs to go on a magical journey of discovery
sdkjflsdf the Iron Warriors start blasting the moment they enter realspace and manage to take out an Imperial Fist ship immediately
so, Alexis did not know the Iron Warriors were traitors so he's freaking out about that
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So does it have a sister ship named Euryale
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huh how'd Falk look at the warp then but honestly he's not wrong here people should stop looking out windows at the warp so the iron warriors are overall winning but the imperial fists aren't doomed yet
oh OKAY we get to see why Perturabo nearly killed Berossus and it's because he said "the fleet's being lead by some guy named Alexis Polux, not Sigismund" that was brutal anyways also Alexis ordered Tyr to kill Perturabo like talk about a tall order
ohh boy so they've been killing astropaths trying to get a message out and dorn is killing astropaths trying to reach them being an astropath sucks
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and then Lezzek combusts lovely
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oh okay so it's Alexis who decides this means RETREAT IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE okay okay he's worried Terra is falling and they're being called back as a last defence BUT ALEXIS DUDE Imperial Fists are not intellectuals but also given what we've seen of Dorn, I can see him meaning it re: LEAVING AN ACTIVE BATTLE and then regretting it later i want to impale him with a thousand pikes
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but then would even Dorn be like "LEAVE YOUR ACTIVE BATTLEFIELD"???
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okay his choice is. understandable i guess. he's inexperienced with command he's got Dorn as his commander given the thing about the warp storms it makes a little more sense BUT STILL
and I'm going to have to finish next post because I hit image limit (again, as usual)
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rosewoodconch · 16 days
RWCH Readathon 2024: Day 12
Undercover Princess - Chapter 34/35
Okay so disclaimer: I might be a lil off in the next few chapters because the way jamie acts when he's had the 'lemonade' is a lil scarily similar to something traumatic that happened to me and long story shprt i might be brushing over parts of it.
But anyway! CHAPTER 34
New years eve!!!
Raphael is an icon and i love him but jesus christ hes stupid holy shit
sneaking up on amknown partizan? my dude youre smarter than that
and yes... the pool that is off limits
really though where are the teachers
surely theres so much security that theres no way that would happen
Why are conchs always the bad influences connie thats unfair
I really hate ellie in this scene. because yes on one hand, she wants to go have fun and be rebellious. but on the other hand shes not giving lottie and jamie a choice.
Jamie has to protect ellie above all else, but he cant leave lottie or that look suspicious, so they both have to follow ellie. shes being so selfish in this scene i cant stand it.
'Anastacia's lemonade'
I wanna know if it was her or saskia, surely ani wouldnt have gone so far as to actually drug the princess right?
I'm pretty sure we find out that was saskia? can someone with a better sleep schedule lmk?
I dont like that its warm i dont trust that.
I like that this scene lets jamie open up a little bit
hes more confident and jokey and sarcastic
"£20 says i push one of them" is iconic and i wont be hearing anything against him
I cannot believe I hadn't picked up on it before but @/pumpkin.pie.of.rosewood on instagram pointed out that it refers to jamie as a deer. A DEER
i hate connie
the foreshadowing never ends
but really, his response of blatant denial because he believes he has no control and nothing will change is one of the simplest and most devastating lines in a lot of this series.
Hes so not like other boys (insert the hair flcik emoji i cant cause im on desktop rip)
'When you live your life for someone else, you find strength you didn't know you were capable of.' is such an eloquent way to say so many things. He's talking about himself obviously, but s=hes also talking about lottie, and how shes going to need to become stronger than ever, not just to protect ellie, but t protect herself and preserve who she is underneath it all.
Jamie is really genuinely switching from charming to predatory and scary in such a subtle way, his mannerisms becoming more impulsive and his words becoming sharper.
but even in this horrible state, his words ring truer than ever. 'I think you shouldnt have to be capable' 'Youre just a kid Lottie' etc
Then lottie pointing out to him that something is wrong, her desparate plea to him to stop and to find help kicks him back into his mind for only a moment. he realises whats about to happen and then...
And thats all for tonight because its almost 1am and im caught up more than i expected! see yall tomorrow for another 6 chapters to be finally caught back up again!!!!
I'll jump right back into it tomorrow when i wake up (or at least i'll try if my adhd meds kick in early enough
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
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∆ headcanons ∆
- my new favourite traumatised gen Z man -
(honorary mention to Gavin Reed and his aggressive gremlin vibe)
Tw: childhood trauma, talks of abusive parents and implied nasty accidents, drug abuse, angst so much angst and no fucking comfort.
Summary: just me and my nasty little thoughts on how our brosky grow up
A/N: OFC I COME BACK WITH A POST AND THE FIRST THING I DO IS ANGST. I got too carried away with this stuff and i ended up deciding on maybe doing a part two if anyone would be interested. And yes, I didn't wait for the poll to be over cause I can already see this was everyone's favourite choice. IM ACTUALLY KIND OF NERVOUS CAUSE ITS BEEN SOME TIME SINCE I'VE POSTED SO HAVE FUCKING MERCY BROS anyway enjoy
This man as well as Gavin has a really big trauma baggage going on
I genuinely think that the Elijah we see in the game, while not entirely good with high morals like Connor, is not as bad as everyone is making him to be
He is the definition of fake it till you make it when it comes to confidence
I'm like 109% sure Elijah's family used to struggle with money or they never had to worry about it
there's no in between
I base that on the reason he "left" (mf was booted out of his own fucking company lol) cyberlife
Which btw, leading a whole fucking company when you're still a teenager wasn't fun, 0/10, he would not recommend
He has been taken advantage of in the most horrid way possible and I think that's why he is now that type of person who never does something for nothing
He has never shown an interest on making his creations for the sole purpose of profiting from them as much as he can
He has always wanted to do much more even at cost of not getting any financial benefit from it
That says two possible things
He has seen the effect money has on people and hates the idea of turning out to be money hungry like his parents, sacrificing something much more important and dear to him just for the sake of money
Which can come from either his parents pushing him so much just because they knew he was their only chance to get a the life they wanted and the sort of money they struggled to make
Or because he has seen how his family has ruined lives or relationships for the sake of keeping their high quality life and how they have pushed that idea onto Gavin and him too which ended up in Gavin not being looked after most of time since he was not fitting their standards of heartless high achiever from whom they could get something too
I would probably tend to believe more the poor background because of how Elijah presents himself
He's very laid back even tho he has the means to be more fancy
The few things ones see of his house during the game makes me believe that he's not very much into opulence but more in indulging himself with stuff he gets joy from rather than spend money on things that show off his wealth
And because I want to, like as a treat to myself
I've already said it but I'll mention it again for context purpose
Gavin and Elijah are siblings. I know many in the fandom say they might be cousins but I like the siblings idea more
or it could be full siblings but because Gavin resents Elijah he just changed his last name so he wouldn't have to be associated to him or his family
Either way they don't get along anymore because how their parents treated them which is why they grow apart
They were not the type of parents who physically abuse but they did emotional abuse their kids
Gavin and Elijah were put against each quite a lot and they never got the chance to fucked up or do what they really wanted cause they parents made it very clear that their love and affection depended on how much the kids met their standards
And even between each other they weren't the best example as either adults, a couple or parents
Which ended up making Elijah's social interactions and relationships very difficult
I can see Elijah being one of those really delicate and surprisingly sensitive kids growing up
Like I feel like he had struggled a great deal with regulating how much and how often he showed emotions and because of that he got bullied a lot
Which ended up in either getting his feelings crushed by people telling him he was annoying or not even listening to him at all
The only person who always had the patience and the willingness to match his energy when it came to certain things was Gavin
They absolutely defended each other at school even tho Elijah almost always ended up eating shit because he wasn't as strong as he thought himself to be
Bro got his physical demonstration of affection bullied out of him cause kids are cruel, adults are shit and my man here didn't stood a fucking chance
IN FACT i bet he got to a point where it genuinely weirded out when his parents tried to hug him or touch him in general cause he already learn that wasn't "their thing"
I truly believe he didn't always give a single flying fuck about androids and being a scientist in general
I bet he wanted to do something more artistic as a kid and he was very good at it but his parents always told him that being an artist is not a real job and it's a useless hobby because it doesn't gives you anything to live of from
So he just like kind of made being extremely good at school his whole personality
Like he altogether stopped having any type of hobbies ecc and if he did he just forced himself to not indulge in them
Which ended up in isolating him even more from other kids
He was basically already an adult when he was supposed to just be a kid and have fun
And obviously,besides Gavin, no one really understood him
He was too emotionally stunted for kids to relate or interact with him and adults were just overall condescending with him
The only time teachers or other adults noticed him was because of his academic results
It was Gavin who accidentally planted in him the idea of creating his own friends
Gavin loved to read classics and that's a hill I'm willing to die on
He stopped because when he started working he didn't had time
Elijah's enjoyed reading too which, again, was Gavin's doing
His favourite book was obviously Frankenstein
Which btw the Frankestein shirt he wears in the game? That's 100% Gavin's gift and he wears it as some sort of lucky charm
That was the one he used to borrow more frequently from Gavin
The thing went more or less like this
They both were arguing about whether or not the doctor went too far with certain things and, most importantly, if the creature did really deserve to live or not
Obviously Elijah took the side of the monster and Gavin said that of course he was siding with the creature since he did too acted always like he has been alive for like two days instead of 13
Which lead to Gavin making a reference to bicentennial man
Which he didn't understand cause he has never saw that movie before
One thing lead to another and Gavin made Elijah watch the movie which was what sparked the idea of androids in Elijah
At that point Elijah was already like a fucking genius and was way ahead his grade even tho he didn't think until then what career he wanted to pursue
The problems between him and Gavin were already starting cause their parents started to notice how smart was Elijah compared to Gavin
At first he thought it was unfair to him because they didn't let him have fun or go out like Gavin
They pushed him to his limit and there have been a couple of incidents where, if it wasn't for Gavin that cared for his well being despite what was going on, elijah would've ended up really bad
then he started to notice how it was unfair to Gavin as well
because they were actually just not giving a flying fuck about what he did since it wasn't important anymore
It made him sick with guilt to see how their parents were visibly struggling to even do the bare minimum as parents when it came to gavin
And Elijah was already starting to have other type of troubles
being that young and skip grades where you ended up in a class full of older people wasn't the best and he did start to take very poor decisions just to make himself liked
It was some sort of silent rebellion too
He started taking drugs which initially were meant to just help him show his classmates he was "mature" enough
And then he just started to need them to power through everything he needed to do
He was so hellbent on his idea of creating a sentient being that could emulate humans if not perfectly even better that he didn't even care what he had to do in order to achieve it
And at that point both Gavin and Elijah hated their parents so he had no problems in using their "help" to get what he needed
I personally believe, like I said in the other post, that something really fucked up happened between Gavin and Elijah which resulted in a major fallout between them
Maybe it's because lately I've been thinking about hereditary (idk why since I have never seen the movie but whatever man) and the fact that I've seen the parents go batshit crazy because the son accidentally killed her sister (?)
Elijah's parents are overprotective with him not out of love but out of interest cause exploiting your kid is always a great family bonding activity to choose
And they try to keep him and Gavin as apart as possible cause they think Gavin would "ruin" him and his future with his influence
So I feel like Elijah was pestering Gavin to sneak out together and do some cool teenager stuff he didn't get to do before as an attempt to bond with his bro again
Elijah was high as kite and that mixed with stupid teenager ideas and reckless rebellious teenage behaviour doesn't mix well
Long story short Elijah and Gavin got into a pretty bad accident and Gavin (fortunately or unfortunately depending on the point of view) got out of it without much harm
But Elijah did got pretty fucked up bro NGL
I can see how that, the fact that Elijah was not there to testify the fact that Gavin didn't do anything wrong and that it wasn't his fault, and the doctors finding traces of drugs in Elijah system obviously didn't ended up well
You can imagine their parents reaction
That was the point where I think Gavin broke off contact with his family completely and just got the fuck out of there
Like I said I can imagine Elijah carrying the guilt for the rest of his life and has never actually had the courage to try and contact Gavin after that
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charlieslowartsies · 1 year
i know you like both fnaf and batim, im curious if youve every thought about what would happen in a protagonist swap. ik aus and hypotheticals arent for everything, but i personally think it would be funny to drop mike and henry in eachothers universes. i think theyre both do well tbh, but regardless its a little funny to think about
I've tried answering this 2x and tumblr kept punting it into orbit but akjasjkasj here we go.
The Short answer: This is a cute idea! I did play with an Xover concept where Mike Schmidt from the KGA wandered into the old Studio he found back in the woods, and he eventually met Make Believe's Henry Stein post the first fic. Mike--being himself, ofc--decided to stick around and help in any way he could. He also got laid. That's a different concept than a good old switcheroo ofc.
There's more on that here, but not a big discussion on stuff, just what if arts from years ago.
The Long Answer:
At the end of the day, I know I kinda write Mike Schmidt and Henry Stein as different flavors of the same drink. Or even just, Mike is cherry cola and Henry Stein is a warm cup of coffee with cream and sugar.
They both have a found family thing going on in their central story arcs. Can you tell I like that theme? (With the major difference being Mike more or less consented to being dragged into the Pizzeria's past, and Henry stays in his situation out of deep seated guilt at his coworkers, a sense of obligation toward Bendy, and perhaps some honest fear of returning to the outside world as well after his time in the War.) Obviously Mike wasn't super cool with giving up his life, sure--but what he gained in return, (His health restored, ghostly superpowers, enhanced senses, a family that loves and accepts him as much as he admires them in turn, and a sense of purpose that makes him feel like he's living a life that makes a difference) made his choice the easier of the two I think.
In the KGA, Mike is top dog because he's the Suit of Fredbear, and then ofc he bonds with the gang from there. In MB, Henry is the true reluctant leader, and any say he has is earned when and because Norman and the others choose to give it. Sammy proves that for sure. Yes, there's a lot of fear of Bendy from Allison, Tom and Sammy, but they don't fear Henry. Henry also doesn't use Bendy's wrath and power to get his way--not that Mike is a bully either, but he's more confident than Henry and more adept at using Fredbear's powers to help him out, even just day to day mundane tasks.
Mike is the brainier of the two, but he's also the stupider when it comes to protecting those he loves. Henry is the draftsman, the studier, the thinker. He makes far more calculated moves and relies instinctively on Norm and the others to be there, or straight up defers to their judgement more than he dishes out orders. I headcanon he was a medic in the army, and if Freddy Fazbear is based off my Grandpa, then Henry Stein is based off my Poppy, who served World War II, and told stories to my dad of cleaning out tanks that...came back with bodies in them. Henry's time in the war changed him, and when he returned and entered the studio to see what his old pal wanted, his life was flung right back into what is, to him, another war zone. That's got to mess a person up, yanno?
What I like about your concept is that the first time I read it, I went "gee, there wouldn't be any difference. I'm just writing the same story with same characters, that sucks. ...how do I admit that in this ask that?"
And then later that night I paused and thought better of my initial assumptions. 'Wait a second...Mike and Henry aren't carbon copies. They don't even have the same humor.'
Henry and Mike are so much alike for sure, and so very different. Even just the obvious aside--Mike's world is full of the supernatural! ...but it's also got one foot firmly planted in reality. Fredbear is not flaunted. Mike can come and go as he pleases. He tries to be normal, he and the gang hide their true natures and pretend well for kids and adults alike. The world goes on around them, but they do go with it. The Gang ages. They had their restaurant, and then they do traveling parties when it becomes only a home base. His Animatronics are 'real' and 'functional' and their history--horrible as it was--was also one with kids and laughter and fun. Henry didn't get any of that. He never saw BendyLand, he didn't encourage Joey's actions.
Henry's world is Nothing but Supernatural, and he's still just as trapped in it as Bendy is bound to the End Reel. He can't go the store, grab some eggs and milk. If thunder rumbles overhead, Mike groans, looks for something to ground himself on. Henry might jerk back to war time, or the Studio, and be scrambled by the appearance of weather, which was not in the Loop. No sun, no night sky. There's a lot of humanity in being around other people. Mike is such a people person, and he sees in the Fazes what is only there because they were haunted. (Otherwise, yeah, they're kinda just...mechanical AIs.) Henry knows these people he lives with on the first floor were human once, he's relieved to have their company and also feels terrible about. He's afraid to let them get close, (the Projectionist being the one to ignore this lmao.)
It's two types of tragedies, and in both lives were cut short in different ways. Mike and Henry feel responsible for both sides, but they don't respond the same.
It's a lot of weight to carry on one's shoulders, and I sort of think Mike carries it better, or a little healthier, at least. He isn't shy or hesitant, Freddy pushed him away the most and Mike pushed right back. He didn't take any abuse, but he got past those walls and taught Fredbear it was okay to trust and to talk about problems.
Dropping Mike into MB's world would, naturally, be chaos. Mike is kind of walking chaos. Marion would prolly follow him--Mari follows the night guard everywhere, because as much as he brags about how good Mike is at his role, he worries so hard over Mike because Mike is always getting into trouble. (Which, fair.) Mari also doesn't like following rules, unless they're rules he set. He doesn't play nicely with others and he would quickly try to work his tendrils into the Studio, try to gain some upperhand, some semblance of control or even just find Answers to the puzzles around them. Mike would be utterly fascinated with the Ink Machine, wanting to see how it worked, and why, and if it needed repairs, and be interested in taking it apart to figure it out. Goldy's status would be useless here, so even tho Mike has his wits and strength, he wouldn't have the same level of respect he is used to in the restaurant or warehouse, or even Pizza World and not the Pizza plex.
Mike's also magnetic as hell. He'd take one look at Norm and be up in his grill too, delighted and friendly and finding the terror cool. He'd fix anything he thought needed it, that includes busted light bulbs or unhappy, self conscious little ink blots that need their ego's stroked and to be assured no, they're not Abominations. Mike isn't afraid of Nightmaronnie, and once he realizes the Ink Demon is Bendy, (if he was split from Henry which would be it's own issues.) he'd eventually apply the same logic as he did to the Puppet all those years ago, and see a scared little kid who needs some comfort and to know he has support.
Henry...would fit in less well in the KGA. He wouldn't be in danger from the Fazes of course, but he's an Adult, and he's a Male, and he's a STRANGER. And that sets off all sorts of warnings in the back of their minds. Makes them unsure and wary to the point of being unkind, cold. Unlike Mike, whose curiosity gets him in trouble, Henry would recognize to back off and tread lightly. Their children that haunted them accidentally passed on a deep seated fear of older, male authority figures, and not even Mike blames them for that. Max carries it too, and Gregory is about the only one who would be the most approachable...or the more willing TO approach Henry. He's young, but his situation is different and kids are rubber bands. By now, the best, most important thing in his world--tall, deep voiced, and strong Glamrock Freddy--keeps his opinion in Henry's favor, because they're both calm and careful in the similar ways. If Bendy is with Henry, that's another winner. Bendy loves kids, he loves kids desperately, enthusiastically, obsessively. He WANTS to prove he's worthy of what Joey Drew put on him when he was Created, that he's the most darling dancing devil there ever was. If Cartoon him can make Gregory smile/laugh, Bendy will be over the moon, and Glamrock Freddy will have to learn to share quickly, because like Mari, Bendy is a possessive little devil.
Even if Max, Ness, and Freddy are keeping Henry on a tight, wary leash, I can see Henry giving in to them easily. He's not out to make waves, or step on anyone's toes. Being docile like that will help him out big time with them. Mike might cause trouble on accident lmao. Henry would also be kind of panicky, kind of freaked out. Worrying about the Studio, his friends, Bendy being loose, what Joey's up to on the lower levels. Mike would honestly be more worried about his next meal being just bacon soup and realizing he can't be a bottomless pit because he won't take food from these...ink...monsters? ...ink people? (If Chica offered Henry an olive branch in the form of a meal, Henry might break down and Ghibli cry at the taste of real, inkless, clean food. That earns him points with her at least. Double if he tries cleaning up because he never let Linda do the dishes.)
I wrote so much I'm so sorry lmao. Thank you for this ask anon!! It's a fun concept to explore! I wish I had more energy to do so, but I just got a new tattoo last night and my brain is french fried xD
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