#im posting these at a fucked up time rn because im still too awake sorry
smittyw · 5 months
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dailies 5.10.24
mini mermay post of the lowry sibs fishy designs :-) mainly bc i dont think theyll get a full piece of their own (or if they do, itll be all together and hard to see)
i wanted to put them all in the sygnathid family for cohesion but i changed up the species to suit them
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
a bit of a message talking about inactivity and my possible hiatus. I dont know if this counts as a cw but i talk about depression here and there at the beginning (nothing graphic) and as usual, its a rant
im gonna be straight honest rn, i'm probably not gonna be active on tumblr for these next few days, ive been super up and down depressed and im just unmotivated and too tired to do anything, im still gonna check in here and there but dont expect me to reblog or reply to many posts, if at all. This could mark the beginning of a hiatus, but with mood swings and up and down depression, i could be back, active as ever tomorrow. Ever since ive uninstalled Sims 4, i did feel a weight lift off my shoulders, but simultaneously made me depressed due to the lack of... well... doing something, i dont... really know how to put it into words, its just something in my brain that i just cant explain, i guess a good way to put it is playing sims 4 gave me the motivation to stem off into other mediums, blender for example, gave me something to do, something to learn, and while i can still use blender, i just get progressively slower and slower at doing stuff in it because of my limited resources, some scenes i want to do require specific outfits and i dont have the facilities to make those outfits... i mean i probably do but i just dont feel motivated to do all that. I still play other games, ive been playing a lot of slime rancher 2 and have been trying to branch out to other games (indie games and bigger games), I want to post gameplay but if youve seen me rant about tumblr before, one of my biggest gripes is just how fucking annoying it is to upload images, so i just get completely unmotivated to post images/gameplay especially if its just some silly post. if uh if anyone is still reading this, ill be honest, i havent even been motivated to write about WAS at all, probably havent touched the planning doc in about 2 weeks. This... 'spiral'... has been noticeable for me for the last week as my sleep schedule gets swapped around from sleeping at night and awake during the day... to sleeping during the day and awake at night, this is all my fault, but its also just something that happens rotationally for me, i go from sleeping VERY early in the evening (6PM at the earliest) and waking at VERY early times in the morning (4AM at the latest) to sleeping VERY late in the morning (6AM at the earliest) and waking up late in the evening (3PM at the latest), i dont really know what causes the shift, but it happens, and i often blame myself for it even though i dont know what causes it...
anyways sorry, this will probably mark a very iffy hiatus, like i said ill be active but not... super active, i didnt check tumblr at all yesterday/monday, so thats kind of the pattern to expect from me depending on the day. In the meantime... i might try to get back into older sims games, ive mentioned this before, but i do have sims 1 on my laptop so maybe ill post stupid little gameplay posts from there (granted i havent played in like... a month 😐). I'll probably put up a poll after this post for people to vote on which sims game i should play- i KNOW i did it once before but im probably gonna do it again cuz i cant find the post and i have over 1000 posts 😭
if you read thus far, thank you for sticking around, if your a random person who read this for no reason... thanks? if your a follower of mine and cant understand where im coming from with this lengthy post, see yourself out or deal with it 🙃 otherwise, thank you all and i will be lurking about
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itzampella · 3 years
Wii Enlightened You information! - Itz_Ampella’s AU - (btw this is gonna be a lot of paragraphs)
[this is a pinned post, other posts at bottom]
i pardon for your eyes if you even want to fucking read this bullshit im sorry fr fr- very sorry
link for the designs so far: https://itzampella.tumblr.com/post/678709385481076737/for-what-im-about-to-show-isnt-gonna-be-my-art 
ight ight
Henry is a lonely boi- and his current friends are Austin, Mike, and Jonathan (half friend). He drinks sometimes, not mostly. He actually fucking thinks about trying to not drink n all since he’s tryina quit to be with Austin (aww someone has a crush). Anyway- uhm- about the past n all rq he has met Austin in 3rd grade and they became friends for the rest of their lives then lived together in an apartment.
He’s an introvert, dislikes going outside and seeing people (despises other humans lol) unless it’s his friends or Austin. He has a phobia of the dark since his father scared him as a kid in the middle of the night while it was pitch dark and abused him. So he always brings a nightlight or a flashlight to any house and his apartment. I mean he brings a flashlight anywhere he goes. He’s a bit overprotective with Austin- for some reason. Taller than Austin (OG Height)
They also own a cat which is fucking perfect.
Austin is a person with Autism, as a kid he had a 3rd level Autism. His current age as an adult is level 1. His relationship status with friends n family rn, he has a Mom and Dad, his brother Jonathan, friend Mike, his btich plastic surgery ass/tits boss Todd he hates, and Henry (see’s them as a best friend, unsure if he has a crush or not). Todd finds Austin as his favorite worker, even though Austin completely hates him and wish he goes to hell. Austin isn’t that social, he has slight anxiety so he doesn’t prefer talking to people unless he has to (ofc he’ll talk to anyone he has a relationship with). He’s more of an introvert but a slight extrovert, he likes to stay indoors and be working but also wants to get outside for exercise and to meet up with his friends. Austin likes coffee- really does. He’d just drink it all the time to keep himself awake and do work. Still plays Nintendo games too. Shorter than Henry (OG Height) 
Owns a cat with Henry smh.
Austin and Henry’s cat yay
Their cat is a gud cat. Fluffy n noice cat. Now this will be their cat. This cat likes tuna, gib them tuna (becky, tuna is for the cat and you now) please just do it. Just look at those adorable eyes. This fluffy boi- just- do it. Cat’s name is gonna be Ginger because it looks Like it has a Ginger look on themself. This cat got owned by Henry and Austin and they got them when they were a little kitten. This cat is also female, and currently is a 1 year old, smol lil floof bean with tiny Arms. y e a h
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Kyle is a f o o l . Anyway as a kid he got the Wii for his birthday (yay prepare to be scared for your life) from his friend Nathan. So they both try the Wii after the other kids left, and the story goes on with the Wii situation with Nathan. Now days he is just trying to steal the Wii from Sam, he doesn’t wanna destroy it but he wants to talk to Eteled and Corrupted Mii for his stupid reasons (yes, he knows them both).
He barely has any friends though because everyone thinks he’s an idiot especially when he tries to talk about two odd Miis in a Wii that talk. No one believes him, obviously. He’s more suiting to being an extrovert actually, he likes to hang out with Nathan when ever he has the chance to. They do a lot of stuff outdoors together. Kyle also trains to fight a little, not every time. He wants to get better at defending, and fighting Sam. Oh and he gave the Wii to Sam.
N a t h a n
Nathan is more of an innocent and nice person, he likes being with Kyle. He doesn’t know Kyle is trying to steal the Wii though. He kind of forgot about it and kept his mind off of it, unlike Kyle he won’t take his mind off about it every time. Yet he also kind of regrets getting a Wii for Kyle, he despises how Kyle “goes to visit a friend to play on the Wii” when the two are just being best buddies enjoying their time. Nathan is a lonely boi tho, sadly. He has a few friends, but his best friend is Kyle. Another reason to regret it could be the trauma as children when they saw Eteled. He’s a slight introvert, yet mainly an extrovert with Kyle. Nathan is also friends with Sam, and surprisingly Sam didn’t tell Nathan yet about the Wii situation with Kyle.
Sam :D
Sam has had the Wii longer than Kyle at this point, yet she isn’t able to play on the Wii as much. She has a lot of things to do, like school work/homework, chores, visiting/keeping company with Nathan, issues with Kyle, and possibly some family meet-ups. As a younger child Sam, Kyle, and Nathan were just a lil friend trio together and Sam has been in the situation of the birthday with Kyle, yet didn’t see what happened with his Wii. When it was Sam’s birthday and she was turning 9, she received the Wii. A Year or two later went down-hill, Kyle began to try to steal the Wii from Sam. She was full of confusion, yet refused. Even after what Kyle explains she refuses to give up the Wii and her bond with Eteled.
Sam is introverted, she prefers to stay indoors and hang out with Eteled while she could.
Eteled :]
Eteled, the main Mii had died from the usual wanting to be a Mii yet was murdered instead of electrocuted. Murdered by Mike (in front of Austin when he saw on the Wii). He’s got a huge fear of Austin/CM after killing him in the server room. He’s still afraid of the dark, and the Wii is mainly dark. So he often carries around a flashlight he found. He’s able to steal Corrupted Miis batteries though when he isn’t in the hallway. Corrupted Mii continues to use the ECT (Electric Therapy Chair) on Eteled still.
He often tries to hide from Corrupted Mii, and he knows when he is around just by their glowing pupils he can see in the dark. Once his flashlight dies though, he has a high chance of going to be captured by Corrupted Mii and taken for therapy or possibly torture. He’s not always after Eteled, but he often is. Yet Eteled doesn’t know that so he’s aware.
Corrupted Mii my fucking beloved
Corrupted Mii was murdered by Henry/Eteled from the same situation on the chair in the server room. He always likes to mess with Eteled’s mind in the dark, he likes to get a good scare out of them, Corrupted Mii also makes fun of Eteled for having a fear (phobia) of the dark when the Wii is on. He has a good vision in the dark, especially as a robot it’s easier to see. His white glowing eyes even assist him to see better. He still remembers that Eteled still is afraid of the dark, so he likes to mess with the lighting and the darkening (coding ability). He continues to use ECT (again Electric Chair Therapy) and maybe even some other torturing tools for Eteled. He hates light, he avoids it and remains in the hallway.
Once Eteled had died, witnessing his death in front of his eyes from who seems to be Mike (yes, Mike. he saw Austin die so he was angy) murdering Henry. He went back to the portal thing place and went to the Wii, and once he entered he could never leave again. Then that’s when he met Henry, or ‘Eteled’ once again.
Austin and Henry’s storyline
In 3rd grade in whatever fucking year you can think about, Henry n Austin met (no there will be absolutely no dialoge unless I have to) and they ended up being friends, especially as adults. They both live together in a apartment, with a cat they got named Ginger (yes). Austin had his nintendo games n all, the two would always do something like mario kart. Few years passed of being friends, and the two worked at Nintendo. Austin was forced to do a lot by Todd n shit (stupid plastic surgery ass man telling Austin to do shit) so this put Austin mainly in stress while he was working. Henry ofc is pissed off about it. Austin has a co-worker which is female (yes Becky we know where this is going) and that made Henry jealous when he just hears or look at the two talking n working together. So then at some point in time, Henry killed Austin. Mike saw it, he was scared and.. Unhappy. He told Jonathan about it too and funeral happens then Mike would get revenge and kills Henry after making his Mii. 
Corrupted Mii my beloved and Eteled’s storyline
Austin ends up as a spirit inside his PC. He was confused and scared of what was going on. It took him some time to get use to, then he even makes his own body n shit on the Wii blah blah blah we already know this from WDY. Then he goes to Henry’s PC connected to the Wii. Henry was dead and Austin and witnessed his drunk ass being killed by Mike. So he left and checked out the Wii, never to leave now. Yet noticing a Mii named ‘Eteled’, he new it was Henry. Eteled knew he was fucked and Corrupted Mii remembered his phobia of the dark, so he did a little coding to make it dark in the Wii when ever it’s off, which it was off. Afterwards, Eteled searches the Wii and finds a flashlight in the hallway, sadly Corrupted Mii got rid of the axe around in the hallway. Eteled only has a flashlight, and it needs batteries every 3 weeks. Seeing Kyle and being deleted, was one of the most painful things he’s experienced. But happy to get revenge by using Kyle’s Mii and breaking their bones. After that happened, Corrupted Mii gets revenge since he’s the uncle of Kyle and did therapy. Eteled meets Sam some time later, always waiting until she is back to be safe and away from Corrupted Mii. Eteled continues to hide from Corrupted Mii in fear with his flashlight, trying to survive and avoid him. Corrupted Mii continues to put Eteled in risk of life and to make him horrified while he could.
Sam, Kyle, and Nathan’s storyline
Kyle, Sam, and Nathan were little the trio of friends. They were at Kyle’s birthday party, and Nathan got him a Wii. Once the rest left (including Sam), Kyle and Nathan decided to try the Wii. …And you know what happens, the Mii named Eteled appears. At first the two were confused yet kind of scared, at least Kyle was (fucking bitch). Kyle with the control of the Wii with the remote, he deleted Eteled and this scene goes over again for fuck sakes and Nathan left when Kyle told him to since the two were traumatized. A few years passed and Kyle gave the Wii to Sam, and finds Eteled’s existence inside the Wii. Sadly, she isn’t on often. That’s why the Wii is always.. Dark. Sam will stay on as much as she can, and mostly when she has to do something it would take a few minutes. Yet still a risk for Eteled being a good target. Kyle began to try to visit more than usual, and had been around the Wii more often in a suspicious way. One day he tired to take the Wii, and Sam had to force herself to shove him back and actually give him a slap- then their friendship ended. Whenever Kyle talks to Nathan about his trauma from Eteled, Nathan always tells him to stop being a big baby about it smh.
i swear if you actually read this all im sorry
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withoneheadlight · 4 years
hellooooo it’s nsfw anon here with even more thoughts !! Ok so I literally cannot get your post about steve making billy come just by kissing outta my damn mind so imma brain dump it on you Rn.
So like yeah, billy finds out that Steve can do /that/ but he doesn’t realise that it’s literally only the tip of the iceberg with Steve. Billy has slept around before and but he’s always been the one to take care of his partners so he’s just not used to the way steve takes care of him, how he talks to him sweet and dirty while his hands and mouth roam Billy’s body, teasing him until he’s literally out of his mind with it.
One morning he wakes up in Steve’s bed already hard and dripping from his already forgotten dream, but he’s rutting and whining softly into the sheets, Steve nowhere in sight but his side do the bed still warm. Billy still isn’t used to waking up feeling soft and content so he indulges himself, rolling his hips into the bed while he imagines Steve’s mouth on him again. They haven’t exactly gone at it for a while so he’s extra needy and comes quickly, panting and shaking. He’s still dazed when he feels the bed dipping when Steve crawls to lay over him, slotting his hard cock between Billy’s ass with a “that feel good baby? Yeah? You sounded so good whining my name out, sugar” and billy just- he hasn’t even recovered from his first orgasm nor is he fully awake but he already feels his dick twitching again, arching his back to stick his ass out more for steve. And Steve just can’t help himself. He hasn’t had time alone with billy for a while and he hasn’t had him this soft and dazed since they both found out he could make billy come just from his tongue so he spends the better part of the hour teasing billy. Kissing every inch of his body, biting at his nipples, sucking on his jaw and of course fucking his tongue in and out of Billy’s mouth, a favourite for them both. And that’s all before he starts eating billy out until he cries and finally, /finally/ when billy is wrecked with sobs and his eyes are big blue and teary, does Steve slip into him, whispering into his ear. “Yeah baby? That what you need? Just need somethin in you don’t you? Filling you up and stretching you out good. So good for me, Bill.” And billy can’t even think let alone respond. He has a mix of tears drool puddled under his cheek and he’s overwhelmed because what the /fuck/? Nobody’s every treated him like this. And Steve’s being so sweet, taking care of him and cooing at all his whimpers and whines, but the filth coming out of his mouth makes him feel dirty in the best way, makes him feel like a slut and maybe finally it clicks for him? This is the king Steve everyone was talking about. Yeah ok bye that’s all I have I worked myself up with that so I’m gonna drink some water before I pass out and let u do what u want with this bye bye luv u !!
Holy shit NSFW!ANON you live up to you name don't you? You killed me with this. Death by brain-bonner. So. Fucking. Hot. 
And also, Billy getting like this because the way Steve takes care of him it's the biggest turn-on of his life??? HELL YESS "Billy still isn’t used to waking up feeling soft and content so he indulges himself, rolling his hips into the bed while he imagines Steve’s mouth on him again" the hottest thing, I tell you, rutting + sleepiness + happiness + king steve + "eating billy out until he cries" there's something better??? no it's not! 
And ohhhhhh God. I bet it's Steve too who got him like that. Bet he does it sometimes, feeding filthy words into Billy's ear on those sweet moments between wakefulness and slumber, sneaking into the remnants of his dream like the wet dream he himself is, making Billy hard and leaking with the mere sound of his voice and the things  he says. Oh, the things he says.
Bet it isn't the first time Steve has make him cum just from that, wrapping his arms around billy afterwards, kissing him fully awake with lips that can't get fully rid of a suspicious, satisfied grin, Billy's cum still hot between their bodies "Mmmmph, why are you looking at me like that, Steven?" and Steve's laughter vibrating in both their mouths as he keeps on kissing him "'Cause I'm pretty sure you had a hell of a dream, babe. Pretty sure I was in there" and Billy getting suddenly aware of the sticky wetness covering their bellies and blushing all over because Steve is using his King Steve Voice and Billy not only came all over himself but he's also getting hard a g a i n and Steve was insufferably full of himself already but for the look on his face Billy can tell he has just make it even worse (again) but, you know what? He couldn't care less now because Steve makes him feel loved and happy and cherished so he can pay the small (–ish) price of bearing with his gigantic ego  xD xD xD.
(ok, that was probably too much? xD. IM SORRY. sometimes i just lose it nsfw!anon but i love so much the idea of billy having and 'easy trigger' even easier when it comes to our stevie boy here. and that combined with this idea of steve being very very good at making him cum and being the fucking  w o r s t about it sometimes but being so tender and so caring with billy at the same time, making him feel loved and safe simply ends me. ends me anon. and omg i'm thinking that, it gets sooooo bad, when billy finally finds out about the dream thing and steve won't stop being the cockiest bastard about making billy come with the sole power of his voice and in his dreams ("c'mon, hargrove. just admit it. i'm the hottest thing you can think of. i'm peak hottness on your mind") that one day billy makes this stupid comment to piss him off, calls him 'the cum whisperer' but like ironically, like "yeah, steven. you're so good, steven. you're a cum whisperer, steven. are you happy now?" rolling his eyes and all but, BUT—oh, steve IS happy. too happy. steve of course e m b r a c e s it, smug  and as he is, and now he calls himself 'the cum whisperer' and billy life is now a big 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, but like VERY HAPPY 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️so not that bad. more like not bad at all. because he's— pretty much in love with his bratty, stupidly adorable king steve, he just refuses to give him the satisfaction to say it out loud (too much, anyway xD))
(aaand this is my cue to not answer things when i'm sleepy, i end up raving. xD. ignore me please)
 This was FANTASTIC nsfw!anon, and brightened my day in so many ways!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. I'll look forward for your asks if you want/feel in the mood/have the time to send them 💖💖💖 I love you and love seeing you around so much.
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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garbagequeer · 5 years
what are your favorite cshr songs?
i change my mind a lot and can’t make decisions so im just gonna go album by album picking my favorites because there’s A LOT of great songs (also these are in no particular order cause i really am a gemini who can’t make a simple choice). when im done with this i’ll bold the ones i guess are my overall favorites but i have too much room in my heart and brain and i love all of them and i can’t not mention all the great songs that i love. Also my overall favorites change all the time hence the full long ass list. again i AM a gemini
teens of denial:
drunk drivers obviously (and drunk drives single version with the modified verse from plane crash blues like. if you cant find your friends you can leave without them !! so much)
destroyed by hippie powers (which holds a special place in my heart cause i remember listening to it 24/7 and going to the bar with my friends during second term finals my first year of college instead of studying and then the year after that going to see csh also during second term finals and them playing it like. full circle baby)
not what i needed. i feel so empty trying to explain this!
1937 state park
unforgiving girl (also holds a special place in my heart cause im pretty sure it’s the song that got me into them after being like hey i should check out that car seat headrest band since like 2013 but never getting around to it)
the ballad of the costa concordia like. i love to die thank you
drugs with friends (also it feels 5 times more special to me since i saw them play it)
fill in the blank
literally i feel bad for not just putting every song from this album like i love them all they punch me in the face every time but. gotta move along.
how to leave town:
i want you to know that im awake / i hope that you’re asleep. you know that quote from like. an article about greta gerwig and lady bird that’s like (wait i googled it):Every situation is pretext for a confrontation: underdone eggs, a pile of rumpled clothes, a hand reaching too quickly for the radio. The question on the surface might be ‘What did you do?’ but the feeling underneath is ‘Who are you and why don’t you know how to love me?’that’s this song
is this dust really from the titanic? mainly cause i think it’s underrated and very endearing like. car seat headrest: more guitar shit
hey space cadet. obviously like
wasn’t going to put more songs cause i think i need to relax but. the ending of dramamine deserves to be listed i mean i can’t hear a thing now i guess i belong to me now but when night fell on montana i found a rest stop completely deserted but i still felt the eyes upon me so i drove away. it BE like that
you know what? fuck it. america and kimochi warui are also favorites. they’re all so good im sorry i CANT do this
nervous young man:
first of all: i wanna sweat. it’s like. you CAN have the euphoric emotion of bodys outside of the fantasy. effervescent amazing uplifting etc etc
burning man. i will go crazy istg like he’s like im defined by the fact that you’re there and we’re different people… i wanna burn your picture! i mean…… yeah
plane crash blues i mean shut up with all these bad vibes all this yelling just shut up shut up shut up! like. to himself.. we get it. and if your luggage is lost you can leave without it and if you run out of drugs you can sleep without them and if you wanna go home you can call a taxi and if you don’t wanna talk you can sit in the backseat. much to think about
death at the movies. sometimes you’re a little depressed and you just. watch movies and it’s weird
boxing day. hand will toledo a womanhood card right now for this like yeah! i feel so haunted and no one seems to notice and no one seems to care!!!! and it doesn’t really matter I’ll just ajlhfsdg!!!. ALSO literally i did something bad im not allowed to go outside anymore i can only be awake at night for the next year of my life. been there done that and all. ALSO i have worms in mouse traps baby cracks me up every time
the gun song. there’s a lot going on there
afterglow and jerks cause i love to have fun too
misheard lyrics and i don’t think it gets enough love
times to die and also the teens of style version
overexposed (enjoy). again i love fun
los borrachos (fun fact: i saw the painting it’s named after irl and i was like. sick csh reference museo del prado)
SOULS. !!!!
maud gone both versions. sweetheart please love me too long
sleeping with strangers. i love to have fun
anchorite (love you very much). i get my feelings hurt by someone i love i listen to this song like. YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!! call it catharsis
and that’s literally the whole album except for one song. im sorry
twin fantasy (which is two albums but. it’s really just one which is very meta of it/them imo. also unless i specify im talking about both versions):
famous prophets. both versions make me feel breathless
beach life-in-death OBVIOUSLY
twin fantasy (those boys) and i think both versions really mean so so much together which is true of all of twin fantasy but. particularly here it hits me like. from he has only lyrics now to these are only lyrics now. it’s a lot
my boy (more the 2018 version)
nervous young inhumans (the 2011 version. for the monologue like. he defined twin fantasy. also the fact that galvanistic isn’t a real word he just fucked up and that’s the chorus)
high to death (more the 2018 version but both are great)
honestly sober to death for the don’t worry you and me wont be alone no more which is. so much. ALSO when they play sober to death/powderfinger and ethan does great vocals
cute thing (2018)
my back is killing me baby
no passion. he wants a man who would hate him and who would leave him if he were open and he’d do the same to him. he dreams he watches porn but he cant see it. he understands some ugly ass feelings
father, flesh in rags. it bangs
strangers but the teens of style version
happy news for sadness cause once again he says the ugliest shit (i liked you better when you hated yourself every time i think about love i think about me thinking about you) and it makes me think of that shit about how people will disclose they think they’re bad and they have bad thoughts when they’re going to ask to be loved. also you can never tell the truth but you can tell something that sounds like it
the drum. did i say i love to have fun? i love to have fun (both versions but i think i like the original more at least rn)
stoop kid
something soon (both versions)
starving while living:
it’s only sex
reuse the cells
devil moon
i hate living
literally all other csh shit cause i don’t listen to many songs from the first records :/ and stuff:
i can talk with my eyes shut
the ghost of bob saget. the lyrics to this song are hilarious and relatable somehow
i have to mention i am afraid of literally everything / i scream social / this one time I went to a coffee house because some guy I knew was playing and I just sat there for an hour and didn’t talk to anyone and then I came home and wrote this song / you have to go to college / it’s you you’re the asshole that made this but literally only cause i felt like laughing when i was 18 and finally got around to checking out csh and he was like. i wrote these songs about when i went to college and i was afraid of everything and shit was hard. cause like. same. and i just have a fond memory of going through csh’s entire discography from newest to oldest and ending up awake till almost 7am losing my mind. i feel like this about lots of songs from the first 5 albums but i don’t really listen to them much tho. someday i’ll get around to giving them a chance again
that thing someone made where they put together pain star (if heaven is full of people…) and …then it will be exactly the same as earth
does it feel good (to say goodbye?)
and their cover of hey ya even though it’s not a csh song. im mad no one has posted a proper recording of it because i do love to have fun. also their cover of this must be the place too. and the cover of waves of fear also. they’re all really fun
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SoS 22 Replies
First of all, that post I just reblogged before this? That’s what our Discord chat looked like this past long weekend. There was a LOT of talk about SoS 22, which I am so so so so pleased about, and I’ll embed some of the best parts into this replies post as we go. So, without further ado:
@tiny-tany-thaanos​ replied to your photo “An extended cantata on a sacred subject.”
Three emphatic words of terror! An excellent start
@harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
/Oh shit/
I KNOW! I’m so pleased with how the shot came out, I was trying to replicate the other title ca-- oh, you mean oh shit they’re tied to chairs
@toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
exsqueeze me?
Well, we all know it’s not exactly an ex squeezing them now,
@autistichatkid replied to the same: 
....... ah
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Lissa said on Discord in reference to “Lethe: “I’m SO glad you’re awake. We’ve only got a little of tonight...”
Lethe: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there 
autistichatkid said in reference to the same or thereabouts:
lethe: who wants to play a game
Show of hands, who wants The Jigsaw Killer vs The Dragonborn
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Now, what’s this game you’re talking about?” Lethe: *back to...”
Lethe you /motherfucker/
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lethe: “Two more people die tonight - but who isn’t up to me anymore....”
whoa im WHAT lethe you cant DO THAT lethe u cant make them choose,,,,, lethe stop murder maybe
Like I said, this Sadistic Choice is one I’ve relished putting into partial play since the beginning so I’m glad it had the Desired Audience Effect. and the desired In Universe effect too, of course
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Let me.” Lorelei: “–w-what?” Lethe: “What?” Lyra: *slightly...”
That sure is the face Lyra is making
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *comprehension dawning* “…want you to go…” *leans back in her...”
That sure is the face Lorelei is mak--*bricked*
@bountifulberries replied to the same: 
ooooooh shit
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same: 
Mesh the two together and you get “ooooooh SHIIIIIIIIT”, and that sounds like a barbershop quartet rendition
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “I can’t lose Felicity either!!” Felicity: 60.73 Percy: 46.23”
Holy shit Feli!! (Also I'm still ?? if it's her so I can't really react one way or the other rn so I'm just :eyes:)
Feli won!! If she hadn’t had so much murderous baggage attached to that victory, it would be incredible. ...as it is, it’s still incredible, just with extra murderous baggage
Also, this is your second victory, right? After that - one project? 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lethe: “…” Lorelei: *hand outstretched, waiting for another sound*...”
I'm??? Feeling things here??? (God if it really does end up being Feli my heart's gonna b r e a k)
@melien​ replied to the same:
As usual I'm in awe because of your writing
??!!?! I’m so pleased!!
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
okay so im leaning toward lethe being percy still but its gonna be Weird if lyra is like "yeah uhhhhh kill feli" and. lethe Is feli. i dont think it's feli but honestly idk i also dont think lyra is coming to a "decision", just killing time, but yknow weird hypotheticals
Me, literally, to Jack, when you said that hours after the fact: 😬
Jack: If this is about Kasper's current reactions I'm just like "Oh honey, you've got a big storm coming" 
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lyra: “…Okay. Okay. I - ” *sighs, part in dread and part from...”
They’re not the only ones getting free tonight........
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *louder, to be heard over the crying* “Lethe? Something happen...”
*Vibrating with suspense*
@simstrations replied to the same:
Fortunately it’s only a very shallow cliff... with a pretty deep pit at the bottom, so win/win
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Felicity.”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: *sobbing too hard to even speak* ”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to the same:
Jeez, I guessed it right
simstrations replied to the same:
I thought so. This is good
Well, it was her or Percy at this point. Not like y’all had a lot of options :P
melien replied to the same:
This is sooooo intense
Interesting thing about Lethe compared to my other murderers, as you may or may not have picked up on: the murders are a lot simpler in scope. No convoluted set-ups with electromagnetic bombs, no risin poisoning or hypnosis - not even a Wounded Gazelle Gambit. They’re all just things that anybody, with a disability of any stripe or without, can do - partly to make things less painful for the victims, partly to make it easier for Feli to believe she was being kind, partly so that it looks like anyone could’ve done it
...wait, did I already explain this? I’m flying home today and it’s kind of been long so forgive me if I’m repeating myself
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *voice breaking as she stumbles over* “Feli- you’ve been - it’s...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “W- why’d you come in here? Yo- I - I was being Lethe. Had...”
Jack is NOT even exaggerating here. Per Discord: “Y’all I’m starting to get tipsy and I’m Big Sad as this is sinking in [...] I had the first MMBC where the murderer won and now my contestant is the murderer who won. This is incredibly fitting tbh. Still gonna have a billion crying emojis on the posts tho”
Let’s put that to the test, in fact. Crying count: 4
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Hey! How-” “Felicity! Thank god, you’re awake. I’ve–”...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Did y’all doubt Elias
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Elias: “You, you’ve got to send someone up! I don’t even know if it’s...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Elias: “O-ow–!” Felicity: “Who-?!” Cathy Baines: “Don’t push your...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same: 
oh hi cathy
Lisa, Lisa, you’re tearing me apAAAart!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Felicity! Hi! So great to finally chat to you in person! I’ve...”
Holy fucking shit
yeah that about sums it up
Jack in Discord: I can only imagine reading this sober bc reading this tipsy is a trip
Clover: im sober but losing my mind so whats the difference
I’m teetotal and I was freaking out all days so here’s my stance on that
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “You see… how do I put this delicately…? Oh! Have you ever...”
Oh my /god/. Oh my /*god*/
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(Also may this just be the essence of Cathy, you are absolutely nailing her character here and I am Living for it)
I’ve already thanked you for thinking so, but thank you again for thinking so!! 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Anywayyy, I didn’t just call to let you know how things’re...”
Oh Cathy you conniving little despair being you
Well done, Cathybot, have a biscuit
Jack: Also I reread a bit and her saying Riverview isn't a swing state? Classic Cathy right there
Fun fact: took me a while when writing to remember what a swing state was called. I think I initially wanted to call it a ‘stem state’ or some shit like that?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “…s-so… so - if I do this… if I… you’ll let Elias go?” ...”
Crying count: 7
Jack: Catch me get emotional rn like I’m trying not to cry like poor Feli and fucking Cathy being That Despair Btich
Doesn’t seem to me like you’re trying very hard /TEASING
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Y… you are, Elias. You are. You’re my brother, you’re -...”
I only wish my brother and I had that kinda relationship
autistichatkid said in reference to “Felicity: “I t- I tried - I tried to pr- protect you as much as I...”
oh god....... oh god
I didn’t even ‘learn’ that Chadrick used his teeth until the actual writing process; I was operating under the assumption he’d used a knife too. Fuck you for giving me the worst ideas at the best times, Brain
oh jesus the first time i read thru that i read "im sorry for LIVING" instead of "im sorry for lying" and i. didnt even question it. jesus fuck
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “–y- h- huh?” *realizes the hand in hers, looks up* “W…...”
Crying count: 8 (single tears count)
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity, stumbling to her feet: “W- we are? You’re… really–?”...”
Lyra is? So good? I love her so much. And Feli (and Lor and her side)
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “A- any luck?” Lyra: *through the door* “Yeah, there’s one...”
eden lee: you're all talking at once! / lorelei, lavandar, percy: *all talk at once again*
See, the difference is that that time they were all saying the same thing, which makes them much easier to be understood, and furthermore,
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Lavandar!!” *grabs her hand* “We gotta go!”  Lavandar:...”
autistichatkid replied to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “B-but what go- good will I-” Lyra, from inside the car: “A...”
Crying count: 9
melien replied to the same:
It's heartbreaking and I want to give them a big hug but I had a feeling it would happen
I’M NOT GOING TO LIE THOUGH MELIEN IT WAS A VERY CLOSE CALL WITHIN THE LAST  CHANCE ROOM FOR A SEC THERE. Eden Lee went first and their two Rant About Dark Rooms in a row bumped them up by six points per, and Lavandar did less interactions in the same amount of time but fortunately she was just ahead enough at the start of the day that a well placed Discuss SLR Cameras was enough to get her ahead, and I would’ve been happy whichever one of the two won but 
but come on having the one Lorelei confided her Melody backstory to win was A GREAT BONUS
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “-so that’s about the size of that.” Lavandar: “G- god… fuck, no...”
1) I’m feeling the suspense of this 2) The driver is a mood
I’ve been getting a lot of Lyfts over the course of this holiday, and in fact I was up here when they had that strike - I feel worse for Lyft and Uber drivers now than I ever have before, and I already felt pretty bad
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “–it over to Safehouse F!  “…no, I don’t care how, break it in...”
give her HELL lyra
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
KICK 👏🏼 HER 👏🏼 ASS 👏🏼
Lyra: *kangaroo kicks down Cathy Baines with her leg, falls flat on her ass* CALLBACK HOLY FUCK
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “I’ll be damned. Melody Buonarroti, back at last…” Lorelei: “C-...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit!!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Enough!! Leave everyone else out of this!! If you’re gonna fuck...”
Cathy what does that mean...
Cathy: you heard what I said little boy
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Are you so atrociously naive that you think it’s possible to...”
hey "cathy" go *be a good girl* and spontaneously combust please :)
Would that I could make her, Clover, would that I could make her
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Teeth Grits
Jack in Discord: Again, you nailed her characterization. It perfectly illustrated how Junko influenced my writing on her and I was living for it It was a tone shift, but like I said, perfectly in-character and I loved
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “*crunch* Lorelei: *gasp* Lavandar: “Oh god-!!”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid replied to the same:
Lyra picked a fight with the wrong arch enemy
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Cathy: “…fine.” *Lyra drops to the ground, wheezing, taking in as...”
go eat cottage cheese and saltines in the dark, you triscuit looking bitch
I should note that Vidcund was coming back from Greece for much of this rigmarole. It’s, perhaps, very telling that her first and only “on-site” reply to this was the kind of threat that an angry Zeus would make.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…alive.” Felicity: *burying her head in Elias’s shoulder,...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
1. 😭😭😭 2. my poses!
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Other people’s crying counts too! Crying count: 15
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, Lor, new plan. Can you guys go on without me for a bit?” ...”
flower, gleam, and gl
Lavandar is Rapunzel under UV Light
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…Feli?” Felicity: *covers face to hide a fresh wave of tears,...”
I mean Felicity’s concern isn’t? Invalid?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “You… you didn’t have to do a- any of this. Not for me....”
Fuck 😭
Crying count: 16
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lyra: “C’mere.”  Felicity: *stiffens at her touch* “Lyra-?” ...”
theres somethign in my eye
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh fuck 💔😭
Hm. Do I count things being in Clover’s eye? ... eh, let’s do it. Crying count: 18
(I keep count, but I can’t talk - while writing this part I was fucking bawling)
Clover: im going to die because of this
Jack: Also Catch Troye Francis in the club obstructing Justice (But again, Cathy)  I know I say that but Dub I’m living for this finale. It’s so good
Honestly if Troye HAD obstructed Justice and they had won the Francis MMBC a whole lot of shit might not have gone down and it’d be a worse universe
autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
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autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Lorelei, I’m home!! I’m home, y- you’re home, we’re -...”
autistichatkid reblogged the same and added:
Crying count: 25
melien replied to the same:
This is freaking cute ;_;
melien replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, lovebirds, heh - Eden Lee’s still here.” Lavandar:...”
Thanks for being so understanding about this, melien 
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Oooh, l- look at that one! It’s all sparkly, like your...”
Crying count: 26. BRB building an ark
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra, as sirens rise in the distance: “You… sure did.” – End of...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit 👀
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
melien-simspiration (so basically melien) reblogged your photoset and tagged:
#yay birthmarks! #they look great and I love the naming choice
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “Murderers, Expectations, and the Unintended Benefits”
I’ve just finished reading this and?? Holy shit??? I’m so impressed with all that you put into this and the fact you were able to guide me into doing things (releasing Elias, asking about Veronica’s exes), without me being suspicious at all. Granted Elias was asked via a disguised anon, but the exes question (at least back then) I didn’t bat an eye at, and just figured it would be a good point of Veronica’s backstory. I’m just still so shook, and you deserve all the praise for this!
Part of me still feels like I don’t, but I’m trying to shut it up because?? AAA??? All this reception???!!!
Jack: Also if I’m remembering the post right, I do agree with Cathy’s death in Baines being... lackluster, unfitting for one of her caliber. I think it was part to do with my mental state at the time and wanting to leave simblr, so squashing a loose end like that felt right at the time. However, as I re-evaluated my stance and stuck around, that decision still haunts me, and I so desperately wish she was still alive on the surface for me to do stuff with. (Especially given my political interests and my quasi-real world events interlaced with the MMBC-verse, I would’ve had a field day writing for Cathy had she lived and won the congressional seat she was running for)
However, the continued existence of her robots have given me some... ideas, to say the least >:)
I have already evil grinned back at you, but here’s one more for the road: >:)
autistichatkid said of the same: 
finale / analysis thoughts: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im. i loved that so fucking much oh my god
5 notes · View notes
souljournaler · 3 years
I’m gonna reach out to that cop-looking entity and channel the message
i’ll put my communications in bold
immediate update, i can’t seem to get a lock on them. i remember their outfit, but each time i try to imagine it, their form underneath the outfit shifts. sometimes they are shorter, sometimes they are tall, sometimes they are lean, sometimes they are broad. they are always quiet, but i can sense they feel something under their masks.
my bias says again, astral cops. magic fasc. the fact that their masks were so featureless and shiny, and the military-ish uniform? Black pvc is A Look, i gotta admit, but it looks so hella fasc-y & cop-ish
let’s see if i can get any of them to talk
they dont expect me to go straight for seeing through their eyes. i’ll put my feet in their feet and feel them in their own shoes and it makes them leap. i get kicked out immediately. i think it’s hilarious. i dont think they agree.
they dont even know why theyre there, they are just following orders. many are not even lucid until i disrupt them and then we both get kicked.
some of them are awake while their energy is out busting ppl’s dream bubbles! not like breaking them, but like a cop would bust someone, but literally in people’s dreams and astral spaces
they look for cracks.
oh whoops someone is getting me back!! time to channel
who is this
how did you find me
where are you
open your eyes
are you real
wow hm ok, well, they weren’t very strong, just very startled. they cant stay focused now that they’re awake. i think they felt my presence though. oops lmao
someone has been looking for me. maybe not me, but something/someone like me
they have a higher voice, dark hair, tan skin, extremely slick & neat bun, dark brown eyes. their favorite hair accessory are navy or grey scrunchies. big ROTC vibes. innate magical talent but doesn’t know how to use their power which has become more intrusive on their everyday life over the past few years. they live in a nice house post-2000s construction or remodeled then, mostly tidy, workout equipment, house plants, white walls & light tile floors. Black gym bag. didn’t have time to take their grandma’s powers & practices seriously.
who are you
why are you looking for me
i was told to find you
who told you to find me
my grandma, i think
did you bust my dream a few weeks ago?
no. what?
who are you?
i cant hear their name cuz honestly i dont want to know but i heard Lieutenant. it’s really hard to stay focused cuz im hella distracted in my workspace rn
wow you’re really strong
thanks. wait what do you mean?
you keep finding our connection again
you keep diverting
ok. that’s true. well, what can you tell me about the 
wow i got distracted, just got some kinda good news oh wow they’re pulling me back
where do you keep going
another channel
what’s that mean
you’re channeling baybee
what’s that mean
sixth sense henny
welcome to clairaudience. hearing shit.
they cut the connection
no they didn’t lol they’re back
wym hearing shit
spirit realm baybee. did u just have a weird dream?
ooh the connection has cut out again
i think they’re having a lil moment. their call feels like someone pinching my deltoids lol. they do seem kinda cop-ish the way i saw them just now. i wonder if we’re on the same earth.
woop they’re reaching again.
what do you want?
what do you want?
you first
who are you
Look, Lt. you have some powers. your grandma didn’t get to tell you about them.
sorry, i can’t tell you anything else. you seem kinda cop-ish, no offense. it’s harshing my vibe.
wym cop-ish
no offense
wym cop-ish
u ask a lot of questions i dont rly have answers to. look, i saw someone dressed like this in my dream right as i was waking up. do you know them?
[the image of the outfit from my vision]
no i don’t really recognize that.
okay, that’s all i wanted to know. i thought about them and something clicked our energy together. i wasn’t really looking for anything else.
[they showed me my image back] i don’t think i’ve seen them.
i see an image of a dream where they are wearing that outfit and they see themself in a mirror and take their helmet off. they are surprised to see themself underneath.
are you recording me?
im lying, im recording this.
i can’t do this right now
ok bye.
i tried to close the link
why the hell did you record that?
you need to be more careful about what you share on a psychic link.
i’m seeing the flash from their dream again
why is that bothering you?
i don’t know
it feels normal. but scary.
what’s scary about it?
i don’t know. just... the mask makes me faceless. and i’m taking it off because i want to see myself.
why did you redact that part?
quit asking too many questions.
who are you?
you can call me whatever.
that’s not gonna work
no it’ll be like odysseus calling himself nobody, that’s cool
i’m not doing that. that means i’m polyphemus
oh my gods you know epic poetry, that’s cool
of course, we all had to read it in school
yeah i guess that’s true.
why are you trying to trick me?
because im assuming you’re a cop. just cuz u have powers doesnt mean i can trust u.
should i not trust u either?
no u can trust me if u want. but like, honestly, it’s up to u and ur discretion.
i’m still recording this
what dude what the fuck
sorry. i’m going to close this channel now. it’s been nice! bye!
where are you going?
they’re holding the channel open
hey i’m talking to you
who are you
im closing the channel
hm. okay. well. okay. honestly i ran out of energy at the end there but they kept putting their foot in the door to the channel. ppl with innate power can be scary cuz they don’t know how strong they can be. i bet that person is gonna feel hella tired later.
they tried the channel again a couple times but i’ve closed my personal channel for a little bit so they keep hitting it like a wall.
who are you
why did you contact me like this
what am i supposed to do now?
idk fam, have yourself a lil moment tho
i’ll let yall know if i hear anything new but im gonna submit this post now
0 notes
dcmidivine · 4 years
Tumblr media
♣ for a drunk text
TO: crooke ! 🤘
just woke up and FUCK i’m still fucked !!!!!!!!
TO: crooke ! 🤘
plz never let me try and keep up w u again omfg????? i dont even like taqila
TO: crooke ! 🤘
i jsut tried to play pinball and it felt like the ball was my BRAIN rolling around in my SKULL
TO: crooke ! 🤘
brainball lol
?? for a strange/vague text
TO: crooke ! 🤘
want to see smth i made it’s TINY!!!!! im talkign baby fingernail small here
♥ for a sexual/naughty text
TO: crooke ! 🤘
would do anythng to be on my knees for you rn
↕ for a scared/worried text
TO: Ariana
Could you come over? I have not been able to find Frank all day and I do not know if he is asleep or has escaped out of the apartment. Please.
☺ for a loving/affectionate text
TO: Ariana
I may not express it often enough, but I am grateful for your friendship. It is very appreciated.
?? for a strange/vague text
Google a baby pigeon and describe to me its appearance? There is something I must understand.
☼ for a morning text
TO: mikey marshmallow ❗🍦🤘⚡⭐💙
rrrrrrrrrrise and shine! 💪☀️🌟supes hot out today, u wanna get some 🍦later?
♣ for a drunk text
TO: mikey marshmallow ❗🍦🤘⚡⭐💙
ocmoe out tongiht n party❗im gona hug u better be readyyyyy
☺ for a loving/affectionate text
TO: mikey marshmallow ❗🍦🤘⚡⭐💙
u make my heart happy! 🤟⭐
always wins when they play Trivia Crack
somehow both of them are equally terrible except for random topics they have insanely specific knowledge on– it’s a very even challenge
laughs when their partner trips on something
camira but then she asks if they’re okay c:
would drop ice down the back of the other’s shirt as a joke
alec and then they’d be like “sorry!! sorry!!” through a fit of laughter and drop ice down their own shirt to make it even
spoils the ending of books/movies
neither of them have consumed enough media to know the ending ahead of time hahaha
always posts a picture of the other as their MCM or WCW
they both seem like they Would if they used social media more, but i can still see alec posting a lot of pics of cami from hikes or picnics on snapchat c:
eats the last piece of cake in the fridge before the other can have it
alec walks in on cami eating the last slice of cake and she gives them a guilty 🥺 and they can’t be mad
obnoxiously celebrates Monday Punday every week
alec INVENTED monday punday
makes loving hack posts on the other’s Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter etc
i can see camira posting a cute selfie or something on alec’s snapchat story
has to beat their partner in every game
alec lmfao they’re so competitive
keeps their partner up half the night talking about random stuff
camira listens until she falls asleep and it takes alec like five minutes to notice they’re rambling to no one
eats too much garlic and tries to kiss their partner anyway
probably alec sorry camira
always wins when they play Trivia Crack
probably caspar, tai’s brain is full of air lmao but i bet they still went thru a phase of playing phone games like that together before animal crossing
laughs when their partner trips on something
tai’s the one that trips and they both laugh and then he looks down and he’s bleeding and they’re both like “😰…………… hahahahahahaha”
would drop ice down the back of the other’s shirt as a joke
tai n then he’d hug cas so he can’t get it out until it melts
spoils the ending of books/movies
tai asks cas a bunch of questions that would spoil the ending because the anticipation Kills him, but he always enjoys it more when cas doesn’t answer them and he finds out the plot twists as they happen (tai’s brain is blown so easily whenever there’s a plot twist his face is full :OOOO )
always posts a picture of the other as their MCM or WCW
tai would constantly if they were together :3c
eats the last piece of cake in the fridge before the other can have it
tai leaves the final slice for cas and pretends to be sad for like two seconds when cas eats it until he breaks and smiles
obnoxiously celebrates Monday Punday every week
i don’t think either of them would be obnoxious about it but they def send each other jokes they think are funny
makes loving hack posts on the other’s Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter etc
omg this is so middle school they absolutely both did this back in aussieland whenever they got the chance
has to beat their partner in every game
i think tai is probably the more competitive of the two? but he never actually minds when cas beats him c:
keeps their partner up half the night talking about random stuff
caspar n tai rly tries to stay awake as long as he can to listen and contribute where he can (mainly he just likes to listen to cas talk)
eats too much garlic and tries to kiss their partner anyway
caspar without noticing :?
0 notes
littlelovelymemes · 7 years
✰ * º ❛ more popular text posts ask meme. ❜
‘  if i’m ever murdered i hope they make the chalk outline of my body hot  ’ ‘  i hope you end up ok  ’ ‘  i’m crying my best  ’ ‘  how fucked up would it be if an astronaut was coming back to earth and everybody hid for a bit  ’ ‘  some kid just skateboarded down my street crying  ’ ‘  do you ever get in an “i don’t know” phase in your life. where you literally don’t have a solid answer to anything. you. just. don’t. know.  ’ ‘  i guess at this point i should just consider dating myself  ’ ‘  which of the three pillars of modern music is your favourite: burnin’ up by the jonas brothers, beautiful soul by jesse mccartney, or lucky by britney spears?  ’ ‘  you know my name… and also my story cause i overshare 24/7 tbh  ’ ‘  @ all of u that hate mint ice cream: what happened  ’ ‘  there is no doubt in my mind i’m really that bitch  ’ ‘  after you hit 21, you start forgetting your age cause ain’t nothing else to look forward to, besides sweet death  ’ ‘  why am i not currently in the italian countryside with a fruit plate wearing a light linen dress? unacceptable  ’ ‘  hands are weird because one of them can do absolutely everything without a problem and the other one can’t even hold a spoon  ’ ‘  remember to drink a fucking shit ton of water every miserable day of ur life  ’ ‘  what the fuck is a good day  ’ ‘  sleeping pattern: ??¿?¿??¿¿¿?¿  ’ ‘  is he………you know…….*makes football throwing motion*….straight?  ’ ‘  does anyone else have a resting bitch face™, but kinda enjoys looking intimidating  ’ ‘  i’m not like most girls [rips off sunglasses]… i like most girls  ’ ‘  time flies when u take a 2hr depression nap in the middle of the day  ’ ‘  roses are red, i’m going to bed  ’ ‘  u know when ur hairs greasy and it makes u feel so so so bad about urself. and ur entire life. everything is awful bc my hair is greasy  ’ ‘  i’m just so glad the word “ugh” was invented  ’ ‘  just another day of loving with all my heart and believing in the universe  ’ ‘  you know when dogs sit outside with their face turned towards the sun and their eyes closed and they look so relaxed and when you pet them they’re warm that’s how I want to feel always  ’ ‘  come into bed and listen to the rain with me  ’ ‘  i hope all my girls out here r safe n being loved  ’ ‘  people are so petty and then here i am, me, an angel,   ’ ‘  i want to have angel wings and be kinder, braver and more tender  ’ ‘  concept: a really nice italian restaurant but it’s spelled “spagooter” on the menu and the waiters won’t take your order unless you pronounce it like that  ’ ‘  i want kids but i’m scared they’ll blame me if they’re ugly  ’ ‘  does anyone have any tips for not thinking about it  ’ ‘  “what’s a queen without her king?” well, historically, better  ’ ‘  i want something that doesn’t taste like alcohol but has a lot of alcohol in it  ’ ‘  i’m alive out of spite  ’ ‘  the beatles wouldn’t even fucking exist if big time rush hadn’t paved the path for them so shut the fuck up  ’ ‘  a bad person? who, me? that would be correct,  ’ ‘  you hate me? wow u think ur hot shit and original huh well i hated me first so u can go grab a number and wait ur turn  ’ ‘  my heart does a little “!” when I see you  ’ ‘  i just want to say from the bottom of my heart i didn’t sign up for this shit  ’ ‘  i deadass lost interest in everything. im just cruising on autopilot rn  ’ ‘  still got love for some people i know i’ll never talk to again.  ’ ‘  my mitochondria clearly aren’t working because this bitch has NO FUCKING ENERGY  ’ ‘  y’all i get attached to people so quickly wth  ’ ‘  i wonder how many strangers hate me bc of how someone else described me to them  ’ ‘  for the 80th year in a row, the song of the summer is Everytime We Touch by Cascada  ’ ‘  it’s weird to think that people who are 5 ft are only 5 subways long ’ ‘  in alcohol’s defense i’ve done some pretty dumb shit while completely sober too  ’ ‘  man this has been the worst life of my life  ’ ‘  having “feelings” is ruining my reputation of being a heartless bitch  ’ ‘  I Have To Be Dramatic. I Have To  ’ ‘  forgive and forget?? haha no resent and remember  ’ ‘  “you’re obsessed with yourself” and you’re not??? sad. tragic  ’ ‘  are people becoming more annoying or am i becoming more angry  ’ ‘  do my dark under eye circles and unwashed hair turn you on  ’ ‘  KIDS REACT TO existentialism and the inevitability of death  ’ ‘  remember to do your best to be positive with a clear mind and believe in aliens because those motherfuckers are real  ’ ‘  personality: I DON’T GIVE A FUCK  ’ ‘  my gender is “pretty boy”  ’ ‘  what others call a rebellious phase i call the sudden realization i don’t deserve to be treated like garbage  ’ ‘  what is a sex drive? where is the sex going? does it even have a license?  ’ ‘  i don’t want to look “pretty” i want to look otherworldly and vaguely threatening  ’ ‘  i’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual  ’ ‘  do re me fa so done with you  ’ ‘  ctrl alt delete feelings cause i can’t do this shit no more  ’ ‘  i may seem like an asshole, but deep down i’m a good person and even deeper down i’m a bigger asshole  ’ ‘  should i go back to school tomorrow or should i fling myself into the ocean  ’ ‘  am i too judgemental or is everyone annoying: an autobiography by me  ’ ‘  are we gonna fuckn hold hands tonight or what bitch  ’ ‘  i love drunk me but i don’t trust her  ’ ‘  has anyones crush ever actually worked out for them or is that a myth?  ’ ‘  i say “fight me” a lot for a girl who is 5′3″ and has a hard time opening some doors because they’re too heavy  ’ ‘  if i had a dollar for every time someone called me ugly i’d have 0 dollars bitch u thought lmao  ’ ‘  my last words will probably be sarcastic  ’ ‘  i used to be a straight a student. now i’m not even straight  ’ ‘  ever wonder how different your life would be if that one thing never happened  ’ ‘  single and ready to find aliens  ’ ‘  it’s very important that i am both cute and powerful  ’ ‘  i want to make friends but at the same time no  ’ ‘  there’s a special place in hell reserved just for me, it’s called the throne  ’ ‘  hi i’m here to ruin everything  ’ ‘  i’m glad dogs can’t read the ‘no dogs allowed’ signs so they don’t feel sad and feel left out  ’ ‘  we’re all better and gayer people than we used to be  ’ ‘  every time i speak i am reminded why i should not  ’ ‘  every machine is a smoke machine if you operate it wrong enough  ’ ‘  i don’t know what i’m feeling but there is a lot of it  ’ ‘  the rumors are true: i’m soft and i just want to be loved  ’ ‘  i’m like a hexagon: all my hecks r gone  ’ ‘  we all know that one person you get sexually frustrated just looking at  ’ ‘  i wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on  ’ ‘  my kink: not having to set an alarm for the next morning  ’ ‘  on the bright side, at least i am not addicted to cocaine  ’ ‘  they called me stupid?? well joke’s on them i don’t even know what that means  ’ ‘  i might get a lot of shit for saying this but i think it’s fun to enjoy things  ’ ‘  i’m the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person i know  ’ ‘  assert your dominance by calling your friends by their student id number  ’ ‘  there she goes again, being over dramatic and by she, i mean me  ’ ‘  if u don’t know how to respond to something just say ‘how dare you’  ’ ‘  um that’s u’re* not ur  ’ ‘  i wonder what it feels like to know what the fuck is going on  ’ ‘  so sick of looking at my purse and not seeing $20,000  ’ ‘  literally want to be rich for the clothes  ’ ‘  me??? upset???? yes constantly  ’ ‘  a good gender neutral term to use is ‘fool’  ’ ‘  today’s schedule: suffer  ’ ‘  my middle name is actually $$  ’ ‘  don’t u hate it when u wake up and ur awake  ’ ‘  i want someone who will light a fire in me  ’ ‘  i want someone who will light me on fire  ’ ‘  i’m too cute for 90% of the shit i go thru  ’ ‘  who needs therapy when you can Realize™ things about yourself alone at 1 am  ’ ‘  why is there so much blood in my alcohol system  ’ ‘  no offense but i am a blessing to this earth  ’ ‘  haha oops i care about you  ’ ‘  they call me calcium because i give everyone strong bones  ’ ‘  do you have that one person that you can’t look at when you’re trying to be mad at them because they’re so cute??  ’ ‘  hi i’m here to ruin everything  ’ ‘  one day i’m gonna say ‘fight me!’ and someone’s just gonna fuckin deck me  ’ ‘  me? a jealous hoe? absolutely  ’ ‘  it’s raining but it’s not men so what’s the point  ’ ‘  i think i may be gayer than i originally planned  ’ ‘  i can’t hang out tomorrow i’m too busy doing nothing alone sorry  ’ ‘  me? overreacting? shit probably  ’ ‘  i would like to publicly announce that i have no idea what i’m doing  ’ ‘  is there a scholarship for trying  ’ ‘  me?? using sarcasm as a defense mechanism??????? what?????  ’ ‘  i don’t know what i’m feeling but there is a lot of it  ’ ‘  i require a lot of attention or you get a lot of attitude  ’ ‘  “what the fuck” is an emotion now and it’s the only one i have  ’ ‘  you’re important to me, you piece of shit  ’
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conflictedrabbit · 7 years
2* the AvPD
Conversation w/ my friend I mentioned earlier. With their name / identifying characteristics edited out and some chopping here and there. 
I made a post abt avod once tho and it got like A few rbs and I thought "if this isn't irony idk what is" Trje
66ccff: ekjal;kdjd;
me: why do, so many avoidants want to pay for being alive avpd Tumblr: hm . I relate
66ccff: ekleja;ejdl;k
___: me: I'm glad to know people relate but are we fucking ok
LOL i mean mood tbh
___: HINESTLT like I noticed i do it cuz of you NFBNSBDKSBDKSS
66ccff: though do you mean pay as in like. pay the medical system or pay as in guilt
___: Guilt
kejk;ldj;L yes ok that is definitely me me: i breathed 5 gallons of air within 3 hours i am so sorry world
me: [realizes it's not entirely religious trauma and also probably just Guilt over taking up space and needing to help ppl otherwise Why Live?} 
Oh god me
66ccff: (this is not even ironic i get like this multiple times a week)
hdjhdjsd I've been having a bad ep lately actually and like I think I failed to look 5-6 people in the eyes today CUZ IM JUST [WALKS AROHND] WOW . TERRIBLE
omg it's ok i nearly cried in class today b/c i didn't have a good eng translation for this jp sentence
i was like.... no.... don't....
i stabilized cuz the teacher went on a tangent for a second but like forcing myself to look in his eyes and act normal was so hard i looked away so many times i wa slike. oog my god. end m i love it when walking around where there's other people makes me really nervous and irritable agoraphobia is great!
GOD yea It's so awkward for me I'm fine if I have a safe person or I'm walking to class but like
66ccff: i came back from class today and took a 6 hr nap cuz of my shame and agoraphobia
Rip Wish I could do that...
66ccff: well i haven't done my homework so
I just. Cry a lot NDKSJDJDNSKDNS rip me: I'm strong Me: spent the last 5 days like crying over nothing
dkjle;ajd i mean... i used to cry but then i got mad at myself for crying so now i just Repress (tm) and sleep and then. the joke is that sometimes it doesn't work self harms... oops... that didn't work either better nap again
zz Pillows keep u safe Idk what I've been doing lately but I thought I was getting better til I realized I was like Abstaining from feeding myself BFBJSBFSJJFD
66ccff: o h my god
And I was like "oh fuck I'm a terrible person bc someone told me I should eat and j Didn't Do It I Failed Them"
ahahahahaahahaha i thought i was getting better too but it was actually because i was just forcing myself to study to give myself an illusion of doing my part and then i went to school and my actual performance is like bad b/c i avoid so many activities that would make me better and i just
___: samd
Wow i want to die!
I think I only managed to eat cuz my brother was expecting me to
66ccff: tavpdfw you want to be punished constantly so you don't have to have anxiety about existing
Cuz he bought me dinner like 6 hours ago but I didn't touch it til now BFJDJD MEEEEE
66ccff: dkja;eljd;
GOD me: ah I feel good today Me like 3 hours later: oh my God I shouldn't feel good abt myself that's so Selfish ? I am trash
66ccff: oh Mood
___: Avpd solidarity
honestly i love my environmental soicology class but liek it talks about how we're all consuming and putting things back into the environment
___: Idk how I manage to have avpd and __pd but that's how it is on ths bitch of an earth
66ccff: and i was literally contemplating if death was the only way to take myself out from the cycle
Me Bhhjsfjd
i was like holy shit. it's not just consumption i forgot i also put bad gases into the air with everything i breathe i am Bad
All day today I was hearing abt what happened in Vegas and we were like. Talking in my apologetics class abt the Nature of Evil
66ccff: the true environmentalist take is death
___: And I was just thinking "why must I, exist if all I am is bad"
oh my god same! i looked over my abt page and i was like this looks fake tumblerina
apologetics: so mankind is basically evil Me: great! I'll die so there's less evil in the world
me ME
sometimes i have fantasies of like going backwards and apologizing to everyone i've ever talked to and to everyone who ever had to work to produce what i've consumed
M. E
and then hoping that they forget about me and then like disappearing forever i jsut can't see how some people can be like oh yeah factories in china and mexico earn less than 2 dollars an hour to make our stuff and not jus twant to kill themselves
I'm just pathetic and compulsive if I feel bad about stuff I apologize til like 2 weeks after God. Yea
the joke is that people hate if you overapologize so you jsut damned if you do damned if you dont :upside_down:
me: uh sorry for being sad People: don't apologize for that Me: Avpd:.  They are mad that I am apologizing also that I am sad Hhhfjjejd
ME WKJD;LKD "can you stop saying sorry" "sorry"
me: oh God I'm so miserable Someone: oh im sorry Me: I wish I could accept this but Pity is too much for a lowly worm like me
66ccff: "what did i just say"
:smile: :gun:
___: avpd feel when you don't deserve to be pitied ?
66ccff: pity is too much kindness ___: 
God yea
LIKE probably just a conflicted feel but I prefer ppl being active than pitying me but then I'm like
"that's selfish I don't deserve that ?"
someone tells you to watch where you're going feel like you're unable to go outside for the rest of the day
m. mebdbdhdhdjs
66ccff: oh yeah the joke is that i want people to like. be kind to me but also i don't
___: hell brain
66ccff: so i can't say what i want
be kind to me except don't because i'll feel invalid either way so maybe just don't talk to me >feels worse anyway
Hhhhhhhhhhh me Me: talk to me ? But I don't know what to talk abt ? But I am also not good enough for pity you could just sit there maybe But then the presence of another person will overwhlem me and I'll go cry again/s
66ccff: feel free to entertain yourself, and forget about me, ___: 
Mebdndmdkskdjsja god [looks at all cluster c disorders] you are all bitches and I hate tou
tavpdfw u gotta depersonalize to make it through the day of talking to other people and acting like ur a normal human bean MOOD
___: GOD yea
i have a question though if im depersonalizing why do i still feel terrible even if i feel ilke im fake smh
___: God me
me: i'm not real so heres me acting like i am chill and cool person that is interesting maybe or maybe not me, inside: this sucks and i hate this but im not real so it shouldnt affect me but damn i hate this when u feel separate from your auto-pilot but you still experience all the shame you would without it :thinking: avpd is stupid and contradictory and evolutionarily useless
__pd isnkind of the same but like if you manage it well you can get stuff done but you still breakdown over the TINIEST DETAIL I hate it And I waste more time thinking abt what I'm gonna do and not actully DOING MT SHIT
66ccff: cripes
me in high school UGH i'm ahving that problem right now dude in high school i used to just waste my days reading manga and thnking i should do my homeworka
me: I'll spend this hour scheduling [2hours later] Me: [stressed nbdjdjjsjdjsjdks
66ccff: and then i'd like. start at 10pm and fuck myself over ___: rip 66ccff: have a crying session at 4am every time an essay is due the next day ___: I actually didn't do one of my assignments tonight 66ccff: bad coping habits ___: Rip me I got discouraged over something lame JFJSNFKSNFD 66ccff: oh mood
relationship issues: occur Me: well, I can't, do anything ever again
i shouldn't even be discouraged abt my classes bc i'm here to learn and i'm just like. i know nothing i deserve to die kejd;kakejd friend, disagrees with you on something you feel unsure about: WELL I GUESS I AM BAD AND THEY HATE ME NOW time to ghost them
me: [perceives someone not caring for me] me: and Now...what is Mine Purpose...what do I live for...my Friends....have all abandoned m MEEEEEE avpd sounds super dramatic when you separate it from yourself but like In the moment I'm always just [jdut starts Fucking Crying
i just want to manage to some kind of social work, give my wealth to some impoverished family, and then kms before 30
yeah my therapists in the past are like why... so soon
___: Jfjdjfjdf 66ccff: and i'm just like "why not i need to minimize all my ills on the world and also on the emotions of my family" ___: That reminds me of like. One of my mutuals talking abt how early he sleeps and he was just 66ccff: this is the optimal time look my life plan
"why be awake longer than necessary"
Hdhdhfjsjfdjdjdband. I was just . Me
because you hate yourself too much sleep :^)
God yea That's true. Me rn
I should've been asleep like an hour ago but [plays secret of Mana and then mopes]
dude i used to have bouts of insomnia b4 i got drugs that knock me out (and help me w/ anxiety) like.... i would lay awake and every second of being awake was just making the situation worse
___: I feel like I should get meds to balance out my bipolar eps but
66ccff: but then i couldn't sleep anyway so it was a damned situation ___: my parents r so anti meds 66ccff: rrghbh
also like Internalized ableism That I don't Needthem and So Many people don't need them
66ccff: oh yeah, why do my essay when i can read an hour of garbage romo manga and feel slightly less bad during that time and then hate myself more
So I Can do it cuz I'm like Everyone Else and not like Those "crazy" people Rifp
man i don't wanna encourage meds if your side effects r bad but honestly how did i get the fuck through high school other than triggering intense anxiety about all assignments
like... i was so nonfunctional i shouldn't have even been in school
all accessibility problems are solvable humans are so bad
___: caring ? About others ? What a concept 66ccff: except sometimes they are good but that is definitely not me
Ok I try to overcompensate w good to make up for inherent badness THANKS RELIGION
the US is like: here's a pricetag for your life pay up
___: AAAA
yeah i can see how christainity wouldn't help there w/ the "original sin" and stuff that doesn't quite exist in other abrahamic religions iirc judaism doesn't even have hell
___:  it's really weird
i'm guessing its bc of jesus like.... y'all binches killed him so now this is life - christainity
Like. Christianity makes the most sense to me probably cuz I grew up w it but fuck Man
66ccff:  o yeah i grew up w/ some christianity too ___: It's FUCKED!!!!!! 66ccff:  i actually have agoraphobia issues w/ going inside of churches ___: Oh same 66ccff:  :^) ___: I'm actually fairly anti-church just because the current state of them is very bsd 66ccff:  oh yeah
how can someone like me, who is literally not deserving of life, raise someone else
Me Hdjehdsk
66ccff:  ___ we are so fucked ___: 
It's true Life is fucked We, are fucked
66ccff: existence is violence
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saintkimora · 7 years
well i finally found time to type this all up so! here is the story of how last last friday and saturday night went (not the ones from this weekend but the weekend before so like a week and a half ago). it isnt really a nice story but it is significant. first part is tristan then joel then tristan again, the tristan parts are good but the joel part is pretty bad. this is only part 1 btw! sorry @ that one anon a few days ago bc this might make you even more mad lmao
first part: tristan! so on friday i was in the library holding an online eboard meeting for gsa and tristan (the first guy i talked to for a while then hooked up with like 2 years ago and last christmas eve) was apparently studying in nexus which is the building next door to the library. and he sent me a snap (it was clearly the type you send to a lot of people it wasnt like an individual one) of him captioned i hate studying so i sent him one saying i hate planning events bc thats what i was doing. so we snapped back and forth for a while and then the library closed so i was leaving and he was like “come say hi to me in nexus” so i was like ok! 
so i went and sat across the table from him and we talked for like an hour and a half and it was so nice! hes v good to talk to but our conversation dynamic was kinda similar to me and joel’s dynamic so that was interesting. he called me my voice cute at the beginning bc i was like “sorry if i sound weird im a little congested today” and he was like “no you sound like you always do, its cute” so i was like hm so then we talked and caught up and it was very good conversation! then at one point after asking how i was in general he was like “so how are you doing....romantically” and i told him how i was with someone rn but i was kinda having some issues and he was like oh ok and i asked him and he said hes looking but its hard bc people keep ghosting him so i was like aw :/ (but on the inside i was like well thats what you get for ghosting me all those years ago lmao) 
also at one point i told him i go to the gym now so i have a little bit of muscle and he was like “yeah haha sure” and i was NOT about to take that so i was like “i can show you right now if you want” (i was wearing a tank and a zip up hoodie) so i took off one hoodie sleeve revealing my arm and i flexed and he was shook he was like “oh wow you werent kidding, thats actual progress” and i was like ha
after an hour and a half he had to go meet his friends or something so i went home. overall it was super nice! i loved talking to him so later that night i just sent him a nice text thanking him for spending time w me and saying how much i enjoyed it and then he thanked me for keeping him company and said he really enjoyed catching up so that was nice! then later that night things took a turn for the worst.....
so at this point it was friday night and joel and i were texting as usual, we were having a nice convo and were making jokes and what not. then after i asked about his day he texted me this “its fine but i just got another fucking email from slut A and im over it” and i was like “slut A......” and he was like “fucking tinamarie” (the girl who always causes trouble for his theatre club that gets him really pissed off even though it really isnt that serious) and i was like “yeah i figured but did you really need to call her that” and he was like “if youre literally gonna criticize every single word i say then im just gonna stop talking” so then i apologized like 3 times but he left me on read and didnt talk to me for the rest of the night
so! the second i read that final text i had like......a panic attack? or something? idk but it was a mess i got soooooooo cold instantly like i put on sweats socks a hoodie and 2 blankets and i was still trembling and my teeth were chattering so hard i couldnt even talk bc it just came out as gibberish and my toes were numb and my heart was beating fast and you know all that good stuff. i texted several hunties but none of them answered so i decided to text tristan! he was v nice and he comforted me and talked me through it which i appreciated. but like getting that text reminded me so much of the texts i would get from caleb so it just made all those feelings come rushing back and it was v overwhelming but i wasnt about to call joel about it bc he was already mad at me and i was scared i was gonna make it worse
about an hour later i sent him a long text saying how sorry i was bc he wanted to vent to me and i shut him down when i shouldve just taken his side and stuff bc i wanted to try to fix the situation. half of it was lies though like i was not sorry for what i did at all bc he should not be calling this tinamarie girl that! he didnt read that text until the next morning but even after he didnt respond. he was def still awake when i sent it though bc i saw him active on fb messenger slightly afterwards. anyways the next day tristan texted me again to check on me and see if i heard from joel which i hadnt by that point but i really appreciated that he went through the effort of doing that! joel and i had plans to go to the mall that day so i texted him around 4pm (this is saturday now) saying i hope his auditions went well and asking if he wouldve still liked to go to the mall w me. he said he wasnt feeling up for it bc hes tired and i was like not up for the mall or not up for me and he was like just the mall, you can come over instead. so i went over and brought him popeyes bc he was hungry and we hung out and watched dragula and talked and it was like a completely normal day so i was a little surprised he didnt bring up the events of last night. so like 3 eps into dragula s1 i asked him if he could pause it so we could talk so he did and this is where things got worse
so i was like “so....how are you feeling about what happened last night?” and he was like “well it was fucking annoying because i wanted to vent to you and you tried to school me, im already socially conscious, i know its wrong but it was the first thing that came to mind at the time” and i was like “well if you are mad at a woman and your first instinct is to call her that then that might be a problem” and he was like “can i be a fucking human?” like ???????????????? the STUPIDEST excuse like that makes no sense! you can be human without saying misogynistic things like.....annoying. he just had soooo many excuses he was like “oh its ok bc i would never actually say that to her face” like...ok great to know that being socially conscious is just a performative thing for you! if you only do it in public but are still problematic in private then like...whats the point
he was also like “it may seem like a small issue that isnt important to you but her emails are actually a huge problem. YOU wouldnt know since your organization isnt as involved, but her actions affect every area of the organization so its stressful to deal with her” like heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeee we go again idk why he always tries to drag my gsa for no reason. i didnt even say he couldnt be stressed or angry with her i just said he shouldnt call her what he did! 
so now for when it got personal. so i told him i was like “i know you were mad and wanted to cool off so i wasnt gonna force you to talk to me, but it wouldve been nice if you just sent me a text like ‘oh perry im mad and dont wanna talk rn, i need some space ill talk to you later’ instead of just ignoring me for the rest of the night” and he was like “well i didnt have time i had too much going on with the organization” and i was like “i mean it takes 10 seconds to send a text” and he was like “well i didnt want to” OH so now the truth comes out! and then he was like “i was already stressed out with the email so then its like ‘oh now i have to deal with perry too’” and like..............that was really hurtful bc literally the main reason i rarely ever bring up any issues i have to him is bc hes already so stressed with everything else and i want to be a source of happiness in his life not another source of stress so im afraid to bring things up bc i dont want to add to his stress and be another thing that he has to “deal with” so like, he literally vocalized the exact reason im afraid to talk to him about these things so its just confirmed my suspicions and now i feel even worse about bringing up any issues i have with him 
i didnt tell him about the panic attack yet but i did say “well i mean im sure you can tell i was upset, since i sent you a long ass apology text an hour after the convo ended. and if it was the other way around and i knew you were upset about something i said i wouldve dropped everything and called you right away to fix the issue” and he said.............. “well im not gonna prioritize you” like.... !!!!!!!!!!!!! ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great! we already knew i was at the bottom of his priority list but at least now he basically admitted it :/ i was just like well ok
that is the end of part 1 bc im splitting up this post lol
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imsarabum · 7 years
Responses to {Part 26} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^
(I have also included asks that I received in the hours before IWSY was posted ^^)
Anonymous said: I was having a really horrible day. And that's when I realized IWSY is getting updated tonight and it hasn't been as bad as a day as expected!^^  On a side note, do you like 2PM? I just wanted to see possibly. If you do, what is your favorite song? Thank you for being so awesome! 💕😘
I’m sorry you are having a really horrible day *hugs* but I hope IWSY can make you smile a little bit! And yes, I like 2PM, but is it bad to say that my fav song was 10 our of 10? LOLOL I still listen to it occasionally :3
Anonymous said: can't wait for the new iwsy chapter :)))
Yay I hope you enjoy it!!
@hemhings said: I won't be able to read I Won't Stop You tonight because I'm on nightshift, I'm so upset about this!😭😭😨
Awww babe I’m sorry you’re working nightshift! :( that really sucks ugh :( but don’t worry my love, Jungkook will still be here for you when you get home!! :3
@ktaegyo said: okay i just had my first part of final exams today and I fucked it up but then I stumbled upon your story and read all 25 chapters at one go lmao. bless you, thank you for making me feel better. I love you
I’m sure you didn’t fuck it up my love, I’m sure you did the best you can do! *hugs* but I’m really happy that IWSY made you feel a little better, and I love you too :D
@fangirlunnie said: IWSY can have hundreds of chapters and I wouldn't get tired of it 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
Oh god I don’t think it will have hundreds of chapters xD But it is turning out to be quite long! I never expected the story to take my to all these different places and ideas xD But thank you so much beautiful :3
@adoppelna14 said: Every Tuesday I have this strange urge to tell you that I am waiting for the new Chapter of IWSY😂 and it's no joke. A lot of times I look at the date and I'm like, Oh no it's not Tuesday yet. And every Tuesday morning it's like, why can't it be night already?😂😭
Please never lose this strange urge because I really love seeing people get excited (cos I get excited too!!) hehe ^^ I really hope you’ll enjoy this one ahhhh c:
Anonymous said: Bc i live in the Netherlands i have to wait till 10:30 bc the time is 1 hour behind, but still I always stay awake for IWSY and I always go to sleep after i read it bc Tuesday is the longest school day i have whaha
Awh bless you that’s so late for you I’m sorry! :( But I hope that tonight’s chapter will be a good one :3
Anonymous said: iwsy is literally the highlight of my day... no lie. my university classes have already stopped for the summer so i have nothing to do today.. and iwsy hasnt come out yet.... so all i did was nap. i woke up, checked the time in the uk, went back to sleep, and checked the time again. you got yourself a dedicated reader here!!!!
You’re literally so cute I’m screaming xD But I’m so jealous that you’re already finished Uni for the summer! I really hope you like tonight’s chapter :3 thank you so much for reading IWSY!!
Anonymous said: IWSY has reached its final ark right? I'm so exited for the last chapters. ^0^
Maybe, maybe not! You’ll just have to wait! :D
@warriorinhealing said: Can I just say I'm literally sitting at the edGE OF MY BED just waITING for IWSY to update 😩 this story is so good and my friend got me into this and I don't regret(okay kinda of bc my emotions are played a lot in this story) and I jUST !!! 😭😩 I don't ship chim and tae but this story makes me wonder if I should and I love yoongi but this story makes me waNNA FITE HIM SO HARD and I want him to cATCH MY H A N DSS !!! and you just write so good 😭 sorry that this is long, I'm vvv emotional
Ahh you’re so cute thank you so much! I’m really happy that you got into IWSY and that you’re enjoying it :3 Tbh i ship tae with everyone lmao he’s so loveable and full of affection ^^ I hope you’ll enjoy tonight’s chapter my love!! thank you so much :3
Anonymous said: First of all, i'm going to calmly say that you are a wonderful writer and that new chapter is no joke. I also want to say something else. Pardon my french, but:  WHAT THE FUCK?  I almost started sobbing.... But its fine... Ill just wait another seven days to see what happens.   [I've never cried from fanfiction before so this was a nice surprise. Thank you for being such a great writer and continuously uploading IWSY. Just thank you~💕]
Hehe :3 thank you so much for saying that ahh~ i’m so happy you read it and liked? it! lolol :3 thank you so much dear!
Anonymous said: fuck.
same tbh
@jauntyjin said: IF U KILLED JIMIN ILL BE SO SAD
@talkmemeytome said: Omg im ACTUALLY crying at iwsy youre such a great writer oh gosh
aaaaaaaaah thank you so much yay!!
You’re so welcome hehe~ thank you very much!
@mysr3 said: Sara!!! Am so MAD at U rn!! That Yoongi bite not supposed 2b on Y/N ahh😖what!!! Am so upset Omg! Ok I know u r the queen of Cliff hanging but this is just the most painful one I ever had! Glare hard at u girl! Nice chapter! My emotions r all over the place again thx to u! Can u spare us n give us reassurance that everything will b okay! Plzz I need this! My tears keep on falling TT Thank you! I Love U n Ur Blog❤️❤️❤️ but should I continue LOVIN U after this hmm 🤔 Hav a good Day Sara! ❤️ Ps I like how u portrayed Y/N to b kind of bad ass this time! But Jimin!!!! Why~
It’s okay~ everyone’s mad at me :( Don’t cry! Keep reading! hehe :) And Y/N has always been bad ass ^^ But she definitely went overboard and couldn’t control her anger in this chapter I think^^ thank you so much for reading my love!
Anonymous said: 😯🙁😢😭😵😱  ☝basically how i felt while reading this chapter haha BUT DAMN NOW I REALLY NEED TO KNOW HOW THIS WILL TURN OUT I NEED NEXT WEEK TO ARRIVE (but also no because it'll be one week less to my finals) can't wait for updates!!! Hope you have a great week 😘
Next week isn’t that far away! and same I feel you i have so many tests and finals and assignments that I feel like crying forever lolol thank you so much for reading my love!
@ayedemi said: i'm crying istg, i need more of IWSY, i'm in London with school next week and i will miss it bc they don't know for sure if we have wifi ): but i wanna say ILY byeee ♥︎
Ooooh I will also be in London next week! *shifty eyes* hehe but I hope you’ll enjoy IWSY if/when you get a chance to read it :D
Question; where in the chapter did it say Jimin died *confused face*
Anonymous said: ... .... ..... ...... I Hate  You So Much Right Now HOW.COULD.YOU.DO.THAT.TO.ME Is it sad that I don't actually care about my character I'm just really sad about jimin 😭
no Jimin don’t dieeeee!
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: Omgg Sara!!!! That chapter I'm actually crying! T-T you're such an amazing writer! It's my 18th Birthday tomorrow (well for me; April 13th) and I go see Got7 next week I'm so excited!!!
Happy Birthday to you my love! I hope you have an amazing 18th birthday AND OMG YAY YOU’LL HAVE AN AMAZING TIME! I’m also seeing GOT7 again in May and June and I can’t wait sdfghjk they’re literally the only thing that is stopping me from drowning myself somewhere lol. Thank you so much for reading IWSY my dear, it means a lot to me :D
@sundaymorningblues14 said: I have never felt this amount of anxiety over a fan fiction. But I made it through, and even though my poor heart is beating way too fast right now, I am happy I didn't stop reading it.. Thanks Sara x
I am glad you didn’t stop reading ^^ because everything will turn out just fine!! Thank you so much my love, and I hope you have a wonderful week~
This is not a drill - this is a real emergency
@im-that-chesire-jax said: OH MY FUCKING GOD IM IN TEARSSSSS
*hands you a tissue* because same
Anonymous said: THAT ENDING! NO! I AM ACTUALLY IN TEARS,, holy crap you're so good at writing i admire you! also! how many chapters are left?
Thank you so much my love! You’re so kind to me :D And I have no idea, I’m sorry!
The world is a cruel place my friend
@animeimmortal said: DO YOU MIND WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO KILL JIMIN AND LIKE WHAT WAS THAT ENDING. MY SON IS DYING RIGHT NOW WHAT HAVE YOU DONE LIKE WHAT IS THIS I Don't know what I was expecting tbh bUT IT WASNT THAT THou I was expecting a fight to break out and the detailed descriptions? Amazing I love reading them they make the whole thing seem so real you're so tale ted aNYwAY MY SON IS DYING THERE OMG WHYTYYYYY ❤❤❤
Where does it say Jimin died? :o hehe thank you for liking the detailed descriptions and i’m really happy it seemed real to you ^^ NO JIMIN DON’T DIEEEEE! Thank you so much dear ^^
@jeonjungkooksshi said: You're an amazing writer! IWSY IS AMAZINGGGGG and the latest chapter... ughhh too much for my weak heart! LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT WEEK!! <3
*blushes* thank you so much my love c: that means so much to me!
1. Don’t die pls - 2. I just did~ hehe THANK YOU for reading :D
Anonymous said: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IWSY PT 26 WAS SO SPICY!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN UNNIE!!! fuck i hate cliff hangers but, in this case it's totally understandable. omo, my hearteu my hearteu. Unnie, do us all a favour, STOP MESSING WITH OUR BIAS LIST!!! lol, You deserve around of applause. Can't wait for Tuesdays!!!! hwaiting!!!!
Hot hot spicy! hehe thank you so much for reading the update and I’m glad it brought you pain/pleasure ^^ hehe
*comforts you* shhh it’s okay~ it’ll be over soon~~ hehe thank you for reading it my love!!
@deangetoutofmyspleen said: oK i'm crying like a little bitch yet again bc of IWSY. the pain is highkey worth it though i'm in love with this story. if i owned a time machine i'd go to next week fr
it’s okay I cry like a little bitch every day~ it’s gr8 hehe ^^ thank you for being in love with iwsy ^^ i’m so happy that you’re enjoying the updates lovely!
@platinumbreak said:  Thank you, you made me lucky haha my exams went well. I hope yours will too. I talked about your writings to a friend and she has been reading it for 3hours straight, she is not even answering anymore haha Ps: This chapter is just amazing thank you for writing and making our life happier haha ×
I’m so happy i could give you a little bit of luck! and I’m glad to know that your friend has seemed to immerse herself in the story too :3 I hope she likes it! thank you very much for reading!
Anonymous said: I'm not even gonna begin to lie, there's actual tears in my eyes after ch26 like, fuck it has me so emotional I'm such a soft pillow I just want everything to turn out okay Jesus Christ I'm sitting nd crying why u gotta do this to me
trust me,I was crying when I wrote parts of that chapter ^^ hehe~ *hugs you* thank you so much for reading the update!
@killingalltheflowers said: Omg this chapter was too much. HOLY SHIT YOU KILLED JIMIN, MY LOVE. YOU MONSTER (I still love you) A-AND NOOO NOW THE READER IS GOING TO BE BOUND TO YOONGI. UGH I- I CANT. I'M SO UPSET ABOUT EVERYTHING. YOU FREAKIN GODESS OF FANFICS. T^T Also this chapter was gorgeously written.. T^T
Where does it say Jimin died?! lol ahhh I’m definitely not a goddess but thank you so much for reading and enjoying the chapter, it means so much to me :3
@oramleon said: sara i'm fucking crying right now what the HELL was that update??????????? WHYYYYYYY
@theninjachan said: "Yoongi smiled – baring his teeth and gums as if he found something to be terribly funny."  YOOO I THOUGHT OF YOONGI'S GUMMY SMILE IN THIS LINE AND CAN'T HELP BUT GIGGLE BUT HOLY FUCKING SHIT I AM TEARS RIGHT NOW THIS HAS BEEN YOUR MOST HEART WRENCHING CHAPTER YET. I NEED A MOMENT.
Yoongis gummy smile melts my heart every single time fuck-- TAKE YOUR MOMENT ITS OKAY I UNDERSTAND hehe but I hope you enjoyed it my love ^^
Anonymous said: sara you KNEW everyone was gonna be upset what do you mean "some scenes may be upsetting" i was balling my eyes out the entire time
@moonlighthollow said: OMG NO NO NO WTF NO PLEASE OMG  OK I'm done..😐 I'm an emotional wreck😭 she can't just..... yoongi can't just... oh geez i don't even know what to say  AND JIMIN😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Why u doin dis to me ? My poor heartㅠㅠ (i love your writing tho♥)
Shhhh it’s okay...shhhh now *hugs* eheh thank you so much for reading this chapter even if it was a little sad!
I’m glad I could surprise you in the worst way c: hehe thank you for reading once again my love!
Anonymous said: Hi, how many chapters will IWSY have? 💕
I’ve answered this question a million times before and Im sorry but I have no idea! :D
@wearelivinglegacies said: I'm NOT OKAY OMG I'M SO CLOSE TO CRYING RN LIKE WHAT AHHHHH FIRST JIMIN AND NOW Y/N!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'M SO ANGRY AND SAD AND THIS STORY IS SO AMAZING THANK YOU, BUT ALSO WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEE???????? I can't wait for the next part this story has me on the edge of my seat 😭❤
I apologise for any hurt I’ve caused hehe~ thank you so much for being on the edge of your seat, and thank you so much for reading too! :D
@noceurash said:I knew bad things would happen in this chapter but I'm so... gffhu DEAD INSIDE,, my poor sweet boy jimin (I have such a soft spot for this boy why would you hurt me like this ;^;)) and tae too aaah my heart is breaking. Not to mention bby namjoon not wanting to hurt anyone im crying inside. You've hurt my soul this chapter. It's so good ((hurting me but good)). I hope you have a lovely day~~ I love you!!! <3
All the soul and heart hurties :c hehe i hope you’ll have a lovely day and I love you too! thank you so much for reading the new chapter sweetie!
you’re welcome :3
Anonymous said: nOOOO SARA NOT JIMINNN T_T. i expected it but you still got mehhh feeeeeels. your stories are just so emotional and thats exactly whats so great about them ;-;. ive always thought about how these ideas pop up in your mind. :3
:3 i’m so happy that you find it emotional to read, because i find it emotional to write! as for ideas, they just come to me randomly? dreams, through lyrics and poetry I write, i don’t really know^^ thank you so much for reading dear :D
@bekzzz said: Holy Shit. Just.... holy shit. Tuesday can't come fast enough!
hehe thank you so much my love!
Anonymous said: straight up forgot that iwsy was coming out today 😭. I'm moving houses so everything is super stressful but i read the chapter and suddenly I am at peace. -tall anon
i hope moving house goes quickly for you! stress is no good~ thank you so much for reading the new chapter tall anon! ^^
@m1n-yoong1 said: The amount of times I've gasped and screamed reading IWSY pt 26 is unreal, your writing always amazes me and I look forward to the next chapter 🙌🏼🙌🏼💖💖
awh thank you, that was so sweet and you made me smile ^^ thank you so much for reading the new chapter love!
Anonymous said: damn sara these cliffhangers tho 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
u know me xox
Anonymous said: I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you 😡
It’s okay. I hate myself too.
Anonymous said: There was a part where you mention how she was essentially able to give life and it was in italics so she can bring Jimin back to life, right? Also if Jungkook marked her in some vampy way, does that mean that Yoongi's plan won't work? Please say yes! 🙏 Joon is gonna be okay too, right? I don't like death. Death is sad. I don't like being sad.
When Jungkook said he marked her, it was sexual innuendo as in - he has already gotten her pregnant ^^ hehe I hope everything turns out well in the end c: ~ thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: I'd like to assume that Yoongi can still be redeemed, because o love each and every one of them. That seems a bit too unrealistic, doesn't it though. 😔
We’ll just have to see what happens! But just remember that it’s not real haha Yoongi’s image is just being used for a character I created! It doesn’t depict him in any way ^^
@thenotsogrownupeldest said: I was screaming reading the ending of IWSY latest chapter! I even wish I was some kind of supernatural being that can intervene that heartbreaking scene and save both jimin and y/n.. you my friend, are a terrific writer. I love you but I slightly hate you right now for the ending. I need a moment to calm my non-vampiric soul from this intense scene.
Jump into the story and save everyone! hehe ^^ thank you so much and I love you too (even tho you slightly hate me) c: i’m glad you liked? the update!
Anonymous said: HOW COULD YOU
@wanda-rog said: I'm speechless...I really wasn't expecting that...Jimin better be okay next week! You're so good at leaving us all on the edge! I bit all my nails reading that chapter and now I can only hope for Jimin to survive and WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE BABY AND IS NAMJOON OKAY AND WHAT WILL HAPPEN OVER ALL, angst aside that was a really cool chapter I'm seriously looking forward to next one, thanks for always updating on time and lengthy chapters too, you go Sara xx
I hope he’ll be okay too! hehe all the questions, hopefully you’ll get answers soon c: thank you so much for enjoying it and reading the new chapter dear, it means a lot to me ^^
@coppertopging said: Omg i totally forgot it was tuesday until i saw your update! This chapter had soooo much going on!! I have so many questions, but got so many answers, but I can't help but want... no... NEED more of this story! Is it terrible that i just never want it to end?!
trust me, al the days have merged into one for me. I have 4 assignments due and numerous exams to have and I’m losing my grip on reality lolol please kill me :( thank you so much for reading as always dear, it means the world to me.
Anonymous said: Holly Tony Molly SARA DA FEELS ARE SO STRONG stop making me cry why did u kill Cristian Chim Chim :/// I just cant wait for next week arggggh *sobs* I freaking love how all of this is so angsty 💞 --wifey anon
hello wifey anon! Where does it say I killed Jimin? ;o thank you so much for reading my love!
Anonymous said: [[SCREAMING]]
Anonymous said: [Error 404] u cant kill chimchim u just cant why ?!😞😞
Where does it say I killed Jimin? ;o
@jynxy24 said: What. The. Hell. Shit feelings. What are feelings anyway? Do feelings even exist? WHY THE HECK YOU GOTTA DO THAT SARA WHY?! I'm happy that Namjoon is good. WE WERE CORRECT!! And damn, badass reader omg. I MISS BADASS VAMPIRE MOM!! Also, if Yoongi frickin doesn't turn good at the end, Istg Sara. Anyways! Thanks for the greatttttt chapter! Stay awesome :3
FEELINGS DONT EXIST :D hehe thank you so much for reading the new chapter ^^ i’m really happy you enjoyed it Jynxy :D
@shineeshawol204 said: So I just read chap 26 of I Won't Stop You, first of all, bitch - I mean that in the nicest way possible - second of all, your writing style is phenomenal! During the fight scene I was letting out audible gasps as the events were unfolding and I feel like I am actually watching it. There's zero gaps in your writing, I am left without questions (other than why bis, ugh the pain I feels) as to what's happening and just ugh, wonderful. Also my friend i sent it to is only on pt.3 and I need someone
Ahh thank you so much I’m so glad you enjoyed the fight scene! I had such a fun time writing it tbh lol to hear you say that there’s no gaps in my writing, it’s really a massive compliment to me. it’s always something i’ve been afraid of happening so thank you so much! thank you a million times ^^
@cheeto-puff-gem said: what the FUCK WHY THIS WHY T H I S
Anonymous said: OH SHIT Y/N IS GOING TO BECOME A VAMPIRE (stares intensely at April 18th on the calendar AKA NEXT TUESDAY)
but what if SHE DIES
Anonymous said: ONCE AGAIN YOU GOT ME ALL THE WAY FUCKED. ONE JIMIN NOT DEAD. IF HE DIE IMA LOSE MY SHIT AND TWO Y/N NOT GONNA BE YOONGI'S SLAVE CUZ SHE BELONGS TO JUNGKOOK. it's midnight and I'm laying in the bed crying RN cuz like why? Why you do these things? 😢😢😢 My soul is hurt. I feel as though the world needs to end because Lil mochi is dying and WHAT ABOUT THE FETUS? Baby fetus me is in there like wtf mom calm ya tits and where's my dad? You keep hurting me w/ cliffhangers but I love u 💜~LilKookieAno (cont.) P.S. on a real note I'm dead ass when I say the baby should be named after me. 💜 ~LilKookieAnon
Don’t worry baby fetus i’m sure you’ll be okay! hehe hopfully everything will work out okay in the end :D i love you too sweetcakes~ thank you so much for reading part 26! i hope you enjoyed it even though it was an emotional one :3
@blryface said: I'm honestly so shook at part 26. Like, oh my god I'm speechless. You're such an amazing writer and I anticipate every Tuesday when you update! I can't wait to see how things turn out but DAMN YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP
ahhh thank you so much honestly ^^ i’m so happy you liked it and that you look forward to new updates my love! and i’m sorry if i got you all fucked up hehe
I called you an ambulance!!
hehehe thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: NUH UH HONEY. That is all. (In response to IWSY Part 26)
Anonymous said: WAIT WHAT
Anonymous said: Yeah just slap me right into the feels take my heart will ure at it whats the point of living if softie Jimin is dead 😩
Where does it say Jimin died?!
Anonymous said: What is this pain that I feel in my chest?
Anonymous said: my poor hearteu
*comforts you*
hehe~ you’re welcome for the heart attack! :3
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARA NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! not thatt!!!!! im so sad!!!!!!!(cont.) I THINK I KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!!! I HAVE THEORIES!!!
*sneaky laughs* I guess you’ll just have to wait to see if your theories are correct! ^^ thank you for reading lovely :D
Anonymous said: you ripped my poor soul in half with iwsy why, why must you bring pain and do this :(   poor jimin my heart
I apologise for all the pain :( but I hope you’re still enjoying the story my love!
Anonymous said: I just cannot with chapter 26, this feeling is so indescribable, no words can explain the pain when I read the last few paragraphs, OMG NO PLEASE DONT TAKE HER AWAY FROM JUNGKOOK PLEASEEEE!!!! ಥ╭╮ಥ
Hopefully everything will be okay!! Thank you so much for reading my love ^^
Anonymous said: oh my gosh Sara chapter 26 was so saddening but so good!!! JIMINNNNNN please tell me a miracle will happen and he won't die!!! and let's hope the mark made by jungkook makes a difference and it is strong enough to overcome Yoongi's... I don't want evil yoongi to become my master T.T btw I've written in a couple of times as anon, but how about I label myself as bunnykookie96 from now onwards :D yes, I'm a 96-liner. may I ask what's your age too? ^^
The reference jungkook made to a ‘mark’ was a sexual innuendo because he got her pregnant haha ^^ and yay bunnykookie96! I am also a 96 liner~ my birthday is 12th of January!! :D
Anonymous said: im fucking having theories in my head right now loool but i cant put it into words i will wait for the next chapter to see if im right hoho and btw is this ending? :( i feel like im reading a book holy shit i dont want it to end :((
I can’t wait to see if your theories will come true!! And nope, not yet. There’s still a bit to go~ But I’m glad that you’re not getting bored of it! I was afraid that people might get bored of it because of the length of the series haha :( thank you so much for reading!
Anonymous said: HOW COULD YOU DO THAT JIMIN WHHHHHYYYY the tears currently streaming down my face could create a lake for him to relax in LIKE WHHHYYY DID U DO THIS TO ME WHY COULDNT YOU JUST TAKE ME INSTEAD he was so young so bright so precious just full of love I'm so sad WHY JIMIN!!! New drinking game!! Drink an entire bottle of wine everytime you cried during this chapter ☹️
Jimin you should have stayed out of it!! Take him? Where did he go? Who said he’s dead? ;o hehe~ thank you so much for reading the chapter my love ^^
Anonymous said: I just looked at a picture of Min Yoongi the love of my life and I? Got mad at him?? Like??? You asshole???? Why couldn't you just stay in the basement of your god damn mansion and let everyone live happily????? Like damn I had to remind myself that I'm not dating a vampire and Jimin didn't actually get stabbed and that I need to stop reading outside because I look crazy crying on a park bench THANKS SO MUCH SARA YOU REALLY STABBED ME IN THE HEART THERE
Awwwwh no! Don’t be like that~ that’s not how Yoongi is - I’m merely just using his image to fit a character that I made! Yoongi is a sweet person for sure :D hehe i’m sorry if I made you cry :( but i hope you enjoed the chapter nonetheless ^^ thank you so much!
Anonymous said: Omg ch 26 was brilliant! All I can think about is what's going to happen to y/n's unborn baby ahhhhhhh >.< my heart goes out to jungkookie, his biggest fear became true. I really loved this chapter and the loved the way you conveyed namjoon's struggles! On another not,I really admire you for updating on time! Thank youuuuu for writing an amazing story that contrary keeps us on our toes. I love it and hate it at the same time lol.
Thank you so much my love! that really means so much to me, you’re so, so sweet thank you so much *hugs* I really hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the story and I’m glad you liked this chapter ^^
@dont-hyuck said: Fuck I'm trying so hard not to ugly sob after this chapter ooooohhhhhh someone help ease my aching heart 😭😭😭😭💔💔 I hope everything ends up right at the end I am so attached to this story it is one of the most wonderful things I have ever read and I mean that with my entire being. Please don't ever stop writing I love you so much 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖
I was ugly sobbing while I was writing it haha :( I hope everything ends up all alright too! awwh thank you so much my love, you have no idea how much your words mean to me! I don’t ever plan on stopping so you don’t have to worry :3 thank you and I love you too my dear!!
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nyamvember · 8 years
I was tagged by @mochikissme (sorry it took me so long to do it)
No Hallyu Tag
Ariana Grande
Christina Aguilera
Fifth Harmony
High School Musical Cast
Hairspray Cast
Into The Woods Cast
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
Into You- Ariana Grande (The whole Dangerous Woman album tbh)
All I Ask- Adele
Bootylicious- Destin’y Child
Look But Don’t Touch- Serayah
Fergalicious- Fergie
Step Up- The Cheetah Girls (DONT JUDGE ME)
Can I Have This Dance- Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efrom
Yoga- Janelle Monae and Jidenna
Too Little, Too Late- JoJo
Heartburn- NLT
10 favorite movies:
Hairspray (The one with Zac Efron)
Johnson Family Vacation
She’s The Man
The Lorax
Horton Hears A Who
Into The Woods
The Cat in The Hat
Mean Girls
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
The Office
Ouran Host Club
Kuroko no Baske
Bob’s Burgers
Modern Family
American Housewife
10 favorite manga/comics:
I don’t read Manga or Comics
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
Baking/ Cooking
Hair/Make-up Tutorials
THE SIMS 4 OMG (my best friend got me HOOKED)
Watching Movies
Hanging out with my friends (since college, we spend majority of the year away from each other, and during the summers we all work so time together is precious)
Watching TV
Ten Tag
last movie you watched: High School Musical 2 (but let’s be honest, I performed that movie)
last song you listened to: HER- Block B (it’s playing rn lol)
last show you watched: Mr. Young (it’s on Netflix and I really just play it as background noise when I sleep lol)
last book you read?: Last Year’s Mistake
last thing you ate?: Cheddar Blasted Goldfish
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: Wherever my husband Namjoon is
when would you time travel to: The world has been fucked up, so I’d just stay here. The past was shit and I’m scared for the future of my country.
first thing you would do with lottery money: BUY A CAR OMG. Not even a fancy one either, I want the Nissan Murano
 character you would hang out with for a day? I don’t think I have one :/
time right now: 5:39 pm
first letter of your name tag
What is your name? - Caitlyn
A four letter word? - cool
A boy’s name? - Caiden
An occupation? - Chef
Something you wear? - Clothes lololol
A color? - cerulean
A food? - corn
Something you find in the bathroom? - cold water
A place? - College aka DEATH
A reason for being late? - couldn’t find the keys
Something you shout? - CAN YOU STOP (me @ bangtan)
A movie title? - Clueless
Something you drink? - Cola
An animal? - cat
A type of car? - carolla
Title of a song? - Can’t by GOT7
fave kpop songs of 2016
Blood, Sweat, and Tears by BTS
Fire by BTS
Hard Carry by GOT7
Boombayah by BlackPink
I’m Jelly Baby by AOA Cream
Boom Boom by Seventeen
Highlight by Seventeen
Lie by BTS Jimin
Begin by BTS Jungkook
Reflection by my husband BTS Rap Monster
MAMA by my second husband BTS J-Hope
Stigma by BTS V aka Kim Taehyung
Awake by BTS Jin
First Love by BTS Suga
Monster by EXO
Lucky One by EXO
Hey Mama! by EXO- CBX
1 of 1 by SHINee
Prove It by GOT7
Rewind by GOT7
Honeybee by Hani, Solar, and Luna
Firetruck by NCT 127
The 7th Sence by NCT U
I’m gonna stop here cause this could LITERALLY go on forever.
url tag (kpop edition)
o- Oh!: SNSD (Girl’s Generation)
v- Very Very Very: IOI
e- Embarrassed: BTS
r- Russian Roulette: Red Velvet
t- TT: Twice
h- Hard Carry: GOT7
e- Expectation: Seventeen
m- Monster: EXO
o- Outro: Wings: BTS
o- OMGT: Madtown
n- Not Today: BTS
j- Jam Jam: Seventeen
o- Only You: Miss A
o- One Of These Nights: Red Velvet
n- No More Dream: BTS
kpop tag
who was your first female bias? - Sunny (SNSD)
who was your first male bias? - Namjoon (BTS)
who are your current biases? (other than the ones above) - Hoseok, Minseok, Kyungsoo, Minho, Kibum, GOT7(nope, still can’t choose one), Hoshi, Heechul, Momo, Wonho, Jooheon, Hyungwon, etc.
in the entire kpop industry who is closest to your ideal type? - KIM “automatic dick” Namjoon
have you ever attended any kpop concert/fan meeting/fansign? - no TT
if yes, which group/artist? how was the experience? - N/A :/
which group/artist would you like to see live? - BTS, GOT7, Monsta X, Seventeen, Twice, Block B, SHINee, SNSD, EXO, etc.
how did you get into kpop? - I saw IGAB years ago and liked it but then it left my brain and then a friend on Snapchat posted herself rapping Hoseok’s part in Boy in Luv and I was curious, fell in love with Namjoon and I’ve been sucked down the rabbit hole since.
who are your otps? - ALL OF THEM. I’M NOT EVEN KIDDING. I SHIP EVERYTHING (except minors and my children)
when did u start to ship them? - Idk, it just happened
what is your favorite fanfic genre? - I don’t have a specific genre, but I only read Kiwi’s fics and I love all her writing (PS, you should check her out here)
what is your favorite music genre? - I like romantic songs, or rnb, or pop, or just whatever catches my fancy.
five things tag
5 things you’ll find in my bag
Lip balm
Candy (of some sort, my friends enjoy that part)
Portable charger
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom
A shit ton of electronics
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in my life
Travel overseas
Go on a Girl’s Trip
Have a “Treat Yo Self” Day
Go to a concert
Meet a Celebrity I actually like
5 things I’m currently into
5 things on my to-do list:
Finish all the work for March in my online class
Organize my attire for Spring Break
My Korean Lessons
Idk lolol
5 things people may not know about me:
I care for friendship more than anything because friends are people who choose to be in your life so I appreciate my friends above anything.
I’m really shy and awkward but I’m super fun and chill once I get used to someone.
Sometime’s I don’t reply in groupchats not because I don’t want to, but because the service in my dorm is literally the shittiest so I don’t get things until late if I’m in my room (which is where I am 90% of the time) and I feel really bad or sometimes I’m sleep or in class (where I can’t be on my phone)
I like learning new things and trying new things, so I’m open to most things (unless I’m allergic)
I love musicals, like, ALOT
random k-pop
rules: go to this website: www.random.org/lists/ and pick 15 of your bias/faves.
mum/dad: Taehyung
sibling: Jackson
grandma/grandad: Yoongi
haunts you: Minseok
boyfriend/girlfriend: Hoseok (DEAR LORD IM IN HEAVEN)
your ex: Jin
your bestfriend: Jooheon
proposed to you: Namjoon (BLESS YES)
your boss: Kibum
random person you meet at a bar: Momo
rival: Sunny
first kiss: Jimin
drunk and singing karaoke: Jungkook
played 7 minutes in heaven with: Wonho
gave you your favourite dessert: Minho
This was long but I enjoyed it.
Idk who to tag, so if you see this and we’re mutuals....TAG YOU’RE IT!!
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yogkitt · 8 years
Song and Dance: Act 1/2
What?!? Vis posting writing?!? What sorcery os this?!? Title: Song and Dance Work Type: Fanwork Fandom: Homestuck Pairing(s): Davekat Words: 508 Notes: I'm still getting used to this, sorry if stuff is out of character. Will also have to add the cut later, Im on mobile rn and too tired to get my laptop You’re falling. Dammit, not this dream again. You get it so often you can not believe paradox space thinks it’s worth dreaming about anymore. That, or it’s just run out of ideas, but considering it’s Paradox Space, you’re going to guess that it just really really fucking likes this dream. You suddenly wonder if PS is like this with movies too, like does it just like this one movie and watches it over and over again and just can’t get enough of it or does it only do it with dreams? While you’re on the subject you also wonder if it’s like that with TV too? You suddenly realise that Paradox Space is most likely not a physical being, but possibly can still watch movies, Terezi’s blind and she watches movies just fine. Then again she has that weird smell-vision thing she does, (You still don’t get how that works) maybe that’s what PS does. Anyway, yeah, you’re falling. It used to be terrifying if you’re honest, but at this point you’re used to it. Now all you gotta do is sit in your own head until you hit the bottom and wake up. That usually takes a few minutes, so you spend them dicking around thinking up new lyrics and possibly a few fresh new beats. The human race may be almost extinct, but that’s no reason to slack off on your science-wizardry. Hopefully you remember them this time, last time you forgot them and set yourself back a few days. Art takes- oh shit there’s the bottom. Three.. Two… One… Dream Strider Pancakes, hot off the bottom of this shitty-ass generic bottomless pit. And there you are, wide awake and breathing heavy, sat straight up on the couch. On top of the heaping pile of hornbeas- you mean, bullshit you’re going through right now, you fell asleep with your shades on -again-, so you have a nice mini panic attack over whether or not they’re broken. You’re too tired to remember you can use your time powers to fix them. Probably. You’ve never tried, and you really don’t want to. They’re fine, but your face hurts. You take a moment to clear your head before looking around, the blanket you had on you has been kicked off, though that’s normal. You don’t really care. You then remember what you were doing when you fell asleep. It doesn’t take you long to spot the besweatered lump on the floor, who subsequently had the blanket kicked off onto him after you most likely sleep-kicked him of the couch. He’s told you you’re the sleeping human equivalent of whatever crazy weather they had back in troll land. You’ve given up on trying to call it whatever weird alien word the place is actually called. Anyway, yeah, that’s Karkat, and he’s the coolest dude you’ve ever met. You’d never tell him that though. Not because you like him or anything, no, definitely not. ... Oh, who are you kidding, you’re the the embodiment of the shittiest trope to ever shitty trope. END ACT 1/2
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hisherseveryones · 6 years
let me just express my feelings rn
im so angry with the way you just hit her up after we had a huge fight and after you supposedly wanted to let go
i feel like shes just gonna be another (insert name) or another me to you. youre gonna use her, youre gonna abuse her goodness and kindness till she breaks and becomes something she isn’t
which was what you did to me and (insert name)
(insert name) was a sweet girl and after you went ahead and gave her a taste of your crazy stupidity, she became what she is. maybe she was the way she was before but just more enhanced
who knows
i was a sweet loving funny girl who studied her ass off, made her parents proud, smiled every day and cheered everyone up no matter my issues and now all i do is see everyones faces looking at me with pity bc they know what you did and continue to do
to me
you even fucking posted a pic of you calling me a bitch
not close friends
just on your story
that is cyber bullying and you get get reprimanded if any adult were to see what you posted and what you called me online, i could literally hold that against you and you would either get suspended or expelled, who knows how bad that was
and on top of that
you still have nothing to say but, " lets take some time apart,”
"paint me a monster”
fuck you.
you said youd change
you said youd try to change for yourself and also for me
but no
lumala ka
you went too fucking far and called me a slut a whore and a bitch
you are cruel
you are heartless
you are selfish
YOU are selfish
you think im gonna use every boy to get over you and find satisfaction?
youre only saying that to me because you know thats what YOU are gonna do
starting w her
then (another girl)
you hurt me so much
you made me cry everyday for a MONTH
everyday every night
you never stopped
you were relentless
and you dont feel sorry about it at all and youre doing N O T H I N G to fix it
shame on you (his name).
i hate that i still love you
i hate that i want to give you another chance but
you fucking slut shamed me
called me a whore and a bitch
you had NO RIGHT to call me that
no absolute fucking right
youre lucky i didnt punch you in the face
but thing is,
you dont deserve to be punched, no
you deserve something way worse
you deserve to lie awake in bed, thinking feeling the pain the guilt of hurting me over and over again for 5 months
you deserve to be paranoid and upset about everyone whos ever entered your life
but thats not what youll get
bc im a good person
im not a slut or a whore or a bitch
im just gonna wish you the best in life
and pray to god that he has mercy on you because of the things you did to me
you have all the time in the world to make up for it
youre young
you had your chance to be stupid
you might continue being stupid
but you have a chance
im telling you this bc you might be too fucking bigheaded or stupid to realize it
im talking to you rn
that is a small crack at another chance
everyone deserves a second chance
if not second, a millionth chance
im not giving up on you
so fucking fix this
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