#im posting this likely before his own post
nmn-yty · 2 days
— ๋࣭ ⭑࿐ first time 。o♡⋆˚。⋆.
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read part 1: here!!!
pairing: lee know x reader
summary: caring for a bunny seemed harder than you thought
tags: 「SFW! fluff! (ik the title is misleading but i promise this is all fluff!) | hybrid!lee know | referring to lee know as minho | soft!lee know (he's even cuter in this one) | hyper lee know>< | bunny bath time! | the neediest bunny ever | another sweet little kiss! | reader has no gender」
word count: 1.7k
a/n: back at it again! ik ive said it so many times throughout my blog but im truly thankful for all the likes and reblogs(◞‸◟)♡ this will be the last part of my bunny lee know endeavor but i will make more hybrid and skz stories in the future! (look out for the han story next) also keep in mind that ive never owned any pets so the animal behavior is based on memory of things ive seen online, dont come for me pls>< anyways, i hope this one lives up to the hype of the first part, enjoy!!! (also i apologize for not posting sooner><)
+ stylized lowercase, missing punctuation (not done on purpose), and minimal to no revisions
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a few days in and the days seemed to get harder and harder for you. not because minho was causing you any trouble, but because the fluttery feeling in your stomach kept growing the more you spent time with him. it was scary how perfect he was in every way.
you were sitting on your couch enjoying a nice hot drink, when the familiar sound of thumping on the wood floor caught your attention. you looked down to find a playful bunny minho. he was scurrying around your feet, even moving his paws to your legs.
"what's wrong?" you set your drink down on the table in front of you.
minho kept on pawing at your legs. you reached down to pick him up, placing him in your lap.
"i can't understand you when you're in the form, you know?"
he looked up at you with a nonchalant expression, you expected nothing out of him. before you knew it, you had a hybrid minho sitting in your lap bridal style, hands wrapped around your neck. the weight and size change startled you, but he loved to tease you and transform whenever he pleased.
"can i please go outside for a bit?" he was really bouncy and sounded out of breath. you had to remind yourself that he was a wild animal. although you took him in to stay in your house, his animal instincts couldn't be suppressed.
"okay, but only for a little-" he cut your sentence off by changing back into a bunny, still knocking you off guard.
he scurried off your lap and towards the back hallway, scratching at the door for you to open it. he looked back at you with those big dark eyes. they always sparkled perfectly in the right lighting. seeing him being all hyper as an animal was truly so endearing. you've always wanted someone like him in your life. the universe definitely planned out your lives to be intertwined.
you rolled your eyes from his fast movements and got up. the second you opened the door wide enough for him to fit, he dashed out onto the grass. it has still been snowy for the past couple of days, but today the grass held a light layer of snow from earlier that day.
he was hopping around the entire yard, sniffing around bushes, chewing on some of the obtainable food he could get his mouth on. you could see the footprints and tracks beginning to circle around the snow. the whole surface of your yard was being fully inspected by him.
you couldn't help but sit down by the steps of your back porch. hugging your knees in admiration, you followed minho's path all throughout the whole time you were out there. you couldn't help but get flustered about the racing thoughts in your mind. something as simple as watching him be comfortable in his environment made you feel at ease.
what you didn't know was minho found himself wanting to be human more for the both of you. it was exhausting for him at times, but he couldn't help but laugh with you, smile with you, feel with you. he never got to experience these moments with anyone before. he wanted each adventure with you to last for hours.
he looked up to find you staring at him, which made his heart race faster than it normally should. draining energy fast, he flopped on his back, waving his paws and feet in the air. getting a chuckle out of you from the distance, he felt satisfied. the sudden urge to dig overwhelmed his thoughts, getting back to his feet and digging straight down from where he was standing.
luckily, you had your mind to distract you from his actions. he started to go feral, getting the dirt and snow all over his face.
drifting away from your daydream, you found your white fluffy bunny turning brown from the dirt and snow.
"minho, no!" you quickly ran over to him, making him realize he was likely in big trouble. thinking two steps ahead, he dove out of your attempt to grab him. shocked and stunned, you still chased after him. he was running steadily back towards the house. the universe was on your side though, as the back door was closed and all minho could do was try to reach up and grab the handle. however, being in his small form, he failed miserably.
"cmon silly," you bent down to grab the squirming animal in your arms, the warmth from your body making him docile and shut down.
once you got to the bathroom upstairs, you gently set minho on the floor. his eyes were slowly closing and he tried his best to keep them open again. before he could fall asleep, he jolted himself awake, which unfortunately turned him into his hybrid form.
"do you want me to take my clothes off so you can bathe me?"
his question made you whip your head around in shock, stuttering nonsense to try and distract yourself from the image of himself being naked in front of you.
"dont be difficult... turn into a bunny so i can wash you quickly."
he let out a small whine, almost like it was his plan all along to get dirty and have this scenario go his way.
you crossed your arms and gave him a dissatisfied look. you weren't really mad at him, you just wanted the day to end quicker so you two could snuggle in bed together.
one big movement turned him small again, he hopped onto your legs, as you had knelt down to get comfortable. you turned on the water in your bathtub and ran some warm water about two or three inches from the bottom. placing him inside the tub, you grabbed a cup to scoop up the water onto his body. the first rinse was quick, he even shook some water off himself like a dog which made you smile.
the scrubbing process also went by fast, working your fingers gently through his coat, the dirt coming off completely. you picked up the cup again, filling it with water. washing the soap away, he shook his body again, trying to dry up as fast as he could.
"calm down minho! ill dry you off in a second."
the water beginning to flow down the drain, you picked up a sopping wet minho from the tub and placed him on the rug next to you. the towel to dry him was hanging on the side of the tub. you laid it flat against your lap, picking him up again and placing him on top of the towel.
you wrapped him up in the towel, trying your best not to cover up his face. you patted and rubbed the cloth into his body, making sure to cover all the spots. his ears, his tail, and his paws all becoming dry and fluffy again.
he hopped off of your lap, turning to his hybrid form. this time you expected something from that big of a leap. you were starting to learn and master his behaviors. he was sat on the floor facing you. for some reason, his hair and ears were still wet in this form. he held one of his ears out, squeezing it to wring out the remaining water off himself. you got to your knees and threw the towel over his head. going a little harder this time, you scrubbed his hair dry to the best of your ability. you noticed him closing his eyes in comfort, especially when you got to his ears.
he looked up at you through his messy hair. he hummed softly, he was so happy you were taking such good care of him. not noticing at all, when you removed the towel his bunny ears went away. he was noticeably more dry and your job was done. you turned around slightly to drape the towel on the tub again.
he let out a cute yawn, so ready to flop into bed and get some sleep. when you turned back around you couldn't help but notice some brown specks on his face. did he have freckles this whole time and you were just too star struck to notice? you reached out to rub his face, making him freeze and have his full semi-conscious attention to your actions. the specks turned to brown streaks against his skin.
"youve been digging so much in the dirt, come here."
he scooted over to you, patiently waiting for anything to happen next. you realized now his nose and cheeks were lightly covered in dirt. you reached over for a new towel and quickly turned the faucet on to run some water on it. swiping the warm cloth on his cheeks, his face became very pink. you didn't know if it was because of the pressure you applied to his face, or if he was actually having some emotional reaction to this.
his gaze was so sensual, almost like his mind had gone to mush and he could only display emotions of pure submission. his thoughts became chaotic, trying to resist the urge to tackle you and have you all to himself.
after a while you could feel your face burning up, scared about any of his next moves or words.
"why are you looking at me like that?" the dirt was almost gone. you moved closer to his face, only inches away in order to get the last bits off.
minho didn't answer you, instead he stared more intensely at you, patiently waiting for you to finish. putting the towel down, you gently rubbed the wetness off his face. even more skin to skin contact was making him lose control. the hue of pink showing from his face becoming almost cartoon like.
"mm tired," his eyes began to droop again. he wanted his last conscious thought to be that he was secure next to you. as dramatic as ever, he laid out his body in your lap, slowly beginning to drift off and finally recharge.
this feeling was starting to become a natural occurrence in your daily lives. whether he was a small bunny, a cute hybrid, or a human who could actually sweep you off your feet, you had him. he felt safe around you and wanted to be near you. using one hand to meet his hand, rubbing it gently to soothe him, you used your other hand to play with his hair. even as a human, he was still soft and cuddly. you bent down to place a small kiss on his head, making him nuzzle himself deeper into you.
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♥︎taglist: @lailac13 @palindrome969 @lunathewonyoungstan @syedazarintasnim @yourlocalstayyxi @mmarusa @yukichan67 @qwonyoung23 @cupidcures @verynormalsstuff @leezanetheofficial
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© nmn-yty ★ 6.07.2024
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crystallizsch · 3 days
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Trouble? You're only in trouble if you get caught. So don't let me catch you ~
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uhhhhh say hi to jamil and yuusha's kid jas(mine) pt 2 (also here and here are like my only two other posts of her)
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HFDDF OKAY SO - i actually had these unfinished sketches from months ago of jas as a nrc student and scarabia housewarden
this sneaky little bastard (affectionate) had never left my cranium she was just sitting idly by
im sobbing i hate jas so much (lie i love her)
jamil and yuusha still aren't supposed to have a kid so i just imagine this to be an alternate timeline for them 🤧🤧🤧
soooo info dump time ---
━━━━━━✦ scarabia housewarden nrc jas
jas has a vice-housewarden who is her childhood best friend (figuring out if i want them to be twst rajah or abu)
also thinking about if i want yuusha to be a staff member in nrc with grim or just dead during this time (why? just because)
no further info tbh, scarabia housewarden jas is just vibing
━━━━━━✦ child jas stuffs
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i'm SO indecisive about her design as a toddler/preteen lowkey 😭
she was very sweet as a toddler but somewhere along the line she just became more carefree and chaotic
jas is a mama's girl but is more alike with her father than she cares to admit
octavinelle trio and heartslabyul duo + grim are like the honorary uncles (jas's favorites are floyd, ace, and grim bc they sometimes enable her with shenanigans)
even though jas has favorite uncles, najma is the favorite favorite. i imagine she's just the cool aunt
if mama yuu is "shrimpy" then jas is a "tiger prawn" (bc rajah)
jas LOVES doing people's hair including her own; would rather do them by hand rather than by magic
jamil showed jas how to breakdance once and it became ingrained in her personality ever since
(there's probably still more about her that i'm forgetting but this is it for now)
━━━━━━✦ bonus future jamiyuu stuff because i miss them
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jamil took yuusha's last name surprise surprise (if they get married)
i imagine after nrc they'd be travelling together actually, not necessarily settling down
(i'm REALLY not 100% on them settling down and having a kid but i still love jas a lot so im so conflicted) (that's why aus exist 😔✨)
(and if hypothetically they do settle down i think yuusha being staff in nrc with grim + maybe jamil who travels for work (or being a house husband??? maybe they alternate roles) can be adorable ideas)
━━━━━━✦ (i also had this thing that i never posted about that one trope of a fankid finding themselves in nrc bc of portal/time/mirror shenanigans)
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(jamil found both of them asleep somewhere and refuses to wake them up)
also some bonus tidbits about this scenario with them:
💜: Is she a family member of yours? How'd she get here?
🐍: I have never seen that child in my life before now. And there's no way I could have missed news about a new relative of mine.
💜: You know how ridiculous it sounds if she's related to me. I'm not from here. She even looks more like you!
🐍: Jas has the same color of eyes as you. Didn't you tell me she mistook you for her mother?
💜: ...Yeah, but I don't like what you're implying.
🐍: Well, I'm not exactly happy with this either.
they're just both in denial of the implication of this child existing and neither of them is saying it out loud.
and the angst/wholesomeness(???) of jamil asking jas's full name and hearing that she has her mother's last name instead of his
eventually they grew attached (unfortunately) until somehow they send jas home to her original timeline
and then they finally have a real conversation about what all that was about
anyways thank you for reading if you've made it this far;;; end tweet
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mrinafria · 2 days
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Just last night I was sitting there going through my edit drafts, and I looked at this scene, to notice all these things Seon Jae does before/during the live radio call.
Really wasn't going to write about OG Seon Jae after my last post on him. I never knew I had such a masochistic side to me until Lovely Runner because all I've done since this show started is go back to rewatch episode 1-4, over and over and over and over again as if this was a hell loop I created for myself.
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There's hope, anticipation, a bit of excitement too. He will hear her voice. Again. He will get to talk to her. For the first time. Yeah. The OG Seon Jae never got to talk to Im Sol. He admired her, crushed on her, liked her, observed her, tried whatever he could as a 19yo to save her, but he never, ever got to talk to her. This is the very. first. time. he's able to have a conversation with her.
But she doesn't pick up. And he has to put a leash on his emotions in those few seconds because this version of Ryu Seon Jae stopped showing his true emotions long back. Ah, this was the only chance I had. I wish I could talk to her. I wish I could hear her voice. I wish I could know how she's been doing. Just once. Just this one time.
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He introduces himself using his name. Not along with his band name, which is the usual practice, mind you. And a very little pause before going "Do you know me?"
Sometimes when you long for a person, crave for their voice, their smile, their presence in your life and your world, you desperately want to be present in their world too, no matter how trivial your presence or your existence might be to them. Seon Jae hoped she would remember; even if she didn't consider him her savior (which he never thought he was) he desperately wanted some semblance of familiarity in her voice, even if it was out of nothing but resentment. Maybe even something as painful as How dare you call me.
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And she does share her resentments, not towards Seon Jae the 19yo boy who she doesn't remember, but Ryu Seon Jae the idol, along with everyone present there, for putting her through this misery, triggering her worst trauma and twisting the knife in her wound that has already driven her to the brink of ending it all. Everyone is uncomfortable here, except for this one guy. He's back to reliving that incident that forever changed her life, his life and brought them to this moment here. He is reminded of just how big of a failure he is, for failing this one person he never wanted to fail. He is reminded how a moment of indecision/inaction on his part led to the person he loves the most to be this miserable. In this moment above, you look at him and realize it's no longer Ryu Seon Jae; it's the 19yo Seon Jae, the one at the reservoir, the one who kept chanting mianhae to an unconscious Im Sol, the one who waited on that bench while she underwent surgery--clutching on to the watch in anguish as if that was the only thing keeping him from falling apart--the one who stood by her hospital door, listening to her screams while shattering into a million pieces inside. It's the 19yo Seon Jae who would be haunted by her screams and live for the remainder of his brief life in extreme guilt and regret mixed with intense longing, until he meets his untimely demise on that fateful night.
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I often wonder if he could sense it from her voice on the call. Just how close she was to the edge, how she was probably going to do something that very day right after the call ended. Was it because he felt her pain as if it were his own? You see him springing to action right when we think it's over, as if he is desperate to help her, any. way. he. can. You see how restless his eyes get all of a sudden? He likely wants to say so many things to her. Sol-ah, I'm glad to hear your voice. Sol-ah, I'm sorry. Sol-ah, I hope you are okay. Sol-ah, I'm grateful you are here. Sol-ah, I'm really sorry I couldn't do better. I'm so sorry I failed to wake you up. I'm sorry I let you miss your stop. I'm sorry I didn't reach you sooner. I'm sorry I couldn't be more careful. You can hate me all you want. I'll live the rest of my life being sorry to you. You don't have to forgive me. I'm fine as long as you're okay, you're fine, you're happy. Sol-ah, I miss your smile. I miss the sound of it. I miss knowing you're happy somewhere, even if I am nowhere in your somewhere. Sol-ah, thank you. Sol-ah, please, please live.
But oh, he can't say any of that to her now. So all he says is "Thank you, for living. The ones by your side will thank you for that". And yes, he means himself.
He wanted to be the umbrella she once was to him, the gift she has been to him all his life, both literally and figuratively. And because Ryu Seon Jae is a person who will receive the affection/love you give with the utmost appreciation, increase it 10x more and return it to you gift-wrapped with sparkly ribbons, he chooses to be her umbrella this way, the only way he can.
He wanted to pull her out of the reservoir, literally and figuratively, so she could live. He didn't mind spending all his life stuck in that reservoir himself.
This was supposed to be a response to @thedeathdeelers rewatch post here and as usual, it ended up being a mess of feels (why do I even try really) I swear atp I feel like we're the same person watching feeling the same things lmao. You, don't ever shut up about this show please :')
p.s. I love writer Lee Si Eun for ultimately wanting to save THIS OG Ryu Seon Jae, and therefore initiating the memory flashback with pieces from this timeline. Although my heart will forever ache for this OG boy, it finds some comfort in that.
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So Im currently trying to write my first big story - big as in I'm trying to make it a book - But im overwhelmed with what to do:
I want to write, but first I have to work out the acts and plot. But to do that I have to do some research as it's historical fiction. And that's where I'm failing, because I'm making very slow progress and it's frustrating. It also takes away the last of my motivation.
Do you have any tips on how I should proceed now or what might help?
(I might want to add that I'm working full-time outside and often can only work on weekends on it)
De-Motivated by Story Research Prior to Plotting
Research prior to plotting can be overwhelming and frustrating, so here are some tips that might help:
1 - Start with a General Summary - Before you worry about plotting out scenes and figuring out the different acts, try writing a beginning to end summary of what you want the story to be. Don't worry so much about specific details like dates, places, proper terminology or events, etc. Use general terms to fill those in. It might look something like this:
[[ SPOILERS for the novel Outlander by Diana Gabaldon ]]
A former English military nurse in the 1940s travels to Scotland and inadvertently travels back in time, to the 1700s, via standing stones near the inn where she's staying. There she encounters a band of smugglers and is taken captive and brought to the local laird's castle. Despite the suspicions of the laird and his war chief, they see her value as a healer and she settles in as the castle's healer-in-residence. During this time, she tries to figure out a way back to her own time, but also forges a friendship with one of the smugglers she patched up when she was first captured. Eventually, she is summoned for questioning by a British captain (who happens to be an ancestor of the husband she left in the 1940s) who suspects her of being an English spy, and the highlanders try to protect her by having her marry the highlander she patched up. Despite her attachment to her new husband, she runs away to the standing stones but is caught and imprisoned by the British captain. Once she is rescued by her new husband, they return to the castle where she gets wrapped up in a witchcraft accusation and narrowly avoids being burned at the stake. Finally, she and her new husband travel to his family castle, but since her husband is a fugitive, he is captured by British forces and taken to prison. The nurse is able to rescue him with the help of some of his clan, and they eventually escape to France.
While this is a fairly complete beginning to end summary of the first book in the Outlander series, it leaves out a lot of specific details related to time, setting, world, character development, etc.
However, going through this summary, it would be easy to see places where research needs to be done. Just looking at the first part of the summary, we can already see a lot of questions we could ask about specifics:
A former English military nurse in the 1940s travels to Scotland and inadvertently travels back in time, to the 1700s, via standing stones near the inn where she's staying.
-- Who is this woman? (Where is she from, where did she serve? Why does she go to Scotland?)
-- Where are the standing stones? What do they look like? How do they transport her back through time?
-- Specifically what year in the 1700s does she travel to? What is happening during that time?
This would give you some ideas about what, specifically, you need to research. Breaking it up in this way not only makes it less daunting, but gives you specific things to research instead of trying to learn a bunch of unnecessary data.
2 - Learn How to Research Historical Details - My Guide to Internet Research offers some general research pointers (though I probably need to update it, tbh). Also, I have a post specific to Researching an Historical Topic. Furthermore, there are some good books that guide you through researching historical fiction, as well as helpful books about specific time periods that are geared toward writers.
3 - Make Use of YouTube - I can't express enough how helpful YouTube can be when researching historical details. For example, if Diana Gabaldon were preparing to research and write the first Outlander book today, she could find videos about British nurses in World War II, specific places in Scotland where the book is set, videos about the history of the Scottish highlands, video about Scottish highlander culture, videos about clothing and fashion in 18th century Scotland, videos about the history of witchcraft in Scotland, videos about the British occupation of Scotland, videos about 18th century healing and medicine, videos about healing herbs of the Scottish highlands... you name it.
4 - Know Your Time and Dedicate Accordingly - One of the hardest things to remember when researching, plotting, and writing long fiction is that there is a certain amount of time it's going to take you, no matter what, and if you overestimate how much time you actually have to dedicate to your WIP in a given day, week, month, or year, it's very frustrating and de-motivating. One thing you might try is taking an honest look at your calendar for a particular week or month. For each day, subtract the number of hours you'll spend sleeping. Then, subtract the number of hours you'll spend working, commuting to work, traveling for work, etc.. Finally, subtract the number of hours you know will be dedicated to other necessities, like taking care of family, doctor appointments, workouts, etc. This may only leave you with barely an hour a day, but knowing you have that hour to dedicate to writing is important. Not only can you block off and fiercely guard that hour, but you can be more realistic about what you'll get done with the hours you have available in a given week.
5 - Don't Feel Like You Have to Rush It or Figure It All Out Now - We have a tendency to imagine a ticking clock where one doesn't exist. If this is your first long fiction story, especially, there is no reason to feel like you need to get this done post haste. Give yourself grace to take the time you need to get it done. Putting unnecessary pressure on yourself only demotivates you. Instead, try to look forward to that hour a night where you can dive into learning about the time, place, and world of your story. Also, don't feel like you have to know every specific detail before you start plotting or even writing. It's okay to research as you write--as you come to things you need more information on--or even to use placeholders in your first draft, allowing you to go back and fill in the research later.
Happy researching and writing. You've got this! ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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Ever wonder how in the hell Jay's death goes? well do I HAVE A STORY FOR YOOUUUU!!! INTRODUCING HIS NEW CAUSE OF DEATH WOAH!!!! !
TW: Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, suicide/suicidal tendencies, self harm, overdose mention, gore, ???
Quick note?? All of this is canon, yes he dies like this ;P LOLZIES!!!!! ALso if its all over the place i apologize i am fighting a moth while writing this /srs kinda curious to know how anyone reacts to it, so... if you wanna put that down or make a post go for it, honestly im kinda considering having this be my closing post but idk yet lol </3
The sound of a gunshot can never be heard over crowds laughing and music blasting. Fireworks in the air, water from the pool splashing... The loud BANG deaf to everyone's ears. How could we know that? The only way it was learned was finding the body of Mr. Jay Gatz. In the highest point of his manor, overlooking the crowd below...
Let's start from square one.
Jay felt... Unwanted. Alone, if you will. As a man who's built himself and his business up only for the sake of overthrowing others, he wasn't the most enjoyed man around. Normally he would've handled this by now. The dread, the self pity, everything he had thought about himself was always kept inside. Why not now? Standing alone, pathetic... In the office he had to himself. Bookcases covering the walls of obscure novels that he hasn't even read, a desk holding messy stacks of various papers, making him feel even worse about himself. A never ending ringing phone before he cut it, the gusts of wind blowing from the outside rustling against the curtains behind him. What a pitiful life.
An outsider. That's all he was, wasn't he? Standing up on that balcony of his, absent to anyones attention besides the solemn glow of the moon above him, and even that was leaving him soon. The fireworks lit up the mansion, the people below, the water, and the champagne bottles crashing and being tossed around to be used. He lit a cigarette, holding it for just a moment then he took a drag.
...After another drag, and another, and another... He put out the cigarette... On his own arm. He winced at the burning feeling against his skin, but another scar wouldn't hurt... Right? Scars were littered all over his body anyway, just another part of him to be ruined. He lit another cigarette then walked inside to grab a bottle of vodka from his own personal storage of alcohol. Never touched unless he was feeling more pathetic than other nights.
Ha, maybe this time he can drink himself to death. Or maybe Perkins will call the ambulance again. Jay hoped to whatever god there was above he wouldn't survive this time. His shaky hands moved to the bottle, bringing it up to his lips before pausing. A week of sobriety.
...He can restart another day. Or in another life, perhaps.
He took a drink. The burn of the alcohol going down his throat being a feeling of discomfort but satisfaction was one that he had somehow managed to miss. Gatz went back out to the balcony, drinking away his sorrows before he couldn't even find himself having any emotion anymore. The rich man could barely hear the knocks at the door, let alone the sound of a man calling for his name.
Soon enough, the door opened unbeknownst to Jay. The only thing that managed to get his attention was a quiet voice coming from the darkened room, lit by only one light. But now... There was another. Then another light on as the person flicked on the light switches. ...Perkins.
➳ ❜ Ah, Jay! I was worried about you, sir! Are you doing alright up here? It's quite... Quiet up here. ❛
No response. Jay turned back to stare into nothing.
➳ ❜ Oh, I see... Maybe you should sit down, I can grab you some tea and- ...Well, maybe not any medicine, I don't want to... Let that happen again. ❛
It wasn't needed to be discussed anymore, it was obvious Perkins was referring to the prior... Attempts Jay had made. In an attempt, Perkins had tried his best to hide anything that Jay could use to end things. As of now, it was working. With a slow approach, Perkins had walked over to Jay. Placing down the lantern he held with a small blow to put it out, he found himself standing next to his boss. Or, rather, his semi-adopted son.
The silence felt like a million years. Perkins, thinking of how to approach this properly, feeling the fatherly need to sit there and just be someone for Jay to lean on, but he knew it wasn't a night for that. All he knew is that he could NEVER leave Jay alone in a state like this. He heard a small mutter of a sob coming from next to him.
╰┈➤ ❜ ...Perkins... Can we go inside? ❛ 
➳ ❜ Of course my boy. ❛
Jay tiredly swung his arm around Perkins shoulders as he got guided back into the office, letting the shorter man take the vodka from his bruised and shaky hand. Within the next minute or so, he found himself sitting in the rather comfortable office chair he had right infront of his desk. Almost immediately he put his arms down on the desk and put his head down on them, shielding his face in some form of fear of what'll happen next.
➳ ❜ Jay- ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ You can leave now Perkins. ...I'm fine on my own. ❛ 
➳ ❜ I'm worried, my boy. I can't just leave you like this. Not because it's my job but it's because I care- ❛
Jay's body tensed. Perkins froze as he could practically feel the cold emotion that came from the man right next to him.
╰┈➤ ❜ You don't have to lie to me, Perkins. ❛ 
Silence. Jay thought he had left, but he hadn't. When Jay lifted up his head he saw Perkins sitting quietly next to him. ...Looks like he's here for a while.
╰┈➤ ❜ ...Am I gonna be left alone forever, Perkins? ❛ 
➳ ❜ Oh- of course not! You have plenty of people who would love to be around you - ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ ...Then why has everyone left me? ...Everyone except you. I can't keep being alone like this. ❛ 
➳ ❜ I know, I know... And I'm not getting any younger... But trust me, I won't leave you all alone. You don't deserve that. ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ ... ❛ 
Jay stood up, then went to grab another bottle of vodka. Perkins got up to take the bottle, only for Jay to look down with a look he has only seen a few times. He was desperate for some form of numbing. ...Perkins sighed. He held up a single finger to signal he can only have one glass.
Jay agreed.
He got the glass and drank it quickly as if it were medicine. And it has been his medicine. Ever since he was younger, more vulnerable. Manipulated, oblivious, it's always been his escape.
╰┈�� ❜ ...If I were to give you the rest of my wealth, would you let me die? ❛ 
Silence. Shock. A beat went by.
➳ ❜ Of course not. I wouldn't let you die at all. ❛
╰┈➤ ❜ Oh. ❛ 
Jay was quiet again. He exhaled and took a drag of the cigarette he had lit earlier. Blowing it out, he looked to the floor with some thought. Jay then opened a drawer in the desk, rummaging around then he let a metal item clatter into the desk.
A gun.
Perkins froze. He took a step forward and Jay put his hand on the gun. Not as a warning to Perkins, but to himself. The blond male slowly picked it up and showed that it was loaded.
╰┈➤ ❜ I was told I needed therapy. You know, I think I’m too far gone. What’s the point of it if im just a lost cause? I’ve been crying and telling too many people my sob story. At this point this… This is better. ❛
➳ ❜ No you’re not too far gone, Jay. …Put down the gun, okay? We can talk about this- ❛
The now slowly breaking millionaire then stood up sharply, stepping back. He took the gun along with him. Then… He snapped. Immediately bursting into tears, he found himself breaking every pushing second. His hands shaking more, he held the gun up to his own head.
╰┈➤ ❜ Talk about what, Perkins? How long have you tried to help me? I’ve been nothing but a waste of time, and god… God I BET if I just- if I just SHOT myself RIGHT NOW, NOBODY OUT THERE WILL HEAR OR CARE, RIGHT?! Who’d go to my funeral? You? Who else? Huh? ❛
Silence. Perkins simply walked over and hugged Jay, catching him off guard. Jays body tensed up again, trying to find a way to keep his composure but failing miserably. The gun slightly moved away from his head, then it sharply went back.
One last exhale, and one last sentence.
╰┈➤ ❜ If you want me to live another day, I need you to start running. Get to the nearest phone. ❛
God, why was he doing this? Why was he trying to help himself? He knew he’d die by then. Somehow, Perkins listened and immediately rushed to the nearest phone only to see Jay had cut the line, then opened the door to go outside. Jay stared.
The door closed, leaving Jay alone.
…Then the gun went off.
Silence. Darkness. Not a feeling. Just… emptiness.
When the paramedics got there Jay was already as dead as can be as he laid in Perkins arms. He had staged it as a murder, writing to Perkins in a final note to never specify it was suicide, but say it was homicide. The people wouldn’t care how he died.
The sight was grim. His only butler making an effort to help, holding him up as if he were still going to live. It was a desperate attempt, really, like a father begging to bring his son back from the dead. The once lively millionaire deceased, his body tense and the blood and brain matter pooling from his head onto the fur rug he had died on. His eyes were still open, only this time they were a monotone and distant blue with less saturation than ever. His skin was pale, suit tattered most likely from the fall. The cigarette lay on his hand, slowly burning at the skin. As he lay there, people were crowded around. Some were investigators, others were people who simply wanted to see. Others taking photos to post on the papers as soon as possible.
…And now Perkins was left to handle the rest of the work Jay had set up.
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duhragonball · 1 day
Dragon Ball AF Lore
Last night I reblogged a thing about Xicor, the imaginary villain of Dragon Ball AF, the imaginary sequel to Dragon Ball GT. There were some cool responses to this, but I didn't want to reblog the entire post all over again, so I thought I'd carry the discussion over here.
@brotoman-exe : #so do they ever explain why Goku cheats on his wife in this set up?#(to be clear Im guessing it was likely a stolen dna Superman 4 thing just having fun)
My understanding was that the West Supreme Kai faked her death and then came back as a bad guy. She somehow obtained a DNA sample from Goku and used it to impregnate herself? The end result being that Xicor is the biological son of Goku and the West Supreme Kai, even though Goku himself had no idea of any of this.
Of course, it's impossible to cite sources on any of this, since I'm talking about made-up details from a made-up show. It's entirely possible that there are other versions of the AF legend where Goku cheated on his wife like a jerk.
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What I always wanted to know was how the West Supreme Kai survived the fight with Kid Buu five million years ago, and why she laid low for so long.
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But now that you've brought up Superman IV, I can't stop thinking about the raw chicken thigh Lex stuffed in that little lockbox. This is my new DBAF personal canon.
@scarabats123: #As someone who wasn't alive in 1994#let me tell you Xicor and AF was THRIVING in the 2000s up into the early 2010s#hell even now some people make nostalgic fanart of it#Everyone knew about Xicor and Evil Goku and that blue bald dude
It really is bizarre how long the AF mythos has persisted. I think Dragon Ball Super was the final nail in the coffin for any true believers that were still left, but by the time DBS came out AF had already established itself as this weird little thing in its own right. It's like Bigfoot. I think everyone knows it's not real and doesn't make a lot of sense, but the idea is too much fun to discard completely.
@mozillavulpix: definitely think there's a lot of information here that's wrong, but I wasn't in the fandom in the 1990s to confirm any of it But the one big thing is...I'm pretty sure 'Dragon Ball AF' was originally supposed to stand for 'April Fools'. Like at one point someone somewhere started the name just because it'd be hilarious to trick people into believing something with a name so obviously-fake if you were paying attention. But when people started believing it they came up with their own theories on what it meant. kanzenshuu also says the rumours probably only started around 2002-2003 https://www.kanzenshuu.com/rumor/dragon-ball-af/
There were some factual errors, but the one that stood out to me was the notion of Toyotaro creating Towa and Mira, since I'd always heard Toriyama created her for Dragon Ball Online. And I've heard of the Goku Black/Xicor parallels before, but I'm pretty sure that's more of a coincidence than anything else.
I also found the 1990s to be a little too early for AF rumors to really get started, so I went back to that Kanzenshuu article you linked to and read it again just to check. This time, I ran across the link to the message board discussion about the "SSJ5 Goku" image that seems to have started it all.
Apparently, this was all discovered back in 2012, but I don't think I ever heard about this until now. Someone found the "AF Goku" image in an issue of the magazine Hobby Consolas, cover dated May 1999.
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It looks like the magazine just published reader-submitted fan art, and this particular one was credited to David Montiel Franco of Alicante, Spain. Forums member Raykugan published this information in February 2012, and then Derek Padula contacted the artist and published his findings on his blog "Dao of Dragon Ball".
David Montiel Franco, as it turns out, has his own blog, af-dragonball.blogspot.com, where he appears to be promoting his Dragon Ball AF fancomics. And apparently, the guy in the image is not Super Saiyan 5 Goku at all, but an OC named Tablos.
So it appears that the true original DBAF was a fanwork created by Franco prior to May 1999. Everyone else was building onto his creation whether they knew it or not. The alternative is that Franco is stealing the credit from the true artist, but that seems like a weird thing to still be holding onto after all these years. I mean, if he wanted clout, you'd think he'd do more self-promotion than this. By now, everyone would have heard of his claims to be the creator of AF. So I think he might be the real deal.
Anyway, it definitely ties DBAF to the year 1999, although I have a feeling the rumors didn't really pick up steam until 2002 or so, as U.S. fans became aware of a sequel series to Z and wondered what might follow after that. There may have been rumors in other countries that got earlier access to GT, and there were surely American fans in the 90's who knew more about GT before it was localized. But at least the concept of AF was around in the 90's, even if it was the tail end of the 90's, and even if it was very obscure.
But that's AF in general, not Xicor. I get the sense that Vintagegeekculture seemed to conflate Tablos with Xicor, and that's probably an understandable mistake to make, since Xicor was probably invented as a response to what was thought to be SSJ5 Goku. So Xicor must have come later, but how much later?
I guess what bugs me is that there ought to be someone who would claim credit for the character, the way Franco claimed to be the artist of the DBAF image. It's kind of fascinating how Xicor is out there and no one's trying to act like it was their idea.
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endereies · 2 days
Ride or Die - Matt Sturniolo
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Spotify Playlist:
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Contains: Switch!Matt x Reader (idk you decide), illegal car races, riding, no protection (be smart kids), nicknames - baby, angel, small use of y/n, hickies, praise kink if you squint, dont like dont read
Word count: 4777
Author's notes: This took a lil too damn long and im sorry, i had a mini session of writers block and heavy procrastination sooo. But thank you @raysmayhem-72 for helping me w this, it wouldnt of been posted otherwise. Enjoy!
His favourite part was the adrenaline. The roars of the engines barely made his breathing audible, alongside the high from the illegality.
Matt used racing as a way to settle any disputes he had, this way there was no room for error. A clear winner. Most of the time these disputes were ones that Matt had created himself, only so that he could race again and again. The high he got from it was addictive.
These fights were petty and were as simple as a difference in opinion, racing for that better option.
However he never felt the need to prove himself to any strangers unplanned, road rage was never his thing. He preferred the races with crowds on the sides with line-ups of people daring enough to do the same.
His brothers never participated in these races but the same couldn’t be said about his best friend Nate, a brunette with the same itch to be behind the wheel. They were known for their impulsiveness to rival each-other any chance they got.
Common disputes were over girls, typically the flag girls at the start of each race. The pair would show up at events at times merely for the girls brave enough to stand between the two vehicles.
Sometimes these stemmed from pure boredom, no excuse for a fight either one can use, yet they couldn’t deter from it for that long. There was no time-limit for these races, no reason to rush for a winner.
No rules, no laws, especially no cops. Matt felt like he was born to race; everything about it felt right to him.
Matt never paid any attention to girls that started the races between him and Nate, he only acted for Nate’s sake. Nate talked a lot about the flag-girls, the ones he chose to stand between the pair or the ones he chose to take home. Matt never batted an eye to them, he never found the appeal.
Nate talked a lot about each girl after the races, the way their bodies moved in tune to the waving flags; the tight clothing that hugged their bodies, leaving little to the imagination and the attention they clearly craved.
The flirting was constant between most racers, the girls wanting a one night stand that would bag them some money from the recent races and the guys wanting a simple deposit from the excess of adrenaline.
Everything was built around impulse and need.
Matt leant against the bonnet of his car that was neatly wrapped in a baby blue shade, a faint glow emitted from inside where it had been laced with LED strips which managed to make the black console stand out. Before Matt could process his movements, Nate had slapped the back of his head lightly, gaining his attention. He scowled at his actions but only received a cocky wink from Nate instead whilst he stepped into his vehicle which was wrapped in its own toxic green.
Once Nate was settled in his car, Matt turned his own body to face his own vehicle, catching a glance of the girl stood in between the cars, hips cocked to the side.
He lingered his stare more than he should have which was evident by the wink the girl left behind aimed at him.
That’s when his body ran hot and his breath hitched and caught in his throat.
He let his eyes trace over her features, the way her skirt barely covered her ass, teasing him slightly; or the way that her skin was flaunted through the white fabric onto her chest. He couldn’t fail to notice the way her miniskirt matched the colours of his car all to well. Her platform’s shoes allowed her legs to show underneath the leg warmers that hugged her skin. He kept focusing on the leather jacket that he knew wasn’t to hide her chest, but instead to draw attention to it.
It was all easy access and they both knew that.
She pulled out two flags that were tucked into her belt with a identical checked pattern and smirked as she held them to her sides. She swayed her hips slightly, but it was enough for Matt to notice. Crowds of people cheered around them on the side-lines. Matt’s eyes glanced over to Nate’s trying to read him and he instantly knew he wanted her too. And for once he agreed.
But he needed to win.
He painfully watched as she mouthed ‘good luck’ through her pink lips, only thinking about how he could watch them hug his cock in her mouth. He groaned lightly at the thought, his eyes fluttering somewhat.
Nate’s engine roared beside his own, the red lights etched around the green wrap. Matt could only focus on the asphalt that laid before him, barely gravelled with worn. He smirked, knowing it would be a smooth ride.
Engines started to roar between the two which was followed by puffs of smoke from the ends of the cars. Lights above the two of them shone, highlighting the bold technicolour display of cars, the blue being enhanced with the red lights.
The girl raises an arm above her head, silencing the crowd harshly before swinging the fabric down. Instantly, the two cars jerk forward, speeding through the sudden changes of gear. Matt maintains eye contact with the girl as he pushes his car forwards.
Once out of his sight, Matt puts all his focus into his vehicle, listening to his exhaust roar with each spin of the wheel. Urgency was present on Matts face and he ensured with each turn that be would win. It grew harder to deter from that whenever Nate lacked in the quick reaction speeds that matt had, only making each curve in the track and advantage to Nate.
Matt was currently in the lead to win however, Nate wasn’t far behind with the sounds of his engine, familiarly close to him. The corners were Matt’s advantage but the straights were Nate’s, his car simply held the speeds longer.
Matt wanted this, no, needed this. He used every corner to its full capability and when he straightened his steering wheel, he knew it wasn’t out of his reach.
The finish line was barely in sight but Matt had one more drift he could use. The wheel spun hard and he changed gears quick as he switched gear, feeling the car shake slightly as it expels more smoke from the back tires.
In the last stretch, he maintains his lead and passes the sloppy finish line with a smirk plastered on his face.
His car came to a halt shortly after he processed his victory and left the car once it was put into park. People cheered among the sides as the pair narrowly cross the line but Matt is too caught up in the adrenaline rush to truly focus on it.
Nate couldn’t have been too bitter from the loss, since he had his arm wrapped around another girls waist by the time that Matt looked over to him. He simply shrugged and leant against the bonnet of the car that rested out of the main view of the audience and cheers.
Y/N pov:
“You race for all girls like that?” Matt couldn’t help but smirk as he saw you approach him, your body language only drawing him in further. He resisted the urge to grab your hips and pull you closer.
“Only the cute ones, baby”  You blushed at the remarks, slipping your hand into a pocket of the leather jacket that hugged your chest, pulling out a lollipop that once unwrapped showed a candy ball covered in blue sugar crystals. You painted your tongue with the candy, letting the sweet taste mix with your saliva.
You could see his chest rise and fall as his breath hitched. He didn’t do this often and it was more obvious than he hoped, it was always Nate in this position. You adjusted your skirt slightly, moving the belt so it laid central to your hips. Matt dropped his eyes and stared at the skirt before acknowledging once again how perfectly it matched his vehicle.
“Your outfit matches my car.” He didn’t take his eyes off of you, scanning the outfit that barely covered what it needed to. You nod lightly, not wanting to speak around the candy.
“Oh? Is that intentional?” He smirked at the thought of you being dolled up for him and he finally looked up into your eyes as you spoke.
“Only for the cute ones” You wink subtly as you place the candy on your tongue, flaunting a pale blue that started to spread over it.
“So...how fast can she go?” Your body leant against the metal of the bonnet, leaning over it subtly as you admired the paint job with a trace of your finger.
“Numbers don’t matter” He stares bluntly at you, holding back a smirk. His tone is cocky and arrogant which only appealing to you the more you two talked.
“Oh really?” This wasn’t a conversation that you weren’t used to, you constantly grabbed attention of needy racers who needed to ride out the adrenaline of a win. However, Matt seemed different to you, tension arising between you two which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Want to ride?” A smirk rose to your face wanting to experience the common high of a racer. You turned your body and entered the vehicle that you adored the colour of, it was hard to miss after all.
Matt instantly followed suit and fell into the drivers seat, his hands confident and unwavering as he pushed his keys in the ignition. He decided to rev the engine a few times before finally starting the car and accelerating. You could see his eyes linger on the candy in your mouth that had now fully stained your tongue a deep shade of blue. Before you acknowledged his movements, he wrapped a finger around the stick and stole the lollipop and placed it into his own mouth, taking in the sweet flavour.
You let out a playful scoff and sat back into your seat, squeezing your thighs together at his bold demeanour.
Matt knew what he was doing was risky but at this point neither of you cared. His mind was telling him how stupid it was to drive after a race, especially out of the common ground they were familiar with. At night, the streets looked too tempting for either of them to say no.
You quietly stared at the speedometer, judging the careful 60mph Matt was going at. He saw you inch closer to the dashboard and changed gears quickly before speeding to about 100mph suddenly. The fast change in speed pushed you back into your seat and you finally got that adrenaline rush, instantly understanding why it was so addictive. The butterflies in your stomach didn’t leave as he kept racing down the roads, reaching a highway where he could get away with those speeds.
Matts hands clutched the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip and twisted them to earn a screech from the back tires. Your body jerked as you realised he was drifting the car around a tight bend, only gaining a laugh from you. His heart pounded at your reaction and speeding off again once the corner again.
“So, baby? Think I deserve your name now?” You were all laughs and giggles, riding high on the adrenaline that was so foreign to you, but you momentarily dragged yourself out of it to respond to you.
“Y/n..” You replied, losing yourself in the breeze that came whispering through the wound-down windows.
“Matt.” He responded, his cocky, teasing attitude muted by his thoughts, considering his next actions.
“Well, y/n. Want to see how fast this baby goes?”  He didn’t give you a chance to answer before revving and taking off at an even higher speed down fast lanes, ignoring any signs of police.
Specks of colour flickered past as we swerved between cars and other larger vehicles. You wanted to be scared, panicked even of the possibility that you would crash or be pulled over, but the rush that came with it only forced those feelings away. All you could think about was how you wanted Matt to push the limits. But you weren’t so sure you were thinking about cars anymore.
After a few minutes, Matt slowed down as the roads became quieter. you were no longer racing down the highway, but for some reason, your body was still pulsing with some sort of thrill. He pulled the empty lolly stick from between his pink lips, revealing the intense blue tint that stained his tongue. you shivered, trying to stop your thoughts from straying elsewhere. he tossed the chewed up stick into some random compartment somewhere before leading his focus back on you and the road. On you for the most part which you had guessed by the eyes you could feel staring into the side of your head.
“Keep your eyes on the road, Matt.” You said, testing the way his name sounded from your lips.
He smirked at you, before doing as you said and staring ahead at the empty roads in front of him. It was your time to admire him, you thought, an idea forming in your head.
You pulled your hands from your lap, reaching over to place one on his thigh. You waited for a reaction. He glanced at you before reluctantly returning his gaze to the windshield. This time though, it wasn’t because you told him to, but because he feared he wouldn’t be able to control himself if he kept staring the soft skin of your thighs. Goddamn that skirt.
You slowly started to drag your hands further up his leg, earning yourself a warning look from the man beside you. You looked up at him, a facade of innocence painted across your features. He swore under his breath as you kept your hand moving slowly but firmly, entranced by the laboured breaths that started to escape his lips. You refocused on them, watching as his blue tinted tongue peeked out to sweep across them, the moisture glinting in the moonlight that came in through the windows.
You pressed your own thighs together, as the sinful thoughts started to flood in, your mind plagued by the thoughts of his tongue in other places.
Matt could feel everything through the thin nylon material of his pants, including the sharp press of your nails into the sensitive skin of his thighs. He swallowed down a sound that willed to escape his throat.
Despite the alarm sounds blaring through his head, Matt turned to look at you, regretting it as soon as he did.
The rosy flush on your cheeks, the glassy faraway look in your eyes, it all drew Matt in, sending him spiralling in a fit of lust. He looked down, seeing the way your skirt had ridden up and the way your legs were tightly pressed together. Images of hot skin sliding, chests heaving with laboured pants and bodies tangled between sheets flashed behind his eyelids. every part of his body shuddered with arousal. His white knuckled hands gripped the wheel with the same firm grip he imagined he would have on your hips as he rutted into you.
He stopped himself quickly, leading his thoughts to flood his brain with images of anything else, to get rid of the sensation raging in his abdomen.
By some sort of miracle, Matt managed to pull over into some sort of car park. there were three, maybe four cars scattered around the huge place, none with any indication that there was anyone inside.
No one was there..
Once the car was in park, his hands released their tight grip on the steering wheel and allowed the blood to flow back. His chest rises and falls with the occasional hitch in his throat whenever you press a little deeper into the material of his pants. He presses himself against the car door, unable to pull away from the sensations. Matt’s body was aching with each gentle graze of your fingernails with your touch continuing to tease his thoughts.
Matt lets his hands fall and tug at the lever that allowed his seat to pull back with a slight jerk. You let your hand back off from his body as you admire the modifications of his car.
His fingertips tap his thigh lightly as he calls you over, which you oblige.
He instantly reaches out without a second thought as his hands rest against your hips, guiding them onto his own. Once sat in his lap, his fingers start to trace up your sides leaving a trail of sparks in their wake.
You squeeze your legs around his sides and press all your body weight onto his. He shifts in his place, the feeling of you sat comfortably against him left him struggling to keep a straight face. You smirked down at him as you started to rock your hips back and forth. A quiet gasp emits past his lips.
Strokes of his hands trace your skin slowly back and forth, leaving a burning sensation in their wake. His eyes track your body and its movements each time you grind your hips. You feel Matt’s hands glide down your back before pulling you closer to him. He started to produce small whines caused from the friction on his dick, tilting his head back into the headrest of the chair.
Once he starts to release small high-pitched whined you slide down to his thigh and your hands start to toy with his waistband, pulling back the elastic to gently ping against his skin. You can’t help but smirk when he squirms underneath you as his pants rubbed against your clothed pussy.
You tease him slightly as you pull them down slowly past his hips, watching his face and it twists with anticipation.
You grab the hem of his boxers and pull them down to the same level as his boxers and you practically drool at the sight in front of you. He hisses as a light breeze of cool air hit his dick making him twitch slightly.
His cock was hard and leaking precum slowly through the tip. You grab the base of it and pump him a few times in your grasp, earning light moans from Matt. He wanted nothing more than to buck his hips up into your palms but he resisted so he could focus and savour the sight before him.
“Let me feel you baby..” He mumbles past a moan and his hands move around your thigh to meet the skin above your core. His fingers brush past the hem of your underwear and pushes it to the side to slide his fingers across. You gasp at the contact as he barely touches the edge of your clit.
Matt's expression turns into a smirk at your reaction, feeling how wet you are at such a lack of contact between the both of you.
“Fuck..you’re so wet...” Your teeth graze your skin as you bite down onto your lips, hiding yourself from him. He realises this quickly as grabs your chin to look at him.
“Let me hear you y/n, I want to hear how good I’m about to make you feel, yeah?” Matt had started to take control again and all it did was make you wetter.
His fingers gripped the skin on either side of your hips and takes a moment to study you and your body.
“You made this so easy for me with this skirt baby, but I think we both know that’s what you wanted hm..” He spoke so casually towards you, but you had no shame in admitting the truth to him with a weak nod.
The distance between you both closed as you leant forward to meet his lips, tasting the remnants of the blue candy as you swiped his bottom lip with your tongue.
Matt forced his hips upwards, applying pressure onto your core which made you groan into the kiss. He took this opportunity to push his tongue past your lips and deepen the kiss.
Both of you pulled apart from each other for air both of your chests panting against one another.
Your thighs reclaim their place, hovering just above matt, using your knees below and arms on the back of the seat as support. You could feel his body heat radiating onto yours which made you both realise how close you two were.“Want me to guide you, angel?” He takes a glance up at you and see your uncertainty mingled across your face. You blink at him sheepishly before slowly nodding your head, looking down at the near connection between you.
With your body still suspended above him he took this chance to slide down the seat, adjusting his body for the comfort against his body. He took your hips and gradually pulled them towards him taking small glances up at you to make sure you were ready.
He took the small nod as confirmation and pushed your hips down onto your body, gradually enough that you could stop anytime that you needed to. You sharply inhaled when his tip entered, not used to the feeling immediately. You only had your own slick to provide for you since his car lacked any of those products, the acknowledgement of that was mutual as you both took it slow, not wanting to hurt the other.
“Good..good..” He whispers in your ear as you slowly take more of him until you had bottomed out.
Little ruts of his hips were noticeable to you and you could see through his expression he wanted to move desperately, wanting to feel the body he craved for the past hour.
He wanted control during this but you decided to toy with him a little bit first. His eyes fixed on where your bodied were connected so once you felt comfortable enough with him inside, you lifted your body and bobbed your pelvis up and down a few times. Short but sweet.
Sweet enough to elicit a small moan from Matt’s throat, evidently taken by surprise.
“Is that how this is going to work?” His innocent facade was flawed and you saw through the smirk that was plastered on his face. The only thing you could do was prepare for what Matt had planned.
“C’mere baby..” Each of his fingers cupped your jaw and pulled your head forward until he was only an inch from your face. His eyes admired each feature before landing on his lips only momentarily staying still before leaning his head forward and kissing you gently. That was short lived as he applied more pressure on your lips and pressed his tongue against your lips.
The grin on his face grew each time he laid his lips on to your own as his body shuddered with arousal.
Matt could barely sense the lingering blue raspberry flavour on your lips but he needed more, he needed to taste it.
He took your distraction as an opportunity to press his hips upwards, causing you to moan at the sudden change. A smirk crossed his face as he succeeded and drove his tongue into your mouth.
Your body eased into his actions as he slowly moved against you, still letting you get used to him but you could tell he was holding back. You allowed yourself to break off the kiss and move down to his jawline and neck, sucking on the skin around it.
Matt immediately formed an ‘o’ shape with his mouth when you nipped along his jawline, finally letting his pelvis lift from his seat and pushed into you.
You both had formed a steady pace around each other between matt raising his hips and you lowering your body. Strings of moans fell between you both, growing closer to a familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach.
“Fuck, you’re so good.. taking me so well..” His words filled your ears and it only made you paw at something more than you couldn’t quite reach.
You knew he felt the same way, the way his hips occasionally stuttered when you moaned a little louder or when you bit his neck once more and made him whimper.
“M-matt..please.” You babbled into his neck as he kept thrusting upwards at his steady pace, you didn’t even know what you were begging for from him.
His pants were close to your ear, satisfying you as you realised he was getting close too.
“Please what, y/n..?” His tone was breathy and low and you pathetically whimpered at his words, as he began to thrust harder.
“Please I’m c-close..” A breathy chuckle was heard from Matt followed by a moan of his own.
“Hold on a little longer for me angel..c-can you do that?” As you replied you tilted your head backwards, trying to grip onto anything to make you last longer. Handprints had long been imprinted in the back of his seat, lined with a small coating of sweat. His own hands still gripped your hips tightly which left small crescents dented into your skin, but you were too overwhelmed with pleasure to care.
“Mhm..” You nodded to say what your mouth couldn’t. You both grew closer and you could feel him twitching slightly.
“Fuck..where do you want me?” His thrusts were becoming sloppy and you could barely keep yourself up anymore as he kept rutting inside.
“In..in me..please Matt.” You leant back forwards again whispering small cuss words into his ear as you reached your peak, suddenly moaning a little louder. You couldn’t hold back and clenched around him, whimpering his name.
“Shit.!”  His body stuttered as he came inside you, groaning each time your body tightened around his cock.
Your breathes are just as shaky as Matt’s, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Everything between you two is still exposed as he remains inside you while he lets you come down from your high. You take your focus off of Matt for just a moment to see the windows covered in a light sheen that blurred your view to the exterior. It was either that or the way tears glossed over your eyes as you finished.
A smirk covers his face once he sees your fucked out expression.
“Maybe you should come to more races..” A low chuckle rose from his body and you merely rolled your eyes at his statement. But he was quick to fill the silence again.
“Hold on angel.. don’t move.”  You freeze in your seat, watching Matt’s body pull his body closer to yours before reaching for the opening of the glove compartment, fumbling around a few times as it jolts open with a click. Matt grabs an un opened packet of tissues and holds the packaging between his front set of teeth, placing his free hands on your hips.
You pick up what he is trying to do and help lift yourself off on him and onto his thigh. The packet of tissues drops into his palms and he opens it and take two out, bringing it up between your leg.
He’s gently as he caresses the skin, trying to get your body to relax  just a little more. Your lower back shivers as he wipes between the folds and past your clit but one quick inhale calms you down. He tosses the tissues into the side section of his car door and brings his hands to your hips one last time. His thumb rubs against the marked skin, lifting you again to aid you back over the console. His own hips lift to grab his boxers and pants and brings them back up to his waist slowly while he tries not to overstimulate himself.
Once you make it over to the console and Matt is situated again you catch him staring at the love bites you made across the skin of his neck and you smirk proudly at your work. The pushes the mirror back up to the roof of the car and faces you, holding a kind smile comparing to the smug look he had on ten minutes prior.
“You want to get food y/n..?” You realised quick that you hasn’t eaten since before the race and you were never one to turn down free food.
“Of course..I don’t mind where” You offer a sincere smile, referring to his own as he quickly resumed the car and changed gears before accelerating out of the car park.
“You better be at my next race.”
“Only if you win.”
@bueckerslover @worldlxvlys @raysmayhem-72 @patscorner @breeloveschris @y0urm4m @bernardsbendystraws @junnniiieee07 @luverboychris @sleepysturnss @jnkvivi @melliflws @axolotllover225
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cosmicjoke · 3 days
im so perplexed there are kenny riders here??? that man is an abusive psycho maniac mass murderer but i've been seeing more and more posts like that ever since bad boy release. literally like those netflix serial killer doc that romantasiced them.
I seriously don't get it either.
Kenny completely fucked Levi up. People that defend him or make excuses for him are making excuses for flat out child abuse and, yeah, also defending a serial killer. People don't seem to understand what serial killers are. What kind of people they are. They're literally incapable of caring about anyone, something we see demonstrated both through Kenny's failure when it came to his sister, and his failure when it came to Levi. They might be able to feign at having emotion for other people, they may be good at pretending. But in the end, they just aren't capable. They're sociopathic and completely devoid of empathy. How do people think Kenny would have treated Levi, then? This notion that he doted on him, or looked out for him and protected him is a sick joke. The very fact he abandoned him is in itself all the evidence one needs to understand Kenny mistreated him. Because not only did he abandon a ten year old child, he abandoned him in the most dangerous place inside the walls, and he also clearly fucked off for long enough periods of time before that for Levi to have to fend constantly for himself, again, inside the most dangerous place inside the walls, something evidenced by the fact that, on his own, Levi ends up nearly being beaten to death and sold into sexual slavery. Kenny wasn't in any way, shape or form a good or caring guardian to Levi, and the people that try to say he was, or who try to defend him, honestly make me sick. It's all driven by some lame-ass agenda they have to somehow lessen Levi's trauma or make his childhood seem not as bad as it clearly was. And that's usually to either, a. make out like some other character had it worse, or b. try to give someone other than Levi himself the credit for how he turned out.
Anyone who's going to stand there and try and defend Kenny and all the numerous ways in which he completely devastated Levi psychologically, from immersing him into brutal violence and death, literally teaching him how to kill and teaching him that to be able to kill is the only means of proving his worth, to then abandoning him without a word of explanation in a place filled with killers and rapists and human traffickers, a place without sunlight, a place literally disenfranchised completely from society, who's residents are less than second-class citizens... yeah, those people can go take a walk off a plank. I don't want to hear from them.
Screw Kenny. Levi deserved infinitely better than that POS.
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prentissluvr · 12 hours
IM HERE WITH MY DEAN THOUGHTS!! (mostly platonic)
when you become friends/best friends, he’s ride or die for you
not on the same level of sammy but it’s a close second
the playful banter between the two of you is just great
although he knows that he can be annoying and uses it to his advantage
flirting with you to annoy his brother (he knows that sammy is in love with you and does it to get on his nerves)
has a reserved nickname for you but does pull out the pet names if you’re having a bad day
speaking of bad days/sick days
he will go out of his way to take care of you
pulls out all of the stops for his bestie
this is when you realize this man is a secret softy at heart (refuses to admit it, because he’s a “big bad hunter”)
platonic cuddles/casual physical affection
dean is reserved with physical affection (im thinking post hell! dean) (earlier szns dean wouldn’t hold back tbh)
but once he’s comfortable with you (and is sure that you won’t leave him or sammy)
then it’s a free for all
swinging his arm over your shoulder, sharing a bed if there’s only two beds (sam seethes sometimes but this is way before you guys get together lol), resting his head in your lap during movie nights (starts off as a joke wanting to annoy you but then does it almost everytime you guys have one, loves when his hair is getting played with)
there’s def more but ill cut it off here (i love bestie dean but im also in love with him LOL) (the winchester brothers have a GRIP on me)
HELLO DAISYYYY HEHEHEHE this is amazing i'm so obsessed <33
cw : mentions of injuries, pet names obviously , dean is annoying ofc <3, sammy and reader like each other, swearing probably, alcohol mention, unedited! wc : 1.5K
⟢ ride or die : i mean yeah, this is pretty much undeniable. sure, sam will always be his first priority, but the moment he knows that you're a part of the team, no doubts, he's prepared to do just about anything for you. both fortunately and unfortunately, this does mean he gets really protective of you similarly to how he is with sam, especially if you're younger than him. and even if you're not, the fact that you're his best friend makes you family, and we know how dean feels about family <3
⟢ playful banter : this is basically just your whole friendship with him HAHA. not truly, of course, but mostly heh. like idk what else to say, he'll take any opportunity to tease you or make you fake angry because he just thinks it's too funny. and he'll love whatever way you respond to that. he definitely enjoys if you return his fire with your own teasing and retorts and i personally think you are so allowed to be mean to him because he's an idiot!! obviously don't be actually mean, but he enjoys having a teasing relationship where you can call each other stupid and know that the other means it with love lol.
when the two of you get into it, sam gets so annoyed. like you'll be arguing about the value of mustard on sandwiches and both of you are so invested in winning the argument and sam is like oh my god, dean please focus on the road and shut up, both of you😭😭 the boy is trying to sleep, he doesn't need this right now. so you either keep arguing in hushed tones (which doesn't last for long) or you pick it back up at another time (that's also probably inconvenient and annoying to sam still HA).
and yeah, dean can be very annoying and he loves to rile you up LOL. it's great when you reciprocate his banter, but sometimes he's just so ridiculous that it has you rolling your eyes and groaning in frustration. and unfortunately for you, that, or any other dramatic response, is exactly what dean is trying to get out of you. "dean, will you shut up?" is one of his favorites. he just laughs at you, he thinks the way you say it is so funny and cute.
he does other annoying things too, like rest his elbow on your head or shoulder if it reaches, he doesn't care if you're his same height, barely shorter, or significantly shorter, he's gonna make fun of your height. and if you're taller, yeah he's still gonna make fun of that, too. he'll playfully put his hand on the top of your head, just for the pure intention of annoying you. idk basically anything that annoys you, he does it (usually without going overboard, he knows where to draw the line).
and yeah, the flirting is more about annoying sam, but it's a total plus when you give him that look saying, "really, are you kidding me?" he'll love a good banter on that end of the spectrum too, if you're down for flirting back. unfortunately, this sends sam the wrong message for the longest time, but it's not your fault that you don't know that he likes you back! you're just playing around with dean heh.
⟢ pet names/nicknames : yes yes yes!! he absolutely has a nickname that is specific to you!! basically your version of "sammy." it might be a nickname based off of your given name, but it totally could be an inside joke, something silly and cute. it might even be a pet name that he uses for you exclusively. i can see him calling a younger best friend "pumpkin," mostly as another method of annoying you. that one is used pretty sparingly though because it's a little over the top for the both of you. he definitely uses it a lot less than whatever his main nickname for you is, which he uses just about all the time lol. if you have a nickname based off you name, sam probably uses that, too. so, dean likes having a separate nickname that he came up with which only he uses.
and yes! he does use pet names casually and occasionally, but he's far more likely to use them if you're having a bad day, if you were injured on a hunt, or something like that! i think maybe this is just because i'm obsessed with the time that dean called lisa honey once, but i think the idea of dean calling his best friend honey is really adorable. that one is used for maximum comfort, especially if you're injured <3 "c'mon, honey. keep your eyes open, you're okay." i can also see dean using baby platonically sometimes!
he does occasionally use over the top names like sugar plum or honey bunches to annoy you lol. he will "sweetheart" you in a teasing way because he loves the way it makes you fume LOL. but in special circumstances, he'll call you sweetheart sincerely (also more likely when you're injured—"you're alright, sweetheart, we're almost to the motel"). idk if this counts as a pet name, but he'll definitely call you kid and kiddo if you're younger than him like how he does with charlie <3 i see him using darlin' very casually! "alright, c'mon darlin', let's see what sammy found." casual pet names means he's in a good mood though. he also will use insults like pet names because you're his idiot best friend <33
he won't tell you this but he likes if you've got a nickname for him, too! but he will tease you if you try to use the same pet names for him, even if you're casual about it in the same way he is.
⟢ taking care of you on bad/sick days : uhm yeah, he tries not to be obvious about it, but when he goes the the store just to pick up your favorite treat or kisses your forehead like fifty billion times when he thinks you're asleep, there's no way you can miss what a big softie he is. if the way you wear your hair allows, he'll brush any stray strands out of your face, especially if you're sick and it's stuck to your face with with sweat. checks your temperature on your forehead with his hand <3 then if he thinks you have a fever, he busts out the thermometer and takes your temp that way just to make sure you don't have to go to the hospital. he brings you your meds and lovingly bothers you about eating enough food. makes you watch movies with him lol
on days that are simply just bad, well, he's horrible with emotions, but he knows that pie and alcohol can fix almost anything (this is not true, but it still helps you to have a treat and a drinking buddy). while he's bad with emotions, he is absolutely more than willing to listen to anything you need to talk about. he's not sure how to tell you that he's there for you out loud, so he'll pour you another drink if you're not too drunk and rub your back with a soft, but firm hand. his go to phrase to comfort you is, "we'll figure it out," and it works because you know he really means it, and he says it in a soft and sweet tone that's quite rare for him.
⟢ physical affection : he can definitely be more reserved sometimes with touch, but he welcomes any physical affection that you initiate. if you purposefully stand shoulder to shoulder, he'll put his arm around you, and he'll certainly accept any hugs you have to offer. like you said, once he's even more comfortable and confident in your being around, he's much more open about swinging an arm around your shoulder and any given moment (especially because he can shove you around a little that way lmao).
he's definitely okay with the bed sharing, mostly because it's a necessity, though he tries to get you to share with sam much more once he realizes that you like each other because he can see sam physically become upset when you share with dean lmao.
movie nights are prime time for physical affection with dean!! i definitely agree that he puts his head in your lap first to annoy you, but when you don't bat an eye and start running your fingers through his hair, he's done for. he always is trying to get you to do it again, every time you watch something together, and that's when it gets annoying lmao, because he won't let you rest your head on his shoulder anymore or let you be the one to put you head in his lap. he'll make an exception if you're having a bad though hah. once again, he will dial down the cuddles if he can tell that it's bothering sam, but will absolutely not give up the physical affection with you because he thinks sam needs to get over it LOL. because, at the end of the day!! you'll always be his best friend, and he will always respect you and your relationship with sammy.
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synthshenanigans · 3 months
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kaladinkholins · 5 months
they literally got rid of her eye bags and under-eye dark circles and made her cheeks fuller and more flushed along with her letting her hair down... to show how happy she was on the farm...
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teddybearsims · 2 months
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Jude for Dazed - May 2024 Issue x
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sacchiri · 2 months
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Hellsing 2002 calendar illustration.
Ein wunderliche und erschröckliche Hystori von einem großen Wüttrich genant Dracole wayda Der do so ganz unkristenliche marrter hat angelegt die mensche, als mit spissen als auch die leut zu Tod geslyffen
A wondrous and frightening story about a great berserk called Dracula the voivode who inflicted such unchristian tortures such as with stakes and also dragged people to death
#hellsing#alucard#kouta hirano#translation was found in a comment by u/lazyfoxheart on r/Kurrent#fun fact this is the highest quality version of this image that exists online#i know because i've been looking forever for a version that's clear enough to actually read what hirano wrote under '1443'#but there weren't any so i had to take matters into my own hands#the real image on the back of the guidebook is only 2 inches tall so i had to take this with my smartphone and will my hands not to shake#anyway i'm pretty sure it's supposed to say Eğrigöz (the location vlad was imprisoned) so yeah. thank you hirano very cool#if i might rant for a sec it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure that out because i didn't have the guidebook at first#and in the images i could find online that part was just a blur that looked suspiciously like a person's signature and i was like. who tf#i was thinking matthias corvinus since he issued some political propaganda against vlad iirc but it didn't match his signature on wikipedia#then i thought it might be vlad II dracul's since he probably had to sign an agreement to send his sons over as hostages at some point#but that didnt seem right either so i kept skimming vlad's wiki page#and then i was like goddammit...hirano.....you just misspelled Eğrigöz didn't you.. ....#i maybe should've made a separate post dedicated to this instead of writing a novel in the tags but eh#the hellsing brainrot runs deep#also- i put it in the source link at the bottom of the post but the german inscription is copied off a real woodcut of vlad from 1491#except instead of depicting him as an adult hirano drew him as a child which gives the inscription a very different feel imo#the one final thing that interests me about this is the fact that hirano published this calendar in 2002#which is REALLY early in the series. like this was before volume 5 came out??#i have no idea why he decided to do a massive spoiler drop in a random piece of japan-only merch#sandwiched between a drawing of alucard as john travolta from saturday night fever and integra as a fish no less#it makes me really curious to know what the fan response to this was back then. like did people even know who this was#maybe im just an idiot and everyone back then was like 'ah yes its alucard as a 12 year old. how very informative'
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witchspeka · 11 months
I dont think Mob is naive as much as he's socially unaware, like the reason why he trusts Reigen so blindly is a bit more complex than just him being naive
Cause Mob reached out to Reigen because he was desperate to find someone like him, someone who understood his psychic specific issues, someone that could truly know what he's feeling and going through and give him guidance and support
Post incident Mob's thinking process was something along the lines of my powers hurt people -> my powers are bad -> my powers (my emotions, my instincts, myself) cannot be trusted
So he lost all confidence and trust in his own actions, resigning to being as passive as possible to avoid any further damage to anyone else, thus he started doubting his own perception of reality too
He's a kid already struggling with being ostracised for being socially inept, who just got traumatised and all of his insecurity increased by the tenfold, he doesn't know how to process what he's going through. He needs help.
And here comes Reigen, seemingly reliable, a responsible adult in a child's eyes, someone who claims he can understand him
Even tho Reigen doesnt. But it doesn't matter, because Mob finds comfort in his words and takes them to heart
Even if Reigen doesn't fully get it, even if he doesn't see the bigger picture, even if his advice isn't always the best
Eventually, Mob grows up, realises Reigen isn't as honest as he seemed through his 11 year old perspective, but like most things, he refuses to acknowledge it on a deeper level
Mob knows, but never tells Reigen, never thinks about what all those lies mean to him (ofc until he forces himself to face those doubts regarding Reigen, to properly acknowledge both of their flaws and accept them as they are, I should scream into the void about Confession Arc more God)
Due to his lack of trust in himself, Mob has relied on Reigen for years now to shape his moral compass, his thoughts, his decisions
Because well, Reigen lies, sure, but he isnt a bad person. When he hurts Mob, it isn't intentional or with ill intent, he still wants the best for him, what's the issue?
Except that it stunts Mob's growth. He doesn't develop as a person, doesn't have goals or wishes or ambitions, can't make choices on his own, he doesn't even let himself acknowledge his own emotions, he refuses to let himself exist
But Mob realises in time that he wants more than that, he wants to become better and be independent and feel again
Still, he puts the acknowledgement of the lies on hold for as long as he can, unwilling to question the way things are
This can make him feel a little naive, he constantly relies on Reigen and trusts his decisions and raises questions rarely until separation arc when he finally puts his foot down
And I do think that moment is the most resounding proof we have that Mob knows and allows himself to be used by Reigen, not wanting to shake the status quo, until he gets fed up
I mentioned the social ineptitude at the beggining but idk if I should even elaborate on that, you've watched the show, you know what I mean
He's blunt and can't read social cues or tonality that well and can't speak in front of crowds and is overall pretty awkward and I do think some people conflate that with naivety
Mob is still a child, he doesnt fully understand how the world works at the ripe age of 14 years old, but some folks take that as him being inherently naive/innocent/whatever which I don't find true
#ppl do a similar thing with seri but for different reasons but i do think in his case its worse cause thats a whole ass adult#anyway. i dont think im saying anything new i just wanted to ramble <3#i missed mobposting what can i say#ik i saw somebody talk about this in a more eloquent way but i doubt i could find the post cause i dont think i rbed it so rip#mp100#mob psycho 100#kageyama shigeo#that ova needs to come out already im going insane#cine te a intrebat#also hope i didnt come off as too negative towards reigen or smth#but like. my favourite part of confession is him saying (i didnt know!) LIKE YEAH. U DIDNT. LMAO.#ppl treat him as a bit too reliable sometimes and dont give him a lot of room to grow like Reigen isnt even 30 yet!! he aint that old!!#he still needs to get HIS own shit tgt before giving out advice just saying. also he totally doesnt understand mob fully. how can he??#he never mentions the incident with ritsu and considering mobs inclination of never telling anyone anything unless prompted#i doubt he knows... like reigen genuinely doesnt know the extent of mobs trauma!! when he said I Didnt Know he meant that shit!!!!!!#which is like. fine. cause to me whats important is how he always wants to protect mob and support him and help him#even if he doesnt always know how. even if advice backfires. hes always there and hes always trying and hes just as human and flawed as mob#himself#ig what im getting at is just that im bothered by the Flavour of reliable adult fandom is giving him. hes a lil pathetic and#fucks up sometimes and thats fiiiiiine. i feel like i talked shit about reigen but i do think hes a good guy and IS reliable just not in the#gives great advice way. but in the Knows How To Talk And Bullshit His Way Through Everything and Has Genuinely Good Intentions (usually)#and will throw away all of his self preservation if the situation requires him to. his advice is good but can be vague idk ONE rlly managed#to balance his pathetic side with his helpful reliable side and i dont think i articulated it the best way but like.... hes simultaneously#pathetic and sad but also the most sane and reliable adult in this show. rant over see u next time byeeee
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ty-bayonet-betteridge · 2 months
3l!grian is frequently depicted as a tragic figure and sometimes i wonder if we even watched the same series
#like yes he is tragic. every character in the series is tragic but i think hes easily the least tragic of the winners#(except maybe cleo. i have my own thoughts about how cleos victory plays into her core themes and why its not as joyous or triumphant as#cleo the players and the fandom at large make it seem that i will have to make a real post about at some point)#grian dies Laughing. he smiles and calls it a dual victory before the final fight. his last words are “its been amazing.”#to me Grians arc is about how he came in with this sense of mirth. had it ripled away by the reality when his joke gets Scar killed.#and then rediscovers it as he learns that the horror of their circumstances doesn't need to keep him from delight#plus also ive never seen a man more delighted to explode three of his friends#ill also bring up that Martyns lore has Grian involved in the games explicitly to COMBAT the angst#that Grians inherent silliness and joy makes the players less hopeless as they meet their endings#and theres obviously parts of martyns lore i can take or leave but this is one area where Eyes and Ears lines up very well with what actions#the characters take and so im happy to bring it up#unlike other parts such as “limlife pearl and cleo retained more trauma between seasons than any player has before”#which i do directly refute as it doesn't seem to line up with the way the characters act and the story plays out#thats for another post though#my point here is 3l grian was having the time of his life and i think there are some fanon interpretationd that disregard that#which theyre free to do im definitely someone who has ignored canon plenty of times in the past (glances at worm)#but i think this is the sort of thing that makes the canon more interesting and compelling#anyway. um. rambled longer than i meant to there#grian#trafficblr#3rd life#3rd life smp#3lsmp
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thelien-art · 9 months
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My favorite bird of all time
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