#im prolly forgetting a tag or two
asherashedwings · 1 year
No Moons were harmed in the making of this video
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HII gorgeous 👋👋 I wanted to say I love your writing and honestly your brilliant mind gracing us with all of your stories 🤩 with that being said my birthday is in a week— eeekk 21 BITCHHH 😛😛😈 and I wanted to request a HOTD cast imagine since I’m pretty sure they’ll start filming soon, so imagine maybe a raging birthday party just before filming or something and it gets crazyyy and wild and wouldn’t it be great to get sloshed with Emma D’Arcy 😃 doing this would be a pretty rocking birthday present soo… not to put pressure… 👀👀🤭
(Also I’m the star points bitch. So keep that in mind hon 🔍🔍 this is your redemption arc)
Sloshed 🥴
HoTD Cast & Reader (there's a paring here somewhere if you quint hard enough)
Summary: To celebrate your birthday, your castmates in HotD throw you a makeshift party with a karaoke machine, a poorly homemade cake, and lots and lots of alcohol.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, drinking/drunkenness/everyone gets cronked, super chaotic everything, grade school bullying (affectionate), crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY START POINTS NONNIE! (im not going to call you bitch because i dont like that word) im sure at this point youre prolly 22 T_T but better late than never. also Omg my child 😭 you think i give a shit about redemption??? HAHAHAAH IT MAKES ME WANT TO FUCK THIS UP SO BAD but the request is so compelling that i'll silence the part of my brain that is screaming for murder HAHAHA idk it all kinda went all over the place but lol enjoy star points nonnie! or dont i dont care Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @targaryenmoony
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You had your phone on, eye level, recording, flashlight and all, so did Milly. You were both snorting to yourselves as you made your way through the streets-
"WHERE THE STREETS HAVE NO NAME!" you sing, flailing your arms around as you spun on the pavement.
No, no, you weren't drunk yet. But boy were you were excited to be.
Milly had picked you up and, like an idiot, spoiled the surprise party altogether by being too giddy and blabbermouthed. It was obvious she was leading you to a 'secret birthday party' and though Milly adamantly denied to her final breath, when you got to the venue, still somehow startled by the loud scream of 'SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!', Emma gave her a piece of their mind for being so obvious.
You immediately hugged the gals, namely Olivia, Emily, and Phia, then after gave a kiss to person who remembered your birthday at all, Emma.
"I love you so much," you muttered as you pulled them into a hug, nearly choking them in the process. Emma chuckles, sealing their arms around you with a lot less enthusiasm, only cause in you were a python comparison.
They turn to Milly, who was already heading for the food, "did you two drink already?"
"No, babe, we're drunk on life!" Milly responds, pouring herself a drink.
Emma and Olivia turn to each other, the latter rolls her eyes exaggeratedly, "dear god, to be twen'y somthin'."
Emma snorts as you finally pull away from them.
You spin your arm overhead, stupidly forgetting you had your phone in hand. This allows it to get darted across the room, nearly hitting Phia on the way.
You scramble for the object, amazed that it was uncracked and still in one piece, camera still filming everything. You look up to everyone and call out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!"
Each person in the room cheers and claps for you, immediately getting ready for the festivities.
At one point, you managed to end and restart recording on your phone as you eat some chips and ready the second song on a karaoke machine, and by karaoke machine, I mean a big-ish laptop propped on an box on a table connected to a Bluetooth speaker that was honestly impressively loud for its size.
It was also at this time, the MIA boys finally arrived, as in Fabien, Tom, Ewan, & Matt, carrying fast food and drinks, cheering as they came for absolutely no other reason than to be loud.
Now. Now, the party was really getting started.
After eating and the singing got old, an idea was proposed. You don't know whose genius (stupid) idea it was to play fucking marco polo, but DAMN was it intense.
You down the last for your 3rd(?) beer before running off as the it of the game neared you. You find yourself in a corner where Matt now to your right. You do your darndness to evade the blind folded Tom, who by the ways was insanely horrible at the game.
He was so bad, Olivia, like the mom she was, had to keep reminding him he could call out Marco, so that you lot could call out Polo and give some semblance as to where you were in the Emma's largish flat.
"Babes," Olivia calls, beginning to remind the lost puppy, Tom.
Elbow pushing the massive block of doofus (Matt), who was CHEATING by using you as his shield from the nearing lost, blonde boy, you struggled against the man, both of you fairing horribly to hold in your giggles as you push deeper into the corner of the room, trapped behind the sofa.
Tom turns behind him, blindfold on and all, at the sound of Olivia's voice.
"You can call out Marco," Olivia reminds before going back to a conversation with Phia safely a distance away in the kitchen.
"Oh-right- MARCO!"
"POLO!" everyone screams except you and Matt.
"THEY'RE CHEATING!" Fabien calls loudly in protests from behind the dining table, "TOM, TURN AROUND! TOM, TURN AROUND!"
Fabien's plan backfires as Tom instead heads for him. The former runs over to where Ewan was, who then runs over to where Emily was, by the front door.
"POLO YOU CUNTS!" Fabien shouts with a chuckle, extending his arm out to your direction, accusingly.
You stick out your tongue to Fabien as Matt begins to shove you the opposite direction.
Ewan to Fabien's side drops his jaw over the brunutte's backfired attempt in both a 'STFU' manner and 'this is kind of funny but STFU' manner, then slaps his hand on Fabian's blabbermouth.
Tom was nearing them. Emily begins to push back against Ewan, covering her mouth as not to make a sound. This allowed you to climb from the back of the sofa, onto the cushions, escaping the entrapment in the corner with Matt.
Emily topples onto Ewan and holds her breath as she barely dodges Tom's reaching hands.
And then-
"POLO! POLO! POLOLOLOL!" Matt screams, grabbing you by the shoulders, alerting everyone in the room.
Tom takes the bait, turning about as you squeal and wrangle out of Matt's cheating grip.
Emily, Ewan, and Fabien sneakily evade him whilst Tom is distracted.
"MATT YOU FUCKER!" you whine, finally escaping him. You swiftly run past Tom, who almost managed to grab you and make it towards Emma, who was had been sitting in an isolated corner of their flat, drinking a can of pop.
They give you a nod and you look over finding Tom was approaching the corner where you and Matt had been, yet the man was nowhere in sight. Rats, he was good.
Fabien, running towards you out of nowhere, grabs you by your arms and offers you as a sacrifice, "POLO! POLO!"
Tom turns your direction as you shriek.
"YOU CHEATING RAT!" you protest mid arm imprisonment.
Tom, now at his limit, stops then pulls down his blindfold, making everyone groan. The man, who had been it the WHOLE time you have been playing, sighs and places his hands on his hips, "guys, ain't no way I'm this bad at Marco Polo. You lot are double crossing me!"
Everyone gathers over towards Tom in a chorus of laughs and disagreements.
Olivia speaks, "I'm sorry, love, but honestly, this flat isn't that large."
"You just suck," Phia deadpans, making Tom give him a sour look.
Milly crawls from underneath the table she had been hiding from the entire time, "who's it now?
Milly jolts when Matt sneaks up from behind her and screams, "YOU!" The moron evades Milly's incoming punches.
Meanwhile, you have been chasing Fabien across the room, pulling on his hair when you catch him.
Between that point and when you all (mostly you and Milly) began to cry while singing Hello by Adele, another 3(?) bottles of beer was consumed by your person.
This was why when you reached for another bottle, Ewan (who had been watching you the entire time) took the thing from you, "that's mine."
You blink slowly, turning to him as he takes the bottle from you, handing it to Matt, who was cheering Emma and Olivia on as they sung from the top of their lungs. Matt turns to Ewan, taking the bottle from him, "thanks, babe."
You move to take another bottle, and Ewan grabs it again, "that's also mine." This time, he takes a swig of the alcohol when you turn to him.
You grunt, taking another shot at grabbing one of the last two bottles on the table. Before you could even reach out for it though, Tom grabs the two bottles and you watch as he hands the other to Fabien. They clank it together, then sit next to you, unwittingly triggering your tear ducts.
They were so mean. You flat out begin to sob. Each man on the sofa turns to you.
"It's my birthday!" you whine under your breath, tears streaming your face, "I'm being oppressed."
Tom beside you hears your mewls then panics, "hey, hey, what's wrong?"
Ewan ,on you other side, stiffens turning to you, face falling at the sight of your tears.
You choke on your tears as you whine.
"MATT YOU'VE REALLY DONE IT NOW MATE!" Fabien screams after seeing you.
Matt turns to you, as does the singing Emma and Olivia, as well as Phia who was doing background vocals and Emily and Milly who was recording the whole thing.
"Me?!" Matt calls out with a chuckle, "what did I do," he leans towards you, "what's happened, love?"
You ignore them as Emma makes a beeline for you and grabs your hand, "come on babe, boys suck."
Ewan begins to explain the situation to everyone and Fabien calls out, "you want my beer, baby?"
"What about my beer?" Tom asks.
"S'fine," you mumble as you get in front of the make shift karaoke machine where Olivia then wraps her arms over your shoulders.
"Hey! Why the hostility!" Fabien calls out.
"Because you're ugly mate," Tom sneers, chuckling before he drinks his beer.
Matt says, giggling, "I mean you did make the birthday baby cry."
Fabien's jaw drops, "yeah, yeah, yeah, says the man with no eyebrows."
Tom hollers, throwing his head back in laughter. Ewan snorts under his breath, holding in his laughter.
"Woah, woah, woah," Milly walks over with a camera, "is there a row goin' on 'ere," she points her phone camera to them, "come on," she says in a thick Australian accent, "have at it!"
Fabien exaggeratedly bites his lower lip and flips Milly's cam off.
Meanwhile Phia and Emily are cheering you on as the next song begins to play. The intro has everyone in a frenzy.
You burp as you croak out the first lines of the song, "buHaybe can't you see-- I'm callin'. A guy like you should have a warning, it's dangerous-"
"IM FALLING!" you lot sing out in various keys.
Absolutely feeling yourself with the music, you begin to dance to Britney Spears, doing body rolls against Emma and Olivia.
By the time the chorus hits, you and the girls are dancing and singing to Toxic. You twirl all the way over to the sofa, nearly falling on your way as you tell the yucky boys to join in the festivities.
Yet all it takes is one loud bang on the door to burst everyone's bubble.
"Oh fuck," Emma calls, turning frantically around everyone, shushing them as Emily scrambles to cut the music.
Blissfully unaware of everything, you clumsily continue to dance and hit not one, but two faces (Ewan and Matt's) with your hands.
"Alright, Britney, that's enough of you," Fabien calls, pulling you away from your accidental victims of violence.
"There's something to be said about the fact both of your chins were hit," Milly says under her breath, but both men she was teasing hear her loud and clear, in fact, everyone hears her, which is why Tom wheeze with Phia as Olivia holds back her laughter.
"Oh fuck off," Matt says as Ewan purses his lips and shakes his head.
"At least I can reach the bars in the tube," Ewan rebuts.
"OH! For the jugular!" Emily calls just as Olivia hushes everyone.
Emma comes back with clenched teeth, turning to you, "right, uh... my neighbors say happy birthday, also, shut the fuck up."
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kumezyzo · 1 year
i was rewatching the dream team all stars MCC and was thinking about streamer!reader cause im actually sick in the head :) so now everyone else has to deal with it 😌 so, as much as i love bad, reader does happen to be an honourary Dream Team member according to bf!sapnap.....
i like to think during this time (Nov. 2021) reader and sapnap are well into their talking stage and like, reallyyyy close to dating (they prolly start dating two weeks after this stream of sum). so this is technically crush!sapnap [so cutee]
also just bsf!george and dream moments cause why not (and cause i need some more fluff to feel gud)
lots of swearing (particularly fbombs lol)
so enjoy.... or dont lol :) m.list
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crush!sapnap who cant help but giggle when you text him about the 'serpnerp and gerge' bit he did before the event started. when you ask about the fake kisses they gave eachother, he would be tempted to text you back with "i could give you real ones if you want" but refrains from it.
crush!sapnap who secretly had your stream pulled up on the side just so he could see your face as you hyped yourself up for the event.
if youre faceless, he'd just want to listen to you and hear the way you pause to read a text he sends you. he'd feel so cocky if you happened to quietly giggle at something you he sent you.
crush!sapnap who forgets youre on the call for a moment when he makes comments about needing to take a shit...
"if i really wanted to, i could insta-shit"
"ew wtf 😭"
"i actually forgot you were here for a moment, my bad" (he would be blushing so hard)
crush!sapnap who hypes you up so much during parkour tag (and makes sure youre not getting tagged) when youre the last person to be tagged
bsf!george who also hypes tf out of you when youre tagging people. he gets so loud that you have to tell him to stfu at times
crush!sapnap who subconsciously tries to protect you during the first round of sky battle until you call him out for it
"sapnap, dont worry about me! just try to get the other fucking teams. holy fuck..."
"y/n is getting toxic~"
"george shut the fuck up."
(it was mostly cause dream was getting heated at you but dw sap gets it 😌)
bsf!dream who blames you for a block placement glitch during sky battle
it led to a strange disagreement about where you were standing before crush!sapnap interjected and told you guys to leave it be. (we stan)
crush!sapnap who feels his heart flutter when you giggle about heated dream was getting over you standing on a rail in grid runners.
bsf!george who gets very hyped when you dont mute yourself during ace race.
"y/n are you muting yourself?"
"nope, are you?"
"Lets go!!!!...... but shut the fuck up a little"
crush!sapnap who tries to gather your materials whenever you need them during buildmart and ultimately pisses off dream when he doesnt bring back what people need.
"Sapnap, how the fuck are you leaving but not bringing back fucking anything we actually need!?!?"
"okay! okay, what do you need?!"
bsf!dream who gets wayyyy too heated at you during battle box.
"y/n just use the fucking bow!"
"i am you dumb fuck!"
"oh my-"
crush!sapnap who gets annoyed too, but tries to not direct it towards you.
"george if theyre building to middle, block them!"
"y/n is supposed to be covering me!"
"they are, so pull your weight!"
bsf!dream who gets yelled at by his chat for yelling at you.
'say sorry to y/n'
"what? you know what, fuck y/n! ive known them for over 5 years, im not saying sorry!"
"good! i dont want your apology anyway! we are no longer friends!"
(literal toddlers lol)
crush!sapnap who says a small 'hi' when he passes by you in sands of time. even if youre in the same call. and have been for 2 1/2 hours.
dteam who just lets you do youre own thing in the last to games of the event (sands of time & tgttos).
"i actually havent hear y/n speak in like five minutes," george said with an impressed smile. "i thought they just left the call for a moment, ha."
"me too for a second-"
"both of you shut the fuck up, im tired and tryna get this over with."
bsf!george who could help but cackle when you yell at him during dodgebolt.
"george if you dont stop talking about the arrow, i will fly to london and shove it so far up your ass-"
crush!sapnap who calls you after both of you end your streams to talk about how you feel after the event.
"how are you doing, you seemed..."
"angry? annoyed?"
crush!sapnap talks with you until either one of you has to hang up. you feel like youre back in highschool talking to your crush for hours on end.
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ngl, i dunno how i feel about this one. it might be too much tbh but im tired asf writing this and dont wanna change much. and i got a little carried away having fun writing it....sorry... -Nony
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valscodblog · 2 months
So-I s'pose ye'll be needin' this.
@thealtofvalleyxdoodles's sideblog <3
SHIT ABT ME! (Sorry for the horrible fake scottish accent. I am A Soap girlie thru and thru.)
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❣.·:*¨¨*:·.❣ ғѧṅԀȏṃṡ ❣.·:*¨¨*:·.❣
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare one, two and three (Fuck the ending of three omfg) also-LONG LIVE '09 GHOST AND SOAP!
Call of Duty: Ghosts (Keegan <3)
Hazbin Hotel (so random compared to my other fandoms)
Baulder's Gate Three (I dont remember how to spell it-)
Resident Evil
The Witcher (I blame my father for getting me into this)
Dead By Daylight (Is that a fandom? If not-let's make it one)
DC/MARVEL Comics and some of the movies.
Uncharted (i swear-the first game i played i nearly died bc OMG "God Girl" AHHHH! Nathan Drake the man you are, Nathan Drake.)
Gravity Falls (I watched it as a kid-and re-watched as a grown ass adult. Still love it.)
and prolly some more i cant remember rn.
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ʍǟֆȶɛʀʟɨֆȶֆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙ Red means N/A blue means its up!
Office Workers, John Price x reader, Season one
"One night only" Simon Riley x Reader (will be worked on soon)
"Bonnie" John MacTavish x Reader
Too Sweet; Hoizer| anything and E V E R Y T H I N G by the artic monkeys| Pumped up kicks; foster the people| Dirty Class-China remix or whatever it's called.| Alien Blues (i forget who its by)| Same old Love; Rihanna/Selena Gomez| I like the way you kiss me; Artemas| Soaked; shy smith| Paint the Town Red; Doja Cat; Diet mountain due (Demo and actual song); Lana Del Rey| anything by Lana tbh-| anything by Eminem| 679; Fetty Wap| Breakin' Dishes; Rihanna| tbh-anything by Rihanna too-| Favorite; Isabel LaRosa| Army Dreamers; Kate Bush| Harpy Hare; Yaelokre| and more!
❣┈⋆┈⋆┈ ⋞ 〈 BASIC THINGS 〉 ⋟ ┈⋆┈⋆┈❣
Pronouns: She/They Age: 18 (19 in Nov.) Race: MEXICAN
Fav Foods: Tacos, and Banana Bread Fav curse word: FUCK
Fav Color: P U R P L E Fav CoD Character: uhm-Soap?? (was that a question-? jk jk, it was.)
.·:*¨ ¨*:·. ƬĦƖИǤƨ Ɩ Δ˩˩ѲƜ ѲИ 🇲Ƴ β˩ѲǤ .·:*¨ ¨*:·.
Requests for x readers (Male, female, non-binary, all of it.) and x oc's! (I will tag you). I do allow people to use my Oc's for thier fics, I just ask for a tag and some credit! I do allow requests with dark themes. I ALLOW DARK THEMES ON THIS BLOG. DEAD FUCKING DOVE-DO NOT FUCKING EEEAT, OKAY!? I WILL NOT HAVE MY BLOG BE BLOCKED BC YALL DONT KNOW HOW TO READ WARNINGS! Anyways! I do allow a wide array of kinks! (Yes i do NSFW) and yes-i do take art requests-its just very hard atm bc my ipad is very old and porcreate no longer works-and my new one is on the way. (i used Amazon-im sorry but i dont feel like gong into a damn store-PLUS IT WAS BLACK FRIDAY!! :) ) I do allow you to nickname me aswell!
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(sorry for this gifs-i just needed to see my husband)
╰•★★ 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓥𝓪𝓵 ★★•╯
@skauni @needa-sum-luvn @seconds-over-first @thebunnednun @writing-with-moss @mishellii @crazyfandomluver @staytrueblue @devil-in-hiding @artistic-vixen <3333
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ajdrawshq · 2 years
ok im tired as hell and its too gotdamn warm for me to actually sleep so im gonna list off some of my omori thoughts til i pass out
i got the good ending bc i was following a guide bc i Cannot stand full screan surprises n the guide was good but the one (1) thing it doesnt remind u to do daily is water Basils plants. so. im doing all of that again now
i love the fucking characters in the game theyre all so neat n alive. i keep wanting to say im attached to someone specific but im having a hard time picking favorites theyre all so Good
theres a lot like a Lot of instances where Kel is hinted at being the lesser sibling and just the least important out of his friend group and its only really stated in an obvious kinda way once n like. he seems totally fine most of the time and he doesnt seem down often or for long at all in unrelated moments but for these he doesnt seem to even acknowledge it. and of course the others dont seem to think of him as less important which is Good but does he like. have a problem with this. i wanna say hes hiding it but i dont Know bc hes fucking good at it. i might make a whole post on this later actually
seeing Hero cry hurt more than i thought it would and seeing him jump right back to smiling seconds later every time made it Worse. its the older sibling thing
one detail i really like is that while some of the scenes are meant to be funny to the audience, Hero's fear of spiders isnt usually made fun of (the only time i can remember is when Mari apparently snuck bugs into his desk to see his reaction lmao). otherwise hes taken seriously and the others try to push him to overcome it someday, not Now but its something he should work on himself. and the bit w Kel removing a spider from their room, all while saying what hes doing exactly and reassuring Hero that the spider was gone, was a sweet thing to see compared to all the other media where siblings would throw it at the other or something yknow its just nice
Aubrey Good. thats the post
i dont even know where to fuckin begin with Basil (affectionate) this kid has Problems
seriously theres so much shit going on w these kids thats left unsaid but is worked into the environments or even just what they Dont say its genuinely incredible. beautiful characterization and worldbuilding
the real world sections of omori feel less like im playing as Sunny and more like im guiding this child in a gentle but assertive manner to Do Shit. like ok kiddo brush ur teeth and then we're gonna go outside today. yes its good for u trust me ive been there anyway ur buddy is at the door, go have fun!! oh btw i found some parents who will literally pay u to help their kids with homework. yes ur doing that. its free money dude cmon
cant believe omori lets me live my true dream job (organizing things in short bursts for money)
on that note the music that plays for the tool organizing and the flyswatting jobs might be my favorite track in the game and i have no idea why. its like the audio equivalent of the word blorbo
i wish there was a fucking therapist in this town bc god knows id drag em all there
my brother came in during one of the endgame parts n thought Sunny was a girl when Basil was teasing him abt his crush on Aubrey n went "aw yeah you cant escape the gay even here" (not in a derogatory way) n it took me so off guard i forgot to correct him. hes right tho actually
"when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie thats omori" is the funniest joke that couldve ever come out of this game i want to personally thank whoever did that
showing all the different ways the kids reacted to grief and trauma and acknowledging that some were more harmful to themself or others and thats just how people work sometimes n they all make amends n agree to support each other in the end and begin to heal despite it all. h
also the moment that i realized the dream world was in fact a dream world made by Sunny and. everything it represents. his desires. his fears. dude
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
Happy New Years Hotties!!!
hey :) i know your dash is flodded with beautiful new year’s posts and i just wanna pop in and add my own little thank you note. if you read nothing else, at least read this.
after the year we just had, you deserve some big gross romantic declaration of love and then a new year’s kiss. so lemme just say i love you and give you a smooch. you survived all 365 days and that’s some real hot girl shit. thank you for being you. i’m shaking some metaphorical ass for you bc you are that bitch
wishing nothing but inner peace, self love, confidence, happiness, big moneyyy and all the pretty bitch shit you could ever want in life <3
now that that’s over, wanna see me be a cornball beneath the line?
i’ve attempted to write this an embarassing amount of times. so now im forced to write this 2 hours before midnight at a church event....wearing white like im not on the most sinful app in my phone...in front of my mother...keeping a straight face in front of 100 people...and this wig is squeezing tf out my head. this is prolly not gonna be perfect and if i forget anything or anyone, my b dawg. i’ll be back to edit
so let’s get into it. no beta, we die like hot girls 
there’s about 5.4k+ of y’all i’d like to individually thank, but that’s impossible in the time constraint i have. so, for now, pls accept this embarrassing thank you/love letter. im not gonna act like i dont spill my heart out to yall on a daily. but imma do it again. this yr was trash tbh. everyone was being tested like all hell, but we’re here and i’m very grateful for that. my heart is full from all the kind hearts i’ve met throughout my time on here. 
to my mutuals, your presence literally blows my mind bc there was certainly a time i talked to me, myself, and i LMAO. i was so nervous to speak to anyone outside of asks bc a bitch was shy, but you’ve all accepted me with open arms and have made my time on here that more bearable. thanks for tolerating me bc ik i’m a lot sometimes hehe. y’all are cool asf and a large reason why i haven’t called it quits. no matter what i want the best for y’all. thank you, i love you 
also i have to write a special shout out to @bnhainthewoo and @melanimed bc you two hoes are stuck w me forever. even tho ion like yall niggas all the time, i love y’all like sisters. you’ve supported me through some real shit and i cant say thank you enough. i’d literally fight anyone for y’all also @liltodo @cellotonin @kingtamakimurder @tamasoft @kelatonin @mrs-atushiro @itsbabyysunnyy @mypimpademia @myhoodacademia @infernaltribute7 @sheerxradiance (i’m forgetting so many people but my mom just asked why i’m typing so much and im PANICKING) you all are people that i was lowkey highkey geeked to get to know and blogs i look up to. when i figured out you followed me, i smiled a lot and every time i interact with y’all i literally tell myself ‘don’t fuck this up cece.’ it’s sick LMAOOO i appreciate you and idk man, i just genuinely like you guys a lot and ion be liking people like dat. hope y’all are well and know that i have real love for you. i’d revoke my hottie card for y’all <3
to my anime anons, bitchhhhhh y’all are a RIOT. thee harem house is a mess!!! the way you keep my on my toes is sickening. you guys deserve a medal. you make my tumblr experience so fun, i can’t thank y’all enough. you make me feel all kinds of emotions and i’m always asking myself, “now how’d we end up here?” KSSKSK. please know that i’m grateful for every note and ask. i hope you all are having a wonderful new year. i love youuuuu
to my followers, if anyone deserves the biggest thank you, it’s y’all. you’re the main reason i write. the comments and interactions i get from you....i dont understand how i got so lucky. you’ve seen some shit on here yet you still stay. like bitch wtf. WHY ARE Y’ALL STILL HERE??? you make me smile and i honest to God wish i could hug you all. thank you for believing in my writing. thank you for believing in me and this blog. and thank you for being some real ass pretty bitches
i had more to say but i’d be here all night. happy new years y’all. be safe and know i care about you. thanks for surviving 2020 with me. y’all are some hot girls fr fr
i’m about to tag everyone and their mama. if i forget you, pls know i dont mean it and I”M COMING BACK. i have to do this in the next 3 min jdknfk;fk i love you. don’t come at me sideways! i beg!!!
@sems-diarie @sunshineszn @pinkceokjin23 @chefakari @black-bhabie-2000 @azura-galaxy @amajikibby @des-the-girl @blkanimegyal  @iiminibattlehero   @lilsparkyswife @stellarxfresh @mintballoons @reebgirl13 @bnha-baddie @vixenpen @oshun-energy @vangooh-works @tediursula @oh-sotired @azura-galaxy @fuckingyaoimann @astrablossom @todorokiaimee @thermaflute @saitamastamaticsoup @velvesagi @blkladyelle @sweetbakugou @shayiswifey @vodrea @bakugoustanaccount @shhhlikeme  @bnhatrashh @niggacaaaaaat @tododeku-or-bust (couldnt forget to add you<3)
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ashketchup119 · 3 years
Figuring It Out As We Go Chap. 1
Here we arreeee~ the fic i sat on for a month and a half before i decided to post it~
I got this in my head a couple days after reading the whole spicynoodles tag on ao3, because as yall have prolly figured out, if i run out of content for a ship, i usually begin making the content myself. After i post chaps 1 and 2, i’ll begin updating this every friday, like i do on ao3. I don’t know why i wrote this, but honestly i pumped out 4000 words of it in 2 hrs one night, so yall know im in love w it.
It’s got like, implied nsfw, some emotions on mk’s part, some other stuff goin on 👀 (also if ur emetophobic feel free to stop by the askbox or my dms to ask for a summary bc this might trigger u)
I hope yall like it!!
It had started off as a casual thing.
A release of post-battle adrenaline, the kind of thing MK and Red Son did and then immediately agreed not to talk about or repeat.
But they repeated it, again and again and again.
The sound of their labored breathing echoed throughout MK’s apartment as the two of them lay on the bed, finally spent. MK felt pleasantly drowsy, and basked in the final rays of sunshine that shone through his window.
“I have to go.” Red Son murmured from beneath him. “My parents will be looking for me.”
MK buried his face in the crook of Red Son’s neck, and bit back the words in his throat that sounded suspiciously like “stay, don’t go, let me fall asleep in your arms.” Dangerous words, ones that would make this situation even worse.
They both knew that this was possibly the worst decision either of them had ever made, but MK wondered when “a casual fuck” had turned into something more, something that pricked at his eyes and put words on his tongue. He knew he’d never tell Red Son about any of his blossoming feelings, but he found himself wondering about the demon more and more. He’d never stayed for breakfast, but MK wondered if he drank coffee in the mornings. Maybe he was a chocolate milk drinker. Maybe he drank tea. Did he like pancakes or waffles better?
MK wanted to know everything about Red Son, from the tiny, inconsequential things to the big, life-changing moments.
He just wanted Red Son, in every way.
MK’s breath caught in his throat, but he rolled to the other side of the bed so Red Son could get up. He stared up at the ceiling as he heard the shuffling of clothes next to his bed, and chewed on his bottom lip as he blinked back tears. He’d been very emotional lately, and the feelings swirling in his head didn’t help.
The rustling of clothes stopped, and he heard quiet footsteps head toward the window. He heard Red Son draw in a breath, then listened as the window unlatched and closed as he left.
MK sucked in a breath, then began to cry. He curled in on himself as sobs shook his frame. He cried for lost chances, bad decisions, and missed opportunities. He ached to be held, to be soothed, but the only person who could help him feel better had already left.
He cried until he could cry no more, tired and dehydrated as he was. Then, he showered, using cold water to shock him into awakeness and out of the post-coital funk. He felt slightly better after putting on some pajama pants, then went to his mini-fridge to see if he had any food.
Truthfully, the stomach issues he’d been fighting off and on for a couple months now made it difficult to find an appetite, but he figured it was better to eat something and hopefully absorb some of the nutrients than eat nothing. He’d even tried a liquid-only diet, but had thrown up the liquids too.
He picked a package of dumplings, then settled on the sofa to watch reruns of Monkey King: The Animated Series. Fifteen minutes later, he was once again in the restroom, this time throwing up what little he managed to eat of the dumplings. When he finished, he finally gave in and called the doctor.
“Thank you for calling the clinic, how may I help you?” The receptionist answered.
Mk cleared his throat before responding, “Yes, I’d like to make an appointment,” in his most grown up voice.
The sounds of typing came through the line, and the receptionist asked, “Name?”
“Uh, Qi Xiaotian.”
“Okay, we have an opening tomorrow at 1 PM. Are you available?”
MK thought it over for a moment. On the one hand, he’d have to call in sick, but on the other, Pigsy would probably let him, what with his stomach issues and all. “Yes, I am.”
“Good. See you then!” The line went dead, and MK hung up.
Then, he called Mei.
“Hey MK!” She greeted excitedly. “What’s up?”
“Hey Mei! Can you take me to the doctor tomorrow?” He asked, knowing that Pigsy was busy and Tang didn’t have a car.
Her voice immediately took on a tone of concern. “Okay, but are you okay?”
“Yeah, just an annoying stomach bug.” He replied casually, flopping on the bed as he sipped water from a water bottle. “They’ll probably just give me some pills and tell me to drink liquids. Shouldn’t be too long.”
“Alright, but if it gets bad or you start throwing up blood or something, promise me you’ll go to the hospital?” Mei asked.
MK smiled as he replied, “Yeah, of course.”
It was nice to know that someone cared about him.
He just had to forget about Red Son and remember all the people in his life who loved him.
Mei hung up after that, and MK went back to their marathon. The episodes were ones they’d already seen, but there was a comfort in these older episodes, akin to wearing a nostalgia blanket. They snuggled with their favorite stuffed animal, and soon drifted into a heavy sleep.
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sckyie · 4 years
pushing you off the bed 
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☛ includes: bokuto kotaro, daichi sawamura, atsumu miya
☛ warnings: fluff
☛ pronouns: gender neutral 
☛ a/n: these hcs were kinda trash ngl i cant write headcanons for SHIT
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okay ngl bokuto is prolly the biggest cuddler 
like he’ll hold you even if its hot as hell
he HAS to be touching you when yall sleep is what im saying
n e wayz
the time he pushes you off you’re just like
babe??? what???
it’s after practice and bokuto was all worn out that he didn’t even say hi to you when you got home. he just walked to your room and fell onto the bed, immediately falling asleep. after a little while, you spot the sleeping owl, chuckling to yourself. 
you carefully get into bed, attempting to lift up bokuto’s arm to cuddle. you slip under his arm and lay beside him. before you could even wrap your arms around your boyfriend, he instinctively moves you away from him. since he wasnt on his side of the bed, he ended up pushing you to fall off. 
you let out a small, oof, before looking back up to the bed. the sound of you hitting the ground was enough to wake bokuto from his slumber. “babe? what are you doing?” he says groggily.
“go to your side of the bed,” you glared. “also no cuddles”
“what do you mean no cuddles?”
“you just shoved me off you.” 
“aww baby i’m sorry, c’mere i promise to not do it again.” bokuto pleaded, holding your hand. he pulled up the blanket for you to hop into the bed.
you rolled your eyes before joining your boyfriend, littering his face with kisses before slowly falling asleep (on the correct sides of the bed) together.
i feel like daichi would do it because he thinks you’re not his s/o
but imagine pranking daichi that instead of you he’s cuddling, it’s one of the boys
he’s all paranoid you’d prank him again
so when you try, he’s all like >:(
but he’s a heavy sleeper so he wouldn’t even notice
“where’s daichi?” you ask suga. it was a third year group trip where you tagged along.
“he’s sleeping i think, he said he’s taking a nap.” you nod and walked over to your room in the rental. you spot daichi sleeping towards the edge of the bed. you walked over and smiled at your sleepy captain.
you threw your body on top of his, attempting to get his arms around you. before you could kiss him like you wanted, you notice his eyebrows furrow. “get off me suga, you’re being annoying” you’re so confused that you couldn’t comprehend in time before you’re shoved off the bed. 
you hit the ground and looked at him all disgruntled. being frustrated and petty, you decide you’re just going to sleep on the floor and not next to him. you grabbed a pillow and blanket, laying it on the spot where you fell.
the middle of the night when he’s looking for you to cuddle, daichi finds you on the floor and is beyond confused. “baby? why are you on the floor?”
“because apparently i’m suga and i’m too annoying” you say sleepily.
“oh babe that was you? i’m sorry,” he hops out of bed and kneels beside you. "come on, i wont push you off again." he pulls off your blanket that you so desperately held onto.
despite your disagreements, daichi swoops you up to sleep with him. “i didn’t mean to, i just assumed you were him since the last time.” he makes up for it with lots of kisses in the morning
he didn’t mean to
y’know when you hit a younger sibling and they’re about to cry
yea that’s atsumu and you
he plays too much i stg
be petty to him, he’ll be stubborn for a bit but he’ll simp
“babe stop ticklin’ me!” he laughed. you were on top of him, attacking his sides with tickles. atsumu broke out into a laughing fit and his first instinct is to play fight with you.
though he forgets how strong he really is, i mean come on have you SEEN his serves? he grabs a pillow behind him and you two start a pillow fight. eventually, you get cornered to the edge of the bed.
“babe, stop i’m gonna fall!” you call out but ‘sumu is too caught up in the moment. you held up a pillow to block him but he just pushes against it, making you lose balance. you tip over and land on your butt on the cold floor. “ow!”
atsumu realizes his mistake instantly and goes to help you. “oh baby i’m sorry for pushing you off i didn’t mean to,” he pleas but you choose not to listen. you decide to give him the silent treatment and he just goes soft.
“please baby, i said ‘m sorry,” he begged for affection. “i’ll do anythin’“
“sleep on the couch, jerk” he pouts before getting off the bed. though you couldn't really sleep without you next to him. you eventually came into the living room and laid on top of atsumu.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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inosukeslefttoe · 4 years
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so,,, yesterday i read this manhwa called “the horizon” (i forget the author but ill put them in the tags) and good god... it was so heartbreakingly beautiful and im gonna make a few posts about it B) ((i say a few bc theres a few things i wanna talk about but i dont wanna make it all unorganized ?? if that makes sense))
first theres just the amazing artwork done in this piece... the range is just fucking incredible and every single panel had so much work and heart put into it and i had to sit there just to really admire the art of each page for a long time (usually im an impatient little bitch and skim artwork in manga/manhwa but damn this one was something else). but like !! look at how many different styles and shit the artist did depending on the circumstances !! 
oh if i didnt mention,, this manhwa is like an apocalyptic world where this little boy meets a little girl and they just sort of roam the world together right... but they come across so many terrible things and theres this back and forth between hope and despair and everytime you start to be like “hey maybe things will be good for them, or at least as good as they can be” the tiniest thing happens that just shatters all that hope to the ground and suddenly everything is lost again. it really reminds me of this book i read for english called the road by uh.. something mccarthy i think... and it was about a boy and his dad trying to survive and walk down a road together in a post apocalyptic world and it was also sad as shit. BUT IM GETTING OFF TOPIC. BACK TO THE ARTWORK.
so thE RANGE OF STYLES YES THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. as i already said, its just this whole rollercoaster of emotions but it really forces you to sit there and fucking f e e l your emotions yknow? it makes it impossible to just sit there and be like “lol damn thats sad” ,, the art and the layout are so shocking and stunning that you h a v e to sit there and admire them and think about the events and really just feel every ounce of emotion and loss that the characters are going through and that the artist put into this piece. it did this thing where it would sometimes stretch on for a few pages of just the same frame with tiny differences just taking up the whole page without any words/little words to let the magnitude of the situation sink in and envelope you. its so powerful with its message especially with the themes of hope and loss and it just... usually i keep pop culture/anime/manhwa feels separate from my irl feels but... dude this one was so fuckin amazing that i genuinely had to take a break a few times bc the feels were getting all mixed up and i genuinely felt that sorrow that the characters were feeling. i seriously wanna read this again actually so i focus more on the amazing art since i know the story already.
i just love how much it switches up from all the different looks too. sometimes it would have that classic anime/manhwa feel to it especially when there were lots of characters (i didnt include a sc for that oops) but a lot of the time it would focus on the beauty/emptiness of the landscape around the characters since there wasnt really much left in the world. there were a lot of gruesome scenes drawn in that sort of chalky/charcoaly look that involved death and i am just obsessed with how they made it look so organic and like it was actually, yknow decomposing. they also used a really messy scribbly style when super chaotically terrible things where happening, both externally and internally which was such a perfect reflection of those bundled up negative and hopeless emotions that were present throughout the story. it sort of made it seem like those things were simply too horrible to be drawn fully and even the artist couldnt subject the reader to such a terrible sight. also ... the use of color... usually they would use color to represent the presence of hope and damn dude it really worked... especially after seeing some of these same images consecutively and that dramatic change really makes the reader feel so much brighter and happier when hope is back in the story !! although that one other colored scene... where the boy is in the ocean... god that hurts my heart so badly... i think the color was used in that case to show the reality of his situation and that it was really r e a l yknow ??? it wasnt just a comic written to make ppl sad and thinking about death,, this is that kids whole LIFE and he had to accept the (bad thing that happened but im not gonna write it bc i dont wanna spoil) was something that happened and now he really had no reason to keep on living... and all these feelings are so wonderfully portrayed and definitely did a very good job of making me, the reader, Very Sad. 
HAHA I DIDNT WANT THIS TO BE TOO LONG BUT I RAMBLED LMAO... ill prolly make one or two more posts about this but they wont nearly be as long dont worry
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asherashedwings · 9 months
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I actually made these when I was last in the fandom, but I never got around to posting them then, so I'm posting them now! Like last time, they’re each based on a different kind of spider :3
More info on each under the cut !!
Brazilian Wandering Spider
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This big guy is based on the Brazilian Wandering Spider. Also known as the Banana Spider. Also known as the Armed Spider- These guys just have a ton of names. Anyways, I made him extra big and beefy since they’re one of the most venomous spiders and therefore rather intimidating. This is also the reason he always has his bitey bits out. He is very passionate about his job as vent security, and so is always prepared to fend off intruders. He's rather calm around the other music men, however, since those are friends.
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Fishing Spider
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I got the idea for this one whenever I saw the fishing spider mentioned in a cave exhibit. My main idea was pirate, and he was probably friends with Foxy and might’ve even been part of his crew. Also, after making him I realized that his palette is very similar to that of the mlm flag. So he’s gay now, it’s canon.
That’s about all I got on this guy.
Crab Spider
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This one’s based on a crab spider :3
I tried to incorporate flowers into her design, since flowers are a huge part of crab spiders’ existence. I made her abdomen a super weird shape due to the unique shaped that crab spider abdomens tend to be. I imagine her entire abdomen acts as a wind, since she doesn’t have a traditional one.
That’s about all I got.
Ogre Faced Spider
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Ogre Faced Spiders are one of my absolute favorites, so I just had to include one eventually. One of the ogre faced spider’s most noticeable features is their big ol eyeballs. I was struggling with thinking of how to incorporate that trait, but then I realized: COMEDICALLY LARGE GLASSES.
Bro probably has a bunch of stolen books he keeps in the vents. He’s read all of them at least ten times, but he still loves them greatly.
He is also a pro at cat’s cradle (a refence to the fact that ogre faced spiders hold their webs in their front legs and use them as a net to catch prey.
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The Orb Weaver Twins
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These two are both based on different kinds of orb weavers. I've already made a yellow orb weaver music man, but because orb weavers are such a diverse group of spiders, I felt it'd be a disservice to not include more.
The one on the left is based on a Spined Orb Weaver while the one of the right is based on a Horned Orb Weaver.
They are the little siblings of Yellow Orb Weaver, and often hang around "The Scary Spiders" (Brazilian Wandering Spider, Black Widow, Brown Recluse, and Trapdoor) and even look up to them. This is the reason they have their masks; they want to appear more intimidating so they can be like their scary friends.
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That's all the music men from this batch, but I doubt this is gonna be the last of them. It depends on how long I stay in the fandom this time, but I have plans to make designs for spiders like the six eyed sand spider, the peacock spider, the wrap around spider, and maybe even more if I can think of ideas for some other ones.
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void-tiger · 4 years
Tagged by @curiosity-killed (thanks for the tag!!)
roses or daisies:
DAISIES!!! They’re so simple and cheery have just as many colors and look delicate but are actually really tenacious? Also, how charming is Day’s Eye (and asters in general having the habit of facing eachother if they’re not turned towards the light--I think I have a picture of dahlias doing this from last autumn--and like. Star Flower. Okay, I’ll shut up now xD )
classical or lofi:
...okay so I admit I had to look this one up. But easily some of my favorite tracks are those Hidden Ones that bands plop onto their albums to fill up leftover space, but are often basically just scrapped recording or practice sessions? The bloopers and their creative process, basically. Cut to me googling and youtubing it and finding hiphop lofi and...yeah! Definitely Lofi.
(Classical vs OST and Modern Classical (that’s composed to be a lot more cinematic) just...really puts me on edge. It’s too mathematical...to put it nicely.)
So...yeah. Slow beats and something that sounds experimental or like a jamming session? It’s soothing and kinda ideal for background noise.
sunrises or sunsets:
Sunset. One, never ever gonna be a “morning person”. Forget it. Two, sunsets often have more dramatic colors and still make the landscape glow and you get to see stars peeping out vs fading. Also, y’know. I’m actually awake to appreciate it vs groggy and legit physically ill.
honey or lemon:
Honey as a condiment. Lemon for sweets flavor. (Baklava’s probably the exception...then again I haven’t had that many honey-flavored sweets, I guess? But Lemon-Poppyseed?? Definitely one of my favorites,)
coffee or tea:
Coffee. I adore tea service aesthetics and will someday probably collect them (especially the really quirky or earthen or blownglass ones vs the froufrou european ones)...buuuut, I just haven’t really had A Good Cuppa Tea much at all. There was this spiced tea I’ve had in Jordan that was AMAZING and I do like greentea (with...A LOT of sugar or honey...) but. I’ve just never really had tea. My family’s coffee drinkers, so the smell of coffee is nostalgic. (And yes, I’m basic enough that I prefer flavored, sweetened creamers; and my coffee brewed or spiced with, like, cinnamon and nutmeg, too. Or as a mocha.)
...I also have a Bad Habit of abandoning my Herbal “Teas” with the bags either left steeping too long (I have gotten better at using a timer) or while waiting for them to cool. And while I’d just really love it for Uncle Iroh to make me tea (provided he doesn’t get on my case about wanting sugar and maybe cream), the Times and Temperatures are just so dang fussy!! I...don’t think I have the patience for that.
enemies to lovers or friends to lovers:
Friends to Lovers. I just...don’t Get It with the sexual tension~ that seems to be the driving force behind enemies to lovers...I guess?? (That, and unless it’s literally on a battlefield, HARD PASS. I’ve had people try to blow off my complaints about getting repeatedly tormented as “he liiiiiikes you~” bullshit to ever be comfortable with it as anything but Legit Two Sides Of A Battle/Political Conflict. Sorry.)
But, Friends to Lovers? That Bond. And then the ...Oh. The domesticity and trust and safety. Also it is RIPE for Idiots to Lovers mutual pining xD
(bonus points if both parties decide ahead of time, “hey. even if dating doesn’t work out I still value your friendship in my life, so no pressure about ‘ruining things,’“ And then, of course, it does work out and there was nothing to be anxious about, after all.)
rainy days or sunny days:
...cop out but, overcast days with Soft Sunlight and Cloudbreaks?? I do like a clear skies sunny day, but, my eyes are also so sensitive to light that it can be painful. Rainy days can be soothing...but the rain has to be A Certain Way. Too heavy and with too much wind behind it and it can get me anxious. (My childhood home had Every Rain is Severe Weather...with no place to shelter. It’s gonna take awhile before i can appreciate it like i’d want.)
jupiter or mars:
Jupiter. GIANT. DEADLY. MARBLE (that wants to eeeaaat meeeee...) Also Pluto, and the jovian moons.
aphrodite or athena:
Athena!! She’s an ace icon, aight?? And also strikes me as...very, very Tired with everyone’s bullshit. Also...all the greek gods are kinda assholes. So. Yeah. She ain’t perfect and her characterization’s at the mercy of whatever myth in question, but generally she strikes me as practical and sensible and having Mercy...sometimes. As much as that group is capable of it, anyway...
rome or greece:
...probably Ancient Rome as a “ancient culture to explore but a YIKES (but. so is ancient greece.)” But visiting IRL in the present? Greece.
sun or moon:
Moon. I appreciate what the sun does and I do like feeling sunlight and all that...but, I’m also a night person. And I can look at the moon without risk of blindness and admire its corona and that rainbow corona you can see just a bit further out if you know where and how to look. BUT. The moon easily loses out to a starfield, especially if the light pollution and humidity are both low enough that ya get to actually see the milky way’s galaxy arm. (The irony that the sun IS our local star does not elude me.)
1920s or 1990s:
...neither?? 90s only slightly win out ‘cause I’m a ‘93 Kid and the 90s and 00s had some incredible toys and cartoons. And, idk. I still like overall pants and shorts. Always have. While a flapper dress would be “oooh pretty! starlight beading! Now OFF. Back to regular clothes for ‘Sporing or Comfy Lounging.”
blizzard or thunderstorm:
Blizzard. Also. Have you considered...thundersnow??
(Admittedly? I’ve also never been through a snowstorm that threatened by health&safety. The same cannot be said about thunderstorms when nearly every one could or would spawn tornados and severe straightline winds that could knock down trees and powerlines and sometimes even damage homes. While living in a home with NO safe place to shelter. Not even an interior closet or bathroom. NOT. FUN.)
midnight memories or made in the am:
...what?? [googles] ...OH...they’re...albums. UH. Neither?? (I don’t listen to them...?)
sage green or vanilla white:
Sage green. It’s kinda a nostalgic color somehow? Also. Just not a fan of monochrome...at all. I see it? I instantly want it to be a backdrop. Negative space. For COLOR. (jewel tones for whites/light neutrals and browns; NEONS for blacks and dark greys. Preference for Jewel Tones over Neons...wait. What was the question again??? OH YEAH..uh... I do like vanilla icecream? With rainbow sprinkles. Or...paired with hot fruit pie or cobbler. Or cookies. Um...yeah I should prolly shutup now. xD )
folklore or lover:
...I don’t...understand??? But...I like Folkslore as in...folklore??? Fairytales, Legends, Myths... (also, so frikkin ace I’m just. not ever gonna pick “lover”)
croissant or macaroon:
...why would you do this to me. I make a beeline for croissants because...Soft Flaky Buttery Bread. And they are So Good as a savory sandwich sorta thing. Easily better than english muffins or crumpets, tho biscuits have a fighting chance. But LIKE. Soft breads. My weakness as a kid.
...but a good macaroon?? It is so light and crisp and TINY and like?? how does it taste like coffee??? and berries????? (Too bad they are So EXPENSIVE. While even cheap croissants are almost always Good.)
ballgowns or pantsuits:
I like the aesthetics of a ballgown. But never the pricetag, I wouldn’t wanna live in that thing for more than an hour, tops (and. so much damn work!!) and I’m stuck looking at them Defying (boob) Physics and just...dying a little inside. With my rare It Pretty Want Pretty wilting with it. But...it’s rare that pantsuits really...look like anything. (They also look uncomfortable and yet another Wardrobe Disaster and Do I HAVE To??? if I think about...actually wearing them. But, Legs Free No Tripping...I guess??)
hades or zeus:
I only wanna EVER meet Zeus if I get to castrate the bastard and lock ‘im up where he’ll NEVER get back out. Hades, tho...I’m WATCHING you, Bub. (Why yes, I agree with Demeter on this one.)
platonic love or sensual love:
Platonic. Cuddling and Kissing are technically Sensual but, y’know what? They ain’t exclusive to sexual or romantic loves (and I just. really do not want kissing at all. MAYBE a quick kiss on the forehead or fingertips but LIKE. That’s it. And it’s cute af for...literally ANY Love Type.)
light academia or cottagecore:
Honestly? A mix between the two. Cottagecore with my charming little home with its overgrown flowerbed of wildflowers (and asters! All the asters) and produce grown in large pots or hanging baskets...and inside the walls are covered with overflowing shelves of books and knicknacks and other Neat Things. Oh, and naturally a tea service (might not actually have tea in it...) and tons of pillows and blankets, and lamps and lanterns Everywhere for warm and soft (and colorful) light to read by while music plays softly in the background. And the home smells like something I just made for Supper or Snacks, or like a food-scented candle.
Aaaaaand tagging @mckinlily @headspacedad @aairachnid @synergetic-prose and whoever else wants to play! No obligation to play if tagged.
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degrassi-fanatic · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favourite Works
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread love and link each other to awesome works!
@spencers-renaissance thank you for tagging me in this !!! i love u !!!
Forgive Me For All I Could Not Become - its abt hotch and reid getting together after like a series of miscommunications. I gotta put this fic on here, even though it has an ungodly long fuckin name for no reason. this was my first (prolly last) multi chapter fic. fun fact i actually wrote the first 8 chapters with literally no intention to share it, it was just for me, and then i was like fuck it, might as well. i loved writing it because all of the readers were so damn encouraging, even when i would go weeks without updating (lol, mb) and even though it wasn’t my first fic by a mile, it was like for the first time i saw that ppl were enjoying my writing. 
everything beautiful is ruined one day - this ones about buck’s mental health struggle and how he deals with it unhealthy coping mechanisms. this fic has a special place in my heart because it deals with a lot of heavy subject matter and it was my first (and only so far) fic in the 9-1-1 fandom even though i’ve been here since the beginning when we only had three pages on ao3. it was more character study for buck than an actual buddie fanfic, but i didn’t want the forefront of the story to revolve around the romance because i felt like that would almost cheapen the heavy stuff, instead it’s a backdrop. 
Piccola - this lil bitch is abt prentiss mistaking rossi for her father after getting shot and it is honestly my favourite fic in the cm fandom because i feel like we always talk about rossi and the bau boys being his sons, but i feel like we as a fandom forget abt the father-daughter relationship with prentiss and rossi. i always love a good whump fic. and i hate-love the idea that prentiss as a child was always waiting for her father to come back.
Loved to the Point of Creation - its abt sokka making these joint guards for suki because after her incarceration she lost her kyoshi warrior shit so now she literally has no armour so she’s always bruised up after a fight. this was my first ever atla fic even though i was in this fandom before i knew what fandoms were. i wrote this because i was inspired by that one story of a surgeon inventing gloves because his wife was a scrub nurse or smth and her hands would be rubbed raw at the end of surgery, and i was like sokka would do that, plus he’s an inventor. but then my imagination couldn’t come up with anything new that sokka could have made for suki, so i decided he made something to protect her, instead. 
Ten Years - this bad boy is an au where lance is killed in an accident while morgana was driving and it is my fave fic ever even though like stat wise it’s one of my poorer ones. i don’t know where inspiration struck but im so glad it did. like the sicko i am, i love the idea of lance dying young and his friends mourning him for the rest of their lives. 
tagging: i have two friends, and one of them tagged me, and the other was already tagged in it. 
so if you want to do it, do it, and tag me because i would like to see !!
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The Soup
Super Junior Super Junior x SuJuMaknae!Reader Characters: Super Junior (ot13 [+ SJ-M]) Summary:  Just like the way you need to give someone soup when they're sick, this is how SuJu reacts when you need them. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: CRACK, fluff, humor, gnarlyness, etc.
A/N: i need a pick me up so i made this. It’s low key a part 2 to Secrets Of A Maknae, but not really because, well, it’s not HAHAHHAHA, but hello @farewellkorosensei, i’m tagging you cos u said u wanted a part two and i had a part two in mind but then i lost it so now you have this HAHHAHHAHA im sorry im like this
none of this is real bro that’s why its an au ?????? ok like ok
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Being the only girl in a coed group that’s basically a boy group is not as bad as one may think
Especially since you're the youngest out of everyone, some people just cannot imagine how you do it
Sure like... being the only female means the testosterone thrown your way can be a lot
And there are just some things the guys can't and will never understand
Like how a woman's mind works
But through it all however
You loved being the baby princess
Because you have 13 knights at your side
good luck to them
And in case you were wondering, SuJu is not as sweet as you think
here's how each member would react to you needing them
ps yall
dis shiz is HELLLAAAA LONG SO it’s under the cut
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Being the eldest meant Leeteuk found everyone as his responsibility
and to you, who is in his group, their youngest AND only female member, he would drop everything for
Everyone who's watched korean TV knows this
cos yall do tv show hostings togther
and everybody knows how soft he is around you
like i mean he’s naturally caring towards everyone
and he’s normally high-spirited with others
like you + him equals shenanigans like firecrackers
he does 8999+ dad jokes when you’re his co-host
someone save s.korea
but let us not forget is is the EPITOME of gentleman
he always offers his arm to you
he takes of his jacket or gets a blanket for you to cover your legs when you sit
errbody is like “stfu, we get it stop flexing”
you two are just like “??????????????????? bro fLeXiNg whUAT?”
“i get yall are married n in love but like. pls keep it under wraps.”
and then ????????????
we believe you
cos its all we can do tho
and i mean you two aren’t married but are so too tbh
ELF’s call you two the parents of SuJu
and think you two are sO ADORABLE IT HURTS
He is definitely the most understanding with you through the age gap you have
And even if he finds some of your actions odd due to that age gap, he always works through it and tries to think proactively
"What are you doing????????"
"IM DOING A CHALLENGE OPPA YOU WANNA JOIN?!" you say as you attempt to put on makeup with your non-dominant hand
But if you need him
Doesn't matter if he's hosting 287378 tv shows at the moment
If you call because some loser broke your heart
He's taking the day off
If you call just to check in and he hears even a hint of sickness in your voice
He would take care of you even if he was also sick
He would find a way to go to you even if you were halfway across the world
You cant even get mad @ him cos you will and have done the same woops
and obvi we have to add
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his dog Shimkung prolly loves you more than him, just sayin
She runs to you and ignores Leeteuk when youre around
Because she loves playing with you
And she loves your energy
And the attention you give her
And the treats you bring
And because everyone loves you
And Leeteuk cant even because he loves you too
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Yall listen up
If you think heechul is scary by himself
Try bringing up SuJu's maknae up
I dare you
Just mention your name
Doesnt matter if it's praise
there’s literally an entire 20 (and going) part video comp. of his ears steaming when you’re brought up
like the mere thought of you is already to set him off
It doesn't even phase him if the person who spoke of you is younger or older
The death threats he will sputter is limitless
his tongue is sharper than silver
And the deadliest death glare that's thrown may cause a heart attack.
strangely enough though
but knowing heechul, not strange enough
he is ALWAYS THE FIRST to throw you under the bus
during interviews
and yall always bicker about the dumbest shit
everyone is like, “wait, they’re not the ones that are married?”
the answer is no
but honestly,
He's broken up with someone because of you
Because they were mean to you, i mean
And because he was tired of them too hekhek
and lyk Heechul may be short
But nothing is stopping him from getting into a fist fight with someone 1000+ ft taller than him.
That may be a slight lie cos he'd prolly call the rest of the guys and 5672 security guards to be on his side.
would honestly fite anyone for you
any AND everyone to be honest
He's also very picky with your boyfriends
"Ya, he looks like a womanizer."
"Ya, he looks like an idiot."
"Ya, he smells like woman's perfume."
"Ya, he smells like cigarettes."
"Ya, I don't understand what you see in him."
"Ya, I can't believe you're wasting your time with him."
"Ya, why are your standards so low when you know a guy like me?"
"You can do better."
and you’re kinda just like, “y dont u just look for a guy for me? or better yet, if you think you’re so great, why don’t you just date me?”
“pshhhh, as if, i’m too pretty for you, child”
is what heechul always says
to you and to everyone who asks why you aren’t dating
he also does’t ever answer your calls
cos he’s always too busy with his video games or selfies
so you get really frustrated when you call him to come over and he doesn’t call
but like 
he’s somehow already at your house
cos you needed him and he knew that
idek either bro
he has a sixth sense with ya gurl
he will baby the heck out of you every moment he gets
but not in public cos his image
also he’s never one to flaunt even with his personality
and kinda makes himself clingy for the sake of endorphins
cos he is your happy pill
and your go to man when the world just sucks hard
he gives pretty solid advice
like the ones where you really need some
because he’s never one to sugar coat and will tell you youre a bitch if you are being one
and because of how he is, when he gets soft with you, you know he means it because he’s a broken brick most of the time
he’s also who you normally vent out your problems and burning frustrations to
not that he listens
you mostly just assault him and he takes it
but somehow that’s therapeutic for both of you ???
i’d add heechul’s pets
and maybe i’m just shimkung biased lolol
ANYWAY the gist of you and his pets is that you love them and they love you
the end
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don’t even get me started on yesung
you know how he likes to think he’s all that
how he’s like really good at singin
but he’s like actin all airy sometimes
whICH IS Y u and eunhyuk havE A BALL MESSIN WITH HIM
someone save Yesung from his retarded dongsaengs
lol but eunhyuk comes later
anyway, he’s airy
that side of him comes in handy 4 u
because he makes for a gr8 hypeman
letz be real
SUPER JUNIOR together is the loudest bunch of morons that will hYPE YOU DO YOUR DEATH
but you cant keep havin that when you go to award shows
try havin your ears pierced with screaming every time you’re even remotely related to what the host is talking about
anyway back to yesung
he be your date to eveything
cos he ALWAYS has time to be all that
i mean you bring specific members to the specific events they fit into
u’ll understand laterz
but mostly yesung is your man for the job
cause he’s always available
you know when he’s not touring or holding concerts
whenever you need a date
he puts on all his extra accessories and offers you his arm on the red carpet
or just holds your hand cause it’s easier on his part
IT DOESN’T EVEN MATTer if it’s for some black suit event
he’s prOLLY GON BUST A MOVE and promote SJ’s black suit while he’s at it what a turd
he’s so loud in fact that you’ve reached a point past embarrassment
ur like, “Yeah, he’s my loud date. problem?”
honestly, yall have to be dumb not to see how in love you two are
there are theories on how you two ARE the one true pair
like the way yesung looks at you when you’re striking a pose
answering a question
thanking someone
receiving an award
laughing at a joke
existing in general
and you RIGHT BACK @ him
only an idiot would
but haha
just friends too
ye but itz trueeeeee
no matter how fancy you get
or domestic
cos did i mention you two do the lamest things too
like there is no in between
you go buy groceries
tour Gangnam
hand in hand obviously, duh, you do it every time you’re together
as with every member of super junior but yall already knew
i think i strayed too far from my point
point is he’s there to hang out and do nothing
cos thats what both of you are good for anyway
btw he’s who you bring shopping for clothes
but only like the nice kind you feel me
you’ll get that in a little while too
but like you always go to high-end stores together
never couture tho cos why ??
he’s the one you treat like your diary mostly
the everyday stress you have piled up he’s the one you sift through with
like you tell him all the mundane things
and he’d nod uninterested
and then you’d stop cuz you realiized he doens’t care
and then he’d get mad and be all like “Ya, why’d you stop, what happened to the leaf you kicked?”
i think imma stop here cos you get it
yall good for nothing HAHAHH
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you and kangin get into the stickiest shit every time your crackheads team up
and being the loyal one you are
you always point and blame him when things hit the fan
and he’s always like “Me?”
and then points right back at you
you’re reactions to each other are fandom memes fml
and you’d think with all the treachery you pull on each other you would never be able to count on Kangin
but that is so DAMN FAR from the truth
cos this boy is insufferably thoughtful when it comes to you
his favoritism shows
like he’ll sell super junior for a 1 cent
he’s usually the one that shoos the guys off when they’ll all up on your ass
he’s also the one to kick heechul when he gets too annoying
or anyone in general
He’s usually your partner in crime when it comes to screwing up SJ’s image
“it wasn’T ME!” you both shout, and then you jump on Kangin’s back and he runs away.
and yes there is also a compilation of you morons doing that for 15 minutes straight in multiple languages
dumb shit
he’s not as big as teasing you as Heechul
but he usually calls you ugly, that’s who you are to him
if you’re texting someone, it’s usually him
you send him ideas for a prank or sm shit
and he’s like imma do you one better
and then you just burn SM to the group bwahahaHAHAHAHAHAHHA
not kidding
you guys dont actually get to hang out often
but wHen you do there is a warning signal
and idek y yall pretend to be pranking someone else
but yall end up stabbin each other anyway
But there is also those times when you just cry
and he’s there to listen
he’s not as understanding as his hyungs, cos Leeteuk knows what to do, Heechul knows what to say, and Yesung knows how to remember the important things
but he is always there
he tells you as much as he can
and he aint dumb he can say a lot
but he’ll mostly just try to brighten up your day
by telling you a plan to attack one of the members
as ive mentioned before, you jump on his back when you skedaddle out of the scene you just caused
which have caused an uproar from many
your company mostly has to fend off rumors of you and him being together the second most
youll find out who soon enough
but back to you an Kangin
he usually offers to give you a piggy back ride
even tho he doesn’t really want to
when you’re down
cos u smol child like to be carried
ew grow up sis
dats all i got fam
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you and Shindong work the third most together outside super junior
dats obviously behind Leeteuk
and #2 who will be revealed later
and actually, you two have a very serious and business-like mindset when you’re together
which is why his skillz fly when you collab
you have youtube channel together that’s just u two posting vids you guys want to do
yall fund it urselvs and get some of ur friends to join in
that’s why you normally go to him when you need help with work
meaning if you’re unsure if you should do a drama he’s going to lay down the points 4 u
he usually acts like your manager
and visits you the most when you’re on set
he’s who de-stresses you when you’re working
and the one who you can count on to back you up when someone at work needs to have a little piece of your mind
he’s who you call up when you want to share an idea or a vision
and is the one to more than others root for you and help you all throughout
whenever works stresses you out,
you two do something fun together
watch a film
annoy one of the other members
you call him up when you have a crazy idea
you call him up when you have a song or plot in mind
you call him up when you are in need of advice
though sometimes his advice is to go to leeteuk or heechul
cos he knows he has limits
which is why you love him
because he’s real and never pretends to  know more than he does
with that said though, he does know a lot
and will tell you all he knows about whatever it is you are asking about
you guys do a lot of live streams as well
sometimes its pointless
sometimes its intorspective
but most times its pointless af
and most times yesung is crying in the distant not-so-distant background
cos like i said yall hangout the most
so sometimes shindong gets into the mix
and you do the weirdest shiz in front of camera
the amount of role plays you’ve done that made viewers go ???? is uncountable smh
like like
where you’re an astronaut
and you need to tell the emperor of goryeo he’s going to be assassinated
and then yesung is the emperor’s horse
and yall die of laughter
or that time yall kissed “by accident”
and none of yall were surprised
and you both ended up laughing
and then everyone was like? >?????
idek either tbh
or that one time you were a cake
as in a chocolate cake
running away from an orge
which was yesung
and shindong was the exterminator that kept hitting him with a pillow whenever he’d talk
i cant believe
you think yesung’s had enough with you and eunhyuk
speaking of...
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eunhyuk + u is quite like u + kangin
ppl pray for you to get separated
like pls
and then when you add DONGHAE
the world wants to implode and delete itself
eunhyuk is your usually your fake boyfriend
joke, he’s the fake love triangle interest
you’ll get that later
you say all the time every time you get the chance to that the reason why you dance half as good as you do now is because of eunhyuk
you make his ego fly through the roof
and he’s always like 
dawwwww stop 
no keep going
which is why if for whatever reason you need a dancer or a choreographer or anything between those lines
you call eunhyuk
or jung yunho but that’s not the point
point is the world explodes when there is a sexy suju concept
because you and eunhyuk are always paried up
the flexibility and coordination of your bodies
leaves the world thirsty
eunhyuk is pregnant because of you
Dem body rolls
The dehydration is real
you two just do something in sync
and surprise even both of you
the world cannot
whenever you do a show together they make you do so many dances
cant blame them  tho, u two be bomb
point is he’s normally your dance partner in almost everything super junior
and 73% not super junior
but beyond that he is also your bestest buddy
and since it’s a package deal, most of the time donghae is there
yall do everything from wacky antics
to window shopping
to roller coaster riding
to just lying around talking about life
actually, yall pranked the world by saying your were going out once
but then yall were like “oh we be playin yall”
When you went sikE Leeteuk wasnt surprised
and everyone gave you shit for so long
Ryeowook vowed to kill both of you
kangin thought it was pretty good though
Eunhyuk and you normally go to parties together
and because you are a d U M b fking drunk
he’s always the one who cleans up after you
because you vomit
and cry
and try to kiss everyone
which is why you have safely kissed everyone in super junior when you're wasted
eunhyuk especially
there are pics to prove it
but eunhyuk doesn;t mind
he’d rather be kissed by your vomit flavored mouth than have some ho try to do something to you
he gets really unsettled when other guys come into the picture
he’ll karate chop A morOn
ya think he be small
but he be strong
those dance moves are his weapon
and we def cant end this without saying
he makes you hangover soup
and all that jazz
when you wanna work out or feel sick
you call eunhyuk
i mean leeteuk loves you but you cant move an inch with that boy
so its eunhyuk
unless you wanna be lazy and need a mom (so leeteuk)
honestly i cheated with that lord almighty part
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which you wish would be a lot more than not
IF you have anything to do in China
it’s zhoumi everyday
he’s who taught you how to speak the language and the one who makes fun of you the most because of your prononciation
but you know obviously its all in good fun
you host some shows together
youve stared in a bunch of chinese mini dramas together
but most of all, you two do a bunch of variety
which people LOVE SO MUCH
if you werent so busy with the rest of the world
china would love to keep you for themselves
but anyway back to zhoumi
as i said he be the love of your life
because he’s literally everything you look for in a guy
tall, handsome, smart even though he does DUMB THINGS I CANT BE--
but the only reason why you’re not dating him is
I have no explaination
you are dating though
like outwardly
it’s like an unspoken thing
where you are dating but youre not and everyone around you agrees
with all the chinese variety you’ve done
yall have pretty questionable photos and footage together
why is you hand in his mouth
why are you two in one pair of trousers
why are you crying over literal eggshells
why are you laughing at him dressed up in a suit
why is he making heart eyes at you when you;re wearing clown makeup
why is he making heart eyes in general
why are you making heart eyes in general
idk man
but what you do know is this
there’s this entire ten page article about how he punch some rich guy in shanghai that tried to get too close and zhoumi threw a punch
out of all the boys in the band who’s said they’d punch a moron on the nose
zhoumi as actually the only one who has had the displeasure of doing just that
It was quite the talk of the town
Honestly many were scared for zhoumi
U and him counted
and the rich moron even threatened to sue
but you pointed out that there was footage in the place and that he’d lose so he should just walk away
of course he walked away
and so yeah
but obviously the sonavbish tried to get rid of any footage
And make it look like an assault
It was to be like an even bigger scandal
but you being a smart bitch that has starred in many dramas with the exact same plot already had a copy and so you won that battle
and zhoumi ‘s career was not ruined
he was even hailed a hero for all the no duh reasons
Yeah he can throw a punch 
zhoumi is so soft for you though
and you for him
he’s usually the one who takes your mind off of things
but you hang out the least out of everyone due to sched differences
that doesn’t mean you dont make time for each other though
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donghae that knows all your secrets
knows all your dog stories
all your accidental injuries
all your fails
all your successes
it may take a few moments to jump start and access his mental archive
but its there
and Donghae has been your boyfriend on many many occasions
whether or not it be fake or real the world will never know
you guys are the most intimate with each other
like you guys are so casual
and comfortable
that Leeteuk tells you guys off
h e e c h u l
even suju separates you on their own will sometimes
and both of you are like
donghae is a certified soft boi
and his softness is amplified when you’re together
PDA is second nature to you two
many hand holds
many cuddles
many suggles
... sure
and it doesn’t matter where you two are
nothing stops you from being touchy
people ask you about it all the time
but once again
Anyway donghae is the go to guy for heart to heart conversations
because he has a heart of gold
the softest purest gold
and he really understands and empathizes
he cries with you over dog movies
and listens to your frustrations
and you listen to him cry
and talk about his feelings
and you tie it all up by making each other smile
he actually gives really good advice
i mean they all do give good advice at a point
but donghae’s are actually quite on point
even though people think he’s slow
it’s probably because he’s once connected at the hip to you
he’s the one you talk to about boy problems and relationship problems
because he’s the only one that isn’t weirded out about the topic
i mean he’s got a soft spot of you
plus hes really caring
so he’ll listen to whatever topic you want to talk about anyway
he’s really the only who, like, pays attention to all your babbling
most of them tend to overlook that
but never donghae
he’s the guy you call in the middle of the night when you cant sleep
it’s not guaranteed he’ll pick up because i mean duh he has a life
but when he does he really listens
except for when he doesnt
cos he’s tired
and on top of being a cuddly living diary
he’s also your personal massager
like you know those knots on your shoulder
what knots on your shoulders
he massages them away because
youre his ultimate weakness
when you need him he’ll be there in a heartbeat, racing leeteuk to get to you
although he’s not as motherly as leeteuk
he’s more of a brother really
like he is motherly
he does baby you
i can
no actually
i cant explain
because i got nothing
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yall do the most goals things ever
and end up posting it on insta like the aesthetic things you are
he’s the guy you call when you wanna go out and tour
and you guessed it
he’s the second person in super junior you work most with out of the group
can you imagine the power you two hold in dramas
sometimes you do cameos in his shows
sometimes its the other way around
honestly it was a make out but you know
donghae’s fine
Siwon and you travel a lot
in a small scale sense where you just go around on a food trip
or going on a short vacation to another country
dont tell the others tho
and its honestly the cutest thing ever like siwon and his charities ad;hkasd
you two have this meme where its just a compilation of you two lauging
cos yall get WEIRD when you laugh together
your laugh is weird in general
and super junior is weird in general
but you and siwon laughing is just weirder
Whenever you have to go somewhere where you think youre going to die because of the formality
you bring siwon along because he’s the most businessman looking out of everyone
plus he holds a rich man aura
because he is
honestly he should just buy SM wtf
He is also the one you go to for advice
because sometimes crying with donghae isn’t really the way you want to go
he’s normally your outside opinion guy
when you normally have a course of action already in your head
but youre just not sure how to go
he gives solid points
and he’s quite firm with his answers
when you need him he doesn’t come as quick as leeteuk or donghae
but he’s the one who leaves last
because he’s just thorough like that
like if you have a mental break down
he’ll come when he can and make sure to make extra time for you
because he wants to both make it up to you and make sure you’re alright
i should add
that on top of being very aesthetic together with your black tie events and whatnot
yall make post memes of each other often on your own accounts SO MUCH
ELFs dig it
iconic really
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ryeowook actually hates you
he hates you because you have such a beautiful voic
he hates that youre pretty
he hates that youre talented
but it is also what completes him
It adds to his purpose in life
To cruSh u
N remind u who is butter
yall bicker the most out of everyone
yall raise your voices at each other the most
you always attack each other
it’s too much to handle
but when you catch on that you’re being played
You and ryeowook teamup
the sass is real when you’re together
makes both of your skin visibly darker to a point
he’s mostly the one to call you out when you and kangin are doing something dumb
or when you and donghae start getting cuddly
or when you just show your face to him
because yes he hates you
if he hears anyone say anything REMOTELY BAD ABOUT YOU
he wILL attacK
because only HE can be mean to you
which is why they actually think you’re dating
pipe the HECK down if you have something to say
and the feeling is mutual for you
if anyone says anything bad about ryeowook OR ANY OF YOUR BOYS
they’re dead
but sometimes both of you hate super junior together
and theres a bunch of videos of you questioning why you’re both still here
when he’s not hating you though
he’s violently supporting you
have you heard this man scream
if you’re doing something live
then he’s out
him and yesung are on a roll when you get an award
and on your live performances
theres normally a cut scene to him in the crowd holding a big ass sign that says something mean
like I HOPE YOU TRIP in bold letters
but in fine print is continues IN SUCCESS AND GOOD HEALTH
but that’s ryeowook for ya
Everyone's confused how you are able to be so violent and mean
But also so cheesily soft
Honestly u just weird
And so is ryeowook
when you need advice he fights you first
"How could you be so dumb to have a problem like that"
then,he'll tell you what to do
If he can, he fights your problem
and then solves it for you that way
Thats how it is, violently soft hek
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So serious
but unlike ryeowook he sometimes actually make people end up wondering if youre dating
Cause ryeowook and u be mean but not so lovey dovey
But you and kyuhyun are mean and lovey dovey
he makes sure you suffer
suffer in embarrassment in live television
and will do everything in his power to get you and ryeowook to stab each other
but if you squint hard enough
he acts hella whipped for you to be pretty damn honest
anyone with a brain can put together that he’s basically like a child
a child being mean to his crush because he doesn’t know what to do
but yall know what
even though ya both be also killing each other
I cannnnOt even
any drama that has been blessed with your vocals
----i meaaaan-----
your song can save any drama
and yall do a lot of live performances together
uhm did I mention you’re basically part of the sub-unit KRY
actuallY JK nvm, it’s you and kyuhyun alone actually
just you and him
hitting those notes like no other
AnD theN theRE was This incident
that you had to perform in on a live awardshow
but like a vocal accident
as in you lost your voice
kyuhyun covered for you duh
because  even if he wants you to suffer in public
he wants it to be by his hand
and not because you ended up getting sick suddenly
I do have to say he’s not very reliable tbh
for the sole reason he wishes to be the true maknae and to desTROY U
“are you sure you hate her though” -literally everyone
“YES!” kyuhyun would answer without missing a beat
“seem like bull by ok”
the there can only be one
i would’ve killed you if the lights were closed
excuse you, trash
i sarangHATE U Bitch
boi i cant wtf am i doin
and again
i cannot stress enough that kyuhyun wants your death by his hand
so if someone else comes for you
he’s going to attack that person more than they have you
whenever people ask him about you to, he gets all protective and scary
in summarry, he wants death but not really
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he’s the only one who actually treats you like youre a child
like you two are the closest in age
the audacity
the nerve
i cant believe
he literally pulls the Oppa card
he literally holds your hand when you cross the street
he asks you if you’ve eaten
he coddles you, especially around others
he brings you juice on set if ever you appear on the same show
he’s so embarrassing
he be actin as if he’z ya dad
get a grip
but as embarrassing as he is
he is also your best friend
and he talks fondly about you everywhere
literally never talks shit about you
unless its true tho lololo
and for real is probably literally in love with you
but is like “I’m her older brother tho so”
acts like an older brother 23/6
and the remaining time like a sweet and ExTreMely embarrassing boyfriend
will do anything for you to be honest
if you and kyuhyun do lame things
yall do weird shit online too
and yall have done questionable things on variety
which is why you’ve hosted a variety special before
if you ever feel down
or sad
or angry
or frustrated
henry is the guy to call to be reminded of the brighter things
nothing is impossible or gloomy with henry
and yall thrive in all the crack-ish things you do together
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disloopy · 6 years
remedy for a broken heart pt.2
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genre: angst
word count: 3k
a/n. i’m sorry this look on nafla is superior don’t try to convince me otherwise. this part is soooo long im sorry but i hope its a good finish since you guys have been waiting forever for it.
                                 with a little bit of this, with a little bit of that we gon be alright
Nicholas sighed in exhaustion, plopping down on the couch next to you. The current state of the small studio he shared with the rest of the boys reflected upon the amount of time he spent there, working on songs but never finding one that seemed to qualify his ideals.
“What are the stakes?”
“I mean if I quite music... can I live?”
You turned to him, setting your phone aside. “Ask yourself... you’re the one who said music is your life.”
“I know... but I’m afraid people here won’t accept me cause I’m not one of their own.”
You laughed. “Babe, it’s always hard at first, I’m sure they’ll eventually learn how amazing you are and will look past the differences.”
“You know,” Nicholas murmured. “Jinyoung hyung suggested we go to Korea for a a while.” He knew he had peaked your interest with those words. “He knows some people there. If we can start a stable career, then it won’t be too hard when we come back here.”
You smiled with a bright “that sounds great!” but there was a hint of worry in your eyes. Nicholas liked that. “Jinyoung is always reliable, isn’t he?” you said, looking away for a second. Nicholas nodded in agreement; trusting Jinyoung would be the only right thing to do in any situation.
“So are you all going?”
“Me and hyung are gonna fly out first, then we’ll get the others to come.” You didn’t say anything for a while so Nicholas reached over to clutch your hand. “When I get back, you’ll be dating a real rapper.” He hoped these words could at least be somewhat comforting to you.
“I already see you as a real artist,” you told him with a smile.
“Dude, what’s the deal?” asked Daniel, walking into Nicholas’s room as he was getting dressed for the day. “Mina just asked me if she can stay in the guest bedroom for the rest of the trip... did y’all fight?”
“We broke up,” Nicholas told him plainly.
“What?” Daniel couldn’t hide his shock. “We literally here to relax and you guys went ahead and made your own drama.”
Nicholas sighed in irritation. “Daniel, I really don’t want to talk about this right now.” The younger boy fell silent, and put his hands in his pockets, staring at the floor. 
“Well damn... so did y’all break up break up or...” Nicholas knew he was referring to the ‘incident’ with you . It wasn’t something he was proud of, the fact that all his friends, who were avid supporters of you, were conscious of the whole thing. 
“Fuck... I don’t know. Girls are so complicated.”
Daniel pressed his lips together. “Really, I think you’re complicated.” The two boys chuckled quietly, unsure of what was funny. “So you still up for tonight?”
“I don’t think it’ll be good if I came.. since Mina...”
“Bro, she’s coming too.”
“Alright, I’ll think about it.”
As Daniel was leaving the room, Nicholas asked him to keep quiet about the whole situation to which he respectfully obliged. Daniel was known to have a big mouth but he was also trustworthy and always had his friends best interests at heart. And with that thought, Nicholas found it might be easier to forget about everything and have a fun night out with the boys instead of moping around like this. His friends would be by his side anyway and maybe that’s what he needed at the moment.
Nicholas left the solace of his bedroom to join the rest outside. “Yo, Mina, I got smth for you,” said Jinyoung, walking over to where she sat next to Daniel. She looked up from her phone, trying to peer around Jinyoung to see what he had hidden behind his back. Nicholas also watched, trying not to look too unhappy.
“You know how you love Post Malone? Well, he’s in the city, performing tonight and we got you tickets.”
Nicholas saw Mina’s expression brighten  as she took the tickets from Jinyoung and jumped up, shaking her hips in delight.
“Oh my gosh, you’re the best!” She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Daniel pulled her back onto the couch.
“Don’t get too excited, you’re going with Owen.”
Mina’s lips parted and she rolled her eyes. “Ugh, are you serious?”
“I heard that!” Owen called from the kitchen to which Mina gave Daniel a sheepish look and he grinned, ruffling her hair. 
Rather than being envious of the way his friends treated her, Nicholas found himself feeling sympathetic. Mina had a way of hiding her emotions ― much like you ― and she was too obviously pretending she didn’t care about what had happened earlier that morning. Her pretense had worked for her in the past but Nicholas knew her too well. 
That night, Jinyoung and Daniel came into Nicholas’s room, informing him that they were leaving and if he’d like to join. “Can I come a bit later? I’m just not feeling it right now,” Nicholas told them, hiding away under his covers where he had been napping in all afternoon after a tiring shopping session with daniel. 
“Bro, you’ve been sleeping all day, what’s wrong with you,” said Daniel, trying to pull his blankets off but Nicholas held on to them tightly in fear his friends might see his phone open to your instagram page which he had been scrolling through for the past hour.
Jinyoung just sighed. “Daniel, leave it. Don’t force him to come.” Nicholas looked at him with grateful eyes and Jinyoung nodded. “I actually gave Mina those tickets so she’d leave you alone tonight,” he chuckled and Nicholas threw a pillow at him. “But you can join us whenever you’d like.”
“Thank you, hyung.”
When everyone left, the house was quiet and Nicholas hated how lonely he felt right now, but he brought it upon himself . He reached for his phone again, refreshing your instagram page to see that you had updated your story. 
Hesitantly, he brought his thumb on top of your profile picture, swallowing hard as your story opened up to reveal a picture of you with your arm draped around an unfamiliar girl, a bottle in your hand, your trademark million dollar smile plastered across your pretty face. You had tagged “Avalon Club” and Nicholas realized it was the same club his friends were going to. That’s why Daniel wanted me to come so bad.
Nicholas closed the story and went through your instagram posts once again. You had changed a lot and the posts showed it clearly. There was a gap in dates wherein you hadn’t posted at all and the posts from before the gap were of him and you, years of memories locked in a couple photos that had been buried under the more recent ones of you looking happier.
“Call when you land, alright?” you said, pulling away from the hug with Jinyoung. You asked him since you knew Nicholas would pass out and forget by the time they go to Korea.
“Don’t worry, I will,” Jinyoung replied, fixing his beanie that had almost fallen off from the contact. You finally moved to Nicholas who was waiting for you with open arms. He pulled you against him, burying his face in your hair ― little did he know, it would be the last time he’d get to do so.
“I’m gonna miss you so much,” you told him with a little pout. Nicholas saw that you were trying hard to hold in your tears and he pulled you closer again so the others wouldn’t see. “Don’t you forget about me while you’re there, okay?”
He moved back, cupping your cheeks. “How could I ever forget about you?”
But the truth is he could, and he did. After going to Korea, Nicholas found himself busier than he would have expected. He made sure to keep you updated for the first couple weeks but after one or two hectic months, he couldn’t find motivation to pick up his phone and call you. His busy schedule kept him occupied but even when he was free, it seemed there was no time for you.
Besides that, Nicholas’s new life presented him with extravagances he could never have imagined of in a thousand lifetimes, nor could he refuse them. Although he had done a very selfish deed and couldn’t muster up the courage to face you after that. 
But the girls that went back and forth from Nicholas’s room didn’t pass without the knowledge of his friends who thought he was being sus and questioned him about it. “Did you break up with Y/N?” asked Jinyoung.
Jinyoung shook his head. “I did not expect this from you... seeing how attached you were to her, I thought you’d be begging to go back to America everyday.”
“Calm down, she’s prolly in another guy’s pants right now too.”
But both men knew you weren’t like that. Nicholas didn’t bother sending a breakup text because you had probably forgotten about him as well. However, you didn’t feel that way at all.
When the crew returned to America after gaining some popularity, you were still there, hitting nicholas up with instagram messages which he didn’t find it in himself to even open because at this point, ignorance was bliss. 
And it seemed like the eye contact he made with you on his first American stage spoke a thousand words, none that either of you could ever speak to each other. To this day, that look still haunted him. It wasn’t any normal “breakup” if you can even call it that. Because sometimes, he found a part of himself was still with you.
Nicholas must have watched your story about a million times, staring at the picture of you for so long his eyes began to hurt. He couldn’t stay here any more. He was pathetic.
“Look what the cat dragged in,” Daniel smirked when Nicholas finally arrived at the club. He had already drowned his self-pity in a few drinks when Daniel and Jinyoung found him seated at the bar.
“Having fun?”
“We should be asking you that,” said Jinyoung, propping his elbow on top of the counter. “You look down... was it Mina?” At this, Nicholas’s head snapped toward Daniel who shook his head quickly.
“I didn’t say anything, I swear.”
“Mina told us you guys were having a fight in the car while we were dropping her off,” Jinyoung explained. “What’s gotten into you?”
Nicholas sighed. “Yeah... it was my fault not hers. Did she tell you we broke up?” His relationship with her was on a thin line.
“Uh no, she said you guys were ‘on a break’ or sum like that.”
Though slightly disappointed, Nicholas was relieved that she didn’t want to leave him altogether. His heart already felt weak at the thought of losing yet someone important in his life again.
“By the way... Y/N’s here,” Daniel said quietly. “We wanted to tell you so it doesn’t turn out like last time.” Nicholas faked surprise but in reality, he knew all too well your whereabouts. 
“That’s nice... I don’t really feel like talking to her right now, though.”
“I guess you gotta tell her that yourself.”
“What do you mean?”
Jinyoung cleared his throat, getting up from his seat. “Don’t look now but she’s walking right towards us.” Nicholas froze. That means you were probably right behind him. Nicholas and Daniel smiled and waved at you over Nicholas’s head and then gave him a look before walking away.
“Hey stranger.” Your voice was soft, almost like a melodic tune. He hadn’t heard it in what felt like ages.
Nicholas turned around. “Y/N! I haven’t seen you in forever! Wow, I can’t believe you’re here!” Was that too much? Who cared, he’d already messed up whatever image of himself you had in your mind. You hugged him but it felt like the distance between you two increased and it was like he couldn’t even feel you.
“I came to your concert but I guess your friends didn’t tell you I was there,” you said, sitting down in the seat next to him. “I figured if you did see me, you would have talked to me but you didn’t so...” 
Nicholas laughed in embarrassment but inside a piece of him died. It seemed he had been too obvious with his hesitation. Or maybe he was just an asshole. The latter seemed quite accurate. 
“Anyway, you are you?”
A mess, Nicholas could reply. But instead he said, “I’m good... I mean, I’m better than better.” 
“How’s life as a celebrity?” you asked, laughing. Nicholas couldn’t bring himself to look at you but your laugh felt like medicine all it’s own.
“Wellll, I don’t really feel like one.”
“Really? You sure do act like one.” You murmured the last part. Was this your way of saying ‘fuck you’ to Nicholas? Perhaps Nicholas was thinking about it too much. He needed to drink a little more.
“Can I get you a drink?” he asked and you shook your head. 
“Nah, I was leaving with my friends right now actually... then I saw you.” You started to get up, taking your bag with you. “I’ll see you around then.” 
You can’t seriously let her leave like this, Nicholas thought to himself as his chest tightened. This may or may not be the last time he’d get to see you. A part of him wanted to remain that selfish and stupid self and let you go your way, as if just seeing you was closure enough.
But it wasn’t. The conversation was riddled with tension and if he hadn’t known any better, you were surely throwing shade at him for what he had done. If this was the only way to get rid of the guilt, Nicholas had to at least try.
He gulped down whatever was left in his glass and then stopped you. “Wait, Y/N! You got a minute?” You shrugged, sitting back down, clutching your purse tightly. Nicholas took a deep breath. 
“Listen... I don’t want to do this all over again,” he said quietly. “I just want to say I’m so sorry for being the worst boyfriend ever... and for being a dick and-”
“Nick,” you said, cutting him off. “I forgive you.” Nicholas fell silent. Those three words didn’t give him the relief he thought he’d get. A lot of him thought that you’d tell him you missed him and that you waited for him all this time and that you still love him. 
But none of that came. 
“Seriously...? Just... like that?”
You pressed your lips together. “I mean, what do you want me to say? That I still have feelings for you and I want to get back together?”
It sounded weird out loud the more Nicholas thought about it. “I just wanted closure... I mean, I’ve been kinda thinking about it and it was unfair to you.”
“Just forget it, Nicholas. You said you were ‘better than better’, what now?”
“Maybe I was lying,” he murmured and like that the stony expression on your face crumbled, softened to your glowing features as you stared at the glass surface of the counter.
“Maybe I’m lying too,” you said. “I mean, I know I said I forgave you but sometimes, I sit down thinking of you and I hate you.” Nicholas chewed on the bottom of his lip as you spoke. All this time he’d been worrying about his feeling and his guilt that he never thought about you.
“I hate you for not coming back for me when you promised me you would. But you know what, you have new friends, a new girl, a new life... who am I to tell you you can’t enjoy that?” You sat back and then looked at Nicholas and Nicholas looked back at you. It was the first time you two made direct eye contact and it didn’t feel like a knife piercing through him. 
“The last time we were together, I couldn’t help thinking of the future and...” you swallowed hard, taking Nicholas’s hands in yours. Your hands were just as soft as Nicholas remembered. “I knew that this would happen because I know you, Nick. I still let you go and maybe it was stupid but I was right.”
Nicholas held your hands tightly. “I wish that I could go back and change things... I swear I’m not like that any more.”
“Maybe you’re not,” you said, reaching up to touch the side of his face. “I hated you for what you did but I admire you for being able to sit here right now and at least tell me how you feel, even if it’s two years later. You’re not who you used to be, I know that.”
“That’s all I want,” Nicholas whispered. “To know that you don’t hate me.” You smiled and exhaled softly.
“I don’t. And I’m not holding this above you, Nick. We were so good together but we ended and that’s fine too. The best way to move on, though, is to let go of what you can’t control, let go of the past, Nicholas. The universe will align itself.” 
There were some days when Nicholas felt suffocated just thinking about you.You two didn’t end on good terms, if you had ended properly at all. But if this was the last goodbye, then Nicholas felt himself healing a little bit. 
You slid off your seat and kissed Nicholas’s lips. He couldn’t give in and kiss you back, but neither did he have the strength to pull away.
“There. Now we officially broke up,” you giggled, slinging your purse over your shoulder. “Maybe I’ll see you later, or maybe I won’t. Don’t beat yourself up over me.” You began to leave with your friends and turned around one last time to wave goodbye. 
It felt like a certain weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Nicholas didn’t feel guilty anymore, the chains around his ankles were finally free. 
He took out his phone and texted Mina. “I’m sorry for everything.” Nicholas got a reply almost immediately, giving him the impression that Mina might have been thinking of him too.
She texted. “I know, love.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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thornbolts · 5 years
Character Interview - Remy
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— what did you have for breakfast?
“I... I don’t really need ta eat. Had a few salty crackers just ta keep myself feelin’ full in the fake stomach and sum whiskey.”
— what can you cook perfectly?
“Any sort a’ meat over coals or an open fire.”
— if you could choose a pet, what what would it be?
“I’d choose ol’ Bessy. I loved that dog so much, and as a kid, I was convinced Bessy would live on with me till the end of my days. She was this happy big golden retriever, sniffin’ out the birds I shot fer pigeon stew whenever pops was feelin’ sick.”
— how is your relationship with your parents?
“I love my ma and pops ta death. Ma knew it right until they moment she... Right until the moment she passed on. Pops is still with me. He knows it. Trust ‘im with my life, and he trusts me with his. Don’t rightly know where I’d be without ‘em.”
— what is your favorite read?
“Been readin’ this book a’ Westfallen stories, The Collected Adventure Stories of Jerome Soame.”
— do you put both socks on first, or one sock, one shoe?
“Both socks, then boots, then spurs. It’s a nice system, actually. Don’t gotta change outta the socks too often unless somethin’s growin’ in one of the feet! Gotta take the spurs off though if I wanna lie down.”
— do you fold your clothes before bed?
“I mean... I don’t really sleep. I just wear whatever I was wearin’ durin’ the day and just sort ‘a... lie down and doodle whatever’s on my mind.”
— how do you feel about marriage?
“It’s a right beautiful thing if ya find some’un right fer ya! Back when I was a kid, I wanted ta be married and live in this giant ol’ castle out in the wilds! Joinin’ yer heart ta some’un ya truly love and care fer? There prolly ain’t a better feeling in the world.”
— who was the last person you crushed on?
“Uh... Well, I got two. Them’s Atal’ser and Yanele! I know they’re prolly tired ‘a me sayin’ this, but it still feels surreal with the both ‘a them! Tryin’ ta be a good girlfriend in what ways I can, I s’pose.”
— what does your dream home look like? and where would it be?
“Probably a huntin’ lodge out in the rural woods, detached from the city, but still within range if I still needed somethin’ from the city. Built outta lumber with my bare hands. Hearth in the center ‘a the room, giant wall ta put my rifles and other pistols. Oh! And a hell of a backyard with a giant oak tree! ta build a huge tree house out of!”
— what’s your worst habit?
“My impulsiveness and inability to forgive and forget. If someone wrongs me, I need to have the last laugh. I need to get even. I can’t let things go, and I refuse to look weak.”
— what do you do for living and how do you feel about your job?
“Well, I’m the caravan master of the Fence Macabre. S’pose it’s got its ups and downs. But I can’t imagine myself doin’ anythin’ else fer the time being. Get ta meet a lot of folk across many different backgrounds and stories. I personally get ta witness how they change and write their stories as they live day by day. I get ta help a lot of folk with the caravan. It’s a sanctuary fer folk runnin’ or otherwise dissatisfied with a normal life.”
Tagged by: No one!
Tagging: @star-spire, @glitchphil (any), @ms-winford (any!), @lynaeclarke, @the-real-arcanist-val (any), @bigdumbchicken (any!), @belnorem, @bluexepher, @magistrixvoidchaser, @saimbere, @ranekvilmas, @tilnathiel, @caideyn, @melisandemeadowshine, @theunfortunatedruid, @knownashaunt, @monster-of-master, @latildarommel, @sin-emberstalker, @grandpa-swagger, @kharrisdawndancer, @the-soiled-dove, @kavtari, and you, dear reader!
Mentions: @belnorem
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rap-liine · 6 years
get to know me tag
tagged by: @ultvisual thanks love;
rules: tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
birth year: ‘03 lets gooo
star sign: virgo
height: 5'3 (almost)
put your playlist on shuffle and play the first four songs: ok i have my kpop and i have like three english and two spanish so like. here have my thumbprint radio
I’m Born To Run by American Authors
Ponle by Faruko, J.Balvin and Rvssian
Esta Rico by Marc Anthony, Will Smith, and Bad Bunny
Sin Pijama by Becky G and Natti Natasha
(i think its all espanol bc i was listening to spanish music a lot in school last week so maybe its chronological?? idk)
grab the nearest book to you, turn to page 23, what is line 17? “Earlier in the day, Tess has traded five Notes for a bucket of pygmy pig’s blood from the back alley of a kitchen.”
ok the only thing i can say is that Day is extra asf and also homeless soooo (it’s from Legend by Marie Lu btw)
ever had a song or poem written about you? not that i know of?
when was the last time you played the air guitar? uhhh idr but it was prolly to a day6 song lets be honest
celebrity crushes: mmm ok so: choi hyunsuk and loewkey noah urrea ig?? i don’t really have crushes but i find ppl v attractive (@korea)
what’s a sound you hate? love? omggg forks on plates 🤮 ok and running water and conversation / white noise in general
do you believe in ghosts: huh naw b if i did idv shit myself like a thousand times
do you believe in aliens? yes?? this universe is big as hell ofc there’s gonna be smth else
do you drive? if so, have you crashed? i was literally just telling my little sister how i’m gonna start learning to drive this year and get my permit but yeah no not yet
last book you read? last book finished would be Legend by Marie Lu but last book read is The King’s Blood by Daniel Abraham (read itttt its like the less fucked up version of game of thrones)
do you like the smell of gasoline? yes no its bad for you
last movie you’ve seen? uhh infinity war? before that was naked
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? idk if it counts as an injury but was nasty asf and yall don’t want to know
so you have any obsessions right now? um kpop but lets be honest thats been an obsession for over a year and THE SWEATER IM WEARING ugh its so good and its the coziest, fluffiest thing ive ever owned
do you tend to hold grudges? not as much as i used to but like. piss me off and you bet i aint forgetting it
in a relationship? lmao *sobs*
i tag: @sejunhee aka @sonqmingi, @parkseonghwa, @seonghhwa, @fellateez (wow i have a lot of seonghwa based mutuals) @ateezly, @harutonotnaruto and ofc anyone who wants to do this!! consider yourself tagged by me
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