#im really just gonna try to watch the rest of this season this weekend so that i can start s1 so please pray for me 🙏
bloodydeanwinchester · 2 years
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♡babygirl i love your face♡
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bronz3y · 8 months
she looks so pretty (chapter one) - Alessia Russo x reader
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warnings: just two awkward girlies hehe, suggestive? kinda?, if you squint lol
hiya guys!, im back (kinda??) im gonna try post more frequently, but no promises lmao
anyways hope you enjoy this first part to a lil seires im gonna be working on, enjoy!
“Come on girls!”
You hear the crowd erupt as you took the first steps at the emirates, as much as many times as you'd step out onto the incredible stadium you'd always get goosebumps at the sound of the thousands of fans cheering you on.You look around taking it all in as you stand in line with the rest of your team, you watch kim little and mary Earps shake hands and follow the line of your teammates to shake hands with the familiar manchester united players.
you watch the heads in the line pass you when you see the spiky ponytail, you look up and meet the eyes of Alessia Russo, piercing blue eyes meeting with yours for a second, you grab each other's hand and just like that, she's gone.
You'd never properly spoken to Alessia, but the 2 times you’d played against man united this season you felt her eyes on you during the game, and when you'd catch her, she would immediately look away and as soon as the whistle blew, you would try avoiding her and go straight for the changing rooms, scared that if you did end up talking to her, you'd say something stupid to embarrass yourself, so avoiding her was the next option.
You jogged over to the team circle, wrapping your arms around Beth and Kaite, Kim gave her speech and you all put your hands in the middle of the circle and lifted your arms up.
Arsenal end up beating united  2-1, you and viv both scoring absolute worldies, you'd all gone around taking pictures and signing shirts when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around and once again meet light blue eyes, you hear your heart in your ears as you snap out of it once you hear her relaxing voice.
“Nice goal before, was an amazing chip” Alessia praised you while wearing one of her pretty toothy smiles.
“Oh thank you, it was nothing really, Leah's assist set me up” you laughed rubbing your neck to hide the slight redness rising from your nervousness.
“Hmm true but that finish took skill, you cut through all our defenders” Alessia giggled playing with the hem of her shirt.
You both stayed talking a while longer when you heard Katies voice calling your name.
“y/n!, come on you slowpoke hurry yer ass over before i make ya” katie says looking between the two of you.
“Sorry, gotta get to the shower, i'd rather not get her to drag me over” you laugh.
“No worries, I'll see you at Lottes party this weekend?” Alessia asked, sounding hopeful.
“Yeah, for sure,i'll be there” you replied 
“Ah nice, see you there then” Alessia smiled and waved starting to walk away
“Y-yeah, you too!” you said while she walked back to hear teammates. You turned around and slapped your forehead.
“Realy y/n?, ‘you too’?, for fucks sake” you shook your head at yourself as you walked into the changing rooms.
an hour later your walking with leah to the car park, since youd signed with arsenal a few months ago youd moved in with leah until you could find a place of your own, but it was nice having her around, you werent a fan of being on your own a lot, so having her to talk to is something your grateful for.
you both got in the car, leah driving and you in shotgun, as she pulled out of the parking she began talking.
"saw you and lessi talking earlier" leah said smirking
"oh shush it was nothing, just some friendly chat thats all" you rolled your eyes at her.
"mhm, for now" she said laughing.
"your so annoying did you know that?" you said jokingly
"its my hobby to pester you" she shrugged smiling, you roled your eyes and laughed with her.
"if you keep rolling your eyes they are gonna end up at the back of your head"
Later that day you are cooking dinner at your shared apartment with leah, some spaghetti, nice and plain for leah and you add some spices to your own since your not as picky as her, you set the two plates at the dinner table when you hear your phone ping on the kitchen counter, you walk up to it and tap on the screen, your eyes widen and your heart starts racing.
‘Alessiarusso99 started following you’
You start jumping up and down in the kitchen giggling when Leah walks in on you.
“What's gotten you so happy?” she asks, smiling with one eyebrow raised.
“Oh it's nothing’ u say pushing your phone away.
“Let me see” she reaches over your shoulder and grabs your phone and taps the screen, she looks down at it and then smirks up at you.
“B’out time one of you guys made the first move foken’ ell” she says laughing
“Oh shush we hadn't spoken until today, and plus she doesn't see me like that” you say snatching your phone off her and rolling your eyes.
“Mhm, whatever you say y/n/n” she teases, walking out of the kitchen.
Saturday comes around and you're getting ready for the party, straightening your hair in your vanity, you'd never taken so long to choose an outfit, usually you're very quick when it comes to it, but tonight you found yourself struggling to find something you liked, or more so, something she would like. Once your done you grab your phone and spray on your expensive ‘going out’ perfume and head to the front door.
“God you look like your about to throw up” leah laughed at you
“Lee, stop it, im stressin’ man” you whined as leah shook her head.
“Come on romeo let's get in the car”
Once you get to the place Lotte rented out you hear the music blasting even from outside. you feel your chest tighten and your hands get sweaty, leah then puts her hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, relax, breathe” you nod at her words and start breathing slowly.
“You're gonna be fine, just be yourself okay?” she smiles at you, you return the gesture and begin walking inside.
You and Leah make your way through the crowd and the mist, disco lights flashing in your eyes and sweaty bodies bumping into you, you then see Katie,Caitlin,Beth and Viv by the bar and walk up to them.
“Leah,y/n, you're finally here, god what took you so long” beth said slurring over her words you laughed at her and gave her a hug.
“Lessi asked about you before, she was wondering where you were” Beth giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Did she?” you said, your heartbeat once again starting to increase, beth nodded at your words. You then decided you needed some alcohol in your body so you'd gain the confidence to actually talk to her.
“Leah, you want a couple shots?”
After around 20 minutes of dancing  you started to feel lighter, not drunk since you wanted to remember everything tonight.
You then scanned the crowd, looking for a specific blonde through the hundreds of heads.
“Look who's finally here” you turn around at the familiar voice and smile.
“Hey, i was just looking for you actually” you said matter of factly as she smiles at you
“I've been wanting to dance with you” she said looking up and down at you
“Is that so?” you say smirking at her, liking how confident she's acting. She smiles at you and grabs your hand, pulling you into the crowd of sweaty bodies.
Alessia starts screaming as ‘mr saxobeat’ starts playing,you laugh and start dancing with her, you watch how she dances, she looks good, really good, the way the simple black dress hugs her curves is driving you crazy, the disco lights shine on her skin, making her glow, you look at her in awe.
You then step closer to her, she smiles at you and grabs your wrists, placing your hands on her waist, you pull your bodies together, moving to the beat of the music, her arms go on your shoulders, your eyes not leaving each other, she lifts her drink in the air as you both sing along to the words of ‘she knows’, your fingers start tracing shapes on her waist and you feel her slightly shiver at your touch, you smirk at her and lean into her ear.
“You like that?” you whisper
“Shut up” she giggles, you then dig your fingers deeper into her waist, her laughing stopping as she lets out a shaky breath.
“Fuck” she curses softly, you laugh through your nose and relax your fingers, rubbing your hands up and down her waist trying to calm her down.
“Don't wanna move too fast now hm?” you whisper looking into her hooded eyes.
“Hmm yeah, let's take it slow” she smirks,her eyes locked on yours as she slots her leg between both of yours, putting slight pressure on your core, you let out a low groan.
“Oh fuck you” you laugh as she removes her leg. She giggles and creates some space between both of you.
“Let's go find lotte” Alessia suggests, you nod agreeing and let her hold your wrist, pulling you through the crowd.
It's gonna be a long night.
soso sorry for the lack of fics, ive been quite busy and tbh ive had 0 motivation, please feel free to drop some requests ( i rly need some lol) or just any random questions :)
part 2 coming soon! xx
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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slow-button-off · 2 years
hii idk if you've been watching testing but i have a question... im not too familiar w the C-_ tire compounds but... leclerc's long runs on the hard compounds was wayy better than those on the mediums
the tire def on the mediums was dreadful, like around 6 laps in and they're gone. with the hards however he was matching Max's time on mediums
how's the tire deg so bad on mediums whereas for hards it still looks okay
honestly lol throughout his session i was losing hope until he did the stint on hards . gave me a lil hope that we can compete on race runs. he's not really done any quali laps, was finding the balance in the car and it looked rlly understeery at one point.
hiya! I didn't watch today but I had a tiny look at the data.
Idk how much you know about the tyres but I'm just gonna start from the beginning because even if you already know maybe someone else doesn't.
There are 6 (8) tyre compounds for the whole season: C0-C5 and the inters and wets. (starting with 0 is very comp sci) And they pick 3 compounds per weekend that then become the hard, medium and soft that we are used to.
C0 is the hardest compound and C5 the softest and the harder the tyre is the "slower" it is but the longer it lasts so it has less deg. And it's the opposit for the softer tyres they start faster but degrade earlier.
As to the whole medium vs hard thing for Charles there a a few options. One being the car just likes the hard more that sometimes happens because these cars are weird. Or they did change something when he pitted because they are definitely still trying out things.
Or another thing could be that the fuel load was much higher on the medium stint than it was on the hard. That would explain why he was both faster and also a bit why the deg was so much better on the hards.
But idk! it's testing and a lot can change from today to tomorrow and even more until next week.
It's good to hear that Ferrari are happy and that they have good correlation with their simulations and such stuff but the rest doesn't really tell us all that much tbh
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seiwas · 11 months
hi sel!
I’m so glad you enjoyed going back to the gym!!! And that you encouraged yourself to go!!! That’s amazing!!!(im currently setting off fireworks for you🎆)!!! I hope you were satisfied with your workout!!!đŸ«¶
and yeah psych has really peaked my interest since taking a psychology class in high school! I almost chose it as my major but I thought more deeply about it and I felt like I shouldn’t be trusted with the mentality of others lol💀 but that’s also why I have so much respect for those in the career tho!đŸ«¶
And I’m actually currently majoring in architecture!!! ♡
And I’m glad you get it😭 like I honestly would want to give it another chance but I hope that we would still have a fun compatibility with one another! but yes! IF our relationship could be sparked again somehow and we were still the same with one another, I would definitely think about trying it out haha!!
and! you really do paint such a good picture of you bf though😭 like it’s sweet the way you do it because it really does get the message across I feel like!!! ♡ and the teasing is honestly a plus in the relationship if it leaves you smiling afterward like awwwwđŸ„čđŸ’–đŸ«¶
and yeah the lecture was really interesting and I can’t wait for the next one! and thank you sel for listening about my day!đŸ„ș
and I’m sorry you didn’t feel satisfied with how your cookies turned out😭 but hey it’s cool that you still tried tinkering with it!!you tried to spice it up!!! there’s always some fun in that à«źê’°Ë¶á”” ᗜ ᔔ˶꒱ა˖âș‧₊˚ and now you know what probably works better when baking the cookies so I’m sure they’ll come out better next time, you go this!!!đŸ„ș💖 and thank you! some friends of mine want to throw like a mini Halloween dinner/party so we’re all dressing up and bringing different different things to the dinner! The things is tho!! I’m kinda better at baking than cooking lol!! so I’m gonna try making some Halloween themed ones (hopefully they don’t come out looking weird💀)!!!
And yes I started it hq again!!! I had watched a bit of season one I think when I was in middle school bc I remember some episodes lol, but I don’t remember why I didn’t continue to season 2đŸ€”
but I really am enjoying it now!!!!! and I’m loving the fact that only games are being lost and not lives😭 (it’s a good change of sceneryđŸ„Č)!!! and the fact that he’s cried twice because of how emotional it can be honestly has me more excited to continueđŸ„č like I love getting so immersed in their goals and relationshipsđŸ˜­đŸ«¶ and since I’m at the beginning!! I’m really liking kageyama and hinata!! especially because of how funny their bond is!! and daichi and suga!! and!!! oikawa and iwa!!!! I’m really loving them all individually but I also really love their friendships toođŸ„čđŸ«¶đŸ’–
and thank you selđŸ˜­đŸ«¶!! I loving coming over to talk with youđŸ„č and yes I really did want to come over and remind you that YOUR WRITING IS AMAZING!!!!đŸ’–đŸ«¶ I really have loved your recent additions!!! I feel like you add so many new layers of love on top of what you already putđŸ„ș (I don’t know if that makes sense lol!! but like!! I feel like you give each new addition another layer of care and love!! like your care for these stories just keeps growing!!!)
and thank you sel!! I was actually able to rest up for a bit this weekend!!! I hope you did too and that you enjoyed it!!!đŸ„ș I’m wishing you a wonderful week!!đŸ„čđŸ’–đŸ«¶
⭐ anon!
⭐ anon hello!! welcome back đŸ„ș
oh you're adorable setting fireworks for me đŸ„ș thank you!! the workout went great!!
i completely get what you mean omg but it's so cool that you decided to pursue architecture!! i hope you're enjoying and that it isn't giving you too much of a hard time 💗
you are so sweet coming in here to share these things w me!! and to update me on things like the lectures you're taking too!! of course i'll listen!! 💗đŸ„č
and you're so right with the cookies!! i kinda did just throw them together so maybe it was my bday too 😭 and your halloween party with your friends!! that's so cute, picking outfits and decorating!! making halloween themed food too!! aaaah i hope you have the best time!! 💗 i'm sure your treats will turn out great!!
omg i was the exact same!! i think i picked up around mid-hs? but then stopped after the first season too and dk why 😭 i'm so happy you're enjoying it now!! it rly is a good change of pace after watching jjk ngl 😭 keep me updated as you go!! who your faves end up being/which teams you end up rooting for đŸ„ș tobio was my first hq!! loves and still has a special place in my heart today!! (even tho i'm a full on seijoh girlie now sjhdbfhsj)
i think it's so sweet that you come into my lil mailbox for a chat like this đŸ„ș and even reassuring me/complimenting my writing again omg 😭 (am rlly bad at taking compliments...) but aaah thank u so much đŸ„ș it's so nice how you put it that way, love continually stacked upon one another!! i think the more i write for col the more i feel it becoming so so precious to me đŸ„ș the col couple truly are my babies shdbfhjsad i love them more and more so i'm glad that that's felt in the recent additions!!
wishing you a wonderful week too, nonie!! my weekend has been very restful thank you so much!!! 💗đŸ„č
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velvetcloxds · 1 year
For real?! Dang, it's so good!! I usually fall for the morally gray character, but he's such a cutie golden retriever type boy! I watched the first season of madalorian but I lost interest :/ I'm not a big starwars fan, my brother is though, he has a red lightsaber tattoo 😂 for real... but im gonna try and get back into it
Oh no worries!! I'm sorry you had a hard week, I hope this weekend can be a kind of reset!
omg omg omg I cannot wait to see it bestie I’m literally so excited on your behalf it’s sort of sad
yeah we’re always behind over here sadly lol- I watched the movies a while ago but haven’t really kept up with everything like intensely but I really love mando and his little adopted child ndjxb, honestly I just look forward to seeing grogu every week
no it’s fine just practicals making my life difficult, not much rest on my cards for the weekend but at least I can sleep until seven smh
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berryunho · 2 years
LOL sorry omg i really died. like am still dying. i spent all day yesterday crying over my coursework and shit but i talked to that guy and he really knocked some sense into me and told me to not be so hard on myself... so now im crying internally and not externally 😭
ive been thinking about it now and i think i might switch majors for the sake of my sanity bc real talk the amount of work is insane and i cant properly function it's crazy out here idk how people do this... i was thinking maybe health sci since i already have most of the credits for the degree and ive always wanted to be involved in the healthcare field... im gonna see my academic advisor on monday and see what they say because holy guacamole i want to be able to enjoy school w/o crying every time i think about it
omg that got long but those have been my thoughts for the past few days BUT ANYWAY that's so good!!!! im so happy for you big brain energy we love to see it!! ive got a biochem midterm this week (which is the cause of my mental breakdowns BUT KLSJFRG) and ochem is in 2 weeks but as i said might change majors and ochem is not necessary... so i'll prob drop it haha
the last season was so good. i found it a bit slow in the beginning but once it picks up it's going like i could not stop watching it!! i havent watched bcs but i heard it gets better near the end again?? ive watched el camino tho
that's how i felt abt crocheting at first like im the type of person to try something for a little bit and then give up right after but honestly!!! it's so fun because you can make all kinds of different things like clothing, bags, accessories and it's so fun!! i've been picking up knitting too and i've made some socks and i'm working on a sweater rn
WOIEFJWE that man is so wonderful like i feel like he really understands me and !!!!!!!!!!! i feel like he really balances out the "negative" parts/thoughts of me and is so reassuring IM WHIPPED LOL
omg yes i had a bad cold too like a week ago (no covid as well) and i think i might be good now knock on wood!! what a slay im glad your classes are going so well for you! i dont follow hockey (gasp) but i can see the thrill of it!! hopefully they can win the next game!
highly enjoyed the break. have a great weekend too!! <3
no no no worries lol i totally get being busy and everything <33
but omg :[[ im sorry that school has been so overwhelming and stressful for you aaaaa yeah if its at the point where you're upset everyday and completely overwhelmed and don't like school then i definitely agree w changing your major.... you don't want the rest of your life to be like this lol health science would be interesting for sure !! there are so many ways to be involved in health care and the health system without being a doctor/nurse/etc so im sure you'll be able to find something that works !!
?!*%*$???($*@)? you're taking ochem AND biochem at the same time ?!!?($*@)@ i understand the breakdowns wtf id lose it fr but lol fingers crossed changing your major works out so that you don't have to take that ochem exam
fr i definitely understand why breaking bad is considered like one of the best shows of all time ... the writing was so good and the story was so compelling and even when it got to the point where you were like 'wtf thats sick and messed up' you couldnt stop watching bc you were in so deep lol but !! ive yet to watch el camino ... hmmm
oooo man thats so cool !! you're so right like i always see crochet tutorials on tiktok for like the most random things ever and you can make like. anything. its amazing. hehe maybe ill try it out once i have more free time :]
YAAAYYY FOR THE MAN!! im glad that he's good for you :] its very nice that he's sticking w you through all of your stress and helping you out!! hehe have yall gone on any fun dates or are you just ~talking~ ?
tis the time of year for colds lol this one i think is just about done ... my cough is significantly better today but i can't decide if its actually better or if its just bc i havent been talking today .... lol ig ill see tomorrow! KFLJDSKFJ [gasp] a canadian that doesn't follow hockey ... an incredible find ... hehehe im joking but yes fr hockey is so crazy compared to other sports like even though its kinda like soccer its still so different and sooooo entertaining to me lol ty for the support for my team they definitely need it [muffled through fake coughing] they're bad [more fake coughing]
yay! i hope this week of classes goes better! tyyyy <3 <3 <3
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
i know we as a collective society believe in gamer! eren supremacy. and yes, this is a good take. however, may i introduce to you: normie/fuckboy/jock eren with gamer/nerd gf. thoughts under the cut (safe for work, pg-13, also slight snk spoilers for season 3 and up!)
see, eren isnt necessarily a fuckboy. in fact, hes very loyal! he doesnt really think that way about any girls or guys except you. but hes popular romantically and had a reputation for sleeping around before he met you (not that theres anything wrong with that but ya know word travels fast across campus). plus, cmon the dude is in a frat, super hot and has a tongue piercing. he cant blame anyone for thinking he is a fuckboy bc he exudes the energy.
you are kind of the complete opposite. you dont really enjoy parties and you keep to yourself. you're a total wreck when it comes to flirting and your kinda oblivious to whenever people like you. you dont have many friends and are a bigger fan of 2d people than 3d.
either way eren finds you so so so cute. he first approached you at one of his frat parties. your roommates convinced you to come after she said that someone (read: connie) had a dance dance revolution mat, but you kinda just stuck around in a corner staring at your cup once you lost them. he looks you up and down-- your outfit was pretty cute, a short plaid orange pleated skirt, dress shirt, orange cardigan and black beret laying neatly upon your head. and your face... he couldn't help himself but try to talk to you. you were really anxious because wahhh scary sports guy you dont know but he was kinda instantly comforting? in a way? and he was freaking pretty. he looked like a final fantasy character--long haired characters were your type. the rest was kind of history.
a lot of people are shocked when they find out your dating bc you two are so different (some people are surprise eren “dates” at all) but no one dares question your relationship when they see how much eren dotes on you. he has so many polaroids of you in his wallet-- from the many arcade dates you bring him on where you decimate him at almost every game, you awkwardly posing in the hentai section of bookstores, or just candids of you being intensely focused on a puzzle in a game. whenever you guys go out to eat and somethings wrong with your meal, he'll send it back (in a polite way, of course, but hes still assertive.) or if you buy like a figurine and its misisng something hes marching up to the cashier stand for you. he always has an arm around your waist or is holding is hand in yours. sometimes you just cling onto his arm and rest your head on it (hes comfy!!!!! and you are always tired) your both pretty clingy, but you get kinda awkward when you two are around people you know so he just kinda subtly holds you as to not make a scene. its nice. hes comfy.
youve got dual monitors, a pc you made yourself, rgb keyboard, the whole nine yards. all your consoles are up to date and you keep a handheld system on you at all times. you spend most your weekends watching anime and movies and tv shows and your shelves are piled high with books and comic books. eren literally does not understand any of it. when you told him you built your pc he goes "you made all those microchippy things? youre soooo smart babe". when you talk about some of your weirder or more complicated animes he nods along but honestly he gets so lost ("so like, lemme get this straight, the kids dad's wife ate his mom?" "yeah but like she was turned into a titan so she didn't realllllly know it was the dads wife, but like she literally walks past this titan shifter so i think she knew." "thats crazy.") and he will never understand the point of otome games when hes literally right there. he actually has a really bad habit of getting jealous of characters you have a crush on but you just find it funny. sometimes he gets an ego boost when they look like him because even if they look like him he is actually real so they can suck it.
hes rlly supportive tho. erens a rlly passionate person and he loves you a lot so he pours a lot of passion into what you do. if you are into esports/fps games hes cheers you on all the time and does all the raging for you ("BABE THAT GUY IS STREAM SNIPING! HES STREAM SNIPING YOU HEY ASSHOLE STOP CHEATING OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" "eren he cant stream snipe me because i dont stream" "oh i thought that just meant cheating"/"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" "eren its okay i can just report him" "NO NO LET ME AT HIM IF HE WANTS TO CALL YOU A BITCH I CAN CALL HIM MUCH WORSE" "um guys im gonna mute my mic for a second if you need me text chat") if youre into cozy games he likes to watch you play and gives you ideas on where to put things. like in minecraft he makes you put a second bed for him even though he doesnt play and he helps you name all your pets. you get a little less intense with cozy games so you sit on his lap and he lets his hair down puts his head on your shoulder and points at where you should place stuff. he still rages though? this is eren jaeger we are talking about. ("aw, she wont move to my island." "WHAT? who does that little ugly squirrel think she is? you think youre too good for MY y/n's island? i'll shave your unibrow off. then we'll see what island will want you" "leave hazel alone! shes cute!"/"dude that hamster guy with the glasses looks like armin" "graham? what? armin doesnt even wear glasses" "no no look at it more" "oh shit youre right") rpgs/otome games are kinda a wild card with how he acts. if its an otome game and the character looks like him he is more into helping you out because it reaffirms to him that you find him good looking but otherwise he is just sulking and calling them annoying ("princess y/n... i know im just a servant, but i want to be with you forever!" "pft. get a load of this guy. clingy much?" "its romantic! youre jealous.")
one of his favorite things to do with you is cuddle and watch anime. usually he lies his face on your thighs or chest while watching and you play with his hair or he holds you in his chest and you play with one of his hands while the other goes behind his head. he grew up on some of the classics like naruto sailor moon one piece pokemon and dbz but he never got super into it until he started dating you. you put him on to soooo many good shows (cartoons, anime, and live action) hes both a crier and he is a get-angrier(?). he gets mad on characters behalfs and you have to pause the show so he can rant about how annoying someone is or he feels so bad for someone so he has to take a minute because hes tearing up. he likes slice of life anime because the friendships <3 theyre so wholesome and they remind him of him armin and mikasa but he also likes shounen because it is entertaining to watch fights. he gets really into them actually. he also has this really bad habit of whenever there is a character with no parents or a dead mom he goes "oh same" or "welcome to the club buddy" under his breath. when theres a cute couple in an anime you both like guys get matching keychains of them unless one of them dies because he thinks its bad luck. his favorite animes are haikyuu, your lie in april and code geass.
you are equally supportive of erens volleyball career. you know all the rules because sports anime and you actually find yourself really liking it in 3d as well (it is lacking in bromance and screaming but you let it slide). you go to all his games and he always texts you before his practices. has a habit of kissing you before games and one day after he kisses you go "gg ez win" as a JOKE but then they like decimate their long time rival marley university and get into nationals (is that a thing for volleyball idk sports) so hes convinced its because you did your "gamer magic". now every time after getting his good luck kiss he interlocks your pinkies and you go "gg ez win" and he goes “yes.” because to this day he doesnt know what it means (he thinks googling it is like breaking the magic)
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rydeszegras · 4 years
hospitals make miracles - r.donovan
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hi guys ! this is my first fic and its not good whatsoever but figured id give it a shot haha, hope you enjoy !
wc: 1,623
warnings: minor swearing, mentions of injuries
you were a senior at andover high school on a roadie up to your annual trip in duluth. youve been taking this trip since your freshman year as you were one of the first players to ever make varsity as a freshman. that being said, this was your year, this was the year you had to show out. being named captain this season not only did you have to step up and lead the team, but you also had to focus on your game as it was your year to get scouted. you’d been looked at by minnesota-duluth, boston college, and minnesota, but all you wanted was to go to wisconsin, and this was your year to make it happen.
“y/n/n, are you ready to see all the hot duluth boys this weekend? i heard their varsity team plays at the same time of us and they have the wisco hot shot ryder donovan.” lilly said bouncing up and down in the seat next to you. you and lilly had been best friends ever since you met eachother at little wild camp 12 years ago. “y/n are you even listening”, “oh yeah sorry lil, just thinking about this weekend, did you know wisconsin scouts are gonna be there, i dont know if i can do this lil, i cant mess up, my future relies on this weekend” you exclaimed, trying not to freak out. “y/n/n you’ll be great i promise, but we should get some rest, weve still got 1.5 hours left and we’ve got a big game against east tonight.” you nod your head in agreement, dozing off into a deep sleep.
after an hour and a half of driving you arrive at the rink, getting up you fix your hair and adjust your sweats and parka and get ready to go grab your bag. after grabbing your bag, you start to head into the rink when you hear lil and ken start screaming, turning your head you see what all the fuss is about. and there he is. standing right before your eyes. ryder donovan. you’ve seen him in pictures as you followed him and some of his friends on instagram, but wow he was even prettier in person.
stumbling into the rink you make your way into the locker room gearing up to take the ice for warmups at duluth heritage. stepping onto the ice you complete your typical warmup of one-timers, slaps, and some stretching before noticing two big things in the stands. wisconsins top scout, and wisconsins top recruit, ryder. you didnt like it, but you just couldnt take your eyes off him.
the game begins and you take the ice playing your heart out making a clean goal through the five hole and racking in two more assists. after taking the ice to begin the last 20 mins of play, you get ready to take the faceoff for the third period. you win the faceoff clean and go to prepare to set yourself up to take a one-timer on the net. thats when tragedy strikes, when bringing your stick back to recieve the one-timer, before you know it you’re slammed into the boards on a cross check. tumbling down you hear a snap, a snap so loud that you watch the scout and ryder jump to their feet. as the athletic trainer scrambles to try and get you off the ice, you’re taken off the ice on a stretcher as you cant seem to put any weight on your right leg.
on the way to the hospital all you can think is why me, why now, why today. knowing it was probably your acl, you knew you were done for the season, that was it, it was over. scrolling through your twitter you saw your team won 5-2, which put your team in an excellent spot to start the season.
you arrived at the hospital and settled into your bed when a quite familiar but unfamiliar face walked into your toom. left speechless you see the 6’3 brunette standing in your doorway. “hey im ryder, i know you probably dont know me but i know you, you’re all the wisconsin scout has talked about for the past year and as im committed there i knew i had to see what the girls team is gonna have to offer and let me tell you, you looked incredible out there” ryder says shakily, messing with his fingers. you thank ryder and invite him into your room to sit on the chair. “trust me ryder i know you, youre all the girls have talked about after finding out that we played east this season, and youre committed to my dream school so theres that too, but theres no way the wisconsin scout wants anything to do with me, especially now that i have a double torn acl” you said, pointing down at your stitched up and wrapped knee, trying not to cry.
the next day, lil picked you up to bring you back to your hotel. on the car ride there you told her about everything that happened last night but when telling her you felt you sounded crazy, theres no way that thee ryder donovan went to visit YOU at the hospital and there’s absolutely no way that the wisconsin scout actually liked you. that was until you saw the instagram notification pop up on your screen... rydesdono would like to send you a message. you were shocked, theres no way that actually happened, but you opened the dm anyways to see what there was to say.
ryder donovan:
hey cutie, i never got your number last night and i was hoping we could catch up a little bit sometime if you feel up to it, i know with your knee it might not be easy, but i figured i would ask:)
you sat speechless. theres no way last night absolutely happened and there was absolutely no way he just called you “cutie”, but of course youre gonna meet up with ryder, no matter how much work it is
hey rydes! id love to meet up with you again ! heres my number 952-***-****
thinking he might not actually text you because thats what hockey boys do, but sure enough you were proved wrong
maybe: ryder
hey y/n its ryder, pick you up at 6?
absolutely, cant promise it’ll be easy with my knee and all, but i’ll make it work:))
how about i pick us up food and bring it back to your hotel room, that way you can still have dinner with me but you can rest your knee at the same time;)
that sounds great, ill make sure to leave the door unlocked
speechless you instantly call lilly and tell her everything, who freaks out the second you mention his name. as much as she doesnt believe it, you dont either. how is it that getting injured led you to a hot shot hockey player that is committed to the same school you are (yep thats right, wisco gave you an offer!!), one who’s actually genuine and nice AND insanely attractive. its mind blowing, but knowing theres no way this goes anywhere, as youd have to take the 2 hour drive back to andover in two days and probably wouldnt see ryder again until next year when you were both at wisconsin.
about an hour and a half later you hear two quiet knocks at your door, yelling “come in” at the sound. from your bed you see the cute hockey player who walks in from the doorway carrying the bag of food he got from grandmas, which happened to be your favorite restaurant in duluth. ryder sets the food on the table getting your food prepared so you didnt have to get up. he brings your food over to you and you invite him to sit next to you on your bed. you turned on your tv to the umd vs minnesota game as you rest your head on ryder who had just put his arm around you after you both finished eating. after talking for hours, that really felt like 10 mins, ryder decided that he should probably get back home and even if you didnt want him to go, you agreed.
for weeks after that you and ryder talked and talked for hours on end nonstop whether it was through snapchat, messages, or facetime. even though you only lived two hours apart, your schedules clashed too much to ever be able to meet up with eachother again. eventually after a year later you had completed your physical therapy and were ready to start your first year as a badger, but most importantly you were eager for ryder to get into town so you could hug the gorgeous brunette again.
when arriving at labahn, you were preparing yourself for the first day of practice and your next meet up with ryder, as the boys were using labahn as well as kohl center was undergoing some remodeling. you pull your bag out of your grand cherokee when you saw the brunette, and just like the first time you saw him your heart stopped. dropping your bag you ran in a dead sprint to see him as he dropped his bag and ran towards you wrapping his arms around your shoulders as if its been decades since youve last seen him as he held you for what felt like forever, when ryder whispered into your ear, “so hospitals really do make miracles happen” as he picked you up to kiss you before making your way into practice, knowing that without your injury you may have never found eachother the way you did.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Sunglasses - Kiara Carrera
Request: me and my sister went to the beach recently to just chill and i accidentally fell asleep and got a rlly bad tan line cus my sister left my phone on my back 💀💀 i was wondering if you could write a kie fic where they go out to have a date and you get a real bad tan line and idk kie's my love, and im just craving fluffy kie
A/N: I love Kie💛 that’s it. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
“Well?” Kiara asked, standing at the edge of the beach, cooler in hand and towel over her shoulder as she looked out over the gathering crowd. It was mid July, the height of tourist season, and maybe a beach date wasn’t the best idea that Kiara had ever had but there was little else she’d felt like doing this morning aside from spending the day on the beach with you.  
It was overwhelmingly crowded though, people were practically on top of each other to get spots and she was resigning herself more and more to the possibility that you would want to nix the beach and just go sunbathe in your front yard.  
“Maybe there’s more space closer to the ocean?” You offered, looking over at her and smiling. You knew she wouldn’t have asked for a beach day on a weekend in July unless she really wanted it and, if she really wanted it, you weren’t about to deny her.  
“Closer to the ocean it is.”  
You took her hand, walking through the maze of people that were laying out, sunbathing, having picnics, building sandcastles, and enjoying time with family. What felt like hundreds of strangers all congregating on your beach for the day. But closer to the ocean paid off as you found an empty space to set up your towels.  
“Here,” Kiara offered, reaching for the bottle of sunscreen that you had in your hands. You put squirted some on your legs before passing it back to Kiara. Despite the years that you had been living on the island you burned if you weren’t careful. You shivered as Kiara’s hands met your shoulders, cold sunscreen on warm skin as she rubbed it in.  
“The sun feels so good I literally wanna take a nap.”
“So what you’re saying is we came all the way to the beach so you could nap?” Kiara asked, leaning forward to kiss a part of your skin she hadn’t lotioned yet.  
“I mean, you get to see me in my bikini.” You said, twisting enough that you could see Kiara and smiling at her as you jokingly shook your chest at her.
“Turn around,” she laughed, shoving your shoulder, “god you’ve been spending too much time with JJ. And...I can see you out of the bikini if we napped at home so...”
“God, Kie...stop trying to make me unexcited about the beach.” You replied.
She massaged the sunscreen into your back and arms before handing the sunscreen back to you, “here, do me.”  
“Oh my god!” She smacked your arm as the two of you moved so you could put sunscreen on her back. “Literally I am cutting you off from JJ.”  
You rolled your eyes at Kiara before laying back on your towel, closing your eyes against the sun and resting your sunglasses on your stomach. Kiara laid down on her back, turning her head to watch you. She had given you a hard time about it but honestly if all the two of you did was lounge on the beach together it was worth it. With a friend group like yours there wasn’t a lot of alone time for the two of you.  
“Don’t fall asleep like that.” Kiara admonished, glancing down at the sunglasses on your stomach.
“I won’t.” You replied, turning your head and opening one eye to look at your girlfriend. You blew a kiss at her before going back to sunbathing.  
“I told you.” Kiara sassed, looking over at you. She was propped up on her elbows, looking up at you, squinting slightly from the silver of sunlight that passed your shoulder. You were standing up, hands on your hips as you looked down at your stomach, the imprint of sunglasses on your stomach.
“I was barely asleep!” You groaned, looking at the tan line. “God the guys are gonna roast me for this.”
“Oh my god, babe,” she laughed. “You wanna go in the water, take your mind off it?”
“I want to time machine myself back to before we started dating and tell past me that you would let me fall asleep with sunglasses on my stomach in the sun.” You replied, running your hand over the tanline as if it would rub off.  
“Poor baby.” Kiara shook her head before standing up. “Alright come on,” she took your hand in hers and started to lead you down toward the water.
“I don’t wanna go in the water, I wanna go home, and wallow in self-pity.” You grumbled.
“Oh my god babe,” Kiara laughed. She stopped and turned back toward you, grabbing your face in her hands, “you look amazing, even with sunglasses imprinted on your stomach.” She said, kissing you.
“I don’t believe you...but fine.” You conceded, letting her lead you the rest of the way to the ocean.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @ssprayberrythings @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
King Taeyong | 4
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Taeyong x ballerina!reader //  FLUFF, ANGST, fantasy!au Summary: Deciding for the both of you and to save your life, Taeyong is forced to delete all your memories with him. He gave you a happy life, a life without him. Word Count: 3k Warnings: Mentions of death but no one died hehe Note: This is the last chapter for this baby of mine hihi -The fantasy part is already here. I tried to keep it short and simple, didn’t want to overdo it.  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
After that visit with Ruby, you felt something off with your husband lately. Sometimes you have to call his name several times before he acknowledge what you were saying. It bothers you. “Did something happened, babe? You seem off lately, whats wrong?” eyes full of concern, you came closer to him while watching the sun rise from his room. This is the day you go back to the human world together. Or so you thought.
You cover your naked body while you cling to him, making him tell you what’s bothering him. He forced a laugh telling you, “really its nothing. I’m just spacing out lately because...” he let out a heavy sigh. “Of work. CEO duties you know. Work started to pile up the day I left.”
Lee Taeyong knew all too well that this very moment right now, is gonna be his last memory of you being a married couple. “It’s been only days since we got married, and ever day is still as beautiful as the day I met you” Taeyong started to be nostalgic out of nowhere, your heart sinks and it made you blush.
“You know y/n, my love for you means, watching you perform and support you from your achievements” You remember the night he bravely asked you to have dinner with you and simply turning that shitty day around into something you will never forget the rest if your life.
“My love for you means, spending beautiful mornings with you, a night with just you and me, making love until the morning” he winks and grabs your hand. “You will never be sad, alone or hurt y/n. Thats how much I love you. I will literally die, if I hurt you again.” Hearing Taeyong’s words makes you worry he’s never been like this, “Baby what are you saying? You’ll never hurt me.” He kissed your hands, your wedding ring. “I’ll make you coffee, stay here okay.” He said letting go of your hands, trying to cover your exposed legs and left you in the middle of his huge bed.
Hesitating to pour the potion on your coffee, Taeyong cries as he remembers what Ruby showed him, how you killed yourself. That made him convinced himself to finally pour the potion. He did it with a heavy heart knowing he will never be with you ever again. Im sorry.
You feel the bed dipped beside you, your husband holding a tray with coffees on it. He gave you your coffee and you told him he always makes the best coffees. A he hands you your coffee, Taeyong kissed your lips softly. What was that for?
You smile at him before you took a sip. “Oh that tastes really good” you told him excitedly.
“I love you.” You heard Taeyong whisper beside you. Your head suddenly felt heavy so you decided to close your eyes, smiling at Taeyong before you drift away. You’re sure that you saw tears in his eyes.
Taeyong cries and cries from sun up until he takes you back to your apartment, holding your hand and not letting it go for the last time. Doyoung, Yuta and Johnny was with him, they can only hurt for their friend too. They all saw how the magic works its way to you.  Just like, what happened to Taeyeon your life took a few years back to make way for the life Taeyong has made for you. He saw every memory of him got erased from the moment you first laid eyes on him at the opera lobby to your last memory of him before you close your eyes this morning, watching every moment while crying his heart out.
Taeyong’s heart is broken.
When you wake up, you felt as if like you’re missing something big in your life but you cant point a finger to it. Without knowing whats going on, you’re now living the life Taeyong made for you to save you from taking your own life. A beautiful life without him.
You see Jaehyun sleeping beside you sweetly and peacefully. What a night you thought. Jaehyun indeed worn you out, fucking you until the sun goes up. Little did you know that was Taeyong.
In this life, you happily live with Jaehyun in your apartment ever since you two were dating in college. You’ve been together for 5 years already and you are perfectly happy with him. After graduation, Jaehyun moved in with you and you made beautiful memories in every corner of your apartment. You spend Christmas and New years together just like when you were little kids, the only difference now is that he finally proposed to you and asked you to marry him.
Before getting married, you finished your last season at the company by doing the lead of The Nutcracker. Jaehyun watched every ballet performance you had since college days until your last. After that, you promised yourself that you will try something new that involves making more time with your fiancé. He takes the baking classes with you so he can be a great assistant in the future, and that made your heart bursts into happiness. He bakes cupcakes with you every weekends as part of your quality time at home. He supported and helped you with the success of your bakery.
After getting married for a year, you and Jaehyun had a baby. You told Jaehyun the big news that you’re pregnant and he is really happy about it. But neither any of you two, knew that the father of the baby that you’re carrying is Taeyong’s. Just like what Ruby showed to Taeyong, he will have a child but the child will never knew him as her father.
It hurts Taeyong the most knowing he will never get the chance to take care of his baby. He will never get the chance to tie her hair like how he does for you. Now, you’ve got Jaehyun to do those for you and his baby girl.
Trust the pain and endure it everyday is all he can do now. Taeyong continues being a responsible king to his kingdom, exhausting himself everyday hoping his tired mind can make him sleep well, but it never did. He can clearly remember the last good sleep he had, and that was the night he got married.
Taeyong broke off his engagement to Sorn for Yuta’s sake and for the happiness of them both. The couple are now happily married with joined kingdoms all thanks to Taeyong’s support and help.
The famine did happened, but it didn’t take a while. The 21 kingdoms joined forces to prevented the famine from getting longer and because of Taeyong’s constant presence in his kingdom. He focused all his energy and time on doing king duties. Something he cant do if he continued being with you in your world. And because of that, he is sorry. He blames himself everyday for making decisions that caused his misery now. The once happy and joyful king, is now a gloomy and lonely King Taeyong.
Doyoung told Taeyong the news that you’re pregnant and that Jaehyun is doing a good job taking over his role in your life. Hearing it made him smile. Taeyong visited Ruby to tell her the great news and that the potion that she made did a great job.
“The kingdom is now safe your highness. You can go visit her if you want.” Ruby suggests, as a way to comfort him. “You can shadow her, be with her throughout her pregnancy.” Taeyong followed Ruby’s risky idea. He then visited the human world again with Johnny, Yuta and Doyoung.
“Its funny how in the human world its only been days but in our world
 months have passed already” Doyoung says as he walks with Taeyong.
“What if she remembers us?” Johnny asked full of hope. Taeyong thought about it but it’s impossible, he saw the magic work through Taeyeon and she cant remember anything.
“Look! Thats her shop...” Yuta points at a small bakery painted in purple and the smell of freshly baked cupcakes lingers on the street. Taeyong walks slowly as if he’s scared to face and finally see you again. But he has to be strong. You heard the door open and welcomed the customers, “Hello! What can I get you guys? May I suggest our freshly baked red velvet cupcakes?” They all looked like first time customers, they also looked handsome and fine, almost looked like royalty.
You didn’t noticed but Doyoung stopped time, for Taeyong to look at you a little bit longer. Its the only thing he can do for Taeyong. He take a good look at you, happy that Jaehyun is doing a great job filling up for his part. Taeyong wanted to cry, he wanted to hug and kiss you but instead, he just whispered all his apologies to you and that he loves you.
“Doyoung, you can bring back time now” and he did. They were all shocked when they finally see you again, what Doyoung did actually helped them calm themselves and not freak out when they finally talk to you. Johnny quickly asked for a box of red velvet cupcakes to lessen the awkwardness. Doyoung is scanning and choosing his cakes. Yuta is planning to buy cupcakes for Sorn, and Taeyong... Taeyong is watching your every move around your bakery. His heart is happy seeing you do what you want and most importantly, you’re alive.
Johnny snaps his fingers to bring back Taeyong to the current situation. He gave Taeyong an iced americano so he wont look like he’s being awkward. The three princes sigh and gave Taeyong a “tsk” because he’s being weird in front of you.
“Dude order something. Try to make a conversation” Johnny suggests. Taeyong was looking at the freshly baked cupcakes and cakes while you were wrapping Yuta’s order ready to take Taeyong’s order.
“See something you like?” You asked him with a smile.
You. Taeyong thought. “...can I have, all of these?” Taeyong was pointing at the cupcakes fresh from the oven and even the ones on the shelf. “And these...” now he’s pointing at all 10 cakes at the refrigerator. You almost asked him if he’s joking. “Its a lot, but it’s for the kids in this school we are visiting” Doyoung explains. Huh figures.
When Taeyong and the three princes left your bakery, you were happy because of the good sales and hope they would love everything they bought. Jaehyun came in when they left minutes ago and he was happy you sold a lot more than usual today.
“So what are we going to do with all these sweets?” Johnny asked then let out a big sigh “if only the love of my life is still alive -”
“Hey! Dont be sad, give them to me I’ll eat all of them” Taeyong comforts Johnny.
Doyoung was silently enjoying the cupcakes that he ordered and told everyone it was so good, they should eat one now. And they all did. Taeyong fell in love with you more after tasting one cupcake. Yuta on the other hand was happy, “Sorn will like these. She’s been having a sweet tooth lately. I think she’s pregnant” And they were all happy for Yuta for there will be another baby on the way.
7 months pregnant
Being pregnant is hard you thought. You cant bake properly, you cant stay at the bakery and bake nonstop like you used to, you feel fat... but oh the amount of attention you get from Jaehyun is unbelievable. You love how he tries to bake and help at the bakery whenever he can, you love seeing him put cupcakes and cakes on the shelf, he looks calm.
You took a week off from the bakery and Jaehyun got you covered. It was bad timing and Taeyong didn’t know you’re not going to be at the bakery today. He saw Jaehyun serving the customers so he figured you’re not present today “Are you new here?” Taeyong pretends he doesn’t know. “The owner of the bakery is my wife sir” Jaehyun answers politely.
It hurts Taeyong to hear such words, knowing all too well that this is his doing. As usual, he buys everything he sees and reasons out that he is visiting a school nearby. Taeyong got home disappointed because he didn’t get to see you, thinking maybe you’re at home resting and reading like you always do on your free time.
It has been peaceful in Taeyong’s world, the big news now is Sorn is indeed pregnant and Yuta invited him to celebrate in his kingdom. Everyone was happy for Sorn and Yuta’s blossoming married life, and Taeyong cant help but think that if it wasn’t for that stupid famine, he could’ve had spend a beautiful married life with you too and he could’ve made you happy. But now, he’s just miserable.
When the most awaited day has come, Doyoung ran into Taeyong’s office while he was having a meeting with Johnny, Yuta and the other members of the royal court. Doyoung was shouting, screaming at Taeyong that you’re about to deliver the baby today. His world stopped again upon hearing the big news, hands shaking, heavy breathing. The constant want of Taeyong to be with you and your daughter grew stronger.
Calming himself in front of everyone right now, the three princes noticed Taeyong isn’t going to be alright anytime soon. They dismissed themselves and left Taeyong alone. The next day, Doyoung delivered the news to Taeyong that the baby is healthy and its a girl.
“Oh my go-“ Johnny exclaims, “dude! Get your shit together, congratulations!” The three of them seemed happy but Taeyong was still sad about everything. Knowing about Taeyong’s struggle, the three princes made their own way to help Taeyong out. Because Taeyong is still not yet ready to see his daughter, the three of them made sure to guide you and your daughter for all these years.
Yuta visits your daughter’s dreams making sure she has beautiful dreams of the kingdom. For Yuta, it is your daughter’s birth right to know that the kingdom his father rules exist, even if its from a dream.
Doyoung is in charge of helping your daughter grown smart like his uncle. Being one of her teachers all through out of her studying until she graduates.
Johnny became the protector of your family, making sure there will be no danger that will cross your path.
They did this for years and years for Taeyong. For them, they owe Taeyong so much that what they’re actually doing right now is still not enough for all Taeyong has done for their kingdoms. Being good uncles is the least they can do to Taeyong’s daughter.
When time healed Taeyong’s heart completely, he remained in your shadows, secretly sending people to buy in your bakery and bring it to his world so more people can experience your delicious cakes and cupcakes. He is the one protecting your daughter now and not Johnny, thanking Johnny for everything he has done for the past few years.
He even sent birthdays and Christmas gifts to you and your daughter, occasionally visiting your world and just following you around with Doyoung, Yuta and Johnny.
“Your daughter grew up nicely” Doyoung said while watching your daughter read at the children’s bookstore. “She sure is” Taeyong sighs in relief.
When they got back to the kingdom, Taeyong noticed that the gate is slowly having cracks as if its about to self destruct any day. He showed the cracks to Ruby and to the other princes. Ruby discovered that the passage to the other world will close in three days time, destructing itself to maintain the natural order of worlds.
So its time. Taeyong thought.
Given the circumstances that the gate will self destruct, Taeyong gathered his strength to face his daughter for the first time when he visits the human world, for the last time. Letting go of you was hard enough he thought, but letting go of his daughter was harder.
One fine day, you were needed at the bakery and Jaehyun should be the one sending your daughter off to ballet class, but he forgot to tie her daughter’s hair.
This is it Taeyong. He approached her daughter and introduced himself trying not to scare her way. Thanks to Yuta’s help, Taeyong didn’t seem to be a stranger to his daughter. He seemed familiar in her daughter’s eyes.
“I can see that your hair is not yet tied, do you need some help?” Taeyong kneeled meeting his daughter’s level and asked her if he could tie her hair. She nods.
Taeyong was trying to be gentle as possible. The whole time he was brushing her daughter’s hair, he was remembering and savouring the feeling of combing her soft black hair for the first and last time. “There you go” Taeyong said with a smile.
“You did well Mr! Thank you. It’s like how my mom would do it.” She said enthusiastically.
“Is that so?” Taeyong looked into her daughter’s eyes, she has my eyes. Trying not to cry in front of the young girl, Taeyong walked her in front of the ballet studio and talking about random things with he that she gladly answers. “This is as far as I can go.” He pats her head and asked for a hug, the little girl gave him what he asked for.  
“Take care of your mom okay? Tell her she’s doing a great job taking care of a princess.” I love you so much baby. You will grow well. He pushed away slowly from her daughter’s sweet hug and left with a smile not wanting her daughter to remember him frowning.
While watching his daughter during her first day in ballet class, he sees her daughter in you. That she’s so much like you and he wonders what she got from him besides his eyes. After the class, Taeyong cannot believe what he’s seeing with his own eyes. Its you. Wearing a white coat with gold buttons, waiting for your daughter to come out of the ballet studio with that beautiful smile he fell for.
“Mom!” Your daughter shouts in excitement for seeing you.
“Hey baby! How was your class? Did daddy tied your hair?”
Taeyong chuckled hearing your words. Yeah I did.
“Im sorry, I was busy this morning” you apologised to your daughter and showered her with kisses on her cheeks. Taeyong watching you from a far, he will forever remember this until the day he dies.
“Daddy forgot to tie my hair, but there’s this handsome mister who helped me. He tied my hair instead.” You think of punishing Jaehyun later when you get home for forgetting to tie his daughter’s hair. “Oh what a nice mister” you said.
“He called me princess and he told me to tell you that you’re doing good” she explains. You and Taeyong let out a small laugh hearing her explain like that.
You don’t know why hearing what your daughter just said made your heart ache but you didn’t show her. For some reason you felt sad and all of a sudden you feel like crying.
Taeyong finally left and crossed the passage for the last time, the gate is about to self destruct. He was happy and contented for having such good memories with you and his daughter.
11 years later
Your daughter is 18 years old and she’s having her first lead performance tonight at the opera where you used to dance ballet. She was so amazing you and Jaehyun teared up after the curtains fall. Standing ovations, never ending “bravo!” from the audience. You were so proud of her.
“Congratulations baby!” You hugged your daughter and showered her with kisses just like when she was starting to learn ballet. Jaehyun on the other hand is a proud father too, showered her daughter with kisses and hands her the flowers that he got for her.
“Thanks dad! But I thought these are from you...” she showed Jaehyun the beautiful flowers that she’s carrying. “Baby you’re the lead performer, its okay to have lots of flowers!” He said excitedly. “Lets have dinner come on!”
Days after the performance, your daughter decided to go to the flower shop where the flowers has been purchased. She got curious because she never knew who gave it to her, all she wanted to do is to thank that person. “Oh! The buyer was named Lee Taeyong and he instructed to send flowers for every performance you’ll have.” The florist explains.
When she got home, she asked you if you’re familiar with a guy named Lee Taeyong.
Lee Taeyong.
It does sound familiar you said to your daughter however, you just can’t seem to be sure with your thoughts. You think long and hard but decided to just shrug it off. “I’m sorry baby but I dont know any Lee Taeyong” you felt a direct pang of pain in your heart. Your heart knew who Lee Taeyong is. He is the only man you ever loved, showed you how beautiful the world with him in it, and the man who changed your life.
If you finished this baby of mine, I know its a handful and its not that good but I’ve been wanting to write about so I did. hehe. I hope some enjoyed this, and if you did I’d like to hear from you! Anyways, thank you for reading it. <3
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gallickingun · 4 years
reality-is-often-disappointing x denki || gallickingun matchups
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@reality-is-often-disappointing : I, have shamelessly came here on note for a first tier matchup. MHA, my hobbies are a wild variety that includes mainly singing -as i have an ' amazing' alto voice- writing, drawing -in pencil mainly but also acrylics on canvas- I'm good at cooking -better thank baku if I do say so myself- reading fanfics obv, fangirling/gushing over hot guys with the girls yk? my dress code is ultimate modesty as i dont like showing skin, yet it's classy chic, very picky while shopping yes. my favorite colors are blank and vintage pink. aesthetic is more cutsie unicorn colors -my rooms main colors- but i actually only ever like wearing black. i do know how to swim but cant because *da-dun* i have dry eyes/also wear glasses. my favorite food is dark chocolate w/ those bits of cherries or oranges. as a first date i'm open to anything from a movie in or out, to walks on the beach or even just the arcade. i'm a she/her, and currently feeling like i'm going for a guy as a match triggers: only degradation or backtalking, it makes me anxious, a paranoid mess and i'll most definitely end up crying without even noticing. 165cm or 5'5 dark natural black hair (the 80s lion cut up to collarbone & a fringe) eye color, theyre black/brown when in sunlight. im white with a med and warmish olive undertones, natrually rosy cheeks -holy dark circles- full brows and what i've been called as "doll-like-eyes" or "cat-eyes" since theyre big and long naturally curled lashes. My birthday is on 31st of october, scorpio, INFP personality to cut short for you! I'm a child-free spirited but also am like-mature at maximum effort. I either sleep 3 or 16 hours there is no inbetween (once slept for 24 hrs but I'm not going to talk about how that freaked everyone out) I've been singing since I was three or since I've remembered. Secretly wanted to go on those x-factor shows but bleh, no. Fame is not really for me. Anywho, love you! Have fun with this and drink water!Â đŸŽ”
Thank you so much for sending in the request for this! You’re such a gem, I really appreciate every time I get the pleasure of interacting with you, darling 🧡
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― Denki would love the fact that you sing! He thinks you have a beautiful voice, and even if you’re across the house, if he hears you start to pick up a tune, he’ll join in! ― I think the two of you would pull all nighters together some nights, and other days sleep until you’ve passed the whole weekend by without doing much of anything. Denki can stay up until the sunrise, or he can sleep until noon, whatever you want to do! ― He loves your free spirit, it makes it easy to take you on adventures and experience the world with you. 
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⁂ Denki will randomly offer to pick you up from work, and the two of you will drive a couple of hours to the countryside or the beach - windows down, music blaring, singing until your throats are numb - and you’ll spend a night or a weekend away from the world, just wrapped up in each other. 
⁂ He’s a horrible cook, absolutely terrible. Kaminari loves that you cook dinner most nights, because not only does he get to eat your delicious food, he also gets to praise the heck out of you for preparing a wonderful meal. He really adores it when you make too much and he gets to take the leftovers to work the next day. Of course he brags about you to all of the other heroes, and he really loves the note you leave on top of the tupperware. 
⁂ Even if the two of you aren’t actively together, you’ll still stay up late. Sometimes you watch Kaminari while he plays video games, laying on the couch with your legs over his lap while he mashes the controller buttons and speaks to whoever is on the other side of the headset. In between each match or round, he’ll slip the headphones off his ears and run his palm along your calf, massaging your leg, “Whatcha doin’, babe?” And he’ll listen to you drone on about whatever YouTube video you were watching, whatever thing you’re reading, or whatever social media event has gotten your attention. 
⁂ He learns how to harmonize in order to compliment your voice better. He shows it off one night when you’re singing along while cooking dinner - Denki sidles up behind you, arms around your waist, and starts to harmonize in your ear along with the song you’ve been captivated by for the last few weeks. You feel warm at the sound of his voice, and even more so due to the effort he’s put in to prove to you that your interests are his interests. And boy, is he interested in you. 
⁂ Kaminari will be down to try all kinds of fruit chocolates with you - you guys even play a roulette style game where you have to guess what kind of fruit is hidden within the chocolate. You win, mostly, because Denki just wants to stuff his face with sugar so fast that he doesn’t recognize the fruit chunks. But he still plays and is in awe of you getting every single one right because you never fail to amaze him. 
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Denki slips in through the doorway, sliding off his shoes in favor of his house slippers as quietly as possible. He notices that the television is still flickering on and off, images bouncing off the glass of the window panes scattered throughout the living room walls. A chuckle parts his lips when he sees you curled up in one of his old hero merch designs - a hoodie that is too large for you, so big that it would seem it has swallowed you whole. Your legs are curled into your chest and your head rests on the arm of the couch, gentle snores making your nostrils shudder.
He tries to pick you up, slipping his arms carefully beneath your frame. But somehow you stir, your eyes peeling open lazily as you smack your lips, slowly sinking away from the realm of slumber. A gentle smile tugs on your lips and you frame his face with your hands, “Another late night?”
“Duty calls,” his voice does not sound as excited as it once did to get those midnight rings from the agency. Now, he just aches to be at home with you at the decent hours of the night, where he can hold you and fall asleep with you and remember why he fell in love with you all over again, every time he gets the faintest of whiffs of your perfume or your shampoo. 
“Dinner is in the oven,” you are murmuring, your head lolling against his chest as he settles you into his hold, “I waited for you to start the next season.”
Kaminari is laughing, but the sound of it sobers you up and you grab him by the collar of his jacket with the one arm that is listening to you tell it how to move, the other pinned between your bodies, “H-Hey, don’t laugh at me! I waited for you to start it, now we’re gonna start it.”
Somehow you’re settled back into the couch, hands desperate for him as you search his torso for somewhere to find purchase. Kaminari leans down and kisses your forehead and then the tip of your nose, his lips hovering just above the bow of your mouth as he whispers, “Whatever you want, honey.”
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Matchups Original Post | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Commissions | AO3 | Writing Tag
Please check HERE to see if I’ve done your matchup already. Remember, I will also post your matchup with the tag: “#emoji-matchup”, using your emoji in place of the word, so if you can remember your emoji, you can search my blog for that tag to see if I have completed it already!
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kadywicker · 4 years
Hi! Im same anon from few weeks ago thanking you for getting me into the magicians bc dopamine etc and rn Im watching s4 (near end but im rationing it. kinda) but i dont really filter spoilers so Ive seen stuff from s5 and I have to say... every single thing I read/see sounds like a fever dream and not even a fun one. What is going on? I'm not sure i want to know.
oh my god it’s miserable man i’m so sorry. s5 is..... so bad fasdfasdf i avoided watching it for a year bc i didn’t want to waste my energy trying to p*rate it. but i watched it last weekend and let me tell u..... not worth it! there’s a couple episodes that are like? okay? i guess? but mostly it’s just. terrible writing. sexism. homophobia. nonsensical plots. bad writing. more shitty writing. like. there’s some spoilers below so don’t click if u dont want spoilers but in case u want to know what’s going on (warning for spoilers and a huge wall of text):
there’s too much magic now so spells are going off the shits bc there’s so much magic. there’s a harmonic convergence coming up which will make magic go even MORE wild. a pig man from fillory shows up saying there’s going to be an apocalypse and he needs quentin to help. julia says oh shit sorry quentin’s dead but i can do it but the pig man says only STRONG MEN can do it so he fucks off to try and go find a man for the quest. julia decides to stop the apocalypse anyway, which she thinks is the harmonic convergence. so much fucking shit happens long story short they end up DESTROYING THE MOON. they crack the moon like an egg and eliot and margo get trapped in a timeloop caused by sentient whales practicing magic to keep the kraken at bay. margo gets out of the time loop leaving eliot who figures out what to do! and sends himself back in time to stop the moon from cracking. yay world saved. MEANWHILE IN FILLORY eliot and margo were thrown 300 years into fillorys future where the dark king rules. he’s got? fucking zombies or some shit hes “fighting”? i dont know i wasnt sober for half of this season. they’re hunting fairies. eliot talks about quentin in one (1) episode and cries a little before sending quentin a letter in the underworld. earlier in the episode he tried to fuck the dark king. after that he does not bring up quentin a single other time bc gay men do not get to have compelling love stories and he spends the rest of the season mooning after the dark king he met for 3 seconds before deciding actually HES the love of his life, not quentin. fen and josh are dead in the past and margo and eliot change the timeline like three times to save fen and josh! wow yay! also they can’t save quentin bc changing the timeline would be bad and disrespectful :( they can save fen and josh by altering the timeline though! at one point alice tries to make a golem of quentin to answer some questions about a page in a weird language she found in his desk but she brings back child quentin instead and he dies so it’s whatever. after the moon shit, they’re trying to find this seed that’s depicted on that page of quentin’s bc it’s the World Seed and can create whole new worlds! which is convenient bc turns out that apocalypse was NOT the apocalypse on earth but an apocalypse on fillory they think the dark king is gonna cause. turns out no, they’re going to cause it, they need to destroy fillory to stop the dark king from bringing back an army of the dead to bring back his gay lover bc gay mean are evil and bad >:( and before they destroy fillory they need to get all the fillorians in a pocket world and then put them on a new world they build with the world seed. so much shit happens i don’t even know. there’s a heist. there’s a musical episode that’s also the heist episode. eliot makes out with alice AND kady in this episode bc god likes to see me suffer. there’s a new chatwin! she’s great her name is plum and she can travel through time! she uses these time saving abilities to save hyman- you know, the really sexist perverted ghost that spies on people? yeah well she saves him. even though the narrative forbids saving quentin, they can save that fucking guy. julia is pregnant with penny 23â€Čs baby but it’s a Super Pregnancy bc it’s red monkey month in fillory which means it goes faster. and she’s getting affected by the baby’s abilities to travel and be Psychic. fucking charlton is there he was still in eliot’s head the whole time and he gets out of eliot’s head to bother eliot but no one else can see him so they give him hyman’s body bc hyman wants to be a creepy ghost still. quentin gets brought up a few times but mostly to talk about how he ~sacrificed for those he loved~ or what the fuck ever and also to hammer in more quentin/alice like they didn’t have a like 3 month toxic relationship and he had a FIFTY YEAR RELATIONSHIP/MARRIAGE TO A MAN AND HAD AN ENTIRE CIHLD WITH HIM but ya know alice is the true love of his life bc they’re a man and a woman <3 <3 <3 the moon is sentient? i guess? there’s symbiotic aliens? fogg gets trapped in a magic acid induced drug alternate reality? and evil fogg from another timeline ends up coming through and fucking shit up? regular fogg gets back and has to hold a cat to stay sane bc all the insanity goes into a cat? fen, margo, ALICE?, and josh end up creating new fillory bc thats definitely the list of people that knew and loved fillory the most (definitely not eliot who was high king of fillory and sPENT 50 YEARS ON FILLORY WITH A HUSBAND AND SON no no he wouldn’t know about fillory), and disappear to their new fillory. the phrase “ovary up” is used no less than 7 times during the season and in the episode descriptions. kady’s barely mentioned as to what she’s doing post finale. eliot is a professor now and oh in the last FOUR FUCKING MINUTES WITH NO BUILD UP charlton kisses him and they go upstairs to fuck <3 the dark king was getting catfished by his brother martin btw bc the dark king is actually rupert chatwin and he ends up in a time bubble with jane and that’s fine while martin gets trapped in the library or some shit i don’t know. oh and plover is still alive and doing relatively fine compared to other characters who are like, dead. fen sympathizes with him isn’t that nice. there were at least 5 different opportunites to bring quentin back and they didn’t bring quentin back or leave opportunity for that. it’s bad. santa shows up for a minute? alice gets her fingers cut off and sewn back on and can’t do magic w one hand now but she’s a master magician so it turns out fine. there’s a line about “her lunacy identifies as she/her” talking about the moon, as if the magicians has any room to make pronoun jokes when they’ve had 2 trans characters that both died and weren’t even textually trans. at one point it turns out josh and fen fucked and margo tries to kill fen in a fit of jealousy and there’s a love triangle situation. fen is now a werewolf too btw. in conclusion! it fucking sucks.
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flowerslightning · 4 years
Wanna be a Game Character?
And now, who's up for a physical torture??
Inspired from Saitama's 100 days challenge, since this will only be for ' 7 ' weeks only, Im gonna name this workout challenge as "TIFA LOCKHART WORKOUT".
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I like Lightning Farron more, but she has a God-like power. While Tifa is an ordinary girl who train her body to be in the same level as the hero. So I use her name for this workout. Besides, I want to have what she has - the agility, power and speed.
I.. Have.. No.. Idea.. My weight .. Has .. Increased.. A lot 😂😂😂 no wonder why I feel my body is heavier than usual. I didnt train a muscle during the quarantine and the last time I trained seriously with my coach was in January and then my intern shift interrupted most of my training seasons.
I got scolded by my coach for being weak and unmotivated today 😂😂 and today was be the last time I saw him bfore moving 500km away from my hometown bcause of this intern for 7 weeks. I need to get back to my usual figure before meeting him again.
Disclaimer : I'm not a coach nor someone who has knowledge in nutrition. I once used this method to reduce 8 kg in a very short amount of time for my sparring tournament and it worked (but previously the workout was a lot more intense than this). And my weight maintained for several years, not until my sleeping schedule got crazy from the past 6 months and I have to stay indoors 24hrs and eat midnight snacks almost everyday and 0 hrs of exercise for 3 months straight.
★Tifa Lockhart Workout★
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Tifa has light build, superb strength, slim but fit figure, high agility and speed. She has abs but not the 6 pack type and her female appeal still maintained. A body where lots of women admire. While genetic does play a huge role in a person's body, but I believe Tifa does not have restricted diet but still train herself intensely. This workout should be light and easy to follow (well at least for me it is easy).
So, overall, the main objective is to regain power and speed. Which I assume I can achieve this by loosing weight and increase muscle endurance through out the 7 weeks self train. I will focus more on full body workout which involves cardio and strength exercises. [Pls note that I hate dumbbells and dislike gym. I like cardio and love pushups and plank]. So, this workout is really simple but effective (for me) and may torture ur mental a bit. It doesnt need equipment (but u need a jump rope)
★ Ready to go? Lets check the schedule first
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F - Fasting | INT F - Intermittent Fasting
I will give myself 2 days rest to allow my body to heal. I have extra time doing the weekends, so I will push myself to do more workout. Doing the selected days, I will try to spend at least 2 hrs for weekdays and weekends at least 3 hrs.
★ Move on to the diet
I'm not a foodie person. So I can survive a day without eating heavy meal while still being active. I choose Mon and Thu to fast, and Tue, Wed, Sat for intermittent fasting. Fri and Sun are my super đŸ‘» cheat days. And dont forget to drink ur water 3L/day. I like to add a few slices of lemon in to my plain water for no proper reason. I just like to watch the lemon floating inside my bottle 😂
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Rice is our main dish and we often have it during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice is a form of high carbs, so Im gonna cut it completely from my diet, along with bar chocolates, sweet drinks, candies while still eating breads and cookies, less intake of salty snack and more in protein and fruits. And the rest, Im gonna eat it like usual but in smaller portion- noodle, kuey teow, oden, mee, oatmeal, etc.. Will be away from home for 7 weeks though, I'm a cheapstake to myself so I dont really spend money on food 😂
And i dont take any extra supplement. I hate drugs..
★ And here's what the activity will look like
Dont forget to do warm up! We usually rope jump for half an hour before stretching.
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Since my only problem is my weight increased and I feel my muscle endurance reduced, I will immediately start at Level 3, then jump to Level 5 and then to Level 10. Im not an expert though, I just like to push myself to my limit and see how far I can still proceed.
If ure new to any type of exercise, pls try to do this activity level by level. Increase ur level every 2 weeks. Eg - Level 1 rpt 10x push up, 10 mins rope jumping, 1km jogging for the first 2 weeks | Level 2 rpt 20x push up, 20 mins rope jumping, 2km joggin for the next 2 weeks | Level 3 - and so on. Make sure to have 5-3mins rest before doing the next activity.
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Agility workout aint fun without a partner, for me, at least. But, yeah, none of my female intern friends like sweat 🙃 so I have to train agility.all.by.my.self. (or probably will skip it and change to strength workout) Hmmm
Friendly reminder : Do it slowly but constantly. If u cant finish the 10x burpees, u can rest 2-3 mins every 5x. No need to push ur self too hard. Unless if ure stubborn like me, then have it ur way. Do this at ur own risk.
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As a summary to this challenge ;
Right now, I am 166cm tall and 56kg. Perfect BMI u may say, but I feel heavy, unlike when I was only 54-52kg. Besides, I'm in class B sparring tournament. Cant let my weight be more than 54kg and less than 50
☆ Mission : Reduce weight - From 56kg to 51kg
☆ Objective : Regain strength, speed and muscle endurance
☆ Workout focuses : Full body workout - Cardio + Strength
☆ Time limitation : 7 Weeks
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Keep in mind that this is not about trying to be like Tifa Lockhart, but instead, u may have abs and lean muscle like her through this workout (depends on ur genetic, routine and diet). If u want to reduce weight and bcome light like how I want it to be, then this simple exercise is for u.
Alright, that's it. Feel free to join my 7 weeks challenge ! If u participate in this challenge, do tell me ur result and ur experience. I'm eager to listen to ur story 😆😆
I will be in hiatus for 7 weeks straight. Was told the internet line at the village clinic is horrible. So, will come back on 23rd August. See ya guy later ! đŸ€—
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hazymultiverse · 5 years
yo could i get a 38 with best boy doppio 😔👊 im such a baby for him - your favourite anon, đŸ€Ą
I just.... Love Doppio.... He’s what made me realize I’m a switch! There’s a bit more femdom reader here, but it’s still loving.
Warnings include: Smut, overstimulation, Safe word is mentioned as having previously instated, but not openly discussed in the moment. Consent is important.
You looked hella good.
The nightie was short, fairly sheer, and in a cute pastel color that you found accented your hair perfectly. You looked amazing, and felt amazing, striking a pose in the mirror.
The fabric flowed easily, stopping right under your hips, just barely covering everything, but definitely not enough to be called decent.
“Showtime.” You whispered to your reflection, before starting your trek down the hall to the office.
Being Vinegar Doppio’s lover was very two sided.
On one hand, you were doted on, lavished with shy affection and anything you could ever want, spending evenings in each other’s arms with the firm knowledge that he was head over heels for you, and was loyal to the end.
On the other hand, you weren’t the only one he was loyal to.
He had a very high ranking position in the mafia, you knew that, and you were okay with it. But there were jobs that could take weeks at a time, weeks that he’d leave you alone with nothing but the occasional call from a pay phone, or a burner phone if he knew he could destroy any evidence tracing back to you. He could be called to leave at any time, and while he hated to leave you, he had sworn his life to the Don, and wouldn’t turn his back on that.
You were understanding, and you had talked out priorities in life, and what could be done, with him even meekly requesting his boss that he have a few days off between missions.
But while you understood, you also knew that he sometimes had to bring work home, and that frustrated you.
Being alone in a bed while your lover is on the other side of Italy? Hard, but manageable.
Being alone in a bed while your lover was two rooms away, but still not joining you? Unbearable.
Which was why you had fixed up your sexy new lingerie, and crept into the room.
You weren’t silent, and you knew he had sharp senses due to his work, but he didn’t even turn when you walked in, not even registering your presence until you snuck up behind his chair and lightly placed your hands over his eyes.
“Guess who?” You teased in a sing song voice.
“Oh! Hello!” He giggled a bit, straightening up, “What are you still doing up? It’s late...”
“I could ask you the same thing,” You uncovered his eyes, trailing your hands down the front of his chest as you nuzzled your face into his neck, “I couldn’t sleep, the bed was cold, and all I could think of is my dear love, coming to keep me warm.”
“You know I want to, I just need to get a bit more done-“
“You’ve been at it for hours, it’s okay to finish up tomorrow, you don’t even need it done until the weekend.”
“I-I don’t know, it’s always better to get things done right away, after all, that’s why the boss gave me the job! Cause he knows I’m reliable and-“ You could hear the choke in his voice as he finally turned, seeing you in the nightie for the first time.
“You’re n-not ,um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?”
You shook your head coyly, stepping forward and turning his desk chair to face you, carefully straddling his hips.
“Come on baby, you’ve been working so hard, you deserve a reward, don’t you?” You tried your best to sound sultry, and hit the bullseye judging by the whimper Doppio let out below you.
“I-I really should uh, I really should get all this do-ahn!”
He cut off into a whine as you reached down, stroking him through his pants. His hips bucked up into your hand, allowing you to give him a quick squeeze, before working on undoing the button that stood between you and your goal.
“You’re so sensitive, so good for me, you always treat me so well~” You cooed at him, now able to fully stroke his dick, feeling him squirm beneath you as you started at a quick pace.
“Your hand- it’s so nice- I don’t know how long I can last!” his voice was high and breathy, thrusting into your grip as you jacked him off.
“You’re gonna have to last a bit longer, okay?” You paused your movements, watching as he let his head fall back, closed eyes facing up to the ceiling. His hair had started falling out of his braid, and his sweater was started to look disheveled from how much he had been writhing in the chair.
“Okay, I can do that, just- just give me a moment to cool down.” Doppio mumbled, chest heaving.
You nearly giggled, pulling the fabric of the nightie up just a bit as you repositioned yourself, sitting up over his cock.
“We can get to the bedroom, I can eat you out, and it’ll give me time to calm down enough that we can- oh god!”
His hands gripped the armrests like his life depended on it as you started sinking down on his cock, his eyes rolling back as he shuddered in pleasure.
Your lover wasn’t the biggest man, but he filled you up nicely, and his dick looked adorable as the rest of him, if that made sense. When you finally bottomed out, thighs resting on the rough material of his pants, you felt pleasantly full, deep warmth spreading through your body.
“I can’t- inside already- too close it’s too much I- you’re gonna make me- I don’t wanna cum this quick, you deserve more than that- oh baby wait- hah!” He was stuttering and babbling, voice breaking into keening moans as he arched up into you, hands finally flying to your body, gripping in a silent plea for mercy.
You stilled, allowing him a moment of respite as you let out a sigh of pleasure, placing small kisses over his cheeks, stroking his bangs out of his face.
“This is fine, we can just sit here and as long as you don’t move, we’ll be okay.” He sighed, catching your lips in a sweet kiss, tasting like the sugar of the coffee he just had.
To his dismay however, you began to rock your hips, a new string of moans leaving his lips as you rode him, begging you to slow down, that he was already too close to the edge.
He never wanted to disappoint you by finishing first, and on the off chance he did he made sure to repay the favor with hands and mouth, but you didn’t care about that right now. This was about him, and you wanted to absolutely wreck him.
Rocking and grinding on his lap, you stroked at his chest, running your hands everywhere you knew he was sensitive, the fabric of the sweater between his skin and yours just adding to the stimulation.You could feel him shaking beneath you, eyes shut tight as he struggled to keep his breathing steady. He was trying so desperately hard not to cum, and it was a losing battle.
He knew you weren’t going to let up, and he knew with a simple utterance of “Sardinia” you would stop and make sure he was okay, but in an odd way, he wanted you to push him, to order him around not with words, but with your actions, praises falling from your lips.
Which is why, even amidst a cry of “no, not yet!” He came, clutching at you as his hips thrust up out of instinct, bouncing you lightly as he twitched with the aftershocks, stilling with his head resting on your shoulder, his body a dead weight.
“Perfect, oh you were so good to me.” You assured him, petting his braid, smirking to yourself as you readied the next step of your plan.
He whined weakly as you lifted yourself up, only to drop back down again.
“Again. .?” He panted, voice breaking, “I can’t, not this soon.”
“Aw baby, you aren’t going to let me finish? You can’t just leave me like this.” You tease, bouncing with renewed vigor. You hadn’t been going easy on him before, but now went at it with far more intensity.
Any response was covered with a sob as Doppio choked on his own breath, shoulders quivering at the brutal overstimulation of his cock. You felt so good, too good, it was like he couldn’t even breathe.
Mercifully, you were close, and with sweet moans of your own, came, clenching around him in one last torturous moment before you sat up for him to slip out of you.
He didn’t even move as you got up, not registering anything but the haze of coming back to earth until you came back with a glass of water. Thankfully taking careful sips, he gingerly shoved his pants off completely, tossing them into some corner of his office.
“Well, I guess if you need to get that work done, it’s alright.” You sighed, a bit over dramatically, “But, if you need me, I’ll be back in bed waiting.” You winked, strutting out of the room, the motion causing the nightie to float up over your ass, giving him one last good look.
Strange, his ringtone sounded hoarse and tired, maybe something was wrong with his phone? Possibly the condensation that had built up on the outside, and how a trickle of water had spilled out when he picked it up had been part of the problem.
“Hello? This is Doppio.”
“My dear sweet Doppio, I hope you’ve been enjoying your day home, I have a job for you. I need you to meet someone in Rome.”
“Ah! Boss! Sure thing, I can be on a plane tonight-“ a noise caught his attention, and he turned to the door just in time to see you had tossed the nightie onto the ground outside his office. He then heard the telltale sounds of you hurrying back into your room, jumping onto the bed with the light squeak of the mattress. Waiting, wearing absolutely nothing. Waiting for him.
“—T-Tomorrow morning. Possibly afternoon? It can be a bit hard to get tickets last notice with it being tourist season and all, you know how it is, sir.” Doppio hurried his words, stumbling a bit over his change of plans.
There was a smooth chuckle on the other end of the line, “Take the time you need, Doppio. I’ll send you his file, and your assignment.”
“Yes, thank you boss.”
As soon as the line went dead, Doppio tossed the phone on the desk, ignoring the weird crash that accompanied it, and took off running down the hall.
After all, responsibilities like this were better done right away.
That’s what made him so reliable, after all.
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thetriggeredhappy · 5 years
Sniperscout 34 because. Well
arin im gonna make you SAPPY AGAIN NERD (warnings for mention of violence and blood)
#34: Returned from the dead kiss.
Sniper didn’t know what to expect when he opened the door to his camper, but it wasn’t Scout.
“Hey,” Scout said, looking him up and down.
Sniper’s mouth moved wordlessly for a few seconds before he found something to say. “Uh. Hey,” was all he could think of, and he winced at it.
Scout’s eyes fell off to one side of him, hands in his pockets. Sniper knew that something had happened to Scout during the months after the team disbanded, something that made him hesitant all of a sudden, fidgety, but he didn’t think he had any right to pry. “Remember when you said you’d take me on a road trip when the war was over?” he asked, tone flatter than Sniper remembered it being, but maybe that’s what he deserved, because

“Yeah,” Sniper admitted, voice quiet. He had said that. But he’d said it because he thought he’d have time, thought he’d have a few months or years to try and get the courage to tell Scout a couple things, thought that when they went on a road trip it’d be something they’d do together not as the unlikely and close-knit friends they’d somehow stumbled into being, but as
 “Yeah, I do.”
Scout looked up at him, only for a couple of seconds. There were dark circles under his eyes, a hallowness to him that felt uncomfortably like looking in a mirror. “Well, guess you have another chance,” he said, setting up like he was certain he’d be knocked right back down.
And Sniper hadn’t exactly thought of it that way. The team had banded back together again for the Grey Mann business (excluding Engie, who was apparently doing okay but simply couldn’t make it back for some reason he couldn’t say), returning to the base and everything once the Classic Team was sufficiently dead, only for Miss Pauling to suddenly break the news, that very morning, three days into their arriving there, that their final job had been completed and the money had been wired to their accounts and they were all free to go. In a way, it really was a second chance, one he didn’t think he particularly deserved.
He’d been getting a lot of those lately.
“Okay,” was all he could think to say, still too surprised to think of anything clever to say.
They left the next morning before sunrise, and if Sniper was being honest, he didn’t really have a destination in mind. He just started driving northwest, thinking about pine trees and quiet and time to think. Luckily, Scout didn’t ask for a destination. He just sat down in the passenger seat and turned on the radio.
The radio sufficed to fill in the uncomfortable silence between them for three days of driving. There was no talking, really. Even after months apart, they were capable of reading each other’s signals well enough that directions weren’t necessary. They’d wake up just before sunrise to eat a quick brekkie and start driving, they’d pull over once a day at a rest stop to top off the fuel and for Scout to go inside to get them something to eat, and they’d eat it standing up and leaning on the hood to stretch their legs, and then they’d keep driving until just before it got dark, then they’d pull over somewhere for the night to eat and go to sleep. Sniper would set up a tent for them, they’d both grab their sleeping bags, rinse and repeat.
No words needed. It hurt something in Sniper’s chest to realize that Scout still remembered what food he liked from their various 2AM weekend excursions to damn near anywhere that was still open and willing to sell food to strange half-drunk men.
Sniper hadn’t thought about their lack of words at first. Not until the moment when they’d briefly gone through somewhere with particularly bad radio reception and Scout couldn’t find a station for something like twenty minutes. That was the time when he most felt their silence, the empty space between them. From then on, once he noticed it, he didn’t have the courage to break the spell, the task seeming more and more daunting with each passing day of quiet, more and more like it’d need to be something truly important to not seem hollow, fake.
It was Scout who finally broke the silence.
“Aren’t you tired?” Scout asked, voice so quiet that Sniper was almost positive that he imagined it. But he looked over at Scout out of the corner of his eye, and Scout was looking at him instead of staring out the window. He swallowed hard, and realized all at once that he hadn’t actually spoken in a couple days.
“What do you mean?” he asked, voice a little sandy.
Scout kept looking at him, and Sniper had to break eye contact to look back at the road again. “It’s just
 getting pretty late. We should stop for the night,” Scout said.
Sniper realized he was right. It had gotten dark at some point. They usually stopped sometime around sunset so Sniper would have plenty of light to set up the tent, but he’d lost track of time. Zoned out. Suddenly he became aware of how bone-deep tired he was. “Just a little further,” he mumbled, voice still rough, and Scout didn’t respond to that, just looking back out the window.
When they finally pulled over, it was into a proper campground, with fire pits and grills and picnic tables and everything. He set up a little fire before anything else, happy with the fact that it wasn’t exactly prime camping season and there were places for them to go be by themselves. The tent was up next, put up as quickly as he could without risking mistakes, partially because he was sure Scout was tired.
But Scout sat and waited by the fire instead of turning in the moment he could, just watching the flames idly. His face looked even more sunken in the flickering light, and it unnerved Sniper a little to see the way that life had faded out of his eyes just over the course of the little time they’d spent apart.
For a while, quiet. Sniper decided he might as well cook what meat he had left in his camper before it went bad, now that he had the chance, and he did so, bland as it was with so minimal a kitchen available to them. Scout ate without complaint, without even really looking at Sniper.
It occurred to him, trying not to be obvious about the way he was watching Scout, that the reason he unnerved Sniper so much was because he looked half-dead in a lot of ways.
The illusion was only furthered when Scout tossed his paper plate and napkins into the fire and moved to grab his bag.
Every morning and every night, Sniper now knew that Scout had a brief routine. Usually he’d do it while Sniper was setting up or taking down the tent. He had to change his gauze daily, the wound still lingering in some ways from where he’d gotten slashed open. He was no longer on the verge of death, but a few days of on-and-off medical fluid whenever Medic managed to dig up another batch didn’t do much for him, it seemed. Even after years of hunting and killing, Sniper couldn’t force himself to look directly at the wound marring the entirety of Scout’s side, instead watching the detached set of Scout’s expression as he rewrapped it.
But Scout caught him looking, apparently, because he spoke again. “Doc says I‘ll probably never climb again,” he murmured.
It felt very much like he was shot through the chest again. “Yeah?” he asked, voice soft.
“Yeah. And I just
” He paused as he finished up with re-wrapping the wound, pulling his shirt back down into place. “I just didn’t wanna go home until it healed.”
Sniper kept his expression controlled. That could take weeks, months even. And the scarring would probably never properly go away.
“And I know you probably won’t wanna deal with me that whole time,” Scout said next, giving him a tight almost-smile, immediately averting his eyes again. “But
 I dunno. However long you’ll let me stick around.”
Sniper didn’t know how long he planned to “stick around”. There was the house, he supposed, probably still falling into ruin, but not much else to go back to.
“I heard about your parents,” Scout finally said, as if he read his mind. “I’m sorry.”
Sniper still didn’t know how to reply to that when people said it to him. He went with a simple “It’s okay.”
“Nah,” Scout replied easily, back to staring into the fire. “But
 I dunno. Would you mind giving me a warning in advance for when you want me to leave you alone? I just wanna call my Ma to tell her when I’m going back.”
“Alright,” Sniper said hesitantly.
They started speaking again, mostly in little ways. A day’s rest at the campground before they hit the road again did wonders for morale, and communications being opened between them made things feel
 easier, in little ways. In Sniper mentioning “Give me five minutes” when they went to a rest stop before he walked away to use the bathroom or something, in Scout going “hey, turn it back” when Sniper changed the radio station. For some reason, it made Sniper choke up a bit when one day, Scout so quietly murmured a “good night” out into the darkness of the tent.
They reached the upper parts of Washington, and hooked a right. They made it through Montana and into North Dakota before Scout asked the all-important question.
“Where are we going?”
It was asked over another campfire, at yet another campground, half-abandoned. Sniper stoked the flames for a few seconds before he decided on his answer.
“Anywhere you’d like,” he finally murmured.
Quiet. “I’ll get back to you on that,” he seemed to decide. They kept driving.
By the Great Lakes, they still didn’t have a destination, so Sniper broke out a map for the first time and figured out how to try to get them to Florida, for no reason other than the fact that it was far away, and bought him time, something he’d already run out of twice before—once when the team disbanded, and once when he died.
But they were talking more. They found themselves trying to catch up with each other without quite saying that they were catching up. They were back to discussing things, news mostly, although apparently Scout had gotten the time to do some reading during the months before the team got back together.
It was one night when Sniper was changing for bed and Scout ducked in to ask him a question that a topic was finally broached, a landline finally stepped on.
“What the hell is that?” Scout asked, sounding startled, and when Sniper looked up, Scout was staring at his chest. At his stitches.
He pulled on a shirt before anything else, suddenly self-conscious about the way the very tail-end of the stitching peeked out of the short sleeves under his arms. “It’s from when I got shot, and I
Died. The word hung in the air between them, paralyzing, horrifying. All at once, real.
“Did I tell you they tried to hang me?” Scout suddenly said.
Sniper blinked. “What?”
“After the trial. We lost the trial. They tried to hang me.”
“I thought Pauling saved you,” Sniper said hesitantly.
“Yeah.” Scout’s jaw was tight. “After they already pulled the lever. When you hang people usually it’s supposed to snap your neck. It didn’t. She got me down about a minute after they pulled the lever. Then I almost died on the way to get Heavy because I got clawed by a bear. Then Saxton Hale and his buff girlfriend almost killed me. Then I got stabbed fighting the Classics.”
“Why are you telling me all this?” Sniper asked, voice tight.
“Because I need you to know that I get it.”
Sniper didn’t have words, all of a sudden, and Scout hesitated for a second longer before finally just ducking back out of the tent, looking a little disappointed. “No, wait,” he said, following Scout out quickly, into the light of the campfire, where he looked far too much like a corpse, far too much like delirium in a hallway, almost dying alone. “Wait.”
Scout just stared, waiting. Waiting for Sniper to be the one to speak first for once.
“When I got shot,” Sniper said, and his voice was already choked, damn him. “Even before that, I just, alone in that house, I
” He swallowed hard to dislodge the lump in his throat. “I thought about it a lot. Regretted it a lot. How I never got to say goodbye.”
Scout’s expression softened a touch, and he looked a little closer to the way he’d been before, a little more life back behind his eyes, and it gave Sniper the courage to keep talking.
“I wish I did,” he managed. “You deserved a real goodbye. You deserved something, anything. I should’ve said something.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I didn’t want to say goodbye to you. And I knew if I ended up on a road trip with you, I’d
 I’d never want to let go of you.” He wished desperately that he had his glasses on to hide his eyes, to hide how damp they were starting to get. “You were the first good thing to ever happen to me and I was scared you’d be the last and I just
 I didn’t know what to do. But you deserved better. You always deserved better.”
There was suspicion in Scout’s expression now—not like finding out bad news, like realizing someone was trying to surprise you with something, like good news, like hope. Scout swallowed hard, looking down at the fire for a second, thinking over his words. “I know where I wanna go,” he said.
“Where?” Sniper asked, weak, damn everything he was weak.
“Take me home to Australia with you.”
Hope like nothing else he’d ever had before. He wanted to ask, “Forever?”, but all he managed was “Really?”
“Yeah.” He swallowed again, not meeting Sniper’s eyes. “We died and came back to life, man. I think that means we get to do whatever we want now.”
“Whatever we want?” Sniper repeated.
When Scout looked back up at him, he seemed more curious than anything else. He looked down between them, took a half-step closer, close enough that the toes of their shoes were lined up and touching each other. Then his gaze rose again. “Whatever we want,” he confirmed.
Out of all the things that came to mind when Scout said that, there was only one thing that he really cared about doing in any meaningful way, and he was lucky, so much luckier than he ever thought he’d be, because he didn’t even really need to move to do it. He leaned down to kiss Scout, and Scout met him halfway.
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