#im reblogging from a computer in the morning with all my love
greywritesthings · 3 months
Spencer Reid x Autistic!Reader
Warnings: description of overwhelm? sensory overload if there's any more let me know!
A/N: not sure what the inspo what behind this but here it is, i am working on another longer fic so this is a filler for the mean time, likes, reblogs and comments appreciated! Im autistic so i have a bunch of stuff I'd like to put in for a second (possible series?). For specific senarios ect ect please feel free to send them to my ask box!!
Requests are open for Spencer Reid! Disabled & multilingual characters encouraged
Read on AO3 instead!
Part 2
The buzz of the air con unit, the incessant hum if the fluorescent lights, the constant chatter of the co workers you were unfamiliar with all came together to create an almost physically painful environment. You adored working in the BAU but these days where it was lengthy paperwork done on painfully bright computers with the general hubbub of the office made you want to scream. It often ended with Hotch sending you home with paper files to do with spencer but he was off today and you were still intimidated by Rossi so couldn't ask him. Spencer would normally ask for the both of you but he was out with Hotch, they were doing a local death row interview together. You were exhausted and it wasn't even eleven am. You decided to stop by Penelope's office who had made it as sensory friendly as possible once she found out about your autism, something you had appreciated immensely, especially for days like today. “Hey pen? Can i stay in here for a bit?” You ask, walking into the dim room. “Sure thing sugar, you can stay in here for the rest of the day, Rossi told me to come get you for a thing anyway so come over here my fine furry friend.” she beacons you over to the seat next to her. 
You couldn't have gotten out of the office faster. Penelope had helped as much as possible but the sensory overload was too much from nine am and you haven't been able to do anything about it aside from chew on some ice every so often. 
The idea of taking the subway home made your skin crawl, but you hadn't brought your car to the office this morning, driving was also being far too overwhelming. You would have called Spencer but you had no idea when he would be home given death row inmates either got really chatty or liked to drag on the interview. You decide to just sit on the curb for a while allowing the cooler night air to calm you down enough so you can try and get on the metro without crying. 
You weren't sure how long you were sitting there, legs curled tightly against you, head resting against your knees and back pressed against the wall but you flinched when someone walked up and tapped you on the shoulder and scrambled to stand up. “How long have you been out here?” the stranger asks in the darkness. As your eyes adjust you realise its Hotch, meaning Spencer is probably here too. You just shake your head with a pleading look hoping he wouldn't ask you any more questions tonight. “Spencer is in the SUV, I've told him to take that home to save you both taking the metro tonight. Go home, tomorrow's paperwork will be dropped off at your house.He didn't let you get a word in edgewise so you just nod, thank him and wish him and Jack a goodnight, setting off towards the remaining SUV with the lights on. 
“Hi honey, you okay?” Spencer asks as you hop into the car, throwing off your blazer before settling in and pulling on your belt. “Bad day?” he asks again trying to gauge how your day went without getting you to talk. You just nod as you reach across to put a hand on his thigh to try and signal that you were okay, just exhausted in every sense of the word. You tap his thigh three times then five, three to say I love you then five to encourage him to talk about his day and not worry about rambling even if you didn’t respond. 
Once you get home you drop your things and make a beeline for the couch, flopping face down and screaming into the pillows. “Bath, shower or later sweetheart?” He knew you wouldn’t go to bed without showering but also knew you were too overwhelmed to do anything that required mental effort right now given the whine you let out into the cushions at his question. “I'm going to order some Thai, then do you want to get changed and we can watch a movie? He suggests. “Nada en inglés, por favor” is all you mumble back. He was used to your disdain of English, despite it being your first language. You knew bits and pieces of French, Spanish and German prior to meeting Spencer but since meeting him you had come to learn some Korean and Russian. “Okay dear, i'll go order, you get changed.” he says as he leaves the room going to the phone. You drag yourself off the sofa across the apartment to the bedroom. Grabbing Spencer's caltech sweatshirt and joggers from the bed that you had left there this morning and throwing your suit in the hamper to be washed tomorrow.
You spent the rest of the night curled up under the weighted throw Penelope had knitted you for Christmas on your first anniversary at the BAU and watching old Russian movies. Spencer played with your hair until you fell asleep contemplating how he was going to get you to bed without waking you up.
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hugs4neth-official · 2 months
(if this cuts off suddenly, its cause my mom walked in. better to give yall something than nothing) some of this information wont be relevant to everyone but im tagging my irl friend that needs it for reasons ill explain below
if you are poet, read all of this please its very important. anyone else feel free to skip its pretty distressing lol.
reblog if you can so the other moots see this. (also so they can find this account, only 19 of yall have found it and should be over a hundred)
tw for parental abuse and self harm
we're still lying low. i cant afford to get caught on tumblr rn
love yall so much, im glad so many people have found this blog
my mom is fucking pissed. ive lost my phone completely, and i might be losing the ipad too. im hoping that because i use the ipad for school she wont take that. my computer is safe for now, she doesnt know the password and knows that people would ask questions if she took it
my texts have been comprimised. im not allowed to text anymore, and shes reading everything. already got texting from my ipad once, fortunatly i dont think that she knows it was from my ipad so she hasnt taken it (yet)
poet we need to figure out a way to comunicate from my computer that isnt tumblr.
my mental state is stable-ish currently, but it wasnt 2 hours ago.
she has threatened physical abuse.
she has also said "I wish i had the luxury of kicking you out"
due to number 8, im working on a go bag.
number 9 is probably an over reaction but im not getting caught unawares
the only sh ive done so far is head banging, which is bad but not the worst form. i think i left a bruise tho. no signs of brain damage
i got my grades back and theyre all pretty high, so im not in trouble for that. but i think she is pissed that im doing my work in school and not at home? idfk
she promised thursday to put me back in therapy. she has taken that back
apparently the reason she thinks im not disabled is because she thinks im faking all these injurys. her reasoning for this is "last time we saw [dr name] he said that nothing was wrong" (he said that there was nothing wrong other than the previously diagnosed severe generalized hypermobility syndrome) i think its fucking hysterical that she thinks i would fake not being able to do fucking anything because of my pain
i did absoluletly have a full full full mental breakdown from about 10:30 this morning to about 3:45 in the afternoon
if i get anymore "injuries out of nowhere" shes gonna cancel all my summer plans. (translation: no medical care for the rest of the year)
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natsukishinomiyaswife · 2 months
Hello!!!! I think Cathie is really cute, first off!!! I want to know how the confession went, and any domestic tidbits because im a sucker for those. 💕🕊
Hello skriblee-ksk! ☆
Thank you so much for your ask, and for responding to the OC x Canon ask game I reblogged!
I'm so glad you like Cathie, it makes me so happy that you think they're cute!! The cuties ♡
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💕: Who confessed first and how? Did it go as planned or did shenanigans ensue?
So, I actually wrote a fic about this on my old side blog! I'm going to edit and rewrite some of it before I post it again, but here's a summary of what happened, and how it went! (It's pretty much the whole fic lol) So Cater was the one to confess, since Ruthie was oblivious to her feelings for him. His confession takes place months after they first meet, with them talking and getting to know each other throughout this time. She's stop by Night Raven one day, going to Heartslabyul to see Cater. They're in the middle of getting ready for an Unbirthday party, painting the roses and such. Cater stops what he's doing as soon as he sees her, making some clones to continue his work as he heads over to talk with her. They talk for a bit, Cater showing her some videos he was going to send that he knew she would like. A thought occurs to her, and she suddenly asks Cater what his type is. (This is because during the event and throughout all this time, she never learns what his type is, Cater skillfully dodging answering her since she is his type.) Though he doesn't want to ruin what they have, he figures this is the perfect opportunity to finally confess, having to think quickly since he was put on the spot. Due to how oblivious she is, he figures it would be better for him to show her rather than tell her, tapping on his phone for a moment before handing it to her. He has the camera app on his phone selected, with the front facing camera on so that as soon as she looks at the screen, all she sees reflected back is herself. At first she was confused, staring at the screen for a moment before she realized it was her, she was Cater's type. Her heart started pounding, growing flustered as she wondered why she felt this way. Then the realization of, Oh, I have feelings for Cater, suddenly hits her, causing her to become embarrassed and even more flustered at how oblivious she was. After struggling with this sudden realization and rush of feelings for a moment, she responds back to Cater, telling him that he's her type too. And that's how Cathie started dating! ♡
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
Cater always texts Ruthie good morning and goodnight. It's the first thing he does as soon as he wakes up, and the last thing he does before going to bed. If his phone is broken or taken away, he will ask to use someone else's phone to send it to her. Or he'll get on the computer and send it to her through one of his socials. He NEVER forgets to send her one, and NEVER misses a day. Whenever Ruthie is making sweets, she always makes a savory option for Cater, so that he doesn't feel left out.
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Thank you so much for your ask! I really appreciate it! ♡
If anyone else would like to ask about Cathie, either with the questions from the OC x Canon ask game or just in general, please feel free to do so!
I would absolutely love it if you did! ♡♡♡
Thank you! ♡
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lembowe · 17 days
any fav fics? you said you had been reading some lately xD
oough hard to pick but I think my (many) top recs would be these:
- Leaving Only Rust Behind : primarily Pebbles-centric caterators fic. I really like the way this one was written, just very good for me to picture things for it!! also I have drawn some art based on it here. Currently has an in the works Moon-centric sequel called From Rust We Rise as well
- Out of Our Skin : Offstring fic, has to be one of my favorite fics due to the writing style, in-au lore, and the character interactions. Also has some lovely artwork to go along with the chapters! It is a very long one, though, and not finished yet.
- A Computer's Bug : HK/RW crossover (hornet isekai into rw world), Hornet x LTTM centric fic. I know that premise is really silly, but I've grown to really love it. Not finished yet
- Two Weeds in a Bouquet of Flowers : Offstring ragequit (nsh/fp) centric fic. the gay people the gay people the gay people I am not normal about ragequit, actually. Anyways. Very highly recommend if you like ragequit
- Finding Survivor : Half Monk, half Pebbles POV, modern(ish) au, mystery. definitely not for everyone, a fair amount of horror and stuff here, just heed the tags going into it.
- Also, not one specific fic in particular but I quite like all of OnionAtHeart's RW fics, can't decide on just one for the list here and I've been meaning to draw something for multiple of them for a while now, just rhat motivation is fickle
a few more honorable mentions that Im only naming because it's 1 in the morning as of me writing and queuing this and this post is long enough as it is:
untethered, disconnected, adhirohan, backwards through the snow , yes significant harassment
I think that's all, these aren't all recent reads but ones I've really enjoyed regardless
I don't think I'm forgetting anything but if I am then I'll reblog or edit this with it
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Can I request how the feral boys would ask you/ what they would do for your first time sleeping over as their girlfriend? That sounds weird but I hope you know what I mean lol. I love your writing by the way!
hi friend , and thank u ! i appreciate it <3 this is a super cute idea and i had a lot of fun writing it ,,,,, im so soft for them i can't . xoxoxoxoxo , starlight
AYO LOOK AT THESE : the smallest bit of smut but overall fluff ! soft feral boys content , come get yall juice
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
wouldn’t be planned tbh , you’d been at his place all day and you’re both too tired to drive
you’d start to call an uber and clay would turn your phone over
“you could… stay here, if you want?”
it was a no brainer
of course you’d stay with him
clay would be so excited , smiling through his sleepy haze
he’d finally get up from his computer just to shower you with kisses all over your face
he’d tackle you back onto his bed , his soft , silly kisses turning into lingering, hard kisses
all teeth and tongue and his hands all over you
he’d get one of his legs between yours, shuddering at the way you’d whine into his mouth
his hands would make their way down to your hips
he’d grind your hips down on him , your sleepiness only making you more sensitive
you bet your ass that he’d make you cum just from grinding on his thigh
he lives in a constant state of horny™ even when he’s tired
clay would be so cocky at how he’d made you finish , doing virtually nothing
but he would go so soft at the way you were exhausted after that , yawning and rubbing your eyes
‘baby’ , ‘love’ , ‘pretty girl’
so affectionate 
you could’ve fallen asleep just like that but clay makes you get up and change
“baby , you don't want to sleep in your clothes” 
“sleep in mine instead”
you would just grumble back at him until he would physically lift you out of bed
clay would help you out of your clothes 
he’d put you in his sweats and a giant dream hoodie
just incase sap walked in for some reason
doesn't want him seeing any of the goods™
he’d carry you to the bathroom and find an extra toothbrush
clay would absolutely try to talk to you while brushing his teeth and the two of you would laugh s o hard at each other trying to talk with mouths full of toothpaste
again , he would pick you up and carry you back to his bed , shutting the door behind the two of you
“don't you want to say goodnight to sap?” “no :)”
the two of you would fall onto his bed and be asleep within 10 minutes , completely tangled in each other
he talks in his sleep
but you snore
so its even
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soft george my beloved
he’d probably plan your guys first ‘sleepover’
he would want to make it special , and definitely do something memorable
george would bring it up to you like a week before
he’d practically invite you like it was a birthday party :,)
i can't
he’d make reservations for a nice dinner before and get all dressed up
george would pick you up and hold your hand on the console
he’d open all the doors for you 
he'd pull out your c h a i r
yall would definitely be cracking jokes all throughout dinner in the middle of this fancy restaurant
george would ABSOLUTELY knock his silverware off the table at some point
you would have to fight to not spit your drink out , laughing so hard
he’d skip on desert at the restaurant and take you to dairy queen or something
it would be the two of you in your fancy attire , sitting outside some tiny ice cream parlor
looking at eachother like you were the only two people on earth
yall are in L O V E 
once you two got home george would carry your overnight bag in 
he would change immediately 
bc he h8’s fancy clothes 
but wanted to dress up for you 
after you guys changed into pajamas , you’d stay up talking for hours
he’d tell you stories of him and all the feral boys
you’d tell him stupid things you did as a kid
the two of you would want to make the most of the extended time you had together and stay up until like 2 in the morning
george’s voice would get all low and raspy from talking for so long
you’d fall asleep on the couch together when you physically couldn’t hold your eyes open anymore
george would wake up when the sun started shining through the blinds
he would carry you up to his bed 
then promptly fall back asleep with you in his arms
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snapmap my love .
this man doesn’t plan shi t
it would be very spur of the moment , the two of you laughing at some joke that he made when he’d grab your hand suddenly v serious
“will you sleep with me tonight?”
he’d look so earnest while asking that and you would BURST into laughter
it would take nick a hot sec to realise what he’d said and once he did . he would simply . disintegrate .
he would be so dramatic about it too
“i was trying to be romantic ! stop laughing at me !”
and you would just sit there , laughing so hard that you couldn’t produce noise anymore , just silent wheezes
you would start to cry and nick would pOUT
you would just nod , literally unable to produce words
but sap would brighten up at that
“so you’ll stay the night?”
once you got control of yourself , the two of you continued on doing what you were doing
it was like a normal day other than the fact that it ,,,, wouldn’t end
you two watched movies and played minecraft all day , being lazy together
you’d doordash dinner or order pizza or something so you didn’t have to leave the house
he’d have to stream and you would just chill , eating pizza in bed
once it became apparent that the stream was gonna last longer than planned , you would quietly come up behind him and drop a kiss on his cheek
he’d grin at you but be confused ???
you’d text him so your voice wouldn’t pop up on stream
‘gonna take a shower / keep myself busy’
he’d text back a single ‘👍🏼’
sapnap texts like a dad and NO ONE can tell me otherwise
you’d shower and get dressed , then wander down to the kitchen trying to find something to do
scavenger hunt™ for cookie ingredients
you’d bake his favorite and surprise him with a warm cookie im s o f t
the SMILE that would cross his face my god
he would feel so loved
he’d mute stream to thank you, putting his hands around your waist and burying his face into your stomach
you k n o w he’d find some way to end stream early after that , wanting to be with you
the two of you would finish off all the cookies , watching scary movies together
he’d hold you when you jump at all the spooky shit
you’d do the same for him bc sap is baby
chat . i'm kinda scared . lowkey .
you were both half asleep by the time you made your way back up to his room
you’d be lights out the minute your head hit the pillows 
and he’d be big spoon
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karl would probably ask you that day , texting you before you’d even come over to ask if you would stay the night
you two had technically slept over before , but never at karl’s place (usually pulling all nighters with the feral boys on stream or with the beast crew)
you can not tell me . that karl . would not build a fort . with you .
and he would 100% go all out with it
he’d get lights to string up on the inside (the twinkle ones for sure)
he would get a fuckton of pillows and the softest blankets he can find and pile them in
karl would essentially make a nest for the two of you
you’d spend the first hour alone sharing soft kisses and cuddling so close that you weren't sure where you ended and karl began
he’d hold you , letting you lay on his chest and listen to his heartbeat
you’d talk about everything and nothing at all , just wanting to hear each other’s voices
until someone’s stomach growled
he’d laugh until he couldn't breathe 
you had tears rolling down your face , your stomach hurting from the giggles 
he’d either take you to get food before or doordash your favorite
because neither of you can cook blESS
you’d pick out cute , matching pajamas for your first official night together
he’d end up giving you his clothes to sleep in 
because he likes you wearing his stuff 
and it's more comfortable than your fancy pajamas
he’d cover his eyes and face a blanket/wall while you were changing
the only time either of you would leave the fort would be for more snacks or to go to the bathroom
karl would bring his laptop in and turn in a movie as you two were settling in for the night 
(some super dumb kids movie) 
(my brain immediately went to the lorax) 
(i’ll see myself out)
and he’d stay awake until you fell asleep, your face buried into his t-shirt
it made his heart so full that you felt safe enough to fall asleep with him
he’d play with your hair and trace over your features as soft as possible
because you're just so beautiful when you’re asleep ??
karl murmurs how much he loves you , everything that he loves about you while he knows you can't hear it
he’d drift off with you still in his arms, his lips pressed to the top of your head in a sweet, gentle kiss
and the two of you would stay like that the entire night , keeping each other warm
im so soft for him
can u tell
karl jacobs my love
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everyone writes big q as a stupid dumb dummy
and while he can be that at some times
this man would be so fucking thoughtful ??? when it came to his girl ?????
you literally can't tell me otherwise .
much like gogy he would plan something special
but like
he can COOK yall
he’d make you a nice ass dinner
and set up a picnic in the backyard 
he’d light candles and make it all fancy
literally it would be a scene out of a movie
once you finished eating dinner the two of you would watch the sunset
he’d play guitar and sING FOR YOU
you’d stay outside soaking in the heat even after the sun had gone down
stargazing for as long as you could
alex would put his arm around you and have you lay on his chest
you’d listen to his heartbeat while you pointed out the big dipper
he’d make up his own constellations aljidhkuvgfhadj
you two would only go inside because you were being eaten alive by mosquitos
one of you would play music off your phone and yall would slow dance in the kitchen
he would repeatedly tell you how much he loved you , pressing tender kisses to your neck , your jaw
until a fucking ad would play
and alex would just lose his shit
he would laugh so hard he’d ipad kid cough
then you would simply ascend
the two of you would be laying on the kitchen floor absolutely D Y I N G of laughter
you’d stay there for a while , trying to recover
by the time you did , your ribs were sore from all the giggles
alex would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder , walking you up to bed
he’d suplex you onto the mattress
the two of you are children around each other tbh
that would lead to a wrestling match
until you’d found your way onto his lap , pinning him by his wrists
w h e w
the way that man would kiss you after that ? bye im gone
lets just say by the time he was finished you would both be exhausted
he’d tell you how pretty you were , how good you did
the two of you would fall asleep with tangled limbs , half kissing
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mitchsmarners · 4 years
writing prompt masterlist #1
 Of course, there’s 75 million prompt lists out there but i figured there’s nothing wrong with making my own. Send me a category + a number + a pairing and i’ll write you a fic. Okay to reblog and use :) (x)
Fake/Secret/Etc Dating AUs:
my parents keep setting me up on blind dates but in reality I’m dating you and it’s so you help me get out of them
i hate commitment but my dad’s dying wish is to see me get married and you’re an old family friend i ran into at the airport on my way to visit him so hey let’s get engaged
you need a plus-one for your brother’s wedding so i’m going as a favor but there’s been a misunderstanding and now your whole family thinks we’re engaged
i’m mad at my parents so i ask you out because they wouldn’t approve of you and you’re well aware that i’m just using you but you agree because you find it funny but hey you’re actually super sweet
there’s this really creepy person hitting on me and i don’t know you but you pretending to be my partner completely saved my ass thanks how about i buy you a drink
we’re just really touchy friends and we get each other gifts all the time but everyone thinks we’re going out and we let them think that but why are you getting upset about me going on a date we’re not actually together? 
I’m sorry you always thought your love for me was unrequited but on to more important matters YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED IN THE MORNING SO YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE YOU ASSHOLE!
Our mutual friend apparently has been waiting for us to get together and so they’re very angry/disappointed/upset when they find out that the reason we kissed last night was because we were black-out drunk
everyone thinks we hate each other and we keep that front up in public, so we have hilarious pretend fights and squabbles and pranks 
when we were little I accidentally mentioned that I had a crush on you but I always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this
friends to lovers aus
You’ve got a date tonight and you asked for advice on what to wear but I’m so in love with you and damn you look good in the outfit I picked out for you
You’ve liked me for ages and were really obvious about it and I didn’t like all the attention but now you’re over me I really miss it and fuck I think I like you too?
 You want us both to get in shape and I hate working out/running but your ass looks really good in shorts oh the things I do for my friends and their nice asses
Our best friends are that awful ‘cute’ couple that make-out in public and call each other “sweetie” and “sugar” and “babe” and god they’re awful let’s talk about how awful they are – develops into “shit we’re the awful couple now”
Celebrity/Famous AUs
listen, you may be a famous (and extremely attractive) guitarist, but that gives you no right to practise on the electric at two a.m when we live right next to each other.
We broke up and I used my feelings to write songs and now I’m super popular and you want me back
we decided to make a fake vlog drama for our subscribers and they all think it’s real but jokes on us we end up actually liking each other
I run a prank channel and you were some innocent bystander I pranked for a video but then it turns out hey, you’re also famous online haha shit
we met and started talking but i didn’t know you were a rising star until i noticed cameras following me wtf
you’re a reporter and i think you’re super cute so i’ll only give you personal interviews to help your career and also get you to talk to me more
I’m a celebrity and I have a secret social media account and we started talking online and now we’re close friends but you want to meet up oh shit
I’m a celebrity and I may or may not be following your blog which is dedicated to me. reading your comments and tags are hilarious and very flattering and I’m somewhat smitten  
You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do??
wedding/kids/marriage/long term relationship AUs
we’ve been dating forever, and you just caught the bouquet at our friend’s wedding
remember when we were in high school and we swore that if we were still single at 30 we’d marry each other, well hey guess whose birthday it is
i’m a runaway bride/groom and you’re driving my getaway car
I suddenly bumped into you after years and wow you look good but holy crap is that a kid?? since when?
you had a breakdown because the baby wouldn’t stop crying and you kept saying how you weren’t ready and how you couldn’t do it
whenever my kid starts crying I just hand them to you and then they just stop and start smiling
“i’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually nevermind i agree, that shirt is horrendous”
i always tease you because that’s just our thing we tease each other but for some reason you snapped at me and are you okay? what’s wrong?
my in-laws despise me GREAT but around you they’re super nice so you don’t believe me
neighbours AUs
You always complain about how loud I am (whether it be TV, video games or music/musical instrument is up to you) and this is the first time you’ve actually knocked on my apartment door and given me a lecture there rather than giving me a phone call, but I’m not really listening because I didn’t  realise I had such a cute neighbour
you never open your door for children on halloween so i always pay the kids to smear your door with shaving cream
my printer isnt printing anymore and my papers are due tomorrow so im on my knees in front of your door begging to use your printer when the old lady from above passes us and thinks im proposing to you
we always run into each other on the stairs but we’ve never said more than hello but when we found out that we both hate the other neighbours, we became friends
i came home drunk and wouldnt stop knocking on your door. when you open i keep telling you to get out of my apartment
after a rough party night i find you sleeping on the stairs but since im still a little asshole all i do is put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
Please help me, I know you have a kid and my sibling just dropped their baby on me where’s the button to put them to sleep?
I’m stressed and sleep-deprived, please let me pet your cat. 
I have really weird dreams and you have really weird dreams so now we’re in this contest to see who has the weirdest dreams.
Strangers/Meet Cute (or meet very NOT cute) AUs 
We were sitting next to each other in a public place and I saw a mosquito on you and my instincts just acted before my mind.
We mixed up our clothes at the laundry service and I have nothing left to wear and every thing you wear is too big/small for me.
We’re at a comic book store and if you tell me your superhero is better than mine I’m gonna have to punch you in the teeth.
There are no table left at this restaurant and you let me sit at yours since you’re alone.
I’m a single grown-up with busy friends but I want to go to Disneyland so I drop a message on a forum to find someone like me to go wear silly Mickey ears headband and stuff ourselves with cotton candy.
My computer broke down so I called an IT and now I need to find a reason to call them back so I delete important files and download adwares and do all kinds of stupid things. 
I almost dropped something and in my fumbling attempts to stop it from hitting the floor I accidentally projectiled it at your face and it’s a really nice face I’m so sorry
first day at a new job and oh fuck my boss is the person I drunkenly hooked up with last weekend/night
I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people to a cart come on random person let’s go oh wait are we stuck at the top? Fuck
 Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this
college/high school AUs:
i went on a date with a boy who had plans to take me to dinner and drinks. but he lost his wallet at a pizza place so we just walked around the neighborhood, sat in the park and talked.
we’re in the same study group but we dont talk but you brought goldfish and im starving
we have the same notebook and we took the wrong ones home so i used your notes on my open book test
you were my elementary school crush but you moved away but somehow we end up miraculously going to the same college and i barely recognized you because holy hot damn you are more attractive than i remember?
I tripped over on my way to this party and I’m bleeding profusely from the grazes on my knees and you’re a complete stranger that pretty much jumped me the second I walked in the door to play nurse
ive had a crush on you for 3+ years and now youre going out with my best friend and i definitely havent locked myself in a toilet cubicle to cry
We’re in different debate classes and I was constructing a case on the board and I come in the next morning and you’ve replied to all my points really well?? But I don’t even know your name? And oh shit, we’re taking over the entire whiteboard, is that your phone number squeezed into the corner of the board there?
You have braces and I don’t and I keep forgetting you’re not allowed to have gum so every time I offer, you give this death glare
You sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to prom on the day of prom and I’m not in town
I’m a notorious goody two shoes and you look like you get into fights on a daily basis, so when you were in the library on the first day I was supposed to be a tutor, I assumed I’d be tutoring you. But, as it turns out, we’re both tutors, and the people we’re tutoring keep blowing us off to make out and we have to go round them up
we have a mutual best friend but they cannot find out how much i like you then they’ll tell you, but i need to find out if you’re single!
I sat down in the wrong class and I’m panicking but don’t want to get up and leave because the class has started and you think it’s hilarious 
You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close
soulmate aus
if one soulmate gets an injury, the other gets it as well.
Character A has a soulmate, but Character A died before they got to meet them. As Character A navigates the afterlife in their ghostly form, they discover that they can’t “move on” until they’ve met their soulmate.
 the very first words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body since the day you are born
when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever, it will show up on your soul mates skin as well.
You get an ‘impression’ of your soulmate when you turn 18 or something but all I got was a strong smell of bananas or something
you have a compass on your wrist and it directs you to where your soulmate is
i usually think i’m having a conversation with myself in my head but it turns out we’re telepathically connected
everybody is born with a map “tattooed” on their forearm that’s centered on the exact location of where they’ll first meet their soul mate 
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mediocreskills · 4 years
OK SO I had all the Underwood codes decrypted in chronological order on a notepad doc, but my computer updated and I lost the document. I’ve gone and decoded them all again, and im putting them here in this post so I dont lose them again. 
Edit: Current as of episode 20
Edit 2: credit to @cinnamon-syrup​ for finding the one in the [redacted]!
Further edits: switched around the order of the backwards codes, credits to @absolxguardian​ for keeping up with the missing letters
MAJOR spoilers under the readmore
(the quote marks are where the tag begins and ends)
Underwood codes
“Not yet, at least”
(release date)
“Are you still listening?”
“How can you, we haven’t even properly started…”
“Don’t forget…”
(short bios)
This one I lost with the document, but I think it went “THAT’S ODD, HE WASN’T THERE BEFORE”
(episode 1 release date)
(episode 1 link)
(episode 2 link & transcript)
(episode 3)
(accidental reblogs)
(episode 4)
(short bios updated)
(mid-season special)
(episode 5)
(episode 6)
(episode 7)
(episode 8)
(episode 8.5)
(episode 9)
(episode 10)
audible morse code is all 
credit to @cinnamon-syrup​, @lunaisooon​, and @absolxguardian​ for putting the q&a codes together
Message hidden in the html code!!! (lina found this one!)
[ID] “Hello... You Shouldn’t Be Looking Here. Send Jonah My Regards. -AB.”
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(season two trailer)
(episode 11)
(teaser trailer video thing)
(episode 12)
(episode 13)
(episode 14)
(episode 15)
(episode 15.5)
(episode 16)
(episode 17)
(episode 18)
(episode 18.5)
(episode 19)
(episode 20)
missing letters so far: HEDA and THE/OU credit to @absolxguardian​ for finding the missing letters
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Wacky Drabble #16: What Goes Around
Part 2 of Something Flubbed…
This is part of @emceesynonymroll #wackydrabbles
Liam x Riley
Catch up with Part 1
A/N: What started as a crack drabble about tumblr reblogs, of all things, has somehow morphed into a semi-actual story. I'm still scratching my head on how I did it and have just decided to let my Liam and Riley tell the story. Its still mostly crack yo!
Prompt: Was I not supposed to
Word count: 1322
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Liam’s right eye was twitching as he shot her a look of pure hell and contention. He stammered for words, unsure of what to say or even think. The last thing he ever expected from Riley was infidelity, believing their marriage was something special, something sacred, something she respected and was devoted to as much as he was. That she had written, in a mediocre fashion, the details of a courtyard tryst with Drake, his best friend of all people, and even relished in the fact that she was doing so, was next to unforgiveable in his mind.
Riley approached her husband apprehensively, wanting to explain herself, if she even could. She clasped her hands together firmly, attempting to control the visible trembling. She knew this was bad, but, was hopeful it could be cleared up quickly. At this point, the truth had to be better than what she assumed he was thinking. Before she was able to inch too close, he held his hand up to stop her. With his mist filled eyes, the ones that were breaking her apart, he began his scathing remarks. “First off…..your friend here just sent you a message asking if some girl named Alyssa should fuck me at Drake’s funeral”.
“Aww, she’s killing Drake off”, her posture slumped as she shook her head disappointingly. Her gaze met his again; realizing he really was in no mood for banter. “Liam, It’s not what you think ”
“Secondly”, he continued with a raised voice, cutting her explanation off, “Did you fuck Drake in a courtyard in Fydelia, writing….and I quote, “his cock is much larger than Liam’s”.
Riley swallowed hard, searching for the right words, ones that were truthful, yet, not so hurtful. She inhaled deeply, preparing to come clean of her offense, "Sweetheart, its just fanfiction and all that Drake stuff was just a really, really bad bet I lost. I swear, I have never, ever been with Drake."
Liam quirked his brow, "a really bad bet, huh?"
"Yes", she answered, tugging nervously at the tie on her robe. " I bet Burnsy I knew Drake better than she knew you, and...."
"...but, when I took Anitah's quiz..."
"I didn't know about the mojitos and bears and a bunch of other shit and then Beeps had to make..."
"those monster Drake kids that are on my blog and I had to write smut, but, I didn't know how to write smut, so I had to watch porn....oh my god, there was so much porn, and ritachacha wanted to read it and...Im no ritachacha...so I drank and cried and binged on porn and bananas for two weeks solid and I attempted to hide the post but these turmblr girls are thristy and can sniff out smut, even the bad ones and Im so sorry Liam, Im so.....so sorry", she inhaled deeply trying to catch her breath from her long winded tangent.
"I have no idea what the hell you just said", he bit back, completely dumbfounded and baffled by her explanation.
"You don't understand what I said?"
"Do you?", he yelped.
Riley watched with trepidation as Liam tossed the laptop on the bed and eased himself up from the floor, wincing at the shooting pain in his back from the fall, rubbing and massaging the sore spot above his ass.
Riley moved towards him in an attempt to help, concerned about his injuries and wellbeing, but, he jerked away, hobbling to the other side of the room, keeping his back to her.
"Liam", her voice cracking as tears of shame began to fall. "Liam, please look at me....none of that is real..none of it...it was just a dumb bet".
He shot a glance sideways, still not completely looking at her, "so you wrote that you rode Drake's...collosus dick, harder than Seattle Slew because of a bet?".
She chuckled a little, amused by her husband's analogy, before quickly composing herself, "Was I not supposed to?", she replied innocently, "it was a bet, Liam...everyone knows you can't take back a bet".
Liam spun around to face her, shocked at the words that just spewed from her lips, "I see", he nodded, tapping the front of his chin. With a clenched jaw, he breathed deeply through his nose and exhaled sharply, his eyes speaking for him, full of disdain and hurt.
He strolled forward in her direction, stopping just shy of her petite frame. He leaned over until his reddened face was directly in front of hers and just inches apart, his voice clear and firm, "Then I bet your ass won't mind sleeping elsewhere tonight".
Riley's eyes widened, her mouth falling open, unable to find words. She watched in astonishment as he reached across the bed, retrieving her pillow before holding it out to her.
"You can't be serious?"
"Oh, I'm very serious", he stated matter-of-factly, "and if you want back in this bed anytime soon....or my "not as enormous as Drake's" cock, you will delete that fucking blog".
"I don't accept that bet, Your Majesty", she seethed, tossing the pillow back on the bed, sitting herself on the edge with her legs crossed and her hands folded on them. "I'm not going anywhere and I'm not deleting that blog".
Liam perched his lips, gliding his tongue along the inside of his cheek. Realizing she called his bluff, "Fine..", he yanked his pillow up and tucked it firmly under his arm, "I'll be in my study"
"Fine", she shrugged.
Liam hastily exited the bedroom, slamming the door and did what he said he would do. He opened his desk drawer searching for anything that would take away the pounding in his head and the throb in his backside. He opened the bottle of Aleve and found it empty before throwing it across the room. He kept Riley's Midol in there too for when he needed to quell her bitchiness during certain times of the month. Helps with cramps, bloating, tension, backpain, headaches, irritablity, muscle aches and water weight gain, he had all of them.
Liam unloaded three into his mouth, washing them down with the bottle of whiskey he reserved for when Drake would drop by for a quick drink. He slumped down into his desk chair, still reeling from the audacity and nerve of his wife. He wanted her to feel as bad as he did at this moment, to see how her actions made him feel. It didn't matter if it was real or not, she wrote it. He knew in his heart she and Drake wouldn't betray him that way, but, did she want to? Did she really think his dick was small and that he was an asshole?
He thought to himself as he continued sipping on his drink, how could he make her see and feel exactly the way he does? He contemplated his options for several minutes, when, like a spark igniting, it came to him....two can play this game.
Liam's lips curled into a sinister grin, his eyes lighting up, as he pulled his chair closer to his desk, turning the computer on. He downed the rest of the bottle, tossing it aside, as he cracked his knuckles, preparing to give Riley a little taste of her own medicine.
It was early Saturday morning when the sun just started to brighten the morning sky. A bright, warm ray shining through the balcony doors and landing squarely on Riley's face, her darkened complexion glowing more than usual. She yawned and stretched, feeling content from a good nights sleep.
Reaching her arm across the bed, she felt the emptiness of where Liam usually slept. Did she care that he was pissed off with her, of course. She loved him and never wanted to hurt him, but, she wouldn't be controlled, nor, intimidated by him. She was hopeful that by him sleeping in the study last night and a little time away from each other, it would cool him down and they could discuss this rationally.
With another big stretch and yawn, she noticed her laptop still sitting in the same spot on the bed Liam had left it last night. She lunged over and scooped the device into her arms.
Plugging in the charger, she fired up the app and immediately took note of the numerous tags she had from several of her mutuals for the same story. Curious, she clicked on the link taking her to a rather peculiar title:
"Liam Fucks Hana Five Ways From Sunday With His Enormous Dick"
A new collaborative drabble by @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore and newcomer @inyourfacerileybrooks-love-liam
NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
He had bamboozled her, and in doing so, somehow convinced Bleakmore to join into his scheme; she knew it was him.
"I'm going to slaughter him...LIAM!!!!!!!!"
Wacky Drabblers and Permatags: @emceesynonymroll @burnsoslow @jessiembruno @sirbeepsalot @dcbbw @romanticatheart-posts @stopforamoment @katedrakeohd @pedudley @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @drakesensworld @ao719 @janezillow @eileendannie @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @eileendannie @hopefulmoonobject
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gothicmisa · 4 years
drama L & ocd
thank you @matsvda​ for helping me with these (big fat heart emoji)
trigger warning for this post: as context for the ocd headcanons i’ll be talking a little bit about a @51161121​‘s childhood headcanon for L which includes childhood neglect, eventual abandonment, and hospital trauma. further down the line, tw for unsanitary behaviors, ocd compulsions & intrusive thoughts, skin picking and hairpulling (dermatillomania and trichotillomania), and magical thinking i.e “if i avoid doing this, then i will have good luck/bad luck” (same vein as like. “reblog this post or x will happen” kind of thinking)
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the childhood headcanons wrt L’s mom and his homelessness are credited to @51161121 lmao it’s their headcanon im just living in it--
L's mom was rlly neglectful and not. a good mom. she eventually abandons him in their trailer home when he's six years old and leaves him a little cash but that's it.
he ends up living on the streets. he doesn't wear socks or shoes bc they overstimulate him and he Hates Them, and because of this he accidentally steps in shattered glass. the infection is so bad he ends up in the hospital. L Hates The Hospital To This Day bc he fought the staff so much they put him in a CHILD RESTRAINT SLEEPING BAG
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i think this experience could have lead to like. (L's internal thought process) "i never want to go to the hospital ever again."--> "i will never get sick or hurt again." --> "to keep myself from getting sick or hurt i will  do things to avoid getting sick" --> germaphobia --> contamination ocd compulsions.
i think also, relating to how disgusting his childhood home would have been, he might feel a need to keep things a certain way (with watari's assistance) bc like the idea of living like that again makes him crawl the walls so. neatness compulsions and feeling like everything needs to be his definition of  "right" even though they might not make sense to other people i.e: he doesn’t make the bed because its fine all rumpled up, but if you put your shoes in the wrong place he gets >:(
a list of L's compulsions and other germaphobia-related eccentricities
doesn't like brushing his hair with a brush because he hates that dead hair and skin remain on the brush from the last time someone brushed their hair with it
toothbrush has to have a protective little cover on the head of it or its contaminated and he will get sick if he uses it 
all of the doors in countermeasures can be opened hands-free if he chooses
the lighting is also hands-free; he controls the dimness and brightness from his computer
he doesn't clean his keyboard because "my hands are always clean" so it's probably actually due to be cleaned but if watari cleans it L will throw a fit
we already knew this but he can't stand wearing filthy clothes. he changes his shirt approximately three times a day but usually more than that. pants he can handle wearing for a little longer. he won't wear socks. 
he wears a sick mask every time he goes out of the hotel.
he compulsively washes and sanitizes his hands. he scrubs at his hands with scentless exfoliants every time he washes them. on top of the excessive washing, he is constantly using hand sanitizer. the smell of normal hand sanitizer repulses him and reminds him of the disinfectant smell of a hospital so he uses candy apple scented hand sanitizer. it's green. although if he's really anxious about washing his hands that day, he'll rinse his hands in hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. awful
because of the hand washing and the sanitizing and the exfoliating and the Rinsing With Chemicals and Acid compulsions, his hands have extremely dry skin. (L's internal monologue) dry skin = dead skin. dead skin is unsanitary. i have to pick my skin now
because of the dry skin and the skin picking on his hands, they tend to be raw and hurt all the time. he hates bandaids because they leave a sticky residue and that overstimulates him (and it also makes dirt stick and collect on his hands and he'd literally rather die than let that happen) but he DOES love the neosporin that has the pain relief additives. he goes through a tube of it per week. its clean.
to combat the washing and picking, watari will insist on putting lotion on L's hands and then making him wear cotton gloves. L resists at first until he realizes this is Genius-- 1, he doesn't have to wash his hands if he never touches anything with his bare skin and 2, putting on lotion and then putting on the gloves is a little bad sensory-wise, but it ensures that his skin gets rehydrated and moisturized which means no more pain and no more picking
the only compromise L makes with the cotton gloves is that it has to be a fresh pair every time. he will not wear the same gloves once he's used them once. 
he believes in luck and his intrusive thoughts make him. do things that will apparently "bring him good luck" or "avoid giving him bad luck" but these are private thoughts of his so no one can rlly. prove to him they don't work or argue with him (magical thinking)
L is autistic and counts his steps whether or not he’s enacting compulsions. he loves the number 7 because it’s lucky and often just recites 1234567 in his head, but it turns into a compulsion when he gets anxious. “if i dont count out loud RIGHT now something bad is going to happen to me/my brothers/watari”
of course, once L starts. interacting w people that don't just stay in one building all the time, germs and stuff naturally will be present when these ppl come in to work w him. L makes watari spray them w disinfectant.
if he Does get sick, he would rather die than admit it, because if he admits he got sick he thinks he will be forced to go to the hospital. watari has explained to him a thousand times that he would never force L to go to the hospital over a flu, cold, or stomach virus, but L doesn't believe him.
L also resists taking medicine when he isn't feeling well because "how long have these been sitting in the bottle with the safety seal removed? they've been exposed to the air. that's disgusting". a lil headcanon of mine about his childhood would be that his mom never restocked the medicine cabinet so everything was always expired. L will refuse to take medicine until it expires and then joyfully throw them out.
L's compulsion to pick his hands turned into a compulsion to pick his face and whoops! now he has dermatillomania and trichotillomania. 
he has a special face washing routine. he uses special products for his skin type (he has an oily T-zone but his cheeks are dry) and if he doesn't do this routine every morning and night, he picks his face. and his eyebrows. watari knows if L is failing to practice self care re:hygiene because L will have no eyebrows and red welts on his face from picking.  
L: am i stacking my food right now because i think its neat (autism) or because i have to (ocd)? we will never know
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cyberdelph · 5 years
Hi! I’m not the anon from before about the superior iron man but on the subject, do you have any of him with the ship stony? I love stony, and do you have any Bottom Steve and Top Tony (that one doesn’t have to be superior iron man tho) I’m sorry for asking! You are one of my fave blogs! You are amazing! Thank you!
Hi Anon 2 !!
Short answer : yes I have both !
But it is not so simple as I have 4061 tagged as stony so if you feel the need to dig, go ahead.I looked but didn’t see much at first glance. Here is the link for the last two I reblogged but there is more of course.
I found some artwork I will post at some point,more easy to share new stuff than digging!
Same problem with bottom steve, there is more than I thought in the fisrt place but it’s nothing compared to top!steve., or maybe I don’t notice as  I’m more focused on the art itself.but it is true that I was surprised when I saw bottom steve the fisrt time, so that’s why I said there isn’t much. I remember this one recently
This artist does bottom steve all the time. Also I love it so much apparently I have twice the same art! ,tenderness only if you prefer : https://cyberdelph.tumblr.com/post/183486729797/welcome-home-by-helmetofhorror
Weirdly tumblr didn’t accept this one so posted here : https://cyberdelph.newtumbl.com/post/6578601  you may need to register and choose  your confort zone uo to X. if you under 18 choose your confort zone to M,you will not miss much but you gain a lot for your eyes.
This artist does bottom steve if I remember correctly : https://cyberdelph.tumblr.com/post/182458376617/passion-by-kanemitsu even if in this artwork, it’s not clearly defined.
This one : https://cyberdelph.tumblr.com/post/182125389682/bornthiswayward-cap-wearing-stars-and-stripes
this one is still on tumblr but hidden so I saved it you can have it here : https://cyberdelph.newtumbl.com/post/1618887  this one is X so same confort zone to X,
another : https://cyberdelph.tumblr.com/post/179945187957/jayjayverse-team-whiskey-in-the-cap-ironman
maybe this one : https://cyberdelph.tumblr.com/post/165850491627/my-pornstache-src
anyway I only checked for the past year and 2017 very fast, because I don’t have much time but I will look for the others years at some point.also some kissing stuff could be considered bottom steve depend on the drawing and also how you perceive it.
Finally can I convince you of some power bottom Tony! It’s bottom tony but steve is on the bottom!two bottom for one?!! Anyway this one is very hot and of course not on this plateform
Here : https://cyberdelph.newtumbl.com/post/1836983
there is a little more but it’s like locating a needle in a haystack,if you dig for the superior iron man, you will maybe came upon bottom steve at the same time, not necessary in the same artwork.Now I regret not tagging it.the bottom steve I tagged is related to stucky, and anyway haven’t tagged everything.Also keep in mind that when we talk about top/bottom it usually refers to nsfw artwork,considering the fact that if 2 people kiss or holds hand, it is difficult to know who is the bottom. So the bottom thing is usually nsfw and unfortunately tumblr banned such content, so it’s possible that a lot of art that could have pleased you have been hidden.on a computer I’m able to see the nsfw but as a tiny square only, when you click to open the post, you got nothing!
I hope I was able to help you lovely Anon and as I said to the other one, I keep looking anyway.and thank you so much for loving my blog. 
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So I’m finally getting around to writing out a bunch of info about my Sander Sides au so I hope youre all ready--(its like 1 am im so sorry for any spelling mistakes and missed tags)
So its 1 am on a work night and I cant sleep and I’ve had lots of ideas and canon things for this au bouncing around my head for days and now TONIGHTS THE NIGHT ITS HAPPENING IM DELIVERING YOU ALL THE DETAILS AND EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF AND TYPE 
Also please feel free to ask about this! I know I got a few new followers from all my recent sander sides art and also thanks to @sugarglider9603 reblogging some art I made of their au I got the biggest flood of exposure and attention on my art ive ever had and I have so much to thank them for, for all recent exposure ive gotten the past couple days( theyre so sweet and lovely and easy to talk to sugar deserves all the love--) and its given me a huge surge of motivation and confidence to post this. And please, my inbox is always open to talk about my aus or my art! Ask questions, send requests, send headcanons or ideas, send fluff angst im open to anything and I try to do all requests sent to me(sooner or later)
Oh oh! and please id you catch any and all the little inspirations or anything let me know
And finally this au is a LAMP au with Remile and Demus on the side
Ahem ahem anyway onto the au!!!
More under the cut so I dont flood your screen too bad!
Ok so! 
This Au was originally inspired by @residentanchor‘s amazing fanfic A Lesson in Practicality and also a little bit by @prettyinaccurate‘s fanged virgil au( I’ll get more into that further down) 
So it takes place in a (currently) unnamed bigger city I based off San Francisco and Sacramento( because I live in Cali and those are the two major cities ive really visited ya know?) The boys are all in various stages of their twenties when they move into a four bedroom apartment together: Patton Foster is the oldest of the roomies at 27, then Logan Masters at 26, Roman Prince at 24, and finally Virgil Collins at 22. They move in together because it all works out for them really, the apartment is in a good distance to all their current jobs, whether by bus or even in Pat’s case in walking distance and with all four of them it was well affordable and was pretty nice. I mean hey it even came with a little communal balcony ( since theyre on third floor of the building) 
Things are understandably a little rocky at first , i mean isnt it always though?
Virgil has alot of anxiety and so he tends not to talk really at all at the beginning unless he ABSOLUTELY had to, mostly communicating in noncomittal noises and soft grumbles, and he was fresh out of collage and barely two years into his job and out on his own for the first time and he wasnt really ready for it either like christ too many people
Patton was bright bubbly and caring. This wasnt his first rodeo with roomies, I mean cmon, hes been sharing a room with his older brother Damian(deceit) on and off almost all his freakin life, nor was it his first time living on his own with strangers(hes lived in two different parts of two when he was job hopping before he settled down in his current part time job)
Roman was extroverted loud and exciteable, he too was used to sharing his living space( he had TWO siblings after all) and before he had moved into the apartment he had tried living on his own and with other roommates while he attended collage, but those just didnt work out well ( he ended up staying with his older brother Remy in his studio apartment across the city while he finished out that semester and searched for a job to keep an income.
Logan was serious minded stern toned and confident, he had a minor degree in teaching that he was slowly repursueing and had been out on his own for awhile before he had moved in. And though cold at first he soon found his group of housemates...enjoyable.
Its about a month into them living together that they learn exactly why despite slowly getting close and getting to know each other Virgil still kept a wide distance: He had entirely sharp teeth.
“ I dunno....I was born with them..theyve always been a sharp pain in my ass...” - virgil, about his teeth
Of course just having sharp teeth wasnt bad enough oh no. You see a few years back when he was about 18 he was young and dumb and made horrifically stupid and reckless decisions under peer pressure and ended up doing something that not only pointedly (haha oh god im not funny) chipped his front teeth but it fucked up his teeth pretty majorly, he went from having a normal overbite to almost having a goddamn underbite and crooked all his teeth, and the only way to fix it( because somehow miraculous for all the damage done it turned out to be mostly reversable aside from the chipping) was getting braces to realign his teeth. So he’s had pretty purple braces over his fangs since he was 18 and they werent expected to come off until he was AT LEAST 25 and he was insecure about them. ( he got mocked for them through his two and a half years of junior collage)
Once the gang finds out they are understanding and helpful and dont make a big deal about it( though virgil gains a significant amount of more vampire related nicknames from roman)
Once they get close and comfortable around each other the apartment is pretty warm and lively! 
Virgil works at the art store as an assistant manager and head stocker( a bit of a dream come true since he was an art student)
Roman works as a part time waiter at a family resturant as well as working at a nearby theater( he was of course a lovely theater major) 
Patton worked at a nearby cafe and bakery as a bit of everything! He helped wait tables, serve behind the counter, and helped in the back in the kitchen( the owners were family friends and he’d been working there almost four to five years at that point, boi knows how to do everything) 
Logan worked at a big name bookstore, and also provided tutoring sessions for highschool students on the side by commision
More FACTS~~
Family ages for the big families go as follows:
Fosters: Damian(28), Patton(27)
Prince: Remy(26), Roman(24, older twin by 10 minutes), Remus(24, younger twin)
Emile is 27 and is a licensed therapist and works as a counselor for young adults that volunteers at the nearby library to ready to children
Remy works as a coffee barista in Emile’s building
Remus does alot of odd jobs, kinda working as an independent for hire and gets a surprising steady flow of work and pay. Hes still a trash man though, but hes a successful trash man( partly thanks to Damian calling in favors with connections)
Damian works at a law firm slowly moving into the position of prosecutor
Virgil doesnt really get along with his family and at some point Emile offers to take virgil in as his adopted brother, with Damian assuring him if he wanted concrete legal papers to start changing his last name, cutting ties with his family, anything needed for it he’d see to it that they’d be providing(something our boi really appreciates)
Remy visits Emile on his breaks since hes literally just...two hallways down and vice versa
Damian and Remus live together in the next, slightly smaller city over because Damian’s work transferred him to a different office in order for him to keep moving up in the ranks so to speak. 
Hes also good at what he does.
Family nights happen whenever they can
Patton got to teach them how to cook alot of complicatied dishes from scratch, a bonding time he adores
Roman got Virgil an Espeon hoodie after they all start dating and virgil loves it and wears it alot around the house because its a thicker hoodie and warm( though he tries to ignore the big ears and the obnovious tail
Virgil also loves visiting Roman’s work on what Ro likes to refer to as “ hellish days” AKA kids day which means goofy kid friendly theme days. His favorite was probably alice in wonderland day when Roman was Tweedle Dee
Roman played J.D at the local theater and likes to hum some of the his songs to switch up the Disney
The balcony is covered in houseplants and and a corner of old blankets and pillows to sit and chill on
Once a month Logan and Patton have what is affectionately referred to as the Cat Discourse
After any particularly rough days at work Patton tends to massage Logan’s shoulders and back to make sure Lo doesnt get any really bad stress knots
in return when Logan sees Patton’s head a hard day he makes Patton’s favorite drink and pulls him into a hug and let the older man fall asleep in his arms while they watch movies
Pat and roman sense each other’s bad days and order in some cliche diner food and hole up in pattons room with Pattons computer and relax the shittiness away with comedy specials and movies 
Likewise Virgil has a knack of picking up Roman’s bad days and always grabs a couple glasses and a bottle kinda cheap wine and they end up curling up together on Romans bed marathoning Disney movies on Virgil’s laptop 
and when Virgil closes himself off more than normal Logan manages to lure him out of his room and they end up sitting out on the balcony quietly talking and stargazing
so loving and fond and soft with each other
you hurt one of them you gonna get BEAT by the others. 
Speaking of getting beat, never EVER mess with Roman or Remus in Remy’s proximity
Remy Andrew Prince can and WILL fuck you right up if you hurt his little brothers. He’s protective.
and where Remy will rearrange your face Damian will ruin you mentally and legally if you so much as mistreat a single freckle on his little brother’s face, despite knowing that Patton is fully capable of taking care of himself. 
Everyone protects Virgil, dont mess with or hurt virgil or you have the pack coming for ya throat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all I have for right now! Of course more will be added but now its almost three in the morning and I have work at 1:30pm and im sleepy finally! But I hope you guys like this! And please, feel free to talk to me about it, my inbox is always open!!
Taglist: @phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @loganberrysanders
27 notes · View notes
etherealxch · 5 years
something like this
word count: 4078 
[a/n] : im baaaaaaack. ok. started this on a whim and it kind of ended up being so long. sorryyyyy. anyways, this is my first scenario of 2019, the first of *hopefully* many to come. as always, i’ll be glad to hear your comments, just hit up my inbox! ps. if you guys reblog this don’t be shy to add something cute in the tags❤️❤️! alsoooo don’t forget to support ASTRO on their comeback guys! 
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The frozen yoghurt shop is unusually quiet today. It’s 1:32 pm and there’s only been 6 people in here. I check the containers, making sure the cubes of fruits are properly cooled. I wipe a few stray drops of yoghurt from the machine with a cloth and thoroughly rinse that too.
My co-worker, Kailo, looks up from her phone to ask me a question, “Hey, did you know that there’s a new flavour for toothpaste?”
I look at her, wildly amused. “No, I do not.”
Excitedly, she nudges up to my side and shoves her phone in my face.
“But please, enlighten me.” I deadpan, taking the phone from her. I can barely hide my disgust as I read the article. “Oh, that’s just very wrong.”
“Eh, I guess.” She shrugs one shoulder, back to scrolling through her daily newsfeed. That figures; Kailo is the kind of person that would come into work wearing the weirdest things and is still able to pull it off. She is very adventurous and likes trying new things. She told me she once tried kale ice cream and actually liked it.
The front doorbell tinkles, signalling a customer. Kailo takes her order, tapping at the computer screen. I grab a small cup and fill it with fresh frozen yoghurt, then with languid strokes, drizzle cookie sauce over the top and hand it to the customer with a napkin.
“Enjoy.” I offer a smile, handing her the yoghurt. The doorbell tinkles again and Moon Bin enters this time. He waves hi to both me and Kailo.
“Hey. Class finished?” I ask as he walks over to my side of the counter.
“Yeah,” He nods. He sighs. “I kind of need to talk to you about something.”
“Is everything okay?” I look at his expression. He briefly glances at Kailo.
“Not really.” He looks at the clock behind me. “Your shift ends at 2, right?” I nod.
“Then, I’ll just wait here for you.” He orders a medium sized yoghurt and takes his usual spot by the window at the very end of the room, like he always does when he comes here to wait for me. When I had just gotten this part time job, my manager, Sammy and Ji Ah, two other part time workers, and Kailo would always ask me if he was my boyfriend because sometimes if I worked the late night shift, he would swing by and wait for me until my shift ended. He would walk me back to campus then, making sure I safely gotten into my dorm.
They soon got used to me denying me and Moon Bin dating and stopped asking questions. Although Kailo occasionally comments on how she thinks he’s pretty hot. I teased her once about it, offering to help set her up with him and her exact answer was, “Honey, please, he’s not my type.”
I’m pretty sure she doesn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s just he’s really not her type. She usually dates really quickly and the longest I’ve ever her date was with a guy who had his own pet hedgehog. To think of it, I’m not even sure what her type is.
The two hours tick by, with a large group of sleep deprived students walking in and demanding we serve them coffee in between, until I pointed out that the cafe is next door. They eventually ordered frozen yoghurts, apparently too tired to even walk to next door. Sammy enters just in time, to take over my shift.
She clocks in on Moon Bin immediately and then gives me a knowing look.
“Honestly.” I shake my head. Sammy is the only who won’t stop pushing me and Moon Bin together. Sammy has classes with the both of us so she knows Moon Bin as well.
I clock out and grab my staff from the back. Moon Bin is already standing by the counter, waiting for me as I come out from the back. We go outside, the heat of the afternoon blasting from the ground.
“So, what’s wrong?” I ask, as we come to a bench under a shady tree. I’m still in my white cotton collar shirt which is the uniform and am sweating down my back. Moon Bin notices my discomfort.
“D'you want to go home and change first?” He asks.
“No, it’s fine, don’t worry.” I shake my head. “What’s up?”
“You know the show I have to do next Friday?” He says. I nod in response. “Yeah, that’s also the same day my parents are coming to see me.” He waits for the ball to drop.
“Oh. Oh.” I raise my eyebrows in realisation. Moon Bin’s dad doesn’t know that he is enrolled in the Performing Arts Major. His dad wasn’t really supportive of his choice but his mom covered for him and then told him to choose whatever he wanted. If they come this Friday…
“Yup.” He nods gloomily.
“Well, your performance is at night. Maybe they’ll have left by then?” I suggest.
“I…I want to tell him.” He exhales.
“I don’t want to lie to him anymore.” He says, turning to me. “I keep having to think of answers to questions about aerospace.” He looks so positively terrified. In spite of myself, I give a small laugh.
“That’s what you told him you were studying?”
“I panicked.” He says defensively.
“Bin, I think that it’s great that you want to tell him the truth but are you sure?” I ask him.
He looks down at his fists. “Yeah. I’m sure.”
“Well, okay then,” I bump my fist at his arm. “I have your back. If there’s anything you need me to do, just tell me.” I smile at him.
We move on from this subject and talk about how rehearsals are going. He digs out the tickets from his pocket and hands them to me, one for me, the other for Sammy, my roommate and Jin Woo’s girlfriend.
“Don’t lose them. You know what, just ask Sammy to take them.” Moon Bin has zero trust in me.
I roll my eyes. “Just because that one time I lost the train tickets–”
“And we had to run all the way back because you’d lost yours and everyone had to re-buy their tickets for the later train.” He reminds me darkly.
Ignoring his words, I tell him that I’ll keep them safe no matter what. It’s his first performance with his parents there, I’m definitely not missing this for anything in the world.
*** “That will be all today. Thank you class.” Our lecturer switches off her slide and packs her laptop up all in one swift movement. Everyone else is either leaving the class or talking to their friends. I check my phone, slightly frowning. Why isn’t he replying?
I flop my bag on the desk, putting my notebook and textbook inside. I check my phone one last time before shoving it in my jacket pocket. As I walk along the hall, passing some students taping a poster on the wall, I spot Rocky and Jin Woo among the crowd.
“Hey, guys,” I catch up to them. They turn, surprised.
“Hey,” They both say, smiling.
They should know where Moon Bin is. “Do you know where Bin is?” I ask. “He didn’t come to class today. And I can’t get hold of him either.”
Rocky glances at Jin Woo before answering. “Oh, he’s probably practising again.”
“Um, see the thing is,” Jin Woo sighs. “He hasn’t stopped since 3 in the morning.”
“What?” My tone is sharp and the two guys in front of me visibly straightens up. “He hasn’t slept?”
Rocky winces. “We rehearsed last night and finished at 10. We went back to the dorm at 10:30–”
“He went out at 3 in the morning to practise by himself again.” Jin Woo explains.
“So, technically, he did sleep for about 4 hours–” Rocky stops when Jin Woo nudges him. I sigh.
“It’s his dad, isn’t it?” I look at them. They both nod slowly.
“He was really stressed out before and now he’s even more stressed than ever.” Rocky says.
“Maybe you should go talk to him. At least get him to stop for a few hours to get some rest.”
They tell me which of the building to go to and what practice room he is in. Two girls and a guy look at me suspiciously as I walk down the corridor blindly before finally giving up and asking them for directions. Standing outside the door, I can hear the thump of the music and someone’s feet moving rapidly. They don’t stop even when I knock on the door.
Moon Bin finally looks up as I enter the room. “Ae Ra.” He stops dancing. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to check up on you.” I say. I watch as he turns off the speaker and plops down on the floor, exhausted. I grab his towel from a chair nearby and toss it at him, landing on his head.
“Bin–” I start, sitting down in front of him. He wipes at his face, refusing to look at me.
“I know, you want me to get some rest. But the show is two days away. I can’t afford to waste any time.” He finally says, lowering his head while fidgeting with the corner of the towel.
“You’re exhausted, Bin.” I say. “Did you even eat breakfast?”
When he looks back at me, his eyes wet around the rim. “I’m just so scared.” He says. “I mean, it’s my dad. He’s never approved of my interest in performing on stage, says it’s a waste of money.
How am I going to impress him, Aera?” His voice cracks slightly. I scoot closer to him to hug him. He leans his head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath.
“You don’t have to impress him, you know?” I say softly. “Just show him what you can do. You may disagree on somethings but in the end you’re his son, he’ll love you no matter what.” I pat his hair, slick with sweat, wince a little and try to discreetly wipe it on my pants. He gives a soft chuckle.
“I can see you through the mirror.”
“You’re disgusting. Please go take a shower.” I deadpan. He laughs as we pull apart.
“Thank you. You seem to always find the right things to say.”
“What? Like asking you to take a shower?” I joke.
He chuckles and absentmindedly pecks the top of my forehead. I stare at him, startled by this out of the blue yet affectionate action. His eyes shift; contemplating something. He slowly leans in and to my surprise, I do too.
“HEY BIN–” Our lips barely touch when Rocky bursts through the door. We pull away with the urgency of a dog chasing after a cat. Rocky stares at us, speechless.
I stand up abruptly. “I have-have a, um, shift.” I say to no one in particular. “So I, yeah, um, okay, byeeee.” Shit, I sound like Jake Peralta. But there’s no time to dwell on that as I leave the room at top speed. I’m so concentrated on leaving that I almost knock down Sammy by the stairs.
“Woah, hey,” She says. “Have you seen Jin Woo?”
“Uh, um,” I clear my head, trying to think of an answer. “No.”
“Oh-kay,” She frowns. “Are you alright?”
“Me? Yeah, yeah, totally fine.” I swallow. “Listen, I gotta go. I have….a class.”
I scurry down the stairs and out of the building. I walk and walk with no actual sense of direction. Walking keeps me occupied. If I stop, I keep thinking of…that. Eventually, my legs tire out and I plop down on a bench. How did that happen? My face heats up even at just the thought of it and despite myself, I feel a bit giggly on the inside. He’s my friend! I shouldn’t be having thoughts like this.
We barely talk on the phone, our usual routine, for the next few days until the show. I’d like to say it’s mainly because he’s busy practising and I’m busy with my shifts and assignments. We do text back and forth, but avoid talking about what happened. Texting is easier, because we don’t sound awkward at all. We still sound the same, playful banter, some nagging.
“Lighten up.” Kailo hisses at me. I’m slumped behind the counter, playing with a plastic spoon. The doorbell rings and a couple of people walk in chattering. I get up from my seat and grab a cone to fill. I drizzle cranberry sauce on it and wrap a napkin around half the cone before handing it to the customer.
After giving the customer her change, Kailo turns to survey me. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing. Assignments,” I reply automatically, back in my slump seat.
“Something happened with Moon Bin?”
I sit up, alert and suspicious. “How did you know?”
She puts up both of her hands, her eyes wide. “I didn’t. I guessed.” She says.
“Oh.” I mumble.
She looks at me. “Whatever it is, it’ll eventually work its way out.”
I wince. “I’m not so sure about this.” She moves her attention away from me when the doorbell tinkles. She urgently nudges my arm and I’m about to give her an annoyed look when I see the people standing in front of me: Moon Bin and his parents.
I scramble up, face red and unable to look at anything except for the countertop. I can feel Moon Bin’s eyes on me but I resolutely stare at the cup and cone model that shows our customers what the different cup sizes look like. I start making their orders, three cones. As I hand it over to them, I smile politely at his parents; over the five years I’ve known him, I’ve seen his mother more than his father. I surreptitiously glance at his dad’s expression, which is hard and realise he must have told him already.
As they leave to take a seat, I grab my phone. There are 5 unread messages all from him.
‘I’m having lunch with them now.’
‘Probably going to tell him now.’
‘Going to find somewhere to talk.’
'Headed to the yoghurt shop.’
'You busy?’
These were all sent before they came here.
I look at them talking by the window. It seems like Moon Bin has got everything under control, although his father doesn’t look too happy. I look worriedly in the direction of the washroom; Kailo’s been in there for a long time. As they get up to leave, I shoot a questioning glance at Moon Bin, who nods slightly at me.
I don’t really understand but it must mean that his dad is willing to give him a chance. Kailo emerges from the washroom looking pale with one hand clutching her stomach.
“Kailo! Are you okay?”
“Ohhh, I think something went wrong with my lunch.” She sits down heavily. Her expression is pained as she drinks from her water bottle.
“What did you have?” I ask.
“Sushi.” She pauses as her stomach makes a weird sound. I offer to go the pharmacy to buy some medicine but she shakes her head, saying it’s all out of her system. That doesn’t seem to be the case even after two hours, I’ve been manning the cash register and making the orders for the customers while she sits weakly behind the counter, out of sight from customers.
“Kailo, I think you need to go to a clinic.” I frown, getting her a cup of warm water. Her hair plastered to her forehead from all the cold sweat.
“But, you have to leave soon and if I do too, no one is going to be here.”
I check the time. The show starts at 7. If Ji Ah makes it here by 8, I can still make it. “I can stay until Ji Ah comes. Just go to the clinic Kailo.”
She doesn’t even bothering protesting anymore. Before leaving, she gives me an apologetic hug. I tell her to tell me when she’s at the doctors to be safe. I look at the clock. I won’t have time to go home and change now. Business is slow between dinner hours so there’s really nothing much I can do, except pray that Ji Ah arrives here as soon as possible.
8:11 p.m. I am about to scratch the walls with frustration. Where is Ji Ah? I text Sammy to check if Moon Bin, Jin Woo and Rocky has performed yet.
'Almost. Where R U???’
I sigh and shoot off a quick reply. Ji Ah rushes through the door, out of breath. “Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry.”
“Okay, I’ve got to go, bye!” I’ve been ready ever since 7:45 so I just grab my bag and hurry out the door. Sammy comes out to meet me when I arrive at the auditorium. She grabs my hand, pulling me inside. We pass rows and rows of seats in the darkness. I glance briefly at the stage just as the three of them emerge on stage. The music starts as I take my seat, trying to catch my breath. Moon Bin’s eyes flicker towards the crowd and then spots me. He gives the smallest smile and then resumes his performance.
The three of them work in perfect harmony, moving to each beat. I look around and see his parents a few rows over. His mother looks positively proud while his dad leans back against his seat, an unreadable expression on his face. The audience gives a loud cheer when Rocky does a spin mid-air, earning a bashful smile from him.
The performance ends with the crowd hyped up. After two vocal performances and a small skit, the show ends. There’s the sound of people talking and feet shuffling as they get ready to leave. Sammy and I make our way out and manage to find our way to backstage. We find the guys, with three of their other friends, Sanha, Eun Woo and MJ already with them.
“You guys were awesome!” I say, while Sammy gives them the thumbs up.
“I honestly thought I was going to trip and fall at one point.” Rocky says.
“That’s because you almost stepped on my foot.” Jin Woo shakes his head. As they bicker on, Moon Bin’s focus shifts to behind us; his parents. He excuses himself to walk over to them. We move farther away so as to give me some privacy in all the hubbub at backstage. MJ starts showing them the video he took of them on stage.
“That’s so unflattering.” Sanha comments. He whips out his phone. “You should look at the one I took.” They argue who recorded the best video with Jin Jin exasperatedly chiming in to say at one point, “None of you are Steven Spielberg. None.” and Rocky saying, “You should’ve taken it from my left.”
I look away from their tirade as Moon Bin hugs both of his parents, who leaves and walks toward us, a look of relief on his face. “Everything okay?” I ask, as he nears. Everyone turns their attention to him.
“Yeah,” He exhales a little shakily. He gives a smile. “He doesn’t get the dancing.” We pause, unsure how to response.
“And you’re smiling because…?” Eun Woo asks.
“Because he said I could continue my major, even though he didn’t understand it.” He gives a small laugh. “He’s letting me stay on!” We cheer, hugging him all at once, ignorant to the other looks in the room.
My phone vibrates a message from Kailo who tells me she’s at home now. I see another one from her when she was at the doctors. I tell them I’m going out to make a call where it’s quieter so I can actually hear what someone is saying.
“Hey, are you feeling better?” I ask. “What did the doctor say?”
“I’m feeling sooo much better now.” Kailo’s voice, although not yet back to her normal tone was sounding much more alert than a few hours ago. “It turns I have a very weak intestine and I’m technically not allowed to eat anymore raw fish.”
“I told you, 'Fish are friends not food’.” I quote 'Finding Nemo’ to her.
“That’s just because you don’t eat raw fish.” She says. “Say that again when you’re eating battered cod with chips. Maybe then I’ll believe you.”
She yawns and I tell her to go to bed. She says she will but not before watching an episode of Kim’s Convenience. I hang up, turning to go back inside when I see Moon Bin waiting for me.
“Where are the others?” I walk up to him.
“They went to celebrate. I told them to go ahead first.” Moon Bin says.
“Oh.” Awkward silence. Not wanting to feel weird around him, I hold up my phone.
“I just got off the phone with Kailo. She was feeling unwell just now. Ate some sushi. She had to go to the doctors and there was not anyone to stay at the shop. That was why I was late to the show.”
He lets out a breath that I didn’t know he was holding. “Oh. That’s why.” He scratches his neck. “I thought you weren’t going to come.”
“Why would you think–” I pause as realisation hits me. “Oh.”
“Is she feeling better?” I look up at him, confused, then realise he means Kailo.
“Yeah. She’s okay now.” I nod. There’s another pause where neither of us says anything, then as if he can’t stand it, he says, “Should we talk about what happened the other day?”
I bite the inside of my cheek. “Yeah, I think we should.”
We walk around, finding some place to sit, heading towards the campus park. Not for the first time ever, I marvel at the size of this entire university. It’s like a small village could literally just live here. We walk along the path, lined with small grey pebbles and small lights installed on the ground, so that it looks like one of those airplane runways.
“So, I guess I should apologise first.” Moon Bin says, as we take a seat on one of the park benches.
I open my mouth to protest but he stops me. “Just–let me finish.
What happened the other day. I shouldn’t have done it. I was feeling helpless and you were there as a friend and I shouldn’t have kissed you,” He continues. “That wasn’t how I…” He trails off.
“You what?” I ask, catching his hesitation.
“It wasn’t how I…,” He scratches his neck again, an action he does when he’s embarrassed. “…imagined I would kiss you. Not in that situation.”
I stare at him dumbly, too stunned to speak. There’s so many parts to his explanation that needs more explaining.
“I-I….” I swallow. “Um, okay.”
He lets me take my time, albeit the concerned look on his face is kind of endearing. “Moon Bin, what do you mean it was how you imagined?”
“Oh. That.” He says, as if he hadn’t thought of explaining that part to me. “Um, see, I kind of, really like you.” He fixes his eyes on mine. I think I can fully comprehend what the phrase 'heart beating against ribcage like a freaking earthquake’.
“Well,” I find my voice again. “In what situation would you have wanted to…kiss me?”
He gives the cutest/ most bashful smile ever and leans in to peck me on my lips. “Something like this?”
In spite of myself, I smile, feeling giddy. “Could you do that again?”
He smiles, leaning in again but this time I do too. This kiss lasts longer than the former and when it ends, he gently kisses my forehead. “Thank you.” He chuckles softly that my heart does a small skip.
“For what?” I laugh, even if it isn’t that funny.
“Just.” He shrugs. “Thank you.”
“You know, if you’re trying to be all mysterious and romantic like in dramas and stuff, it really isn’t going to work on me, because I won’t understand a thing you’re doing.” I joke, smiling.
You just never know when you’re going to open your eyes and fall for someone who’s been by your side this entire time.
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Seasons of Love - Heat of Summer Challenge (SPN and MCU)
I’m late posting this I know. I have and still am struggling with an ear infection and I have been insanely busy and is to an extend out of a laptop. I am borrowing. Which is also why I added 25 sentence prompts instead of gifs. Sorry to those of you who were working mostly off the gifs but not having my own computer atm made those impossible for me.
Do I have to taken part in in the previous seasons?
If I do all do the stories have to be linked?
No. They can be but that is not an acquirement.
If I do them all do I have to write the same pairing each time?
Will you read and reblog my fic?
You betcha :D I am behind on reading for previous challenges so patience is a virtue here
Do my fic have to be summer themed?
Since it is the idea of the challenge - yes I am afraid so.
When Do I Post?
Between right now and August 31st. Sign Ups start now and ends when there are no more prompts
Due Date: August 31st
Word min: 500 words
Word Max: 5k words
Style: It can be a drabble, one shot or beginning of a series. Do not put in in the middle of an ongoing series since I plan on reading them and don’t want to read 10 parts of something to understand the entry. IT CAN BE THE END OF A SERIES IF YOU ARE DOING FOUR PART ONE FOR EACH PART OF MY CHALLENGE WHICH I WOULD LOOOOVE!
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst are all welcome. DO NOT write smut if you are under the age of 18 and tag everything with appropriate warnings. AUs are more than welcome!
Limits on what you can write: No Mommy/daddy kinks, no non/dub con, no A/B/O, no glorification on cheating, no wife or actor hate in rpfs! - if you got any questions at any time feel free to send me an ask.
Format: State in your A/N that it is for my (thing-you-do-with-that-thing if SPN and until-theend-oftheline if marvel) Seasons of Love - Heat of Summer challenge. And use the # SoL - Heat of Summer challenge in the first 5 tags.
Submit: After you posted on tumblr you have to add yourself and your fic to this doc.  If you don’t do this you will not be added to the masterlist I create when the challenge is over. If you got questions - just ask :D
Doc link it case tumblr is an ass: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JHXAfi0yczcGLCd5s_FtcCkJqKocVF8faq-Vih4xepI/edit?usp=sharing
How do I join?
You pick a prompt and a pairing off the list. Send me the prompt number along with a backup just in case and your pairing of choice. ASKS ONLY!! REPLIES, REBLOGS AND IMS WILL BE IGNORED!
There are no limits on the pairings but I only allow 1 person per prompt so think before you sign up. If you don’t think you will be doing it then don’t take the spot from someone else. Prompts and Pairings are under the cut!
No male readers - gender neutral are fine!
General Fics - character or rpf are both fine.
Sister/daughter/romantic/friendship reader pairings for following are all fine - just let me know which:
Ships (all are allowed as poly with reader too):
Jensen x Danneel
Jared x Genevieve
AS SOMETHING SPECIAL THIS TIME I WILL ALLOW MARVEL PAIRINGS - if you write any of those they will be reblogged to my sideblog until-theend-oftheline and not here. It’s still me though.
No male readers - gender neutral are fine!
General Fics - character or rpf are both fine.
Sister/daughter/romantic/friendship reader pairings for following are all fine - just let me know which:
Sebastian Stan
Chris Evans
Chris Hemsworth
Ships (all are allowed as poly with reader too):
Chris Hemsworth x Elsa
No shaming of any pairings or ships I just have to read them and these are the things I prefer. On to the prompts:
Activity and word prompts
1 Heatwave @emilyevanston (Winterwidowhawk x reader)
2 Beach Day @deanssweetheart23 (Dean x Reader)
3 Barbeque @queen-of-deans-booty (Jensen x Reader)
4 Camping @sweetness47 (Jared x Reader)
5 Bonfire @docharleythegeekqueen (Stucky x Reader)
6 Cloud Watching @tngrayson (Steve x Reader)
7 Stargazing @torn-and-frayed (Jensen x Reader)
8 Skinny dipping @queen-of-deans-booty (Dean x Reader)
9 Volleyball
10 Horseback riding 
11 Painting the house @katymacsupernatural (Jared x Reader)
12 Running @roxyspearing (Steve x Reader)
13 Breakfast on the roof  @jaremish (Sam/Jared x Reader)
14 Watching the sunset @waywardnerd67 (Jensen x Reader)
15 Outdoor restaurant
16 Tanning
17 Sunburn @iwantthedean (Dean x Reader)
18 Water Fight @jayankles (Dean x Reader)
19 Hiding inside with the A/C
20 A/C broken @ruined-by-destiel (Sam Winchester x Reader)
21 Ice Cubes @sammy-moo (Sam Winchester x Reader)
22 Hot summer night @frejahertziswritingthistime (Sam Winchester x Reader)
23 Summer Rain @not-moose-one-shots (Sam Winchester x Reader)
24 Thunderstorm @oneshoeshort (Sam Winchester x Reader)
25 Icecream  @sweetness47 (Clint x Reader)
Song Prompts:
26 Bonfire Hearts - James Blunt
27 Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles
28 Summertime Sadness - Lana Del Rey @waywardrose13 (Dean x Reader)
29 Night Moves - Bob Seger
30 Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams  @sweetness47 (Dean x Reader)
31 Summer Nights - Grease  @sweetness47 (Misha x Reader)
32 Someone Somewhere - Simple Minds
33 Happier Than the Morning Sun - Stevie Wonder
34 California Girls - Beach Boys
35 Paradise City - Guns’n’Roses
36 Long Hot Summer - Keith Urban
37 Sangria - Blake Shelton @legion1993 (Chris Evans x Reader)
38 Toes - Zac Brown Band
39 Malibu - Miley Cyrus @queen-of-deans-booty (Chris Evans x Reader)
40 Drops of Jupiter - Train @tngrayson (Dean x Reader)
41 The Script - Breakeven
42 3 Doors Down - Here Without You
43 Cheerleader - OMI
44 Roses - The Chainsmokers
45 Adventure of a Lifetime - Coldplay
46 Avicii - Wake Me Up
47 Katy Perry - That’s How We Do
48 Of the Night - Bastille
49 Best Day of My Life - American Authors
50 Fireflies - Owl City @firefly124 (Sam Winchester x Reader)
Dialogue Prompts:
51 “The summer sun is not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belong in the rain”
52 “You’re hot!” “I know” “Not what I meant dumbass” @acreativelydifferentlove (Bucky x Reader)
53 “I never thought I’d say this but put on a shirt before you burn” @becs-bunker (Dean x reader)
54 “I told you I’d save you a seat in hell” @mysupernaturalfics (Steve x Reader)
55 “That’s not what I meant when I said we should have a bonfire!”
56 “Are you seriously going for a run in this heat?” @sixtysevenandwhiskey (Dean x Reader)
57 “If you throw me in I’ll kill you!” @peterman-parker (Thor x Reader)
58 “Why are you on the roof? We have guests over” @thorne93 (Clint x Reader)
59 “What are those balloons for?” “You’ll see” @queen-of-deans-booty (Sam Winchester x Reader)
60 “I think I am about to spontaneously combust” @princess-of-erebor1992 (Dean x Reader)
61 “Come for a swim with me?” @time-travel-bouqet (Sam Winchester x Reader)
62 “There is no music” @atc74 (Jared x Reader)
63 “Who do I have to kill for a cool breeze?!” @becs-bunker (Stucky x Reader)
64 “Ohmygod is that rain ever gonna stop?” @ladysimoriah (Megstiel)
65 “What do you expect me to do? I don’t know how to work that thing!”
67 “Stop laughing. I’m stuck!” @until-theend-oftheline (Winterfalcon x Reader)
68 “Dude! That’s not what ice cubes are for!”
69 “I love you but if you touch me right now I’m filling for a divorce!” @grantsgorgeousgirl (Bucky x Reader)
70 “Was that an explosion or thunder?” @roxyspearing (Dean x Reader)
71 “A little wind never killed anyone but a hurricane has!”
72 “Is that what I think it is?” @letsby (Tony x Reader)
73 “I think the surfboard just tried to kill me.”
74 “I wanna sleep under the stars tonight” @built-from-nothing (Dean x Reader)
75 “I always wanted a beach wedding” @docharleythegeekqueen (Destiel x Reader)
58 notes · View notes
sylvansoldier-a · 3 years
Get  to  know  the  mun!    Repost,  don’t  reblog.
(PEN)NAME  :  Dani, Leafmun (a holdover from back when Tess was an Epic oc)
PRONOUNS  :  She/her
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  Pisces
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  Seeing someone
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
I love building computers! I learned by watching a lot of youtube videos, and to date, I’ve built two computers for myself, one for my parents, one for a friend, and co-built one with my younger sister on the other side of the country, and I’m building another for a friend next week. I love the control that assembling my own machine gives me, and I like researching upgrades and making improvements. It’s been difficult to get ahold of some parts because of the pandemic and the jump in demand for graphics cards, but with some patience and a few early mornings driving an hour and standing in line at the closest computer part store, I’ve snagged some great parts.
I’m a big fan of D&D, despite never having grown up with it. Like a lot of new players, my introduction to D&D and tabletop games in general was Critical Role. I recently completed a 3 year long campaign (made longer by the rona), and I’ve played a half-orc monk, a tiefling cleric, a halfling rogue, an aarakocra barbarian, a dragonborn ranger, a kobold wizard, an elf sorcerer, and a dwarf druid. Some of those were oneshots, but the majority are from ongoing games in various states of hiatus.
An extension of the last fact—I love to learn new things. In the last few years, I’ve taught myself how to stream; I’ve learned about audio and lighting equipment; I’ve studied HTML, CSS, and Javascript; and soon, I’m going to try my hand at mini painting. If something is simple enough that I can learn how to do something on my own, I’ll do it. I’ve replaced my own car filters and restrung a set of blinds for my window, rather than paying for convenience. I always like to try to do something on my own before asking someone else to do it for me.
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
I’ve been roleplaying in some form or another since the days of the Neopets chat boards—back when you had to get a parent to sign a permission form to allow you to interact with other users if you were under 18, I believe. I’ve been writing here since 2013, and Tess is my one and only muse. I’ve dabbled with other characters, but they fizzled out before they even got off the ground.
Tess used to be an original character from the animated movie Epic. I really loved the movie, and when I found a few roleplayers here on tumblr, it kind of kicked the door open to the whole rpc. I’ve made truly incredible friends that have kept in touch daily for the last 8 years, and some of us have even met in person. While I still love the movie for all its quirks, the fandom was never particularly large and it only shrunk as time went on. Plus, I found the story a bit limiting in places, and I liked the idea of expanding Tess’ world and interactions with other muses and settings. She’s due for a massive blog overhaul and possibly a purge. Eight years is a lot of baggage and a lot of growth.
Tess is the kind of character I liked to read about when I was younger. I prefer to write and play women, simply because I feel like I can draw from so many of my own experiences and feelings. I know what it’s like to be hungry to prove yourself and to be made to doubt yourself, despite knowing well your own capabilities. I know what it’s like to be frustrated with the indifference and casual cruelty in the world and to want better. I like writing characters who play a supporting role, rather than seeking out the limelight—I’ve always loved those stories.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF  /  ANGST  :  I’m of the opinion that a good will have a bit of both. Too much of one or the other can get boring really quickly. Don’t get me wrong—I love writing softness and flirting as much as I love writing gut wrenching pain and despair. Nothing is better than setting up a few characters with differing goals and worldviews and letting them bounce off each other, complete with all the character exploration and conflict that brings. I think I tend to write more fluff than angst, but I’m open to both. Writing isn’t my strongest mode of expression, but I always want to be better than I was when I started.
SMUT  :  
For someone under the ace umbrella, I actually really enjoy writing smut. I definitely think my feelings on sex come through in Tess’ attitude—trust is paramount and relationships are work. While she’s more comfortable with physical relationships, she has difficulty really putting her faith in someone and making herself vulnerable. Not to say she’s impervious to being manipulated—it’s happened before and it’ll happen again. She’s just very wary of getting in too deep with anyone she thinks is unlikely to stick around, erring on the side of self-deprecation and cynicism when it comes to relationships.
PLOT  /  MEMES  :  
I am not historically great at plotting, but I genuinely want to get better. It’s just really difficult to do with a new partner right off the bat. I’m always really nervous about annoying anyone and tend to read too deep what I think someone’s responses might mean, especially when I really admire someone’s writing and I’m really excited to work with them. Memes are a fantastic icebreaker. When I first start to follow someone, I will take every opportunity to send in some memes to get a feel for their character and for the mun, themselves. It doesn’t always work out, as some muns don’t like replying to memes from new folks, and honestly? That’s a real bummer. I’m not the most confident person, and if I run into a mun with a lot of walls and barriers to entry, I tend to bounce off and give up.
My discord is open to mutuals, and I’m always open to IMs, even from non-mutuals or new followers who just want to ask questions. (I know that Tess’ blog is a bit of a mess, and it’s not really well laid out for anyone looking for a good, quick summary of her character.)
Tagged by: @ofdeathandfear​​
Tagging: Anyone! Seriously. I would tag folks, but I think everyone in my orbit has done some version of this. But if you haven’t—yes, I mean you—then steal this and go do it.
0 notes
wonderfuls-worlds · 7 years
Mystic Messenger : Day 1 ~ V Walkthrough (FULL ANSWERS)
I worked all alone - I cheked each answers ~ Please be considerate.
Like, reblog, or do nothing, but please don’t copy/paste it and claim it as your own… I am on my own and spent a lot of time to do this.
If you are on phone, please setting the page to be seen in the computer version! On the phone, the answers are sometimes unaligned and it can confuse you...
In order to not bother and annoy my followers who don’t play this game by this looong post, I’ll put a seperate line. Click to see.
Before starting the guide, I have a few things to say about that day 1 !
Day 1 in AS is different than CS and DS :
In Casual and Deep Story, Day 1 was common, but in Another Story, it’s different ! So be careful !
Mobile version makes my walkthrough unclear/unaligned : here my post
We don’t get enough hearts :
There are a LOT OF ANSWERS who don’t give any hearts. Here is my theorie : to get a character’s route you have to collect their hearts. In Deep Story, collecting hearts will make a difference if you want to have Jumin or Seven. But in Another Story… There is only one route available! And V is rarely on ! If Cheritz would have followed the Casual/Deep story and give hearts at each ANSWERS for Zen/Yoosung/Jaehee/Jumin/Seven in the Another Story, we would all have the bad ending because of the lack of V’s hearts. That’s why a lot of answers give nothing, it avoids the mass of bad ending I think.
But careful, we can have answers that lead to the bad ending :
It’s not because the answers give no hearts that they have no meanings. It’s a bit obvious that more we will hint that RFA’s members are characters of a game and we don’t take things seriously more we will get close to the bad ending. You have two types of answers :
- “I will help as much as I can ! I’m so sorry I can’t tell you a lot… I hope we will be friends. Yes, I want to know more !…” : good end
- “Ehhh then it will be easy to raise my love meter with you ! Wut, me ? I live in your heart!… I thought it was a romantic game, not a detective game…” : bad end
00:00 : New face [Yoosung, Zen]
 Yoosung, right? Nice to meet you^^ (nothing)
Hi, blonde Al! How are you? (nothing)
Nothing hehe. I meant that you’re cute! (nothing)
I know that u are Al lol (nothing...)
Yes (nothing)
Nothing really – but it looked like he cared for me. (nothing)
We talked about something fishy hehe (nothing)
I heard your omelet sucks (nothing)
He seems to be suspecting me somewhat… (nothing..)
No-  (nothing)
Why are you so nice to me? (nothing)
I also wanna have fun with you on this app^^ (Yoosung)
She was beautiful, she was determined, she was so cool! (nothing)
About 300 years. (nothing)
For 205 days. (nothing)
I haven’t met her yet. (nothing)
I don’t have to meet her to know her^^ (nothing)
I think you’d know her better than I do… (nothing)
I know that she’s a good person. (nothing)
She’s a bad person! (nothing)
Because I was told to say that? (nothing)
It’s a secret- (nothing)
Let me skim through the game guidebook. (nothing)
Oh, nothing^^ (nothing)
I’m afraid I can’t say. I didn’t see what it was like myself… (nothing)
You must be frustrated, Yoosung… (Yoosung)
Is this a detective game? I thought it was romance. Guess I was tricked. (nothing)
Pleased to meet you^^ (nothing)
Thank you, my the-most-handsome-in the-world prince… (Zen)
Wow this game is really nifty lol (nothing)
I am a multitasker. Lol It’s my speciality, actually. (nothing)
This messenger is the game lol (nothing)
Tell me more about Rika and V- (nothing)
So both of you trust me right? This will be easy to raise the love meters^^ (nothing)
Yes, please tell me more.(nothing)
Can you just give me a summary? (nothing)
Don’t you think V is trying to cope with his emotions where you can’t see him? (V)
Isn’t V the head of this association ? So if he’s not active right now, doesn’t that mean parties aren’t held a lot? (Yoosung)
So are you saying he faked her death? I think you’ve seen too many movies, Yoosung. Or dramas. (nothing)
I wouldn’t trust V. (Yoosung)
I would trust V. (V and Zen)
That’d be 5 million won per answer. (nothing)
Sure, I’ll tell you everything ^^ (nothing)
But it’s getting late. Why not take your time? (nothing)
I’m sure there was something bad… That others weren’t aware of. (nothing)
I’m not sure either. (nothing)
I think the act if questioning isn’t so bad^^ (Yoosung)
Yoosung, calm down and take a break- (nothing)
When do I get into the romance part in this game? (nothing)
That doesn’t sound scientifically convincing. (Yoosung)
Yes agreed. Be an iceman! (Zen)
Come on, Im not a nuisance- (Yoosung)
He’s right. You should stop whining and go to bed. (nothing)
You should hurry up to bed, Zen… Your skin will suffer. (nothing)
Okay^^ (nothing)
 (Zen calls)
 02:12: Jaehee’s Doubt [Jaehee]
 I couldn’t sleep (nothing)
I’m usually up at early in the morning (nothing)
So this character called Jaehee Kang is set to work until late… (nothing)
You mean you work until this late? (nothing)
You’re researching about me ? I don’t like the sound of that… Can’t you just drop it? (nothing)
I can’t tell you. I promised I won’t tell. (nothing)
I’m not sure where I am right now, either. (nothing)
You can ask me. (nothing)
I’m inside your heart! (nothing)
I can see the polar star out of the window ! (nothing
Someone installed it for me. Someone I know. (nothing)
That’s a secret. (nothing)
Somebody that created you? (nothing...)
I got it from the store lol (nothing
Buddy - can you make me a card? (nothing)
I know how desperate you are, but I don’t have much that I know. I don’t even have a card. (Jaehee)
I’ll report you if you check my background info! (nothing)
I’ve never seen her. (nothing)
I’ve met a guy of my type, but his name wasn’t Rika..- (nothing)
Please don’t suspect me, and let’s just be friend. T_T you’re asking me too much. (nothing)
What does he want to know about me? (nothing)
Then he could have called me lol (nothing)
Then I’ll analyse Mr. Han too! Lolol (nothing)
I want to know more about the RFA. I hope you can teach me a lot. (nothing)
I know it, this game is a treasure box of secrets. (nothing)
Okay. (nothing)
I’ll work hard too. So please don’t be so wary of me…! (Jaehee
I’m going to stay up some more! (nothing)
I’m about to head to bed. Good night! (nothing)
 06:30: The Open Sea Between () and [707]
 A sparrow!!! Chirp (nothing)
Good morning! (nothing)
I wanna get some sparrows. I wanna get u too. (707)
Good morning ^^; (nothing)
Did you work all night because I joined? (nothing)
Your characterization is funny lol (nothing)
I wanna have some donuts. (nothing)
It must be hard for you… And lonely… (nothing)
Not today... (nothing)
Yes I did! (nothing)
I usually don’t have morning meals. (nothing)
I wish I could tell you where I am… if only I knew where I am… (nothing)
Yes, maybe…? (nothing)
I walked into this place on my own, so it’s not kidnapping. (nothing)
You’re going to search about me? How bold^^ (nothing)
I wanna try on your glasses. (nothing)
Try me (nothing)
I should get a yellow glasses and paint it with a pen (nothing)
Instead of glasses, what about VR headset? (nothing)
It’s a secret lol (nothing)
Did I get it from the store? Don’t remember… (nothing)
I’d like to be a hacker and hack the love meter for all character to maximum level. (nothing)
It’s a secret! (nothing)
Allow me to open the bag of chips for you. (nothing)
Introduction, please. (nothing)
Just a member 1 (nothing)
A cute pretty magical boy!! (707)
I’m afraid there’s nothing I can give you… (nothing)
I’m [Name]. I’m really enjoying this… That’s it I guess? (nothing)
Why the polar bear? (nothing)
Good job working hard. Good night^^ (nothing)
 08:26 : Cats and Dogs [Zen, Jumin Han]
 Zen! Good morning. (nothing)
OMG! My phone is emitting sunshine all of a sudden!! (Zen)
Hey. (nothing)
Welcome, Jumin! (nothing)
Both of you can leave. I wanna be alone… (nothing)
You can leave, Zen. (Zen’s heartbroken !!)
You can leave, Jumin. (Jumin’s heartbroken !!!!!!!!)
I’m in a princess’s room, and my bias installed this app for me^^ (nothing...)
Sorry, I can’t tell you more… It’s a secret… (nothing)
I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. It’s a rule… (nothing)
I understand. But this is my first day, so can you be a bit gentle? Hehe (Jumin)
Please… interrogate me, Jumin. (nothing)
Don’t be scared of me and love me ! (Zen)
I don’t believe in instinct lol (nothing)
I’ll trust your instinct, Zen^^ (nothing)
Let me gather my ki for some. Hiyaaa! (nothing)
It must be because of difference in your personalities. Let’s just put it that way- (Jumin)
I want to be friends with everyone… (nothing)
I wish to keep my secrets…. Please understand. (nothing)
Isn’t it illegal to check my background without my consent? (nothing)
I think you’ll be able to trust me after some time… And once you trust me, you’ll start dating me! (nothing)
I understand. Nobody would leave suspicion out in this situation. I’m also frustrated that I can’t tell you a lot. (nothing but good answer)
Do you know the definition of the word modesty ? (nothing)
Jumin, you rock! (Jumin)
But you should think about the welfare of your co-worker. (nothing)
That right. Jaehee’s free to work or not. (nothing)
Good luck on your work,  Mr. Han (nothing)
See ya- (nothing)
With what kind of person do you go along well, Zen? (nothing)
He seems weird lolol He’s funny. (Jumin)
I’ll let you borrow my ice… (nothing)
I think it’s time for you to win the Nobel Prize in Beauty. (Zen)
Goodbye, my good looking statue. (nothing)
Let’s chat again, Zen. (nothing)
 11:46 : Importance of Meals [Jaehee, Yoosung]
 I only eat twice per day. (nothing)
I don’t care how many times I eat. I’m the zealous believer in butter, chocolate, flour, and soft drink. (nothing)
Three regular meals each day! That’s my motto! (nothing)
I can eat up to 6 meals per day. (nothing)
What…? Why would you eat a lunch box from the convenience store? T_T You should really eat better… (nothing)
That’s one glamorous lunch  box! (nothing)
Welcome, Yoosung ^^ (nothing)
She’s eating lunch box from convenience sotre T_T Waaah (nothing)
Is it because you’re frustrated when you think about V? (Yoosung)
Is it because I joined? (nothing)
You must be feeling really complicated. (nothing)
That sounds like a waste of your tuition. (nothing)
Don’t you think he did love her? He’s continuing the charity association founded by his lover… (nothing)
Their relationship is their issue. Don’t you think a third-party’s evaluation is really meaningless? (Jaehee)
What about Rika? Do you think she truly loved V? (nothing)
V has also lost his precious lover. He’ll be going through a hard time as well. You shouldn’t be so harsh on him. (V)
Perhaps V ans Rika weren’t that close. (nothing)
Evne if there really is a secret, he wouldn’t do anything that can harm the RFA, would he? (V and Jumin)
What secrets? (nothing)
I don’t know about  Rika and V’s relationship… but you should first calm down. (nothing)
It feels unnatural that they didn’t share everything with each other. They’re lovers, you know? (Yoosung)
I think you should first calm down. (nothing)
Want me to feed you myself? (nothing)
That was the RFA chatroom, the den of a flourish of suspicions and conspiracy! (Yoosung)
Whatever it is you have to do, you should eat first- (Jaehee)
You should get something, Yoosung. How about a cup or tea? (nothing)
You should hurry up and eat, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Im a bit worried about him- (nothing)
Jaehee, you should hurry up and eat too! (Jaehee)
No. (nothing)
Yes, I live alone. (nothing)
Good-bye! (nothing)
Enjoy your lunch, Jaehee (nothing)
  14:08 : Zen’s Consideration [Zen, Ray]
 It’s a pleasure to meet you.  (nothing)
Hello- (nothing)
Cheer up T-T (nothing)
Did you make any mistake during your audition? (nothing)
Im sure a better role awaits you in the future! (Zen)
Just what kind of a musical is it? (nothing)
What is that musical about? (nothing)
Whoa… interesting! (nothing)
Sounds a bit cliché. (nothing)
That’s really a shame… (nothing)
You’ll feel better if you upload your selfie! (nothing)
Are you ok with roles that require you to go all nude? (nothing)
How about playing a female role? (nothing)
How about playing for a cat role? (Zen’s heartbroken!)
Could you introduce yourself?^^ (nothing)
I already know about you, Zen hehe (nothing)
Jumin Kim. (nothing)
Elizabeth the 4th. (nothing)
It’s Hyun Ryu. (Zen)
Soonja Kim (nothing)
I think it’s kind of embarrassing to call you Zen lol (nothing)
What’s V’s birth name? (nothing)
Can I call you honey? (nothing)
…? (nothing)
[Hacking scene]
Are you running a quick maintenance? (nothing)
Ray? (nothing)
You scared me! (nothing)
When are you going to drop by my room? (nothing)
I think everyone wants to find out my relationship with this person called Rika. What should I do? (nothing)
Yes, they seem to be suspicious of me a lot… But I think our relationship will improve soon! (nothing)
No one in particular. (nothing)
You, Ray^^ (Unknown)
The one who suspects me. (Jumin and Jaehee)
The one who trust me. (Zen and Yoosung)
Anyting, as long as it’s meat. (nothing)
Well done! (nothing)
Medium, please- (nothing)
Rare… (nothing but matching answer with him)
Could you first tell me what you like? (Unknown)
I’d like vegetables or something healthy (nothing)
See you soon, Ray! (nothing)
Bye! (nothing)
Perhaps the developer ran a quick server maintenance of something… (nothing)
Tell me about it. Is it some sort of a bug? (Unknown)
This is the arena of communication for all! (nothing)
Your selfie storage! (Zen)
It’s an ocean of mysteries and conspiracy! (nothing)
The most important cities of the entire world will be struck by a plague of zombies infected by your beauty… (Zen)
You’ll mark yourself in everyone’s lips in a mere day. (nothing)
Hehehehehe (nothing)
Don’t go, o lord of a shameless beauty… (Zen)
Uh…ok…now I gotta go. (nothing)
 16:33 : Dear Party Coordinator [Yoosung]
 Are you pondering on the purpose of life or something? (nothing)
The weather is so nice today. (nothing)
Really? Right now I’m seeing a cloudy sky. (nothing)
Aren’t you staring at your phone right now to chat? (nothing)
Do your eyes really get better if you look up at the sky? (nothing)
I already heard enough. (nothing)
Yes, please. I think that’d be a great help. (Yoosung)
I’m interested in the networking part! (nothing)
Are V’s work famous? (V)
Is that part of my task too? (nothing)
Where are those letters now? (nothing)
Will I do a good job for her role? (nothing)
I’d love to meet her myself… It’s so sad that she’s no longer there. (nothing)
Are you sure that was a good kind of charisma? (nothing)
Are you mistaking me and chatting with me for someone else? (nothing)
Did your friend text you? (nothing)
He has a school assignment to share? (nothing)
I think I smell fried wings (nothing)
Bye bye (nothing)
See you, Yoosung! (nothing)
 18:17 : I need healing time [707, Jumin]
 Ex-boyfriend (nothing)
An ant…? (nothing)
You, 707 (nothing)
Oh yummy (nothing)
I see. (nothing)
Ugh I almost unfriended you (nothing)
Ewwww!!! (nothing)
Zombies (nothing)
Hackers (nothing but it’s the good answer)
My one and only love? (nothing)
So can I start my reports with u? (nothing)
It’s not929764. (nothing)
Do I have to press all of those numbers? (nothing)
0.007 (nothing)
Lucky 7% (707)
You must have tons of work T-T (707)
Nope. None of my business. (nothing)
… (nothing)
Meow (707)
Hehe… (nothing)
Pssssh…. (sound effect) (707)
I’d love to see your cat! (nothing)
Why not summon me instead of Elly? (707)
I think it wouldn’t be good to the cat if her environment changes. (Jumin)
That can’t be true! He’s so nice and persistent! (707)
You shouldn’t  torment animals! (nothing)
Lolololololol (nothing)
I’ll be your laser beam playmate. (707)
No wonder the cat hated it so much- (Jumin)
You’re gonna shut out your own member…? That’s sad. (nothing)
What about Zen? (nothing)
You’re really obsessive about Elizabeth the 3rd  (nothing)
Sounds like a fair deal. (nothing)
I think he wants to play Yes or No. (nothing)
It’s an emoji that shows that your lips are zip locked (nothing)
That’s a bunny emoji (nothing)
Mmmppffff (nothing)
I don’t think he’s going to tell you. (nothing)
You seem to trust V a lot…. (Jumin)
If both of you trust V, you can just accept me for who I am, just like how V decided. (nothing)
Can I unzip them? (707)
I’m not sure either why V was accepted me so easily. (nothing)
That’s a great idea! (nothing)
Come on, there’s no way Jumin’s interested in cosplaying… (nothing)
But I think V would be embarrassed. (V)
I’d love to see it lol (nothing)
You must really love cats! (707)
You’re persistent… (Jumin)
Send my regards to Elizabeth the 3rd – (nothing)
Good-bye, Jumin! (nothing)
Looks like Jumin doesn’t hate V very much. (Jumin)
But why would you have a mint-haired wig, Seven? (nothing)
It’d be a phenomenon if he really does! Don’t you agree? (nothing)
Make sure you give me a copy of the pic if you take one! (nothing)
So shall we get on with it? Lol (707)
Good luck 707! The defender of peace! (707)
Yes, we’ll chat again, Seven. (nothing)
  20:02 : Subject of Interest [Zen, Jaehee]
 ZEN!! (Zen)
Seven (Seven)
Jumin! (Jumin)
I’ll cosplay the members of the RFA. (nothing)
Welcome Jaehee ! (nothing)
Zen is my bae too ! I think I’ve found a buddy. (Jaehee)
Jaehee, are you in charge of the papers related to RFA as well ? (nothing)
Are you organizing what you found about me ever since I joined the RFA ? (nothing)
Cruel is  the reality… But if you do your best, I’m sure you’ll find happiness someday! (Jaehee)
I believe such aspects should gradually improve… (nothing)
I’m sure there’s a reason to everything and everyone. It’s kind of tricky to perfectly tell apart different tasks and occupations, you know? (nothing)
So all I have to do is to invite as many people to the party and raise the scores for my meter, right? Lol (nothing...)
Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help! (nothing)
I understand that you can’t trust me yet. Let’s be friends nice and slow ^^ (Jaehee)
Your psychological settings are so complicated. Must’ve been shaped with extra great care. (Unknown)
But that’s the only thin I was told about too… I’m not sure what more I should tell you. (nothing)
But why is this place off-limits to outsiders ? Seems like an ordinary chat room to me lol (nothing)
I understand you, Jaehee... (Jaehee)
I’m not a bad person ! It’s just that I have a whole lot to learn! (nothing)
I’m sorry. I have a good reason, but I can’t tell you what it is. (nothing)
My game might be over if I tell you. It’s a secret! (nothing)
I’m a bad person. (nothing)
I’m being exploited…? (nothing)
How come? (nothing)
Oh, save me, my prince! I’ll be waiting ! (nothing)
No one’s exploiting me. I’m just here to have fun with you all! (nothing)
This initial setting is a bit tricky. But that’ll make the progress of the relationship more rewarding… (nothing)
I hope you’d start to trust me more ! (nothing)
Your looks are already more than enough help to the entire world. Lol (Zen)
Jaehee, I believe we’ll be able to trust each other soon. Good luck wrapping up your work! (Jaehee)
Time for your preening, Zen! You gotta make yourself an international treasure! (Zen)
…. (nothing)
You do make sure your facial porse are open before you move on to the cleansing part, right? (nothing)
I use soaps… (nothing)
Why? (nothing)
Bye, sexy. (Zen)
Byebye (nothing)
(Jaehee calls)
  21:34 Richness in Wine [Jumin]
 Good night. The stars are beautiful. (Jumin)
Welcome, Jumin. (nothing)
Good day? How come? (nothing)
Do you like wines ? (nothing)
You do a lot of business ! (nothing)
You got you deal ! Congrats! (nothing)
Maybe they want to have you as their model. (nothing)
Maybe it’s a paparazzi! You should call the police! (nothing)
It’s not a scandalous photo, is it? (nothing)
Congrats! Are you going to say yes? (nothing)
I thought they would offer something like this to Zen – (Zen)
Jumin, you’ve already got talents! Now you’re telling me you’ve gots looks as well? T_T (Jumin)
But aren’t you delighted ? (nothing)
Tell me about it. Did you tell them where you live? (nothing)
I think the question is not whether you’d be a fine model, but what would be the efficiency in relation to the budget. (Jumin)
Yes, absolutely ! You have this luxurious atmosphere. (Jumin)
I’m curious, too. Could you let me know the results once they come out? (nothing)
Looks vs business talent…? Whichever wins, I think it will return as a compliment for you. (Jumin)
I think the model doesn’t matter when it comes to the success of your company’s investment. I think the key is whether the wine itself tastes fine. (nothing)
A gift isn’t bad, but I think what V needs right now is a friend, not a wine. (V)
I see that V likes wine too. (nothing)
What were you two like in the past? (nothing)
What if both of you model…?! (nothing)
I’m sure those days will come again. (nothing)
Did Rika also like wine ? (nothing)
Jumin… (nothing)
Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to finish this as a happy ending. (nothing)
You two are such a good friends! (Jumin and V)
I’ll help too. (nothing)
Do you have an automatic timer installed in your head by any chance? (nothing)
Maybe something’s happened to her ! You should hurry up and go! (nothing)
 Personal note : If you want to call Unknown after that chat, do it ! He will answer 😉
  23:25 : Intriguing Person [V]
 Oh here comes the final boss (Unknown)
Wow! It’s V…! I’m so thrilled to see you! (V)
You two make a lovely couple. (nothing)
Is that you and Rika…? (nothing)
I’m not sure, either. I was simply told to host parties. (nothing)
It’s all a secret. Shh! (nothing...)
I’m just an ordinary person. (nothing)
You must be curious about my world. (V)
Can you see anything different through your finder? (V)
I’ll call the police if you violate my portrait rights. (nothing)
They were so wary of me. (nothing)
They all looked so nice. (V)
Is Rika that someone for you, V? (V)
The purpose of my life… is my bias… (nothing...)
Are you warning me right now? (nothing)
This advice sounds like the result of your own experience. (nothing)
What? Is this a bug?! (nothing)
V? (nothing)
Goodbye. (nothing)
Let’s talk again, V. (nothing)
Visual Novel [Ray]
Come in. (nothing)
I was about to get to bed. (nothing)
I was playing the game. (nothing)
I’ve been waiting for you, Ray. (nothing)
The Als kept suspecting me, so it wasn’t fun. (nothing)
It was fun! It felt like talking to actual people instead of Als. (nothing)
Don’t you have a cheat for this? (nothing)
The white hair, red eyes… I think the musical actor is the best-looking. (nothing)
My favorite is that meticulous-looking secretary with glasses. (nothing)
I like that red-haired guy with glasses. (nothing)
I think the cute blonde boy is my type. (nothing)
The black-haired man in a suit with a temper. (nothing)
Looks like you don’t like them, Ray, though you made these Al characters. (nothing)
Now that we talked about games, I want to talk about you, Ray. (nothing)
 (V calls)
Day 2 - V is here.
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starline112818 · 4 years
No one follows me so
I’m gonna do the ask meme I just reblogged but for myself by myself. im just gonna erase the questions that i cant answer RIP source: https://overheated.tumblr.com/post/624918958550777857/oddly-specific-ask-prompts-to-learn-more-about
featuring my flintie
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Oddly Specific Ask Prompts to Learn More About Your F/O’s
Is your F/O the type to volunteer to their community? ABSOLUTELY
Does your F/O the type to be giving or to take? giving!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does your F/O wear make up? (Do you think they would be open to wearing makeup if they don’t wear it daily?) hed be open to it
What is your F/O fashion taste? manly & himself
How tall is your F/O? 5′11
When is your F/O birthday? June 13th! He’s a Gemini
Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it? YES AND YES
What is your F/O favorite flavor? SPICYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be? Sonic the hedgehog. because i SAID SO. and maybe a game w a fire using MC like Mario, maybe little inferno when he was a kid uwu
What type of aesthetic does you F/O have? fire fire FLAMES babiyeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos? THEY DONT IN CANON BUT I MADE EDITS ONCE
Does your F/O have any piercings? II HEADCANON HIM TO HAVE EARRINGS
Is your F/O a cake or pie person? CAKE!!!
Is your F/O a morning or night person? BOTH!!!!!!!
Is your F/O a coffee or tea person? COFFEE!!!!!!!!!
Is your F/O half empty or half full type of person? HALF FULL!!!!
Does your F/O have a pet? If not in canon what do you think they would have if given the chance? HES GOT POKEMON
Is your F/O the type to want to live in the city or live out in the country? Sunyshore. :)
Does your F/O like to swim? yes!
What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin) Gryffindor!
If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire) FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRE!
Is your F/O LGBT+? YES
What type of scent does your F/O remind you of? Cinders
What does your F/O house/apartment look like? (or what do you think it looks like) Traditional Japanese
What season reminds you of your F/O? (winter, spring, summer, fall) SUMMER!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it? NO BUT I WANNA BADLY. MAYBE IVE HAD AN IGNITION DREAM
Does your F/O play any musical instruments? he would love to play the drums i think
What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear? i have a literal playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4P0gNF22DvHOSF_fbhu3WMYZ2GvXShJK
What is your relationship like with your F/O? Just casual sex and friendly cuddling. his heart belongs to volkner hehe but he knows i have the hots for him so he delivers uwu
How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?) uhh since 2017 i guess? i started falling in love w him only recently
Where is your F/O from? (as in born) Northern Japan
Is your F/O the type to read reviews, or just go with their gut? GUT ALL THE WAY BITCH!!!!!!!!
What is your F/O’s most valuable possession? His Pokemon?
does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team? TEAMS! canon in pkmn masters. hes great at encouraging others to work with him. classic ENFP trait!
How well does your F/O know tech? (such as computers, smart phones He knows a lot more than youd expect b/c of volkner ~
What’s some advice your F/O would tell you? To NEVER GIVE UP AND KEEP UP MY HOT SPIRIT!!!!!!!!
What animal reminds you of your F/O? Bunnies!
What color reminds you of your F/O? Red!
heres a piercings edit i made earlier to go w my above HC
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0 notes