#im recovering i promise
delicourse · 8 months
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jolyne doodles
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teapot-of-tyrahn · 1 year
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more little lloyd drawings !! reblogs + comments in tags appreciated :)
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anonymocha · 1 month
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tfw maid lucy
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pineappical · 10 months
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dont ask me about the first one 😊
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
the perched king / tigerstar I
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nerdie-faerie · 3 months
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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coolerhope · 1 day
If they make a third Investigations game, they should tie it back to AA3 and have Edgeworth get hospitalized in the last case and then Phoenix shows up and takes over the investigation for a bit while Edgeworth recovers.
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domestic zukka hc: zuko’s love language is physical touch & sokka loves nothing more than the shy surprise on zuko’s face whenever sokka gives him exactly what he wants.
sokka had his suspicions zuko was extremely tactile, but it took him a few months to compile a mental register of just all the ways zuko likes to be touched by sokka. Whether it’s a hand on his thigh, a thumb running over the back of his hand, or sokka’s fingers latched around his wrist when they’re walking; whether it’s a soft kiss on his cheek, his forehead, the nape of his neck, the inside of his knee; whether it’s their hands intertwining out of sheer habit; whether it’s the soothing feeling of sokka’s fingers gently scratching his scalp when zuko lays his head in sokka’s lap; whether it’s sokka tenderly cradling zuko’s face with overwhelming tenderness every chance he gets, because he knows that’s zuko’s absolute favourite; whether it’s sokka kissing the top of his head goodnight when zuko’s laying on his chest, caressing zuko’s cheekbone with a lazy thumb until his breath evens out and he’s asleep and safe in sokka’s warmth.
It’s the casual intimacy that always gets to zuko and reminds him hourly of just how much he adores and trusts sokka. It’s the physical manifestation of giving and receiving the kind of love he never thought he’d be able to experience. It’s the mute reassurance sokka feels the same exact way about him.
hi what the fuck is this. HIGSHJBAJHBHJBABJHSBHJHJBSHBJABHJAHBJHBJSHJBSHJBHJBSHJBAJHKJKAKJAKKAJSJSKKA UMMMMMMMM???? E X C U S E M E????? this is tHE BEST THING. EVER???? So hahahaaaaa what iffffff I reread this one million billion times??? What then?? So franceblr how does a gift basket wrapped in silk and ribbons sound? With a lil sticky note and flower attached to it? You deserve it for this. How does it feel to be the flame that melted my cold, icy heart. How does. How do you feel after dropping this like it shouldn’t belong in a MUSEUM. THIS ASK IS A NATIONAL TREASURE 😭😭
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ghostatas · 7 months
Silly little idea/hc about Q!Fit and rock climbing.
In 2b2t, it was mainly something he did to get away from people. It's very common to get chased in 2b2t, and at times it could be hard to traverse the landscape, especially the areas that were covered with lavacasts and near spawn. There's not always enough time to get put your elytra, especially with how it makes your chest area vulnerable, so being able to maneuver around difficult terrain was a necessary skill- one Fit was particularly good at.
Not many people take the time to learn it- it requires a lot of upper body strength and co-ordination, theres also a chance of falling and taking unnecessary damage and it leaves you vulnerable to end crystal attacks if you're not fast enough - but Fit has perfected the art of rock climbing. Whenever he's in a tough spot, he always manages to get away by climbing some nearby mountain or lavacast, putting enough distance between him and his pursuers to get his elytra on and make a speedy escape.
Sometimes, when he knows he's alone or he's far out enough, he likes to climb the highest lavacast he can find. The exercise is good when you're not under the threat of dying, and the satisfaction of getting to the top is one of the few things Fit enjoyed a lot about 2b2t. There's also some killer views you can get, and we all know how Fit likes his cinematic shots- it reminds him that even in 2b2t, the oldest, most chaotic place on earth, there's good things to see and experience. There's something to live for, something worth fighting for.
(But no matter how beautiful it looks, he can never see the end of 2b2t. He can never see a way out. But he can wonder, imagine and hope that maybe one day, he'll see what's beyond the hellhole he calls home. Maybe.)
In Quesadilla Island, he doesn't really get to do it as much. There's not much time, there's so many new people and places (and threats) and things to do that he hasn't gone rock climbing. He also doesn't feel as much of a need to- in 2b2t, it was an escape for him, however brief. And slowly but surely, he's stopped running away, he's moving forward, trying to keep up with the sudden change of pace Quesadilla Island has bought.
But now, after purgatory, after the entire ordeal of losing the eggs for months and finally getting them back, after the black concrete after the rebellion-
Maybe, he can take a little break. Maybe, he can slow down for a few days. His son is safe, no one is actively hurting or hunting them just yet- its the calm before the storm, he knows, but just this one time, maybe he wants to savour it. A new chapter is starting, but for now... he'll stay where he is and stay in the moment. Let himself appreciate everything around him, everything he's been through and everything that will come.
He deserves a little rest, I think.
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spearxwind · 8 months
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hi hello i would like to wish everyone who has sent me dms the past month a very: i am sorry and i live in shame
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solmesia · 6 months
im not dead i promise kgmhgkmh
im catching up on all my work
for those of you waiting on coms all drafts/completed work should be sent <3
thanks so much for your patience
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transbeeduo · 6 months
guys i PROMISE tubbo’s pregnancy wasn’t all bad u gotta believe me there were a lot of moments where it was genuinely really nice and he’s happy i promise
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the-sixxth-sinner · 2 months
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Available on AO3
Fandom(s): Mötley Crüe
Characters: Nikki Sixx
Word count: 5k
Rating: 18+
Warnings: sex work; humiliation kink; pet/puppy play; non-con; public sex
Summary: Nikki Sixx only has one thing in mind: money; and he’s willing to do anything to obtain it. That’s why he decided to become a gigolo in the Hollywood scene of the late 70s, where he will experience the most various and bizarre encounters. In this episode, Nikki is going through tough times, and he has no choice but to accept a job offer from Miss Kitty Purr, a lady with... strange hobbies.
A/N: Did I ever mention that i dont proofread a single thing i write or that i definitely didnt do enough research on this one?
EDIT: I changed the name of the character bc I felt bad about it. Although it might be too late now but whatever. there are two versions of this going around now
Nikki couldn’t remember why he accepted this job. Oh yeah, because I’m broke, he reminded himself. Apparently, there was another gigolo in town, some guy named Alex Rouge or something like that, who’s been stealing all Nikki's potential customers. Things began being tough around a month earlier, when Nikki’s phone rang less and less from clients, and more from the landlord and the utilities company, urging him to pay his bills. And he thought that by choosing this career he would’ve lived the good life. To hell with that.
He felt a tug of the leash from Kitty Purr, tonight’s patron, which interrupted his thoughts. He sighed, picking up the pace on all fours. This wasn’t the first time Nikki was on a lead for a job, but he knew that this would’ve been much worse: at least the last encounter was in a dungeon, a private place where no one could see. Tonight, however, he found himself in a nightclub, where everyone stared at him in awe – or was it disgust? – like a freak of the circus. His knees hurt like hell because of the hard, dirty pavement he was crawling on, his bare body shivered at the contact with random hands that would pet his hair, his back, his ass, but the thing that ached the most was his pride when others would call him “a cute puppy” and laughed at him.
Kitty stopped in front of a table with four people sitting around it, who greeted her with friendly hugs and smiles. She took a seat on the couch and Nikki crouched beside her on the floor.
“Hey, Kitty, I see you have company!” Said a black woman with a deep voice, pointing at Nikki.
“Oh, you mean Rover? Yeah, he’s my special guest for tonight.” Kitty casually told her. “Come here, boy!” The woman invited him to sit on her lap by patting her thighs.
With a bit of initial hesitation, Nikki obeyed, climbing up and settling down on her legs.
Kitty leaned closer to the gigolo. “These are my friends. Behave, okay?” She whispered in his ear.
“Oh, he’s so cute!” Exclaimed another one of her friends, a girl in heavy makeup, grabbing his cheek.
Nikki tried to dodge her without success, resulting in him making a grimace at the contact with her hand. Another guy reached for his face, and Nikki attempted to bite his fingers, shooting him an angry look. The man recoiled, and Nikki could’ve sworn he heard him say “Fuckin’ asshole!” even with the blaring music in the background.
“No, Rover, bad dog!” Kitty jerked the leash. “Sorry about that, he doesn’t like being touched.” She explained, caressing his head. “I. Told you. To. Behave.” She repeated in his ear, grabbing his hair, through gritted teeth.
Nikki swallowed and nodded. He never feared the consequences of his actions, but when the punisher took the form of a stern-looking drag queen, he thought it would be better to do what she wanted. It’s hard when your friends are all dickheads, though... He wanted to say.
“Tonight we’re going to a party. I don’t like parties, but all my friends are there, so I want to bring them something to show off. That’s when you come into play.” Kitty explained to Nikki, while putting the collar and leash on him. “Tonight you’re my pet. Your name is ‘Rover’. Don’t forget that.”
Nikki nodded. “Got it.”
“Dogs don’t talk, Rover.”
“Oh, right. Sorry –”
“What did I just say?”
“I mean... Woof woof?”
Kitty lowered her eyelids, inclining her head to the side. “Almost there… You need to get more in character!”
Nikki let out a raspy, more convincing bark.
The drag queen exhaled from her nostrils with an amused expression. “Now we’re talking!”
“Does he know any tricks?” The black girl asked, pulling Nikki away from his thoughts.
“Oh, he does. I trained him well, you know.” Kitty responded. With a gentle pat on the back, the drag queen signaled Nikki that it was the time to get off her legs. He dropped from his seat and walked to the side of the table, taking a position where everyone could see him.
“Rover, sit.” She ordered, in a calm, yet demanding voice.
Nikki didn’t move a muscle.
Kitty tugged the leash. “I said, sit.” She reiterated, through gritted teeth.
The boy was staring at her, standing on the same spot.
Kitty looked at her audience and gave them an embarrassed smile. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s getting to him.”
The drag queen leaned closer to the boy, grabbed his balls and twisted them, with a painful yelp from Nikki, who felt his legs weak, making him fall on his knees.
“Gooood boy!” Kitty kneeled and patted his head, scratching him behind the ear.
“You... bitch...” Nikki hissed as the woman got up.
“And you’re a bastard. We’re even.” Kitty sneered, grabbing his chin and touching Nikki’s lips with hers.
Nikki felt his blood seethe through his veins, resisting the urge to throw punches. No, you can’t fuck this up, you need the money! A voice told him. Resigned to the situation he got himself in, the boy clenched his fists and jaw, feeling the nails digging in the flesh and his teeth hurt, until his rage went away.
Nikki couldn't tell if time was slowing down on purpose to make that night last even longer than it should've or if it had been actual hours since he walked into that nightclub. Ten minutes – or maybe two hours – went by, listening to Kitty and her friends yammering on about nothing, downing drink after drink while he had to stay painfully sober. It was surprising they could hold up a conversation at all with that noise in the background.
“This is my favorite song, let's go dancing!” Said the girl in heavy makeup at some point.
Everyone cheered and got up from their seats.
“Oh, I almost forgot about Rover.” Kitty turned her head towards Nikki. “Dave, would you be a darling and stay with him for a while?”
Dave, the only man of the group, who's been eyeing the boy all night, nodded more enthusiastically than Nikki would've liked.
“Sure, I'll keep him company.” The guy said, with a slimy smile on his face, as Miss Purr handed him the leash. She whispered something into Dave's ear, then he looked at Nikki and his smile widened, which sent a new discharge of terror mixed with rage down the boy's spine.
Dave finally plopped down next to Nikki, who subconsciously became stiff, tightening his shoulders as if that defense maneuver would’ve somehow saved him from that situation.
“What's wrong, Rover?” Asked the man, sipping his Piña Colada. “Aren't you having a good time?”
Nikki looked at him but didn't answer, but the clenching of his jaw was worth a million words. Mostly curse words.
“Don't give me those puppy eyes!” Dave laughed, wrapping an arm around Nikki and squeezing his shoulder, which made the boy become as rigid as a piece of wood. “What about a drink? My treat.”
“White Russian.” Mumbled Nikki. Vodka usually wasn't for him, he would've much preferred a Jack and Coke, but he thought he needed something much stronger to get through that hell, plus he wasn't paying for it, so might as well benefit from that opportunity.
“I like your style!” The other exclaimed. He then proceeded to call a waiter nearby and order the drink.
A few minutes later, the cocktail appeared in front of Nikki, who immediately picked it up from the tray and downed it in one single gulp, like if he was in a desert dying of thirst and that White Russian was the only thing that he could drink to survive, the only thing that could rescue him from that reality. The boy was so absorbed in his drink that he didn't even notice that both Dave and the waiter were staring at him in astonishment. He put down the glass, feeling his muscles immediately relax.
“Feelin' better?” Asked Dave. Nikki sensed the man wasn't asking it out of the goodness of his heart, but rather to try to slip his filthy hands into his skin-tight leather thong. Especially because Dave's fingers were now caressing Nikki's thigh.
Please, don't... The boy's heart began racing, his brain sounding the 'immediate danger' alarm, but his face and limbs didn't react to his fight-or-flight instincts. In the back of his head, he knew that if he raised even one single finger on Kitty's friend, that would've meant no money for him that night.
“You're gorgeous, you know that?” Continued the other in a flirtatious manner, bringing his face inches closer and his hand climbed up to Nikki's groin, to which the boy reflexively reacted by moving his head away.
But Dave persisted: he drew the leash towards himself and attempted to plant his lips on Nikki's, but the boy dodged him at the last second.
“I see you guys are having fun, huh?” Kitty's voice suddenly interrupted them. Nikki breathed a long sigh of relief while the other groaned in dissatisfaction. The boy didn't believe in God, but at that moment he felt like his guardian angel was really watching over him.
“Oh hey, Kitty...” Dave grumbled in disappointment. “I think Rover doesn't really like me. Do you think I can make him change his mind?”
“What's wrong, boy?” Asked Kitty gently, grabbing Nikki's chin. “Don’t you like Dave?”
Nikki shook his head, trying so hard to hold back tears.
“Oh darling, you're shaking! What did he do to you?!” The drag queen turned towards Dave, who shrugged. She roughly took him aside, making Dave lose the grip to Nikki's leash. The boy took advantage of that situation and immediately fled to the men's bathroom.
The cold, white neon lights carried Nikki to another dimension, where everything was muffled and quieter. Surprisingly, he was the only soul in that place at that moment. He shot a glance at the mirror and saw someone who had lost the spark of innocence in his eyes. Nikki thought he never had that to begin with, but after choosing this career path he knew it was definitely gone. The boy sighed and walked to the other side of the restroom, crashing to the ground, putting his head in his hands. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine... He kept repeating to himself. Man up, Sixx. You've been through worse. Man up, you whiner!
“Fuck!” He raised his watery eyes to the heavens and shouted to no one, out of frustration, his fingers shaky. The word echoed against the walls of the room and of his mind.
Right at that moment, he heard the sound of water flushing in one of the stalls, and a dude popped out of it. Great, now I'm gonna be made fun of for crying like a girl in the bathroom.
The guy let out a yelp in surprise. “Shit, you scared me! I didn't hear you comin' in!”
Nikki raised his gaze, but didn't say anything.
The stranger, who had long, unkept red hair, a stubble, big brown sparkly eyes and a sprinkle of freckles all over his body, frowned in preoccupation. He had two big scars under his pierced nipples, and was wearing nothing but a pair of leather shorts, fingerless gloves and a studded collar. “Are you okay, dude?”
“No.” The boy mumbled. “No, I'm not.”
The redhead advanced towards Nikki, slowly, like when you're afraid to startle a wild animal. “Got too much to drink?” He raised an eyebrow.
“If anything, I'm too sober for this shit.” Sighed the other.
The stranger burst out laughing. “Oh man, that must be torture! Everyone's drunk and high as tits here!”
“Yeah... You have no idea.” Muttered Nikki, finding the tiles of the bathroom wall very interesting all of a sudden.
“Maybe I can offer you a drink to make this night better for you.” The other boy said, extending his hand.
Nikki looked at him, doubtful.
“Oh, come on. Nobody deserves to be crying in the corner on a night like this.” He smiled. “My name is Romeo.”
Nikki finally reached out and shook Romeo's hand before the latter helped him get up on his feet. “Rover.”
“Is that your real name?”
“Yes. For tonight, at least.” Nikki opened the sink, cupped his hands under the water and washed his face.
Romeo shrugged and did the same, putting the water in his mouth and spitting it soon after. “Where's your master?” He asked, apparently out of the blue.
“Your leash.” Romeo nodded at it.
Nikki looked down, realizing he was still wearing it. “Oh yeah...” He picked it up in his hands to measure its weight. “Guess I am a stray, now.” Even Nikki himself seemed surprised by the gloominess with which he added that last sentence. By that time, he had discovered a lot of things about himself since he started working as a gigolo, that he wasn't sure he was proud of but learned to deal with, like his bisexuality or his humiliation kink. But pet play? He didn't know about that.
“Maybe I can be your master for tonight.” Romeo's words snapped Nikki back to reality.
The boy turned his head towards the redhead. “Aren't you a pet as well?”
“Well... yeah, but me and my mistress just broke up, so I can do whatever I want now. But what matters is, do you want it?”
Nikki took a moment to reflect. Romeo was the only person there who showed him empathy, so how bad could've been at his service for a while? Plus he was pretty hot, too. Yet, he couldn't accept, for he was technically in service for someone else already. “Sorry, I can't. I need to find my mistress, she must be worried about me at this point.” He said in the end, shaking his head.
Romeo sighed, visibly disappointed. “I see...”
A pause.
“Could I at least buy you a drink, while we look for her?” Romeo apparently didn't have any shame. Nikki should've expected it, though.
The other boy nodded and smiled, after a moment. “Gladly.”
“So, why are you here?” Asked Romeo, before taking a sip of his Jack and Coke.
Nikki imitated him. “Work.”
The redhead almost choked on his drink. “You do this for a living?!” He blurted out in a hoarse voice.
The other nodded. “I’m a gigolo.”
“Oh!” Romeo arched his eyebrows.
"Uh, yeah." Nikki's brows furrowed. "I thought you'd know about me. I have quite the reputation around here."
"I moved to LA not too long ago, I'm from San Francisco." Romeo explained. “But I bet you get so much business.” He added, smirking.
Nikki’s lips curved in a smile askew across his face, his eyes wandering away from Romeo’s eyes. “Well,” he said in the end, “it’s good money, but it’s a high-risk job.”
“But if anything, that’s what makes it worth it, right? High risk for a high reward!”
“Yeah, but you never know what kind of freaks you’ll meet. So far I’ve worked for cheaters, mistresses and masters, cuckolds... you name it. I try to keep an open mind but hell, sometimes it’s hard to even realize what you just stumbled upon.” Nikki swallowed a big gulp of his Jack and Coke.
The redhead's eyes widened in wonder. "That sounds fun as hell!" He grinned. “Maybe I should do that too.”
“I don't know if I would recommend it.” Said Nikki, after sipping on his cocktail. “People might take advantage of you.” He meant it as a genuine warning, but it was also his way to say to stay out of his territory.
“Believe it or not,” Said Romeo before downing the rest of the alcohol, “I kinda want people to take advantage of me. Especially if they're pretty.” His eyebrows arched and a smirk crossed his face as he added the last part.
Nikki looked at him with his head inclined on the side, while his brow frowned. “Y'know what, maybe we're not so different after all.” He said in the end, with an amused smile in his face, thinking about the mistress that hired him just to use him as a toy, about six weeks ago. In hindsight, that experience with her made him realize that in bed, he was down to do anything that would've pleased his partner, and if that meant to be taken advantage of, being used or denigrated, so be it, if the partner was so attractive to him that they were holding him on a choke hold. A thought about Dave fluctuated in his brain, but he dismissed it, telling himself that context was different: not only Nikki wasn't attracted to that man, but also he wasn't feeling like it at that moment.
Romeo laughed as well. He sounded hoarse, yet boyish, like if he was a teenager trapped in a twenty-five-year-old's body. Nikki couldn't get enough of it.
Nikki and Romeo downed a few more drinks, spending the time talking and laughing at increasingly stupid jokes. Nikki had totally forgotten about searching for his patron and Romeo seemed to have buried the memory of his ex mistress as well. They often exchanged fleeting looks and their lips would get so close they could feel each other's alcohol breaths on their faces, but only for fractions of seconds at a time.
“Y'know, I like you, Rover.” Slurred Romeo, completely wasted. “If that even is your real name!” The redhead burst out laughing, giving Nikki a pat on the back.
The other boy, just as shitfaced, giggled as well, putting his arm around Romeo's neck. “If you like me so much,” he mumbled, “why don't you marry me, huh?”
They looked at each other for a moment, then they both snorted and laughed their asses off.
They exchanged gazes again. Romeo gently touched Nikki's cheek with his warm fingers, which sent an electric shock down his whole body.
Nikki got closer, until he touched Romeo's lips with his.
Soon the kiss evolved into making out, biting, hands wandering. Romeo pulled Nikki closer by wrapping his left arm around his waist and his right arm under his knee, kissing and biting his chest and stomach.
Nikki, who completely abandoned himself at the mercy of Romeo, let him do anything he wanted to his body, moaning and giggling at every contact of the redhead's teeth and lips with his skin. Nikki was going more and more brain-dead, just enjoying whatever Romeo was doing to him, drowned in pleasure. There was something really freeing about that situation...
Romeo reached Nikki's groin.
The two boys exchanged gazes.
“Are you sure you wanna do it?” Asked Nikki, in a brief moment of lucidity.
Romeo shrugged, smirking. “Everyone's fucking, here. Let's give these people a good show, huh?”
Nikki let out a chuckle before grabbing Romeo's hair and pushing his head against his crotch. The redhead promptly pulled the thong to the side with his teeth and began worshipping Nikki's cock, by kissing and licking it first, then by putting it in his mouth.
Things quickly got messy and sloppy, as Romeo went down on Nikki with more and more enthusiasm and fervor, encouraged by the boy's yelps and moans, while the grip on his hair got tighter, until Nikki's warmth spilled out in Romeo's throat. Finally, Romeo raised his head, with a cheeky grin on his face.
Nikki beckoned the other with his finger to come closer. The redhead took his time to kiss and lick Nikki's torso until he reached his lips.
Once again, they quickly became more insistent with their tongues and teeth, grinding on each other. Nikki's hand slipped under Romeo's shorts. His eyes widened, visibly confused.
“Oh yeah, about that, uh... Sorry, but I forgot to tell you – ” Romeo's face became as red as his hair.
Nikki shushed him with a kiss. “It's whatever man, don't worry about it.” He said gently, caressing his cheek. “I haven't told you my real name either, so we're even.” He added.
“Well... What's your name then?”
“Nikki?” Repeated Romeo, puzzled.
The other boy nodded. “Kinda girlish I know, but we all have our secrets don't you think?”
“That's hot.” Smirked Romeo. “Maybe we really aren't so different after all.”
They got back to kissing, while Nikki's hand undid Romeo's pants as if it had a mind of its own. Two fingers slipped inside, making Romeo groan.
“Fuck, babe” Breathed Nikki, “you're soaking!”
Romeo simply let out a childlike laugh, followed by a yelp caused by Nikki pushing him down on the seat, pulling down his shorts and burying his face between his legs.
Nikki stayed there for an indefinite amount of time, furiously lapping and sucking on his heat, barely noticing that a small crowd was beginning to gather around them, completely inebriated by Romeo's moans. He felt a tug on his hair, which made him go down on Romeo even more aggressively. After a short while, Romeo sprayed his juices all over Nikki's face. Immediately after that, the redhead shoved the boy away and straddled him, rubbing his crotch against Nikki's, as their audience cheered him on.
Nikki, who began realizing what was happening, took a look around. Where the hell do all these people come from?! He shot a glance at Romeo, who didn't seem to mind all those pairs of eyes watching them, but the redhead must've noticed that Nikki's tension was rising, because he leaned towards him and kissed his cheek gently.
“What's wrong?” Asked Romeo playfully. “Performance anxiety?”
“I mean... It could be since the whole club is watching us.”
“It's very easy to please them, actually. Here, I'll show you.” Romeo pushed his tongue inside Nikki's mouth.
The boy, on the other hand, pulled his lover closer, the only thing at that moment that prevented him from thinking too much about how absurd that whole situation was to him.
Romeo didn't waste any time and pushed Nikki inside of him, winking at the people, who went wild. “You feel so good, baby.” He whimpered in Nikki's ear.
It was at that instant that Nikki's brain turned to mush and stopped caring about everything that wasn't having sex with Romeo. Something about how desperate he sounded drove him crazy. He grabbed the redhead by the waist and forced himself even further inside, which made Romeo throw his head back and emit a sound similar to a hound in heat.
They began thrusting, grinding, bouncing against each other, as their breaths grew shorter and their moans became louder. Romeo was completely out of it: he had his tongue out and his eyes rolled back, emitting groans that quickly transformed into proper barks. He took the phrase 'animalistic sex' to a whole other level, which Nikki found strangely arousing, to the point, in fact, of joining him with a guttural sound resembling a howl. Some couples from the crowd started kissing and touching each other, while another guy forced himself into Romeo's mouth, joined soon after by someone else whom the redhead began jerking off. Others instead, would slap him, play with his piercings or pet his hair, calling him names. This brought him to become tighter and wetter around Nikki, to the point of having another leg-shaking orgasm, squirting all over the place.
Nikki wanted to cum inside Romeo so bad at that moment, that he pushed the redhead and flipped him on his back. The boy pulled his lover's legs up and spread his cheeks, finding out that his ass had already been used that night.
“You're such a whore, y'know that?” He grinned. “You're worse than me!”
Romeo, who was face down on the sofa, let out a giggle.
Nikki made out with Romeo's holes for a bit while touching himself, then, he slowly slid his cock inside Romeo's ass. He dug his nails on Romeo's skin, groaning, then he quickly picked up the pace, pounding against Romeo like a piston, making him whine louder and louder with every thrust. Nikki couldn't get enough of that, it was the best sex he ever had in a long while. He needed this. He grabbed Romeo by the hair, forcing him to arch his back until Nikki could reach his ear. “You feel so fucking good.” He whispered, before moving his mouth to Romeo's shoulder blade.
Nikki's head started to feel dizzy and that meant one thing: he was close. A pleasant, tingling feeling went through his body as he finally ejected his load inside Romeo, and only after that, he slowed down, allowing himself and his lover to catch their breath. “C'mere.” He beckoned the redhead before their tongues united again.
That's when Nikki felt someone's lips pressing against his neck from the back and a pair of hands caressing his body. Normally this would've freaked him out, but the touch was warm and somewhat comforting. Then, the sweet smell of a woman's perfume invaded his nostrils.
Nikki turned his gaze. “Kitty? I'm sorry, I –”
The drag queen shushed him placing a finger in front of his lips. “Aw, it's okay. Although... You should call me next time you plan on having fun. I don't like being left out.”
“Is there anything I can do to be forgiven?” He asked, flashing his best smile.
She smirked, forcefully opening Nikki's mouth with her thumb, which he proceeded to suck on. He was completely consumed by lust at that point, so much in fact, that he didn't even flinch when he noticed Miss Purr's bulge under her skirt. He didn't even hesitate to put it in his mouth.
“That's my good boy...” Murmured Kitty, her head thrown back, with a lustful smile on her face.
Romeo soon joined in the fun, licking and sucking and making out with Nikki, making a show both for Kitty and for the last remaining watchers. The majority, in fact, either lost interest or went on and had sex right then and there or in the bathroom. But Nikki, Romeo and Kitty weren't inconspicuous to the eyes of security, who had to kick them out of the club, along with everyone who was around them.
“Well,” commented Kitty while brushing her clothes, “that didn't go as planned.”
Nikki, on the other hand, felt guilty for the first time in his life. He didn't say anything, just diverted his eyes and scratched the back of his head.
“Why the long face, honey?” She asked, cupping his chin.
“I don't know, I...” Nikki sighed. “I'm sorry for ruining it for everyone. I should've stayed there and –”
“Do you really think it would've ended differently?” Kitty arched an eyebrow, in an amused expression. “It's my fault, really, I shouldn't have left you with that creep. I'm sorry.” She added in the end, gently.
Nikki looked at her, staying silent.
Kitty pulled out some money from her purse and placed it on the boy's hand, squeezing it between hers. “Here, take this both as an apology and for exceeding my expectations. I haven't had this much fun in a while, even though it didn't last long. But” she shrugged, “you can't always have everything in life, don't you think?”
Nikki looked down at the dollar bills on his hand, counting five pieces of a hundred. He turned his gaze to Miss Purr. “Thank you.” He smiled.
The drag queen placed her hand on his shoulder, curving her lips as well. “You're a good boy, Nikki. Maybe we can pick this up later, what do you think?”
He nodded. “Gladly.”
As he watched Kitty go, someone gave him a pat on the back.
“Hell of a night, huh?” Said the stranger, whose voice Nikki recognized as Romeo's.
Nikki arched his eyebrows. “You could say that.”
“Listen,” Romeo walked in front of Nikki, to look at him in the eyes. “I just wanted to say... I haven't felt this good in a long while with someone. What if we – ”
“Could see each other again? Absolutely.” Nikki interrupted him.
Romeo's brows arched, his eyes sparkling, his lips curving into a smile. “Woah, man.” He sighed in relief. “I thought you'd never say yes.”
“I live not too far from here, actually.” Said Nikki. “We can get there right now, and in the meantime I can show you around, since you're new here.”
Romeo nodded enthusiastically.
Back at the apartment complex, the two entered Nikki's room.
“Welcome to my humble abode, Romeo.” Nikki bowed theatrically. “Make yourself at home. Mi casa es tu casa!”
Romeo thanked him and took a quick look around, then plopped on the couch. “You got a nice thing goin' here!”
The other boy shrugged, as he joined Romeo on the sofa. “It's something, y'know.”
“You're doing better than I am, for sure.” Romeo affirmed. “I don't even have a home at the moment.” He added casually.
Nikki blinked in surprise.
“It's whatever man, don't worry about me.” Romeo smiled bitterly.
“Do you wanna crash here for tonight?” Asked Nikki without hesitation.
A pause.
“I insist.” The boy added, going closer to the redhead.
Romeo turned his head to the side, as to evaluate the offer. “If it's not a problem for you –”
“No way in hell it is, don't worry.” Reassured Nikki, squeezing the redhead's shoulder, his gaze intense.
Romeo stared at him for a moment, then he placed his hand on the other's, and his lips curved slightly. “Thank you.”
The phone rang the next late morning.
Nikki got up from the bed, stretched his back, rubbed his eyes, and ran to answer.
“Hello? ...Yes, it's Nikki...” His voice still croaky and encrusted by sleep. “Oh, of course... In an hour? Sure – Oh, okay. See you later, then.” He hung up.
Nikki shot a glance at Romeo: he was still sleeping in his bed.
The boy took a quick shower, brushed his teeth and put on some random clothes he had laying around.
Before going, he tore a page of his notebook and scribbled something on it, leaving it on the table along with his spare apartment keys. He looked at Romeo one last time and sighed; then, he walked out: it was time to go to work.
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villetela · 24 days
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robotpanties · 5 months
bimbo v1 is like. the goofiest nsfw crack au that couldve arisen from any other au i have been involved in. like yeah, what IF it had boobs and dressed gay. what if its iq dropped so hard it forgot how to use its guns efficiently. what if it was so cheery for no reason. what if that freak was running around in a miniskirt the size of a belt and a gstring while someone elses cum was still dripping out of its p- (the guards begin taking me away
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catboyrome · 1 year
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my favorite ian hats/headbands from the tour <3
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