#im so ashamed oMG!!!!
shaottzang · 3 months
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you know what? i'm a fucking simp of iii's striped pants and checked socks and you got nothing to do with it.
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wifegideonnav · 11 months
yeah you say “cringe is dead” but do you still apologize about reblogging stuff related to your “cringy” interests? kill the mindset that you are somehow not included in that statement or we’re never actually going to change anything
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chloelouygo · 3 months
Why is showing someone else your writing the most mortifying embarrassing ordeal known to man 🥲
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savoryangel · 1 year
I seriously love indulging in my culture with my f/os as well into indulging into theirs as return!!
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blindedguilt · 2 months
I ship Caim and Inuart because Caim seems like he can be a bit of a softie (in his own way) when it comes to him and Caim and Leonard because toxic yaoi
//REALLLLLLLL godbless anon
//Cainuart is probably the best this fandom is going to get in terms of the "Ship something that's not Kaian" challenge (And don't get me wrong, I ADORE that ship!!! ...but there's more u could do if u aren't a coward 😈) though I'll be honest, it's never REALLY struck a chord with me?? I don't dislike it and it IS cute, but I have trouble getting interested as great of an idea as it is (THE WHOLE DYNAMIC AS FAR AS THEY'RE CONCERNED AS KIDS IS SO????? Arranged Marriage Fiancé x Arranged Marriage Fiancee's Brother is so...... but considering how lukewarm i am on inuarts character as a whole mainly with his role in the plot which is odd, he used to be my favourite lol i think that's why I'm not TOO invested despite the ship itself being really good
//like i want evil, fucked up shit!!!! Drakengard is all ABOUT evil fucked up people and their evil fucked up bonds together!!!!!! i dont want to back out at the last second and say "it all led up to them being wholesome, in the end!!! in this dark world, they at least have each other 😀" NO!!!!!!
//THEY WILL HURT, MAIM AND ABUSE EACH OTHER (??? or one will, unless we're talking about 1.3 which hoohoohoo boy!!!!! hoohoohoo boy fuckinh babey!!!!!!!)
//THEY WILL FUCK WITH EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY DUBIOUS CONSENT ON BOTH ENDS THEY DO IT AS A FORM OF SELF-HARM (in the form of "Hates them and themself so much they think they deserve it and/or might as well accept it as karmic punishment" and "Hates them and themself so much for the idea of getting attached (and at the same time hating the fact the other can't reciprocate at all as much as they hate the concept that they would) the least they can do is make that their problem in the only way that benefits him, too")
//ill be honest, it might as well be noncon at a certain point but I've been having revelations lately that i dont have to care!!!! and i don't!!!!!!! I COULD TALK ABOUT THEM AND HOW ENDLESSLY TOXIC THEY ARE AND HOW THEY HAVE ENDLESS POSSIBILITY TO MAKE EACH OTHER BETTER BUT BECAUSE THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT ABOUT THEMSELVES WORKS AND WHAT DOESN'T THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT DRAGGING THE OTHER DOWN THEIR PIT OF ISSUES INSTEAD FOREVEEERRRRRR i may be on ic hiatus but anon!!!! please tell me about the toxic yaoisms forever i am OBSESSED and ALWAYS willing to hear i love them
//also anon i apologise if u were the one who sent the one ic ask!!! I'm not currently doing ic asks at the moment but I will save it, just for you <3
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nebulaleaf · 10 months
woe... my peak of thinking my writing is at least tolerable is over... the feelings of inadequacy shall seep in...
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Crying screaming and throwing up about the new owl house episode. I'm so autistic about this show. It means so so much to me.
Aghgjf not actually throwing up because emetophobia but definitely crying and screaming for real
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naipd · 8 months
god idk if other pwNPD experience this or if im just particularly toxic but whenever my friends are doing something with their other friends but without me im like. not even white hot rage. just outraged and offended thinking theyd rather spend time with those insignificant people than with me. w/e. i pretend to be happy for them or to not care but inside im like thats wonderful. it would such a shame if they got into a serious car accident. or broke both of their legs. truly a shame. [totally not wishing this would happen to their friend. [lying]] i just need to be the 1st in everyone's minds all the time idk! i just want to be everyone's one and only, a cut above all their other loved ones is that too much to ask??
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carcinized · 2 years
feeling of growing into my body is so nice too. god puberty sucked
#i mean i had other stuff too. and so do probably most of my followers bc Trans Things. i never had dysphoria from being trans tho#it was all from discomfort during puberty + depersonalization#so now that both of those have lessened + ive gotten better at managing them. HOLY SHIT ITS NICE#i dont feel ashamed of my body!!! ive achieved complete body neutrality its so fucking awesome#i dont even feel like i need to dress up anymore. nor am i uncomfortable with the idea that someone could find me attractive#bc i understand its not my job to be or not be attractive its just my job to EXIST. other ppl can think whatever they want about me#its SO NICE. i am growing into my life its so lovely.#just a bit of positivity for you guys :] this site (and online spaces in general) can be so negative bc it’s a safe place to ent#so heres a break from that. from someone who struggled heavily w mental illness for multiple years#i don’t want to disclose what or why but it wasnt just quirky depression anxiety etc it was like from real scary shit + near death experienc#<- not to say anxiety & depression don’t suck. what i mean is that it wasn’t quirky ‘omg i have anxiety im so scared of everyone 🥺👉👈’#type shit that every white girl highschooler insists they have. it wasnt just beingn sad cus of high school LMAO#NOT TO DOWNPLAY THAT BUT LIKE. U KNOW THE PPL I MEAN. u dont have anxiety/ocd/depression dude youre just Sad. fairly so but itsnot Disorder#but. from someone who went thru all that. IT GETS BETTER. also if ur like 13-15 ur brain hormones suck and it gets better 100%#like everything feels So Bad but its just uour brain chemicals and i am so sorry uour brain does that. BUT IT GETS BETTER I PROMISE. <3#it doesnt make your struggles easier but you should know that it DOES get better. <3 love u#ok <3 take care guys#tobin talks
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hella1975 · 2 years
anyway in regards to my last post this is all to say that if i moved to a foreign country and shared a nice apartment with my mutuals where we did boring errands together and listened to nice music and danced barefeet then everything would be okay i think
#only recently discovering how much shame i internalised in regards to my writing#like genuinely think i have more internalised shame around my writing than i do being gay LMAO#there's a reason for it too shit went down when i was twelve and i connected it to my writing even though it kinda didnt have anything to#do with that it was just me using it as a coping mechanism again but ofc at that age i didnt know that's what it was#so for a good few years it was just 'WRITING BAD' like i fully didnt even have a laptop for those years i did not write a single word#idk why i thought i could just pick it up again without any residual issues towards writing#like even when boom and hannah were here or when im talking to my one irl that songwrites about writing#i just feel so genuinely uncomfortable like someone's about to do a 'gotcha!' moment on me#it's just something that feels like it needs to be a big dirty secret and that combined with my hometown vibes is just sooo stinky#but yh i realised how nice it was just having people i could just authentically get excited about writing with#like telling people about plot points or twists and having them be like !!!! omg !!!! like i want to surround myself with those people!!#i want to be brave enough and comfortable enough that i try and publish my shit regardless of what my hometown is saying!!!#and i will be one day i have faith in my own stubbornness and spite if nothing else#that my hatred of this town will overrule my fear of it#but for now it's just a very shit time lol#one day grown up hella will be buying apples with hannah and boom and we'll be talking about our wips in the shop#where anyone can hear us and on that day i'll stop and give a moment to baby hella who was so scared and ashamed#and i'll smile a little. and then i'll ram the trolley into hannah's ankles just for a laugh and i'll forget all about it
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celestial-sapphicss · 9 months
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flylikejetstreams · 1 year
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comphetthings · 1 year
i had a dream about a male celebrity (one that i don't even find cute?? wtf) getting horny by me and now i feel grossed out and confused as fuck because what if im straight and i'm actually pretending to be gay
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honeytrap-graham · 2 years
do you guys know when they do a close up of eddie’s fingers playing the guitar? he was actually rubbing my clit, they just added the guitar in post
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lilioopdf · 1 month
this week (this is my attempt at journali-fying my blog)
- ive been complimented the most since this new school started
- met an old close friend i don’t talk to anymore because he transferred to a boys school notorious for raising rich and arrogant assholes when we were 14 and changed drastically after that (i u-turned instantly when i saw him but pretended not to recognise him even when made eye contact like ten times but he still waved at me at the end so it’s okay)
- got a dm from my old classmate to catch up (actually ive spoken to so many old friends recently my heart is so warm and full ❤️❤️)
- but have also realised this clique leader doesn’t like me and she’s influenced one of her members to be afraid of speaking to me too even though we we chatted in a shared class the week before
- realised that im not the only one who noticed the clique leader being hostile ish towards me 😍😍 (anyway my friends and i all agree that it is much better to be the bullied than the bully so i don’t care and i’m grateful she doesn’t like me because i don’t want to interact with her anyway)
- omg but also the girl that was scared to talk to me in front of the clique leader was so nice to me in our shared class like… the first time i tried speaking to her when the leader was there she was so dismissive and kept backing up when i was trying to help her with her project but the next day we clicked so well again and she kinda waited for me after class but idk i told her i needed to stay and ask the teacher if my submission went through and then we accidentally met each other in the lift again and she complimented my hair colour but we just awkwardly stood away from each other after that because we were texting our own friends ro meet for lunch
- actually half of them are nice and i can talk to i just think Thing One is the common… idk fear (??) here because lots of people even those from other classes have pointed this out
- oh and i managed to compliment this girl who’s style ive wanted to compliment for WEEKS because i love casually dropping compliments but she was so pretty and intimidating with good style so it took me time but i did it
#i was so mad on the way to school on thursday#was actually about to skip class too#because i was exhausted and mad from how the clique girl dismissed me the day before#and i was reminding myself of all the negative things that has happened since school started#and i was like wtf if she doesn’t want to speak to me in public because she’s ashamed or whatever then i don’t want to speak to her AT ALL#but it turned out okay#but idk left a bad taste in my mouth when i realised Thing One was the common denominator#but tbh idrc because i just want to get through school#but omg i got my overdue period the next day and had the worst cramps ever#suffered through our coldest (24 degrees celsius) class#with CRAMPS#horrible horrible cramps#wait but let me promote menstruheat rq theyre like 24h heat packs you can stick to the inside of your pants#and they work so well i promise#and then i had an econs project after where one of my friends pointed out an incident where Thing One was hostile towards me#and i was like omg i didn’t wanna talk shit about her but you noticed too??#because i was actually really humiliated by that incident tbh#also this is so petty but Thing One took a pic with a plaque or whatever that had my country’s name on it (i’m a minority ethnicity here)#and i got so mad#or like disgusted idk#that’s MY country step away from it rn#anyway its past midnight rn and im like doing my econs work 😞😞#and studying the different types of theatre stages or whatever so#life is silly#personal
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oscill4te · 2 months
ok ive been watching total drama island w my roommate, the season with mike (season 4?). hes not the worst rep for... yknow. a certain developmental mental disorder. tbh.
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