#im so excited for halls guys it starts in a WEEK
ggrimboy · 1 year
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behold my characters for halls smp!! they both have custom models ill show off once the season officially starts >:3
nakey versions under the cut also
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Lucky Girl Syndrome!! / theodore nott x fem reader
playlist : lucky girl syndrome - illit
summary : y/n has always been just a lucky person , in her acedemics , looks , friends , family and even in her general day to day. however she wasnt so fortunate when it came to her love life...but maybe it wasnt luck chasing love away , but instead someone close to her?
y/n , slytherin reader , fluff , swearing , arguing , jealous theo, anrgy theo and reader
a/n - as an extremely unlucky person- this fic gave me inner peace LMAOO
thats that me espresso! (another theo fic)
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you walked happily though the halls , narrowly missing a prank set up by the weasley twins as their failed trick of a water bucket soaked them and left you completely dry. how lucky!
"i swear there is something wrong with that girl like she has some kind of force feild!" george sighed in frustration , their 3rd prank of the week failing to actually get you.
"God has favourites georgie, he has favourites ," fred patted georges back as they both sulked away to dry their now drenched clothes.
of course you were olbivous to the whole thing! your stroll down the hallway continued , the sun hitting your face in just the right way as you reached the great hall , practically skipping to the slytherin table.
"hi guys!" you exclaimed excited as you sat down at just the right time to ignore the apple that had just come flying at your head.
hearing the apple crash to the ground you turned again , confused seeing the apple roll around on the ground.
"shit , sorry y/n i was aiming for harry but he dodged!" ron shouted apologetically across the room.
"dont worry r-" you started until you were interuppted by your best friend theo besides you, who held a cold glare at ron.
"do that again and it wont be an apple flying at your head weasley!" theodore shouted at him as ron awkwardly looked away.
"dont theo , it was an accident," you said putting a hand on his arm as he immediatly softened.
"youre too kind y/n you shouldve been in hufflepuff," pansy said with a sigh.
"green suits me more," you smiled at pansy as she giggled ,"besides i can be quite mean when i want to be."
"youre not wrong about that , you nearly broke my ribs with that bludger in quidditch!" draco complained , still not letting go of a quidditch incident from 2nd year.
"draco i really wish you would get over that , it was my first match i was nervous and thought you were on the other team," you sighed starting to eat your food.
draco grumbled in response until the whole table turned around to look at something behind you, in confusion you turned too and saw a ravenclaw boy in your year.
"hi y/n i was just wondering if maybe you would-" the boy , named david, started to speak until catching his eye on something besides you. waiting for him to carry on he instead shuddered with fear and backed away instantly , practically running back to the ravenclaw table.
"david!" you tried to call after him , but instead he walked faster , sitting himself down and avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"the fuck? what...what did i do?" you asked your friends frantically , knowing that he intended to ask you out before he suddenly stopped.
"you didnt do anything sweet y/n ," matheo started before shifting his eyes to theodore next to you, "maybe a greater force got in the way?"
confused by his choice of words you looked back at david , a look he didnt return. in frustration you held your head in your hands and groaned , "im so unlucky!"
"i wouldnt say that," blaise scoffed as the whole friendgroup nodded , knowing luck was not your lack.
"no i mean unlucky in love! david was clearly going to ask me out but just like the gryffindor from last week he couldnt even finish his scentence and ran!" you sighed , venting your anger to your friends.
"yeah well you can do much better," theodore remarked in a cold tone , his eyes still peircing where a shaking david sat. as you watched theodore stare and david cower , everything seemed to click into place.
"theodore!" you snapped at him , making him finally turn and look at you , "yknow sometimes i think that you drive them away!"
"you think!" lorenzo scoffed as pansy smacked him on the arm , quickly shutting him up.
"i havent done anything, its not my fault he ran off , what could i have done?!" theodore argued back as the rest of your friend group watched him in disbelief , knowing he drove david , the guy from gryffindor and every guy ever, away.
you scoffed ,"oh really so you didnt death stare him? he clearly looked at you before running!"
"wow i didnt know you would get so touchy about david the ravenclaw!" he said in a mocking tone as you both seethed with anger.
"read the room theodore for fucks sake! maybe i do want to go on a date , maybe i wouldve said yes! i didnt notice at first , how every guy just bolted as soon as he looked at some mysterious thing next to me , now i realise it was you probably doing a cut throat gesture!" , you ranted at theodore as draco tried to hold in his laugh.
"maybe he had an epiphany about you or something!" theodore tried to argue back , all of you knowing he couldnt really deny anything you said , it was all true.
"what- you think its me driving them away? stay out of my love life theo its none of your fucking business!" you harshly shouted your final remark before getting up from the table and stomping out of the great hall.
"there goes that mean streak i was just talking about," draco mutters , shaking his head and continuing to eat his food.
the table sat in silence for a few second before mattheo spoke up again, "you kinda deserved that."
"fuck off!" theodore snapped as he jumped up and strode after you , and out the great hall.
walking into your dormroom you threw your robe off of you and loosened your tie , trying to lose some of the heat from your argument.
pacing the room your thoughts were interrupted as the door burst open , theodore walking in and standing in front of you , keeping a fair distance as you stared back at him.
"what do you want now theo!! do you want to control my friendships? maybe throw a glare and a threat at enzo and draco and maybe they'll stop talking to me aswell!" you shouted at him loudly now, as venom dripped from your words.
he stepped towards you quickly , as you tried to back away- he grabbed the sides of your face delicatly.
"i want you," he said , his voice just above a whisper as your heart burst into flames , the heat dispersing itself across your cheeks.
"d-.. theo dont say thing you dont- that you know you dont mean," you said avoiding his gaze , shaking your head as your voice had dropped to an insecure mumble.
"y/n i have only ever wanted you , i glare and i threaten and i hate the boys that ask you out because i want you. i need you." he said softly , pulling your face closer to his , forcing you to hold eye contact.
"theo i-" you started as he cut you off quickly.
"please if youre going to reject me just know....know that ill tell david to ask you out , ill never do anything to intercept love for you again. i promise , just please... let me down easy.." he spoke quietly , insecurity and sadness seeping though his words.
this time it was you that softly garbbed his face and lifted his eyes to meet yours , "theo...maybe i didnt realise it until now but...i have always liked you."
his sadness faded as he looked at you with shock , his silence allowing you to continue in a lighthearted way, "maybe ive glared at a few girls too , unknowingly of course!"
you both laughed at this as he looked at you like you painted the stars into the pitch black sky , "im sorry for pushing those guys away...well not really but more like im sorry that you got sad about it"
you laughed again before allowing yourself to get lost in his eyes , the green like that of a four leaf clover- rare yet so beautiful , "maybe im not so unlucky in love afterall , it was right there in front of me the whole time."
he smiled at you with adoration before pulling you into a sweet , loving kiss. fortune was on your side today , as it brought you your luckiest pull yet , theodore nott.
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applepinsss · 2 months
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"Can I have some of your love?"
genre: fluff, silly idea, Miles being absolutely whipped for reader
synopsis: Miles finally decides to make a move on his hallway crush.
song inspo: Some - Steve Lacy
tags: @oliveeoil
AN: imma be real, this is like my first miles fic ever, so if i write him a bit out of character, im so sorry guys 😭 but i really enjoyed writing this and i tried to make it as cute as possible! anyways i hope you enjoy!
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Things can be repetitive. Each day feels just like the one before it, causing things to become a pattern. It happens to the best of us, even to the pride of Brooklyn himself. The days Miles could recall were starting to mix. Go to school, vigilante work and go home for the weekend, over and over again. This was how things had been for the past month or two, at least until a few weeks ago.
Before, school was more like a blurry mess of repetitive assignments and classes, a place that he disliked and just not worthy of getting up early for everyday. Now for the first time in a while, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement every morning. Couldn't help waking up early, getting ready and being focused on one thing, the same thing that was on his mind on late nights. Having him giddy with excitement, being a bit quicker out the door every morning just to be even a little bit earlier to wander the hallways for a while, scanning the groups of fellow students while hoping to find a specific face every morning before class.
He spots you from a distance, playing it cool and only looking for a moment, just to admire from a distance before being forced to head over to first period. Hurrying to class as he mulls over your appearance in his head, trying to keep the image fresh so he can replicate it on paper.
You had your hair in a simple 'fro today, having taken out the French curl braids you had in for months. Miles always enjoyed how creative you were with your hair, showing up with a different style everyday whether braided or free, as he always tried hard to notice the differences in each style before doing his best to recreate it on paper.
Class passes as usual, the dull lecture of the teacher being nothing more than white noise as Miles does his best to redraw what he saw from you this morning. As he moves from class to class it feels like he sees you almost everywhere. Gathered at the lockers laughing with a friend or two, leaving a class with an armful of books and a binder or just aimlessly wandering the halls, either avoiding returning to class or on your way to the restroom.
There were so many chances in the day to talk, but besides the overwhelming nervousness at the thought he didn't exactly know how. You were in his Studio Art class and you had spoken to him before but only briefly to compliment his J's, to which he responded with an awkwardly enthusiastic thanks. To avoid embarrassing himself he kept his distance, picturing the day where he’d finally work up the nerve to say hi.
Today was actually different from the usual class; In Studio Art today, your class has been volunteered (more of assigned) to help work on painting some large set pieces for theater. As you’re all standing in front of the theater director for instructions on where to begin, by some form of luck, Miles ends up piled in next to you. With this realization he feels a good amount of fear and curiosity inside, with him being able to see you clearly in his peripherals simply waiting, although with a faint air of frustration for the group to begin.
Something inside him wants to speak up and say something, anything to get your attention but the fear of saying something embarrassing keeps him silent as his mind races to come up with a subject of interest. He spares a few glances only to find you already looking at him, now refusing to look at you even after hearing you let out a huff of laughter, still staring. “...bruh, I've seen you staring already. Can I help you?” You laugh as you watch him stammer to come up with a response, eyes looking everywhere but at you. “Oh-! Um, shit, sorry..uhh…your J’s, where'd you get them from??”
Oh my God, are you serious? You could have said anything, and you asked about her shoes?? He watches in embarrassment as you look down at your shoes and back up at him in confusion. “Uhh, at the mall. Why?” He hesitates for a moment before blurting out a response. “They, uh, they look nice.” You nod. “Oh, thanks.” An awkward silence follows, with you and Miles both sneaking glances at each other before being dismissed to work with everyone else. Feeling a bit embarrassed and disappointed, Miles began to walk off only to realize you were following behind him.
You can't help but smile at his surprised expression before hurrying ahead towards a tarp with some smaller set peices. “We should start with these first, don't you think?” He watches as you sit down cross-legged on the tarp, silently inviting him to sit with you. “Uhh, yeah, sure.” He smiled back, sitting down with you and watching as you mess with a few bottles of paint before glancing back over at him, a hint of embarrassment on your face.“So, you got any idea what we're supposed to do? "Cause I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't really paying attention.”
"I don't- I think we're just supposed to paint over them in white? I'm not sure.” You sigh at this, passing him a brush before pouring white paint into the tray. “I'm really not tryna do this today. I actually wanted to stay in Art today, get to work on my project.”
“The mixed media one? I haven't really started on it yet…” You let out a huff of laughter. “Me neither. I just had a few ideas in my mind..just trying to come up with something, yknow?”
Silence begins as the two of you work on painting, but Miles can't help but glance over at you every now and then, only to hear you speak up again in a more shy tone. “I've seen some of your art too, the street art at least. It's really impressive.” You keep your gaze locked on the task in front of you, completely missing his pleased, surprised and flattered expression. “Really?”
“Yeah. From what I've seen, you never draw a sketch for that style, you just go for it. That's cool, and I've seen your tags too, the one on your bag, I mean, and..I like ‘em. They're cool.”
You trail off, getting visibly embarrassed, before looking up to see the awkward smile on his face, completely floored and pleased by your appreciation and fumbling to come up with a response. “Uh, thanks! That's really… I can make you a tag too, if you want!” Miles watches as your eyes light up and you hesitate to accept his offer. “Really? You don't have to if you don't want to..”
He nods, completely unbothered. “Yeah. I don't mind, really.” He watches as you smile back, making his heartbeat speed up. “Thank you…if you're interested, I can show you some of the ideas I had for the project, once we finish all this, of course.”
“Okay, sure.” Feeling accomplished and thrilled by how smoothly things went, the two of you continue to paint in a more comfortable silence, with a new feeling of relief and excitement for the next interaction between you two.
wc: 1,281
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beebotea · 10 months
☁️ ˖⁺ thinking of collegeboy!kayn
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pairing: heartsteel!kayn x gn!reader genre: fluff, crack cw: probably ooc ngl, hearsteel is a rising boy band, kayn is annoying asf, slight jealousy, idk classmates to crush ig, reader is an ezreal stan i.e.: collegeboy!kayn headcannons
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collegeboy!kayn who’s part of the rising boyband heartsteel
collegeboy!kayn who stands as one of their lead rappers and opens for their first single
collegeboy!kayn who has amassed a significant following outside of school for his looks and stage persona
collegeboy!kayn who has this arrogant, bad-boy-esque aura to him when he walks around the halls
collegeboy!kayn who you had the unfortunate luck to sit beside on your first day of class because he was in your program
collegeboy!kayn who often misses classes during band promotions
collegeboy!kayn who starts to fail his classes because of his horrible attendance and lack of study skills
collegeboy!kayn who you’ve been tasked by one of the department heads to tutor
collegeboy!kayn who was told to play nice during tutoring sessions or he’d be kicked from band activities if he failed a single class at the end of the semester
collegeboy!kayn who gets kicked out of all the public spaces you guys try to study at because he always makes too big of a scene at any minor inconvenience
collegeboy!kayn who brings you back to the dorms because you’re too embarrassed to step foot in public within a 10-meter radius of him, but he still needs you to help him pass his classes
collegeboy!kayn who gets annoyed when you start to fawn over ezreal when he greets you from the living room
collegeboy!kayn who drags you away by the wrist to cut your conversation off short, grumbling about not knowing what you see in the guy and how you’re sooo shallow for liking the pretty boy under his breath
collegeboy!kayn who yells at his mom yone for barging in during your study sesh and bringing in a plate of perfectly cut fruits
collegeboy!kayn who threatened to “beat the living shit” out of ez if he didnt stop flirting with you while he was trying to figure out maslow’s hierarchy
collegeboy!kayn who decides to lock the door after having k'sante peek his head in to “check on how you're both doing”
collegeboy!kayn who started to look forward to walking with you back to his dorm after class and spending time with you once a week
collegeboy!kayn who begins to do better in class with your consistent help every weekend
collegeboy!kayn who impulsively called you, excited that he got a b+ on one of his final exams
collegeboy!kayn who turns red in embarrassment when you tease him over the phone about never calling you prior (he always insisted he was a text-only type of guy)
collegeboy!kayn who couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when you laughed, saying that he wouldn’t need you to tutor him anymore
collegeboy!kayn who, without thinking, said, “no! im still stupid, you have to keep tutoring me!”
collegeboy!kayn who mentally facepalms when you laugh at him again for being such a loser about it but quickly gets over it when you agree to keep helping him
collegeboy!kayn who finds himself thanking someone for the first time with a slight smile on his face before you disconnect the call
collegeboy!kayn who throws the nearest pointed object at sett and tells him to "fuck off" when he gets teased for looking so lovesick over a phone call of all things
collegeboy!kayn who slams the door of his bedroom shut and comically lets himself fall face-first into his pillow because he’s realized he has absolutely developed a crush on you at this point
collegeboy!kayn who thinks to himself with a smirk and decides it shouldn’t be too hard to win you over with his undeniable charm and good looks… right?
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a/n: should i release a one-shot or multi-part ver of this? i got MORE!!! also are league fics a thing? idt ive ever seen them but oh well heartsteel kayn is just too UGHSAHJGSHJG
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 4
snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
hey again B) here is part 4 to Shameless, i hope you guys enjoy it, it gets a little soft at the end, and i mean a little. next chapter im hoping to explore reader and snape's relationship a little more, maybe some more tension im not sure... we shall see
thank you again for reading and supporting this fic with likes, reblogs, comments, everything! i really do appreciate it. :) love u guys
okaaaay LETS GOOO!
Another week and a half had passed and it was now a bitter and cold midweek morning. Since that interaction with Snape in the dungeons, you hadn't seen much of him since, nor really spoken to him. He'd rarely come to dinner in the Great Hall in the evenings, let alone breakfast or lunch. You were a little disappointed with this considering he'd given you permission to use his first name, it felt like he was allowing you into his space. Or at least, that's what your overactive mind was thinking. You thought about it deeper as time went on, and you'd reached the conclusion of it just being a professional thing. It bothered you a little, of course, considering how you felt about him.
You'd just finished teaching a class of fifth-years, preparing them for a mock test on Monday. The lesson was rather smooth-going, apart from having to tend to a student's finger after they were bitten by a fanged geranium. After the whole debacle on your first day back teaching at Hogwarts, you were rather glad that only a bitey flower had gone rogue in this morning's lesson.
Presently, you were currently strolling to the Great Hall, dressed in rather nice, muted yellow-gold robes. You were always proud to represent Hufflepuff colours, you took pride in being sorted in that house after all. The mood at Hogwarts was a little low and cautious, considering students were turning up Petrified at every other corner you turned. Luckily, you had not come across one yet, you didn't think you'd be able to stomach it.
The Dueling Club was due to begin today, with Lockhart hosting it. You'd also heard that a teacher had agreed to help Lockhart with the beginning demonstration. Intrigued, of course, you couldn't miss one of your colleagues shooting a spell towards the bane of your existence.
So here you were, standing to the side in the Great Hall, watching the hustle and bustle of students and teachers eagerly awaiting for the show to start - this is Lockhart we're talking about. A table had been set up in the middle of the Hall, a pretty blue and gold tapestry draped over the top of it, dotted with astrology art. Students surrounded the table, giggling and talking excitedly about what could happen. Or, what could possibly go wrong? you pondered, smiling to yourself.
Soon enough, the man in question had hopped up onto the table. "Gather round! Gather round!" Lockhart's screeching voice reached your ears as you watched him strut across the table, one arm gesturing theatrically at the students. "Can everybody see me?" He questioned, looking at the students with bright eyes. Unfortunately, yes, you thought. "Can you all… hear me? Excellent." Lockhart said, quickly spinning on his heel, the cape attached to his bodice twirling with him elegantly. "In the light of the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves; as I myself have done on countless occasions."
You fought against a laugh in the back of your throat, choosing to cough lightly instead. Yeah, remember that time you couldn't handle a classroom full of little pixies? You rolled your eyes and folded your arms against your chest.
"For full details, see my published works." Lockhart added rather arrogantly. Was this guy serious? Merlin, he loved himself far too much. The famous author then proceeded to whip his cape off, throwing it into a gaggle of fawning teen girls. The gasped with excitement, their hands flying up to grab a hold of the piece of clothing.
"Let me introduce… my assistant," Lockhart began, pointing at the opposing side of the table with an open hand, his other one resting valiantly on his opposite hip. You reached up onto your tiptoes in a poor attempt to see what teacher he'd roped into this. Professor Sinistra, perhaps? Or even- "Professor Snape!" He exclaimed.
Your jaw dropped. There was no way in hell you'd heard that right. Before you could second-guess yourself, said wizard began trailing up the stairs to the table with a gloomy look on his face, his arms folded uncomfortably tight against his chest. As he reached the top, he let them unfold, placing them at his side, wand in hand. You noticed he wasn't wearing his cape too.
As Severus walked down the table, you couldn't help your eyes as they glided over his figure, getting embarrassingly distracted by how good he looked in his tight, form-fitting black robes. You had to force yourself to look away as you felt yourself falling victim to his alluring appearance, a searing hot blush now creeping up your neck, heading towards your cheeks. Gods, he didn't even do anything but take his cape off and you were blushing like a teenage school girl.
"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry," Lockhart went on, glancing at the children who were leaning over the edge to eagerly glance at Snape. Surely, there was no way he willingly agreed to this, but then again, maybe he only agreed to it to have the legal ability to cast a spell on him. "You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him. Never fear." Lockhart professed rather over-confidently, deafening arrogance dripping from his words. You knew Snape was a very good duellist after hearing rumours during your time at school in Hogwarts, so you were confident that he'd dominate Lockhart. At least, that's what you were hoping.
The two wizards walked towards each other, stopping just shy of a foot away. They drew their wands, whipping them up to their own respective faces, before whipping them back down in one quick motions, a sharp swish emitting from the way it sliced through the air. Severus and Lockhart spun around, turning to walk five paces in the opposite direction. Once they were in position, they turned around once again to face each other.
"One, two, three!" Lockhart exclaimed, prompting Severus to draw his wand up at the speed of light. Before Lockhart has a chance to cast anything, the Potions Master was two steps ahead.
"Expelliarmus!" Severus commanded, a bright white light shooting from the tip of his wand, hitting Lockhart square in the chest and sending him flying backwards. Your hand flew to your mouth to muffle an amused laugh as you watched Lockhart fly through the air, a cry of pain escaping his lips as his back thudded against the table.
As you looked back to Severus, you couldn't help the small smile that tugged at your lips. Though you had hardly spoken since, it was hard not to feel impressed. The rumours were true, then, you thought, your smile widening. The wizard in question suddenly caught your eye, and you felt your lungs spasm. You had to suck in a breath to compose yourself as your legs tingled.
You nodded at him, wiping the awestruck smile off your lips and pursing them awkwardly instead. To your surprise, Severus acknowledged you back with a nod too. He turned his attention back to Lockhart, who was currently scrambling to get back to his feet. Your cheeks burned at the unforeseen encounter and you felt yourself becoming a little giddy from it. Gods, you really were like a little school girl with a crush.
Fuck. You couldn't understand how you could go from screaming your lungs out at Severus to possibly having a civil relationship with him - how does that even work? Though, you swiftly reminded yourself how that could quickly change, you were well aware of who he was.
"An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying, it was pretty obvious, er, what you were about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you, it would have only been too easy." Lockhart scoffed, strutting back to stand in front of Severus, his gimmicky grin making another appearance on his irritating face. The Potions Master stood nonchalantly, clasping his hands together in front of him. You had to give it to him, he had that poker face down rather well - something you were a little envious of.
"Perhaps it would be prudent, to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, professor." Severus said rather harshly, his tone of voice judgmental. He was totally valid for feeling that way, and for once you found yourself questioning Dumbledore's reasoning as to why he had hired such a useless and clumsy wizard. Surely, someone as wise as him could see through this man's pathetic and hopeless act? Maybe he was just desperate for someone to fill the position. Lockhart looked scared for once, his once confident grin fading as Severus stared him down, a sarcastic smile gracing his face for a split second.
"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape." The famous author exclaimed enthusiastically, spinning on his heel to walk the opposite way of him. "Well… let's have a volunteer pair. Erm.. Potter, Weasley, how about you?" Lockhart gestured towards the boys. Ron's face was a picture, he looked awestruck, almost shocked to see that he'd been picked. Harry's face, however, was more fitting.
"Actually, I was thinking Professor L/N could stop lurking in the shadows and come and showcase her impressive range of skills." Severus declared, his rather loud yet deep and intimidating voice echoing throughout the Great Hall. You almost choked on your tongue, did he really just say that? As you looked up at him, Severus tried to hide the amused smirk that was undoubtedly slipping onto his smug face; his hand outstretched to gesture to you. You wiggled your jaw at him, clearly unhappy with what he'd just done. You weren't great at defence, but you knew how to protect yourself with the bare minimum.
"I highly doubt a professor of Herbology would be able to handle me in a duel, I'm afraid, Professor Snape." Lockhart laughed wholeheartedly, the tiniest hint of worry in his tone. Oh, really, is that how it is, Lockhart? Your jaw ticked at his outrageously offensive comment. Now, you really did want to Expelliarmus his ass to Azkaban. Snape continued smirking. He could hardly contain himself. This was perfect. He knew how easy it was to irritate you - he'd definitely had his fair share.
"Certainly, Severus." You called out calmly, watching the gaggle of students in front of you turn around to stare at you. As your eyes met with Lockhart, a flash of fear wiped across his face. That only spurred you on more. Your heels clacked against the floor cutting through the silence in the hall as you walked towards the end of the table that Severus had climbed up. As you reached the stairs, you held up your robes, careful not to trip.
Suddenly, a large and pale hand appeared in your face. Your brows furrowed together in slight confusion, before softening as they saw who it belonged to. You bit your tongue as you tried impeccably hard not to blush in front of half of the school. Graciously, you took Severus's hand lightly, watching how it swamped your smaller one, allowing him to help you up the steps. He was six-foot-one, possibly six-foot-two, after all. Once you were standing on top of the table he released your hand, to your dismay of course, but you didn't show it. There was a bigger thing at stake currently - handing Lockhart's ass to him.
You saw the author clench his jaw harshly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed nervously. You couldn't help but paint an innocent smile on your face. Behind you, Severus stepped backwards, allowing you to move past him and towards Lockhart. You nodded at him, keeping your narrowed eyes trained on the strawberry-blonde liability in front of you.
The two of you walked towards each other, stopping in the middle of the table once again. "Wands at the ready." Severus said, trying his best to hide how entertaining he was finding this. You and Lockhart drew your wands, flicking them up to your face again and whipping them down to your sides with a sharp whoosh. You met each other's glaring eyes.
"Hello, friend." You muttered to him quietly, an innocent yet threatening smile gracing your lips. Lockhart's face might have seemed confident and prepared, however his terrified eyes painted a different picture. He was rightfully worried, you still had a lot of unreleased resentment towards him.
"Professor L/N, you are the attacker and Lockhart, you are the defender, obviously." Severus stated.
You and Lockhart turned around and walked forwards five paces, before turning around again. "One, two, three!" Severus called, his eyes widening a tad, eager to see the outcome of his proposition.
"Everte Statum!" You exclaimed, beating Lockhart at his own game. A string of pale pink light shot from the tip of your wand, landing square in the middle of Lockhart's chest. Your eyes were glued onto him as he flew backwards once more, his body flipping through the air like a gymnast - though a lot less graceful. He landed with a muffled thud, a short cry slipping from his mouth. Behind you, Severus was slowly losing his composure, letting a small huff of air escape his lips as he watched you, amused at the scene. He was impressed with your ability, and in his mind he pondered curiously about whether you'd duelled before.
Gasps and laughs erupted from the students surrounding you, though a handful of them also looked worried for Lockhart's wellbeing.
"Not bad for a Herbology professor, methinks." You smiled proudly, clasping your hands together in front of you as you waited for your opponent to climb to his feet again. You half-turned to glance back at Severus, prompting an approving nod from him, the corner of his lips quirking, teasing a small smile. You hummed quietly to yourself as you looked away, returning your attention to Lockhart, your cheeks tinting pink from the eye contact with Snape.
"I believe you owe Professor L/N an apology, professor." Severus said from behind you, quite smugly. You poked your tongue into your cheek, glancing at the floor in front of you to pull yourself together. This whole ordeal was sending you into overdrive. You knew the only reason that Snape was supporting you was because you shared a mutual dislike for Lockhart, but it still felt good to have his approval, perhaps even his attention. You could feel your heart pick up in pace as you thought back to the closeness you and him had shared during those heated, intense bickers.
"I should not have underestimated you, Professor L/N." Lockhart reluctantly said, his hand gently rubbing his behind, clenching his jaw as he stared at you and Snape. You smiled bitterly at him, nodding once and making your way back towards the Potions Master. As you neared him, he leaned towards you, catching your eye. Your breath hitched slightly.
"Nicely done." Severus muttered to you, another tiny smug smirk tugging at his lips. You sucked in part of your bottom lip momentarily before allowing a composed smile to grace your features. "I'm impressed." He added, making your head spin. You swallowed thickly. Gods, you needed to get out of here now if you wanted to leave with at least a shred of your dignity.
"Thanks." You barely managed to keep your voice steady as he leaned away from you, holding his out his hand again for you to take. You took it, praying to Merlin above that your shaking knees didn't give way to you as you carefully stepped down the stairs.
Snape arched a brow at you, his eyes narrowing slightly in a glare, silently reprimanding you for saying such a thing. How could you forget? 'Do not thank me', his words rang in your head as you let go of his hand. As much as you wanted to stay, you weren't sure your heart could take much more of this.
Fuck, maybe that hateful relationship the two of you shared previously was the better option. There was no way you were surviving this year in such close proximity to Severus.
"Don't touch that please, Mr Finnigan." You sighed softly, catching a glimpse of Seamus attempting to reach towards the head of a potted Mandrake. "Not until I say so, and you will see why." You added warningly, watching him reel himself back, a look of slight fear on his face. You smiled gratefully at him. "So, as I was saying, today you will be learning how to handle Mandrakes, and what their uses are." A few curious mutterings came from the students as you stepped forwards, flicking your wand upwards to float some protective earmuffs to each student in the class. They looked at them confusedly, reaching out to grab a hold of a pair.
"Who here can tell me the properties of the Mandrake root?" You asked as you watched the students collect their respective earmuffs, eyes flicking over to a particularly eager Hermione Granger. "Yes, Miss Granger?" You smiled, linking your fingers together.
"Mandrake, or Mandrogora is used to return those who have been Petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous, as the Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it." Hermione said confidently, widening your smile. She was definitely a bright student.
"Brilliant, ten points to Gryffindor." You nodded, glancing at all of the students. The Gryffindor students all grinned at the sound of your words, giving Hermione an excited nod of thanks. "Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours, hence the earmuffs I have supplied you all with." You said sternly, hoping each and every one of the students were listening. You weren't particularly fond of paying the infirmary a visit today. "For your own safety, you will need to wear these. So please, can you all put them on right away?" You asked politely, feeling a sense of relief as every student obeyed you. "Make sure the flaps are tight down, too." You added sternly, noticing some students had just sloppily placed them on. Said students readjusted their equipment.
"Lovely, now watch me closely." You said, turning your attention to the potted Mandrakes in front of you. "Now, you grasp it firmly," you instructed, fingers grabbing on tightly to the top of the plant, "you pull it sharply out of the pot, like so." Instantly, the high-pitched wailing of the young Mandrake filled the greenhouse, making some of the students squirm out of fright. You couldn't help but smile at them; you remembered the first time you'd experienced the shrill wail of a Mandrake seedling in this very greenhouse. "Okay? Now, you dunk it down into the other pot and pour a little sprinkling of soil to keep him warm." You explained, doing as you said, shovelling handfuls of soil into the new pot with the crying Mandrake seedling inside of it.
Suddenly, the sound of a student groaning caught your attention. You looked up, spotting Neville Longbottom's eyes rolling into the back of his head as he fell backwards, fainting. You sighed. Well, nothing is perfect.
"Mr Longbottom has obviously been neglecting his ear muffs." You pursed your lips, casting a sympathetic gaze his way. It always seems to be Longbottom in trouble. Amused snickers and inquisitive 'oh's broke out for a quick moment before you shut them down with a sharp shush.
"He's just fainted, ma'am," Seamus Finnigan protested, glancing between the unconscious boy and yourself. You nodded at him, holding up a light hand to reassure him.
"He'll be okay, Mr Finnigan, just make sure you don't step on him." You said, inhaling softly, turning your attention back to the whole of the class. "Right, off you go, there's plenty of pots to go around," You gestured to the table in front of you, observing the students carefully. "Grasp the Mandrake, and pull it up sharply like I demonstrated." A chorus of crying and shrieking Mandrakes reached your ears as you observed the class repeat your demonstration and you grimaced slightly at the raucous plants. You forgot how loud these little things were in groups. "Careful, Mr Malfoy, don't-" You sighed again, watching helplessly as he stuck his finger into the mouth of one.
Merlin, give me strength, you pleaded, watching him glare at the Mandrake seedling as he ripped his bitten finger out of it's mouth.
"Professor," came a voice to your right, capturing your attention, "You were great at duelling earlier." A blonde girl with big, blue eyes said. Luna Lovegood.
"Ah, thank you, Miss Lovegood." You smiled at her gratefully. "I'm not usually one to duel, however," You paused for a moment, pondering on your words. These were students you were talking to, so you had to be cautious with what you said. "However, I should really be thanking Professor Snape." You finished with a coy smile.
"He totally likes you, professor, didn't you see the way he helped you up the steps?" Another student called out, inducing some giggles from the girls. You rolled your eyes at them, quite positive that they were just pulling your leg.
"Let's not be hasty, now," You laughed lightly, frowning at their words. "I can tell you now that Professor Snape and I just about tolerate each other. The only reason he helped me up those steps was out of pure chivalry, I can assure you." You felt your cheeks begin to burn as your mind reeled back to earlier this morning, thinking about the way your hand felt in his, and how he looked at you after you had duelled Lockhart.
You cleared your throat and your mind, focusing back on the task at hand. "If I'm honest, I don't believe Professor Snape is capable of producing such feelings for a woman." You added absentmindedly, your tone a little bitter. A chorus of gasps and ooh's reached your ears, reminding you that you were in the presence of students - students that like to talk. "I didn't say that… don't… don't tell him I said that…" You groaned, fingers flying up to grasp the bridge of your nose in stress.
Fuck. You really needed to stop talking without thinking. That was another thing Severus had said to you a couple weeks back at the beginning of the year, no? You were still the same silly girl that didn't think before she spoke? You hated how you were proving him right, especially since you'd denied and protested it.
There was a beat of silence as you stared at the Mandrake seedlings in front of you, your mind floating back to when he was so close to you, his intoxicating smell of smoke, books and sweet wine invading your nostrils. The way his hauntingly dark eyes stare so deep into yours, his nostrils flaring ever so slightly out of anger.
"You're blushing, professor!" An amused student called out, pointing at your burning cheeks as he pulled you out of your daydream. Merlin, these kids were distracting you. Definitely not helping.
"Alright, alright, that's enough chit-chat, ladies and gentlemen, back to work, please." You shook your head, trying to ignore the tightening knot in your stomach. A few bashful giggles erupted in front of you. "I want all of these Mandrakes repotted by the end of the lesson, please."
Soon enough, the bell tolled and your students had done very well, apart from Longbottom, of course. You'd sent an owl to the infirmary to notify Madam Pomfrey of Neville's state. You assured her that he would wake in a few hours. How was this boy continuously finding himself in such situations? Severus was right. Again.
A quiet groan left your lips as you collapsed into your chair behind your desk, eyes glued thoughtfully to a beautiful, singular white lily that you had potted and placed as a decoration on your desk. You were just about to relax into your chair and open up a book to read for an hour or so when you heard Professor McGonagall's worried voice over the intercom.
"All students are to return to their dormitories immediately. All teachers to the second floor corridor." She said hurriedly, causing a worrisome look to stir on your face. This was serious, Minerva had never requested something like this before in your time teaching and learning at Hogwarts.
What had happened now?
part 5
part 4, done and dusted bitches B)
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siren song - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open! Hii! I was wondering if you could please a do an Xavier x f!Reader where maybe they are like best friends but she likes him and he doesn’t realize and he starts hanging around Wednesday more. the reader starts to feel neglected so she basically asks bianca to use her siren powers to make her forget Xavier, bianca is hesitant but she does it and Xavier finds out and it’s really angsty cause like his best friend doesn’t remember him? up to you if the spell can be reversed and if they have a happy ending or not! Thank you sm in advanced :)
A/N: you will not BELIEVE!! how excited i am for this request! im planning on turning it into multiple parts, so we will see how it works out <;33
wordcount: 5,359 warnings: me not knowing anything abt school systems, she/her reader, a small bit of angst, xavier abandoning reader, reader has telekinesis, lots of smaller scenes that are similar to the ones in the show, asking bianca to manipulate you, few curse words part 2
You have been best friends with Xavier for the longest time and you were convinced he shared romantic feelings for you as well. But, when he starts to become head over heels for the new girl and ignores you at the Rave'n, you can only think of one solution. Bianca's Siren Song.
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The first half of the semester had passed already, as you were now finally on your break. One week to do anything you wanted which meant you could go back home, but this time, you decided to stay at Nevermore. Xavier mentioned that he wouldn't be going anywhere anyway; his father didn't care if he came by, and to spare himself the trouble, he would just stay at Nevermore and close to his art studio.
So, considering you are his best friend, you decide to also stay. Surely not because you have feelings for him. Though, that might also have weighed in as you made your decision to stay.
Xavier lets himself fall down on your bed. Yoko had left for the week, leaving you all alone in the big room. You hated being alone for too long, so you invited Xavier over. He was one of the only people that would stay at Nevermore anyway.
"If I had to listen to any more talking about plants, I would have set the classroom on fire," he mumbles as his face is planted in your pillow, making it hard for you to hear what he is talking about.
You let out a laugh before dropping your bag next to the bed. After three hours of Botany, you could also take a break from the subject.
"Hm," you nod, sitting down next to his legs. "Are you down for a trip to Jericho? We can get some drinks and snacks, movie night?"
Xavier immediately looks up, nodding his head before rolling off the bed. It was a 25-minute walk, but the sun was shining and it wasn't too cold, so it wouldn't be that bad.
After two hours you are finally back in your dorm. The shopping had taken a bit longer as both you and Xavier had forgotten to change out of your Nevermore uniforms, resulting in some nasty glares and bad comments from the townspeople.
"Weren't those freaks supposed to be going home?" You look back at the voice, seeing a small group of guys around your age huddled together, snickering and laughing at you and Xavier. The tall boy pulls your arm, trying to get you away from the group. "Come on, they're just assholes. No need to make a fuss," he whispers in your ear. With a deep breath you turn around, but not before making the can in one of the guys' hands fly to the ground as it explodes on impact, soaking the group in the sticky soda. You let out a chuckle before following Xavier back to Nevermore.
After getting some dinner in the Quad, you race upstairs again. Normally, there are no guys allowed in Ophelia Hall, so you had to sneak Xavier in. Luckily you had done that many times before already, and if you were extra lucky, Thornhill would let you go without any hassle.
Your desk gets filled with all the snacks that the two of you had gotten in Jericho. There is so much, that you wouldn't be surprised if it lasted more than only a week.
"All right, so do you vote for an animated movie, action, romance, horror?"
Xavier was busy picking out a movie as you transformed your bed into some type of 'movie watching paradise'. It is filled with enough blankets and pillows to be a bird's nest, but at least it is comfortable and warm. Once the movie is chosen, Xavier scoots in next to you. The bed is meant for only one person, so it was a tight fit, but neither of you acknowledged it. If anything, it made your heart race faster as your cheeks felt warmer. You have had feelings for Xavier for a while now, never knowing if he returned them, though he has never proven that he didn't.
And that is how the week flew by.
Hanging out in either your or his dorm and sometimes even in the art studio. You weren't the best artist, but you would just sit and watch him paint, handing over some drinks and snacks during the day as you worked on your own thing. Then, at night, you would watch a movie or listen to music before dozing off.
Slowly, all the Nevermore students start coming back, and the dorms fill up again. Yoko had also come back, so you stopped sneaking Xavier in for a bit. Not that Yoko really cared, but you thought that she would maybe want to enjoy the room by herself for a bit before you invited him in.
"Oh my God, Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long," Enid squeals, wrapping her arms around you as you finally joined your group in the Quad. "You will never guess what news I have!"
"What is it?"
"I'm getting a roommate!" She cheers. "I have been alone this entire semester, but Thornhill told me that on Monday, I will finally get a roomie!"
Ajax winces, a distraught look on his face.
"You're forgetting the part where she ate her classmate."
Enid rolls her eyes, shaking her head.
"It wouldn't be the weirdest thing at Nevermore. though it is kinda weird... Anyway, it's only a rumor."
You look at Xavier and he only shrugs, a smirk on his face as the two of you look at the bickering between Ajax and Enid. It is only a matter of waiting to see if there will be an actual cannibal in your school or not.
That evening, Xavier invited you to the Nightshade Library to chill there. 'A quiet moment before the shit show starts again,' he had said, and you couldn't agree more. Not to mention that there was only a small group of people who knew how to get into the library.
"Do you think the new girl is actually a cannibal?"
Xavier bursts out laughing before spinning the pencil in his hand.
"I would surely hope not. You know Enid, when she hears a rumor, she writes about it."
That was true. You don't know how she did it, but Enid always knew what was going on in Jericho and at Nevermore. How? No idea. You look up at the pencil that levitates in the air. You had stolen it out of Xavier's bag, mindlessly controlling it as you talked to him about all sorts of things.
"That's true. I'm sure Enid's blog will be full of new gossip in a few days."
"Her mother used to do fencing," Enid mumbles, her mouth full of food. "She killed two kids, not one! She said she didn't keep count, but I don't know if that is true. I feel like she will fit in though."
Ajax looks at her with a horrified look on his face. How does she say that and be so calm about it? He had been face-to-face with the new girl when Enid did a whole tour around the school.
A laugh escapes your lips when you see his expression as you almost spit out your drink. You love how exaggerated the Gorgon is sometimes.
"She also insulted my side of the room! She apparently is allergic to color or something, it's insane. Y/N, does my room look like rainbow vomit?"
You look from Xavier to her, hesitating for a moment before shaking your head. Her room is extremely colorful, but you wouldn't bring it as rude as the new girl.
"No, not at all. I find your room very comforting, actually."
Enid lets out a relieved sigh. She knew it!
You stand opposite of Xavier, your blade in your hand as you are dressed in the white fencing suit. Xavier and you always trained together. You both knew each other so well that the moves were quite predictable, but that is also what made it more difficult.
When you hear another pair of footsteps nearing, you look up. A girl, around your height, enters the room. Also dressed in fencing attire, though hers are dyed as dark as a shadow. You take off your cap, looking at her in confusion before averting your gaze to Xavier. He had also taken off his mask as he looks at the new person.
"Coach! She tripped me!"
"It was a clean strike, Rowan," Coach almost sighs. This has been the fourth time he tried to go up against Bianca, but he never made it.
"Maybe practice some more. I'm sure you will get it," she smirks. "Try again next time, Laslow. Seriously, Coach. When am I going to get some real competition?"
Bianca might be the queen of Nevermore, but she is also the queen in fencing. No one can beat her and it is something she is quite proud of. You never hung out with her a lot, but she is always sweet to you.
"Anyone else want to challenge me?"
You were almost up to it as you had never gone against her before, but the newbie beats you to it.
"I do."
Bianca turns around to face the new girl, a surprised yet amused look on her face.
"Oh!" She exclaims. "You must be the psychopath they let in."
"And you must be the self-appointed Queen Bee," the other girl says, her face clear of any emotion.
"No need to start throwing around names," Bianca raises an eyebrow. "Rowan doesn't need anyone to come to his defense. He's not helpless, just lazy."
"Are we doing this or not?"
Two rounds pass between the girls fencing as they both have one point. You elbow Xavier to try and tell him something, but see that his gaze is fixated on the girl in the black suit. You breathe in deeply before just looking back at the fight.
No masks or tips? Is she insane?
Even though Wednesday is the one to propose the idea, Bianca still scratches her first, a bloody mark apparent on the forehead of her opponent. Another day where Bianca is left as the top in the class.
"I'm sorry I'm late," Xavier huffs, his hair still damp. "I uh- I was stuck in the infirmary."
You were annoyed, but now also worried.
"What? Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?"
"Oh, no! No, you know those gargoyle statues on the roofs? One fell down, almost hitting Wednesday. I pushed her out of the way and then had to bring her to the infirmary. She wasn't even happy with it, she was almost upset about the fact she didn't die."
"What a hero," you joke, a smile on your face as you also feel a pang in your chest.
You don't want to be that person, Xavier is free to spend time with anyone you wish. Maybe it is just your insecurity. But, he is here now. With you.
While Xavier was working on the mural, you just sat with him, handing him a new paintbrush or filling up his paint palette whenever he needed it. When hanging out with him, you never really needed to do something crazy each and every time. You could sit next to him in silence and it would still be considered a good time for you.
"Do you hear that?"
You hum, looking up from your phone. In the distance, you can hear a cello. The source seems to be from Enid's dorm. Or, shared dorm now. Enid couldn't play the cello, so it must be Wednesday.
It was time for the Harvest Festival, something you looked forward to for a while. There would be games, food, and music, and you would be spending it with some of your friends.
The field was already filled with groups of people excited for a night of fun. Jericho wasn't necessarily the place to be when it comes to entertainment, so the Harvest Festival was one of the biggest things every year. You walked in with Enid, Wednesday, Xavier, and Ajax as Weems walked right behind you. The lady was intimidating, but you knew that she wasn't there for you.
The principal had sat down on a bench, keeping a close eye on Wednesday as you walked a bit further with your own group.
"Where did Wednesday go?"
Xavier looks around, but the pig-tailed girl is nowhere to be seen. You shrug, the girl seems to be very quiet, so you didn't hear her sneak off either.
"I'll be right back, I will look for her real quick."
Before anyone can reply, Xavier walks off, trying to find the new girl. You look at Enid for a moment before shrugging yet again, continuing on with your adventure at the festival. You could try out some new food maybe, though the hotdogs were always good as well. After spending tons of money on food and drinks, you sat down at a picnic table, Kent and Yoko joining the group as well. After a few minutes, Xavier comes back, sitting down next to you with a huff. You push your popcorn a bit closer to you as he mutters a 'thank you' before stuffing some in his mouth.
"What got you so upset?" Ajax looks at his best friend, sauce stuck on the corners of his mouth.
"Just some normie," Xavier responds shortly, sipping your milkshake before placing it back in front of you.
"If anyone needs to be thrown against a wall, you know who to call," you just grin.
Telekinesis is, in your opinion, one of the most useful powers that you can have. Be it something big like moving a car, to something small like turning off a light when you are just getting comfortable in your bed.
Xavier just stays quiet which makes you stop talking about the subject. Whatever it was, it must have really annoyed or hurt him.
"Xav?" You knock on the wooden door. "Xavier, are you okay?"
You had just heard about Rowan being expelled from Nevermore, though the reason was unknown. Not even Enid knew why the boy got kicked out.
After some shuffling, the door opens. Dressed in a red shirt and grey sweats he awkwardly looks at you.
"You uh- You can come in. There is no one else here anyway," he mumbles, a slight smile on his face.
When he turns around to walk to his bed, you notice some bruises on his arms.
"You okay?"
He only nods before laying down on his bed, patting the place next to him. With a smile you sit down as well, running your fingers over the blue-ish patches on his skin.
"Rowan went a bit crazy," he only whispers. "No need to worry. Movie?"
When you get into your Botany class, you see that your usual seat is already taken. Wednesday sits next to your best friend, sitting on the chair that almost had your name written on it. You breathe in deeply before walking to the back of the class, taking your place next to Bianca.
"What is going on between you two?"
"Nothing," you whisper back. "Xavier is just friendly."
"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, mister Thorpe."
You look over at his desk as you see a big spider crawling out of his page, stopping in front of the girl.
"Admit it," he smirks. "You're a little impressed."
One smack was all it took to change the spider into dust, making it disappear into thin air.
"Xavier, sit still!"
The two of you are laughing as you almost sit on his lap, a brush in your right hand and face paint in your left. He insisted that he wouldn't be able to do the makeup for the Poe Cup himself and that you had to help him. You were almost finished, but Xavier got impatient as he moved around.
You push him in front of the mirror before throwing his hat at him. When he puts it on he does some silly faces. The dark makeup around his eyes does really make the blue-green pop. Xavier catches you staring at him as you seem almost mesmerized by his look. He turns around with a smirk, looking down at you before charging at you, making you let out a scream before trying to escape his hands.
"Xavier! Come on, we have to get to our boats!"
You follow Ajax and Xavier outside, meeting up with the rest of the people that were excited about the Poe Cup. Four teams that will compete against each other, though you wouldn't be surprised if Bianca's team won again. Putting Sirens on water? There is simply no other way.
Every boat is painted inspired by an Edgar Allen Poe story, and they all looked amazing.
"Good luck," you whisper to Xavier before he gets into the boat.
"Oh, we will win," he winks before jumping onto his seat and pulling his jester hat down.
The boats take off after the gunshot, some faster than others. You wonder what type of sabotage this year would bring. After only a minute, the first boat crashes already.
All the boats are out of sight as you patiently wait. What is strange to you is that Wednesday participates. Enid even made Wednesday wear cat ears- though you are sure she absolutely despises them. Something about Yoko accidentally eating garlic and the pig-tailed girl taking her place.
From afar you can see a red, black, and yellow boat getting closer and closer to the shore, though the Jokers seem to be slowing down and even- sinking? Oh god, Xavier is not going to like this.
It almost seemed like Bianca would win again, but that is until the spikes go through the side of their boat, ripping holes into it as it slowly fills up with water.
The Black Cats had won, making Enid scream with happiness as she jumps up and down with the Cup in her hands. Oh, you will never hear the end of this. Ajax and Xavier are sitting at a table, both sulking while staring down at the piece of cake that they had gotten. They were so upset with their loss, that they couldn't even take a bite of it.
"You guys did amazing, I am sure that you will win the next cup!"
Xavier only huffs, pushing the cake around with the fork.
Both Xavier and Ajax are extremely competitive, so they took the loss extremely personally. But, you believe in them. You always do.
When Xavier had told you that Wednesday found his private art studio and asked him to the Rave'n, your heart broke a little. Somewhere in your mind, you had hope. Hope that he would ask you to the dance. But he seemed so happy. So happy that the girl that he admired asked him to the dance.
Since then, he barely talked to you. No more movie nights, the seat next to him was always taken by the deadpanned girl, and even during lunch, he would barely say anything. Texts would be left on seen and calls would be ignored.
The news of Xavier basically being dumped for the Rave'n should upset you. And in a way, it does. You knew that he admired Addams, but if she hadn't blown Xavier off, you wouldn't be here right now.
"She just totally messed it up. Sneaked into my studio just to accuse me of the most outrageous shit," Xavier scoffs, his hands running through his hair, almost pulling it out of his scalp.
"Hey," you lean closer to him, taking hold of his hands. "We can go to the Rave'n if you want? At least neither of us will be alone."
Your fingers slowly comb through his hair, taking out some small knots on the way. He only nods, staring down at the floor.
"Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like a plan."
Your outfit matches Xaviers perfectly. His suit was nice and crisp, decorated with a small black ribbon around his neck. You added a ribbon around your wrists and neck, almost acting as a necklace with matching bracelets. You hold onto his arm with a bright smile as the two of you walk through the Quad and towards the Rave'n.
"I'm so happy you got that stain out," Xavier laughs. "Remind me to never eat anything with ketchup when I wear something white."
"I tried to! But you insisted on it," you giggle, greeting Thornhill before entering the prom.
The room is decorated with bunches of white flowers, sparkles, lights, and what seems to be ice sculptures. It is truly a sight.
"Have anything to spike it with?"
You let out a gasp before elbowing Xavier, shaking your head with a laugh.
"No, but we might be able to get something from Ajax later tonight."
Both of you take a cup of punch, smoke coming out of the cups. It looks kind of intimidating, but at least it tastes good.
You had sat down with Devina, Kent and Xavier, though Xavier is more quiet than usual.
"Are you okay?" You mumble, looking up at him. "Is it Wednesday?"
He turns his empty glass in his fingers, letting out a soft sigh. He doesn't want to be upset, but the feeling of being dumped like that still hurts him in a way.
"Yeah," a smile makes its way on his face. "I'm sorry. I do really like being here with you."
Your cheeks feel warm and your heart feels like it will explode, so you take his hand, softly squeezing it before nodding.
"If you want to leave, you can always tell me."
"Yo!" Ajax hurries over before he taps Xavier on his shoulder. "Check that out!"
Everyone looks over to where he is pointing at. Wednesday Addams. Her gown is black instead of the usual white and she is accompanied by some Normie. Huh, you would never have guessed that that was what she was into.
"Wednesday totally busted out of her cocoon."
It's true. The girl does really pull off the look, even though you never expected her to enjoy the Rave'n. But, to be totally fair, her face looks almost disgusted as she takes in the decorations. Your eyes fall on Xavier, who is back to having barely any emotion on his face as his eyes are just fixated on the Addams girl.
Without any warning, Xavier stands up, walking towards Wednesday as she pours some punch into two glasses. You try and ask him what he is doing, but decide to hold your tongue.
You were so excited that he finally talked to you again after ignoring you for Wednesday. He finally returned to his old self, but the second the darkly dressed girl stepped into the room, it is like you didn't exist anymore. Wednesday herself never did you any wrong, and that is why it makes you mad at yourself. How can you be so annoyed with a girl that has nothing done wrong?
You just wish you were her. You wish you could pull off her hairstyle, be deadpanned, and be intimidating while also being beautiful. But most of all, you wanted the attention that she got from Xavier.
"You okay?" Kent whispers, looking at you with his eyebrows creased.
He spent a lot of time with you while you were being ignored by your best friend, so he kind of knew what was going on. You only nod, averting your gaze down to your empty cup. Did you not mean anything to him? Come on, Y/N. Stop exaggerating, he can have other friends.
When you look back up you see that he is still talking to an uninterested Wednesday.
"I'll be right back," you mumble, picking up the hem of your dress before going through the exit.
The music here is quieter and the lights are dimmed. Even though you can hear the talking and dancing in the room right next to you, you still feel alone. Are you a bad friend for wanting Xavier's attention? Are you being too jealous? Or maybe you are just being too insecure.
You plop down on the couch, letting out a sigh as you stare at your shoes. Your heart wishes that this evening would have gone differently. You could go out and have fun with the rest, yet you sit here, sulking.
It doesn't take long to hear another pair of footsteps.
"Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer."
You look to the side, seeing Wednesday pull on her heels. You let out a chuckle, shrugging.
"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. You know what they say; suffering tests a woman."
"Speaking of suffering," the girl turns around, looking at you. "Where is your date? I didn't see you and Xavier on the dance floor. But I don't blame you, the music at this dance is appalling."
"We uh- I don't know. He walked off. Haven't seen him since he went up to you."
Wednesday hums, leaning back against the couch as well. If she had to dance one more time, she might start breaking her own legs.
"Wednesday? Can I ask you something?"
"You already are," she states.
You laugh awkwardly before you breathe in. Your hands are shaking, making you feel stupid for asking.
"How... How did you manage to get Xavier's attention?"
She raises an eyebrow, looking at your face. You don't dare to look at her, though. It was already embarrassing for you to ask this question, you don't want to see her judgemental stare.
"If I knew, then I would immediately stop it. He is annoying and only stands in my way," she mutters, rolling her eyes. "Why? You are his best friend, does he not pay attention to you?"
"I wish he did a little more."
A sad smile on your face before you push yourself up, stretching your legs. Wednesday can't help it.
"Well," you nod, looking back at the Rave'n. "You look beautiful today, Wednesday."
As you walk off, you hear her respond.
"Xavier is an incredible idiot for not seeing how disgustingly in love you are."
This evokes a real laugh out of you. It is hard to absolutely hate the girl. But she is right. Then again, maybe you should have said something.
"Yo, yo, yo! Almost eleven o'clockity, so haul it out on the dance floor one last time before the Rave'n says Nevermore!"
Just as you enter, Kent pulls your arm, pulling you onto the floor for the last dance of the evening. You know what? Fuck it. Together with Enid and Kent, you do some weird moves, jumping and swinging your arms to the music.
You don't care anymore. You want to have fun with your friends, and though it would have been more fun with Xavier, you have to accept that he just... Doesn't feel the same.
You look up confused when you feel splatters on your face. Did the sprinklers go off? When you look at Kent, you see that red liquid is dripping down on his face.
"Kent? Are you hurt?"
Before he can answer, the sprinklers turn on fully, coating everything in a layer of red liquid. Is this blood? You look down at your dress and hands which are now stained. What kind of prank is this? People start screaming, trying to hurry out of the room, making you pick up your pace as well. The floor is extremely slippery as you almost fall over multiple times. Where is everyone? Where is Xavier?
As you reach the exit, you see Xavier and Tyler bumping into each other.
"What the hell are you doing, man?!"
"I'm just texting my dad," Tyler looks the guy up and down. "He's on his way. Have- Have you seen Wednesday? I lost her."
"How should I know," Xavier sneers, turning back around to leave already. "She's your date."
He looks back at you once before walking off. You pause for a second, frozen in your place before you faintly hear Tyler asking if you're alright.
"I uh- Yeah. Sorry for Xavier."
After you finally washed all the paint out of your hair and off of your skin, you decide that you want to visit Xavier. He was definitely still not doing fine, and though he blew you off, you just had to make sure he was okay. After all, you were still his date today.
Dressed in your pajamas you sneak out of your room and towards the hall that Xavier stays in. He must have showered now as well. You hate to admit it, but even covered in the paint, he was still amazingly pretty.
"Xavier?" You whisper-yell, knocking on the door of his room. "Xav- Can you let me in, please? If Coach sees me here he will kill me."
The door swings open, revealing an annoyed boy hiding behind it. You sneak in quickly as the door closes behind you.
"What?" He asks, biting on his cheeks. He wanted to be alone, yet you are here now.
"I just wanted to see how you were doing," you shrug. "Seeing Tyler after he beat you up can't be too nice."
"I'm doing perfectly fine, thanks."
"Xavier, you and I both know-"
"Stop," he glares down at you. "There is no such thing as you and i."
His tone breaks your heart. What is he talking about?
"How would you feel if the person you like would show up to the Rave'n with some shit normie? Knowing you are stuck there with someone who isn't her?"
"Xavier! She left you for nothing," you scoff. "I have always been there for you. Always! When you broke up with Bianca, when you had to stay here because your father didn't come to pick you up, I invited you to sit with me during the Visiting Weekend-"
"Oh yeah!" He throws up his arms. "You are such a good person, Y/N."
So... sarcastic. Were you really that bad of a friend?
"And why do you even care that much? You are literally just exaggerating! You have been blowing up my phone for no reason knowing that I was busy!"
"Because I wanted my best friend back! You have been so obsessed with Wednesday-"
"So this is about Wednesday?" He scoffs, crossing his arms. "She has done nothing wrong to you! Never! You are just bitching and being mad because she is better than you. Is all of this literally because I like her? Is that why you're mad? Jealous?"
"What if I am?! What if I just want even an ounce of your attention? Wednesday doesn't even like you!"
"Don't," he leans closer to you, gritting his teeth. "Talk shit about her. Leave."
He points to the door.
The tears that had piled up in your eyes started rolling down your cheeks. Never did the boy talk to you like this, not once in the few years that you have been befriended.
You walk out the door, not one more word said to him as the door gets thrown shut behind you. If only you could find a way to forget about him. Maybe it would have been better if you never met him at all. You knew that you would never be like Wednesday, but were you not good enough?
What if you tried some type of spell or brainwashing? Surely someone in Nevermore has some type of way to make you forget. Even only a small amount of weed from Ajax would help. What if you make Wednesday torture you until you forget? God, you wish you could just say the word and forget-
A word to forget.
You hurry towards the room belonging to the Siren. She knows how you feel. She must help you. You will do anything for her to help you.
"Bianca!" You knock on her door, breathing in shakily as stray tears fall down your cheeks. "Bianca, please."
The door opens slowly, revealing a confused Bianca. A towel is resting on her shoulders and she is also already dressed in her sleepwear.
"Please," you sniff. "Use your Siren Song. Make me forget Xavier. Please."
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jistagrams · 9 months
friend,, since we're on the topic of nerds .... NERDY BOYFRIEND JAEHYUN PLSSS !@#!@!# tell me you see the vision....
no i see the vision LOUD AND CLEAR.
nerd hard dom!jaehyun x gn!reader
calls reader whore,slut
lawd he would literally start off as a normal customer at the coffee cafe you worked at to pay your rent and college funds, you would see him come in regularly to the point you could tell his order to him, but you never would. you love his deep awkward voice, his voice sounded like angels coming down to earth. like the gates of heaven opened up whenever he opened up his mouth, anyways.. the more often he came in the more you guys got close, you loved every second you spent with him even if it was just you taking his order. “hey jaehyun, what can I get for you today” you asked him even though you already knew his order. he smiled at you softly, pushing back his thick framed black glasses with his index finger. “can i get just a ice americano, extra ice please?” he spoke softly, you nodded. “cash or card?” , “card, thank you yn” you felt immediate butterflies in your stomach once you heard your name fall off his tounge, suddenly your name sounded so beautiful. “Of course, jae”
3 weeks later
you’ve been wondering where your favorite customer was, he hasn’t been to the cafe since he said your name. did he find another place to buy his coffee? why was he basically cheating? you were lost in a train of thought till you heard the door open, the little bell ringing. Speaking of the devil. there he was, in all of his glory. his cute little glasses and his cute little hoodie and his cute little baggy jeans, gosh he was so cute. “Hey jae” you spoke to him like he was your friend, he smiled at you like last time. “Hi yn” he replied to you, his dimples appearing with a tint of blush on his cheeks. god he was so adorable, “the usual?” You couldn’t help but smile harder at his little nod, handing his card over to you. “you know my order” he laughed softly, fixing his hair while you cashed him out, “of course i do, ice americano with extra ice. kinda easy to remember” you replied faster than you would’ve liked. The blush on his cheeks appearing more than before, you decided to take the chance. ask him out on a date, “hey jae, i get out in like…8 minutes? wanna hang out then?” He nodded quickly, smiling hard. “I would like that, I’ll wait for you.” you were geeked, excited to hang out with your little crush.
6 months later
“such a slut, you know that?” He laughed into the phone, “mm, keep going jae” you whined softly, turning the vibrator up a notch. “calling me when im in the study hall, can’t even wait till i get to your place? touching yourself when I told you specifically not to.” he spoke in a stern tone, way different from the first time you met, you moan into the phone, legs shaking from pleasure. “called me to get off from my voice? fucking whore” he grumbled into the phone, “jae, m’ close” , “don’t come yet, wait till I get back” , “but you get home in like- mm fuck, 2 hours” , “and? don’t fucking cum.”
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tikosblogg · 3 months
Free Fall// pt 1.
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Summary: Roxanne lived her life in foster care, after her parent’s lives were ripped away. Leaving her alone. She’s lost all hope, her will to live…until she meets him.
Warnings: talks of suicide. Depression, anxiety. Please do not read if that triggers you. Smut (eventually) angst.
A/N : AHHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY YOU HAVE NO IDEA. This story is a bit on the heavier side. A lot of the subjects in this book, are things that I do or have struggled with. I hope you guys enjoy it.❤️ here is pt 1. I’m going on vacation soon, so updates will probably be slow for a bit, but when I get back, I will be planning to update atleast twice a week! Please let me know what you guys think! ❤️ also it’s 2AM so this isn’t proof read. I apologize.
“GET UP!” My eyes shot open, as my blanket was ripped from my body. I quickly sat up, frantically looking around my room for the sudden harsh voice that pulled me from my sleep. “I said get the hell up!” My sleep filled haze finally cleared up, has my eyes landed on the culprit. Jamie. Our house “mother.”
I stood from the gross dingy mattress on the floor that I called my “bed.” Standing in front of her. She stared at me, her eyes filled with pure hatred. She flipped her flat blonde hair over her shoulder, before propping it on her hip. “Do you know what time it is?” I looked around, and outside the window above my bed, the sun barely above the horizon.
“Early?” Her hand quickly shot out, across my face. Sending my body flying onto the floor. “I won’t tolerate a smart ass little girl in my house!” I wiped my mouth, blood smearing on my hand. “If you’re not downstairs starting chores in 2 minutes you will be punished.” She gave me one last dirty look before walking out of my room, slamming the door behind her.
I rolled over onto my back, releasing a heavy sigh. This is my life. 16 years old, still stuck in a foster home where my life does not matter. I’ve been here since I was 12 years old. My parents and I were in an awful car crash that took their lives. Having no other family to take me in, forced me to go into foster care. Every night I wondered why I couldn’t have just died with him. Instead I’m stuck here. I stopped asking why no families ever wanted me two years ago.
2 years ago..
I looked up from writing in my journal to a knock on my door. “Come in.” Jamie walked in with the biggest fake smile, and a young couple following behind her. “Roxanne, this is Gina and Lawrence, they wanted to meet you.” I looked at the nice couple, sending a shy wave their way. The woman Gina, walked closer to me, with a big smile. “Hi Roxanne, it’s nice to meet you.”
I nodded, staring at her outstretched hand. “Hi Gina.” She awkwardly pulled her hand away, her smile faltering a bit. She looked so soft, and gentle. I wanted to tell her it had nothing to do with her. I just don’t like being touched. She turned towards her husband, beckoning him closer. “She’s so beautiful isn’t she?” I felt my face flush. I haven’t been called beautiful since I was with my parents.
It was strange being complimented, and looked at, as if I mattered. I learned real quick when I got thrown into this place, that I don’t matter. That I’m nothing but a waste of a life. That I’m not and never will be loved. Lawrence gave his wife a small smile, giving her a slight nod. I could see the hesitation in his eyes. He doesn’t like me. Jamie walked over, placing her hand on Gina’s shoulder.
“I have one more girl to introduce you to. I just know you will love her.” Gina nodded her head, giving me one more smile before standing up and grabbing her husband's hand. They followed Jamie out of my room, down the hall to Zoey’s room. Zoey was my best friend. My only friend, and the only one who talks to me. We don’t talk a lot, but it’s more than anyone else. Most of the time, we just sit together, and read in each other's rooms.
A week later, Gina and Lawrence come back. Me and Zoey sat on the couch in the living room reading our books. I see Gina and Lawrence walking our way. I could feel my heart pound, with anxiety and a small bit of hope that they are coming for me. When they got to us, Gina smiled at me. “Hi Roxanne.” I smiled, nodding my head at her.
This is it. I’m finally leaving this hell hole. I’m finally gonna have a family again. A family that loves, and cares for me. Lawrence glanced my way, sending a curt nod towards me. “Are you ready to go home?” My heart stopped. I could feel it ripping a part in my chest. I watched with teary eyes, as he held his hand out to Zoey. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t cry.
Gina sent me a hurt look, before I turned my gaze away from them. Zoey turned her head towards me, tears already rolling down her soft cheeks. “I’ll miss you rox.” I finally let my tears fall, as she pulled me into a tight hug. “I’ll never forget you.” I pulled away, nodding my head. “I’ll miss you too.” She finally took Lawrence’s hand, giving me one last look, before walking away.
My only friend is now gone. I’m officially alone. A few minutes later, Jamie walked in. She stood in front of me, crossing her arms over her chest. “You didn’t really think they would choose you did you?” I held in my sobs, as I looked up at her. “You are nothing Roxanne. I think you forget that.” She gave me one last look, before leaving. I quickly got up, sprinting to my room. Finally letting out all the pain and heartbreak.
Present day
I finally got up, grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom to shower. I turned the shower on, all the way on hot. I looked in the mirror, taking in my appearance. I looked awful. My hair was flat, dull and greasy. I have dark circles under my eyes. My now throbbing cheek was red, and my bottom lip was already swelling. As soon as steam started coming from the shower, I hopped in. The scalding water burned my skin.
I’m so numb, I just wanted to feel something. After a few minutes of just standing under the water, I washed my hair, and scrubbed my body. I stepped out, getting dressed. I pulled on my underwear, my distressed jeans, and my black hoodie. I gave myself one more look in the mirror. We weren’t allowed to wear makeup, or have any hair products but god knows I need it.
I walked out of the bathroom heading downstairs with the rest of the girls. There’s me, and 5 others. After Zoey went home with her new parents, I made it my mission to not be friends with any of the other girls. They would all end up leaving me anyway. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the mop and getting started on my chores along with everyone else.
After dinner, I made my way back to my room. Throwing myself onto my mattress. I’m so tired. I’m so numb. Is this life even worth living at this point? I’m 16 years old, I have no family. Jamie might be a fucking cunt, but she’s right. I’m nothing. I could die right now, and nobody would even bat an eye. Nobody would even miss me. So that’s what I decided to do. Maybe dying is my only way out. I can’t last two more years in this prison.
I’ll be free. No more sadness, anxiety, abuse…it would all be gone. I sat up, slipping my feet into my worn out shoes. I walked over to the door, creaking it open listening for anyone moving about. After a few seconds of silence, I deemed it safe. I walked over to my mattress grabbing my mini flashlight that I use for when I write in my journal at night, and stepped up onto my bed. I quietly slid my window open, and pulled myself up. Swinging my legs over, and onto the fire escape I pulled my hood over my head, and started my way down.
I went as quickly and quietly as I could. When my feet finally hit the ground, I ran. I don’t know where I was going, but I wanted to get as far away from here as I could. When I got far enough, I stopped. I looked around, taking in my surroundings. It was so dark, the only light being from the tall street lights, scattered down the sidewalk. I spotted what looked like an abandoned brick building. It was so tall, I had to crane my neck, just to see what used to be the sign with the name of the hospital across it.
Some of the letters had fallen off, leaving an imprint of what used to be there. “Miracle hospital” good enough. I walked up to the doors, attempting to pull them open. With no luck, I huffed making my way back down the stairs. I walked around the building, seeing a side door cracked open. I made my way over, taking a closer look. There was a chain hanging from the door handle, clearly used to keep the door locked. Hmm… without a second thought, I opened the door, and creeped my way inside.
It smelled stale, and damp. I shined my flashlight around, looking for a way up to the roof. After a few minutes of wandering around, I saw a heavy medal door, with a small plaque that was labeled “stairs.” Swinging it open I made my way up. After many flights of stairs, I got to the very top. I stopped in front of another metal door, resting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. My legs burned from exhaustion.
After finally catching my breath, I slowly pushed the door open. As I walked out onto the roof, the cool wind swirled around me. I pushed my hood down, taking in the view. It was beautiful. I could see all the pretty lights from the other side of town. It sparkled with so much life. A silent tear fell down my cheek as I imagined what I would be doing with my parents right now if they were still alive.
Would we be living over there? In a nice house? A place that I could call home? Where I’m actually loved, and wanted? Instead of here, in the rundown part of town. Where everything is dark, cold.. empty? I took a few steps closer, looking over the edge. Suddenly realizing how far up I am. Sudden movement to my right, made me jump back. I pointed my flashlight at a figure sitting on the edge across from me.
All I could see was their back. They wore a black hoodie similar to mine. “Hello?” I walked closer, until I stood just behind them, only a couple feet of space between us. The person was silent for a minute, before finally speaking. “You gonna jump too?” I stood there in shock, their smooth deep voice, echoing through my head. Did I really just interrupt someone trying to off themself? I took another timid step closer. “That was the plan.” His shoulders shook with a tired chuckle.
I turned off my flashlight, deciding to take a seat beside him. He finally looked over at me, making me freeze. He was a good looking guy. He had on a black toboggan under his hood, and long brown hair sticking out of the bottom of it, reaching just below his shoulders. He looked about my age. He smirked, pulling down his hood. What little light we had from the moon, I could see his hand was covered in tattoos.
He sat quietly as I looked him over unashamedly. My eyes shot back to his. I wasn’t sure what color they were, but they were so dark they almost looked black. “What’s your name?” I finally pulled my eyes away, looking down at our legs as they dangled off the side of the building. “Roxanne. What’s yours?” He was silent, until I looked back over at him. His eyes staring deep into mine. “Noah…hell of a way to meet huh?”
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meganwritesfanfics · 1 year
You are my Sunshine
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Jamie Tartt x Reader
It's time for Jamie to find out the gender of his baby, and the team is more than willing to help out.
Check out Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Jamie had been antsier than normal. This was the week they were supposed to find out the gender of the baby. Y/N was planning surprising Jamie, he would have been completely fine opening the envelope with her, but it made her happy to plan a surprise, and he would do anything to see her smile. 
He was about to make his way into the locker room when he found a sheet of paper covering the door. 
“The fuck?” He gasped but when he took a step back he saw that the paper read “Tear me” “Ok?” He reached out and and tore the paper finding the lights in the lockeroom off. 
“Alright guys, this is very funny ha ha.” He said and suddenly the lights flicked on and Jamie saw that the whole locker room was covered in this paper and written all over it was Boy or Girl? 
Dani was also standing in the middle of the room holding a black balloon. 
Jamie laughed as he made his way towards Dani. 
“Y/N roped you into this eh?” He smiled.
“I was happy to help. It is very exciting.” Dani said beaming. “Now you must pop the balloon.” 
“Where is the rest of the team? Is Y/N here?” Jamie asked as he started to move towards the hall out to the field. 
“You must pop the balloon!” Dani snapped stepping inbetween Jamie and the door. 
“Woah, alright mate,” Jamie said throwing his hands up in defense. 
“Here.” Dani went back to his smily self and handed him a football shaped pushpin. 
“Well isn’t this adorable. You know, I think Y/N should be here.” 
Danny didn’t say anything, he just kept smiling and held the balloon out. 
“Alright, well I guess this is her plan. So let’s do this.” He felt the nerves building in his stomach as he reached out and quickly popped the ballroom. All the anxiety faded as he saw that there was nothing actually in the balloon. “Hey mate, isn’t their suppose to be like confetti or somethin’” 
“You may now move on to the next player.” Dani smiled as he walked over tearing a hole in the paper for Jamie to walk through.” 
“Wait are you saying the whole team is…” Jamie said as he peaked his head out and found the hall lined with his team members leading out to the field. “Oh my fuck.” 
“Jamie!” Ted called at the very end of the line. “Pop the balloons to find out the gender of ya’lls kids. Not that this means that this is who your child has to be identified as for the rest of their life, they get to make that choice themselves, but you know it is a somewhat fun tradition…” 
“Thanks coach!” Jamie said cutting Ted off. 
Beard was the first person on his left. Holding out his balloon. 
“Be real with me coach. Do any of these balloons have confetti in em?” 
“Do I have to pop all of them?” 
“Ted has been instructed to tackle you if you try to leave without popping all the balloons.” 
“I think i could take ‘im coach.” 
“You would be surprised, he’s got some muscle.” 
“Alright,” Jamie said and how much he pretended to be annoyed, he was actually loving this. The fact that Y/N had put so much time and effort into something for him, made his heart swell. 
Ted played along with every balloon, commenting things like “oh this one has to have something in it, oh I’m nervous the tension is really building, etc.” 
By the time Jamie made it to the end, the whole team was cheering him along as he popped each balloon. 
When he cleared the tunnel he could see her standing in the middle of the field a football next to her. He smiled and quickened his pace so that he could reach her. 
“Hi baby!” She smiled as she reached out her arms for Jamie. 
He hugged her tightly and then let his hand rest on her slightly extended stomach. 
“Did you enjoy my game?” 
“I did, although I don’t think I have fully finished it have I?” He smiled looking down at the ball. 
“You have one more thing to do, you’re favorite thing.” 
“Baby, me doing my favorite thing is what got us into this situation in the first place.” He smirked
“Jamie Tartt!” Y/N smacked him looking around to make sure no one heard them. “No I mean scoring goals. But before you do that I have a present.” She said and she pulled a small piece of fabric and held it up. 
It was an infant sized Richmond Jersey. “And this is the best part.” She turned it around and it was Jamie’s number nine with the name Tartt written on the back. “This way we can cheer on daddy together.” 
Jamie didn’t have words. He just reached out and carefully took the jersey from her hands. He couldn’t believe that anything could be that tiny. His mind still hadn’t fully wrapped itself around the idea that they were having a baby. 
“It’s…” His voice cracked. “It’s perfect Y/N I don’t…” 
“Oh Jamie,” Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around him. 
“You know I don’t care what we are having as long as it’s a health baby, who is going to love football.” Jamie whispered and Y/N laughed. 
“I know.” 
“Oi! Can we get on with this!” They heard Roy yell and Y/N quickly flip him off. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t get Roy involved.” 
“He didn’t want to participate and I was worried he would spoil it, so I locked him in the boot room til you got to the hallway.” 
Jamie laughed as he turned to Roy a big grin on his face, and Roy responded by flipping him off, but for a moment he did crack a smile. 
“Alright so all I have to do is score a goal?” Jamie asked turned back to Y/N. 
“Well technically all you have to do is kick the ball and then the power will explode, but I figured you would want to score a goal as well.”
“You know me so well baby.” Jamie smiled. 
“So go ahead Jamie Tartt.” She said as she backed away a little bit so he could get ready. 
Jamie took a deep breath, the anxiety was coming back and the nerves. 
“Jamie Tartt do, do, dodododo, Jamie Tartt, do do dododdodo…” Someone started chanting and then everyone on the team started cheering Jamie on. 
He felt his cocky spark come back and in one beautiful kick he sailed the ball across the field and into the net, sending a giant puff of blue smoke out into the air. 
Everyone went wild and Jamie immediately turned to Y/N with tears in his eyes. 
“A boy,” He gasped. “We are having a boy.” 
Y/N nodded as she walked up to him. “We are going to have a boy.” She beamed. And Jamie pulled her in for a long kiss
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everestica · 11 months
Hi !! im new too your acc and wanted to do a pjsk prompt !!
How aout the reader x the fantasista squad (no kaito and seperatly) with a reader that like gets a role in a play or smth and at the end they have to like fake a kiss with the other uy playing the prince and the get jelous or smth like that ? (no estalished relationship please)
remember too eat drink and sleep !! srry for any typos im sick rn QwQ
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♕Project Sekai Boys x GN!Reader: Jealousy!♕
♕ - Hi! Well welcome to my account, and I hope this is to your liking! I did do a friendship with Akito, and an acquaintanceship with Toya I hope that's okay but if not I can always re-write it! This was so fun to write and thank you so much! I hope you start feeling better!!
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You had been nothing but excited when you had found out that you were playing the lead role in the upcoming play for Kamiyama. It wasn’t often that they held plays, and when they did it was a huge schoolwide thing, either everybody wanted to be a part of it or everybody wanted to know who was going to be a part of it. So this year when they had finally hung up the paper that had said your name next to the lead role you were ecstatic. It wasn’t long until almost everybody found out and congratulated you, but what you forgot to look at was who was playing your love interest and when you finally found out from one of your friends that it wasn’t somebody you even knew all that well you started to get a little freaked out.
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Akito had been a good friend of yours since you were in middle school, you had originally met Ena in your art class and soon was introduced to her brother. When he had also read the cast list he seemed a little upset, not with you being the lead, he was so excited for you, but for the casting of the love interest. Another guy. He had been wanting to use the time at rehearsals and the kiss to get closer to you, but that wasn’t gonna work with another guy in the way of it. It had been weeks since he had actually had the chance to talk to you, since you were always busy with the play and you didn’t have any classes with him at all. So it was only in brief passing that he actually got to see you, but with the overload of students and the underload of time he never had the chance to stop and speak to you. It had been a couple more days it was time for the before showing for anybody that wanted to come, so he, An, and Toya decided to go together, as it was during lunch and it would also give Akito a chance to talk to you again, but as the play was going he just kept getting more and more pissed off. Starting with frowning, then crossing his arms, and then finally tapping his foot on the ground. An was too involved to figure out what was happening to the ginger boy next to her, but Toya wasn’t (too) oblivious. He figured out after he started crossing his arms that he was pissed at the “nobody” that was flirting with you. Toya only slightly chucked under his breath and was just quite possibly going to mention it to you later.
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He was one of the quiet kids that you had come to know through the year as he was always willing to help you on things if you didn’t understand them. You two normally hung out in the library to work on some of the math work that you didn’t understand during lunch and after school. Though for the past couple weeks you had to keep canceling since the play, it had taken up most of your time throughout the past couple weeks making sure everything was ready and you remembered everything. He was a little upset by this but when he was studying with you he heard nothing but how excited you were to be in the play this year and how hard you had been working for it. He was obviously excited when he had heard through the halls that you had gotten the lead, though after hearing some more conversations throughout the hallway that some other guy that he had never even heard of was playing your love interest. He came to almost all the open rehearsals, since he had told his dad that he was gonna be “studying” and was going to be staying after school anyway. So after watching the first couple rehearsals and realizing how close that guy was to you, and how much he always flirted with you to get “more in character” and all he could do was watch with a frown that guy trying to lean in and kiss you.
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He had known about the play from overhearing you talk about it with your friends during your couple shared classes that you had together. You two really didn’t know each other, only having a couple class assignments and projects that you two had worked on together, and him overhearing conversations with your friends, though he was excited when he found out that you were trying out as well. He had been hoping that he could find something that you were doing as well so he could possibly have more of a chance to talk to you, though he never thought that this would be it, but when the cast list came out and he realize that he was playing the villain and you were playing the main character, while some unknown person was playing your love interest. He was obviously upset but at least he would still have the time to see you when you were at rehearsals, or so he thought. The whole time that he was going to go up and finally talk to you, the guy who had been playing your love interest had been flirting and fake kissing you trying to “get ready for the performance”. Rui could only sigh and watch as this “nobody” kept faking kissing you and telling you (In his opinion) the worst pick-up lines ever.
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As somebody who had mostly starred in all of the plays around Kamiyama he was well known and normally was always found practicing in school and after school. You had heard about him from the other cast lists that had come out and when you figured out that he was also auditioning it did kinda scare you a little, but you were quickly cured of that when you realized that you had gotten the lead and was the third side lead. Though it was confusing when you saw as your love interest somebody that you had never even heard of but you just shrugged it off, though Tsukasa wasn’t that easy. He wasn’t even going for the lead of this one but after hearing your audition he wanted to play your love interest, too bad that nobody had beat him to it. No matter, you two were still in the same play and he still had plenty of chances to talk to you, well that was at least his plan. Too bad it backfired on him. The day that rehearsals had started it was always you and that “love interest” the whole time. There wasn’t even a place for anybody to get a word in since he was always basically hanging all over you and trying to be more “in character” by touching you and telling you dumb pick-up lines. Like how dare he, The great Tsukasa could do so much better then “If you were a vegetable you would be a cute-cumber” but all he could do was cringe every time the guy said that you were a “fine-apple” and pretend not to notice all the times that he tried to lean in for a kiss.
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♛- Please if you are going to repost any of my works anywhere else, ask permission first! There will be almost a 100% chance that I will say yes as long as you just ask and give credit! Thank you for your understanding!
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paper rings part 2!!!(teacher!spiderdads)
oh my god. hi. this fic has pushed me to 100 followers (after 6 years on tumblr 😭😭) and is my most liked post ever. OHMYGOD
yes i will be writing the teacher one!! it'll be multi-chapter lelelel but the first chapter shld be out by this week!! pls stick with me *pray hand emoji*
alright so. the first 500 words of the chapter for u guys. bc i love u
thank u all sm
Brooklyn Visions Academy is a good school. 
It pays well, there’s a clear path to promotion for him and it’s close enough to his house that he won’t be late when Gabriella forgets her water bottle for school. 
Their gyms are nice too. There's air-conditioning when they do assemblies, and the floors aren't horrendously squeaky. Miguel waits by the side for the principal to finish his announcements and introduce all the new teachers. There are at least seven of them here and pessimistically, he wonders how many of them will make it through the year. 
He wears the blue polo (Read: The one Gabriel hated the least) and he tries to go through what he’s going to do today. After this assembly is his first class. Ask them for their names, go through expectations and start work properly. He’s here to do his job and to do it well. 
“Hi,” The guy beside him speaks. He has brown eyes and brown hair, and he looks like he should be tall, but Miguel has to angle his head down to look at him. He’s wearing an ironed maroon shirt. He smells like hot chocolate. “I’m Peter Parker, you’re one of the new guys too, right?” 
Miguel nods. He has to pick up Gabriella today because her piano lesson got pushed to the weekend. So, he has to make sure that he brings home any materials he wants to look over for the next lesson. Then, he’ll probably pick up pizza, the four-cheese one for Gabriella and a small meat lovers fo him. 
“Are you the other Humanities guy? I teach Literature, so it’s nice to know someone, I guess.” Peter Parker has a face that looks like it should always be smiling. There’s a strand of hair falling onto his forehead. Miguel doesn’t think he would care. “I mean, I hope you are, as long as you don’t teach Economics, 'cause only blood-suckers would teach something that bad.”
Peter Parker apparently doesn’t know how to shut up. 
"I teach Economics." 
The principal gestures for them to get on the stage, and Miguel walks past the shell-shocked Peter Parker. Peter quickly follows, and as the Principal introduces them, he leans in to whisper. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you, uh, sorry." Eloquent, for a literature teacher. Miguel fears for the poor literary geniuses who have to be taught by Peter. 
Miguel's name is read out on the screen, and Peter turns around to look at the projection. "So, Miguel, sorry about that, let's start over, get this right." 
The bell rings and the teachers get off the stage, loafers and heels clicking on the veneered wood. Miguel could just walk out of the hall right now and get to his first class, but a tap on his shoulder stops him. 
"I'm Peter Benjamin Parker," He introduces again, a hand outstretched. "I love every subject ever and I am excited to work with you." He lets out a breath after like this was an effort to say. 
Miguel shakes his hand. "I'm Miguel." The sun is streaming into the high windows, and the room is being painted in bright yellows. "I have to go, can't risk getting hit by the sunlight."
Confusion quickly gives way to joy on Peter's face, and Miguel lets himself stand still for an extra second to see Peter's smile before he stalks off.
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Shattered Reflection
Miguel o'hara x Darling (reader)
NOT PROOF READ ( i continued writting this at 3am so the grammar and spelling might be wrong)
No use of y/n. I think?
Warning: None so far but (this fic might show a little obsessed miguel as the story goes on cause why not)
In the bustling spider society's headquarter, Jessica Drew a.k.a Spider-Woman was embroiled in a heated conversation with their boss, Spider-Man 2099, A.K.A Miguel O'Hara. She was explaining the importance of teamwork and the need for a new recruit. The idea wasn't sitting well with Miguel though, and as usual, he was being stubbornly cold about it.
"The team's doing fine as it is, Jessica. We don't need a newbie slowing us down," Miguel stated, his arms folded across his chest. But before Jessica could respond, the door slid open, and in walked a figure that would soon change Miguel's perspective on 'newbies'.
There you were, (Y/N), the newest recruit. Your eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity. The moment you walked in, your energy seemed to light up the room, it was as if you carried the sun in your personality. You were practically radiating positivity and enthusiasm.
"Guys, meet, our new teammate," Jessica introduced her, a proud smile on her face.
"Hello everyone" You said radiating with positiveness, while miguel was glaring dagger at jess.
Because how could she recruit someone when he already declined alot of times, moreover the newbie looked like she couldn't even kill a bug, how would she even help save the world when she looked so innocent.
'This newbie is gonna give me a headache'
Oh but how wrong miguel was..
The next few days were filled with his usual cold demeanor towards her. He kept his conversations short, his responses was curt. It was clear that he was keeping his distance.
But No matter how cold or distant he was, she would always greet him with a warm smile. Every morning, every meeting, every training session, your positivity was a constant. It was like a ray of sunshine that couldn't be dimmed.
As days turned into weeks, something in Miguel began to change. Every time he saw you, he couldn't help but notice that radiant smile of yours. It was infectious. And no matter how much he tried to keep his icy walls up, they seemed to be melting bit by bit.
One day, after a particularly grueling training session, Miguel found himself sitting alone in the mess hall. He was nursing a cup of coffee when you walked in. As usual, you greeted him with a beaming smile and a cheerful "Good Morning."
Miguel, for the first time, found himself returning the greeting with a small but genuine smile. You looked surprised, but your smile grew even wider.
And from then on Things started to change, Miguel found himself gravitating toward her sunny personality, he would start tolerating her personality, and teach her a thing or two but that did not mean miguel like her,no, he was just teaching the newbie how to survive when saving the world.
But this did not go unoticed by jess
"Soo changed your mind about having a new recruit?"
And miguel grumbled in response
"What do you want jess" he muttered
" she's a darling you know"
"You know who im talking about, Don't be so grump to her, she is doing her best, plus who knows maybe you guys can be acquinted"
"Don't talk nonsense i don't want to deal with an irritating person"
She's not irritating
"Whatever you say miguel, But you know she really is trying hard to be close to you, she even asked what was your favorute meal. She's a darling miguel. Don't be harsh on her"
Im having a writer block while doing this since its already 3:42 am. I hope you guys enjoyed
Should i continue this? I mean this is just half way through the plot😭
Let me know what you guys think!
And also please let me know what you guys think about the story!! You can leave your thoughts on my inbox, if u want😊♡
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textmel8r · 5 months
OKAY. so basically this girl (we will call her regina because she is literally a mean girl) Regina had this thing with this girl called Carly last schl year and it didnt work out bc regina said she wasnt ready for a relationship (they still kinda stayed friends but the friendship grew more throughout this year)
so i came like this year and she at the time she told me the whole thign that happened and made carly seem like the villian and i believed her BC I WAS NEW AND I WAS LIKE TRYNA MAKE FRIENDS YK like i wasnt straight up gonna call her a lair
BUT THEN THIS YEAR BRO Regina was having a crush on this guy (well call him Justin) but Justin is like a rlly shy guy he doesnt rlly talk to the girls unless its for schl work she was just straight up being delulu but she started loosing feelings bc he wasnt rlly doing anything and they barely talked SO THEN SHE WENT BACK TO CARLY
AND AT FIRST Carly rejected her and regina acted GEN SAD but then Carly said she was just nervous and regina just said this out of the blue so then they planned a date and kissed WHICH IS IMPORTANT THAT THEY KISSED LMAO
Now we have this other girl in our friend group whos literally so nice shes the it girl well call her Ella SO ella has a bf and she talks abt him a lot and abt all the cute things he does (regina is always talking asking ella to talk abt him and like being her #1 supporter) anyways bc of reginas date, ella gave her kissing tips bc its reginas first kiss
Now when Regina and Carlys date ended Regina started SPAMMINGGG and like talking abt how they kissed and made out (giving unnecessary detail) BUT WE WERE HAPPY FOR HER AT THE TIME but now with everythign out it seems braggy yk
Btw this date was on a friday so after this date next week mon Regina acted like Carly NEVER EXISTED AND WENT RIGHT BACK TO JUSTIN BRO like it was like a light switch flipped like last week she was yapping on about carly and how she missed her and how she was excited abt this date next week acting like who was carly bruh
BUT YK it was not my relationship and none of my buisiness so i never really asked questions but i noticed how they stopped waving to eachother in the halls and small detials like that JUST NEVER BROUGHT IT UPPP
SO NOW Carly is like really close with one of my friends in the friend group ill call her molly SO molly showed me like texts of carly complaining about regina and how she literally ditched her and being upset with her.
THEN ME AND MOLLY LITERALLY CONNECTED THE DOTS BRO we theorized that bc of ella n her bf, regina led carly on just to get over her first kiss (we were right) at this point tho we felt iffy about her but didnt really do anything…
NOW this is just like backstory so last week everything exploded bruh so Carly told molly abt how one day regina called her BAWLINGG AND CRYINNGG about how she was jealous of Ella
And molly told carly how LAST SCHL YEAR REGINA CALLED CARLY A FAT COW BROO (talking bad about carly with another friend who told us) and this set everyone off bruh
Like all of carlys friends literally wanna beat up regina LMAOOO like the ghosting and leading on everyone was like thats shitty btu wtv and carly was like thats her first kiss not mine 🤷‍♀️ so shes gonna regret it later but the fat cow thing pissed everyone off
Now this is the main thing but because of this our whole friend group had a revelation that we dont even really like her and we noticed the small things that she does that are sooooo mean and unnecessary
NOW this is getting way too long...but the other things shes done (kinda more srs than this but this is like the main thing)
i am so sorry but the entire time i was reading this i was thinking about how easily i could turn this into an attack on titan fic IM SORRY DONT HURT ME
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Hi this im sharing my experience w transandrophobia when i was younger. ⚠️TW for rape but nothing explicit. Also, sorry this might be long, theres a few parts I wanna cover, and I'm wondering if anyone else hs hd a similar experience. I was 15 and had only been out as trans for like a year or 2, and I didn't really know anyone else who was queer, let alone trans, so when a new trans girl around my age moved to my school I was excited, and I told her that I liked her outfit. We chatted a few times after that, and after a while she invited me to hang out at her place. I hadn't really known her well, but I was so excited to make a new friend that I kinda pushed any worries to the back of my mind. However, once I was there, we were bonding over being trans, and she started saying really weird things, that she couldn't understand why anyone would want to transition to being a guy, and that T corrupted people and made them ugly. At the time I still had a lot of iternalized transandrophobia, so I had initially brushed them off as a little harsh but ultimatly #feminist. Later that night things took a turn for the worse, and I'll spare you the gorey details, but I do remember that she told me that I'd be so much better as a lesbian, and that she had made fun of my packer to the point that I cannot pack anymore (something that used to help w dysphoria) bc of the assosiation of that night. She also said some fetishistic things about me being asian (shes white). I never ended up reporting it, bc at the time I still wasnt sure what had happened, and if it really had been rape. But I did ask her to never speak to/contact me again and blocked her. It made going to school really hard, because I was so nervous that I'd see her in the halls. After about a week, as I was leaving school she came up to me and started crying and telling me was sorry, and I didn't know what to do and people around me were glaring at me and it was just such a scary situation. I didn't really see her much after that. It was a long time before I told anyone. Its so hard talking about it because on one side, I'm worried that people will think I'm making it up to hurt trans women or to push a certain narrative. I want to say that I do not think this is a problem with trans women as a whole, moreso an individual problem with her. In fact, I had a similar experience at the hands of a cis woman when i was much younger. On the other hand, when I have talked about it, cis people have used it as an excuse to misgender her, or otherwise be transphobic, which doesnt help at all and just makes me feel worse. It just solidifies that they don't really see either of us as valid. That i'm just some poor little little girl who needs to be protected. Its been a few years, and I'm still getting over it, but I really wanted to get this off my chest. Thanks. Sorry it's so long.
Thank you for sharing your experience. I know there are other transmascs who have been in similar situations with transfem abusers and not talking about it for fear of the optics & how it can be used as a weapon by others, so just know you aren't alone and I'm glad you shared this.
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candy8448 · 3 months
Physics paper 2 (final exam!!!)
Gcse rambles
Our school let us come in after break time if we didnt do geography so i got to lay in 3 extra hours (i had fallen asleep at 6pm last night, woke at 2am, slept again at 4am and woke again at 6am 0.0) and i walked to school.
Because i wouldnt be able to get the dinner ladies to sign my shirt or notebook cuz they wouldnt be in school after school, i got them to sign my notebook and they all thanked me for involving them all in this becausd nobody else had asled them (we couldnt sogn shirts just yet cuz we couldnt take them into the exam woth writing on)
There is a cleaner in the school who is really nice and she is so sweet and i made her a card but the past two or so weeks she was nowhere to be seen and im so sad i couldnt give it to her, or get her to sign my shirt or notebook
The exam honestly was just a blur because i was too excited to get to signing sjirts that i dont remember anything
Anyways right after we ran outside and they had hired an icecream truck!! And they paid for each of us to have a free icecream!! And we went around signing shirts and it was fun and all (this is my favorite "tradition" that we do in school, i had come PREPARED with all of the colours and a pouch to carry them all in that my grandma made like almost 2 years ago)
One of the history teachers signed my shirt and i noticed he had a prigress pride pin which was tiny, but as i walked away, i said "nice pin" and he looked kinda bamboozled and a bit embarased as i quickly scrambled away. Later i found out from my friends who were actually taught bt him that he has two lesbian daughters! So that's really nice to know, that's a great thing for him to do, that's so nice and sweet!!
Then we had a leavers assembly where they gave out prizes apointed by each teacher of each subject (i didnt get one :( ) and one girl got a special prize for attendance. She only missed HALF A DAY in the PAST 5 YEARS?!?!? HOW??!?!? everyone was shocked cuz we would all go insane, they gave her a £40 voucher and a massive art folder with art supplies because she is going to do art in college and honestly she deserves it cuz that is crazy!
One of my friend got a gift bag (one of the prizes) and another friend gave him another so he had 3 so i half begged/asked him to give me one and he gave me one with a plant sprout which coincidentally my sister is obssesed with house plants
The rewards were so fun, usually uts jut mediokre claps but this time there was full cheers, claps, celebrations, and it was so loud and fun and great
They gave us free copies of our whole year group photo and tutor group photos which was really cool of them, and my tutor gave us all in our tutor group a photo of our tutor in year 7 (aww) with a message on it. It was super sweet cuz she was the best, she joined the school the same year we had but in yr 10 we couldnt have her as a tutor and half way thru year 11 they gave us a maths teacher to teach us maths in the mornings instead, but my tutor was my safe-space and i could go to her for my problems and home situations and she was the best. I started tearing up when i gave her a hug good-bye.
I wanted to get my drama teacher's sign but she had already left since we had gone an hour after school time :(
I took last minute selfies with all the friends who i talk to less but are still like best friends and such, one of them wrote his phone number on my shirt since i didnt have it yet (I messeged him when i got home) and it was honestly sad seeing the hall emptying.
In year 7 they told us "in the year 2024 you guys will be leaving us, isnt that crazy" and it felt like forever away, it started feeling like this would never end and even until the last week, while i knew it was going to end factually, i still hadn't processed what that actually meant, i still dont hink ive processed that i will never come back again, and that is crazy!
Me and my friend since when i moved down here in year 2 stayed behind to take photos of the school building, and we started walking to the bus stop and it was all sentimental. This was the only time ever where i didn't want to go to school.
Its crazy how my best friend since year 2 is continuing with me into the same college. Im glad.
Its sad ill probably lose contact with many of my friends. As much as we say we will stay in contact, its hard, ive not been in contact with my primary school friends and we stopped contact with my yr 8 friend so close after she moved away. Its really sad tbh. I will miss them
Our leaver's hoodies were apparently delayed to we will be invited one last time to collect them. I wont be able to be there for results day so im glad i have one more chance
Anyway, here are some memes, im going to make a seperate post with my entire gcse slander compilation very very very soon, keep an eye on my blog!
Enjoy your summer! We've all deserved it!
And it felt like it would never end and that this would be our whole lives, and it was hell most of the time, but goodbye secondary school!
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seongminiz · 4 months
hehe🤭🤭 ok well it’s might be mostly repeating some of what u said cuz i went insane🥴😵‍💫😵‍💫 over the idea of wonjin writing u nastier and nastier notes so u won’t share them anymore with ur friends /pos
but i think of this as like on a college campus setting (like american college movie type of shit) but if stalker pervert wonjin became pervert boyfriend? wonjin.. and he’s got the same antics but he just goes even further with it now that he’s claimed u as his<333 is the crowd with me?
like idk like sexting u from the back of the lecture hall, sending u the nastiest things maybe he’s even gross enough to pull his cock out where he’s sitting in the last row of seats and take a pic for u<33 how sweet and then it’s driving u even crazier to know that it would take maybe 10 steps to get to him and fuck him but u can’t!!! unless…
he’d find a way to have the same lab time as u, would sit next to u at those silly rectangular shaped tables (bear with me here) but like it’s open in the middle?? like he’s fingering you under the table while the professor asks u to discuss with ur seatmates about whatever topic ur learning about but no one can see him touching u cuz of the angles BUT ur just expected to participate and ask questions while he’s knuckle deep in ur pulsing cunt??? and don’t think about staying quiet/sitting this one out, or you’ll lose ur attendance mark for that week :)
studying in the library more like getting railed in one of those private study boxes time🤭🤭 don’t worry they’re soundproof!! but there is a little window through which anyone walking by would just see ur head bobbing up as u bounce on wonjin’s cock and if it gets too heated (literally) maybe the glass will start to fog up oops! i just love the idea of a rendezvous somewhere like a library i think wonjin would also love telling u to keep quiet even whilst he’s speeding up his thrusts, would find the least visited section and fuck into you from behind, pressing u into the books, keeping his clothes on as much as possible so if someone were to walk by it might just look like he’s really helping u look for something hehe
also just wonjin being super possessive and if anyone attempted to flirt with u he would sabotage their chances but it can go one of two ways, either he finds a way to humiliate them, framing them for plagiarism whoops now they don’t even go to the same uni anymore how will they flirt with u!? or humiliating u.. i could see him scaring guys away from u by planting condoms in ur bag, kicking it over as he walks past wow now the guy hitting on u isn’t interested anymore after 30 condoms just fell out of ur purse🥲 but it’s okay, u don’t need anybody else because dating wonjin is enough excitement for one person😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
hope this wasn’t too crazy.. like in a negative way.. um also idk what came over me and why i wrote it in this style but yeah :) 👍🏻
- 🧁 anon
this was too crazy IN A POSITIVE WAY HELLO ????
wonjin whos such a sluttt for exhibitionism he always takes it a little further than the last time ☆_☆ it starts with casually putting a hand on ur thigh everytime u r sitting next to him n sending u nasty texts (n maybe ,, before going straight to dick pics ,,, just pics of his bulge bc he knowsss it drives u crazy) while u r in class , n then it just keeps getting worse (/pos) !!
just ,, omfg bf wonjin who was such a subby loser when u first started dating but the more comfortable (n possessive) he gets through ur relationship the more he takes the chance to dom u (n make u pay for all the shit u made him go through before u got together)(as if he didnt get off from it bc he liked being lowkey humiliated by u not acknowledging his existence)
this probably made no sense im sorry /(_-_)\
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