#im so glad the server was empty
h0n3yk1tt3n · 3 months
Ok that is now one mutual that completely nuked their blog and TWO mutuals that have said they're drawing back from tumblr. What the hell did I miss.
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heartofwritiing · 1 year
Absent in the spring.
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paring: q!wilbur x fem!reader (+ platonic q!philza x fem!reader)
summary: a small vacation to Phil’s beach house causes you to finally break down.
authors note: a follow-up to this fic but you don’t really have to read it. some more q!wilbur angst for you guys because I miss wilbur and tullulah content! also i made it so chayanne and tallulah talk in this lets just pretend the eggs are the human-dragon hybrids that are in fanart bc thats how i see them!
warnings: a little angsty sorry, hurt-comfort, happy end, not 100% following qsmp lore, unedited! please ignore any mistakes!
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“how are you holding up?”
Phil’s voice pulls you out of your trance from fidgeting with the blades of grass next to your tucked legs.
You bring your gaze up from the lush green and watch on as Chayanne and Tallulah play tag a few feet away in the field behind Phil’s beach house.
The past month had been weary as you waited for your husband to return from his tour. Days stretched on though you kept going despite that dread in your chest of missing him.
Phil had noticed you seemed less like yourself as the month went on. You were sleeping less, and getting stressed. When he came over to help you take care of Tallulah yesterday he saw how defeated you looked while trying to keep a brave face for your daughter.
Being in an empty house wasn’t fun for anyone, especially when it was too dangerous to go outside on the server alone. So, Phil invited you out to escape that empty feeling, just for a while at least. A walk and boat ride later, you were now sat beside the man with his legs crisscrossed while he munched on avocado toast.
You had shrugged plainly to his question. Fine? Okay? you didn’t know…
Squeals and giggles erupted in your ears as you watched Tallulah finally tag a breathless Chayanne, who had gotten tired of running away from his sister and let her have a turn at the one being chased. Her little legs barely kept up with her taller older sibling as he quickly regained energy.
You couldnt help the smile that was brought upon your lips. Happy they were having such a good time together, being normal for once and not sheltered from the horrors of the server that was trying to harm them every moment. They needed this time, to be care free. To be kids.
You and Phil chuckled at their antics. Though It made your heart break thinking about Wilbur being absent. He wasn’t here to hear the sounds of his daughter's sweet giggles as she played blissfully in the tall grass. To see how she was getting along with everyone, making sure they were happy and cared for.
Wilbur hadn’t sent you a letter in a week. You understood he was busy with tour, you didn’t expect him to have much time to sit and write but your worst agitations were coming true.
The disappointment was settling in each time you would go to the mailbox by the door- you and lullah had spent a day painting and decorating to your liking, with splotches of colors and your names painted across in not-so-straight letters- it would be empty with no sign of even being open since the previous morning.
“I miss him,” you say suddenly to Phil, whose gaze shifts away from the kids to you. You keep your eyes locked on them, fearing that meeting his eyes would make you finally break down into the tears you were holding back for so long.
Phil brings his hand onto your shoulder, a simple symbol of comfort.
“Awe mate, I miss him too.” he said warmly. “he’ll be back soon, im sure of it.”
Swallowing the lump building in your throat, you were so glad you had Phil there for you in these moments. Tallulah had done a good part cheering you up but sometimes you needed a real talk.
"I thought I could do this on my own but-" you choke. "I need him, Phil. He's missed so much and I can't help but think he's gonna feel guilty for not being there for her, or for me."
You let yourself break down in-front of your father in-law finally letting go of everything you’d been holding onto the past month and a half.
Phil placed his hand on your back in support as you sobbed into your hands. The aching pain in your forehead with the slight headache building, the chest pangs told you this cry was long over due.
A tap on your shoulder brings your head out from your knees. You lift your eyes to see Chayanne standing over you, his hand stretched out with a simple white flower pinching between his little fingers. His eyes held nothing but innocence as he looked down on you solemnly. He did not understand why you were so distraught, nor did he care, he just wanted to aid you in any way that he could.
"Please don't cry, Tia Y/N," his voice was small but sympathetic, making your heart sink.
Phil looked so proud in that moment, to see his son come over to aid you with comfort made him perceive he was doing something right in raising a child for once.
Taking the flower from Chayanne, he immediately crouched down to give you a tight hug around your shoulders. Surprised but grateful, you began silently crying as another pair of little arms joined the embrace - you knew it was Tallulah. Finally, you allowed yourself to let go and broke down into tears, feeling their tight embrace.
You were so glad you had these kids. Though they didn’t understand your behavior entirely there was no judgement, only care.
“For what it's worth Y/N, you have us and we will always take care of you both.”
Of course, you knew that. Phil had always been there for you since you first met him. He took his role as a father to everyone very seriously.
“thank you for bringing us here Phil, we really needed this.” you breathe as the kids pulled away from you. Phil gives you a smile of understanding.
A few hours passed as you all sat on the dock, watching the last glimmer of daylight fade away over the water - casting a golden glow. Phil suggested a campfire to roast marshmallows. Tallulah and Chayanne were already running off excitedly to gather various sticks to help. Once the fire was going, you all sat together on the sand telling stories, laughing, and enjoying each other's company.
The hole in your heart was healing, and the weight on your chest lifted. You realized that even though life was rough and unpredictable, having a supportive family was what mattered, and you felt content and at peace.
You saw the others smiling, knowing the shared bond was enough.
That night you all slept at the beach house, and for the first time in a month, neither you nor Tallulah had a nightmare.
The journey the following day back to Phil’s was thankfully uneventful. Mostly just shenanigans between the two children. Collecting things like leaves for the scrapbook you and Tallulah were making for Wilbur, documenting all your adventures. Chayanne running ahead to deal with any monsters who dare cross your path.
Upon seeing the tiny house with a fenced yard, you all went your separate ways. As you opened the gate to the yard, the tall purple trees and the various flowers made you miss the tiny home.
Tallulah seemed happy to be back and automatically tried dragging you to see her turtles before you could close the gate. You asked her to be patient while you brought your bags inside.
Walking up to the front door, you heard a crash from inside and you froze. You instantly reached for your sword laying on your hip. Tallulah saw this as a warning and she quickly cowered behind your legs. Preparing for the worst, it could be anyone behind the door. Charlie looking for food, (since he was living near your house in a shed last you heard.) Quackity looking to start another fight about parenting. Or worse the code monster could’ve shown up again to take Tallulah from you.
You would die before that would happen.
Tallulah clung to your legs as you quietly unlocked the door and pushed it open. You gazed down at her and saw her worried eyes.
“If something happens I need you to teleport to abuelito and Chayannes to warn them okay?” You spoke to her firmly in hushed tones, being careful. Tallulah showed you the tiny purple stone for a quick getaway and indicated she understood.
The house was exactly as you left it, except for the suitcase and guitar bag resting against the sofa, which made you frown. Then realization settled in and a gasp escapes you.
Was he here?
Or was this another trick?
As you lowered your sword, you heard someone rustling down the ladder. The wood creaked with every step as the person in the yellow sweater came into view. With round glasses leaning down his nose, fluffy hair, and long limbs, you’d know him anywhere.
Wilbur felt relief wash over him as he stopped midway on the ladder and saw you staring at him in disbelief. as if he were a ghost. It pained him slightly. You couldn’t believe it.
Wilbur was back.
Tallulah peeked out from behind your legs and the tiny gasp she let out when she saw Wilbur. She ran into his arms and cried out;
Wilbur grinned as his tearful daughter ran towards him. He scooped her up in a tight embrace as you watched, tears streaming down your own cheeks. He held her swinging back and forth gently trying to hush her cries. She was so happy to finally see him again. You had never seen such a wonderful sight of the two people you loved the most in this world.
“I missed you so much Tallulah!”
Wilbur rested his head on Tallulah’s and smiled sideways at you and reached out his arm. Without hesitation, you dropped your sword, which clanked loudly on the ground, and you rushed into his embrace.
You bury your face in his neck, holding onto his scent, his body, his everything. Never wanting to forget how he felt and sounded. Tears stream down your face, drenching his sweater, but you don't care. This time, they flow out of love and happiness, not frustration or sadness.
You all cried and held onto each other for dear life.
“I missed you so, so much my love,” he coos in your ear causing you to choke out a laugh. After missing his voice for months you were so elated to hear it again.
Wilbur sniffled as he squeezed you both tightly in his arms, never wanting to let go.
“I’m here my girls, and I am never gonna leave you again,” he whispers.
This was home.
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swiftmitsu · 4 months
Okay I need advice.
Somebody on discord started to threaten me by saying they'll rape me and my corpse.
I left that damn server but I'm thinking about going back in just to report them.
I don't know what to do anymore.
hey, don’t stress alright? unfortunately there is SO many people who make empty threats like that :( im sorry you had to go through that 💛
i’m glad you’re out of the server. but if you really want to do something about them, you should inform the server owners or mods about the person (in dms) so they can deal with them appropriately.
if you don’t want to go back then that’s completely valid, those kinds of people can be scary,,
whatever you choose to do, stay safe, stay away from them and block them after you’re done with them
and i’m sorry i couldn’t respond sooner! i wanted to wait till i got home to give you proper advice 💛
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salamanderallan · 1 month
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powerful, radiant, you are the right hand of god and will kill for him
i dont usually ramble outside of tags buuuut context to this is that allan has pretty much taken up a 'guardian angel' role specifically for pim, and had started pretty much spying on pim whenever he felt like something bad was about to happen ("intuition" aka my friends announcing ooc that they were going to do something bad)
sotheres this one time where allans hiding out in the water (salamander attribute) under two boats that grim and pim were both in, and they were having some sorta argument and grim (not meaning to) accidentally killed pim by hitting him with a sword because pim was on low health or somethign !?so allan bounded out of the water and killed grim
this upset grim a lot because he'd been working for a while to get super souped up equipment, so he was in full diamond armor and had pretty good weapons, and allan managed to kill him in nothing but an iron helmet, iron boots, diamond chestplate, and no pants
so grim gets pissed off and just wants to fight again when pim makes allan go apologize for doing that, so allan dashes off and disappears into the water, sticking around to listen to the convo between pim and grim and for a minute they go around looking for allan before grim decides to go to allans house to antagonize him out, which would have been FINE if pim didnt decide to go follow him!
so allan has to speed behind the boats of pim and grim and climbs onto his island where only grim notices that he's following them, so grim pulls out his sword and starts chasing after pim (who is completely oblivious and is shouting at the empty house for allan not to come out so that allan does instigate a fight by doing so) to antagonize allan, causing allan to attack him and ultimately lose the fight
fast forward a little bit, allans lurking in the water again and decides to follow grim around because he sees him, and grim notices that hes hanging around and tells him to just come out of the water, so allan surfaces and grim says to go over to this little nearby island so they can talk and allan (for whatever reason) does
so they go to this island and sit there and start arguing, something about grim having only done all that because of his fragile ego or whatever and that ends in grim saying, "You're a fucking awful guardian." and allan snapping at that and actually starting the fight for the first time- he throws a lingering potion of poison, drinks honey to cure himself, and starts attacking grim. grim tries to escape with a boat twice but allan breaks the boat both times and ends up killing him..
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THAT fight is what this piece is based off of.. if u read all this im glad ur invested in this minecraft server lore stuff :]
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greaterspawnislands · 2 years
im just like. at the end of everything, im so glad i trusted phil.
like i know it had been a running joke for a long time that oh, c!phil “will” die someday, ghostza will be real, it’s not if i die it’s when but like. after techno’s passing and when phil started talking about writing an ending i knew like...that couldn’t be the ending. on a lighter note, what’s the point of ghostza in a server that’s already dead and empty. and on a more serious note, it just... wouldn’t have made sense for c!phil to die after all that. so i trusted phil and i tried not to stress out too much about it. and when the ctommy ending happened i got a little scared, but when phil said he was still planning an ending i felt okay again because like. i don’t know im rambling but
bc like, all the jokes about shitting on annoying loreheads aside, phil knows how much his community cares for his character. he knows how much we all love c!phil and how we’ve stuck with him through all of the ups and downs of the lore and droughts and appearances in others’ streams and he knows how much we love his character, and it’s clear he cared about his character too, from the time he put in to make sure he was playing a good supporting role in other’s streams, to the lore tie-in for the kristin possession stream, to just...everything. he loves c!phil and we love c!phil and i trusted him to give us an ending that reflected that.
and he did it absolutely perfectly. thank you phil. thank you
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foolbo · 5 months
im so glad the eggies are starting to come back even if its just a few of them and even if its ones whos parents i dont watch frequently the server just felt so empty without them
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elven-kisses · 2 years
Also ur art is sick as hell. Love it <333
cracks open an overfilled notebook
okay, so basically survivor's guilt is an au where scar wins the fight at the end of 3rd life. the life series (in this au at least) only functions if there's a source for the watchers to observe through. in this case, that source was grian, so killing him meant the watchers were cut off from the game
and everything stopped
with none of the game's gimmicks working anymore, scar could endlessly respawn, left entirely alone in an empty server with no way of getting back to hermitcraft.
the au's not fully written, but scar spends five years in complete isolation and in that time he tries to repair everything as if all of his friends were still alive and active on the server. that doesn't work out for him, obviously, and he ends up driving himself crazy trying to remember all of their faces and voices
that doesn't mean he never gets back though :)))
when he gets back to hermitcraft he's a completely changed person, and the rest of the au is a big healing arc combined with the hermits trying to figure out what they can do to help! it's especially tricky because scar absolutely clings to the hermits he killed/hurt during 3rd life and he's still convinced it was all real
I can ramble forever but that's the basics literally thank you so much for askijg I'm so insane over this au awaaaa
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raggedytiger · 6 months
do you have a discord server or anything like that your designs have me going crazy i am experiencing digital brainrot. and also mayhaps do u have a twt for certain.. drawings that other anon mentioned
HI you are so so kind im so glad you like them!! i dont have my own discord as of now i think i would not be able to keep it organised :,-D i would love love love to have a server to ramble about my girls on but i would def go offline for days at a time and i feel guilty LMFAO
as for twitter i have a totally empty one rn its @/raggedytigers ! no posts yet but we should still be mutuals. i will try and get around to posting the backlog of tumblr art on there and possibly more. i might end up either making that one private OR making a new one for more parental advisory stuff
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barbietoiles · 6 months
It's okay to feel sad sometimes, I admit I felt really empty for the whole month of march with the admins situations and etoiles not be well. I think right now it goes past me, the new interview was not great news but it didn't felt like a surprise. I think I'm just detached now, and new objectives are a good start for this! I mainly watch the French and the LA streamers but Foolish transitioned his content with famsmp and some variety, Tubbo has the tubbaton with lot of activities...
Etoiles have a monthly goal with the Zlan and the trivia training, so it feels like the channel is having a training arc, something we love everyear! It brings a lot of new games, guests and tryharding so it's very cool to watch! Before qsmp he didn't really streamed minecraft at all (except the speedrun for a past zlan) so a lot of viewers are happy to see him back on some variety ^^
But yeah I think it's harder with streamers that where relying of the server for content like fit, Philza, bagi, pac, bbh, pac... I guess them stopping/reducing playing on it feels more "brutal" since they mostly do qsmp. For exemple cellbit, etoiles and antoine always did a lot of variety and where not streaming that much qsmp these past months so it's easier to let it go when you watch them
Hope you'll get better in any case, I like seeing your French-learning adventures on my feed!!
I became detached very quickly, i think the feelings are coming back now though kkkkk. I know etoiles viewers were having a worried month, im glad hes back and that you all have your hearts more at ease 🫂 the admin situation still sucks, but we can continue to love lumi even if she wont be pomme anymore
Im excited for etoiles training arc, its my first time seeing it and i absolutely adore variety now thanks to him, and especially when its him doing it <3 i know nothing about zlan but im excited to learn and experience it!
Philza was my main streamer for a while and he was completely ok doing nothing but hardcore for two whole years (with a little origins smp interjection but well.. that died quickly), and everyone was completely ok watching it. I dont think phil and crows will have problems if phil stops playing but for the rest my heart aches :( pac, bagi, bbh, fit, their stories are all so good and its so unfair it ended like this, with admins being fired.
Thank you for supporting my french adventures, i will not stop learning it o7 i think my main streamers will be etoiles, baghera and aypierre now (i see pierre is having fun in stardew valley and ive never watched it but im interested!) and occasionally guill because i saw him play one (1) mc tournament and oh my god. The movements? Its so smooth?? Crazyyyyyy.... i hope that by zlan i can know a lot more french and not have to rely on subtitles so much o7
Thank you for this. I hope it will get easier for you too 🫂
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goose-nut · 9 months
Actually super medicated and there is So much dislyte space in my brain so I'm just gonna type until it's empty 🫡
- afaik all the paths of experience that unlocked this patch were Hailey, Sally, Fatum Sisters, Intisar, Falken, Triki, Ophelia, Ethan, Pritzker, Meredith, Chalmers, Luo Yan, Ren Si, and David (this shit got me So many elemental records thank u Lilith)
- but like 3/4 of them still got swiftspace privated ,, let me INNNN I need to see Falken yearnposting damn!!!
-do not let a bitch get 2 days off bc I Did make a chart of what it took to clear each espers path💀 (Sonic/PW/Ritual/Cube/etc)
-pulled Liam and he's a cutie but I really don't know what to do w him lmao ☹️ most of the flow espers are Stacked so flow tower is a breeze, while the other two . Uhh. 365+ days w/ no tang xuan makes a bitch ill
- I never see anybody talking about how Archibald is like. Obscenely Good?? Holy shit 😭 at first I only upgraded him for calamity but tht lil dude is Killer!! He's a God in Point War tbh
- hailey,,, my wifey,,, white girl Wednesday is eternal (aka im glad they're finally giving defenders more love! Even though I don't know how to use them lol)
-give me fu shi in the within the next 3 patches or I'm chewing thru the wires for every server
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katieraven · 10 months
I have it on pretty good authority that periodically, Amethyst does peep in on Tumblr and Ao3 to check on her besties and make sure they are doing well, and happy and still writing amazing stories.
It's me. I'm authority lmao.
I am fine. And when I came to your blog to check in on you this morning I saw your post about me and it both made me feel very warm, but also very bad. I really did just peace out on all of you without much of an explanation or even a "hey I'm leaving" and that was shitty of me, wasn't it?
It's kind of a long story, but the highlights are that I just didn't want to be on Tumblr or Discord anymore, there are a lot of reasons for that but the reasons aren't as important as the fact that since I've deleted it and decided I'm done with social media - God I've felt so much better. About myself, about my life, about my goals...it's been nice. I do miss you, my heart cloud loving friend, and I miss so many others as well and me leaving had nothing to do with you or them in any way and I hope that nobody thinks it does. I miss talking to you all on a daily basis and it's very tempting to say "screw it, I'm coming back" but I was becoming way too obsessed. Obsessed with writing fanfiction, obsessed with numbers and follower counts. Obsessed and angry over drama that had absolutely nothing to do with me whatsoever...I can't do that again. I wasn't happy unless my phone was in my face and it was too easy to lose that happiness when something I didn't want to see was on my screen. I didn't like me very much.
I miss writing and I am a little sour that I've totally lost some of my stories because I 100% wrote them in Tumblr Drafts so they are gone forever (RIP Batteries, Ships, and Build a BF and lots of others). I miss you. I miss @moni-logues and I miss everyone in our server. I miss lots of others too but I'm not going to tag them all because I don't want to make a scene lmao.
I hope you are well. All of you. I hope you're all happy. Please know that I think of you often. Please know that I care about you all. Please be kind to one another. Please keep writing your awesome stories so I can lurk the shit out of them. I love you all and I never say never, maybe one day when I can learn how to not rely so heavily on acceptance and meaningless numbers for my peace, I will come back and play with you guys!!!
PS - I'm sorry to be on anon but I really just have an empty burner blog and I'm also very much not ready to be back on Tumblr but I could not let your sweet #we love amethyst post go un-responded to. I swear it's me. Penny Bird sends her love, and I baked some amazing treats for Thanksgiving and I wish I could've posted them and thrown them in ya'lls faces because I really outdid myself. Okay. Bye!!! Be good everyone and stay strong until 2025.
never in a million years was i expecting this and it made my fucking evening holy shit!!!
thank you so much for checking in. you didnt have to, but i appreciate it so much, truly. i thoroughly understand the social media aversion. really, i get it. a lot. every day on instagram makes me question if i really want to spend my time on instagram because yeesh (but: if u should feel the need to contact me, my insta is @_annkathi - this is just an offer. absolutely no pressure whatsoever and i completely get if u want to stay as far away from anything as possible)
i will absolutely tag u in anything i write in the future. it will look like "@amethystwritesbts who maybe is lurking" so be prepared.
this meant the world to me. it truly did. i hope u know that.
and im so so glad u are okay and thriving and that penny is doing well.
we love u.
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kittykallikat · 4 years
Dont rocket jump when you're sick
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thecontumacious · 2 years
hii i was the one who asked for the house husband domestic au and smsmsms you wrote it so well :’))) i was wondering if this time how luxiem would be as baristas and you’re the regular who comes in every week for either studying or like just to chill~
"I think there's something b r e w i n g between us."
a/n: IM SORRY PLS FORGIVE ME FOR THAT AHSJKDSAJHSKD i'm also super sorry for being inactive friends! writer's block hit me hard this time but i think im okay now uwu
special thanks to 🌺anon from the server for helping with the proofreading!
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl. 
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content utc!
Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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what was it? the third? no, fourth time you've come up the counter to order?
would it be possible to just order multiple things in one single time...?
vox sighs internally, smiling at your shy figure who seemed to have asked for a different drink and dessert than last time.
was he complaining? no, of course not. why would he?
he was just... interested in the way you processed your way around the cafe. he was glad you were ordering and supporting the cafe like this, but you weren't even sharing them with anyone!
and for the love of god, y/n, just order your coffees and pastries all at once!
but did he have the heart to tell you this when you looked absolutely adorable every time you came in the cafe?
again, no.
"will that be it, y/n?" he asks, not even bothering to jot down your name. vox is truly just hinting at the fact that maybe you should order something else while you're there, but you end up shaking your head, placing some money on the counter
"yep, that's it!" nodding, you grin at him.
it was like you knew what you were doing to him. you probably did.
"i'll go take these to you, y/n. the cafe is quiet anyway," vox insists and much to your surprise. but you nod and go sit down.
he placed the order into the cafe's system before preparing you another drink and pulling out the croissant you asked for.
later, he does indeed carry the two orders to your table where it lies your laptop and a notebook with your handwriting on it.
other than that, vox notices the empty plates of the previous pastries you ordered.
"i'll take these plates, yeah?" he says. you smile, gesturing at the dishes for him to take in exchange for your new drink.
as he helped to clean up your space, his yellow eyes can't help but wonder over to what you were writing in your notebook. it was so hastily written upon and the mentions of ingredients kept popping up too.
wait... vox frowns, his gaze lingering just a bit at your notes.
then your hand covers it, stopping him from reading anymore.
he looks up at you and finds your cheeks red, eyes looking away as the notebook is hidden under the table, on top of your lap.
seeing your shy figure, vox couldn’t help but chuckle and walk away with the empty plates back to the bar.
what was in your notes?
oh, you know. just you trying to figure out the ingredients used in his pastries.
as soon as vox placed the plates into the sink, he grabs his sharpie markers and gets a few tissues. when he finished, he returns to your table and places the tissues down next to your drink.
he winks, "forgot something. here you go, love."
come back to the cafe after closing hours. i'll teach you.
later that night as all his coworkers bid him farewell for the day, you make yourself known by the cafe doors and vox immediately invites you inside, holding the door open for you.
and he couldn't help but tease you, "ready for our class, y/n?"
you look away, skittering inside anyway to leave vox to laugh by himself.
"come on, into the kitchen," vox gestures to said room, one you've never seen before actually. you follow him inside and like it was a real organized class, he has all the items for a baking lesson ready by the counters.
you frown, "are you sure you're okay with this? you're using your resources..."
vox smiles, tapping the counter, "oh, it's alright. with you frequenting my cafe for my treats and drinks, i don't think using up my resources outside my business should be a problem, hm?"
again, your ears and cheeks flare red at his response. but then you suddenly feel your wrist being tugged forward and you are now just a few steps away from vox
"which dessert do you want to learn about first?" he grins, folding up his sleeves.
thus began your first night in the vox's kitchen in the cafe, pretty much spoiled of his secret recipe to his delectable foods. you pay attention to his techniques and follow his every order exactly
sure, you messed up here and there by over measuring or not whipping the egg whites enough
but there weren't any shortages of vox applauding you for how well you were doing
when the first treat, a cheesecake, came out, you were pleasantly surprised by the results and you went to grab another spoonful to enjoy your creation
vox, on the other hand, revels not in the sweet dessert but rather how sweet your smile was as you enjoyed your cake
he liked how your eyes just twinkle with delight when the right flavors fall unto your tongue, or the way your brows would scrunch while weighing out the ingredients
he selfishly wished to see more.
so by the end of the night, after three successful treats ready to be taken home for breakfast tomorrow, vox asks you, "would you be interested in doing this again some other time?"
you smile up at him, nodding, "sure! when?"
"how about my place tomorrow? i have ingredients at home too."
"that's fine," you then pull out your phone, handing it to him. "can you type in your number and send your address?"
"i'll let you have my number but i will be picking you up, love," vox winks, quickly filling up a new contact and giving it back to you. "i'll see you after work. i'll also be expecting an address from you."
and with that, you go home, hands full with your handcrafted treats
and vox, watching you leave with the biggest smile on his face as he awaits what you two will make tomorrow together. it won't matter if it won't turn out well
he just wished to be in your lovely presence and to see your smile, sweeter than any dessert he's ever made
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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"excuse me."
at the call, mysta's heart drops once more.
he sighs, putting down the blender down into the sink to help out the customer, but he feels a hand rest on his shoulder so he cranes his head around to see it was you.
you smile at him, walking towards the pick up station where the customer stood waiting
"good day, how may i help you?" you warmly greet them
but despite your polite attitude, the customer does not seem happy about their day and mysta knows for a fact that it's because of his own fault
they put their opened cup down, pushing it a bit harshly towards your side that it almost spills everywhere.
"i clearly asked for less sugar and i didn't ask for caramel in this!" they begin to protest, the anger bubbling from their blood as they sputter even more mistakes about their drink.
mysta pretends to not hear it, as it was clearly meant for him but with you being the kinder person and his manager, somehow you wanted to cover for him especially as it wasn't the first time this happened
"i'm very sorry for messing up your order. i'll get you a replacement drink, free of charge of course. could you tell me what your order was?" you still smile, taking the cup off the counter
the customer huffs, mumbling their order, "and you better get it right this time."
with a nod, the customer sits back down and you hurriedly throw the ruined drink away and make the actual correct drink yourself. mysta could only shoulder the guilt and shame as his other coworkers stared him down, probably a few customers who saw it happening too
he felt absolutely terrible. he didn't mean to bring down your business like this. yet somehow, you haven't fired him for it.
mysta sighs and mumbles to himself, "i should find a different job..."
when closing shift finally came around, just you and mysta inside the cafe, he took a deep breath and went to approach you.
"u-um, y/n?" he stuttered, holding his hands together
you stop sweeping the floor to look up at him, offering him a gentle smile. "yes, mysta? ready to go home? i can do the rest myself."
he shakes his head, "n-no. it's not about that."
you raise an eyebrow. "then?"
"it's about my employment here," he began. "i-i want to leave."
the cafe is quiet. nothing but his loudly beating heart thrumming against his eardrums.
you hum, tilting your head. "and your reason why?"
were you mocking him? surely you've noticed him messing up the customers' orders a lot. you were his manager, and the type to clock in the cafe as often as you could
even if you hadn't noticed, he was sure as hell that his co workers have reported his poor performance to you at some point, right?
mysta sighs, rubbing the back of his head, "oh, come on, y/n. you've seen me tons of times. you've definitely seen me mess up orders."
with a laugh, you put the broom back into the closet, nonchalantly replying, "oh, that."
wonder laces mysta's mind as he steps closer to you, "so, i can leave right?"
"nope," you smile, walking past him and into the back of the bar. "not until i give you another training."
"huh?" he blinks mindlessly.
you reach over the counter to grab a couple plastic cups and a few paper ones. you then arrange across the bar, looking back at him. "when it comes to people who aren't doing well in the work field, it's not always about firing them immediately. re-training is an option."
mysta still doesn't know what to say, as you gesture at the cups before him with a smile. "go on then. we'll start with an iced double shot americano and a hot caramel latte with an almond milk alternative. both medium sizes, mysta."
with you pressing him under time, he stumbles his way over to the bar and begins with the coffee grinder. he takes the right amount and he remembers to press it properly before taking it to the espresso machine
you watch mysta struggle with the a machine a little as if he should be afraid of the metal thing. but he eventually gets it.
so far so good... you think.
but then you see him take out the almond milk for the latte and pumping in hazelnut syrup instead of the caramel, putting it into the cold milk and not the actual espresso shot...
you note down all the things mysta does incorrectly and also keeping track of how long he makes both drinks.
he latches on the lid and turns to you with a goofy smile. "well? how did i do?"
you step forward and take a sip of the americano, clicking your tongue at the taste. "hmm, you did well on this one. be careful of the ice. don't forget it to throw it into the sink if you drop it."
mysta nods.
next, the supposed caramel latte.
you take a careful sip and hum. you spare mysta a side glance. "what do you think you could improve on this, mysta?"
he's taken aback by your response a bit, then hesitates. "uh..."
it takes him a while. then his shoulders droop down. "oh wait, i was supposed to mix the syrup in with the espresso shot right?"
"why is that?"
"because the shot was hot and it mixes more evenly."
you nod, smiling. "good! anything else?"
"is there more?" he whines slightly.
giggling you shrug, "i don't know. is there?"
mysta sighs. "um, did i use the wrong milk?"
he looks at the carton but sees that it is almond. "wait, no. i didn't. what is it?"
"taste it yourself," you hand him the warm cup.
he bites his lip for a good second before sipping the beverage. he takes a minute as his face frowns with concern. "wait... this doesn't taste like caramel, does it? is this... oh shit, hazelnut???"
seeing him look at the drink in his hand and mentally beating himself of his mistake made you laugh.
so mysta turned, red on the cheeks and ears.
"i'm glad you were able to figure it out on your own, mysta. see? you could do it after all," you place a gentle hand on his shoulder and for that single moment, he had never been more glad than to have you as his direct superior.
that night, you taught him how to make drinks and with every espresso shot made and ice cubes thrown around, he was able to make even the most complex drink on the menu.
all because you decided to be so patient and willing to help him out.
the next morning, mysta is up for opening shift.
as thanks for your help, he makes his first drink of the day.
then you come in as usual to help out with the cafe and you're met with mysta's beverage just by the pick up counter.
with the cafe still closed, you figured this was probably mysta's but the note on top...
"thank you, for everything. this is for you. i'll be back from the store in a bit."
it's your favorite drink. you take a sip and it's made just how you like it.
he really did improve.
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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you were... luca's very special customer.
he really tried to tell you but he couldn't, seeing as you were extremely comfortable with how things are.
so, here's how it began between you two.
luca was on closing shift that night and just as he was about to grab the broom to start sweeping the floors, it started to pour heavily outside.
he sighs, shrugging it off as he'll just have to make sure to drink vitamins later when he gets home so he wouldn't get sick the next day.
but then his purple eyes catch sight of something zooming through the windows.
luca immediately raises his head and he sees you, the poor thing who didn't bring an umbrella and now desperately sheltering under the awnings of the cafe
you look from side to side, occasionally up at the dark and gloomy sky.
to luca, you looked panicked. and his heart decided to move on his own as he went to put the broom away to open the door.
"excuse me?" he called out to you
you immediately turn to him, surprised. "oh, hi. can i help you?"
"more like could i help you," luca chuckles, holding the door open as you rub the back of your head, embarrassed. "come inside. you'll freeze out here."
"but you're closed though, aren't you? i don't want to intrude," you shake your head.
"oh, uh," luca blinked, looking inside the cafe then back at you. his mouth seemed to have shaped the words on its own before his brain could even process so he says, "we're not actually closed yet! there's still about an hour ish...?"
you tilt your head to the side, "really?"
it's only when you question him that he starts to question himself. but he's said it and there was no way he was going to embarrass himself in front of you.
so luca nods, gesturing for you to come inside. "yep. come inside. order anything you like."
smiling, you bow your head in thanks and went inside to wait by the ordering counter to wait for him.
that night, you really did become his very special customer.
and you somehow never notice why it is you're always alone during the nighttimes. actually, luca keeps wondering why you even came at such a late hour and never any other time in the day.
his co workers would often question why the heck he would let a customer in way past opening hours, but luca would just offer to take closing shift every time you came by
but it got to the point where his boss came himself to tell luca that he wouldn't be able to tolerate this behavior any longer in the most gentle way possible
luca knew his boss was by no means angry about it, but he kindly asked him to tell you that it's not actually opening hours anymore...
somehow though, with every night you show up and order something from him, he could not bear to tell you.
when he's supposed to say 'no, y/n. it's actually closing time', he replaces it with a genuinely curious question of how your day was or if you had any exciting plans for the week
it's more than just about if you wanted less sugar or milk alternative for your drinks.
it's about what foods you favored, what hobbies you preferred doing in your free time and the type of friends you had around.
luca can't help but think that this supposed closed time of his is the only time in the day where he gets to have you all to himself.
after a long and busy day, he gets to have you as a break from all that.
just you, some coffee and him.
until one day his boss insists that he shouldn't be doing any of the closing shifts. not until he was sure luca had told you about the right opening times.
so just as luca was waiting for his coworkers to leave, him left behind as always to wait for you to come, his boss pushes him out of the cafe and sends him on his merry way.
"luca, you know well enough how many times i've told you this can't go on anymore. i know you're responsible of the consequences by covering all the closing shifts but other customers will think we're still open at this hour," his boss sighs.
he had a point and luca was just being insubordinate.
"alright then... " with a heavy heave of his breath, he shrugs on his jacket and bids his superior goodbye.
but then he runs into you at the front of the cafe.
"oh, hey luca! wait, you're off today?" you ask him.
great, now he has to tell you.
"hiiii y/n," luca laughs nervously, scratching his head. he looks inside the cafe but he realizes that it's already dark inside, only the locker rooms in the back were seen with the lights on.
he really wished nothing else than to rush back in and make your order tonight but his boss gave him a last warning today.
"we-were you looking for a drink?" he questions
you hum, "yeah... here, at your cafe. but you're closed? isn't it early?"
"right about that!"
here goes nothing.
"i've been uh... lying to you."
you frown. "lying to me?"
"we're not actually open at this hour. and i've just been... letting you in past opening hours."
it's silent between you and luca for a few minutes, before you suddenly let out a laugh. he blinks, surprised.
"sorry! sorry! i just--" you giggle. "i've been coming here for so long, thinking that you're still open. and it's only now you tell me this? it's more funny than it is supposed to be surprising."
luca releases a breath he never knew he held all this time.
maybe it was because he heard your laugh amidst the stress of telling you.
"so uh... ," he laughs nervously.
you smile up at him, "i do know a cafe that opens this late though. care to join me? they don't make my drinks as good as you do though, luca."
red creeps up to his cheeks, but nonetheless, he agrees to your invitation.
"i'd like to join you, yeah."
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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it's exactly 8:37 am, about half an hour after the cafe's opening when ike's ears catch wind of the bell hanging by door ringing
he looks up by reflex and there you are, his regular customer who comes by around this exact time
you're hauling a backpack, your phone in your hand as you go to approach the rather quiet ordering counter where ike was standing by
you smile at him like usual and order your typical drink
"for y/n?" he asks, holding the cup in his hand and a marker in the other ready to jot down your name
you nod, giggling as you give him the appropriate amount of money
ike scribbles on your name and your specific order, then helps with the payment.
"just take the change as your tip today like usual," you smile, sliding over to the pick up area.
it's become a routine for you two now. you come in at around 8:30, order your usual (or sometimes a different drink from time to time with a treat) and then sit in that specific spot all day long
you'd be typing away on your laptop, or flipping through some books or pages you've brought with you. then you'd occasionally sip on your drink as you're laser focus on the laptop screen once more
much to ike's dismay, he has yet to figure out what you do on that laptop. what were you so busily typing about? were you writing for a research paper? were you a college student?
well that last deduction was far from accurate as you spend almost every day of the week in the cafe
then what could you possibly have as a career when all you do is sit in a cafe on your laptop?
even today, ike hasn't figured it out as he put the lid to your drink on
he walks over to the pick up station and hand you your cup, never forgetting to insert a smile of his own to you. "here you are. order for y/n."
"that's me," you giggle, taking the drink while ever so slightly brushing against his fingers. goosebumps rise onto ike's forearms and he can't help but pull away quickly as you retreat to your little work nook
and then the part where ike doesn't interact with you the entire day begins.
he would check on you every once in a while, seeing if you've taken a break from your work, whether that be to take some time to look at social media or finishing your drink
of course, if you weren't, ike would be on the shyer side to tell you to take a break
after all, even if you and ike had met multiple times in the same circumstances, you two were still technically strangers.
he wished to know what you were working on, what you did for a living, what other drinks were to your fancy so he could make them for you. he wants to be able to talk to you other than what drinks were on promotion that month or if you wanted to make your drink iced or hot
ike selfishly wished you two weren't just barista and customer
suddenly, in the middle of the day, ike looks up to once again check on you when you seem to be missing
your laptop and belongings were there though
"probably went to the bathroom?" ike mumbles to himself, then noticing how the table next to where you sat had recently been left unclean
he ducks under the counter to grab a cloth and plastic box before leaving the cashier to take care of the empty seats
as he placed the mugs carefully into the plastic box, he couldn't help himself to steal a glance at your still glowing laptop
for the first time, he sees what you're working on
ike wipes the table clean quickly and then subtly leans over to your table to see what it is you're so serious about this past month
"oh," he whispers, unknowingly finding himself leaning even lower to read through your work
but before he could brave himself to scroll down, he hears the bathroom door latch open and he quickly goes back to cleaning the table
when ike takes his box back with him to the bar, you're already settling yourself down back in your seat and madly typing away at your laptop
he doesn't know what has gotten into him, but the very next day, when you left to go to the bathroom and any tables remotely close to yours needed cleaning, ike is taking that chance
all so that when he comes back, he gets to steal a bit more of progress of your work
he has to admit it, but you do good work. that even him, your mere barista and generally a stranger, was captivated by it
it becomes one of the very reasons why he goes to work now. he becomes more motivated only so he could see you, make your drink by memory and if lucky, get rewarded by a snippet of your work
until one day, your visits become rare. then slowly turns to none at all.
ike thought at first he was just overthinking as he goes about his day to work
but he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss seeing you come through the door early in the morning
it was silly, he thought. so when he finally accepted the fact you probably found a different cafe, he swallowed his insensible longing for your visit
"hi, can i order my usual?"
ike looks up, and there you were, smiling at him.
"o-oh! of course," surprised, ike quickly grabs a cup and a marker. he nervously beams, "order for y/n?"
"yes," you nod. as he busies himself with logging your order, you suddenly pull something out of your bag. definitely not your wallet.
ike turns slightly and realize you're looking at him and sliding over a hardcover book onto the counter.
he raises an eyebrow and looks down at the book, then noticing it has your name on it, printed in bold letters along with a title.
"i noticed how you're a big fan of my work, ike," you giggle, pushing it over to him. "so here, a signed copy. money's inside."
and just like that, you leave the ordering counter.
ike's face flushes red.
but he's happy.
he takes the book and opens it up to get the money for the drink, but he also notices something else than the money.
on the front page is indeed your signature and below it, your number.
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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not much was said between you and shu, other than the words of your chosen drinks or sometimes a treat or two for longer days. but that didn't stop you two from bonding a mutual relationship of the comfortable barista-customer trope.
you come in, he knows your usual order and the correct spelling of your name, and you generously tip and smile at him.
it was an unspoken friendship you had.
one that sat both well and not with shu.
sure, he liked what he had. it was unlike any other he's had before. but he can't handle just 'good morning, shu, i'll have this and this, thank you!'
shu asked the world why the conversations with you were solely only about coffee and cakes. why couldn't it be about yourself? about him? about the annoying things you wished could disappear from the face of the earth?
he wouldn't mind that.
but as you walk through that door with that same smile and your usual order once more, shu will have to accept what he has for now. one day maybe he'll brave himself to ask you how your day went in detail.
after passing your drink to you, you're off to sit down and shu returns to his post at the cashier. but the moment he's face to face with his next customer, the sorcerer couldn't help but feel very unsettled.
in the eyes of everyone else, this guy probably looked very normal and well, your average male stranger looking for a drink in the cafe.
but being well practiced in sorcery which also meant trusting your guts and instincts, shu made sure to keep his eyes open for this guy as he went to order something off the order. a hot americano he said.
shu goes about his business as usual, despite his stomach just flexing about every time the guy moved.
and it certainly did not help that he kept glancing in your direction.
did he know you? did you know him?
shu was sure as hell that you've never brought him here with you, so probably someone you either didn't know or at least did not feel like interacting with
"hot americano?" the sorcerer announces and the man who ordered it comes up front to pick it up, muttering a quick thanks and almost as if hurriedly, goes to your table.
the hairs on shu's arms stands on edge and he clenches his first in worry for you.
calm down, shu. you're probably just overthinking. maybe's he just an old friend of theirs they haven't seen in a while. maybe your gut is wrong this time.
but that's the thing.
his gut is almost never wrong.
you look up from your phone when you notice someone approaching you. upon seeing who it is, your face drains of its color and shu knew exactly then that he was right.
the man stood in front of your table, raising his hand to wave at you it seems.
you simply nod, but your eyes don't meet his.
another sign you didn't like interacting with this man.
but he ignores your body language and had the audacity to sit next to you, not minding personal space.
you and shu weren't even friends, but he absolutely hated how he was making you visibly uncomfortable.
he seems to have said something to make your face scrunch with the discomfort, disgust even as you scoot away from him.
it's when he dared to place his grimy hands on your lap did shu take off his apron hastily and exited the counter like a mad bull.
"hey, babe! sorry, work took a while. my shift's over though now," shu announces, standing by your side and leaning over a bit.
you, on the other hand, look up at him with surprised eyes but you smile up at him to play along, scooting even closer to shu to avoid the man.
"h-hey! i was wondering what took you so long," you respond.
"yeah, sorry about that," shu courageously puts a hand on your shoulder then turns to the person next to you. he raises an eyebrow, "oh, who's this?"
"he's my--"
"oh, you're the new boy toy?" he smirks, looking at you this time. "really, y/n? someone like him?"
"excuse me?" shu spoke in a gentle manner, but with you so up close to him, you can feel him seethe with so much anger. like he could explode at any moment if ticked off the wrong way.
the creep leans back, grinning, "come on, look at him, y/n. what's with the weird hair, huh? and a barista? lame job. does nothing but make coffee and bread."
"the coffee i made you? the one you're drinking? must be because you can't make it by yourself," shu retorts. "lame."
you even let out a small snort.
the man's face is burning red with anger and frustration. he stands this time and goes to grab your arm, but shu snatches his hand before it could even touch you
"don't you dare lay a hand on her," he growls. "there are cameras in here and if you so much even say something out of place, i have every right to remove you from this property."
the man laughs to mock him, spitting back, "really? what's a puny boy like you gonna do?"
shu eyes the still hot black coffee on the table and he smiles. he lets go of the man's hand, pushing him back a bit before saying, "i'm not going to do anything. i don't need to. a real man uses his brain instead of his brawn."
just as the man was about to pounce on shu again, the sorcerer had already subtly moved the hot drink closer to him with the help of his sorcery skills.
so by the time he was about to grab shu by the collar, the americano is knocked over and pours all over the man's pants.
he lets out a pained screech, stumbling back onto the floor to try to recover from the hot drink.
all the patrons in the cafe looks at the commotion, eyeing the man oddly. at the public embarrassment, he stands and hurries out the cafe to escape it all.
shu heaves a sigh and turns to you, "you alright?"
you only stare at the fallen cup, blinking. "i... i saw that."
"i know," he chuckles, grabbing a tissue and patting down the table. "but you're safe, that's more important. tell me if that guy ever comes back and maybe i'll do something worse than hot coffee."
another laugh leaves your lips and you look up at him with the most beautiful smile he's ever seen. "yeah, i'll be counting on you, shu."
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ethotv-archived · 2 years
Would love to hear about the playlist
i love you. im going to put this under a cut bc it will get VERY LONG so. here it is. ultimate ethubs playlist autism (and heres a link to the playlist if you want to listen to it :3)
fair warning a lot of these songs are. love songs. which leads to a more romantic leaning interpretation but you can ignore those parts if you want, i didnt make this playlist with a platonic OR romantic version in mind i just picked songs
OBVIOUS BLASÉ: yeah this song is in the playlist twice FOR GOOD REASON. its the life series etho song of all time you will never find another one like it (it even fits dl but i wont mention that here. sorry). its first in the playlist bc its about ethos feelings on 3rd life because the entire song is about fire and literally playing with matches. i wont go on a 3l etho rant but yeah its very important. the playlist title comes from it! im not gonna bring up specific lyrics here bc they have more impact LATER in the playlist
THE LIGHTHOUSE: bringing back the fire lyrics YAYYYY ^_^ i think this might be the least connected song in the entire playlist but i had to include it bc i love it. just read the lyrics here i dont have a lot to say on them but i really needed to put a song in before bdubs turns red so this one is about them not knowing if this alliance will work out but going for it anyway <3
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PARADISE LOST: oh my god ethubs song soooo so so mcuh i have to go through this with specific lyrics because i have to go indepth. this one is right after bdubs goes red for reference
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obvious connections here - theyve knwon each other for so long they end up teaming and running in circles around eachother they cant stay away. also "yellow fades to blue" is a reference to a different song but to me if you replace blue with red its about them having the same dynamic as always until bdubs going red messes with it
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do i have to. explain this. "cant bring myself to cut ties i know you better than anyone" i cant say anything more. themcore. they cant escape eachother no matter what and they DONT WANT TO
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ok almost done with this song but THIS is about how etho is the boogeyman when bdubs goes red. also "will i survive its so hard to tell" screams and cries forever. etho keeping bdubs in the snow fort was "selfish" int hat he SHOULD kick bdubs out but he desperately doesnt want to but also it helps protect him from reds AND gave him a way to get a boogey kill
CLEAN CUT HEALS: im sorry for putting so many songs from one album in a row like this it just. worked out so well? another song about the snowfort split yeah yeah im predictable
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they both KNOW they need to split but they dont want to even if it hurts more like this. i dont really have much more for this song EXCEPT the bridge. because while this song is etho pov the BRUDGE.
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^ bdubs pov. right in the middle. im too reckless baby..... not much to say. but i had to bring it up so everyone knows
WITH ME TONIGHT: BDUBS SONG. BDUBS SONG. hes trying to win etho over to the red side hes wants it so badly but it isnt working. ignore the parts about it being unrequited it IS ok it is but not every song is perfect. i think it could be taken as bdubs exaggerating to make etho feel bad though
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i wish they had killed eachother at least once so i could make this fit even more but.. well im glad they didnt also. + foreshadowing in that last line about how wanting to be with etho will kill him. i would just put screenshots of more lyrics here too but i dont want to reach image cap by adding things just to look at. listen to the song
EMPTY WITH YOU: [dies][dies][dies]
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bdubs song begging etho to go red with him. hes bargaining so much by appealing to how much fun they can have as long as theyre TOGETHER. they could take down the whole server! soooo them so so so them. have cried listening to this one
COME UNDONE: "skeppy this is the third song about bdubs wanting etho to go red" ok and. they fit. theyre good. this one ESPECIALLY because it has ties to 3rd life (on yellow, i couldnt do anything. but now thats im red- im a weapon). also connects to etho being boogey
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he wnats etho to go red but hes constantly turned down despite being able to TELL etho wants it too. also fire motifs. endless fire motifs. youll be seeing a lot of songs from this album bc its the most redlife bdubs album ever written
GREENER WITH THE SCENERY: cycles and loops and endlessly going through the same situations without seeing an end.... this song is etho after bdubs goes red for the 3rd time.
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etho is frustrated that no matter how hard he tries to get bdubs back on yellow he isnt able to stop him going red again and again but he knows he'll keep trying. also do you know how much i would kill for an ethubs lifeswap that couldve made this so much more impactful but WHATEVER. its still good
BLOODY NOSE: bdubs is back!!! we've reached the river confrontation and life exchange deal.. yeah theres a lot of songs about this too because i feel a lot about it. bdubs knows he isnt going to survive this mission but he also knows its his only chance and he cant back out now because he will NEVER get etho down to red with him, even if he'd prefer being red together than yellow
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he LIKES being red and how it feels to have that, even if hes going to die. also the dancing reference to fuel my personal insanity that i might go into some other day. + this song has "even on my worst nights i never stop the sunrise" which i take as a little nod to his sleep thing on hc
MEN ARE ALL THE SAME: oh my god. oh my god. bdubs after coming to terms with the fact he'll die here is bitter towards etho but also doesnt want him to be mad that he couldnt make it back. im going in depth on the lyrics here bc i REALLY LIKE THIS SONG AS A BDUBS ONE
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obviously we start with the 3rd life reference because who am i if not a 3l etho insanitybot. hes reminiscing on their weird relationship in 3l and their weird fighting but not fighting thing they had. hes asking etho not to question why he likes being red so much and why he couldnt stay yellow for him and THEN the ultimate hit of the last 4 lines - if you love it then let it go (let bdubs prove himself and win a life back) but he knows etho likely wont be able to find out the full circumstances behind his death. (also a meta reference to how bdubs footage got corrupted. lol). but dont blame him for not being good enough... this song is so much. so much. hes bitter but hes scared and hes resigned
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bdubs knows etho isnt going to win this on his own despite being known for his isolation. its easier to leave on a suicide mission than to continue trying to win etho over knowing itll never work
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sorry i said some of the songs are explicitly romantic but you can take it figuratively - he never gets to say a true goodbye, forced to pretend he'll come back (isnt it a trope that people who leave on dangerous journeys wont say goodbye because "theyre coming back"? yeah. that)
TAKE IT AWAY: etho doesnt want bdubs to die he DOESNT. he wants to get him back no matter what but he isnt willingly to risk his own safety for it, because he hasnt fully processed that if he doesnt help bdubs hes out forever (i thought we would be together and everything would be ok again). FIRE MOTIFS ARE BACK!
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i dont have coherent thoughts on this. take my hand take my life.. also unrelated but even the little intro sample thing fits because to me its etho questioning what he'll do without bdubs
MEANT TO DIE: [bursts into tears] bdubs... song..........
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hes dead and hes out forever and he DIDNT WANT THIS he knew he was going off to die but he still tried his best his last words were crying out to etho. yes he made bad decisions as a red and bit off more than he could chew but he TRIED.
OBVIOUS BLASÉ (AGAIN): so. how do you feel now.
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it is so hard for me to put how i feel about this song into words. while after 3l its his regret at not winnign and all that hes lost by this point it has entirely new meaning. "ghost, tell me that youll stay" is AGONISING bc bdubs DOES stay as a ghost, the only person in the series to do that. etho knows bdubs would prefer him with that bloodlust. and he knows its HIS FAULT that bdubs is dead, for not just giving him the life right there
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they both knew it couldnt end well and they did it anyway. while in 3l etho was LITERALLY playing with fire and got burned in turn, this time merely pairing with bdubs was enough to doom him since they would never stay together forever and now he has to try get over that while still winning. bittersweet... (i didnt win it for you but you didnt win it for me either). yeah take this song away from me
ALL THAT IVE GOT: just. just. look at this. please ignore the gay sex implications the song isnt even about gay sex
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i dont. i dont know what to add here really. etho struggling after bdubs dies and not knwoing what to do without him.. he forgets bdubs isnt with him and he just. doesnt know how to cope. this song is a lot but i cant even articulate it just LOOK AT IT. oh my god. its all that he can do
WATERED DOWN: we made it. finally. this took so much of my time. i actually dont have a lot of specific lyrics for this one because its just. more vibes than anything? just finishing off the playlist with more etho not knwoing how to live in ll without bdubs and then. like dying i guess. at this point im very tired listen to the playlist. how are you this far without listening to it please do
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marshmellobunny64 · 3 years
A3 eng news rambling ignore me
(Ignore the typos and bad punctuation n stuff if you actually read im so bad at writing. Im bad at words i know)
Bro i had the biggest crying fit finding this news on Twitter last night I literally had a hard time sleeping. I spent most of the day today thinking about it so i need somewhere to dump it all out and i feel less exposed on here venting.
I honestly can’t believe that its ending so soon.
It sucks being able to only read in eng/spa. Even then i can only really read eng cause i never really read things in spanish. Like man its nice being bilingual but i wish i was multilingual and knew every language that ever existed. Theres so many things im missing out on and it frustrates me that i cant learn things quick enough ; n ;.
Whats hecking me up even more is that im losing the thing that’s literally been what’s been fueling me to draw for these past almost two years.
Im not joking when i tell you ive got so much stuff still packed in my wips. Like its crazy not even my kpop art matches up to the amount of stuff i churned out for a3 and ive been drawing that for way longer. I never even managed to go past like 5 days on a prompt thing ever but i somehow got to get to 22 thanks to this game.
The last time I had something make me go crazy making art like this was vld but it wasnt even close to this tbh
This game is really special to me so it’s really heartbreaking to lose it. Like i feel like i was literally growing up together with it which is kinda silly to say but its true i did grow with it.
Ngl almost feels like im losing a super close friend because they suddenly have to move away.
Im really gonna miss it.
Im so glad I decided to play this game though like i don’t regret a single moment of it (maybe gem buying i do kinda regret lol) but yeah no i regret nothing.
I feel extremely lucky being able to play such an amazing game and Im truly thankful for a3 eng.
Im def not gonna give up drawing a3 fanart anytime soon thats for sure. Nor do i want to leave the fandom yet cause bro the entire a3 community is so wonderful 😭. Ive literally never been in such a chill/kind space with so many nice people if you get what i mean.
Im not gonna quit trying to read after they officially close the server either. I cant let go of these characters just yet especially with how the jpn server is still ongoing. Gonna have to rely on translations now cause i gotta see everyone bloom no matter what >:’U ❤️
Ok i think ive emptied my brain enough. Sorry for all my nonsense. Ill be ok. I hope you all will be ok too. Im not good at sending comforting words but im sending hugs to those who need it.
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ifistoptherain · 3 years
Star Crossed Lovers, a TsukkiYama fanfic
You can buy me a ko-fi here. You can read this on AO3 here.
Yamaguchi gets approached by Johzenji's captain, Terushima Yuuji to go on a date and Tsukishima Kei gets jealous. It looks like two alphas have their sight on Yamaguchi, how will he choose?
Karasuno wins against Johzenji. The adrenaline and happiness surging through Tadashi’s body is incredible. They can keep playing! It’s smiles all around as Daichi yells at them to line up and they all bow.
Playing against Johzenji was fun. The energy that that team brought to the game was wild and unpredictable, different from the other teams that would strategize every move. As usual, Hinata had the most fun, his happy pheromones flooding the court with the scent of oranges.
He’s packing up his things, with Tsukki right next to him when the Johzenji captain approaches. 
“Pinch server-kun, will you go out with me?”
He’s stunned. He can feel the blush creeping up his cheeks. Nothing has happened with Tsukki since their presentation and he’s tired of waiting. Maybe a bit of jealousy would be the exact push Tsukki needs.
He nods, holding out his phone to get his number. Terushima grins and walks away. And if Tadashi was to be honest, he’d been wondering how a tongue piercing tastes throughout the match. (Tadashi was really glad he always wears scent blockers, no way he’d be able to explain why his pheromones were horny. Actually, he could. Terushima was totally his type and it didn’t look like he was looking for anything too serious.)
He looks down at his phone. “Terushima Yuuji.” Yuuji? It means playful child, how fitting. He smiles at his phone and adds a heart emoji to his name. His heart is fluttering right now.
“So you’re going to go out with him?” Tsukki asks, expression unreadable. 
“Yup, why are you jealous?” Tsukki shakes his head, muttering something about being careful.
“He seems nice, and I like how he smells.” For someone so wild, Terushima smells like vanilla. How ironic. 
Just then, Yachi yells at them and they head to their bus. He’s honestly really tired, a quick nap is just what he needs.
When he gets home, his mother immediately wrinkles her nose. “Why did Tsukishima scent mark you so aggressively?”  
Tadashi shakes his head. “I have no idea, but today an alpha from another school asked me out, mom. I said yes!”
“Eh, I thought Tsukishima was courting you. You always smell like him. Are you sure you want to go out with someone else?”
“That’s what I thought too. I like him but he hasn’t initiated anything. I’m tired of waiting. Maybe a little jealousy will work?”
His mother punches him in the arm, “That’s seriously sly. Who taught you this behavior?”
“Like mother, like son.”
“Hey, I’m an innocent person! I bet you picked it up from your beloved Tsukki.”
“Fine, fine, tell me all about this new alpha.”
“His name is Terushima Yuuji and he’s from Johzenji…”
When he checks his phone that night, there are no texts from Tsukki which was weird. So, instead he decides to text Terushima. He takes a selfie with his tongue sticking out, captioning “I wonder what a tongue piercing tastes like?” A bit flirty but Tadashi has been wondering.
He gets an immediate reply. Good, Tadashi likes attention. “Why don’t you find out this weekend?”
<b> Tadashi: </b> can i call you teru
<b> teruteru <3: </b> Only if i can call u dashi
<b> Tadashi: </b> then i should be calling you yuuji ◕ ◡ ◕
<b> teruteru <3: </b> You can if you want
<b> teruteru <3: </b> Who was the blond alpha? Would have burnt me to crisp with his glare D:
<b> Tadashi: </b> hes just my best friend
<b> teruteru <3: </b> You like him?
Tadashi pauses, unsure how to reply, admitting his feelings for Tsukki would ruin his chances with Terushima.
<b> teruteru <3: </b> Well im not looking for anyth serious anw
<b> teruteru <3: </b> I broke up with my ex a while back, we can be each others’ rebounds
<b> teruteru <3: </b>  In fact riling up an alpha seems especially fun
<b> Tadashi: </b>  u wanna watch a movie this sun?
<b> teruteru <3: </b> Sureeeee
<b> Tadashi: </b> ure definitely okay with dating for fun?
<b> teruteru <3: </b>  Yupppp
<b> Tadashi: </b> by the way
<b> Tadashi: </b> ill be preheat then so :p
<b> teruteru <3: </b> fuckkkkkkkkk
It’s Thursday so Tadashi only has three days till his date.
They’re having lunch in class when he tells Tsukki that he’s meeting Teru on Saturday, only for him to get no reaction. Tsukki passes him his lunchbox. Tadashi’s mother is a single mother and she’s usually too busy to cook for Tadashi. Tadashi tries to cook when he can but most of the time he’s too tired from working part time at Shimada Mart and the Yamaguchi family ends up eating take out. 
Stupid Tsukishima. If he didn’t like Tadashi, why would he constantly scent mark him and bring him a lunch box all the time? Honestly, Tadashi could ask Tsukki out. But, he knows Tsukki might say yes even if he didn’t have feelings for Tadashi, and Tadashi could just be overthinking Tsukki’s actions.
So, Tadashi wasn’t going to make the first move but he wasn’t going to wait forever either. He loves Tsukki but he knows that he deserves better than that.
The food is great. His lunches with Tsukki are the rare home cooked meals he gets. Curry rice always reminds him of his dad. But the sweet Japanese curries are different from the ones his dad used to make. Maybe, he should make something that his dad used to make. It’s hard to get Indian spices in Japan…
He really must drop by and thank Tsukki’s mum soon. Maybe with a gift?
“Hey Tsukki, should I get your mother a gift? She’s always helping me and my mum out. I feel bad.”
“No, it’s fine. But she did mention that she wanted to see you soon.”
“I’ll come by for dinner soon then.”
“You seemed sad?” He hadn’t even realised he had looked sad.
“I was just reminded of my dad. Thought I should make some of the food he used to make, maybe I’ll make some for mum.” His dad passed away a year ago. They’re okay with it now. Both his mum and him were able to brace themselves as he was sick for a while. 
But, sometimes it hurts. Like someone twisted a knife in his heart. 
Tadashi smiles. “It’s not a big deal, Tsukki.” It really isn't.  Grief demands to be felt and there’s nothing you can do about it. It just makes him appreciate his time with his dad more.
“Is Aki-nii coming back this weekend? I think he mentioned something like that a while back.”
And immediately, Tsukki looks annoyed. “How does he have the time to text you and not me? I’m his brother.”
“Well, Tsukki. I’m the favourite, besides you ignore him all the time. Now, if I were to tell Aki-nii what you just said, he might text you more often.” He points his chopsticks in Tsukki’s direction.
“Shut up, Yamaguchi.”
“Sorry, Tsukki.” He looks pointedly at him. “But… If you were more vocal in your affection, Aki-nii would reciprocate.” Tsukki better take the hint. Or maybe not, he would enjoy his date with Teru after all.
“By the way, I won’t be in school next week. Take notes for me, will you?” He can see the cogs turning in Tsukki’s brain.
“You’re going to be spending your pre-heat with Terushima? Just be safe.” Ugh. Tadashi could bang his head on the table. Will Tsukki ever get it?
“I will.”
“What do you think I should wear for the date? I was thinking something punk, Teru has those vibes. He might like it.”
Terushima picks him up, looking as punk as he could imagine, with a motorbike. Terushima looks great, the pants are tight, showing off his toned legs and bubble butt. The white tank top shows off his muscular arms through the sheer black top.
And Tadashi is really glad he went through his mother’s closet and picked out a leather jacket with spikes on it and borrowed Yachi’s choker. He’s wearing a t-shirt that he owns and skinny jeans. 
“Terushima! You look good.”
“I thought you were going to call me Yuuji. And you look good too.” He holds out a helmet for Tadashi to wear. 
“Only if you call me Tadashi.”
“Okay, Tadashi, hop on.”
Yuuji clearly has a need for speed. Tadashi thinks it's a ploy to get him to hold onto the alpha’s waist tightly. It works.
The wind also blows Yuuji’s pheromones right into his face. It’s a bit intoxicating, he hasn’t been in such close parameters with an alpha before.
Yuuji pays for everything, of course Tadashi offers to pay but it's an empty offer. There is nothing sexier than a capable alpha, it makes him feel like he would be well taken care of.
The movie bores Tadashi out of his mind so he leans into Yuuji. Nuzzles his face into Yuuji’s scent glands. He likes how Yuuji smells. He smells so sweet, a bit sugary like Tadashi could eat the alpha up. It’s a fun thought.
His preheat was making him just a bit more horny than usual. After a few minutes of nuzzling, Yuuji looks him in the eye. 
“You smell spicy, it’s rare.”  Yuuji sucks at the skin of his neck.
“I’m half indian.” Tadashi is pretty sure what someone smells like depends on the food they ate as a child. Huh, maybe Yuuji ate a lot of vanilla ice cream as a child.
He bites the sensitive skin of Tadashi’s scent glands, sucking on it and Tadashi can’t suppress the moan.
“Be quiet, <i>omega</i>.” Tadashi knows that Yuuji knows that the two of them are probably the only two left in the movie theatre.
“Make me, <i>alpha<i>.” Yuuji’s eyes almost seem to glow as he immediately closes the gap between their lips. He pushes Tadashi onto his back, who promptly wraps his legs around the alpha’s waist. His lips are rough, a bit dry. He tastes like the cheap, buttery popcorn they had earlier. Tadashi’s tongue runs along Yuuji’s tongue piercing, it doesn’t taste like anything really.
His hands are on Tadashi’s back, but one is creeping up his shirt. They stop making out for a moment and Tadashi takes off Yuuji’s shirt. Meanwhile, Yuuji pushes up Tadashi’s shirt, tongue dragging along his chest, sucking on the nipples. The metal feels cool against his skin.
Meanwhile, Tadashi feels up Yuuji’s muscular arms. He’s so strong...
“Fuck, you smell so fuckable.” He’s back to nosing at his scent glands and sucking on that skin. Tadashi lifts his hips up, gyrating against Yuuji’s crotch. They’re both hard, Tadashi notices with satisfaction.
Yuuji stops for a moment and Tadashi whines. 
“Your heat’s starting soon, let’s leave.” Ugh. It would only start tomorrow so why couldn’t he enjoy his time with Yuuji?
“Yuuji, I don’t want to…” He leans away, getting up. Deep down, Tadashi knows he’s right. He pulls Tadashi up by the arm.
Yuuji leads them out and Tadashi follows, clinging onto his arm. Tadashi does feel slightly light headed now that he thinks about it. Yuuji is awfully quiet and Tadashi’s pretty sure they’re speeding. It must take a lot of focus to deny an omega almost in heat. At least, wrapping his arms around Yuuji is nice.
When they arrive, Yuuji pushes his shirt into Tadashi’s arms. 
“For your heat.” Tadashi plants a very chaste kiss on Yuuji’s lips.
“Thanks for today, Yuuji.”
He hears the motorcycle rev off, once he’s closed the door behind him. He’s sweet and respectful, isn’t he?
“I’m home!” He says to no one in particular, his mum must have picked up an extra shift at the bar again.
He’s alone again. Yuuji just left and he misses him terribly. There’s probably an hour left until his heat actually hits.
<b> Tadashi: </b> thanks for today
<b> Tadashi: </b> drive safe
<b> teruteru <3: </b> :D
He had already built his nest and stocked his room with water in advance. Or maybe his mum had put the water bottles in? He doesn’t remember.
<b> Tadashi: </b>tsukkkiiiiiii 
<b> Tadashi: </b> he has a motorcycle! a motorcycle!!
 <b> Tadashi: </b> the movie we watched was super boring but
<b> Tadashi: </b> yuuji was really sweet i think i could fall for him
<b> Tadashi: </b> but hes not looking for anyth too serious
The messages show up as read but Tsukki doesn’t reply because when does he ever. There’s a meal in the fridge, some take out his mum probably got from work. He climbs into his nest on his bed, after dinner. AC on blast, heats could get so hot and so sticky.
During his heat, Tadashi imagines not just Tsukki’s long fingers but also Yuuji’s firm but gentle touches and his playful bites.
It’s Thursday afternoon and Tadashi’s heat is mostly gone. It’s just a dull ache in his bones now. Yuuji’s poor sheer shirt has been desecrated. Tadashi handwashes it, and then sends a pic of him wearing it with nothing below to Yuuji. Also, Yuuji’s hickies hadn’t faded in the 4 days since then.
<b> Tadashi: </b> (*^^*) the hickies still havent fadedddd
<b> teruteru <3: </b> I like to show off my work~ 
<b> teruteru <3: </b> Besides, I didn’t hear complaints at the time~~
<b> Tadashi: </b> (*^^*) 
He definitely had been in pre heat then because he hadn’t noticed how aggressive Yuuji was. The hickeys hurt if he touches them. Yuuji’s aggressiveness was sexy actually.
He’ll probably have to put makeup on them when he goes to school. But it's only Thursday and he’d probably ditch on Friday anyway so hopefully, it would fade before next Monday. 
Tomorrow, he has a morning shift at the convenient store nearby and then an afternoon shift at Shimada mart. 
<b> tsukki <3: </b> is ur heat over?
<b> Tadashi: </b> mostly but ill be working tmro, keep taking notes tsukki!
He’s been leeching on Tsukki a lot actually, from notes to food.
<b> Tadashi: </b> u wanna practise volleyball with me tmro? ill teach u the jump float serve
<b> teruteru <3: </b>  YESSSS
He takes the rare opportunity to cook himself and his mum a meal. She usually leaves in the late afternoon for work and arrives in the wee hours of the morning. But the upside to those working hours was that Tadashi got to spend time with her during the day. If she had the typical working hours, the both of them would be too tired to talk.
He just makes omelette rice. It’s simple and he’s still worn out from his heat. After dinner, he studies the school work he had missed. He knows Yuuji isn’t looking for a serious relationship but he can’t get past the what if. But he knows that's unfair to Yuuji since he still likes Tsukki. Tsukki with his golden hair and golden eyes and kind words reserved only for Tadashi, makes him feel special. They’ve been friends for years, Tsukki knows him like the back of his hand. It’s comfortable and he knows Tsukki will always be there for him but with Yuuji it’s different. It’s new and exciting and so great to finally be with someone who would do something about their feelings instead of just having Tadashi on the hook. But, part of him can’t shake the fact that somehow, deep inside him, he feels like he’s cheating on Tsukki. It’s ridiculous, really. 
He’s just lucky his omega hadn’t decided that Tsukki was his alpha. Then, he would have been in a world of suffering by constantly pining. Actually, Tadashi does pine. He just knows he deserves better than that. In fact, he thinks his omega likes Yuuji more. That whore. Why else would his heat start early?
(He knows he’s calling himself a whore, shut up.)
The next day, work goes by slowly. So few people come in so Tadashi gets to play on his phone and text Yachi. He knows, knows, that Yachi has been dying to hear about his date. The only reason she hadn’t called was because she thought he was still in his heat. He calls her during lunch. He tells her all about how he’d been so respectful despite his heat starting early. Respectful alphas were so hard to come by. God. Yachi gushes how if he doesn’t end up being with Yuuji, he better give Yachi, Yuuji’s number. Pffttt. He’s excited to see Yuuji later. 
His shift finally finishes, and he heads home to change into a t-shirt and gym shorts before meeting Yuuji. He’s in and out before he knows it. When he gets to the court, Yuuji is already there. Wearing a tank top again. Show off, he knows he looks good in tank tops doesn’t he?
“Dashi.” He smiles, the instant he looks at Tadashi. He’s so cute. They play one on one volleyball for a while before he teaches Yuuji how to do the jump float serve. 
By the time they're done, Tadashi is soaked in sweat. They are sitting next to each other, taking sips of water and Yuuji just seems to glisten under the yellow street lights. 
“You know, I never did thank you properly the other day.” Yuuji’s eyebrows quirk upwards, smiles growing wider.
“Oh? How would you like to thank me?” He brings his face closer to Tadashi’s.
“Why don’t you come back to my place and find out?” He whispers into Yuuji’s ear. Immediately  Yuuji takes the opportunity to bite his neck. What was with him and Tadashi’s neck?
“Not here, Yuu-” He licks Tadashi’s scent glands before stopping.
They get up and Yuuji looks like the cat that got the cream.
They get on his bike and Tadashi manages to persuade him to forego the helmet. His place is only a few minutes away anyway.
He loves how the wind runs through his hair and he loves how he gets to hold Yuuji, basically feeling him up. He hooks his head on the side of Yuuji’s neck, getting a full blast of Yuuji’s pheromones. It’s heady and lustful, he’s clearly horny. Though Tadashi doubts he himself smells any different.
They get there in record time. Tadashi doesn’t know how they make it up to his room.
Yuuji is aggressive as usual but Tadashi stops him.
“It’s my treat, Yuuji. You can just enjoy.”  Yuuji sits on the edge of his bed and Tadashi unzips his pants, pulling off his boxers. He begins by licking the dick from the base to the tip, taking his time to go slow, just to tease Yuuji. He then licks the tip repeatedly and hears Yuuji groan.
“Faster,” He moans. His hand grabs onto Tadashi’s hair, pushing his head forward. Tadashi swallows his dick whole. Head bobbing as Yuuji pants. Precum begins dripping from it and Tadashi laps it up, tongue swirling around the dick.
“No... you don’t have to,” Yuuji breathes out. Tadashi ignores him, moving faster and swallowing the cum when Yuuji comes. 
Yuuji looks at him through hooded eyes and says, “Now it’s my turn to treat you.” He picks up Tadashi from the floor, placing him on the bed. And as usual, he begins by biting at Tadashi’s neck who was beginning to think that the alpha had a thing for Tadashi’s neck. Frickin’ vampire.
He begins to unzip Tadashi’s pants and he has the realisation that he doesn’t want this, not yet anyway. 
“No, Yuuji, stop.” And immediately, Yuuji stops and lets Tadashi sit up.
“I’m sorry, I thought I wanted it but I don't. Not yet, anyway.” He plays with his hands not looking directly at Yuuji.
“You don’t have to apologise, as long as we are both comfortable. You wanna cuddle?”
And that’s how Tadashi ends up in Yuuji’s arms, although he’s taller and once again, Yuuji is nosing at Tadashi’s neck.
“What’s with you and my neck? You’re like a vampire.” 
“I just love how you smell, it’s sexy. You mind if I scentmark you? ” 
“No, go ahead.” And, Yuuji rubs his scent glands all over his neck and head and face. Possessive much?
“I know we said we won’t get too serious but I like you and I don’t want other alphas after you.”
“I like you too, Yuuji. Besides, there’s no one after plain old me.”
“What about blondie, you still like him, don’t you?” Tadashi stiffens.
“Yea maybe but I’m here with you not him, that counts for something right?” He hears Yuuji sigh, he feels sorry. He hasn’t completely moved on from Tsukki. Not yet, anyway.
“You wanna stay the night? It’s too dark for you to be driving out there… But you might have to deal with my mum in the morning.”
“I’ll stay, I get to hold a pretty thing all night anyway.”
When Tadashi wakes up the next morning, Yuuji isn’t in bed. But then, he hears laughter coming from downstairs. No, this is bad.
When he walks down after washing up, both Yuuji and his mom are laughing together.
“Mommmmm.” God, she had probably spilled all of his secrets already.
“Tadashi! You didn’t tell me that Terushima was so charming.” He narrows his eyes at her, shouldn’t she be asleep?
“I’m just heating up leftovers for the both of you and then I’ll go, I promise.” And to his horror, Tadashi finds a photo album of his baby pictures on the table. Nooooo.
“Mom, why’d you show this? I’m embarrassed.”
“Don’t be, you looked very cute.” He punches Yuuji on the arm.
“Of course, you’re going to say that now and tease me about it later.”
“I won’t, I promise. I promise.” He says between laughter. God, he’ll never recover from the teasing will he?
True to her word, his mother disappears and they both sit down for breakfast.
“I’m sorry about my mum.”
“Hey, why are you saying that? She was really nice.”
 They talk about nothing important, mainly volleyball during breakfast and also about how Yuuji was in the college prep class? What a contrast to his punk vibes.
Yuuji prepares to leave after breakfast, and Tadashi hands him back the sheer shirt he had lent for his heat.
“Yuuji, can I scent mark you?” Yuuji’s eyes light up, grin bright as the sun.
“You don’t even have to ask.”
“You sure it’s not going to affect the fake punk image you have going on? To smell like an omega?”
“It’s not fake, I am a punk!”
“A punk who is in college prep class.” 
Tadashi stands in front of Yuuji who stands ever so still, waiting. He doesn’t move as Tadashi rubs his glands on the alpha’s face and neck.
“Done! Goodbye, Yuuji.”
“What? I don’t get a goodbye kiss?”
Tadashi shakes his head, he’s so stupid, and pulls Yuuji in for a kiss. Their lips part and Yuuji steps away.
“I’ll get going then.” 
Tadashi holds onto his arm, “Do you have to?”, and pulls him into another kiss.
“I have to, I told my sister I’d help her with her homework.”
“Aww, the punk who wears leather and rides a motorbike helps his sister with her homework.”
“Hey! Besides, if I wasn’t leaving you wouldn’t kiss me so much.”
“One last kiss.” 
Just then, there’s a knock on the door. It’s too early for deliveries, Tadashi thinks as Yuuji opens the door.
It’s Tsukki.
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