#im so sorry for the spam the last few days but also not really
el-pada · 11 months
2012 Usagi maybe please?
i havent drawn the old fuck yet BUT i did design a 2012 descendant version as well cause i love being sane about shit
taking advantage of space arc to use the space usagi descendant concept
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girlthing that got accused of treason and is wanted by the goverment
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scaranation · 2 years
Hey I ADORE UR WRITING...SENDING ALL LOVES TO U... btw can u write a headcanon about how alhaitham or zhongli or wanderer would react to a really short fiesty y/n?
THIS IS V LATE IM SO SORRY HAHA anyway im alive now so I finally finished the prompt ! i interpreted it romantically by accident but I hope you like it anyway ehehe
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ft. Alhaitham, Zhongli, Wanderer
Content: Fluff, headcannons, it's all enemies to lovers, Scara's part is a little short but so is he 🤭
a/n - ignore the spam e's at the end tumblr kept deleting my last paragraph whenever i tried to edit so i got mad and made sure the only thing i'd lose were the 3847394 e's i typed
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At first, he couldn’t ever see himself falling for someone like you. And if he were to date you, he’d definitely have to fall quite far - after all, you were so short, he practically had to trip over himself in squatting to talk to you. What you lacked in height, however, was made up by temper.
The first time Alhaitham had met you, he was very much taken aback by your personality. Instantly, he categorised you as the irritating, distracting type, filing away your existence in his brain as he droned out the sound of your voice.
“Grand Sage! I’m here to get approval for my research paper, and-”
“Acting Grand Sage.” Alhaitham corrected you without even looking up from his desk. Your words didn’t even register to him, as he left the interaction to his subconscious as to save his own energy.
“Acting Grand Scribe, whatever. Anyway, here’s my thesis, can you look over it now?”
“The approval process takes a few days, you can leave it here.”
“Oh, okay! Thank you, Grand Sage!” You chirped, scurrying off before Alhaitham could point out your error again. He spared a cursory glance towards the paper you’d left on his desk, raising an eyebrow.
“Height: an in-depth study into the role of genetics versus upbringing in contributing to an individual’s vertical stature.”
Alhaitham tutted. The title wasn’t concise, and the premise of your project lacked nuance. He idly flipped through the pages, already preparing to reject it.
"This project will feature an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban who struggles with height in order to establish a deeper understanding... Hm. Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We've seen countless projects like this before." Alhaitham mused, stamping the front cover with bright red rejection and putting the paper aside.
It wasn’t long before Alhaitham found you at his office once again. However, you’d shed any semblance of politeness you’d had before, only fuming as you marched right up to his desk and demanded an explanation for the rejection of your research project.
“Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve seen a thesis like this. The Akademiya needs not waste its resources on previously covered topics, hence I suggest you find a scholarly pursuit more worthy of your time.” You clenched your hands into fists at the irritating way the Acting Grand Sage didn’t even glance at you, his eyes still darting over the paper he was currently reading.
“What’s so interesting about what you’re reading now, then?” You snapped, slamming both hands on the hard wood of the desk. Your arms faltered a little as pain shot up from the impact. You tried to bite back a wince, but Alhaitham noticed. He had to fight to keep an amused smirk down as he finally looked up at you.
“This? It’s a study into the applicability of natural selection in society. Of course, it fuels some questionable - and incorrect - ideals, but it has piqued my interest. Rest assured that it will also be rejected.” Alhaitham’s tone was condescending, and it only made you more frustrated.
“Why are you invalidating my experiment?”
“Don’t take this so personally, I have nothing against you as an individual.” The Acting Grand Sage chuckled. Your demeanour reminded him of a fiery chipmunk, and he tuned out the sound of your incessant rambling.
Even your cheeks looked like a chipmunk’s. How fun it would be, to squish them…
“Hey, what are you doing?” You were jerked out of your spiel by the touch of Alhaitham’s hand on your cheek. Some fingers were gloved, others bare - it made a curious contrast, the rough leather juxtaposing smooth skin.
“My apologies, you had something on your cheek. You may continue your futile self justification now.” Alhaitham retracted his hand to go back to studying the paper.
“This… this won’t be the end!” You exclaimed. You sounded rather like a villain one would find in a children’s novel, except Alhaitham doubted there was a villain as small and as harmless as you.
“I look forward to your future endeavours.” Alhaitham quirked a wry smile at seeing you scuttle off furiously.
You were right - this wasn’t the end. You’d unfortunately piqued the Acting Grand Sage’s interest, and once that happened, there was no way out.
You’d find yourself bumping into Alhaitham more often after that incident. Who knew the Acting Sage even left his office? Wherever you went, he’d be there, presumably to make your life harder.
It sounds cliche, but he would definitely help you out with reaching books just beyond the range of your flailing hands. Of course, he’d read the title and criticise your choice of literature before handing it to you, but Alhaitham would be of aid nonetheless.
He’d make blunt remarks to rile you up, enjoying the sight of you flushing in anger. You were so short, yet so energetic - he often wondered how it was possible for you to be so endearing and irritating at the same time.
Sometimes, your brutish comments would get through to Alhaitham, and you’d have the pleasure of seeing his jaw flex in discomfort before he snapped back with something equally personal. Neither of you were ever willing to let the other have the last word.
You often wondered how you’d gotten close to the cold Acting Sage. He was feared amongst all other scholars for his meticulousness, and yet he seemed fine with engaging in banter with you. It was a shocking but typical sight to see you with him in the halls of the Akademiya, the almost comical height difference drawing scoffs from witnesses. A quick glare from Alhaitham would be enough to silence those snickers, however. After all, he was the only one who could tease you, and you, him.
You’d first meet Zhongli through attempting to scam him. Most people would wonder why you were trying to swindle the god of contracts himself, but to be fair, you didn’t know who he was - and you were an absolute genius at robbing people with honeyed lies. How were you supposed to know you’d bitten off more than you could chew?
The day had begun normally, with you merely making your normal (fraudulent) sales. You’d make glorious promises of a newly discovered vein of ores in the Chasm, painting pictures of abundant wealth. Then, you’d convince those poor customers to buy stakes in the mine for a ridiculous price, although they were really only buying a shoddy patch of dirt you owned in the Sumeru-Liyue border. You’d managed to slip under the radar as you technically hadn’t done anything illegal, only omitted some key details.
After all, you only said that there was a “strong possibility” that there would be valuable ores there. And you were right - there were iron chunks. And they were valuable… in some perspectives. Either way, you didn’t know much about what was legal and what wasn’t (your only knowledge came from your time attending school with Yanfei) but it was good, not-so-honest work. The devil’s in the details, as they say, and nobody reads the poorly written fine print on the contracts you made anyway.
Until Zhongli came along.
“May I ask the whereabouts of this place?” The man exuded wealth, from his deep voice to his elegantly refined attire. Your eyes sparkled. If you could pull this off, the rewards would be great.
“It’s in the Chasm.”
“Ah, you already mentioned that, but where exactly in the Chasm?”
“Around the Western side, near the Sumeru border.”
“Hm, how fascinating. I don’t recall any developments being made in that area.” Zhongli murmured.
“It’s being kept a secret, because of how valuable it is… Of course you understand how important confidentiality is to such a project, right?”
“What confidentiality is there to uphold if you’re blandly advertising it in the middle of Liyue Harbour?”
You were stunned into silence, mouth hanging open. It was there that you noticed the knowing gleam in his eyes, the quirk of his lips in a shrewd smirk.
“… Please don’t report me. I will atone for my sins, and worship the lord of geo with great reverence.” You immediately switched attitudes, letting out a nervous laugh. For a seasoned businessperson like yourself, you had to know when to stop attacking and when to start defending. This was one of those times where it was best to defend - or, better yet, to just run away.
“Well then, you may begin now.” Zhongli crossed his arms.
“You’re not the lord of geo.” You retorted. The man had introduced himself as Zhongli, after all.
“Oh?” Zhongli smiled, and you felt your stomach churn. If this man truly was Rex Lapis, then you’d just made a very big mistake.
Zhongli turned and walked away, and you breathed out a sigh of relief - before he glanced back at you, expecting you to follow.
“Where… where are we going…?” You asked.
“Aren’t you going to atone? We’ll start by returning every cent of the mora you took.” Zhongli took your hand in his. A stupid, out of place warmth bloomed at the contact, but you quickly squashed it as you continued to fume at the man who’d dismantled your thriving business.
“What? The Tianquan was onto you already, would you rather face more extreme persecution from her?” Zhongli smiled.
“… No.” You snapped.
This ‘atonement’ was going to take a while.
Surprisingly, your victims - wait, *customers* - were scattered far and wide around Teyvat, so you found yourself going on many trips with the former lord of geo.
At first, you’d constantly snap at him, viewing him as a suspiciously pleasant millelith member, or an overly patronising supervisor. However, as the two of you got closer, he wasn’t as insufferable as you thought.
It was comforting to hear Zhongli share his past experiences, narrating first-hand stories like the ones in the history classes you never paid attention to. He was also the perfect height for you to grab his ponytail, yanking it particularly hard whenever you were bored.
To be honest, Zhongli often did appear as your guardian. He’d stop you from picking fights with strangers, easily holding you back (or slinging you over his shoulder if you were being particularly disagreeable), doing his best to maintain peace in an environment you were in.
On colder days, you’d borrow Zhongli’s coat, although it was so long it dragged along the floor. The sleeves hung over your hands, the cuffs flopping around whenever you excitedly pointed out something. Zhongli would chuckle at your mannerisms, resting a comforting hand on your head to keep you still.
Zhongli was calm, and you definitely were not. He was tall, but you most certainly weren’t. But you know what they say - opposites attract. And you made quite a pair with the former Geo Archon.
Two vertically challenged, feisty individuals with an attitude problem. Both you and the Wanderer were Sumeru city’s worst nightmare, although you undeniably despised each other.
You’d match his energy with unfaltering confidence as he hurled every insult in your direction upon seeing you. Honestly, neither of you were sure when this rivalry started - perhaps it’d just began when you two wanted to see who could be the best short angry person in the region.
“Looking as useless as ever, Wanderer.” You sneered upon seeing the familiar jellyfish cut from the back, snickering as the figure turned to glare at you.
“Has anyone ever told you about your severe temper issues?” The Wanderer snapped back.
“Speak for yourself - I heard you massacred some poor Fatui skirmishers while roaming in the jungle.”
“They were in the way, and you would’ve done the same if you were in my position.”
Those that were passing by watched your bickering with an amused trepidation. You really were perfect for each other, if you’d somehow set your hatred aside.
You and the Wanderer would be seen prowling the city streets or wrecking havoc in the wilderness in the name of some vague competition, both your tempers equally matched. In candid moments you two would almost understand each other perfectly, almost opening your mouths to say something vulnerable.
Of course, your egos wouldn’t allow for that. And so, you and the Wanderer would dance along the edge of whatever strange relationship you had.
Despite you both being short, the Wanderer possessed an Anemo vision. Hence, as you struggled to climb a tree to obtain some bird eggs, the Wanderer would float above you, cackling as he snatched them out of your reach.
“What on earth do you plan to do with these, anyway? I never knew you cooked.”
“Give them to me!”
“How sad life must be, having your head so close to the ground.” The Wanderer wove to the side to dodge your flailing arms, failing to notice the dangerous creaking of the branch you were clinging to.
“You’d better come back here right now-” The branch snapped and you went hurtling down, squeezing your eyes shut. You heard a crack, and felt yourself land against something.
“Gosh, you’re so heavy.” The Wanderer scoffed. He’d caught you mid-air, lowering you to the ground in mocking gentleness.
“Did I break a bone…?” You gasped, feeling something sticky on your back. Perhaps it was all your organs spilling out.
“No, you’re fine. Stop being so dramatic.”
“Then what was that cracking sound?”
“Uh, those eggs you were trying to get.”
You kept out of the Wanderer’s arms hurriedly, the almost tender moment broken - much like the eggs broken over your back and your companion’s hands.
“Archons, you’re so infuriating. Couldn’t you have put them down before saving me?” You scowled.
“Be grateful I did it in the first place.” The Wanderer rolled his eyes.
He wasn’t sure if it was you or the sticky egg debris, but he felt a lingering warmth in his hands.
You and the Wanderer understood each other better than anyone, and let’s be honest - the whole of Sumeru was just waiting for the two of you to get together.
(pls ignore this)
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
“Hm, an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban to inquire into the difficulties of growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve had countless projects covering similar areas.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front page and putting it aside.
Alhaitham tutted. The title wasn’t concise nor succinct, and there was a clear lack of nuance within the premise of your project. He idly flipped through the rest of the pages, already preparing to reject it.
“For research… there will be an interview held with a member of the Shuumatsuban who experiences difficulties growing tall… Interesting, but not groundbreaking. We’ve already had similar projects.” Alhaitham muttered, stamping the front cover and putting it aside.
The former Scribe tutted. Even the title wasn’t concise, nor did it provide much nuance. He was just flipping through the rest, already preparing to reject it.
“This project will… involve an interview with a member of the Shuumatsuban, who experiences stunted growth… Interesting, but not groundbreaking.” Alhaitham stamped the front cover in red and put it aside.
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ayahimes · 9 months
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hi friends ! i know i'm a bit late with my post but i still wanted to post something regardless . 2023 had been one of the hardest years of my life thus far outside of the rpc , and even in it to be honest . i lost some good friends but gained some too . i've gotten to know so many of you on a deeper level and bonded with a lot of you over shared interests . so many of you have been patient with me on this blog because of school and for that i am immensely thankful ; i know you all followed because of your interest to write and i do apologize for not being able to fully deliver that due to my busy schedule . however , i do want to allot some time this year to be better about my time management . i honestly can't wait to see what this year brings !
@diaboelic : courtney . one of my best friends . i know i can write essays on why i am so happy to have you in my life but i promise i'll condense it . it's so crazy to me that we've been friends for almost two full years . it's wild because it honestly feels much longer . i know we're both busy making big moves and even if we don't talk every day i am always rooting for you . you're so down to earth and somehow understand how i'm feeling without me having to say it . please keep sending me fanart and spamming me with ig reels . i take forever to look at them sometimes but i love them !! also , im sorry you lost your streak in duolingo but i still think you're ahead of me by like 4 days everytime i do it . COURTNEY - SAN WA WATASHINO SUKINA HITORIDE ( i think this was right but probably not lmfao ) . i can't wait to hopefully explore japan with you . fingers crossed it's this year haha
@visionhcld : b , i will always write nice things about you no matter what . you've been my friend for like .... what .... this would be 6 years ?!!! GOD . you've seen the best and the worst . crazy to think that we made it !!!!! i love you so damn much and i am so lucky to have you in my life . i know we don't write a million active threads atm or talk every day like we used to , but i assure you it doesn't change our friendship . i love being able to pick up where we left off like nothing ever happened tbh . some people don't have that and tbh , i'm so fortunate to have found that with you . we have a ridiculous amount of inside jokes and years of history to pick apart but i leave you with one . jejota !!!
@fairesky : shado . we found each other through the funniest circumstances but i am so happy we did . you have been one of my closest friends these last two years and through you i met some other amazingly wonderful people ( cough leon cough ) . your kindness is immeasurable and i have truly learned so much from you because of it . you've taught me how to be nicer , how to be a better friend , how to care for others in a way i'd like to be treated , and just overall improved my life the last year with your presence . i love you so much and i'm really happy to have gotten to know you better over the course of 2023 . who else will i be an absolute simp with if not you haha
@iirath: essek , i know you're already aware but i am so damn happy to have gotten to know you better over the last year , even more so the last few months . i enjoy talking to you about life and getting to learn about who you are beyond the surface level . you're honestly SO tilt proof ( lmaoooo ) and surely never get mad when we play league . SURELY . thanks for speed running stardew valley with me and letting me run around not knowing what to do while you carry our farm to its greatest potential . you really have become one of my good friends and please know i always look forward to your good morning message in the server with the tired cat emoji haha
@shokutsus : LEON !!!!!!! ayaki will always reign supreme and have the best ship name . i will fight anyone who says otherwise . okay but let me just say i fucking love you dude . i know we haven't had a chance to have our tea talks on fortnite the last few months but i admit , those were some of my favorites . you've helped me through some really tough times and been there for me as a friend when i needed someone the most . i really enjoy thinking of the wildest plot lines for our characters while sleep deprived and playing fortnite ( tbh crackabella and anakin lore was big brained of us ) or discussing with kaine and courtney which part of the centipede we'd be . weird shit but i laugh typing it out lol . okay but fr i want this year to be the best one yet for you !! ps . send more pixel photos
@rosahope : fae , thank you for becoming one of my good friends this year . i'm so blessed to have met someone as grounded as you and i don't tell you enough . i know i'm too much sometimes and impulsive af , but you are my voice of reason and i appreciate it so damn much . you've helped me think outside the box and take things one step at a time . you're one of the realest people and i always welcome your honesty even if it's not something i may initially agree with . tbh i think that's what makes you such a good friends because you're transparent with me . i really am so happy for your big moves with your new job and i am always rooting for you no matter what !! you'll always be my chibiusa and my jessie <3
@prettyguardian : niniiiiiii . firstly , thank you for coming into my life and being such an amazing friend . i admire your tenacity , your creativity , your openness , your vulnerability . the list goes on . you've been there for me when i sought some direction in my life and for that i want to thank you . i know we have yet to write more aerti things but please know i will always gladly write them with you . you've helped me heal with ff . i know that sentence may sound silly at some level but it is a big thing . really !! your friendship has only added improvement within my life and i can't wait to see where it goes this year . sending you all the good vibes for 2024 !!
@cybrvce : light !!!! i'm so fortunate to have gotten to know you more over the last year and actually write with you . your characterization is truly amazing and i'm always impressed with everything you write . yes im slow as molasses but i promise it doesn't mean it's because i don't care !! i just want to write for you when i'm at my best because i want to give you quality writing !! thank you for being patient with me though . you're so kind <3 i'm genuinely so excited to start this year with your friendship !!
@deadn30n : LOOK HERE ALEXANDRA . YOU MADE IT ON THIS LIST BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST A GEM . i know we only recently became friends but in that short amount of time we bonded by playing league for like 5 hours straight lmfao . thank you for feeling comfortable enough to ask me for advice and direction though . it means a lot to me more than you know !! also i am here to write yone and kai'sa mutually fangirling/fanboying over each other . that thread is so cute and i am excited to see where it goes . ALSO I'M A NOOB AT XIV SO YOU'VE BEEN WARNED . heck im just bad at all video games lmao . but i look forward to playing them with you !!!!
i can't write about everyone , but i can sure as hell tag you all . please know that even if we haven't actively written it doesn't mean i don't want to . i still support you as a writer and creator and enjoy seeing you on my dash !! i have hopes that maybe we can write some day ! but i know we're all busy or overwhelmed with things outside of the rpc so there's obviously no rush . and if we have written or talked then please know that you have truly made my experience here something amazing . i was always a bit scared to come back to such a big fandom , but so many of you have welcomed me in writing ayaka and given me the opportunity to explore her more . so thank you <3
@zaihuos , @autymns , @wcvensouls , @enjomo , @todestochter , @yizao , @ungest , @raikuro , @tealsteel , @sourcewater , @dcndrohime , @rikyos , @nekasu , @meropidas , @scarletooyoroi , @viaetor , @abyssin , @crownlcsking , @raytm , @iedolon , @noctumsilenced , @noctuafought , @capravulpes , @liightbringr , @chiheru , @foliarlight , @mercyburned , @apocryphis , @anostos , @theoneandonii , @gonguji , @sinspast , @mellodiies , @pietys , @knghted , @dualisume , @artificeheart , @erabundus , @momijiba, @supportingfire , @cloudhymn , and honestly all of you .
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oreharuuu · 2 years
To be One (3)
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Summary: Avoiding the game went well for you for a few days. But a talk with a friend might change that decision for the better or worst
Warnings: none
A/N: woop woop! Part 3 y'all, hope you like it! I had fun writing this chapter so it's longer than usual. A few of the accounts i can't tag for some reason so im really sorry T-T
Tag list:
@atinytinaa @hoeranghae1117 @yoongiigolden @canadagoose-monbebe @hwal0v3r @kirooz @dream-in-progress @cara-18 @tr3asureyou @babygurl-hoshi @svn-ways2hvn @kpoplover17 @drunk-on-hwa @stopeatread @starillusion13 @honeyymon @potatoe-life @callmesoltera @kuleo26 @lino-se @darkfairy102190 @seongwin
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For the past few days, you're trying your best on ignoring the game with work and socializing. Sure you may not be the most social person ever, but you do have friends.
At the end of the week, Irene and Seulgi invited you to brunch near their workplace. Wendy and Joy were too busy so it's only you three.
The anomaly however was Yeri didn't show up.
Hell she didn't even reply to your message when the incident with Hwayoung happened.
You debated whether or not to ask Irene or Seulgi, but your curiosity won over as you cleared your throat before looking at the two.
"So," You started. "Have you guys seen Yeri? Or... talked with her?"
Irene chewed on her croissant as she shook her head, while Seulgi frowned. "Yeri? No updates on her, but Wendy did say that she's busy with work right now so it's probably why she hasn't been active on social media."
"Or replying to your texts," Irene continued. "I invited her to join me for dinner a few days ago but no answer. So she must be really busy."
"Yeah. Probably because of the new game her company's about to launch."
"Give her some space," Seulgi shrugged. "She's always like this when she's in the zone. Remember last time when she blew up on Joy when she spammed her during a meeting."
You grimaced at the memory, remembering how big the fight was that it made Joy and Yeri didn't talk for a month.
"Believe me, I do not want to relieve that experience," Irene sighed.
Soon the conversation shifted from Yeri, from work to relationship problems; you're glad it's taking your mind off the game and Yeri for a while. Irene said goodbyes first when her manager called her, cursing under her breath making you both laugh in amusement. Seulgi left after an hour, promising to take you and Yeri out for drinks when you all have the time.
Walking back to your apartment, you bought some snacks to eat when you're working. Thankfully the project did wonders to your company, so you're only working light tasks with your coworkers whilst waiting for an update from your supervisor.
"—Yeah! And then she stupidly asked me if I still love her?! Ugh, as if!"
You laughed at what your coworker, Yeonjun, outbursts along with another one, Soobin. Both were also in your team when developing the project, and you got along pretty well so sometimes you liked to call them or have zoom meetings together to spend some time.
"Hmm, told you she was delulu. It's like she's in her own fantasy land that she created," Soobin hums as typing could be heard from his side.
"Yeah," You agreed. "Remember when she visited our work to state she's the new intern? Holy shit was that a fiasco."
Soobin laughed even louder as Yeonjun could only groan. "Man, how could I forget that? Supervisor Kim blasted my ear from having him yell at me for hours."
"Not hours," You and Soobin replied together. "It's only like, five minutes," Soobin continued.
"Felt like hours," He grumbled.
Doing your work whilst talking to them made the bad thoughts go away, especially one residing on the corner of your computer, but you ignored it. What you can't ignore is how your computer likes to glitch and freeze when you're working.
Well, not your computer perse, but the programs you're currently running likes to have problems when before that it's totally fine.
"What the—Are you kidding me?" You hissed as Photoshop didn't respond, making you groan as you slumped down on your chair.
"What? What's wrong?"
"My Photoshop is acting up," You whined.
"Ha! What're you doing on Photoshop anyway?"
"Making your ass even more uglier," You grumbled towards Yeonjun, who squaked in offense.
"Awesome. Can you send that to me after you finished it?" Soobin asked as the both of you ignored Yeonjun's yelling.
"Sure. Maybe I'll finish it today since I've finished my part of the work."
"Wait!" Yeonjun yelled. "You're finished making the poster and banner? You've already sent it to Supervisor Kim?"
"Yup, a few hours ago. So relieved I actually finished it since my computer has been fighting me the whole time."
"Soobin! How about you?"
"Actually thanks for reminding me to email my work."
"Am I the only one who hasn't finished yet in the team?" Yeonjun gasped dramatically.
You hum teasingly, before remembering that he was the only one not finished yet. "Actually, yeah. Eunchae and Chaewon finished theirs already."
"Honestly, Yeonjun," Soobin teased. "We're only supposed to make posters and banners ideas for the next event. It's easy."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just say that I'm lazy and—"
Crackling noise from your headphones cut Yeonjun off, making you frown in confusion before clicking back at the call, noticing how it's still going but their voices have disappeared.
"Guys? Hello?"
No answer.
You shrugged before ending the call, whipping out your phone before texting both of them.
You: heyyoo seems like we got disconnected
Soobin: ???
Soobin: wdym
Yeonjun: (name) you're still on the call
You're heart dropped, tension started to rise in your body as you scrambled to text them back.
You: what?? I literally disconnected from the call like a minute ago
Yeonjun: well i mean...could be a lag? You're not talking
Soobin: let's just end the call
Soobin: wanna call again?
You huffed, glancing back at your computer. Shaking your head, you decided to decline his offer, stating that you need to check your computer first if you want it to work properly.
Yeonjun: aight, update us
Soobin: yeah and send me that picture of yeonjun
Yeonjun: TRAITOR
You let out a small smile, sighing in relief because of their antics. You decided to restart your computer, of course after you saved the photoshopped image of Yeonjun. After it turned on, you checked numerous times if it's starting to lag or freeze as you open websites, tabs, or even applications.
Humming happily when you found none, you're startled when a call from Yeri rang from your phone. But the call ended before you could answer, making you stare at your phone in confusion. A text from Yeri seemed concerning enough for you to accept her offer.
Yeri <3: hey
Yeri <3: sorry for not answering
Yeri <3: can we call rn?
You sighed heavily at the reply, your heart easing at knowing that Yeri's actually alive and not dead in a ditch somewhere. Well, that's a hyperbole but you can't help but feel like that when your friends disappeared from the face of the earth.
Waiting for the call to load, you anxiously bit your lip as you waited for her. When Yeri's icon appeared, you quickly turned on your camera, waving sheepishly as you smiled.
"Hey—uh, do you mind turning on your cam? If you don't want to, that's fine! No pressure."
You're only met with silence, but you waited patiently for Yeri to answer.
"Yeah, hold on."
Shuffling could be heard from Yeri's end, before you heard Yeri move around stuff around her desk. She did had a lot of clutter, but the sounds coming from the call seems excessive. You frown hearing plastic water bottles and what you assume to be cans of energy drink fell down, making Yeri curse loudly.
Yeri finally turned on her camera but you realized why she's so hesitant on turning it on in the first place. It's dark in her room, the only light present is from her own computer.
Boy, did she look like a wreck.
Eyebags deep enough to give a hint that she didn't slept for almost a week, hair disheveled like she didn't brush it everyday, her room being a mess like a bomb was dropped.
"Yeri," You whispered. "What happened?"
Yeri looked away as she bit on her thumb, shaking her head as she sniffed. Her eyes glisten with tears as she gasped before looking back at the camera. "I—I tried, I'm working on the game. Alone! My team disappeared when I needed them, and now they're gone!"
You're eyes widen, jaw slack as confusion started to plague your mind. "Disappear? Like, Johnny?"
"Yes! I don't—I don't know where they are right now. I've tried texting them, I've called them, zero! Zero answers! The company's launching an investigation about where my team went, why I'm the only one left!"
You flinched at her voice, sounding loud and angry yet so small. It's obvious it's taken a toll on her, yet you can't do anything except listen to her and try to support her in the best way you can.
"And get this," Yeri laughed maniacally. "The company still wants to me work on the game, alone! Can you fucking believe that shit? They're trying to find people who wants to work on the game but noo they're too busy gossiping about how Yeri's a whore, Yeri's a bitch! We can't work with her because she's too difficult!"
You frowned, yet confused at what she's saying. Yeri seems happy working there, everytime you went out for lunch or dinner she always praises how her company is so good and caring towards their employees, that even Wendy and Seulgi are complaining about how unfair it is.
"Yeri? Hey, what do you mean by that?" You asked gently, trying to calm her down as she's only one second from a mental breakdown. That seems to shut her up, her mouth agape yet no voice comes out, before she's quickly wiping her tears away. You sighed before leaning back on your chair, deciding to not push Yeri further out of her comfort zone. It seems like she's having a hard time, but you don't want to force her.
"No—no, forget about that. Let's just talk, I need your help."
"My help?"
Yeri nodded. "I need you to continue to play the demo game, (name)."
Your heart dropped to the ground, coughing to hide your uneasiness from Yeri. You did sent her the list of glitches, even so far as telling her you don't want to continue playing the game after the last incident. But now you're conflicted.
"I—I know you're hesitant to play it, but I've tried to fix the game as best as I can! Your feedback is actually helping me make things right, and I'm really grateful. But now that I'm the only one working on the game, I can't talk to others people about it to make it good."
Man, she really does know how to pull your heartstrings.
"So...can you play it again, (name)?"
You glanced nervously at Yeri, playing with your fingers as you're having a debate inside your head on what to do.
"Can't you just...send the demo to Wendy or Seulgi? I'm sure they'll be happy to play it. I mean more feedbacks are better, right?" You offered.
Yeri shook her head adamantly, her shoulders tense as she continued. "No! I can't, if the company knows I'm giving the demo to people then I'll be fired. It's supposed to be confidential and I broke the agreement when I gave you that demo."
You groaned, holding your head between your hands. Of course it's not that easy, you didn't even think about the consequences you'll receive when playing a game that's not even released yet. Taking a deep breath, you looked at Yeri before nodding.
"Alright, I'll do it."
You're hoping the game isn't so bad after she fixed it.
Pacing around in your room was not a good thing to do, especially to ease your nerves before playing that damn game. It's already loaded, the cutesy theme song playing in the background as you're having a breakdown before you play it. Yeonjun and Soobin invited you to go have drinks together, but you lied, saying you were busy hanging out with your family.
You felt bad, seeing as they're actually close to you now, but they reassured you that you could always join them on their nightly movie nights next Friday.
You took a mental note, wanting to actually join them because everyone seemed busy with work and other things.
"Okay!" You yelled loudly, punching the air repeatedly before sitting down, clicking the start button as the game loads. "I can do this! I'm not a pussy!"
Day 3
"Shit, it's only day three?!" You hissed.
Not having any time to complain, the game loads you to your dorm, reminding you to take classes to earn more coins and items. Everything seems...fine. Then again, you just started the game, so you're expecting a jumpscare midway playing the game.
Cautiously clicking from classroom to classroom, the task of doing mini games kinda made you relaxed. You're still tense, waiting for Hwayoung specifically to jump and surprise you.
But that didn't happen.
Instead, you're greeted with a new face, well two exactly.
A boy so tall that he could rival Mingi's or Yunho's height, with slicked back brown hair and an easygoing smile. Next to him is a girl you thought is an AI character, straight long black hair with a beauty mark under her mouth.
"Hey, fresh meat!"
The boy's deep voice boomed through your speaker, making you wince as you turned down the volume.
"Did you see a cat nearby? White with black spots and a purple collar?"
You, of course, wanted answered no. Thinking an option will show up, you're surprised the text box from Yunho's encounter popped up, making your hands hover on top of your keyboard instantly to type a response.
No, sorry. I didn't see any cat, just got here |
"Damn, good luck finding it, Karina."
"Oh shut up, Johnny!"
Johnny? Named after Yeri's friend who disappeared? You push the thought away, thinking of it as a coincidence. You've never even see the guy, why act so worried?
"Really sorry to bother you. My name is Karina, this is Johnny. If you see a cat with the same description please call us! We can't let the principal know."
No worries, but why can't the principal know? |
"Because the principal is a loser who doesn't like animals, so he'll call animal control to solve the problem."
"Johnny! Shut up or Seonghwa and Hongjoong will hear you!"
You hummed, curious as to why both of them are mentioned.
Why so scared? I think Seonghwa and Hongjoong are nice people |
"Oh, no one's denying that they're nice. They're just...very strict around what to do here."
"Rules are rules, and for them everyone has to follow it. If not you'll end up like—"
Johnny didn't get to finish his sentence before the game glitches out again, making both of them freeze as Johnny's voice paused every now and then. You anticipated this, trying to hope that nothing scary happened. Thankfully nothing did, as Johnny only continued as if nothing happened. Like his dialogue was cut.
"—Yeah, good guys. But really scary when someone's not up to standards. Well their standards."
You could see Karina rolling her eyes, making you giggle at their cute interaction.
"Whatever. It's nice meeting you, new kid. If you ever want to hangout with us, find us at the club rooms."
Sure! I'll be happy to come by |
"Great! Bye then, (name)."
"Peace out!"
There's the feeling of relief bubbling inside you, the interaction between Johnny and Karina made you a bit relaxed to face off any of the boys right now. Heaving a big sigh, you continued to play mini games and looking around the school.
Not encountering any of the boys, you suck up your fear as you debated who to meet first.
"Maybe I'll meet Yeosang first. I haven't seen him after the first encounter."
Confused as to which place you're visiting first, you picked the library, seeing as you've never actually visited the location before.
Surprise, surprise, Yeosang was actually already there. Surprisingly enough, he's smiling in your direction.
As if he's been waiting for you.
But you brushed it off as a coincidence. Yeosang's character beamed happily when he sees you, waving his hand as he tried to be quiet.
The scene changed as now you're sitting besides him near the window, the light perfectly illuminating his face, making him even more angelic.
"Hey, haven't seen you in a while. You okay?"
The text box popped up again, making you assume that maybe the system could change after a certain encounter. Changing from options to actually typing out the response. Then again, it's really impressive at how fast and human-like the response from the characters are, sometimes even fast enough to make you believe you're actually talking to a human.
Yeah, just...got busy with personal things |
"Well, that won't do. You're new here, relax for a bit. It's not like you have other stuff occupying your life."
You felt like it's a jab to your own real life, but you shrugged it off.
"Anyway, I realized we haven't spend that much time together. So, I was wondering if you want to stay here with me? I wasn't really studying, just wanted some alone time."
Alone time? Then am I intruding? |
"Nonsense, I'm inviting you right now. So, do you accept?"
Of course you agreed, wanting to increase your relationship with him since his percentage was still pretty low when you started. Maybe you'll meet San after this, remembering how the last time the heart didn't pop up for him.
Sure! I have nothing to do anyway |
For the next few minutes, you and Yeosang talked about vague topics, favorite foods, favorite animals; harmless stuff. But every now and then, you had a feeling that a few of the questions are very...weird and invasive.
"Where do you like to spend time out of school?"
"Have you ever dated before?"
"Do you like to sleep with stuffed animals?"
The last question made you glance at a few of the dolls on your bed, before lying to him since your real life persona should be different than the one inside the game.
"Hmm, interesting."
Was Yeosang's only answer before going back to innocent questions like before. The change of questions made your head dizzy as you're typing out what answers would suffice since you don't want to tell things in your real private life.
Yeosang stopped talking after the thirtieth question, seemingly frozen before smiling softly at you. You noticed how his eyes turned blank with no emotions before switching it up in the last second.
"Well, look at the time. I have a meeting with Hongjoong about club developments, so I guess this is goodbye."
No worries, Yeosang. I had a great time with you |
The heart finally popped up on top of his head, you predicting the percentage would at least be more than five percent, but the final number made you tilt your head in confusion.
"Holy shit," You gawked. "From 2% to 37%?! That's wild."
As you're looking directly at the numbers, you didn't notice how Yeosang's eyes shifted away from you, lookinv around as if he could see the room your in. His face still smiling, before his eyes shifted back to you when he noticed you finally snapping out of your daze.
"I'll go now, (name). Goodbye."
With that, Yeosang was gone from the screen, leaving you with an empty screen. Remembering where exactly to meet San, you choose the gym as the next place. The only reason you chose that location is because of how buff he looks under his uniform.
"Can't believe I made that assumption just because of how broad his shoulders are," You grumbled.
Lo and behold, San was actually there. At first you thought he meant the school's gym, as in for sports and other school activities. But your mind is blown away when you notice an actual gym near the school area. And God must be somewhere laughing maniacally to himself as you saw how San is basically drenched in sweat, making the flimsy material of his top clung to his body like a second skin.
"(Name)! Hey, what's up?"
San smiled so brightly that you physically have to look away as if the sun just hits your eyes. "Focus, (name)! Don't be tempted by his cute smile!"
Hi, San! Nothing much, I have nothing to do so I was strolling around. I didn't know there's two gym's, what's up with that? |
"Oh! Yeah, I guess the school wanted to blow some of the money that they have, plus a lot of the students here wanted a real gym of sorts."
Still, pretty fancy for a school to have like two gyms |
"Yeah, I guess you could say that."
Time passed as you continued to have a conversation with San, having a great time as he's always so energetic and fun to be around with. Suddenly remembering of the items you have in your inventory, you decided to use it to San since the heart didn't pop up for him.
Hey, San! I have a gift for you |
It seems like San didn't expect you to say that to him, as his face turned bright red before he smiled sheepishly.
"A gift? You didn't have too!"
You clicked on your inventory, deciding on the cute teddy bear you got on your first day. Dragging the item from your bag, you placed it on San's character, resulting in him smiling widely as he now holds the teddy bear in his hands.
"A teddy bear! How cute, it even has a little bow. Thank you so much, (name)."
Suddenly the heart popped up, squinting your eyes to look closely as the percentage was shown to you.
You let out a shocked laughter. "Damn, I didn't know the items were that helpful." You're conflicted whether or not the items were actually helping that much, or it's just the glitch happening again. In the end, your objective to raise your relationship status with San was already done.
"Um, (name)? Even though you're new here, I feel like you're perfect here. Like...you're the missing puzzle piece."
Weird thing to say after receiving a gift, but you'll go with it.
Come on, I'm not that important for you to call me a missing puzzle piece |
You noticed the pout on San's face, yet you saw how his face darkens for a second, as if your words annoyed him.
"Don't say that! A lot of us say that you're perfect! Even though you feel so far away, there's always a chance you'll be much, much closer to us."
"And it's starting," You groaned. Did the creepy dialogue really had to be amped up after Yeosang? It's as if the game knows these things scare and annoy you at the same time. But curiosity did peek out of your mind, wanting to know why exactly San phrased it that way.
What do you mean far? I'm right here |
"You know what I mean, (name)."
No? I really don't, it's like your saying I'm not physically here when I am |
"It's...complicated. I'm not supposed to even talk to you about this or Hongjoong will get mad. Just know that we're always here for you, and I really do hope in the future, we could be together."
You really do wanted his words to affect you as much as he intended too, but you're still creeped out by his choice of words that you can't help but grimace at the thought. There's a frown on your face as you noticed San looking quiet sad, almost changing from his hopeful expression.
What's wrong? |
"Nothing—just that, you seemed hesitant to be here with us."
Your frown deepened when he said that, as if he could look through your computer screen to see the facial expressions you pull. You glanced away for a while, head disappearing yet your eyes are still looking at him.
You might be hallucinating, but you really thought San's eyes seems to follow your every move, his eyes now off to the side where you disappeared. He's still standing like usual, but you noticed how his eyes are silently trained onto you.
Suddenly, you wanted to prove a theory that just popped up inside your head, actually thinking you're slowly loosing your mind over this game.
You silently grabbed your phone, pretending to scroll for a few seconds as you discreetly tried to look back and forth between San and your phone. Nothing suspicious happens, just that San's pout deepened as seconds passed by.
You needed proof. Especially considering what Yeosang said to you earlier.
You pressed Soobin's phone number, turning it on speaker as you waited. You acted nonchalant, tapping your fingers on the table whilst you still glanced at the screen. San's pout was gone, only replaced by a confused stare as he stands there.
"Hey, Soobin! What's up?"
"Eh, not much. Why you callin?"
"Actually," You moved away, now sitting on your bed. "I wanted to invite you guys to my apartment! Maybe a movie night, you know?" You continued, voice loud enough so your target could still hear the conversation.
"Really? That would be awesome! I gotta ask Yeonjun first though, I don't know if he has plans or not."
You glanced at your computer screen, noticing San now looks tense and furious as he only stands there, as if he's forced to listen.
The change of emotions are really weird, since you haven't touched the game since your call. But you continued, wanting to see what happens.
"That's alright. We could have movie night next Friday, you could stay at my apartment."
"Ooh, like a sleepover!"
You laughed at his enthusiasm, "Yeah, basically like a sleepover."
The conversation continued on, before Soobin excused himself as he wanted to meet his friend in a few hours. Bidding goodbye, you ended the call, walking to your chair before sitting down.
You hummed to yourself, placing down your phone on the table as you typed your reply.
You're acting really weird, San |
You looked at him, hiding your wince as San's face didn't hold his signature dimpled smile. His eyes holds a certain anger, his jaw clenched in annoyance as his hands turned into fists.
"Why did you do that?"
His voice came out gruff, as if he's holding back a growl coming out of his throat. You decided to play innocent, tilting your head in confusion before typing back.
Do what? I just stood here, talking to you |
"(Name), please, don't do that. It hurts us when you do these kinds of things without thinking about our feelings."
A scoff came out of your mouth before you could stop it, feeling annoyed now.
Jeez, I didn't do anything! What are you guys even talking about? |
"Inviting those—"
You waited and waited for him to continue, but nothing happened. The sounds of crackling came out of your speaker for a few minutes, before it stopped. You saw San's desperate face still on your screen, pursing his lips as he looked away. You're wondering what's going on until Hongjoong appeared, smiling as he now stands next to San.
"Hello there, (name)! Funny meeting you here."
Thought you had a meeting with Yeosang about club developments? |
He seems surprised at how blunt you are, but his smile turned into a smug one as he placed a hand on San's shoulder.
"Ah, that. We're already done talking. Seonghwa is handling it now, so I wanted to grab San for a few minutes to...talk."
You frown, already feeling suspicious about how sudden Hongjoong appeared.
"But, hyung! I was—"
"We need to have a talk, San. The others are already waiting for us."
You grimaced at his tone, already feeling uncomfortable at how scary Hongjoong was now.
You guys should go, I need to meet with a few friends anyway |
"What friends—"
You jump in surprise, eyes wide at Hongjoong's outburst. San closed his mouth before glaring at Hongjoong, to which the latter only glared back. They seemed to be having a conversation only with their eyes, the tense silence made you uneasy before it broke when San spoke first.
"Bye, (name)."
Yeah...bye |
In a matter of seconds, both if them disappeared from your screen. You groaned loudly at the headache forming inside your head, massaging your head as you closed your eyes.
"Can't this game be normal for one day?"
You quickly continued on day 3, wanting it to end fast enough so you'll be done for today. When night comes, you hurriedly exited the game, closing it before turning off your computer. You sighed, standing up as you walked out of your room.
"I need a drink."
"The coast is clear," Yunho sighed when he no longer felt your presence inside his body, his posture relaxing a little as he sat next to Mingi. "She's gone now."
"San, you almost crossed the line today."
"Almost? He acted way out of line for her to feel suspicious towards us!" Wooyoung screamed.
"Fuck you," San hissed. "Yeosang started first when he asked stupid questions."
"Oh, believe me, I know. I've already reprimanded him enough," Seonghwa darkly answers, crossing his arms as he stared at San. "Now, it's your turn."
"You all can't blame me!" San yelled, standing up from his seat as he slams the table with enough force. "You all heard her! She's inviting other people, other men, to her home!"
"No one's blaming you, hyung," Jongho sighed. "But we need to act normal after she didn't show up for so long. Do you want that to happen again?"
Jongho was only met with silence from San, who looked away as he shook his head. "No...I don't—we don't need that to happen again. I feel empty without her, I can't stand the emptiness. That's why I had to stop her!"
"We all do," Mingi shrugged. "But we have to be patient, especially if we want our plan to go well."
"I just," San sighed, slumping down to his seat. "I don't want her to be with anyone else besides us. We all felt the connection when her face showed up in our eyes. I want her to be here with us."
"We know, San," Hongjoong sighed. "It's not easy to only be able to watch her this way. So far yet so close. It's torture for only being able to see her for only a few hours, even minutes, for just one day."
"Thank God we're able to access her computer freely now," Wooyoung added. "Not interacting with her was torture. But I know I can't just watch her from a far in the long run, that's why we need to stick to our plan."
"Well, if we want to stick to the plan we can't just pinpoint and blame San here," Yeosang frowned. "All of the other trash needs to act as well."
Mingi and Yunho snorted at the way Wooyoung growled, slapping his back teasingly. "What? Got reminded of Hwayoung?"
"After the little stunt she pulled...I can't even be mad at Wooyoung for killing her," Seonghwa shrugged.
"Fuck her for scaring (name) like that! I can't believe she'll corrupt her own data like that," San growled, Wooyoung nodding along with him.
"Less trash to be bothered though, sounds good to me," Yeosang shrugged.
"We still need to keep an eye out on the new ones," Hongjoong hums, looking at a few folders on the table. The names are written on the cover, Hongjoong opening one of the folders, finding a picture of Hwayoung crossed out with a red marker. "They're a risk, but they were essential on pushing (name) back to playing the game."
"Pushing (name)? More like pushing her friend," Jongho laughed loudly, making the others smirk in union.
"Can't believe at how easy she complied to us."
"More like backstabbing. It's obvious she thinks her life is better than our darling," Yunho answered, the pet name slipping up from him making the others tease him.
"Can you blame her? We targeted her remaining friends," San hums. "Then again, she's really fucking stupid if she thinks we could make contact with anyone if they haven't played the game yet."
"Whatever, we'll deal with her later when our darling comes to our arms," Seonghwa huffed.
"Deal how?" Wooyoung smirked evilly, Mingi snickering alongside Jongho as they discussed the best way to torture said girl.
Seonghwa shrugged, yet the corners of his mouth are pulled into a maniac smile. "We'll see later. She's trash anyways compared to our darling."
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aliciameade · 3 months
im so sorry if ive been spamming u w kudos the last few days but i do need u to know that ur my favourite author atm and ur fanfictions satiate my overwhelming need for bechloe content :)
also ur style of writing is just so v delicious
after im done ravaging ur pitch perfect fics im moving on to a simple favour definitely
anyways have a good day lots of love and good wishes i hope u have an amazing life and stuff
it's not spam don't worry! i just get one email per day with a recap for kudos :D
so glad you're enjoying my bechloe!! i miss them and really hope to find my storytelling with them again.
and since you really like my bechloe, i think you'll like my simple favor!
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00belle00lovely00 · 7 months
ok uhmm... This is a bit akward🥲 but can you make Bobby x Picky headcanons? Plss I need more content of them😭😭😭 Im starving😭😭😭😭
The chef x the mfer who is putting love potions inside the food.
Lovey-dovey and sucker for romance pansexual x "that's my lady right there you'll, can't get better than this you guys" lesbian and food enjoyer
Alright, hear me out on this one you guys. Bobby + chocolates + giving them to picky = INSTANT GIRLFRIEND!
Live laugh love country Picky. We all want a home girl to have an Applejack kind of accent. And as for Bobby?... HMMMM... I KINDA WANT HER TO BE FRENCH. IT WOULD MAKE SENSE, RIGHT? (pls, don't go after me in the comments I'm Hispanic-french myself.)
let's all just agree that picky GOTTA snort when she laughs.
I always like to think that Picky is an in-denial hypocrite, especially when it comes to eating. She's the one in the group always scolding everyone for not eating healthy as it is, yet SHE is the one that sneaks on 3 AM in the middle of the night to each last week's cake from Kickin's party. And yet... rather coincidentally and out of pure chances, Bobby is a sucker for sweets too. So they just work each other out in helping each other with eating problems AND/OR trying to make an excuse to eat dessert before dinner.
PDA?... is that even a question with Bobby around?
Once again, I bestow before you one of my favourite headcanons; Bobby has separation anxiety. And BECAUSE of that she would be messaging/spamming on Picky phone about where she was, if she would come over, if she wanted HER to come over, if they wanted to hang out, etc. What was Picky doing meanwhile? The simple answer passed out on the floor after thinking it was a good idea to try to mix all fast foods known to man into a single meal.
they're both dumb but they don't know it/know it.
Picky would be so proud of pulling up Cupid herself lmao.
I think Bobby would treat this relationship like they were in some romantic novel.
@11sugarplum11 (since you ALSO asked for it! Dw didn't forget about you!)
That's it you guys, maybe I'll be answering a few 4 or less but I'm REALLY stressed about catching up to all the commissions. I hope im not breaking anybody's hopes for all of their headcanons to be answered.
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daisyvisions · 2 years
I didn't check on Tumblr for 2 days and yall really went all out 😭😭😭 I haven't read everything yet but LIKE OKAY BACK UP- i have to say smth about a few things;
1) not the Younghoon dry humping- and ALSO THE BASSIST??? That just reminds my dream the other day and lemme tell ya, bassist!yh never disappoints 🫠
2) I'M GLAD I'M NOT ALONE ON THE HAIRY ARMS SUNWOO THING 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Like I've always wanna talk about it but since no one really points it out i felt like a weirdo so i shut up 🥹 (despite it edging me inside out fr)
3) I've quite read almost all duos/combos but wow. Sangyeon and Changmin? Someone NEEDS to make that happen. I need to see the dom and the sadist in action PLS.
And last but not least
Can i join the anons group? Maybe I'll be 🦥?
First off omg I'm so sorry if I've been spamming your dashboard with all these asks idk where the sudden influx came from (im happy and overwhelmed haha)
Im so so close to drafting something for bassist younghoon for real I need to see him in action he's too hot for that concept 😮‍💨
ugh omg same I thought I was being weird for looking at Sangyeon's arm hair too but now that we're a certain amount of arm hair lovers here.... 😏
I WILL GLADLY WRITE IT FOR YOU IF YOU WANT ME TO! Just let me get my tags and other drafts sorted before I do haha
and lastly, ofc you can be that anon! 💕 welcome! hehe
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sunshinexlollipops · 2 years
I just started reading amidst a clash of worlds last week and just got to your most recent update note, from about a year ago, today. Given that it's been a bit, im sure someome has already asked this on here so im sorry, but to you ever plan on finishing it? And thank u for gifting us all with an amazing fic
ACW specific ask but last that I'll answer today just so I don't spam the timeline -- but hey there @daydreamingofausten!
will I finish ACW? yes. 100% yes.
even though I'm not sure where I am on writing (I'm having to reconnect with it and stretch that creative muscle, as it completely got cut off from me since 2021 / when I last updated). I have thought so much about ACW and the last chapter of it during the entire time I've been gone. I know I sound like a broken record about it, but in a way, I think it counts that even if it sounds like the same disappointing tune, I've never strayed far from my intentions to come back, even if my guesses as to when were not right, or it seemed like I was hot and cold about it.
ACW means a lot to me and the story has always been one I wanted to finish simply because it was something that changed for a lot of me. also, you and others who responded to the story in a way I've never had readers do. sure, my writing has been enjoyed, but people have never *asked* me about things like this story. I also gained a few good friends and people who stood behind me specifically because of this story. I may have disappeared. I may have unintentionally withered some connections moots because of that absence. I'm not sure if everyone who was waiting since my last update will come around for whatever I manage to do, and whenever I manage to do it. but I'll forever be grateful and aware of the impact of this story had on me and those who read it. it really stands out for me and I have a deep connection to it for that alone. so even if things may not be golden like they used to be for the community around my fic, and that I know I'm a huge reason why that occurred, I'm still looking forward to the day I share with you all the final part of that story and how it wraps up together in the way I always dreamt out.
I do apologize to all for the wait. and for the lack of knowing even now when it'll be over. but despite all that, I have always intended to finish ACW and one day, I shall.
first, I need to get back into writing and figure out how to reconnect and work with that part of myself again. I'm medicated amongst other things, but it's like physical therapy, almost. I have to learn how to walk before I run off with ACW, lol. but now that is eventually a goal I fully intent to fulfill.
I'm happy to hear you still gave my story a shot and enjoyed it as you have! I hope you will be around for when I get my shit together and ACW is given the ending it deserves. because it really will be an emotional doozy and for me, a huge personal milestone. either way, I can't thank you enough for enjoying it as you have, for spending your time reading it and waiting just as I've spent mine on writing and thinking of it. it really means so much to me. <3
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hi,hello,hoy !!! You asked me what I thought of your fic so I am here to comment some things about it !!! :D
I love how you have to put pieces together to figure out what's going on with Y/N! Because when your theory gets confirmed you just get this SERATONIN (is that how you type it??) from it
(this one is honestly more of a nit pick just saying:) I feel like you could do a bit of foreshadowing like for example: In chapter 1 you could have described Y/N's backpack in detail so the readers know how it looks like and think "hMMM why are they describing it in such detail ???" and then when you get to chapter 3 you could describe Y/N's backpack as something else (not entirely something else but a small change) without Y/N reffering to it feeling like 'a different bag' maybe get him to say "something feels off..." so when the reader sees this they'll put the pieces together and say "WOOOAH WAIT THATS DIFFERENT FROM THIS THAT WAS SAID IN THIS !!!! :0" !! BUT!! Honestly that's just a little nitpick from me because I tried to write a few stories before (but then I gave up halfway) and I know bits and pieces on how to do cool foreshadowing (from a writer friend) but take this with a grain of salt because I am still ig a newbie at writing!! ><
also when Y/N is talking in his head and a thing thinks instead of him you could have a subtle shift in tone (idk if I am explaining this one well sorry I am a bit sleepy)
unhinged Sun. I just loved when that boy snaps. ( ‾̀◡‾́)
and the last one is.... remember to take breaks!!! Writing can be exhausting especially if the story is getting to your head (trust me ik how it feels when you get too emotionally attached and don't wanna kill your favourite off (╥﹏╥)) so remeber to take as much time off as you need your mental health is WAY more important <3
have a good day!!! :DDD<3 gonna make more fanart in the future when my wrist hurts lessheehehege---
OHHHHHHHH THIS IS SO HELPFUL THANK YOU THANK YOU <33 omg (sorry i really REALLY love reading peoples' thoughts Okay i am going to dissect this NOW [TOTALLY NOT PROCRASTINATING WORK]) ill put it under a cut since its kinda long AHH
ill be honest. Im SO SO GLAD you wrote all these points (especially the nitpicks !!/gen) - im super happy that you guys really love getting theories confirmed in the next chapter and im glad you noticed that the description of the backpack is. not up to par hehe ( AS WELL AS THE THING IN Y/N'S HEAD ) (also dw you explained it really well! )
I am at a constant war of wanting to spill everything and hiding info due to spoilers but !! ive been playing around with the fic being an unreliable narrator so much that i was incredibly concerned that it was. very confusing WAHAHA (it probably still has some things to fix though), so im genuinely really glad you pointed out inconsistencies(?? oddities? i dont know how to say it but basically funky writing) in the places where i wanted there to be :]
HAHA I DONT KNOW IF I MAKE SENSE RIGHT NOW it is like. 2am. but tldr hheehee hoo hoo i am so glad that things are going according To Plan. (dude i am like. saving this post too just so i can reread and make sure things unfold properly too)
LASTLY. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS !! writing analysis and feedback take so much time and Im really really honoured that you guys spoil me with a LOT of them- and for understanding that this fic kinda takes a toll on my health wahaha <33
also guys pls. pls rest your wrists. i am going to spam stretches soon. (ALSO ALSO THANK U ALL FOR THE FANART FOOD please dont overexert yourself though !! health first and genuinely; you guys even reading my fic is the greatest honour ever. take care of yourselves!!! and have a good day too <33
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misojunnie · 1 year
LAST ONE I PROMISE IM SORRY FOR SPAMMING BUT texts for how the teamies would react thinking you're glaring at them from across a crowded room but really you're just not wearing your contacts/glasses and are trying to figure out where your goddamn boyfriend is
anyways please please please take your time with these requests!! i hope you can tell you're one of my favourite writers on here for both your writing style and your characterizations of the idols you write for, especially the teamies! with my current &team brainrot there are very few authors who write for them casually and seeing your user in the tags (i originally know you from your enha fics LOL) made my heart LEAP. i feel like the way you subtly write each of their dominant personality traits and senses of humour without making them 'blank slate' characters is a genuine talent that makes your work so enjoyable! i literally always wait for your updates and you've got me kicking my feet round the homies every time you post,,, i love you so much☹️🫶🏽
my requests are piling up and I still haven’t answered ur previous ones but OH MY GOD I couldn’t help but answer this ask right away bc 😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶 this actually made me twirl around and kick my feet this is the sweetest thing anyone has said to me on this site. the idea that I could be one of someone’s favorite writers is INSANEEE and it makes me so happy. thank you for your sweet message it literally made my day 💗🙌 also you are so well written and your compliments were so complex I was floored omg.
also I will of course still do ur request and link this ask in a separate post <3
side note do u wanna send an emoji and be an anon bc I can just tell we’d be friends…. the way u type is just like me fr
ok bye bye ty again!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n and ranboo
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part two to the angst imagine (the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo jack and ranboo) it’s a happier ‘ending’ please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and ranboo in this imagine is completely platonic
it had been about a month since you last streamed whereas ranboo continued to stream a few days after the fallout as he wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. even though ranboo knew this huge fallout would eventually happen, it still hurt him, especially since he knew there was no way to prevent it, the four of you in the same house mixed with the stress of being some of the most-watched content creators made living rather difficult. it was like walking on eggshells as you didn’t want to interrupt someone's stream, then there was the additional stress of obsessive fans finding out where the four of you lived, you still remember that day very vividly. you were sat in between tubbo and ranboo watching the office whilst Tommy was in an interview when you received a message from your mod.
Chris: hey y/n I received this message earlier I don’t want to scare you, but maybe get the locks changed. someone sent a message claiming this is your address *image of message from ‘fan’*
it didn’t take long for tubbo and ranboo to receive a message from their mods saying the same thing
“holy shit...”
“chances are Tommy has the message too. we shall go check around the house when Tommy is done with the interview.”
luckily no one ever showed up to the house, but the fact some people were so obsessed to the point they found your address was enough to put everyone in the house on edge. and now it was just you and ranboo in the house. you didn’t feel safe as even though ranboo promised to not let anything happen, you didn’t wanna risk it.
“we should move. there’s no point in having such a big house for two people, what are we going to use the extra space for heh? hide and seek with people who have our address. no thank you. I say we move leave this mess behind and start completely over, hell I’d feel safer in the us and that’s saying something”
ranboo agreed the house didn’t have the happiest memories attached to it anymore, it hurt walking past the hallway as it would bring back the memory of him crying into the crook of y/ns neck whilst tubbo left the house.
“let’s do it, I’ll do an early stream then we can look for houses. go take a shower. I’ll stay close to the door so you’re safe, then you can stay in my room whilst I stream, you can join me if you would like.”
“you’re being very protective all of a sudden...let me guess you got the message from our mods announcing the obsessive fans are at it again?”
“go take a shower.”
ranboo ended up picking you up, carried you to the bathroom and turned the shower on before putting you on your feet.
“quick shower I’ll see you later.”
and with that he left the room shutting the door behind him, 30 minutes later you got changed and followed ranboo to his room ready to join him whilst he streams
“hey boo, can I join you? I kinda wanna get into streaming again.”
“I'm so glad you asked, I was going to do a face cam stream, if that’s okay?”
“of course.”
you grabbed his mask and glasses whilst he locked the door so you were both safe. “here you go.”
“thank you.”
the pair of you started the stream and it was honestly going well, you were having so much fun you forgot about all the negative things currently going on, you began to understand why ranboo continued streaming as for those 2-4 hours of streaming it felt as though everything was back to normal. 3 hours later the two of you ended stream and Twitter went crazy. tweets ranged from fans talking about how ranboo was streaming with you, how Tommy was in chat, and how tubbo was modding as people who mentioned anything about their address being leaked were banned by tubbo. the one thing that caught ranboos eye was fan art and a picture of you both from the stream captioned ‘they’re platonic soulmates your honour’ ranboo went as far to like, retweet and comment on it.
ranaltboo: glad you liked the stream it was great having y/n back, think I might make them play tattletail next stream
definitelynoty/n: isn’t that the Furby game that terrified you in 2021? bring it on boo!
Twitter went crazy over this interaction, you had finally come back to social media after months of being inactive, and it looked like you were here to stay. a month later you and ranboo moved out of the house and sold it to your aunt and her wife and their three adopted children, you explained the situation and even changed the locks for them all before they moved in.
“Please do tell us if anyone shows up who shouldn’t be. we changed the locks as you were aware- oh hello little one.”
you noticed one of their children decided to cling onto your leg
“I like your hair it’s colourful!”
“Indeed it is.”
the little girl let go of your leg and ran to ranboo asking to be picked up, unsure of what to do he looked towards you. however, you were too busy laughing about the fact he was compared to a giant.
“I'm so sorry uh if you want to pick her up you can, you don’t have to.”
“pick me up, tall man... I want to be taller!”
ranboo ended up standing next to you with an arm around your waist whilst the child sat on his shoulders happily playing with his hair.
“ranboo do not drop that child.”
“I didn't- I didn't plan on it y/n.”
eventually, it was time to leave and the child reluctantly let go of ranboo.
“bye-bye!! hope to see you soon!”
soon enough you were at a smaller house, far away from the old house, leaving behind the negative feelings. it could only get better, a week later the pair of you had settled into the new house, it finally felt like home. you and ranboo were now streaming full time again, safe to say the two of you were thriving and closer than ever.
“so I’m thinking if I hit the sub-goal today I’ll let chat pick what colour I dye my hair.”
“make it higher, and I’ll let you cut my hair.”
“Are you being serious? oh my god!”
a few minutes later you took to Twitter to announce you were going live.
y/n: kidnapping children in the sims with ranboo psst check the subgoal.
within 20 minutes you had hit the sub-goal, chat ended up picking another random neon colour for your hair.
“right hair dye and the cutting stream will be this weekend, now let’s go back to kidnapping.”
tubbo, tommy, and jack felt awful for what happened and went back to the house where you used to live, hoping to see you there so they could apologise, tubbo knocked on the door only to be met by a young child.
“my sister watches you on twitch!”
“oh that’s lovely.. are y/n and ranboo here?”
an older woman came to the door.
“oh no, I’m sorry dear they both moved out, but they left this box and said to give it to you if you returned.”
“do you know where they moved to?”
“I'm sorry dear, I'm not allowed to tell you that information for safety reasons.”
“I understand, thanks anyway.”
they ended up going back to jacks where the three of them had been staying.
“We should open the box.”
tubbo opened the box and emptied the items onto the floor, inside was the rocks y/n handed tubbo from every trip, photos of the group, a necklace y/n had gifted to Tommy a day before the argument, and a hat y/n had taken from jack during a trip to a zoo.
“what the fuck!”
“holy shit!”
“they really kept all these in hopes we would come back?”
“and now we’re too late.”
it was now the weekend you and ranboo were ready to stream, you stood leaning on ranboo who was significantly smaller than you as you lowered the chair he sat on.
“starting stream...now.”
after the starting soon intro played, you explained what was happening to any new viewers or people who didn’t watch the stream.
“so I’m about to become Edward Scissorhands...I love that film can we watch it later?”
“yeah mhm sure!”
you didn’t know this but your ex best friends were watching and ever so often would show up in the chat.
“so boo, what are we doing with your hair today?”
“just a trim please darling?”
“This is y/ns hairdressers you get what I’m capable of!”
you ended up doing a pretty good job of cutting ranboos hair, even he was impressed.
“I didn’t doubt you for a minute!”
“mhm sure thing please don’t mess up my hair tall one!”
soon enough you had the dye on. 45 minutes later you left to wash it off, leaving ranboo to entertain stream,
“chat I think I missed some of their hair it’s okay, I own scissors, I’ll just cut it.. speaking of they did a great job, didn't they? I honestly expected them to mess up.”
a few minutes later you joined ranboo again and spent the next few hours talking with chat. tubbo, tommy, and jack stayed the entire time. they loved the fact you and ranboo were able to stay close after what happened, Tommy noticed you were still wearing the necklace he got you many years ago and spammed them chat with him tubbo and jack
jack: so what? they clearly don’t wanna talk to us.
tubbo: shut up listen to them.
“chat why are we spamming platonic soulmates?”
“they’ve been saying it all over Twitter, look on trending y/n.”
you started to blush slightly at all the amazing artwork soon enough the stream came to an end, after saying goodbye the pair of you sat together going through fan art. unfortunately the one that caught your eye was this one twitter post where the artist had created a drawing of a piece of paper with you, ranboo, tommy, tubbo, and jack, however the paper was ripped separating you and ranboo from the others, captioned ‘it was never meant to be’ this clearly upset ranboo as he took off his mask and glasses placing them on the desk before going straight to his bed.
“boo…are you okay?”
“Are you tired of me? are you going to leave next?”
“what? no of course not! I could never get tired of you, why do you ask?”
“everyone else has left..i thought they cared about us, i knew it would happen eventually and i couldn’t stop it, i’m sorry, y/n, please don’t hate me.”
you sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the floor,
“come here.”
you watched him roll over to face you.
“you know there’s no one else who I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, right…if i hated you i wouldn’t have moved house with you. it’s not your job to fix everything and make everything better, you’re a streamer for christ sake not a therapist.”
“i guess so.. can we watch that thing you were on about for ages.”
“edward scissorhands? “
you could tell he wanted to be distracted, so you agreed and put the film on, towards the end you began to get upset due to how overwhelming everything was.
“Why are you crying?”
“poor Edward.”
“come here.”
ranboo pulled you into a hug you laid there crying into his chest, he knew that wasn’t the reason you were crying, but he wasn’t about to make you tell him, luckily it didn’t take long for you to stop crying as ranboo quickly distracted you.
“yeah y/n?”
“I feel bad i didnt realise how much pressure was on you whilst everyone was arguing.”
“Hey, it’s okay, is that what’s upsetting you?”
“don’t blame yourself, i’d do it all over again to keep you safe and happy..then again i didn’t do a good job on keeping you happy.”
“you did..you were always there for me even when i gave up on social media, you shared your room with me after i started receiving creepy messages from that obsessed fan, hell you even went on adventures with me even though it was clear you hadn’t been sleeping, just so we could spend time together and forget about what was happening. you mean a lot to me boo.”
“i love you.”
“i love you too bud, I’m tired.”
“go to sleep, it’s been a long day.”
“you just staying there?”
“oh, oh okay, goodnight.”
about a year later the two of you were still thriving, ranboo got you a promise ring a few months earlier.
“heh what’s this for?”
“as your best friend i promise to stay by your side and keep you safe and make sure that you’re happy, in other words you're stuck with me till the end of time.”
“boo…i really don’t know what to say.. thank you so much!”
“you don’t have to say anything!”
you ended up going out to buy him a promise ring when he started the stream and decided to take your cousins with you now that they were a little older. ranboo was doing a facecam stream when the door slammed open revealing you covering your three younger cousins ranboo not realising you were hiding them from the camera, instinctively stood up covering the camera
“yes you three and y/n ,what do you need?”
“we would like to watch a film!”
“Okay, i’ll go put one on, y/n will you entertain chat?”
“sure thing boo boy!”
once they left you sat fixing your hair forgetting you were wearing the ring chat noticed this and went crazy, so did Tommys group with tubbo and jack.
tubbo: that’s a ring, right??
jack: yeah looks like it.
Tommy: holy shit I always thought if anyone was gonna get married it would be tubbo and y/n, they were inseparable.
tubbo: hilarious.
jack: it could just be a ring, no one mentioned marriage tommy!
Tommy: we should congratulate them.
jack: at least let them explain fucking hell.
soon enough ranboo came back into the room,
“sorry one of them found it hilarious to steal my glasses...”
“they’re little shits i swear to god but i love them.”
you both noticed chat going crazy and both looked at each other before laughing.
“i'm sorry, i can’t take you serious in the mask and glasses!”
“i can’t take you serious with neon hair, but here we are!”
you and ranboo quickly put an end to the rumours,
“no we’re not engaged or married, it is a promise ring. no they’re not our children, they’re y/ns cousins they just spend a lot of time here..chat stop calling me and y/n parents and comparing us to phil that’s not..that’s not how it works okay!”
“parent arc!”
“y/n, don’t encourage them!”
“it’s a little bit funny!”
soon enough the bit came to an end and eventually ranboo ended the stream.
“hey boo look what i got you”
you handed him a little black box, inside was a ring similar to yours
“i promise to always stick around and be here for you”
“oh my god”
ranboo tackled you into a hug thanking you several times for his rings. you and ranboo were living your best life meanwhile jack, tommy, and tubbo were stuck dealing with the guilt of what happened, but they’re weren’t giving up that easy. they wanted you both back, that’s when you received a notification, tommyinnit has sent you a message request: hey y/n can we talk..please?
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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koalacolbss · 2 years
If Only You Were Mine <3 Pt 1
{A Colby Brock Fluff}
I looked at Colby as he sat there at his desk with his head down sleeping ofc. aaah classic colby always sleeping... I guess I should begin with who I am. My name is y/n, m/n, l/n. And Iv'e been best friends with Cole Robert Brock, Sameul John Golbach, and Katrina Stuart for about 7 years now, we all met back in 4th grade.
Sam, Colby and Kat have all known each other longer but that's when I met them. I guess you could say they took me in, yeah that's it really, they took me under there arms when my abusive dad kicked me out. I was the only one in the friend group who was single, although iv'e liked colby for years i never got the courage to ask him out and one day he got a girlfriend, also known as my best friend, in most stories like this people say it was the friends fault cuz they knew you liked them but in this case it was mine, and when i told her i liked him she felt horrible because she was already with him and didnt want to hurt him so we stayed friends and they stayed dating.
Yeah..it sorta hurts to walk inside and hear her moaning his name when in your head you think it should be you. I live with sam colby and kat its cool i guess i get to be featured in their yt videos more then amber, my best friend. Amber and I agreed I could be in the YT vids more and she would be colbys gf. Anyways lets get back to the story yeah?
*3 hours later*
I walked into the house after soccer practice and just as expected im the only other one home except colby and amber who both are upstairs in colbys room making love to each other. I tear up a little but try to hide it as kat walks inside.
Kat: y/n?...why are you crying??
y/n: *thoughts* Oh shit- i must have a few tears oops...
all of a sudden i lost it. yep. you heard me i started bawling as kat cradled me into her arms
Kat: Y/N!!!!...what happened???
y/n: *sighs* I like colby...I have for years and I was to chicken to confess and so Amber asked him out and she didnt know I liked him so she felt bad but i told her to date him cuz i didnt want him to be hurt again..
Colby: *stops walking down the stairs* What?...*looks at amber* i-is that true love?
Amber: *nods yes* Im sorry.... I do like you but she liked you first and i felt bad when i found out...we should break up colbs im sorry she needs you more then i do..*leaves*
Then the door slammed. And that was the last time I heard from colby. until I got the message.
*5 years later*
I was sound asleep when it happened. someone called me but i was to lazy to get up so i let it ring until the voicemail came, I was expecting spam or something but a familiar voice came through the speaker: "Hey y/n...um im not sure if you remember me my name is Colby. Cole Robert Brock. It's been awhile and I wanted to tell you how much I love you, this is my confession, its been years and I'm sure it's silly to you for me to apologize 5 years later but im sorry, I love you i truly do, Ik your back in kansas and all and I know you won't get this message cuz im not gonna send it to you cuz im fuckin stupid and to chicken to send it through but i wanted you to know i miss you so much and i wish i did things the right way that 5 years ago i think your really cute we should han-" **voicemail ended**
I was shocked. Colby did something I thought he never would do, he accidently sent me his confession, and an apology??!?!?!.. Man if he really sent this it must be worth it to call back and accept to meet up.. so i walked over to the phone and picked it up i hit the call back button and waited while it rang.
***Colbys POV***
Shit. shit. shit. I didnt mean for it to actually send through I feel horrible about how I overeacted 5 years ago but I wasn't ready to talk to her yet...she probably hates me why would she ever forgive me? I always had anger issues but i kicked her out of her own house. it was ours but still. she owned a part of it. then the phone rang and with a trembling hand i picked it up and answered it. "H-hello?"
y/n: *over the phone* Hey uhhhh i got your message- before you hang up yes i do except your apology and yes we should totally meet up somewhere.
colby: Oh nice! we should meet up at chick-fi-la! ill pay for us both if youd like?
y/n: yea! sure! sounds great colbs! maybe we can start over?
colby: y-yeah! yeah! i would love that!
y/n: ok...goodbye colbs see you tomorrow?
colby: yep. sounds like a date yn!! byeeee
then i hung up. god i must have sounded so dumb to her but inside my chest feels tingly and my stomach has butterflies. i turned around and looked at sam. "well...i did it brother i apologized to her."
sam: thats good. maybe youll date her tooooo"
colby: woah- lets not go that far maybe shes just waiting till she gets here to yell at me...
sam: whatever dude.
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isabella-111 · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if u still ship people? If so, I'm a 5'8 extremely dark brown haired girl, I believe in elemental magic, I'm a Slytherin, a sucker for enemies to lovers and lovers to enemies, I love soft, sad, heartfelt music, drawing and writing are my fave pastimes, forever getting good grades and giving people deathstares or punches. Can lighten up if your close to me, my life is based in pj's, and I'm bi and have glasses. Hope that is enough and have a lovely day!
A/N : personally im a friends to lovers gurl but i cant help my self from a good enemies to lovers story :) also sorry for any spelling mistakes this was written at 3am
I ship you with regulus black
- since the day you met regulus in your alchemy/elemental magic class . He’s just outright ignored you . Or worse when you walked the would just roll his eyes . You hated when he did that you hated him.....or so you thought. One night during a slytherin party you and your friends were drinking partying honestly just living your best life . Thats when you got a phone call from a unknown number you answered cause you were ngl a little tipsy and didn’t care if it was just a spam call you wanted to talk to them . Thats when you heard a raspy familiar voice on the other
Very drunk reggie : listen y/n i always thought i hated you and I honestly don’t know why i think it’s cause i like you like alot like alot alot and im scared that if i talk to you more and more ill fall for you amd and then you’ll leave me and im scared of that
You : * shocked * um regulus can you call me un the morning...i- i think your just drunk or maybe those is prank im bit sure but um i might maybe idk anymore lets just talk in the morning ok
Very drunk reggie : yah yah that works sorry um ill talk to you tomorrow
The next day you and regulus made a few lasting glances at each other both looking a little nervous but not once speaking to each other
You layed in bed wondering if he remembered what he told you yesterday . It was currently 2 am and you couldn’t sleep you just couldn’t get that out of your head
You : * thinking * do i really like him like actually like him or am i just hung over fucccckk
* someone frantically knocks on your door *
You : * opens it * what the bloody fuck its 2 am
Reggie : * pulls you into a kiss *
You : * kisses back *
Reggie : its the next morning y/n.....safe to say i still really like you
You : i like you too regulus
Reggie : im so sorry for being mean to you i just didn’t know how to deal with my fe-
You : shut up and kiss me again * smirks *
Reggie : * chuckles and kisses you *
- regulus’s go to nicknames for you would probably be “ dumb ass” and “ lovely loser” old habits die hard but he’s trying
- regulus and you would probably sketch each other just as a pastime and knowing the 2 of you you guys would turn it into a art contest
- reggie would always steal your glasses as a joke and have you chase him around just to get them back
- even tho sometimes he bullies you he truly does love you and he wouldn’t trade you for the entire universe
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uno-writing · 2 years
Berri its me im back how does it feel to not be spammed by me constantly
ok a few things
im sooo really sorry if I made u uncomfy with the name thing
ok so Ik like a few months I was "wAit HoW dO YoU NoT LiKe SeRA huhgsdajwgfudiwl" but ninety nine percent of the shit I said made no sense so lets forget that ask was even typed cuz its pretty embarrassing
oh and I haven't spammed ur inbox cus i went to Virginia for 2 weeks and my phone broke like the day we were leaving adsjkdsh and I had NO INTERNET unless my grandma let me use her iPad or my mom let me use her phone like a nine year old lmao BUT IT WAS HELL bc 1. no internet and 2. I had to sleep in the room as my sister and she hogs they tiny fan, but mostly no internet. makes me realize how addicted I am to my phone but its okay cuz its 2022 and everyone and their mother is addicted to the internet
anyways how was your day berri mine was good bc I (kinda) won a argument with a transphobe in the YouTube comments section
oh and while I was in Virginia I went to this boba place and got taro slush with boba (cmiiw but Im pretty sure that's seras fav) and it was rlly good like it was sweet but not too sweet but later I went to a diff place and got reg taro tea (not the slush) and it was kinda shitty but also first place I went to had these rlly cute keychains with mini boba drinks on them so yea
(tldr: taro slush boba is good but without it its shit imo)
this long ass ask is to make up for the lack of spamming ur inbox lately
ok bye
1.Dw about it!!! Its okay!!! You didn't know and you're not the first person to do it, and you're probably not the last person to either.
I feel really bad for how spicy the first pinned post update was 😅 There were a good number of people on here that were completely annoying me (not you bestie dwww!!!!!) and so I got super ticked off and redid the pinned post lmfaooo-
I've been slowly making edits to it so its less spicy but yeah even tho the name thing came off as super spicy to begin with, I wasn't super upset about the name thing lmao (i think i toned down its spiciness now? idk lemme know if i need to fix it more bc I dont wanna come off sounding like a bitch lmfao-)
2.Dw about that either lmao. Tbh out of all of the "omg??? you don't like/you do like *insert uno character*???? what?????" asks Ive gotten, you're was probably one of the nicest lmfaooo-
Yeah you came right during a heatwave lmao I get the hogging fans thing, my house doesn't have A/C rn and its awful-
I had a goodish day lmao My college just told me that they've completely changed my course requirements so now I have to take a bunch of classes I dont want/idk how they'd apply to the major I'm in but oh well :D :D And then I took a big nap :3 :3
Oh heyyyyyyyy
I've had boba like 2 times and it was really good! But I'm really lactose intolerant and the place I went to only served milk tea so I just suffered afterwards lmfao
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todomitoukei · 3 years
what did you think of the ending? i personally hated it because eren’s entire character changed and it makes no sense for me.
plus [spoilers below]
eren telling armin he’s in love with mikasa was so random? he never once hinted that he liked her at all. in fact he was always annoyed by her. im convinced that the author was forced to make eren have feelings for her.
also, im not into time loops/time travel because i feel like it ruins everything the characters went through and it makes a story full flaws. and eren was the reason his mom died????? like??????
aot had SO MUCH potential but idk what happened that made it turn out like that.
Okay so I don't have any coherent thoughts yet cause I just finished reading it an hour ago so I need a few business days to let everythink sink in, maybe reread a few chapters too and sort my thoughts until I can give actual nuanced thoughts on this.
A big reason for this is also that, admittedly, I've spent the last 9 years mostly worrying about Levi's fate so that was still my main focus all the way up to the end lol.
On that same note, as I've spammed @haleigh-sloth I couldn't get over the head thing at the end so everything else was kinda less on my mind as I got distracted cry-laughing everytime it appeared again lmao. 10/10 my humor.
Anyway, to actually give you somewhat of a response now: I actually really like the ending and overall disagree with what you're saying. I think aot has been consistent, both for the characters and the story. The time loop/travel part has been repeatedly foreshadowed since the first chapter, so I don't mind it. I think as long as something is written well, it's good regardless of whether I like the prompt or not.
Something I really like about the ending, when you reread it or even just think about it everything kinda just falls into place and starts to make more sense so it not only makes me want to reread again but also feels like a reward of sorts.
I don't think Eren's character changed? I mean character development is good and that is something that happened but again, it's all consistent and I think his character is written really well and believable and the ending makes sense for him and his past actions.
As for the love part... yeah I'm not a big fan of that, myself, but that's more a personal thing lol. But to be honest, that's not something I care about a lot, mainly because it doesn't really make a difference in the story and you could always argue that maybe this is the classic case of only appreciating something after it's gone. Either way, I don't think he was annoyed by her. If he didn't like her, they wouldn't have been friends so I think you misread their relationship and his character.
I'm sorry you didn't like it but I absolutely loved it and can't wait to reread it and think more about it once my emotions have settled lol. But either way, to me, the story and characters were super well-written and it's a good mixture of a good and bitter-sweet ending, which feels true to the story.
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amazingphilza · 3 years
snapchat :: c!tommy x reader
fluff / angst , platonic , gender neutral ! first request whoop whoop :D [check pinned for more info on requests]
synopsis: ‘what’s so bad about adding every person on snapchat?’ tommy thought. unknowingly, with all the other people he begins talking to during exile, one ends up being you; tubbo’s younger sibling. that is until you both visit tommy in logstedshire.
cw: i purposely misspell a few words for the texting part, i hope it’s still readable for y’all! and i haven’t actually used snapchat in years so let’s pretend i know what i’m doing :)
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tommy smiled at his brand new phone
first thing he does? install snapchat and reddit
if he couldn’t talk to his best friends face to face anymore, at least he had people online to talk to, right?
tommy hoped from all his possessions dream would destroy, he could at least keep a phone
without much thought, tommy opened snapchat and began adding every account and messaging them the same obnoxious message
most people chose ignore tommy, not having a clue why he was messaging them
but as for you, when you had the notification that someone added you on snapchat and started aggressively messaging you, it made you curious
you read their user
“wife haver”?? huh???
instead of immediately blocking the person, you replied back
not even less than a second later you get a reply back
without context, you were more than confused
genuinely dying is very alarming but you shouldn’t text a random stranger your last words
plwase helo
where did tou go
Ohm hgod
you laughed at the person’s desperation and ignored the messages
if the stranger wasn’t going introduce themselves, you wouldn’t either
however, after a while you realized you had over 100 snapchat notifications within an hour of trying to ignore the person
however it was just jumbled up words and useless spam, nothing important
as if the stranger would said anything important to your concern anyway
do you ever shut up??
fuck you
a normal person wouldve taken offense by these messages but you found them quite amusing
it wasn’t like you had anything else better to do
and this acceptance was the start of your odd friendship with the stranger
you were still on edge because you had no idea who they were and their intentions but the anonymity was mutual nonetheless
if the desperate spamming “wife haver” isn’t going to formally tell you who they actually were, you weren’t going to risk exposing yourself first
but in the past few weeks, you and the person had normal conversations apart from the first day they messaged you
well as normal as you could’ve expected from someone named “wife haver”
they were the first to send an actual snap as well
that was when you found out the “wife haver” was an obnoxious boy that looked around your age, maybe a slightly older
he had sent you a photo of him holding a thumbs up and trying to smile when he was clearly upset
just got all my stuff exploded again, feeling good
you noticed his messy blonde hair and tattered clothes
what the hell happened to this guy?
part of you was confused, and the other was concerned
u good bro??
i don’t have anymore tools and materials if that’s anything
so no
this is shit
lmao it was probably deserved
im kidding that’s sad
but like do u actually need stuff?
you contemplated sending your next message and thought of the consequences
but in the end, you were probably better off than him so if he did try to do something suspicious, you could easily just leave with your trident or defend yourself
i can bring some things over if you’d like
please oh my god it’s so boring here
where the hell do you even live???
it finally hit that you would be visiting this mysterious person
you never really had much to do during the day and he had nothing against your enchanted netherite armor when compared to his worn-out clothes
you were surprised that he was quick to be comfortable with you visiting him so continued to message the boy
if you live nearby i can just stop over and bring some spare diamond tools and armor if you’d like or smth
DIAMOND !,?’/:@!?:/-',(
ya sure lol
his shock and excitement made you smile
maybe this wasn’t a bad idea
before replying, you quickly ran to your storage room you gather your spare items
instead of normally texting, you decided to take a picture of all the enchanted tools and armor and send back a snap
i’m down for tomorrow, turn on your snapmaps so i can come by ;D
he quickly replied back with handfuls of ‘holy shits’ and ‘YEAHS’
you couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear which caught the attention of your older brother who had just walked in to get blocks from the wall of chests
“ew why are you smiling at your phone like that?”
“oh shut up, tubbo”
“it’s weird”
you roll your eyes at him in a playful matter
“whatever! i’m gonna be out tomorrow to visit a friend, okay?”
“you have friends? wow, sounds like a first”
“you’re such a dick!!” you yell at him whilst trying to hold in your laughter
“oh yeah? go on, tell me about this friend of yours then. meeting strangers online, hm?”
“if you’re so concerned, you can come with if you’re not busy with whatever a president does. i promise they’re not some weirdo like you”
tubbo’s tone was sarcastic but he agreed then left you to your own thoughts
you were excited for tomorrow that you were restless in your bed when nighttime had came
somehow you managed to fall asleep from tiredness in the middle of the night
soon enough it was morning
before doing anything, you checked your phone and went through all your notifications
you then checked snapchat, browsing snapmaps and realized how far you had to travel
despite the long travel, you brought yourself up from your bed and gathered all the items you were going to bring
you stuffed a full set of enchanted diamond armor, tools, and over a stack of golden carrots all in your inventory
after finishing all your preparations, you searched for your older brother
with just a loud yell of his name he appeared almost instantly
“you ready to go, tubbo?”
“yep! you know where you’re going right?”
you scoffed at the question
“of course!”
and with that, the two of you traveled on foot until you reached the ocean
you had brought 2 boats with you knowing that you couldn’t imagine being in the same boat as your brother; it would’ve ended up in endless bickering
after a while of being at sea, tubbo started to become impatient
“what the hell! how far does this person live, y/n??”
“i dunno!”
you knew the general direction you were supposed to be going to after studying your snapmaps all morning but you couldn’t check how much farther it would take to get there; there was obviously no signal in the middle of the ocean
it felt like forever before you saw land in the horizon
suddenly you regained all the energy you have lost from rowing
“there!! that place with the white tent, i can barely see it”
with the burst of energy, you got to land in no time
the moment you got off your boat, the blonde spotted the two of you and ran in your direction
once appearing nearly feet apart, he stared at your brother who also had the shocked expression
your brother had more of a confused expression whilst the other boy seemed a bit mad
maybe he was always mad considering the endless conversations you had with him ranting about some ‘green bastard’
but tubbo quickly got defensive, stepping in front of you
you didn’t understand how they knew each other beforehand, but at the same time you never caught up with tubbo’s friends either
you needed answers
“what’s going on?”
“y/n! you were messaging tommy this whole time? why didn’t you tell me?”
tubbo was clearly frustrated and a feeling of guilt washed over you
it didn’t click that you never exchanged names and admitting it did not seem believable
tubbo was in complete shock, trying to process everything that was happening
you mumbled out your words
“a few weeks, i can’t remember”
“uh, yeah sorry” tommy had confirmed your statements. “i didn’t even know you had a sibling, tubbo! i actually didn’t know their name until now as well..”
“but if i knew i was messaging a tub-ling, i wouldn’t have in the first place!”
“what the fuck tommy!!!”
“no, but how do you even know each other?” you had interrupt the two
tubbo had chosen his words carefully
“we’re... friends”
tommy had seemed upset at this
“no, don’t talk to me, tommy. you were exiled for a reason. y/n? give him the stuff you wanted to him and let’s go, this was a waste of time”
you were saddened but obliged, you didn’t want to anger your brother even more
“fuck you, tubbo! can’t believe this was how you visit me for the first time, i don’t even want your pity shit”
before you could react, tubbo led you to the back of his boat
he got in the front and quickly rowed away from the land you barely stayed on, leaving your boat behind on the shores
you looked back at tommy who already had left back to his tent
the boat ride was silent and full of sorrow until you arrived back at l’manburg
once you got home you immediately opened snapchat to message tommy
hey tommy i’m really sorry about today. i had no idea,,,
you thought he would’ve ignored your message but instead replied right after
but your heart sank at reading the message
it’s fine
i think it’s best we stop talking y/n
you didn’t want to lose a friend so quickly but after all the tension from today, you didn’t know how to come back from it
so instead of arguing you agreed, even if it wasn’t honest
yeah, me too
and that was the last message you sent to tommy
even though the whole situation was confusing from the start, it didn’t mean you didn’t enjoy the random conversations you had
the bizarre encounter was unforgettable
it made you even sadder when you realized the first time you two used each other’s names through text would also be the last
a/n: ngl, i didn’t think i would finish this on a kinda angsty ending but here we are! and grrr it’s 4am and i just wanted to finish this,, let’s hope there aren’t that many grammar mistakes LMAO anyway i hope y’all enjoyed <3
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