#im so sorry lambert
aychama · 4 months
*Slaps the roof of lamberts head*
This bad boy can keep so much trauma in it.
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lambment · 7 months
Hii (^.^)im the anon who mentioned doodling your heket in my sketchbook! Ermm I can’t send images on anon so here you go (apologies for how messy they are)
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YESSSS!!! enthralled with all of these especially the way you draw Leshy’s antennae and that middle child Kallamar at the end. The sound siblings has such a nice ring to it eheh
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ura-niia · 4 months
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A Brother's Melancholic Hymn
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Comic prequel of The Underworld animatic
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riiviir · 4 months
I figured I should probably make an actual reference for how I draw my lamb
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here they are!
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ghostiezone · 6 months
REQUESTING. GHOSTKICKS MORAILS... looking up at u with my big wet sopping creature eyes. alternately i would LOVE 2 see art of ur fish guy the way u have been talking about his biology is so compelling 2 me. OR tide with weird fish biology also.... ;---;
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i think triton "hair" is not actually hair and is instead a form of algae . i was in the google doc trenches for like an hour last night about hair algae specifically i wrote 6 paragraphs about it and made up a fake scientific name for it and everything. when it's wet, freshly out of the water, it's slimy and straight and dark in color. after it dries (partially- the roots are still kept wet/alive at the scalp by a triton's natural moisture) it becomes lighter in color and behaves more like a humanoid creature's hair
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ALSO TIIIIIDE. im a big "tide can breathe underwater" truther so. he gets 3 pairs of torso gills and one pair of neck gills. bc theyre cool. also partially webbed fingers and his canon ear fins except i made them Bigger :]
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alevicke · 6 months
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I needed fluff so I drew Lamb being a good dad 🥺💖✨ I still headcanon Ratau is so proud of him for still keeping a semi normal life despite being a god of death and taking care of the people he loves.
And most importantly, Ratau is a proud grandfather 💖
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dire-vulture · 1 year
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ok..Florabrisa's Official Top 10 Most Beautiful Dragons That Are Speaking to Me At This Exact Moment
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finnyphcntom · 3 days
chapter two : combos
He remembers his young days, walking into this very gas station way past his curfew with Aiden. He’d walk right in and buy him one big blue raspberry slushie, and then grab whatever snack he was craving that night. It was typically combos. He fucking loved combos.
Fucking shit.
He was tired, exhausted even. He knew Dandelion was fun to talk to but shit, not that fun.
'+1 xxx-xxx-xxxx : geralt got baxk with me the party is at 6 but everyone showsbup late to shit like that so meet me at 7'
'+1 xxx-xxx-xxxx : excited to see you, its been a while!'
The speedway parking lot was rather empty when Lambert put his car in park.
There were many things he swore by, and just as many things he swore by but didn't listen to. One of those things was stopping caffeine- effective probably never.
Not only did Dandelion keep him up, but he was just a tired grouchy man.
But he needed his energy today. He had to work a shitty 9-5, but after, he had a party to crash. Better expect pettiness of all that is petty. He's talking tables thrown, lies exposed…
He knew the location, the time, who all would be there. Its funny, actually, because Dandelion said Kiera's been there often.
But she hadn't. Lambert had asked her about it; if she knew anything. Each time she would go quiet as if trying to remember or think if she has, but would always answer no. The days of the party, she would be stuck at her business late or have something to do. So there was no way she would have been able to make it.
She always had something to do, near the end.
Isnt that funny? Never wanted to hang out with him, never went on dates, barely even responded to him, but sobbed when he left her. She begged him to stay, hell, even threw glassware at him- it made no sense in his rather walnut sized brain.
'lambert : hey do me a favor, dont tell geralt im going'
'lambert : or tbh anyone for that matter. i want it to be a complete surprise.'
'lambert : do that for me and consider me ur free ride of the night, will u princess?’
He slipped his phone into his pocket and got out of his car, walking into the speedway.
He remembers his young days, walking into this very gas station way past his curfew with Aiden. He’d walk right in and buy him one big blue raspberry slushie, and then grab whatever snack he was craving that night. It was typically combos. He fucking loved combos.
Aiden first put him on the snack, Lambert thinking they were incredibly… “mid.” But after trying different flavors, he realized he was literally obsessed with the pizza flavors. They were a snack sent by the heavens, a gift from god himself.
But man, how he missed Aiden. Grief never ends, never goes away. Lambert lost maybe more than half of him when he received that phone call that night from Aiden’s mother. Everyday was the same- no more two in the morning gas station runs and getting high behind said gas station. No more skipping highschool classes to hang out in the bathrooms.
He could never again eat combos.
Life was the same. He finds someone he clicks with, gets attached to them way to quick then someone like him should, its good for a while, and then it ends. Doesn't matter how that ending comes about, it still ends.
And every single day he works this shit ass nine to five. He comes back and does the same farm work, plays the same game. He could really use a switch up, but how?
A ding from his phone causes him to realize that he's standing there, just ominously staring at the red bull fridge. If he had a nickel for every time his phone is the mediator between him and his weirdly timed zone-outs, he would have… plenty of nickels, actually.
‘dandelion : oh, what kind of ride we talkin? ;)’
‘dandelion : is your passenger seat taken? morning btw ^^ i fell asleep’
Lambert's response was shamefully immediate. And oh yeah, he saved Dandelions contact.
‘lambert : never ta ken when its you, princess’
‘lambert : and im talkin bout the ride of your life baby’
His smile is the biggest it’s been in a while when he grabs two or three red bulls and heads to the self checkout.
He really, really wasn't used to this. What the fuck was he doing? Flirting was typically really hard for the guy, given he attempts to avoid any form of human interaction.
Dandelion doesn't answer, not even when he's paid and back in his car. Lambert has never been the most patient of people.
‘dandelion : uhhhhh what do i do if 3 of my tires are slashed?’
‘dandelion : i have a performance idk what to do should i call geralt?’
‘dandelion : geralt will just get mad tho and assume it was my ex’
He stared at his phone screen. According to Geralt, Dandelion’s ex is.. well, psychotic. Dandelion has had to move, stay nights with them, and get Geralt to scare the guy off on multiple occasions.
But he had work in approximately 23 minutes. He couldnt skip work, it was too late for him to call in. He would be in big trouble if he did so, there only being one other manager for the whole store. Not to mention, the paycut. His paycheck would be short, and he's got saving to do.
Geralt would likely get angry at him, too. He was always real big on making sure Lambert never socialized with Dandelion. Lambert was never really sure why.
Of course, there were a lot of reasons he speculated. Geralt knew Lambert would treat him better. Geralt knew Dandelion would like him better. Geralt knew that though antisocial, Lambert tended to form attachments quickly.
Years of abuse and neglect from a drunken father would do that to a guy, he supposes. Always getting attached, paranoid of random people. It was hard for him to trust.
He wasn't thinking. Wasn't thinking when he lifted his phone and tapped on it a few times.
“Hey, this is Lambert. Im letting you know I wont be making it in today. Im sorry.”
He hung up.
Did he really just do that?
‘lambert : hey, whats ur address?’
Dandelion looked just about ready to sob when he got in the car.
“I told you my performance is not until later.” Dandelion says, anxiously checking his surroundings. “I couldve- couldve arranged an uber. Or just not went. Its not really that important.”
This man was chronically insane. His ex slashes his tires in a location hes not supposed to know about? And he was just going to stay there?
“Clearly someone who isnt supposed to know you live here, well.. does. Its not safe for you to be here right now. We can… I dont know. Do you want to come to my place?” Lambert asked.
Dandelion shook his head no. He wasnt for Geralt knowing, wanting to avoid drama all together.
Lambert cracked open one of his redbulls, putting the car back in drive and pulling out of the driveway.
“Then, do you have parents to g-”
“No. Please, thank you, but no. Not them.” Dandelion says, clutching his seatbelt. “They don't really support my life right now.”
Lambert didn't need an explanation, driving down the road. He didn't have a girlfriend to waste money on, so he wasn't necessarily worried about wasting gas.
It was quiet for a bit, Dandelion giving himself a bit to calm down. When Lambert begins to question if they were going to talk at all, Dandelion speaks up.
“I like being a passenger princess. Being treated like royalty, which I deserve no less.” He says, smiling. “I am quite picky. Do you think you can keep up?”
Clearly, Lambert was really good at flirting with Dandelion before. It came naturally to him, flowing out of his mind like a river. So, clearly, he needed not to think before spewing out the best pick-up line you’ve ever heard,
“I- I uh- can, can keep you up.”
Okay that was bad. But rather worth it, if it weren't for the rupture of laughter that rang through the car.
“I'm focused on driving!” He exclaims, defensive manners strong in his words.
“You know, you and Geralt are similar.” Dandelion closes his eyes, and Lambert's heart drops. The shadow was back, coming for him, engulfing him, warming him and leading him astray. It was burning cold, sharp, an ache in his heart. A feeling he was tired, or even exhausted of. Geralt was a never-ending, constantly raising bar that he had to do hourly pullups on. Hourly reminders that he was not Geralt, the perfect golden child of the family.
“But you’re also so different. I'd go as far to say you’re nicer,” Dandelion starts, and Lambert's heart flutters. “And honestly? Better morals. More fun to be around. What im trying to say,” the shadow is shrinking, shiverling into a smaller fragment of what it once was, instead being replaced by the light that is this mans gorgeous fucking face, “I can definitely tell you were raised by the same man. But you’re also.. Your own person, and I like that.”
In the middle of the street, he put his car in park and grabbed both sides of Dandelions face, pressing his lips onto the soft, delicate lips of the sweet princess of sunshine he had sitting in the passenger seat of his car.. Dandelion climbs on top of him as they begin to make out.
Is what would happen if Lambert got everything he wanted. And if traffic laws were avoidable. And if he had tinted windows.
Dandelion was a performer, a rising one at that. Therefore, when Dandelion suggested he come watch his performance, there was no way in hell he could decline. He saw videos of him on almost any platform he had- covering songs, writing songs, his cute, smart little intros and outros. He was made to perform.
He was supposed to be covering a song today. It wasn't a concert or anything- he was hired to put on a show for an event at a club. It shouldn't be too crowded. It was a club, at 3pm. No way it’d be busy.
Boy was he wrong. Luckily, Dandelion was able to drag him to the front, right in the center. He winked and gave him a little wave, before he was off somewhere backstage.
Lambert stood there like a fool, a lost puppy if you will. He had never been the type for this, was not expecting this many people, and was overstimulated, and- holy shit, the lights just dimmed red. Like a deep, blood red.
There was a faint noise, like a sound kicking on. When music started, he visibly flinched. God, it was loud. The person next to them, seemingly recording, gave him a rather rude side eye.
The music stopped, and Dandelion walked out, wearing a rather oversized black sheer blouse- that fell perfectly over his porcelain shoulders.
“How are we doing tonight?” He says, smiling widely at the crowd in front of him.
The crowd just roared, causing Lambert to flinch again, but his body locked up when he made eye contact with Dandelion. The red lighting- a warm tone but god did Dandelion look so cold- sick as fuck.
“How am I?” He asked, pointing at himself. “Oh, I'm okay. I almost couldn't make it here. Valdo Marx slashed my tires.”
His ex was Valdo Marx? That ugly ass guy?
A loud set of ‘boo’s’ and ‘fuck him!’s’ ran through the crowd, as the beat started.
“Anyway, I decided to cover a Hozier song. You know, per request.” He winked.
“Just a little rush, babe.
To feel dizzy, to derail the mind of me.
Just a little hush babe,
Our veins are busy,
But my hearts in atrophy”
His eyes were wide. His heart was pounding. His heart rate was faster than the blue hedgehog in the games he’d play when he was little. The red lighting, his cheeky little intro about his ex. His even cheekier smile, the look of passion in his eyes.
Dandelion was a masterpiece.
“You and I, nursing on a poison that never stung,
Our teeth and lungs are lined with the scum of it,
Somewhere for this, death and guns
We are deaf, we are numb
Free and young and we can feel none of it”
Lambert realized the music really wasn't that loud anymore. No, it wasn't loud enough. Though still, with hands on the microphone stand, he was the best performer Lambert had ever seen. Okay, maybe he was a bit biased. That voice was a gift from heavy itself, though.
Why did he only now decide to pull out his phone and start recording? He didn't know. But he was.
“Something isn't right, babe
I keep catching little words,
But the meanings thin
Im somewhere outside my life, babe
I keep scratching but somehow, I can't get in
So we’re slaves to any semblance of touch,
Lord we should quit...
But we love it too much”
Dandelion seemed to see that Lambert was recording, and made direct eye contact with the man again. He watched as Dandelion’s hands ran up the microphone stand, slowly pulling the microphone out of its attachment, walking forward..
Slowly, Dandelion transitioned onto his knees, closer to the crowd. He held himself up with his free arm, his sheer blouse falling over his shoulder to reveal more of that porcelain skin to the needy, desperate people.
He was the so-called needy, desperate people.
“Darlin’, don't you, stand there watching,
Won't you
Come and save me from it?
Darlin’, don't you, join in, you’re supposed to
Drag me away from it.”
Now deciding to sit up, if anything he was leaning a little back, face full of emotion. He was too dumbfounded to read which emotion though. Just saw Dandelion, that pretty face, and pretty skin peeking through.
“Anyway to distract and sedate,
Adding shadows to the wall of the cave.”
Dandelion was able to pull off a mix of standing up and spinning as he repeated the chorus, singing with much more energy than the start. It probably had a word. Everything had a word. Lambert wasn't a master of music.
“I learned that song yesterday, just for you guys.” He said, winking. What comes next is a somehow, strangely handsome mixture between a pant and a laugh.
“I think I’m going to go to a gas station and get a redbull and some combos after this one, what about you guys?”
And as the cheer and roars erupt, he's stuck there.
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n-o-eyes · 2 years
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im just gonna leave this here ...
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thedragonemperess · 5 months
I need the & Juliet soundtrack injected directly into my veins and if that doesn't work I need it lazered into the forefront of my brain
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roughentumble · 10 months
wait, page of hope lambert who always sees the brighter future everyone could reach but has trouble believing it could actually come to be, he rages against this perceived lack of hope even though he holds that torch so fiercely. and he has to learn to believe in it to overcome, to bring it to reality!
the world has torn his belief from him, so he cannot yet create. but once he learns, he is one of the most powerful of them all, a shining beacon
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enzombie · 2 years
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z-spy · 1 year
okay i have an another headcanon about augustin and henri's relationship i personally think lambert is heterosexual/heteroromantic and he really loves his wife so there is no actual chance for him and henri to be in a romantic relationship that also explains lambert's confusion after hearing henri's confession but henri loves women too but he is more like mlm bc augustin is only man he fell in love with deeply so for henri that might be also kind of confusing to feel something romantic toward male but the feeling was real and augustin didn't dare to deny this instead by the fact he couldn't keep his mouth shut he told henri that soon it will fade (which was actually true hypothesis but not because henri confused his feelings or it was a phase but because an intense feelimg simply didn't last long) and that did hurt henri at first even though lambert didn't mean to but yes not only because it faded soon but also because they didn't have a special time to analyse things they never talked about this again and henri eventually perceived augustin as his friend and not a beloved one they stayed friends anyway. that's it
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ells-core · 2 years
I have a confession to make, I sacrificed Ratau for a fleece that I didn't need.
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riiviir · 4 months
I figured I should probably make an actual reference for how I draw my lamb
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here they are!
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
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