#im so sorry vax
plutodotpng · 1 year
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some vaxleth tanged au redraws because the scene where he cuts her charred hair with a vestige has had me in a death grip for months
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was trying to get a picture of vax’s wings and accidentally got a very pretty screenshot 
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look at how his wings flop i am so in love with winged vax hes so pretty aaaaa
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bitchboypissbaby · 11 months
on new years in the cr universe they need to drop vax in his lil orb prison like they dropped snooki in the new years ball for 2011
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variksel · 1 year
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
For maximum angst don't think about Imogen seeing Vex and be like oh she looks like Laudna. For even more angst don't think about Vex seeing Laudna's body and being like oh she looks like me and then thinking oh she looks like Vax.
Ah, angsty as hell, for sure. thank u.
Alternatively, I present to you. That Laudna doesn't look much like Vex at all. That Imogen will look at Vex and- not see Laudna in it, sees a completely unfamiliar face and form and figure, that Laudna died for.
Vex will look at Laudna and- there'll be no real resemblance. Its resemblance if you're only looking at the fuzziest of sillhouettes and there's the right lighting and from a distance and if you've played dress up and mutilated ears and you only look at the broad details.
Both of the parties know, that Laudna died for the crime of looking like Vex, except now they're both here and it becomes so horrifically clear that- even that wasn't true. It was never about Laudna, herself, just the symbol her body could send.
It could've been anyone, with black hair and a slim figure and delicate wrists.
But it was her.
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rogueshadeaux · 1 year
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Laura and Travis singing!! Troy Baker!! ZAVALA!! Fucking RON STOPPABLE
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vethbrenatto · 1 year
i’m not a vaxleth fan so i haven’t really given it any thought but it’s kind of weird that they haven’t addressed the “you know i’m in love with you, right?” after putting it in season 1 dfgfkjdlgkjdf
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disasterdrvid · 1 year
between sunken tomb animated in january and now this its a Year to be a vaxleth girly
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cosmic-kaden · 6 months
I'm missing promo hour again. I can't participate because the only thing I can think of right now is
"It feels like I'm dying irl please follow me" lol
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aceofwhump · 1 year
I’m REALLY struggling to find good Vox Machina whump fics! I’m new to the fandom and I would LOVE to see some good physical whump fics instead of just angst. Do you have any in mind?
Huh. So it turns out I haven't really read any Vox Machina whump fics yet. Which is kinda crazy. I always get right on that but I haven't. I'm so sorry I can't be of any help here.
Followers! Who has fic recs!!!!!
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ravenquing · 1 year
No but I can't stop thinking about the Vax vs Vex fight at the Ziggurat in late game TLOVM.
I know Vax says something like "I know" when Vex tries to get him to stop fighting her by trying to point out who she is to him,,,
but then he's like "Vex is that you?" the second Sylas' spells over him gets broken?????? Hello???
Now, to me at least, this suggests that Vax wasn't aware of who he was fighting during that battle
If so, who the fuck did Vax think that Vex was???
Vax fought Vex angrily and desperately, but who would he fight against like that?
I doubt Sylas would make him think Vex was him or Delilah since Vax would consider them his allies while charmed by them
Who else could it be then???
His father, Syldor, would definitely be someone I can see Vax going 100% all No Mercy over after everything he did to the twins
Maybe Spireling Gideor??
I can see Vax still harbouring hatred and fear towards Gideor after whatever the fuck happened in that office (Lyre, I'm so sorry, you did not deserve that at all)
I'd also say Thordak, but Vax doesn't know what dragon specifically killed his mother yet, so maybe just a generic dragon? This one feels way less likely than the other two do
And while Gideor is a good candidate, I think Vax's true anger would probably lie with his piece of shit father who ruined his life
And gods is the thought of Vax thinking he's killing his dad only to learn it was actually his sister an absolutely haunting thought
Idk about you, but this is my fanon now, I can't picture anything else
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timaeusterrored · 1 year
‘Soothe Him’
Another nightmare. V screaming in the dead of night was terrifying. The first time it happened, Kerry thought someone had broken in, his hand reaching for a gun almost immediately before he heard sobbing.
V had shot up before Kerry could react, panting, tears streaming down his face as he tried to catch his breath. He reached for Kerry, the rocker met him half way. He brought V close, tucking the merc under his chin as sobs wracked his body, coming deep from his chest. V clutched his arm so hard it would definitely be bruised by tomorrow.
Kerry had rocked V to sleep by around 4:26am, too shaken to try and fall back to sleep himself. He knew V hadn’t really been awake, and had sobbed in his arms for a while before finally falling back into a deep sleep. Kerry thought he had truly seen everything, but seeing V in a such a state was a sight to be terrified of. Hearing his sobs was something he hoped he never heard again.
‘Save him’
It took six months. Six fucking months for Arasaka to finally give him back. Kerry’s anger and frustration had been taken out on his manger and lawyers and poor assistants that asked if he wanted coffee. His only thought since that terrifying call was to get V back home.
He was pretty fucked up, slept a lot, stared at Kerry when he wasn’t sleeping. The first time he had woken up, Kerry hadn’t been there and he tried to attack a nurse, now Kerry did a lot of shit from his hospital room to stay near him.
He found himself playing with V’s hair a lot. When V did open his eyes, he watched Kerry, and the rocker wouldn’t move. Then he’d fall back to sleep. Even long after they had gotten him home, V didn’t talk. He slept, and he watched Kerry.
‘Love him.’
Okay Kerry genuinely hadn’t expected it’d be that hard to get V to leave. It probably didn’t help that Kerry was awful at hiding things and Judy had to come get V first thing that morning. He barely got through his questions before Judy was pulling him out.
By sunset, the roof was perfect. God was he sweating? He felt sweaty. Why was he sweaty he’s done this before! He heard the elevator door opened, followed by V still asking questions, before his voice cut short and the door closed again. Kerry walked up the steps, finding his lover in a stunned silence.
“Is this what you’ve been doing?” V’s voice was hushed, still staring in awe. Kerry just smiled and took his hands, leading him.
“I only come up here when it’s important.” Kerry echoed from words of the past. V grinned.
“Should I feel special?”
V’s steps were still a little wobbly, but Kerry was there to hold him as they approached the terrace, the same place that fateful kiss had happened two years ago now. He looked around with a smile, leaning on the railing. Kerry did the same, looking out at the city. He won, assholes.
“So… did I do a good job? Chasing the shadows away?” V asked, and Kerry could go on a whole rant about the past two years, the ups and downs of it all. But in the end, he smiled.
“You tell me.” V’s breath caught when Kerry got down on one knee. He had done this once before, but it didn’t feel as right as this did.
“Vax Kane… you have genuinely given me more gray hairs than Johnny could ever dream of giving me.” Fuck V was crying, Kerry was going to fucking cry too. So instead, he took V’s hand. “And I know you probably weren’t expecting to live this long. Honestly I thought of doing this way sooner, to give you a chance to at least experience it. But we got lucky, and I knew the second I saw you after you came home, that this is what I truly wanted. I love you. More than anything. Holy fuck I’m not good at this.”
V laughed, wiping tears away with his free hand. God he was beautiful, Kerry just wanted to bottle him up.
“Vax, will you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?”
“YES!” V sobbed, tackling Kerry before he could even slip the ring on. “Holy fuck you drew that out.” V laughed again, hugging him tight.
“Yeah it was fun watching you wait.” Kerry kissed his temple, feeling his eyes burn. He pulled back, smiling up at V. “Can I at least put the ring on?” He asked with a smile.
“We gonna blow up a boat after this?” V asked as he admired his new ring, sitting on the ground. Kerry laughed loudly and shook his head.
“No, we are taking our yacht out.” Kerry couldn’t stop watching him admire the ring.
“Ours.” V echoed, smiling. Kerry would kill for that smile.
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
Keyleth tries to interrupt Ludinus doing his evil stuff -> Power Word Stun on Keyleth -> very very deadly attack barrage on stunned Keyleth -> Vax appears in a swoosh of raven feathers deflecting a (probably?) deadly blow -> "Don't even dare" -> Ludinus needed a "divine spark" and had prepared for this -> Vax gets laser focused by magic machine bullshittery -> Vax gets compressed into an orb/sphere -> orb Vax gets inserted into the machine as the last piece Ludinus needed to activate it -> something happened but we're not sure yet what we'll have to wait at least until next week for more info
hope it helps :)
god the person in the notes on that post saying this was just like how vax died but in reverse was R I G H T and i hate it
(for those who don't remember or didn't watch THAT fight. campaign vax did not perma die bc of his deal with the raven queen. his end of campaign death was just a formal goodbye bc he was already dead. his actual death happened in the first fight with vecna. when he got hit with a 22DC hold person he couldn't physically break out of. and being under hold person, means that disintegrate automatically hits. and if disintegrate takes your hit points below 0, you are not only dead, you can't be revived by any spell except for true res, which is the only resurrection spell the raven queen does not allow)
(and technically, disintegrate was cast on him twice, before it took effect. bc keyleth saved him the first time)
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realbigpodcastslut · 1 year
my uncle's gf just told me she doesn't think I have autism (despite my therapist and psychiatrist saying I probably do) and she knows more because she has an autistic son. She then told me I probably have a pervasive developmental disorders (pdds) that is different than asd. pdds were removed from the dsm and they all were put under asd. she inadvertently told me she thinks I have autism.
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hatchetmode · 1 year
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papermccn · 10 months
closed starter for vex !! @lavendaers
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"if they keep bothering you, I have no problem making them regret it, whether that be with violence is up to you- and them." he told looking over at his sister.
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