#im so tired. im so tired. fat people i love you.
fatcowboys · 1 year
im begging people who make posts featuring trans people to include fat people. and i dont just mean people who are small fat - this doesn't mean dont include them, please do, but please also include actual fat people i am begging you. i want to see trans gender noncomfortming fat people being celebrated just as much as a skinny person in the same outfit. i want to see fat trans people at all stages of transition in whatever that means for them. i want to see fat people (who are often pushing aesthetic norms just by existing as fat people) at their most extra and i want to see fat people being sexy and i want to see fat people. i want to see fat people
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maskyartist · 9 months
excuse me while i ramble about my fat struggles (under the cut of course not about to make this long as hell) but to shorten it-
how come fat folks are always meant to never react to people throwing hurtful comments at us? why do we need to be the bigger people? (metaphorically speaking)
i keep havin that comment just spinning around in my head. "she would never do that to herself" as if being fat is an active choice for fun. as if we CHOOSE to look this way. as if its not genetics, diet culture, how much money you make, many factors into lookin how we do
why cant i get angry? why do i have to be "sassy" and "clap back"?
its fun, sure, i had a blast putting HIM on blast. not my problem not my fault what happens to him. he started a fight, i finished before he realized it even was a fight.
but i dont get why i had to be so careful with my response when either way he won. he won by just commenting that. he won cause its in my head now, spinning around, "she would never do that to herself"
i didnt do this to myself either. i didnt ASK to look like this. i didnt WANT to look like this. but i do, i own it, i accept it. im content with how i look. not amazingly happy, not utterly depressed, just content. i had to FIGHT to be this content with my body and one person has shot my confidence to the floor.
why cant i be mad. why am i SO SURE if i got mad, if i threw some long response, people would get up in arms. why am i so sure i'd be given the "dont react" "its giving him what he wants" "ignore and move on"
i dont wanna ignore it. im sick of having to just sit and fucking take it.
im fat, im content with that, but i shouldnt have to fight tooth and nail TO BE content with who i am. i shouldnt have to sit here and put on this front online that im perfectly fine when this shit hurt.
the asshole's been blocked, i couldnt care less what happened to him.
im just so infuriated its getting to me. and even more infuriated that i cant react the way i want to because thats giving him what he wants.
yknow what they say, dont fight with a pig. both of you get dirty but the pig likes it.
but sometimes i wanna just fling some fucking mud back at em yknow?
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poisonouspastels · 10 months
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#i figured this would be better suited for a separate post continuing from here#I've had people get angry at me for giving Steve a proper strongman build - thus making him fat and muscular in the process#ive gotten people mad at me for making him his direct colorpicked skin tone. got told I made him ''the wrong color'' for it#got called slurs#got told i need to just ''take a joke'' when im getting right fully angry at people telling me im wrong for making his AU design that way#been quite literally told our art looks ''ugly as hell'' when people ran out of bigoted arguments#its all just getting really hard and really tiring to keep doing what i love when everyone is vocal about hating it#and very few people are vocal about liking it#i do art for me dont get me wrong. and people have been supportive.#but i cant help but wonder if anyone would have even cared about the mega ref at all if it hadn't been surrounded by people full of hate#its just hard to stay motivated and put my all into something that's gotten so much backlash for stupid reasons you know#i've been putting so much love into my work surrounding this AU lately. my writing and my art. for over the past year now#i try not to ask anything in return other than for people to just pay attention to it at all. give it a reblog#but the one time we have something out of it become popular its because people are stupid and bigoted#i dont care about numbers this isnt about that. i just care about returning the passion i put into the world.#if anyone wants to send anything my way feel free. i could use it#sorry for venting
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Tbh the way people on this website(/presumably other websites too but this is the one on which I see strangers opinions most often) talk about twinks soooooo derogatorily really Does make me super uncomfortable. It feels really homophobic in a way I haven't been able to nail down precisely
But just like. Always using twink as a derogatory thing and undesirable both to be or to want. Not really outright saying twinks aren't real men but IMPLYING it through comparisons to Real Men that are Big and Strong And Hairy. Like okay? You want big muscle men? You and every mainstream media in existence...? Why are people pretending that hating twinks is subversive. Why are people pretending that twinks are widely seen as the best sort of man.
And like it's EXPECTED for men to be able to grow lots of body hair and to get lots of muscle and be thick and sturdy and strong. And men are shamed for not being hairy enough and they are shamed for being twiggy and WHY are you doing it MORE but using gay words. Saying bears are sooooooo great but twinks are sooooo icky doesn't magically make you Not body shaming a group of people for Exactly The Reasons They Are Already Bodyshamed
Idk. Bwah. This isn't even me being firsthand butthurt bc I don't actually think I would be seen as a twink? But I am so tired of feeling like a fake gay and looked down on for not really being very into the typical male beauty standards
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seeminglyseph · 10 months
I love when characters have knobby blunted fingers like they maybe have arthritis or were workers or played guitar.
largely because I also find that very attractive in real people. I know that it's also painful but I live with pain every day I may as well find traits that might indicate a life hard lived attractive, right? love that blunted worker fingers. if your knuckles look like you got osteoarthritis i think it's hot. fuck the haters.
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finalhaunts · 1 year
> I go to calculate my BMI on a website
> Straight up just gets called obese
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fenhonig · 10 months
hey so im salty.
i saw something on reddit today that reminded me of why i feel such anger towards beauty standards. it was a video of a little girl, she couldnt have been over 5 or 6 years old, and she had a birthmark on her face. the skin right above her nose on her forehead was darker and wrinkled. nothing wrong so far, right?
here's the funny part. in the video, it shows this child before and after getting the birthmark surgically removed, which sounds fine on the surface right? even positive?
i cannot tell you how fucking angry it makes me. this kid, this CHILD, had her parents decide that her birthmark was something WRONG with her. they decided FOR HER to have it removed. it boils my fucking blood that her PARENTS, people who are supposed to LOVE HER UNCONDITIONALLY, saw this unique part of their child and decided that it was something that had to be removed. this kid is going to grow up knowing that this mark was something that was seen as a flaw. and that fucking hurts me.
it doesnt even seem like a big deal at first until you realize that this logic doesnt JUST apply to people with noticable birthmarks. you wanna know who also regularly get their bodies surgically altered at extremely young ages for aesthetic reasons even though there's nothing that would pose a threat to their health? intersex babies. not enough for you? how about babies born with certain deformities that, on their own, pose no threat to their health? do you think its ok to just decide that these children arent aesthetically appealing enough? to just decide for them to make a life-changing surgery happen?
and dont even come to me with the "well some conditions require surgical intervention" because thats not what im fucking talking about. im talking about people who are perfectly healthy, theres nothing about their unique condition that poses a threat to their health, but because that condition is seen as "weird" or "gross", they have their bodies permanently altered without any fucking say in it.
why do we teach these kids that there was something "wrong" that had to be "corrected" for them? why do we refuse to teach other kids that these differences arent a bad thing? why do CHILDREN, LITERAL FUCKING CHILDREN, have to be aesthetically pleasing for their parents to love them? you cant "love your child unconditionally" and then decide that one of their traits is just so unappealing that you decide to remove it for them. you dont love them unconditionally. you love them when they look normal to you.
i dont even care if it looks like im overreacting because this shit can, will, and already has hurt people. imagine growing up and knowing that your parents got rid of a trait that only you had JUST to make you look more pretty. more presentable. it didnt matter to your parents how you would feel afterwards when you could comprehend what had happened, all that mattered to them is that you looked appealing. that you looked correct. that you looked normal.
imagine being at that age and then realizing years later that you didnt look pretty enough for your parents to fully accept you. thats disgusting, absolutely fucking disgusting. children shouldnt be taught that certain traits make you have something wrong with you. instead of teaching kids to accept people and themselves as they are, parents teach their kids that they and other kids have to look normal to be accepted. they dont say it, but thats exactly what they teach.
people shouldnt have to fit into a certain box just to be seen as worthwhile. i dont even think that teaching kids that people outside the box matter too is good enough. we should teach kids that there shouldnt be a box in the first place.
you shouldnt have to look any sort of way to receive acceptance and love. you shouldnt have to BE any sort of way to receive acceptance and love. you're worthwhile. the way you were born shouldnt determine your worth, your actions should. some people arent worth the time, i will admit, but the people who are written off just for being born different deserve so much more.
if you're someone who is hated, seen as gross, seen as disgusting or seen as weird for something out of your control, remember that it isnt you who should take the blame. your own behavior, actions, views, they are what matters. anyone who targets you for something you couldnt control? fuck em.
that is my ramble, im extremely tired, please love yourself. and if you cant then love the people like you, maybe that will help.
#rambling#this is all rambling#not all of it makes sense#but i just. i feel so hurt when i think about the people treated poorly just for being born different#i know its typical and something almost everyone on this website could understand#but it always comes back#i think about it constantly#everytime i think im over it i come right back and feel so angry for those treated unfairly for something they cant control#you could literally be the worst person in the world and if someone made fun of your height i would be angry#you could be advocating for horrible shit but if someone uses a trait you cant control as a talking point against you i get so angry#it could be something like “haha that fat person is a bad person” and immediately i would feel rage#it could be “that person who commit a crime has darker skin” and just. rage#using something that someone didnt choose as an insult is so fucking immature#and it doesnt even make fun of them in a good way#make fun of them for the negative trait that they are willingly choosing to have#not for something that is so absolutely inconsequential to what they're actually doing/saying/believing#im tired. i really am.#its not like me saying “lets all get along” is gonna do anything#but god i wish it did#to those with traits people view as undesirable i love you#platonically#i love you so much for just putting up with that shit#because you genuinely dont deserve it#thats about it#if you're reading this please take care of yourself#and thanks for reading my stupid bullshit
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mrfoox · 2 years
Uh.... Love how.... Instead of gently reassuring me or such whenever I say something really bad about myself Oliver just sigh loudly/grunt and then go to argue against me and finally gently tell me the opposite :')
#miranda talking shit#Me: no one cares about what i think...#Oliver: -loud groan-🙄 ok who said that except you? No one. I care about your opinions. I want to hear what you think#I meam then he went on a little side note to clarify 'oh i dont care that much about hearing it but i want to hear it bc i want to have an#Discussion with you' (very on brand. Cant just say something like caring about someone without adding not like i care after lol)#Hes probably tired of my insecure shit but he still goes so hard every time i say something. Ive said im fat/similar three times and all#Times he took it as an personal attack i honestly love it. Not met anyone who goes through all kinds of tones in one ... Time#Its refreshing. I know ive known him for soon three years but i would say we've only been friends for two#But hes still so refreshing in his way of thinking and talking. I think i like how he's not treating me... Intentionally softer/gently bc#Of how i am or bc of our situation? If he thinks im wrong or say something stupid he'll say so straight up. Im used to people being too#Scared to do that because they know i cry easily or something similar. No he's just like ... I'll say whatever i think. Yet hes also way#Too nice. The amount of patience in that lil guy is big. If i was more brave and gave less shits about what others thinks id tell him this#Stuff. But i know hes not... Good with that sort of things. Technically no one im close with is really lmao. So i just scream lovingly#About them on here. Everyone is so nice to me and its just something i wish i could express clearly to others#Instead id probably ramble and start to cry if i try to put it into words. My heart just big and im luv people thanks
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algae-tm · 5 days
Max Verstappen x Author!Reader
Author’s Note: IM BACK!! To put things into perspective, I started this smau when Alex’s insta was still private! Tbh I started writing it cause I like love her, I can’t call her mother cause she’s like a month older than me, but that’s cousin right there. Anyways sorry for the hiatus i was spiralling due to a man 😔😔 it happens to the baddest bitches, and also sort of writers block so pls give me requests! But to make up for the fact that I’ve been gone, this fic is fat as fuck so enjoy
alexandrasaintmleux just posted
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1 and 300,000 others
alexandrasaintmleux: gorgeous gorgeous girls are published authors!!!! y/n, y/n! I remember when you used to force me to read when I wanted to play princesses and now you’ve written a goddam book!!! In awe of u 📕🥰🥰
(tagged y/nreads)
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yn.reads : ALEXXXX!! my gorgeous sister! I couldn’t have done it without you!! Love you endlessly!
— user1 : wait r they sisters???!!
— user5 : no! hope this helps.
— user6 : pls use your brain
— user7 : they’ve known eachother forever! y/n moved to Monaco when she was 4, so they refer to eachother as sisters.
charles_leclerc: bravo y/n! Well deserved
maxverstappen1: 👏🏻👏🏻
— user43: 🤨🤨
— user10: wait do they know eachother?
— user15: not as far as i know…
— user12: Max doesn’t even follow Alex, why is he here?
— user17: interesting 🤭🤭
— alexandrasaintmleux: very interesting…
yn.reads just posted
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, maxverstappen1 and 110,000 others
yn.reads: @alexandrasaintmleux thank you for letting me shake ass on your yacht, and cosplay as a rich monegasque while doing it! Your support has meant the world to me, you’re the reason Everything I Know About Love was written, cause you have taught me everything I know about love, friendship, life! You can purchase my book in just under a week guys!!
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alexandrasaintmleux: I’m so proud of you baby xx
— yn.reads: i love you so much alex, i had to write 124,567 words to express it
— alexandrasaintmleux: 🥹🥹
—charles_leclerc: am i intruding on something?
— yn.reads: yes!
user12: no but Alex and y/n’s friendship is literally my favourite thing
user11: is y/n not a rich monegasque?
— user10: she’s not even from Monaco, and she grew up with a single mum who I’m p sure just has a normal job so no
user14: not y/n using Alex for her money
— yn.reads: do y’all never get tired? Or is hating on the internet like your job?
— user14: no I have an actual job you should try it sometime…
— yn.reads: girl???? I just wrote a book?????
maxverstappen1 : I will read this book
— yn.reads: thank you max verstappen, current f1 champion
— user16: 🤨🤨🤨
— alexandrasaintmleux: what am I witnessing rn
— yn.reads: 🙃🙃
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yn.reads just posted
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, maxverstappen1, lewishamilton and 770,000 others
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lewishamilton: 👏🏾👏🏾
— yn.reads: WHAT THE FRICK LEWISHAMILTON??? What are you doing here??????!!
— alexandrasaintmleux: girl you good??
— yn.reads: am I good?? AM IGOOD?? Lewis freaking Hamilton knows I exist!!!
— charles_leclerc: please stop embarrassing me in front of my coworkers
— yn.reads: kick rocks leclerc
pierregasly: well done, me and kika already have our copies
— yn.reads: 🥺🥺 thank you pear and kiks
alexandrasaintmleux: so proud of you mon ange
— yn.reads: I love you so much alex
— user12: their friendship is so cute I can’t
— yn.reads: friendship?? We’re lovers!
— user12: wait are you actually???
— charles_lecelrc: NO
— yn.reads: don’t be jealous sharl
charles_leclerc: well done I guess
— yn.reads: thank you I guess
— alexandrasaintmleux: aww my two favourite people getting along ❤️🥺🥺
— user12: I need my doctor to prescribe me whatever the fuck Alex is on EXPEDITIOUSLY
user14: girl no one gives a fuck about your book launch, we want to know wtf happened at the after party??!
—user15 wait, did I miss something what happened?
— user14: it’s all over social media but it starts with max and ends in verstappen
maxverstappen1: simply lovely
— user14: well well well
— user15: and she didn’t even interact with his comment
— user14: very interesting…
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maxverstappen1 just posted
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liked by yn.reads, alexandrasaintmleux, charles_leclerc and 4,178,940 others
maxverstappen1: I’ve got a NYT bestselling author teaching me how to read
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charles_leclerc: I made this happen everyone! It was me! I did it!
— yn.reads: yes well done percy, we’re well aware
— user12: wait a minute Charles did something nice for y/n?
— user14: my moneys on the fact he was just trying to get rid of her so he could spend time with Alex
— charles_leclerc: what if i told you im a mastermind 😎
yn.reads: it isn’t much but it’s honest work 😔
— danielricciardo: has he learnt his abc’s??
— yn.reads: just about he gets stuck on x, it’s a very difficult letter
— danielricciardo: happens to the best of us 😞
— yn.reads: @/danielricciardo hey I actually have a question for you??
— maxverstappen1: NO!! Y/N DO NOT ASK UR QUESTION
— yn.reads: ☹️☹️
user16: is this a hard launch??
— user14: Idek anymore 😭
— user17: like knowing y/n she might actually just be giving him reading lessons
— maxverstappen1: guys of course I can actually read
— user16: yeah sure you can! That’s the spirit!
yn.reads: I bagged the baddest bitch y’all
—maxverstappen1: 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️💅🏼💅🏼
— alexandrasaintmleux: I thought I was the baddest bitch???
— yn.reads: oh my god… OH MY GOD, I didn’t think this through… @/maxverstappen1 what do you think of a throuple??
— maxverstappen1: NO
— charles_leclerc: NO
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zweiginator · 16 days
omg ALSO i went to the open this week and can’t stop thinking about jannik sinner my real life art… and now im possessed by the thought of watching art from the players box and getting veeeeryyy nasty in the hotel room after he makes it to a slam final. breathing in his game sweat and using one of his many tossed away shirts as a cum towel. getting on top since he’s already done so much work today. him grabbing hard enough to leave lasting marks, biting on the skin of your breasts, being exhausted from the long match but helplessly cuntstruck and he cums the most you’ve ever seen. says what would really change his career would be knocking you up, getting to spot a pregnant you in the box. craving more sweaty game ATP tour artrick. dominating on the court but folding quick when clothes come off. jannik’s native is german too like atlanta art and his german coach😭😭 NEED IT 🫐
blueberry ive been thinking about this since you sent it...
just being so fucking needy with each other; fucking like rabbits after his big win. and you knew exactly what was going through his mind the second he won, arms stretched behind his head has he searched for you in the crowd. he celebrated, of course, but he was more focused on leaving this crowd. on getting you home.
art doesn't take a shower like he usually does. there's no time. he wants you now, and the feeling is mutual. you're clawing at his shirt, tugging on the hem. he peels it off and guides you to the couch in the hotel room. it's still light outside, and the floor-to-ceiling windows are far enough off the ground on the fifteenth floor that neither of you have to worry about people seeing. but neither of you would care if anyone did.
art sliding your dress over your head, a cute white number he bought you. cupping your cunt and god--you're so fucking wet.
sinking down on that pretty, pink cock. art grabbing the fat of your ass, your thighs, yanking your hair to pull you down to him. mushed together, your chests flush so you can feel your heartbeats as one. synchronized.
and art is muttering, half to you and half to himself.
"fuck--" his cock slips out but he doesn't waste a second sliding it back into your warm cunt. "wanna fucking knock you up."
he's tired; his eyelids are heavy. you can see that. but he wants to see you. lifts his head enough to watch your ass bouncing on his cock and he palms it hard, to fuck you on his dick.
he moves you both on your sides; he wants to watch how he fucks you. how your pussy swallows him, sucks him in. mouthing at your tits and holding your lower back, where your ass and thighs meet. drool pooling because he's so fucking turned on.
you suck and bite on his bottom lip, reaching down to feel how he slides in and out of you. the brush of your fingers over his balls makes his eyes flutter shut and he cums inside you. you feel each others' chests heave and art loves you so much it makes him dizzy.
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another-delta-lover · 2 months
I get MAD when people simp for medic bc, I understand, tumblr insane sexy man blabla yadda yadda IDGAF
You all CAN'T SEE HOW MUCH OF A PERFECT PERSON HE IS. He's such a good person, he's such a good son and older brother, doin the dishes for his mama, caring about the absolute safety of his sisters, LITERALLY SAVING EM FROM A THING I FORGOT IT'S NAME WHEN HE WAS LIKE, IDK FUCKIN <20< ??? HE'S SUCH A GOOD FAMILY MEMBER. HE WOULD PROTECT U SO WELL AND ALWAYS CARE ABOUT UR SAFETY. AUGH ES UN HOMBRE Q RESUELVE LO JURO. HE ALSO RISKS HIS LIFE TO HAVE MONEY FOR THEM??? AAAAAAAAAAA. He does enjoy his job a lot (WHICH I LOVE IN SOMEONE. HELL YEAH ENJOY UR JOB AND GET WELL PAID), But the main reason of him working is just for his family and the money to help them. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?????
Also HE'S SUCH A GOOD TEAMMATE???? HE WILL PROTECT ALL OF HIS TEAM WITHOUT FEAR AND WIN??? AND ALL HE NEEDS IS SOME CUNTY GAY ASS GERMAN DUDE BEHIND HIM??. He could be such a good grandpa/father figure or even just a really good n close friend to all the mercs, but even so, he acts so cold so quiet and mysterious around em🤭
AND ALSO!!! His masculinity ain't broken by showing love to his teammates??? He can hug em and literally yell to them "I LOVE YOU" from across the map??? Sayin "I LOVE YOU DOKTOR!!" Isn't common between men, even less in that time. If he IS gay, good for him! If he isn't, I'm glad he can express how much he loves someone without the fear of lookin weak is something I admire soso muchhh.
He's a good cook, he cooks really nice meals and doesn't mind to share u some, which I wouldn't do bc I don't share my food. HESO NICE AUGHH. I LOVE IT WHEN MA BOI COOKS😭😭😭 IDK WHY THAT MAKES PEOPLE MORE ATTRACTIVE FOR ME.
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Also his body is so JAHSLAHDJQHDJALSH he so big so perfect😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔😔 His arms are the size of my whole body. AND HIS HANDS AAAAAAAAAA. He so FAT I LOVE HIM. I need him to crush me un a hug so badly. U all don't understand how much of a good body that could be in a relationship. U cold? U hug him problems gone. U wanna be cozy at night but the pillow is too small? He's the biggest pillow and he can hug u back that's soNSHSJAVDJSHD. He can carry u in his arms when u tired, u can lay on his chest and everything.... sighhh.... AND ALSO HE CAN FIGHT A BEAR WITH HIS BARE FISTS AND WIN, THEN EAT IT???? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THAT IS????? LIKE HOLY FUCK THAT'S LIKE THE PEAK OF MANLINESS FOR ME. The question "would u rather be in a forest with a man or with a bear" I'M CHOOSING THIS BEAR HOLY FUCK HE WOULD PROTECT ME FROM THE BEARS.
ALSO HIS VOICE OH GOD HIS VOICE. It's such a loud and strong voice in English 🤭 even tho he isn't the best at it (me neither), HE SPEAKS IN SUCH A WAY IT MAKES ME KICK MY FEET GIGGLE AND CRY. I need him to say nice stuff to me with his cool asf voice. And when IT'S IN RUSSIAN AHHH😩~ I SWEAR He's such an elegant and polite man😭😭😭 he sounds so professional and ajsvqkebalhdmaoevs And IDC what u all say to me, he could sing so perfectly<3 for me his dialogs of him singing are well sung/GEN. I just imagine him singing:
To me.... Ik the song is kinda sad and not very romantic but IDC HE WOULD SOUND SO PERFECTLY.
Also his COSMETICS. HIS FUCKING COSMETICS ARE SO HOT AAAAAAA. Most of em are normal silly hats but WHEN THEY AREN'T. OHMY GOD THOSE DARK GLOVES GOT MY LEGS SHAKIN. AND HAVE YOU SEEN HIM IN SUITS??? OH GOD AUGHHH. Not into mafia people n stuff BUT.... FOR HIM I MAKE A BIG AHH EXCEPTION. And also, i want to point out the fact that HE WEARS DRESSES. I shouldn't make it a big dear but DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT'S THE 60's-70's???? AND HE'S A BIG RUSSIAN MAN???? He broke the gender dressing codes of the time not only bc he's a man wearing dresses, but a BIG MAN WEARING THEM??? AND A RUSSIAN MAN??? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME????💔💔💔💔 Also his hats are cute I like them.
Just to summary:
Medic < HEAVY!!!
Good person I general, son, older brother, teammate, friend, father and possible partner, risking his life for his family.
He doesn't think lovin teammates is weird or GAY. Unless he is, but honestly good for him
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addie4ddie2005 · 6 months
THE NEW CHAPTER IS SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVGDFCHBVKDSVBKHFBJLSVBJLSSJLVBSLJBVLS🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥💥 GOOD FKN SOUP IM DEVOURING IT RN it might be my fav chapter thus far........It has elements of The horrors tm and scenes that make me kick my feet in delight GODDDDDD🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 AAAAnd as usual I have some new silly doodles that I've got (Sadly I cant draw fast enough to finish my fan art for this chapter BUTIMWORKINGONSMT). I do have the RGB reader designs that I mainly use so that other fans could (maybe....just maybe...) mold their reader/player into whatever they want but I DO have a design that caters to my fav design tropes...
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ALSOALSO- I've got a folder righttt 👉here where I'll compile some more sketches (and the animation with the right sync good gracious me-) so that I dont BOMBARD you with 50plus images.
Thank you I'm so glad you love it!! 🦅💥 (Nonsense emojis are becoming a habit I have to stoppp...)
It's so funny you said that cuz I have a Doc called "kicking my feet blushing giggleinf" that I use to jot down the "fluffy" moments when the inspiration worms hit x0
And take your time with the art gurl!! What you've already done is amazing!! The most important thing is that it's fun and engaging for you,, no pressure 🫶
Those RGB designs are a banger btw they have so much personality!! I forgot to mention I loved the color scheme of your animation. I'm a sucker for some super saturated RGB...
OKAY now I'm gonna gush abt your art >:o] I love your insert she's too spunky!! She looks so done w him LOL. Also your style is delightful and fun!! I love your habit of drawing ppl with tired eyes and no mouth. It speaks to me.
The “You look lonely” piece is gorgeous btw :) He’s so shinyyy,, Insert looks tireddd. I know it’s the meme format or whatevah but I would be too.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing screenshots? Just let me know :o) I’m abt to holler abt some sketches.
THESE!! These made me so soft oml. I know in my heart he feels like a Squishmallow or whatever those fat chibi stuffed animals are.
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DRIP KINITO 🔥🔥🔥 I giggled. Also baseball Kinito is canon now. To me. I just KNOW he picks up random human sports and tries his darndest to play them with only two people. (Reader cheering him on and also looking thoroughly depressed is so real LMAO)
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I think that's all I have in my heart for now... TY for this plethora of art you went above and beyond <3
BTW I’m gonna provide a pic of the players here for easy viewing cuz they’re cool as freak 💯🐊
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EDIT: I am so glad!! You love my fic!! I heart U!!
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megalony · 1 year
Follow me home
This is an Ed Warren request from the lovely @sn0wdolly I hope this is what you were hoping for. Any Ed requests would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me  @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn  @noonenuts​ @sleepylunarwolf
Summary: After a long case, something follows Ed home and takes an instant disliking to his wife, (Y/n). - (Protective! Ed fluff)
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It had been a long night, a long day and a very long week. A week away from his wife, who Ed was desperate to get back to. (Y/n) had been the only thing on his mind while he'd been on this case and she was blinding all of his senses.
He could see her out the corner of his eyes, he could feel her hands on his arms and her arms just out of reach from him. Her smell would wander beneath his nose and make him feel nostalgic and lonely all at once.
Now that he was home, all Ed wanted to do was wrap (Y/n) up in his arms and hold her like he was afraid she was going to disappear. But it was two in the morning and he couldn't be so cruel as to wake her up just because he was desperate to feel her touch. He would bind himself around her while she slept and starve himself of her comfort, her waking touch and her voice until the morning.
Ed started to shed his jacket and shoes when he walked into the house and now he made quick work of the buttons on his shirt and his trousers just as he reached the bedroom.
The moment Ed crept beneath the cover, the overpowering feeling of relief, love, warmth and general sense of home hit him like a truck and he could have cried. He didn't do well when he had to be away from (Y/n) and a week dragged on like a year was passing him by. He became dishevelled and lost focus when (Y/n) wasn't at his side to ground him.
Ed didn't usually do a case on his own but things were different now. He didn't want (Y/n) coming on a case with him now she was pregnant, he just couldn't risk anything happening to her. When the demons were particularly dark or aggressive, people got thrown around the room, windows would break and if someone was possessed, they became violent. Ed couldn't have (Y/n) around if that was happening. It was safer for (Y/n) to go ahead to a university and do a lecture while he was away on a case.
With tired limbs, he shuffled deeper under the cover and slowly laid his arm over his wife's waist, gently tugging her closer until her back was flush against his chest and his hand laid over the small swell of her stomach. His lips pressed against the top of her head and he slowly inhaled her scent that always felt like home to him. He could feel a sense of calmness overtaking us previously tense body and his mind finally felt like it was at peace now.
A smile tugged at his lips when he felt a pair of small hands wrap around his bicep and pull his arm tighter.
With a start, (Y/n)'s eyes shot open and her body shuddered down against the bed. She could feel Ed's arm draped over her chest and his face tucked up against her head, his soft breaths nuzzling into her hair. Although she didn't know when he had come back home, his presence would have been thrilling if it wasn't for the constricting feeling around her throat that was frightening her.
Her chest was quaking, moving up and down frantically to try and get some oxygen but something was tight around her throat, cutting off her breathing. Tears burned in the corners of her eyes as she flailed her arm out at her side, swatting at Ed's bare chest to try and get his attention before she dug her nails into his upper bicep. She didn't mean to hurt him, she really didn't but (Y/n) had to get his attention somehow, she needed help.
The room was still dark, it wasn't even morning yet and Ed was sleeping. Was she having some kind of allergic reaction to something? She wasn't choking and Ed nor anyone else were choking her. But when her watery eyes squinted frantically in the darkness, (Y/n) could have sworn some kind of shadow was hovering above her.
A hiss whistled through Ed's lips and he jolted forward, feeling like he was falling through the air as his senses awakened with a start. He could feel his arm just below his shoulder stinging like he had been cut but a shudder ran down his spine when he realised it was (Y/n)'s fingernails clawing at him.
"Hun? What's wrong, talk to me."
Ed pushed up on his elbow and tried to lean over (Y/n) when her hand finally released his arm that was going to be bruised come morning. His fingers brushed over her cheek as he squinted to adjust to the darkness around them.
He watched (Y/n)'s hands move towards her throat and he gently but firmly pulled her hands away when it looked like she was about to scratch her throat like she had just done his arm to wake him up. The feeling of his fingertips dragging down her chin and throat would have been sensual and made (Y/n)'s stomach flutter if she wasn't struggling to breathe. She could feel his fingers pressing around her throat to try and find out what was wrong.
But just as quickly as (Y/n) couldn't breathe, the weight on her throat suddenly lifted. She gulped for oxygen, coughing and scrounging to breathe deeply while her eyes shed streams of tears down her face and her vision tried to focus on Ed who was now hovering over her like a guardian angel.
"Alright, you're okay, breathe with me hun. Just breathe," His deep guttural voice was soothing to (Y/n)'s ears that were beginning to ring like church bells.
His thumb brushed over her cheek in a repetitive, firm motion that grounded her and his other hand continued to flutter across the side of her neck while he steadied his own breathing so she could copy him.
Reaching up, (Y/n) pressed her trembling hand against Ed's face, watching him lean into her touch while her other hand moved to his back, wanting to pull him closer.
"Just a panic attack, sweetheart, you're alright."
Ed let some of his weight settle on top of (Y/n) while his hand creeped up into her hair, his fingers fisting the strands up between them in a comforting motion. He wet his lips and smoothed them across her temple, feeling how flushed her skin was and he could feel her rapid breathing with their chests meshed together. She must have had a bad dream or maybe something had panicked her during the day and her body was finding it's way of release now during the night.
It wouldn't be the first time Ed had woken up and found his wife in a frantic state like this suffering from nightmares, memories, fears and sudden bouts of panic attacks like this. He just hadn't expected one so soon after coming home like this.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and tipped her forehead up into his kiss, trying to steady her breathing now she had made up for the oxygen she had lost.
Maybe she did have a panic attack, but it didn't feel like one.
It felt like something had tried to strangle her.
As she walked down the stairs, (Y/n) felt her chest tightening and she couldn't help but look across to the right where the locked room was. Maybe the other day when Ed came home, he put something in the room and that was what she kept feeling. Something had to of given her a bad vibe for her to have some kind of panic attack of nightmare like that and all day yesterday, it felt like there was just, something, in the house besides the two of them.
Part of (Y/n) felt the need to go in the room and double check. She knew every possessed item in that room by heart, she could walk round the room blindfolded and point out each and every object held within there. (Y/n) would notice if Ed had put something new in there.
But she didn't want to.
She didn't want to risk disrupting the evil in that room or provoking something when the room had only just been blessed last week by the priest. It was best to leave the room alone and ignore the sixth sense that was creeping up the back of her neck. Sometimes (Y/n)'s senses would be heightened and she would get intimidated for no reason.
Hurrying past the room, (Y/n) dashed across the living room and headed over to the kitchen. Ed would be back soon, he had only gone to the shops and when he was here, the balance would come back and (Y/n) would feel safe and calm again.
(Y/n) busied herself moving the cups and plates off the table from breakfast and took them to the sink before she switched the radio on. Silence was never nice, it left (Y/n) prone to being stuck in her thoughts and that often led to trouble.
Her soft voice hummed along with the tune playing loudly throughout the kitchen and her body slowly relaxed and started to sway side to side as her eyes fell shut. She could feel herself becoming lost in the music as time passed by and she kept herself busy. But something started to prickle at the back of her neck. The hairs on her skin started to stick up in defense and a small slither of dread crawled up her spine.
She wanted to keep her eyes closed. (Y/n) was desperate to stay in the darkness and be oblivious to any other sixth sense she was starting to have in her home that always felt like a safe haven; but she couldn't help it.
Her eyes opened without her command, and something sweeped across the corner of her vision.
For a few seconds, (Y/n) stayed deathly still facing the window with her hands unmoving in the sink, too afraid to pick up the plate she had been washing but also too afraid to try and dry her hands. Her breathing slowed down until she was barely breathing at all and she prayed whatever had just caught in the corner of her eye had disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.
The most horrifying, deafening scream took (Y/n) by surprise.
It was such a shrill torturous sound that cut through (Y/n) like a sharp knife slicing into her skin and it sounded like someone was less than an inch away from her ear, screaming at the top of their lungs.
Her body became stiff and rigid before she began to shake with fright. Her head turned to try and see what was suddenly standing beside her but one look at the horrid face with the broken, hanging jaw and black teeth had (Y/n) shutting her eyes as tight as she could. Her fingers moved up and curled around the cross hanging from her neck and a Latin chant bumbled past her lips.
What was in her home with her? Why was it in her home?
A searing pain shot through her wrists that felt like someone had searing hot pokers for fingers that were burning into her flesh and caused (Y/n) to scream. It was gone.
For a few seconds, maybe even a few minutes, (Y/n) stayed stiff as a board in the same place that thing had left her. Both hands were tightly holding the cross around her neck, her eyes were screwed shut and her wrists were scolded and torturously hot. Every part of her started to shake and she could feel the baby inside her doing summersaults from the shock and confusion of what was going on.
She hadn't realised she started crying until she dared to open her eyes and look around but she already knew it had gone, her sixth sense was dulling back down now and she was back to being alone.
When she looked down at her hands that were still shaking despite clutching to her cross for dear life, her wrists were marked. It didn't look like scorch marks and they didn't look burned like they felt, but they were discoloured to say the very least. And if she looked closely, (Y/n) was sure she could see the faint outline of finger marks.
The sound of the front door opening sent a shiver reeling through (Y/n)'s body but she couldn't find it in herself to move. Her body was rooted to the spot, her legs were made of stone, unwilling to budge in any direction in case the demon came back again. Her fingers felt stiff like she was in rigamortis and she was half expecting them to crack or snap when she finally prized her hands from the cross searing into her skin.
Her hands trembled when she submerged them into the water and she had to bite down a cry when the water licked at her wounded wrists.
The music from the radio finally seemed to get through (Y/n)'s ears now the screaming had ceased and the music made her feel less stiff and a little more at ease before she could hear Ed's ruggid voice calling out to her, asking where abouts she was. She couldn't trust her voice enough to answer.
"Hey hun, I think I got everything... are you okay?" Ed placed the shopping bags down on the kitchen table so they weren't cutting through his fingers but the smile on his face slowly faltered at the corners when he looked across at (Y/n). She looked like she was washing up, but she wasn't actually moving and she hadn't said anything yet when usually she would bound up to him the moment he came home and almost knock him off his feet.
"Hm, I'm fine."
(Y/n) did her best to smile and she shook the water from her hands before she turned and met him halfway.
Her arms cocooned around his lower abdomen and she buried her face in his chest, breathing in his scent that was clinging to the woolen jumper he was wearing. She could feel him chuckling deep within his chest which vibrated through her blood and made her feel less like a statue made of stone.
"Sweetheart you're shaking," Ed felt the smile slip off his face in a heartbeat. She was trembling in his arms, why was she shaking like this? He had been gone just over an hour, two at the most. Not long enough for something bad to happen, surely? "Talk to me hun, what's wrong?"
He tried to pull back but (Y/n) clung to him tighter and tighter until her arms were cutting into his sides and back and her face was pressing up against his ribs like she was trying to merge them together. Now she was scaring him.
With gritted teeth and pursed lips, Ed gently held (Y/n)'s arms and pried them free of his waist so he could take one tiny step back in order to look down at his wife.
"When you came home the other night... I think you brought something back with you."
(Y/n) didn't have to say it explicitly for Ed to realise what she meant. She wasn't talking about some unintentional animal climbing into the car on his way home or him bringing an illness back home with him. Something evil had come back with him from his latest case, but he couldn't think what or why or even how.
He had vanquished the demon he had gone to deal with. He and Dean had listened, analysed, recorded and exorcised the demon along with a priest from that area. It had gone and all the strange happenings had ceased, how did he bring something malevolent back with him?
"What did you see?" Ed smoothed his hands up and down (Y/n)'s arms and he tried to control his temper that was beginning to flare.
"I don't know what it was, it was screaming, I felt it the night you came home."
(Y/n) almost jumped when Ed's hands suddenly moved from her arms, up to her neck. His thumbs gently caressed the soft skin on her neck and she could see he was looking for marks since it had just dawned on him that if she felt it when he came home, then whatever it was had tried to hurt her. She hadn't had a panic attack.
His hands were soft and warm on her neck and the feeling made her skin tingle and a warmth formed in her stomach. Moving her hands, (Y/n) cupped his wrists and tried to smile but it seemed to be the wrong move. A darkness washed over Ed's face and his hands retracted from her neck within an instant and moved instead to hold her hands. He pulled her hands towards his chest and (Y/n) shivered when she saw his lips curl up in fury like he was about to snarl.
"It hurt you,"
"No, I'm okay," Even as she spoke, she didn't believe her own words and she knew her husband didn't either. One look at the marks on her wrists and it was clear they had to hurt with how nasty they looked. Something had followed him back to their home, their sanctuary, their safe space. And now it was trying to hurt his wife; this was something Ed wasn't going to stand for.
Moving her hands, (Y/n) looped her arms around his neck and leaned up until she could bury her face in the crook of Ed's neck. She took a few moments to breathe in his scent, feeling it wash through her like a drug overtaking her senses while his arms slowly wound around her hips.
The music from the radio once again seemed to tune back into (Y/n)'s ears and wrapped around them like a comforting blanket and (Y/n) could feel Ed slowly swaying their upper bodies along to the music.
It was soothing, it was sweet.
(Y/n) found herself smiling into his skin and her eyes fell closed as a few minutes passed them by while they stayed in their small bubble. But then (Y/n) could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up on end and a slow shiver tiptoed down her spine and throughout her nerves.
Her eyes stayed tightly shut and she could feel Ed's fingers digging tighter into her hips, showing he felt it too. (Y/n) tried to focus on the feeling of Ed's strong hands pressing into the flesh of her hips and how she could feel his head tilting up until his chin was touching the top of her head. Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion. His hands slowly curved around her sides and he slowly side-stepped around her until (Y/n) was behind him, his arms out behind him so he could still hold onto her. Reassuring himself she was safely behind him.
One hand moved to grab the cross around her neck while her other hand scrunched up Ed's jumper in a fist so tight her arm started to shake.
Whatever had followed him home, it was back again.
(Y/n) didn't dare open her eyes this time. She didn't want to know what it was or what it looked like, she just wanted it to leave. It had taken a very quick disliking to her, usually it was the other way around, usually spirits and demonic presences took a liking to (Y/n). They sought out her sixth sense and tried to communicate with or through her, they didn't normally try and attack her straight away but the moment Ed came home the other day, this spirit seemed to hate her.
Ed tightened his hand on (Y/n)'s hip and slowly nudged her back until he knew she was pressed between the kitchen counter and him. At least if he had her sandwiched behind him, he knew he could keep her safe. He wasn't having her get hurt by what was in front of him.
Where was his bible? What incantation should he recite to try and vanquish this demon? It wasn't one he had seen this week, he had brought a rouge one back home he hadn't even sensed until now.
Moving one hand, Ed quickly crossed himself before he held onto (Y/n) again and slowly started to shuffle her towards the doorway. His bible was in the living room, if he could get in there quickly he could find the right incantation and be rid of his spirit before it did any damage.
They only moved two steps away before (Y/n) screamed. It felt like fingers were knotting in the hair at the back of her head and yanking on the strands so harshly she was sure a few loose ends had been ripped from her scalp. Her hands fumbled to try and reach behind her but just like when she had been strangled, she couldn't feel anything there.
Ed whipped the cross from round his neck and held it above the back of (Y/n)'s head while his other arm linked around her waist and pushed her in front of him. If only he had some Holy Water he could have sprinkled around (Y/n) to keep her a little safer.
But the cross seemed to do the trick for (Y/n) stumbled forward, feeling like her hair had been released but her body had been given a rough shove.
"My Bible's in the living room,"
(Y/n) kept her shoulders hunched and her arms coiled around her stomach and with Ed's arms around her shoulders and chest, they stumbled through the kitchen and into the living room just as the door slammed shut behind them. Trapping them inside.
It felt like a game. When Ed grabbed his bible from the coffee table, the vase of flowers in the window suddenly started to levitate.
(Y/n) hastily curled her fingers around Ed's arm, disrupting him in finding the right verse in the book so that she could drag him down to the floor before the vase smashed into his head.
They backed up towards the sofa and (Y/n) coiled in on herself, lowering her head down near her knees and then Ed wrapped around her like a safety net. He leaned his chest over her back, keeping her tucked into his chest with his arms around her frame and the bible held in front of them.
He had to squint badly to read the Latin script, he didn't know where his glasses were and there was no time to go hunting around for them. With the book in his left hand and the cross hanging from his right fist, he started to chant. He felt (Y/n) hastily repeating the same verse, muffled by his jumper, but still audible.
Everything around them began to shake and every door in the house must have opened and slammed closed at the same time making an hurricane of wind barge through the room, knocking them both off balance.
Ed's chest heaved with each harsh breath and he felt lightheaded from his rapid chanting but a wave of heat seemed to swarm around them. The cold had all but evaporated and the glass on the coffee table settled back in place and the rippling water in the glass finally leveled out again. Whatever had followed him home had been vanquished.
"Hun, are you alright?"
Straightening up, Ed sat back on his heels and squared his shoulders to crack his spine back into place. He let his arms loosely coil around (Y/n) as she pushed herself back up. Her hands clenched around his jumper so tightly he thought she was going to rip it off him but he could see the look in her eyes. It was a look he had memorised so many times over the past few years. A wave of calmness wahed over her pupils and the frantic look disappated.
Her sixth sense wasn't flaring up anymore, she could feel everything settling around them again.
"I think so."
"Good. I'm sorry, I swear nothing is ever gonna follow me home again."
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skeelly · 9 months
"when im fat and old and my kids think im a joke"
"who cares if im pretty if i fail my finals??"
"who's your daddy?" (IYKYK ;))
"im tired and it's winter"
"i wish i could block me out"
"wanna die"
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hi!! welcome. i suggest putting a seatbelt on and i will pay for your therapy, dont worry. :)
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☘ "hi, it's me. im the problem it's me.": im kristen! you can call me kristen or kris. minor (im 14 if you really wanna know). she/her. intp-t. ambivert. 🇵🇭. reader (sort of). notes app writer (sometimes). i could not care less about my dumb typos so deal with it. i suck at math. biiiiiggg ophelia wilde fan. delulu swiftie no.9273737277. rodrigoxpartidge's biggest supporter. claire rosinkranz is the reason for my existence. gracie abrams ily. "how long can we be a sad song?". im married to grayson hawthorne. mirrorball//tolerate it girlie 4 life. stromboli fan until the day i die. nick girlie by heart. pjo stan at this point. harry potter simp. hermione granger is my mother. sherlock and enola holmes stan. "no body, no crime". haylor (sorry not sorry). one direction is my life. FREE PALESTINE. kenji, my spirit animal. jude is so ughhhhh perfect. javery shipper cause jameson for avery, grayson for me :3. massive k!nye west hater so if you like him, please leave. but i love rap. certified professional procrastinator. capricorn (not a believer in those things though). i love reading poetry. correct grammar = non existent. i can (technically) fluently speak 3 languages. i can speak (basic, not much) about 5 languages?. piano enthusiast. very big sport girly (football *soccer. america football can kiss my toes. that sport sucks*, f1, volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis and hockey fan). walker scobell is perfect and i love him. c²>>>>. sharl leclerc. max the axe. oscar paistry. ankara messi. sewy. leah is my bestie. dior is the best artist no cap. pookie nation frfr. charlie's luke is best luke. andrew is underrated. olivea is jusssttt.
☘ rappers i like//listen to: eminem, lil skies, ysbtril (does he count?), nicki minaj, doja cat (:3), cardi b (rarely), dominic fike (does he count? yk, melodic rap). tbh idk who else lol.
☘ all around favorite artists: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, gracie abrams, the weeknd, doja cat, lil skies, ysbtril, selena gomez (?), harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn, liam payne, one direction, clairo, conan gray, lana del rey, one republic, why don't we, the neighborhood, billie elish, ariana grande, abba, michael jackson.
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☘ navigation?:
rambles: #kristenstedtalk
anything i don't proof read: #i didn't proof read this lmao
grayson hawthorne: #loml
cringe posts that idk why i posted: #/j or #post to delete?
asks: #askaroo or #ty for answering <3
sturniolo triplets: #stombolis
☘ follower count (as of march 20): 313 (im actually not sure lol)
☘ DNI: racists, homophobes, sexists and anyone that's ok with any form of discrimination
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☘ safe space for: everyone lol
☘ my other accounts: @crysten my writing and other stuff @skeellymellows book rants (AAAH I CANT TAG)
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☘ books/movies/series: harry potter, pjo, aggtm, tig, sherlock/enola holmes, little women, black beauty, tsitp, better than the movies. hp, pjo, enola holmes, tsitp, gilmore girls, gossip girl, mean girls, legally blonde, little women, hunger games (haven't read the books), marvel (barely lol), secretariat (my favorite :>>). tbh idk what else lol
☘ my people:
@stvrgirl111//@stvrlighhttt (mare) #maree
@urbanflorals (em) #walkers wife
@gergthecat (scouty) #evil batman sourdough guy #bread man #george
@mqstermindswift (quason) #nickyy
@nqds (NADS) #nads! or was it #NADS! ??
@reminiscentreader (JAS) #theworldneedsmorepeoplelikejas
@sophiesonlinediary (fifi) #fifi <3
@myster3y (kiaraah) #kiaraah
@regisdvmb(reggggg) ✶ @coco6420 (cocoo) ✶ @eddiethebanished (finn :)) ✶ @themidnightarcher ✶ @starchasers-stuff ✶ @what-about-wendy (wendy <3) ✶ @lucinda-008 ✶ @foaming-sea ✶ @lonelycatsblog ✶ @good-old-fashioned-lover ✶ @my-mind-is-frozen ✶ @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies ✶ @baboland ✶ @blocked-zombieartist ✶ @sturn-wrld ✶ @swiftieannah ✶ @weeping-in-the-willows ✶ @s1xseasonsandamov1e ✶ @the-red-archer ✶ @svnflowermoon ✶ @helpimhopelesslyinlove ✶ @doyoujustnotwantto ✶ @atwtmvftvtvsgavralpsss ✶ @oh-whale13 ✶ @bonesofnixie ✶ @art-of-fools (stephanieee) ✶ @percabeths-blue-cookies ✶ @imthatweirdratinthecorner (a rat <3) ✶ @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity ✶ @that-multi-fandom-hijabi (novaaa) ✶ @rachellelizabethhdare ✶ @sluttypoetsdepartment ✶ @kimu-dem ✶
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
I only seem to write you here when I’m incoherently tired so sorry in advance.
Im thinking about the wonder that hob and dream look on the world with together. Mr “they invented chimneys” and mr “I’ve never been a human and was locked in a fishbowl for the largest boom of human technical innovation” find joy in /everything/. Running water?? That’s hot?? Every type of food from the whole world available in a ten minute walk??? The fucking internet???? You can call a helpline if you’re sad??? Super tall buildings??? Making tea together every morning and there’s so many kinds? They wake up on different brightly colored sheets each day because dye is no longer as expensive as gold. Dream takes the tube so much he becomes a local cryptid. They stand and hold hands in the national portrait gallery. They watch every rocket launch livestream, no matter what time. They look on Hobs young students with joy. There’s new kinds of bread to eat, new shows opening. New languages to learn (for hob at least) new technology to break with his presence (for dream). There’s cat cafes and science museums and tesco and so many books coming out every day. They love the world together
Oh I'm so soft about them!!
I'm convinced that sometimes Hob just has to go lie down on the floor and have a little cry over the sheer availability of THINGS. Abundance is the ultimate joy for any hedonist, let alone one who's been around since 1389. Imagine the delight he takes in Poundland, in international food buffets, in public transportation!! I'm fully convinced that one of Hob’s greatest love affairs is with the London Underground. It's there, under your feet! All the time! You can travel to the other side of town (not necessarily quickly, but it's quicker than walking... sometimes).
Mr Depression Personified, freshly unfishbowled Dream of the Endless, is gonna seem like he just took a fat dose of Duloxetine every time he hangs out with Hob. The joy is bone deep, and so infectious. Watching Hobplay Just Dance at 3am because he just remembered that he owns a Wii genuinely heals some part of Dream that shattered long, long ago.
Imagine what it's like for Hob, as well. Spending time with someone who knows that he's actually a medieval peasant who's lived well past his sell-by date. He gets to be honest in his excitement for things like ibuprofen and chocolate flavoured vodka. He can go to museums with Dream, and Dream will understand why he gets that distant misty look in his eyes when he sees a certain familiar object.
Other people can stare or laugh at Hob’s joy, but Dream will never do that. Its never silly or funny to see Hob rave about some entirely ordinary object, it's just. Important. And quite beautiful. For Dream, it's possibly the most beautiful thing in the world.
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snarky-art · 6 months
I swear I dont wanna be mean but why does everyone keep making stella fat. Why is it that the most attractive character, whom everyone finds beautiful inside the show, is the one who is always turned fat. Like... No one would find her attractive if her canon design was like that. I promise im not being mean but I feel like the artists are always projecting themselves onto Stella and wanting to be loved like she is, cause usually the ones making her fat are fat too, like I saw your selfies and you're a bit curvy. I promise im not being mean im just curious.
For starters, send me more fat Stella’s if you can I haven’t seen that many made and would love to see more varied takes on her appearances in redesigns.
Secondly, I made her fat because I think it’s nice to have the character that’s canonically considered to be the most beautiful girl in all of magix, a fashion icon in the magical dimension, a very celebrated trendsetter, be something other than the stereotypical concept of socially acceptable fashion tropes. She isn’t an hourglass, she has cellulite and stretch marks, she’s super pear shaped, and that can be and should be considered something to be normal, since they are, and shouldn’t be seen as things that need to be hidden. Having that put on a loud and proud fashion girly seems good imo and it can only really contribute to good stuff for body image stuff and representation. I did it so people like you could reconsider that beauty is something that comes in multiple forms and shouldn’t have to fit one type of standard. If we wanna get super technical too those standards also very from culture to culture and I image that’s extended even further in Winx club.
The girls are all aliens from different worlds. There’s bug people. There’s a lady in the miss magix episode that has tentacle hair, a blue body, and tentacle hands and feet. I highly doubt beauty standards in canon would be the same as what you’re saying, ie that no one would consider her beautiful. As if people who look like her irl also would inherently be considered not beautiful too. I know lots of people who have people that think they’re the hottest thing ever and they have all sorts of different body types and traits. Lets just call it realism lol
I’m not really projecting any of my physical stuff on her also, outside of I guess stretch marks and cellulite?? But I put those on other characters too so I don’t really think that holds up. I actually put my old body type on Flora since she’s my favorite, but now I’m way more midsized, like a slightly thinner Bloom from my stuff (love this unit of measurement gonna start using the gorls as a reference point for my appearance going forward lol). I’ve always had the “socially acceptable” fat type of body, ie hourglass with even proportions and a super snatched waist. I just think it’s tired and trite to constantly reenforce the idea that “the hot fashion one” needs to be tall and thin all the time, and if she is made fatter, that she needs to look like I did ie not much of a tummy with super equal proportions, big boobs, and a big ass.
Kinda related to that also, I made a post about a lot of character design “rules” too that I think are kinda outdated and annoying, at least to me, since I’ve seen them a million times. We all have. So I decided to do something different that I think would be good for normalizing traits outside of what we consider typically acceptable for that kind of character.
I’m already very loved also and don’t need to project anything on Stella lmaooo
I got multiple partners, great friends, do modeling, and am slaying with my own fashion and appearance stuff outside of that too. That’s all independent of whatever I’m doing with her physical body type when I draw her.
Gonna level with you also, you going “I’m not trying to be mean” doesn’t erase how weird this ask is. Sounds like you have your own gripes that you need to work through. Like, if you consider those traits on Stella ugly, that means you definitely have some internalized hatred for fatness, skin blemishes, scarring, and other peoples’ general appearances if they don’t fit some specific molds that aren’t realistic for the majority of people. Even if it is just genuine curiosity, being aware of this stuff going forwards and reevaluating how you view beauty standards and bodies in general would do you a great benefit imo.
Thanks for going through my old selfies tho it was pretty weird of you but at least make sure to leave a like on them. I looked hot when I was fatter and I look hot now too sharing this with the world is the least I can do💕✨💕✨
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