#im somewhat dyslexic
How are Death gods made?
I was thinking about TOWW's origin as a god. Maybe that was why TOWW was so different from his siblings? His origin as a god was one of death. Let's begin!
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TOWW seems to be dead. He is a 'dead' death god. In mythology, gods of death aren't always dead themselves. As death for gods usually means they ceased to exist. This is very likely why the bishops couldn't kill him, only seal him away. You can't kill what's already dead. 
Now we know that gods in COTL can die just like mortals can, so whatever TOWW is, was not a normal death state for a god. Something about his death or how he died had to be significant enough to make him like this. Where death was a part of his being, enough to be a death god, not just the state he was in. Think Osiris, the Egyption god of death and mummification. He was not always a death god, he was once a living one with a different sphere of influence. Once he died, death became his portfolio. When it comes to death gods they are usually the first dead of their pantheon.
When it comes to how a death god is created it is expected for death to play a part in their origin. But this is not always the case. In some mythos, gods of death are living, they're just responsible for managing the dead. In TOWW's case it's implied that he is in fact dead. He makes a statement about his heart not beating and the state of his arms might imply some level of decomposition has occurred. The fact that he uses his eyes as combatants could also hint that his body isn't alive and he doesn't really need them, no other boss uses pieces of their body to fight us. 
Because TOWW is a 'dead' death god, I make these speculations under the pretense that all death gods in COTL are dead or must die to become one.The exact timeframe for when TOWW could have died isn't possible to know. He could have perished as a mortal and arose as an undead, possibly by the red crown, slowly gaining enough power to become godlike. Or he could have died as a god, and through some profane ritual, awoken as a death god. 
I liken TOWW's origins as a death god to that of a church grim. Church grims were guardian spirits of churches and their graveyards. They were 'created' when an animal, usually a black dog, was buried alive on the church grounds at its creation. It was believed they would serve as protectors and guides for the souls of the deceased. Animals were chosen to spare people from this eternal duty but not always. Their death was seen as a necessity.
COTL is a world of gods and the supernatural, so I imagine a church grim would be a real life necessity rather than simply a barbaric practice. But why, you ask, would Narinder have been at risk of becoming what amounts to a sacrifice? Well, he is a black cat. The devs state TOWW was designed after the belief that seeing a black cat would mean someone would die soon. 
With that in mind I imagine in the magical world of COTL that maybe a real possibility rather than a superstition. A possibility that could lead to prejudice against black cats. Maybe Narinder was a victim of prejudice, being murdered and turned into a church grim against his will? Maybe it was a cultural practice within society? Maybe it was a sinister ritual done under the cover of night. Maybe it was a punishment? Who can know?
Within the same cultures as church grims there was also a belief that the first person buried in a churchyard was tasked with protecting the souls of the deceased until the next funeral/burial. The newly dead would be their replacement. If something were to happen, and no more burials occurred there, that soul would be trapped in eternal vigil, with no replacement, and no way to pass on themselves. This is why animals were usually chosen. I believe this is the current predicament that TOWW is/was in. Why he seemed to grow tired of his duty as a god. 
"Lamb. Mortal life is so... fragile. So fleeting. So long did I stand at the gates between this life and the next, trapped at the nexus of what was and what wasn't."
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Speculation Station 
In the beginning TOWW may have enjoyed the power of being a god but being dead may have been an uncomfortable state to be in for all eternity.
On a lighter note ,there is an IRL god with origins similar to church grims. Ankou, a servant of death. He was responsible for collecting the souls of the dead before he could go to the afterlife. This god has many disputed origins but he is the death god I personally associate most with TOWW. 
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vorobej · 2 months
non-dyslexics how often do you switch around letters and numbers/mix up similar looking letters
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franciswasteland · 6 months
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Summary: Naiad!user (A freshwater Nymph) crushes on the son of Jupiter, jason grace, from afar. That is until he falls into the lake during the Camp activity of canoeing.
Warnings: Cursing. beware spelling issues, im lowkey dyslexic
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You are a Nymph—a Naiad to be specific—who resides in the lake at Camp Half-blood along with some other Naiads. Unfortunately for you, the lake at Camp is also used for one of the Camp activities, canoeing. You don’t usually mind when the campers are canoeing, in fact, you somewhat enjoy it. But that’s just because of one reason.
Jason. fucking. Grace. The son of Jupiter.
You knew your crush on him wasn’t going to go anywhere. After all, water and electricity and/or lighting don’t mix very well. But you simply couldn’t help yourself.
The way he was just so kind to his friends, he’s responsible (—Which is hard to find in a teenage boy.,) His eyes, his blond hair, his smile… and, oh, you can't forget that little scar on his lips.
Well, going back to the Camp activity of canoeing, here you were at the bottom of the Camp Half-blood lake, talking to some other Naiads. Until the shadow of a canoe slowly moved around the lake before settling right above you and your friends. How annoying.
Except what you didn’t know was that your admiring-from-a-far-impossible-to-get crush was with two of his friends, sitting on the canoe that was casting the shadow above you and your fellow Naiads.
Then the canoe began to shake and tilt, causing ripples in the water, disrupting the usually calm lake. Oh boy. Then the canoe flipped completely over, sending three unsuspecting demigods— Leo Valdez, Piper Mclean, and Jason Grace—over the edge of it and into the lake.
Oh, gods, one of them was jason.
What bad timing! you didn’t even have your hair done or anything! Oh… and in the midst of him panicking he locked eyes with you. Something you’d never understand is how a boy, a boy like him, could be so perfect. You quickly looked away from his gaze.
Then you looked back at him, remembering that he could very well be drowning. And by how he looked, you assumed that he in fact was drowning—Or at least was coming close to drowning. You just had to save him, this could be your only chance to communicate with him! Oh, and the fact that he could die.
You tried your best to scoop him in your arms and swim him up to the surface, but considering he was a pretty big guy for being what, fifteen, sixteen years old? You whip your head around, causing the water to make little ripples, towards the other few Naiads in the lake, silently signaling for their help with bringing him to the surface.
Thankfully, the Naiads obliged and swam over to help you lift Jason to the grass, at least to the best of their abilities. As you all resurface, Jason gasping for air, he looks directly at you for a moment, then he snapped his gaze away.
“Uhh.. Thanks,” He said breathlessly.
You can feel your face reddening at his gratitude. You don’t think you have ever swam back to the bottom of the lake so fast before this very moment.
Later on in the day—Night, actually. You were at the top of the lake by yourself, elbows resting on the grass as the rest of your body other than your upper torso was submerged in the lake, your head in your hands. What were you thinking about? Well, the interaction with Jason, of course!
And then like magic, you heard the footsteps that matched his. Did he really sneak off from the campfire to come over to the lake?! Oh yes, yes he did.
“Hey, uh…” You almost immediately recognized his voice. “Thanks for saving me earlier.” Jason sounded slightly embarrassed. You nodded in reply. “I um, accidentally flipped the canoe.” Your eyes widened slightly in amusement, he even got a little laugh out of you.
“Really?” You reply back.
“Yeah, i’m not to sure how.”
And that’s how the night went on, the two of you talking until mr.d ran him back to his cabin and splashed water at you until you swam back under the water for the night. Apparently your admiring-from-a-far-impossible-to-get crush wasn’t so hard to get after all.
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crazylittlejester · 1 month
Is the fact that you going from the light screen to dark helping you write, is it helping your dyslexia somewhat? ‘Cause I’ve heard that helps some dyslexic people read and such
for me personally dark mode actually makes it a bit harder to read, but that’s not gonna stop me lmao. i keep my phone in dark mode unless im outside, and then i have to put it in light mode or else i cant fucking see 😭
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ne0nlightzz · 1 year
Mk im not gonna make my blog all abt this but right now im torn inbetween forcing myself to keep calm or spiralling and letting my thoughts drift to the worst scenarios possible and back into a very dark place. But i will say if KOSA actually happens im fucked and so are so so soo many other minors on the internet, especially if they are also part of the lgbt+ community.
as much as i hate to admit im genuinely fearful of the possible outcomes of this and go to the worse case scenarios imma admit im fricking scared. this mixed with my states version of the 'dont say gay bill' being passed like two months ago has me questioning if this is all frickin worth it.
but what i actually came to say, besides the little spiralling breakdown im trying to avaoid, we have to fucking stop this, like sign every petition and anything we need to, call every single mf we need to, just to do anything and everything to make sure KOSA does not pass and ruin so many people's lives and put so many people in danger and also basically change the internet and society as we know it. ill probably make a better post about this soon, one more detailed and when im not in as bad of a headspace, but we've gotta at least try our damn hardest to put a stop to this useless bullshit. and i also wanna say, this is coming from my more fearful and hopeless point of view i try not to give into or share, but maybe we need to start pulling together our fandoms and communities irl, maybe we need to get ready to start groups, programs and other stuff for our states n all so we can still somewhat keep together even if its more local and seems impossible, maybe it'll be worth a shot if all shit goes to hell and so we don't have to fully lose things that we love, like out fandom communities, or writing communities. im too sure how itd work but i just thought id pitch a idea if all shit goes down the drain and we still need a upside to the hell or something.
heres some links ive found through others tumblr posts[all linktrees, carrds, etc go to their rightful owners ofc] and i highly recommend scrolling through the stop kosa and other related tags on here (Tumblr), reading up on everything and signing and doing everything you personally can, especially for those who can't do anything.
This was not heavily checked for spelling/grammar errors because im trying to not freak out and im also dyslexic lolz
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yourlowkeyidiot3 · 10 months
Finally making a somewhat proper introduction post I think
Im fully aroace (aromatic-asexual)
Gendervoid, my pronouns are she/he/they with a preference for they/them.
Call me Dex ^^
DNIs (Do Not Interact)
Proshippers/Darkshippers/anything like that
Homophobics & Transphobics
Anti- Neo/Xeno genders
Blogs with "Minors DNI"
NSFW blogs
Blogs that make fun of Neurodiversity in any way
Things Im interested in!
Idk my interests keep changing every month
Mainly spooky month, madness combat and gravity falls rn
My dms are always open for chatting as long as nobody's being weird :)
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raid3r-r4bbit · 11 months
@fuzzydreamin thanks for the lol. ive been a little busy with life so sorry for the late response.
Favorite Color:
Green. Like Blindingly Neon almost yellow bile/acid toxic hazmat pukey green. Also black. I'm also a fan of earthy tones, warm greys and browns, rusty orangey reds, and i also unironically love that "some smoker lived here for 5+ years but i swear the walls are white" sepia color.
Last song:
Either Childish Flamingo or 1x1. I've been hopping in between really screamy and just goofy shit atm because i cant focus with anything else. 🤷 But (I also jsut got a new BMTH hoodie) BMTH's post human album has been feeding me. It's a really good (visual? no.) example of that like just angry and over it nihilist feeling and I just *MUNCH CRUNCH AAAA* like i feel like it could be just the tiniest bit angrier and louder but i think that's my headphones.
as for childish flamingo, its like that miseryxcpr thing imo. It's goofy and funny and it slaps. and it's so catchy. it's like right on the edge of aha funny and fuck you street and i love it. i hope any of that makes sense im sorry lol.
Last movie:
the Demon Slayer movie. I skipped all the way to the end to see the fight between Akaza and Rengoku because they're two of my favs ( in order from that show: Uzui (my mom calls yuzu (my cat) Uzui and its adorable) Akaza and Rengoku. I Found out the english dub is out (im way behind) and just needed to hear their english voice acting. all of it is amazing and Akaza's lil gigles during the fight make me incredibly happy. Guys who laugh/giggle mid combat? Ugh >\\x//<
Currently Watching:
Demon Slayer, Chainsaw man, Tokyo ghoul (im rewatching a bunch of animes) Steven universe. (i love all of these and full recommend them. I literally just yesterday(or the day before idk time is a blur) got a new funko pop, it's the half-kakuja kaneki and i love it.)
Other stuff i've watched this year:
Spy x Family, the Junji ito Collection, Yamishibai (if you like picture style art and horror this is great, its somewhat junji ito like, but shorter stories and ngl the zanbai ep scared me a bit) psychpass (some reccomended this to me cause im (obviously) a fan of darker more gruesome shows, and it is very dystopian, love the art work, but i just dont get it.) Given (if you havent watched this show please watch it its amazing) Yuri on ice, Banana Fish (also another fave)
(I work from home, and pretty much exist at my computer, and need to keep on music or tv to keep the bad thoughts out, so i have a lot of time and opportunity to watch stuff ok)
Shows I dropped this week:
Psycho pass. again, i just couldnt get into it. I know a lot of people seem to really like and it full seems like a show that would be up my alley. that first ep was kind of a lot though. I'm not ashamed to admit i love shows that are unafraid to show nudity and violence but the two together (ifykyk) make me uncomfortable. If this case had been a little further in the show i think it would have been fine, but it's litterally the first like ten minutes of the show. I also tried watching this a few week ago while at wasteland but we were pretty much just out the door.
Devil May Cry. I still love the games and the characters, and i remember loving the anime as a kid but its just... so different from the games lmao.
Currently Reading:
random internet stuff, fics and shit. I feel bad because i used to go to the library all the time but at the same time, i dont really have the room to store a whole bunch of books and despite being super dyslexic, i read insanely fast, so renting/buying books isnt worth it to me. (i've read entire full length series in the span of a day or two, while doing other stuff. I need longer, more conveniently packaged novels and that typically comes in the form of fanfiction. )
tagging: @snowmutant @ivanpahdrylakeracer @glaochormfitheach(idk if ur cool tagging you in this kinda stuff, if not just lmk i though it'd be fun :D) @the-soup-witch(im dragging you into tumblr culture whether you like it or not, welcome to tagging games)
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ascii-malware · 8 months
dni + byi list !! (>ω <)♡
❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀-❀- DNI LIST!
proshitters n comshitters.
dni 25 yrs old or older UNLESS i know you and trust you.
dni f3tish content, nsfw, or somewhat l3wd accounts.
dni rarepair and oc x canon haters! you wont like it here < heavy oc x canon shipper
basic dni things such as homophobes, racists, transphobes, z00s, maps, etc
dni pro isreal /srs
pixiekit/roccokittydoggo/max, s0lar_shadow, aim4hearts, strawberry64/strawb_64 and mistyfibers/skinnysprite
just fucking shitty people in general man. let people have fun and listen to the music they want
oh yeah, therian and furry haters GET OF MY BLOG OUT OUT OUT SHOO
i get reeal anxious when talking to people im not close to. i swear if i ever start freaking out its not you, its me :3 /gen
i can make VERY sexual jokes sometimes (i am asexual though) < immature loser over here who laughs whenever someone says the word sex
im very very forgetful so if i owe you any art or something like that lmk because its probably somewhere in the back of my mind
i like to talk a lot. and i mean a lot
the way i type can vary, sometimes i type very 'cutesy' like but sometimes it can be more aggressive sounding, just know i never mean to sound aggressive thats just the way i type DSJDSUHFSJKF
i get fixated over my own ocs sometimes and i like to yap about them a lot (along with all the other crap i fixate about like CUBES)
im bad at determining tones when texting so tonetags are important to me (EXCEPT FOR /NF I CAN TELL WHEN YOU'RE NOT FORCING ME DONT WORRY 💗💗)
I STRUGGLE WITH WORDING THINGS AND SPEAKING A LOT. A FUCKING LOT. AND I AM NOT DYSLEXIC. (POINTING AT YOU SAMUEL/ij) if i ever go silent while we're vcing or if im streaming im either non verbal or too shy
okay thats all BYEVEYBEYBEHB
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davestaresatthesun · 4 months
obligatory pinned post with basic info \o/
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Toby/Stares - he/xey/it/scy
dyslexic. u have been warned
if u know any of my main no u don't /silly
alter tag post here, just to keep this as short as possible
my [very unorganized] high school au has a name now! the name and tag is #nonamestuck :D
also! somewhat new development- I am the [extremely unexperienced 0_0] mod for the ask blog @badlydrawnroachstuck ! i have no clue what im doing but i post silly posts of roaches doing humorous things *faceplants*
whole buncha banners bcuz im silly
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blinkies | fire banners
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dreaaspeaks · 5 months
Wait, now I’m confused. So we can keep supporting them? Or like? I’m just so confused and have been seeing so many different stories and things and I don’t know what to think anymore.
Sorry if I seem dumb or like an idiot but I’m just really confused and a lot of the stuff I’m seeing is mostly written (I’m very very dyslexic) or super fast paced rants that I can’t understand with how fast they’re talking..
it’s okay to be confused tbh so was i the first few weeks of trying to understand the boycott too
as for supporting the kaulitz twins and tokio hotel as a whole, their silence has always been unsettling to me but i understand that there are laws in germany that prevent them from speaking about their stance on this topic and how violent it came get especially in germany when someone speaks about the gen0c!de is somewhat understandable on why they choose to stay silent
but for me it was the ignorance of this collaboration with Macdonalds amidst the controversy the company is having now, the stance that many Germans have (which are who cares for boycotting we eat and drink what we want)
and the silence from all four members of TH that just makes me reluctant on supporting their future endeavours but it genuinely is to each their own.
i’m not here to tell people who to support, this is very much a, if you think you can, than go ahead im not stopping you but if you can’t than it’s alright too, totally understandable.
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patchdotexe · 4 years
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minor stickmolus spoilers i guess, but im finalizing my design for alien doc v! her species was suggested by my roommate; originally she was gonna be a limolus, but keth are neat and i think this is a pretty good look
hoping to do some actual ask-answering later today, but in the meantime i just wanna make sure i have everything else down to make things easier for future me
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rat-in-a-coffin · 2 years
i hate having dyslexia, i literally cant speak, everything i say just comes out backwards and i cant tell the difference between words. if they start or end or have a vaguely same (or is the complete opposite) i mix them up, they all just sound the same and it’s horrible, people usually dont even get when im trying to say. sometimes i cant even form words in my brain and can’t get anything out so i just stand there and look stupid, not being able to say anything
i can’t write without autocorrect bc i can’t spell even the simplest words right. i turn the letters the wrong ways and mix them up, it doesn’t matter if they look or sound completely different they all just seem the same. i use the same sentences over and over again bc i’ve somewhat memoried them and know i won’t fuck them up. i cant read, it doesn’t matter if its a short “hi” or a page from a book, it just doesn’t make sense and i cant pluck up what its supposed to be. it just looks like fucking doodles
and still people thinks dyslexia isnt a disorder, and that dyslexics just “need to learn”. guess what. its fucking hell
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
2(meaning for name) and 3(or the voice one) for OC ask? I don't have a particular OC of yours in mind but!
thank you! <3 i'll answer for erley since i have WAY more of an answer for these with them lmao
2. Is there a meaning behind their name, or a particular reason why they have it? (either in the story, or why you as the author decided to give them their name)
THERE IS A VERY EXTENDED ANSWER TO THIS. SHORT ANSWER IS "i knew it would make people groan when they heard it". long answer is erley actually has two names. there's their birth name and legal name, lee solicallor, and the name theyre currently going by, erley ryzer
lee is their milk name, so the name they were given to be used only while they were a child. but in the culture theyre from, adulthood is a privilege that you have to request and have approved before youre made a legal adult and get your adult name. erley's father would not let them declare adulthood because he said they hadn't earned it, so erley's legal name never changed. after they were on their own for a while in the mostly non-elf country they decided to start going by an adult name, but they arent supposed to by the rules of their own culture. technically erley is still legally a minor even though maturity wise theyd be a human equivalent of 19-20. the people who knew them before still call them lee
solicallor in elvish means the warm light of the sun, so erley ryzer is somewhat of a translation, referring to sunrise. but they also decided to change it because their dad is pretty famous in a "big bad war criminal" kind of way. rysar in elvish also is the word to refer to an important period of time, such as the rule of a particular leader. so ryzer still kind of refers to their dad, who is a high ranking military leader turned exiled faction leader whos name also means "regal", who erley was a loyal follower of for a long time until Shit Went Down. erley ryzer is a misspelling of both early riser and rysar because erley is very dyslexic and is particularly terrible at spelling in common lmaoo
3. What does their voice sound like, in a couple of words? (ie soft, scratchy, seductive, high-pitched, etc)
southern. i try to pitch it up when im speaking as them but thats been hard sometimes on T
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palmett-hoes · 4 years
7 for Andrew??
( ask game )
7. Exists as a pretext for the intellectual exercise of seeing how much textual support I can find for something patently absurd
okay well this isn't patently absurd it's actually a very sad and sadly very common story for a lot of kids, but i did spend a lot of time combing the books for evidence of andrew’s relationship with books and reading. him being a big reader is a super common headcanon in the fandom, and im sorry to tell yall that we pulled that one out of our asses. from what’s available in canon andrew hates reading and refuses to do it in front of other people. so, i concluded that andrew is in fact, dyslexic, and that reading is difficult and frustrating for him. he avoids it whenever possible, instead relying on audible information that seems to work best for his memory. it also tracks that he wouldn’t read around other people because it would be displaying weakness in his eyes for people to see him struggling
so, the evidence. i’ve searched the books by appearances of words like “book” “read” “paper” etc. most things i can think are related to reading yknow? and there’s not one instance in the entire trilogy of andrew reading anything, ever. in fact, he canonically hates libraries and refuses to go in them. one time he’s handed a packet of an opposing team’s stats and he crumples it up and throws it in his locker immediately.
to put it in perspective, most if not every other characters is shown reading at some point or another, it’s just in very short, missable scenic descriptors. aaron buying a book in the airport. kevin reading a magazine in the dorm. the upperclassmen hanging out and doing homework together. neil reading foreign news sites. it doesn’t seem like much but the fact that andrew is never actually seen reading anything at any point ever,, is actually somewhat conspicuous if you pay attention to the fact that well,, everyone else does.
there’s a handful of other details, mostly andrew’s phone. he has an older model that both essentially forces him to use it slower to type, as well as disincentivizes other ppl from texting him and expecting a quick response. he doesn’t text neil at any point except for the essentials of setting up the phone, and it doesn’t seem like he texts with anyone else either. he specifically tells neil to call him, not text.
so let’s backtrack. let’s talk about what it means for andrew to be dyslexic.
(um,, a lot of this is gonna be based on articles and studies i’ve read but i don’t really wanna make this an Essay i want to cut through the explanations and background info so i’m gonna be making some Statements. if you’re curious or confused pls send me a message and i’ll tell u what i had in mind/what i was drawing from)
thematically, when thinking about andrew’s background, the most important thing i keep in mind about andrew is that he has never been lucky, ever. he is consistently, over and over, handed the worst cards. he is born and raised in the foster care system, and even within this (basically inherently traumatic system) he is ONLY placed in bad homes. he says so. maybe they vary in their methodology, but they’re all bad. so then i have to extend this reasoning to the other parts of his life. he has bad teachers, bad foster siblings, bad case workers. no one CARES about this boy, no one looks at him, no one asks why he behaves the way he does. he gets written off, over and over and over again, in every part of his life. that is FUNDAMENTAL to who he is and what has shaped his views and personality as a person
growing up, no one helped him with his homework, no one read to him at night. probably he had very limited experience with books before he entered school. if andrew is dyslexic he would have struggled in school from very early on, and he would not be receiving any help or support at home. he never learned any skills or coping mechanisms for dealing with the fact that he mixes up his letters or that his head hurts when he looks at them too long, because no one is paying attention to him to notice these things. if he’d received help, if people had been patient with him, he probably could have learned to read just fine and could have done well in school with some accommodations. instead, he just learned to resent reading, to hate books, because people were always trying to force him into it the wrong way, when he was a square peg in a round hole and he needed to approach reading differently from the other kids. but no one saw that there was a problem that could be helped, they only saw HIM as a problem, so no one helped him. not his foster parents, not his foster siblings, not his teachers. so he has no positive associations with reading, it’s just a continuous negative in his life
his teachers especially saw his outbursts and his resistance in class. they didn’t see that he was an abused, traumatized (autistic) child with a learning disability who couldn’t convey to anyone that reading was frustrating and physically painful for him, that he only needed a little more time and a little more support. they only saw his “attitude” and the fact that he took longer than his classmates. so they labelled him a “bad” kid, a “stupid” kid, and they didn’t question that judgement further
no one saw that, if he was given that extra time to read and think at his own pace, that he was brilliant. that he remembered everything that was ever said to him, word for word. they didn’t notice his self-discipline. his skill at puzzles and mind-games. the way he could see right through people and predict with uncanny accuracy how they would act and react. how good he was at putting clues together. his incredible spatial reasoning. they didn’t start conversations with him long enough to realize that he was incisive and observant and clever. they didn’t notice that he was bright and inquisitive, if reserved. that because no one ever answered his questions he learned how to answer them himself. that he started trouble because he was bored and under-stimulated. all they knew was that he never finished his tests and that he couldn’t read aloud in class because everything in schools is levels and data and test scores and working under ridiculous time requirements.
so i don’t really like that common characterization of andrew as a bookworm who does well in school. we know that andrew is intelligent, it’s so obvious that he’s brilliant to us from reading the books, but that’s because we’re seeing him through neil’s eyes. neil who looks at and understands andrew more than anyone else ever has, who sees in him the things that other people miss. and that’s important, because people have missed the fact that andrew is smart. but reading books, getting good grades, eloquent essays, that’s all one of the most typical, the most universally recognized ways to be smart. and i think that’s an injustice for andrew as a character and what his story represents, because he represents all the kids that got missed and passed over and thrown aside for not operating “correctly,” for reacting to things the “wrong” way
there are so many ways to be smart, so many different kinds of intelligence that get dismissed and written off for not being successful in the very narrow set of skills the school system teaches. giving andrew the most classic and conformative and universally recognized signs of “being smart” (actively AGAINST his passive characterization in canon) is honestly a disservice to him. and that’s what i like about him being dyslexic, of him struggling in school, because he can still be smart, be BRILLIANT (because he IS brilliant) but in non-conventional ways
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clearmillerart · 4 years
Actually, genuinely find your design to be so cool and eye-catching? Do you have any personal headcanons/ or ideas you like to follow for your own designs?
Thank you!
I don’t really have much hcs design-wise, cuz most of my designs are heavily inspired on other’s designs in this fandom (no one specific, i didnt stole or anything, just did my own vesion with the things i liked the most) I have somewhat vague headcanon that techno keeps his braid that long cuz he wasnt allowed to have long hair when he was young And the lenght of his braid reminds him how long he is free from any restrictions Nothing else in his design have meaning tbh, cuz i automatically started to draw his mask as a sheep-skull just because i have the most knowledge anatomy-wise of this skull, my hand just remembers how to draw it And also I have a real sheep skull irl so free reference But in my mind it doesnt represents specific animal, its more of a warning Ang the fangs keeps the pig-vibe :) Im trying to keep my designs in a specific style for a specific person For example Wilbur is grunge I like the feel of old and patched up clothes in his style, the many layers of clothes, the specific textures of it Techno in comparison is more elegant, i think that his clothes made of silk and light leather, but his cape is goddamn massive Also I really like to draw jewelry (like massive rings, earrings, etc.) on him, but I never had a chance to show it fully, maybe I’ll do that later Dream doesnt have a specific style, but i like to keep his design detail-heavy, with all the straps, armor pieces, pockets, his weirdly structured hood I like the idea that he wears a simple hoody, but his design is still detailed af Also I follow my vague headcanons of difference between him and Techno in theirs fight styles, I think that Dream keeps his clothing and armour light so he can keep the speed of his movemens, his mobility and agility, but Techno is more of a tank characther who relies on his strengh and stamina if that makes sense The presidency-gang I keep in classic outfits and it looks really weird next to designs of others but I like that weirdness cuz I don’t think that every detail of this universe has to make perfect sense, you know? Most of their designs is just the idea that they all wearing something thats comfy for them I hope that makes sense cuz I got distracted so much while writing this post Also I’m dyslexic so pardon for any mistakes 
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lingual-exploits · 3 years
As someone who has studied (studies?) Japanese a lot and is dyslexic and is learning Russian— I've come to realize how amazing a syllabary is.
Like こち = ko chi, it will always equal ko chi
わたしのなまえ = wa ta shi no na ma e
Each little character is an entire syllable except perhaps double consonants e.g いっぽん = ippon instead of いぽん = ipon; they do sound different.
I am learning the Russian alphabet and actually doing pretty good especially with Duolingo adding an entire section dedicated to it. But the fact that multiple characters need to be used to make 1 syllable is stressful AF. Because it means it can sound somewhat different depending on the syllable its forming.
So sounding out in Japanese is hella easy, you do things slowly but once you recognize the Kana all you have to do is speed up your speech (and well learn where words end and pitch and blah). With Russian I have to sound out every single letter individually, then figure out how it works into a syllable, then finally figure out how each syllable makes the sound of the word. And sometimes despite knowing all the letters perfectly I still get the sound wrong. Not because its spelled weird but because oh my fucking gods is sounding shit out DIFFICULT ....yet it never was in Japanese once I knew the Kana by heart.
This difficulty doesn't happen with a syllabary but it does with an alphabet. I'll admit at least Russian spelling is decent *glares at french intensely*
I love studying scripts, Arabic, Greek, Kana, Kanji before I quit, Korean, and I have a mighty desire for Georgian. But when actually studying the language not just the script this type of shit comes out of no where. My brain is all: "oh remember how difficult it was to sound out extremely simple english words in school? ..... welp that issue hasn't even slightly improved since childhood good luck lmmmaaaooo"
ignore any english mistakes im to tired to proof read
Own the upside I can officially read my own blog's title (former title was не понимаю)
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