#im sorry i cant give a more in-depth analysis of things on this show but i am still very early into it
goseiger for the top 3 thing?
as a note, im only like twenty-something episodes into goseiger and will remain that way until someone ( @iwatchtoomuchtoku ) finds the time to continue it with me
top 3 favorite characters
Hyde bc for some reason i like ‘sharkboy except as an adult who probs not only has a coupon binder but also organizes his coupons by expiration date and type’, Moune bc im gay, and Alata bc im specifically gay for dragons
top 3 least favorite characters
i??? dont think i have any, actually? not enough for me to think about off the top of my head. even the villains are fairly enjoyable in their own right, enough that i dont actually dislike watching them.
top 3 otps
Hyde x Past Teammate Guy That Died (Magis? i think?). Alata and Eri have some cute potential, i remember that ep with him having her do the training stuff she taught him as kids was super adorable. i dont actually ship much in this show, im realizing. i guess my last one would be…. Hyde and Agri seems fairly popular and also p cute, i could get behind that.
top 3 notps
i mean. hand-in-hand with not really shipping anyone is not really not-shipping anyone either. i mean besides the obvious (pls tell me theres no moune and agri ppl out there, theyre siblings, yo). 
top 3 brotps
Moune and Hyde are wlw/mlm solidarity and you cant change my mind. Moune and Eri are both different flavors of reckless, and its great. Alata is literally Everyone’s best friend, so can i say i brotp him with Everyone? if i gotta be specific, him with the kid is real cute.
top 3 favorite episodes/chapters/scenes/games in series
So far? the very first thing that comes to mind is when theyre all trying to communicate with their elements and alata and eri are flying, and moune and agri are just kneeling on the ground, and then theres hyde. floating, fully dressed, in the middle of the ocean. Fully Dressed. i think its part of why he became my favorite bc hyde. buddy. what are you Doing.
other than that… i liked hyde and moune working together to get outta that weird box/other dimension thing (i dont remember what episode this was). oh and when hyde and agri went shopping and hyde dragged them to all the stores to find the best deals, and then had them go back around again to actually buy all the stuff.
…all of these moments include hyde. dammit. okay lets see, a couple without hyde… alata drawing his own card bc his powers werent working was so so good. moune and eri working together whilst the boys were literal furniture was Also a gift sent to me, specifically.
top 3 other things u think ppl who like this thing should watch/read/play
i mean??? other super sentai stuff probably? idk ive seen like 2 super sentai and i dont know anything about it. i think literally everyone should go watch Leverage, and its got team-found-family dynamics and hijinks so if you like that kinda thing… thats all i can think of right now XP
my rating of this media out of 3, with 0 being lowest and 3 being highest
3 so far. its cute, and i like the team, and Hyde is my sharkman!
send me a show or anything really
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Emma in the night Book review.
Hello there my lovelies, I know its been a little while since I last posted and I have honestly missed doing this so much, so thank you to anyone still here and still supporting me, it means the absolute world. 
As everyone is fully aware 2020 was an awful one but hopefully this year we can aim for a little more positivity and happiness, which is why im back today with a review of my first read of this year and bloody hell did I pick a goodun! So this is my first review for my first book of 2021, enjoy! 
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The writing style
One of my favourite things about this book was the different points of view you get to experience and how well they mesh together. For example, we are told very early on that the events Cass is recalling aren’t exactly what you would call accurate and that she has spent months planning and creating this false narrative in an order to manipulate the people she's describing them to (which in itself is something I always get drawn into, the mystery and the need to figure out the characters motives and intentions along side the biggest question of all WHY?! Which is a question will find yourself screaming at the pages) This is made very apparent from the use of the choppy and restrictive way that these scenes are written. Wendy also somehow manages to create a feeling of desperation and messiness whilst having the characters maintaining such a mellow and collected exterior, you know the calm before the storm! Which is such a jarring feeling but one that realty captured and immersed me. A feeling I don’t think is easy to convey through a book format. That in itself is a testament to Wendy’s talent as a writer.
When you compare Cass’ chapters and inner dialogue to detective Abby’s they are so different but when they are looked at side by side they create a very interesting contrast that as I said before works so well, while there is a calm chaos to Cass’ words there is in turn a very structured and balanced feel to Abby's, almost a little detached like you were reading sections cut directly from a police case file. Through this constant difference in characters POVS the story flowed flawlessly and at the perfect pace for a thriller book. 
The climax of the book was not just shocking but also depicted so well in how the writing matched the pace of the reveal, the whole book alternates between cass and Abby with each chapter assigned to one of the characters but towards the end you see that the different POVs are whittled down to single sentences or just a few paragraphs that get shorter and shorter as the tension builds, creating this intense feeling of panic, alert and fear. A method that I swear had my heart physically racing at the end! It was like watching a classic cat and mouse scene play out in my hands/
I also have to mention that very last chapter. I'm sorry for waffling on but please bare with me. For a book based around secrets and deception the ending was that of a perfect one because of its ability to make you feel like after reading it you now share a secret with Cass and you are now part of this extremely messed up story and family, you have this understanding of her whole character and her motives which really brings everything full circle.
The character development:
The character development in this book is one of the best ive seen in awhile with each character being incredibly layered and yet undeniably flawed. Its done in such a human way that it doesn’t feel too far fetched like some thrillers ive read in recent years. Ensuring that all of the emotions tied in with said characters hit 10 times harder than that of those very basic 2 dimensional characters, even the worst people in this story have a difficult background or some type of abusive past, just a catalyst for their behaviours and characteristics and by gradually being informed of them you and being given the bigger picture you almost create an individual relationship and opinion on them ranging from hatred to pity. We get amazing development in every single one even the seemingly unimportant ones because even they are given enough backstory to still secure a connection of some kind with them, something I know we can all appreciate as readers.
The relationships.
The main relationship ill focus on is that of the sisters Cass and Emma. I know there are a lot of relationships in this book that over lap and intertwine in really interesting and sometimes awful ways but as these two characters are the basis of our main storyline it makes a little more sense to focus the attention on them
As a huge plot point throughout the story we see that due to the actions of their mother and her lack of genuine maternal instinct and well, love we see the girls in this constant battle of who can earn their mothers love trust and affections first. Which was so heart breaking to read, through their mothers constant manipulation and abuse we see them fighting the resentment and distance that they know is growing between them and sadly a lot of the time losing because of Mrs. Martins influence and involvement. Its very obvious when reading about their mother that her abuse is based around the fear she feels at the idea of any kind of alliance that the girls could potentially form with each other, god forbid they turn against her and out her as a bad mother! So she decides its easier to create a wedge between the two of them by openly favouring one over the other which unfortunately results in a lot of cruel actions from Emma direct at Cass, creating another toxic relationship and situation for the girls to live in. Although we do get the occasional glimpse at these really beautiful and raw moments of sisterhood and love they share deep down. After seeing so much pain in their story it made these moments just that little bit more special and down right beautiful which was a part that i especially adored.
The themes:
In its relatively short amount of pages this book manages to explore a huge variety of themes from love and obsession to betrayal abuse and manipulation, which lets be honest is everything you want in a good thriller book but usually when a writer takes on this many themes I always find some of them are either touched upon very quickly then dismissed and never revisited or thought of again or done so badly with such a lack of care that its obvious they were just included for the author to be able to say they've hit all the key themes a reader would expect a good thriller to hit. Yet Wendy manages to not only explore all of these and more, but manages to do it well and so subtly you don't notice until you sit back and think about them all which to me just shows a writers real talent.
The psychology:
Another huge part of this book and something I adored were the analysis parts of the book, the in-depth look into narcissism and its effects on the children it surrounds.  We are constantly listening to Detective Abby explaining and exploring the characteristics of the people Cass is talking about in her chapters, exploring the connections and the risk factors associated with such a serious disorder as narcissistic personality disorder. I found this to give the story and writing some real merit, it felt like i was reading a psychology book and getting down to the real science of why characters work the way they do and giving the reader a chance to explore it themselves instead of just being told this person has this which is something I cant stand in books. Instead of investing time and effort into helping guide you to a conclusion or even showing you they just tell you this is how it is and expect that to be enough. So frustrating! None the less, this is something I haven't experienced in another book and a technique I hope to see more of!
Similar books:
When reading this I got very strong sharp objects vibes, the fractured relationship between families, focusing on mother and daughter, a highly manipulative mother, an obsession with public facades and the desperate need to keep up appearances and so much more! If you liked sharp objects you will love this, as Emma in the night has all of the important story beats and intrigue that sharp objects has but more intensity and a faster paced story something I felt was missing when I read SO’S.
Over all I adored this book, as you can probably tell and considering it is my first Wendy walker book I can safely say i have fallen in love! I can promise you now this will not be my last read from her collection. I was captivated by her story and her writing which is why i couldn’t recommend this more!
A very very easy 5/5. 
so that's it, thanks for reading my review, i really hope you enjoyed it! sorry if I waffled at all its been awhile since ive written any reviews and am still getting my bearings with it again so please be patient with me. Hope you have a fab week my lovelies, Bye!
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artigas · 5 years
(1) Hi! Its the anon that asked about lizzie and tatiana, I’m currently halfway through s5 and i really like jessie! I thought she was gonna be the one to finally resist tommys advances. I liked the scene where he goes to her apartment and they have a good back and forth. But alas she cant resist and sleeps w him, and he’s essentially just using her. I love her as a character and how she manifests her ideals into actions but, so far i thought she’d call out tommys shit by now!
And specially i cant help but resent how they set up the women to compete against one another, i rolled my eyes at the scene where they are exiting the polls and jesse and lizzie size each other up. Girls, please move on. I did like in season 5 where tommy is drunk meeting w jessie and she just gets up and leaves. I think the show has good female characters it just that they prioritize the male ones more. Unlike the women, the male characters dont revolve around a relationship. and finally, And idk if im just overthinking things but i think the show has upped its sexist comments? specially w tommy and arthur. W tommy telling lizzie shes his property and arthur telling linda to just be a good wife. Meanwhile polly and ada are really well written characters for the most part! Sorry this is so long i just have a lot of thoughts regarding the women of this show. And i love your analisis!
Nope! Don’t apologize, friend, I’ve absolutely adored reading all your feedback and your experience watching the show! I think Peaky Blinders, for all its good, has a lot of space to grow when it comes to women characters who are potentially romantically/sexually available to the protagonists- it does sometimes feel like the quality of writing and the depth of character for women characters waxes and wanes, but I also think that a lot of these characters- Lizzie, Grace, Polly, Esme, etc- have these great foundations, these building blocks of characterization that make them really compelling and really promising so long as they have free reign to be written as complexly and as thoughtfully as their male counterparts. I think Grace is a really stellar example, you know? Love her or hate her, she has a history, a back-story, individual motivations, and a social/political ideology that can actually really be broken down in some pretty interesting ways! Polly, too, is another character who is probably most obviously allowed to be pointedly ambitious, sexual, manipulative and outright cruel and still someone the show clearly roots for and sides with. I love what we get with Polly, especially considering how most shows would probably limit her to being maternal, chaste, and uninvolved in the family business (likely because of her age, too). Overall, I think the show does a good job of giving women characters flaws- none of them are meant to be perfect. But I really do think Peaky Blinders could benefit from occasionally resisting the urge to have all its women have romantic subplots, primarily with Tommy almost unexceptionally. 
As far as Jessie goes, I really do love that she’s someone who has this strong ethical and political foundation. I mean, Jessie and Freddie in a room together would’ve been a sight, right? I especially adored her scenes with Ada. I think they had such interesting chemistry and so much could’ve been done if the show had the real estate to really contrast Jessie’s idealism and dedication to the communist cause and Ada’s disenchanted relationship with that same movement she once honestly dedicated herself to. The fact that Jessie and Tommy both draw together because they represent to one (or, at least, invoke the memory of) their respective lost loves was also a refreshing change in terms of the sort of “romantic” relationships Tommy has had thus far. (How authentic we want to think that ‘relationship’ was from either Jessie or Tommy’s end is a different story and definitely worthy of suspect and investigation in the funnest possible way, I think, but I don’t wanna rant).
As far as season five goes, I think the hike in misogynist language and ideology wasn’t coincidental or without thought. I think Arthur and Tommy both are progressively getting worse as the show goes on and went through separate, but equally erosive psychological processes that took out a really ugly side to them both, especially in their relationship with the women in their lives. It felt to me like both characters were scrambling for control and finding a way to express authority over women who depend on them became one of the ways that need made itself manifest. I think it’s no coincidence that Lizzie and Linda look for solidarity in each other. I think their joint decision to write those letters, advocate their needs, and then respectively find some sort of approach to the state of their lives so that they could carry on with some semblance of safety, security, or (dare I say it!) happiness was interesting and heartbreaking- Linda tried to find it by leaving the family, finding another person to speak to and find solace with, and then eventually breaking down to the decision to attack Arthur and it hurt to see it! Lizzie’s own process was so complex, I think. I could go on and on about her belief that life wasn’t about what one deserves, but what one agrees to, settles for, etc. Her sex scene with Tommy, too, really just invites so much analysis and criticism, right? Which makes it, I think, a very effective sex scene as far as writing goes, because it isn’t a pause from characterization or plot, but rather a moment of intimacy between Lizzie and Tommy that reveals a different facet of their respective character developments. Was it kinda messy for Tommy to call her his property? Absolutely! But I also don’t want to dismiss how much I liked hearing Lizzie advocate some boundaries in that sex scene, too. It’s complicated, man! It’s a scene a lot of people have interpreted different and I’ve loved hearing all the different takes, there’s so much validity to be found in the different readings I’ve already seen out there. 
I think the show made no excuses for how awful Tommy and Arthur were being through season five. I think we as the audience are meant to recognize that their conduct and their comments weren’t something to emulate or exonerate, but instead symptomatic of their downwards progression throughout the season. It’s just a shame that these condemnations probably aren’t overt enough for the real Meat-Head faction of the fandom to catch onto- reddit is a nasty place to venture off into if you’re invested in any of Peaky’s female characters, that’s for sure. But man, if you’re here on tumblr, boy does this fandom have a lot of people churning out meta worth reading! If you want some blog recommendations, let me know!!! Thank you for keeping my in the loop with your watching journey ♡
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missjackil · 6 years
My 14x15 Opinion
Peace of Mind
Wow, this 2nd half of the season is really turning out to be so good!! I have not been disappointed by any episodes since the mid-season finale! I had heard a lot of negativity before this one aired, mainly because the brothers would be separated, but I don't think the episode suffered all that much from it, I think because we got Sad!Sam Caring!Dean in the beginning, and the end. Also I had heard Hellers rejoicing before it aired because apparently it was written by Dabb’s assistant who “openly ships destiel” (I don't know this to be a fact because I don't watch Hellers on Twitter) and surely she would give that ship representation, but nope. Not even a crumb 😜 in fact, we wincesters and our sastiel friends were pretty delighted it seems😁 So without further ado, click the cut for my more in-depth analysis.  
Early on we get a worried Dean because Sam tells him he's alright, but he knows its crap. Sam walks through the war room and has nearly debilitating flashbacks of the recent blood and carnage. Nope. Sam’s not alright, and my heart breaks for him. Thankfully Dean isn't angry with him at all, he’s concerned he’s not getting any rest and wants to run out on a hunt again. Sam won't hear it, he’s out in 10. Cas volunteers to go with and nominates Dean to stay with Jack.,. For some reason, Cas thinks Dean would help him with the soullessness, but Dean disagrees. It was a good call to take him to see Donatello, he reminds me of my dad, I like him. (My dad had a soul though hehe) 
I also like that they didn't forget that Dean doesn't like snakes very much. I always like seeing Sam and Dean creeped out about normal things other people are creeped out about. It makes them so much more human and down to Earth.
Now we go off to this strange piscturesque town that appears to be stuck in the 1950s. .Sam is given a milkshake that he finds delicious, and yes, I thought the milkshake was poison, not gonna lie. and now we can watch him slowly spiral down into the happiness of the town. How cute was it though, that he was excited about pot roast?
In the morning, Cas cant find Sam, so he gets a little frantic trying to find him. Now, I dont ship sastiel, but this episode showed me why its an understandable ship. Cas has a protectiveness over Sam, similar to Deans, though not the same energy. Cas has never really been very protective over Dean. Sam has a respect for Cas,  maybe not at Angel of the Lord level, but he understands Cas much more than Dean does. 
Now we get introducted to Stepford!Sam aka Justin Smith, and I got hives right away LOL but he was actually very funny! This season has blessed us with seeing Sam in a lot of ways we don’t typically see him,and this was really an out-of-the-box persona for him, and Jared did a great job again!.
Cas aint havin none of Stepford!Sam so he’s off to figure out wtf is going on and fix it before Dean wont let him take Sam out ever again! Sam follows him and brings others to “take care” of Cas, and now Stepford!Sam is kinda psycho. HJe tackles Cas and is going to kill him with the Angel Blade, but Cas tried to talk him out of the mind control. Now, my one big complaint in this episode is that Cas tells Sam he knows what it’s like to fail as a leader. Sorry folks, Sam did NOT fail as a leader. Im sure Sam feels like he’s at fault, I mean, he blames himself for The Limburg Baby and Global Warming basically, but no way did he fail anyone. But that aside, my little canon wincest heart fluttered with the fact that Sam came to when Dean was mentioned. 😍 I did not like the mayer trying to explode Sam’s brain and making his face all melty.... stop that!! But all that at the end there, seemed to me, to be a call back to Sam and the psychic kids from back in the day, with the psychic mind control, and how the waitress did the hand thing like Sam did to take control over the mayor, so Im just gonna put that on my “things that make me go hmmmm” shelf.
Back at the bunker, Cas has told Dean about all that had happened. I must say Dean looked a little jealous about Sam having a wife, and maybe a little hurt that Sam was “happy”. Sam told Dean it was all fake but comes out with the fact he hates the Bunker right now, and has been running them ragged just to get out. I loved that he said “Its my home... its our home” and he cant run anymore, he just needs time. Dean gave him a nice supportive touch on the shoulder “ok Sam” but Deans expression, to me, looks like he doesnt really believe him, and is worried again that Sam will want to leave. This may happened. Im not convinced we’re out of Sam’s self loathing period, nor is he over the trauma. I dont think Sam would ever ever leave Dean again, but he’s not beyond needing time away to decompress. 
I have to give praise to Jared yet again for his acting in this one. So many different moods and ranges and a whole other persona that he executed flawlessly. This has been such a good season for Jared to flex his acting muscles!
Overall I really enjoyed this episode, even with the boys off doing seperate things, it was much better than I expected. Next week we have a nice brothers only MOTW and I cant wait! The real shit is gonna hit the fan soon!
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon... I give this one a 7.5 more brtime would have earned it an 8 or more, but the bro time they gave us was very good.
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axelsandwich · 7 years
I’ve been getting quite a lot of similar questions on curiouscat recently so I figured I might as well put together a FAQ for new fans who have found my twitter.
If you are a new fan of FS, PLEASE go to @soyouwanttowatchfs! 
They provide livestream links for most FS competitions and GREAT intro guides on learning about skating basics, competitions, skaters and elements.
See In The Loop podcast’s website for a handy calendar of events with timezone conversions.
A great guide for resources for watching FS events live - this is for Milan 2018 in particular but most things are applicable generally to all competitions.
Rabbit army: some FS fans have begun hosting rabbit streams of FS related content and will post announcements on their twitter when they do. some key ones to follow:
Other skating resources. Just combing through the asks of the above accounts and the ones below (you can usually click through the tags) will ‘flesh out’ your basic understanding of FS. Please note that all of the writers are biased to some degree, which is why it’s good to read multiple sources and draw your own conclusions.
Here’s a quick ‘n dirty rundown guide to FS scoring + intro to the field in memes (pre-Olympics field though)
Explainers of key singles skating FS elements with handy visual aides: http://the-real-xmonster.tumblr.com/post/169802732209/hello-new-fans
Jump guide with HIGHLIGHTED visual elements - http://chibura.tumblr.com/post/155092378025/breaking-down-6-basic-jumps
Glossary of common FS terminology: https://soyouwanttowatchfs.com/post/170312069530/figure-skating-abcs-glossary-of-common-terms
Guides to skaters current in the FS scene
Reblogged tag of SYWTWFS has good content from other creators: http://soyouwanttowatchfs.tumblr.com/tagged/reblogged
FS Ask answers a wide range of questions: http://figureskatingask.tumblr.com/
Chibura does some VERY detailed in-depth writeups/breakdowns for when you’re a little more advanced: http://chibura.tumblr.com/tagged/figure-skating-analysis
I couldn’t watch (insert broadcast) live! Where can I rewatch?
Was it broadcast on Japanese TV? Are you within 1wk or so of the broadcast date? 
FujiTV usually saves the broadcast for about a week for you to rewatch. Find the right channel + timeslot the show originally aired (most details should be published somewhere, just dig for it. If it’s Yuzuru, the FujiTV channel number and time will be on the front page of the viewing thread on Planet Hanyu)
Did it feature Yuzuru?  
Check the compilation threads on Planet Hanyu which usually upload links very soon after the broadcast and throw some thanks to Kaeryth for doing so much hard work
It’s not in the compilation thread
Ask and hope for the best in the Media Requests thread
Read through the Twitter timelines of fans who tend to retweet news on your particular skater and they may retweet a tweet containing an upload link
Check Youtube/Dailymotion - uploaders tend to be slower (unless for competition programs). If you can find the Japanese title, sometimes searching in Japanese on Youtube or DailyMotion will give you results (Dailymotion is favoured more by JP uploaders since they don’t take things down as often)
It doesn’t feature Yuzuru
Best to message ‘main’ fans of those other skaters or check forums such as GoldenSkate (low possibility but maybe)
Here’s a list of my personal recs for a couple of non-yuzuru-focused stans
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what’s a yuzuru hanyu?
your historic two time olympic mens figure skating champion champion, also maybe some sort of highly addictive substance idk
where can I get yuzu news and updates?
planet hanyu has a news thread with all the most recent yuzu news
here’s a fanyu and fandom lingo-specific glossary
the calendar also records when shows will be broadcasted
tumblr blogs focused on yuzuru that I personally like to follow are: @tsukihoshi14, @the-real-xmonster, @jumpitwithashuulanditwithapa, @yuzusorbet, @wherespacepooh, @jardinaquatique​, @tadakixd
sportymags on wordpress has a bunch of really nice and helpful yuzuru blog entries
I also just love reading morozombie’s blog entries, he has this dry writing style that tickles my exact funny bone
you can also comb through most of the people I follow on Twitter
who is the old dude who’s always seen with yuzuru at competitions?
most likely kikuchi akira (the old Japanese guy who is Yuzu’s personal trainer): https://sportymags.wordpress.com/2016/07/23/yuzuru-hanyu-team-hanyu/
or ghislain briand, Yuzu’s jump coach at TCC: http://kaerb.tumblr.com/post/172441621579/hey-lae-im-sorry-to-bother-you-but-i-cant-find
are yuzuru and javier real friends?
what happened between yuzuru and denis ten at boston worlds 2016?
what happened to yuzuru at boston worlds 2016? 
he was hiding a lisfranc ligament injury which had gotten steadily worse all season
this also sums up how it felt to be a fan at the time in context
what happened to yuzuru at Cup of China?
These Aoi Honoo II chapters detail the situation in Yuzuru’s own words (be warned, it’s quite graphic in its descriptions): - https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/150270208657/my-sharing-from-aoi-hono-ii-warning-will-cause - https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/150343296547/continuation-of-scene-10-of-aoi-hono-ii-a-battle
why do some fans on twitter call yuzuru ‘zazura’ or otherwise butcher his name?
it’s a joke to make fun of the fact western commentators have frequently messed up his name in the past, ranging from ‘yuzura to yasunori’
where does this clip of yuzu come from? / where can I find a clip of yuzuru at [event]
do not ask me - I rarely save links
either post here or ask the person who uploaded the clip
All of yuzuru’s senior competition performances
Links to documentaries, shows and other media yuzu’s participated in
where can I find a copy of yuzuru’s autobiographies?
There are no official translations of his autobiographies Aoi Honoo 1 and 2 or Yume wo Ikiru (his newest ones) but generous fans have translated it (or parts) into English.  You can show proof of purchase for Aoi Honoo 1 and get the Eng translation here: http://yuzuru-hanyu-translations.weebly.com/aoi-honoo.html @tsukihoshi14​ has recently completed a translation of Aoi Honoo 2, you can show proof of purchase and get the translations now: http://tsukihoshi14.tumblr.com/post/171947689783/aoi-hono-ii-english-translations   @yuzusorbet​ has done partial translations of Aoi Honoo 2 here: https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/156152283157/aoi-hono-blue-flame-and-aoi-hono-2-are
where can I get yuzu merchandise in japan?
my favourite yuzu moments
my top 5 fave yuzu programs
what I think are some of yuzu’s best contributions to figure skating
what music I want yuzu to skate to next season
what costumes I want yuzu to wear next season
what made you love hanyu?
what camera/lens do I use?
I shoot with a canon 5D mk 2. for travelling and figure skating photos I shoot with a 24-105mm f/4 and 40mm f/2.8
tips for learning japanese
how long does it take to achieve fluency in japanese?
advice for solo travel
photography tips
tips for starting a blog
how do you travel so often?  
C+P from another CC ask: I pay for it with my own savings. I've been working while studying since high school and also benefit from scholarships. I'm lucky to get some support from my family (they give me money on eg. my birthday/Chinese New Years that I save) and to live with them (since Sydney house prices are so ridiculous that it’s almost impossible to move out). sometimes I travel for work so expenses can be covered there. 
I definitely don't travel this often all the time. I set aside a significant portion of my savings to do so. My biggest motivation for doing this trip I’m currently on (Europe + USA 2018) was 1) being in Europe already which, relative to Australia, means travelling to all these countries is much cheaper than eg. 4 separate trips from Australia it probably would have taken to cover all those, 2) having a large amount of time that I won’t ever have again and 3) being lucky to have eg. Friends/family in some of the cities I’m doing which means free accommodation. They’re very specific circumstances that have made it possible for me
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simkjrs · 7 years
(1/9 I’M SORRY) I was so, so sad to see that post you made about people leaving you rude comments on your fics, because you're one of my favourite fic writers and you clearly put so much thought and effort into your stories. I love reading your commentary on WHY a character might be different than they are in canon, and how you interpret the world they live in. Your analysis on B/NHA economics and how that affects BYGGUALOM I/zuku's view of heroes remains one of my favourite pieces of meta.
(2/9) I absolutely adore the way you write I/zuku in all your different AUs, I love the way you develop BYGGUALOM I/zuku’s relationship with B/akugou and go in depth about all the problems they have, I’ve reread the fic a couple of times and keep finding interesting new tidbits, like the shop keepers first calling it out as abuse when they offer to let him sneak out the back early in the story and he gets SO UNCOMFORTABLE hearing it foreshadowing him having to face it in the future, the slowly
(3/9) dawning realisations of people who know the both of them realising what is up, how B/akugou can still show affection for I/zuku and try to be supportive while absolutely fucking him up and how REAL that is when someone you care about is so good in some ways and so bad in others. You don’t completely villainize B/akugou either, which I REALLY appreciate. So many fics just make him this cruel abusive monster who puts I/zuku down because he’s just bad, but you don’t ignore the more complex
(4/9) aspects of B/akugou’s character. You don’t demonise him but you don’t let him get away with shit either, he has to face consequences for what he’s done, and that balance makes for far more interesting story telling. I’m so into it and so invested in the dynamic you’ve created and how they’ll both move forward as people from now on!And that’s not even getting into MSA, which I am so enamoured with and eagerly awaiting each new chapter with bated breath. It’s true that I’ve had moments
(5/9) where I’ve thought that MSA I/zuku felt out of character, but you’re absolutely right that it’s because of how his experiences have differed and how he views the world. There are fundamental differences between him and his canon counterpart, and when you put him into context you can still recognise the character and his motivations and core beliefs despite all the differing bullshit they’ve been through. MSA I/zuku’s reactions feel so raw and realistic, I have cried for this boy in the
(6/9) latest update. I can still see D/eku in him, he’s not trying to be a hero and avoiding as much of the spotlight as possible, but he’s doing his best to help people, he’s refusing to abandon anyone no matter how jaded and bitter he might have become, at his core he’s still our awkward heroic bean that we all love and honestly? MSA is such an interesting and beautiful story that I will take a little bit of OOC behaviour that makes sense in the context of the narrative you’re crafting if it
(7/9) makes for more interesting story telling. Sticking so rigidly to a canon characterisation that developed from experiences this I/zuku just hasn’t had would make for a much weaker story that I’d be far less invested in. Some of I/zuku’s sass may not read as what I’d expect from his canon counterpart who has admitted to having a terrible sense of humour, but it’s just so entertaining and gives you more insight on how many fucks he has had forcibly ripped out of him and the coping mechanisms
(8/9) he has had to develop to deal with his life. Finding a fic with an I/zuku that DOESN’T think he deserves all this bullshit and snaps back against it with such grace and wit is such a refreshing change compared to all the weak stuttery self loathing I/zuku’s I see, and it’s so gratifying when he’s able to push back. I love him. I want to know more about him. I want to hear about all his changes and how he came to be the way he is and what we know makes SENSE damn it!
(9/9) This got really long I’m sorry it’s really late here and I'm so tired so I don't know if my rambling was coherent, I just have a lot of feelings on your works and I hate that someone made you feel bad about something you do so well that I and so many others love so much. You're a fantastic writer who responds well to constructive criticism and puts so much effort into interacting with their fanbase, I wanted you to know how much I appreciate it and you and your writing. So many feelings.
hey listen... this is one of the longest and most heartfelt reviews ive ever gotten  im seriously overwhelmed, i cant believe you just pumped this out on the spot just cause i was feeling a little down. thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this out. i always say this but i really do mean it -- this means a lot to me. i wish i could express in better words how i feel, but i have no idea where to even begin. 
i feel like you’ve seen so many of the things and purposes i was writing towards, and i feel so incredibly gratified that you were able to see what i was trying to do. i’m really glad that my stories have been engaging and interesting, and i’m even happier that you enjoyed them. thank you so much for this review!!! 
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“One hour to go until I find out if people are actually keeping me, or if they're all just being assholes and wanting to blindside me.” - jev
HOH: Brianna NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki POV: Nathan FINAL NOMINEES: Jev & Kiki EVICTED: Kiki (4-0)
I feel this could be the end for me this week, considering I named Brianna as renom last week and she has nominated me previously it's not looking good for me. However, last week after naming her renom, I did send her screenshots from Nathan of him throwing her and Aria under the bus to me just incase she stayed, so I purposefully threw him under the bus for this exact reason and I'm just hoping the move will pay off and there's even a slight chance she'll nominate him and keep me off the block. I'm also hoping she'll recognise that I didn't consider her as one of my initial noms and only named her as replacement because I was put into a shitty predicament last week by Nathan and his veto win, but who knows. I'm extremely proud of the game I've played but it'd suck to leave at F7 after getting this far.
So....its been a bit huh,...sorry about that yall pls just take this anaylsis of everyone left k thanks <3
Looking at the whole of his game this man has been targeted since prejury yet his social connections and physical prowess has kept him safe this long- typically this would lend itself to a very strong underdog story but at the same time his attitude this game has been very rocky as he's threatened to quit or just give up multiple times before which may decrease the amount of respect the jury has for him. At this moment in time he can be categorized as a big player due to his numerous fights which could gain jury respect because it does show that he wants to play but im unsure if its enough. In terms of social connections he presents himself as having limited connections with others as he doesnt talk with kiki or jev but has a mutual understanding between him and joshua as they are both big threats/targets leading them to want to keep each other safe. This does bring up complications when trying to eliminate joshua from this game but thats for another analysis. He's constantly threatened the status quo of the house and if it wasn't for his attitude (and maybe the lack of connections to people like kiki and jev) he could be a shoe-in to win. It should also be considered that he has constant correspondence with emma and somewhat of a connections with bri. It should also be highlighted that hes very good at mending bridges considering hes working with someone he previously attempted to nominate (brianna) and had a fight with (joshua) Honestly he's playing a great game and the bitterness visible from kiki/jev does not reflect the jury- its more likely that he can beat me at the end. 
Leaving: f3/4/
Threat: Big/Physical
Winning Chance: 4/5
So most players still left in the game perceive kiki to just be coasting along and honestly their win chances are minimal. I think their social game has been slacking as well as they're typically very hesitant to be honest with their game thoughts so they've failed to secure the connections that they need to get them to the end of this game. Their view on the game is also very confusing as they pretended to not know sides to me and no matter what the truth was it was a very bad look on their part. Also on a more personal note they showed that they're willing to snap as seen yesterday in bri's dms and in the live competition channel. In terms of this vote I have hardly any connection to them and if they won hoh next week i know that i would not be safe unlike jev who i've formed a more honest relationship with. I am slightly worried that im taking out someone with no win chance but my first priority will always be house dynamics and to appease the bb gods, they need to leave.
Leaving: f7
Threat: None, likeability
Winning chance: 1/5
Literally just hand the kid the winning title and pots at this point his control over the game is incredible. He has deals and connections with EVERY single person in this game and I truly feel like he can make the end if we dont take him out here but I can't control nathan at this point. I think he's formed connections to me and nathan through all of us being "big threats" while he has connections to Jev/Emma/Kiki as they were all on the original side and he's somehow escaped the block on someones hoh who he previously put up...this guy is unstoppable wtf. However the entire game IS aware of his skill and its very likely that he gets taken out soon because of this unless he goes on a comp run. I also find it very likely that the jury is rooting for him as he remained respectful with every evictee and had justifications for every eviction beyond just house dynamics and his game has been straighforward with his noms and bold with his connections. Im unsure of how exactly to get rid of him but I believe he thinks we're close (f2 tingz) and I find it unlikely he takes me out although i think hes notices that ive been a bit more closed off this week which is worrying for future endeavors.
Leaving: f6/f5
Threat: Big/Phyiscal/Social
Winning Chance: 5/5!!!!
Out of everyone left I find it very difficult to think of how Jev is playing, I think he's either playing the most straight forward game I've ever seen or his game has a lot of hidden depths. I mean how I view his game as another player is that he came into this game very unconnected but managed to wiggle his way into stable sides and form good connections where they've kept him safe when possible. Once he gained a side he stuck to it and just played an overall loyal game minus the yelling at nathan when he lied to him. I dont think the jury is very bitter at him but I also don't believe that they're super high on him in comparison to people like joshua. In terms of our own connection I think I might be higher on his trust list due to me being very proactive about using veto on him and voting to keep him- i dont think ill be in danger if he wins hoh but nathan sure will :nicolequeen: There is a chance he can beat me at the end just due to not fucking over all of the jury but the chance we make f2 is very small, he represents the utr social player that joshua might be scared of winning 
Leaving: f6/f5
Threat: Balance/Middle
Winning Chance: 4/5
Emma's game is very interesting because its similar to kiki in the fact that she's been coasting or just sticking to her side but she's aware of her flawed gameplay and wants to do better and make moves. However the end is closing end and I doubt she has the time to really make a move although she has been very smart about how she presents herself to others this entire game showing high sense of strategy. I think we're fairly close in a personal and game sense (unless shes just buttering me up for the slaughter as her own big move) so I would love to take her very far in this game. Im unsure of how the jury view her at this point in time but i cant imagine it being very high at this time unless shes manipulating things behind the scenes. At the end shes probably one of the only people I can beat because the jury might want a "big" player to win so she's def an ideal f2 choice at THIS time.
Leaving: f3/f2
Threat: Strategic
Winning Chance: 2/5
First off I love her so much personally she's seriously the kindest person I've met and i absolutely adore her but also her game has been fairly impressive so far. Her actions have been the catalyst for sides to form and big moves being made- however i can say that I had a hand in a series of these moves but received no blowback (or recognition) for them yet and I'm unsure how the jury will view us as a duo or who can lay claim to the moves made. I think some of the jury may be bitter such as Josh c and Nick but at the same time she'll have fans such as joey and jacob so its a very mixed bad and I think we'll be trying for the same votes which is worrying. She's also fairly good at comps and socializing putting her on a similar stage as nathan and joshua although for some reason she never gets the credit :/ Im unsure whether I want her at the end or not but there is a possibility ill cut her...
Leaving: ???
Threat: Social/Comp
Winning: ???
And i think i dont stand a chance tbh, my jury management has been ass but im gonna do my best <3 also sorry if this was mean fsabhfds
So Brianna has let me know that she is more than likely going to put me up as one of her initial nominees, meaning I've had to plead my case to her and severely downplay my game thus far in the hopes that she'll hear me out and by some miracle will spare me from the block this week, I'll insert the plea I sent to her at the end of this DR. I just hope she realises that there are bigger fish to fry cough Nathan cough and maybe even Joshua, although I respect him as an ally too much to even consider throwing his name out to Brianna like that. Worst comes to worst I'll just have to gun super hard for veto and take myself down, then work out the play from there if one of the other hot girls are put up in my place, but I hope Brianna isn't dumb and recognises that there isn't a drop of loyalty inside of Nathan and that she'd be stupid to keep him around another week.
So I asked Joshua if he'd save me if he won the veto, and he straight up said he'd use it on Kiki because he'd "feel bad" since he used it on me the last time me and Kiki were on the block together. It's made me feel kinda shitty because it's kinda solidifying to me that he considers me at least 3rd in our alliance, and that he and Kiki are quite likely a duo together. I have to try my hardest for this veto because I for sure leave over Kiki or the renom.
So... there is a chance, albeit a slim chance, that Nathan may use the power of veto on me. I've tried to butter him up by playing up to his kind of wildcard playstyle by saying that nobody would see it coming and it'd be the gag to end all gags, but who knows what he might do. He said he's considering it and will keep me in the loop just so I know what to expect. If I stay on the block, I know I hopefully have Aria & Emma's votes to keep me on lock, which means I'd only have to convince Joshua or Nathan to keep me, OR sway Brianna to keep me in the event of a tie, which I think is the most unlikely of the 3. Prior to tonights veto, I would've thought I'd have Joshua's vote to stay, but now I think its clear that Kiki/Joshua are a duo and Me/Emma are a duo, so I don't think I'd be able to sway him to save me unfortunately. However the rest of this week plays out, I have a lot of ass kissing to do which I hate but hopefully I can work a miracle
So... considering Nathan has promised safety to me this week I didn't quite expect him to go off on me like that in his veto speech but... I'm just gonna take the high road and not even acknowledge the video in house chat, as much as it sucks I just have to let Kiki run their mouth so hopefully people remain inclined to keep them around over me.
One hour to go until I find out if people are actually keeping me, or if they're all just being assholes and wanting to blindside me. As it stands, it should be 4-0 since all four of them have promised me their vote, but I'm lowkey suspicious about Nathan and Joshua, there's just something in the back of my mind telling me to be wary, I hope I'm just overthinking though
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scottmapess · 4 years
The ocean, the largest economic playground for would-be moon boys out here in the cold, cruel depths of the sea. Many, sadly, get completely wrecked. However, quietly lurking below the surface. A remarkable turn of events. It’s whale breeding season unperturbed by Coronavirus and its uncertainty for the global economy. The world population has been spotted to be increasing rapidly. This, as they say, is definitely good for Bitcoin. I think David Attenborough has done a great job moving on with the Times and staying relevant with his commentary. If more nature documentaries were like this, then I’d probably watch some. What he’s referring to, of course, is market research conducted by glass notes showcasing entities holding a thousand Bitcoin or more, a.k.a. Bitcoin. Whales are increasing as visualized by this spiking blue line. Two very interesting takeaways from this chart for myself. Our number one, the rates of increasing whales only briefly halted despite a 45 percent crash in Bitcoin’s price earlier in March. And number two, practically this entire year. Whales have been breeding, growing. This analysis is further corroborated by studying what’s going on with the Bitcoin balance on exchanges, which has currently faced its sharpest decline in all of Bitcoin history. More people are withdrawing from exchanges to store their Bitcoin themselves as they should. Promoting, holding. And as Mr Asim Breath tests, definitely good for Bitcoin. That’s just the greatest audio snippet of all time. I want a button that I compress that just plays it when I hit it. Bitcoin is possibly the scarcest asset known to humanity. But let’s put that all aside for a moment. Yes, I know it’s mildly interesting information, perhaps even comforting for those who are maybe buying Bitcoin regularly or have been long term holders of the coin. But what we really want to see is crypto daily trade. You talk the talk, but now let’s see you walk the walk. Well, to be fair, I have been holding you talk about trading, so let’s see you trade, bruh. Okay. Sheesh. I have never had so many Dems about anything I’ve ever talked about, even as I did when I first mentioned that I wanted to do something like this late last year. Sorry to have kept you waiting. It’s finally time now to be fair. I was busy in the interim cofounding exchange, one that does not trade against its customers. But with this whole coronavirus going on, fundraising was postponed indefinitely, shall we say. So now I’ve got the time to focus on trading. Silver lining. The rules are very simple. I take one bitcoin and I try and trade it into two or see if I can hold on to the one. The USD value will, of course, be important. However, that will be secondary to the primary goal of stacking Satz because I have a long term belief in bitcoin and just want to accumulate as much as I can. The second rule, every win or loss will be a matter of public record, as I think some cryptocurrency activity should be. Yes, I believe in privacy, but I also believe in no openness and verifiable openness where appropriate. So I will be opening a fund on literally the most ethical exchange I could find in the industry, prime expertise, funding it with one Bitcoin, calling it crypto daily and have my activity visible by anyone anytime. The third rule will be no exit scene of my position. I don’t want to be trading into USD or in my case, TBP and exiting my positions. I will be staying in Bitcoin leveraged trading. So that’s longs and shorts for those that don’t know. But I will probably never go beyond five X leverage. Yeah, I know it’s kind of boring, but I also think it’s not really appropriate to ever really go beyond that Mark. Now, I hear some of your concerns, but Krypto daily, you’re an idiot and you’re not a pro trader. And to that, I say I’m well aware of these concerns. To compensate, late last year, I completed reading a bunch of highly recommended books on trading. I’ll show you them now. So we’ve got how to take profits, cut losses and benefit from price declines. Pretty relevant with Bitcoin over the last two years. Trends following how to make a fortune in bull-bear and black swan markets may be also very relevant right now. Paul Hollywoods 100 Great Breads Always relevant. Well, I actually recommend that book, by the way. Not very good. I also have done pretty well for myself trading historically. I swing trade where I take large positions two or three times a year. Basically only when I think it’s very overbought or very oversold. As an example, I can proudly say I bought to the absolute bitcoin bottom in twenty eighteen, which I did make videos about at the time. But I must admit, this trading challenge is definitely the scariest thing I’ve ever done with my bitcoin, probably even my channel where you get to laugh at me if I lose it all and I get to claim your praise. If I actually win, there is definitely going to be some added pressure on myself to perform because no one likes to look silly. But one of the things that these books tend to reference is the need, the importance of a training mentor. One, you can discuss your trades with bounce ideas off of. To that end, I have sought out a pro trader friend of mine who has actually been living off of his trading ability, a rarity in crypto, I’ll tell you that. It’s on Twitter app block, chain blitz. Give him a follow. Also, just as an aside, if you’re not following me, why I put out highlights from videos in case you missed him. I also recently shared the greatest moment to have ever happened in my life. There is an Easter egg somewhere in the photo. You’ll have to find it. But looking at the charts again for a moment, I could definitely talk about the holiest of Bitcoin indicators, the gold and cross. This is where the 50 days in the 200 days moving average cross and it heralds in a bull market. The last one occurred in mid-February to not much fanfare, almost an immediate dump, and then eventually followed by a death cross. But this time. Things are very, very different because can you believe this, guys? I would be literally shaking if I was cold. So I think this is another reason I need to do the trading challenge because I just think it a little bit disingenuous to talk about trading like primarily orce or a lot and not actually do any kind of. See, the problem with that and I’m not taking shots at influences here. If you’re offended, I don’t really care. It’s not aimed at anyone specifically. There are some interesting tidbits of information to be gleaned from a chart and make a video on like I do that as well. But I just think you as the viewers deserve better, honestly. I. I’m only burning my half. All you care about is money. This town deserves a better class. I’m going to give it up. So if you want to see me burn all my money away or potentially turn it into more. Make sure to subscribe with notifications. I never asked for that before. I feel dirty. Now, interestingly, you can join my fund by going into prime SBT, hitting co vesting, looking for Krypto daily and hitting invest once you put like ten bucks there. There are fees applied when you withdraw. But these fees are only applied on top of profits if any. Don’t make any guarantees. I’d get a portion of those fees. The platform gets a portion. Majority of it comes back to you. Again, only if we’re in profit. I don’t make any money from training fees. I don’t make any money from liquidations, literally. Only if I first make you more money, which I think is a great situation. It’s a situation I’d like to see more influencers in, but it is what it is. So hopefully this is the start of something amazing. I am somewhat terrified, but I’m also very excited if I am able to help you make money and get paid for doing it. That’s the best job in the world. That’s literally one of the main reasons I started YouTube. So maybe you wait first. See how I do. I’ll even link Downbelow if you do want to support the idea of throw five or ten bucks into it. No guarantees though. I will never, ever make any guarantees. But let’s find out. Wish me luck. Blinded by the touch./otw_shortcode_content_toggle] source https://www.cryptosharks.net/im-doing-this-with-my-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/05/i-cant-believe-im-doing-this-with-my.html
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