#im sorry i wrote you like a literal essay šŸ˜­
chdarling Ā· 2 months
First of all I wanna say thank you because you reminded me how much I love Harry Potter, and with it gave me the love of characters I wasnā€™t as fussed with as a kid . I love how the stories are Canon because it warms my childhood heart.The way you wrote each character has made me fall in love with them in some way or another.
Sirius - My new fictional favourite character, I mean always loved him most out of all of the adult characters but young him has made me fall in love. Donā€™t get me wrong the wolf star ship is real but I relate to him so much and Iā€™m so grateful for you igniting that spark. Him and James make me cackle while his relationship with Lily and the fact she doesnā€™t know about him being an animagus yet makes me feel so exited for her reaction.
James - Stop! Why is it so accurate, this was always how i pictures him as a kid, I never liked the fact that people tried to paint him as a villain when realistically he was just a boy. You have communicated this incredibly well through the 2 books and his relationship with Lily is my favourite part of the whole book. Letā€™s not forget how he is the the sweetest guy ever when it comes to his friends and his generosity has no limit.
Lily - The girl power is real, she is literally every girl who has ever had a crush on a boy while also wanting to stand up for herself. Standing up to everyone when everyone is talking about you is hard but she is so strong that it makes me love her even more. She is so accurate to the way she was written in HP that I love you for that.
Remus - He warms my heart, whenever I reach his chapter Iā€™m always exited because itā€™s always something different. His relationship with Sirius as well makes me feel warm because itā€™s so what the books shouldā€™ve done. They are besties in a different way to James and Sirius and it makes me so excited to read about them.
Regulus - I thought youā€™ve written him really well and made me fall in love with a whole other side of the series. I never knew I could love another Black as much as I have.
(Iā€™m not gonna mention Snape and Peter for obvious reasons - I donā€™t like them)
I wanna say thank you again just because itā€™s really helped me these last few months knowing I can read The Last Enemy when iā€™m feeling low. The writing is purely amazing while also following canon but making your own twist on the story.
IM SO EXCITED FOR THE LAST FEW CHAPTERS and iā€™m slightly (very) scared for what is going to happen next. You always manage to surprise me. Iā€™m curious about book 3 but i wonā€™t ask because i know you have the other one to finish first. Iā€™m just so exited for how you are going to write Jily!
I literally love you and have gotten all of my friends to read and become just as obsessed with me. Also sorry for the essay, I didnā€™t meant to write than much. THANK YOU AND SENDING YOU ALL OF MY LOVE. ā¤ļø
Thank you so much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Iā€™m so please you enjoyed it!!! Canā€™t wait to share the last chapter very soon šŸ˜ˆ
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dilucsfav Ā· 2 years
Hey! Iā€™ve got some Cyno for you.
Imagine him walking by a group of students who are too engrossed in a conversation with Reader, right? So they donā€™t notice him.
Heā€™s listening to what theyā€™re saying and is just in time to hear Reader tell their peers a terrible, horrible joke ā€” nobody laughs, of course, but Reader is doing their damn best to hold in their grin.
So Cyno, whose humor is questionable, just nearly snorts and draws attention to himself.
And you could take it from there? Please? :P because my brain wonā€™t cooperate anymore sjjxlfhdksks
I overthought about this so much ngl. literally pissed my panties when i read ā€œstudent,ā€ thinking ā€œDO THEY MEAN HIGH SCHOOL? GRADUATE SCHOOL? COLLEGE? GRADE SCHOOL?ā€ pls and after i wrote it i realized ā€œwell fuck maybe they meant students in teyvat,ā€ and then realized if that was the case, then i just wrote a drabble about sumeru high schoolšŸ˜­. im not sure if this is what you had wanted BUT HERE IT IS ANYWAYS.
omg but ngl i thought about this off and on all day and now itā€™s late and i think iā€™ve FINALLY figured out how iā€™m gonna write about thisā€¦. i had so so much fun writing this and PLEASE LIKE WTFF MY HEART IS MELTING. i also looked up "terrible dad jokes" on google and that's where i found the joke mentioned in this drabble HELDODld-
anyways sorry for the essay, thank you for your request!! praying to lord barbatos that this is kind of.. what you were looking forā€¦ IM SORRY IF ITS BAD GUYS PLEASE I SPENT LIKE 30 MINUTES WRITING IT
Holy Water (Cyno x gn!reader)
warning(s): none!!
word count: 550
The lyrics of Cynoā€™s music flamed loudly through his earbuds, his eyes drawn to the floor as he walked through the crowded hallway.
His curious eyes darted upwards in your direction as he took his earbuds out, quickly shoving them in his pocket. His eyes glazed over your figure as he stared at the small group of people you were chatting with.
You had a stupidly huge grin on your face, your toothy smile making Cyno bite his tongue. His eyes immediately darted towards the floor, but he kept his ears open as he started walking past you.
ā€œHow do you make holy water?ā€ You asked, taking a deep breath to keep your laugh in your chest. Cyno listened closely with his brows knitted together as the group of students just stared at you blankly.
ā€œIā€™mā€¦ not sure,ā€ Collei, one of the students in the little group, said to you. She tilted her head in wonder as Tighnari crossed his arms, shrugging.
ā€œYou freeze it and then drill holes in it.ā€
The whole group stared at you and their expressions were pretty blank. Tighnari raised a brow to your foul joke, his mouth parted to the side in wonder. He didnā€™t try to show any amusement.
Collei nervously smiled after she understood the joke, creasing her brows and holding her books tighter to try and attempt to show some sign of laughter from your joke.
Cynoā€™s brows rose when he heard the joke, taking a moment to fully process and understand what it even meant. It finally did click in his head, though.
Tighnari, you and Collei all batted your eyes when you heard a small chuckle coming from him. He hadnā€™t even realized that the small laugh had actually come out. Cyno stopped in his tracks, steadily turning to look at the three of you.
He saw the huge grin on your face become wider.
ā€œSee, ahah! I am funny! In your face, Tighnari!ā€ You squealed, playfully hitting Tighnariā€™s arm. Cyno just stared at you all in shock, unable to really move or say anything.
ā€œYouā€¦ thought that was funny.ā€ It was more so a statement than a question. Cyno blinked at Tighnari as he said this, before quickly walking down the hallway without saying a word.
Cyno tapped his fingers against the desk, staring at the person who sat right in front of himā€” you. He couldnā€™t help but stare at you, thinking of the small interaction he had with you just moments previously.
You looked a little nervous from his blunt and confusing reaction when Tighnari asked him about the joke. Cyno never really had any real conversations with you, as you had lots of other friends. Occasionally, though, you did see him and wave or smile.
Class had already started, so Cyno couldnā€™t necessarily apologize right now. Maybe it was because he was paranoid, but you seemed bothered and he couldnā€™t help but blame himself.
That might have been the only reason why he wrote down something quickly on a small piece of paper, quickly tapped your shoulder, and then gave you it.
You looked confused from the notion but when Cyno nodded his head, you looked down to read the small piece of paper, grinning at what it said.
"I thought your joke was really funny. We should talk more."
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odetojupiter Ā· 3 months
this is absolutely random but I got caught up on your tag saying "I'm way too good at reading things that maybe aren't there" and listen. I don't know what you study (I remember you mentioning you take creative writing classes so??? sorry if you literally know this just trying to encourage you) but I study literature and in literary theory there's a lot of discussions about whether what the author wanted/meant/intended actually matters in interpretation and understanding literary works and well, a lot of theorists actually agree it doesn't so if you say it's there it's probably there, no matter if intentionally by the author, so ig please keep going off unapologetically we love to hear it
(also just in general, your analysis of the number three pretty much resonates a lot with Jacques Derrida's formal idea of deconstruction (basically tearing texts apart to the minute detail, and collecting and inter-connecting these details/words with associations of the reader to form a structure of meaning and it's all very abstract (a pain to learn during studies but cool to see in action!) so I just had to think about that)) yeah that's it have a great day
ahhh this is my first ever ask so thank u anon <333
and yeah, i did a joint honours english and creative writing degree (graduating in three weeks :/) and there were literary theory modules each year that were compulsory for single honours english students BUT because i was also in creative writing, i couldnā€™t actually take them bc they ran at the same time as my cw classes soooo all this to say that even tho i did study literature i wasnā€™t really able to study that much literary theory - tho of course theory is relevant in all lit modules but i didnā€™t take a class specifically for that. (i wanted to, cause i love that shit, but i wasnā€™t allowed) ((annoyingly in first year there was a module that covered not only advanced lit theory but also academic writing that i wasnā€™t able to take so i never learned how to write university essays? like thatā€™s not inconvenient at all))
that being said, iā€™m of course familiar with the concept of intention vs interpretation mainly through barthesā€™ death of the author theory (and it comes up a lot in cw classes because in workshops people share every thought they have about your work and ur not allowed to defend urself!! cause ur intention doesnā€™t matter if someone interprets what you wrote a certain way!!!) and the thing is i get it, i do - and i love to analyse whatever i can, i tear things to shreds with no mind for intent - but i also know people outside of literary studies love to say shit just isnā€™t that deep.
im always watching and rewatching shows with one or two of my sisters and one of them especially makes fun of me a lot for analysing everything from the dialogue to delivery to lighting and staging and camera work because she thinks i get way too into it. she either stares at me blankly or tells me to shut up (which happens a lot itā€™s very annoying let me talk ffs) so i guess i mainly added that in the tags to ensure everyone knows that i know that i analyse a lot so hopefully no one feels the need to tell me?? i donā€™t know, i just get slightly self conscious about analysing things when i know i could be saying something slightly unhinged lmao.
but, i will of course, keep going off on here about aftg bc thatā€™s what im here for lol (i got sad about not being able to share my thoughts anywhere)
oops forgot to say THANK YOU for reassuring me about my jean number 3 analysis iā€™m always thinking someoneā€™s gonna say wtf r u on about mate šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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elix8r Ā· 7 months
never thought id do this but heres an essay on my thoughts on monkey bars šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤šŸ¤šŸ¤
let me preface this by saying you did such an amazing job with this truly, you wrote so so well and i feel like you encapsulated every perfect emotion in the best way possible, and somehow it just gets better and better? i forgot how pt 1 went so i reread it before i read pt 2 and i was blown away again but youve even improved somehow ?!!? youre like the gift that keeps on giving šŸ’‹ also, thank you so so much for pushing through and writing this, i know it couldnt have been easy struggling with writers block but i hope u know we all think the world of this fic so please see the worth of your work šŸ’—
ok now MY THOUGHTS!!! oh my lord, where to beginā€¦ first of all, same as before: from part one, i was already irked with jake when he pulled the beomgyu shit (albeit i moved on pretty damn fast surprisingly) but the cliffhanger you left us on was a game changer like he crossed the line so bad. i was conviced i would never forgive him. if someone did that to me i would have the exact same reaction as y/n tbh. anger later sad confusion panic first. and seeing the aftermath in part 2??? first of all, so glad she had such a good support system around her and people who actually put their morals first aka 02z bc u already know men irl would defend their ā€œboysā€ first or whatever šŸ™„ hearing other girls gossip about her actually broke my heart cos if it was me i wouldve cried n had a panic attack there and then ā€¦ and knowing my PARENTS know about it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
you wrote so well i was actually about to insert myself in NO JOKE!!!! like ok lets stray for a while but me personally i dont like ā€œdumpingā€ my emotions on anybody bc it makes me feel like im burdening them but when i read the scene when she went back home,, oh lord i wanted to cry in the dads arms there n then, u have a talent with words fr šŸ«£šŸ«£
SORRY BACK TO OUR SCHEDULED ANNOUNCEMENT, nowhere in this fic was my heart set in stone. ok i lied. for the first 80% i was like FUCK THAT MAN HE DESERVES TO DIE IM NEVER FORGIVING YOU but then i started feeling pity too DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY YOURE AMAZING AT WRITING??? like am i throwing away my morals or am i just understanding that people are multidimensional,, woah lord,, like tbh i wouldnt have forgiven jake bc something of that scale is just not in my books, was way too extreme, but the way you wrote his character, his guilt, the actual situation??? couldnt even blame y/n for feeling sympathetic cos damn me tooā€¦ i know a lot of people might not agree (especially irl. DEF NOT) but the way you wrote everythingā€¦ how do you not feel bad for the poor boy šŸ˜­ in no way is y/n to blame for ANYTHING but at some point i started to be worried for jake too so i was like u know what. fine. get together with the boy. NO WAIT. idk. dont. IDK?!!!?
i think me personally, i wouldnt have been able to forgive him but i wouldve tried to move past it, despite how hard it would be. whether or not we get together would be a different question because rebuilding trust would take a lot, but,, yeah. overall i am soooo fucking satisfied with this, and the ending was so refreshing tbh!!! at first i was hoping they wouldnā€™t get together (literally when they kissed again i was like NOOO GIRLLLL WHYYYYY have more self respect!!!!) but after your slayful writing i was like nah u know what give them a happy ending,, n u did not disappoint,,,, i loved how it ended and that fresh start at the end was really like a breath of fresh air i have no idea how to explain it but it just genuinely did feel like a fresh start. i loved it. i will be rereading. thank you
this was insane praise like omfg thank you so much! i always have such a hard time wondering if what i wrote is good enough to put out for you guys and to hear you say that is so meaningful to me šŸ˜­ the writer's block def was a bitch but hearing you say that you could see that I've improved makes everything worth it like i'd go through it again if it'll help me get better at writing im crying literally šŸ„¹
so the whole time i was writing this last part i had a hard time deciding if oc should forgive him or not because personally i would never be able to but i just felt that the only way for this story to wrap up well and in a satisfying way would be if it was a happy? ending so i ended up just going with that and yes one of the main things i wanted to show was that everyone was rooting for y/n so i made sure no one excused jake's behavior
the scene where she went back home was kind of tough to write like i totally get you i get really emotionally invested even when im writing and jfc just imagining how my parents would react literally had me going through it like her dad was devastated and i think it really shows to what extent one person's actions/mistakes can effect cause this shit not only broke her down but also most of those around her so those scenes were def tough to write
but i am so so so glad to hear how much you enjoyed the ending and overall this story! you seriously just relieved me of so many of my worries regarding this story and i always feel like the best compliment is when people tell me they'll reread my stuff so thank you so so much for sending me this ginormous message and hope I'll continue to produce stuff you like! love you loads šŸ«¶ šŸ«¶ šŸ«¶
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smoosnoom Ā· 1 year
moon moon moon moon moon moon moon moon i dont think u understand i have butterflies rn i am so warm and happy and smiley and and snd amd and this is easily one of my favorite fics of yours i absolutely adore summer so so very much and . ohggg you wrote them so lovely and i literally can't stop smiling oh !!!! thank you for this fic and even including some things i mentioned i mean i bet a lot of people mentioned those tropes but aaa i am happy anyhow <3
also here r some of my fav quotes because . because this is my favorite thing in the universe
- ā€œAre you okay?ā€Ā 
Christ. Canā€™t a man fantasize about his best friend inĀ peace?
THIS OS SO FUNYNYNYNY im obsessed w how u write mike i love him
- Itā€™d be more terrifying than beautiful if Will werenā€™t here.Ā 
maybe i will scream . i will becaud eohmmy9fods
- Will moves, again, their hands bumping, and it feels like theyā€™re holding the sun in the space between.
THIS MAD EME . PAUSE AND JUST . OGGGHGGGGHGHG . i can only smile and keyboard smash moon i am so sorry šŸ™šŸ˜­
- ā€œEverything, I guess,ā€ he answers, because itā€™s true. Will is, kind of, everything,Ā 
- ā€œMe?ā€ He questions, eyes wide, as if there could possibly be anyone else, as if Mike has ever even ā€“Ā lookedĀ at anyone else,
- and fingers sliding into Mikeā€™s hair, and itā€™s everything, and Mike was right, heā€™s never doubting himself again, because Will is everything.Ā 
I WIQLCOJWJ JSCKSJHD . i apologize but these part smake me sosoos !!*!&!<!!! i cant even explain . i am so in love w this fic moon i cnantng. okay .
also jsut . the ending. mike thinking of missing him and will going hey im right here OHGGGGG !!!!!!!! moon you are brilliant and so lovely and . this fic made me so incredibly happy i can't do this . today felt rlly like the first day of summer and this fic made me feel a million times warmer and than kyou thank you ohhggggg this fic is absolutely everything yo me i am so warm and giddy rn !!!!!!! ur fics especially make me love will so much more if that's even possible bc he is one of my favorite characters in any media ecer and getting to read him written by u . well it might be an honor . it definitely is . it makes me so happy i cant even describe it . so thank you thank you<3 i hope u have a good night moon and i hope your essay goes okay <3 remember to rest and take care of urself !!!!!!!!!<3<3<3
donnie byersverse hello !!!!!!!!!! every day is a good day to see u in my inbox !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohh im so happy u liked it oh my god ! i tried my absolute Best to make this fic something more like . fun and carefree or just something to cheer people up and im so glad it made u smile !!!! if i wasnt on a laptop id be spamming party hat emojis rn and yes !!!! i tried to include the things u specifically mentioned since u are always so kind to me in ur asks :D i thought uknow ! the least i could do !
LOL i love writing mike to be a little unhinged when hes in love with will <3 it just seems right
the keyboard smashing is so so real . expressing emotions no words can get across Thank u so much
NOO dont ever apologize i love seeing the parts u like the most !!!! especially then i can seee what i should do more often and what hits the hardest :D i am so happy u liked it so much omg
i am so honored to contribute to ur lovely summer day !! summer is such a fun season to write about and in, and im glad i got the very specific feeling of it across ! also ??? "ur fics especially make me love will so much more" finn what if i literally cry and di e and Explode into a million teeny tiny pieces . what then .
u are so entirely kind to me !!! im so happy u enjoyed reading it and that i did ur ideas justice :) and i love reading ur thoughts !! thank u so much !!!!!!!!
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rllymilerlly Ā· 1 year
Ah. Hi. So this is the Lance anon and I'm gonna be really honest with you I wrote that at like three or four in the morning for me last night running on about four cups of tea and procrastinating an essay that I really had to do (yes I was still procrastinating that late it's an issue I know).
So seeing all those typos now I'm just glad you were still able to understand wtf I was trying to say. Reblog turning into reboot is making me cringe so hard. Anyway yeah the subliminal messaging is working plus I've seen a few clips and it looks funny. I'll probably start watching as soon as I can get over my vld ptsd lol šŸ˜­ it's been like five years and im literally not even that bothered by any of that drama anymore but something about the Craig guy awakens some existential dread in me like a fucking sleeper agent.
Youā€™re so real for procrastinating an essay dude. Also donā€™t even worry about your typos I make typos alllllll the time even when Iā€™m completely awake.
And lmao please Iā€™m glad the subliminal messages is working and Iā€™m sorry that this loser awakes existential dread in you rip ā˜ ļø
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into-the-loidverse Ā· 2 years
hey, I don't usually reach out to artists like this but I want to thank you for those culturally appropriate masa redesigns. I was a fan of his for a while and admittedly always found those designs he made to be extremely questionable (especially the GANESHA designs... if you have to TELL your audience what real-world God the character is supposed to be then you really messed up when designing them). Like you said, it goes to show that he did enough research to know what they were supposed to look like, but chose to go against it and hypersexualize the designs anyway because horny. Your redesigns proved that he not only could have done better from a cultural standpoint but that these characters would have still been beautiful even if they were wearing more than a yard of fabric lol. Masa has been doing this stuff for a VERY long time and I'm truly surprised that nobody said anything before. I really hope he learns something from this mess but from the way he's been reacting... well, I sort of doubt it. U dont have to respond to this, its just something i wanted to get off my chest, hope u have a good holiday mate
haha anon thank u so much !!!!!!!!!!!! i rly do appreciate this šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ’œšŸ’œ [long rant below oops soz anon]
oh yeah i definitely agree !!!! ive always had an issue and been pretty vocal [on insta] about his design choices in general bcā€¦. this is a personal ick but i just hate hornybait art [esp from men] bc 90% of the time it looks uncanny that i dont understand how its hotā€¦. this is especially seen in masas newer art - his clothing is vacuum sucked booby pocket that looks plasticky / nonsensical and the faces r just ā€¦ yknow ? [doesnt help his woman anatomy hasnt improved much w the boobs being super high 2 the collarbone that it makes everything look off - and i always excused it bc i think it was when he drew the soap lagoon tribute image ? he said how he knows his artstyle is not how it was during onibi series and wishes 2 not return 2 it + the art is not the biggest priority over music which makes sense ! idk his art is always the best when not sexualised [or at least u cannot tell at 1st glance] like his avicii tribute / cappuccino pv or literally anything non human like guns / skulls etc]
edit: i just remembered the existence of patriot balalaika [hate that song sm as a russian immigrant] and i lied that song is the *best* researched song bc there is no sexualisation and it bases it true on the life of a war zone - WHICH FUCKING SUCKS that out of all songs it is that gets proper treatment .... what the fuck i get the dude likes military stuff but boooooooo so uninteresting [props 2 him removing the pv tho !]
im very happy that my redesigns served its purpose !! it was honestly quite easy after looking at multiple pictures + articles / blogs about said topicā€¦. his la catrina is the best one only because it matched a cheap outfit i saw while researching so yknow thats somethingā€¦ his defence 4 ganesha also pretty much confirms what u said w hypersexualisation:
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funny thing is during this whole situation i wrote an essay about fetishisation of women in comics 4 uni and he fits all the criteria of that so yayā€¦. go cishet men šŸ„³šŸ„³/s
i am so sorry anon 4 the long rant šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i too wish u a happy holiday !!!!!!!!!!!!! šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ„šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³
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m1ckeyb3rry Ā· 2 months
Oooooh icic! That definitely makes sense now that you mention it too Iā€™m even more curiousā€¦if you got a request for a character that was really obscure or say you had 0 interest in would you reject it? Or would you just like grit your teeth and try to write something LOL I know before you said that both your Rin and Sae fics were requests (I think apologies if I remembered wrong) and you also had some Hiori requests too and iirc those characters were all kinda uhh ā€œnewā€ (for lack of a better term) to your usually characters..? And esp with the itoshi ā€œhateā€ neutrality since they arenā€™t usually characters youā€™d write of your own volition, like imagine if someone requested igaguri or like ego what would happen? LMAO
Iā€™m no fic writer but I remember when I had to write essays Iā€™d slap out the first like two paragraphs keep writing and in the end Iā€™d always go back to rewrite the first two because the flow of my writing established itself in the latter parts LOL yeah I think beginning parts are usually less refined on the first draft. At least for me, the inspiration ends up flowing midway through when I finally have a solid idea of what Iā€™m going for HAHA
Iā€™m genuinely hoping we get a lot more spinoff content generallyā€¦.I know some series make more spinoff content after their series ends so I hope we continue getting more bllkverse expansion soon!!! I seriously wanna know what happened in the other stratums in NEL and the first selections too
Yeahhh itā€™s wild I think actually thereā€™s a French version of the Bible??? Which is why Iā€™m like whatā€™s the English team doing LMAO Reo getting voted for all the good ones was hilarious like even everyone in bllk is like yup bros got it all (Isagiā€™s comment was FOUL LMFAOOO) and igaguri being last in everything HAHAHAHA
FR!!! Im just sitting here waiting for a Karasu awakening like PLEASE man has been sitting there busting his ass carrying the team please give him a chance!!!!
Also speaking of Karasuā€¦..ok this is gonna be kinda really random but I actually stumbled upon one of @/i-am-not-strangeā€™s posts but FOR THE LIFE OF ME I canā€™t press on their profile??? Either my fingers are broken and Iā€™m pressing on something wrong or Tumblr is just flipping out but do you have my idea what art theyā€™re referring to in their recent post about like Karasu and Hiori swapping bodiesā€¦? Iā€™m sure itā€™s not canon but I canā€™t lie and say Iā€™m not intrigued LOL I would go ask them myself but whenever I try to go to their profile it either a) does nothing b) crashes??? Iā€™ve never had this happen before (like Iā€™m on your profile just fine) but???? Anywaysā€¦sorry for having to ask you here LMAO and no worries in advance if you donā€™t know it just caught my eye LOL
-Karasu anon
honestly i feel like i always cook 10x more with characters i donā€™t like/am unfamiliar withā€¦maybe because it pushes me out of my comfort zone so iā€™m more willing to experiment?? like i think the instrument and white butterfly were probably my fav things that i wrote for my event (and honorary mention to seabird because itā€™s so cutesy) and both were for characters i was unfamiliar with!! lowkey i think i could go crazy with an igaguri or ego fic LMAOAO imagine an ego fic where you know him at his peak as a soccer player and watch his downfall (bonus points if youā€™re friends with noel noa/connected to that weird ass dynamic somehow) OR an igaguri fic that plays into his weird religious trauma of being forced to be a monk if he canā€™t play soccer?? mostly itā€™s treated as a joke but what if it was taken seriouslyā€¦PLSSSS i need to STFU why did i just genuinely come up with plots for EGO and IGAGURI šŸ˜­ suffice to say i would literally write for any character no matter how obscure/how little i personally care abt them šŸ¤© i try not to let my biases show in my writing either and hopefully iā€™m successful in that!! like my itoshi neutrality doesnā€™t rlly manifest in the fics iā€™ve written for them i think!! so even if someone requested for one of my opps i wouldnā€™t let my distaste impact how i write/how seriously i take the story
omg that ALWAYS happens to me whenever i do essays too!! thatā€™s why i hated high school writing when our teachers made us write our thesis firstā€¦like yes i can write a thesis for you but i can guarantee that i wonā€™t follow it and itā€™ll be entirely different by the time i submit it so it follows the contents of what i actually wrote vs what i INTEND to write!!
blue lock has SUCH an expansive cast and itā€™s also sooo popular as a manga so just from a business/financial standpoint it would make 0 sense not to do spin-off stuff!! like iā€™d even read a sae spin-off of him in spain if they donā€™t want to go through the bllk program again and want to focus on one of the itoshisā€¦weā€™ve followed rin pretty closely and know his mentality pretty well so idt he needs a spin-off but depending on how in depth the main manga goes on sae i think a spin-off of him could be fun!! or like shidou or smthā€¦OR AN EGO ORIGIN STORY SPINOFF OMG Iā€™D DIE FOR THAT ACTUALLY like him and young noel noa and their rivalry?? i donā€™t even like ego that much but i think it would be cool to see his backstory be explored like that!! also an episode anri but we know weā€™re never getting that sadly
FRRR why is there a french version but not english?? maybe itā€™s because bllk isnā€™t as popular here yet?? hoping that changes with season 2 thoughā€¦iā€™m not saying jjk fanbase levels of popular because thatā€™s when you get the crazies but def bigger than what it is rn
THEY GAVE HIORI AN AWAKENING THEY CAN GIVE KARASU ONE TOO!! especially because he was so crucial to hioriā€™s awakeningā€¦like come on now kaneshiro be a good author and put some parallels between mr talented but doesnā€™t care and mr mediocre but works hard šŸ˜’
HAHA THATā€™S SO WEIRD tumblr stays tweaking šŸ˜­ i was able to go on her profile fine so maybe thereā€™s smth going on with your app?? honestly wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s a tumblr issue because for how old this app is itā€™s surprisingly unusable at times šŸ«£ maybe itā€™s working for me because sheā€™s one of my mutuals?? idk šŸ˜° also i know the post youā€™re referencing but do not know what art she was talking abtā€¦i can send her an ask abt it and then link her response in the next ask of yours i answer and hopefully that works!! if not i could also add a screenshot into my answer LMAO
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hardfeeling505 Ā· 7 months
All about her
This story is about my experience became friend with someone i accidentally met on random tiktok live and i asking her to be FRIEND MOOTS
her nickname idk, i just call her M, she is the oldest child, from what i see she is a very good big sis to her younger sis(her sister is so lucky to have u M).height 5'4 feet in cm its like 162.56 (she told me how else i knowšŸ˜)born on September something 2005. I thought i'm going to jail manšŸ˜ but i born on 2001 so it okay, thanks God for thatāœŠ (im a little bit cooked tbh i'm on a thin ice right back therešŸ˜”) she a Filipino Canadian Girl, raised in Alberta , Edmonton , Canada. It take about 24hr 45 min flight from my place. One day i hope for to meeting her in personšŸ˜¤,even though i know its not gonna happen(just me being delulu).
Actually, i want to witness the flower bloom in spring with my own eyes + Also meeting my buddy. She told me her province is known for Grand Prairieā€™s and stuff, it's like a full green land and have so many lake ,as i recall there also a moutain (6 hours ride from her home) bcs she told me that there is so many wild flower will bloom when it spring season. I bet the view is so beautiful, you know nature and beautiful, a word that can't be separated, and yes always beautiful + watching with her? Bro!! i gotta prepare insulin injection bcs i might got sick from all those sweet moment with her
(šŸ—£ļøšŸ“¢šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„this is not a pickup line).
Other thing about her.She is one of the lactose intolerant victim , can't drink or eat anything contain dairy stuff ,only almond milk. She told me she can't eat corndog ,poor her.šŸ˜­ Bro!! i eat corndog like i cant even count how much i eat.When she say that , i wish i can give her a hug but must keep it halal (yes i'm a muslim). Furthermore, i like like like it when she go suddenly share random fact about her ,one example of it "i hate energy drink" and "im just got choke from reading your comment bro" , she so random Bro that is one of her charm and i loving it (as a buddy ofc)
And one moment, my dumbass go tell her to try drink banana milk, After re-read my chat i go Oof what have i donešŸ˜. I genuinely want to kick myself for that I'm so sorry M forgive me please i think i half asleep at that moment not thinking straight. šŸ™ (im doom can't think of any better excuses HelpšŸ˜”)
Also the so CUTE impression of her i can't hold myself to tease heršŸ˜­(im cooked). SO STRONG INFJ VIBE FR. There is one morning we chatting about breakfast , she say she making a toast bread, I ask her "M you eating the bread with what? peanut butter?" and she answer "i eat it with banana and something" , then i say "i like banana too" for real i like bananašŸ’Æ. Then, i saw my opportunity to tease her and i took itšŸ˜­, i start with asking her "u know what i like too?" ,she reply "what?" , it might seem crazy what gonna say, i with my full consciousness say " i like strawberry jam, strawbewwy jam is soāœØāœØ" , and she reply with "Oooh" then "okay". I feel like a bad guy at that moment but man she so cute i cant resist it I am so sorry M forgive mešŸ™šŸ˜”. (i want to do it again frfr)
She going into Nursing then paramedics like ambulance people, praying for her to achieve her dream, Amin .Please God give her All the strength she need bcs im so far away from heršŸ¤².(Proud for her Bro as buddy ofc).She enjoy work out so much (i like it toošŸ’Æ), consider it her hobby for now.She like to say LOL a lot i know everyone does but her LOL is different for me (dont attack me).
One more thing i like about her is her habits to explain to me about something until i truly understand, her effort Bro!!. (she like to express her feeling by put it all in her writing). I swear i will like and always read everything she wrote man like i feel like my eyes and brain (my whole life existance) is created by god to read her essay man, to listen to her. I literally crying right now while writing this. thank god i not writing this on paper man.She so precious to me Bro!!! like very unreal to me and i dont deserve to get to know her, to good to be true.
(Pls read this one paragraph below while listen to Everygreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners trust me)
one moment , i talk to her about snow (we like to talk about random stuff) anyways it go like this i ask " M, is it spring there?" she answer "it still winter season " , after that i told her "i like winter but i like to see flower bloom in spring more" , and she start telling me all of her life experience living in 4 season, after that we caught in deep talk moment it for like forever for me (it feel long for me) It so beautiful man talking to her, its healing me. Then the sentence hit me.I dont want to lose her as a buddy ofc(she already on a somewhat relationship).
- her Twice bias is dahyun meanwhile mine is sana
- her Aespa bias is karina(same as me)
- her Nmixx bias is lily(same twice) Do you see there is a sign here.
Finally we are here thank for staying with me on this journey,The Main Topic is her MBTIšŸ˜¤
A Beautiful yet So Soft INFJ personality ,i have so much interest in this mbti man,you know this type of mbti is so rare. I am shooketh yes my jaw drop ahh so cringe but it is frfr when she told me her mbti i am so shock Lol, i never found this type before all of my friend male/ female is always started with E and end with J or some case started with I and end with P, what i want to say is it so weird to me this type of MBTI INFJ. It so UNIQUE thats the word .Don't want to be so hype talking to her so i tried to cover with "oh idk u were an I" meanwhile me talking to myself ofc she an I you dummy she like nature and stuff also she admire cat ā˜ļøšŸ˜ƒ Also it her fav animal. (i bet you 100 dollar she will pat every cat she bypass)
About her song taste is interesting .Quite similar to me or just the same genre?šŸ¤” As expected from her MBTI type. Her fav song is My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski (this song is PERFECT just like her)šŸ˜¤ *i want to cry again bro. She has 39K+ minutes streaming on spotify for this song ALONE (she told me). JUST FOR 39k MINUTES ??? THE SONG IS IN YOUR BLOOD GIRL FRFR . It Mother Mitski song never ever doubted her songāœŠ). One statement from M. "I actually have 209k minutes of listening to music on SpotifyšŸ˜Œ"
I want to ask her ig so bad Bro!!! or anything that can i use to reach/contact her others from tiktok. i can't use my sticker that the main reason, all my hilarious meme collection relatable go to waste and also i'm a coward.
Something i truly get hurt from is the fact she have anxiety/panic attack(she frequently got stomachache).I really want to know how to pleasant or calming her, tbh i try search and read many article about anxiety, unfortunately ,i don't find any effective ways just some drinking water and stuff like thatšŸ˜”. Even though i suffer from same thing but i too don't know any tips.Maybe try go to therapy session like me once a week?(its not working for me my therapist just want my money i know it not that right Mr Lim? you scammer he is chinese).Article nowadays is unhelpful.
I think i just like her personality or am i? or im just too easy to catching feeling (maybe its true). It just a phase i guess i will get over itšŸ˜Œ
Sorry i forgot to put her Newjeans bias(her ultimate Gir Group). Her bias is Kang KaerinšŸ˜ø , i agree with her Kang Haerin is so cute but She more cuter to me ahh i wish i could tell her this, what a coward i am. Ofc bcs they share the same Mbti INFJ (she like her so much, i bet her photo album of Kang Haerin is more than 500+ pic). Her bias wrecker is DaniellešŸ¶(my bias), YES if you notice there is pattern here.If you a Bunnies, DaeRin Friendship you will get it what i mean. Also i make a Favorite Collection on my tiktok profile for her, I know i know, it nothing but i should do something for her. The Title "For Her , yep U" . I remember creating it 3 day after meet her, and ofc as buddy nothing personal. My tiktok name is Newjeans Haerin (cactus name)šŸ„• on her Jean'Zine solo vlog.
Btw I'm an INFP My MBTI ,funny right?
About my MBTI there is story toošŸ¤Ÿ.
Before the covid, i take the MBTI test between 2018-2019 i'm still in college back then and My first MBTI test result is ENFP. Fyi, i'm quite not shy person. Main reason, 2nd child curse?. i believe this is so true My family always ignore me frfršŸ˜­ but i know deep down of their heart they still care or maybe bcsā€œ i'm annoying "ahh kinda kid back then, I like hugging them, its that wrong?šŸ˜ƒ that not a crime and i am still kid. I think clingy is the wordšŸ˜ŒšŸ¤Ÿ.Don't blame me, since birth i'm like this (im cooked)
After Covid, between 2023 year i retake the test the reason is i notice that my social skill is gone ,maybe bcs im live alone. Literally, It was like i scare to talk , i'm worry that someone will judge me when i approach them. I hate anxiety bro!! My condition is so bad at some point i can't breath normally , it like my chest is so full, i took various antistress pill(i stop taking them now) this entire pain after years not talking much to someone, only my cat Lol, i love my cat he so cute like frfršŸ˜­ his name is kuromi. he a black cat with yellow eye + he like hugging me,he is the only creature that like back when i hugšŸ˜­ the other half of me. About friend i have friends so many friends but i don't usually contact them by phone or online its just me, i prefer go meet them , stop by for a drink like that , Face to face Obviously before covid what harm can happen to you by doing outdoor activity?get hit by car? actually that is harmful.Super harmful actually, really what the dangerous thing could happen to you? got sick from fever? Back then even social anxiety scare to mešŸ˜”. Yeah i know what u thinking My friend when don't like the idea i want to hug them too , that not a new things to me i'm just joking šŸ˜”(im not).Frfr i have so many friends. It so easy to make friends Bro!! like just go talking to someone new i don't see any problem at all . It just 2 human talking like .
Agree with me Dangerous Virus is just a myth before covid-19 exist, its like a movie title Bro so dumb. Just a small dumb virus ruining my life.
Continue my story about mbti test , i retake it, the result come out, and i got the INFP BRO!!ā˜¹ļø as expected ,yeah the E is gone. Untill now i still not retake the test but im šŸ’Æ sure the E is back bcs starting this year at my workplace i slowly not slowly tbh Lol, easily can approach people now bro like frfr, i think i enjoy talking to people back , i like listen to them. i know what u think the hugging thing i can control it now.Bro i'm a grownass man nowšŸ˜­ (i still like hugging but not other gender keep stay halal). Maybe i should consider retake the test again this yearšŸ¤”.Overall For who reading this now.Thank You Very Much For spend your time reading my yapping essay about someone who already i lost contact with. My conclusion is, Heals Really Take Time FRFR,you just has to trust the process.
side note : i type all this while listen to her fav song on loop, I'm not good at writing essay unlike her, sorry for all grammatical error or miss place, word conjunction. Thanks all for the memory M. Hope ur doing Great Now.
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diorwoo Ā· 1 year
AAAAAAAAAAA REN im so happy to hear that youā€™re doing well, orā€¦. trying to make everything fine, BUT IM SO HAPPY THAT Uā€™RE TRYING YES BABE WE HATE LIFE BUT unfortunately we have to keep going just to spite it !!!!! (my motto 24/7) but yes omgomg we should exchange igs (iā€™ll send u another ask hehe)
iā€™ve missed u so so much and literally when i felt like i have feelings for one irl man i immediately thought of u and went,,,, my gawd renā€™s gonna have a field day about this,,,,,,,, buT literally idk how and idk when but i fell for him and now im down bad IM A SIMP. THERE Iā€™VE ADMITTED IT šŸ˜”. (i donā€™t even simp for san anymore šŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜ØšŸ˜Ø)
but to tell u a brieF bit abt this man (bcs if u let me actually talk about him, i could go on for DAYS), heā€™s literally the sweetest mf thatā€™s living on this earth, i kid u not. it turns out, heā€™s been interested in me since my first semester of uni (im currently in my 5th semester) but heā€™s never gotten a chance bcs i get into situationships often and heā€™s super shy so he was not confident on approaching me at all šŸ˜­ but in the beginning of our 5th semester, we end up being in the same classes and we found out we have mutual friends and thatā€™s when we started hanging out (at first, in group settings)!!!!
to answer ur question, yes heā€™s very handsome, heā€™s very tall, and he goes to the gym andā€¦ā€¦. welllllllll i shouldnt be thirsty on main but GAWDDDAMN he can literally headlock me n iā€™d say thankyou (LORDDDD IS THIS WHO I AM NOW) but yeah šŸ˜ the first time we hungout, weā€™ve barEly talked, but long story short i got drenched bcs we went to a golf driving range AND THE SPRINKLERS TO WATER THE GRASS TURNED ON OUT OF NOWHERE AND I WALKED INTO IT šŸ’€ he then offered me his shirt and it just started spiralling after that ehe (šŸ¤¢ i folded šŸ¤¢)
weā€™ve recently been going on dates and he picks me up to go to campus even though he lives literally 5 minutes away from campus and i live 30 minutes away from campus šŸ’€ like he spends an HOUR driving just to go to me and take me to campus then drives another hour to take me home and go back to hiS house almost everyday and heā€™s justā€¦. so sweet. heā€™d open his car door for me all the time, never lets me pay for anything (we literally physically BRAWL in front of every cashier of every restaurant weā€™ve eaten in bcs i also insist in paying), is such a SHYYY person but gets loud whenever hes with me and texts with emojis with me, always waits for me anytime EVERYTIME, sends me tiktoks of cats bcs it reminds him of me, is allergic to cats but has FOUR who he loves veeery much, and thinks of the cutest activities for the both of us to do :ā€™-)
also, one time i got him his favorite coffee (that he drinks. every. single. day.) and he literally couldnt stop going MMMMMMMM THIS COFFEE IS SO GOOD everytime he takes a sip and i was likeā€¦ bro itā€™s the coffee u drink everyday tho????? and he went sorry it just tastes sm better bcs u got it for me šŸ˜” AND I WENT AKAKKANFNDJSBJSJSSJNS !!!!!!!!! thereā€™s so many things about him i could tell u but oops i realized i literally just wrote a 3 page essay about him šŸ§ā€ā™€ļø
ANYWAYYYSS all the simping aside, i canā€™t thank you enough for supporting me throughout my journey here!!!! you were the first person ever to send me an ask detailing abt how u loved my first work and that holds such a special place in my heart IM NOT KIDDING. literally trashed around like crazy when i saw ur ask ily. and i love love whenever u send me asks bcs theyre so fun to read and its so nice to get to know u!!! thank you so so much for being u, ren. i literally cannot thank you enough and im so glad weā€™ve met <3 i love u the mostest <3
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he DRIVES U HOME DOESNT COMPLAIN SIMPS FOR U OMFGGGG IM SO HAPPY FOR U LIZ IM LITERALLY SOSOSOSOSO HAPPY ND THE STOEY AAAAA IM SO ON LOVE WITH like he was right in front of u nd I'm telling u are gonna have ur happily ever after (my frnd also had the same story nd is now happily married with the guy ) MY GOD LIZ U ARE IN LOVEEEE Finally U PULLED A GENTLEMAN A KEEPER A LOVER A SIMP FOR U (when both simp for e/o >>>>>>) TELL ME MOREEEEE I WOULD LOVE TO LISTEN TO U ND YES I WILL ANNOY U 9N IG šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤©ND Y3S THANK U SM for coming back nd u just healed a part of me which u didn't break
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koqabear Ā· 1 year
IM SORORU IM SORRY. but also ur welcome! i didng mean to take so long writing i actually finished reading and started writing at like 4:30pm pst which is like. What. 7 for you?? i feel like it's weird that i remember the timezone difference . i hope u dont mind im just that kind of friend i fear... anyways JF I HAD JUST COPY AND PASTED AND NOT GOTTEN DISTRACTED FOR LIKE AN HOUR... That would have been sent at a much more reasonable time šŸ˜­ i think im just like you in the sense that i absolutely have to explain myself and then i just get carried away because my notes were actually not as long as what i sent and on top of that. I excluded some other parts i thought were silly because i realized it was getting way too long šŸ˜­ i thibk it might have been longer than the one i wrote for byd?? PLEASE GO TO SLEEP THOUGH..... Unless you dont havent anything to do tomorrow and aren't tired then idk... šŸ˜‡ ā€“ ml
no bc i do think itā€™s longer than the one for oyd?maybe? and is it greedy to say that i literally can never get enough of ur feedback? or rather feedback in general, i kid you not i go crazy for even the smallest stuff, i could write essays filled with how grateful and giddy it makes meā€” and with long reviewsā€¦ i feel like a lost part of me is restored when i receive them, like a reward for the time i spent on it šŸ˜­
but omg when i tell you i justā€¦. i couldnā€™t keep still reading ur thoughts. i was giggling and smiling so hard it was insane i had to get my glasses to read it better akdbskd šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ sat up a bit and everythingā€¦ had me kicking my feet a little iā€™m afraid.
i donā€™t have anything to do tomorrow thankfully šŸ”„instead i will focus on figuring out to respond to my inboxes and something small iā€™ve been uhhā€¦ working onā€¦ until i pass out or smth (i am also the type to remember time zone differences, donā€™t worry)
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lost-in-sokovia Ā· 2 years
hey, girl, it's literally midnight for me but I just had an idea and I HAD to share it with you and get your input. it's regarding our greasy rockstar rat boyfriend, Joby Taylor and his lovely daughter, Annie.
personal headcanon that I have to know your thoughts on: Joby starts keeping a notebook separate from the one he uses for songwriting. it's notebook where he writes everything about Annie in it. he wants to remember every little bit of her as she grows up. her favorite foods, favorite snacks, favorite movies, favorite cartoons, favorite animals...everything.
and like you NEVER thought Joby would be so sappy, but he always thinks about that meeting he had with Ellen where he was just so disconnected with her. he had no clue what she was into at all. and he's terrified of being so inattentive again.
so he's scrawling in the margins of a book little memories he has with you and her, all of her favorites, and even...little notes for her...for when she grows up perhaps?
like just: hey, you threw up mushed peas today. it was really gross. but you were giggling so hard and waving your dumb little spoon so much that it almost made up for it.
or: your mom is telling everyone that you first word is dada. but we both know what it really was...I'll remind you when you're older.
soph, I have to know if you think this is accurate or not because this concept is completely ruining my fragile brain. so sorry for the absolute essay that I'm dropping here but this was urgent for me. love you, bb!!
andromeda i am hyperventilating this is the cutest thing i have ever seen omfgšŸ˜­šŸ˜©
i 1000% agree that this is a thing he does. no question about it. oh my god. itā€™s a lot more of like the memories when sheā€™s a baby, but when she gets older he starts keeping track of her favorite things.
i bet it started off so casual too. like he saw her doing something cute that he kinda chuckled at and wrote it down, but then like it just became a thing he started to do like you said because of everything that happened with ellen.
heā€™ll put the dates down and everything omfg
10/31/(whatever year it is im not gonna do the math rn i just woke up) - itā€™s your first halloween and your mom dressed you up like a bunny in this fuzzy onesie. i wanted to make you look like a member of kiss, but itā€™s fine you look cute anyway.
11/6/(?) - i have never seen your diaper look more disgusting. how does something like that come out of a human being? god, we gotta get you on solid food soon, im tired of this.
5/24/(?) - you just told me your favorite color is pink even though i think a few days ago it was red. gonna note it down anyway.
i am so happy i woke up to this omfg i am crying i absolutely love it do NOT apologize because what you sent was long my heart is bursting right nowšŸ„¹šŸ’•šŸ’–šŸ’˜šŸ¤šŸ§ø
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alatusxiaoo Ā· 2 years
Hiii zalyy. Uhh i just saw your recent post and i wanted to say that youre under no obligation to write if you're not feeling it or just don't want to anymore. You already know this but I just wanted to put it out there because forcing yourself to pump out works is exhausting and something i hope you never have to do.
I also want to add that it's okay if you don't post often. Like I think that was implied but like I hope you don't feel sad for not being able to post your ideas and works. You have your own life outside of tumblr and being here is something you do out of your own volition, not a responsibility. Uhhh basically wanna say i hope that you don't feel sad or stressed about the the time you take between posting fics!
That said, i want you to know that i truly enjoy your writing. You're on of the first blogs i followed once i began reading genshin x readers and you've played a huge part in me beginning to play genshin. (I hope this doesnt sound like a guilttrip :< i just wanna say that you and your writing are lovely)
Thanks for reading until the end. I truly hope you're nothing but happy with the choices you make :D
i saw this a few days ago along with a similar ask, so im really sorry it took a while to respondā€¦but can i just say i feel so touched that you actually wrote a whole ass essay to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like wow. you certainly didnā€™t have to go this far because i am literally NOT worth it, but thank you so much for this anyway ;;
its weird how i always initially view writing as a hobby, and then at some point suddenly look at it only to feel like iā€™m being obligated to do it,, or at least satisfy people for the sake of it. i mean, i like writing, i like making people happy, i have a shit ton of amazing drafts left without completion, but at some point it does get taxing,,, and at the same time the urge to write starts to get sort of inconsistent. i like it but i hate it šŸ˜­ and probably the weirdest thing about it
that said, reading stuff like this actually motivates me to write some stuff again ā€” not because i feel guilt tripped into staying ā€” but because things like this make it feel worth writing, knowing that someone out there is still willing to read and interact with any of my works. and itā€™s upsetting to see how some passionate and talented people on tumblr decided to quit or put a pause on writing, because they felt like they gave a lot of effort producing all these amazing fics for nothing.
i definitely have the better hang of juggling real life and writing this time, and iā€™m hoping that during this (potentially) last month, i wonā€™t feel too stressed or burned out by it like i did before.
anyways idk why this got so long and sidetracked šŸ˜­ and i still have no idea why iā€™m kinda attached to writing. shoving that shit aside, iā€™m really flattered that iā€™ve become a part of your genshin playing journey :ā€™) and iā€™d love to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of my writing one too <3
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drunkjaked Ā· 2 years
hey sax, would you be able to expand on why you don't like longer fics? and even the thing about lowercase fics im so curious now that ik how you feel about them
Instead of sharing my thoughts (I can be really critical and fussy so I'll keep quiet) I'll leave 2 recommendations. These are some of my fave fics I've ever read:
The Art of War More by @/kpopfanfictrash (I'm so shy to tag, I'm such a big fan lmaoprotantor šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)
Cherry by @fallinforgyu (Also shy to tag but Bunny and I r bffies now so I should get over my shyness)...
Proper like review type thing under the cut !
TAOM: This fic has like a college admissions scandal at the centre of it AND IT'S ABOUT JUNGKOOK MWAH! Anyways, really well written and such a good read AND E2L <333 And so so so amazing I love it so much, it's literally 42k words long and I loved every single word more than the last. All of this author's work (that I've read, mostly about Taehyung + Jungkook) is just phenomenal I love it so so so much.
It's so well done and I've never read a fic so plot driven (plot being the admissions scandal) that didn't make me lose interest - like I read it because I wanted to read a JK fic not because I cared about admissions scandals but OHHHH MY DAYS did this fic have me so engrossed in the whole thing, like even if this wasn't a fic or if it was about someone I didn't like I would have enjoyed this fic THAT is how good the plot is here
Cherry is just.. I literally started using cherry lip gloss because of this fic??? I HAVE GONE OUT OF MY WAY TO CHANGE MY LIFE BECAUSE OF THIS FIC?? If that doesn't tell you how good this is then.. idk what will .. it's around 30k I'm pretty sure (2 parts). The way Bunny wrote this is just so perfect I've literally never read anything like this in my life I can't believe it exists and I get to be alive to read it (AND IGET TO CALL MYSELF BUNNY'S FRIEND????In shock and awe at the state of my life????).
It's set in the 80's and it's the summer time "and the only thing hotter than the summer sun is the desire that courses through your veins." ??? THE FIRST LINE IM LITERALLY sigh I think about Cherry in all aspects of my day to day life and I adore it so much, I could write an essay on this fic (but I enjoy writing essays so this is something for me to consider), definitely due a reread.
And what's so crazy is that I'll see a picture / video of Heeseung and think omg Cherry Heeseung.. this has never happened to me in my life. So, yes, Cherry is that good
WARNING u will cry and sob like a child <3333
These 2 fics gave me hope that there are long fics out there for the impatient and concentration impaired ! If u have any long fic recs I would love to check them out but I really have to psych myself up to read them so it may be a while before I do.. Also omds sorry for the caps in here I'm typing on my laptop and I've been doing uni work all day so I'm in proper typing mode atm (in terms of my capitalisation anyways).
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ao3screenshotss Ā· 2 years
as someone who also grew up with multiple languages (our coinciding ones being english, chinese, and cantonese) I RELATE TO YOU LMAO. Like speaking cantonese is okay but i have no idea how to write. I know traditional chinese and I know the writing system for cantonese, at least in Hong Kong, relies on traditional but god I can't write more than a few handful of letters
and don't worry anon you're doing better than me the only thing i can write in traditional are the ones that are the same in simplified šŸ’€
editing this cause i forgot to add context:
mandarin and cantonese are both types of chinese (theyā€™re not dialects theyā€™re branches but they have their own dialects) but nowadays when people say theyā€™re learning chinese they tend to mean mandarin. i can only speak cantonese and can read, write and speak a bit of mandarin but canto speakers generally donā€™t understand mando speakers and vice versa unless theyā€™ve learnt both languages
thereā€™s traditional chinese and simplified chinese. in hong kong and guang dong (i think?) they speak cantonese which is written in traditional chinese. the rest of china (beijing etc. but NOT shanghai they speak shanghainese there might be some other places too for example hakka i think is spoken in the south) speaks mandarin which is written in simplified chinese
if youā€™d like to know more feel free to ask me but for now hereā€™s the story!!!
i went to chinese school for 8 years right i quit a while back cause going back was too bad for my mental health (i would go anywhere like midnight in city and not be scared cause id think wow if i'm gone at least i don't have to continue chinese school)
so when i was there i was literally the WORST student i couldn't participate in class i failed all the tests and i never did the homework (i only slightly passed cause i cheated im sorry mum)
one day we had to do ä½œę–‡ (essay writing) for homework and this was like grade 5 or something we just started doing them and i couldn't do them and felt so so guilty cause my teacher was so nice and could speak canto too so she spoke to me in that cause she knew i couldn't speak mando for shit
that week's homework was the first time we had to write an actual essay instead of the paragraphs we had to write the weeks before and the topic was like 'ꈑēš„家äŗŗ' (my family) or something it was really easy so i was like hey!! i'll do the homework this week i like my teacher and this is a topic i can do so i'll try!!
so i tried
and i failed
half way through my knowledge failed me and i was stuck with 'ꈑēš„å¦ˆå¦ˆå¾ˆå–œę¬¢ē”»å„æ和' (my mum likes drawing andā€¦) and i wanted to write gardening but i couldn't work it out and was like it's okay!!! i'll just google translate it!!
so i got out my trusty old laptop (its not trusty now it's just old) and google translated 'gardening'
'åœ’č—' okay i don't know what that means or how to read it but it looks good enough so i'll just write it
and from that moment on, the second i used google translate i was screwed cause now that i had used it once i could use it for anything and everything
emphasis on the EVERYTHING cause now i had absolutely NO idea how to write the rest of my essay
so i was like 'hmmm you know what i'll do? i'll write it in english and then google translate it and copy it down! i'm a genius!!'
so i went and wrote my whole essay on a word doc and copy and pasted it into google translate
and i wrote down the translation word for word
and then i was finished!! i went in next week with my completed essay and finally got to hand it in to my teacher and i was so so proud of myself
i got my essay back at the end of the day and the only thing she wrote in that red pen was
'tina this is traditional chinese'
anyways i never handed in my homework again
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2018-01-20 Ā· 2 years
b) brainrot 4 megumi ; this mf LOVES cuddling omfg like he will literally bury his head in your hair and that is the absolute highlight of his day, just being able to come home and be safe in your warm embrace (not to make it angsty but what if u werent there when he went home and he realised that he forgot you were gone and just assumed you would always he beside him in this essay i will- KIDDING LSKSKDK)
c) TOGE ON THE BRAIN CONSTANTLY DAILY 24/7 ; his love language is touch :( he always has some way to be in contact with you either by leaning on you or kissing you or holding your hands GRRRKQKWKDJWJ im crying sorry i lose all coherency when talking abt toge šŸ˜­šŸ’—
IM SO SORRY FOR HOARDING THIS AJDJJFNF,, HELLO QUILL AKA XIAO'S STREAMER GF !! YOU BETTER BE HYDRATING! have you wrote any heart wrenching angst recently?? i also realized that cynosure finished and i want to congratulate you bb <33 remind me to binge read it soon!!
a) TYTY hehe this cat theme is my baby of pride and joy LOL
b) i love u for the megumi brainrot but i am sending yumeko hybrid to chuck rocks into your hair. HOW COULD U DO THIS TO MY HEART??? im not even gonna lie, i coincidentally got a bloody nose while reading the fluff overload LOL. anyway you have reminded me that i am a megumi kisser and that i am obligated to write a drabble of him cuddling with reader now <33
c) wheres the angst for toge huh??? but i 100 percent agree,,, inumaki loves to nuzzle his nose and face against ur collarbone and neck,, bonus points if you are wearing his clothes cause he loves that!! makes him smile so wide and he also adorably smiles in his sleep
d) ILYMMMMM!!! im glad i answered this ask on a monday cause rn i am visualizing myself powering through the rest of the week with the power of ur megumi brainrot >:)) i hope you are getting some needed rest bb!! <33
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