#im sorry you can’t dissuade me from this
opposingsigns · 1 year
You don’t like him because he’s evil? Grow up. The way in which the narrative displays his separation from the higher plane as an ultimate act of rejection from a being capable of divine and unconditional love that somehow cannot accept him, in which the rejection itself was caused by his own jealousy of humanity and subsequent desire to destroy that which the other loved as a means to free both himself and those like him from servitude to these “lesser beings”, all of which can be traced back to his initial twisted desire to be loved in a way he could understand (something that at is fundamentally misaligned from his counterpart) that ultimately ends in his own destruction and the sacrifice of the counterpart for the sake of humanity IS PART OF HIM. And I for one, love him for it 💖
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
Lmao hi i saw you wanted hsr requests-
(man, its so weird to request off anon im sorry 💀)
I still dunno which characters to choose so its up to you but how about yandere character and an Aeon of Love whos quick to fall in love and adore, but just as quick to throw away things that no longer interest them?
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note: this fic is more of proof of concept rather than an actual fic, if you want a more specific scenario feel free to request one through my asks!
warnings: yandere themes, canon divergence.
status: unedited
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I met with the Snowbird once.
That was all it took for me to be captured within their spell.
To wish for the ability to fly with their holy being once spring came.
An impossible dream that was.
Yet still its honeyed promises of seeing the snowbird once again lured me into this path.
This path of love and despair.
— Pope of the Philian Church.
[Y/N]. The God of Philandering. Snowbird. The Great Majesty of Romance. Their Wintry Excellency. Avem In Perpetua Fuga.
Aeon of Philia.
Some might call them the Aeon of Love but does love really come with a massive fear of commitment and the ease of which they left their significant others? Many scholars that studied the Aeon think not.
Their fickle, almost apathetic nature however did little to dissuade people and other gods alike from falling in love.
You see, [Y/N] was an expert, quite literally the best, when it comes to persuasion and seduction. In contrast to IX whose presence creates madness, theirs made the normal human being almost fall to their knees in religious fervor. Only those blessed by other Aeons could ever hope to escape or endure such an overwhelming aura.
The other gods themselves weren’t completely immune to their charms. One cannot help but be curious as to how a singular being was able to attain the infatuation of such powerful existences . . .
. . . and who exactly that singular being is.
In any case, as one would expect from an Aeon of Romance, the [Y/N] faith is never short of passionate poetry.
Here’s one I found in the General of Xianzhou’s office of all places. Perhaps he might be a follower of theirs? It is quite laughable to think of the great Jing Yuan dabbling in literature when avoiding duties.
“Your love scorched my mind.
Tortured my soul.
Hollowed my body.
But in this pain,
Thoughts of your presence and light,
Dull the blade you sheathed within me.
I await your return,
and your claim over the heart you’ve carved out of me.”
Perhaps those scholars were being a bit too harsh. A god of love must have extremely high standards for their partner. Perhaps those partners were simply foolish, delusional to believe they’d be enough for them.
It is a popular theory that all Aeons used to live peacefully amongst one another until the Great Majesty of Romance threw the world into chaos. The youth nowadays have written several essays alluding to their idea that it was what jumpstarted paths such as the Destruction and Elation. No evidence of such happenings have come out so far.
In my opinion? If anything the Aeon of Elation, Aha would be the bringer of chaos not the other way around. I suspect that the bias and warnings taught to the masses against worshipping or even studying [Y/N], has led to this kind of popular belief.
Why ?
Why is it that they won’t come back ?
I have devoted my entire life to clearing their name. I have spent countless nights agonising on the proper words to use when describing their Wintry Excellency.
Why then would they not praise me ? Why then would they not grace me with their presence once more ? Was it all a mirage ? A tantalising dream made to inflict pain on my soul?
. . . Perhaps it is because I have chosen the wrong path.
. . .
Yes it’s all my fault.
I should have devoted my entire life to worship not just studies.
How moronic of me !
A god of love would never be so cruel. No.
They are simply waiting. Waiting for the day, I come to them.
That was where everyone else was wrong. And I . . . will be right.
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©️ hana.no.seiiki - yun | 2023
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ancient-pokehistorian · 8 months
Hey guys, Wings (she/her or they/them) here!
The rules are basically going to be the same as my previous blogs, but if you’ve never met me here’s the rundown:
Important general rules:
I can be a very s l o w replier, and often have a tendency to drop threads. Because of some medical issues I get tired and worn-down easily. I also am a part-time student. First off, I’m very, very sorry. Please talk to me if I forget or drop something you really want to do.
Relating to the above, there are some nights where I only have the muse for certain threads, or even just memes or drabbles. Please respect that and don’t take offense that I’m not replying.
I’m painfully shy. While I refuse to use this as an excuse to avoid interacting with other people, just know that if I don’t talk to you or interact with you. This is something I'm working on improving on, but I'll admit it does help if I get hints of interest from you (even if it's just liking some of my other posts)
OOC will be tagged as ‘Out of History’’ 
IC =/= OOC; If one of my muses doesn’t like your muse please don’t assume that I don’t like you. Val can be a dick sometimes. Chances are I do, very much like you.
IMs/DMs can cause me a lot of anxiety. This doesn’t mean that you can’t send them, but please understand there are some days I just may not reply. It’s not anything you did, it just spares me some stress because otherwise I’ll hyperfocus on them and not get anything done, resulting in a sense of guilt. So please just respect that. Also please don’t IM me just because I’m online; chatting is one of the hardest things.
You may have noticed this is now a sideblog. I don't feel like I can handle blog-hopping right now, or know for certain if I'm going to be able to keep things up. If that dissuades you from interacting with me, that's perfectly understandable.
I do not follow back without at least a rules page, and preferably a rules and an about page. If you're new to rp and new help on where to start, I'd be happy to help.
I have the usual roleplay rules-no godmodding, ect. Usually I give a warning, but if I do please don’t take it lightly. If you aren’t sure, or you’re new to rp and keep seeing the word ‘godmod’ floating around without understanding, just come talk to me and we’ll figure things out.
I don’t have much experience with Pokémon Special, so this will primarily be a game-verse blog. That being said, I’m more than happy to do crossovers of any sort, including between fandoms. Just understand that I may not be well-versed in the world from which your character comes, so you may have to give me some details.
OCs, multi-muse blogs, gijinkas, and Pokémon are welcome. I’m not very picky about who I thread with, so long as you understand the italicized rule above.
I also rp with multiples of the same muse. I do not have a main verse.
Likewise, I will do one-liners, para, and multi-para threads, though I lean towards multi-para. Sometimes my replies will be short, so please forgive me. I’ll try to match your length. Don’t feel compelled to match mine if you can’t think of anything, but I’d appreciate a thoughtful reply that I can work with.
This is a multi-ship blog. Unless relationship conflict is discussed between all involved roleplayers and agreed upon, no muse is cheating on anyone. 
I am all for having pre-established relationships. Come talk to me if you want to do that. We can also retcon a relationship if we’ve already started something.
I do not do greeters.
Most of the time I wing interactions, but I’d be happy to plot as well. Just remember that sometimes I take awhile to reply to asks.
Open to M!As, but I maintain the right to refuse any M!A or change the duration (including ending it early if need be)
While I don’t consider myself super strict on reblog karma, if I only ever see you reblogging memes from my blogs and never sending things, I will be disheartened and less inclined to interact with you. I’m working on gently reaching out to people if I see them doing this, and the majority of the time I reblog memes from a meme source if you can’t think of anything to send me personally.
However, if I've only ever seen you reblog memes from me (usually over a decent period of time because I'm slow to notice stuff), without interacting with me. you will be soft blocked.
The mun does not claim ownership of any art unless it’s tagged ‘Wings arts’.
Mun is of age, as are most of the muses, but it’s worth double-checking. Sexy fun times may occur on 18+ muses but are unlikely, and will be put under a read more. Other NSFW topics, like gore, may appear as well.
Similarly, triggers will be tagged, including gore. I tag ending with TW (ex: violence tw). Because I’m human I occasionally miss things, so don’t be afraid to message me if I have to go back and tag things. Please tell me if there’s anything you need me to tag for you, and I’m more than happy to do so.
I’d love to rp some Pokémon battles. However, instead of just jumping into a battle, I’d rather we either discuss the battle and outcome beforehand, or use a RNG to decide what attacks hit and such (I have a system I’ve used in the past that worked wonderfully, and would be happy to share it). 
If at any point you want to ship, just let me know. I can’t promise that my muse will feel the same, but I’m willing to at least give it a try as long as there’s chemistry and you respect my other rules.
Please feel free to come talk to me OOC, even if we don’t thread. I’m a shy birdy, but I do enjoy meeting new people and making friends. Usually my ask box is the best way to reach me, but IMs/DMs are open, too.
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rottingmanifesto · 2 years
10 (righteous) for that number prompt?
Bit late, sorry on that! (I’m still working on getting Linc’s voice down, so constructive criticism/praise/questions/etc is welcome and wanted.)
10. Righteous [Father James, Lincoln]
“Lincoln— son, I know you’re grievin’. I am too.”
“Can’t dissuade me from this.”
The Father’s opinion on this ain’t wavering an’ you know it, shoulda known the minute you came back to his house. It’s the same damn conversation y’all keep having. But you ain’t changing either, you can’t cut-and-run on the only people who ever loved you. You gotta do this.
Father James hands you whiskey as a peace offerin’. You ain’t fallin’ for it.
“I know I can’t dissuade the anger in you.” Awful funny that a priest drinks. If you’re a hypocrite, he’s far fuckin’ worse. Shit, wait, you don’t wanna be angry at ‘im— you oughta ignore the feelin’ for now. “I ain’t talkin’ to that part of ya. I’m talkin’ to the boy I raised.”
“The hell are y—”
“I’m talkin’ about the one who had that lopsided smile, the one who tried to befriend everyone, the one that loved his people even when they didn’t love ‘im back. The real Lincoln.”
“Shit, Father, you implyin’ I ain’t real?” Hurt more than you thought it would. He should know better than anyone else that this ain’t how life works. The Bible is only as good as its application, and it sure as hell don’t cover what to do when your family is fuckin’ massacred.
Explainin’ yourself won’t help the situation. You ain’t cuttin’ and runnin’ on your people when they need you, and if the Father can’t understand that, fuck him. (There’s that fuckin’ resentment again. Jus’ ignore it— like everything else. Maybe you’re jus’ afraid of losing him, same as Sammy an’ Ellis. You can’t take any more loss. Fuck.)
You down the whiskey. “I’m justified in this.” You have to be. It’s righteous anger. He should know better than anyone else that it’s goddamn justified.
You got better things to do. You should just leave.
“I disagree. This- this poison ain’t from God.”
“Then where the fuck is it from, Father?”
“Ain’t my place to say.”
He won’t answer the question. Never does. That’s how the Father works.
“Thanks for the drink. I gotta go, John said to meet ‘im near French Ward.”
You don’t hate him. You’re just grievin’.
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bloomin-plume · 2 months
Hello! Welcome to my Masterpost!
You can call me Blossom or Kat, I'm 25+ and I'm always lookin' for writing buddies! So feel free to like this post or DM me if you're interested!
thanks for checkin' it out either way, if you do!
⤹ ˚₊‧ I hope you have a wonderful day `*:;,·♡.°
𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 ℤ𝕠𝕟𝕖 :
→ Hawaii Standard Time
→ My schedule is admittedly unpredictable except for Tuesdays 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am -12:00 pm, I will not be around at those hours.
ℝ𝕠𝕝𝕖𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕪 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕗𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤 :
→ I prefer to have a server on discord so we can talk about our sillies all we want in designated channels, and also have the option to have more than one rp going on at once if we are so inclined {I am usually so inclined}
→ 1x1 {Im not opposed to group rps if they're small, I just get a little overwhelmed sometimes}
→ I love to do fandom based roleplays but I also LOVE to do fandom-less roleplays :)
→ Oc x Oc {Its not often that I will rp a canon character (if it happens I prefer oc x cc and I almost always will want to double up)}
→ BxG {Its just what I'm most comfortable writing as far as romance, I'm sorry if that bothers you. In any other genre I will do any gender pairing}
→ Semi-Literate to Literate writing lengths {and always in 3rd person point of view}
(Im willing to try novella but I'm still learning how to maintain that length long term, I'm willing to try if you'd like though!)
→ Please talk to me outside of our roleplay, I can't vibe with the "just writing no friending" situation 🥲
{I need to discuss the sillies or I will perish}
→ I don't need a heads up before you vanish but it is extremely appreciated when possible
𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕘𝕖𝕣𝕤 :
→ Detailed bedroom scenes
𝕆𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕋𝕠 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕖 :
-I can deal with a little touchy feely stuff, but anything too in depth is outta the question for me, sorry 😔
→ I'm not a fan of supernatural/magic themes
-Magical girl type stuff and mermaids and fairies are like passable, but for the most part it makes me uncomfy, I'm open to discussing more in depth my likes and dislikes though, I like fantasy settings and plots
→ I may feel inclined to draw our OCs, and I might ask before hand, but sometimes I end up mindlessly doodling familiar faces so if you're not a fan of that
𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕠𝕞𝕤 :
I don't think I'm the right person for you 😂
→ I have a lot of characters who speak languages I don't speak (mainly Japanese and Spanish, I know some but I'm not fluent yet) so I apologize in advance for any bad translations 😂😭🙏
→ I talk a lot lol
and I usually tend to send messages even when I'm fairly certain you are busy or not around so if I'm talking too much or sending too many messages let me know please-
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𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚓𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚢 ;
❤️ 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 1-20 𝙾𝙲𝚜
💬 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝙾𝙲
🤷‍♀️ 𝙸 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚗𝚘 𝙾𝙲𝚜
💔 𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙾𝙲𝚜 𝚞𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚏𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚢
* 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 𝚊 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖
+ 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚊𝚟𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚁𝙿 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚢 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚊𝚢
<> 𝙾𝚌𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚑𝚢𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚒𝚡𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙸 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖
(don't let this one dissuade you from asking to rp it, its on the list for a reason lol)
━━━━━━༺˚₊‧ ༻ ━━━━━━
{They are in alphabetical order}
→ Adventure Time ❤️<>
→ Avatar ❤️
→ Avatar: The Last Airbender ❤️*
→ DC ❤️*
→ Encanto ❤️*+
→ Haikyuu ❤️*<>
→ Inuyasha 🤷‍♀️*
→ Jujutsu Kaisen 💬
→ The Legend of Zelda 💬*
→ Miraculous Ladybug ❤️*<>
→ My Hero Academia ❤️*
→ One Piece ❤️
→ Ouran Highschool Host Club ❤️*
→ Over The Garden Wall 🤷‍♀️*
→ Overwatch ❤️*
→ Spiderverse ❤️*+
→ Studio Ghibli 💬*
→ Tokyo Mew Mew ❤️*
{ There are other fandoms I’m in, I just can’t remember anymore haha}
*List of Characters I play*
━━━━━━༺˚₊‧ ༻ ━━━━━━
𝙴𝚖𝚘𝚓𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚢 ;
>:) 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗
:) 𝙸'𝚖 𝚏𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗
:') 𝙸 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚙 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖, 𝙸'𝚖 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚗𝚝
━━━━━━༺˚₊‧ ༻ ━━━━━━
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Sokka :')
Toph :)
Zuko :)
Garfield Logan >:)
Jaime Reyes :)
Harley Quinn :)
Dick Greyson :)
Wally West >:)
Barry Allen :)
Bruno Madrigal >:)
Camilo Madrigal >:)
Pepa Madrigal :)
Alma Madrigal :)
Isabela Madrigal :)
Tsukishima Kei >:)
Tadashi Yamaguchi :)
Asashi Azumane :)
Kenma Kozume >:)
Inuyasha >:)
The Legend of Zelda
Link :')
Ravio :')
Miraculous Ladybug
Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste >:)
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugo :)
Fumikage Tokoyami :)
Hanta Sero :')
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Tamaki Suoh :)
Kyouya Ootori :')
Mitsukuni Haninozuka >:)
Over The Garden Wall
Wirt >:)
Angela Ziegler >:)
Hana Song :)
Hanzo Shimada :')
Hobie Brown >:)
Miguel O'Hara :)
Peter B. Parker :')
Studio Ghibli
Howl Pendragon >:)
Jiro Horikoshi >:)
Tokyo Mew Mew
Ichigo Momomiya :)
Minto Aizawa >:)
Lettuce Midorikawa :)
Quiche :)
Pai :')
Tart :')
Feel free to request other characters as well, if I can play them I will try haha
As I said before, I'm extremely partial to playing OCs so any canon character I write is liable to be at least a little out of character if not more than a little lol, but I will try my best :)
Slowly I'll likely post my HCs for each character !
0 notes
erosofthepen · 3 years
Letters From Amad pt.2
After about five months of not knowing how to continue it, i have finished part 2!! There will be a third part, not nearly as long, and i already have most of it written, so it should be out a lot sooner lol. BUT, i hope you enjoy it, and thanks for putting up with me lol.
-Part 1
-Words: 4,898
-Warnings: blizzard/storm, injury, hypothermia, some swearing
-Tags: @grunid, @elvish-sky, @sassyscribbler, @whore4fictionalhoes11, @smaugs-guardian, @bitter-sweet-farmgirl, @jotink78, @marvel-ous-hobbit, @anjhope1, (if i forgot you, im sorry, i have trouble keeping track sometimes)
It was moments like this that reflected Thorin’s terrible decision making. In actuality, his decision to not put anymore lives at risk was very wise. But still, it was Fili who was out there. And Kili. And since Thorin would not send a search party out, it was time to take matters into your own hands.
First things first, you went back to your chambers and put on your warmest, fluffiest, most wind-resistant coat. Rabbit fur covered the insides (the hides were hunted and tanned by Fili, a courting gift to you), and thick leather made up the outside, keeping the cold out and the warmth in. Next, you pulled on your winter boots (you had actually just had them made last week, and there were three little pockets perfect for concealing knives in), as well as a hat, gloves, and a scarf, all knitted by Ori, his way to show gratitude after your help in the libraries. You then proceeded to gather up some salted meat and cram, walk down to the entrance of the mountain, and enter the stables.
You choose a faithful companion to keep you company, namely, Daisy. The Mare had a thick wooly mane, and an extreme proclivity towards sweets. This was not to be your first venture with the pony, and now you knew better to bring him anywhere within five leagues of a bakery. You had not been amused when he had eaten an entire box of pastries meant for you and the scholars, though Kili and Fili had thought it to be the most hilarious of stories. However, despite his tendency to devour pastries, Daisy was reliable and resilient, and you hardly rode any other steed.
Several stableboys tried to dissuade you from leaving in the storm, but you brushed off their remarks as you tacked up Daisy. Thankfully, they didn’t try to block your path as you left, though they did warn you to be careful. You weren’t too concerned, for the storm had grown tamer in the day, and the frost was not biting your face. Yet, that is.
You reached Dale in about an hour. It took much longer than expected, with Daisy being nearly up to his belly in the fallen snow. Dale was practically devoid of men and women, most of them having the brains to stay inside during the storm. The only exceptions were some watchmen and one or two passersby.
“Oi, it’s a bit too cold for a morning ride lady, have you lost all sense?” A guard asked as you were leaving the gate on the other side of town.
“No my good fellow, I'm just looking for my friends. Have you seen two dwarrow come this way?”
“Can’t say that I have, but Maurice said he saw a pair last night, a few hours before the snow started.”
“Did Maurice mention where they were headed?”
“To the caravan, where else? It’s about fifteen miles from here, I would guess. You’re not considering going out there, are you?”
“I’m afraid that I must. Good day to you sir,”
“And a very cold day to you, lassie. Best of travels.”
“And to you as well.”
You quickly left and mentally cursed yourself for wishing him best of travels in return. He wasn’t traveling, you idiot!
The embarrassment faded as the wind began to pick up. The blizzard was steadily getting thicker, the puffy snowflakes turning more compact and icy. The city of Dale had long disappeared behind you in the snow, and you could only hope you were headed in the right direction.
However adventurous and bold it sounds, riding bare-back on a pony in the middle of a freezing cold snow storm was not at all an easy task. Your scarf had been moved to cover most of your face, and your hood was tied tightly ‘round your head, yet the flakes still stung your flesh. You were definitely starting to rethink your whole “making sure the brothers were alright in a storm idea.” Especially since it was pointless to look for them in between the caravan and Dale, as you couldn’t even see ten feet in front of you. Your goal now was to simply make it to the caravan without frostbite.
Around noon, you tried eating a bit of the bread you had packed, only to find it frozen. As well as the cheese. And the dried meat. It wouldn’t do good to gnaw on it either, as that would just make your innards cold as well, so you just went with your stomach protesting.
It was starting to get quite dark when you finally saw what seemed to be a glow in the distance. As you drew closer, it grew apparent that it was the caravan, and you sighed in great relief.
The dwarrow on watch were very suspicious. Of course, once you explained your purpose, they grew less so.
“I come from Erebor, in search of the Princes. Prince Fili and Kili left last night with the intention to travel here, have they arrived?”
The guards started to look a bit nervous.
“No my lady, no one’s seen anything of them.”
Your heart dropped to your feet.
“Are you sure?”
“Aye, the whole group would have known.”
You might’ve cried, but your eyes felt nearly frozen. You turned your pony, with full intent to head back out into the blizzard and look for your love, when one of the watchdwarrow stopped you.
“You’ll freeze out there my lady, as will your pony. Stay and get warm.”
“Aye lass” another said, “Besides, if the Prince’s are out there, her Lady Dís should be informed.”
Ah, that’s right. Dís.
One of the guards led Daisy off to get warm with other animals, while the other led you to Her Ladyship’s tent. He announced your presence, awaited approval, and then lifted the flap of the tent, beckoning you inside before letting it fall behind you.
Dís was a truly stunning Dwarrow, even for her age, with long black raven hair and a beard to match. Some strands were turning silver, much like Thorin’s, and her blue eyes were more piercing than an orc’s. She looked incredibly confused when you walked into her tent.
“Good Mahal lass, what the hell were you doing out in that storm? You must be senseless.” She said, looking up from a book she had been reading and furrowing her brows.
“I was looking for the Prince’s. I should introduce myself, my name is (Y/N).”
Dís’s eyes widened and she stood, showing off quite an impressive height.
“Why would you be looking for my sons out in this storm, (Y/N)?”
“They… Fili left a note this morning, he and Kili were coming to the caravan to see you. The watchdwarrow said they hadn’t arrived.”
The Dwarrowdams jaw went slack for a moment, and then she cursed, banging her hand on a small table that held a bottle of whiskey.
“Foolish boys! Have they no sense? I was to be seeing them in only a few more days, but they could not wait, could they? Och, the beasts!” Dís continued her rant for a while longer, before she turned her gaze back on you.
“And you journeyed out here in the storm?”
“Aye. I could not rest well knowing that they were out in this foul weather. I will be going to head back out to look for them as soon as I’ve warmed up a bit,” you replied, very conscious of the Mother’s piercing stare. She was quiet, until she breathed a worried sigh.
“It’s no use to search out in this weather, lass. Especially at night. Rest here with me, we’ll go searching first thing on the morrow. I must talk with the guards for now, make yourself comfortable, I will return soon.”
And, just like that, Dís left the tent. Her talk was brief, and left you standing dumb in the center of the tent. For some time, you debated on whether or not to go out searching anyways, but the fire was surely inviting, and something in you knew Dís wouldn’t take kindly to you leaving against her wishes.
Your travel bag, heavy and frozen from being exposed to the elements for so long, left your shoulders as you set it down by the entrance. Next came your gloves, and then the outer coat, snow and ice caked on it making your fingers fumble whilst trying to unbutton it. Eventually, it joined your bag, as well as your boots (if you had thought the coat was difficult to get off, the frozen buckles on your boots were torture). After you had stripped the burdensome clothing off, you simply stood in the center of the room, close to the fire. There were blankets nearby, piled near a bedroll, but you dared not touch them, seeing as they belonged to Dís. It was rather awkward, simply sitting in a stranger's (of sorts) quarters, and weren’t sure what to do.
Your eyes did some exploring for you, falling first on the book that Dís had been reading. ‘The Heart of Hrund’. Huh. You recognized the title, from the Great Library, but you knew very little about it. You’d have to read it now. Your eyes then fell to the whiskey bottle. ‘Breaker’s’. Ah. Memories you shared with Kili at the beginning of the journey returned, however hazed they were due to your drunken state. Strong stuff, Breaker’s was. Bofur managed to get his hands on a few bottles from a merchant, and you and Kili had stolen one from him, much to Thorin’s disappointment and Fili’s annoyance (he was upset to be left out of the fun). Your eyes then drifted to a leather-fitted box, beautiful khuzdul runes and designs etched into it, however, before you could get a closer look, footsteps crunched through the snow outside the tent.
Dís and a young dwarrow entered, carrying stew, bread, and a plethora of blankets and pillows.
“Mahal,” Dís started, placing the tray of food down on the little table and grabbing a quilt from the other dwarrow, “Have you just been sitting here freezing? You could have taken a blanket, you know.” She said, wrapping the quilt around your shoulders and moving you to sit down.
“I, er, I didn't want to be rude.” You replied, now sitting cross-legged on the floor. Dís screwed her face at you.
“Lass, it is never considered rude to take a blanket in the cold. Only exception is if someone is already using it.”
You didn’t reply, feeling very uncomfortable social-wise, despite finally starting to warm up physically. Dís grabbed the rest of the supplies from the other dwarrow and nodded at him to leave. As he left the tent, Dís set the other blankets down and started making a bedspace for you near the fire.
“I can help with that,” you said, starting to get up to help.
“Nonsense lass, you get yourself warm.” Dis stood and grabbed the food tray once more. “However, I do request that you eat.” she set the tray down in front of you, and you thanked her, feeling a bit guilty as you started on the stew.
“Uh, have you eaten yet, My Lady?”
Dís scoffed, resuming her work on your bed roll. “Don’t call me that child, call me Amad. I can hardly stand to be addressed in that way by servants, let alone my sons One. But yes, I’ve had my fill.”
Her words shocked you, having only ever heard Fili refer to you as his One. You hardly expected Dís to accept you as Fili’s lover, let alone his One.
“Alright.” You replied, once more feeling dumb and without anything to contribute. So you sat in silence, trying hard not to slurp and watching Dís make up your bed. Eventually, She moved up and away, surveying her work.
“Thank you, that was very kind.” you said. Dís sighed and nodded, sitting down on the other side of the fire. You were quiet once more, and were now re-considering going out to search for Fili and Kili, if only to avoid the discomfort of the situation.
“I hope you are only not talking because of the storm. I expected a much more chatty lass, if i’m being honest.” Dís remarked, eyeing you carefully.
Panic flashed through your eyes as you tried to think of something to say, but Dís let out a soft chuckle before you could make a fool of yourself.
“I’m only joking, child. You needn't be nervous here. Tell me, how was your journey from the mountain to here?”
“Cold,” You blurted out, shuddering as you imagined the wind biting your face. Dís smiled at your bluntness.
“Indeed, I imagine it would be, especially if you’ve been out all day. Tell me, was there any sign of them as you came over?”
You shook your head. “Unfortunately no, I could hardly see past my nose once the snow grew thicker.”
“I swear, those boys will be the death of me,” she muttered.
“Just be glad you weren’t Thorin trying to deal with all three of us,” you said without thinking. Dís locked eyes with you, and then started chuckling.
“I do not envy him, based on what I've read of you three. It seems that you made it your entire purpose to create trouble for my brother dear.”
“Well, we tried to. For the first half of the journey, at least. He was much more willing to withstand our meddling before we crossed the Misty Mountains. Then came the orcs, and goblins, and Mirkwood, Laketown, the dragon… and the battle too.” Your face had fallen whilst you spoke, and Dis reached out her hand to comfort you.
“You mustn't dwell on the hardships of the past, child. It does nothing but cause trouble for the mind. Believe me, I know.”
At that moment, Dís seemed to age very quickly, and the wisdom and experience that this dwarrowdam had became clearer. You knew her story well-enough, from nights Fili had needed to find comfort in you, telling you about his childhood and family. Dís had wed Víli Heptifilissøn, and twelve years after Kili had been born, he had fallen ill from the Black Lung*, and had spent months growing weaker and weaker until he perished. Fili was able to remember the wretched coughing, and his Adad’s ragged breaths, as clearly as the day it happened. It was the reason he refused to go deep into coal mines, or else made up excuses. If those memories still hung onto Fili, you could only imagine how horrible it must have been for Dís, who had to watch her husband suffer such a death. Looking at her now, you never felt more in awe of a single person.
“You speak truly, my Lady-”
She looked at you sharply, but with a twinkle in her eyes.
“-I mean, Amad.”
That satisfied her, and she relaxed her hand away. “I do indeed, child. Never has a lie crossed my lips. Except when I told Thorin that he had a mighty spider in his beard.” You chuckled at that, but it quickly turned to a yawn. Dís raised a brow.
“It’s time for sleep then,” she commented, “I’ll leave you in peace to finish eating, and then it’s straight to bed.” Dís stood and went back to her chair, and resumed her book, leaving you to scoop that last of the stew in your mouth. It was not long before you were warm and cozy in your makeshift bed, and Dís bid you goodnight before blowing out the lanterns.
You woke to shouting. In your groggy state, you couldn’t make out the words, and you blinked in the dim light of the fire.
“What new madness arises?” You heard Dís murmur, followed by the sounds of her fumbling about. The shouting grew nearer. “Are you awake, (Y/N)?”
“Only partly,” you replied, trying to untangle the covers from your legs. You shuddered as the extra warmth left, but hurried to your feet, only stumbling slightly. The noise was becoming considerably louder, and your ears could start to make out the words being yelled.
“Get a healer, lads!”
“He looks frozen stiff!”
“SHOVE OFF! WHERE IS AMAD?” Kili’s furious shout snapped you into alertness. At that moment, Dís was able to find a lantern, and finally the tent’s interior was more visible. The flap in front of the tent lifted, and Kili stumbled in, hair frozen with bits of ice and face bright red. With horror, you realized he was supporting another dwarf who was barely conscious. Fili.
You jumped to your feet and rushed towards your betrothed, supporting his other side and lifting his head. Fili’s lips were tinged blue, and his teeth were chattering bitterly, clacking together in a terrible rhythm. Dís was there not a second after you, and she helped guide you all to lay Fili down in the space you had slept just moments before.
“Strip him down,” Dís commanded, starting to work on his boots. You followed her orders without hesitation, helping Kili with Fee’s coat. It didn’t take too long for the three of you to undress him to his underclothes, and you winced when you saw his shoulder looked… definitely not normal. Dís pressed on it gently, and Fili made a weak groan that twisted at your heart.
“He fell off his pony,” Kili said.
“Of course he did. Kili, fetch a healer.” The younger prince sprang up, filled with energy even after being out in a blizzard for nearly an entire day. But he was hardly at the entrance when a grizzled old dwarrow entered, a satchel in hand and a hard look set in his features.
‘‘Hanarr,” Dís welcomed, nodding her head. The old dwarf grunted in acknowledgement before kneeling down by Fili’s shoulder, feeling along the bone. He grunted once more, before looking up at Kili.
“Hold down right here lad,” Hanarr instructed, moving Kili’s hands to rest on Fili’s other shoulder and chest. “Right, hold it firm.”
Hanarr outstretched Fili’s other arm, and began to move it towards his head. A click sounded, and Fili called out, however weakly. His shoulder looked back to normal again, and Hanarr quickly folded his arm against his chest, before searching through his medical pack and pulling out a sling.
“Sit him up, lad.” the healer instructed Kili. He propped Fili up against his side, and this time, Fili held his own head up, his gaze landing on you. Confusion flitted across his nearly-frostbitten features, and he mumbled your name despite of his state.
But Hanarr was upon him again, and soon the sling was fastened to his arm, and the Healer was moving his legs so that they were tucked against his chest. He addressed Kili once more, “Get rid of yer tunic, and stay close to yer brother” and then turned towards you, “do the same, but mind his shoulder lassie.” Without hesitation, you followed his command and soon Fili was sandwiched between yourself and Kili. Dís (with the permission of Hanarr), wrapped several blankets around the three of you, and soon set to work on making some tea. Hanarr presented her with a root of ginger, and, after seeing that all that could be done was done, decided to take his leave.
“He should be fine in a few hours, I'll come back to check on him soon. Keep him awake.” were his final words before departing.
The silence that followed his departure was intense, interrupted only by the sound of the fire, the kettle, and a knife. Dís was the first to speak.
“I would have your hides, if I was not so glad to see you again.” She said in a low voice as she shredded the ginger.
“I’m sorry Amad,” Kili said, eyeing the movement of his Amad’s knife, “Patience has never been my strong suit.”  Beside you, Fili shifted and rested his forehead against your temple.
“Indeed not,” Dís replied, her voice heating like the water she was boiling, “How did you convince your brother to join you in this endeavor?” Fili moved again, this time nuzzling his face into your neck and hair, his nose startlingly cold.
“Who said it was my idea?” Kili argued. However, Dís turned her glare on him, and He flushed and murmured, “he wanted to see you too, it didn’t take much to convince him.”
“(Y/N)” Fili said, drawing the attention away from arguing. “ ‘m tired.” He let his head rest heavy against your shoulder, and you (reluctantly) moved him away.
“You must wait to sleep, Kidhuzel,” You said, bringing your hand up to brush his hair away from his face. He opened his eyes wider, in sheer betrayal. You could have smiled, knowing Fili’s tendency to become unreasonably cross when denied sleep, but instead you kissed his cheek.
“Your Amad is making tea for you, and when you drink it, you’ll warm right up.” The blond prince’s eyes dropped once more and he tried moving back to the crook of your neck, only to be refused a second time.
“ I’d prefer Ale,” He muttered bitterly. At this, you did allow yourself to smile.
“Not a chance. Your heart might stop.” He grumbled and detached his uninjured arm from Kili, taking your hand and squeezing it with what feeble strength that had returned to his veins.
“It won’ stop as long as you’re ‘ere.”
Kili snorted, but was silenced as Dís sent him another glare, and you laughed softly, shaking your head and squeezing his hand back.
“If it worked that way, then I would gladly give you the finest Ale, however, I do believe tea would be a better option.”
When the tea was ready, you helped Fili to drink it. At first, the prince had winced at the heat, but soon he drank it gladly, becoming more alive with each sip. You sensed Dís watching you and Fili carefully, but brushed it off, telling yourself she was only concerned for Fili, not observing how you interacted. A small part of you that wouldn’t be silenced said it was both. Soon the mug was empty, and it had apparently helped Fili along much more than you anticipated, and soon he had detached himself completely from his brother and was pulling you closer.
“Careful of your shoulder,” you reminded him.
“ ‘s fine.” He replied, pressing flush against you. His skin had already warmed, thus proving the hardiness and hot blood of dwarrow. Kili scooted away, seeing that he was no longer needed, readjusted the furs covering yourself and his brother, and pulled his tunic back on. Dís immediately walked over and threw another fur across his shoulders, and pulled him into a tight hug, which he returned just as tightly. You averted your eyes when Kili started to sniff and tremble.
“I missed you,” he said.
“And I as well, inùdoy” Mother and son stayed in once another’s embrace, until she drew away and made him drink his fill of ginger tea as well.
A half hour later, you were struggling to keep Fili’s eyes open, and Kili had already crashed on Dís’s bedroll. The dwarrowdam herself grew impatient for Hanarr’s return, and had gone out searching for him. She reentered the tent with him not ten minutes later, and Hanarr (as grumpy and irritable as he was, he was an excellent healer), inspected Fili. Truly, your prince was proof that dwarves were nothing more than portable furnaces, and his temperature was more or less back to normal. He still was a bit out of it, but it was nothing a good night’s sleep wouldn’t fix. Soon Hanarr declared that it was safe for Fili to sleep, and almost immediately, the blond sank into your bedroll and began to snore.
Diís left after Hanarr, telling you to rest and call her if need be. You didn’t question where she was going, and she did not share it with you.
However tired and exhausted you were, sleep would not come. You sat in front of the fire for hours, feeding it and stoking it, keeping your mind entertained with the images dancing in the flames.
You had just finished adding another log to the fire, when a hand lightly gripped your wrist.
“Ghivashel” Fili said faintly. Your head turned towards him, and you smiled despite all things; for while Fili’s face was still red, his hair undone, and his eyes bleary, he was alive and conscious.
“Khuzd allakhul” you scolded, bending down to lean your forehead against his, “What sort of prince are you, to go out in the snow and frighten your lover?” You kissed his lips softly before drawing away just enough to wait for his answer.
“A very foolish prince indeed,” He murmured, his hand on your wrist pulling you back towards him. “But what sort of lover are you, to worry so greatly and come after me in the snow?”
“A very devoted lover, who has half a mind to leave now that you’ve insulted my care of you.” Fili’s eyes widened and he summoned his strength to pull you down, nestled in his side.
“Forgive me, I was not thinking of insulting you, amrâlimê. I just don’t want to see you suffer for my sake. Menu Tessu.” He said, turning his head to press a kiss to your temple. The beads on his mustache braids still felt frozen, but his lips were warm. You smiled and took his hand, entwining your fingers together.
“All is forgiven. So long as you won’t do anything as stupid as that ever again.” you replied. Fili sighed and kissed the side of your mouth.
“I shall try my very hardest not to.”
“That isn’t very reassuring.”
“Then you must forgive me once more, for I cannot make such bold promises whilst Kili remains my brother.”
You both chuckled at this, before settling into comfortable silence. Slowly, your eyes began to drop, the crackling of the fire and the steady rhythm of Fili’s breath making it harder and harder to evade sleep. The fact that the lion prince had begun to rub circles into your shoulder with his thumb wasn’t helping. After the third time you startled yourself awake, Fili’s voice was near your ear.
“You can sleep now, Amralime. I won’t be going anywhere.”
His words were nothing short of a spell, and in less than a minute, your eyes closed and sleep overtook you, a comforting, dreamless sleep, the best kind.
When next you woke, indeed, Fili was still right next to you, awake, but only just. He was blinking the sleep away, and you suspected that his movements had been what had woken yourself. Cold winter light was shining through the tent flaps, cutting like a blade through the warm glow that filled the inside, and a conversation was taking place.
“We left in the wee hours, m’lady, just before dawn. You can imagine the state Thorin was in when he heard that the entire future of Erebor was out in the snow.” The voice of Dwalin more than successfully brought you to awakeness, and you sat up, looking around for the source of his voice.
“Indeed, I imagine he would be weathering the floors with pacing. I expect we’ll be leaving soon, no?” Now Dís spoke, and by this point, you and Fili had turned behind you to see the pair talking over mugs of mulled wine. Kili was also there, however, he was still dreaming on Dís’s previous sleeping roll, limbs sprawled out wide and mouth hung open almost comically.
“Aye, as soon as these three are dressed and ready.” Dwalin said, turning his gaze onto you and Fili, brow raised and the slightest of smiles on his warrior face. “What a lot of worry you and your brother had us in,” he continued, addressing Fili specifically, “I swear to Mahal, you’ve no idea what sort of panic you caused. Course, when yeh come back with your shoulder like that, everyone’ll be doting on yeh. ‘The poor heir who got caught in a blizzard trying to see his Amad’, not ‘the fucking idiot who didn’t have any patience and went out in the night despite knowing there was a storm brewin’.” But all while saying this, there was humor and relief in the warrior's voice, betraying how glad he felt that the boys were not frozen under three feet of ice and snow.
“Both versions are correct,” Fili pointed out, his voice still croaky from sleep.
“Aye, but only the first version will get told.” Dwalin replied, to which you laughed. He turned his focus to you now. “Don’t think you’re innocent lass, Thorin nearly had a heart-attack when we couldn’t find you. Both the heirs missin’ was bad enough, but the lady who’ll be adding to the heirs disappearing made it all worse.”
“Och, Dwalin, she had a noble cause to come out in the snow, you needn’t blame her for anything.” Dís said, coming to your aid.
“Was our cause not noble and justified?” Kili’s voice piped up. The Prince's eyes were hardly opened, but he was more than ready to defend himself from accusations.
“Not when you were to be seeing me in less than a week. If I was able to refrain myself from going out into a blizzard in the late hours, you should have been able to as well.” Dís retorted. A sour expression crossed Kili’s face, but he dared not argue with his Amad.
“Right then,” Dwalin said, “Get yourselves up an’ ready, we’ve not much daylight left to get back to Erebor.”
*Black Lung: Coal miner’s pneumonia. 
Kidhuzel: Gold of Gold
Inùdoy: Son
Ghivashel: Treasure of Treasures
Khuzd allakhul: Stupid Dwarf
Menu Tessu: You mean everything to me
(part three will be out soon)
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risottoneroo · 4 years
self indulgence, pt14
a/n: fuck well i got distracted um. take this, im sorry
warnings: sexual implications, canon typical violence, mafia things
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As soon as you got to the bar, you ran into complications. Those complications were named Sorbet and Gelato, respectively. You saw them as you walked in, and cursed yourself for not remembering that this was their territory. They grinned at you, and Gelato stood. “Y/N. You decided to visit?”
You smiled at him and reached out. He looked at your bare hand, then back up at you. “You don’t think I’m an idiot, do you?”
You tilted your head. “My Stand doesn’t affect people who are truly in love, Gelato. I do think you’re an idiot for admitting that.”
He flushed. “I didn’t know that.”
He took your hand and shook it. You smiled serenely, knowing you had the upper hand. Leone and Fugo hung back behind you, and Sorbet stood to join Gelato. “Why are you here?”
You smiled. “Let’s talk in your office, shall we?”
Gelato nodded and led you into the back room. “What does the Don want?”
You sat on the desk and crossed your legs. “There’s a man here at your bar who has been spilling secrets. He’s not in Passione, but he knows too much.”
They exchanged looks, and Sorbet nodded. “We’ve heard him. Pesci is attempting to recruit him, and clearly, he’s fucking it up.”
You nodded. “So, we need to talk to Prosciutto.”
Gelato hissed in a breath. “Not you. Don’t go to see him.”
You frowned. “My Stand should have worn off.”
Sorbet laughed softly. “Bella, if you think only your Stand is making him act like that, than you don’t know much about it.”
You frowned. “What?”
Gelato nodded. “We found you because we noticed that Risotto seemed happier than usual. Much happier. That’s what your Stand does, in most cases.”
Sorbet looked at Gelato. “We followed him, and we watched you. When we saw that you could make Ghiaccio smile, really smile, for a long time, we knew you were using a Stand power.”
Gelato laughed. “But your Stand made them happy. Until Risotto started falling in love with you for real, he was happy. That’s what your Stand does. It makes people want to be around you, to make you happy. It brings them outside of themselves and into you.”
Sorbet raised his eyebrow. “They were like mindless zombies, willing to do anything for you. Your Stand power is like a drug.”
Gelato snorted. “It was really creepy, actually.” You frowned. “So, why did Prosciutto and Mista and Risotto start to rebel?”
Sorbet held up three fingers. “Prosciutto is a naturally neurotic asshole. Your Stand power is incredibly dangerous to him, because he’s so prone to obsession. Your power fed into his tendencies, and it turned him into a monster. He started getting bad a few months before Risotto. Asking you who else you were fucking and making you lie to him was a dead giveaway.”
He put one finger down. Gelato tapped the next finger. “Risotto was next, and it was because he managed to catch you at a terrible moment. You don’t remember it, but you were drugged by a member of another squad. Risotto killed him as he was trying to take you to his house, and then he took care of you all night. You were in bad shape. Throwing up, crying, etc.”
You blinked. “I knew that one of my clients disappeared. I never figured out which one. I remember waking up next to him with a terrible headache.”
Gelato shrugged. “Well, you confessed to Risotto that you wanted nothing more than safety and security, and he fell for you on the spot.”
You nodded. “I always felt so much safer with him than anyone else.” Sorbet put down another finger. “The last one is Mista. Now, we don’t know him as well, but he does seem very easygoing. Live and let live.”
Leone spoke, and you jumped. You’d forgotten he was there. “Mista loved her the moment he first fucked her. He trusted her with nearly everything. She took his virginity.”
Sorbet waved his remaining finger. “He made four mistakes.”
Fugo sucked in a breath. Mista was terrified of the number four.
Sorbet continued, “He trusted her. He loved her. He paid her. And he refused to betray her by fucking another woman.”
Leone nodded. “Mista believed she was his, and nobody ever dissuaded him of that. When he found out she loved Risotto-”
Sorbet put down his last finger. “It killed him.”
Fugo spoke up. “What does this have to do with Prosciutto?”
Gelato laughed. “What are you, fifteen? It has everything to do with him. Can’t you see? Mista and Prosciutto were both broken when they found out that the woman they loved was someone different, that she’d been putting on a show. Risotto is the only one who knows her. They can’t stand that.”
Sorbet nodded. “It’s worse for Prosciutto, but he’s smarter than Mista. He throws himself into work and other women, he’s assigned himself to a city across the country, and he knows better than to ask to see her.”
Leone nodded. You understood too. “If I went to see him in Rome, it would kill him. He’d fall back into it, and you’d lose one of your best capos.”
Gelato nodded. “You understand.”
Sorbet stood. “So we’ll talk to him. If we see Pesci around here again, we’ll call Bucciarati.”
You stood. “I’m satisfied by that.”
You shook their hands and headed home. You split ways with Leone and Fugo at the bar door. You were headed back to Risotto’s office to report, and they were going back to Libecco. You kissed Leone on the cheek and ruffled Fugo’s hair. “You two take care of yourselves.”
Fugo nodded, and Leone smiled. “You too.”
You walked back to the headquarters. Halfway to the building, you felt a hand grip your wrist. It was a former elite guard of the Don, one who’d gone into hiding. Squalo. You knew that Narancia had managed to kill his partner. You opened your mouth, and he clapped a hand over your lips. “Just try to call him, and you die.”
You closed your eyes and called out your Stand. She hummed and gripped his cheeks. He chuckled. “I know your Stand doesn’t work on anyone truly in love. I could hear it all.”
You chuckled softly into his hands, and turned on the aphrodisiac effect. He whimpered. “O-Oh, fuck- What are you doing- Unh-”
He sank to his knees, letting you go. Your Stand kept a hold on him, and you flipped open your phone. “Risotto, I found Squalo. He’s on the alley between La Cucina and Trattoria. Yes.”
You closed it, and poured more power into Squalo. He clenched his jaw, looking down. “Nnhh-”
You laughed. “You thought I had just one power? Idiot.”
Risotto showed up at the entrance to the alley. “Bella- Are you-”
He rushed to you, hugging you tight, then pulling back to examine you. “You’re not hurt.”
You nodded, and he breathed out. Then, a smirk spread across his face, and he turned to Squalo. “Good of her to capture you alive, because you’re going to talk.”
Squalo trembled in fear, which almost killed his arousal. Almost.
Risotto flicked his wrist, and handcuffs materialized around Squalo’s wrists. “Can your Stand carry him?”
You nodded, and you walked back to headquarters with your newest prey. 
Your Stand pushed Squalo down on the chair across from RIsotto’s desk, and walked around behind him. She clamped her hands on his bare shoulders, and he groaned. Risotto chuckled. “Her Stand is strong, isn’t it?”
Squalo was sweating, gasping softly. “F-Fuck, what are you doing to me-”
You smirked. “Can’t you feel it? Bad Girlfriend is making you unbelievably aroused. And I can keep you here for hours and hours.”
Risotto grabbed the other man’s chin and turned him. “Tell us where the rest of the Boss’s elite guard is.”
Squalo moaned weakly, his hips twitching. “G-Get fucked- You killed him-”
You sat on Risotto’s desk in front of him. “Tiziano? Your husband?”
Squalo nodded, his hips rolling into the air. “I- I’ll never tell you shit- Carne will kill you all-”
You shrugged. “Well, that sucks. Guess I’ll have to keep you like this.”
You hopped off Risotto’s desk and turned to him. “So, Mr. Nero, how was your day?”
You reached up to straighten his lapels, and Squalo looked down. Risotto chuckled. “Tedious. The casinos are badly run, and I needed to go there myself to straighten things out.”
You nodded, sliding one hand down his chest. “Need some stress relief?”
Risotto glanced at Squalo. “Later.”
You nodded and leaned up to kiss his cheek. You increased the amount of power on Squalo, and he moaned openly, tipping his head back. “F-Fuck.”
You grinned and turned back to him. “You’re such a brat. If you tell us, we’ll let you work for us.”
That was a lie. You were going to kill him regardless. Squalo closed his eyes. “I- I-”
You could feel your Stand power leaving now. It was taking an immense amount of energy to keep this up. Risotto gripped your wrist. You inhaled slowly. Squalo clenched, his whole body tensing up and a strangled grunt escaping him. “C-Carne is- Carne is h-hiding- He’s in- unh- He’s in Venice- B-But don’t kill him- His Stand activates then- J-Just- ooooh, fuck- Just keep him somewhere, his Stand can’t activate if he’s alive-”
Risotto pressed further. “And the rest?”
Squalo gasped. “Cioccolata and Secco are in hiding in Sicily- Please-”
You smiled and released your Stand. “Good. Thank you.”
He panted softly. “Thank you.”
Risotto put his hands on Squalo’s shoulders. “You’ve been enormously helpful.”
Squalo closed his eyes. “Where will I be assigned?”
Risotto smiled darkly. “You'll be joining Tiziano.”
A long knife materialized in his hand, and he slit Squalo’s throat from ear to ear before the other man could scream.
He straightened up, his hands covered in blood. Squalo lay limp, his life flowing out over the expensive leather of Risotto’s chair. You bit your lip. “Did we have to-”
Risotto nodded. “You know we did.”
You nodded, and he stepped closer to you, holding your face in his hands, still slick with warm blood. “We are the most powerful people in Italy. We cannot let traitors stand. He would have killed us in our sleep.”
You stared into his eyes and nodded. He crushed your lips in a rough kiss, and you gasped into his mouth. He parted your lips with his tongue and slid it into your mouth, and you moaned, clutching at his jacket. He pulled his hands away from your face, and you could feel blood drying on your cheeks.
The door creaked open, and Formaggio’s cocky drawl echoed into the room. “You two getting it on in front of the dead body? I don’t think he’s gonna watch.”
You laughed and stepped back. “Formi.”
He nodded at you, and Risotto straightened up. “Formaggio, would you be so kind as to call the usual people to take care of this?”
Formaggio saluted. “Sure thing. Before that, I want to tell you that Bucciarati called. Pesci is on the run.”
Risotto nodded absently, then jolted. “What the fuck?”
Formaggio shrugged. “Apparently he’s been leaking information to civilians, and Sorbet called Bucciarati’s team in on it. They found him, but he got away. He’s on his way to his brother in Rome now. They’re in pursuit, and they just got on a train.”
You glanced up at Risotto. “I was going to tell you that Pesci was the leak.”
Risotto nodded. “Formaggio, can you take Melone and Ghiaccio with you, and back up Bucciarati’s team? I doubt that they’ll need it, but I feel more comfortable with your oversight.”
Formaggio nodded and turned to leave. “Don’t fuck her to death.”
Risotto shook his head. You raised an eyebrow. “Bold of him to assume that I could be fucked to death if it hasn’t happened already.”
Risotto bent to nip at your ear gently. “I could try.”
You hummed, reaching up to scratch at his hair. “We haven’t had sex in a while.”
He nodded, his lips skimming along your neck. “I don’t have any more work today. They can call me if they need me.”
You gasped softly when he sank his teeth into your neck, and arched into him. “Th-Then let’s go home.”
He growled softly. “There’s a room off my office with a bed in it.”
You closed your eyes. “Risotto- I don’t-”
He pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
You sighed softly. “I saw Mista today.”
His hands clenched on your waist. “And?”
You turned to face him. “You almost killed him.”
RIsotto sneered, anger making his face twist in an ugly way. “He disobeyed me.”
You closed your eyes. “Why are you so fucking scared of him?”
Risotto gritted his teeth. “He loves you.” You tensed. “You almost killed him.”
Risotto grabbed you by the chin. “Why are you defending him?”
You gasped. He searched your face. “You love him.”
You shook your head. “I love you.” Risotto’s face twisted. “Don’t fucking lie to me. I’ve never been enough for you.”
You felt tears welling up. “I love you, Ris. Please.”
He shouted, “Don’t fucking call me that!”
He let you go, and you collapsed to the floor. “Ris, please-”
He growled, breathing heavily. “I’ll never be enough. I don’t know why I tried.”
He turned and walked out the door, leaving you with the corpse in his office.
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Everything And More, 1/3 (Blu/Cheryl) - Juno
Summary: Blu and Cheryl discover they are soulmates … at the worst time possible. Does distance really make the heart grow fonder?
(A/N: This is a prequel to another fic I wrote which is on AO3, but can be read on its own too. Just wanted to do something with some DRUK girls, and there will be more to come! No CWs for this chapter. Hope you enjoy this so far.)
“Surprise, surprise!”
Cheryl had only had to open the door to the oddly quiet living room to instantly jump out of her skin the sight and sound of all her friends, the synchronised bangs of party poppers, streams of colours through the air. Something shattered in the kitchen through the open door at the back of the living room (most likely the walking hazard that was Kendall knocking a mug over), but shrieks and cheers covered up most of the noise.
She instantly turned backwards to meet Vivienne’s smug smile, as she stood behind her, and hit her with the paper KFC bag that was in her left hand.
“I knew you were doing this!” Cheryl cried, although really she would never have guessed.
“Give over, Chez, you had no idea. You thought we were just going for nuggets. Anyway, d’you like it?” Viv’s grin was a little forced.
“I love it! Babe, thank you so much!” Cheryl tugged Vivienne down the six inch difference in height to hug her round the neck.
A gentle ahem from inside the front room interrupted them, and Cheryl turned to Divina, standing waiting her turn.
“Divina did the decorations,” Viv muttered, but she needn’t have said; it was obvious by their precise locations and mix of pastels (but no other bright colours) that it was Divina’s hand leading all of this set up. Cheryl just dragged Divina towards them both, happy they’d put their mutual dislike aside even if it just for this.
“You didn’t think we’d let you go off to America without one last party, did you?” Divina exclaimed.
“Guys! You really shouldn’t have! Oh, I’m gonna cry!” Cheryl finally put down the KFC bag, nuggets spilling on the floor, to wipe her eyes.
Divina seized her by the cheeks. “Less of that, Cheryl, no tears today, okay? Come in and we’ll get the party going.” Divina steered Cheryl into the living room out of Vivienne’s arms, and Baga grinned as she handed her a mug.
But Cheryl knew better than to drink it right off the bat.
“What’s this, Bags?”
“Just coke,” Baga shrugged.
“Coke and what?”
“Coke and a mug.”
“Coke and what, Baga?”
But Baga just grinned. “Drink it and find out!”
Cheryl put the mug to her lips and … Oh, yes, coke and some fucking paint thinner, she realised. This was going to be an interesting afternoon. Just Baga feeding them all more and more alcohol from her mum’s special cupboard and topping it all up with water or apple juice or whatever hair-brained scheme Baga seemed to have thought up next.
Speaking of her mum …
“Viv,” Cheryl realised, turning to her, “does my mum know you’re all here?”
Vivienne blinked and looked at the painting on the wall.
“Viv! Tell me!”
“What are we playing first, girls?” Baga ignored Cheryl, steering her to the dining table which was large enough for six, and littered with bottles and cans. “Make space! Cards? Anyone brought cards?”
“Baga, no way, I told you I’m not playing Ring Of Fire again.” Kat folded her arms, glaring at her.
“Shut up, Kat. Who wants Ring Of Fire?”
“I’ve got a deck of cards!” Vivienne declared, producing one from her bra.
“No way am I playing with those.” This time it was Divina’s turn to put her foot down. “Not when they’ve spent all morning in Vivienne’s tits. I might catch something.”
“Only thing you’ll catch is some class, girl.” Vivienne replied smoothly.
“Class? From you? I don’t think.”
“Okay, okay!” Baga huffed. “Jesus Christ, you lot. Someone else suggest something then. Chez, get that down your neck.”
Cheryl focused on drinking while the others argued about the game. Viv and Divina kept shooting barbs at each other, with Vinegar egging them on and Sum waving her hands in the air trying to calm both of them down. Baga’s face grew redder and redder as she fought not to shout at them, while Crystal, Kat and Kendall went to the back door to vape.
“Is Blu not coming?” Cheryl asked in the kitchen, but the argument was reaching a crescendo. She drained the mug and went outside to the back garden. Crystal was blowing smoke rings, while Kat and Kendall sat in the grass, legs intertwined, passing Kendall’s vape pen between them and picking at the daisies.  
“Where’s Blu?” Cheryl asked Crystal, thinking Kat and Kendall were too preoccupied for company.
“She’s still got flu,” Crystal replied, blowing a cloud of smoke through the centre of her newest smoke ring. “She couldn’t come.”
Fuck this. Fuck the flu.
Blu felt like shit, and not just because of the flu. She was missing Cheryl’s surprise party. God, what irony. She hadn’t missed a day of term over the whole of sixth form, and now she had the worst flu of her life at the end of the summer holidays, right before everyone was going to uni and right before Cheryl was flying to America.
She looked down at her phone from earlier when she’d messaged Viv.
Blu: sorry im still sick
Blu: mam wont let me out the house
Blu: best i can hope for is to be better for monday to come to the airport
Viv: Can’t be helped girl xx
Viv: Hope your feelin better soon xx
She’d wanted to see Cheryl’s face when Viv brought her in for the surprise, because Cheryl would never guess in a million years and her face would be a picture.
She’d wanted to savour every minute she was still with her best friend before he had to get on the plane and go on that scholarship.
She’d wanted to give Cheryl her present at the party. Nothing worth a lot of money, or big, but something that meant a lot to Blu and she hoped to Cheryl too.
Sighing, she looked over at the corner where it was wrapped, ready to go. Where she’d almost fallen on it this morning, getting up and out of bed. Telling her ma she felt fine, before her unsteady legs gave out under her and she crashed into the wall.
It sucks being in bed all day.
She looked down at her watch - one of those new ones with the soulmate-finder on it, to see that the day was moving frustratingly slowly. There was nothing onTV, she’d watched what felt like the whole of Netflix, and she still didn’t really want to eat.
With a growl of frustration, she tugged the duvet over her head and snuggled down, hoping that being good and staying in bed would help her fever hurry the fuck up and leave her in time for Monday.
Then I can say bye.
She couldn’t let Cheryl go without saying goodbye. Cheryl was far more than her best friend.
Coming over from Belfast after her parents’ divorce two years ago felt like wrenching a tree from its roots and trying to plant it in rocks. London was too big, and even now Blu still wasn’t altogether used to central London, but here on the outskirts wasn’t as bad.
In addition to a different country, she’d had to shift her studies here too, and her first day at her new school had felt like all the wires in her brain had been rearranged. Besides, having the badge of honour of being the New Girl among these sixth formers who had already known each other for five years was never going to be straightforward.
But her first lesson, on her first day, Business Studies, had seen the prefect Cheryl toss her hair back from her shoulders and pat the empty space at the desk next to her, her smile charming and so fucking genuine.
It had been all Blu had needed for something hot to blossom in her chest.
She’d been so confused. Back at school in Belfast, she’d convinced herself having crushes on her girl friends was just a phase, as her ma had said, and she would grow out of it. But meeting Cheryl had made her sure that it definitely wasn’t just a phase. The crushes she’d had in Belfast came and went, like clouds on a windy day; like the boys who had entered her life but who had never felt real, and had let her go like the wisp of smoke she turned into. But Blu had never once moved on from Cheryl. Cheryl was the sky beyond the clouds. In her mind now, that was all there was.
Blu had shook when she’d told her ma she was certain now, over Christmas holidays in Year 12 - certain that she didlike girls, this wasn’t going away, and there was This Girl in her life now, and This Girl was incredible, kind, talented, gorgeous … and probably as straight as a poker. And her ma had nodded along with her confession, reassured her, let her cry at the relief.
Cheryl remained This Girl.
Incredible, kind, talented, gorgeous, and Blu was convinced poker-straight.
Blu opened her eyes, stunned to see the clock had moved on to seven pm in what felt like no time at all. She’d slept, by some miracle.
Her throat felt much better, too.
Three rounds of Ring Of Fire and countless attempts at Among Us later, and Cheryl was warm and drunk and swaying happily to the music from Divina’s Spotify playlist. Among Us had gone to pieces after everyone had collectively decided that Crystal was just always going to be the imposter and Crystal made no attempt to dissuade them; simply flipping her hair back and winking at them.
Cheryl felt the familiar sensation of Vivienne’s fingers at the back of her neck, tugging her hair back to braid. It transported Cheryl to being in Year 7 again, when Cheryl had had her super-long hair, and Viv had been obsessed with braiding it at every opportunity. Now, with long gentle fingers at the base of her scalp, Cheryl let herself ascend to cloud nine of relaxation.
“You having a good time?” Viv asked softly.
It was a tone she didn’t really use with the rest of the group; her own quiet way of caring. Cheryl tried to nod.
“Stop it, girl, your braid is coming out!”
“Sorry. Viv? Mum did know about this party, didn’t she, babe?”
Vivienne cackled in response to Cheryl’s tentative question. “Of course she did, like Divina would have decorated your house like that if your mum hadn’t known about us giving you a party.”
Divina spun round at her name, her red hair seeming to flare up. “Vivienne, if you don’t stop -“
But Divina was interrupted by a sharp nudge in the ribs from Crystal, and a pointed glance to Sum, who Cheryl only just noticed was lying on the ground, her hands in her rucksack. She sat back up with an impish grin.
“Do you want to play some pass the parcel?” Sum asked, her eyelids drooping as she handed a parcel wrapped in brown paper to Cheryl. Her words were slurred; Sum was the lightweight of the group, for sure. Still, Cheryl was drunk enough not to think that pass the parcel was a stupid idea.
“Let’s do it then!” Cheryl shouted above the music. “Everyone get on the floor!”
“Some of us don’t need to go far, do we?”
“Shut up, Kendall, I’m not that short!”
“Just shut up and sit down, Baga,” Cheryl pulled her down to sit with them all. “Right - who’s got the music on?”
“Me,” Divina said, holding her phone up. “I’ll do the stops.”
The parcel took forever to go round everyone, with them all having a turn to unwrap a layer. After the seventh layer was unwrapped, Vivienne realised that Divina was not stopping the music when she had the parcel, resulting in yet another argument. But once everyone had had a turn, as expected, the parcel landed on Cheryl as the music stopped.
It was a small box, big enough to fit in her hands as she cupped it. It had to be the last layer before the gift was revealed. Obviously, Cheryl thought to herself, they’ve planned all of this.
She tore the paper off, and was stunned.
“This is - guys -“
Cheryl had seen the adverts for the soulmate-finding smart watches, but holding it in her hands … it felt surreal.
“We wanted to get you something meaningful,” Sum was smiling warmly as she spoke, “and so we all got together and bought you this watch.”
Sure, Cheryl would have loved to have owned one of these watches before, but they were so expensive and so new, that she thought it would probably be years before she’d own one at least. And now, here was the small box that held one, of her very own.
“God - you must have spent a fucking fortune on me, you didn’t have to do that …”
Cheryl found tears come readily to her eyes as Baga gave her a hug.
“Chez, it’s fine. Maybe now you’ll find an American soulmate!”
“And then you can stay in America and not come back!”
Cheryl forced a smile as she patted Baga on the back, letting the tears fall now.
“We’ll need to set you up before you go so when you get there you can meet some American as soon as you land. There’s some, like, personality quiz or something they make you take so they can set you up with a soulmate. Give me your phone and I’ll set you up.” Divina reached for Cheryl’s phone.
“Hey, hey, what makes you think you’re going to be setting her up, Divina?” Viv protested. “We all bought it, so we allget to do it.”
“Why can’t you fucking -“
“Shut the fuck up! Both of you!” Crystal shouted above them both; the only one still seemingly sober. “God, you’re both being fucking childish.”
“We’re all doing it,” Vinegar announced, and her authoritative tone as always caused the rest of the group to go quiet; Divina as docile as a lamb as she handed over Cheryl’s phone and the watch.
The nine of them poured the rest of the spirits and the mixers into each other’s mugs and glasses, and gathered round Vinegar as she downloaded the app onto Cheryl’s phone and started filling in the questions on the personality test.
They’d been a group for seven years, and although they didn’t always all get along now, it was the closest Cheryl felt to anyone. Cheryl glanced round at her friends, close as sisters but loyal as family, feeling tears hot in her eyes once again. The slight unnerving feeling in her gut that she had every now and then threatened to throw her off course again, intrusive thoughts creeping back in.
Is this the right thing?
Divina and Viv weren’t staring daggers at each other for the first time in the last month; instead working in tandem and chuckling softly at each other. Vinegar, her tongue worrying her lip in concentration, tapped answers to the questions as the girls called them. Kendall motioned to Kat with her vape, and the two backed away to the door of the kitchen, Sum following them.
A Levels had been and gone, and school was officially done. Cheryl’s scholarship to the prestigious Iman Performing Arts college in New York City was secured, plus the resettlement grant which would pay for moving costs.
She was the only one leaving England behind.
Blu would get it. Blu knows what it’s like to move countries. But Blu has the flu.
She giggled to herself at the rhyming thought, the only thing she could do to keep from crying again. Baga was already eyeing her to make sure she didn’t. The last thing she wanted was for her makeup to smear any more than it already was.
But it felt so much like her bubble of school, of normal life, was ending; ready for this new world of academia and New York to begin. It was a dream come true and a nightmare rolled into one. But Blu would understand, because she’d already moved to another country.
She wished for Blu more than ever at that moment.
Before she could think about it too much, her phone was thrust back into her hand by Vinegar, the questions all completed.
“There you are, babes.” Vinegar pointed to the bottom of the page. “If you like what we’ve done, just hit go.”
Cheryl didn’t feel as if all the words were going in, as she looked down the page, reading descriptions of herself, answers to family questions, life, hobbies, hopes and dreams. She could see the words, but they didn’t register; and as she read them, they felt as if they were describing someone else, someone who maybe existed in a mirror rather than a physical form.
When she got all to way to the top, she blinked at the ‘looking for’ box. Vinegar had entered Men, but Cheryl hesitated. That wasn’t … quite right.
This is it, Chez. Now or never.
Vodka was great for a confidence boost. She tapped the button where Vinegar had added that she was looking for Men, and changed it to Any gender instead.
A detail that wasn’t missed by Vinegar’s inquisitive gaze.
“Wait, hold on, hold on. Chez? Chez!”
Vivienne turned to look, and so did Divina and Baga.
“Oh, finally!” Baga exclaimed, dragging Cheryl back into a hug. “We wondered if you’d admit it before you left.”
“What? How did you know?” Cheryl cried.
But none of them would tell her; just smirking at one another and alternating her with hugs.
Cheryl’s flight wasn’t set to leave until five, but she had to be there three hours early to get through customs - how did that make sense, Blu thought, when she could arrive forty minutes before and still get back to Belfast - and so Blu had wanted to be there early, but there were so many people on the Tube, plus a breakdown at St Pancras, meaning she had barely any time to sprint across the glistening tiles at Heathrow airport.
Where is she?
The departures board said her flight was already going through baggage check in and security. There wasn’t much time. She followed the signs to the bag drop …
Crystal was coming towards her, and Blu saw behind her Divina, Viv and Baga; all presumably having come down in Divina’s cramped little third-hand Ford KA. Viv was rubbing her eyes, and the telltale mascara lines on her cheeks told no lies.
“That’s it, then,” Crystal nodded, looking gravely at Blu. “She’s putting her bags through and then - well, she’s gone until Christmas.”
“You can still catch her after she comes out of baggage check in, Blu,” Divina said gently.
Blu didn’t pause to second guess; she sprinted past them, towards the baggage drop, watching people queue with their cases, looking at the queues for any sign of her.
And there she was.
Cheryl in the flesh, coming out of the baggage drop and about to ship herself almost halfway around the world; her normally perfect blonde hair tied off her face; her normally flawless makeup not even slightly present. Just Chez in a baggy shirt, denim jacket, and a pair of leggings, ready to fly. Ready to leave this bubble behind.
Blu had never loved her more.
Before she had the chance to call her, their eyes met. Blu watched them expand, the elated grin flood her face, and her arms open as Blu ran into them. Cheryl caught her, squeezed tightly …
Time stopped.
How was she meant to let Cheryl go? They’d only known each other these last two years …
They hadn’t had the time as besties the rest of them had had, but Blu knew that Cheryl just felt like a part of her now; as if each of them were a jigsaw with one piece of each other that fit perfectly.
It’s not the end. It’s not the end.
But as much as Blu repeated that to herself, something churned in her stomach at the thought of Cheryl leaving.
When time finally flooded back into their day, as Cheryl pulled away; Blu watched her green eyes fill with tears and Cheryl hurriedly wipe them away.
“Sorry,” Cheryl muttered, “I knew I was gonna cry at some point.”
“It’s alright,” Blu whispered, her own voice breaking too much to speak louder.
Cheryl nodded, taking Blu’s hand and squeezing, gazing at the ground, giving Blu as reassuring a smile as she could muster when she was evidently breaking in two.
“I’ll be back at Christmas,” Cheryl was murmuring, meeting Blu’s eyes again, “and in summer. That’s not long. Christmas is only, what, four months away. And we’ve got Skype. Facetime. Whatever. We’ve got - we’ve got everything. We’ll stay in touch. We will. We all will. We …”
“I know.” Blu nodded back at her. “We’ll talk - every day if you want, Cheryl.”
Cheryl nodded again, hitching her rucksack higher on her back.
“I have to go through security.”
“Before you go -“ Blu had almost forgotten. Her own present. She tugged it from her bag, small as it was, wrapped in brightly-coloured paper. Cheryl would probably guess at what it was from the size and shape, but she still rattled it next to her ear for good measure, before laughing and taking off her rucksack to put it in.
“I’ll open it on the plane.”
“Alright,” Blu replied, but Cheryl was frozen, her eyes wide, pleading. Asking something that Blu couldn’t hear, couldn’t understand.
“You don’t want to miss your plane, do you?” Blu whispered.
“No.” Cheryl took a deep breath. “Thank you, Blu.” And with a shy smile, she leaned in and ever so gently gave Blu a kiss on the cheek.
It was the last thing Blu expected. She held her breath, wishing time would stop again, wishing she could hold on to this moment, or drag Cheryl back off the plane. But they’d had so much time. Over school, over summer, and nowwasn’t the right moment.
“Bye, Blu. Thanks for the present. See you at Christmas.”
Blu feigned nonchalance. “If we let you back in the country.”
Finally, Cheryl managed a laugh. Squeezing Blu’s hand for the last time, Cheryl pulled away, finally letting her go.
Blu let her, and watched her walk away to the escalator up to Security, the first steps to her new life in America.
It was only when Blu reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes that she saw the blue notification light on her new watch. She hadn’t figured out what all the notification lights meant yet, so frowning, she tapped the button on the screen.
‘A soulmate is within a 10m radius. Please press the blue button to start your timer. You have one day for your soulmate to respond. You then have 100 hours to connect. Alternatively, please press the red button to decline this opportunity.’
Blu felt her legs tremble.
No fucking way.
She was frozen to the spot, reading the message over and over.
Turning her head back up, she watched Cheryl reach the top of the escalator. About to head to Departures.
Now was the only chance she would have before she lost her.
But Blu couldn’t move.
Finally, her legs seemed to obey her as she tore to the escalator, taking the steps three at a time, and at the top - sighing with relief - Cheryl was still there, putting her liquid items into the tiny plastic bags, draining her bottle of water to the last drop.
Cheryl spun at the shrill sound of her name, a split second before Blu launched herself at her. She opened her arms and caught her a second time that day.
“Blu? What’s wrong? What -“
“We got you a soulmate watch, didn’t we?” Blu could barely catch her breath, her heart hammering. “Are you wearing it right now?”
“Yeah, it’s here,” Cheryl nodded, and held up her wrist. Something caught her eye, and frowning, she looked at it. “Why is there a light on it?”
Blu didn’t reply; she simply held up her own watch, with the same notification light.
“You’ve got a soulmate watch too? Wait, why is yours like that as well?” Cheryl said, but Blu didn’t need to respond. Cheryl’s mouth fell open, and she turned her eyes from the watch to Blu; who watched her realisation and her every thought as it crossed her face.
Cheryl - isn’t straight either?
“You -“ Cheryl’s eyes filled with the same easy tears that she always seemed to produce; always the easiest cryer of the group of them, always the most emotional. “I can’t believe it. You did, too?”
Blu nodded, weak with relief. “Since the start of sixth form.”
Cheryl gasped. “Since we got paired up for business studies! God, two years! Two years we’ve wasted, not doing this!”
Before she could ask what she meant, Cheryl tugged Blu towards her, closing the distance, kissing her lips; and it was everything and more that Blu had dreamed it would be. Cheryl might not have been wearing makeup, but she still smelled divine, her warmth a solace, a right place to be. Blu wrapped her arms around Cheryl’s waist, hoping to go deeper, but Cheryl let her go suddenly.
Blu saw her eyes cloud over once again.
“How am I meant to get on the plane if we’re -“
But she couldn’t finish the sentence, words failing Cheryl for probably the first time in her life. Blu looked at the Departures gates, ignoring everyone else around them, and took a deep breath, swallowing hard.
“For your dream, Cheryl,” Blu whispered. “This is what you’ve wanted forever. You’ve always said that. Remember - remember that day you got the scholarship through? When we were in class?”
“God, we got so drunk that day,” Cheryl giggled.
“Yeah, well, you need to go for your dream.”
“But - “ Cheryl swallowed, her voice an octave higher than usual. “But we’re soulmates, Blu.”
Her words wrapped themselves tightly around Blu’s heart, and she thought she’d never in her life forget the ice-cold sorrow in Cheryl’s voice … but she couldn’t let that influence anything rash.
She sniffed, trying to hold her tears back. “You have to go, Cheryl. You’ll miss your flight. I’ll be here for you, when you get off it again, at Christmas. I promise.” Blu rubbed her arm. “I’ll be right here, at Heathrow. Go get your dream, girl.”
“God, we’re stupid,” Cheryl muttered, “for not realising sooner.”
Blu pressed Accept on her watch, and a new message came up.
‘Thank you for selecting. Your soulmate has one day to respond. You will be notified when they make their decision.’
“Tap yours.”
Cheryl giggled. “Why? It’s definitely me.” But she did so anyway.
Blu felt her watch vibrate again, presumably with another message, but she didn’t care; Cheryl was here, and the watch had somehow made everything they’d both hidden for two years come into the light, fall into place like the missing jigsaw pieces.
“What - what now?”
But Cheryl didn’t reply; she grinned through her tears as she pulled Blu back towards her for a last kiss; one that felt like sustainment, like life itself. Blu could do nothing now but enjoy this moment, the final one for now.
Cheryl finally let her go, and Blu had to tell her to go before she changed her mind.
“Get your flight! Go and get your dream!”
Cheryl looked at the security desks, then wistfully at Blu.
“I’ll be back at Christmas, alright, babe?”
“I’ll be here for when you land. I promise.”
Blu let her go.
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saibh29 · 5 years
Mother and Daughter
Tumblr media
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, Implied family issues
AN: Ok this one I enjoyed... immensely... 
Your mother is in town for a few days, which means your boyfriend is suspiciously absent
Your mum was coming to the city, it was a biannual visit that she made under sufferance simply to say that it wasn’t always her commanding you to come home. She liked to sit on the high ground of moral vindication.
You loved your mum, you actually had a decent relationship now you’d grown up, moved away and didn’t have to live with her anymore. These visits though, even though they only lasted for a few days, tended to be painful for everyone involved. Your mum did not like the city, she didn’t like crowds of people, traffic, noise or the small bedrooms you had in your tiny apartment. She missed her own kitchen, fancy coffee machine, Women’s meetings and town gossip sessions.
You’d taken the morning off work to wait for her to arrive and had already set up the bed for her in the spare room. You’d also removed any trace of your boyfriend from the apartment. Kelly was allergic to parents and in the case of your mother you didn’t really blame him. Your mum was also allergic to men, after the mess your dad had made of their relationship you didn’t really blame her either. So, by silent agreement neither of them met, ever. Not in the context of ‘mother of your girlfriend’ anyhow.
You’d been sat on the window seat so saw the taxi pull up outside your block and your mother emerge, commanding the poor uber driver to remove her bags from the cab. How one woman needed practically a suitcase a day you’d never figured out, especially as her daughter, you, managed to travel for weeks with only a rucksack you’d had since high school.
Starting to assemble the requisite smile on your face you went down to help her with the pile of luggage.
She turned and caught sight of you enveloping you in a huge hug, your mother always smelt vaguely like fresh cookies and vanilla, it flashed you back to sitting in the kitchen of your childhood home nibbling on said cookies while in the living room your mum and dad screamed at each other.
“Y/N, darling” she held you slightly away from her eyes taking you all in. “You look skinny, have you been eating? I brought plenty of casserole and stews, you can put it in the freezer”
“Mum, you always say I look skinny, and how did you get TSA to let you on your flight with a load of frozen food”
“Hmmm” That was your mothers all purpose noise, mainly meaning the subject was closed and she wasn’t going to tell you anything more. Picking up the many bags you helped her carry them up to your apartment, dumping them in the kitchen. “Put that food in the freezer darling”
“hmmm” you copied your mums previous sound but did as you were told. It was more trouble than it was worth to try and disobey her.
Your mum was still stood in the middle of your apartment. “This place seems smaller every time I arrive”
“I promise you its not” how did the woman do it, in one sentence you were desperately trying to remind yourself that murder was not a good idea. “I have to go to the firehouse. I was just waiting for you to arrive” your mum was still staring around the room. “Maybe you want to rest?”
“Rest?” she finally gave you her attention again. “Oh, I'm quite rested. Maybe I’ll come to the station with you, I haven’t been there for quite some time”
Crap. That was what you’d been wanting to avoid. Trying to dissuade her though would only make her more determined to come with you.
“I'm sure the boys would appreciate some warm food”
“mum…” you whined but she was no longer listening, she’d gone to your fridge and was tutting in dismay at the offerings inside.
“We’ll stop by the market on the way”
“Ok” grabbing your bag you hustled her back out of your apartment and down to your car. It was going to be a very long day.
The guys as you’d guessed had been delighted to see your mother entering the station with you following behind, arms piled high with groceries. They’d swarmed your mum leading her into the station with smiles and hugs.
“Yeah don’t worry about me!” you snapped trying not to trip over your feet. “I'm fine”
The guys ignored you completely still fawning over your mum. Someone did come up from behind you though and the top two bags were removed from your arms leaving you with only one.
“I see she arrived”
“It’s been 2 hours Kelly, 2 hours and I want to kill either her or myself, I haven’t decided which yet”
“That bad?”
“She called me skinny! Mocked my fridge, apartment and now she’s here… my mother is here, where I work”
“Sounds terrible”
“Just don’t” you warned as he didn’t look all that sympathetic.
“Hey! Y/N get moving with those groceries your mum’s gonna cook”
Your eyes narrowed as you focused on Herrmann who was hanging out of the door to the mess room. You were about to say something scathing and generally unkind when Kelly cut in.
“Coming” he nudged you forwards. “Aren’t we?”
“Yeah sure… we’re coming” you went into the mess dumping the groceries onto the counters where you mum was already rooting around in cupboards bringing out varying pans and equipment.
“Your mum’s going to cook” Otis sounded almost dreamy as he leant beside you on the bench “real food Y/N”
“I heard”
“darling will you peel the veg for me please” you mum didn’t wait for an answer just pushed the peeler into your hands along with a bowl of washed vegetables. “and clean strokes Y/N, don’t attack it like a rabid dog”
“Sure” you got the word out around gritted teeth and snatched a carrot from the bowl. Obviously you were attacking it because soon after your mum grabbed the carrot snatching it from your hands in horror.
“You said peel it”
“Yes peel, not chunk. Honestly”
Alright, that was it, you were done. Almost hurling the peeler back to the counter, you spun on your heel and stormed out of the mess room.
You’d gone to the locker rooms, sat on the bench in front of the lockers therapeutically letting your feet swing into the metal with a satisfying thump.
“Babe?” Kelly came carefully into the locker room, sitting down beside you his arm going around your shoulders. “what’s going on?”
“I can’t deal with her being here Kelly” you let your boots kick once a lot harder into the lockers. “Mum needs to be at home in that sphere and my life, you, my apartment everything else needs to be separate”
“I think most people feel like that about their parents”
“Helpful, Kelly. Very fucking helpful”
“Hey” he used his spare hand to take hold of your chin forcing your face around to look at him. “She isn’t here for long and in the meantime, she’s your mother.”
“So what, deal?”
“Yeah babe, you deal”
“What good advice Kelly”
You both jumped apart like guilty teenagers at your mums voice coming from the doorway. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she looked between the two of you. You’d never seen Kelly move so fast as he did then, lurching off the bench and going for the door. Your mum didn’t move though blocking his exit.
“Kelly Severide, sit down”
“I um… but…”
“Yes Ma’am” Kelly came back to sit beside you as your mum finally moved from the doorway to stand in front of the two of you.
“Y/N, you may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child. I'm sorry if that upsets you, I am never going to stop being your mother though and this is simply how I am”
“It doesn’t upset me” you felt like an ungrateful ass now. You knew your mum hated the city and yet still she came, still she wanted to see you. “I'm happy you’re here”
“Good, now…” she trailed off staring at the two of you.
“This needs to stop”
“Me pretending I don’t know about you two and you” she turned narrowed eyes on Kelly. “Is my daughter somehow not good enough for you to admit to dating?”
Kelly coughed and squirmed uncomfortably, looking at you for obvious rescue, you just shrugged though. “Don’t look at me, I can’t help”
“No Ma’am of course not”
“Do you love her?” your mum continued; she could be relentless when she was focused onto something. When Kelly remained silent, her hands went to her hips. “Well?”
“Yes alright” Kelly jumped to his feet. “Yes! I love her, I love your daughter”
“Well good” your mum then turned her interrogation to you even though you were fairly in shock from Kelly’s sudden declaration of love. “and you Y/N, why did you think you had to hide this from me?”
“I… um…” Kelly sat back down and took your hand in his own linking your fingers together. It gave you the strength to keep talking. “When dad left, you broke Mum. Ever since then you’ve had this vendetta against men. I didn’t want to hurt you”
Your mum stayed quiet for a minute before reaching out and pulling you to your feet severing your connection to Kelly. She wrapped her arms around you. “You don’t have to protect me sweetheart. I'm your mum. I want you to be happy, it’s all I’ve ever wanted” She kissed your cheek “Now, I have some food to cook” and with a final look at both of you she left the locker room.
Turning around so you could lean against the lockers you caught Kelly’s eye. “Hell of a way to tell me you love me?”
He shrugged standing up and catching hold of your waist, he pulled you off the lockers and into his chest instead. “the truth is the truth”
“I love you too”
Kelly’s lips claimed your own in a kiss that made everything but him flee your mind.
“Now, come on. I want to see what kind of food I can scrounge”
Laughing at that you let him take your hand and pull you out of the locker room again.  
@lifesaclimb-buttheviewisgreat​  @lclb13 @moli1497​   @clementines-x​ @the-chosen-one-time-lord​ @no-other-names-availible-blog​ @angelaiswriting​ @selldraug​ @angryares​ @thenovarose​ @georgiagrl1990​ @punk-rock-5-sos @mindofthescattered​  @dontstopxx​ @iamabeautifulperson18​ @madelinecraig03​ @ka-x-in​ @im-hurric4ne @mesmericbell​ @something–awesome @weirdpotato-14​ @putinontheritzz​ @soulslaststand​ @fuckthatfeeling​  @ember1201​ @morganlb23​ @kitkatbadass @tomhopperarms​  @fakingintrest​ @artprincessbree​  @dreamer-lover-laughter​ @artprincessbree​ @rime-warrior​ @captainvaneswife​ @jaib2-blog @kapolisradomthoughts​ @thingsandstuffienjoy​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @aya-fay​  @itsbubbaog​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @emmykinzs​ @thatbadassunicorn​ @sassywingednightmare​ @weirdnewbie​ @goyawriter​ @shipperfangirling​ @nathaliabakes​ @stillreadingfantasy @waywardblueshun
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multibug · 4 years
6. au day (streamers/long distance friends) - (ladynoir)
if this one gets enough love, i might turn it into a regular series! i love the idea of this and have so many ideas so please let me know if you’d like to see that!!!
this is pre reveal pre relationship by the way!
“Carapace, you better revive me this instant or we’re breaking up,” Rena Rouge screams through Adrien’s headset, virtually rendering him deaf. 
“There’s a guy on me, Rena. I’m trying,” the other boy on their team huffs, which doesn’t dissuade Rena’s yelling at all. 
In fact, she gets even louder. “Cara, he’s literally dancing on me, oh my god if somebody doesn’t save me before I get fully killed.” 
“We’re on our way,” Adrien tells her, though he’s not exactly telling the truth. 
Him and Ladybug are sitting in a small box they’ve built after finishing a fight with other players. They were about to go help their teammates when Rena started her rampage on Carapace and they decided it was more fun to sit back and watch them struggle. 
At Adrien’s words, Ladybug does an emote that makes her laugh and her character sounds like a donkey wheezing its way through a fit of giggles. Adrien copies her, and before he knows it, the two of them are laughing into their headsets which spurs on groans from Rena and Carapace. 
“Well maybe if the two of you wouldn’t have gone ahead of us without telling us,” Rena grumbles sourly. 
“Oh stop being such a crybaby, Ren,” Ladybug tells her through her laughter, her and Adrien quickly exiting their box as Nino gets hit and loses damage. “Just because you died to fall damage again and got carried into a box by another player to get danced on—”
Rena makes an inhumane noise, her character spinning on the screen as if she’s thrashing her mouse around. “Let me live, Ladybug! Not all of us have the grace you do when it comes to playing this game.” 
“True,” Ladybug agrees, managing to make her way into Rena’s box before Carapace does—Rena’s not going to let him live that down. “If you want me to revive you, say Ladybug has a thick ass and Chat Noir doesn’t.” 
It’s Adrien’s turn to groan now. “Hey, that’s not nice, Bug! My ass is thick and you know it.” 
It goes silent for a few seconds. 
“Do I, Chat? Do I really?” An ounce of amusement is evident in Ladybug’s voice as she talks, Rena’s health counter ticking close to her death. “You wish,” she says, instead.
Rolling his eyes with a grin, Adrien drops the conversation and playfully pouts after Ladybug revives Rena once Rena says her silly phrase. “Rena, I thought you loved me,” Adrien fake-cries with a pout, knowing his chat will clip it and send it to Rena. “I thought what we had was special.” 
“Sorry, cat. Carapace is the only man for me. If he ever leaves me, though,” Rena trails off, fully healing her character. 
“I’m going to build up and jump off if you keep talking like that,” Carapace replies, building up three times before Rena knocks it down, blowing a kiss at him in game.
“As if I’d ever trade you for a furry, babe.” 
The whole furry talk is so funny to Adrien, because he knows he’s not. All four of them picked animals to go by—Ladybug’s being the exception. Adrien’s secret identity is a cat, Rena’s a fox, Ladybug’s is self explanatory, and Carapace is a turtle. 
Letting go of his push to talk button, Adrien regards his chat for a moment, sending a pout their way. “I’m not a furry, right chat?” 
As always, their flood of yes doesn’t surprise him.
“Traitors,” Adrien hisses, his character getting the last kill to win the game. “The lot of you. Every single person in this chat room is a traitor."
Hundreds of variations of love me, senpai’s scroll over his screen. “I’ll turn off stream, you nasties!” 
That only encourages them more. 
 ladyboob: which one of you changed my name tell me before i rage the heat of a thousand suns
turtle boy:  wasb’t me ms. ladyboob pls don’t send me to the principal  wasn’t*
ren:  name change? whatever are you talking about?
turtle boy:  way to give yourself away there rena 
ren:  lalalala i can’t hear you
right chat: Dorks.  Wait, who changed my name? Give it baaaack. I’m not hip. I don’t know how to change nicknames. 
ren from ren and stimpy: that’s what the person who changed ladybug’s name would say okay which one of you hoes
ladyboob: definitely not the person with ladyboob as their name huh
ren from ren and stimpy: fair that’s very fair lb turtle boy are u ready to go to the movies or not we’re gonna miss it
turtle boy:  im literally outside rena 
ren from ren and stimpy: oh shit im out later ladynoir!
right chat:  Did she just call us Ladynoir? 
ladyboob:  first its ur chat and now rena’s in on it next they’re going to shove us into a room together and tell us to make out
right chat:  ;) 
ladyboob: shut up
DIRECT MESSAGES @Ladybug aka ladyboob, Ladybug, special agen…
Ladybug:  hey
Chat Noir: Bug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladybug: too many !’s calm down tiger one day i’ll get you to drop the grandpa typing
Chat Noir: Grandpa typing???? I type exceptionally well. You’re just jealous. 
Ladybug:  jealous of sounding like a 40 yr old trying to learn how to type for the first time? no thanks
Chat Noir:  So mean, Bug!  What’s up?  Ladybug: nothing  can’t a girl talk to her best friend? 
Chat Noir: You only private message me when something’s happened. Or if it’s personal.
Ladybug: liar liar plants for hire
Chat Noir: It’s pants on fire, Patrick. 
Ladybug: ughhhhh its just stupid thirsty boys in my twitch chat they keep coming into my chat and telling me to take my shirt off or take off the mask so they can fantasize about me when they’re y’know
Chat Noir: What the hell? Do you want me to come into your chat the next time you’re streaming? I’ll say something, I don’t care.  I’m sorry, though.
Ladybug: if ur not live then could u? like i know its a lot to ask  but i trust you more than anyone so also you just being there would help
Chat Noir:  Don’t worry, Bug. I’ll be there. I’d do anything for you.
Ladybug:  thank u kitty ur the best friend a girl could ask for
Chat Noir: If anyone’s the lucky one here, it’s me.  You’re the best, Ladybug.  Such a beautiful human, inside and out.
Ladybug:  shut up u stupid cat before i cry u dont want that on ur hands do u?
Chat Noir:  Noooo!! No tears. :( 
Ladybug:  too late im a sobbing mess my makeups ruined  how can i go on like this?
Chat Noir is calling…
Ladybug’s laughter immediately fill his ears as she picks up, settling the worry lingering in Adrien’s chest. “You didn’t think I was actually crying, did you kitty?” 
“It’s hard to tell through messages,” Adrien murmurs a bit embarrassedly, rubbing at the back of his neck, even though she can’t see him. “I wanted to make sure, okay?” 
“God, you’re so sweet,” is what she replies with, in a fond tone that sinks its teeth into Adrien’s heart and does weird things to his stomach. She’s just a friend. She’s just a friend. She’s just a— “One day we’re going to meet, and I’m going to give you the biggest hug.” 
Allowing a smile to form on his face, Adrien hums, tapping his fingers into his desk. “You’ll need a step ladder to reach me, Bug.” 
“That’s it, I’m hanging up.” 
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I know it's weird to ask this out of nowhere But would you recommend studying medicine? (I read somewhere that you're studying medicine correct me if I'm wrong) P.s: English isn't my first languages so.. I'm sorry if there's any typo ❤️
No worries!
Yes I am, but I would only recommend medicine if you really have an interest in it. Without a real interest, it will be hard on you. Some even say that money isnt enough of a motivation for medicine. If you watch any doctor shows, it's hardly ever like that. It's studying, pressure from peers and lecturers, performance anxiety (especially during practical tests- it stresses me out so bad and I'm usually chill af coz im so used to public speaking from a young age), it's a lot of pressure lmao. My first few years were so bad, which is why I had to repeat a semester.
And once you're in the hospital (this is coming from my friends), it's lack of sleep because you have to take care of the wards, it's dealing with unhelpful and rude nurses and senior doctors who yell at you every time you make a small mistake, it's holding back your tears, it's standing for hours straight and having back aches and foot pains, it's having to deal with bodily fluids. I am okay with gore and blood, and I had that misconception that medicine is mainly gore and blood. But no. It's explosive diarrhea due to cholera and the patient can't help but continuously shit out everywhere, it's having pee all over you during a catheter insertion, it's vomiting and pus and gangrenous diabetic feet.
I'm not trying to put you down or dissuade you, but this is just the reality of it. You can go for medicine if you have an interest, but don't be swayed by other people or shows or anything! You need to think hard before you get into it! I hope that helps gshaaha
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koifish-komeiji · 5 years
precursor: this is an extremely nerdy thing that i did pretty much just for myself. a fair warning to you
I decided to analyze the story behind Billie Eilish’s debut studio album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? because i can. this is solely personal interpretation, and does not stand as an official guide. i just did this cuz im a nerd, and my views may change over time.
WWAFAWDWG Song-by-Song Story Analysis
The albums’s intro. Nothing all that special, as it’s just a fun, silly precursor for the otherwise emotionally intense album ahead of it.
bad guy
The singer sings about how they are the ‘bad guy’ to the person they’re addressing. They let them know how dysfunctional they’ll be towards the addressee’s loved ones, how they enjoy taking control, and how their own mother would likely pity the singer’s past loves due to their current behavior. Whether this stand as a warning, bragging, or simply an observation is left unclear.
The singer mentions how they are surrounded by people who live a life of intoxication, and how isolated they feel as they choose not to participate in that kind of lifestyle. They criticise the people who are ‘waking up at sunset’, ‘bring ashtrays to the table’, and are ‘too inebriated now to dance.’ At the song’s climax, the singer refuses the addressee's sign of affection, stating their fear of falling in love with someone who might succumb to their own drug use. 
you should see me in a crown 
The singer now wishes to take control of things, their town, the people, and possible their own life. They choose to wait for the chance to take everything for themselves, and wishes to ‘make them bow one by one by one’. At this point in the narrative, the singer may have eschewed their early concerns and began a relationship with the addressee, choosing to make their own choices and control their own actions.
all the good girls go to hell
This song is remarked by Eilish to be ‘written from the perspective of the devil’. Within the narrative, it could be a commentary on outside forces, or the singer’s own conscience, trying to dissuade them from pursuing this relationship, and how in the end they’ll come out on top because of the difficulties they went through.
wish you were gay
At this point, the relationship is starting to become lackluster. The addressee is losing interest in the singer, becoming neglectful in their relationship, and the singer is trying to find a way to make their relationship work, despite their desire to leave. They remark how they wish the addressee was gay so they would have an excuse on why they no longer love the singer, and the singer could have the answer they’re searching for.
when the party’s over
The singer is now deep in a loveless relationship. The singer has made sacrifices for the sake of the addressee, yet the addressee never seems to reciprocate. When the singer returns home, it is empty due to the addressee’s absence. The singer remarks on how they could continue to lie to others, or themself, on how they prefer it this way. They’re trying to convince themself that it would be better to ‘let me let [the addressee] go’ and end the relationship.
The singer speaks to the addressee, informing them the troubles of their relationship. The addressee’s neglect has made the singer tired and worn out, so they decide to end the relationship.
my strange addiction
The singer goes back to the addressee, and comments how the addressee is their ‘strange addiction’, unable to parse out why they would choose to go back to them despite the risks.
bury a friend
The singer expresses regret for restarting the relationship, but frequently switches the blame on themself and the addressee. The song itself is quite disconnected from the narrative, and serves more of an internal monologue written from the perspective of the monster under the bed.
The addressee leaves, leaving the singer unable to cope. They hope to themselves that they will come home, or even say they will ‘even if it’s just a lie’. They reflect on the pain and regret they feel due to the circumstances of the last relationship, and their fear of abandonment.
listen before i go
The singer addresses the addressee, remarking on how their words have become empty, and the addressee keeps leaving them with no concern of the singer’s feelings or worries. They inform the addressee to tell their friends that they love them and they’ll miss them, but they’re not sorry. It’s assumed that the singer plans to commit suicide, and these are their last wishes.
i love you
The addressee tells the singer that they love them, and the singer struggles with the fact that, even though they’ve been through so much pain, they reciprocate. They’re hoping that the singer didn’t mean to say it, so things can remain as normal, but they can’t free themself of the way they feel. The fate of the two are left unknown.
The epilogue of the album, playing the first line of each song in reverse order. The song is heartfelt, slow, and harmonic, like a woeful siren song. It surmizes the intense feelings of loss, abandonment, hope, regret, love, freedom, and leaves the listener to decide what happens next for themselves. It serves as a goodbye to the listener and to the album.
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dalisaid · 5 years
this is an independent,  private,  &  selective roleplay blog for the character sam winchester from the cw’s supernatural,  &  the character in no way belongs to me;  just my writing,  headcanons  &  portrayal,  etc.
please do not follow this blog if you ship / don’t mind incest / pedophilia,  plain  &  simple.
i go by jean,  i’m 19,  &  use she / they pronouns.
my muse
sam winchester from the cw’s supernatural.
season 1  &  season 2 focused ( however,  i’m willing to be flexible here  &  there should the need arise,  but just because i tend to stick to earlier seasons does not mean if your muse is from later seasons that i won’t interact with you;  supernatural is a crazy show  &  pretty much anything is possible,  so don’t let my early portrayal dissuade you from interacting with me  <3 )
however,  along with the above,  i am 100% willing to write in later seasons upon request  & / or  should the muse for it strike ( which is 100% unpredictable lol ),  so while this blog will be heavily focused on season 1  &  2 as main verses,  you can keep the aforementioned in mind when interacting with me if you have later season-based plot ideas you’d like to work with / can’t really figure out how our muses can interact otherwise / just prefer interacting with later seasons vs the early ones  —  just make sure to specify if this is the case,  as i will otherwise ( unless muse dictates differently ) use sam’s main verses in season 1  &  2 when interacting. 
my attention span kinda sucks,  so i will most likely write pretty sporadically  &  purely on whims half the time.  if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  know it’s nothing personal;  i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.
along the same vein,  full disclaimer:  i might drop a few threads here  &  there if i end up overwhelming myself.  i will try not to,  but it might happen due to the above information  &  i’d like to apologize in advance for that.  if you’re wondering if i’ve dropped a thread with you,  feel free to im me  &  ask if you want to make sure!
while this blog isn’t a technical sideblog,  it is in concept,  &  in order to keep my activity consistent on my other rp blogs,  i might be very slow at times on this one.
because of the above,  i’m also somewhat selective with who i rp with.  i want to be careful not to bite off more than i can chew,  &  though i don’t want to exclude anyone,  for the sake of pacing myself,  most of my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.
i reserve the right to drop threads with / unfollow / block anyone for whatever reason;  i don’t plan on exercising this left  &  right,  but it’s an option i might need at some point for my own comfort.
ocs / crossovers / duplicates are always welcome!
mains are allowed,  but it’s undecided if i’m open to exclusives at the moment.
the basics;  no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  &  no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.  loose inspiration is fine,  of course,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.
predictably,  i ship sam / chemistry,  but otherwise i’m 100% down for shipping,  so feel free to shoot me an im if you’d like to plot something out between our muses!  however,  romantic shipping will not be a big priority on this blog due to my own personal preferences,  as well as sam being a pretty cagey person.
while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing;  referenced  ‘  offscreen  ’,  as it were,  nsfw content is fine,  maybe fade to black / time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find roleplayed smut on this blog.
as a side note,  i prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+ for the sake of my own comfort,  but this is a super flexible rule if i find myself wanting to rp with you regardless.
memes from anyone at anytime,  ic or ooc,  are always welcome,  but asks from mutuals will be prioritized first  &  foremost,  &  i’ll most likely only continue threads with them as well.
if you want to start a thread from an ask,  go right ahead,  i just ask that you start from a new post to keep things nice  &  tidy.
asks for the mun are always welcome!
i primarily use small text for aesthetic purposes,  but feel free to format however you like,  just know that i’ll probably at least edit your text to small text simply for the sake of my blog aesthetic,  but if you have a problem with that,  feel free to tell me!
icons will be used mostly,  but i’ll match your format if you go iconless! ( credit to beaudiable  &  little-luna on hollowart  &  the gem that is fidelissimi for my icons )
i’m sorry but in order to keep my notifs clean  &  tidy,  i’ll be softblocking most personals if you follow me.  nothing against you guys,  it just ends up a bit messy if i don’t.
sam canonically brushes shoulders with if not actively participates in very triggering concepts,  &  my portrayal will be true to that.  this blog will be trigger heavy in that regard,  containing themes such as depression,  self harm,  disordered eating,  nightmares,  blood,  gore,  violence, death / dead bodies,  gruesome deaths / torture, disturbing themes such as blood drinking,  exorcisms,  possession,  rituals,  religious themes,  general horror,  etc,  as according to canon.  i will not go into unnecessary detail concerning these,  but i won’t be skimming over them either,  so please proceed with caution when you follow,  if you follow at all.
if any of these things disturbs you,  it’d be best that you didn’t,  though,  for your own peace of mind.  due to how prevalent this content will be,  it’s unlikely that things won’t fall through the cracks even though i will be trying to tag everything appropriately ( cw trigger // ).  however,  if one of these triggers stands out to you especially,  i am willing to make an extra effort in order to rp with you.  <3
i don’t have any specific triggers other than eye gore,  but please contact me if you see something on my blog that you need me to tag!
thank you lovelies if you read all that!  sorry it’s so much;  there’s a lot to put out there,  but it means a lot to me that you took the time to read it.  now that you’ve done so,  i’d appreciate it if you could  LIKE THIS  post just so i can know in general who has  &  who hasn’t.  <3
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lankydoodlelukey · 6 years
the soul tattoo - fourteen
pairing: Luke/Reader (Y/N)
rating: PG-13: cursing, mentions of sex, etc etc 
word count:  a nice long 3k to apologize for taking two years to give you the next part of this story...
summary: If one day you woke up with a random tattoo on your body, you were destined to meet your soulmate soon. When (Y/N) finally gets her soul tattoo, she’s in for a shock when she finds out who her soulmate is.
masterlist // the soul tattoo season 1 recap
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Luke’s POV
I expected my life were to get better the second (Y/N) was out of the picture. But I was wrong. I thought that if I made her feel the hurt I felt every time I saw her and Michael together, things would feel “even” between us. But as I lay in my bed, alone and staring at the ceiling, I wondered why I even felt this way. (Y/N) was not my soulmate, yet it almost felt like she was. I debated with this back and forth for hours. Before I knew it, it was four in the morning. We were to leave for the last leg of the North American tour in a few hours. I sighed. Why was (Y/N) the only thing running through my head?
Once the plane took off into the sky, I really thought that I would be in a better head space. Being on stage was where I was happiest. Seeing all the fans in the audience singing along to our songs and having a great time made each day of being in this band so much more worth it. I was excited to get away from all the soulmate drama. But when we hit the first city, I was distracted. I was missing my cues, forgetting lyrics, tripping over myself and completely forgetting the choreography we had during some of the songs.
 At first, I thought I was just having an off day, but it soon became a frequent occurrence at the following shows. I was off my game just because I couldn’t get a girl out of my damn head. It didn’t help that every time I tried to hang with the boys during our free time, they would all be on the phone facetiming with (Y/N). A few times, I even heard her ask for me, but I refused to see/talk to her. I couldn’t bear it. People were starting to notice that something was up. I had to dissuade everyone and just tell them that tour life was getting to me, but deep down I’m sure everyone knew that wasn’t it.  
The tour continued on for a month and a half. My soulmate had asked to come and visit me on tour, but I declined. I told her that I would see her when I got back. I still couldn’t understand why I was being pulled in (Y/N)’s direction and away from my soulmate. None of this made any sense. I felt like I was losing it. I found myself having dreams about (Y/N). In the dreams, she was my soulmate. We spoke about music and our dreams. With her I didn’t feel empty. I didn’t feel like an object. I felt whole.
The only person that knew about what I was going through on tour was Ashton. A couple of years ago, Ashton had thought he found his soulmate, but the job made it hard for him and his soulmate to be together. It was one of those rare cases, but both of their soul tattoos faded. They fell out of love quicker than they could fall back in love and restore everything. It was a hard time for Ash. There was a moment when he just wanted to leave the band because the pain was unbearable. We all convinced him that leaving the band wouldn’t help him. The boys and I were there for him during that hard time.
A week into the last leg of the tour, Ashton came up to me and asked what’s wrong.
“I don’t know, mate. My head is all over the place. I can’t get her out of my mind,” I said with a sigh. Ashton laughed.
“Luke, it’s perfectly okay to miss your soulmate!” He said, patting me on the back. I shook my head.
“That’s the thing, Ash. I wasn’t talking about my soulmate. I was talking about (Y/N),” I whispered. Ashton became quiet. He sat down next to me. We were in our hotel rooms, a couple of hours before our show in Atlanta. Calum and Michael were out exploring the city.
“Did you and (Y/N)…?” Ashton inquired. I scoffed.
“No, nothing happened. I would never do something like that, especially to Michael, or my soulmate, for that matter,” I said. “But, Ash. I’m telling you, the first time I met her, I just knew. I thought I knew when I first met my soulmate. But when I met (Y/N), I never felt anything like it before. It actually physically hurt me to see Michael with her.” I put my head in my hands and rubbed my forehead in frustration. “But I just can’t seem to find a reason why I feel this way. I feel like I’m going crazy.”
Ashton laughed. I looked up from my hands and gave him an agitated look. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh. It’s just that… that explains everything. It explains why you’ve been such a dick to her and why you refuse to see or talk to her. And why you decided to turn into a rabbit before tour and fuck your soulmate so obnoxiously,” Ashton said with a hint of a tease.
“Will you shut up about that?” I groan, slumping in my seat.
“So what does this mean?” Ashton asked. “Is (Y/N) your real soulmate?”
“You’re just as lost as I am, mate,” I said.
“Well, we have about less than a month and a half till tour is over. We leave for Bali a week after that and Mikey just told me (Y/N) is coming with. Can you get your feelings in check by then?”
“Oh, for fucks sake. (Y/N) is coming to Bali too?”
“I would be surprised if she didn’t…” Ashton said, trailing off.
“Great. This is just great. How do you just forget your feelings for someone you feel so strongly about?” I ask aloud. Ashton sighs as he stands. He puts a hand on my shoulder.
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. If not, write a song,” he says with a shrug and walks towards his room.
I sigh. This is going to be harder than I thought.
(Y/N)’s POV
The boys are almost back! It’s crazy to think that almost two months has gone by. To getting my soul tattoo, to being Michael’s girlfriend, it’s clearly been an intense two months. Now the boys are days from leaving tour and we’re set to leave for Bali in less than a week.
I was nervous. A few weeks ago, Michael had asked me to join him and the boys and all their friends. We were facetiming one night and he just blurted it out. At first, I was skeptical of the idea, but since graduating university, I hardly took days off for myself. I worked my ass off every day. I told Michael I would love to go, but I had to find out from my boss if I could go before I committed to anything.
I first brought it up to (Y/F/N) and her reaction was different than I expected. I figured she was gonna dissuade me from going.
“YES! Oh my god! Yes, you should go. Bali is gorgeous and you’ll have so much fun. You deserve a vacation, dude. I’m so jealous,” she said excitedly.
“Why don’t you come with us?” I asked. “You’ve already met Michael and you guys seem to have gotten along. Plus, it’ll be fun if we went on this trip together. It is a friendcation after all!” If (Y/F/N) came with me, I would ultimately feel so much better. She would help put me at ease having to see Luke and his soulmate together. I knew that I really needed to decide what I wanted to do with Luke. Tell him the truth or let it be? Despite me trying to deny it, I knew I still liked Luke. Having (Y/F/N) there with me would also help stop me from doing anything stupid, especially when there was a 100 percent chance tequila would be involved.
“I dunno, dude. I’d have to call off a whole week from work.” I saw her mind working as she tried to mull over the idea of going to Bali. “I wish Michael had asked you a month before and not a few weeks before they leave.”
I grabbed her shoulders and shook them. “(Y/F/N), PLEASE! There’s no way I can go on this trip without you! The hotel will be free because the boys are paying. I’ll pay for your plane ticket! C’MON!!!!!” I exclaimed.
“I’ll think about it…” she trailed off. I collapsed into my pillows and groaned in frustration.
“UGH. Why are you like this?” I sighed.
I eventually convinced (Y/F/N) to come on this trip with me. Her now fiancé wasn’t too happy about the fact that we were going on a vacation with a bunch of dudes, so he decided to tag along too. I was a little peeved, but at the same time, this entire trip was basically a couple’s trip. Me and Mikey, (Y/F/N) and her fiancé, Luke and his soulmate, Ashton and Cal with girls they met on tour, and a few of their band buddies and their girls. It was going to either be a giant party or a huge orgy... I was hoping it was the former instead of the latter.
When I told Mikey of our plans, he was so excited. I had called him the second I got the okay from my boss.
“Wait, really!? You can come?” He asked, excitedly. I laughed.
“Yes, Mikey! I can come with you to Bali!” I squealed. I could hear him jumping up and down in excitement. I had already started Pinteresting pics of Bali and things we could do and outfits I needed to buy for the trip. Michael was already sweet enough to cover my flight tickets and hotel rooms.
Now two weeks later, the boys were finally back. I was physically and emotionally prepping for this moment since Mikey had asked me to join them on their Bali trip. I had decided that after this trip, I was going to tell him the truth about my tattoo. I was scared, but he deserved to know. It gave me a lot of anxiety not knowing how he was going to react. I went too long not telling anyone and that is a mistake I regret making. If this backfires and he’s ends being upset, then I’m just going to have to face the consequences. I deserve that.
I was at work when I got a text from Michael.
I’m at work u idiot. I’m off at five pick me up for dinner? I responded.
I laughed. My little goofball. The laughter was soon gone the second I remembered what I planned to tell him after Bali. God, I couldn’t do this to him. How could I let myself be so stupid and drag this along? I shook it off. It’s fine. Less than a week till Bali, I can do this.
Luke’s POV
We were back in LA. We leave for Bali next week. I was excited to be back, but I was a wreck. The entire last days of tour, I thought I was going to be able to get (Y/N) off my mind, but the closer the date came to getting back to LA, the more I had dreams about her. She was taking up my entire brain and I hated it.
The second we landed I called up my soulmate. We got in a good fuck. She thought I just missed her, but deep down we both knew that this relationship had become purely sexual. If anything, she was a distraction. I felt awful for using her, but I felt worse thinking about (Y/N) with Michael. My life had suddenly turned into a live version of Jesse’s Girl. But since (Y/N’s) coming with us to Bali, I had to have something or someone to get her off my mind. We all know I do stupid shit, especially when there’s alcohol involved.
I tried to convince the guys to just make this a boy’s trip, but they all complained that they had already invited their girls to come with us. It was too late and I had to suck it up. As much as my soulmate and I had nothing to talk about anymore, at least we had something we could do with each other. Each day I spend with her, I realize how much we aren’t meant to be for each other. Coming back from tour and seeing her again in person confirmed that, even if the sex was great.
After my soulmate fell asleep, I put on a pair of sweatpants and walked to my balcony. I closed the door behind me and called my mum.
“Hey mum.”
“Hi sweetie! How was the flight?” She asked.
“Just fine, mum. We’re back in our LA house right now,” I said.
“Oh, that’s great! How are you? You sound down, baby.”
I sighed. My mum always knew something was up without me having to say anything about it. “I’m okay. Things could be better. I’m still so conflicted about my soulmate. She just doesn’t seem like the right girl.” I look through the glass doors to see my soulmate fast asleep on my bed, her bright red hair sprawled out around her, a huge contrast against the pearly white pillows I had. She seemed so quiet and innocent when she was asleep – completely opposite to how she was when she was awake.
“Honestly, Luke, the second you told me about her, I knew something was wrong. I know you wanted to give her a chance, but you sound miserable.”
“I know. I feel miserable. Do you remember that other girl I was telling you about?”
“Oh, yes! (Y/N)! The one dating Michael?” She asked.
“Yes, that’s her. I still think she may be my real soulmate, mum.”
“Luke, sweetheart, I’m only going to say this once because I’m your mum. Get your shit together. If you’re unhappy with your soulmate, then break up with her. Just because she may be your soulmate, it doesn’t mean you’re obligated to be with her. I want you to be happy, baby. But you can’t do that if you force yourself to love someone we all know you do not love.”
“What… Mum!?” I was shocked, my mum was never forward like this.
“I’m sorry, love. You’ve been calling me about this situation for weeks now. It’s been two months since you got your soul tattoo. I know you think that you’re going to have this great big love like your father and I - I’m more than sure you’ll have it soon, but clearly this woman who’s claiming to be your soulmate, isn’t making you happy and that’s fine. That just means she isn’t the one for you. Tell her how you feel. In the long run, you’ll both feel better about it.”
I was quiet for a moment. I hated that she was right. But all of what she said was true. I was too afraid to face how I really felt. I denied everything wrong with my soulmate because I thought it was right, because some unwritten rule somewhere said that I had to fall in love with my soulmate. It’s very rare, but sometimes these things just don’t work out. I had to face the facts one way or another.
Once I got off the phone with my mum, I went back to bed. I was so caught up with jet lag when we landed, but once in bed, I couldn’t sleep. I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling, just thinking. My soulmate was fast asleep next to me. I looked at her for a moment. She was beautiful and she was fun to be around sometimes, but deep down I knew she wasn’t my girl.
Hours later, I decided that after our trip to Bali, I was going to end things with her. I knew that that wasn’t how this whole soulmate shit is supposed to work, but I couldn’t bear another day being with her. I could tell that even the boys were starting to get irritated with her. They were just too scared or too nice to say anything to me about it. So that was the plan. Bali is in a few days. I just had to figure out how I was going to tell her and if I was going to confess my true feelings to (Y/N) after that.
yeeeeeet I finally gave you guys another part! I have to admit, I’m so freaking nervous about this. My heart is beating and my hands are shaking as I type this. I have written and edited and re-edited and re-re-edited this part and the following parts so many times. I knew that I couldn’t hold onto them anymore, so here it is. The only explanation I have for taking so long is this: life gets in the way and there’s nothing you can really do about it. Once time passed and I figured it was time to get back to this, a year had come and gone. I simply lost the inspiration to write. But here we are, two years later and I finally have the next 13 or so chapters ready for your eyes to read. 
I hope you love it. 
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Weiss’s Depression (RWBY Analysis)
“Memories escaping as my heart begins to drain, Scars that cover wounds can't hide the self-inflicted pain“-The Path To Isolation
Welp I anonymously asked @hammertime-rwby​ about what they thought of the ‘Self inflicted pain’ lines from the Path To Isolation (mostly because it was a super sensitive topic and I didn’t want Hammertime to get upset with me for it hi hammertime i love you youre awesome) and it has quickly blown up. So imma make this post to gather all the logs that’ve been thrown on this fire of a theory. ...I metaphor too much im sorry- Also a good chunk of this are ideas from the people who replied to the post or to the video.
Weiss comes from an extremely abusive home with only two positive relationships for most of her early life, Winter and Klein. There are many real life examples of this sort of environment leading to self harm, so it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch considering where she came from.
Weiss constantly wears long sleeves which you think would just be her being from Atlas, but Vale is pretty warm relatively so she wouldn’t need the jacket at all, this is the same jacket she was shown wearing in ATLAS. You know, during the trailer where it showed how ice was covering pretty much everything? That jacket has to be pretty insulated and warm.
The only exceptions to this is her party outfit and her nightgown, however the only times she would be wearing either of these outfits would be fairly dark so any scars (if she has any) would be hard to see, and she may have even used concealer when it came to the dance, it sounds like something Weiss could and would do. 
Actual animation-wise, they had Weiss in her pj’s in the earlier seasons where they didn’t deal with these sort of issues, back then RWBY was a ‘child friendly’ show, they probably couldn’t show her scars even if they wanted to, a face scar, that’s pretty tame, but wrist scars? They probably didn’t want to dissuade their audience before they hooked them on the story.
In her party outfit, she frequently crosses her arms...Hmmm...
Winter’s several concerned questions could be seen as a protective older sibling, but pay attention to what she says; “I asked how you've been. Are you eating properly? Are you making new friends?“ ...Yeah there’s the question about hobbies but most of this, if it hadn’t been delivered warmly by Winter’s voice actress, could’ve definitely set off some flags. Does Weiss normally not eat properly? Did she really never have friends before? I’m no expert but those two things sound like traits of someone who’s at best psychologically imbalanced and at worst depressed. 
I know from personal experience that not having friends or feeling like you don’t have friends can seriously contribute to some unhealthy habits and disorders
Self harm isn't always cutting. There are the physical ways, yes, but there’s also risk-taking behavior or self hatred or self stigmatization which considering her past, would make a lot of sense. Many children who grow up in the same condition grow up to believe the lies told to them about their self-worth from their abusers.
Even if Weiss didn’t cut beforehand, she could’ve easily done it after she was dragged back home, I mean imagine finally having friends, finally having companionship, finally being able to step out of your isolated bubble... Only to have all of that ripped from your grasp again. That would also explain why she suddenly went to a looser-fitted jacket to her almost skintight outfit that completely hides her arms and wrists.
On the other side of the coin, RT has already explored with racism, abusive relationships, PTSD, Abandonment issues, and mental disorders in general. RT could definitely pull this off in a good way to put a spotlight on a pretty overlooked problem that we all know many people have to deal with. 
I both hope this isn’t true because oml my poor child and really hope it is true because imagine Weiss confronting Ruby about her bottling her emotions up and then somehow Ruby sees her scars, which leads to both of them spilling the beans and having a beautiful heart to heart that ends with Ruby promising to kick Jaqass’s ass.
Me rn:
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"And here I thought your dark haired friend was the emo one."
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vennilavee · 6 years
drown the lovers
this is kinda an add on to this thing right here
Pairing: lance tucker x reader
Summary: alcohol, shenanigans, lance, and you.
Word Count: 2009
Warnings: alcohol, adult situations
A/N: UmmMMMM this is my attempt in writing smut. there’s no smut in this part because i’m...still working to writing that lmao pls bear with me ok IM SHY. there will definitely a part II. listen to drown the lovers by R I T U A L and 6LACK PLS let me know what you think lol
You and Lance are both social butterflies and even though the pair have been together for a few years now, you both would choose a Friday night out with friends more often than a night in.
That’s not to say that the two of you didn’t have your fair share of lazy nights.
You both enjoy teasing each other when you went out, with barely there kisses, hands hovering over each other but not quite where you wanted them. He likes watching you mingle with his friends and you like watching him mingle with yours. 
Desire is pooling in the both of you before you guys had even left your apartment. You almost suggested ditching your mutual friends and staying in- he looked so delicious in his dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up neatly to his elbows and his khakis. 
Little did you know that the same suggestion was on the tip of his tongue. Lance was certain you did this on purpose- you knew how much he liked those dark jeans on you and that silky, shimmery pink top that only hints at your cleavage. 
Lance is certain that your cherry red lipstick will end up somewhere on his skin before the end of the night, and he looks forward to it.
Tossing back the shot of Tequila and biting into your lime slice, you wince for a moment. You like Tequila, you really do, but it’s been a while. It burns, but the burn fades away and you’re left with drunkenness.
The first time you tossed back three consecutive Tequila shots without fail, Lance openly gaped at you and said he knew you were a freak- because who in their right mind could do that so painlessly?
You’re usually the one buying shots and drinks when you go out- something Lance tried dissuading you from doing in the beginning. Just so you don’t make a dent in your wallet whenever you went out. He’s even tried holding on to your wallet when you don’t bring a purse, but you’re sneaky. 
But he doesn’t protest so much anymore. Your generosity knows no bounds, especially when it comes to your friends having a good time.
You find him a few minutes later, making your way over to him. Lance catches your eye, already recognizing your drunken grin and your glassy eyes. You seem to not have noticed that your top is sliding down your chest a little bit and he discreetly fixes your top when you hug him so that nobody but him gets an eyeful of you.
“Thank you, baby,” You murmur into his ear, leaning into him, “Here, I got you a drink.” Your friends have dispersed, giving you some time alone.
“So thoughtful, baby girl,” Lance presses a kiss to your hair and you beam at him in his embrace.
You always responded to praise from him. 
It’s when he’s clambering into the Uber after you that Lance realizes how drunk the both of you really are. He’s not surprised, not really- he had seen you take at least three shots of Tequila and he was sure you had drank more.
You used to be able to handle more alcohol, but the older you got, the less you were able to. You were well and proper drunk, giggling at him in the Uber. The pair of you weren’t shy about PDA, but you drew a line usually when it got passed heavy making out.
This time though, Lance knows the Uber driver is keeping his smirk to himself and avoiding eye contact with him in the rearview mirror. Because your lips are all over him, your hands trailing up and down his thighs. 
But he’s turning his head so that you miss his lips and for the life of you, you can’t understand why.
Your brown eyes are wide and sad and he feels guilty. He really does. But he doesn’t want to do this when they have a clear audience who is watching intently.
“Why won’t you kiss me?” You ask him in a muted whisper. Except it’s not muted, the Uber driver doesn’t bother concealing his snicker and your voice slurs.
“Baby, we’re almost home,” Lance tries to reason with you but he already sees drunken tears forming in your eyes.
“You haven’t even kissed me all night,” You murmur to yourself. Your bottom lip is starting to tremble and you move away from him, facing the other window. Hands wringing together in your lap and uncertainty painting every fiber of your being, you try your best not to cry.
But a few tears slip out of your eyes.  
Lance knows you. He knows when one small thing upsets you when you drink, you start crying. He’s usually not on the receiving end of it- usually a friend will upset you, or you’ll get upset if the McFlurry machine isn’t working when you force him to go with you to McDonald’s with you.
When you two had first started dating, you apologized profusely for it, on the rare occasion it did happen. It was annoying, you were sure, that you would sometimes get upset over nothing. You had gotten better over the years, but this one thing still happened once in a while. He didn’t mind, he really didn’t and he was surprised by that, too. He liked seeing your tough girl facade fall in front of him- you trusted him enough to be vulnerable with him.
But when he was the reason you were upset... his heart lurches.
When you sniffle, he edges closer to you but you won’t look at him. 
“Baby girl, please,” Lance pleads with you softly. He tries tugging your chin to face him but you jerk away, leaving him empty.
The rest of the car ride is quiet, but you still let him hold your hand. Lance cautiously pulls you into his side and you melt into him. You seem to have forgotten that you were upset- you’re stroking his thigh absent-mindedly. 
But Lance knows you’re playing games with him, and he catches the small smile on your face.
You’ve dropped your keys to your shared apartment with Lance about three times trying to unlock the door. You blame him though- he’s pressed against you, his hands running up and down your waist from under your shirt. His lips are against your neck, pressing kisses there- he even nibble at your earlobe.
You’re not helping though, you push back into him as you bend over to grab your keys for the third time.
Once you finally unlock the door, the both of you stumble into your apartment in a fit of giggles. You kick your flats off and place your purse on the kitchen counter.
“Water?” You ask hoarsely. He nods but before you can fill up a cup for the both of you, he pushes you against the kitchen counter. You look up at him in surprise.
“Can I help you?” You quirk an eyebrow up at him, tilting your head to the side. 
“I’m just tryna love on you, baby girl...” Lance tries kissing you but you turn your head with a laugh.
“Now you wanna love on me?” You pout at him. He knows you’re just teasing though, because your hands are trailing up and down his chest.
“I always wanna love on you,” Lance confirms, his hands roaming under your shirt, “I’m sorry I made you cry, that Uber driver was watching and I didn’t want-”
“I just wanted a kiss, Lance,” You pout, your eyes meeting his, “Just a kiss.”
Your red lips are parted slightly and you sigh at him. Lance looks so handsome  like this- with his eyebrows knitted in concern, adoration splashed across his face, his hair fluffy from running his hands through it. He mistakes your sigh for frustration. You’re starting to sober up a little, but tipsiness still tints your mind.
Your hand strokes his neck lightly and you take his chin in your hands. Lance can see the slickness of intoxication in your eyes and your playful grin. You press your lips to his forehead, kissing your way down his jawline, nibbling at the spot right below his ear. He moans quietly and you smile into his skin before pushing him away slightly. 
His skin is tinted red from your lipstick.
You’re about to head into your bedroom, trying to be coy or something. But he tugs your wrist back to him roughly and your breath catches in your throat.
“Where you going, baby girl? Not even a kiss?” Lance murmurs, pushing you back into his hold against the kitchen counter.
“Nope,” You pop the ‘p’, relishing in the way his blue eyes are alight with desire for you.
His big hands are splayed across your hips. One hand curls around you to squeeze your ass. Your hands find their way to his neck, playing with the hairs there.
You don’t know why the both of you do this. This dance with each other, this dance filled with tension when you both know how deep your affection and desire for each other runs.
You finally push yourself up on your toes and press your lips to his without warning. He gasps into your mouth before responding twice as enthusiastically as you. A moan escapes his lips when you bite down on his bottom lip with a smile. He pulls away for a moment before lifting you up and sitting you down on the counter, so you’re eye-level with him.
Lance locks his lips with you again, and you think you would give up oxygen if that meant that Lance would be kissing you at all hours of the day. His kiss is searing, needy- the kind of kiss that makes your toes curl. 
One of the many things you love about Lance is how he throws himself into everything and anything he cares about. When you first started dating, you were a little dizzy from how intense he was with you. You weren’t used to it and you weren’t expecting it. 
But you were his queen.
Lance latches onto your neck, pressing his lips to your favorite spots there. You tilt your head to allow him more skin along the column of your neck. 
“You smell so good, baby girl,” Lance murmurs. The vibrations of his voice feel nice against your skin.
“It’s that perfume you got me the other day,” You reply, your eyes still closed.
“First time wearing it, right?” He asks, continuing to bite and nip at your neck. He makes his way down to your collarbones as your hands card through his hair. Your skin is hot and you wonder if he realizes how every time he touches you, you feel like you’re on fire.
“All for you, baby boy,” You smile, your eyes a little dazed. His right hand trails up your back to unhook your bra eagerly. 
Somehow, he always manages to do this while he’s kissing you. Lance Tucker is truly a man of many talents.
Lance tugs you out of your shirt and his gaze is scorching. Your face heats up, despite this being far from the first time he’s seen you. He always makes you feel beautiful and sexy, though. Even with just a glance or a few words.
“And these?” Lance almost purrs at you, his hands brushing against your bare breasts, “These all for me, too?”
“No, they’re for the dude down the hall who helped me with the groceries the other day,” You roll your eyes at him, “Shall I call him here?”
Lance tightens his grip on your hips and you grin. He moves his grip to your neck, his thumb brushing against your jaw.
“You are such a smartass,” Lance groans, “God, that mouth on you.”
Wordlessly, you part your lips slightly. You bat your eyelashes at him and suck on his thumb lightly, enjoying the way his eyes widen. 
The wet walls of your mouth against his thumb have him thinking about something else entirely.
“Oh, this mouth?” You ask, “You already know what this mouth does, baby.”
@valynsia @letsbri-honest
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