#im sure i made a post about this but were we all just on sonic 2 mode... bc that was the same month geah s2 dropped...
butch-bakugo · 15 days
Im so glad we all rightly clocked the Minecraft movie as probably going to suck and I'm not alone. I was so worried I was just being a pessimist but after seeing what other's have said and what moistcritickal posted (haven't watched it yet), I feel a bit safer sharing my opinion. So, as a mc fan and player for almost, if not exactly, 10 years, I'll give my opinion.
It wants to be the super Mario movie. It wants to be it SO BAD but it doesn't care to actually commit to it. So many awesome movies about gaming IP have come out over the last 5 years from the Mario movie and the fnaf movie to detective pikachu and sonic. All bangers. Idk what it is apparently about 2024 and letting the most sludgy shitty gaming movies being announced/coming out but this is... Not it. This and the borderlands movie (tbf I'm only repeating popular opinion as I haven't seen the movie and am not a fan of the franchise but mega and even casual fans plus it's horrific box office say it enough. ) are probably gonna end up the same.
It looks terrible. Period. Almost everything in it looks terrible and I garentee it's budget was 150 to 300 mil and it still looks like fucking garbage. It can't even commit to being a live action or animated movie. It wants to be both so bad and not lose the recognition of the 2 celebrities it dumped probably a quarter of the budget on. Everything from the mobs to the world design to the cgi already looks like fucking garbage. It looks so fucking bad y'all I'm not even exaggerating. Holy shit. Everything has that fuckin cursed style of realistic components but cartoonish attitude and shape. Everything in the trailer looks like jigglypuff or Mr. Mime from detective Pikachu bred with sonic before everyone bullied them into giving him justice.
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Tell me this shit doesn't have the same fucking energy.
This isn't cute, it was never cute, it's fucking creepy to put hi-def details on an originally cartoonish characters. Its giving fleshball with hair. Side note, since tf when were creepers made of grass and leaves n shit? I feel like I'd puke if I touched one by accident.
I want to give credit where credit is due and say the piglins and the ghasts look great. I fuckin love the fact the ghasts are stitched at the seems. They look great. It's almost like cartoon proportions but realistic style can look good in its creepy nature when out on top of characters who are supposed to look creepy and not right. 🙄
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I have no idea why they wouldn't just fully animate this movie. Why are there fully human live action actors in this bitch but literally everything else is CGI. These poor actors are just standing on green screens when they very literally could have just been live action segments of them popping in and out of the world of Minecraft while voicing their minecrafty looking selves while animated. Literally just give it the ready player one treatment. Also why is Steve, the titular Minecraft character, a live action human as well? Even if your weird fascination with Zionist autism-speaks devotee Jack black is what you paid ungodly money for, he's a good voice actor. He showed that in the Mario movie as Bowser. Why does he have to be not only an IRL human but also his beard nor skin tone match canonical Steve. Jason Momoa, the only moc on the cast of human characters, would match Steve's actual skin tone. The boy's got melanin, Jack does not.
Speaking of the human characters, I can smell the uninteresting cookie-cutter nerdy boy with a crush he needs to profess to protagonist a mile away, I'm sure the little girl character is tough on the outside but soft when she warms up and is quirky and joins the bad guys for a bit only to come back but never has any actual character, idk litterally anything about the adult woman character other than her outfit is giving Dora and she litterally says nothing during the trailer and jason Momoa? I'm alittle worried. First off, why you got this whole ass man in that shitty ass wig. That is party city shit. I could find better for $8 on Amazon. Second off, though I think he's trying to be like... 80s 90s pop star twisted sister style shit, im NGL... My first thought was " is this a transmysognistic caricature?" Because of notch and the fact he moves pretty femininely through the trailer. I won't judge it yet but like... My hackles were UP up. I'm stressed. Another thing of note? No Alex nor Villagers. The villages were there and actively plundered but no villagers.
Something interesting of note is that the villagers were originally made, by notch, to be antisemitic caricatures. That's why they have the big nose, the nasally voice, considered primitive, the specific obsession with emeralds of all gems, why their deals always suck and they come off greedy. Mojang did very little to change their original design and even though you couldn't tell nessesarily without knowing that context that the villagers were a caricature, that doesn't make them less of one and Mojang really should of made the choice to change them by now. I, like many other allies and obviously the Jewish community, always felt a little uncomfortable with them but are now especially nervous about their more realistic but still cartoony take. We've seen plenty of human/realistic but cartoonish takes on villagers fully lean into the caricature with hooked noses, pointed ears and other common ethnicly Jewish features. Some even Include Payots ( the curly pieces of hair worn on orthodox Jewish men), Yamakas and stars of davids. These are clearly antisemitic caricatures and I, and many other fans, are worried about their one screen translations. I can only hope they humanize them as some more realistic takes on villagers can be good.
My second to last note is the setting, holy fuck is it UGLY ugly. Like I dont watch any Minecraft YouTubers or streamers so I'm not accustomed to tracing rays 1,000 mods realistic lighting, realistic resources, needs huge processors to run without the computer becoming the same temp as the surface of the sun to be happy with the way it looks but like... Ew. I play raw mc, no mods on console (and PC at one point but that was awhile ago and also with no mods) and I, through buildings or natural landscapes and locations, etc have seen prettier lighting and locations than what they chose. Like, one of the many joys of Minecraft is the simplistic but natural and real and relaxing atmosphere the world of Minecraft can be. Even when it's raining or snowing. Minecraft sunsets and sunrises after you spent the last real world 56,000 hours on this big building complex and finally resting and watching the sunrise over your work and the mountains or ocean or forest or even desert around you become pink then yellow then bright as the start of a new day is a healing experience. It can be emotional even. That landscape looked like garbage. Incredibly monotonous and boring and plain. Just nothing. How you squeeze the very easy thing of a beautiful atmosphere out of Minecraft is beyond me.
Speaking of emotions, let's talk about the story and the humor/dialogue. I'll start with the later and end my thoughts with the former. The humor, the little we did see, seemed at least a little bit on brand for Minecraft. The animals especially. I'll give it that, I just hope it's not unending poop or fart or pee jokes. Finally, I, like many others, are very worried this is a modern isekai ass Jumanji style shit take of minecraft. We are very worried this is just modern people shoved into minecraft to solve a problem, save the world and leave. This isn't what Minecraft's about, it's not it's messaging nor ever been a " hero/band of heros story" about saving the world, I don't even think it will honor the final poem of the game.
Minecraft has always always ALWAYS been about community, belonging, making a place for yourself in a world that won't accept you, working together and coexisting. It's about peace. It's about sharing. These messages are very near and very dear to the 6 yr old gen alphas who've been playing it since they were 2 or 3 yrs old and beat it 60 times to the elder Gen z and millennials like me who grew up with the game and have a special place in our hearts for the world's we've built and lost to the 89 yr old grandma who played it over covid and built a home for her whole family to visit and live in with all the accommodations they could want. Minecraft is for all ages and everyone has either played it or heard of it, it is the most successful singular game in the world ffs. It has sold more copies than ANY single game in existence, over the most common production of solitaire and Tetris and Space invaders AND any super Mario or Pokemon game. Minecraft rakes in over billions of dollars and millions of players every single year. Those who start playing it struggle to stop. It's a cultural icon, a seriously beloved and wholesome one. One the fans truly took, made it their own for everyone's benefit and spawned so much spin off media and love that it's done better than most games could ever dream to do. Minecraft's success and communal love, despite the unsavory trend of pedo and bigoted YouTubers centered on the game, is its soul. It's driving force. Its succession literally cannot be understated and cannot not be attributed to its fans.
I fear this movie is a slap in the face money grab disrespectful turd in a doggy bag left on the community's porch. I fear this movie will have none of the game's and community's values and lessons and love. I fear this movie will do what Mario, sonic and fnaf did not, hurt it's audience. I, like many other fans, already have an unsavory taste left in our mouth's from this trailer pie and we can only hope it didn't come from American pie or the help. The movie looks fucking soulless. It looks corporate. Like it only exists to make money off the already successful IP that is Minecraft. Like they saw the box office explosive success of sonic and Mario and fnaf and decided to shit something else explosive out as quick as possible to jump on the trend. I fear because it's fucking Hollywood, the messages it holds will be watered down and tasteless like a fucking LaCroix where someone ate a cubic millimeter of an orange peel and shat in my can and called it flavor. It'll be the same old schmut that every kid friendly movie has. It will have no nods to and for its existing fans to comb through and point out and smile that they are seen.
It may not even have a fucking ender dragon or a wither. Will it even have the nether? People already pointed out that most movie trailers include some of the big cool (expensive) parts of the movie and if they eventually fight the ender dragon, they would of probably included that in the trailers due to how cool (expensive) that scene would be. It's not there. All we see is piglins, a relatively small enemy in the game, pillaging villages (why no , ya know, actual pillagers pillaging. Why piglins... Who are barely present in the over world....who dont attack unless provoked... and only attack the player not suddenly aggro with every AI in sight... Why are they attacking villagers suddenly....) which.... Isn't super interesting. That and the irl actors walking around and discovering how to fucking play the basic shit in Minecraft like getting wood.. and making crafting tables.... And talking to Steve. Like this has bad shitty written all fucking over it... I'm so worried.
We, the fans who work and love this game tirelessly, deserve better than isekai diet Jumanji live action meets shitty animated garbage.... I can only hope and pray that my take on this ages poorly. I hope it ages poorly and I'm horribly wrong and it's the next fnaf movie and shows huge amounts of respect for the fans. I want to be wrong. I want us to be respected. However you can't ignore the blood in the handkerchief concerning movies with a highly popular IP, too many a-list celebrities, high costs and piss poor CGI. It rarely doesn't lead to disaster. Please let me be wrong.
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alwaysahiccupandastrid · 10 months
hi! when did matt said ‘who?’ when he was asked about nettles?? i heard that nowhere and im very interested if you have other ‘news’ like that cause i feel like everything that is said during con is being either twisted or hidden😔
It was at the talk in July at London Film Comic Con, I believe (there was a talk at the winter con in November last year too, I went to both)
It’s not a case of everything being twisted or hidden at these talks, it’s because Showmasters (the people who run the conventions) wouldn’t let us take videos 😭 they said at the beginning of both talks that photos were allowed but videos were not, and they’ve got security posted around the audience to make sure of it. Showmasters are also very tight and won’t let people take pictures of the guests (actors etc) at the tables or anything like that. Like during the July con I was going upstairs and I could see into the green screen area from above, and Matt was in there, so I went to take a photo but one of the staff got pissy at me and told me off because “you’re not allowed, it’s not fair on the people who paid money for their photos with him 😤”… like okay, love, I paid something like £235 for the diamond pass AND an additional £110 for another autograph so I could talk to him again, chill the fuck out. Basically Showmasters HATE the idea of people getting photos, autographs or anything from the actors for free since it means they as a company don’t make money off it.
(For the record Matt was super sweet and after his talk was taking photos with a kid dressed like his Doctor, he’s an awesome person)
Some other things I can remember off the top of my head (I’ve probably mentioned some of these before but oh well):
When asked if he was Team Black or Team Green, he said “is that a joke? Team Black”
Someone asked how he felt about certain deleted scenes being cut, namely the scene of Daemon hugging his daughters (which there’s a photo/still of) and he had no idea what we were talking about 💀 he joked that some of the audience must work for HBO because we seemed to know more than him about it
He said that Daemon does love Rhaenyra. “Is it a bit weird? Yeah” but he does love her
“Working with Emma D’Arcy is great”
“No one can trust Mushroom”
Both he and Emma looked at each other like “???????” When they read the choking scene because neither of them thought it made any fucking sense whatsoever
In July he confirmed that he’d been filming in Wales for S2 so we COULD be getting Daemyra scenes since I think Emma was also seen filming in Wales
The reason Olivia Cooke and Bethany Antonia (Alicent and Baela) cancelled their appearances at the con in July is because of filming conflicts, they had last minute changes to their filming schedules
Hasn’t read ALL of Fire and Blood, just the parts related to Daemon (I’m guessing the Dance of Dragons sections)
That man did NOT stop praising the absolute shit out of his co-stars by the way, especially Emma. He also used the correct pronouns for Emma the entire time he talked about them, which I know is a low bar to set but still, my point remains that Matt is just so respectful of Emma and clearly loves working with them
“Come to my kitchen, I’ve got the sonic” 😏
He also talked a lot about Doctor Who at these talks, which - I’ll be honest - I have only watched one episode of (and it was his first episode) so I don’t remember anything that well about his Doctor Who answers. To add, sometimes the people at the con choose audience members with the STUPIDEST questions instead of fans with actual genuine ones - like in November when someone got the mic and asked him to give them middle names for their godchildren or something 💀
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cherrycuppacoups · 2 years
SYNOPSIS; rumours about y/n dating mingyu got dino jealous as they were seen to be together at a parking lot, but little did he know the danceology vid that he shot together with y/n caught fans attention, as fans caught something in the video that y/n and dino didn't realize it might give away that the both of them are in a relationship
GENRE/ WARNINGS; oneshot,mostly fluff, idol!dino x idol!afabreader, there might a slight typos
TAGLIST; @honeyhuii
A/N; sorry ik it been a long time since i posted about the idea, up until now only i have the strength and will to write/type this hehe i hope yall enjoy as this is my first fic >< oh and @honeyhuii hii!! i saw your reply that you wanted to be in the taglist ngehehe sorry i couldn't reply to you cause idk why i can't reply ㅠ ㅠ im still new in this ㅠ ㅠ
DISCLAIMER!!; all in this story is based on my own ideas and if you see someone reposting and translating this fic without my permission do let me know tysm🫶🏻☁️
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you read through the article and laugh along with seventeen members and your members as all of you know that the rumour is not true and you are currently dating dino secretly. The day that you and mingyu were seen in the parking lot was when both of you lost from playing games and need to buy some groceries and coffees for the other members as a penalty.
however the speculations of y/n dating mingyu did not die down as y/n's fancam of galactix performing call call call! in Japan is spreading like wild fires on the internet saying that she made a legendary fancam just like mingyu's summer sonic fancam making the fans shipping both them calling them the legendary fancam couple and whats making it more convincing is y/n is taking mingyu's part.
few days after the rumours are still circling around all of you are hanging out in the studio, you noticed that dino was not being his usual self and participating less in the conversations as if he was it deep thoughts.you assumed that he might get bothered because of the rumour as he quite insecure with himself by not being enough lately and he didn't really wanna show that he is lowkey jealous as he might get teased by his hyungs which is a hassle for him and might add to his stress.
so you drag him out if the studio saying you need a coffee break with dino to recharge. after dragging him far enough from the studio, you asked
"chan is there something bothering you?"
"huh? what do you mean? i'm great"
"no. you seem quiet than usual, its the rumour isn't it ?"
"nah i'm just tired from practicing no worries"
"don't lie chan i know its the rumour that is bothering you, why else would you be bothered by some tiredness as i know you nailed your routine during practice and you have endless stamina when it comes to dancing and practicing"
"sighs" "you know me too well bubs, yes it is the rumours i know mingyu hyung wouldn't take you from me but i'm worried you might left me for mingyu hyung cause he is taller than me, has nice and fitter body than me, he's handsome and i'm just me just dino nothing more"
"nu-uh not a word dinosaur you're perfect for me i'm pretty sure you knew that,and what is "just dino" excuse you ? the dino i knew is awesome asf, talented especially dancing he always makes me happy and thats whats important to me okie bubs? oh and one more thing why would i ever leave you for mingyu when i can just date him in the first place right ? i will always love you bubs no matter what people say and rumours out there okie are we clear now ?"
"okay love i love you too"
"now now heads up let's get some coffee and get back to continue our plans for our danceology vid"
After a few days of the uproar the legendary fancam couple Pledis denied the rumours and stating that y/n and mingyu are only great friends nothing more as it was getting out of control.
dino finally can breath easily after Pledis releasing the statement and he is really excited as the danceology video that he has been planning with y/n is finally up agter months of preparing. Both of them decided to publish it after few days of the statement being released to calm the tension down. His first ever content with his bubs ><
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[A/N]; pic is not mine as it was taken from a yt vid of LJ Dance video and the song is choice is from dino's dance vid with the backup dancer
You and dino's danceology vids blew up after a few days of release and it is at 5M views as the fans were really excited of your collab because both of you are main dancers for your group. Some fans are happy of the collab and excited for some new collabs since your group have been hanging out alot with SEVENTEEN lately but there some fans that is also unhappy with your interaction as it feels like your group is using SEVENTEEN to get fame and attention. But that didn't stop you from getting excited and happy about first collab content with your boyfriend.
"calm down bubs and yes we're nearly at 6M views our first content together is a hit!"
Dino was trying calm his nerves as he himself is excited as well but trying to maintain his cool image to you and failed as he runs to hug you tightly🤣 (a/n; channie love you are cute af ㅠㅠ)
2 weeks after the release of the danceology vid the behind the scenes video was release on SEVENTEEN's channel which is Inside Seventeen. Fans love both of your chemistry and interaction as it was natural and not forced and started shipping both of you claiming that both you are cute as a couple and talented dancers.
The idea of both you got shipped together got dino on cloud nine and you have nothing against it as you are equally happy as he is seing that fans shipped you both meaning they technically approved your relationships.
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Both of your groups were shocked when the article was released because all of you were pretty sure there is nothing suspicious and odd happens in both of the danceology video and also the inside seventeen video that would giveaway your relationship. But soon the it was leaked that your necklace with a ring as a pendant was seen in the video and the ring was the same as dino's ring that always wear on his middle finger.
Fans started to realized that your photos on twitter and instagram with dino's were almost identical but were posted in different time
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Both fandoms are in ecstasy as both of the groups main dancer are dating and what makes it more exciting they have their own dance collab which is basically the danceology video. Fans were so convinced and starting bombarding both of you and dino's instagram comment section of congratulating both of you without even waiting for a statement from both of your agency.
You and Dino were actually in shocked cause both of you didn't even plan to reveal your relationship as both of think it is too early and you want to keep it lowkey. Of course both of you got some earful lecture of being careless but both party are in a win win situation your relationship is being loved by the fans and the agency received lots of offer for both of you to be models and ambassadors of brands.
"i really didn't expect our relationship would be known to the world this way bubs"
"me either HAAHA oh well as long as we're loved and safe from harm that is all i need. oh! does this mean i can post you whenever i want?"
"Of course bubs! i love how we don't have to be a secret anymore!! It's great to be on luck side i love you chan"
"I love you too bubs"
with that you end your day expecting for another hit on your danceology video with Dino but instead you're ending your day with an instagram of Dino sleeping and thanking fans for the wishes.
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A/N; thats all for my first dino fic!!! gahhh finallyy i think the storyline is kinda meh and rushed but i hope yall will like it >< please tell me if there is something i can and need to improve! stay tuned for more fics!!
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iratusmus · 1 year
Hii, I read that freakishly looong (but interesting) take on Fiona
Personally, I think the major problem for her in the comics was that she wasnt really of major importance to the writers. I think the writers thought of her as interesting at first then got bored of her and she was lost to the wind.
I think thats where the problem started.
Secondly, I think the freedom fighters were also at fault. I think they forgot that not everyone has the mental capacity to be a hero. Not exactly good person but I think they expected too much of Fiona. Im not saying this in a degrading way tho. I mean, she went through a lot and they expected her to be healed already, they expected her to suddenly see them as heroes and want to be good. They forgot that not everyone has that inclination. They expected too much and I think that also got her overwhelmed.
Im not sure if this makes sense but yeah this is my take on it.
its pretty clear that bollers and penders didnt have much investment in her character at all, but also that that point she was really just a tangentially relevant side character. like i said in my post, frankly before ian gave her a corruption arc she didnt really have much to offer in the first place. you cant really fault the writers all that much because she wasnt really meant to be of major importance. when ian took the helm as main writer he clearly thought she had potential as a character and utilized that through the corruption arc. she wasnt "lost to the wind", she just became a villain and, as such, didnt need to be on the main screen all the time. archie sonic has a lot of villains and it would be honestly a bit annoying if we spent all of our time with just a handful of them - theyre great characters and should be used accordingly! yeah she took a bit of a backseat in the "scourge+fiona+ss go to mobius and get whacked for it" arc, but like. come on they were clearly setting something up here
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she comes back in journey to the east and is pulling together her own gang there, and then comes back in full swing in scourge lockdown, in which they were. also. clearly setting something up
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the plan according to ian is i believe that scourge & fiona were gonna have an epic breakup and she'd take the destructix in the divorce, which tracks plenty enough with the setup that was being put in place.
also, honestly im gonna have to partially disagree with you on the second point. its a complicated situation and i think youre simplifying it a bit too much. fiona willingly chose to "become a hero" - its not like they made her. she literally couldve left at any point in time to just be a normal civilian (which is... literally what mina did. nobody had an issue with it, even though mina's superspeed wouldve been a massive aid in battle. she wasnt equipped to be a hero in that way because, like you said, that kind of life really isnt for everybody).
also, the freedom fighters frankly cant be everybody's personal therapist - theyve all got so much baggage themselves and they cant even address that because theyre all in the middle of a war 😭 i dont think its that they expected too much of her - id say its much more in the direction of that they didnt even really consider what she went through or how it wouldve affected her in the first place. its less that she got overwhelmed and more that she was functionally an outsider who had no support system and no friends to stick up for her or try to really make her feel like she was one of the team - not out of malice or anything, but just because nobody really ever thought about it in the first place.
overall its just a really messy situation and while fiona made the bad choices that she did of her own volition, there were real reasons behind why she made those decisions in the first place
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scourgethewhorehog · 2 years
... no serious though how do you have a comic with so much daddy issues and never touch on generational trauma and the disconnect between pre and post war knothole? its very reflective of the people behind it, sure, and i dont mean that in a judgey way- i understand that many experiences in my life have made my view of it very different than the average audience/writer and that like me trying not to put it in a way that sounds too much like "we live in a society" but like, ill take that risk to say that so much of sonics asshole moments can be explained by the inability to cope w/ everyone suddenly having parents! a government that isnt just Evil where the situation is more complex bc its his girlfriend/ex gf but still best friends dad who is still doing fucked up things but he cant just go beserk and not just that, giving into their expectations. sallys father is DIFFICULT. he does many fucked up and questionable things that tbh even the narrative doesnt condemn sufficently for my liking. he tries to segregate roboticized mobians, he tries to suppress a democracy, that mind you, was proposed PEACEFULLY.
sonic being kind of a dick and a brat can be easily explained by the fact that he was living in the woods with his lost boys and everything was as simple as beating robotniks ass and now suddenly hes being thrust into a political landscape that hes right in the middle of because his childhood friend had to be the fucking princess! and his whole world has changed drastically, everyone is very happy about it too! its suppose to be a good thing but years of his life his problems were different. and then you add on the fact he missed an ENTIRE YEAR of his friends existing and is displaced and alienated because of this, he is a year behind everyone adjusting to the drastic changes, and THEN he deals with MORE bullshit. sonic is allowed to be a little fucking stupid and rude hes 15 and he thought the world was just going to be him and his friends as usual together for the rest of their lives and he cant even be upset it all got turned upside down because technically this means everything is okay now, except it isnt because theres new problems. this is also why the 25 years later plot pisses me off once again and im so glad its another universe because the idea that they just would repeat the whole cycle again, sonic would just become complacent with everything, and just kinda?? settled down??? his entire coping mechanism is being a war weapon and u think he just going to get married be king be okay with everything and be normal????
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bunbunbillion · 1 year
not sure if i already did this before here, but consider this a formal introduction to the transfer of my twitter media thread to tumblr. and im starting it with a really special one!!!
Tonight............. i finished Super Lesbian Animal RPG by Bobby Schroeder (@ponett / @slarpg) with my friends. I shared the experience with two who had played the game already, and another who was as blind as me.
i will say without going into at all, but if you are a gay furry (especially trans) and love stuff like sonic, or MLP:FiM, or just gay fantasy in general, go play this game. It's REALLY GOOD! going in blind was a treat. That being said, here's my thots.................. theres a LOT!!!!!
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i didn't actually find out about SLARPG until i began reading the sonic archie comics a year or so back. i needed a reading order and by GOD did I find one. not to start this post about slarpg with a ramble about sonic archie, but it was genuinely such a great read, and all the stuff on Thanks, Ken Penders ( @thankskenpenders ), made it all the more enjoyable! that ASIDE it's also how i saw the author of the blog, who i realized i was following already for awhile, was making her own game! and one so shamelessly gay and furry as well! i was INSTANTLY interested...
after the game came out, it took me awhile to get around to it. it wasn't until someone very close to me got really into it that i decided i'd commit the time. it took 20 hours of gay activity, but i started it having silly fun voice acting a bunch of animals with my friends, and ended with tears in my eyes and love in my heart.
the game is written in a way that just gels perfectly with me. everything is both very casual feeling, but also genuine. it's never really ashamed of what it is, and that's all i can ask for from a game with a name like Super Lesbian Animal RPG.
The characters are easily the highlight of the game, never once feeling like simple cutouts or stereotypes. Everyone is just a delight to read. My favorites were easily Melody, Allison, and the man himself Javis. Being a gay ADHD filled bunny with a love for hitting things with sticks and hammers, Allison especially spoke to me.
The world of SLARPG is only seen through a small vertical slice, with the vastness left to your mind, which works very well in its favor. Slowly as you explore the areas your presented, you learn more and more about the world just through your own intuition. Discover the races that live on the planet, where the characters all came from to get here, the power structures put into place, how magic has effected such a modernized world. It makes you want to learn so much more, really. I found myself really interested in the vague lore we get of the supposed Gods that make up the powers of the world, which I hope can be further expanded on one day.
As a Video Game(tm), id say it does exactly what it sets out to do. I'm an RPG Girl, i love Figuring Shit Out in them. I play them headfirst and love to make strategies for silly bosses especially. SLARPG is a RPGM VX Ace game that doesn't exactly do anything CRAZY, as much as it does use its platform incredibly well. It is a SOLID RPG, it sets out to have a concise and simple battle system, with a lot of fun tools to play with. Even if I recognize all the scripts being used, how they get used always felt great. There were very few slipups in the way the game was put together when i played too, which as an RPGM dev, is always impressive to see. I think my only point of contention while playing was the random encounters getting a bit monotonous near the final stretch of the game, and the bosses being a bit too easy for my liking, but otherwise, mwah great rpg!!
one of the BIGGEST highlights, outside of the writing, is the amazing art, and i really mean it!! EVERY character has an amazingly cute character portrait, and every single sprite is so full of life! the backgrounds/tilesets tend to take the cake though, some of the best I've seen in a game like this personally. The dungeons are incredibly visually striking, and every single character design sticks in my head as memorable. MAJOR props to Javis and all his boys too. god bless those freaks.
and finally, i can talk about the writing in specific. it is... special. and i mean that in the best way i can. the story is pretty simple. Melody Amaranth and her girlfriend Allison Goleta join their friends guild to go on adventures, and are granted magic by their mage using a forbidden ritual. From there, hijinks ensue, involving a sociopathic VHS headed cipher-like individual, the worlds most jerkish butch, and a proclaimed Goddess of Magic coming for YOU!!! Despite all that though, the story to me felt focused much more on the relationship between the protagonists. Especially Melody and Allison.
I'm not sure how much I could go into specifics from memory alone, but it is... really good, what they do with the two main girls. Exploring the ways relationships blossom and mend. It's never all drama, nor is it all flowers. It's very real feeling. I connected to it a lot, in ways I never thought I could. Recently, I've been re-exploring my sexuality, what I want in romance, if I can even FEEL romance. This game helped a lot. It helped me be a lot more honest about my feelings, and let myself open up a lot more.
It wasn't just Melody and Allison either, there's multiple other great relationships in the games story. They're ALL adorable, and ALL amazingly written. We see a perfect mix of childhood love, new love, and trained love, each one shown with both strain, and triumph. As a girl who longingly read countless yuri manga and scoured plenty of garbage yuri anime as a kid desperately looking for something I could see myself in... and then this game comes along not only with that amazing representation, but two of the main characters are like VOCALLY transgender!! they don't play around SHTI!! This game is like a cup of cold, refreshing, root beer. god BLESS!!!!!
im about done rambling now though. if you got this far reading and still havent played slarp, WHATRE U WAITING FOR!!! GO KISS SOME GIRLS!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!!!
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cozymochi · 1 year
🌻 >:)
IM FOUND ONE OF THESE MEMES IN MY DRAFts! Im gonna rank my experiences in the major fandoms i’ve engaged with.
🩵 YUGIOH! - Second longest running fascination. Upside!! Made life long friends. DOWNSIDE!! Was my first go at online engagement and in those 10 years so much happened that I still can’t help but feel a little sour. …Though ygo back in the day wasn’t good at tag comments, so I didn’t even know those were a thing for years until I branched out. 5/10. But grows to a 7/10 because i’ve settled into a niche area with so few people that it’s now a silly little club. 💕
🧡 Dragon Ball/Z - GENUINE CHAOS. Started off slow but intensified hard cuz get who got involved while Super was airing??? (I didn’t watch it lol), so the discourse and fighting was at an all time high. I have no idea how I even survived this in retrospect. My slight association with people netted me troll asks and my liking of Yamcha also set me up for those. …and frequent art reposting, and quite a few bizarre interactions. Pretty sure my art and edits have circulated more in latin america than I even know. This was also pre-tumblr purge so the amount of nsfw that got thrown my way is… something. That said!! Made also really good friends 💕 and DB/Z probably desensitized me to longer form discussions. 5/10 for insanity, but 8/10 for good reception and VERY PEAK and generous humans.
I think dbz hardened me.
💚 Invader Zim- started off fun (mostly irl with my friendo from days of YGO), but quickly devolved into territory that tested my patience. WHY ON EARTH THIS SERIES’ CONSUMERS had such a huge morality high ground base is beyond me. It’s this fandoms fault I learned about certain modern day online discourse terms and what instilled an irrational posting fear for a year lol. Fun at first and there’s super creative and receptive folk (then those people got kicked out) and left the most insufferable beings imaginable. There’s no in between. Shoutout to all 3 friends made who are still peak. 3/10, if I ever finish any remaining projects or decide to bite the bullet and show completed work, i’m not engaging again. The base just skews somewhere I can’t handle. Which is crazy given the ABOVE contenders have, on paper, done so much more.
dbz hardened me but iz weakened me. Which is probably why i need the formers bootcamp back. Don’t think I’m as fearful now, but i’ll still be salty.
💜 Twisted Wonderland - this is a work in progress experience. Will require further evaluation if all of the above experiences haven’t set my standards. Will stay in my corner. So far it’s 6/10 in vibes (they’re much calmer than the last one), tho I question how much of the interest is from what i do vs. what I did for others. Haven’t shared a ton of opinions yet and god knows lol we don’t want that /s. Still recovering from the former making me wanna just not do much. Baby steps I suppose.
💙 - Sonic The Hedgehog: This is a cheat, I have never interacted with the fandom directly (purely by happenstance, so thankfully no traces exist), but I have been into this since I was a child with no issues. So by default this is the best one. 10/10, didn’t engage, but I do lurk. Though all the stuff I see on tweeter isn’t exactly anything out of the norm for fandoms in general to do, so it weirds me out that people rag on this one for just kinda talking amongst themselves about innocuous things.
“omg this fandom is arguing over QUILL length ughhh can they never be pleased [30 yt videos about this drop]” ngl, this just feels like par for the course junk fandoms do. It really feels no different from DBZ where people go ham about the art style changes and which one is better. Or stupid shit in IZ where they fight about comics vs movie vs show. Like??? The only major difference here is that StH has more people in it (by the millions).
So literally nothing these folk do or say strikes me as anything more serious than what other fandoms already do??? Its just more outsiders see it then churn out content and perpetuate something worse from what’s honestly….pretty tame stuff. Maybe it’s just twitter’s setup given that’s all folk talk about.
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kokocharm · 2 years
I would LOVE to hear you talk about it
This is an rp with my partner that we called "Ghost is an Evil Henchman" as a placeholder name, before it stuck. (Henchman in a gender neutral type of way, all the vessels are genderless)
The RP mainly follows Quirrel and Hornet after they crashland on the beach. The rp is set in strictly the Sonic Boom universe, since thats the only one i watched and i think at the time the one my partner liked the most. This rp is based around a LOT of my fanon so if you want an explanation on that, you know where to ask ^_^ !
Sonic and Sticks finds the two of them. Quirrel and Tails IMMEDIATELY become bffs and make silly inventions together i love them. Meanwhile Hornet is having a lot of anger issues, especially directed at Quirrel. Shes pissed because shes crazily worried about her only living siblings (which will be Ghost, the mc of the game, Hollow, and Lost, whos been reanimated by lifeblood). But her anger at Quirrel also runs way deeper, from a LOONg time ago
(Hornet and Quirrel had an argument about the Dreamers. Quirrel told her that the sacrifices are for nothing, that even Monomon agreed, and Hornet has been furious about it ever since. She doesnt want to think that her mothers death was for nothing.)
Eggman attacks and they have to stop Hornet from literally beheading him which i think its rlly funny
Anyways, wheres Ghost??
Freaking the fuck out. Because they are in a cage. Instead of appearing with their sister and Quirrel, they instead popped into Eggmans lair
Now. I dont think me or mel ever talked about HOW they got there. Quirrel and Tails tried to question it, but never got rlly far and were just focused on how to get back.
So anyways. Ghost has a lot of issues that they cover up because they are "the Savior of Hallownest" and their sister needs help as the new queen with the survivors of the infection to build from the ground up again
Eggman, unintentionally, pushes on Ghosts insecurities that their sister doesnt truly like them. So they work for Eggman. And that almost spells out Sonics fate because its nearly canon that there is no enemy too powerful for Ghost. They are literally a God.
From what I remember, a bit happens after that. Quirrel finally breaks after Hornet yells at him again, calling her out because "You're not the only one who lost everything. You're not the only one who has had to kill your family. You are not the only survivor of the infection." My Quirrel fanon (aka, singed!quirrel) is one of my favorite side stories of mine. It has to do with his antennas, getting burned, almost assassinated.. yeah theres a lot
We kind of faded out of this rp, the last response to it was a hell of a while ago. We had plans such as meeting Hollow and Lost, and even having a fight between Shadow and Ghost where Shadow gets his ass handed to him and is like "okay, this is a problem." We had a scene planned where Ghost actually managed to stab Sonic, which finally made him realize Ghost was a genuine threat. I even secretly had an idea where Quirrel and Tails get kidnapped and Quirrel is trying to convince Ghost that Hornet still does love them and will not, in fact, murder them on sight (he is not successful)
In a new rp called Reflecting the Light, where both Hollow Knight and Sonic characters are present, we do occasionally get a conversation between Shadow and some of the vessels. Im pretty sure Shadow and The Hollow Knight talked at one point, but im not entirely sure.
All in all, Hollow Knight is a beautiful yet heartbreaking game. It's really hard, I still havent done the Path of Pain vecause i spent 5 hours on the White Palace and i am not emotionally ready to suffer through PoP. I havent even beaten NKG. But i hope this helps ^_^ if you like hollow knight and/or sonic PLEASE let me know and ill talk about them in reflecting the light!!! I love that rp from the bottom of my heart
Anyways. Its 11pm, I have school tomorrow. Leo, out (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)💛🌙
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chromaji · 2 years
(SONIC FRONTIERS SPOILERS, for anyone who reads this ask that hasn't beaten the game)
You had said you were disappointed that Sage was just a creation of Eggman, but I thought I'd point out in the post credits scene, he gets her running up on that computer and the symbol on the screen is the same symbol we see everywhere in all the ruins, which Sonic asks Tails about, who said it probably meant nothing.
So did he make her? Or is she a cluster of hopes, dreams, and data that he adopted and maybe gave a face? Cuz that evidence definitely seems indictive to me that she was pre existing in the ruins in some form.
im not sure how that symbol in the post-credits scene completely flew over my head BUT IT DID!! AGH!!! Now it’s hitting me that that symbol never got explained in-game!!!
Though Eggman had already created Sage before the events of Frontiers, shown in the prequel comic.
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And she couldn’t be based on the ancients/Starfall Islands since Eggman hasn’t taken anything from the islands yet… which now that I reread this comic, Eggman says he wants to use the Starfall tech to make an ultimate creation… which never happens AGH NOW I WANNA SEE WHAT HE WOULD’VE MADE. What was he cooking.
Though maybe the way Sage acts got influenced by being downloaded into cyberspace? Maybe she downloaded the hopes/dreams/etc of some of the Ancients & they became a legit part of her instead of just data to sort. Thats possible… It’d make Sage lamenting while watching Sonic & Tails bond make even more sense if she also became a cluster of the Ancients’ memories, hopes, & dreams.
But then… there has to be SOME reason that Sage & the titans share color schemes right?? & cyberspace also being this glitchy red & black sometimes too? Agh I dunno 😭😭 I would say that Sage being downloaded into the Starfall tech influenced its colors & stuff, but the titans look the exact same in the flashbacks, so… I have no idea.
Anyway OOGH the idea of Sage’s personality through the game being the result of a mishmash of her analytical, eggman-created side & several Ancients’ personalities... This is seriously interesting to think about now. what’s Sage’s connection with that symbol I gotta know.
…Also this whole “view external media not available in the game to get more context” practice needs to change. Like, sega should’ve included this comic & the knuckles prologue in the game as bonus content or SOMETHING please!!!
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spiderman616 · 3 months
as for zonic:
 assuming the war with dr. eggman nega calms down or he’s taken out of the fight for a while due to a major injury (or something that doesn’t allow him to go out in his main field of work), would he eventually look into what goes on within the jail post breakout? try to speak to someone on changing the system in there especially now that the warden’s spotless record has been broken? people broke out, but why? how could have this been prevented? 
 it’s likely not in his place to do so, but we see that he’s aware of the inmate’s complaints about what goes on in jail. it might not be in his list of priorities considering the bigger things that go around in the multi-universe constantly. and they are criminals so why should he even care? 
but i think the breakout would give him something to reconsider. he’s so different from sonic but i think he cares about what goes on within the no zone force. to not have problems continue to pile up on top of the no zone cops’ problems. and the system within the jail is…not the best. why would you want to stay in a place that treats you lower than dirt?
if the warden continues what’s he doing, he’s gonna get another breakout at some point right? the prisoners have now learned that there is a chance to escape. [ just what in the hell does being “remolded into being a force for good” look like anyway??!]
sigh, i get that even if the rehabilitation system was nicer before and that scourge would still break out with the destructix because he’s shitty like that. this could be something Zonic only giving a damn about it in first place through a writer’s whim. 
what do you think? 
um well ok disclaimer i really dont like lockdown in regards to zonic and the no zone. it explicitly goes against what has been previously established and is kind of obviously flynn turning the zone into the american prison system because he doesnt care about it and just wants a setting for him to play around with scourge. which i dont like and it feels out of character. that being said i am still a stickler for canon so iwill try to do my best to work within it. but im frowning the whole time
anyways yeah zonic just about says they are focusing on nega (even if nega isnt rlly a concrete threat) so he doesnt go after scourge. but i think if he was unable to do field duty (if he wasnt fighting nega but was still able to do shit he would go after scourge for sure.) yeah he would probably look into the prison a bit. its framed as if zobotnik is the one pulling all the strings there but the zone cops in the prison also dont really care. its made to be like a really weird structural issue that i guess only wwas created in the past month or so??? maybe they were setting up to zobotnik having some kind of defeat but i doubt it. this is one part of canon i just dont really like and dont want to have to work with because it goes against all the other parts. so sorry if this was unsatisfactory
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myfavebandfizz · 1 year
DIY Magazine Interview
An effervescent mix of personality and pizazz, meet the supergroup pushing pop music into a whole new universe, quite literally.
Words: Ims Taylor 20th September 2023
Sitting down to speak with FIZZ - the supergroup comprised of besties Dodie Clark, Orla Gartland, Greta Isaac and Martin Luke Brown - they seem almost out of breath. “We just did an interview where we tried to slip words into the whole thing,” Greta says, showing a post-it note that lists, among other things, ‘milk’ and ‘cell (brain/blood)’. “It was so stressful. We are not doing that again!” Safe in the knowledge that our chat isn’t going to be punctuated by out-of-context dairy goods, their cheeky anecdote actually provides the perfect introduction to FIZZ.
Formed from a magical cocktail of long-term best friends, various combinations of roommates over the years, and four musicians in their own right, each with very distinct styles and sounds, FIZZ is a project that could only have been dreamed up by these four. “We wanted to call the band Housemates at one point, because that felt so at the core of it,” nods Orla, “but we wanted something a bit more fantastical in the end.” So FIZZ journeyed into their outlandish world and built it on the foundations of trust and friendship: “The bigness around the concept of FIZZ feels so ambitious in a way that could only really be carried out with three other people, and we’re digging each other up and pushing each other to the front,” explains Martin. “Like a delicious cake!” Greta adds.
Enter FizzVille: the backdrop for the immersive musical melodrama of debut album ‘The Secret To Life’, where all the action takes place. “We’re really big on storytelling beyond songs,” continues Greta, “and we always knew we wanted to mirror the theatrical tone of the album. FizzVille was conceptualised by all of us when we realised that making the album was like a retreat from our normal ways of working in music, and that idea of a retreat, or a holiday, or a day out at a theme park just influenced the entire campaign. We made this place called FizzVille, like a theme park or a beach town, and the way we imagine it is that every song on the album has its own designated ride or attraction, and it shows up in different ways.
“It feels really natural for us to present it in that way - like when you’re a kid and you put on a show for your parents, and there’s the spotlight, and it’s made out of bedsheets and you’re just presenting it to people that you want to be proud of you.”
“We’re really big on storytelling beyond songs, and we always knew we wanted to mirror the theatrical, fantastical tone of the album.” - Greta Isaac
FIZZ and everything about them sparkles with natural, effortless energy; from the way they finish each other's sentences to the grandiose, effervescent sonics of ‘The Secret to Life’, which sits a world away from the musical output that its members have released independently. This flowed out of a hyper-conscious effort the group made to “leave our artist projects at the door,” Martin says. “We went in, and we were doing music in a way that none of us had ever done it before. It was inverting everything we’d ever done with our own projects, and making it all about play and having fun. It was pure play - like, if someone said let’s have a key change in the second verse, then yeah, sure!”
"For me personally, I don’t write with a lot of people,” adds Dodie. “It was a whole new way of writing. And I was like, 'Oh, this is how a writer’s room could and should feel'. It’s so interesting how, despite us saying yes to everything, a story can still be built.”
On ‘The Secret to Life’, the group strive to capture something unique and pure that could only be the product of those four, in that room at Devon’s Middle Farm, at exactly that moment. By extension, their producer Pete Miles was instrumental in encouraging the group to avoid overthinking things. “He would make the space very inspiring,” explains Greta. “He would never allow us to grovel over a vocal stem! He would just be like, we captured something beautiful.”
“The illusion of perfection is really a trap,” Martin picks up. “You can sing through all the different vocal takes, or want the drums to be a bit more in time, and just want to tune that there. And this was a real exercise in just letting go and just letting it be. And that was pretty new for all of us.”
“It’s definitely easier to romanticise in hindsight, but when I think about the album making process, I don’t feel like it’s romanticised - it actually did feel genuinely very magical,” Orla adds. “When we describe it it feels like a dream we all had, or a trip, it felt very otherworldly.”
Operating at the perfect meeting point between passion, trust and imagination, now, they’re kindly extending an invitation to us; it’s time to feel a little of FizzVille’s magic for ourselves.
'The Secret To Life' is out on 27th October via Decca Records.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
-Slice of life or plotted ideas?
Mun Questions
Slice of life or plotted ideas?
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((good question! i dont know!
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((i [mostly] kid, but like
((okay, lemme like, take this as more of a "random events pull the muses together" vs "the muns have an idea in mind"(
((in all my years of rp BEFORE this specific blog, it's always been the first one. and that's fun! it's lead to a lot of drama and a lot of funny things happening. like i still remember sonic teaching carol how to spin dash, or discord landing in carol's theoretical lap and chillin', or some random fights that happened all because carol is a hard headed idiot
((however, this year has kind of been my first REAL intro to plotted rps
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((thaaaaaat i remember, anyway
((like, okay, im 100% sure me and sonar-mun plotted on the previous blog, but i literally do not remember a single lick of it. and it's never been to this extent where we have EVENTS PLANNED fucking WEEKS in advanced.
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((dont quote me on this but i think as soon as sister's intuition finished there were thoughts about how carol confessing to sonar would go. i think we are both surprised at how it actually ended up but i know thoughts were thrown around and we've had this vague idea on how itd go
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((IMs didn't EXIST back then! people had to talk through ASKS and FAN MAIL and shit. i even remember being MAD that tumblr did IMs in the first place.
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((what a fool i was.
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((ANYWAY! i think back then i was against the idea of plotting because it goes against what i felt like rp was/is--the SPONTANIETY OF IT ALL
((carol and fucking flowey meet, shenanigans ensue. that's it that's all you need and you have awesome interactions.
((or carol and sans. she tries to steal from him, sans threatens a murder. awesome! this is awesome!
((but like, with actual plotted THREADS you get these cool things that happen and then these spontaneous moments can happen BECAUSE of it
((it's like writing a story with someone and nobody knows what the outcome'll be--assuming y'all havent plotted that far ahead
((or, something something THE JOURNEY IS GREATER THAN THE DESTINATION. stuff like that.
((carol fuckin' used her jump disc WAY EARLIER in the jet race thread than i planned. me and them planned for it to tie but we didn't plan how we'd GET to the tie. and that's FUN. IT'S SO MUCH FUN.
((but then carol interacts with shigaraki on a whim and becomes... frrrrriends...? with a murderer. that's awesome. you cant get that anywhere else.
((there's a lot of give and pull between these two concepts and i find it incredibly fascinating. i love planning out shit with my friends. but i also love throwing this cat at my friends and seeing how their muses react! there's some things you just cant GET from either side and it's kind of magical.
((and this is all probably funny coming from me, the gal who writes a drabble every other day. but god i really DO love how cool some non plotted things are.
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((side tangent about all my drabbles--A LOT OF THEM AREN'T PLANNED.
((the lilac confession's been a long time coming, lets be real
((it's a collaborative writing project, all of this is. it's so fucking awesome and i feel honored everyday i get to be apart of someone's world or someone wants to be apart of mine or AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
((you have no idea how HAPPY it makes me to rp and make all of these awesome memories and things happen. i would have been speedrunning instead of this if sonar-mun didn't egg me on to write for carol again.
((musical tea 4evr
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((oh! and one last thing!
((plotted threads or plotted THINGS in general are SUPER DUPER FUN because like
((when you have that MOMENT in mind, that moment that you so desperately wish to HIT, it can cause a calvacade of consuing conumdrums figuring out how the hell you GET there
((i wanted to get to the confession really badly but i knew that carol would never do it on her own
((so, how does one get her to do it? have her vent to cory. then to tangle [THIS WAS UNPLANNED, DO YOU SEE WHY I LOVE RP SO MUCH], then talk to milla, and then confess to LILAC, FIRST.
((lilac's confession was the only thing in my mind that made me go ''carol would definitely want to confess to sonar after this. itd give her the confidence she needs. "if lyli can do it, then so can i!!!" ''. and i mean it didnt really turn out like that but STILL
((raw emotions on display for everyone involved. it was so short but it was also so fucking exciting. i LOVE HITTING THOSE MOMENTS. ITS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!
((but uh, yeah.
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((tl;dr: theyre both good. i have a lot of passion for both and im totally down to do either or.))
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clownkiwi · 2 years
actually, is green eggs and ham season 2 worth it??? i remember when s1 was out & everybody was freaking out over it, but i havent seen anyone on my dashboard like once mention that there was a second season of green eggs and ham??? that was out
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sege-h · 2 years
I watched Sonic Movie 2 today!
This post won’t contain spoilers-but as I’ve mentioned before if I do post spoilers they WILL be tagged properly because my mom raised me right
Looking at you, people posting spoilers on YT (I avoided YT so much today just so I wouldn’t get last minute spoilers from one of these people and their video thumbnails)
But yall
I cried after the movie
Idk who all knows here but we dont really HAVE Sonic stuff here? Like only recently we started getting the funko pops, and there were those two IDW volumes the book store suddenly had (theyve NEVER had Sonic before, ever, not even while Archie was still going)
Like in the pic of my collection i posted- those 2 games from McDonalds were the only Sonic merch I had for the longest time. And itd still be a very small collection if not for people thinking of me outside the country when they see Sonic stuff and getting it
I’ve never gotten a single Sonic game here- I got Sonic Mania Plus and Sonic Lost World from our neighboring countries. I saw Generations ONCE and it was for the PS3 so I didnt get it. That is TO DATE the only Sonic game I’ve seen here
Growing up, I didnt have any friends that knew who Sonic IS
With that background info out of the way I cried because like
There were kids at the cinema today, and they had Sonic shirts and stuff, and they clearly knew who the characters were, and loved them. And like every time something happened on screen that made me scream internally with excitement, they’d yell out the exact thing I was excited about. There was a little girl with a Knuckles figurine!!
And when we got out of the movie one kid gasped when he saw my Sonic shirt and called his friend over and pointed like LOOK ITS SONIC
And I’m pretty sure that this is happening because of the first Sonic movie
Like I’m sure there were a few kids that maybe knew who he was, and then the movie gave them the opportunity to share that with friends.
But like...the first one didn’t have this- the people watching were mostly there to see the movie out of curiosity, and the kids were there bc their parents figured itd be a good movie for kids (AND THEY WERE RIGHT)
And now theres like this new generation of Sonic fans that im SO HAPPY for! This is more Sonic fans than I’ve ever seen irl! And they get to be fans WITH THEIR FRIENDS and they have friends to be hype with that know what they’re talking about! Those are experiences I didn’t have as a kid, and I’m so happy they have this
But yeah my heart is soft and seeing this made me cry
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hi i just read the fob powerpoint u made and its amazing!! i really love all the genre bending fob has done across their discography too and rarely see ppl talking about that in a positive way so ur posts are really refreshing! also u mentioned citizens fob and the promo stuff they did for folie is one of my favorite things from that era so id love to hear anything u have to say about it!! i somehow had no clue that the original release date for folie was election day and thats so funny jkfdgn
im SO glad you asked!! i did a little revision on the wiki page and its a lil more complicated than id initially thought (although its still a little funny.... a smidge funny)
citizens for our benefit had A LOT of different things going on. there were fake website hacks, ashlee made sure she got papped holding flyers for CFOB, there was Fresh Only Bakery, pete wore a gold mask with an envelope that said "doctors orders: when you put on your disguise would the world still recognise you?", other bands on decaydance helped out by having like citizens fob stuff on their instruments (the Cab did that) and making posts on their own websites and quoting citizens fob posts and stuff and it was specifically developed with george orwells 1984 in mind (very pete wentz brainchild of them). it really ties in to the themes they explored on the album, which like i said include the cult of celebrity, but also just like society on a whole. all in all, it was all just quintessential fall out boy. im very glad there was a return to form with mania (without the self imposed time limit) and they did their goofy little viral marketing campaign. i also wanna point out that Copeland also had a viral marketing campaign and for no goddamn reason they decided as part of it to fuck with fobs by creating a website called citizens FOUR our benefit and posting it on fob forums. bitches hate to see you thriving smh.
when it comes to the election day thing, as it turns out i got it twisted, and it was a lot more noble than simply being unable to. they made the decision to release their album on election day wayy before, but decided that the election was way too important, and did not want to detract from it, so they postponed the date, but were really insistent they wanted it released before the year ended, leading to the week long release date.
and actually on the topic of the time limit, we have the benefit of hindsight and everything but i cant get over the fact that they were like "we should try to catch our old first idea best idea spark and limit the time we have with this album" and "we should try to blend a lot more sounds and ideas and create a more orchestral and varied soundscape" and didnt think maybe those 2 things together might emotionally and mentally beat the everloving shit out of them. like i can say with certainty that fall out boy sounds best when they can polish their stuff to a shine, (honestly the former idea is done best on ab/ap which is a comparatively weak album bc of it but its thematically consistent!! and also very good dont @ me) and sonically, folie is AMAZING, its a dynamic and beautiful soundscape that really captures the idea of a continuous soundtrack where every part has its place, and i think the theme they explored with it is great, but god id love to know how much less scattered the different parts of the overarching theme would be if they hadnt had the stupid idea to give themselves a short leash on an album with such an ambitious composition. like they got pretty political at times on that album, but it just feels like they didnt give themselves the time to really think about what they were tackling in which song. like on other albums each song is a self contained exploration of a part of the theme whereas thematically folie bleeds into itself a lot more.
tldr, they Wildin.
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“I absolutely need to see / read something where Tom and Maddie try and teach Sonic to swim. If anyone does this I’ll love you forever.”
@sakuraconsoles ~Ask and you shall receive~
@rockmilkshake ~ I was halfway through writing this when you posted your artwork, so some of this will based off the art you just posted~
I was literally up until midnight writing this. I am very tired but it was worth it.
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Sonic kicked his legs back and forth excitedly as he sat in the back seat of Tom’s new Tacoma, staring out the window watching the power lines rush by.
Tom was in the drivers seat, his elbow out the window as he kept his eyes on the road while Maddie was going through her phone, her hair in 2 long french braids, humming along to the song playing on the radio.
Since it was getting near the end of the spring season, Tom and Maddie have been booked with working more hours while he’s been plagued with to what he considers, an illegal amount of homework so close to spring break.
Maddie had told him the day before that they were all going to a new place for the day, a place he hasn’t been to yet.
Ever since then, he was just going to town with questioning the couple on their new destination.
‘This is the first time in awhile we’ve gone anywhere together on a Saturday, must be a real awesome place if i never seen it.’ He thought as he started thinking of where they were going.
"Are we going to the park?"
"Oh, hooow about the skating ring?"
“Umm...Oh! Are you taking us to the baseball field?” He sat up in his seat, trying to see Tom’s face as he drove.
Tom made a buzzing noise as he kept his eyes on the road.
Sonic huffed as he plopped back against the seat. He looked up and titled his head to the side.“.....are you taking us to Olive Garden again?” He said in a deadpan voice.
Maddie stifled a laugh while Tom gasps, adjusting his rear view mirror to look at the pouting hedgehog. “Hey what’s with that tone? I thought you liked Olive Garden?”
“I mean I do! But like you always get that never ending pasta bowl. They have other foods to eat you know.” He shrugged his shoulders as looked down at his sneakers.
“But that’s the thing about the never ending pasta bowl.” He glanced back at Sonic, taking his eyes off the road for a second.
“It never ends.” He turned back around, laughing to himself.
Sonic rolled his eyes at the poor joke. “Pfft well for you yeah, only because you can never finish the whole thing in one sitting.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault they made the food Im-pasta-ble to eat.”
Maddie tightened her mouth in a straight line, shaking her head and glancing out the window while Sonic gave a unintended snicker behind his glove.
Tom’s head snapped up. “Was that a laugh I just heard?”
“No, it wasn’t.” He replied, muffled due to his hand covering his mouth.
“Then why are you smiling behind your glove?”
Dropping his hand quickly, he crossed his arms and shrugged his shoulders. “I wasn’t smiling, i was making sure you didn’t hear that pity laugh.”
Tom held up a finger up. “Ah! so you admit it was a laugh then?”
“I....uggh ok fine it was.” He groaned, hitting his head against the seat.
Tom gave a small “yes” as he winked at Maddie.
Maddie smiled back at him and gave a small laugh. “You guys are so adorable.”
Getting antsy, Sonic’s leg began bouncing out of impatience as they were getting near their destination.
“We’ve been in this car for so long! Are we there yet?”
Tom let out a chuckle. “It’s only been 15 minutes bud.”
“It feels like it’s been 15 hours! We’ve been driving for so loooonnng.” He laid down dramatically on his side, closing his eyes.
Maddie turned around, clutching his hand and shaking it to get his attention. “Well have you guessed where we’re going yet?”
He sat back up. “No, i absolutely have no idea where we’re going.”
“Well, you can stop guessing now cause we are now here.” Tom pulled into a parking space.
Due to his small stature, Sonic unbuckled and stood up on the seat to look outside.
What he saw was people, mostly kids walking towards a small brown building.
Only they were carrying fairly large bags, some were carrying long, colorful tubes, beach towels and chairs.
‘Wait, are we at the-?’
“Welcome to the Green Hills community pool!” Tom addressed with flair as he got out of the car, earning odd looks from some passing teens.
Sonic jumped down from his seat to the ground, shutting the door behind him. Tom went to the trunk to get their things while Maddie answered a call on her cellphone, walking away so he couldn’t overhear her conversation.
He glanced around at the groups heading inside, most were paying him no mind while only a few, mostly toddlers, would stare at him in fascination while they walked with their parents.
‘Quite a lot of people are here today, it’s not even that hot out today.’
Zipping over to the wire fence, he’s eyes widened at the sight before him.
“Oh sweet chimichanga.”
The area of place was a pretty big, whether that was due to his size or not was up to him,
The pool had about 2 slides around the length of the pool, a short, open blue slide and a tall, teal slide that formed a spiral to the water and a long diving board, which he saw a few people jumping and doing flips off it.
He looked over to where the lawn chairs were set up, there were more people sitting in the grass on towels rather than the chairs leaving a lot of open spaces, either reading, sunbathing, a few couples even making out underneath the trees.
“Ew, how do they even breath when they do that?”
He zipped back to truck where Tom was shutting the trunk, unloading the last of the bags.
“Ok that’s everything, here you can carry this one, it’s light enough for you.” He passes Sonic a small bag, which was filled with mostly towels and bagged lunches.
Maddie walked back over to them, face beaming as she put her phone in her purse.
“We all set?”
Tom nodded as he passed a bag to Maddie. “Yep, all ready to swim in cold, dirty water with random strangers.”
“What? We basically are.”
“I know but I don’t want to think about that while I’m swimming in said water.”
“Just think of it like your taking a cold bath.....but using chlorine and with random people who are almost naked.”
“Oh my god Tom, please just stop.”
The hedgehog stifled his laughs as he walked behind them, before pausing with a look of confusion and slight disgust morphed on his face.
‘Wait, is it really like that?’
“Ok close your eyes.”
Sonic obeyed as Maddie smeared some sunscreen on his face and muzzle, scrunching his face at the cold feeling and odd smell.
Sitting cross legged on the lawn chair, he started to rub at his face. “Ick, why do I have to wear sunscreen? I have fur all over my body.”
Maddie grabbed his hand. “Yeah but parts of your face doesn’t, so it could be more eligible to be sunburnt than the rest of your body.” She helped him spread the lotion around his eyes and face.
“Ugh does it have to smell so bad?”
“Better safe than sorry sweetie.” She shrugged as she got up, rubbing his head as she sat behind him.
He sighed as he laid back against her shoulder, watching his head quills from poking her.
“Who are you texting on your phone?”
“My boyfriend, Arnold.”
He shot up, shocked. “Your what?!?”
Laughing, she shook her head and put her hand on his shoulder. “No I was just joking, I’m just texting a friend.”
He grabbed his chest, sighing in relief. “Oh man, at first I thought you were actually taking Rachel’s advice on leaving Tom.”
“Hmmm I wouldn’t call it advice, it’s more like a order.”
“Heh pretty much yeah.”
The two sat in silence for a moment before the sound of Tom grunting and the scraping of a chair caught their attention.
He continued to pull the heavy lawn chair over, before simply picking it up and setting it down next to them.
He sat down, wiping his “Whew! It’s starting to get more busy in here, I had to almost fight someone to get this chair.”
Maddie made a face as she put her arm around Sonic, who was still leaning against her. “Who was fighting you for the chair?”
“Mrs. Tailor.”
Sonic let out a gasp. “You tried to fight Flower Power lady?”
“Yeah and she did not take well.” He sheepishly said as he motioned his eyes over to where she was.
She was glaring straight at him at the pool entrance, scowling and making a very rude hand gesture at him.
“I have a feeling we’re not going to get those petunias half priced anymore Maddie.”
She sighed. “Oh great.”
Sonic squinted at Mrs. Tailor. “What’s that thing she’s doing with her hand mean?”
“It’s a bad thing and don’t let me ever catch and hear you doing that.” Tom replied sternly, pointing a finger at him.
Sonic held up his hands. “Ok, ok I won’t.”
Maddie’s phone chimed, she got up as she checked it.
“I got to take this, don’t upset anyone else’s while I’m gone!” She jogged towards the entrance, speaking to whoever was on the other line.
Tom leaned over towards Sonic, who was looking through the lunch bag. “You noticed that she’s been in the phone a lot today?”
“Yeah, I think she’s talking to Rachel or something.” He said nonchalantly as he put the bag down and stretched his arms.
“Either that or it’s her boyfriend Arnold.”
“Uh hu- wait Arnold?”
“Yeah Arnold Schwarzenegger, she really has her eyes on him.”
“.....Sonic that’s not funny.”
“I know, I thought she would be into to Tom Cruise.”
“Why on earth would she be into Tom Cruise?”
“Have you SEEN the way that guy runs? Now that’s a man.”
Tom scoffed, getting annoyed. “Wha- compared to who?”
Sonic looked Tom up and down. “Compared to you I guess.”
“You little-.”
“I thought I told you guys not to upset anyone?” Maddie came over to them, hands on her hips.
Sonic pointed a finger at Tom. “He thinks that you don’t love him anymore.”
Tom swatted Sonic's finger away. “No, no that’s not what I meant.”
Maddie raised her eyebrow, amused.
“Maddie, who would you prefer, me or Tom Cruise?.”
“Tom Cruise.” She replied with no hesitation.
Sonic brust into laughter, nearly falling off the chair. Tom’s mouth gaped open, putting his hand on his chest dramatically. “Maddie...why?”
“That chizzled look he has on his face everytime he smiles at people, it’s amazing.”
“What about when I would smile?”
“That’s your saving grace, it’s actually better than his.”
“Oh what a relief.”
“Ew, if you two are down flirting, can we please go in th-.”
“Hey Sonic!”
Sonic stopped as he heard his name being called, the voice sounding very familiar.
He looked up at Maddie, who was glancing at him smiling. “Maddie am I losing it or did that sound like-.”
“Sonic! Over here!”
He turned to where the voice came from and saw someone waving to them, a young girl who has wearing her hair in small, beaded braids running towards them through the grass.
He got off the chair and zoomed over to her, stopping right in front of her and sliding right into a hug.
Jojo giggles as she put down her bag and hugs him back tightly, lifting him slightly off the ground.
She released him as she grabbed her bag off the ground and walked next to him.
“Oh man I didn’t know you were coming to visit!”
“Yeah, mom and aunt Maddie made sure I couldn’t tell you anything.”
“What? Geez everyone’s just keeping stuff from me, so your mom is here too?”
“Yeah, she’s in the car making sure that her makeup looks good.”
“....Why is she wearing makeup when she’s going swimming?”
“She tells me that the ‘most worthy’ guys always come to the pool to check out the women.”
He stopped and looked up at her with disgust. “What?”
“I don’t know either.” She glanced back, shrugging her shoulders. Sonic looked back and saw her through the car window, applying said lipstick.
“I don’t understand our family.”
“Neither do I, but I’m glad that you’re here though, it’s nice to have a kid around my age in this family, who’s also not a crazy adult.” She smiled as she grabbed his hand.
He grinned, giving her hand a squeeze. “Heh Yeah, me too Jo.”
“Ok I’m pretty sure this jacket is trying to suffocate me.” Sonic tried to adjust his mini life jacket, only to end up nearly choking himself.
“Ok, here let me help.” Tom adjusts his jacket, putting pressure off his back quills. “And here are your floaties.”
“Is this really necessary?” He winced as Tom shoves the floaties on his arms. “They’re really tight.”
“Well yeah dude, since you never swam before you need to train yourself to swim with it so you can eventually swim without them.”
“Why can’t I just that donut tube thingy like Jojo's?” He motions over to her, who was using said tube spin fast and around in a circle.
“Because of your extravagant spikey hairstyle, it would poke holes all over it beyond return.”
“Right I see your point there."
Maddie was over near the chairs, putting away her clothes while talking to Rachel, who once in a while would shoot a nasty look at Tom.
Clapping his hands together, Tom took a running stance. "Alright people stand back, I'm about to make a major tidal wave!"
Tom jumped and made a cannonball into the water, Jojo letting out a scream as she covered her head from the incoming splash. Tom broke the surface, wiping his hair and water from his face.
"Whoo! Yeah! How about that Maddie? Can Tom Cruise do that?"
Maddie looked over at Tom as she led Sonic towards the edge of the pool. "Yes Tom, he can do a cannonball just like that."
"Dang it, can you believe this Jojo?"
"Uncle Tommy, even I can do a cannonball like that."
"Jojo! You're supposed to be on my side!" He responded with splashing water at her, who retaliated by grabbing a nearby pool noodle and started whacking him in the head with it.
"Get him Jojo! Let him have it! Show him no mercy!" Rachel applauded her daughter from her seat, pulling out her phone to record it.
"Oh come Rach, I know we have a rivalry but using your own daughter to- Ow! Wha- where'd you get two of them!?"
Meanwhile, Maddie was into the water until it went up to her waist, turning around she held out her hand to Sonic, who was now barefoot and placed his shoes near the lawn chair. "Ok it's going to be pretty cold at first so it's best if you just come in quickly."
"Maddie, You know that's my specialty." He said smugly as he got into a running stance.
Maddie's face drops. "Wait Sonic that's not what i-." Her voice fell to deaf ears as he jumped over her and dove into the cold water.
He burst through the water, coughing and screaming from the shock of the cold. "OH MY GOD! IT'S FREEZING! MAD- MADDIE HELP!"
Quickly rushing over to him, she lifts him up and smacks her hand against his back, helping him get rid of the water he inhaled.
Panting and coughing, he wipes the water from his stinging eyes. "Oh man."
"I tried to warn you but.."
"Yeah...that wa-, that was my bad."
Hearing Sonic's screams, Tom and Jojo swam over towards them.
Tom looks at Sonic, still rubbing his eyes. "What happened?"
"He dove in too soon and got the penalty for it." She rubbed his back as he shook his head to get the water out of his ears.
Jojo swims closer to him. "I did the same thing too when I was learning how to swim."
"Really?" His voice shaking slightly due to his shivering.
"Yeah, but the one thing I always do when I swim is try to keep my shoulders under the water."
Maddie lowered him back into the water, still having a hold on him. "I don't think I can keep them under the water due to this jacket."
"Oh you just splash some water on it if you can't." She demonstrates by pouring water on her shoulders.
Sonic copies her, shivering slightly.
Tom takes Sonic's hand and brings him further out, he feels the hedgehog grip his hand tighter.
"You're good buddy, I've got you."
Getting to a empty space, Tom picked him up in his arms bridal style, earning a surprised yelp from him.
"Ok, so we're just gonna try floating first so we don't have to keep carrying you the whole time."
"Ok here we go." He slowly lowered him into the water, his hands underneath his back and legs.
"Oooh god it's still freezing." He shivered with a face of discomfort.
"Yeah I know, this is why we're practicing this first."
He let him float for a few seconds before removing his hands entirely, the teen didn't notice as he kept looking up at the sky.
"How you feeling?"
"Um good, I can barely hear your voice due to the water in my ears." He says a little louder than he realizes.
"Good, that's good." He helped Sonic float upright, motioning Jojo over to them.
"So for this next part, I'm gonna use Jojo as an example. Jojo, could you show Sonic how you swim without the tube?"
"Sure!" She placed the tube on the cement and started to swim around the two.
"Now see how she's using her arms with her legs to make her move while also staying afloat?"
"You have to find a balance with that flow so you can swim better, you might swim like Jo or completely different, it takes practice."
"Whatever you say donut lord." He faked saluted him.
Tom placed him forward in the water, both hands underneath his stomach as he practiced moving his arms and legs slowly.
"You don't have to move them that slowly, you can move them faster."
"Ok then." He replies with a sly grin. He then moves his limbs like a motorboat, splashing Tom's face in the process.
"Sonic! I didn't mean that fast!"
He slowed them down, looking back at him. "Oh you weren't being specific."
"I'm pretty sure that was very specific." He shook the water from his face.
Tom saw Maddie get back in the pool, giving him an idea.
"Let's try something with motivation, see if you can get to Maddie over by the steps."
Sonic looks to where Maddie was standing, who was letting her shoulders soak in the water.
"She's pretty far from us, I can barely move from this spot as it is."
"You gotta remember to cup your hands when you wade through the water and keep kicking your legs so you can keep up the momentum."
The teen looked up at him, uncertainty coming onto his face.
"Hey compared to what you've fought through before you came to us, this is going to be a synch for you."
"I know but..." His voice gets quiet as he avoids Tom's glance.
"Sonic?" He looks at Jojo.
She grabs his shoulder firmly. "I believe in you."
"Definitely." She grinned holding her fist out.
Smiling, Sonic bumped her fist with his and took a deep breath, looking ahead towards Maddie. "Alright, let's do this."
Cupping his hands, he paddled and kicked his legs towards Maddie.
Maddie, noticing him swimming at her went to move closer to him.
"No! Don't move! I want to see if I can swim to you!" He panted as he kept up his pace.
Nodding, she waded in place as Sonic paddled.
'Geez this would be easier if i paddled even faster.'
Giving the idea a try he moved his arms and legs faster, gaining some momentum but not for long.
" *pant* Why *pant* isn't this *pant* working?"
Maddie yelled from across the pool. "You gotta move slowly since you weigh less in the water, the slower you go, the farther you get!"
"What? That makes no sense!"
"That's how science is sometimes."
"Well science needs to chill out." He murmured to himself.
He was more than halfway there when he was starting to feel his arms tire out. Tom and Jojo cheered him on from other end.
"Come on Sonic! you're almost there!" "Go Sonic go!"
Now being a foot away from him, Maddie held out her arms towards him. "C'mon sweetie you're almost there!"
With determination, he kicked his legs and moved his arms with one final push right into her arms.
Maddie snatched him up and spun him around in a hug. "Alright! Look at you! You swam so far!"
Still panting, he glanced back to where Tom and Jojo were, currently cheering at his successful attempt.
"Oh...yeah.....that's....great." he panted as his head unconsciously fell on Maddie's shoulder.
Tom made his way over to them. "Oh man, that took alot out of him huh?"
"Hmm yeah, but he made it though didn't you?" She praised him, bouncing him in her arms.
"Yeah...but that was alot....even for me." He weakly raised his arm, only let it fall to his side. "It feels like I ran for a year straight."
"Yeah swimming will do that to you, especially if you're not used to it." He ruffled Sonic's head before calling to Jojo.
"Time for a break Jo! It's lunchtime!"
"Ok!" Jojo got out and went over to get her towel, which was right near her mother who was trying to flirt with an uninterested lifeguard.
"I better save that guy from Rachel." Tom grunted as he got out and walked over towards the girls.
Maddie made her way towards the steps leading out the pool, still carrying Sonic in her arms.
She shook him slightly. "Hey try to stay awake for a little longer, I packed your favorite for lunch." She spoke softly.
Sonic lifted his head slowly. "Hot dogs?"
"With some homemade jalapeno sauce, probably can't get that from Mrs. Tailor anymore either."
"Maddie...you are an angel sent from above." He stretched his arms.
"Aw thank you, make sure you tell Tom that you think that, I could get so much compliments from him for at least a month."
"Haha, alright you got a deal."
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