#jojo wachowski
katlyntheartist · 2 months
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Gamers 🎮
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albinofetus · 5 months
I actually would want to see Rachel in a Rouge show though
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astradella · 7 months
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Part 2: Doing the same thing again and mobian-izing the Sonic human fellas (and jojo who I forgot last time)!!
Part 1 here
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weirdozjunkary · 5 months
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Updated designs for my species swap AU, as well as four more characters to add to it. Had fun designing each of them. More to come eventually (most likely after the third movie).
I designed Sonic and the others as humans a bit ago. You can look at them here.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 6 months
If I see one more post trashing on the Sonic movies just because they're not like the games and because of the human characters I'm going to explode and then punt the sun itself into their faces
Once you accept this I can almost guarantee you'll be a much happier fan. I can testify. 😘
Sonic Wachowski ≠ Game!Sonic. Because they grew up in different environments and around different people in different circumstances, and that changed the way they turned out. I believe that if Wachowski grew up the same way Game! did, he would've turned out like Game! did. I also believe that if Game! grew up the same way Wachowski did, he would've turned out like Wachowski did. The core of this character is the same. In both the movies and the games, he's the fastest thing alive, he LOVES running, he loves his friends, he loves chili dogs, he loves living, and he will fight for what he believes is right. 💙
Just take into account the different worlds, the different lives, the different influences, and the fact that the movies are not trying to imitate the games (I thought this was obvious from day 1?) and it'll be a lot more fun in this fandom for you. In fact, you'll find you're a lot happier when you're actually taking time to love and appreciate the things you're interested in rather than just nitpicking about everything. 👌😜
And if you don't like the movies, you can kindly leave them be as well as all those of us who DO enjoy the movies. If you only like the games, stick to the games. 💙
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phasesgurl · 3 months
Tom: She was poetry, but he couldn't read. Maddie: His name was Jared he's 19. Tails: When his parents built a very strange machine Sonic, singing: Watch that scene, diggin the dancing queen. Jojo: Eyyy, Macarena! Shadow: Horrible job, everyone.
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found this on twitter, thought it'd be interesting to share cuz, bro is cooking without even knowing it
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multicolour-ink · 17 days
I feel that after Sonic has calmed down from his rage, he would go up to Maddie and/or Jojo and ask if he was a monster for letting his rage get out of hand. I feel that since Tom would be in the hospital, Mama Bear Maddie and Jojo would be the ones to reassure Sonic that there was nothing to be afraid of and that his love for his family ensured he hadn't gone too far.
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This would all depend on how the events of the movie play out and where the confrontation (if there is one) will take place. If JoJo is there as well, then I predict that this scene wouldn't take place on the Ark, unless everyone (including Maddie and JoJo somehow) were teleported up there.
Regardless, first, Sonic would feel incredibly guilty about letting JoJo see his bad side. It was worse enough with Tails, but to subject JoJo to that is just another added level of guilt for Sonic.
Maddie would of course reassure him in a way a mother would. JoJo would still think of Sonic as her friend. He was just trying to protect everyone.
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fansids · 21 days
If Shadow doesn't get adopted by Rachel's family I'm going to riot.
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feline-gal · 7 months
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Dem Hoomans from dem movies.
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A Very Wachowski New Year
For 10 years Sonic witnessed New Years celebrations from afar. Large parties, drinking, kids running around with sparklers, and couples sharing a kiss as the clock strikes 12.
For 10 years Sonic longed to be able to one day attend a party like that.. mainly the sparklers bit. Maybe one day he will try a drink, but kissing? Not on his to do list.
This year Sonic finally gets to attend a party. Rachel and Jojo came over from San Francisco to spend the New Years with them.
Tom and Maddie set up the food and refreshments, and the boys are in charge of setting up entertainment and decor.
Tails got the opportunity to create fireworks that wouldn’t endanger the forest and wildlife around them. He manages to create safe fireworks and is super proud of himself. It’s so safe you could stick your hand in the embers of light and not feel a thing.
Knuckles is a perfectionist, making sure all the decorations are perfect. He keeps sending Sonic to adjust things that aren’t straight.
Sonic is in charge of music. He also set up his disco ball. He had to run the playlist by his parents a few times. Most songs were approved.
When Rachel and Jojo arrive, the cousins immediately run up to the attic to play. The adults chat with some glasses of wine.
Up in the attic, there is already a battle. Pillows are being thrown and whacked against each other. Knuckles is trying his best to not get carried away and send someone flying. He does accidentally send Sonic through the open window. Sonic faceplants the ground. He’s ok! He’s going right back up for revenge.
“YOU SENT ME OUT THE WINDOW” Sonic yells, dual wielding pillows rapidly hitting the echidna. The chaos energy ramps up, and now the two are battling with pillows and chaos energy.
Tails and Jojo value their lives so they’re just having a pillow fight with the two of them. Unfortunately, a hard hit from a rouge pillow sends Tails to the floor, bonking his little nose. It’s like time stops. He’s not too bothered, but everyone else is.
Jojo tries not to panic as she gets him some tissues to catch his very small minor nosebleed. Sonic and Knuckles are losing their MINDS, blaming themselves for the fate of their little brother. They’re holding him, comforting him, even though Tails really doesn’t care. It doesn’t even hurt! He’s got very high pain tolerance.
They decide to result to something less violent. A game of Monopoly.
Unfortunately that game is famous for destroying friendships and breaking up families, so they’re all at each other’s throats. Tails was the banker, but he keeps being accused of cheating, which he is… most certainly not! He is a good boy.
The kids are called downstairs for the last minute count down.
Tom and Maddie share a nice loving kiss that lasts a little before and after midnight. So they can spend the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023 sharing their love for one another. Rachel hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head. The boys cheer as loud as they can, giving each other high fives and some hugs. Then they’re sweeped into their parents arms for hugs and kisses on their furry little heads. Even Ozzie gets some smoochies.
The kids are released outside. Tails sets off the fireworks and the sparklers are lighted. The kids run around with them, oh so joyful.
Tom wraps his arm around Maddie.. so much has changed in the past year and a half. They went from a family of 2, to a family of 3, to a family of 5. And they couldn’t be more grateful for that. They can’t wait to see what the future holds.
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katlyntheartist · 10 months
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Sledding with cousins 🛷❄️
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It's that time of the year again.
Random Sonic Movie headcanon time ✨️
One day, Jojo sees a compilation of that one little trend on Tiktok where people randomly go up to their siblings and hug them to get their reaction, so she tries it on each of the boys to see what happens, also including Shadow, Amy and Silver in on this cause we need as many hugs to give out as much as possible.
All of their reactions vary from awkwardly standing while in the embrace to full heartedly returning the hug and beaming from the affection.
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kaylatoonz · 6 months
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Amy meets jojo
I like to think that if Amy were to meet Rachel she would be the only one who would actively try to make it up to Rachel for bringing so much chaos to her house. (Amy is a hopeless romantic so she would feel bad hearing that her wedding was crash by sonic). To make it up for her Amy offers to cook meals and clean the kitchen afterward. Rachel was a bit hesitant at first until she got a taste of Amy’s cooking and she has been sold ever since (they even trade recipes with each other).
Eventually it becomes the norm for Amy to visit Rachel’s family for dinner or lunch every so often with the visit becoming less transactional and more about sharing company. It also became common for Jojo to beg Rachel to adopt Amy right then and there. Although Amy’s company is 100 times more tolerable than the wachowski bros, Rachel is wary of the trouble that often follows these friendly extraterrestrials. Amy also seems to already have a home to go back to so there was no need to take such action(Amy lives off world with vanilla and cream).
So due to these reasons it’s alway a firm no whenever jojo pesters her about keeping Amy. After many debates with her mom, Jojo is almost ready to accept defeat until one of Sonic’s visits spark an idea. If Amy couldn’t join her family directly maybe she could join through other means.
Amy: hey sonic how you like my new chili dog recipe I add some new to the chili to give it a bit more of a kick I hope it wasn’t too spicy for ya
Sonic: (just finished his fourth plate of chili dogs) it was delicious as alway Ames and nothing too hot for this hedgehog keep it coming.
Amy: sure thing blue right after finishing clean up
Jojo: so sonic..
Sonic: yeah
Jojo: So when do you think you’ll put a ring on Miss Rose over there?
Sonic:(starts choking and coughing while flustered)
Amy: Sonic! Are you ok?! Was it too spicy?
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 23 days
Do you think Shadow will get adopted in the sonic films , if so who do you think will adopt him?
I honestly really want him to be adopted!!! He deserves a loving family 😭 I actually don't think it'll be the Wachowskis that'll adopt him (tho I don't think I'll have a problem if they do!) but I actually seriously hope Rachel does. For one, she has sweet little Jojo, who's probably around the age Maria was before she died ... and I really want Jojo to remind Shadow of her. I want him to have another sister figure, not to replace Maria, just for the bond and to help him. 🥺
I've heard people suggest that Wade might adopt him, but while I wouldn't be against that idea either, it doesn't feel likely to me 😂 honestly, the theme of the movies has been these characters being shown as the kids they are, finally getting the nurturing and (mostly) stable homes they were so desperately needing after being isolated for so long, being bullied, losing their previous families and having their lives damaged by war 🥺 and just as much as our little trio deserves that love and home, Shadow does as well. 🖤❤️
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