#im tired i cant explain this right ugh
dip-the-stick · 2 years
ykw guys. i fuckin love legos
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ysrjune · 15 days
Okay another fic idea, Nerd!Anakin talking about something that the reader doesn’t understand but she just thinks he looks so cute talking about it that she doesn’t even ask questions, just sits there intently listening to every word because he has the prettiest voice and a face that matches, meanwhile he’s super passionate about the topic and doesn’t even realize she’s making heart eyes at him until she makes it abundantly clear
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“Oh! and then they started talking about how—” you tuned out whetever else he was saying since you didn’t even understand. all you paid attention to was the way his eyebrows would shift upwards when he remembered something he forgot to add, the way he spoke with his hands everywhere in the air, making circles or pointing to nothing.. the way he smiled everytime he recalled something someone said that made them sound stupid.. Anakin just looks so cute whenever he talks your ear off about the things hes working on or the conversations him and his colleagues had.
He really thought you were listening since you made eye contact and nodded your head along with a few ‘mhm’s and ‘yeah’s. the only reason he didnt notice you weren’t listening was because his eyes were darting around everywhere because he always needs to be looking all over the place when hes explaining something or else he ends up repeating himself and stuttering a lot. “Maddie said she was getting tired of Vixx talking about jars..” he all of a sudden went off topic. “I don’t really get her fascination with jars, its weird, but I never say anything.” Anakin adjusted his glasses.
“Ugh, how could I forget! Vixx told Mad—” there he went again. changing topics for the 5th time. not like you even noticed.. you thought he was still talking about writing and a bunch of other things he always babbles about. it took only a few moments for you to realize that he hasn't realized you were staring at him and not actually paying attention. for a whole minute, you tried to make it obvious but he just kept saying stuff. “Anakin,” you start off, and receiving his attention right away. “yeah?” he responds. “im not paying attention to a word you’re saying, you know that, right?”
he became a little embarrassed, looking down at his hands resting on his tummy. “no, I didn't notice.. sorry for talking so much about these things, but I—” you stopped him and took his hand. “its not like you’re being annoying.. its just that whenever you talk about these things, you look really cute.” she smiles, rubbing his thumb with hers. “the way you talk with your hands, the way you adjust your glasses every 5 minutes—gosh, its just.. I cant pay attention to what you're saying while you look so handsome doing it.” Anakin blushes, looking down at his sweatpants, not smiling (because hes still a little embarrassed, but relieved for the most part.)
“Oh.” he finally replied and looked over to you. “so you have a thing for me not being able to stay still. is that it?” he laughed and kissed your cheek. “well, I think it's cute that you make heart eyes at me while I'm talking about things you sometimes don't understand.” his hand travels to her hip, bringing her in closer while he rests on his side to match her position. “I love you, baby. thanks for letting me talk and not telling me to shut up just so you can make out with me or something.” he joked again and placed a loving kiss on your lips.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
@vixxensvoid and @heartsforanakin MENTIONED 🥰🥰 (not paid actors in this HAW HAW!!)
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soyaei · 3 months
Seriously? Give me a break…
a special request from my friend ;)
pt 1
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how did this happen…
You didn’t mean to… you were just a chemist working for the jujutsu world. You made potions for faster healings or for the ones who are having trouble to summon their cursed energy.
One day, you were just mixing this and that, bored out of your mind. You didnt mean to pour what you were just making into Yuji’s water bottle… look, it just looked like one of your lab stuff! And plus, why is it even there? Did he accidentally left it?
“Hey, y/n, i left my bottle here, mind if i come in?” Yuji said from outside of your lab door. “Nope! just dont touch anything and watch your step.” Yuji opened the door and walked towards your table where his bottle was. “Thanks! see you.”
Thats how it all started. Well, couldnt you just warn him? No! You weren’t looking that time, you were busy organising some potions in my special fridge.
“Hey, y/n, we… have some trouble here. Can we come in?” Nobara shouted from outside of your lab.
“We? How many are you there? You know what just, come in, watch your step!” You shouted back, to make sure she heard you. Nobara opened the door and you were met with something not in a million years you would expect seeing.
“Uhm..” Megumi hummed in an embarrassed way. Looking at the floor to avoid making eye contact with you. He was holding… what seemed like Yuji as a baby?
“Why did you bring a baby here?! C-Cover its nose and mouth Megumi!” You warned, he immediately did what you told him.
“Y/n, its… Yuji. We found him like this when we were on our way to our dorms.. he was right infront of his dorm. We were hoping you know why this happened.” Nobara explained.
“Uh… hmm… dude im a chemist… i dont know!” You stressed out. “He did stopped by here to take his bottle, right?” Megumi asked.
“Yea… But…” Then it clicked you. “Wait, did you bring his bottle with you?” You asked, They both nodded and showed you the said bottle.
“Oh… my… god…” You took the bottle and opened it.
“I… *sigh* I accidentally used his bottle when i was mixing stuff… Thats it. This is it. Its time to say goodbye. Im definitely getting fired.” You said with the expression with no emotion.
“Can you stop playing around?” Megumi said to you. “Cant say a little joke? Okay fine.. well, all my potions are temporary and probably the one he drank too. He’ll go back to normal in 2-3 days.” You explained to them. They were shocked to hear you explanation.
“t-two to three days?! Who’s gonna take care of him?!” Nobara shouted out. “Y/n, i think your responsible for this. Its your mistake.” Megumi told you. “Hey hey who was the one who left the bottle in MY lab?” “DO YOU WANT HIM TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF THEN?” They both yelled.
“Okay, okay! we should ask Gojo for advice!”
You said, and opened the door and shooed them out, you following them out too.
“Gojo? GOJOOO” You knocked on his office. Finally, the familiar face comes out. “HELLO MY SUPER AWESOME STUDENTS!!! What are you here for? Oh I know! You want to see my super cool cursed techni-“ Megumi cuts Gojo off by explaining on what happened.
“So? What do you think? Who should be responsible? We dont even know why we came to ask you but please take this seriously.” Nobara said to Gojo. “Hmmm… You know… this bottle does look like some Y/n’s lab stuff.. but it has some stickers on it, see?” Gojo turned the bottle around and showed you the sticker that was attached to it. This is a very Yuji Itadori behaviour, putting a “I Love Boobs” sticken on his bottle.
“What?! I-I didnt see it-“ “Your responsible for him, have a good day!” Gojo closes the door, getting back to slacking off in his office, Megumi and Nobara gave you the baby Yuji and ran away to their dorms. “Ugh! *Sigh* Good thing i wont be having a demanding schedule for a week. Finally, a break! Kind of.”
You said to yourself.
Finally arriving at your own dorm, you put yuji down on your bed and and you lay down on the floor, letting out a loud and tired sigh, you can’t remember how many times you sighed today. “Hopefully you wont be too much trouble, now… what do i do with you first… Do you want to eat?” Obviously, Yuji just looked at you, looking all cute instead of responding.
“Lets go to the cafeteria and asked the chef there to make some baby food for you..”
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matoitech · 1 year
ok uhh okay. spiderverse 2 thoughts. in bullet points for the sake of my churning brain cuz im just not rly sure how i feel abt it rn. like it was a good movie? i enjoyed it it was fast paced i didnt realize 2+ hours went by which also segues into  my first thought but like. yeah i have thoughts.
first of all that was like a super weird ending decision to make it a part 1 of 2. zero warning for that. and i sat in that theater till credits bcuz i genuinely thought i was being punked and the movie was going to finish, bcuz it did not at all feel like a place to stop for the movie. it ends like right before the climax?? yes they really. extended themselves damn far for this one and it would be a lot to tie up in like another 45 minutes of movie but also like you couldve done it.. i really dont. understand. like ppl just sat in the movie theater like wait is it done. theyre ending it here? for real? like it wasnt the kind of ending you expect from this movie 
animation was obviously gorgeous and insane i dont even need to talk about what eye candy it was. the different styles all together the fight scenes ugh so good yeah yeah everyone knew it would be a trip
rly cannot stress enough what a Direction this sure was. i dont like say it as crit necessarily just like. did they over extend. maybe. they sure Extended. i would expect this maybe for a third movie not a second but they were clearly trying to blow the first one out of the water. it was just.. a lot looser. it needed to be tighter. i dont know what theyre planning for the 3rd movie but i really did not like. vibe with that ending decision
they changed peni’s design slightly and gave her a cooler mech so thats nice. maybe they listened 2 criticisms abt that
i cant decide how i feel abt a lot of the dialogue tbh it rly wasnt my thing a lot of the time like. the changing writers were kind of.. obvious. and there was a LOT of dialogue bcuz this movies purpose seems to be a very Character Driven story to prepare for the next? like theyre TRYING to say stuff thats for sure. also it was rly quippy in a way that i feel has gotten kind of tired with dialogue writing like SOME dialogue was genuinely funny and good to me like i wouldnt say it was BAD or something (some of it was bad.) it was just.. noticeably different? the tone for this movie was changed from the first which again isnt bad youre telling a different story it was just Different yeah. some things i rly thought couldve been handled like with more subtlety. 
i guess we only had one movie with the original cast but some stuff just like i personally was sitting there trying to figure out if it felt in character or not. its rly hard to explain if u havent watched it i think and maybe im just crazy i dunno. im absolutely not opposed to making ur characters fuck up and make mistakes but like. huh. i guess. i would not expect otherwise from gwen bcuz shes a teenager but i was.. surprised that peter was going along with it like ? hes a middle aged man lol he wasnt like taken advantage of or manipulated in any way. not like they were trying to say that w the like spider group anyway, like i dont think they were tryingto say gwen was necessariyl taken advantage of or anything, like they werent trying to make them read as ‘evil’ if anything just like wow these ppl sure have Problems they are going thruogh. but like still? im not invested in peters character even it just felt kind of weird. miles went fucking through it too like jesus christ im still trying to wrap my brain around all this it sure does feel like theyre putting these ppl thru comic book trauma
what i went through emotionally wheni realized they were going to do Dark Miles i dont even mean that as criticism or anything its just a bold move man. buti was sitting there like yeah of course they would. hope they make it work
i dunno i probably have more thoughts im just kind of like sitting here lol like what a weird decision. if they hadnt ended it like that i probably would have my thoughts more tied together bcuz the movie itself wasnt tied up?? so its kind of hard to even like think through everything on one watch
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duncanxtrent · 2 years
Ok so I had this dumb idea about how Duncan and Trent’s wedding would be
AAAAAAA I MISSED YOUR ASK AM SO SORRY! Just been very tired as of late.
(Duncans POV)
I groggily sat up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. I rolled out of my bed, only to realize my boyfriend isn’t home. I shrug, assuming he already left for work. I prepare myself some cereal and sit there watching cartoons. I glance at my ring on my finger. I smile remembering Trents proposal on the beach. I was so excited for our wedding.
Our wedding
Our wedding…
My memory finally returns and I rush to my closet, desperately looking for my white tuxedo. I glance around and finally find it safely tucked away in the top right corner. I struggle as I rip off my clothes and desperately attempt to pull on my tuxedo pants. I hear a burst through the door as Courtney storms into my room, furious!
“UGH YOU MORON!!!“ She grabs me by the shoukders and yanks my pants up roughly, squeezing my groin. I would be tempted to scream if I didnt want to get this over with.
She spins me around and quickly gets me in the rest of my tuxedo. Once Im dressed, she yanks me out to the car and tosses me in the passenger seat.
“Of all the days to sleep in on an important event…” She mutters angrily.
“I know, I know! Im aware! Im just tired!” I say exhausted.
“Your WEDDING DAY Duncan! Were you up late?! And if so, WHY WERE YOU UP SO LATE?!”
“You really want me to tell you?” I smirk.
Courtney instantly goes pink, and turns her attention back to the car. She starts the ignition and in a flash were out of the parking lot and on our way to the venue.
“Now then do you remeber where the venue is?!” She asks.
“Didnt you just come from the venue?! How do you not know where it is?!”
“I know where the venue is you idiot! Im trying to make sure you’re actually competent enough to Atleast remember some things about your wedding.”
“Fine… Its on Harukawa Street, the Italian Restaurant where we had our first official date.” I mutter.
“Good… Now then, the flower girl is…”
“My sister Ella…”
“The ring bearer?”
“My brothers Boyfriend, Scott…”
“And who are you getting married to?”
“The most handsome man this side of the planet who else?” I smile.
“Which is?”
“Trent…” I sigh.
“Thank you… Listen I know Im bombarding you but I just really want to see this marriage succeed. This is the first time Ive seen either of you happy in a relationship since… Forever! So Please, please dont mess this up…” Courtney pleads.
“I wont, Promise…” I say smiling.
Courtney breathes a sigh of a relief. “Good, anyways your here now, get into your dressing room and get yourself prepped. Ill see you in a bit…” Courtney smiles.
“Thanks, Court…” I smile and get out before making a dadh towards my dressing room.
(Trents POV)
I nervously glance at my watch. The ceremony was in 5 minutes and I still had no sign of my Soon to be Husband.
I thought I should have woken him up when I left, but he was just SO DARN CUTE when he sleeps!
My Father in Law Jake paces the room nervously waiting. “God where is he?!? I swear to god if hes late to his own fricking wedding Im going to… I dont even fucking know what Im gonna do…” Jake sweats.
“Calm down Dad, everything’s gonna be fine!” Brick comforts him.
“If he doesn’t show up like right now, Were gonna be in some very deep shit…” Jake complains.
Brick pulls out his phone and breathes a sigh of relief. “He just arrived, hes in his suit and the girls are getting him prepped.” Brick says thankfully.
“Oh thank god…” Jake deflates, before glancing my way. “You doing good?”
“Yeah, just waiting for this whole thing to happen.” I explain.
“Still cant believe Im finally gonna get to walk my son down the Aisle. Im so happy…” Jake sheds a slight tear.
“Well you should probably go meet him then.” I recommend.
“Smart! Catcha later!” Jake heads out and towards the dressing room.
“You think everything will turn out well?” I ask Brick.
“Im sure it will.” He smiles.
(Duncans POV)
“I know I know! Ive already gotten enough of an earful from Courtney.” I say.
“Clearly not enough of an earful! Look at you, your hair is in all sorts of Directions, youre suit is wrinkled to high heaven, and OH GOD THAT SMELL!!! When was the last time you showered?! 2007?!?!” She screams.
“Mom, please Lay Off Duncan.” Ella insists. “You shouting is not gonna make this any better…”
Mom takes a deep breath. “No… Youre right, we can fix this…” She approaches me.
She grabs a hairbrush from a nearby table and begins brushing my hair.
“Mom Im going to a wedding I don’t need to look like the Choir Boy.”
“Settle down, and tryst your mother, ok? Im not gonna make you look like some prep nerd but I want you look decent.” My Mom breathes.
She finishes up and shows me my hair.
“It looks the same as normal…”
“Its a controlled messy hairstyle, Ive practiced on some weebs here and there. Now you’re still messy, but you look good.” She sets down the hair brush and pulls out a bottle of Colonge.
“Arms up.” She tells me. I put them up and she gives me a couple sprits into each of my armpits. She then pulls out a lint roller and rolls me down for hairs.
“Alright. This is as good as were gonna get it.” She says.
I set my arms down.
“See? He looks wonderful now!” Ella says.
“Looks like a twink…” Monika teases.
“MONIKA!” Courtney pushes her.
“Its fine, its fine!” I laugh. “He’ll love me anyways, right?”
My Mom gets down to my level. “God knows he will. I swear you could look like the ugliest motherfucker this planet had to offer and that boy would still say Yes. Hes a good one, loyal too. You have difficulty finding men like your father nowadays, especially in the times were in right now…” She comments.
“Im… Not gonna mess it up… Right?”
“Course not. All you gotta do is say Yes. Just say those two little words and you’re gonna be spending the rest of your life with the second most wonderful man on earth.” She smiles.
“Thanks Mom.” I smile.
“No problem. Now get on out of here, your father is waiting outside. If you keep that poor man waiting any longer hes gonna carry you all the way to your husband.” Mom laughs.
“Right right.” I get up and out of my chair. “I love you Mom.”
My mom smiles. “I love you too, Baby.”
I walked out of the room and see my Dad standing out in the hall.
“Oh thank god.” He breathes a sigh of relief. “I thought you’d left or something.” He says.
“Would I really have done that to all of you?” I ask.
“I would hope not, but Ive only gotten to know you as my son for like 6 months, and in that time you’ve already gotten married.” My dad adjusts his tie. “Im just nervous I guess…” He sighs.
“Is Trent here?” I ask.
“Yeah he should be waiting at the altar.”
“Then everything’s gonna be fine Dad.” I hug him.
He quickly embraces me and squeezes me before letting go and looping his arm in mine. “Alright… Lets do this.” He says.
(Trents POV)
I stand and tap my foot nervously at the altar. The priestess stands and begins quickly reviewing her lines as we wait.
“Your husband is on the way, yes?” She asks.
“Presumably…” I mumble.
“Atua does not like to be kept waiting. So Sorry if Im trying to rush things a little.” She huffs.
I sigh and look towards the door. I see my Mother in Law as well as my Siblings in law sitting in the front row. I look over to her. She sees me and gives me a thumbs up.
Finally, I see him. Him and my Father in Law step out on the carpet and walk down the aisle, before he finally hands Duncan off to me and sits down next to his wife.
I step closer. “Been a while…”
“Sorry Im late…” He mumbles.
“You’re good. We are here now, yeah?” I run my hand through his hair.
The priestess claps her hands “Lovely! Now then.” She coughs a moment before speaking.
“We are gathered here on this fine day, to see these two men wed under the blessing of god. However, before we solidify these two mens perfect union, The Groom on the Right.” She says pointing to me. “Would like to speak his vows towards his liver. You may have the stage.” She hands the mic to me.
Duncan and everyone else look at me in anticipation.
“Go on, say it.” She whispers.
I take a deep breath. “I dont exactly know how to fully describe it but… Duncan. Its been god knows how long since we first met, and Ill be honest, when I first saw you I thought wed be at each others throats. But as we started hanging out a little more, I started getting to know you more. I picked away at the little shell you hid yourself in and saw all the beauty that hid underneath. And, at the same time, I was able to slowly open up myself to you. I don’t know how it was able to work so well, but slowly I learned you for all of your kindness, your strength, and most of all your love.” I stroke Duncans chin. “Im sorry if this sounds a but strange, but Id love to keep doing it. To keep learning more and more about you, as we live and support each other, Id love to finally uncover you, in all of your beauty.”
The audience was filled with claps as I handed the mic back to the priestess. She nodded.
“Beautiful job! Now then, let us begin the vows.” She turns towards Duncan. “Do you, sir, take this man, in sickness and health, in hope and despair, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asks.
“I do.” Duncan smiles.
“Lovely! And you,” She turns towards me. “Do you, sir, take this man, in sickness and health, in hope and despair, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She asks.
“I do…” I smile.
“Wonderful! Now then, without further ado, I mow pronounce you, Husband and Husband! You may kiss your lover!” She smiles.
I take Duncans face, gazing down on him one last time, before kissing him, sealing the beginning of the rest of our lives.
(Sorry if the ending felt rushed, I just really wanted to finish this up. But hey! Now its done, wonderful!)
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kusundei · 1 month
goddd oh my god chat im just so. UGH. goodness. seeing his messages as soon as i woke up just made me so. IN LOVE. i fall in love with you more each day im being so genuine every once in a while i just. tweak about you randomly. like FALLING TO MY KNEES KIND OF TWEAK. i do feel a little empty rn because im remembering the play is over and i wontbe able to see you like this and im always doomed at home but god… GODDD. its okay. i just. love you. so. MUCH. yesterday was sooo nice. i feelsorta bad especially at the frozen yogurt place just cuz i went a bit nonverbal but more of thag just comes down to me beint more introverted around people idk very well and also cuz i didnt know what to say. aside drom that i was also jhst like ., dead tired. and i couldnt really get myself to really PRETEND to be full of energy . ijst wanted to lay my head on your shoulder. hold your hand. just exist. with you. i feel so like bittersweet right now but im trying to focus on positives so i dont freak out too much. its sunday.. and surprisingly i want it to be monday so i can see you .
i justtt. GODDD. yoy are so cute and goddd i loved thag lipstick sorry. like. that gave me a real excuse to just kiss you everywhere and i knew it was the right time (obviously. but im still cautious often.) its just sooo. . i LOVEEE YOUUUU. your face. you r so gorgeous to me. every inch of you i loveeee i donttCAREEANTNOREEEE. i kept tweaking a little during every show mostly cuz i kept passing byspmeone who. smells exactly like jd. and im realizing w that snell and how i felt smelling it again jdut how in love i am with you. like i said smell is like some weird cognitive thing i have where i can tell how i feel ab someone depending on how i react. smelling jds smell again felt so. disgusting. it invoked that fear in me again. that anxiety i always felt around her knowing she was lying and how i was always jjst worried all the time and she was just. not there. the fear i felt knowing i had to provide everything or else she’d be evil. or something. just that anxiety i felt ALWAYS. i realize it too smelling ayden. his smell makes me sick. sav stole his fucking perfume thjnf and she sprays it on herself sometimes and it makes me so. disgusted. his smell is disgusting to me. jds smell is disgusting to me. but then im sitting here with this hoodje again smelling it and i jusr . idk. i feel better. its like laced with memories everytime i smell it i just remember you. how lovely you r and it just makes me feel so. happy.
alonf wirh that just the things i do with you. the things you do with me its just . you make me feel better. truth be told i dont like when people touch my back pr my waist gery much because of just . feneral association and i never told jd that her doing it too made me ill. it didnt for a WHILE but after everything that happened with the note i felt so. disgustinf all the time with her. you. you however. you r replacing those horrible memories i have with her. that thing you do wirh your thumb when you hold my hand. thats something id do. something jd would do to indicate to each other when we werent feeling good because she struggled to communicate it wirh me and i felt like a burden doing so. id always get to anxious when she’d do it and feeling you do it i got nervous again but . no its so. comforting. like how its supposed to be. when you ask me if im okay. its so. ? so bare minimum and so sinple but i cant explain how much better it makes me feel even if im not eebn tweakint. and ive never TRULY been tweaking when u ask it just makes me feel like. i can be honest with you. you wont lash me for hurting. for feeling things like jd did. you wouldnt condemn me and make me feel like i was burdening you for just. existing. with you. and i jsut want to exist with you. i want to be with you even if you are hurting because thats still you and i want to believe wholeheartedly you’d do the same with me because thats how i feel. i feel like j can and god. i hope thats true.
i just feel so much better around you. genuinely. i feel like i dont have to pretend to be someone else . pretend to be happy pretend to be okay. have to force myself to talk pr force myself to do anything around you. i know i tweak ab holding ur hand and kissing you but thats more of me just being cautious and also that it makes me so nervous., but. a good kind of nervous. i always feel nervous around you. its that weird anticipation feeling but its never anything negative. havinf been by myself this past year and being with you (not actually but goddd. i wish.) now makes me realize jist how genuinely unhappy i was with jd. how much i hurt with her. but also just how much we were truly hurting each other even if she didnt mean it and i didnt mean to either . just. i spent so much time thinking about it and let alone just the fact i didnt have panic attacks antmore aftee we broke up make it so so. clear to me. and now with you im realizinf maybe im not. broken. maybe ive just lived with so much fear for so so long .? every relationship ive ever had has left me. hurting more than i was before. broke me a little more everytime. but ive always given it my all. and this time? i want to give you more than just my all. jts so weird. you just make me realize that how i feel with you is how i shouldve felt all along. to feel whole with you and nothing else. to just be and not feel burdening. you emphasize it so heavily to me and i just wish wish WISH. i could do it for you. hell even now when it comes to my hashtag best (toxic) empath ways you make me realize i dont have to be that way. hell, every single one of my relationships enabled that in me. you tell me i dont have to worry about you. make it cleae to me its not my problem and it comforta me a bit and of course, its nlt gonna completely go away but it makes me feel less. overwhelmed. with everyone else i had to take care of them. it was my obligation. they needed me to. with you i just. truly want to but im leveling myself out to a plane where i know i can handle it and also take care of myself. you make me want to take care of myself .
god forbid i start rambling ab something else but. back to that froyo place.? i truly was still not hungry and was feeling a little ill but i kind of knew cognitively that it was me not eating and making me feel a little more ill. its just with jd she sort of. enabled me. not really enabling but i felt so. judged with her.? especially in terms of eating because she’d bring up her ed all the time and of course, console in me, but it made me feel. so gross. ab eating. felt like i cpuldnt cuz she couldnt and it was that weird competitive feelinf id get again. with you im noticing im doing it slightly but thats also mainly out of my control and i worry ab you not eating but ik you cant exactly control it either. in a wonderful silly less cringy universe id ask you to eat with me. so i wouldnt feel fhat way and i coulf feel a little more comforted but of course thats evil on both of us. when it comes down to me its just like ., of course im not rly trying to restrict i just. find myself doing it. and as horrible as it sounds i might just always be that way but those times i do eat with you i dont feel? ashamed? i feel like i can eat without feeling disgustinf and judged and evil and god i want to eaat. seriously. im just still working on it. and you make me feel better ab it. even if we havent done alot in regards to eating like that i just notice how i feel ab it and irs nothing negative and that. means sososo much to me.
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echoesofadream · 1 year
wait do u still find him attractive like. his hair is giving me a very specific vibe but I just cant place it I just know its disgusting. like my mans can NOT rock long hair I mean I guesss the butter hair did grow on me after he already cut it but this hair... like... idk man something about it just makes him seem so disgusting to me.... anyway bts in general have been struggling w looking too rich now and I hate rich ppl too much I cant... idk for some reason his hair makes me think of a sweaty vagina which I dont find gross on the right girl ya know but when its a mans head... and the fact that he is saying all this shit with this ugly hair style.. sorry but when ur hot u can get away with more but he is strugglinggggg anyway are u gonna watch the yoongi x hoshi (gay man from seventeen) podcast when it drops?? im so excited
LISTEN dont expect me to have normal correct opinions on anything jungkook does is or has ever . i TOTALLY understand what you mean like sure yeah disgusting probably. But i cant see it like that. I think twitter brainrot did me in or something I DONT KNOW i just . You know you feel the strongest when you feel mixed feelings well idk but in this case thats true for me. Like love-hate. I cant explain what i feel or why im feeling it, i cant make sense of it all i know is it is STRONG and BIG when i see him. maybe i have alexithymia? or maybe its that i just feel so much i have to call it something but its not positive but i dont hate him so i think it must be that i think he looks good? Well personally i like long hair jungkook. Born to twirl his hair around his finger etc. but its not just the hair its the glasses the tattoos the face the nose and his puppy eyes. I hate him. but i dont know him and im coming to terms with the fact that the real him probably wouldnt live up to my fantasy. and it makes me feel so weird about him because then all the things about him are put in a different context! and i dont like it as much! but all my feelings all my accumulated love feelings are still there! so im conflicted. I KNOW ITS NOT THAT DEEP THATS WHY MINGYU IS BETTER FOR ME I NEED TO HEAL AND BECOME . NORMAL ABOUT THIS KPOP BOY. Ugh.
I also agree and im afraid they have become so rich and privilieged for lack of better word they dont even realize it anymore. Like they still think of themselves as underdogs while still living an insane life. and army loves all that shit so much they see it as some weird kind of revenge. wow i am so tired i want to say so much more but my brain is giving up on me. But yeah thats so fun i wish they did more collabs within hybe why should sm fans have all that funzzzzzZZZZZZZz
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mathieubellamont · 4 years
man in relation to that last post, and its not really related to this blog outside of it but its weighing on my mind
ive seen two things lately about audiences and content creators, specifically those of the Edgy kind. And, as a disclaimer, i am both LGBT and mixed race and oh, also disabled, and i am not saying “yes their content is offensive But you should care about them more” like ofc im gonna care more about the people who are hurt by the spreading of harmful shit but. anyway
whats been on my mind is the fact that these creators create, with all their edginess and their discarding of feelings for Facts and whatnot forms these audiences that, even if mild in their reactions, have and hold no place for feelings, and people who they disagree with. Even the ones who just have “Comedic” content thats laughing at minorities and whatnot, it breeds things in the audience - and attracts peole who’re already infected by it - that focus on laughing and making fun of people and tearing people down who they just mildly disagree with. We all knew that, but specifically whats weighing on my mind is that........... When you do that, theres no backing down. If you realise youve been wrong somewhere and the people youre attacking have been right, if you realise you dont want to make this content anymore, if you realise you’re tired or stressed, or the environment youve created has gotten too toxic, how are you going to back down? People look to you for their vicious entertainment, people look to you for things to tear apart however lightly, to Roast or to offend or to seriously hurt, and if you arent providing fresh bodies to that audience, theyll take it from you. You have to either be sure when you go into creating edgy content that youll be doing this for the rest of your life, or youre ok with being the subject of what youre inflicting on others when you stop. That, or you have to hope to god that your audience gets bored of you before you call it quits
like...... It all boils down to this. Edginess attracts two main kinds of people, people who are clueless about the harm theyre doing and looking to parrot others/who want to make people uncomfortable or upset/who want to make people feel like they feel, thats one category, and the other main category is genuinely fucked up people who like to see the hurt and the offence it causes, who want women/other minorities to be uncomfortable at best or unwelcome or feel in danger at worst, people who show through their humour that theyre willing to act in ways that hurt people for fun. The first category, people who dont get the harm it causes and just want to shock people (which, as a person clueless to microaggressions and racism and why things actually offend people could either be just surprise Or serious harm they label as shock), theyre clueless about the power youre breeding in them and the cluelessness, but the second group of people are actively harmful. Either way, when you finally need your audience to be understanding, when you need to post your “my mental health is going downhill and i cant ignore it anymore” video or post, youre stuck with these people, and obviously others outside those categories, but youre stuck with them. The people who are willing to beat down already beaten down minorities? Who reduce everyone to a set of stereotypes and if they disagree with any quality you have youre their target? Who think doxxing and swatting are funny, who think harrassment and death threats are just edgy and, well, you know edgy is totally fine right?? Edgy is good right?? what are you going to do?
Maybe when youre in your hour of need your audience will have a change of heart, but if you attract an audience who follow you for and approve of your disregard for peoples needs, who make fun of and attact people saying they need help (”i suffer at the hands of oppression” “im disabled” “im a targeted minority” “ive suffered from harassment” etc) what do you think theyre going to do to you when you dont want to play the game anymore? 
Like theres a leap in logic here between being an edgy content creator and definitely reaching a point where you wont do it anymore. Yes, maybe youll be edgy for the rest of your life....... But as someone who was an edgy teenager slinging around slurs constantly and racist and homophobic and transphobic shit...... The end to that was the singular logical conclusion for me as someone trying to be a good person. When you actually learn about these things, or when you start to live it as an lgbt person or you reconnect with your nonwhite half, or you have a family member who is assaulted, or a friend who finally confesses their online harassment and the severe damage its done to them, and you have an audience waiting for you to tell them who to laugh at/treat like shit if they want to because well, theyre wrong and stupid arent they, why should anyone treat them well - thats the conclusion a lot of these people take from seeing people be made the butt of jokes.......... What are you going to do?
Ive always tried to make this blog a mentally and emotionally safe place. Ive made mistakes, but ive always tried to own up to them and learn from. Like, yeah, theres been some racist shit on this blog before, probably some transphobic shit too, ive had this blog since i just turned 17 in dec. 2013....... Its important for my followers that i cultivate a place that is good for them, that isnt stressful, that focuses on good content or. me having fun in video games lmao. and why is that good? well, because i want to. Its not necessarily the right thing to do nor the wrong thing to do, it just Is morally. But when it comes to cultivating an audience based on constantly shocking people, and making people uncomfortable, and making innocent people scared to exist or ashamed of their existence or hurt because theyre reminded that what they are is disgusting to people like you, whether you mean it or not? Thats where I feel things like this become a moral choice. Like, first of all, even if youre doing it jokingly, if youre having fun pretending to throw punches and kicks even if the point is to laugh at you, you run the risk of people getting hit. Thats why we dont do that in public spaces. When youre jokingly throwing metaphorical punches even if the joke is that youre being an arse purposely, youre in that corridor, and the traffic in that corridor is every single person that sees your post, possibly hundreds, possibly thousands, and so the chance that youre going to hit people - many people - is huge. But to get back to whats on my mind, even if you dont give a shit about all the people you hit accidentally or on purpose, when you train an audience to expect you to feed them meat, when you stop feeding them meat theyll still be looking at you, and if theyre hungry enough - entitled enough, angry enough, uncaring enough, tired of life and other people enough, unknowing enough, ready enough to bring the fight to other people - theyre going to pick at you if not take chunks off you if not tear you to shreds. When you call people who think shock humour and hurting other people is acceptable, well, thats what youve done right?
You dont need to make a blog like mine thats purpose is to be safe. You dont need to actively try to make sure people feel like they fit in with your content, you dont need to create a space for other people to enjoy at all, maybe you just wanna do what makes you laugh. But the less space we hold for people to hurt people the less people are going to get hurt, shocker i know, but also the less harmful people’s anger we are unknowingly feeding, and the less fucking clueless kids who are going to grow up parroting things theyve heard and never understood, that truly evil people understand, and the less content creators in the future we’re going to have to dig out of the hole they back themselves into
anyway. odd post, its done now
#i cant proofread this ugh im at my limit. kinda defeats the point of making this post if its not understandable but anyway#sorry this. i put it here because its directly related to the below post and its about content creators#this might make very little sense and theres probably a lot of logic leaps i didnt explain and maybe im super wrong and whatever but#theres absolutely no need for anyone to address this and its better if it isnt addressed but im in a bit of a bad space mentally right now#(dont worry im going to bed after i do the dishes)#unknowingly hurting people and hurting people in general and people unknowingly backing themselves into corners is just.#on my mind except on my Heart ad emotions right now i just need to talk about it#i just keep thinking if i can save one fucking kid from getting into trouble#hell even the content creators i thoroughly disagree with. the ones echoing harmful ideas and Haha Offensive oppressive content#the idea that some of them are still doing it because they cant escape...... the idea of anyone realising their mistakes and being stuck#and not being able to get out of it#theres so much anger in the world and i Know everyones tired and theyre aching emotionally#everyone including the people i really dont like are all doing what theyre doing because. anyway#its just. the more we can talk about this - and i understand as Many Minority Statuses Overlapping that we dont owe any assholes conversatio#n - the more people who can talk about this talk about this and bridge the gap and drag people who dont know better out of their edgy#phases to become better more conscious people..............#oof. its almost 5am#traitor's ramblings#assault#mention.
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hobwithluv · 5 years
#lol jus some tag airing off of sadness fckn ignore me but like fuck ive been so depressed recently i just am losing touvh so much#i dont even know what i care abt and even if i did 1 i probably wouldnt do it still anyway as some kind of dumb sadistic self pitying shit#or smn#and 2 i cant afford to do anything anyway#like icould never go to college and study and then go to university all whilst doing this job that i can barely keep up with on its own#without crumbling every time i get home because im completely exhausted#every time i go tothw doctors they tell me to just eat and sleep better but like the reason i cant fix those thibgs is vecause my mind fucks#it up and like i need help to do them please#but they are just so unhelpful and im already too nervous to call or to sit waiting for my name to becalled and then speak to them abt fucki#n sensitive shit i dont even know what my problem is how am i meant to explain to somebody else when i cant even start thinking abt anything#without my mind flipping around and crashig and starting again and im just so fucking tired#all i want to do is sleep#and i cant take time off work right now because the only other 2 people who work the weekends with me are sick and its already a nightmare#now because theyre off so theres no way i ciuld leave right now too but#i just dont want to have to be alive for a while i just want to hide and reclaim myself idek what im saying any more i just#idk what to do#and to make things worse my mom is literally being bullied st work by a fckn psychopath whos manipulating shit#making it sound like my mom treats her so badly and like ???? my mom is literally the sweetest teddy bear honestly she just is so nice and#im so angry thatsomedbody would make her feel like this#ugh#i just want everything to be okay why isnt everything okay#just wanna open a tiny little bookshop qhere ill have like 3 customers at a time and ill give them tea and the smell of books is everywhere#theres like soothing bts songs quietly on in the backgeound and plants hanging off of everything#idk#bedtime maybe#SRY WHAT A FCKN SPAM DONT HAVE ANY OTHER OUTLETS THO LOL
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dr4cking · 3 years
His Mother’s Garden.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | enemies to lovers
a/n : this is so random bye :”
"y/n, come down here for a minute, darling. i have something to tell you" y/n sighed slowly getting up from her lovely bed as she heard her mom called her to come downstairs.
"yes, mother?" her mom greeted y/n with a big smile while her father sitting on the couch, y/n feels like she was going to be interrogated, she grabbed a bottle of water and drink.
"sweetie go pack your stuff and dress nicely, we're going to stay at Malfoy Manor for 3 days." she felt as if her breath got taken away somewhere when she choked on the water, her mother worriedly run to her and smack her back.
"pardon me, mother. but i think i've misheard about what you just said" y/n's mother just chuckled at her daughter's reaction.
"no darling, you heard it right, we're going to stay at their place"
"but why so sudden, mother? you know i hate their son" y/n whines loudly thinking about how awkward it is to spend the day with the malfoys.
"well i met narcissa earlier in gringgots, its been so so long, you know we're very close when we were young, and your dad here is working at the ministry with lucius malfoy too, darling. so we really have to catch up" her mother explained it with her bubbly energy, she did tell y/n how she and narcissa were basically best friends in their time.
"but why do we have to literally stay there? we could've just hung out there and then go back home" y/n frowns, taking a seat beside her father.
"of course not, narcissa is the one who suggested the idea and it would be rude of me to reject it, now dont be a baby and do as i say its only for three days, honey. this is the end of the discussion or we're gonna be late" her mother cupped her cheeks smiling so wide and give her a little kiss on her right cheek before taking her hand and shoved her to go back to her room.
she goes to her room, started to packing while blabbering about her mother, she picked a pleated skirt and putting on a knit sweater, she put on a light makeup and grabbed her sneakers, she doesnt want to dress up so much because she didnt want to go in the first place.
she takes her bag with her going downstairs seeing her parents already waiting at the front door, she huffed.
"ah, finally the (your surname)'s here! y/m/n, who is this lovely lady, is this y/n? oh my god, you've grown up" narcissa said as she hugs y/n after she hugged her mother greeting her family, y/n smiles and nod turning the gesture politely.
"lucius, draco! hurry, come here."
both of the platinum blonde-haired men appeared at the door, lucius greet y/n's father, giving y/n a small nod, but draco stayed behind his parents, just looking up and down at y/n smirking making her rolled her eyes at him.
the malfoys lead her family in, showing their room for their stay, the house elves taking their things. as y/n wanted to follow her parents, a hand grabbed her wrist stopping her steps.
she looks up only to meet the boy she loathed so much in their school. draco lucius malfoy.
"not so fast y/l/n" draco pulled her closer, a smirk still plastered on his lips.
"get your filthy hand off of me, ferret. i’m not in the mood." y/n snickered yanking her hand back.
"ooo, feisty. listen y/n, i just want to make a peace for awhile. at least can we try to be civil? i dont want to ruin our parent's moment, and besides that, you're staying in my house, i dont want it to be awkward." draco rubbed the back of his neck staring at her.
"ugh fine, whatever draco" y/n turns and run to follow her parents not wanting to talk to draco for any longer, leaving draco behind who just rolled his eyes at her behavior.
the day goes on so fast, their parents talked and chatted all day, leaving draco and y/n no choice but just to listened and joined their conversation, they both wonder if their parents ever get tired, as the night finally came, everyone already going to their rooms.
y/n wake up from her sleep groaning, she took a look at the clock, it was 2 am.
she rubbed her eyes, her throat feels so dry, she decided to go downstairs to grab a drink before going back to sleep.
"what are you doing at this hour, y/n?" y/n turns around from the refrigerator finding draco who stood behind her with his grey sweatpants. merlin's beard, he looks hot.
"cant you see im drinking, idiot"
y/n close the refrigerator and started to walk back to her room wanting to avoid draco as fast as she can but she only made three steps before draco pushed her against the refrigerator trapping her making y/n let out a squeal.
"you’ve got a big mouth, dont you sweet thing?" draco smirk seeing her flushed face, he pressed his body closer to her making her cheeks heated.
"d-draco i-"
"sshh, cat got your tongue now, hm?" draco rubbed his thumb on her bottom lip, tugging at it making y/n shivered at his touch.
"oh i see you like this, yeah?" draco leans into the crook of her neck, his hot breaths against her neck got y/n to rub her thighs together and draco placed his knee between them keeping her thighs apart.
he starts to pressed kisses along her neck causing her breath hitched, her panties are dampen when she takes a look at his lower part and his hard on brushed against her heat, she let out a soft moan and quickly pushed draco away from her.
"i- i should go" y/n runs to her room, cursing herself, draco behind her just chuckled deeply, satisfied at her reaction, but now he got some problem to take care of.
the next day came, y/n didnt get so much sleep after her last interaction with draco, just thinking about it makes a blush appeared on her cheeks, she threw away the thought of touching herself last night.
she quickly made her way to the bathroom and took a shower.
she just finished showering, putting on a bathrobe and letting off the towel on her head, but as she looked at the mirror, she screamed.
why is her hair green?!
only one name crossed her mind, she runs downstairs to get her target with anger bubbling up inside her.
"draco lucius malfoy! you better come back here! turn my fucking hair back to its color!" y/n yelled, running as fast as she can, catching draco who already ran away from her, without stopping his laughter.
"dont worry y/n, you look good with g-green" draco was panting heavily still laughing, he was still running but stopped at his mother's garden hiding behind it, hoping that y/n didnt catch him here. a smile never leaving his face.
but before draco could react more, he got tackled to the ground, y/n was hovering above him, her wand on his throat, threatening him.
she keeps talking but all he could think about was how hot y/n look on top of him, her new hair color still wet enough to drip the water down to his face, her top of the robe is low enough to show him her cleavage.
he quickly made his eyes back up to her, he would lie if he said this didnt turn him on.
"draco did you hear what i said? turn my hair color back!" y/n pushed his chest back down but her face redden as she realizes what was she doing right now, she quickly gets off of draco but only to be flipped over by him.
y/n was about to say something but got cut off by draco silencing her mouth with a kiss, he kissed her harshly, y/n was still in shock but not for long she melted into the kiss, she wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss, they're practically swallowing each other faces, tongues fighting over the dominance, moans coming off from their lips without breaking the kiss.
memories of last night coming back to their minds.
"fuck- you're so fucking hot. do you want this y/n?" draco said as he pulled away, breathing heavily.
"yes, yes please, draco" with that, draco attached his lips to her neck, sucking and biting making a mark of his.
y/n rolled her hips on his crotch grinding against him making him let out a soft grunt, he pulls away to admire his work and he goes to untie her robe but not before he asked her permission, she nodded vigorously.
draco untied her robe making her body fully exposed in front of him, he moaned softly at the view and his lips instantly latching onto her nipple sucking and pulling it between his teeth softly making the girl squirmed. his other hand grabbed her breast squeezing it, he was amazed at how her breast fit perfectly in his hand.
y/n tugged at his shirt signaling she wants it off, draco gets the hint and takes it off, she pulled his sweatpants down making his hard cock slapped up to his stomach. she whimpered at his size wondering if it gonna fits in her.
draco groaned at the feeling of her hand pumping his cock up and down, her thumb playing at his red swollen tip, precum already oozing out of it. he stopped her hand before he cums right there.
he spreads her legs wider making the perfect view of her glistening cunt in front of him, he licks his lip, started to kiss her thighs before going to her core making her body jolted out.
"draco.. please, do something" draco smirk, he loves how he gets y/n to beg him, she sounds so hot, begging suited her.
he licked up her slit before sucking on her clit, he moaned at her taste, sending vibrations to her body, y/n gripped his hair tightly moaning his name over and over again as draco's tongue thrusting in and out of her hole.
he then inserts two fingers in her and pumping them inside of her fast, curling them inside, his tongue still licking her cunt lapping up her juices, y/n already a moaning mess.
"yes! draco right there! right fucking there.. oh god im gonna-"
of course.
of course he pulled out, right before y/n could ever reach her high leaving her whining and glared at him in anger, draco chuckles looking at her face.
"stop being so fucking greedy, y/n. you only allowed to cum when my cock is buried deep inside you" draco pumps his cock tapping it against her cunt, lining his tip up and down at her clit, y/n gets impatient but draco pushed her hips down to stop her from moving.
he slowly pushed in his entire length inside her, both of them cant help but moaning each other’s name out loud, inch by inch filling her inside. draco stopped to let her adjust as he fully inside her. he wants her to feel every part of him. y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, nodding at him to move.
"god- you're so tight y/n, i cant barely move. do you know how long i've been wanting to have you under me" draco's breath tickling her neck as he buried his face on her neck, slowly picking up his pace as he thrusts in and out of her.
"yes- fuck.. harder draco i want it rough and fast, please" draco was shocked at how y/n think her tight little pussy could take him rough and fast, but he obeyed anyway.
he grabbed her legs, putting them on his shoulder and begin to thrusting harder, rough and fast like she wanted making her cried out at the angle.
"fuck! you're such a slut y/n, letting me fuck you senseless in my mother's garden, dont you scared at the thought of getting caught, hm? oh i bet you would love that, right?" y/n only could mutter a low 'yes' as draco keep pounding at inhumanly pace making her whole body shake.
"what is it? i cannot hear you, my little slut" draco gripped her throat with his hand, pressing their foreheads together as he stared deeply into her soul not even stopping his thrusts.
"y- yes draco im your slut, i'd love tha- g- god please.."
"stop stuttering." draco's hand move down to twirling her nipples in his fingers and pinch them lightly making her yelp.
draco and y/n stopped their activities for a minute, staring at each other in horror, draco smirk down at her while she stared at him in confusion.
he starts to move again, snapping his hips harder, making y/n gasped, he quickly put his hand over her mouth. draco was thankful that the bushes hiding their ungodly activities perfectly.
"yes, mother?" draco said casually as if nothing was happening right now, he quickens his thrust, going deeper and harder into her while a tear rolled down on y/n's face at the feeling of the knot in her stomach tighten and she had to hold her moans.
"what are you doing there, draco?" narcissa asked as she cant found her son anywhere, only hearing his voice.
"im doing some school stuff mother, i'll be quick and head inside" draco answers holding his moans between his words feeling he would cum any sooner, he hoped his mother take the hint and leave already.
like draco expected, narcissa gives him an 'okay' before going back inside the manor but not without the hesitation in her voice but she left anyway.
"fuck.. you almost got us caught y/n" draco chuckles as his hand left her mouth, a loud moan suddenly escaped her lips.
"you're insane draco, why didnt you s- stop- oh my god.. gonna cum"
y/n cried out she cant even finishing her sentence as draco brings his hand down on her clit, rubbing in circles, getting her closer to her high, his other hand going back to choking her, he leaned in to capture her lips to hold his own high, he wanted her to cum first.
and within seconds, y/n came undone, it hit her hard causing her legs to shake, her eyes screwed shut seeing the stars all she could remember was his name when she moaned it out loud.
draco look down at his cock covered with her juices milking him, he moaned loudly and with the last thrust he collapsed on her, spurting out all of his warm thick cum inside her, painting her walls white making the girl moaned too feeling so full.
he moaned her name into her ear sending butterflies to her stomach as he rides out their orgasms. draco pulled out slowly making y/n winced, their mixed liquids dripping down to their inner thighs.
"merlin. that was so fucking hot, y/n" draco said reconnecting their lips, kissing her with passion and emotion this time.
"that was more than being civil, draco" y/n laughs making draco join her laughter too. he starts to dressed himself back up.
"there i thought we were enemies" draco said as he cleaned her up and tying her bathrobe back.
"oh we are, i still hate you" y/n poked his cheek making draco laughed.
"didnt seem like it 5 minutes ago" draco said as he captures her lips on his again as he finished cleaning her.
"round 2 in my room tonight?" draco asks as he pulled away. y/n smirked at him.
"only if you turn my hair color back" and he pulls out his wand from his pocket and swished it turning her hair back to its natural color.
both of them heading back to the manor, feeling excited and new. they stopped at their parents already waiting for them to show up in the living room with a mix expressions worn on their faces making draco and y/n blushed madly.
"im glad we decided to stay." y/n's mother breaking the silence making the room filled with laughter.
tagging : @dracoscum :( @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @youreso-golden @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @arzfia @slut4dracoo @alexthealexthealex
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nightfall-kachiniko · 3 years
can i make a request with aot girls + hange with a s/o who accidentally forgot about their anniversary?
AOT girls (+ Hanji) with a s/o who accidentally forgot about their anniversary
Paring: mikasa x reader, annie x reader, pieck x reader, hanji x reader
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“Y/n?” She said as you were making breakfast for you two. “Yes love?” You responded back to her, flipping the eggs. “A-are uhm… are you.. mad… at me?” She questioned hesitantly. You chuckled a bit, “Honey what are you talking about? Of course I’m not mad at you why would I be!” You reassure her smiling back at your wife. “Then uh- why haven’t we talked about.. you know our plans yet..?” Mikasa asked you. “Plans?” You stopped moving around the bacon, thinking. “Wait we had plans?” You looked at her over your shoulder confused.
“Y/n.. are you serious?” Your wife looked side to side, and after realizing with a while of you staring that you had not a clue what she was talking about she finally spoke up, “Our anniversary dinner? Where would you like to go tonight?” She explained. “OUR ANNIVERSARY-?!” Almost flipping the pan over on yourself you exclaimed, “ITS TODAY?!” you looked over at her as she gave a small chuckle and crossed her arms. “Yes love, our third anniversary together, As I’m married together,” she giggled at your surprise.
“WAIT WHAT HOLD- HUH- STOP DROP ROLL- WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS TODAY-“ A blush rose upon your face in embarrassment. “Yes love,” Mikasa jokingly rolled her eyes at you coming over to you and kissing you, cupping your cheeks in her hands while staring at your shocked and nervous face. “I SWEAR TO THE WALLS ITS NEXT WEEK-“.
“That’s funny because the walls are no longer standing,” Mikasa remarked, teasing you.
“Today’s the 15th babe,” she kissed your forehead, ruffling your hair. “Oh- my- god-“
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Sunlight shined in your face. Opening your eyes, you flipped over to your other side with a groan, sleepy and still tired. “You should start getting up babe, it’s almost twelve,” You heard your wife’s voice call out to you. “Mghh…. No…” you whined, “just a few more minutes,” the blonde sat at the vanity in front of the bed, she wore a lovely black dress that was a little bit longer than her knees.
Annie swiped on some lipgloss, smacking her lips together. “What are you getting dressed up for?” You asked her. Annie swung around in her chair and gave you a ‘wtf!?’ Look. “What the hell you mean ‘what am I getting ready for?’,” She mocked.
“Well you look really fancy and nice but why are you getting all dressed up? Especially at this day and hour..” you tucked the thick covers near your face, providing you with warmth. “Y/n are you fuckin’ serious,”
“Well yeah I mean I don’t get why you’re so dressed up you only do that on important days-“
“yeah like important days, LIKE OUR ANNIVERSARY!” she shouted and threw a plush bear at you, “Did you seriously forget!?”
“OWW WHAT THE- wait- ANNIVERSARY?!” You jolted up, eyes widened looking at the blonde. “yeah the fukin’ anniversary we have every year since we’ve been married!?” Annie said crossing her arms. “How the hell could you forget!” She scolded.
“DUMBASS IT IS THE 11TH-“ You both just stared at each other. “Oh my Gooddddd” Annie facepalmed. “Whatever I get to decide where we are eating now since you forgot,”
“BABY IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT IT WAS THE 6TH! I LOVE YOU!” You yelled at her as she slammed the door.
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Pieck had been going all week. First with the many hours of training, next planning her little cousins birthday party, then having paperwork to sign and do as a person of the nine, and then babysit Friday, and even many more responsibilities she had to do. It was already Wednesday and she was burnt out so you decided this morning to make Pieck some breakfast in bed.
All week she had worked so hard and she deserves a little break, at least for today. ‘Hmm.. I’ll make Pieck an omelet wrap and pancakes, ’ you thought.
Grabbing all the ingredients, you started first making the egg, and adding in the cheese, ham, and cut up greens to the egg mixture. You cooked the omelet just the way she likes it and wrapped it up in a tortilla wrap.
You got started on the pancakes, adding in berries of sorts and flipping them to a golden brown. The day was calm and settling, so peaceful. You poured her a cup of iced coffee from the carton and then placed it on the tray along with the omelet wrap and pancakes.
You carried it upstairs and placed a little knock on the door before coming in. Your wife still laid asleep in bed, sleeping with her hair all messed up in her face, and her hands to her side. She truly looked like an angel.
“Peck~” you softly called out her name, placing the tray on the bed. “Love~”
Pieck moaned, exhaustingly. You softly pet the hair out of her face before waking her up with kisses. “Wake up dear,” you giggled as she tried moving her head away from your kissing parade. Your wife finally opened her eyes and stared at you. “Good morning baby~” you smiled at her, kissing her on the forehead. “Mmm… good morning..”
“Here you go love,” you handed her the tray full of food as she sat up. She smiled and giggled a bit wiping her eyes, adjusting to the light.
“That’s a sweet anniversary gift ,” she smiled before kissing your cheek. You smiled back at her only to just realize what she said, “wait, anniversary?”
She looked at you as she was placing a bit of the pancakes in her mouth, “huh? Yeah dear our anniversary, you remembered.. right?.. that’s why you made me breakfast?” She looked a bit confused. A blush or embarrassment rose up on your face, “WAIT ITS OUR ANNIVERSARY?!” You were shocked, looking at Pieck like you’d just seen a ghost. “Uh, yeah love hehe,” she chuckled, “you forgot?”
“It’s okay love,” Pieck giggled at your sight, “I almost forgot it myself! This weeks been way to busy,” she sighed. “PIECK BABY I AM SO SORRY I SWEAR TO YOU ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU I PROMISE-“
“Love it’s okay!” Your wife laughed, “gosh I’m just happy we made it to three years,” she said jokingly. “I’m sorry really,” your eyes turned sad, “I thought today was the ninth I didn’t know it was the thirteenth,”
“It’s alright love, you can make it up to me by helping me finish this breakfast though!”
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“HELLLOOOO MY (princess/prince/Royal)!” Your partner barged into your shared room, swinging open the curtains and blinds, making light come in through. “Ugh…. Hanji..” you groaned, “get the light out of my face…” you whined. “NO WAY!” She said, rummaging through your both’s closet. They then pulled out a lovely black dress. It had a glimmered diamond belt across the waist and a diamond rose at the belt.
(If you’re a male or don’t wear this type stuff, hanji pulled out a brown blazer that matches with their own, and an elegant watch with a chain necklace to go with it, along with the black pants and a black turtle neck to go under)
“Hanji… what are you doing..” you said, irradiated by all the noise. “Wake up! We are going to have the time of our lives out in town today!” She said, “Cant we do that tommorow…” you whined.
“Wait what-“ you said.
“Hm? What’s wrong?” Hanji questioned. You sat up straight in bed, “IT’S TODAY!?” you grabbed your phone scrambled to see the date, “May 24th” it read. “HUH!?”
“I THOUGHT- I-“ you stood there in silence, questioning your existence (LMAO ME)
“But I-“
They cupped your cheeks that were bright red from embarrassment, looking you in the eye and smirking with a wink,
“But we’ll do more than party tonight,”
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nctzenluvies · 3 years
not again...
𝖑𝖎𝖚 𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌 𝖝 𝖋. 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘: 1.3k
𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌, 𝖘𝖒𝖚𝖙, 𝖏𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖞, 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖝
𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖇𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉, 𝖑𝖎𝖚 𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖌, 𝖎𝖘 𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑 𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗, 𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙..
it was the middle of your summer break. you had just gotten back from a week long trip with some of your good friends. your roommate yangyang, was pretty jealous he didnt get to go as his two best friends did. but of course, becauce your best friend's ex was yangyang, she wasnt comfortable with him there.
you got out of your friends car, walked into your apartments elevator, and clicked on your floor. you walked to the end of the hall to your apartment, unlocked to door and went inside.
hearing a sudden noise, he peaked his head out of his bedroom to see you taking your shoes off. "dude! your finally back!" yangyang yelled. he ran out to hug you.
"woah, im holding bags here." you said.
"haha, sorry. let me help you."
he took your suitcase and a few of your bags to your room.
"there, i may or may not have ordered food."
"cmon, man! i told you to stop ordering food. theres plenty of food here! i literally ordered groceries to the house before i left!" you snapped.
"sorry, mommy"
"ew, dont do that."
"dont lie, you like it." he winked
"yeah! just not from you?"
"oh why not? ive known you since i was born, so technically ive known you the same amount as my mom."
"ok, no. that makes no sense."
"sure does!"
"anyway, can we play a game and eat?"
you two played your normal pc games for about an hour, but you left to your room so you could unpack.
you threw your stuff on your bed and started separating everything. as you sorted your things, yangyang just started randomly poking you everywhere.
"cant you see im trying to do something?"
no response, he just continued.
"do you need something?"
"ugh, what?"
"im having a chick over so you might wanna cover your ears.."
"bro! again? i just got back, and i didnt need to know that!"
"oh, so youre not jealous?"
"no? why would i be?" ,you were definitely jealous, but you didnt need him knowing that.
he put his hands around your waist, and hugged you, "you sure about that?"
god, you were blushing like crazy, but luckily you had a history of being good at hiding your feelings.
"uh yeah?"
"okay." he let go, and walked away.
you wanted to brush what just happened off, but you couldnt. i mean, your three year crush, called you mommy? and waist hugged you?! come on. but hes having a girl over, so whatever. you took your makeup off, changed into pajamas, and continued to unpack.
after about an hour of you watching videos, with your headphones of course, you went to the bathroom, expecting yangyang and his girl in his room.
oh my god. you look out your room to see your best friend jerking off and watching porn in the living room?!
he scooted to the corner of the couch, covered himself up, and turned the tv off, while you went to the bathroom.
you walked out, and sat down at the other end of the couch.
"so, you want to explain?" you asked.
"sorry.. i just.."
"just what?"
"i was, you know, horny, and i lied to you about having a chick over so you would bother me."
"i thought you would have sex in your room!"
"yeah... but i expected you to stay in your bedroom."
"i mean yeah, but this is my house too."
"its fine just dont do it again."
"ok.... also youre blushing."
you opened your phone camera to see if he was right. he was.
"no im not! i just did a face mask, thats all!"
he got up and sat infront of you on the floor.
"why are you on the floor?"
"no reason. i just see you prepared for me, huh?"
it took you a second. you werent wearing pants. thats what he was talking about. as soon as you realized that. you blushed even more, and just decided to leave to your room, until he grabbed your thighs and pulled you back on the couch.
"let me leave yangya-"
he put a finger over your mouth.
"not yet. just wait."
he was about to sneak his head under your oversized t-shirt, but he stopped.
"y/n.. consent?" he asked.
"i- uhm- i-"
"im guessing thats a yes."
he spread your legs, put his head in between your thighs, and ate you out like there was no tomorrow. he had you grabbing onto anything within your reach, and making a bunch of noise.
yangyang stopped, took the towel off of his waist. when you werent even looking, he put a condom on. he started kissing your neck, while he lined his member with your body.
he let go, asking you if you were ready. you nodded, and let him enter your heat. he continued at a normal pace, running his hands across your covered body. thinking your shirt was in the way, you began to take it off, but he stopped you.
"keep your shirt on."
"no, its fine. if you want to see me you can take it off."
"no. i know your not comfortable with that."
"are you sure?"
everyone, including yourself, thought he was just a player, and that he wouldnt be this sweet in bed.
after a few minutes, he had sped up the pace, and gave you a few hickeys on your neck.
suddenly, you heard a knock at your door, it was one of your friends.you looked at each other, and ran to the bathroom. you told yangyang to get his hair wet and run to his room in a towel, while you showered.
he was wetting his hair, when you heard what sounded like your friend.
"dang it, i forgot i gave her a key." you said to yourself.
"yangyang, i need you to just play along ok?"
you hopped in the shower, and you were peeking out of the shower door with your eyes closed.
"yangyang! are you done peeing yet?"
"god! sorry! let me wash my hands!"
"not in here! your going to make the water cold!"
"fine! ill go to the kitchen! damn!"
"thank you! now get out! wait close the door!"
"okay! no need to yell!"
he walked out and shut the door behind him to see your other best friend standing there watching him.
"uh hi?"
"hi? what just happened?"
"i was in the shower when she get home, so she forced me out of the bathroom so she could shower. but i needed to pee and get my hair product out of there."
"oh, so you two didnt shower together?"
"ew no, she has a boyfriend."
"she does?"
"i think?"
"anyway, she will be out soon, so just sit tight."
your friend sat down on the couch, and saw a condom wrapper on the table, a towel with wet marks on it, and a pair of boxers on the floor.
"oh my god. they hooked up."
she got up and went to the bathroom where you were showering.
"hey y/n, im leaving, so you can get out and continue your fun time with yangyang. bye!"
"what?! what do you mean?"
she just walked out of your apartment. yangyang listened, so he went to the bathroom and told you she left.
"i know! whatever. im tired i wanna do this tomorrow please."
"of course. do you want to lay down while i put away your stuff? i know where everything goes so it should be fine."
he picked you up and set you on your bed. you told him what was clean and what was dirty while you lay there telling him about your trip until you fell asleep.
he shook your shoulder to ask you if he could lay with you, and of course, you said yes.
the two of you finished what you had started in the morning, causing the people next door to complain.
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milf-harrington · 2 years
VEE LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT MY BELOVED ARISTOCATS AU - technically ive written scenes for it but ive not actually written the fic so i think it still counts
okay so it's sokka as duchess, zuko as thomas o'malley and katara, aang and toph as the kittens!!!!
so they still have a sort of fancy estate but it's a farm instead of a mansion?? but it's like. a Good Farm. idk how to explain it but proper farms with livestock and crops are lowkey for rich-ish people bc the maintenance and shit is Expensive anyway im off topic now
so Hakoda is talking to Bato one day about who he wants to leave the farm too, and naturally he says his kids bc obviously??? but HAHN (fucker) who is like. sort of the head of the staff is Mad bc for some reason he had this weird twisted notion that the farm should go to him because he's the oldest and he's Hakoda's nephew (idk man) so he's like "nah fuck that im gonna kidnap them" and then he does bc he's nothing if not dedicated to evil schemes so he oh-so-innocently offers to help Kanna prepare lunch and he spikes it with tranqs to knock them out and then just kind of chucks them in the back of the farm ute bc he's dedicated but bad at executing the plans
anyway so his idea is to drive the however many hours to the coast to stuff them in a cargo ship but the dude doesnt even make it a quarter of the way before his tires get taken out by a spike trap that was laid out by Jet and his Freedom fighters who are just a group of kids who live in a windmill and only really turn to thievery when they're desperate (or bored enough) and anyway theres that whole fuckery of hahn being like "fuck off??" and jet being like "no gimme your car keys" but its a little more chaotic and violent and in the drama of it all guess who just... slips off the back of the ute?? correct: hahns kidnapping victims
anyway so the gang wake up in the morning like "wait a fucking minute-" and sokka's lowkey freaking out bc he's the oldest and therefore the responsible one and toph is like "IT WAS HAHN" and katara and aang are like "well that doesnt sound right" and that's when zuko, who is singing like thomas does bc i said so, just appears, balancing on the bridge railing and then he sees sokka and he's like "oh. hello there?"
and then zuko, after a big ol' internal fight with himself bc "Ugh he doesnt WANT to help these random strangers but Aang and Katara seem so earnest and Toph is weirdly compelling in a gremlin sort of way and Sokka's cute", decides to help them find their way home
anyway so the usual stuff happens
they illegally hitch a ride on the back of a dairy truck then get caught and chased away
toph falls off the train bridge and zuko dives in after her
they meet the "geese" who this time is just Aunt Wu and that herbalist who told Aang to get the frozen frogs for Sokka and Katara that one time and ive decided to call her Miyu bc i know her cats name is Miyuki but you never really learn the actual Herbalists name and anyway yeah they rescue zuko's dumbass when he cant get out of the river
hahn realises he's going to need to steal his stuff back from Jet before the police find it and figure out that he's the one who kidnapped Hakodas kids- EXCEPT SUKI (roquefort/the farm hand) AND JIN (frou-frou/stable hand) overheard him talking to himself about it and they're like "it was HIM we have to stop him"
the gaang says goodbye to Aunt Wu and Miyu in town, and zuko takes them to the abandoned loft that he lives in so they can sleep and keep going in the morning
the classic "looks like scat cat and his gang of alley cats are here" except it's azula, mai and ty lee and azula's lowkey this little mad scientist who is also an excellent electrician who finally decided to fix zuko's power
so they all meet and mingle and become somewhat friends
THE CLASSIC "wow, your eyes are like sapphires" SCENE THAT INSPIRED THE WHOLE AU
alas the gaang returns home despite sokkas heart firmly belonging to zuko, who stands at the gate and watches them go until they reach the porch
they see suki in the top window and think she's waving at them, but right at the last minute sokka remembers that suki only ever comes inside to pester them, otherwise she's out working on the farm so what was she doing upstairs in the only lockable room??
*evil music* hahn knocks them out as soon as they get inside and ties them up and stuffs them in the barn and locks it
jin manages to shimmy out of the window bc she's smaller than suki and it always gets stuck half way, and tries to get into the barn but sokka manages to get his gag off and yells at her to find zuko
she fins him and then HE tells her to run into town and find Azula, and then he says "but say Zuko sent you or she might tase you" and jins like "SHE'LL WHAT??" anyway she goes and finds them and azula almost tases her bc jin cant remember zukos fucking name but then she's like "oh fuck zuko for this honestly" and then azulas like "oh wait okay whats going?"
so then azula and everyone run to the barn to find the zuko has managed to break it open (of course) and is now in the middle of punching Hahn and then EVERYONE is fighting hahn bc fuck him but while that's happening zuko unties the gaang and he and sokka kiss (finally lol) and then they all knock hahn out and stuff HIM in the crate he was going to stuff the gaang into
and then yeah hakoda finds out about everything and hes like "what the fuck" but zuko and his sister are welcomed into the family and azula and jin totally fall in love while azula is fixing the lights in the barn bc it takes ages bc they're old and she decides to just replace everything and re-do the wiring bc she's a perfectionist
anyway it's something they laugh about when they're older but at the moment zuko can't let any of them out of his sight and the kids all share a bed and they all have to watch kanna make their food or do it themselves otherwise they can't eat it bc i'm incapable of not exploring characters trauma after traumatic events (:
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howisavedtheworld · 3 years
how i love you | kuroo tetsuro
genre: fluff again! i cant help myself ok😩 kuroo tetsuro x fem!reader, established relationship i guess
warnings: kuroo being a huge flirt,, some curse words i think, nothing serious honestly just going on a date w kuroo and eating spicy ramen, if u dont like spicy food im srry u do for the sake of this fic LOL <3
a/n: kuroo is a total flirt like he will play it off just to see u get embarrassed GOD i NEED IT,,,right NOW 💳💥✋🏾
wc: a short and sweet 954 :)
“are you sure? you literally hate spicy ramen, tetsu.” your boyfriend’s eyes peek over at you from his menu, glints of determination ever present.
“ugh, i already told you, babe.” he whines. “i’m building my spice tolerance! i’m tired of my tongue only being able to handle sweet things.” his eyebrows wiggle suggestively at you, and you press your lips into a tight line.
“i have no idea what you mean by tha-“
“oh, you have no idea?” his menu falls quickly to the table as he leans towards you in the dimly-lit booth.
you hide your face behind your menu, ignoring his half-witted advances.
“nope. no clue. anyways, i’m thinking of getting the nagoya ra-“
“no, babe, babe. let me explain. basically what i was trying to say is that i really like sweet things.”
“what are you thinking of getting?” you try to evade him. “i know you said you wanted to get something spicy, but maybe you should play it saf-“
“by far my favorite thing to eat, oh, and it’s a really, really sweet thing is p-“ his voice mimics a purr, sending vibrations to your entire body.
“kuroo.” you tilt your menu towards him to make eye contact pleadingly. “we’re in public.”
his face contorts to one of confusion as he scoffs.
you realize that he’s caught you in the web of sexual tension that he built.
“huh? what were you thinking of? i was gonna say pie. apple pie. kenma’s been sharing them with me, and i didn’t even realize how much i liked them!” there’s a playful gleam in his eyes now, and you let out the breath you were holding.
“ohmygod, i hate you.” you groan, lightly smacking his arm with your menu. “i hope your ramen is too spicy and you can’t even finish it.”
he lets out a hearty laugh, and his familiar calloused fingers grasp yours affectionately.
“let’s hope not, cus i really do want this ramen.”
while his words ring true, you have a gut feeling that this will not go in his favor.
your gut feeling is right.
just two orders of piping hot ramen bowls later, kuroo tetsurou is a babbling mess.
his shirt is now stained from the reddish broth, and his lips are plump, embodying a deep shade of pink.
every two seconds, he takes a sharp inhale and he won’t stop begging you for yet another sip of your water.
you indulge him, of course, sliding your glass over to his side of the booth.
“don’t say i didn’t warn you, tetsu.” you shake your head, watching him effortlessly chug down your full glass of ice water.
he places it back down with a satisfied ah! and looks at you, a dribble of water chasing down his chin.
“thanks,” he grins. his smile slowly wipes away as he glances down at his still full and steaming bowl, letting out a few exaggerated whines.
you chuckle, taking a few bites out of yours easily.
he marvels at you, a soft exclamation leaving his lips.
“how the hell do you do that?”
you shrug. “you know i like spicy food, babe.”
“you’re amazing, you know that?”
you roll your eyes, feeling your cheeks heat up at his words. it’s just like tetsuro to make such a bold claim about you doing something as simple as eating ramen.
“i’m serious!” he gapes at you. “i can barely eat this!”
“thanks, babe.” you respond weakly, having never gotten used to the ease with which he finds the things you do worthy of praise. “we just have different spice tolerances. everyone does. don’t feel bad.”
he snorts. “okay, now you’re just pitying me. see how mine was actually sweet? you’re all like,” his voice switches to a mocking tone. “your tongue is sooo underdeveloped but don’t feel bad about your stupid little tastebuds.”
your mouth drops abruptly, and you let out a laugh, shaking your head in disbelief.
“i didn’t even say that!”
“but i could tell, i could decipher what you meant-“
“that’s not what i meant!”
“yeah, okay.” he jokingly grumbles while you let yourself be consumed by your laughter.
it’s just like tetsuro to do things like this as well. to make all of your moments of love be filled with just as much laughter, to remind you that he has so much love for you that it spills into every thing he does. every joke he cracks at you is an attempt to see you smile, every time his fingers clasp in yours, he’s sending a signal. even the time he gets spicy ramen knowing he has no spice tolerance, he does it to feel even closer to you. to let you know that his love exceeds any inkling of uncertainty, that he would hang the moon and stars just to prove it.
“babe, honestly, this water didn’t really help much. do you think i could get a kiss?” his eyes look hopeful towards you, and you smile.
“yeah. tetsu, of course.”
you both lean in, eyes locked on each other until your lips ghost.
you smile again, hand moving to caress his face.
he pushes into you first, lips soft and familiar, and you taste his chapstick, and the aftermath of spicy ramen.
most of all, you can feel the way he loves you.
when he pulls away, he stirs for a second, holding up a finger.
you look at him expectantly, not realizing that he just had to let out a hefty burp.
“kuroo!” you pull away, waving away the scent of spicy ramen and egg. “why in my face?”
“sorry, babe. it’s how you know i love you.”
you will always be sure of that.
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buckys-other-punk · 3 years
Why There?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Tony suggests a little game for everyone to play after a party. You and Bucky are partnered up and let’s just say things become heated throughout the game.
Warnings: SMUT, unprotected sex, cussing and alcohol/drunk-ish people?
Prompt: “Let’s go fuck in that closet.”
Word Count: 2.8K 
A/N: Helloo loves! Starting off the new year with a new smutty fic! This was suppose to be for a writing challenge I joined back in May (holy shit i’ve put this off for way to long..sorry), but the blog who hosted the challenge kinda logged off of tumblr...but I still wanted to write this if they decided to come back (and check it out) and also for you guys of course. This is also very much unedited (like always because im excited to share this) Lemme know if you guys wanna be tagged in future fics and what you think of this fic! Enjoy ;)
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“Fuck, how many drinks have you had?” Sam asked, looking at Bucky.
“Far too many. You think Stark’s gonna stop poisoning us?” he chuckled in reply.
“Guys we should play a game!” Tony slurred excitingly towards all of you.
“Tony, are you drunk?” Steve asked Tony. In response he ignored the captain.
You looked at Natasha who was sitting next to you on the couch. Rolling your eyes you asked the man, “What game should we play Tony?”
“I’m glad you asked my dear sweet Y/N.” he stated as he patted your head gently.
“He’s for sure drunk.” you heard Clint huff under his breath.
“Whoever said that, go suck a dick.” Tony grumbled. “Anyways we should play hide and seek! It would be so fun to play it in this big tower!” he exclaimed.
“Tony, I honestly think you’ve had way too much to drink.” Pepper chuckled at her husband.
“No, I’m fine dear. Seriously guys come on! I’ll make it fair. We can have partners!” Tony explained.
“I call Y/N!” Sam yelled getting up from his seat. 
“Dude what the fuck!” Bucky whispered, slapping his shoulder with an angry expression.
“Hey, I wanted to partner with Y/N.” Natasha pouted towards Tony and you.
“Guys, relax I’m sure Tony is the one who will be picking partners. Isn’t that right Tony?” you hesitantly said looking at Stark.
“That’s right Y/N.” Tony replied. “And since Mr. Wilson over here was so eager he’s going to be partnered with Clint.”
“Noo!” Sam and Clint both shouted in astonishment as they looked at Tony.
“Sorry boys. Nat you’re with Steve.” Tony ordered looking at the pair. “I’m with my beautiful wife of course.”
“Yeah, no I’m tired honey. Being the host of an extravagant party was enough.” she said as she kissed Tony’s cheek.
“Good night Pepper.” you said ever so sweetly.
“Thanks. Have fun guys.” she said waving goodbye to everyone and exiting the room.
“Well, I guess I’m with you Banner. I’m assuming you’re playing.” Tony asked, crossing his arms.
“Do I have a choice?” Bruce said in defeat. 
“Nope!” Tony said. “And that leaves Y/N and Bucky for the final pair.” he added looking towards the two of you. You were kind of happy to be paired with Bucky, even though you wished to be paired with Natasha, but Bucky will have to do. I mean, you and Bucky have been having an on and off thing every so often, how bad would this be? You looked towards Bucky with a smile which he returned.
“What?! How come Bucky gets to be with Y/N!? I called dibs!” Sam said angrily towards Tony.
“Because I said so.” Tony snapped which made Sam go off in the corner to sulk.  “So here are the rules; you can’t ask FRIDAY for help, each pair needs to stay together, if you are found you can’t help the seeker find the others, and this entire floor is up for grabs.” Tony explained.
“Wait, if the entire floor is good to hide, that means we can hide in people’s rooms?” Clint asked with a mischievous smirk.
“Yup, everything is clear. If everyone is ok with that?” Tony asked, looking at everyone.
“Yeah.”    “I’m fine with that.”    “Ok.”     “Sure.”
“Alright, but just in case none touches anybody’s stuff in their rooms. Oh, I also forgot to mention, you can move around if you don’t like your hiding spot.” Tony stated sounding less drunk than before. “So, is everyone ready?” he asked and everyone gave a nod towards the man. 
“Ok, Bruce and I will be the seekers. We’ll give everyone 15 minutes to hide. FRIDAY can you announce when the time is up and who gets found when we find people?” he asked the AI.
“Yes, Mr. Stark.” the AI said. “Your 15 minute timer starts now.”
With that everyone grabbed their partners and took off. Clint practically dragged Sam from the corner where he was sulking. Steve picked up Nat and carried her out of the room. Natasha was furiously yelling at Steve to put her down saying she can walk herself. Bucky grabbed your hand and you both ran towards the kitchen.
As the two of you entered the kitchen you both saw Clint try to shove Sam into one of the cabinets underneath the island table. They both felt yours and Bucky’s stares and whipped their heads towards the two of you.
“GET OUT!” Sam yelled as he tried to shimmy into the storage space. Bucky raised his hands in defeat and the two of you exited the kitchen. As you both were leaving you heard Sam yell to Clint, “Dude quit shoving me so hard!” The two of you laughed as you walked down the hallway.
You both passed the living quarters where you briefly saw red hair hiding behind a dresser. You stopped walking to look into the room, which was Clint’s, and saw blue eyes were peeking underneath a bed. “You guys are gonna be found first.” you said to the two.
“Fuck off Y/N. You guys haven’t even hidden yet.” you heard Nat say from behind the dresser.
“There is 5 minutes remaining.” FRIDAY announced.
“Let’s see who gets found first.” Steve said from underneath the bed.
You shook your head and walked towards Bucky. The two of you couldn’t find a perfect spot to hide and time was running out.
“Y/N there.” Bucky said pointing towards the laundry room. You nodded and the two of you quickly entered the room searching for a good place to hide. 
“Damn it there’s nowhere good to hide in here!” you huffed out towards the man.
“Aw come on Y/N. What about there?” he said pointing to the supply closet. “Let’s go fuck in that closet.” he said with a smirk.
“What the fuck Bucky!” you quietly yelled. “First off, no. Second, why should we hide there? Isn’t it a little too obvious to hide in a closet?” you replied with your hands on your hips.
“Hey at least I tried.” he said, raising his arms in defense. “Well it may be so obvious that the science bros wouldn’t even look there.” Bucky replied, back arms crossed.
“The 15 minute time is up. Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner is on their way.” the AI announced.
“Ugh, fine we’ll hide in the closet.” you huffed in defeat as you pulled Bucky with you towards the closet. You opened the door, shoved Bucky inside first and got in closing the door behind you. The space felt super small with Bucky’s large frame pressed up behind you. His hands were on your hips and you felt his hot breath on your exposed neck. Fuck why did Tony have to have this idea right after a party? You grumbled to yourself.
“You smell nice, doll.” Bucky whispered in your ear.
“That’s fucking creepy Bucky.” you replied back.
“What, I can’t help it. You look so fucking hot in this dress.” he started as he rubbed his hands along your frame which of course gave you goosebumps.
“Wait, be quiet. I think I hear someone.” you whispered. Bucky became quiet, but his arms wrapped around your front this time and he pulled you even closer to his body. You could feel his bulge pressing against your lower back.
“Nothing here.” you heard Bruce yell.
“Did you check the closet?” Tony asked.
“I don’t think anyone would be hiding in the closet. That’s the most obvious place to hide.” Banner said.
“Alright then.” Stark stated as the two of them exited the laundry room.
He sobered up quickly you said to yourself.
Both you and Bucky huffed out the breath you were holding. You waited a good 5 minutes before opening the closet door and pulling Bucky out. As soon as the two of you got out of that closet you heard FRIDAY announce that Natasha and Steve were found first.
“Knew it.” you whispered with a smirk towards Bucky. “We gotta find somewhere else to hide.” you added.
“Where should we go?” he asked, walking towards the exit of the laundry room, looking out into the hallway to see if the coast was clear.
“Maybe someone’s room. I don’t think that Tony and Bruce would go back there since they already found a pair.” you said shrugging your shoulders.
“Alright, let's go to Sam’s room.” Bucky said. “I’ve always wanted to mess with his stuff.” he added with a smirk.
“Tony said to not mess with the rooms, Buck.” you said as the two of you walked into the hallway towards the room.
“Fuck his rules. I’ve been meaning to mess with Wilson’s stuff for a while, but never got the chance.” he snickered.
“Whatever.” you huffed.
The two of you arrived in Sam’s room without hesitation and Bucky wreaked havoc. He went into the bathroom and messed with all of Sam’s toiletries. Sam’s bed was neatly fixed before the two of you got there, but once Bucky finished messing with his bathroom, he walked towards the bed laying down on it.
“You wanna fuck in his bed?” Bucky said wiggling his eyebrows at you.
“What no.” you quickly said.
“Fine, maybe next time.” winking at you as he stood up from the bed. You rolled your eyes as you looked around the room wondering if Tony and Bruce found Sam and Clint. About 15 minutes passed and you were getting bored. Did Tony and Bruce give up?
“You guys are giving me a headache.” you heard Tony announce through the intercoms. “New rule, if you found a new spot to hide you have to stay there.”
“Ugh, I need this game to be over so i can get out of this dress.” you said as you laid on Sam’s bed.
“I can help with that, doll.” Bucky flirted which again made you roll your eyes. “Come one Y/N. Help me get back at Sam for his prank on me. Let’s fuck on his bed.” he begged at you on his knees. You sat up as an idea formed in your mind, which would help him get his revenge.
“No, I’m not gonna have sex with you in Sam’s bed.” you said and Bucky groaned frustrated looking at the ground. “But,” you started and that made him lift his head up. You leaned forwards towards him so that your face was close to his. “I’ll fuck you in his closet.” you said looking straight into his eyes. You saw his blue eyes turn dark filling with lust.
“You’re serious Y/N? You’re not messing with me right?” he asked quietly staring into your eyes
“I’m dead serious babe.” you said confidently and with that Bucky stood up and lifted you into his arms. As he walked towards the closet his blue eyes were staring into your y/e/c eyes. He looked down to your lips then back up at your eyes. Once Bucky entered the open closet he leaned his head forward and connected his lips with yours.
The kiss was passionate and rough. Bucky closed the door slightly so just enough light could peak through. He pressed you up against the wall as he still held onto you. He deepened the kiss and the two of you moaned as your tongues fought for dominance. Your chest was pressed up against his, arms around his neck holding him close and thighs wrapped around his torso.
You felt one of his hands move from your back to your exposed thigh. He ran his hand from your thigh up to your hip, pushing your black dress along with it. Bucky withdrew his lips from yours and attached them to your neck. Unsatisfied with his thin grey dress shirt, you moved your hands to his chest and began to unbutton the fabric wanting more of him. Just as you finished unbuttoning his shirt you both heard a noise outside the closed space. 
Both of you froze in place looking towards the cracked door not wanting to get caught. You heard footsteps walk past the room and a grumble followed by a door shutting. It was probably Steve, tired of Tony’s little game and wanting to sleep the rest of the night. With that the two of you huffed in relief, Bucky looked back to you  with his lustful eyes.
“You’re sure you still want to do this?” he asked face inches to yours.
“If we get caught, then whoever catches us will have a great show.” you said smugly.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you, doll.” he growled as he took off his shirt completely while still holding onto you. 
You followed suit, luckily your dress had no zippers, so you pulled your dress up over your head and kicked off your heels. Bucky pulled back and drooled at the sight of you. You wore a black bralette and lace thong underneath your dress. He grabbed the back of your head and pulled it forward as he pressed his lips on yours once again. Your hands ran up his toned chest to the back of his neck, you used our right hand to slightly pull at his hair which made him moan.
Bucky’s right hand moved from your hip to up your body, stopping at your left breast giving it a light squeeze. Moaning at the sensation you began to grind against his lower half, feeling his dick twitch underneath his dress pants. Bucky pushed the fabric covering your breasts down, his lips removed from yours as he placed hot wet kisses from your jaw down to your chest. Admiring your naked torso he lifted you higher against the wall so he could attach his lips on your hardened nipple as one of his hands began to rub your clit through your lace thong. You moaned, grabbing a fist full of his hair drawing his lips back to yours. 
Once your lips were attached Bucky’s, he began to unbuckle his belt and you fumbled unzipping his pants off. He pushed them down along with his boxer briefs to his thighs and his hard dick sprang free form its restraints. It was your turn to now drool at the sight of him. You moved your right hand between your bodies as you grabbed his dick and began stroking it. Bucky moved his hand back to your clothed pussy and moved your lace thong to the side. He gathered the slick juices from your pussy to his mouth, moaning harder at the taste of you and your actions.
“You ready doll?” he asked looking at your eyes and you replied with a yes. He spat in his hand and pumped his dick before slowly inserting into you. The two of you moaned at the sensation as Bucky held you close waiting for you to adjust to his size.
“Move baby.” you whispered in his ear. Bucky slowly pulled out of you and back in.His movements were torturously slow and you wanted more.
“Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner have found Mr. Wilson and Barton.” FRIDAY announced. 
Oh thank god you said to yourself. “You better make this fast Barnes.” you breathed out finally getting what you wanted.
“Oh doll, if you want fast I’ll show you fast.” he whispered in your ear. Just like that his hips pulled back almost completely and quickly thrusted back into you. You moaned in Bucky’s ear pulling at his hair with your right hand, scratching his back with the other keeping his body close to yours. His pace changed to an agonizing slow pace making you clench around him.
“Fuck Bucky.” you moaned as your head rested on his shoulder. Bucky then thrusted hard into you again. You screamed, biting his shoulder as your back was pressed harder against the wall.
“Shit doll, you’re taking me so well.” he said as he kissed along your jaw. With each sharp thrust his lips moved closer and closer to yours. Once he felt your clench around his dick he placed his lips on yours swallowing your moans. 
“What the fuck?” a voice yelled as they entered his room.
Bucky’s ears perked up and he quickened his pace fucking you harder and harder. You couldn’t control how loud your moans were. You quickly slapped your hand over your mouth, hoping Sam didn’t hear. Your legs began to shake as you felt your climax come near and Bucky felt you clench around his dick. He quickly moved his hand over to your clit rubbing the small bundle of nerves as fast as he could. You both hear footsteps come closer and closer to the closet door. 
You and Bucky began panting hard at how close you both were. You felt Bucky’s dick twitch inside of you, which made you clench around him and just as you both were at the peak of your climax the closet door quickly opened revealing Sam. His eyes wide at the sight of you naked pressed up against the wall and Bucky balls deep inside of you. The two of you groaned in each other's mouths as you both came hearing yelling in the background.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Sam yelled again. Covering his eyes at the scene in front of him, his two best friends having sex with one another.
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A/N: WOOOOO! What did you think of this mess! Was it hot (or not)? lol Again if you wanna be tagged in future fics, have any requests or just wanna chat, hit me up! 
Tags: @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​​ @sebtheromanianprince​​​ @aquabrie​​ @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan​ @princess76179​​​ @anbrax5553​​​ @wintersoldierissucharide​ @caplanbuckybarnes​​​ @miraclesoflove​​​ @kitkatd7​​ @saiyanprincessswanie​​​ @fandomsandxfiles​​ @hailmary-yramliah​​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​​ @thefallenbibliophilequote​
^please lemme know if you wanna be added/removed for future tags or if i forgot you^
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