#im totally not crying
butcheowyn · 8 months
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prof-polaris · 6 months
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my son....sonboy
it's smiling so big :')
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klirk-hammurton · 1 year
February 10, 1962
On this day, we celebrate what would have been the 61st birthday for Clifford Lee Burton. Cliff Burton was an American musician/bassist for heavy metal band, Metallica. He was famously known for his infamous bass rifts in songs such as For Whom The Bell Tolls, Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth), and Orion.
Born in Castro Valley, California, Cliff grew up in a fairly normal life until tragedy struck after his 13th birthday when he lost his elder brother Scott. The tragedy lead Cliff to pick up the bass permanently and become the bass player to exist. With influences from his brother and also Rush bassist Geddy Lee, Cliff would practice for hours on end to make his brother proud.
After high school, Cliff entered college where he joined his first official band, Trauma. After winning battle of the bands in 1982, things got boring for him. That is until future bandmates James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich head hunted him to join their amateur band, Metallica.
Cliff shredded away on his bass, earning himself his rightful spot in Metallica to replace former bassist Ron McGocney. Bass became his life passion, and so did touring. There was only one thing Cliff loved more than his music: being home. As much of a thrashing metal head he was, Cliff was known to be quite the homebody.
After tragedy struck in 1986, the world was stripped away of his talent, leaving behind an unforgettable memory that'll remain in the hearts and minds of Metal Heads around the globe. February 10, 2018, his birthday had officially become known as Cliff Burton Day within the music community. Today is not to be a day for us to be sad of his memory, but to be grateful for the memories that remain to keep his spirit alive. At only 24 years old, Cliff truly did become the best bassist to have lived in the music community.
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faglander · 3 months
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oh my god. no one speak to me at all.
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13callisto · 3 months
Why is everybody screaming?
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imagineicewings · 4 months
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Im bored and gotta post so. Take some of the more tame angst I have 🙏
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exospherethoughts · 2 months
I can’t picture your face anymore. It happened so quickly, but my memory is awful and having (what I presume is mild) aphantasia makes it so hard. It’s killing me that I can’t see it without looking at photos (and photos never did you justice). The sound of your voice is fading in my memory too.
I miss you so much it’s like my ribs got broken and my lung was punctured. It hurts it hurts it hurts.
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just-a-speck · 1 year
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rival-ado · 1 year
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i remember, your name is...
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frombands · 2 years
She remembers hearing something about stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. If she thinks back to when she was younger, just a kid running away from home for the final time, she can remember going those stages in her grief of losing what should have been a safe and loving childhood.
When she first hears the news, denial hits her quickly. No way can her best friend be gone. There was just no way that the clever, beautiful, funny, strange and awesome girl she'd grown to love as a sister was gone.
And then the anger follows like lightning after a crack of thunder. Not just gone - taken. Taken from her, from all of them. Taken from the bright future she had glowing before her. She was young, just a kid still like the rest of them, she had so much time left. She should have had so much time left. But some evil creep had come along and taken that from her.
Maybe they could get her back. Maybe they could jump back down into the stupid upside-down and fight that gross ballsack looking douche again and force him to give Robin back.
But even as the idea popped in her head, Kenzi didn't really believe it would work. Even if they did kick Vecna's slimy ass, there was no guarantee that he even had the power to bring her back.
And that just.. breaks something deep within her. The first few days -- or weeks, she doesn't keep track -- all Kenzi can feel is a horrible ache in her chest. Like her heart is physically broken but somehow still keeping her alive. Most of her meals are in the form of bottles of vodka, with desert in the form of the same ice cream she always got from Scoops when she was visiting the freckled sailor.
But it's not sustainable, even for her, and soon she has to escape the murky depths of depression. Or at least break the surface of it. She doesn't know if she'll ever swim free of it..
Or if she'll ever reach that final step of her grief.
(for the meme 😇💔)
my muse is dead, tell me how your muse is dealing with it.
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aroaceleovaldez · 3 months
It's honestly wild to me that ToA went through so much trouble to emphasize the fact that Will did not magically fix all of Nico's problems and was explicitly not Nico's only doctor.
Only for TSATS to have Will fix all of Nico's problems and have Nico be entirely reliant on him the entire book and literally helpless without him and LITERALLY have Nico's problems be magically removed.
#pjo#riordanverse#tsats crit#nico di angelo#solangelo#it doesnt make any sense too cause. in HoO we KNOW Nico was fully capable of handling himself in Tartarus#we already knew he was explicitly on his own. we know he had it worse than Percy and Annabeth did#because we are explicitly told that Nico saw Tartarus' true nature the ENTIRE TIME versus Percy only getting a tiny half-glimpse of it once#and Percy acknowledges that he would not be able to withstand actually seeing Tartarus more than he did without just dying on the spot#and Nico was down there for as long as Percy and Annabeth at least. on his own. flying blind and explicitly having it worse.#so it doesnt make sense to totally retcon Nico's ENTIRE experiences with Tartarus to make him sopping wet and pathetic about it#needing to be helped and only being down there for twenty minutes and crying the whole time#and then all of the book he's literally functionally helpless without Will for some reason. despite being in his element.#could not get more in his element than being in the Underworld. my guy literally lives there. that's his HOUSE. that's his YARD.#and he's still just totally sopping wet and pathetic in Tartarus the second time around#like im sorry. no. we literally have previously established canon indicating this is absolutely not the case#that is not something you can retcon. that is an entire major event. it was not glossed over.#unless you are doing time travel and it's a canonical retcon a la Homestuck im sorry the events of TSATS just could never occur#(not to mention Damasen is just never acknowledged in TSATS and him and Bob were absorbed by Tartarus the god and ergo dead in HoH)#(so Bob and Damasen are like. *Gone* gone. they didn't just die to be reformed later they got ERASED.)#(and Nyx sure as hell isnt gonna be the one to have Bob trapped for whatever reason. definitely not cause she hates light/change/whatever)#(nyx is literally the mother/sister [depends on version - sometimes a mitosis situation] of the personification of day? and sky?)#(and FRIENDSHIP? and the nymphs of sunset? sometimes also CHEERFULNESS? and THOUGHTFULNESS? and old age)#(ah yes the mother of concepts such as love/friendship and aging and. day. would HATE [checks notes] love/friendship changing and light)#(she INVENTED THOSE) < anyways thank u for coming to my aside rant in the tags#in parenthesis to indicate this is an aside/tangent rant. anyways i have so many problems with this plot. it just DOESNT WORK#on NO LEVEL DOES IT WORK AT ALL WITH ESTABLISHED CANON
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not-eli · 6 months
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frightenedcookie · 5 months
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I’m not crying I’m not crying I’m not crying
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2x1 | 6x3
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somfte · 2 years
Me on International Talk Like A Pirate Day, September 19th, 2006: "Yarrr, ahoy matey!"
Me on International Talk Like A Pirate Day, September 19th, 2022: "When a king brands us pirates, he doesn't mean to make us adversaries. He doesn't mean to make us criminals. He means to make us monsters."
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