#ima cry but in a very calm and weird way
0verstepping · 1 year
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cryptid-kratt-kid · 2 years
WKCPAU 2021 part 14 (first part of the finale! AND YES, SUPER FUCKING LATE, I KNOW.)
9:00 pm December 31st. 3 hours til new years.
The Dimension Hoppers crew and the New Wild crew are searching the party for the missing slimes and handing out missing creature fliers.
DH Martin: We've got to find them! Right now they're just a Tarr hazard but if they get out they could be an environmental disaster!
NW Chris: And with weird monsters running around, they could be in serious danger!
NW Chris stops in his tracks as he sees a flash of something yellow and glitchy. He silently creeps away from the group to pursue it. He followes it all the way to the snack table.
NW Chris, watching the Quantum Slime dig through the chips: There it is!
He unzips the hoodie from his jacket and carefully sneaks up on it. Holding it over the slime. It looks up and spots him, but just before it can get away he slams the hoodie down and holds it like a bag. He carefully opens it just enough to see the slime. It stares back at him, startled, but fine.
NW Chris, feeling guilty about scaring the little guy and grabbing a handful of chips: Daww poor living orb. Here, chips for the round boi.
The Slime immediately calms down and happily chomps the chips.
NW Chris, closing the "sack" and looking around: Ok. Now, if I were a lost alien creature in the middle of a crackfest, where would I be?
10:00 pm 2 hours til new years.
Toodles goes flying into the tables at the edge of the arena. Hardly fazed, he scrambles onto all fours and tackles Feral Chris. FC narrowly avoids losing his face and he holds Toodles off of him just long enough to draw a pistol.
Feral Chris, relentlessly firing at Toodles: It's high noon motherfucker!
Toodles is knocked back and falls to his knees. But instead of collapsing or crying out in pain, he laughs. Toodles stands up and shakes himself off all while laughing maniacally.
Toodles, tearing up from laughter: You- You really think that- HAHAHHA- That your mortal bullets can do SHIT against me? You're joking right?
All the onlookers stare in awe at Toodles. Feral Chris cracks a smile.
Feral Chris, with a new exitement and bloodlust shining in his eyes: Thank the gods! It's been too damn long since I've actually had a challenge!
And just like that, they're going at each other again. The crowd roars as bullets and blood flies.
Up in the announcers booth, Feral Martin and Salutations watch with popcorn.
Feral Martin: Hey, what the actual fuck's up with your brother?
Salutations: A lot is up with him, my guy. I'm not even fully convinced we're actually brothers. Pretty sure he just crawled out of the underworld one day and tricked our parents into believing they birthed him.
Feral Martin, snickering: Wow, Ok then. Hey, ima go get us some snacks. I get the feeling this is gonna take a while.
Salutations: K. Just don't drink the punch. It's spiked with something. Or do, Spice up my life.
Feral Martin, hopping out of the booth: Aight. I'll be back.
Feral Martin left the Arena and made for the snack counter. He didn't really know what Sal liked, so he just started shoveling stuff into his sweater.
He then came upon the aforementioned punch. He nearly recoiled at the sight. It was purple and black and swirling. It had some noxious green gas coming off of it, and bubbled horribly.
Feral Martin: That punch isn't spiked, that punch is cursed.
After observing it for a couple more seconds, he notices something twitching around inside.
Feral Martin: What the- Is that a creature!?
He quickly decides against using his hands to save it and grabs some tongs off the meat tray. He squeezes his nose shut and tries not to vomit as he fishes out a very, very disoriented Phosphor Slime.
Feral Martin, wiping the little dude down with a napkin: Hey little guy! I'm sorry to say but I don't think there's any hot singles in there.
NW Chris, running up to them: There it is! You found it! I've been looking all ove- yikes! What happened to the punch?
Feral Martin, shrugging his shoulders: Hell if I know. But this poor little guy was drowning in the stuff.
NW Chris: That's one of the creatures me and the Dimension Hoppers have been looking for!
Feral Martin, giving the slime to NW Chris: Lucky I found them before that sludge fucking digested him then.
NW Chris, nodding: Yeah! Thanks! I gotta run now! There's still one left!
NW Chris opens his makeshift satchel and plops the Phosphor in with the Quantum. He adds more chips into the mix to keep them both satisfied. He waves bye to Feral Martin and runs off to look for the pink slime.
11:00 pm 1 hour til new years
Many the Avivas are gathered around Feral Aviva. Staring at her latest invention in existential horror.
Aviva, trying to act friendly: Uh... Hey Feral... Whatcha... Whatcha got there?
Feral Aviva, proud of herself: Girl you have NO Idea how glad I am that you asked.
Aviva, instantly regretful that she asked: Oh-
Feral Aviva, slapping the side of her mechanical monstrosity like a car salesman: This baby can fit so many mini-nukes in it! It's got 12 flamethrowers, shoots lasers from its eyes, and can move about as fast as a cheetah.
Aviva: ...
Aviva, rubbing her temples: Why????
Feral Aviva: Because it's fucking AWESOME that's why!
Cryptid Aviva, inspecting the device cautiously: What even is it? Does it serve a purpose other than being terrifying?
Feral Aviva: Yes! It terrorizes Zach.
Aviva, incredibly concerned: Really? That's it? I mean, he's annoying as all heck but still. Isn't this, for lack of a better word, overkill?
Feral Aviva: Duh. Of course it is. What matters is that it's funny and that I'll have fun using it.
Mets, possesing the screen in the drivers seat: Uh, guys! There's something in here!
Cryptid Aviva, flying up onto the machine and staring at the creature: woah, what is that?
Feral Aviva: Huh? What does it look like?
Mets: It's pink, and round, and asleep I think.
Feral Aviva: Oh yeah I almost forgot about them! They came up to me while I was building and just kinda vibed. Don't worry they're chill.
Aviva: Do they have a name?
Feral Aviva: Not yet. I sent my Martin a picture of them but he wanted to name them Cupcakke, like the rapper, and I vetoed it. So at the moment they are nameless.
NW Chris, running up to them: Hey! Have you seen a wierd looking pink creatu- what in the fuck is that?
Aviva: Some kind of over-enginered Zach torment device. Try not to think about that too hard. What were you trying to aak me?
NW Chris, deciding that he does not want detail: Okay then... I was just gonna ask if you'd seen any wierd looking pink creatures around? Me and the Dimension hoppers are looking for these things called slimes and we really need to find them before they get themselves hurt.
Feral Aviva, climbing the machine and pulling the pink slime out: is this your guy?
NW Chris, ecstatic: Yes! That's them! Thank you so much!
Feral Aviva, sliding back down and tossing the slime to NW Chris: No problem! They're a chill little dude.
NW Chris, beaming and placing the pink slime into the makeshift sack with some more chips: The DH bros are gonna be so happy I found them! I gotta go!
Feral Aviva: Tell them they owe me one then! Interdimentional favors are the best favors!
NW Chris, nodding as he runs off: Ok! I Will!
Aviva, once NW Chris is out of sight: What the heck do you want interdimentional favors for?
Feral Aviva, grinning wickedly: OHOHO BOY you have NO idea.
Aviva, making the smart decision and shutting the conversation down right there and then: Nope. I've changed my mind. I don't even wanna know anymore.
Feral Aviva, rolling her eyes and pouting slightly: Coward.
11:30 pm 30 minutes til new years
NW Chris, running joyfully up to the Dimension Hopper Bros: I found them! I found them! All three of them!
DH Martin, letting out a sigh of relief: Thank goodness! You're a lifesaver little buddy!
NW Chris, handing DH Martin the makeshift sack: It took a while, and they got into some weird ass places, but I found them!
DH Chris: Wait, are you telling me that you put 3 different species of slime, into one small space?
They all just sorta stand there in "Oh shit. Mistakes have been made" silence for a little bit.
DH Chris, desperately trying to break the silence: Hey but it's fine as long as you didn't feed them! Haha...
NW Chris' face only holds one expression and it is horror.
DH Chris: You... You didn't feed them... Right?
NW Chris: Get them out! Get them out right the fuck now!
DH Martin is about to fucking dump the slimes out of the bag when suddenly it starts shaking and glowing. He drops it and starts to back away, the others follow suit.
The Bag shakes and Shines more and more violently as they watch in horror. Suddenly, the Quantum slime and the Phosphor slime errupt from the bag and flee into DH Martin's backpack in terror.
There is silence, and then a a sickening glurk sound is heard from the sack. A large, Black slime with rainbow veins rises from the backpack. Where there once was a cute smiling face, is now an evil, hungry grin.
NW Chris: Well Shit.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this part! I don't blame anyone who's finally had enough of my shit and stopped keeping up with this story 😅. But to all of those who are still here, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!
You guys are what fuels my creativity and overall love for this show. I know we're just a rediculously small community on a crumbling hellsite, but I love our little apocalyptic town 🥰.
But next Crimbus, this is just gonna be a bunch of Shitposting. I have well prooven that I cannot be trusted to upload consistently 😂.
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thefactsofthematter · 3 years
hi bestie <3 you said send in some requests, so i'm suggesting:
javid with, "it's not okay! you're not fine!"?
i hope you have a good day !!!
hi bestie <333 i had so much fun with this, i haven't done a short little fic in ages!! here's a 2.7k javid fic - a college au and a classic (emotional) hurt/comfort type deal, heavy on the comfort ;)
"Wanna come for dinner at my parents' house tonight?"
Davey is laying on Jack's couch after his last class of the day, since Jack's apartment is just off campus, and it's a ridiculously convenient place to go nap after a long day of school. He honestly spends more time here than at his own apartment that he shares with his sister, a short train ride away.
"I'd love to," Jack replies, his gaze still glued to his computer screen, "but I totally forgot I have an art history paper due at midnight, analyzing a painting, and I haven't started. It needs to be ten pages, and I don't even have an outline. I'm gonna sit here and write until my eyeballs fall out."
Davey laughs softly.
"That sucks. Do you at least have some research done?"
Jack turns to him with completely dead eyes.
"Not a single academic source."
Davey glances at the clock. Jack has seven hours to pull this off, which is doable, but... intense. It would've been a lot easier to spread it out over a few afternoons, and it'll be a painful squeeze to get ten comprehensible pages of writing done tonight. Jack can write decently fast, but his spelling and grammar are atrocious, so he'll have to factor in editing time too. Davey is not envious of these circumstances in the slightest.
"Shit. Good luck. That sounds awful, but I'm rooting for you. What's your prof's late assignment policy?"
Jack, entirely beaten down, leans forward to rest his forehead on his keyboard.
"He won't accept them past the due date without a good reason... which I don't have. I'm just an idiot and forgot to put it in my planner— thank god Romeo texted me today to ask if I was done."
Davey pushes himself up and walks over to where Jack is sitting at his little dining table, under the constantly-flickering fluorescent bulb. He wraps his arms around Jack's shoulders and kisses the back of his neck.
"You got this. I'll come back here after dinner and bring you leftovers, okay? My mom's gonna be sad you couldn't make it, so she'll totally pack up a plate for you."
"You don't have to come all the way here," Jack sighs. "Your place is closer to your parents, and this is out of your way— you have work in the morning anyways, so you should go home and go to bed. I'll be fine, I'll probably write faster alone anyways."
Davey kisses him again, this time leaning around to plant one on his cheek.
"If you're sure." Jack's plan is probably the smart move, since Davey's shifts at his stupid coffee shop job start ridiculously early, and coming here would mean staying up with Jack until he finishes, probably distracting him. "In that case, I'll see you tomorrow after work, and I'll bring the food then... keep me posted about the paper, text me when you finish. And make sure you eat something."
Jack turns back to look at him with a strained, stressed attempt at a smile.
"For sure. Go have a nice time with your family, and tell everyone I say hi."
"Aba, you're doing it wrong. You have to use your left arm."
It's getting late in the evening, dinner has been eaten, and Les is trying to coordinate the family to make a TikTok with him. It's not exactly going well.
"My left or your left?"
"It doesn't matter, we have the same left!"
Davey has thankfully been placed in the back row, both because he's tall and lanky, and because he's so uncoordinated that Mom used to make you wear one of those leash backpacks as a kid to keep you from wandering into traffic... which is true, but Davey isn't sure why Les even knows about that. He certainly wasn't around yet when that was the case, so he probably heard it from Sarah.
While Les tries once again to explain how this little dance is supposed to work, Davey's phone starts to buzz in his pocket. It's probably a spam call, but he's not particularly invested in the dance lesson so he pulls it out to check.
Incoming call: cowboy babyy 💖🤠
Davey frowns. Jack never calls him. It's always texts or voice memos, since he's got some kind of weird aversion to talking on the phone. If he's calling, it must be important.
"Hi babe," he says, pressing his phone to his ear and walking off to his old bedroom to get some quiet, while Les shouts at him in the background for not taking this seriously. "How's the homework going?"
Jack is quiet for a second too long as Davey toes the door shut.
"...Not great. I'm really frustrated." He pauses and sniffles a little, sounding almost like he's holding back tears. "I don't know why I called you while you're having a good time with your family, though. I shouldn't be bugging you."
"Hey," Davey breathes, "you're not bugging me at all, sweetheart. Is the paper not going well?"
"I just... I'm so bad at writing, and I don't know what I'm talking about, and I have no idea how I'm gonna get this done in time." His voice is shaking, and it's breaking Davey's heart a little. "I'm being dramatic, though. I just need to keep working on it."
Davey sits down on the edge of what's now a guest bed, his old outer space-themed comforter replaced with something more neutral.
"You're not dramatic, it's okay to be upset. Do you want me to come over and help?"
Jack's breath hitches softly, and it confirms that he's almost definitely crying.
"You don't have to, you're busy with your folks. I'm sorry for calling." He shudders a little as he must try to take a deep breath. "It's okay... I'm fine."
Davey sighs, almost exasperated with Jack's self-sacrificial sense of pride. He'll never ask for anything for himself, not wanting anyone to go out of their way for him, even when he seems to be having a panic attack of sorts.
"It's not okay; you're clearly not fine, Jackie," he replies. "We already ate, and I'm not busy. If you want me to come over, I'll be there... do you?"
Jack is quiet for a moment again, taking a deep, shaky breath.
"Yeah. I do."
Davey nods, though Jack can't see him.
"Okay. I want you to take a little break from writing until I get there, alright? Change into your pyjamas and have a glass of water. Try to relax a little."
"Okay... thanks Davey."
The call ends, and Davey rejoins his family while tucking his phone away in his pocket.
"I have to go." He kisses his mother on the head as he walks by. "Thanks for dinner, Ima."
"Is everything okay?" she asks, catching him gently by the elbow before he can get too far.
"Yeah..." he sighs. "Jack's just having a hard time with homework, I'm gonna go help him out."
His father ruffles his hair and gives him a quick hug.
"You're a good boy, David. Take him those leftovers— your mother's cooking can fix anything."
"For sure. I'll see you guys next weekend, and I'll try to bring Jack along then."
He waves goodbye to Sarah and Les, grabs the dish of food, and then sets off on a speed-walk to the nearest subway station.
Jack is sitting on the couch when he arrives, his knees pulled to his chest, looking very soft and cozy in pyjama pants and one of Davey's old hoodies from some baseball tournament. He's staring into space, and he hardly even moves to acknowledge Davey's presence when he walks in.
"Hey darling." Davey leaves the dish of food on the counter and crouches down in front of Jack to try and catch his eye-line. He carefully takes Jack's hands in his own. "Hanging in there?"
Jack finally looks at him and nods, but as he blinks, more tears slip out and roll down his cheeks.
"I'm only done two pages," he mumbles, practically whispering. "I don't know why it's so hard, but I just can't do it."
"Oh, Jackie..." Davey reaches up to wipe Jack's tears, cupping his face gently with both hands. "Hey, you still have three hours, right?" Jack nods. "That's lots of time. We're gonna figure this out... let's just sit here and calm down a little first. It's gonna be okay."
He climbs up onto the couch to pull Jack into a hug, and the moment he's settled, Jack wraps his arms around him and breaks, sobbing into his shoulder. Davey cards his fingers through his hair and rubs his back; he's never seen Jack this distraught, especially not over homework. There's a good chance the problem runs a lot deeper, and stressing over an assignment was simply the last straw.
"You're alright," Davey continues, since talking is what he does best, even in moments like this. Jack is shaking with the force of his tears, breathing so hard Davey worries he might hyperventilate. "Listen, it's just one assignment, my love... if you get a bad grade, or if we don't finish in time, we can deal with that. We'll hand in whatever we finish tonight, so at least you won't get a zero. Worst case scenario, you retake this class in the spring... even that doesn't sound so bad, does it? I know you could handle it, if that's what happens."
Jack nods a little, but his tears don't stop.
"I'm so tired of being stupid," he hiccups, after a long while. "I keep getting distracted, and I can't word things right, and I spell everything wrong, and- and maybe I should just drop out, because I'm clearly not meant to be doing this."
"Baby..." Davey sighs, giving him a gentle kiss on the temple. "You're so intelligent, Jack. You're almost done your degree— after this term, you've only got one year left, and it's not like you do poorly in your classes, is it? Even when it's something hard for you, like writing, you always do well when you put in the work. What did you get on your sociology paper a couple weeks ago?"
"Ninety percent," Jack mumbles, muffled by the way he's speaking into Davey's shoulder. "But I spent so long on it, and you edited it for me. I'm gonna fail this one. I can't do it in one night, and I can't write papers without your help."
"Well, I'm here to help now, aren't I?" He rests his hand midway through brushing it through Jack's hair and scratches his scalp gently, which makes Jack shiver and laugh quietly through his tears. "Right? And you can write, darling— all I do is fix up the spelling and grammar for you. The ideas and words are all you, just like when you give presentations and knock it out of the park every time. I sure can't do that."
Jack finally looks up at him.
"Yes you can. You get nervous beforehand, but when you do a presentation, it's always really good."
Davey smiles at him, now that they're actually looking at each other.
"It's hard for me, though. Just like writing is for you— but with lots of effort, you're really good at it. See my point?"
Slowly, a small smile spreads across Jack's teary-eyed face, and he nods. Davey feels rather accomplished with this development.
"I guess so." He wipes at his eyes and sighs. "Sorry about this. I'm such a mess."
"No apologies. I don't blame you for getting overwhelmed— you're in a tough spot here." He pulls Jack in for a quick kiss, which they both smile into. "I brought you dinner. Go heat it up when you're ready; I'll look over what you've written so far and see if I can come up with some more ideas to add on. We're gonna work together on it, okay? What painting did you choose?"
"The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew by Caravaggio," Jack sighs, looking almost forlornly at his computer on the table. "I have a lot to say about it, and lots of good stuff in my notes, but I just can't put it into paragraphs and sentences that make sense."
Davey nods, watching Jack as he stands up to go put the leftovers from Davey's family in the microwave.
"Well, I don't know anything about paintings, but if you talk me through it, I can help you put the actual paper together." He pauses as an idea dawns on him. "I'm gonna email your professor and ask about an extension— it might be a shot in the dark, but we should at least try. The worst he can do is say no."
"Sure," Jack replies from the kitchen, his voice still shaky. "He's a total hardass, though. Fingers crossed for a miracle."
Davey sits at the table, opens up Jack's email, and starts a draft.
Hi Professor Diaz,
Apologies for the short notice, but I'm wondering if it would be possible to have an extension on the analysis assignment, even if it's just by a few hours. I unfortunately mixed up some due dates in my planner, and I thought I had an extra week for this assignment; I only realized the mistake today, so I'm currently scrambling to get it done in time.
Would it be at all possible to turn it in a few hours late, just to have a bit more time to finish it up? I would really appreciate any amount of time you're willing to give me.
Thank you in advance for your understanding, Jack Kelly
He shrugs, sends it, and sincerely hopes a little professionalism and a decent (if slightly fabricated to make Jack look less forgetful) excuse will go a long way.
It's quarter to eleven, the paper is now five-and-a-half pages long, and Jack isn't crying anymore. He's in the zone, talking aloud about the painting while Davey helps him get his vague ideas into concrete sentences, and they're on track to have at least seven or eight pages by the time midnight rolls around— it might not get full marks, but it'll be better than nothing.
Jack's computer dings with the sound of a new email while they're taking a two-minute break— something they've interspersed every half hour, since Jack's focus is best in shorter bouts. He's in the middle of walking laps around the apartment to get his energy out and annoy his downstairs neighbours, but he scrambles back to the computer at the noise.
"We got a reply!" he shouts.
Davey is over on the couch, and he watches Jack's face closely as he opens the email. So far, so good... and then he slumps down in his chair in a show of what could either be defeat or relief. Davey can't quite tell, so he jumps up to go read it for himself.
Sure. Email it by 11:59pm tomorrow.
Sent from my iPhone
"Yes!" Davey shouts, grabbing Jack by the shoulders. "I told you it was worth a shot!"
Jack laughs, and then reaches up to pull Davey down for a kiss.
"You're the best, Jacobs. A fucking lifesaver." He rubs at his eyes, and then pushes his computer away, across the table. "I'll deal with this tomorrow. Let's just go to bed— you still have to be up early."
Right. Davey has a dreaded Saturday morning opening shift tomorrow— they open at five, and he has to be there well in advance to get set up, so he's got no chance at getting more than a few hours of sleep. He's going to be dead on his feet in the morning, probably fuck up a few coffee orders, but it'll be worth it to have helped Jack through tonight.
Poor Jack seems completely exhausted— as anyone would be after crying so hard earlier— so collapsing into bed after washing up quickly is an utter relief. Davey, despite being tall and long-limbed, greatly enjoys being the little spoon and Jack is happy to indulge him, so they curl into the familiar position.
"Thank you for everything tonight," Jack whispers, practically into Davey's ear. "I love you so much."
Davey smiles as his eyes fall shut, and he kisses Jack's knuckles softly, where his arm is wrapped around him.
"Any time, darling. I love you too."
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silveanna · 3 years
The Butterfly Effect
Jungwoo x fem!reader + Johnny as your older brother
Genre: Sci-fi fantasy, thriller,
Warning: corpse and profanity
Summary: Their Beautiful, right, but what if their true nature isn’t beautiful as what we expected at all?
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You live in small town, like Literally small, it can’t be seen on the map that’s why it’s rare to have any visitors from other places. The population is only 50. There’s no mobile phones,train stations, or any buildings or any high tech things. The townspeople have no contact at the outside world, you didn’t even know that there is a pandemic going on.
It all started when you were washing clothes at the river side, while you were busy doing your business, you heard a mumble from behind but you shrugged it off. Another mumble and you finally turn your head. There was a figure of a guy with.. butterfly wings?
He looks so beautiful you didn’t even notice that there was a tear streamed down your cheek. he slowly walk towards you, he held out his hand and a lot of gold came out of his palm. What the fuck is he trying to buy me? “Sorry but I’m not interested in those, find someone else” you akwardly smiled at him, collecting all your laundries in a rush.
“Please don’t go..” his soft voice made you stop in your tracks. You look back at him, he threw all golds away. “I’m really lonely I just want to make a friend, I thought you like gold so..” his mouth wasn’t moving at all, he’s communicating with you through telepathy. But since you haven’t experienced something like it before you thought he was a witch or anything related to the devil that’s why you were a bit frightened, but his beautiful black and white wings and handsome looks it’s just.. he’s so charming.
“Not all, but we can be friends.. so uhh what’s your name? I’m Y/N”
“I’m Jungwoo”
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“Did Any interesting thing happened today?” Your brother Johnny ask, his back facing you while he cooks your dinner for the night. You rested your head on your palm and looked down at the table, drawing small circles in the soft wood. “Eh nothing much just typical house chores shits”
“I told you no swearing”
“Yeah Yeah sorry”
“How about you? Any interesting happened at work today?” after that, it took him a few seconds before he replied, seems like he’s hesitant to tell you something. Well you too, you just made a friend with a guy who had freakin butterfly wings glued on his back.
“Erm.. we have been receiving a lot of reports about missing persons and pets, and the difficult part is that they don’t leave any clues or anything behind... they just disappeared like Poof!”
“Weird and...creepy” you commented.
You were in the middle of eating but something was bugging the hell out of you, it’s irritating you just have to tell your brother about it. You looked at Johnny who was eating peacefully while reading a book, his hair slicked back “Johnny”
“I met someone today, at the river when I was doing the laundry there was this guy with butterfly wings he was offering me a lot of gold I thought he was trying to buy me or something, turns out he just wants to be friends with me” you explained, nervously fidgeting your fingers.
“I see your not over with your imaginary friend yet” he said, his eyes was still on the book obviously not paying any attention to your story. You rolled your eyes “he’s not an imagination ok? He’s real and I didn’t have an imaginary friend when I was a kid, I used to play with you all the time”
“And mom and dad watching us happily as we argue over a toy” every word your voice fades, you started to shrink on your seat. Biting your lower lip, tears making your vision blurry.
“But then you started to cry so I gave you a flower as an apology” he added, Johnny sighs. “We still have each other Y/N”
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The next following days you’ve been hanging out with jungwoo at the forest, walking around getting to know each other Until sundown. But he didn’t showed up this time so you decided to head home after waiting for him for almost an hour.
When you enter the house you are greeted by a very foul smell, it was coming from the kitchen. You followed it and saw a dead white rabbit on the floor, it’s stomach was ripped open,intestines falling out, it’s smell was all over the room. You covered your nose and felt your stomach flip. You tried cleaning it up but the foul smell was making your head spin, your body was swaying while you carried the carcass of the rabbit and threw it in the trash can. You had planned to clean up the blood it left on the floor but when you came back to the kitchen it was gone.
You flopped down the couch, staring at the ceiling as you think about what the fuck just happened. “Meow” a black cat suddenly jumps to your lap, you flinch at the sudden action but calmed down after a sec, stroking it’s head gently “now where did you come from?” the cat somehow has the same scent as jungwoo’s.
You found out that the cat was a male when you raised its tail, “ima call you Zeus” you said, he replied with a meow making you giggle. You were interrupted by a few loud knocks from the front door, you tried to shoo Zeus away but it ignored you and started napping on your lap. So you just took him with you.
“Hey!” It was Diana and Eden, the siblings who was so plastic towards you when you were kids, what do they want with you? they never visited and greeted you so happily before. “Yes?” you raised a brow at them.
“We were just wondering if you wanna go shopping with us, you know just like the good old days” Diana said. You scoffed, Good old days my ass. But something was wrong, they don’t seemed like themselves, even the way they dressed was different.
“No thanks I have other things to do”you smiled shutting the door but Eden slipped her foot in to stop it from closing. “Come on just this once!!”
“I said no.” You reluctantly told them and forced the door shut not caring if Eden’s foot was still in, you heard her yelp in pain. Rolling your eyes in annoyance and headed to the kitchen and made some milk. You notice that Zeus was gone after you left the kitchen, you just shrugged and sat on the couch. Drinking milk while zoning out.
“Oh Zeus, there you are” you smiled and gestured him to sit on your lap. You accidentally spit out the milk you were drinking when all of a sudden Zeus morphed into a person. “Wha- what the fuck Jungwoo?! How how?” Zeus, a cat turning into Jungwoo? What kind of sorcery is this.
You realized he was only wearing pants, your eyes landed on his abs but you quickly turned away and covered your eyes. You got up and went to Johnny’s room to get any shirt for Jungwoo, you went back to the living room and threw the shirt at him while still covering your eyes with you’re free hand. “You can look at me now” You slowly put your hand down and looked at him, just by looking at his eyes you felt your cheeks getting hot. it didn’t took long enough for his wings to pop out again, ripping the back of the shirt.
“U-Uhm, care to expla-“ you were cut off when he suddenly pulls you to a hug, he was warm and he smelled like rose. You didn’t hug him back, you just stood there as he buries his face to your neck. Few seconds had passed and he finally lets you go, “I’m so glad you didn’t agreed to come with them, they almost got you” he said and lightly ruffles your hair, however you on the other side, isn’t much happy at all. Jungwoo is confusing the hell out of you, thinking about it is making your head ache.
“Who? Diana and Eden? I don’t want to come with them, they’re annoying” you said.
“No that’s not it—“ jungwoo looks around as if he’s checking if someone’s watching you guys before he continues, “let’s go to your room” he grabs your hand and drags you towards your room, when you both get there he immediately closes the curtains and shut the door. “Now explain?”
He took a deep breath before answering, “my kind, Junos, can shape shift into everything as long as we’ve seen them, but it doesn’t last long. That Diana and Eden earlier isn’t really them, the real Diana and Eden are dead they’ve been eaten by Juno’s. They came here to invite you to go shopping with them, but that’s not really it, once you’ve let your guard down they will take you to any place where there aren’t too many people and that’s where the horror begins. Sure we look lovely with these so called butterfly wings but it’s a just a facade”
“W-what?” You remembered that night where you found your parents dead bodies laying at your garden, what if it’s really Juno’s who killed them and not wild animals? You quickly distance yourself from him, so what if you’re friends? So what if you almost know everything about each other? Anytime he can bite your neck and eat your flesh, you step back until you could feel the wall against your back.
“I refused to eat human flesh a long time ago, but still I’m a Juno so I totally understand if you’re scared and don’t trust me anymore. But Y/N there’s something more big you need to know” Jungwoo explained, he slowly walks towards you trying to assure you that he has no intentions of hurting you.
Next thing you know he was right infront you, he puts his index finger under your chin and lifted your face up, your heart beats faster and faster as his face gets closer and closer to yours. You stopped breathing and your body freezes when your lips met, jungwoo’s kisses were gentle and sweet, his lips is plump and soft but you felt dizzy and started to smell this fragrant smell. And this time you literally stopped breathing and collapsed on the floor.
You slowly opened your eyes as you regained your consciousness, you were greeted by the blue Sky and the faint sunlight behind the clouds. You rubbed your eyes and sat up, you looked around. You realizing you were at an empty field. “For a starter you regained consciousness fast” you turned around and saw jungwoo standing behind you with a smirk on his face.
You stood and hit him one after another, “You! Stealing my first kiss and now you took me to a place where there weren’t too many people, you’re really a Juno! you really planned to eat me! You little shit!” You said, hitting him nonstop while he shields his head using his hands. “Aw! Stop! Stop it! Ah!”
When you got tired of hitting him he grabs both of your wrist so you won’t hit him again.
“Just listen to me okay? Our soul is separated from our body, back home our bodies are laying on the floor, we have a very little time and I’m not good doing this kind of stuff so things might go wrong. So Just aside your anger for a bit you can hit me again once we get back”
you rolled your eyes “okay fine”
He lets go of your wrist, he turns around and points his finger into something. You followed where it’s pointing at, it was a huge black barrier completely covering what’s inside “what’s that?” you ask.
“A barrier, what’s in it is a town, the town where you live”
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Johnny is patrolling around the market with his companions checking if everything’s fine until... Linceo, one of his colleagues. Out of nowhere run towards him, he rest his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “Captain... there’s something you need to see, come with me please” Johnny nodded, he looks back at his companions and gestured them to follow Linceo.
Soon they arrived at the place pointed out by Linceo, a lot of people were gathering at something, they weren’t even close at the scene but Johnny could already hear the whispers of the citizens. As Johnny approaches the scene with his companions they met many people with traces of fear on their faces, the others seemed to be vomiting.
“It’s Diana and Eden, someone was taking a morning stroll around the town and found their bodies this morning, it looks like it’s a wild animal attack again” Linceo explained.
Johnny examined the bodies, the poor ladies stomachs was ripped, their intestines were missing and the odor smells so bad he felt sick. “I doesn’t look like it’s a wild animal attack, we also receive a lot of missing persons and dead pets reports for almost half a month now” he said and covered his nose. “We should held a curfew if this doesn’t stop” Johnny added.
“You’ll take care of this first, I need to go back home and check if my sister is fine, don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it” Johnny orders linceo, he just nodded in response.
Johnny pats linceo’s shoulder and after that he left, he stopped by at the market first to buy cooked dish for dinner. Since there weren’t much lamp post at the street he was taking, Johnny couldn’t see anything clearly. But in the distance, he saw a girl. She was crying and keep looking around as if she was kind of lost. She also doesn’t look like a citizen either.
“We have a visitor? But the town wasn’t even on the map” Johnny whispered to himself, he decided to approach her. He lightly pat her on the shoulder but the next thing he knew, she screamed and sprayed something on his eyes.
It stings so much all he wants right now is to remove his eyes and wipe them with the clothes he’s wearing right now. “Sorry, sorry, I’m really sorry! I thought you were some creep, but uhh... you kinda don’t look like one”
“That’s because I’m not, Argh! What is that? what the hell did you put in my eyes?” Johnny said while rubbing his eyes out. “Oh this? It’s pepper spray for perverts” the girl said and showed him a pink bottle.
“Anyways erm I’m lost right now, I was camping with my schoolmates I Don’t know what happened actually it’s just that they suddenly disappeared, and my phone couldn’t get any signal and it’s about to die, do you have a charger with you? for iPhone?” She said.
Phone? Charger? Signal? What is this girl talking about? Whatever it is I don’t have that Johnny thought. “No but I can help you look for your schoolmates”
“Oh thank god”
“But we have to do it tomorrow morning it’s not safe for us to lure around at night, what about you stay at my place? I have a sister you might get along for a while” he said, the girl nodded and followed him. “I’m Johnny by the way, I’m the captain of this town i make sure everything is alright here, you?” Johnny introduces himself.
“I’m kiezel, college student” they talked about everything else on the way home, exchanging information about each other. When they got home, Johnny frowned and went on alert mode when he saw there was no light inside the house and almost all the curtains are closed. Even the front door isn’t locked. “You stay here I’ll check my sister upstairs” he told kiezel.
“Okay” kiezel replied.
Johnny puts the food down at the counter table and went upstairs as he calls your name, it was dark and the moonlight was the only thing that illuminates the house. As soon as he saw your body laying on the floor he quickly dashed towards you and gently placed your head on his lap, completely unaware of jungwoo laying on the floor too on the other side of the room, johnny got even more worried when he realized your nose was bleeding.
He lightly pats your face and calls your name.
“Hey Y/N!!!”
You flinched, Johnny’s voice snaps you back to reality. “Y-yes?”
“I’ve been calling you for like 8 times now, go get me a beer!” He commanded, not taking his eyes of the tv, you nodded and said sorry to him but all he replied was “stupid bitch”
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Short explanation for You guys:
You were depressed, you felt like shit after your parents died from car crash and everything goes downhill. You stopped going to school to work for 5 part time jobs, you’re the only one who pays the bills and everything. You’re life sucks so much that you created a whole new world inside your head. Sure it wasn’t perfect but you like it the way you made it,
He was a chief at a police department in reality but he retired after your parents died, linceo was his close friend and also assistant who died from a shoot out. He was so stressed out that he became alcoholic, everyday, he would watch tv and drink beer only leaving the couch when it’s time to eat. He pretty much only showers after 5 days and mostly sleeps a lot while you work your body out on your part time jobs.
You were the one who made the first move in reality, he didn’t like you, he thinks you’re so clingy and annoying. You’re the one only who made an effort to your relationship. In your world, he’s the one who wanted you first and did everything to prove that he is trustworthy.
She’s Johnny’s first love, the same thing also happened in reality, she accidentally peppered sprayed him on their first date because she thought he was some creep, Y/N sees Kiezel as her big sister, they relate to so much things, and helps each other. When Johnny became alcoholic she tried to help him but ended up getting hurt emotionally and decided to break up with him.
The Junos represents depression that’s why the victims intestines were missing, depression eats our emotions inside until we became miserable and empty, crying every night because we can’t feel anything. Basically Y/N’s depression, but the white rabbit intestines weren’t missing it was only hanging out why? I don’t know too
The barrier:
Y/N created the idea of the Barrier so that no problem could ever interfere in their life in her world, it was keeping everything to its place. Trapping the happiness inside.
Diana and Eden:
Y/N’s trust issues
Note:Feel free to message me anytime, ask me anything let’s communicate y’all^_^ and also sorry if I kind of made you disappointed you with the plot twist._.v
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stripper-patrick · 5 years
Always be my baby💛 Erik Killmonger
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Lil Mama 🍷
Oh shit♋️
Here for you📴
Always be my baby💛
Warnings: language, fluff
Relationship: Erik Killmonger x black plus sized reader
We’re sitting down and I take a sip of my water when Erik looks at me. “What?”
“Can’t I look at you?” I blush and shake my head
“Quit it”
“I’m looking at my beautiful wife carrying my beautiful daughter”
“Wife? I don’t see a ring on my finger”
“Trust me baby girl I’m gon marry you”
“Ok I’ll hold you for that”
“What can I get you guys today?”
“Can I get the spicy chicken cashew?”
“Of course and for you sir”
“The same” the waiter nods and takes our menus leaving us alone again.
“This is nice almost like our last dinner before the baby comes”
“So what are we gonna name her?”
“I was thinking Zari’Elle”
“That’s beautiful and her middle and last?”
“Well obviously she’ll have your last name and I mean your government name”
“Ok for her middle name I like Naiya”
“She’ll be next in line for the throne”
“Will she? I think baby girl will do great” After a little while our food comes and I take a bite. It’s so good. I lean back and smile placing my hand on my stomach.
“Damn is it that good?” I nod taking another bite. “Lemme get a bite”
“I can’t have shit”
“You got me” he smiles. I stab a piece of chicken and he takes it off the fork.
“Gotdamn thats spicy” E coughs. He takes a sip of his water and I laugh.
“It has a little kick” I shrug eating more
“Ready?” I nod and he helps me out the booth. We get in the car and he begins the drive back to the house. “Do we have everything for Zari?” I nod
“Yup birth plan, nursery, car seat everything is set”
“Good” I sit on the couch and Erik sits next to me. He turns on the tv and I lay my head on his shoulder.
“I’m tired”
“Go to sleep then I’ll wake you up when we should leave” I nod closing my eyes and fall asleep.
I wake up to Erik’s phone ringing and he lifts his head off of mine grabbing it. I lift my head and use Erik’s leg as leverage to get up.
“Yea. Yea we’re on the way got caught in traffic. Ok cool” he hangs up “Can you help me with my shoes please” he nods bending down and grabbing my sandals.
“Baby your feet are swollen” he says
“I don’t even know what they look like anymore” I feel myself getting emotional and a tear falls. Erik stands up “Why are you crying babe”
“I miss my feet” He wipes my tears kissing my cheek
“They’ll be back now come on let’s go get more food” I feel a weird pain in my lower abdomen and it immediately goes away. Maybe Zari pushed on something. Or the spicy food.
We get to the cookout and we greet everyone eventually seeing Cody on the grill. Erik daps him up and Cody kisses my cheek. He rubs my stomach. “Baby girl still hanging in there?” He asks flipping the burgers
“Yea” His hand stays on my belly as he feels Zari starts to kick. I look at Erik who has his eyes trained on Cody.
“She’s a soccer player” before I can say anything Erik nods and groans. There he go again.
“Well there’s food in the kitchen help yourselves and enjoy” we nod. Erik holds my hand up the steps and opens the door to the house for me. We see more people and introduce ourselves. I grab a plate filling it with food. “Is that my plate?” He smiles
“Hell nah this is Zari’s plate”
“She not gon eat all of that”
“Yea ok” I laugh. He makes his plate and we sit down.
“Why you gotta be so jealous don’t nobody got my attention except for you”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he stabs into his macaroni and cheese taking a bite. “Lemme get some” he sucks his teeth and lets me get a bite. Another pain hits me and I gasp.
“Nothing I think she keeps hitting something” I rub my back where the pain keeps hitting and his hands replace mine soothing the pain.
“Do you wanna go home?”
“No we just got here I’m fine” I continue eating and I notice some ladies gawking at us. Mainly Erik. I look at him and back at them and they glare at me. “I have no problem whoppin y’all asses while I’m pregnant with HIS child so I suggest you stop staring” they turn away and get up and leave.
“You so damn protective”
“Yea whatever” he stands up and grabs my plate throwing it away before leaning down on the armrests kissing my lips. I feel another pain but I try to ignore it. I groan letting go of his lips and dropping my head. “What do the pain feel like?”
“Like cramps” I take a deep breath feeling the pain subside. “Do you think they’re those fake contractions” Erik is very concerned he hates seeing me in pain.
“Probably” I nod. He helps me up and we go outside where people are playing flag football. Cody is on the yellow team and some other people are on the green team. Erik finds 2 seats and I sit down. He sits next to me and places his hand on my belly rubbing it. We watch the game and all through it that feeling just kept coming back. I hold Erik’s hand as he cheers Cody on. I stand up and go inside going to the bathroom.
The pain is damn near unbearable at this point but I know Erik will freak the fuck out. I walk downstairs and take a deep breath. I walk back outside and sit down but Erik is nowhere to be found. I see him dribbling the soccer ball. He’s pretty good. He dribbles it to the goal shooting into the goal and making it. I clap but that comes short when I feel the cramp again. I try to move around so it’ll go away but it only gets worse.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck” I curse under my breath. I bite my lip and close my eyes for a bit “Zari chill”
“You ok?” Cody’s wife Demetria asks. She’s has kids. 4 which is way too many for my comfort.
“Demi how do you know if you’re in labor?” Her eyes go wide
“Well they feel like cramps but times 1000”
“Ok anything else?” I ask
“Your water usually breaks at least mine did here let’s get you some water” I stand back up and go in the house with her. I lean on the counter and she gets me a glass of water.
“Thank you” I gulp half the glass before setting it down
“Are you in labor?”
“I don’t know my water hasn’t broken but I feel those cramps and sharp pains in my back”
“Do you want me to get Erik?”
“No ima thug it out I’m fine” I take another sip
“You know he gon be mad girl”
“He’ll be more anxious than ever and I don’t wanna hype up something that’s not true”
“Let me know if you need anything” i nod and she leaves. I take another deep breath before returning outside. Erik comes up to me a little sweaty.
“Them niggas was light work baby- you ok?”
“Promise me you won’t freak out”
“Baby what’s wrong”
“I think I’m in labor” his eyes go wide “Oh shit”
“Chill E please” another huge pain hits me so hard that I double over in pain groaning. “Son of a bitch” I curse
“We gotta go” Cody comes over
“Is she ok?” Erik smiles “I think ima meet my daughter today” Erik smiles.
He helps me walk to the car and Cody and Demetria are right at my side as well. I get to the front lawn and walk across the grass. I stop feeling a gush of water soak my legs. “I’m scared” tears fall and I scrunch up Erik’s shirt.
“What is it that I always tell her?” I stop and think for a second “That you won’t let anything happen to her”
“Same rules apply” Cody opens the door for me and I get in writhing in pain. Erik jogs around and gets in starting the engine. He drives like a bat out of hell. During the drives the contractions become unbearable.
“How long E” I groan “A short 20 minutes baby” I lift my dress and put my feet on the dashboard “do you need to push?” I nod grabbing his hand. He rubs small circles in mine and I bring my chin to my chest pushing. I grab the overhead holder thing stopping.
“Ow oh my god” tears stream down my face “Come on Baby you got it keep pushing” I push again finally feeling her head.
“Wait wait I don’t feel right somethings not right” Erik speeds up trying to get me to the hospital “Erik I don’t wanna push”
“Baby you’re doing fine everything’s gonna be ok” another contraction hits hard and I scream. I push against my will and more tears drench my face. Her head is out and my baby is blue. “Erik she’s” I sniffle “she’s blue what do we do” “What?” I can see the pain flash across his face “babe just keep pushing she’s ok” he takes off his hoodie setting it on my chest. I push one more time letting out a blood curdling scream and I catch the baby. I wrap her in his hoodie and try to warm her up. She’s not crying, she’s limp.
“Erik she’s not breathing” I cry
“Keep rubbing her back smack her butt do something” I rub her back but to no avail she’s still blue. I smack her butt, again no cries. I look down and notice all the blood that’s still pouring out. “Erik take the baby” I put her in his arms and he looks among me the baby and the road. I see the hospital in sight and lay my head back closing my eyes.
Erik’s POV
I’ve been pacing around wrapped in my own thoughts for an hour. I’ve called her parents and Adria.
“Erik” I turn and see Adria and she hugs me.
“Where is she what happened” her mother asks
“She lost a lot of blood the b-baby wasn’t breathing and she was blue and I don’t know” I panic. They sit down in shock and I continue pacing. I go up to the counter to the receptionist.
“Y/N Y/L/N any update on her”
“No sir we don’t have anything”
“Go find out” I yell. The woman jumps
“Sir go sit down before I call security” “Erik” I turn around to see the doctor with Adria.
“Where is she? How is she? Where’s Zari?” My brain is all over the place. I’ll kill someone if I find out something’s wrong.
“Calm down look both mom and baby are fine. You can see Y/N she’s resting everything went well and Zari were still working with her we don’t know if she’ll-“
I grab him by the collar bringing him closer to me “if you tell me my daughter won’t make it neither will you. You better make sure my baby girl lives” I let him and he gulps “what’s Y/N’s room number”
“698” I nod and go up to her room with Adria and her mother hot on my heels. I get to the room and approach it slowly. I pray silently real quick before walking in and seeing Y/N up an watching tv. I let go of the breath I was holding and run to her side holding her.
“Hi baby” she says “I’m so sorry I didn’t wanna leave you” I sniffle.
“E” “I should’ve never left you I should’ve stayed and taken you here as soon as you started contracting”
“Erik look at me” she places her hand under my chin “I’m fine” The doctor walks in with a clipboard. “We’re still working on Zari’s breathing but she’s getting there”
“Come here doc” he walks closer and she grabs him by the collar. This man is just being whored today.
“If you don’t do all you can and more to save my baby girl I’ll make sure you pay” he gulps looking her directly in her eyes. That’s my baby. Y/N lets him go and smiles. The doctor leaves and Y/N lays back and I kiss her. “I can’t lose you again” She smiles and scoots over allowing me to lay next to her. “You got all this booty so you might be hanging off the bed”
“Don’t play with me” I laugh
Your POV
I wake up to the room door being opened. Erik is asleep in the chair next to my moms and the nurse wheels in Zari. She’s so tiny and perfect.
The nurse smiles at me “she’s all yours and her eyes are grey but they’ll change over time” she picks up the baby and hands her to me. Tears blur my vision but I blink causing them to fall. Her eyes are open and they’re this pretty charcoal color. “Erik” I whisper. He turns his head and I call his name again watching him open his eyes.
“Hmm” he groans
“Come here” he stands up and stretches cracking his back “What you need something?”
“Turn on the small light” he twists the little lamp and adjusts his eyes to the light. He looks down and his eyes go wide. I hold her up and he shakes his head “she’s little”
“Hold her” he takes the baby and she’s not even as long as his forearm. The cradles her head with his hand and holds her butt so she’s upright. I watch tears fall from his eyes. I’ve never seen Erik cry so much at all. “Hi beautiful. Hi Zari’Elle” he just holds her and I wipe my tears. “I’m so glad my girls are ok”
Erik is laying next to me holding Zari’Elle after I just fed her. I’m eating and he taps my thigh.
“Aye so you remember how I said I was gonna marry you”
“Yea literally yesterday” I don’t even face him this food is so damn good. “Y/N”
“What do you want little bo- oh my god” I turn around to see a ring in a matte black box.
“Don’t scream but since that punk ass nigga only did cause you were pregnant I figured I’d do it right so Y/N Y/L/N will you-“ I cut him off with a kiss. “Yes” I peck his lips and hug him. I put the ring on and kiss him again.
“Now that we sealed it we gotta make at least 3 more babies” he smiles. My fave goes blank “You touch me and you die”
“We’ll see”
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tivaholic4 · 4 years
NCIS High School: Chapter Eight:
The next day, Tony pulled into Ziva’s driveway. Intent on driving her to school instead of her having to ride the bus or walk. He pulled up, put the car in park and got out. As he made his way to her door he remembered last night and they’re conversation. How beautiful she looked in the moonlight. He hadn’t slept the night before as she filled his mind. Something that had been consistent in the last few days. He walked up to her door and paused for a few seconds. Nervous that she would decline his offer or that she would think it was weird.
As soon as he was about to knock, the door swung open revealing Ziva on the other side. His hand was still in the knocking position as he looked at her. Today she was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a cargo jacket and a black shirt. He assumed this would be something that she normally wore in Israel. She still looked beautiful, no matter what she wore. It was about 2 minutes of him looking at her, with his hand still in the air, that he realized that he was staring. She laughed at his facial expression and his frozen posture. His face flushed red and brought his hand down to rest in his pocket. She let out a chuckle and looked at him with her head cocked to the side.
“I..uh...I was wondering... if you wanted a...ride to...school.” He cursed at himself in his head for how much of an idiot he was. He definitely sounded like one, especially around her. He heard Rivka from what he assumed was the kitchen and then a pot hitting the floor, producing a loud bang noise. Ziva turned quickly and rushed to see if her mother was alright, with Tony right behind her. Even though he didn’t know if he was allowed into her house, he wanted to see if Rivka was okay too. His mother had told him that he had a hero’s complex. That he always wanted to help people.
When they made their way to the kitchen they saw Rivka standing with her hand on her forehead. Ziva moved to her, searching for any possible injuries. She spoke in Hebrew to her mother in company as she wanted to make sure everything was good before switching to English.
“(Ima, are you alright?)” Rivka nodded. Rivka switched to English when she saw Tony standing in the doorway.
“Yes, I am alright. Just dropped the pan.” She turned to Tony and a smile made its way on her face.
“Hello, Tony. Sorry for the mess, we are still getting things put away.” She was referring to the boxes still scattered around the house.
“It’s all good. You should see my house.” He let out a chuckle. His mom and dad normally kept the house clean, but recently everybody had been busy either at work, school or other activities to really clean. Contrary to popular belief, he didn’t have a messy room. His mother had always made him keep his room straight. It kind of stuck with him throughout the years. Everybody assumed that since he was a jock there was going to be clothes and things everywhere. But that was just their assumption. Something he laughed at in his head.
At his comment, Rivka smiled and picked up the pan from the ground. Ziva gave him a slight smile and looked down shyly. When Rivka looked back up, she glanced at the clock on the microwave and her eyes went wide.
“You two need to get to school. It’s almost 8:00. Go before you get late.” She practically swatted them out of the house with one of the rags from the kitchen. They made their way out and Ziva started to head towards the sidewalk. Tony stopped in his tracks. Yes, he had a great view of her backside, something that was very much appreciated, but he couldn’t let her walk herself to school when he could drive her. When they were close to being late.
“Hey. I can give you a ride. We’ll get there faster.” Ziva turned around, contemplating her options and figured why the hell not, and made her way to the passenger side of his car. Tony turned the key and the car roared to life. They pulled out of her driveway and pulled up to the school in less than three minutes. They both bolted from the seats, closed the door to the car, and practically ran to their first-period class. Thankfully, they made it with a minute to spare and took their seats. Ziva sat in the seat right next to Tony today, something she quit doing after gym yesterday. Barnes was taking attendance and when he got to Ziva’s name, he mispronounced it. Tony looked up and looked at the man.
“It’s pronounced Dahveed.” He stretched out the name, giving no room for error so the teacher wouldn’t make the mistake again. Ziva turned to look at him as he spoke. She was surprised that he sounded somewhat offended. It was her name, why was he getting bent out of square for it? The teacher nodded at the enthusiastic correction from the student that normally fell asleep in his class, and took in the information as if it was important. He continued down the list and once he was completed, he started their lesson for the day. Several people in the class were looking in their direction. Some glaring, others laughing. The new gossip around the school was that Tony Gibbs had changed. Changed for the new girl. Now they were seeing that it was true. Nobody thought that that would ever change. Some praised him for it, while others started to hate him for it. Not that he cared anyway.
The lesson was actually surprisingly easy for Tony, as he actually made attention to the work. Halfway through the class, Barnes called out that they could complete the rest of the work on their own or they could work with a partner. Ziva was surprised when Tony turned to her and asked if she would be his partner. She gave a slight smile and nodded. They got their work done within 20 minutes, with 15 minutes of class left. They smiled at each other as they looked at each other. Tony couldn’t help but smile. Would it be too early to ask her on a date? Probably as they had been fighting the day before about him being a skirt chaser. He would wait it out. Get to know her better. Let her get to know him better as well. He could ask her to come to their game tomorrow. That wasn’t weird, was it? He didn’t think so. He zoned back in to see Jeanne in the corner whispering to EJ and Zoe and glaring at Ziva. When Jeanne saw that he was looking in that direction, she sat straighter and batted her eyelashes, as if he would drop to his knees for her. No, he wouldn’t. He knew what a real woman was like and she was sitting right next to him. He completely ignored Jeanne’s attempt to get his attention. He looked back at Ziva and smiled at her face. Her nose was scrunched up as she looked at her phone. He noticed it was one of the newer ones that were just released. He knew because he had the same one. And Tim wouldn’t shut up about it.
“You having trouble?” He asked looking at the phone. She looked back up at him with a slight blush on her face.
“Yes. I have never had a phone before. So this is new to me.” Tony looked at her like she was crazy. No phone. A teenager. A teenager with no phone until now. Tony saw this look and gave him a slightly bigger smile.
“My father said that it would interfere with training and language skills. He said it would cause me to be unfocused.” Tony could understand that enough. Apparently Ziva’s dad was a real hardass. Where was he anyway? He had noticed her mother but that was it, did her parents not live together? Was her father still in Israel? Again it was like Ziva could read his mind.
“My father died about 6 months ago. Along with my older brother Ari. It was one of the things that was easier about moving here.” Tony looked at her with sympathy in his eyes. Something Ziva normally didn’t like to see. But with Tony, it made her heart flutter. Not a lot of people have shown genuine care to her in her life. Her mother always had along with her siblings, never her father. It was all about how emotions were a weakness and to never cry as it was a sign that you were the weakest link. Something she never wanted to be.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I couldn’t imagine how hard that would be for you and your mother.” Ziva nodded.
“They were never around because of work. The last needle was when my sister, Tali was killed almost two weeks ago. We wanted to get away from the violence of our country. Get away from the death.” Tony reached over and placed his hand over hers. Squeezing it gently. Giving her a little bit of comfort. Now wasn’t the right time to correct her English. He didn’t know if now was the right time to have this conversation. At the end of math class and sitting at desks. But he let her talk. Something he found himself enjoying. Her voice was soothing. Calming. Something that he could get used to hearing every day. By the time she stopped talking they had moved closer together and were now only about three feet apart. When Tony noticed this, he blushed slightly. No girl had ever made him blush. Had never made him feel butterflies in his stomach. But this was Ziva, he learned in the past few days that she was different, in a good way. He decided he wouldn’t fight the pull that she had on him. Ziva was looking at him in almost the same way. Looking deep into his beautiful green eyes. She was lost in him. Just as he was lost in her.
The bell was what caused them to look away from each other. They both let out a small smile and gathered their things, putting them into their backpacks. They made their way to the door of the classroom, shoulder to shoulder. His shoulder was tingling from hers bumping against his. Little did he know, she felt the same tingle. He didn’t want to walk away from her. He just wanted to stay close and be in their little bubble that nobody else was allowed into. But unfortunately, they had separate classes for this period.
“Do you remember where to go for your next class or do you need me to show you again?” He didn’t want her to get lost, just like he didn’t want her to get lost yesterday. He wouldn’t admit it, but he was jealous when he saw Tim showing Ziva to her last class. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. He would never hurt her again.
Ziva knew the way to her next class but she wanted to stay near to Tony. So, she shook her head no, that she needed help finding it again. Something she learned from her father was a photographic memory and a good sense of direction. It had stuck with her since she was around six years old. He nodded his head and smiled, unaware that she was lying about her ability to find her class. They walked again, shoulder to shoulder in the hallway to her Chemistry class, and gained some odd looks from others in the hallway. The walked to her next classroom and he dropped her off and told her he would come after class so they could walk to lunch together. Ziva saw him walk down to the other end of the hallway and then walked into her chemistry class.
Unfortunately, this was the class she shared with the four girls who clearly didn’t like her. She could see them in the back of the class in the corner, whispering to each other and laughing. She took the same seat from yesterday and pulled out her notebook. Chemistry was the type of class that felt like there were endless notes to be written down and remembered. She tuned into the teacher intently and watched as she wrote down things on the whiteboard and thoroughly explained what was being drawn. She liked this teacher. She seemed very kind and seemed like she really cared about the education of her students. About halfway through the class, Ziva felt a buzz in her pocket. She pulled out her new phone and placed it to where the teacher couldn’t see it and saw that it was a text. She didn’t recognize the number. She opened the message and smiled at what she saw.
202-078-1971: Hey, this is Tony. Hope it’s okay I gave you my number. I may have snuck it in when you were having trouble with it.
Ziva (202-112-1982): That is fine, Tony. No trouble at all.
202-078-1971: Oh crap! I gotta go Jacobs saw I had my phone out. Have fun in Chemistry! Lol
Ziva (202-112-1982): See you after class. :)
She didn’t get a reply back which either meant his phone got taken by the teacher or he put it away before he could take it. She noticed that she was still in the clear with her teacher and quickly saved Tony’s number into her phone before putting it back into her pocket. She then tuned back in to see Mrs. Williams handing out a worksheet which she assumed would be today's homework. She had always enjoyed homework. Not because of the work, but because of the distraction it provided from her father. It would be a getaway from her father’s activities. She politely took the piece of paper and saw that it was front and back. Now that she was in America with more freedom, she couldn’t see a reason to enjoy homework. Maybe if it involved Tony. She smiled at that thought. Maybe they could do their homework together. Gosh! Why was she being such a girl? She had never been like this before. She had always put boys last, especially the popular ones. They were always so arrogant and needy where she came from. That seemed to be similar to America. Tony, however, seemed different after he explained himself to her.
The bell rang and her pocket buzzed again. That was...fast.
Tony: I’m in the hallway against the locker. Abby is wondering if you’ll be joining us for lunch. I told her that was up to you.
Ziva smiled at the text. It was sweet but at the same time, friendly. She walked out and saw Tony leaning against the locker just like he said. As she made her way over to him, she could sense someone behind her but shrugged it off seeing as it was a busy hallway. A shoulder collided with hers, shocking her and causing the books in her arm to fall onto the floor. She looked up to see Jeanne and her lackeys laughing as they looked at her and walked away. Tony saw what happened and rushed over to help her pick them up. They both stood up together and were face to face and closer than they expected to be. Tony looked down at her, as there was a significant height difference between them. She was looking up at him and she slightly blushed. Just like Tony, nobody had ever made her blush before. They heard the laughs around them from the fall, but they couldn’t hear them. They were in their world again. Their bubble. After about another minute they both broke eye contact and Ziva stuffed her books into her bag and they headed off to the cafeteria. They were walking closer if that was even possible. She liked being around him. Now that she could see the emotion, what she felt was the real Tony, she felt like she could trust him. She was already starting too.
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xserpentlife · 5 years
Open Your Eyes (Pt.3)
Requested: Anon Hello! Can I request a fangsxreader where she’s jughead sister and dating Fangs and instead of Fangs the reader is the one who gets shot and fangs is like super worried and thinking that reader could die? I love loveloveeee your blog so much thanks.
A/N: Final part. I am so in love with what this story turned out to be. It made me incredibly happy how well everything flowed. Thankyou to @wayward-river for being my main beta on this and helped me figure everything out.
Warnings: Blood, mentions of death. Gunshot, guns
Word Count: Little more than 2200
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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“Is she okay!”
“Sir are you family”
“We are all family” FP stood in front of the doctor then.
“Well good news, no great news. They are both going to be just fine the bullet missed many…”
“Wait… huh?” Did I hear what he said correctly? Did he say both? There is no way… well I mean there is, however… she would've told me. “Uhm doc you said both…?”
“Yes, both Miss Jones and the baby are doing great. Vitals are great and they are both very healthy”
“Oh my god”
“Are you alright sir” My face fell, I was gonna be a dad. How did I not know I was gonna be a dad.
“You knocked up my daughter!”
“Sir I need you to stop yelling or you will be escorted out of the hospital”
“Let’s take a walk dad”
“I’m gonna be a dad…”
“Oh your the father congratulations”
“Thank you… uhm are you sure everything is alright with the baby I don’t think Y/N knows yet”
“Well we checked on both her and the child as far as it looks like everything is great, I can give you a name of a few doctors she can choose from for further check ups if you would like”
“That would be great thank you”
“Well sir again congratulations and if you would like to go visit her she is in room 124. She should be awake by now I will be in soon to let you guys know everything. I would like her to stay the night for observation though” The doc left but I stood still.
“Fogarty you good”
“No how am I gonna do this Pea?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m gonna be a dad, Pea. I… I don’t even have a dad how the fuck am I gonna do this. How am I gonna fucking raise a child? I can’t raise a child!”
“Look at me. Your having a baby with Y/N the girl who you say is the life of your life. Fuck not having a dad in your own life. Your gonna be a great dad, you know why Fogarty? Your gonna be a great dad cause your gonna be better than your own and your already a step ahead cause you haven't left yet”
“What if…”
“No stop with the fuckin what if’s it ain't gonna be rainbows and unicorns… well maybe if you have a girl but you get my point. It may not be easy but you guys are gonna be fine. You have each other, fuck you have an entire family standing in this room right now that are gonna be there for both of you. I’m here for you and I’m here for her okay, you’re not alone in this”
“Thank you Pea”
“Oh shut up you know you don’t need to thank me. Now go get your girls Fogarty”
“Girls we don’t…”
“Oh that’s my guess you gonna have a mini Y/N running around”
“Save me now”
“Go you idiot” It was time to see my girl, and meet my baby for the first time. Well, not meet but see. No not see touch, I don’t...  first time to be in the presence of my baby. I had to tell her because she didn’t even know yet.
*Knocks* Y/N POV
“Come in”
“Hi baby, how you feeling”
“I’m okay now they gave me some more medicine for the pain”
“I thought I lost you…”
“Fangs!” You couldn’t hold the tears in.
“Hey, hey I’m right here no need to cry baby it’s okay, your okay now” You watched as he brought your hands to his lips and felt tears slipping out of his eyes.
“Well if I’m not allowed to cry you’re not allowed either”
“Hey I deserve to cry, my worst nightmare came true when I thought I was gonna lose you. Fuck I thought you were gone. Why would you do that!”
“What like I wanted to get shot”
“No but why did you push me out of the way, I should be in here not you not…”
“I’m sorry okay I barely had time to think after I saw the gun, but you know I don’t regret it for one second. The doc said that if I had been over even a tiny bit more it would have hit a major artery. So you know maybe me pushing you out of the way was the better thing because I couldn’t handle you dying Fangs. I need you now more than ever. I'm sorry I put our baby in danger though I didn’t know. I’m already risking her life how am I gonna fucking do this” You put your baby in danger. Yeah, you may not have had any idea that you were pregnant, but you could’ve killed her with that gunshot. You felt like you were gonna be a terrible mother. You had nothing to go off of. Your mother left you years ago when you and Jug were around 3 years old.
“Hey you are going to be a great mother Y/N”
“But I have nothing to go off of Fangs, fuck I never had a mom how will I…”
“I said the same things earlier”
“Hey! I love your mother”
“No, no about my dad baby”
“Fangs… your way better than him”
“I know that now. Pea kinda stopped me from freaking out but he said something important. He said You have each other, fuck you have an entire family standing in this room right now that are gonna be there for both of you. And he’s right we have an entire family backing us. Hell even if we didn’t there is no one I’d rather be having a baby with”
“Fangs we’re so young though how are we gonna do this!”
“I don’t know but we will figure it out”
“Fangs I get if you wanna leave this shouldn’t be your problem I should've been more careful”
“I’m not going anywhere. Plus it kinda is my fault… ya know. We made a baby together so that is kinda like 50% my fault”
“You're a dork”
“Oh I know, A dork that fucking loves you and this child till the end of time. I am so happy to be having a baby with you Y/N. I mean I am scared shitless but I am so fucking happy” He leaned in slowly placing his hand on your stomach as he brought his lips to your own.
“Fangs can you come lay with me… miss you”
“I’m right here baby. I don’t wanna hurt you”
“Please” You scooted over slightly and he took his boots off and laid his jacket over the chair before climbing into the bed. “Thank you”
“I’m just here to please my queen”
“Shut up”
“I love you”
“I love you too” You laid your head on his chest.
“I’ll be right here when you wake up, not gonna move okay”
“Okay” You slowly drifted to sleep. With him everything was calm. You could always sleep in his arms no matter the situation. He was warm, comfortable. He was home.
You slept for about a half-hour cuddled into the chest of Fangs. You slowly drifting into consciousness recognizing the sounds of your father and brother talking to Fangs, but you wanted to hear what they had to say so you pretended to be asleep.
“How is my baby?”
“She’s doing okay, she was in a little pain but they gave her more medicine for it. I think that’s why she fell asleep”
“It’s weird not having my sister up and yelling”
“She only yells cause she cares”
“I know”
“Look FP, Jug I am so sorry”
“No boy, stop. I’m sorry I never should have blamed you for her getting shot. It was her choice, hell I would’ve done it if it was her in your position too. Hell, we all would’ve done it so I get it. I understand her choice. I mean I’d rather her not have done it but still, I’m not upset with you, I’m not upset with her”
“Fangs, I’m sorry for turning in that tape to the sheriff. I just, I thought you had cheated and I was so mad. She’s just my sis you know and I got a step ahead of myself”
“It’s fine. You just wanted to protect her, I get it. I feel the same way. I would do anything to protect her. Hell I would’ve probably done the same thing”
“You really love her huh?”
“She’s my everything Jug. With her, nothing can go wrong. We could be sitting there doing nothing just being in her company makes me undeniably happy and now, now I have this little bean growing inside of her that’s half mine and somehow I love her even more if that is even possible”
“Fogarty… look boy I’m sorry I got over my head earlier when the doc told us. I was so shocked. Their mom and I were so young when we had them I didn’t want that life for her, but ya know you're a better man than I was and I know you're going to be there. I just wanna say sorry for getting pissed and sorry for yell…” He yelled at your man. The one thing you always tell him not to do since the first time he did it.
“I’m sorry dad you what!”
“Oh hi, baby glad your awake uhm…”
“Dad I swear to god if I could get up out of this bed quick enough I…”
“I know baby I already apologized, I’m sorry. We were all kinda shocked with the whole you getting shot and then the whole baby thing it was just a lot. I am glad you're okay I don’t know what I would’ve done” See the thing with your father was it was not often that he cried. But you saw the tears in his eyes.
“Dad… hey come here give me a hug, I’m okay”
“I know I just”
“No, we are not thinking about that. I am fine and that is all that matters. Your grandchild and I are fine we don’t need to think about the what if’s”
“Okay, hey ima head home do you need anything?”
“No, I’m okay dad thankyou”
“Bye sis”
“Bye Juggy” You watched as they closed the door. You instantly snuggled back into Fang’s chest.
“Wanna go home Fangs”
“Doc said you gotta stay till tomorrow morning baby, he wants to make sure everything is good with you two”
“Well, then you should go home and get some sleep babe, just pick me up tomorrow” He started laughing and you didn’t understand why. “Uhm…”
“Your funny Jones”
“What are you talking about?”
“Go home… are you insane? Oh, sweet girl, you ain’t getting out of my sight. I told you I would be here when you wake up. I’m not leaving”
“What if they kick you out”
“I’ll hide in the closet”
“You are insane”
“I know… now get some sleep baby and tomorrow we can go home okay, promise”
“I love you Fogarty” with a kiss to the top of your head you slowly drifted to sleep. You woke up the next morning to kissed on your forehead and a hand rubbing circle along your stomach.
“Hi baby”
“Hi sweet girl”
“I love seeing you open your eyes thought I would never…”
“I’m sorry”
“I know it was hard Fangs, I get what I did was hard for everyone, just wanna forget”
“Okay baby, hey the doc came in said you can go if your feeling alright. I had Pea grab us clothes so if you wanna get dressed we can head out”
“I’m fine not too much pain, I just wanna go home”
“Okay, can you let go so I can get up?”
“But you're so warm”
“Okay I know but… we can be warm in our own bed if you let me take you home”
“He stood up grabbing the duffel and placing it on the bed. You stood up Fangs helping you as you gabbed the clothes from him. You took your pants of but leaning down hurt a bit.
“Fangs…” “You okay?”
“This is embarrassing”
“What is?”
“Need help getting dressed, it hurts a bit. But nevermind I can do it”
“No, I’m right here, I wanna help. Baby that isn’t embarrassing” He began helping you step into the clothes. “Imagine in a few months you’ll be in the same boat won’t even be able to tie your own shoes”
“Oh no…” You looked down in embarrassment.
“Hey, hey but don’t worry I'll  be right here just like I am now”
“I know babe”
“Alright, you good to go?”
“Mhm,” He grabbed your arm helping you walk out of the room.
“Say goodbye to the hospital baby because we are not ever stepping foot back in here for you unless it’s for that little bean growing in your stomach got it” You were signing the paperwork to check out when Fangs turned to the nurse “You know the next time we are here she’s gonna be having our baby” You laughed at his antics. He could always make you laugh no matter what. He was so happy, you saw the light in his eyes when he talked about the little bean you were carrying. His little bean.
Taglist: @chipster-21
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spideyjlaw · 5 years
My Avengers Endgame World Premiere experience
this is really long, lota rambling feel free to read skim anything idc, no spoilers bc this was on Monday before I saw the movie :) 
Ok Ima start Saturday night, this is when I was packing making and painting my posters that said “Thank You Avengers”, I live in California so I didn’t have to fly to this event. At 12am we (my family) we arrive in Los Angeles around 5am. At this time I thought that the premiere was going to be at El Capitan Theatre where it was originally supposed to be. We drive by the theater and we see no one is in line which was weird bc normally there would be people here already so i search and find the location which was switched last min (smh) the drive to the next location wasnt too long but at least i knew i was at the right location bc of the small group of fans and the giant poster that said Avengers Endgame World Premiere. Apparently they changed the location bc they needed a larger screening room and they didnt want tons of fans showing up, there were these girls that were waiting at the El Capitan for 2 hours before they realized something was up. Anyway, we get in line. People who were in charge told the people who stayed over night to go home bc there wasnt going to be a fan area. No one left ofc who would hell no. Then some people went on twitter to talk about it made signs it was confusing but we ended up in a fan area after going through security. We got into the fan area at 12 ish and we had to stand there for another 4 and a half hours before anything exciting happens. Now its around 4pm people are starting to arrive. (THIS IS WHEN THE ACTION STARTS) Benedict Wong then Joe Russo. Not many came all the way down the line, I was the last one on the line before it wrapped around the corner. But I did want to get barricade and able to see action so Im grateful for my spot. Then Anthony Mackie arrives he’s walking to end of the fan area around the small corner but as hes walking right as he gets near me i scream at the top of my lungs, he stops right in front of me and i go “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!ANTHONYYYYY MACKiE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!” he looks at me biggest smile. We had a whole moment together its hard to explain its kinda like a ‘you had to be there moment’ i was the longest person probably a good 20 seconds (which is a long ass time in these times when they are in a rush) he was at and while im screaming and fangirling he air grabs my head to fucking sign my forehead i closed my eyes and accepted it he didnt do it ofc but he was just a fun guy i love him soooo much he signs my posters while saying “There’s no black guy on here” (i did an original 6 themed avengers poster) but he signed than signed my bosslogic poster which he was in. paul rudd comes by hes just a rocking dude i love scott lang sm, he was so sweets v cool guys sm love for him. Then at around 5pm Chris freaking Hemsworth arrives I loose my shit and so does everyone else. Just like Joe, Benedict Wong & Anthony he also went around the corner to make sure they got all of the fans (thank u to all who did this). Ive loved Hemsie for the longest time, i did get teary eyed but i didnt cry (yet) he was just the sweetest I was able to take a crappy photo with him bc i wasnt able to function properly as i took the pic my dumbass was like “iLOvEyoUsOmUCh” its oka cause he has the cutest smile and the bluest eyes oh and i cant stress enough he smelled so good sooooo good normally i hate when guys coat themselves in cologne cause it smells bad, but his didnt, his smelled so good i was so shook like chris drop what cologne u used idc its for guys mama neeeddds. THEN IT hAPPENEd CHRISTOPHER ROBERT EVANS DRIVES BY. Everyone was like “omg is that chris evans?!”  I stand on the barricade to see if i can catch a peak, istg the moment the fucking moment he gets out the car i start to bawl my eyes out. This man who has meant more to me than anyone is over there i couldnt believe i was seeing my favorite human ever. I’ve only sobbed right as i saw my fave once before back in 2016 at the Passengers premiere when I met Jennifer Lawrence. People dont really understand the moment like this person has inspired me so much of course im going to cry and sure judge me for it but they helped me through so much. Anyway he looked soo hot in his blue suit and sunglasses. I kinda calm down bc i didnt know if he was going to come all the way down the line and yk my ass wanted a pic but he was cut half way though the people which was upsetting but again im extremely grateful to be able to see him. Then my main fucking man. Sebastian Stan arrives. see ive met the guy before last year at ace comic con (there was tea w my photo op being really messy and i hated it i got a refund u can read about that on my ace comic con post). anyway i see him. i dont cry im trying to wipe my tears i was more prepared cause ive seen him before it was gonna be ok. I lose my shit the man was wearing a baby blue pastel colored suit. fucking beautiful. iconic. very hot of you mr seb ty. hes walking down and hes getting close. he wasnt to smiley, he was taking pics but he was focused on the fans signing for as many fans as possible. He gets to me and he sees our pics then he looks u so we could take a pic and his smile just transforms you can just see his face just glow up it was the truly the cutest this ive ever experience. then we look up from the pic and hes smiling at me i tell him “I love you so much” i hear him chuckle but as he says something his security guy yells “thank you that enough” so ill be posting the vid of us and any lip readers can help a girl out ill love you forever. I ended up being Sebs last person from the fan area. he truly made my day, week fucking year. then other celebs such as jon favreau, benedict cumberbatch comes by. Jeremy Renner comes by. I shoot my shot and make small talk w Jeremy. I go “Hi Jermey how’s your day going?” he goes “I’m doing really good, how bout you?” he signs my things i excitingly tell him “I’m doing great thank you” then he goes “Thank you honey” and smiles at me. It made me really happy, i could tell he was a bit tired but Jeremy is such a sweetheart he doesnt get the credit he deserves i love him sm, ive always has a little part of my heart for Hawkeye. minutes go by. I see Lizzie Olsen, Danai Gurira, beautiful ofc. then i see fucking Mark Ruffalo hes just standing behind one of the SUVs and the sun is on him. He looked like a confused puppy it was so cute and soft, i love my ruffalo buffalo. I took my moment to scream “iS THat MARK ruFFALO?” i dont think he signed for many fans. Scarjo arrives she doesnt sign for many either she looked beautiful v pretty. a little while passes than the most bitching car comes by and stops where the cars stop until the drop off area clears and they can go. we all knew who ever was in that car he was important. then it was his time to go cause the drop off area was cleared. guess who was in the drivers seat. You guessed right. Robert Downey Jr rolling up in an Audi E-TRON, with his wife Susan Downey in the passenger seat. Truly the Tony Stark entrance. he doesnt sign for many ofc. at this time it was getting later near 6pm almost all celebs and guests are inside where the actual premiere set up is. then Vin Diesel comes in. He was the most fan based guy. even though he was running late he ran (literally speed walking) through the whole line of fans around the corner and everything. he had the biggest smile on. wearing his groot jacket. and if u dont know fast and furious are one of my fave franchises of all time so i was having the best time. then that was the last person and we started heading out. i didnt name all who ive seen since there was just to many and i probably missed some things but i loved my experience. i was able to see all the original avengers irl and that made me really happy. this whole cast means the world to me. ill love them forever 
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domitxnate · 6 years
Scene Week - Lennon and Nate
Who: Nate Lynn and Lennon Corcoran @lennonelyse​
When: 10/23rd
Notes: Sensory, no known triggers
Classes: Sub 102 (Lennon) and Advanced Dom (Nate)
Nate had his play room stocked with the different oils he had gotten from work, readying them next to the bench when he heard the knock at his door. He opened it and saw Lennon kneeling for him, smiling as he granted her access to his room. “We’ll be in the play room. Go in, strip down and put your hair up. Then lay down on the bench on your back and wait for me.”
After the whole ordeal with Clark she was feeling more unsettled than ever. She couldn’t believe she’d allowed herself to let her roommate Domme her. Her non Dominant roommate! And with Alastair clearly upset with her for putting words into his mouth, she felt even lower. It was becoming increasingly clear that her grade was exactly what she’d deserved. She didn’t want to scene with Nate, not wanting to disappoint him either but she couldn’t find it in herself to cancel, and just not showing up wasn’t in her nature. So she put on the prettiest thing she could find in her closet-a long sleeved blue knit dress and a pair of boots and made her way to the Dom’s room. She knelt down and knocked, hands behind her as she kept reminding herself to smile.m before Nate opened the door. “Good afternoon, sir. Yes, sir” she stated, standing and heading straight to the playroom without making eye contact. She stripped, folding her clothes neatly before doing as she was told, laying on the bench to wait for the Dom to appear.
He knew that was weird. He didn’t know Lennon overly well, but he knew she was far bubblier than this. He let her go into the play room, giving her time to settle herself and follow his orders before going in after her. He peeled off his shirt and pulled his shorts down as he pulled the blind fold and the oils over. “Alright, so ima blind fold ya and basically just play with your body usin these fun oils and see what they do to ya. Any issues or questions?”
Lennon heard Nate as he walked into the room, her eyes only flitting to him before the looked back up at the ceiling. She focused on the ceiling until she was spoken to again, brown eyes looking toward the Dom. “Yes, sir. That sounds good.” She nodded. “No issues or questions, promise.”
Still weird. “Ya wanna tell me what’s goin on? Ya seem a little...off,” he admitted, getting the blind fold folded up and ready.
Lennon’s heart clenched, she obviously was also failing at keeping her composure. “Oh, I’m alright, sir. Just tired” she lied, looking over toward him with the brightest smile she could muster.
“Alright then,” he said with a nod. Nate could be kind of dense and while he noticed big things, if someone he barely knew wanted him to think they were fine, they could probably do so. He placed the blind fold over her eyes, lifting her head to tie it behind her. He wanted to start with something she might be familiar with, so he went with a cucumber smelling oil, rubbing it over her shoulders and chest. “Ya gonna remains still, only move if I allow it,” he warned. “If I have to tie ya down ya ain’t gonna like what comes with it.”
Lennon breathed a sigh of relief as Nate took her word and continued on. She was not going to mess this scene up. The oils felt nice on her skin, the cucumber smell refreshing as she closed her eyes even with the blindfold on. “Yes, sir. I won’t move, I promise.” She breathed, her brain telling her body it better do as he said.
“Good girl,” he moaned, rubbing his hands along her how slick skin, dipping down to her breasts and running them over, allowing the smell of cucumbers to flow up to her nostrils in a calming hope.
Lennon breathed in deeply, rubbing her lips together to keep her body still as his hands dipped down to her breasts, the oily touch instantly perking her nipples. She heard his praise but she couldn’t allow herself to take it, not now, just in case she messed it all up.
Once he’d felt there was enough of that one, Nate grabbed a towel to wipe off the oil and start with new. This one she wouldn’t necessarily notice right away. He rubbed it over her stomach and her nipples again, taking his time to work it over her torso. This one didn’t have much of a smell to it and just seemed like regular massage oil which was just what he was going for. When she was covered, he bent over and blew hot breath against her nipples, waiting for the oil to turn very warm on her skin.
Lennon kept herself still and quiet as the Dom worked the oil and then wiped it off, her other senses on high alert as he  moved about the space. The next oil was different than the first, no smell and honestly, it just felt like oil to her. But after he rubbed it over her stomach and breasts and then blew on her nipples, she needed to bite the inside of her lip to keep from arching, the heat spreading. “Oh, that’s very nice, sir.” She breathed, telling herself to keep still.
He smirked at her reaction, thinking she might feel that way. “Good. How’s it feel?” He asked, breathing along her again, paying close attention to her perky nipples.
Lennon was quiet for a moment, really contemplating how it felt. “It’s...very warm sir. But not uncomfortable. It almost feels like when you first get into a bath, your skin reacting to the heat of it before it adjusts.” She surmised, hoping she was explaining herself well enough to the Dominant, biting at her lip as he breathed warm air against her very aware nipples.
“Sounds lovely, darlin,” he hummed, getting a little more oil on her before continuing his hot breaths against the slick skin. “Now, hows it all makin ya feel?”
“Um...” she licked her lips, feeling her nipples tighten as his breath ran across them, the warmth of the oil sending delicious sparks throughout her body. “Tingly, sir. Especially when you blow on my nipples. It makes them feel all tingly.”
"Tingly, huh? I like that," he chuckled to himself. After he'd heated Lennon's body up completely, he moved onto a new oil. This one, he rubbed generously along her pussy lips and clit and then did nothing for a full minute. It was a menthol oil that also acted as both a lubricant and a arousal gel, and just waited for Lennon's body to react.
Lennon smiled, biting at her lip and nodding. She waited as Nate moved around the room, picking up a new bottle she was assuming. But the touch to her sex made her jump, not expecting it. "Oh, no...I'm sorry, sir. I'm so sorry." She began to panic, her heart speeding up in her chest knowing she'd done exactly what he told her not to. She already messed it up and they were just getting started.
Nate chuckled to himself as he rubbed the oil on her, Lennon jumping from the surprise, "Don't let it happen again," he said simply, "Now tell me how that's feelin'."
Lennon breathed in a shaky breath trying to control the overwhelming urge to cry at her slip. Nate simply said not to let it happen again, but he obviously was just being nice. She breathed out, trying to focus on what he was doing. It took her several moments and several more breaths before she could fully pay attention to the sensations that were starting to radiate threw her core. Her breath hitched at the new sensation, her clit feeling like it was pulsing from whatever he'd put on it. "Oh, my gosh, sir...it feels really really good." She hummed, stifling the moan that wanted to escape. "It feels like you're playing with my clit, sir...but you're not. It's cold but in a really nice feeling way."
She was breathing pretty strangely, but Nate just figured she was trying to keep herself calm from all that he was doing to her. He slipped his fingers between her folds, moaning at how instantly wet she seemed to be now. "Well would ya look at that. Feel that, hmm? Feel how drippin' wet ya are for me?"
Lennon breathed in feeling the Dom invade her sex, a whine strangled at the back of her throat as she struggled to keep her hips from arching into his palm. "I like it, sir. I like when you touch me. I want to be wet for you." She moaned as her body adjusted to the two finger's inside her.
"There ya go, keep that body still," he encouraged, slenderly slipping his finger in and out of her, slickening it up with her own arousal. He brought the wet finger to her lips, just barely rubbing it around her lips to let her taste it. "Speaking of taste," he said, wiping off his hands and allowing the menthol gel to work her over, applying an edible strawberry flavored oil over his length and climbing up onto the bench so he could straddle her face. "Stick out your tongue, girl," he said simply, running the slick member against her tongue.
Lennon hummed at the praise, her entire body a light with sensations as he pressed his fingers inside her. She whined as he pulled his fingers out of her, the emptiness not something she particularly liked at the moment. Lennon had never tasted herself before, her tongue running over her lips, tasting the sweet salt. It was different, but not so much different from other girl's she'd tasted in the past. She stuck out her tongue as she was told, her breath hitching as she felt something hard run against it. She knew exactly what that was and she moaned, wanting to taste more of it, especially with the strawberry flavor that seemed to come along with it.
Nate used Lennon's protruding tongue to rub his member against, letting her taste and savor at him, attempting to get all her focus on him. "Now open your mouth," he ordered, waiting for her to comply before placing the tip of his length between her lips.
Lennon continued to keep her tongue out, mouth open wide as she tasted him, breathing heavily and moaning softly as the taste. As soon as he instructed, she opened her mouth wider, doing exactly as she was told as she felt him between her lips. She hummed, her tongue ghosting over the tip.
Slowly, Nate pushed himself into her mouth, allowing her lips to close around him. "Now suck me nice and hard and I'll consider fuckin' ya into this table," he teased with a playful, yet firm, voice, pushing a little of his cock in and out of her mouth to get her started.
Lennon opened her mouth as wide as she could, relaxing her jaw so he could slowly push himself into her mouth. She moaned at the full feeling, running her tongue around his length. She made eye contact, the only way she could show him she understood, beginning to suck him and lick his length as he pushed in and out of her mouth. The thought of being fucked on the bench like this was exciting, her mind shadowing completely now as the submissive side of her taking over, wanting to please him as well as she could.
It didn't take long until Nate had a smooth rhythm in and out of Lennon's warm mouth, feeling her cheeks suck to the sides of his thick member. He moaned louder as her own moans vibrated against his rod, feeling himself thicken and stiffen. Eventually, he pulled himself out of the girl and changed his position to between her legs, lifting them high on his chest as his rolled the head of his length along her slick slit. "This what ya want? Hmm? Lemme hear it darlin."
Lennon continued to suck his thick cock, moaning against it, causing her throat to vibrate against him. All she wanted to do in this moment was to please him. Keep still and please him. Once he pulled out of her mouth, she groaned a little, disappointed at the emptines in her mouth before she felt his length against her slit as hips were pulled up to meet him. "Oh, yes, sir. Please sir. I would like you to fuck me, sir. Please!" She whimpered, biting at the side of her mouth as she focused as hard as she could at not moving her hips against his throbbing cock.
He couldn't help but giggle at how Lennon could be so proper and so dirty at the same time. The desperation in her voice was definitely what he was looking for, slowly dipping his tip inside her a few times to prolong the teasing before slowly threading his cock between her walls until he was completely buried inside her, groaning lowly as he felt himself fill her completely.
She couldn't help but feel her cheeks redden as her lust took over and her mouth got the better of her, wanting to feel him inside her, wanted to please him more, be the good girl she wanted so badly to be. Her breathe hitched, her hands clenching to avoid bucking into him as she felt his cock push inside her, stretching her in the most delicous way. "Oh, sir....you're so big..." She breathed out, not trying to boost his ego, but purely speaking the truth as he stretched her insides, filling her completely.
He stayed inside her a minute, letting her get used to him  before starting a slow series of thrusts in and out of her, a rhtyhm that he was wanting her to feel every thick inch of.
Her core quickly got used to his thick member, her walls clenching around him instinctively as her arousal slicked him up. “Oh, please, sir.” She whined, her body wanting so badly for him to start thrusting into her but also wanting to be a good girl for him.
"Please what?" he teased, his rhythm remaining slow and steady, in and out of her wet core, feeling the mentol rub a little hit himself which brought a new sensation to him.
“Please...use me, sir.” She whined, clenching her hands into the sheets. “I want to feel you...fuck me...sir.” She was thankful for the blindfold, her face only blushing slightly at the confession, her head far enough into submission that her being so...vulgar...didn’t effect her as much as it usually would.
He watched her whole body seem to turn pink under her quiet pleas for more. "You're gonna have to beg me better than that, darlin'," he said, keeping his thrusts slow, dying to tease her until she fell apart under him.
Lennon whimpered, biting at her bottom lip as she nodded in understand. His slow thrusts teasing her. “Oh...sir, please. Please use me...I want to feel your huge cock deep inside me!” After awhile of the slow thrusting she was able to whine for what she really wanted. “Oh, please, sir! You feel so good!”
He moaned a little, definitely feeling more of her need through her words and her walls squeezing against his length as it worked inside her. His fingers gripped hard against her hips, holding her tightly in place as he entered all the way into the girl's opening. He growled loudly as he felt himself all the way inside, his cock filling every bit of her. His thrusts became more vibrant and needed, hard and fast inside her.
After her words, Nate started to really thrust inside her. Her eyes wide only to be met with the blackness of the blindfold. She moaned loudly, feeling him completely fill her. “Oh, sir. Thank you, sir. You feel so good inside me.” She moaned, panting with every thrust, making sure she didn’t move.
His over whleming need and natural dominance started pouring out of him as his rhythm got heavier and more purposeful. "Oh yeah?" he groaned, one hand coming up to squeeze her breast hard and pinch her nipple, "Feels good gettin' fucked by a nice hard cock, doesn't it girl?"
“Ohh...Yes, Sir.” She moaned, his rhythm as he thrusted deep inside her only fueling her moans and cries on. The pinch to her nipple caused her to arch slightly into the touch, forgetting for a moment his instruction not to move. The touch just felt so incredibly good. “Yes, sir...oh...goodness, I love your cock, sir! Oh, god so I love it!” She cried as he fucked her.
As her body started to react, Nate continued, holding her close to him to keep her there, but the other hand continued with each of her tits, squeezing and pulling at them as he continued to rock into her. He could feel the bench beneath them slide against the floor. "C'mon girl, louder. Lemme here how much ya love this cock."
Lennon continued to cry, body reacting to his constant thrusts deep inside her and the way he pinched her nipples. “Oh, sir! I love it! I love your cock! Oh, god! I love the way you use me, sir! Oh...shit!” She cried louder, the way he spoke to her giving her such a need to please him.
Feeling his own climax on the rise, he moved his hands back to her hips, digging into her skin and he bounced her in time with each thrust into her. "That's right...scream for me," he urged, fucking her hard and fast, feeling every inch of her as the climax in his belly started to swirl and heat. "Fuck...fuck girl, ya gonna make me explode."
“Oh! Oh,sir!” She screamed, his thrusts harder and faster now, his nails digging into her skin fueling her own climax. “Oh, please, sir! Please fill me! Please!” She begged, panting as she felt the heat rising inside her belly. “Oh, god, sir. I’m gonna cum. Can I cum with you, pleas, sir? Oh please!”
He moans and grunts were louder, echoing off the walls of the play room as Lennon started harmonizing with her own moans. "Just wait, girl," he growled, "Ya wait to cum," he said, his own orgasm erupting inside her as his muscles tightened and his throat growled. "Ok now!" he cried out, thrusting inside her to work her through her orgasm.
Lennon whimpered, holding in her breathe as she tried to hold back her own orgasm, biting at her lip as he thrust deep inside her, spilling himself deep into her pussy. She tried so hard to hold back her own, her eyes clamped shut hard before he gave her permission, falling over the edge as soon as he allowed. “Yes, oh, god...yes, sir! Thank you, sir! Oh, yes!!” She screamed, feeling him still thrusting inside her as her walls clenched around his cock, riding through her orgasm.
Nate continued, rocking into her until he knew he had made it through Lennon's orgasm, making sure she felt every earth shattering moment of it. "There's a good girl," he moaned as he slowed down, slipping out of her and climbing off the bench. He pulled the blindfold off her eyes, and helped her to sit up. "Alright, how ya feelin' darlin'? Ya did so good for me, I'm so proud," he smiled, sitting next to her as they legs dangled off the side of the bench.
Lennon was visibly shaking after the orgasm wracked through her tiny frame. She whimpered as he pulled out of her, the emptiness making her a little disappointed. She liked him inside her, using her, making him feel good. Once the blindfold was off she took his hand to sit up, smiling over at him. “Oh, I’m really good, sir. You’re...well you’re really good at that” she blushed. “I am? You think I’m a good girl, sir? I really tried”
"I don't say things unless I think 'em darlin," he said simply, rubbing his hand over her back and they say together. "I definitely think you're a good girl and thank ya for the compliment," he chuckled softly, "Well, i didn't even know ya were tryin'. It seemed second nature to ya."
Lennon let his words sink in, sitting in silence for a moment, closing her eyes as she felt his hand rubbing at her back. She breathed in. “Thank you, sir. I used to think it was second nature, but I’m not really sure anymore” she shrugged but looked over at him, giving him a small smile. “Of course, though! You deserve the compliment. You know what you’re doing, sir and well, I just really liked it.” She blushed a light shade of pink.
"Why's that?" he asked softly, looking over at Lennon as she spoke. "Well, I like to think so, thank ya."
She shrugged again, worrying her lip before she spoke. “Well...okay, how much stock do you put in grades, sir?” She asked, honey brown eyes staying on the floor. “Because In my family you’re either excellent at something or you’re failing. And I got a C- on my presentation. And I did everything right, sir. By the book, right. And I liked it, it came second nature to me, like you said...but even still...” she shook her head.
"Not that much," he said honestly, "Grades are difficult. Cos there gradin' ya on 15 minutes on any random day," he explained. "I know what it's like to have someone else's expectations weighin' ya down. But here's how I try to see it," he said with a deep breath, "Our families, our parents anyway, aren't here. We're the ones who gotta figure our lives out. So I think what ya learn and clas and what ya do with people here matters way for than a random letter." Nate brought his hand up to Lennon's chin and turned her face towards him, "Look, I know I don't know ya all that well, but I ain't gonna lie to ya. And I think submission is a natural thing for ya. It's just a grade Lennon. Don't let it determine who ya are."
Lennon listened intently to Nate’s words, trying to let them sink in. He had people with high expectations on him too? “When you first got here, was that something you had to learn too? My parents, they basically instilled this into my head and like, I’m really grateful. I like my work ethic, I like to push myself. But...it’s hard when a grade doesn’t reflect how you thought you did, sir.” She breathed, letting the Dom turn her head. “I’m glad you think so, sir. Because I’ve always know this is who I am.” She shrugged. “Thank you for being understanding, sir. It means a lot. And maybe...if you want...maybe we could do this again sometime? You’re a good Dom.”
Nate nodded, "Yeah. I mean, the grades weren't as big of a deal to my dad, but he constantly thought I was just screwin' around and that i needed to focus and pay attention and all that stuff," he admitted. He listened to Lennon, nodding as she spoke, "I'm not sayin' havin' a standard for yourself is a bad thing, darlin. I think it's good to have goals and limits set for yourself. But they should be /yours./ Not what someone else wants of ya," he added. "I would certainly be intersted in doin' somethin' like this again, darlin'."
Lennon took in all that he was saying, nodding and biting at her lip. “No, I understand. I’m just going to have to figure out how to work through the grade thing.” She agreed. She knew she was doing everything she could to ensure that she was to be the best submissive she could be, it just seemed that she needed reassurance sometimes now. “Really? I’d really like that, sir. I like being good for you.” She smiled. “What type of things do you like to do, sir? In scenes and not in scenes.” She asked, curious about him.
"You'll get there," he encouraged, "You're certainly not the first person here to have struggled with grades," he said simply. "Well, scene wise I like TPE, orgies, slut shamin', impact mostly. I just like havin' livin' sex toys if I'm bein' honest," he said with a chuckle, "Other than that, I watch the Tide durin' college football season and swim. Pretty much it," he chuckled, "Yourself?"
She pursed her lips, nodding her head. “And I probably won’t be the last.” She replied just as simple, looking over st him, feeling a little bit better, even if only just. “What’s TPE, sir? She’d heard of everything else but that was something different. “Oh, I’m getting into some impact and sensory, obviously.” She smiled at the memory. “And I’ve found I really enjoy age play.” There aren’t many things that I’ve tried so far, sir, but those are things I’ve come to find I like.”
"I think ya might be right on that," he laughed softly. "Total Power Exchange," he answered, "it is where the submissive gives every power and every decision to the Dom. I do it with Silas a lot where I chose what he wears, what he eats, what he does, when he pees, cums, all that stuff," he explained. Nate nodded when she mentioned ageplay, not really knowing what to say about it, 'Well that's good, it's good to find your own things and get into 'em like that."
TPE seemed interesting enough, nodding her understanding. “I think I’d like all of that except for not being able to use the bathroom myself. It sounds a lot like age play, honestly. But I want to be able to use the restroom when I need to. I’m not too keen on...peeing my pants, sir.” She stated, growing a little pink from the admission. “I like exploring, sir. It’s probably one of my favorite things about being here. You get to explore but there’s still somewhat of a structure to it. I like structure.”
"Nah, I don't help him," he corrected, "Just he has to ask and prepares for me to say no if I don't want him to at that point." Nate nodded, "The watersports part isn't for everyone," he said simply, "Ageplay just isn't my thing," he finally admitted. "I agree, exploring and structure is definitely important and kinda the best part about bein' here."
“Oh, no, I don’t mean helping him, sir. That’s what I mean, being told no. I don’t want to have an accident. I don’t like that. But I think that’s the only thing I wouldn’t like” she nodded, looking over at him. “Well, that’s okay, sir. I’m not asking you to be my Daddy.” She teased him lightly with a smile. She was feeling better thanks to him.
Nate nodded with a soft smile as his legs swung in the air as he sat with them hanging over the bench. "Well, that's certainly easy enough to work around. And I know you're not, but I just thought I'd be clear, that's not a thing I do." After a minute he looked over at her again, "So how ya feelin' now? What do ya need from me right now?"
“It is?” She asked, genuinely curious. “No, no worries at all, sir. But I’m sure there are other things we could figure out, yeah?” She asked, watching him as he straddled the bench. “Oh, I’m okay. Honestly, I feel better after talking to you. Not 100%, but better for, sure. So thank you.” She smiled up  at him. “I think I’m alright, sir. You’re probably busy with more scenes, I don’t want to keep you from them.”
"You're allowed limits even in TPE," He said simply. "That's kinda what I like about it, it's never the same for everyone," he said with a shrug. "Well that's good, but I meant after the scene. I don't want ya goin' back if ya still need some rest time or a bath or somethin'. And ya ain't keepin' me from nothin'."
Lennon nodded again, her mind spinning at the thought. Maybe they could try it sometime. She might really like it if she was allowed to use the restroom when she needed. “Oh, no, I’m good, sir. I’m not even remotely tired. And I’d happily take a bath, but not alone.” She teased, smiling with tongue between her teeth.
Nate chuckled softly at her cute face, "Well, if that's what ya need darlin' I'm happy to take one with ya," he said simply, hoping off the bench before craddeling the slender girl in his arms and carrying her into the bathroom.
Lennon giggled as she was picked up, her arms wrapping around his neck as they walked toward the bathroom. She would be utterly grateful to Nate for this.
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onelovewonderwoman · 6 years
falling in love/slow burn • steve harrington
oooooouuuuuu this is just a lil headcanon for our baby steve. it’s my first one, so please take it easy. i’m pretty sure i our too much detail, but i’ll work on it with more headcanons i’ll do in the future and try to make them better
tags : @running-outta-time @i-just-wanna-run-hell @munalisax @wolflhards @sammie-blogs @geeksareunique @violentlybarnes @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @the-quackson-claxon @five-foot-two-joanne @curly-haired-holland @spnhybrid @alexafromthefandom @ima-smol-acorn
💍barely knowing each other 
• steve’s nancy chasing ass didn’t even know your beautiful ass existed outside of his tommy h and carol fucking ass circle
• you’re quiet as hell
• oh, oh, but despite the fact that he was a human being very pleasing to your horny eyes and had beautiful hair, he was still shit
• *hint, hint* him picking on jonathan for stupid ass reasons 
• ouu but girl were you good at math or what
• steve wasn’t
• oh lookey here, you’re his tutor now
• fuck you mr. balding
💍acquaintances/the first time you ever tutored his *nice* ass
• he kept calling bull throughout the whole first tutor session
• i’m fine, i don’t need this shit
• it always had you thinking 
• honey i think the fuck you do
• calm your tits i’m sure nancy’s fine without your dick for two seconds
• you could have gotten your face beat in for that
• really, you could’ve 
• but no
• steve smiled
• he sMiLEd
• i didn’t know you had that in you
• you neither hoe, you neither
• now, you’re buds 
• y’all rlly got close ‘round valentine’s day
• you know what that means?
• you get to be his wingman (woman?)
• you watched the boy fuss over every little thing 
•for nancy fucking wheeler 
• (wait for it, she breaks his heart)
• he’s low key such a romantic oml
• and your dumbass falls for him completely 
• ah shit
• aaaaaaaand with your help, he pulls off this beautiful ass dinner for nancy whoop dee doo you’re in love with no chance of getting your bae
•or do you??
• the moment after he got into that fight with jonathan he came running to you
• he was so vulnerable holy shit
• and the fact that he confided in you like that
• i die
• you had flutters the whole time whilst you held a (not the most convenient but hey) ice pack up to his bloodied face 
• a) because of the fact that this boy always manages to give you butterflies for no apparent reason, literally just his face makes you light up
• and b) because you might actually have a chance with THE steve harrington, fucking king of hawkins high school
• soooooo, you talked to him 
• assured him that it would be okay
• but that he was still being an ass
• okay, you were brutally honest
• but that's what he needed
• oi and the boy became enamoured with how easily you told him he was a dick 
• but that he could still change that 
• it could’ve been the hits, or the post break up
• it could have been anything really
• seriously, it could have been anything
• okay he kissed you. 
•smack. dab. on. the. lips. 
• oh my shittaki mushrooms i kissed king steve
• oh but remember when you were being brutally honest with him? yeah, when you told him he could still change?
• he didn’t 
• hoe, he was crawling back to nancy, and you were there
• yeah, when all those christmas lights were flickering and shit
• you found out about what rlly happened to will
• but less back up for two seconds tho
• two hours after you kissed him : y/n… you know that’s just probably the concussion talking or something. i’m really sorry
• of course it is
• you’re a sucker, so obviously you stayed with the boy you were in love with but was slowly breaking your heart
• but you knew, you knew that it wasn’t just a fucking concussion either. you knew, and so did that morherfucker steve harrington 
• it’s not just a concussion is it?
not even being sure what y’alls are anymore cause shits getting confusing and he’s still with nancy, but always giving you these weird “i wanna love you” looks
• of course the boy can love you, you wouldn’t deny him
• but he stayed with nancy for some reason you couldn’t fathom 
• anywho, let’s fast forward out of the slow burn and onto the infamous, tina’s halloween party
• yalls are funny if i’m bringing (i love dacre, don’t get me wrong) billy’s racist ass into this head canon
• you watched nancy get hammered
• and steve walk out of that bathroom looking ready to cry a river
• god why do i love him so much??
• you drove him home and comforted him the whole night 
• also reassured him that he wasn’t the one who killed barb, and that everything that happened and is happening, was NOT his fault
• he gave you that look again
• like the first time he confided in you and *cough, cough* kissed you
• before yalls got too deep in your staring contest tho, you got away (you slick (ish) motherfucker)
• i’m gonna get you some hot cocoa and call your mom, she’s probably worried
• she was
💍being dustin’s mom and dad whilst looking for dart as he continues to try to set you two up 
• you’d gone with steve, once more (cause, wingman, duh), as he went to make amends with nancy
• only to find she wasn’t there 
• and get a free kid instead
• dustin was soooo keen on getting you two together 
• despite the stress of finding the demo dog that ate his cat (r. i. p. mews)
• steve gave him that talk about “electricity” (which, honey, we know was about you. don’t think for a second it was about nancy) cause dustin asked
• but dustin also, not so subtly, asked steve
• so is that, like, what you feel with y/n?
• i think you mean nancy, dustin
• no, he’s right. 
• HoLy sHiT
• girl, you know this boy was looking down with the widest fucking eyes while throwing that god damn meat on the ground
• silent glances throughout the rest of the walk 
• dustin’s looking all smug and smol the whole way to the empty lot
• it’s not until you get there and meet lucas and max that you start talking to steve
• yalls are setting up the bait and trap for dart when steve yanks you to him
• yAnKs *cough* kinky *cough*
• oh yeah, and he kisses you again
• all the kids are just gaping
• i’m sorry for not realizing that it was me and you who had that electricity sooner
• you were just dazed as fuck cause the boy’s become such a better fucking kisser over the months “uh huh”
💍together forever
• you’re there to help your bae beat the shit out of billy hargrove 
• also drive the kids cause you ain’t about that irresponsible life
• #badasscouple
• after the whole upside down shit, things go back to as normal as they can get
• steve’s a lil traumatized, but you’re always there for him, and vise versa
• he makes you his queen
• a. k. a. makes sure everyone knows you’re his and his one and only
• #kingandqueenofhawkinshigh
• but he’s even more sweet and romantic when it comes to you
• ajsnksns yalls know he’s such a sweet caring baby
• but also such a mom
• like when i said being dustin’s mom and dad
• you’re his dad
• steve’s his mom
• staying with him throughout everything just made it so worth it in the end
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briteboy · 7 years
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stealing @bratsims format because i need a less ugly way to mass answer your messages which will hopefully motivate me to stay on top of this! at least i can say i tried
so if you sent me an anon message in the past...idk MONTH (i’m bad i know) it might be here. (older ones are near the bottom) if not, check my faq because it’s probably answered there. (and if you’re the person/people who sent the twin flame & 7th house asks, i plan to answer those separately because i have a LOT to say. get ready)
game of thrones, nuclear war, real life santis, lou theories, i’m evil, HERE WE GO!! i literally had to cut it off at the last one because it was just too much for now. i’ll try to answer some more later ok
we’re starting off on a great note
Anonymous said: gaddamn rooney's tiddies lookin' hella ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
STOP!!!!!!!!!!! THAT’S MY CHILD soaidfnjds she’s supposed to have like b/c cups (goals for me tbh, the big boob life is not fun) and sims 4 pregnancies just fuckin make them...NYOOM i’m mad you can’t edit sims’ bodies during pregnancy even with cas.fulleditmode on -___- so i let her live with her giant preggo tiddies for now
Ngl I want a kiss between Santi and Gianni (I'm sorry I'm literally trash)
then i’m here to satisfy your desires: they do kiss periodically because gianni is one of those people who’s like “why shouldn’t you kiss your friends?” free love 4 everyone
hey this is kinda random but i thought joe seaward from glass animals looked kinda like santi? he has quite a weird face too lmao
oMG i actually love that, i know what you mean. that dude reminds me of a bull terrier lmao i actually saw glass animals like two weeks ago!! i didn’t really get a good look at the drummer but now i wish i did. missed connection
i just finished reading santi's story and ugh it almost had me in tears! beautiful, your story telling skills and editing skills are perfection!
ahhhhsdkgkds thank you so much ;____; that means the world to me <333
Unpopular opinion: im so done with game of thrones tbh. It's not even good anymore :/ I liked the first season but since then i've skipped through episodes because they are just sooo fucking boring and dragged out!
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see like the first three seasons were pretty good because they stayed true to the books. (actually that’s a lie, littlefinger’s chaos speech in the s3 finale was real fuckin bad because guess what: it was original material LMAO) the fourth season was where it started to get messy and then the fifth season was a fucking shitshow because they completely IGNORED the fourth book and cherrypicked all the “good” parts out of it (read: the most action-y parts, while ignoring all the most important pieces of character development) and they botched the dorne storyline, oh and who could forget the iconic moment of throwing in a rape (THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN IN THE BOOKS) just for fun :) love it! but anyway if you think the show is boring i probably wouldn’t recommend the books, they’re even slower getting through them lmao. but it’s worth it in my opinion. there’s so much they don’t include in the show and it makes me Angery
Okay, game of thrones fan here, I haven't read the books (yet at least, I bought book 1) but I feel like dany is going to practically turn into her father, this season she is already showing traits like his.......
OH YEAH i definitely feel like they’re moving in that direction in the process of revealing jon as the “true” king of westeros and it’s so bad lmfao. the thing is, like...cersei is already mad king 2.0? why do we need another one?????? the entire point of dany’s arc is that she’s constantly trying to deviate AWAY from the way her father ruled, demonstrated by the fact that she freed the slaves (whereas all the targaryens before were slave owners), the fact that she’s not perpetuating the whole incest thing (LMAO GUESS AGAIN BECAUSE JONERYS HAS TO HAPPEN FOR SOME FCKING REASON), the fact that she has dragons which haven’t existed in how many years...like, if she ever ends up being like her father in the books, it’s NOT gonna fucking happen like this. but i don’t think she will anyway, george rr martin has been pretty clear about her trajectory thus far. anyway this show is so ugly, next question
rooney's eye are so BIG
just like her tiddies lmao i kno sometimes i forget how big they are and then she does one of those silly endearing animations and i’m like o ;-; hello big dumb baby cow eyes
Cows? Are you secretly Matthew Daddario?
WHO i had to google him lmao i was about to say “oh the teen wolf guy” but jk @ myself u idiot it’s shadowhunters damn i literally googled “matthew daddario cows” and
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I love how fragile Lou looks like but the truth is that she is strong af and you can't play with her bruh
SHE IS ;-; and that’s a huge theme in her story, i’m excited <3
ima leave ur blog and come bk and spam you so you will finally notice me
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im part of this online forum of girls that talks about our period and weather or not one of us might be pregnant and once this girl posted saying that her husband invited his mom without telling her to thier honeymoon and she didnt find out until they arrived at the hotel and she was already there. the most recent part reminded me of it. but long story short, her dad moved all her stuff out of his house and her friend came to pick her up and they got a divorce.
OISOJDFAKNLJSD WHAT!!! i’m guessing you sent this because of that thing i said about the reddit post lmfaooo imagine your mom on your honeymoon. why. that’s soooooooooo good 4 her u know. u don’t need to be married to his mom as well
thanks 4 trusting my love santi. he's beautiful
thank u he thinks ur beautiful too 💘
do you have any tips for runing game in good quality and fast?
euhhhhh the only tips i have for you are to merge your cc, close all other programs while you play your game, maybe invest in a cooling pad uhhhhhh yeah idk any other tips you can probably find on google
You told that thing about unfollowing people and I thought you unfollowed me, but then I checked and you didn't and I'm crying omg
lmao omg ;-; i literally cut my following list in half, it was so chaotic and it was making me anxious. so if ever unfollow any of you please don’t take it personally (i know it’s a stupid thing to say, and it’s a lot easier said than done) it’s just my brain explodes when there’s too much going on at once and some content blends into others, i’m trying to only follow people who i’m genuinely interested in enough to keep up with their posts from now on
I haven't been able to sleep in over 72 hours thanks to the constant fear over the looming world war. I'm fine. Completely fine
Oh shit, have you noticed that the media has been putting out more 'what to do during a nuclear attack' kinda articles? This world is slowly going to shit, for real. I'm not even near any of the danger really, but it still absolutely terrifies me to see all of that bc it could very well go wrong and hit my place as well yknow? I have no idea why i send this to you but you seem chill and calm so thanks for reading my freakout askfjsls
YEP it’s pretty terrifying. but at the same time don’t let fear overwhelm you, fearmongering is an ugly, ugly thing and you don’t want to live your life constantly worrying. so just prepare yourself for what might come, but at the same time, just spend as much time with your loved ones as you can, do all the things you’ve ever wanted to do, and then if it doesn’t turn out as bad as we thought it would, you *tim mcgraw voice* lived like u were dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyin’
@ Jesus anon: I really don't think it's the right time to complain about "using the lord name in vain" when there are people terrified of leaving their homes bc they are afraid to get killed (aka that poor, poor Jewish anon in charlottesville)
yeah idk like i want to respect everyone but it seemed to be in poor taste to bring that up at a time like that lmao. and also i’ve literally never in my entire life met someone who actually takes “don’t say the lord’s name in vain” seriously. 
I asked about the poses and HOLY CRAP THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally have good poses to use for story telling. Thank you soo so so so sooooo much!
YAY i’m glad you found some good stuff <3 and honestly just going through lana’s blog you’ll find a ton of good poses, it’s a gold mine
Idk how much tv you watch, but have you've ever come across a tv show that used music from The Sim? Because once in a while I'll hear Sims 3 build/buy music on some random show and I'll get a lil shook because I find it so weird that the generic music they're using comes from a major game title.
OMG LMAO NO what i wish i’d come across that tho. one time i used sims 1 music in a video i made for school and someone recognized it
I love your stories gosh I check your page "it's everyday bro with femmesim flow" Lol sorry for that awkward Jake Paul "poop" ❤️
lmao thank u i had no idea who jake paul was until my friends started talking about him
yo, I also remember once in french class real life santi asked me what videos games I like to play. When I told him the sims, he looked at me for a while and shaked his head. He was like, "why do you want to watch your sims use the toilet?"
WHY DO YOU WANT TO WATCH YOUR SIMS USE THE TOILET SAME that’s all i care about when i play
that rooney face in the 5 facts is so iconic, its my fave picture of her. You should blow it up and frame it
i should tbh. i should print it out and put it in my wallet to show everyone because she is my child
sorry the bother you, merging cc makes your game smoother? can you explain to me please?
hi i love you ♡ pass it on
Can I say that hearing a MacBooks fans screaming for dear life as they try to cool down when playing the sims has actually started to haunt my nightmares
SAME my macbook is actually doing it right now for no reason. thanks laptop
Maybe Santi should go to therapy to talk out his issues.
maybe he should 🤔  but tbh he’s already talked out everything, there’s nothing really more to talk out. he just has to cope with it. he’s treated lou like his therapist thus far and that’s not okay
i love ur story and omg i totally get where lou is coming from with being tired of being compared to molly by santi, thatd hurt so much esp with how much she cares about him
thank youuu ;-; i’m glad you understand, this was a part i’d wanted to get out for a loooong time now, and i know you guys were always like “um why does she put up with this” lmao. she just loves him, that’s why. but you’re right, it does hurt.
My theory is very similar to the other anons in that Fiona's dad/Lou's ex had a mental illness (schizophrenia, depression, what have you) but he actually did kill himself and that's why she's not completely losing it on Santi because I feel like most people in that situation would have not handled it as well as Lou did
🤔 you’re right about the last part, and there’s a reason she has so much patience, das all i’m sayin
i started your story from the beginning last night and i am in awe. Its amazing. It inspired me to put a little more effort in learning to edit and write. It was like reading screen caps from a movie! I didn't want to stop reading. Anyway thing was a super sappy ask, but i appreciate your stuff. And i'm bad at putting my thoughts into words.
omg ;__________; when people tell me i inspired them it means the most to me, my brain just can’t process it lmao. so thank you so so much ;-; <333 THE MOVIE THING ESPECIALLY GOT ME IN THE HEART because i feel like that’s my aesthetic with most things i create because i’m such a film person lol. don’t worry i love super sappy, and you did a good job of wording everything because it got me right in the feels <33
Okay I've been snickering for about 43 minutes bc SANTI GOT THAT GRU CHINNN
WOT is that i googled it and the only thing that came up was the dad from despicable me lmfaosdkjfs but ok
Please, please do punk edits of your some of your characters! I'd die.
WHAT DOES THIS MEANNN do you mean like. those 2010 tumblr edits of punk disney characters and then the joker from suicide squad looked like one of them. do u want santi to be the joker. because my boyfriend already relates him to suicide squad joker because of his face tatt lmao
You love to make me cry
i do i’m sorry. if it makes you feel any better i love to make myself cry too. but my biceps grow stronger with every tear
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I reeeally dont think those chancla comments were offensive??? Why would they be?? I'm hispanic (born and raised in the sunny Dominican Republic, received a fair amount of chancletazos myself) and I laughed out loud when i read them 😂😂
whATT my little brothers name is santiago n we call him santi for short!! guess it's not rly that uncommon but we live in a small country and he's also 4 so like,, no other santiagos!! idk why im saying this its completely irrelevant just kinda surprised me :'))
OMG wow hell yeah another real life santi...santi acts like a 4 yr old so he might as well be your brother
Just curious.. Do you play sims or just use it for storytelling? Sorry if thats weird haha
well my recent gameplay pics should answer your question lmao. i do like to play but i don’t have enough time to both play and pose scenes so i mostly just pose scenes for now. :[ i am gonna be off work for like two weeks tho so hell yeah gameplay here i come!!
I'm starting a Fiona appreciation movement because she is the real star of santis story RT and i love her and she is way underappreciated and I love her KThxBi
SHE IS THE REAL STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve said this before but santi’s relationship with her is the most important to me, out of every relationship he has in this story. i’m so glad you love her so much, sorry about what’s about to come in the next few scenes tho
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Oh my heart, Santi is alive, god exist
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I have a pretty hard time understanding Santi's story mostly because I'm not English but I'm sure I'll figure it out:)
ahh oh no D: i’m sorry i wish i spoke every language in the world lmao. if you want, you can message me off anon and i’ll help you understand it!!
Lou is an angel honestly
“there are worse things than seeing an angel before you die”
what tablet do you use? or how do you draw hair? it looks so pretty.
omg haha i don’t have one! i wish i did tho. all of the brushes i got from deviantart, i’m trying to find the specific ones but they’re all elusive wtf. i’ll post them when i find them! for now, here’s a good guide to drawing hair, by airi <3
I’M GLAD U HAD FAITH <3 i know omfg i would’ve expected a mob at my house if i’d actually killed him. if i ever killed him i would just lay down somewhere and die. that’s it for me
Lou & molly almost always have teeth showing, do you draw them on each pic?x
no, only sometimes i’ve drawn them when i felt like their mouths weren’t matching the expression i wanted. but most of the time it’s just the pose.
is it too late to send 16k dollars to guarantee santi's inclusion in a loving home with loving friends
it is absolutely never too late to send me 16k i promise you that
I just bought school books for $550 who knew studying marine biology could be so fuckING EXPENSIVE
EWW WTF...i’ve been lucky and haven’t had to spend a ton on books in my college career (one time i even went to such lengths that i got access to free trial version of one of my school books in a pdf, screencapped EVERY SINGLE PAGE, which was more than 400 pages, just so i wouldn’t have to spend $70 on it. i love cheating the system)
waIT i never saw ur selfie where is it, must see
u could probably just search “selfie” on my blog and find it, or enjoy the ugly closeup drunk snap i posted last night
Hey guys I'm a happy trans man that has no mental illnesses. I'm fucking pissed about Trump's ban. And to any one that says it's logical FUCK YOU! I'm having flashbacks to don't ask, don't tell because this is the same fucking wacked up logic. I'm so angry, like I'm a human, yes I may require testosterone shots once a month but that's it, I even administer them to myself. I pay for them with my own god damn money so fuck you transphobic bigots who say this law is fair. It's not. WE ARE HUMAN TOO Also same anon that ranted. Sorry about that I'm just really pissed and I love and thank you for sticking up for the community. We love you and I love you. And you're right not all trans people transition. We all do what we want to. Some start on T or E and have the full surgery. Some just have top surgery. Some just do testosterone or estrogen. Some never do anything. We're all still trans and we're all valid.
YES ALL OF THIS, sorry i didn’t answer this when it was all happening. but askdkjfas thank you for this message, I LOVE YOU TOO, SO MUCH <333 and i’m glad you feel comfortable enough to voice this in my inbox. yes every trans person is valid no matter what they decide to do with their bodies <3
One of those old hot topic shirts that said " if Darryl dies we riot " but with santi instead of Darryl.
OMG LMAOOOOO NOW THAT’S A CONCEPT who’s making these i want one
your use of references and reaction pics and gifs fucken KILLS ME
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Crystal anon here. I googled around my area to find there are none of those y'know, crystal, candle, incense, magic type shops. I have panic attacks when I go outside and I wanted to look into alternative stuff since I'm on meds and w/e. I wanted to know if you or friends had any experience or recommendations for buying crystals online like on etsy or amazon. How can you tell if they're real?x
ooooh ok. usually there are shops like those in cities or even in towns with like kitschy little promenades with independent shops. (i know there’s one around the town over from mine, which is so random lmao) i do have friends that have crystals but i think they mostly just collect them for the ~good vibez~ and don’t really look too far into the healing aspects of them. i would say first go with the one that coincides with your birth because those are the ones that are like specifically catered to you and strengthen your being. as for buying online, hmmmmm i mean i don’t really know any specific trustworthy sellers because i don’t have much experience with this, but definitely read the reviews! those will help you a lot <3
Hello could you please tell us how you edited the pic of rooney in that one post that the anon asked for the unedited version?
i honestly didn’t do much of anything that differs from my usual editing process! i made her eyes a bit bigger by using the clone tool, cloning the top of her eye and applying it a little bit farther up...if that makes sense. it’s hard to explain how to use that tool lmao. and i think i used the liquify tool to bring part of her eyebrow down to look more worried.
there's still a part of me that says she ain't dead and molly is just in a coma lmao end mE
OMFLDKGKJS yeah she’s not dead surprise. i WILL say there is still flashback stuff that will be revealed. well not “revealed” like molly’s death was revealed, like i just still have to showcase some things that happened afterward. because it doesn’t just end with molly’s death, there’s stuff after that as well :~}
I'm Mexican, have lived around Mexicans, have been to Mexico multiple times growing up, just came back from a family trip at practically the border between Mexico and Guatemala and never in my life have I ever heard the word "joder" i had to look it up xD (not hating or anything I just thought I'd mention it cuz I found it funny...lol) k bye...
OK NOT SURE IF the ppl you’ve been around just don’t curse or whatever but...joder is DEFINITELY something i’ve heard mexican people say before lmao
Okay so this is random, but i was telling my sister the name of one your characters in ur story (santi) and she kinda just starts singing his name, and she said "santi high, santi low, santi go." And im just sitting there, like woah.
u gonna incorporate fis hat into a really like emotional sad thing in her story huh
oMG i wasn’t planning on it but hmm 🤔
Why no el chingo? NO ME GUSTA (I'm joking btw ily)
LMFAOOOO because i didn’t wanna have to defile my son by downloading the penis mod RIP
let santi grow out dem eyebrows 2kforever
omg he does let them grow out except for the little line he shaved in when he was 14 that never grew back RIP
in ur bio it says "kt" and i know why,, it means killing them as in killing off ur characters slowly i see u gurl
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i bet this story was just an excuse for you to see the world burn. well done.
OMG i mean, that was definitely one of the side effects of it all. but really it was just that i NEEDED to get this story out after it had lived in my brain for so long.
ur dead 2 me
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I... just.... can't... too much pain Y U DO DIS 2 UZ?!?!!!
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swearronchanel · 7 years
I apologize in advance: this will be lengthy  LONG AF, as it’ll be part-my thoughts watching live & part-post comments to certain thoughts
ALSO** DISCLAIMER** I SHOULD’VE SAID THIS A WHILE AGO BUT I’LL SAY IT NOW that I type my thoughts VERBATIM, which is why it’s never in essay format because eh, it’s not me. IT ALSO MEANS I CURSE A LOT IM SORRY IT JUST COMES OUT, I’M NOT ELOQUENT ENOUGH TO MAKE MY POINT WITH BETTER WORDS .. Anyway I shall begin, feel free to comment on anything *just don’t come @ me for literally just thinking something* 
Ready @flyingnonny, @marialujan22
Cute little community, alright let’s see what’s going down
Chinese laundry a little stereotypical but I get it
“dear Patrick!” Laura is so adorable I can’t
The smiles in the mirror!! *shit after I think about it, more parallels. Shelagh’s looked in the mirror in so many of her great scenes. Series 1! & 2! & was that 4 with the nurse’s uniform the first time! Ah my bby growing up 😭
Lol sister Ursula’s annoying ass still here .. not for LONG THOUGH😊
dead @ Patrick’s reaction, someone gif it
Her mother in law looks mean as hell
Is Lucy mixed?
ah yep called it. Damn deported? Too relevant today..
I just get so excited now I love her
Lmao remember when I legit didn’t like her because of her comments to Shelagh before she came back to nursing. DONT WORRY IM OVER THAT
Shelagh looks so pretty!! More of her in cute outfits with the hair down pls 😍
Here for her 1962 wardrobe
Lol lullaby type music what’s she pulling out
“Tempting fate” stop! No bby everything will be okay if not I’m losing my shit
Sister J & Shelagh moments are precious ** Ah you guys reminded me of again another parallel I’m so here for it.
But like if she’s almost halfway as sister j says, has she told everyone already? we shall see, or maybe it’ll be implied
Shelagh saying “WHAT?” is most of my internal monologue in just about all my classes
Phyllis’s hand raise tryna avoid actually saying “no offense” to Dr Turner is gold
I will bet all my the cash in my wallet (prob $30 at most) we’ll see a soft side to her and Ima still be like “adios puta”
Shelagh’s like “we have a game plan” aw she is pure gold, protect her at all costs what the hell!¡💖
Also if no one at nonnatus knows this could’ve been a perfect chance to tell them, or someone could’ve been eyeing her walking around the table and suspecting? Like Phyllis would notice, she knows everything
Shelagh looking at Patrick literally like “is this bitch serious??”
This isn’t Downton Abbey, I never hated a ‘main character’ (don’t come @ me I hated a few characters but still loved the show)
Yo did sister Julienne really not slide Shelagh a new uniform? She’s in a cute outfit but c'mon
Lol this lady knows she’s pregnant
Fred angrily spinning the wheel, I feel
20 min visits, “OK”.
Oh no. I sense a sad story coming
Phyllis’s little run, precious
Sister Julienne spilling the tea, but again I don’t care about sister Ursula’s feelings or backstory
WAIT WHO CALLED A THREAT OF GETTING SHUT DOWN THOUGH? IT WASN’T ME BUT I REMEMBER READING IT? Lol score for u because I didn’t see this coming (even though I know damn well they’re not shutting down, like the show would be over)
she’s my hero anyway, no disappointment
Angela is precious
Tim trying be funny lol but we actually hate sister Ursula
HA NO SQUIRRELS , WAIT so today literally a squirrel ran across the feet and I freaked out. My campus is full of squirrels but like I’m from NYC I don’t fuck with them.
Ok, A) Shelagh’s shoes kinda don’t match but I’ll let it go & 2) is it implied everyone @ nonnatus knows? Like how has she not had a checkup this whole time. I guess Patrick could but that’s doesn’t seem likely
Toad in the hole??  que eso?
I think I said the other day I think she’s watching tv somewhere
The table: *collective gasps* me: *LOUDER GASP*
Why is babs taking it to heart? Like she sucks anyway
I love Phyllis damn it, not in a way I love Trixie and Shelagh though, it’s different I can’t explain it
I need Phyllis to encourage me to stay in university PLS (some one meet Linda Basset & send me a video of it)
Ah “delightful” screams. This show terrifies me to think about being pregnant one day lol. Like I thought my mother’s stories were bad enough but nah
Shelagh: *is frustrated* me: *gets frustrated* RELAX BBY
Also someone get her a new uniform she’s going to dirty her nice clothes
When did scrubs become a thing ?? my mother has like a zillion pairs & I can’t imagine her working in a dress all day. Omg I gotta find a picture one day from when she graduated nursing school she had such a similar style uniform to the nonnutans, I love it 😂
Patrick needs to put his damn finger down im tired of that shit. If he ever does it again with Shelagh I’ll flip a lid
Did she not want a girl?? @ in law
“no, a girls very special” aw
“She wouldn’t appreciate the term Elderly primigravida” ha true man, remember she said that last series
lol I wanna see her reaction if they ever label her again
get the fuck outta here, let them send sister MJ away I will revolt
Saw this scene haha, hope Ursula falls off
Damn came at Lucy, what’s wrong with Linda haha, that’s my gram’s name
She’s so chill about that, me? I wouldn’t let that go. I’m also so damn extra & annoying
Not the same as Phyllis saying “Hells teeth” but that’s catchy
Also Patrick can’t type that’s funny
“mending your dress” FIRST OF ALL PATRICK, SHUT UP
“Cool, calm, collected & professional” love her
You guys don’t understand, i need to screenshot a conversation with one of my friends. Her and I only ever use CtM screenshots for message reactions it’s so funny but also weird in a way😂 sometimes their cringes are better than basic memes
But to be honest they really have never fought? Lmao that moment could’ve been a little argument but they got over it too quick, bc/ how do they ALWAYS agree/get on? (Excluding the adoption issue but whatever)
Lol why did she have to get up, you get up Patrick
Her outfit is so cute !! My bby
AW!, they’re cute, I’ll forgive him
former nun sitting on a mans lap I love it!¡ without context it sounds funnier
“We’ll pull through, we always do” better be some foreshadow for something good!
I don’t think she has postpartum though
*SUCKS TEETH* UMM BABS not checking the baby is prob a bad move
Shelagh definitely has a baby bump at that angle, DOES EVERYONE KNOW or not WTF?
Bby you feel pain that’s not good u know this !
seriously does Barbara not see it
“Have you all been speculating?” HAHH
“Well I don’t approve of gambling on the premises” SHELAGH YOU ARE A GEM
seriously protect her at all costs, I know it’s coming but I don’t know when or how
shit they screaming, calm down ladies
lol Patrick trying to play it all off like he’s calm, cool and collected
no one asked u to be honest keep it pushing
Also it’s 31 MINS IN & TRIXIE IS NOT HERE YET? like when is she coming? I’m less hopeful of her saving the day the more time goes bye :/
“how can you [maternity home] compete with that [hospital]?”
Don’t blame yourself Barbara :/
Again Shelagh’s having pain, it’s going to be soon isn’t it?
This better not be the heart to heart Laura mentioned ** ah we’re good it’s not
Shelagh is going to the bathroom OMG SHES GONNA BLEED NOW RIGHT
she’s so scared, I cry for her
“Hello nurse Crane, it’s Shelagh..” *omg she rarely introduces herself & even less as Shelagh & I feel no one calls her that but Sister J & Patrick?
why St Cuthberts vs the London?
Phyllis being a badass simply walking down the hall
I hope this baby lives omg
I mean baby Lin, baby Turner will happen
Shelagh in the hospital bed is breaking my heart I swear I don’t have
I wanted it to be Trixie but IM NOT MAD LETS GET IT PHYLLIS
ugh pls save the maternity home
my poor girl looking so sad **** also how did she get all her things on the table?
Give Laura Main every damn award this series, I don’t care if we’re only 3 episodes in.
Her bump looks more visible in the hospital gown? do you think it’s a pillow or something lol
SHIT ITS SO SAD omg, I’m cryin
AW babs we all feel
Phyllis protecting Barbara aw
There’s not been as much Trixie as I had hoped 💔
But she’s back bitches and I’m happy I missed her
So Barbara smokes for real now, but Trixie doesn’t share her black cigarettes haha
Take your weak apology and go
they put a bench out for her how sweet
Sister MJ saying “silence” then “shh it’s starting” is me every week watching this damn show
It hurts that I am so invested in this show
How did it happen I don’t know but I love it so much 
Barbara’s ring is pretty
All is well & everything is almost back to normal and lovely *for now*
Sister Julienne is so faithful, like I really would struggle to be so compassionate
Sister Ursula is upset and I’m awful because I do not care
I knew they’d show her vulnerable side so we’d change our minds but I can’t
Sister Julienne you’re so great
It wasn’t a leak??
“I’m going to the mother house” *squees* YES ENJOY, THANK YOU FOR THE DISTRESS, PLEASE BE ON YOUR WAY
Sister Julienne don’t ask her to reconsider
This was a sweet moment but still don’t like Sister Ursula
she’s so pure, protect her!
Nice leaving the door open Sister Ursula
Phyllis driving her is only right
Trixie’s concerned, WHERE IS SISTER MARY CYNTHIA?? ** I really thought Trixie was going to play a bigger role in this episode & I thought this was going to be a longer scene but there’s 5 more episodes, I won’t complain I’ll just be patient. LOL JK UM when is Trixie going to get some time to shine
Oh Shelagh 💔
Aw the Chen’s
OKAY THEY’RE CELEBRATING & EVERYONE’S HAPPY BUT DO THEY NOT KNOW ABOUT SHELAGH? ** **I’m still not sure if they even know she’s expecting but why was Sister Julienne not told she was in the hospital? I know it happened fast but there was time. I don’t like how this played out like it seemed pushed aside but I guess that’s what next episode will address (I hope)
Otherwise, excellent as always
“We are all traveling through one another’s countries but it is no matter if we meet as strangers, for we can join forces and learn to love..” ah this so applies today ugh the world is insane
New midwife = Valerie’s coming back which is cool but also she’s going to be problematic so *hmm* maybe not
Fred and Violet are cute but still cringing & laughing about them in episode 1
finding out Tom’s past will be interesting, I’m thinking his mom almost gave him away but then didn’t? probably was raised with out a dad maybe? We’ll see
“We were happy enough before and we’ll be happy again, whatever happens” I don’t freaking know if this is Patrick comforting or breaking but I’m going to BAWL NEXT WEEK. Shelagh’s face omg💔 I can’t take this like she’s been through so much! They’ve been through so much heartache, what more can they take. UGH WTF I feel like they never get to enjoy anything, & I know “that’s life” & “it’s a drama” or whatever you say but damn. I love this poor character so much (why?¿!) & she’s usually sad in every series !!
The End.🙃 it’s 1:52am, I should go to bed.
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sambart93 · 7 years
2017.01.17 Touken Ranbu Ensei LV Review/Report
I have been waiting months....
I fought in ticket battles every BLOODY time and didn't hit.
I even used two different email accounts in order to try and get tickets! I still didn't hit!
I tried Toujitsuken (on the day ticket) and DIDN'T HIT....
MAKICHAN IS BACK!!!!! (more details later)
Lets get onto the review now that I've calmed down....
Now I'm not gunna write everything out; we all know Toustage, we all know the story of it; we've all seen the first DVD multiple times. So I'm just going to write down everything that was different this time including the gungi scene, the curtain call etc. Ready?! Okay!
The Opening: I feel like the first half of the stage was changed a lot. Especially the scenes between Ranmaru and Akechi; I'm pretty sure their first scene was extended.
Next is when Fudou is brought into the Hanamaru and meets Manba through Jiji. He does the whole trying to touch him and Manba stops him but (maybe because it was the final) Fudou tries to touch him again, Manba stop hims, he goes to try a third time but stops mid-way making the audience and Manba (who is duh Makichan <3) laugh. He then stops and goes behind Manba and LIFTS his cape up! I don't think MakiChan expected this either!! xD
Also we get a giant chunk after Fudou joins the hanamaru where they (I don't remember who... maybe Namazuo) explain about Manbachan's past which I'm pretty sure wasn't in the original run. And when they do tell Fudou Manbachan's history, Manba is like 'you told him?!' and is super hurt.
As I'd already read in reports and confirmed with my own eyes the stage directions for coming off and on had been swapped for all the actors.
This time around the play was a lot more comedic than it was serious. The first chunk of this play has a HUGE amount of laughs and comical moments in it. A lot more adlib as well I feel was brought into it.
Also I noticed that Namazuo and Kousetsu's parts were extended! When Sayo is recovering after getting hurt and Souza and Kousetsu are left with him Seto (who plays Kousetsu) has this HUGE monologue - which I personally don't remember being in the first run of this show. Also I noticed Kousetsu's fighting style this time around; he moves VERY slow, almost like he only moves when it's absolutely necessary and when we first see him fight I thought we were watching slow mo because then Ichigo comes on and he moves SO freaking fast in comparison but Ichigo was moving at normal speed; so Kotetsu is definitely a slow moving fighter which I found interesting. I still SUPER love Namazuo's fighting style <3 he slids across the floor and he had this head cock which pisses the enemy off xD I love it. Kento (who has replaced Someya as Tsurumaru) has sped up the choreography - he still has the same choreography as what Someya did, but his feet tap (you all know which moment I mean!) was much faster this time and such. AND of course I'm always impressed that MakiChan can fight with the GIANT cape blocking his viewing and making it more difficult to swing a sword. BTW!!!!! I think he had new choreography because in his finally fighting scene he FLIPS his sword in the air and catches it before doing his final strike!! It was SUCH a good flip!!! I hope you all noticed it when you see the DMM << which I will buy ASAP!!!!
Also Kudo's to the camera men! Naturally you're going to get a few dodgey shots but some were so perfectly timed that we got the most perfect shot ever!! One example is when Yagen looks back at Souza and it's such a beautiful close up of him!! Another is when Maki (in the background) says his line and then Suzuki goes to talk (he's in the foreground) and the camera so flawlessly switches focus from MakiChan to Suzuki!!! ALSO the freaking gungi!! (full details below) but after MakiChan has apologised to Wada and goes to continue his line, he cracks the most perfect smile ever at Wada (cos MakiChan is still laughing inside over it) and only the people watching the LV could've seen that shot (maybe people who were actually in the front row and had binoculars could've seen it too) but everyone in the LV theatre (I was in at least) were laughing so hard at MakiChan's cracked smile at Wada for that milisecond xD well done camera men!
I'm pretty sure I mention this every time even when I watched the first run's dvd but I freaking love the music in this SOOOO much!!! Even during the LV last night the music would take my attention at points <3
They used fake blood this time on Ranmaru and Fudou at the end and it looks SO realistic! I thought the actor for Ranmaru had cut his face and neck because it looks realistic and was just all over him! But then when Fudou has it during his Shinken scene then I realise it was just damn good fake blood!
BACK to the story! So the next comedic part is when ManbaChan is showing him around the Hanamaru and what they do on a daily basis and he meets Yagen and Souza and this time around both Fudou AND Yagen go 'ahhhh!!!' at each other xD Then we get to the horse rearing and this time they upgraded the horse and the ensemble cast guy has a hump attached to him which he uses to hit Hasebe and he goes flying across the stage xD
Then of course Fudou actually meets Hasebe and the classic 'AHHHH!...who are you?' happens xD
Finally at the end of this sequence Jiji "finds" them and Fudou went off stage so MakiChan turns around and is just dead silent "...where's Fudou?!" and Fudou brings the fucking horse back on and says they both have reigns xD I was dying. MakiChan was dying too and he yells at the horse to go back to where he came from xD I feel like this was one of those 'It's the last one so lets really fuck Hasebe and ManbaChan and their actors up in real time".
Another great point is right at the end when Tsurumaru does his 'sneaking up on ManbaChan' and of course he did the digging into his knees so he fell back and Tsurumaru catched him so well but THEN preceeded to drag ManbaChan back and his SHOE came off xD when Tsurumaru finally let go of MakiChan he was just on his knees wetting himself laughing. Suzuki kindly picked up MakiChan's shoe and put it in front of him. MakiChan put his shoe back on. But obviously everyone in the crowded were dying of laughter and he was clearly embarrassed slash enjoying that accident xD And then AFTER this moment Tsurumaru and ManbaChan go to walk off stage but Tsurumaru stops asks 'how much Mochi did you make?' 'Enough' 'How much is enough?' and MakiChan does a big ball in the air, Tsurumaru is like 'that much? That's a huge amount! If you had that much mochi then your skin would become super soft like mochi! ... That's why you're beautiful (kirei)' and MakiChan get's flustered (clearly not expecting Kento to even stop!), the entire audience are like 'woooooo!' and he does the classic Manba line of 'utsukusii toka iu na (don't call my beautiful)' and then does this flamboyent cape flip and strutes off stage and Tsurumaru is like 'you sure you mean that?!' xD
OMG!!!!! I don't remember it being in the first stage BUT MAKICHAN GETS TO YELL 'HAJIMEYO!' at one point!!!! Also he yells "Shutsujin da!' and I was flailing so fucking hard when he yelled those two lines!!!!
Naturally I fangirled when ALL my favourite lines were said:
Dare de arou ga Ahhhh anta... dare da?! Utsukushii toka iu na Kore de mo jissen muki dane Anata... dare ka ni fukushuu nozomu no ka Mada mada! Yokikana Yokikana Yare Yare Doushite arujiga oda no katanatachi wo honnoji ni kasetano ka... Ima ha sukoku wakaru... tsuyokuare... aruji ha sou itteru youna ki ga suru. <3
Can you guess who says what?! It's weird seeing it all romanised though xD
Okay guys here it is January 17th 2017 Evening Performance Gungi/War Counsel: Zunda Mochi
Shokudaigiri comes in and says today is Zunda Mochi and that he was going to make it, he hands the tool (for making mochi) to ManbaChan who takes it and Jiji and Tsurumaru offer to help him so the three of them go off stage and for a good 2 minutes-ish you just hear them going 'Tsuku!' 'Hai!' over and over and just getting louder and faster xD
The three of them came back in after making the mochi and said they had failed and MakiChan was carrying the tool and as they went back to his places, MakiChan help the tool down a little and it smacked Hasebe/Wada in the face! At first it looked planned but you legit hear MakiChan go 'are you okay? I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... sorry' so I think he might've been an accident. But then the next moment when he's back to discussing their plans, the moment he looked at Hasebe (going back to the perfect timing of the camera men) he cracked a smile at Wada before pulling himself back together xD And then the moment when Hasebe stands up (before he gets Fudou) MakiChan grabs the tool again and says 'you wanna use it?' xD
During the curtain calls a few of them fucked up with what they wanted to say and obviously it was cute so we all giggled! But when Tsurumaru/Kento was talking he paused towards the end and you just heard (I think it was Yagen/KitaMu) someone go 'DON'T CRY!' and he said 'I won't.'. But when Seto went to speak to broke down towards the end. He couldn't keep it in and from what I saw, the camera only did a wide shot for like a milisecond) but, it looked like KitaMu was holding Seto's right hand while MakiChan put his hand on Seto's left shoulder as he cried the rest of his speech out. And then the get the mood light again Hide/Souza was like 'are you done?' xD MakiChan's speech was pretty solid until he fucked up and said 'Ranmaru Hideyoshi.... no wait.. Hidetada-- NO! ... Mori Ranmaru and Akechi Hideyoshi!' xD so cute.
MakiChan by the way was HYPER as hell! During the curtain calls, as he walked off, everytime he was waved to the audience with this massie wave (like he did in Tenimyu) and was jumping away. And then during the backstage video at the end he jumped in and was like 'THANK YOOOU! GET HOME SAFE!!!!' waved manically and jumped out of shot again, almost hitting the camera xD this boy lights up my life so hard xD he's always so positive and happy!!
KitaMu's curtain call was cute! He was like 'there's the Japan LVs and there's overseas LVs! (English) Thank you! (Chinese) She she! (German) Danke Shion! .... Arigatou!' xD
PS. Wada constantly looked like a deer in a headlight... his eyes were like O_O the entire time whenever he acted xD it amused me.
EDIT:  OOOO! I forgot to say; you know the ending with the song and the umbrellas? THIS time around they have the character name written umbrellas that they carry AND this time the ensemble come and put umbrellas with their crests on next to them as they each bowed!! <3 So 24 umbrellas in total this time! ^_^ After all the curtain calls but before the new stage was released they did the Opening again but an Onrei (thanks) version and at the beginning when they take their swords out MakiChan didn't catch his right and grabbed the sword rather than the hilt and TonChan saw the moment and looked at him xD
New Stage:
Like I said; we're getting a second stage in June and July! And Suzuki, MakiChan, Kento, TonChan and Saya are at least coming back and reprising their roles <3 and then we're also getting new characters Kasen Kanesada, Okurikara and Taikogane Sadamune! They haven't officially released who's playing them but we did get a shadowy dark visual video of them and twitter are under the impression that it's Wada Takuma, Ino Hiroki and Hashimoto Shohei playing them. We'll wait and see but everyone's pretty convinced even though Marv (the production company) are like "Kasen Kanesada - ???" just tell us already! xD All the swords belong to Date Masamune so looks like we're getting a Date story line next which is PERFECT timing because I've been dying to go to Sendai for AGE and decided that like this May was gunna be when I do! And Sendai is famous for Date Masamune (google him okay!).
Did I mention last night was 4 HOURS LONG?! It started at 7pm and I didn't get out of the cinema til after 10pm!!! =O It did feel a little long but I was super enjoying mself, BUT I didn't realise HOW long it was =O
**By the way I found it WEIRD when people weren't laughing clapping in the cinema during the curtain call and speeches. When I started clapping a few even turned around at me like I was the one in the wrong. Just because the actors can't see or hear you clap doesn't mean you shouldn't! I knew in my heart, if I didn't clap, I would've felt guilty as fuck about it, so I clapped regardless. Some other did too but I shocked --more like disgusted-- that people didn't clap when the play started and ended and during the speeches and everything.
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