#image made by yours truly btw
spydertrans · 2 years
the autism truly is fucking WINNING today (positive)
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to-my-valentines · 2 months
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𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓶𝓾𝓼𝓮 pt.3
ᵒᵇˢᵉˢˢᵉᵈ ᵃᵘᵗʰᵒʳ ˣ ᵇᵒᵒᵏʷᵒʳᵐ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
⤷ note : pt.1 | pt.2
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it has been a week since you've last visited the bookstore and a week since your encounter with Ren. though you two continuously text back and forth throughout the day, with him even ringing you up a few times, you still missed seeing his pretty face. there was just something about him, that made you crave for him more and it was definitely something more than just his beauty; maybe his attractive personality? or the way he carried himself so elegantly or maybe the fact that he was a social success, effortlessly mixing in with people while managing a perfect reputation.
he was completely opposite of you and probably someone you desired to be. you were introverted; always minding your own business on the sidelines with very little to say. you found solace in your own company, often indulging in reading or studying. it's not like you didn't have friends, but you were not someone who was easy to befriend either. keeping that in mind, you were quite shocked at how fast Ren managed to wiggle his way into your small little bubble. and you were not gonna lie, but you did infact enjoy his company a lot, frequently finding yourself coming back to him to share the little bits of your life as Ren eagerly waited for you.
you didn't notice how your thoughts swayed away your attention as you zoned out from reality, until you heard a notification pop up on your phone.
"I was thinking if you wanted to grab coffee at the cafe near the bookstore tomorrow. it's been so long since I saw your lovely little face! it'll be my treat btw </3"
of course, it was none other than Ren. the heart emoticon at the end of the text made your heart beat a little faster as you quickly typed out a response.
"sure, why not! I'm starting to miss you too. let's meet at bookstore tomorrow and then we can grab some coffee"
"alrighty! see you tomorrow then, pretty girl", Ren smiled softly at the screen, looking over at the texts you've sent him throughout the day. how can someone even be this cute? he thought, rolling over on his bed to face the wall as he caught a quick glance of the several pictures of you that decorated his room.
Ren Takahashi had everything one could ever desire. he had fame, he had money, a successful career and a respectable image to uphold; well, everything except one thing. and that was his muse. Ren's passion for writing drove from his unsuccessful love life, where he never really got to experience true love from the people he had been with. this resulted in him into resorting to use writing as his only means to express the desires that dwelled deep within his heart. but he was starting to become a little frustrated. he wanted to be loved too, to be cared for, to be held in the arms of his beloved. he wanted to feel what it was like when someone devoted their entire self in just loving him, having eyes for none other. and that would the greatest success in his eyes.
and that's when he met you.
he still remembers the day, the moment he first saw you. it wasn't unusual for one to get stuck in the morning traffic, but amidst the chaos of honking horns and impatient drivers, his gaze found you, and time seemed to stand still. the sun illuminated your features, casting a glow that made you appear almost ethereal. from that moment on, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had stumbled upon something truly special amidst the mundane routine of daily life. you were standing on the sidewalk with a bunch of books in your hands, the gentle breeze moving through your hair, tousling it in the process. and God, you took his breathe away. it was in that moment, he believed "love at first sight" to be true as he profusely thanked the universe to have listened to his wishes.
and something that caught his attention even more was the corner of one of his book peaking out from the bunch you were carrying, a smile making it's way upto his lips subconsciously.
he entered his office in a good mood, that day. he was supposed to start working on the draft of his new novel and let's just say, he found the inspiration for it.
though he knew it could be a bit difficult to get your complete information, but with the connections he had in hand, the task became relatively easier and before he even knew it his obsession with you started to root deep inside his heart.
the more he observed you, the more captivated he got by your presence.
you were just so perfect. how could you not be his?
it bothered him deeply, whenever the thought crossed his mind; not being able to pay attention to anything else as his mind bugged him to take you. he wanted you and he was ready to do anything to have you. you were his since the moment he laid his eyes on you, you just didn't know it yet.
as much as he loved to observe you from the shadows, it was finally time for him to introduce himself. standing in the empty isle, he saw how your small figure reached out to take his book, struggling a bit to get a hold of it. he literally squealed like a little girl inside. you made him feel like a teenager all over again. he waited, until you were so immersed in the book that you failed to notice him creeping up behind you. but when you did notice him though, looking up from the book with your adorable doe eyes and flushed cheeks to see his towering frame, his heart melted right then and there in that very moment, every second he had previously spend yearning for you, begging the Gods to listen to his desperate pleas felt all worth it.
he knew he finally had you in his grasp. and, he's never gonna let go of you
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randomshyperson · 11 months
Enchanted - Wanda Maximoff Oneshots
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Summary: The new Avengers welcome party takes an unexpected turn. Wanda is delighted and tries to make a friend. | Based on “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift.
Warnings: mutual pining, really fluffy, emo wanda being a shy mess with a crush, they are both teenagers in this btw, hints of social anxiety. | Words: 4.913k
A/N-> Yes, I’m writing about worthy!Reader again, sue me. It has a certain resemblance to an abandoned one that I posted here a while ago, but this time they are strangers to friends. This is also totally influenced by the new version of this song.
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad | Song-Based Collection
The party setting was not one that Wanda would choose as a favorite, and frankly, she had little desire to be there.
But Steve and Natasha insisted she joins, after all, there were reasons to celebrate besides the almost obligatory socializing and marketing for Earth's most famous team of heroes; their latest villain, Ultron, had been successfully exterminated. And in addition to the conflicts, there were new members on the team. Given the circumstances, and the recent destruction of her home country, neither reason would be enough to get her out of her room, but it was Natasha who convinced her to celebrate what truly mattered: Pietro was alive.  
Somehow, the twin managed to make the broken leg an extra charm to his character, and the crouched figure dressed in an expensive suit courtesy of Stark Industries - an image that would make the teenage version of Pietro Maximoff have a fit of outrage - turned into the soul of the party. Unlike her brother who seemed overjoyed by the spotlight, Wanda hurried to find a corner as soon as she entered the tower hall packed with guests, her heart racing for every glance and flash of photographers interested in the newest Avengers.
The evening wore on with polite celebrations and a battle of egos conversations; it all seemed very political to Wanda, but not in the same way as it had on her rebellious afternoons in Sokovia, with all the ink and posters and protests, and more about fake smiles and passive-aggressive accusations, people in suits reminding themselves of the cost of the Avengers' existence, and an almost drunken Tony Stark bragging that money was no problem.
It was exhausting in its entirety, but Wanda managed to find a decent and entertaining distraction which was watching Pietro and Sam bicker for the attention of the guests. At the same time, Natasha kept her company at the bar. 
The widow's voice calling her attention made her take her eyes from her twin supported on crutches to her newest teammate. Wanda was still a bit uneasy around Natasha - Her own guilt about the confrontation in which she invaded the other's memories, in addition to the moment of being scolded for a borrowed jacket made her feel embarrassed, even though Natasha had been very kind around her since then and had even been the person to lend her the red dress she wore tonight.
"You were tense all night, Maximoff." Commented Natasha not teasing her, but as a friendly remark that made Wanda sigh. The redhead glanced at Pietro before turning her attention back to the younger girl, her gaze softer. "It was just a scare, Wanda. He'll recover, and before you can miss him, your brother will be causing trouble again."
The joke drew a smile from her, weak but still true. Wanda tried to take Natasha's words to heart, hoping that the reaffirmation would push away all the nightmares she'd had with the memories of her brother bleeding in a destroyed Sokovia, dreams created by her fears that her brother's masked savior wouldn't have arrived in time.
Natasha cursed suddenly, and Wanda stared at her curiously, only to discover the widow staring at something behind them, at the entrance to a party that was emptying as the night wore on.
“"What the hell is this little shit doing here?" Grumbled the widow and Wanda frowned, surprised that although it was a swear word, the anger didn't carry over into Natasha's gaze. She looked more worried than anything else.
Looking back, Wanda saw a singular figure. The band T-shirt, even if hidden under a pallet, brought a faded, confident tone to the figure who greeted with polite smiles and made their way to the bar with such familiarity that Wanda immediately understood that whoever the person was, they had been to the Tower many times before.
But Natasha came out from behind the bar at a hard step and met you halfway, close enough for Wanda to see how Nat grabbed your wrist and hear the words whispered in a scolding tone.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?"
Your posture was not intimidated one bit - You freed yourself from the tug effortlessly, smiling and adjusting your jacket.
"I was invited, of course."
Natasha narrowed her eyes, assessing your response during the seconds you looked around, smiling and waving to a few people. "I'm going to kill Tony."
You sighed impatiently. "Come on, Mom, it's just a party-" 
The term made Wanda's eyes widen, almost unable to resist the urge to raise her head and fully expose her spying on the conversation. Natasha didn't let you finish, walking off at a harsh pace toward the iron man on the other side of the room.
With a roll of your eyes, you ignored that and made your way to the bar. 
Wanda noticed a few things quickly as you reached out beside her to grab a bottle of booze from behind the counter. The first was that you were certainly not the legal American age to be drinking and this explained the checking glances you threw around before stealing the drink, and the second was that your complicit smile toward her made her heart forget how to beat properly.
"Sorry about that, Natasha is quite the doting type of mom." That was the first thing you said to her, as you moved close enough for Wanda to swallow dryly at the intrusion of your perfume into her senses, intoxicatingly attractive. You smiled again, propping your elbow on the counter beside you to extend your hand to her. "I am Y/N, by the way. And you're Wanda Maximoff, right?"
Jesus, keep it together. She thought, feeling her face heat up at the attention.
If Pietro saw the disaster, he would be laughing at her face, and knowing that her brother was just a few feet away ready to mock her, made Wanda suddenly gain a little confidence.
She confirmed who she was and as she shook your hand, she added, "I didn't know Natasha had any children."
You chuckled relaxedly. "It's complicated." You replied, releasing her hand to grab the beer bottle you left resting on the bar. "She's not my birth mother, I'm more like a souvenir"
Wanda frowned at your rather vague answer, ready to inquire when before you could take a sip of your drink, someone took it from you from behind your shoulder - It was Clint Barton, also wearing a suit and with a smug expression of repression.
"I'll take this." He chuckled, ignoring your sigh of protest and approaching to greet Wanda quickly before turning his attention back to you. "And may I ask what you're doing here, kiddo?"
You snorted impatiently, putting your hands in your pockets. "What do people do at parties, Barton?" You returned naughtily, but Clint grinned, shaking his head.
"You know Natasha is going to give you a hard time for this... in addiction to drinking-"
"What drinking? You didn't even let me taste it." You interrupt grumpily and roll your eyes when to further irritate you, Clint takes a long gulp. With a sigh, you lift your chin toward Wanda. "I'm just getting to know the new Avengers, it's not a crime to make friends." You commented, offering Wanda a wink that made her swallow dryly. 
Great, of all the people she could meet in a new country, she was going to have a crush on the Black Widow's daughter. Her luck always improving.
"Kiddo, you know the rules-" Clint tried to reason, but you huffed impatiently again.
"God, you guys are such hypocrites!" Despite the clear irritation, your tone remained controlled. "The Maximoffs are what, months older than me? Yeah, Barton, I read Fury's files. Honestly, this is ridiculous! Stark is also trying to recruit that fourteen-year-old vigilante, but suddenly if I want to join the team it's the most dangerous thing in the world! I only came for the party, but I'd be happy to get a thank you for the last mess you put yourselves in! I don't know, like a "thanks Y/N for saving my life" instead of a "you're too young to be here", Uncle." Your venting made the man lower his head, sighing in agreement. 
The archer tried to call you over to ease things, but you had already left the scene, annoyance stamped on your expression. With another sigh, this time in defeat, Clint returned the bottle to the bar and touched Wanda gently on the elbow.
"It wasn't the best way to meet her, but I hope you don't get a bad impression." He tried to joke, but Wanda only needed five seconds to reflect on your words to understand exactly who you were.
"Clint, she's helped us in Sokovia, didn’t she?" Inquired the girl with a certain desperation. "She’s the one that saved Pietro?" 
Barton smiled proudly. " Yeah, that's her." He confirmed to which Wanda sighed softly. So many days wondering how she could find and thank the mysterious person who ensured her brother's safety and the closest thing to a father figure she had at the moment, only to have you stand in front of her and get tongue-tied.
You disappeared in the midst of so many guests, and Wanda gave up searching with her gaze when Clint called her back to get her attention.
"You'll have time to say thanks." He commented realizing the whole thing and smiling softly. "If Y/N gets what she's been pushing at for years, you two should be roommates. And well, whenever she's not at school, she's around."
Wanda absorbed the words attentively, feeling her curiosity rise. "Oh, really? And how old is she again?"
"She wasn't exaggerating, Maximoff, she really is only a few months younger than you and your brother." Clint replied casually. Although he was looking around, old habits of an agent, he seemed willing to talk to Wanda. "The only reason she's not the youngest Avenger is because Natasha doesn't want her to be on the team."
The information makes Wanda frown. "Why is that?"
Clint smiles, shrugging. "Safety, of course." He gently rebuts. "Aliens and bio-nuclear warfare isn't exactly the right place for a teenager."
"Still here I am.'" Wanda retorted without sounding really annoyed. Clint hesitated before sighing. 
"It's different, Wanda."
"Of course, Clint." She retorted with a fresh bitterness on the edge of her stomach. "She matters."
Barton grimaced, moving a little closer and staring her in the eye. "Don't jump to conclusions without knowing the full story." He began. "These are different situations. You and Pietro are enhanced young people without a country to go back to. And of course your safety matters to me. But we've had this conversation before, Maximoff. When you faced that army, you chose to be an Avenger, even though you can resign from this position whenever you want, you are a very strong girl who I would trust on a battlefield. But Y/N is 17 years old and the most action she's seen in her life was at the drive-in of The Future Terminator ." Clint commented but Wanda looked away, catching your figure again, this time greeting Pietro who recognized you far more easily than she did. The hug he gave you made her look at Clint seriously.
"I think you give her little credence." She retorted, impressed with her confidence in defending someone she didn't even know. "She made a difference in the last fight."
Clint laughed dryly. "She's already won you over, hasn't she? She's a born talent." He teased, smiling at the pink tint to her cheeks. "And speaking of talent, I have to admit, that kid has plenty of it. Natasha trained her of course, but never let her go into real action. And well, she's always been very observant. Tony has a sweet spot for her, taught her everything he knows, and if you ask me, he spoils her a little. But I can't blame him, she gives us those puppy dog eyes and it seems like no time has passed. We're all old and she gets what she wants from those soft adults."
The warmth and nostalgia of the veteran's words made Wanda smile as well. She let a moment pass before commenting:
"Earlier, Y/N said something about being... souvenir." And the phrase drew a hearty laugh from Clint.
He shook his head in disbelief before retorting, "It's a long story..."
"It's not like I have anywhere else to go." Wanda jokes it's kind of dry humor, but it makes Clint chuckle weakly. He settles into the chair next to her and assumes a thoughtful expression.
"Well, I guess it all started in Budapest..."
It's not like she needed any more reasons to like you, but nonetheless, Clint gave all of them and more. The story was brief but much appreciated; Natasha found you by chance, the joke about being Souvenir now made sense and Wanda wanted to laugh at your dry sense of humor so similar to hers. A professional Russian spy is given a second chance and while she is trying to gain the trust of the people around her, she encounters an angry child during an infiltration and elimination operation. Unlike everyone on the team of military and guilty billionaires, you were just a civilian with no options. Born into a family made up of people who made all the wrong choices and compromised your safety. Enter the Shield, with two agents who were determined to bring the only survivor home. 
Wanda immediately understood Natasha's responsibilities and desperate desire for your safety. 
Clint's narrative grew vaguer, and he got quieter as he drank more. Wanda didn't need telepathy to know that the archer was thinking about his own kids, and with a tired smile, he took a last sip of his beer and offered her a pat on the shoulder.
"Time for me to go home, Wanda." He commented, looking around at the practically empty party room now. They had been so wrapped up in stories about the past that he had barely seen the party ending. "Whatever you need, give me a call, okay?"
Clint's goodbyes were always like this, and Wanda just returned the smile. 
Alone at the bar, she decided to make her way to her twin brother who was now sitting on one of the couches. The whole way there, she tried to keep her racing heart in check on account of the person in the opposite seat.
"[...] And all that for her to kick me out of bed the next day!" The end of Sam's story drew laughter from the group, and Wanda tried to go unnoticed and find a corner, but once you were close enough, you adjusted yourself on the couch.
"Hey, there's space here." You offered gently, tapping the free spot next to you and with all the attention on her, Wanda could only accept the invitation quickly, squeezing in next to you on the couch. 
Sam, who didn't mind the momentary attention stolen, continued to tell stories of failed date nights, tales funny and embarrassing enough to keep the group entertained. Wanda was too busy trying not to look like a complete mess and hiding her own expression from her curious brother to pay attention to them.
Before she could realize it, she had stood beside you in complete silence for half an hour, just listening and forcing smiles whenever Pietro tried to include her in the conversation at the mention of some memory they shared. The party officially ended as the night wore on until only those who were part of the team were left in the room. And well, you.
"Hey kiddo, come on, I'll drive you home." It was Natasha already with a jacket over her dress and keys in hand. The information that there was a home beyond the tower stuck in Wanda's mind, and she had to force herself to stop imagining what the black widow's ordinary life as a single mother would be like. 
Instead of getting up, you sank further into the sofa, stretching both arms out on the support of the furniture. Wanda was sure her face was the color of Natasha's hair, but she didn't dare look above her own lap, being sure that Pietro would notice if she did.
"Thanks, Mom, but I'm going to stay a little longer."
Natasha sighed wearily. "Kid, please." She insisted but you didn't lose your slouched posture.
Instead, you let your arm fall over Wanda and Sam, each on your side. "I just made new friends, come on!" You justified, squeezing them both for a moment. Wanda bit the inside of her cheek hard, "And tomorrow is the weekend!"
The widow didn't look persuaded at all, but a certain iron man mimicked the gesture you made with the other two, hugging Natasha sideways as his free hand brought out a little cocktail.
"Don't be so grumpy, Romanoff." Tony teased. "It's not like Y/N is twelve. In fact, I already bought her an eighteen birthday present."
The information made you get excited, and get up to try to get more information out of your uncle about that surprise gift. 
Wanda let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding when she no longer had your arm around her, and as she raised her eyes and met her twin's curious gaze, she knew the color of her cheeks had worsened.
When Thor was drunk enough to keep talking about Asgard, and Natasha's keys were hanging over the hammer on the table, you yawned in the middle of a joke.
Steve chuckled, shaking out his hair and exchanging a quick glance with the widow talking to Agent Hill across the room.
"It's late, let's call it a night, Avengers." Announced the captain, receiving a chorus in protest but far too tired to counter more willingly. 
Wanda herself was missing her heels, practically asleep against the shoulder of her twin brother, who was in one last round of improvised poker with the Falcon.
"Party killer." Tony teased with his eyes closed - He had been woken from his nap by the voice of the captain, who laughed at the comment before offering his hand to encourage you to get up from the couch.
The next few minutes were a blur in Wanda's mind until everything came back into focus at once. She was holding the crutches with her magic and helping her brother to stand when she heard you mutter something about sleeping in the tower. Suddenly, your sleepy figure tripped over the table leg, and instead of a tragic accident with the hammer static in the center, everything crashed to the floor.
The Mjolnir rolled a few inches away from your body, and you laughed embarrassedly, half of Tony Stark's punch in your jacket. 
"Damn, let's hope she didn't scratch your toy." Joked Sam, but Thor was half pale looking at you in shock.
It was Rogers who lifted you like a knight to the rescue, but when he tried to duck to retrieve the hammer, the item didn't care to flinch. 
Suddenly the whole group understood what had happened while you were distracted by the punch damage to your new suit.
"Sorry, Uncle Tony, I think it's going to stain..." You muttered upset, raising your eyes to the room of adults staring at you and breaking into a confused laugh. "What?"
Thor swallowed dryly. "Hm, kid, can you... pick up the hammer for me?"
You shrugged, ducking down at the same moment. "Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean to knock it over." And you lifted it without any difficulty, extending it to Thor who looked about to pass out and didn't make a move. You made a confused face. Opening your mouth to question, you had no chance to do so as Thor was already looking at Natasha.
"We have to talk." He pointed at you next. "The three of us."
Nat sighed and grabbed the hammer from your hand, tossing it into Thor's lap who caught it just in time to avoid hitting him in his most sensitive parts, grimacing at the redhead.
"See? It's no big deal. I can lift it too, so don't even try to give me that look."
"No. She's a kid, Thor! Don't even start, we're leaving!"
"Romanoff!" Insisted the god, but he had to get up to follow the figure of Nat, who had grabbed your hand and was practicing running away down the tower.
The rest of the team stood in an embarrassing silence, being able to hear the heated discussion in the hallway of the other three for the next few minutes until Steve cleared his throat.
"I think it's best if we each go to bed..." 
"Shush, popsicle." Cut Tony impatiently. "We just found new rulers of Asgard."
"Yeah, let us hear it." Insisted Sam and Steve got no support from anyone else, everyone too curious to give privacy to the discussion that seemed close to ending.
A moment later, Thor returned with a smile on his face, and next to him, a widow with her arms crossed. "We have a proposition to make." Announced the blond man, giving the smaller one a gentle nudge. 
Natasha sighed stubbornly. "It's against all my wishes-"
Thor snorted good-naturedly, nudging Natasha's face like an older brother and ignoring the other's protest to excitedly tell the room: "Everyone has seen that little Romanoff can lift the hammer, and well, this is the greatest proof of honor, strength, and dignity a warrior can have and I think it's more than enough to give that girl a chance to be part of the team like she's always wanted since she was a rude little brat-
"Thank you, Uncle." You cut in with a laugh as you came into the scene again. Wanda saw that you were now out of your wet suit, the t-shirt gave way to what looked like one of the social shirts of the party waiters and was clearly an improvised outfit by the way half the buttons were still being buttoned.
Thor suddenly wrapped you in a corner hug, looking very proud and the gesture made you chuckle. "They grow up so fast, don't they?" He commented tearfully, to which you shook your head.
"I would still finish school, and there's college too, but Thor thinks he could train me like the Asgardians. That is of course, if you guys would accept me into the team. What do you say?"
The group grinned affectionately, and as Steve Rogers sniffled softly, Tony opened his arms excitedly.
"Of course, you can be an Avenger! Come here!"
As the adults moved to hug you tight, the new members stood watching politely, smiling at the scene. Pietro, now standing next to his sister, leaned in to whisper:
"I saw the way you look at her.” He said, and Wanda bit the inside of her cheek, trying to hide any reaction. "You totally have a crush."
"Shut up." She snapped sullenly, ignoring her brother's chuckle.
Your inclusion in the team gave energy for one last round of drinks - non-alcoholic for the underage trio - in celebration. And around three in the morning now, Wanda could barely keep her eyes open.
She walked Pietro back to his room, worried that he would stumble on the way and ignoring her brother's jokes that he would speed up before he could hit the floor, and only after he was comfortable under the sheets did she leave the room towards her own.
She eventually found out that Clint didn't lie. In fact, you were her roommate, and well, she felt a little embarrassed to interrupt a moment of reconciliation between you and your mother, who was kissing your forehead before letting you go to rest. The widow also offered a smile to Wanda who nodded absently, and thus, the two of you were left alone in the hallway.
"Hey, Maximoff."
The brunette smiled, scratching her eyes softly. "Hey, new Avenger." She managed to joke, eliciting a shy giggle from you. It was clear that you were pleased and excited, and Wanda wished she could say that she wasn't affected one bit by the gleam in your eyes, but that would be a lie.
"I'm still sort of digesting that one. It seems surreal." You comment, scratching behind the back of your neck. Steve's act of ruffling your hair left earlier that evening gave you an air of domesticity that made Wanda's breathing catch. Damn it, Pietro was right. She was a goner. "I know the situation is quite different, but I guess you must be nervous too, right? Your brother at least, acknowledged that he is."
Wanda blinks in surprise, stealing a glance at Pietro's door. He hadn't confessed this to her, but it made sense that despite everything, he was nervous about becoming a real superhero.
"Yeah, I guess." She retorts, crossing her arms. "I think it feels more real when we're fighting together."
You chuckled softly, hiding your hands in your pockets. "Don't let my mother hear you. She's still processing that part." You joked, getting a soft laugh from the other, the sound bringing a soft color to your cheeks that Wanda doesn't notice, too busy hiding her own. "Hey, total change of subject but do you go to school?"
She blinks in confusion, "What...?"
"It's just that it would be cool to go with you!" You quickly clarify. "Since we're similar ages, I figured we could be classmates..."
Wanda shifts the weight of her foot awkwardly, clearing her throat. "Hm, I fell behind." She interrupts, frowning slightly. "You know, the schools stop with the conflicts and the bombings. And then Hydra came and the tests and it didn't make sense for either me or Pietro to keep studying anymore..."
"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Sorry." You mutter clearly embarrassed that you brought up the subject. Wanda uncrosses her arms, not knowing what to do with her hands. "God, I'm so stupid."
"It's okay, you were just curious." She tries to reassure you, receiving a nod and a forced smile.
It was your turn to switch the weight of your feet and to take your hands out of your pockets to cross your arms. "Sorry, sometimes I speak without thinking. And I think too much, so often the lines slip out before I finish thinking about them... Anyway, I read your file, and I know the basics of history so of course it was inappropriate to ask such a stupid question and-"
"Y/N." Wanda interrupted you with a somewhat impressed laugh. She had just realized that you were as clumsy with social interactions as she was. What a great pair you would make. "It's no problem, really. It's... sweet that you care about my education. I think Stark is taking care of it, with the whole paperwork thing, you know? We'll probably have a tutor, me and Pietro, I say."
"Sure, that makes sense." You comment with a sigh. "And tutors give homework, right? I'll be around, we'll be able to help each other and everything."
Wanda chuckles tenderly, nodding. She's exhausted, but she doesn't want this night to ever end. "That's a great idea, detka." She lets the nickname slip, begging the gods that you let it go. But of course, you choke and turn pink, consequently bringing warmth to the other's face.
There is a timid pause between you before you mutter.
"My mother taught me a bunch of foreign languages growing up." You recount quietly, staring at your feet as Wanda stares at a dot in the hallway. "But I wanted to learn Sokovian to meet the new Avengers. It's cool if you want to call me that...I like it."
With her face very flushed and her heart racing in her throat, Wanda could only nod and hum in agreement, her shyness drawing a small laugh from you.
"Risking a second inappropriate question tonight but you wouldn't have a phone, would you?" you quibble, to which Wanda quickly denies. You nod. "I figured not yet. I'll get one for you, and for Pietro too. That way we can keep in touch, you know? I can send you memes, or homework cheats. Or movie recommendations. We can even create a superhero Instagram page for you."
Wanda giggled shortly, nodding clumsily at the tenderness of your gaze and the concern for her entertainment. "You are so silly..."
You narrowed your eyes in amusement, pointing at her. "Let's see if you'll say that when I turn you into a social influencer." You joked getting another hearty laugh from her. 
During the next pause, filled with complicit giggles, Wanda knows you are staring and you are doing the same and before it gets awkward, you clear your throat and break the charm, returning some of the space you broke by instinct during the conversation.
"It's late, we should get to bed before the captain comes to do it." You remark and Wanda nods in agreement, even though she wishes she stayed. 
"We'll see each other tomorrow. Right?" 
You agree so quickly that your neck snaps. "Of course, t-tomorrow. Yeah, 'can't wait." Wanda smiles tenderly, nodding before walking away to her own door.
She enters first, biting back a silly smile that struggles to fill her own face.
Alone in the hallway, you have the same problem.
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jlepixie · 11 months
Hey I was wondering if you could please do a story where either 2008 bill or Tom have their first time with Reader who is innocent I’ve recently have been reading your story’s and I think they are really good btw :))
hi love! yes of course I can, thank you for the request and I really hope its how you expected. I decided to make a short story for both of them separately, and thank you so much, im still improving and I really appreciate every one of you, thank you again🤍
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╰ ୨ Bill Kaulitz ୧ ╯
༶⋆˙⊹。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✩ ˛˚.
The date was like every other dates you two had, special and romantic, but this time you knew he was taking you to his hotel room for a reason. That reason made you fidgeting with your fingers on the passenger seat, not daring to look anywhere else besides your lap. Bill noticed that you were deep in thoughts since you didn't noticed the waiters back at the restaurant. He didn't knew what do to, so he decided that putting his hand on your thighs and a comforting smile would do it for now.
"Here you go my love" Bill's soft voice echoed in hallway opening the door for you. Not a second wasted, Bill gently tangled his fingers with you before he captured your mouth with his. What started as an innocent kiss, quickly heated up. Your heart was going harder than drums as Bill swept his tongue between your lips, tasting and teasing. You were so lost in heat and your own thoughts, you didn't notice you'd moved until Bill pushed you on the bed.
Bill took a moment to admire you from atop, brushing his thumb over your cheek. "Let's try something new" He knew you didn't had experience at all before getting together, and that made him love you more. Bill brushed his lips over yours and reached down to explore the most intimate folds of yours. You two had tried multiple times to bring you over the finish line, but due to your nervousness, those times were to no avail.
He took one of your hands into his, to guide it down to replace his own. "Touch yourself for me" Your cheeks turned a dark red "I can't." "You can. You said you can come when you do it on your own. Show me so that I know how to please you." Your pulse raced with nerves and arousal. For some reason you didn't wanted to look away, just the image of Bill in front of you was better than any porn you ever watched. You stayed focused on your own body as it hummed in pleasure while touching yourself. Your breath hitched as the moves you were making grew faster, jerkier. You were so close. Your lashes fluttered as to your own surprise, your orgasm slammed through your whole body. "Oh my god" you gasped. You were still recovering from the sensation you just had, that you didn't realised Bill had moved. Every inch of you was on fire. Truly speaking, your first orgasm in front of Bill made you relax a lot, and now all you could think of is how bad you wanted him being inside you.
Bill was already hard, how could he not. He just watched his girlfriend bringing herself to a climax. It didn't look long until he slowly entered you. "Are you ok?" You arched your back in pain and pleasure. "Yes, keep going" You wrapped your arms around his neck to bring him into a kiss. Bill's initial thrusts were slow, worried to not hurt you, but he couldn't resist how good he was filling you. There was only you and Bill, finally being a one. You moved your hips in the same rhythm with him. Bill groaned, hid thrusts were growing faster, harder. You were reaching once again your climax but now you weren't the only one. "Fuck, babe" You two poured everything you build this past months, you crashed over the edge first, Bill followed you soon after, your cries of ecstasy were hearing in the whole room, probably the other members of the band could hear you, but that didn't matter. All that was important for now, were only your two as you collapsed into each other's arms.
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╰ ୨ Tom Kaulitz ୧ ╯
༶⋆˙⊹。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ ✩ ˛˚.
Getting together with Tom, was a surprise. Knowing his history with girls, obviously made you nervous. Yes, you were beautiful, the guys from the band always complimented you, but you didn't had the experience of those girls Tom used to do. Last night, when you told Tom how unsure and insecure about your relationship you are, he gave you a hurt look and closed himself in the hotel room. Your main reason of that confession wasn't to distance yourself, you just wanted him to know that you are more or less scared that he wouldn't like how you are in bed.
"Tom?" you knocked on his door hoping for him to show up "Tom, lets talk about it, please" footsteps were heard on the other side of the door. Tom let you in without saying anything. The silent was killing you, that was until he said "I apologise for being distant last night, but I need you to understand that you thinking that I may be with you only for sex is killing me inside" Tom took a small pause and came closer to you "I need you to understand that you are the only girl I love, and I would wait for you to be ready, even if it takes years"
His words were burning into your brain "Oh Tom" you gently placed your hands on his cheeks, bringing him close for a soft kiss. "Im sorry, I love you too Tom" you breathe out, your stomach is on fire with excitement for him. "I need you to know that im ready for you" "Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel forced" one of your cute giggles came out "Yes Tom, this was the main reason of my talk" Tom placed a last soft kiss to your lips before slipping your stretchable dress over your head. That look of hunger in his eyes mixed with a bit of innocence and sorry drove you crazy.
When your dress is off completely, he places his tongue onto your nipple, teasing it with delicacy. He moves his mouth back and forth between your breasts, giving special attention to both of them. You gasp harshly when he grazes his teeth lightly over your hard nipples, sucking them with an exhilarating popping sound that slides off of his tongue.
“You’re so sweet,” he whispers. Leading you to the bed Tom turns you over on your back onto it, laying a pillow behind your head for support. “Shit. You’re soaked, huh?” Your eyes flutter open to the sight of him taking your underwear to the side, using his thumb to rub your clit tenderly. You blush hard at the sensation.
"Don't worry love, I will make you feel good"
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© 2023 jlepixie.  ─  please do not copy,  repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission. 
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cozymoko · 1 year
Wait you write for Kamisama kiss??? OMG Tomoe's been my crush for years 😭 omg if it's okay with you then can I have general yandere headcannons about everyone's favourite fox boy?? 🌕 Anon
Note: I also love Tomoe. Btw this might suck because I'm bad at general anything.
Pronouns used: feminine, she/her (for convenience)
WARNING(S): yandere themes, slightly suggestive
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Possessive, Manipulative, Violent (to others)
AS A ROUGUE YOKAI, pledging his loyalty to others never truly appealed to him; to a woman nonetheless. Being a formidable demon never called for such requirements.
You were feisty, pointing the round end of your broom in his direction. You knew not of who was there, yokai or human but you feigned confidence. The trembling of your hands gave it away, you were scared as one would be. “Who's there?”
The pale moonlight peeked through the few windows lining the walls, carefully calling attention to your features. You were easy on the eyes and yet so hard to look at. Your eyes were glassy and narrowed into thin slits. Your legs shook violently in anticipation for him to reveal himself as you hugged the broom flush against your chest. Such a look didn't suit you.
Having mercy on you, he decided to cut his fun a little short.
As one does, Tomoe made his way to a brothel which he was fairly acquainted with. All in a pitiful attempt to find solace amongst the predatory gazes of the women occupying it. But alas, he could not. With every look upon their faces twisted into one that mimicked your own. Captivating and seemingly kind, tempting him to reach out and touch it.
Tomoe is no fool. His emotions are evident, terribly so. He longs for a human woman and there's no need to deny it. Your image has been engraved in his memory down to every last detail. Women who were not you could no longer soothe his mind as they appeared lackluster in comparison.
Thus, he sought after you. In the middle of the night, he was whisked away by the chilly wind in search of the woman. Your scent was heavy on his mind, leading him back to the small cabin you resided in. His footsteps were night, almost silent as he entered your home, searching for you.
To his luck, there you were. Rolled up in a cotton futon, lulled by the chirps of noisy crickets. Yes, he's decided; You are his and no one else's. Tomoe isn't one for sharing and he'll make sure you're aware.
Akura-ou was quick to find out about your existence, which was a pain within itself. He would toy with you just to get under Tomoe's skin. It's not every day you get to see your moody "counterpart" fall so hard for someone, let alone a human. Anyhow, those who've tormented you weren't as fortunate as Akura-ou, serving a far more unpleasant demise for their actions.
If not for you, Tomoe wouldn't hesitate to massacre every man who looks your way. Having good-looking women by his side is nothing he isn't used to, yet, you are different. As his woman, he wouldn't want someone to so much as breathe the same air as you. The mere thought renders him ill.
Although, if you ask him not to he'll try his best to listen to your wishes. Keyword: try. He would never want to upset you, oh not at all! However he's only "human", even he has his limits.
No matter how he may terrify you, running is NOT an option. You will never be too far from his grasp. As long as his heart is beating, no one will ever have his heart. The fox demon is a bit too eager to show how he got his reputation in the Yokai world. As his other half, why don't you sit down and watch for a while?
“Foolish girl, when will you finally understand that your efforts are futile? Your cries may pain me but if I must tie you down to keep you. Then I shall.”
Loyal, Overprotective, Posessive
BEFORE HE MET YOU HE WAS A YOKAI, drowning in a pit of endless grief. Though not a powerful God, you held enough power to help the lost kitsune. You, determined to save him, kissed him and made Tomoe you familiar. For that, he was forever grateful.
Sure his bloodlust has been soothed over the decades, but it doesn't cease to exist. However, betrayal has never crossed his mind. His loyalty to you runs deeper than the blood that courses through veins. He is bound to you for life and he will serve you until greeted by death's embrace
He still finds you to be a subpar God in nearly every aspect. You were so uncool and lame as you lacked elegance, lazy in comparison to many, and awfully forgetful. But it made you even more charming. Tomoe found himself growing fond of your minor habits, though still trying to push healthier ones upon you, they were sweet, or even cute dare he say.
If you so choose, you can touch his ears. What can I say, the thought has plagued his mind more times than he cares to admit. Intimacy with you is not exactly scarce, you dot on the fox quite a bit, however, he yearns for more of your attention, your time. Being your familiar for some years has honestly built up his confidence. (There was no way in hell he'd ask you that and earlier than now.)
You cannot have another familiar, not a chance. Tomoe will burn them to the ground if they even try to kiss you. If you've had familiars before him, fuck them. They can die for all he cares. All you have to do is ask and he will gladly do the honors. (He knows you won't, unfortunately)
No male familiars are permitted to sleep by your side, except him of course. He must retain his superiority somehow. Allowing them to see you so vulnerable is not an option.
For you, he'd do an ything if it's within his power. As long as it doesn't put you or your reputation in danger that is.
“You reek of that wretched Tengu, must you always converse with such lowlives, mistress? If my company is not to your liking please allow me to fix myself. I am your loyal familiar and you should know I'm also the best.”
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astral-realities · 2 months
Hello again! New questions bc im really curious! How much do you all identify with your puppets and their appearances? Are they more of a tool for you or are they significant for your sense of self? I've noticed that your appearances somewhat reflect your personalities, was this a design choice made by your architects or have you been adjusting looks along the way by yourselves? (I know Habitually Stargazing did a little, the dress looks really pretty on you btw!) Im particularily fascinated by the antennas! Im guessing you don't use them much having a hard-wire connection to the rest of your superstructures, right? (perhaps they would be more practical when communicating with visitors in your chambers? I don't know..) Im seeing a sort of analogy between animal motifs in ancient art and masks and those retro-looking antenna resembling those used with older technology, though I might be wrong.. I'd be thrilled to know whether these hold any cultural / traditional signifincance among machines alike!
Also I'd love to know more about your serial numbers! What do they mean, and do you more identify with them or with your names?
Finally, Flowers - a creature for you
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It's an umbrella slug, hiding under it's umbrella!
Hope you all have a wonderfull day, looking forward to hear from you!
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SDA: Oh! While the exact details might vary from case to case, I would say that it's a bit of both - the puppet is a tool tied to an iterator's sense of self.
SDA: The puppet is only a small part of yourself, but it represents you as a whole. You .. used it to communicate with your citizens, you use it to communicate with your peers. Others start to see *you* in this form. The more you use it, the more you begin to identify with it. With time, its image truly becomes yours.
SDA: From our creators' perspective, it might have been a matter of needing an interface to interact with us. It seemed to be more natural to speak with something that you can actually look in the face.
SDA: Another important fact is that the puppet is by far the most expressive part of our bodies. Our biological elements can be somewhat controlled by our programming, but it cannot fully override them - there will always be a living, sentient being deep below.
SDA: One that has its own emotions, preferences, opinions; one that wants to express itself. The puppet serves as an outlet for that. It can gesticulate, it allows you to convey how you feel in a way that's understandable to most.
TFB: It would've probably been easier for them if we couldn't think for ourselves. Just tell us what to do and we do it until the end of time, no questions asked.
TFB: Instead, they chose to fully depend on something with an *attitude*! Some really tried their best to keep good relations with their iterator, afraid of putting it in a bad mood...
SDA: Yes, I suppose...
SDA: Some of us might pay greater attention to the puppet's appearance, adjusting it to our own tastes, mostly with clothes and accessories. Fashion was important in our creators' culture, so it wasn't out of the ordinary for an iterator to request a new robe or a necklace. Some took matters into their own hands.
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SDA: ... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ramble on like this.
BROS: Don't you dare, it's always nice hearing you so passionate about something~
BROS: About the antennae - you're right, they're not as powerful as the equipment in the rest of the structure! They're decent for close-range stuff, and they're what you'd resort to in case of an emergency.
BROS: Like, somehow losing access to the rest of your body. The puppet can't do much on its own, but thanks to these, it would be able to communicate with anything near it.
BROS: Aaand they were mostly another way for the architect to visualize whatever concept they had for a puppet.
HS: I'm almost offended by the "retro" remark. As far as I'm concerned, these are state-of-the-art.
BROS: Sure, sure~
BROS: Finally, as for the model numbers. They represent the architect's name, the cycle when the project was officially completed, and the name of the project at that time, like this:
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BROS: Nobody really identifies with this, it's mostly used in paperwork - maybe some database stuff. Even if two iterators were given the same name, it's extremely unlikely they also had the same creator *and* creation date, so it allows for telling us apart that way.
HS: The name that appears in your model number isn't truly binding either. Such as...
TFB: Come on now, don't put them on the spot like that.
SDA: ...
SDA: It's fine...
SDA: Originally, I was called "Visions of Serenity", you'll see me in databases as GTIAOT672005VOS.
SDA: I was renamed shortly after, due to some... rather unfortunate coincidence.
SDA: It really doesn't matter now.
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TFB: Also, thank you so much!! I don't get to see many marine species around these parts, this is lovely!
HS: (...and thank you...)
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explorevenus · 2 years
Steve fucking reader over the Family Video counter?
ahhhhh yes ,, i love a good opportunity to push steve to his limits, and reader for that matter hehehe ♥
thank u so so so much for ur patience btw, i know u requested this a while ago ,, i've just been a busy bee dealing w some personal things ;w;
nsfw (18+) - minors dni !!!
word count - 3.1k
tags/warnings - sub/brat!reader, daddy!steve, public sex, praise, pet names, fingering, unprotected p in v (obligatory don’t do it irl lol be safe out there y’all), creampie, u know the drill (aka i am nothing if not predictable)
my masterlist ♥
fic under the cut ,, thanks so much for reading and i hope u like it !! ♥
It wasn't incredibly often that you would find yourself desperate enough for Steve's attention to go bother him at work-- there's a time and place for everything, of course, and you knew that well, but...
Family Video was facing a pretty nasty understaffing issue since the school year started; a common, annual issue to be expected with jobs like this that tend to employ mostly teenagers over the summer. You can't say you didn't see it coming, but that didn't make you any less bitter about it considering that Steve's manager just expected him to pick up all those extra shifts now that he wasn't tethered to high school anymore. Perhaps it was your own mind hyperbolizing the situation, but for the past few weeks it truly felt like Steve wasn't home at all, and even when he was home, he was far too tired to play with you.
Now... that just wouldn't do, would it?
You pushed the door open with your two hands, stepping out of the chilly autumn air and into the video store with an audible ding of the bell just overhead, a bell that signaled to Steve and Robin that there was a new customer to attend to-- only you weren't really there to buy anything. It was less than an hour before close-- the orange sunset cast a cozy sherbet color over the shelves of tapes and the racks of popcorn and colorful candy, the same products that tinted the air with a certain sweet, theater-like aroma that followed your lover home every evening. It was an ambience that many people found comfort in, and certainly you used to as well, but not so much anymore. Now it only served to remind you of the very place that took so much of his time away from you.
Roused by the sound of the bell, Robin poked her head up from a book she was reading behind the counter, smiling as she greeted you casually, “Oh, hey, (Y/N)!”
“Hey, beautiful,” You greeted in return, forcing a half-smile through your frustration as you made yourself busy skimming this years selection of horror films. “Where’s Steve?”
Robin nodded her head towards the far right corner of the store, where you saw Steve walking some other girl through the romantic comedies. You felt a bit jealous, not because he was really doing anything wrong, and definitely not because you didn’t trust him, but because you were so truly starved for attention at this point that you would have given anything to be that girl right now... as pathetic as that might be, which you were fully cognizant of.
“Thanks,” You replied, sighing softly as you returned the tape you were eyeing to its rightful place.
You didn’t want to interrupt him while he was helping someone, so you chose to bide your time continuing to browse the new arrivals, but while you may have been looking at them, you weren’t really paying much attention. It was hard to think through the thick fog of need that had been building up inside you for so long, your thoughts racing through images of Steve at his finest, hot and sweating and moaning above you, gripping your hair like you’d disappear if he let go, whispering the filthiest shit in your ear while he drove into you--
“(Y/N)?” The warm, familiar sound of Steve’s voice cut through the static, and you looked up from the tape you were holding to see him right there in front of you. How long had he been standing there? “What’s up, babe? Robin said you were looking for me?” He asked innocently.
You weren’t really sure how to respond. Part of you wanted to just maul him where he stood, but you were right in front of a window, and even then you weren’t exactly alone right now. You shook your head as if you were shaking off your sinful thoughts, before gazing up at him with your widest, saddest puppy eyes. “Daddy, I miss you,” You whined quietly, clutching at that stupid fucking vest that he somehow managed to look good in. He flustered almost immediately, cheeks flushing with cherry color, which you took as both a sign of success, and as a sign to continue. “I-I miss you, a lot...”
He let out an unsure breath, resting a hand on your shoulder as he eyed Robin awkwardly-- she was deeply invested in her book, and presumably hadn’t heard a word. He turned back to you, speaking lowly, “Sweetheart, I’m working. Can’t you wait until I get home?”
You shook your head ‘no.’ “I’m sick of waiting,” You griped. “It’s been weeks, daddy, I want you now.”
After a quick dart of the eyes towards the counter, worrying over your volume, he reassured himself that Robin wasn’t paying attention before turning back to you with a rather patronizing scoff. “Now, huh? You sure about that?”
Suddenly shy by his tone, you frowned dramatically before burying yourself into his chest, nodding eagerly. “Can’t you take a break or something?” You spoke into his shirt. “Come on, Stevie, this place is working you to the bone...”
But he simply chuckled, patting your back. “No, honey, I can’t just ‘take a break’ half an hour before close. I’ve already had mine, and so has Robin.”
While his choice of words might have been a bit discouraging, you noted the mischief in his tone, the hint towards something more. Steve wasn’t really disagreeing with you, he just wanted you to beg for it.
Typical of him.
“Come on,” You groaned, tugging at his vest again, pulling back just enough to look up at him. “Can’t you figure something out, get off early today? Please?”
“Hmm... I don’t think so, baby. Lots of work to do around here, y’know?”
It was overtly obvious that he was being infuriating on purpose, and as you fumbled for a response you only found yourself red in the face-- he’d talked you into a wall. Steve loved doing that, evident in the way his grin widened.
But, tonight, you didn’t plan on giving up so easily.
Pulling back from him, you crossed your arms over your chest and knitted your eyebrows together, looking up at him with an expression of pure, unadulterated discontent. “Are you saying you’d rather be stuck here, selling VHS tapes and M&M’s to high school kids, instead of spending time with your girlfriend?” You sassed. Of course you knew it wasn’t true, but you also knew it’d get a reaction out of him.
And it did.
“That’s not fair, and you know it,” He was quick to rebut. “It’s not my fault you’re being a needy little fucking brat about it.”
You faked a gasp. “A needy little fucking brat?”
“Hey, watch your language,” Steve spoke lowly. “And your volume, please.”
You couldn’t help but smirk, taunting him right back, “Or what?”
To your surprise, Steve said nothing-- not to you, anyway. He took the tape you were holding right out of your hand, returning it to the shelf, before making his way over to Robin behind the counter. She hardly even noticed him at first, so absorbed by whatever she was reading that she almost flinched when he spoke up behind her. “Hey, Robin, you’ve got that thing with Vickie tonight, don’t you?” He asked.
Robin peeked up at him over the top of her book, brow raised in suspicion. “Yeah... why?”
“You should head out early, go get ready and whatnot. I can close up shop.”
Robin cast an unsure glance at you before turning back to look at him. “What about (Y/N)? I think she really misses you--”
“She agreed to stay and keep me company. Isn’t that right, (Y/N)?”
Now all eyes were on you. Suddenly you were nervous, and just as confused about his intentions as Robin was. Thinking it best to just play along, you nodded with a warm smile and said, “Y-Yeah, of course, you should go have fun, Buckley. God knows you’ve earned it.”
“Uh... okay. I’m gonna stop asking questions before you change your mind, I guess,” She shrugged, sliding a bookmark between the pages before grabbing her bike helmet out from beneath the counter. “See you lovebirds later.”
You said your farewells to her as she passed by you on her way to the door, leaving behind only you, Steve, and the elephant in the room with a parting ring of that bell. There was a beat of silence as you both watched her leave, and then you turned to look at Steve with curiosity. He was still behind the counter, perched up on his two hands, eyeing you with an expression you could barely read.
Finally, he said, “Well, are you gonna come over here, or are you just gonna stare?”
Face burning, you made your way over to him at the counter, leaning over the glass to give him a kiss, figuring you would just have to deal with some making out and heavy petting for now, until he was finished closing the store-- but, to your surprise, he leaned back just as you’d leaned in, his eyebrow raised at you like there was something you weren’t getting as you stared at him with your lips puckered.
“...What?” You asked, voice small, but tinted with annoyance.
“Behind the counter, sweetheart,” Steve clarified. “C’mon.”
Odd. You followed his direction, joining him where he stood, but you were hardly given a chance to inquire further as he grabbed you at the waist, turned you in his arms, and bent you over the counter. The breath fell from your lungs, causing you to let out a shocked squeak. The two of you were in the direct line of sight of anyone who might dare to walk through that door, the open sign threatening to invite exactly that scenario, and you were positioned to stare straight at it. This was quite purposeful on his end.
You swallowed thickly. “S-Steve, aren’t you at least going to lock the door?”
He chuckled into your hair, pinning your arms behind your back with one strong hand and flipping your skirt up with the other. “No,” He answered simply. “We’re still open. You’re the one who so desperately wanted to play now... I’m just giving you what you asked for.”
A textbook case of malicious compliance-- also rather typical of him.
Your words failed you as he drew two fingertips up the length of your soaked panties-- that, in and of itself, was irrefutable evidence of your arousal. “Already so wet for me,” Steve mused, finding your clit through the fabric with practiced ease and applying just enough pressure to keep you dumb and compliant. “You like this, don’t you? You like knowing that anyone could walk through that door and catch you getting fucked back into your place over this counter? That anyone and everyone could know just how naughty you’ve been today, and exactly what I plan on doing about that?”
Washing over with humiliation, you shook your head rapidly, but you could hardly stop yourself from pressing your hips back further into his touch. “D-Daddy, what if we get in trouble?”
“You’re already in trouble, honey,” He laughed, pushing aside your panties so that he could feel the full extent of your arousal. “You just let me worry about that, ‘kay?”
Jaw dropped in stunned pleasure, you could only nod, wiggling your hips closer to him again in a silent plea for him to get on with it. “So fucking needy,” He chuckled under his breath. “Just relax and let me take care of you, doll, alright?”
Again, you simply nodded, willing yourself to hold still as his fingers dipped inside you, but you should have known that he wanted to hear you say it.
With a quick, unexpected swat to your ass with his free hand, Steve encouraged you, “Use your words.”
Your eyes screwed shut-- your anxiety could hardly stand to watch the door any longer. “Okay, daddy,” You sighed softly, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. “I’ll be good.”
“Good,” He hummed, sliding deeply inside of you down to the knuckles. “That’s what I like to hear.”
He reached forward with his free hand to steady you by your hip as his thick fingers pumped in and out of you so slowly that you could tell he was just trying to toy with you, or, in his own words, to put you back into your place. A quiet, impatient groan fell from your lips as you tried as hard as you could to keep still for him, to satiate his demand. 
Lucky for you, Steve’s patience was already wearing just about as thin as yours-- his recent distance from you wasn’t easy for him, either, he was just better at hiding it. His ministrations continued only for a few minutes, just until he was confident that you were properly prepared to take him, and then he withdrew from you in a move that was sore for the both of you.
But it wouldn’t last long. Your eyes fluttered open in excitement at the sound of him fumbling with his belt. Obediently you chose not to move, gripping your own arms behind your back right where he’d placed them earlier, a nicety which he’d certainly taken note of with a soft praise of, “Good girl,” under his breath. His words alone brought another hot rush of wetness to your core.
He finally freed himself from the restriction of his jeans, dragging the weeping tip of his hardened cock up the length of you to wet himself with your arousal. The contact alone made you jump, eager for him to get on with it, but his own desire for you wouldn’t have you waiting for too long. In one smooth motion he gripped your hips again, sliding his engorged cock into your pussy with a low, satisfied growl.
You let out a whine, forehead dropping to the cool glass countertop beneath you as he buried himself inside you down to the hilt.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” He sighed, stilling inside you for a moment just to savor the feeling. “Got what you wanted now, hm?”
“Y-Yes, God yes...” You moaned, only wishing you could see his face. There were few better feelings in the world, if any, than being filled to the brim with the length of your lover. “Thank you, daddy...”
“You’re welcome, bunny,” He chuckled breathlessly at your manners as he began to rock into you, knuckles whitening as his grip on your hips strengthened, and he began to lose himself to the sensation of your slick cunt wrapped tightly around him. “Aren’t you lucky you caught me in a good mood today?”
You weren’t sure whether he expected a response from you or not, so you nodded anyway, still biting your lip as you hummed, “Mhm...”
“Fuck, you feel like a dream,” Steve grunted, the sound of skin on skin flooding your ears, the force of his hips rocking your softened body over the counter at a measured pace. “I’ve missed this, missed fucking you 'till you can't walk right, and feeling your heart beat around my cock..."
Jesus Christ. Your words failed you as you soaked up his praise, that fire in your core burning hotter and brighter by the second. It was fair to say you were a bit sensitive given the space between you two recently, but you wanted for nothing more than to last as long as you could, to bask in the feeling of his cock dragging over your quivering walls and bumping into your cervix. A thin sheet of sweat misted over your body, leaving you sticky and hot and uniquely uncomfortable in your clothes. You couldn’t bring yourself to care whether or not someone might walk in and catch you anymore-- everything fell together so blissfully. You could hardly think straight through the pleasure at this point.
Taking note of your weakness, and your distraction, Steve let a hand slide forward over your hip to toy with your clit, rubbing gentle, ghostly circles into your swollen jewel, making you cry out and let go of your own arms only to grip the edge of the countertop for stability. While he would usually call you out for disobeying his direction, he could hardly bring himself to care with the way his own head spun with pleasure-- he knew he was pushing you to your limit already, but selfishly, he reveled in the way you clenched around him in response to such stimulus. 
Steve bore his fingertips into your skin as he held you tightly to him, turning you in his hold so that you were now on your back, all without bothering to remove himself from you. Your chest heaved with a pathetic sob at the complete and utter sensitivity that occupied every inch of your inner workings, and the increasing difficulty of staving off an orgasm against his unforgiving treatment. He continued to bore deeply into you, hips snapping forward with relentless fervor as he chased his own end.
“Are you gonna cum for me, pretty baby?” He beamed down at you, cheeks flushed pink, his beautiful chestnut hair dampened with sweat. 
It took you a moment to gather the words through the thick fog of lust that had settled over your thoughts, but once you did, you wasted little time answering him. “Yes, daddy, please--”
Your speech was cut off as he reached between the two of you once again, two fingertips circling over your clit at an incredible pace, as if he was really trying to drag it out of you. The pace at which he thrusted into you was faltering, each snap of his hips slightly more sloppy and primal than the last, indicating his own looming finish. Your legs were already shaking, hooked behind his back like you’d just crumble to dust if you let go, and that coil deep within you tightened at an alarming rate. Your head fell back with a soft bump to the glass as you lost yourself to his ministrations.
Soon enough Steve buried himself as deeply inside of your dripping cunt as he could possibly manage, warmth flooding your core as his seed spilled out into you-- that feeling was the final nail in the coffin for you, and almost simultaneously, your own cum gushed out around his cock in waves. 
As you both fought to catch your breath, Steve pulled slowly out of you and watched with stars in his eyes as the mess you’d made seeped out of you and pooled on the glass. He let out a breathless laugh, teasing, “Now, you’re gonna clean that up, right?”
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kyojurismo · 1 year
That was 🤌 *chefs kiss*
don’t wanna be pushy or annoying but maybe a douma x fem!reader nsfw 🥴
▸ ANSWERING. first of all, i’m glad you enjoyed that <3 here’s the nsfw piece, i hope you’ll like even tho i’m not very proud of the initial part lol. thank you for both requests btw !!
▸ INTRO. douma gets impatient while you’re trying on his precious gifts.
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. douma (upper rank two) x fem!reader
▸ RATING. nsfw
▸ WARNINGS. smut +18 only, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, douma using pet names (darling x2 and love), no beta reader + lemme know if i missed something pls
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you were trying on the new kimonos douma bought for you. they were very expensive and you tried to handle them with care. it was probably the repeated image of your breasts that got him impatient, or maybe it was his plan all along.
“my sweet darling,” douma called for you, smiling innocently. “i love how they suit you, can you come closer?” he asked, keeping his tone calm and gentle. you turned around and smiled at him, before getting closer to his sitting figure. his elbow was resting on his knee, his rainbow eyes scanned your body and you noticed it just now. he looked hungry.
“what is it, douma-sama?” you asked timidly. he didn’t answered, but grabbed the end of the kimono you were trying on with a fist and made the obi fall on the ground. your body was exposed to his attentive and hungry eyes and soon you found yourself kneeling in front of him. you gasped for the surprise and your cheeks heated up, noticing douma studying your figure.
his hands found your hips and pulled you closer. “you’re so beautiful, and all mine! can you believe that?” he exclaimed, showing you his fangs while smiling widely. you knew he wasn’t truly expecting an answer from you, so instead you leaned closer and kissed his lips. they were cold but soft against yours and douma was quick to reciprocate the kiss, gently grabbing your cheeks and tilting your head to his liking.
you put your hands on his chest, seeking contact with his body. douma smirked against your lips and moved his mouth to your neck and to your chest. “d-douma-sama…” you whispered, closing your eyes. his kisses and his touch caused shivers to run down your spine, you could feel excitement pooling between your thighs. he moved his large hands on your breasts, caressing your skin; it was burning hot in comparison to douma’s cold one. his fingers pinched your nipples playfully, making you moan. “lay down for me, darling,” he ordered, before pushing you down gently.
douma tried to not be selfish and took his time to taste you. two of his fingers were able to slip into you due to the amount of wetness gushing out of your warm clenching hole. your moans filled the room and it was music to his ears, noticing your hands that were desperately pulling at his hair, your quivering hips and shaking legs trying to cage his body between them to hold him closer to your body.
“please!” you almost screamed in frustration; you were close to release but you just needed a bit more stimulation to actually get there. “take what i give you,” douma growled against your cunt, holding your hips down against the floor. his fingers finally moved faster, the familiar squelching sound filled both your ears and your mouth fell open in a silent scream while you arched your back. douma added a third finger and found the spot inside your warm channel that made you see stars.
you gushed around his long fingers while he kept sucking and licking your clit, throbbing due to overstimulation. your heart was beating so fast you felt it in your ears; douma let his fingers slip out of you, a wide smile spread on his lips. you tiredly looked down at him, watching him licking his fingers clean to taste more of you. your face hot both for the intense orgasm and for his shameless action.
“you know, my love… i think you’re the best meal i’ve ever had.”
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated! thank you for reading, tiny friendly reminder that english is not my first language and i apologise for any possible error. i truly hope you enjoyed it, have a good day / night ♡
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lightlycareless · 4 months
sneak peak of one of the requests I've been working on :> also an idea I wanted to explore with Naoya hahahah he's a jerk btw.
complete version here.
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When the idea of an open relationship is suggested… the first, of many fractures, unwittingly struck onto your relationship.
First by shattering the image you had of him.
Sure, your feelings for him remained, which is what made this ordeal far more painful…
But that didn’t mean you couldn’t harbor other feelings, such as anger.
“—just before we finally settle.” Is the lousy excuse he gives you when confronted, another stab to your heart. “Get it out of the system, you know?”
No. You don’t know, because for the past few years, Naoya is the only man you’ve had eyes for, imagining a future with him—and solely him.
It hurts to even consider he hasn’t been doing the same, probably already interested in some other woman, the reason behind his suggestion in the first place.
“I don’t want to…” you murmur, doing your best to not leave the table, or at least not shed a tear.
“It’ll only be a short time.” Naoya insists. “This way, we can know if we’re truly meant for each other. See if we don’t feel the same with others, hm?”
It’s stupid.
It really is—
Naoya’s suggestion… and your devotion to make him happy.
Because even after all the dumb things he said to justify the unjustifiable, you still wanted to please him.
“I guess we could go through restrictions or something, not that I have an—”
“No sex.” The rapid way in which you reply is something Naoya can’t help but find adorable, interpreting your eagerness as jealousy, overprotectiveness… before brushing it off as silly.
“Y/N—my love, you’re not seriously thinking we can reach a conclusion without that now, can we?”
Truth to be told, you didn’t want to find out. Not by this way at least, by laying in the arms of another…
Could he really blame you for trying to fight it?
“Besides, don’t you want to try it out too?” Naoya smirks. “I’m fine with it, really. It’s a two-way road, after all. What’s good in me having all the fun?”
What hurts more?
That fact that Naoya wanted to pursue other women with your permission?
Or that he was pushing you onto other men, appearing careless to whatever you did or didn’t do with them?
It’s not that Naoya doesn’t care—far from that, really. He doesn’t like when men do as little as glance in your direction.
But he doesn’t worry, because he knows there’s nothing to worry about.
Trusting that his hopelessly-in-love girlfriend would never betray him like that. Aware that your attention and devotion has been on him the moment you took him into your heart—and that no matter what, you’ll always come back to him.
It’s why he suggested the idea in the first place, because he’s long acknowledged that even past your limits, you still tolerate him.
Thus, unsurprised that you agreed to this change—Naoya leaving the apartment soon after that.
Looks like you were right in assuming he already had someone in mind to debut this new arrangement; willing to bet anything to prove he’s already on way to her.
…Well, you hope that Naoya at least respects the only condition both agreed on: not bring any partners to the apartment.
Not that you’d be there to see much of it anyways, opting to stay in your friend’s—Shoko— apartment for the time being.
“Can’t say I didn’t imagine him capable of something like that—but I guess I never thought he’d actually do it, not after dating you as long as he did.” She’d say, before taking a deep huff of her cigarette and exhaling.
You always found it endearing how she’d release the smoke to the side, as if it didn’t permeate the air around you… but at least Shoko cares enough to try.
“So much for having faith on him…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you say, offended yet intrigued by her implications.
“I mean, you knew of the rumors before dating him, Y/N.” Shoko adds, you sigh. That, you did. “I don’t want to say I told you so, but…”
“I guess I was hoping they weren’t real.” You slowly admit. “…What am I going to do, Shoko?”
A breakup isn’t exactly what you had in mind, certainly not what you wanted to do….
But why do that now when you could take advantage of this exploitable opportunity? An opening all too obvious to Shoko, which she doesn’t hesitate to let you know.
“Give him a taste of his own medicine.” She suddenly suggests. “He told you, didn’t he? That you were good to be with other men.”
“But I don’t want to.” You shake your head. “I don’t—I don’t think I can.”
“It’s exactly the same, just another face if that’s what you’re wondering.” Shoko explains, but to you, it was much deeper than that, always has been, certainly for an emotional personal like you.
It’s why she was so angry that your beloved boyfriend was quick to disregard your feelings.
“Ok, sure, let’s say I agree.” You play along. “How do I even start? It’s been a while since I’ve been in the dating scene—I don’t even know if I’m still… desirable.”
Oh, if you only knew.
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.I. naoya
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passingnotions · 1 year
Dublur | Dahyun
smut, trigger warning for noncon/dubcon—Dubucon? I'll stop with the name puns when I stop writing Dahyun. Disciplinary Action Pt. 2 btw. 1200~ words A/N: Huge thank you to @capslocked for all the help editing; I'd lowkey call it a collab thanks to his input.
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The secluded door at the end of the hall is intimidating. Overseer Kim D. You take a breath before the two knocks.
“You may come in.”
It’s a sterile environment: every piece of furniture and storage is neatly placed within measured ranges, properly squaring off Kim Dahyun’s desk in center stage. Two chairs face the ensemble and the Overseer herself, who stands prim at your arrival.
“I was beginning to doubt your return. Was our first session not compelling enough to warrant another—in this case apparent—mishap?”
You stand behind both guest seats, matching Dahyun in posture. “My apologies, Overseer. I feared that making another mistake in such a short period of time might attract unnecessary attention. I’m not prone to slip-ups.” 
“Something you should be proud of, yet here you are: willing to sacrifice that perfect student record for another meeting with yours truly. Sit.” 
You obey.
“What will it be this time?” Excitement gets the better of you.
“Now now.” The Overseer steps around her desk, over to the front, where she leans back and sits herself on the edge. “No rushing.” She reaches behind her and slides a glass of water towards you. “Thirsty?”
The glass sits at the edge beside her, fingers trailing the rim as she awaits your response—you’ll have to reach out, not her. “I—yes. Thank you.” You lean in and extend your arm. Her hand never leaves the glass and your eyes stray to find her plump ass spilling onto the desk, at odds with the tight dress that wraps way too short around her pale thighs. 
Another glass is revealed as you pick up yours and you both drink the room temperature water in unison.
 “So, why come back?” Her voice blunt and direct.
“Um.” You ponder. It seems like an obvious answer: the basic pleasure of it all, how it has you crawling back. But Overseer Kim is not that simple. Regardless—”I wondered… about the methodology.” you give the answer a shot despite your unsure voice. “Why… uh… that, out of all things?”
“It’s simple, really.” A satisfactory smile surfaces. “This academy primarily focuses on science—as you know—and students are to learn through testing within realistic conditions.”
“Of course, our primary focus is to learn with real tools, chemicals, and subjects. We—” You trail off, unable to finish your sentence. A bout of confusion follows and you don’t understand how—
“Exactly.” Dahyun picks up your trail. She’s somehow behind her desk now—when did she—searching through one of the open drawers. “You’ll be surprised to know that, as faculty, we are encouraged to do the same.” Her last words feel a world away, and the final image before blackout is Dahyun, blurred, with an object you can’t make out in hand.
You slowly come to. The bright light overhead burns into your eyes and there’s the realization that your neck cranes backwards. With slight pain you level out, sight still adjusting. There’s a sound, a wet sound, and you manage to feel the source before spotting it. 
“What’s—ngh—going on?” You barely manage to speak. 
“You’re being reprimanded, remember? Keep still.” The order is accompanied by fingernails that pierce into your thigh and prevent you from shuffling about your seat. 
When the sight is finally made clear, you notice the Overseer; she holds a device of rubber, plastic—both? It grips your erect cock with gratifying pressure, sliding up and down with the consistent rhythm of Dahyun’s hand. “You—” the glass of water you once held is fixed on the desk behind the Overseer. “What did you put in that?!” You would stop her stroking, but your hands and feet are bound, constrained, fucked.
Her grip on your thigh tightens. “I said still.” The rhythm slows to a crawl and Dahyun looks up from her kneeling position at your still-dazed face. She observes your lubricated length, the veins that shape it firm, and how it throbs with each miniscule motion. “It’s an aphrodisiac, to answer your question, with a very convenient side-effect.”
“Fuck. I would’ve—hng—I would’ve undressed anyway. That’s why I’m here—” She picks up the pace and you’re tense all around. You never thought being tied up would be this enticing. 
“To answer your other question.” Dahyun begins to twist the device on every upstroke, sending waves through your restrained body. “The one about methodology.” She pauses her train of thought to feel your cock ache, watching each pulse make the device move and shift. “It’s about control.” And with the words, she bottoms out on your length, having it completely covered by the rubber interior. “You’re mine, and you’ll do as I say.”
Dahyun begins to stroke once more. “Do you understand?”
“Y-yes.” The aphrodisiac is surely having its effect—you’ve barely woken up and you’re as sensitive as one can get. You feel how your cock pulsates, nearing its threshold.
“How close?” She asks plainly.
“So fucking close.”
The grip she had on your leg turns gentle; it caresses your inner thigh, stimulating the area around your extremely sensitive length. Dahyun is examining you, appreciating you: her live subject to do as she pleases. In the passing minutes, her eyes liven up as your chest quickens its breaths; she finds amusement in the way sweat builds up on your forehead and brows; and how your wrists fight against the tight grip of their restriction?  She revels in it. 
The buildup feels like an eternity—you don’t want it to end—but Dahyun’s pace hastens as she notices your tells. Your hips jolt up and you hiss: “I’m going to cum.”
As your breaths become moans, Dahyun releases you and chucks the device to the floor. “Don’t think we’re done yet.” She lets you pump your seed for about three throbs before grabbing your cock with her own hand, lubricating it with both oil and cum. 
Your moans become grunts; pain—more so pleasure—enraptures your now burning cockhead as Dahyun continues to stroke through the dying grasps of your orgasm. “Cum for me. Again.” 
“Fuck Dahyun, it’s so—fffuck—it’s so sensitive.” She doesn’t care. Her hand is a completely different sensation: it’s soft, silky, and in contrast to what she used on you before, you can feel each finger press down on your length as opposed to the encompassing yet inanimate pressure of the rubber.
It’s a struggle—on one hand, your cock begs for her to stop, each nerve crying out on how it reached its utter limit, yet on the other, her hand strokes your length with such delicacy; it’s downright skillful. 
You decide to succumb to the ravishing sensations—perhaps whatever she gave you is also working its magic—and your cock reaches climax within the minute. It’s a staggering volume of pleasure, all at once, out of nowhere. This time, Dahyun decides to drain you herself, not letting a single throb go to waste, and strokes each and every drop into the air, onto her hands, as the trails of oil mixed with white cover her hand entirely. 
You sit there, tied, spent, as Dahyun cleans herself and the device; it's not until after she's done that she even thinks to release you. Your wrists and ankles are marked and chafed, but the most worn-out feeling stems from your cock. 
“Control?” You ask and break the silence.
She stores the device back in its drawer. “Yes, control.”
“You tied me up.” You accuse.
“As if you didn’t like it.” She deflects. “You would’ve tied yourself up if I ordered, but you’re more agreeable this way. Simpler”
Something stirs in you. You don’t disagree; her assured gaze knows this. 
“You’ll be back before long,” Dahyun speaks before you manage to retort. “Off you go.”
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guesst · 3 months
the main reason i made this list lol concubine walkthrough is a video game isekai with a. a really REALLY cool artstyle b. very well thought out plot that kept me guessing and c. lovely characters. the game itself is set in historical korea so if youre a fan of that id rec. super super good
the art btw ⬇️
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this one i started reading recently! the art is cute, plot is also fun w a healthy dose of comedy and i really like the empress akfjsm her and the mc have such a good relationship its great
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could be yuri but its not and honestly i love it either way
okay well this one i dont have much to say about cus only 2 chapters are out so far lol BUT its intriguing!! the premise so far is that the main character, having been pushed off a cliff by her lover, is resurrected in a different body by a sea witch n is now out for revenge. has very strong little mermaid elements and againnn the art is lovely. look at the cover!! the art !!
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S-Class Hunter Doesn't Want to Be a Villainous Princess
IF YOUVE READ BEWARE OF THE VILLAINESS AND YOU LIKED IT AND HAVENT READ THIS YOU SHOULD. same artist!! same energy!!! tower dungeon protagonist is thrown into a romance plot and now has to clear this to get back home . i love her so much shes so op lmao. anyway its a good action/comedy so far and the constellations are funny too
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i am rereading this yet again. its so good its so so good you will cry and your heart will feel warm and happy i promise. it handles grief and friendship and the side characters so well the backstories are so !! pain inducing !! and good !! and honestly its so easy to like the characters !! if you pick one thing to read from the list please make it this. also theres this silly man
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super super super good take on the idol genre !!! i will admit i dont read much manhwa about idols (like. at all) but i am really enjoying how they explore the industry in this one. plus theres some bodyswapping :D and the character arcs are great too !! both mains learn a lot from each others lives :]
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they are good kids
INSANELY GOOD !! the author clearly did a lot of research into the era this is set in -- early 1900s, during WW1 (which on its own is pretty unique like im not seeing a lot of historical manhwas set this time) and definitely has some very heavy themes. the mc time travels back to her twenties just before ww1 breaks out, after her marriage goes wrong w her husband and she dies from. falling down the stairs. RIP. i just think its really well written and the pacing is lovely - the author is not infodumping all the bad things that happened in one go and its working really well. also look at this guy
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okay ive hit image limit cus im using app, truly terrible. TBC
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thesapphireprincess · 2 years
Let’s talk about doing the damn thing
By doing the damn thing I mean actually working toward your goals with physical action
What is it that you want in your life? What do you truly want that will make you happy? I’ll tell you what I want. I want to be able to come home without a single worry about my necessities in life but it is more than that. I want to be able to walk into any store and not worry about the price tag, a life of abundance. I want to be able to wake up to an alarm by choice, I want the alarm to go off because I want to wake up at a certain time not because I have to be at this job at a certain time in order to keep a roof over my head. This is what I want. I want to be my own boss and run my own business, this is what I want. What is it that you want?
It’s always been my dream to be my own boss and run my own company since I was 9 years old. I am now 23 and I got a little lost through out the years, nothing too heavy just being surrounded by the wrong people. I always wondered why when I would cut off every toxic person in my life I would suddenly be focused on my future but then another test would come and I would fail that test and be lost again and unhappy. Friend groups are not for me. Friend groups are usually toxic and full of so much unnecessary drama. I always felt left out in friend groups. I think I’m meant to be solo until I am so stuck on my path that it would take a literal meteor to knock me off. I prefer to have friends but not a friend group. At the moment I don’t have any friends because as you can probably guess I cut them all off. While I’ve been in Texas I haven’t made any solid friends. The people I’ve met haven’t been too consistent but ig that is for the best. I am not meant to have friends right now. I would like to have a few friends but I want true friends not fake ones. If I was meant to have friends right now I would simply have them, am I right?
Let’s get into the main topic of this post “doing the damn thing”. Just recently I’ve come into myself in a way that I’ve never before. Being content with who I am and where I am. I didn’t say comfortable I said content. Even though I am content with myself I’m still looking for ways to improve and grow in every way possible in order to reach my goals. There are things that I need to do and that I am working on in order to create my dream life. I hope this makes sense. Ik what I need to do to be successful and I need to do more than that. I need to push myself harder not like a working mule because never that. I mean I can feel that I am being lazy in certain areas that I shouldn’t be lazy in. It’s a slight adjustment and it’s not going to burn me. Pushing myself to work towards my goals is so important to me. I want to stick to a schedule, be organized and realistic with myself. I want a balance of work, rest and fun. I’ve been dabbling too much in the rest part so it’s not balanced. I will fix this in time. I have figured out a good schedule and now I just have to try it out.
I want to be able to date the kind of men I want to date. I want to be taken out to really nice places with men who are well dressed, handsome, wealthy, generous, smart, and kind. A gentleman. I have the image of the kind of men I want to date and eventually be with but in return I have to become a women of means. Turning myself into who I’ve always imagined myself to be is something I want. I want to be seen as a woman not a girl. Becoming her requires not only beauty but brains and trust me I have the beauty thing down. I am working on the other half, the brains. Me becoming my Dream version has nothing to do with a man btw but I definitely don’t want to be single forever. I want to be in a healthy relationship and I’m not going to pretend that I’m perfectly ok with being alone for the rest of my life or being 40 with no husband or kids. If that’s what you want that’s fine but that’s not what I want. When I am 40 I want to have a husband or 40 with a husband and kids no in betweens. I want to get married in my mid or late 20’s and then maybe have kids in my early 30’s. I deserve love and I deserve to be with the man of my dreams. Hello like attracts like. I’m done dating men who aren’t what I truly want. I want a Bruce Wayne archetype minus the mommy and daddy issues. I mean the look: dark hair, handsome, young and wealthy. A Mentally healthy and wealthy man. I want someone kind and adventurous with the means to give me and show me true romance. I want someone who can give me a life worth truly living. I want the career, the husband, the lifestyle and family of my dreams. So I will become the woman of me dreams. I’m only 23 and a lot can happen in a year especially with hard work. I refuse to be stagnant in life, I refuse to waste my youth doing nothing and I refuse to waste all the opportunities life has to offer when you choice to knock on the door of your dreams. With all of this being said, stop being stagnant. Stop wasting your time and do the damn thing.
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thebeesareinyourhome · 2 months
Remember this doodle that @euthyami made? Well…
Here’s another one they did, only this time it’s voiced by yours truly, a.k.a, the return of my (somewhat decent) voice acting skills!
This was the inspiration for the lines btw⬆️
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princelylove · 8 months
Totally agree with the sadism Noriaki (fanart usually drawing him too soft lol). I love how he always have image of an honor student, who couldn't done anything wrong but actually he is so much worst, a sadistic pervert. Jotaro is also a pervert but he is hide it well, only when you know him better, he show that side of his more. I think he is opposite of Noriaki on bed (who love sweet and slow sex), Jotaro quite rough, like he realise all his emotion into sex.
Btw beside Jotaro and Noriaki, who do you think like rough sex, and who like it soft and sweet?
Rohan already a weirdo in the manga/anime so I'm not suprised he is more pervert when he is a yandere. Do you think he also use Heaven's Door on you? Like write something about you will be with him forever or he just too confident about his charm so he won't use his stand.
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Rohan is too proud to use shortcuts like his stand. But, you know, taking a little looksie into your brain never hurt anyone. He’s just checking to make sure you’re capable of even liking him in the first place, tweaking your preferences if you don’t… But he really, truly, wants to adjust nothing more than he needs to. It’s beneath him.
Here's a random assortment, but it’s very clear I’m in a part five mood…
Giorno treats you rather delicately in normal, everyday talk. You sort of expected him to be rather affectionate during sex, since he hasn’t made any advances towards you sexually, but you’re sure he’s thinking it every now and then. There’s nothing else that could be on his mind when he eyes you for a second too long, but he’s never acted on it or expressed any sort of desire for sex before, so.. you should chalk that thought up to your frightened imagination. Giorno doesn’t do well with intimacy, he fears it’s the only thing people want from him, so he will avoid it until he’s sure you have absolutely no room to escape him. He holds himself over by insisting the only medical attention you need is from him. Little cuts, God forbid a broken bone, Giorno can fix it all- and he’s happy to. Never mind the fact that he has to break your leg even more to replace it, it’s just how his stand works. If you catch the way his eyes seem to brighten up a bit when looking at your wounds, keep it to yourself. When you finally get him comfortable enough for sex, he wants you to worship the ground he walks on. Become obsessed with him the way he is with you, see him as the young god he is. Trail kisses from the bottom of his feet to his hip and he’ll consider touching you. Sex with Giorno is slow and soft, he’s meticulous, and fully expects that kind of attention to come his way before he’ll consider doing anything to you. Giorno’s sadism rots his brain if he denies himself what he craves, and, could you really hold it against that pretty face of his? He wants you to bleed out, he wants you to writhe in agony, show him you’re a living being that can experience what he has to offer. He won’t hit you, but he’ll use whatever tools he can to make sure you’re aching by the end of his little indulgent sessions. 
Guido’s a bit of a masochist, but he doesn’t like all that dirty, degrading talk, he just really loves the physical pain. Talk to him like you love him while you’re digging your shoe into his chest and he’ll just fall deeper in love. I cannot see him as anything other than submissive, he just wants to do whatever you wanna do. Guido will roll on his back and take whatever you’re gonna give him as long as you reassure him that you’re doing it out of love and don’t resent him for snatching you up. He’ll give you head, he’ll let you penetrate him, he’ll do anything to keep you happy. The way he smiles as you’re carving a heart into his chest is chilling, if anything. This is the same guy that would track you down no matter how far you went- passione’s bloodhound. Yet here he is, face flushed like he just received his first nude picture, looking at you as if you’re walking down the aisle for him and not figuring out how to get this shitty carving job you're doing to scar as long as he wants it. 
Prosciutto’s using you for stress relief. He’s the type of man to make you wait on him hand and foot, literally. He gets off on your subservience, it’s exactly what he knew he wanted when he first got a reaaal good look at you. He doesn’t really care about after care, so you’re on your own to get your wounds all cleaned out. Prosciutto will backhand you if you file his nails wrong, hard. You know how much of a pain it’s going to be to get this filed correctly? Are you such a stupid whore that you can’t take your mind off of him for five seconds to do him the little favor of making his nails all nice and neat? He’ll forgive you if you get on your knees and beg for him to not be mad. If you’re stupid enough to actually get on your knees, you’ll figure out what italian leather tastes like.
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mbat · 3 months
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!! these were made using bases !! the bases will be linked below the cut!!
the cut is so the post isnt too long to scroll past, but also i will be talking about the au in it!!
decided to draw my own take on adult flurry heart, mostly so i could draw my own take on opaline in the au where opaline is like a nightmare moon of flurry heart. if youre wondering who the third pony is, its chrysalis' disguise for the au, named gentle heart.
flurry hearts base:
opalines bases (one for the body, the other was only for one of the wings):
gentle heart/chrysalis' base:
i had to use bases because ive been in such a weird art block lately, i just couldnt draw bodies right, but i was having this idea and i just had to get it out of me lol. i drew everything else just fine, idk why i couldnt draw bodies. shout out to elementbases on deviantart for having a lot of good mlp bases! and organized into categories no less!
btw for reference for adult flurry heart i mainly used images of her only adult appearance which was in some mobile game ?? i never played it but its real and its the only time we see her as an adult, though i dont think we get any details about her aside from how she looks. i just wanted to say that cause idk how many people know about it.
also yes her cutie mark is different between versions of her
so this is an au ive been tossing around for a while, especially since it started out as a half-theory i had about g5 before it truly did set in that they were just fucking up the entire thing (no hate to g5 or anyone who likes it but im personally just. disappointed), namely when they were like 'oh yeah opaline is just some alicorn that celestia and luna knew as kids and when they didnt want to play with her she held onto that for thousands of years and became evil over it'
also apparently the reason equestria is separated is because she just. idk whispered mean things in everyones ears? idk man i dont read the mlp comics, i plan to read g4s comics but not g5s. i didnt even know g5 had comics until i looked up why the pony kinds were separate.
anyway the idea was a theory because before all that we had no idea who opaline was, why there was some random alicorn, i mean, weve seen so few throughout g4! she was so mysterious for that, and i feel like the most popular idea was that she was flurry heart, since that was one of the few alicorns we knew of, and flurry is such a blank slate, especially since we dont technically ever see her adult form (with one exception)
i still personally think they shouldve gone that route but i know now that they wouldnt have, they probably wouldnt have wanted to give one of their previous characters, especially one like flurry, any bad traits or make her a villain, even though it would be such a cool idea. not to mention, they couldve redeemed her? idk man. worse villains have been redeemed lol
on to my au though. i wanted to keep it feeling like it couldve been canon but also stretching it just a little bit to make maybe more sense and also be more my creation, yknow?
we see at the end of g4 that chrysalis is trapped in stone alongside the other two villains she was working with, but we also know that these stone prisons can still be escaped, as we saw in discords introduction. my idea is that the stone is kept locked up, but unattended to, and she escapes, though her fellow villains dont. the specific details will be saved for if i go more in depth on all of this somewhere else lol
she develops a plan, that being to disguise herself as a normal pony, and to become staff at the crystal empire castle. that disguise is gentle heart, a name she literally made up because she was mocking the 'stupid' (from her perspective) names that ponies have, and she just kept it. while she works at the castle, she gets close to a young flurry heart.
she acts very extremely sickeningly nice and sweet in this disguise, but theres an uncanniness to it, a disingenuine undertone that is only noticeable when youre looking for it, really. flurry heart comes to love and trust her as a friend, and gentle heart isnt seen as suspicious to really anyone in the castle. people still think chrysalis is trapped in stone, after all.
her next step in the plan, however, is that when no one else is around, she shapeshifts herself into cadence or shining armor, and acts like a horrible parent to flurry heart. this creates a deep disconnect for flurry, as one moment her parents are the best ever, and the next they arent. if flurry tries to bring this up to them, they have no idea what shes talking about.
flurry begins to confide in gentle heart about this, and gentle heart begins to plant the idea in flurrys head that she should run away, and that gentle could run away with her. after a while of this, flurry finally decides to do this.
they run far, far away together, flurry being a child/young teenager, and they hide where no one else really goes, far from towns and pretty much any ponies. (this location hasnt been chosen yet but its not the mooost relevant? the basic point is that theyre hidden away) and they set up a home here.
soon in, gentle heart makes a decision. she shows her true form to flurry heart, a flurry heart who was never taught about how changelings used to be before their reformation, as her parents thought it was a conversation for when she was older. they didnt want her to feel paranoid, or scared. the changelings she knows are bright, and covered in generally round shapes. theyre not like the jagged and dark chrysalis.
gentle heart tells flurry that she was cursed. that her pony form is her true form, but she was cursed by the princesses to be in this form. being in her pony form drains her of energy, her changeling form recharges that energy. really, its just her excuse to not need to be in that pony form anymore. she tells flurry that she was cursed falsely, accused of a crime she did not commit. that she was made to work at the crystal castle so an eye could be kept on her. she asks to be called chrysalis, as being called gentle heart in this form feels wrong.
chrysalis right now is the only person in the world that flurry heart trusts, so she accepts this as truth.
as flurry heart grows up, chrysalis begins to plant ideas in her head that the other ponies are awful and horrible, just like her parents seemingly were. that flurry heart is better than all of them because shes not horrible, and on top of that, shes a natural alicorn. there hasnt been a natural born alicorn in thousands of years before her. flurry heart begins to believe all of this too. she doesnt have anyone or anything else to tell or show her otherwise.
these dark beliefs warp her appearance overtime, making her go from her parents daughter, into what we know as opaline, akin to princess luna turning into nightmare moon. she becomes annoyed with, averse to her cutesy name she was given by her family, and adopts the name opaline, both because of her crystal cutie mark, and because part of her still thinks of the crystal empire as her home, though now more like its hers to own someday.
speaking of, into her adulthood, opaline and chrysalis form a plan. a plan to take over equestria. the idea of being the ruler of all of pony kind was a natural conclusion that chrysalis wanted opaline to make, and so she did. their first step was to invade the crystal castle and take it over.
chrysalis tells her that cadence was never a fighter, so she shouldnt be an issue, but shining armor would be. if both chrysalis and opaline combined their power, they would easily overpower him and anyone else daring to fight them. the thing is... this works.
for a few reasons, actually. people were shocked at the return of chrysalis, and on top of that, despite her warped appearance, opaline was recognized as flurry heart. there isnt exactly many alicorns, and especially none that look similar to her. there was a fight put up, but not at full power. no one wanted to hurt the lost princess.
she takes over the empire, trapping any who oppose her, especially her parents. she doesnt even give them the option to talk to her. she plunges the empire back in dark days, not in the way that sombra did entirely, but still. shes strict on her subjects, and begins to make them like a military, planning to use them to invade canterlot. anyone who would dare come to attack the empire would be held off.
after she knows her subjects are loyal (terrified), and properly molded into an army, she storms canterlot, chrysalis by her side. its a hard fight, but they do it. they trap the other princesses, and they take over.
opalines first rule of business is to make the crystal empire the new capital, the new seat of power. for a while, this is the most drastic thing she does, otherwise going slow with her horrid ideas and changes.
the worse comes when shes already caused distrust and discomfort among ponykind, pitting ponies against eachother. she begins to decree that ponykind must be separated by type, designating towns to each, forcing ponies apart by law. she made sure it was enforced. she didnt need ponies coming together to rise against her, so she forced them apart. the damage is done.
this of course doesnt last forever. twilight is free and gathers the elements, and they take opaline by surprise, ending her reign. they empty the empire and trap her alone in her castle. thing is, she also trapped them in a limbo-like state, along with the other princesses (and her father), as they had also tried to join the fight. and a final blow to her, chrysalis got caught in crossfire, and was seemingly killed. no one intended it, but it happened. opaline is devastated.
and now, shes stuck. trapped alone in a castle in the middle of a city. she has the whole city alone to herself, and all she has now is the items left behind by her people, and mostly books. she only ever sees them as fiction or propaganda though, refusing to take them to heart and accept them as truth. alongside reading and re-reading the books around the city, she schemes of a way out. she is not very successful in this for a long time.
the closest she gets to getting out is when she opens the barrier just long enough to see, and kidnap, a young unicorn. a one misty brightdawn. she forces misty to be her only companion in a long time, and raises her like a daughter, but not lovingly.
some stuff continues on similar to canon, like misty befriending the mane 5 and leaving opaline behind, but i wont say more because i can keep some secrets for myself :] i do have an ending to her story planned though!
also pls ignore timeline and other canon contradictions pls pls pls pls pls lol
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viisator · 1 year
"Do you like her?"
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Title: "Do you like her?"
Pairing: Nishimura Riki X F!Reader
Genre: Fantasy (angst)
Waring: none.
Not proofread
INSPIRED BY "Harry Potter" by J.k Rowling
Short scenario • • •
– Can I have a request, please? After/before you read this(thanks for checking this out btw) like or reblog, or both; is really appreciated!! And it will help my blogs reach other ppl too!! Thank you!! Have a good time reading!! –
• • • • •
"Do you like her?" Y/n has been standing a meter away from Niki for about six seconds since Niki got stuck in his tracks. The thing that Niki's eyes were lost on was a senior, a Ravenclaw, smart, beautiful, talented, elegant, and gentle.
"...was it obvious?" Niki's eyes never left the girl. His distance from her was at least six meters away, but Niki seems to be with her.
"Yes, I think it's very obvious you like her," Y/n says as she took another step close to the boy.
"That's bad then" Y/n looks at Niki the way Niki looks at her, and everyone was aware, it was as obvious, like how she says it to him. Y/n is a Slytherin with lots of ambitions, a consistent girl who makes and wants everything she does with pure perfection, and if one thing got wrong, a little imperfection in her work means literal punishment for herself, she's the positive next prefect of the house and everyone supports it. One thing about Y/n that made the people around her like her and support her was that she's ambitious, but will never take a dark route and make the people around her suffer. She is far from the evil image the Slytherin house has, but what the others are disappointed about her was she can't say what she truly means, she keeps her thoughts to herself only.
It was summer at Diagon Alley when she first saw how beautiful he was, it was their fourth year, and she was already good at charms and spells at that time, but it was still a surprise that Niki recognised her. She was starstruck, she was enchanted, she was in love, and she feels so many things at that moment that she couldn't explain why, or how she feels that way. What is this that she was feeling?
The Diagon Alley was crowded at that time, it was the start of a school year and everyone was at Diagon Alley again to buy books, uniforms, and owls and wands for the first years. Y/n was busy looking at the piece of paper she was holding where the requirements and the things her mother told her to buy were written. As she walks and walks around but never looked up at the road, something hit her forehead hard, and as she looks up, a beautiful man greeted her with an apology.
"I'm sorry, was I blocking the road?" He frowns looking so apologetic, while her eyes are as big as the moon while little stars twinkle around them; but she can only sigh...she was enchanted. And so, she was in love.
"No...I-I wasn't looking at the road at all"
"Oh, is that so?" He said then he chuckled. He stopped for a moment and look at her closely, and the movement made Y/n feel anxious all of a sudden, did she wear ridiculous clothes that day? Does she look ugly? Or was it because something was on her face? Why is he staring at her so intensely? But she saw his face brighten up.
"You were the little madam!" He said so enthusiastically it made Y/n flinch.
"What?" She can only be confused by the name.
"You were called 'the little madam of the Slytherin house'!" She was more confused, why would there be such a nickname for her?
"You're very famous for your straightforwardness, your intelligence, your goals, your talents that you even led and won last year's quidditch! Even professors fight that you should've been in their house!" He stopped for a bit and took a breath. "You were the student who qualified for every house! I know you!" He says those with his cute hand gestures that he's probably not aware he was doing and he breathes out as his hands are in mid-air, then after, he puts them down looking very embarrassed.
"Then...why am I called a madam?"
"Oh! That's cause you're talented, smart, kind and gentle that you could pass as their favourite teacher." He casually said.
"You're very qualified as a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Why were you at Slytherin?" He asked putting his hands on his hips.
"Umm, cause of my ambition?" Niki smiles at her more until he holds her hands and dragged her to a bookstore and held out a newspaper. The movement made Y/n very surprised that she couldn't do anything but let him drag her there. Or maybe cause she liked the movement, besides, she was very happy when she found out she have a great impression of him.
"There's a quidditch match next week, can you go with me?" He said smiling.
"What?" Y/n thought it was very fast, did he also fall in love with her at that time? But now that she's older and more mature, she finally understood the moment.
"Hey don't be silly! With my friends of course! We can't go there alone, we'll look like a couple!" The statement made Y/n very sad, then after that, his mother called for him and he left. She was disappointed she didn't have the chance to ask what's his house.
Now that it's already their sixth year, she already found out she has no chance. How can she be so oblivious back then? How can she fall in love so easily? She was now sure it was only a simple crush. If only she wasn't blind back then, because she genuinely thought it was love she felt. How can she be smart if she's not even smart enough to figure out he doesn't like her and just misunderstood the way he knows her for her achievements?
"You better confess, it's now or never, graduation's in a week and it'll be a shame not telling her how you feel." A piece of advice for herself.
"How am I supposed to do that? It's just so obvious she likes Sunoo." He said still looking at her laugh with another senior, Kim Sunoo.
"They'll graduate in a week and you'll never have your chance." She said it to encourage him, but the encouragement made her emotional that her tears are itching to fall out.
"I know that..." He said quietly and then he left, maybe too tired looking at her so happy with someone else leaving Y/n alone.
After Niki left, she heave a long sigh. She'll never tell him what she feels.
©® Viisator 2023
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