#imagine if it's not about ronance at all that's hilarious to me
eskawrites · 5 months
Literate lover side of me: fantastic prose. never been done. beautiful characterizations.
Intrusive yucky lesbian caveman thoughts: when are they going to kiss. kissing leads to fucking and im having the yucky lesbian thoughts and i need them to fuck. i need them to need each other carnally.
i'm going to assume this is about the nancy pov in which case. uh. i have bad news for you
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lonesome-witching · 4 months
Memory Lane
Late posting because my mom just got home from a trip and things have been busy. Anyway, today we go back to some previous prompts and dive into the no way home spiderman ronance au. (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 )
Do you have any prompts yourself? Or do you want to dive into what I wrote before? You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
“What are you reading?” Robin asked as she walked into the room. Nancy tried not to look up, but she couldn’t refrain herself. Robin’s hair was stuck to her face, her spiderman outfit tight around her muscles.
“A book on memory loss.”
Robin stopped walking. “It’s not going to work.”
Nancy closed the book. “That might be so, but I didn’t find any books on magic.”
“I don’t think there is anything we can do to bring your memory back.”
“I refuse to believe that.”
Robin sat down on the couch in Nancy’s apartment. They’d been doing this often. Robin coming over as if she belonged there. They’d kiss sometimes. Or they’d watch a movie, or they would talk until the sun came up. It felt an awful lot like a relationship. Nancy wouldn’t mind if it was one.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Robin sighed.
“Do you have any ideas? You know much more about magic than I do.”
“Well, in reality I don’t know all that much about magic. I just got some help from— Never mind. I don’t really know what could help, sorry.”
Nancy nodded her head.
Robin hadn’t been all too excited to take a trip down memory lane. But she did it anyway. For Nancy. It was plain to see that she didn’t like being here. The here in question was the Starcourt mall.
“This is where we first met. Or at least, seriously met. I had a job over there, at Scoops Ahoy, with Steve. And you were here with your boyfriend, Jonathan, when this freak monster attacked. It was after closing, but Steve would allow you stay longer because he wanted to get you back. I didn’t have the time to put my suit on, so I just went for it in that stupid sailor uniform. After I saved your life, you know what you said?”
Nancy shook her head. She liked listening to Robin’s voice. “I wish I did.”
“I saved your lives and you just looked at me and said, ‘who are you?’ It was kind of hilarious.”
“I did not say that,” Nancy gasped.
“You sure did. Nothing coming back to you yet?”
“No, sorry.”
“It’s alright, it’s not your fault.”
“Maybe we should try roleplaying. You in that sailor uniform with the short shorts?” Nancy suggested with a teasing smile on her face.
“Is that something you’re into? Because I still have that uniform in the back of my closet.”
Nancy hummed.
They were sitting across from each other. Candles and fully filled plates in between them.
“Our first date.”
“You were romantic.”
“Actually, you organized it. You cooked and everything. It was lovely.”
Nancy cleared her throat. She had never put much effort in her dates. Steve and Jonathan had been forced to do all the work. She couldn’t imagine doing this much for someone. And yet, she believed it.
“In that case we didn’t mimic it all that well. You cooked tonight.”
“Well, yeah. I remember what we had for dinner, and I thought it’d be easier if I just went ahead and made it. We can always try again with you cooking.”
“I’m honestly a very bad cook. I doubt I ever cooked for you.”
Robin chuckled. “That is true. You’re not a good cook.”
“Oh, so that’s why you cooked tonight, huh?”
Robin bit her bottom lip.
“Hypnosis,” Nancy said, dropping her books on the kitchen table.
“What?” Robin looked up from her plate.
“Hypnosis. It’s said to work for amnesia, and I don’t know how else to explain what I have. It’s worth a shot.”
“So, are we gonna do it?”
“You want me to hypnotize you?”
“Well, yeah. I don’t want to go to some stranger and accidentally tell him that you are spiderman.”
Robin nodded. “That’s fair. There is just one problem.”
“What is that?”
“I don’t know how to hypnotize people.”
“I’m sure it’s not that difficult. I got you some books on it. Here you go.” She pushed the pile towards Robin.
“Alrighty then.”
“So, lay down and relax.” Robin was still holding the book as she directed her.
“Okay.” Nancy did as she was told, leaning back on her couch.
“Now, close your eyes.”
She almost didn’t want to. But she had no choice. This had been her idea and she wanted to remember.
“Okay, good. Now listen to my voice. You’re going to imagine a flight of stairs and with every step you’ll sink further into your subconscious. Take the first step.”
Nancy tried her best to do exactly what Robin was asking of her. But she couldn’t feel anything. Not after the first step or the second or the third. Eventually she was supposed to be as deep as she could, but it felt like she was just there. With Robin. In the now, not in the past.
“Now, try to remember me. Try to dig deep into your mind and go back to the past.”
Nancy tried. She went as far back as she could. She remembered her childhood, her younger brother, Mike, and her sister, Holly. She backpedaled and remembered meeting Steve. Their relationship. Then Jonathan. She should be close. But when she remembered Starcourt, she couldn’t remember Robin. Nowhere in her mind was any sign of Robin until that recent encounter. Until their reconnection.
“It’s not working,” Nancy said, sitting up.
“I didn’t think it would.” But Robin looked so sad as she said it.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, it was my decision.”
“We can make new memories.”
“Yes, we can. Where should we start.” Robin put the book away.
“Well, I really would like to see you in that sailor uniform.”
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katlandry · 2 years
In honour of Noah getting the first 3 scripts for Season 5, this is my Season 5 bucket list (I may be very early so this is my early one) I’ll try to make it as realistic as possible 😭
- Nancy survives.
This is the number one thing I need to happen, I will not be able to handle it if she dies
- I’m also very much on the side of I want everyone to survive.
Stranger Things is very much about the relationships between all of the characters, and it might not be the main part of the show but it is an important one and it’s what makes Stranger Things so great. I think it would massively suck if they were to kill any of the Hopper-Byers family after everything they’ve been through and Hopper losing anyone would just confirm his theory that he’s a “curse”.
- Ronance hug.
I need this like I need air. Nancy Wheeler needs a hug and I need Robin to be the one to give it to her.
- More Ronance scenes.
I mean obviously I ship Ronance so of course I want more scenes of them together, BUT I also really love their friendship. After Nancy lost Barb, Robin is the first girl she’s befriended that didn’t have romantic intentions and I think their friendship is really something special.
- Nancy to finally get closure with Barb and realise it wasn’t her fault
I realise she kind of got closure in S2, but I don’t think she really did. She clearly still blames herself, and what happened shaped her into who she is today. And we know she never really spoke to anyone about what happened because when she tried to talk to Steve he brushed her off. So I think she needs someone to tell her it wasn’t her fault.
- Nancy/Robin/Jonathan/Steve/Argyle team up.
This would be the team up of the CENTURY.
- Nancy/El scenes
I’ve needed this since S1. I think they’re quite similar in some ways and it’d be so nice to see them have some scenes together
- Jargyle scenes
I mean… they’re literally hilarious together. Imagine Nancy, Robin and Steve having to put up with high Jargyle 😭
- Not St*ncy endgame
Okay. Don’t hate me, and I’m sure this is pretty well known by now but I’m very much anti St*ncy and I’m not even sorry about it. Those two getting back together would feel like ten steps backwards and a dishonour to both of their characters. Steve’s character for the past two seasons has revolved around finding a girlfriend and I think he needs to realise that he doesn’t need a girlfriend and it’s okay to be on your own. It would also be a very misogynistic ending for Nancy. I could talk about this forever but I’ll just leave it at that. 😭
Pretty sure David Harbour already confirmed this but I’m so excited to see Jopper in a relationship!!
- Mike being a complete menace to society and Robin getting to experience it
I mean, Robin hasn’t spent much time with Mike yet and I just think him being the little shit he is would be so funny for Robin to witness. I can just imagine her turning to Nancy and saying “You’re related to him?”
- Will/Robin scenes
This is an obvious one, but I think talking to Robin would help Will a LOT. I don’t know how likely it is to happen but I think it’d be really nice for Will to know he’s not on his own.
I NEED IT. They arranged it last season and Max DIED so it’s only right they get their date in Season 5!!
- More Erica
Not much to say about this, we all need more Erica.
- More Hopper-Byers family
El finally has a family and somewhere she belongs, Hopper just came back from the dead. I need this family to be happy more than anything.
- If not Byler endgame, I need to see Will accept himself (at least somewhat) and finally be happy.
I like both Mileven and Byler, and honestly my opinion on who should be endgame changes on a daily basis based on the fans lmao. It would be awesome to see Byler endgame, but I would like to see Will accept himself and maybe come out to his mom??
- Nancy & Mike hug.
This has to happen. It has to. And not right before one of them dies either. Give me more Wheeler siblings. Perhaps a parallel to S1 when Nancy rushes out of the Byers to hug Mike but this time Mike rushes to hug Nancy??
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hersterical · 2 years
Hear me out on this, Stranger Things How I Met Your Mother au where:
Robin (Buckley)=Barney
Nancy=Robin (Scherbatsky)
I’m undecided who would be Marshall and Lily. Some of the options I came up with were Jonathan and Argyle, Eddie and Chrissy (sorry steddie shippers), or Max and Lucas/El. I’m kind of leaning towards Jonathan and Argyle with Argyle being Lily and Jonathan being Marshall though.
I’ll put my reasoning under the break.
One of my all time favorite hc’s is Robin and Steve moving to a big city together after everything’s calmed down in Hawkins where people are more open minded and they can go to gay bars and stuff together. Based on where he’s at in season 4, Steve would be looking for “the one” who would love nothing more than to raise six little nuggets with him. Robin on the other hand would be able to openly flirt for the first time in her whole life and quickly realizes that she is very good at it. The more confidence she has the more women would flock to her and she spends at least a year in a player phase. All the while Steve and Robin would, of course, be the most ride-or-die wingmen for each other.
That’s when it clicked. Steve and Robin in the big city are (mostly) non-douchey versions of Ted and Barney.
Once that connection was made, the similarities between Nancy and HIMYM Robin were almost stupidly obvious. They’re both career driven, girlboss reporters who are good with guns and aren’t crazy about the whole white picket fence and 2.5 children American Dream thing that is their (ex)boyfriends entire purpose in life. (I also wouldn’t put it past Nancy to have been a pop star as a teenager and has been desperately trying to bury any mention of that time of her life ever since)
As for Marshall and Lily, I couldn’t find a perfect match for them so I just put the most solid ST couples that weren’t Jopper. I love them, Jopper just doesn’t match the vibes. Also, as soon as I thought it I haven’t been able to get the idea of kindergarten teacher Argyle out my head because that’s objectively hilarious. (He’d call all of his students his little dudes or something like that. And can you imagine parent-teacher conferences!?)
Obviously in this au swarkles/ronance don’t break up and The Mother (Eddie? Someone we’ve never met before? Tammy Thompson?)(that last one was a joke)(but what a plot twist, right?) doesn’t die. Because that ending is one of the all time worst endings ever. I also don’t think it matters if this is modern au or not. Just depends on how open you want them to be about their relationships and if you want them to be able to text or listen to Taylor Swift and other modern stuff or not.
Let me know what you think. Or don’t. Whatever works for you
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truegodofthearena · 2 years
Am i the only Stancy who hated that interview?😭 I like seeing celebs ship stancy, of course, but as an interview, it kinda sucked? Natalia has been asked the same questions for 6 years, and it's annoying and boring as a fan to watch (I can't even imagine how it must be for her to answer). Same with Joe K, I'm tired of his hair being brought up, for a while that was the only question he got😅 I want to to hear some new questions and answers, not the same stuff as in 2016 for the umpteenth time🙈
I wouldn’t say you’re alone. As an interview, yes it kinda sucked because Jimmy and Meg did most of the talking and Natalia was kind of getting bombarded with these really tricky questions she had to try to be diplomatic about. I don’t think she feels comfortable taking a side, she understands both sides it feels, she’s even down for ronance and even Nancy having some me time. But I did LOVE how she called out Nancy’s questionable way of getting together with Jonathan in season 2. Even Meg said it was messed up. I love how clear she was with her feelings towards that.
But in all honesty though, I don’t really consider these late night show interviews as any *serious* interviews. It’s all fun talk mostly and with Nancy’s arc, yes the most asked question is Stancy vs Jancy and I get it honestly because people watch this show for it’s heart and if there’s a love triangle you will be asked about it. Natalia probably came prepared to answer a question like that because of the time nancy spent with Steve in season 4. But Meg really did put her on the spot, poor thing lol. Meg was hilariously persistent about it so imma let this slide. As an audience, after season 4, I did want the juicy questions being asked. And that’s sadly what sells on most shows. The juicy stuff ! So yeah I get it. I also want a hundred other questions for Natalia but if you’ve got ten minutes I AM going to ask jancy vs Stancy too lol. Maybe if the season had gone differently then no, but they did show a lot of Stancy so of course people are curious about endgame romances. I did love that the clip they showed of Nancy wasn’t a scene with either Jonathan or Steve but it was a clip of her taking down Vecna. Which was awesome.
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icarusinstatic · 2 years
Stranger Things V2 Thoughts
I'm not even close to emotionally recovered from V2, but whatever...
Steve continues to be the best semi adult
And his vibes with Robin are and have been immaculate
Eddie was wonderful and ignoring what happened in the finale, i adored everything about his character and how Joe Quinn chose to play him.
Came of of this season really shipping Steddie and Ronance, not even sorry about Jonathan because he definitely has something going with Argyle.
Dustin and Erica continue to have a great friendship
like obv Lucas and Dustin are besties, but Dustin also has grown to respect Erica and the skills that she brings to the table.
hell it was his idea in the first place to have her join the DND party at the beginning of S4 against Eddie. And it was wonderful.
Actually, everything about Erica Sinclair is amazing. I went back and rewatched S2 earlier today, because I had to stay home from work and she was a delight. Her having He-man and barbie making out was both adorable and hilarious.
El and her acceptance that what Brenner put her through in the lab wasn't her fault was terrific and TBH every scene with Dr. Brenner was great, because that ending in the desert between the two of them, with El not forgiving Brenner when he was basically demanding it of her, *Chefs kiss*
El's fight with Vecna was traumatic as hell, and I'll admit I was crying during all of what happened with Max, but damn everyone, every single person brought their a-game to those scenes.
Petition for Max to have been able to be with her bestie El - for longer than 30 seconds before everything went to shit.
Lucas - especially Vecna!Lucas was top tier this season and I can only imagine that after ST series ends, that this dude will go places.
What I didn't care for was the forced Steve/Nancy shit the duffer bros were trying to throw at us. I don't even care if either of them is with someone else, those two should not be together, they have both grown so much as characters since they split apart, that the ship doesn't even make any sense to me anymore.
As for what happened to Eddie? I am simply not accepting it. I'm okay if they retcon his death, or make my man into a sexy sexy vampire (With his husband Steve of course), but dude is not dead.
Uncle Wayne is now part of the family and nothing the Duffer bros can do will take that from me. Hopper sits the man down and explains everything to him, and once he realizes that no matter where Eddie runs Vecna already has him marked, Wayne will simply say fuck that go to the upside down himself and flambe the bastard.
I'm sure there's more, but this is more than enough word vomit for one post. Thankyouverymuch.
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