#imagine shawn mendes
nightstars5 · 2 years
I Know Your Mother Hates Me
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Pedido: Oii, você pode fazer um com o Shawn onde ele leva ela pra conhecer os pais dele, eles tratam ela bem, mas em algum momento a mãe dele chama ele pra conversar e fala sobre a Camila e tal e que não sentiu muita confiança na s/n, ela acaba ouvindo e fica triste, pq sabe que eles são importantes pro Shawn, então ela meio que acaba se afastando dele com receio de não ser tão boa pra ele. Aí você coloca que a mãe dele liga pra conversar com ela sobre o que aconteceu e se desculpa.
Ainda não sei como Shawn pode estar tão relaxado em meio a tanto nervosismo que estou sentindo agora, minhas mãos estão suadas e frias, mesmo o carro estando aquecido.
É a primeira vez que Shawn me levará para casa dos seus pais depois que começamos a namorar oficialmente, estive a semana toda pensando no que vestir e criando mil situações na minha cabeça desde que ele me chamou.
E se eles não gostarem de mim? Se acharem que não sou tão boa pro filho deles?
É inevitável não pensar isso, Shawn não gosta que eu pense assim, mas, não posso evitar, sou uma garota simples e sem graça, sem muito pra oferecer e até hoje procuro pelo que ele pode ter se interessado em mim.
Sinto sua mão pousar em meu joelho e apertar um pouco, o calor da sua palma faz com que eu pare com o balançar da minha perna. Ele procura por minha mão e entrelaça nossos dedos, levando até seus lábios e depositando um beijo demorado. Seu pequeno gesto leva embora uma pequena porcentagem do meu nervosismo.
Quando paramos em frente à casa, tudo se multiplica, Shawn desce e dá a volta para abrir a porta para mim, um ato de cavalheirismo seu que eu amo.
Novamente ele entrelaça nossos dedos e no pequeno caminho até a entrada, verifico minha roupa passando a mão por minha calça e meu cabelo.
— Ei, você está linda. Está tudo bem, ok? — ele diz, deixando um beijo em minha bochecha antes de abrir a porta.
O interior da casa, é lindo. Cores claras nas paredes, algumas plantas em lugares estratégicos para que recebam a luz do dia e ar fresco e a decoração combina exatamente com tudo, uma paleta de cores linda de tons neutros.
— Shawn! — uma menina aparece no topo das escadas, descendo correndo com um cachorrinho preto a seguindo, Aaliyah.
Ela é alta como o irmão, sendo só alguns centímetros menor que ele, mas, ainda sim sendo maior do que eu. Ela é bonita e se parece um pouco com ele.
Eles se abraçam e quando seus olhos pousam em mim ela sorri, um sorriso sincero e contente.
— Aaliyah, essa é S/N, minha namorada.
— Meu Deus, Shawn não exagerou. — ela diz e quando percebe que não entendi ri — Você é linda, muito mesmo. — sinto minhas bochechas corarem e sorrio.
— Imagina. Como vai? — trocamos um abraço e me sinto bem recebida por ela.
— Onde estão papai e mamãe?
— Estamos aqui, querido.
Os dois aparecem do que eu suponho ser o caminho para a cozinha, a mais velha é uma mulher simpática, sorriso bonito e jovial. O homem tem o mesmo ar de simpatia e nos recebem com alegria e sorrisos.
— Finalmente a conhecemos, Shawn não parava de falar sobre você. — Manuel, diz. Olho para Shawn ao meu lado e suas bochechas estão rosadas, ele está envergonhado por ter sido entregue pelo seu pai, o que o deixa fofo.
— E como falou... — Aaliyah diz como quem não quer nada, o que nos faz rir e Shawn revirar os olhos.
— Ok, já podem parar. — ele reclama e sorrio o olhando.
— Bom, seja bem vinda, querida. É um prazer recebê-la aqui, fique à vontade. — Karen diz e agradeço.
Ficamos um pouco conversando na sala enquanto a lasanha estava no forno, sua família é gentil e simpática e pouco a pouco vou me sentindo mais confortável e acolhida por eles.
Na mesa de jantar, Shawn se senta ao meu lado, a comida parece estar deliciosa e me sirvo como todos fazem. A conversa flui gradativamente e claro que o assunto principal é sobre mim.
Percebo que Karen, apesar de estar sendo muito simpática e amigável, tem algo a mais que parece esconder. A pego algumas vezes me observando com cautela, como se tentasse me ler com mais atenção, o que não a julgo, porque é com seu filho que estou me relacionando e é óbvio que ela vai querer saber mais e mais.
— Você pouco falou da sua família. Você tem irmãos? — Manuel pergunta.
— Tenho um irmão mais velho, mas, pouco nos falamos. Na verdade, eu não tenho muito contato com minha família. — digo um pouco sem graça, é claro que esse assunto surgiria e mesmo tendo me preparado para isso, fico aflita.
Sinto Shawn apertar meu joelho por baixo da mesa, porque ele sabe o quanto esse assunto é delicado para mim, minha família não é da mais agradável e nosso relacionamento era conturbado, o que me fez decidir que eu não queria ter muito contato com pessoas que nunca me apoiariam.
Isso parece ter chamado a atenção de Karen, seu cenho está franzido e ela me encara com uma curiosidade maior.
— Como assim? Vocês não se falam?
— Não muito, temos uma convivência um pouco... complicada por assim dizer.
Karen parece chocada com minha revelação, mas, não faz mais nenhum comentário sobre, por outro lado, Manuel muda de assunto, me perguntando mais sobre minha faculdade, da qual tenho prazer em falar.
Quando terminamos o jantar, migramos para a área externa da casa, um quintal lindo com um jardim bem cuidado e iluminação aconchegante, os bancos de madeira almofadados são tão confortáveis, um de frente para o outro. Agora, estamos somente Manuel e Aaliyah aqui, Karen chamou Shawn para ajudá-la na cozinha, me ofereci para ir em seu lugar, mas ela negou, alegando que sou visita.
— Shawn disse que você gosta de patinar e joga hóquei também. — comento para Aaliyah quando entramos no assunto sobre esportes.
— Sim, eu amo e bom, cá entre nós... — ela sussurra — ...eu sou melhor do que ele nisso. — ela ri e a acompanho, assim como Manuel que começa a contar como os filhos começaram a patinar no gelo.
— Shawn poderia levar você para me assistir um dia, se você quiser é claro. — ela comenta, suas bochechas ficando igualmente rosadas como a do irmão quando fica envergonhado.
— Eu adoraria, Aali.
Um pouco depois, sinto minha bexiga apertar e peço licença para usar o banheiro, sendo instruída para onde ficava.
Assim que termino, lavo minhas mãos e as enxugo na toalha ao lado da pia de mármore, quando estou voltando para os fundos, resolvo passar pela cozinha, para ver se realmente não precisam de ajuda, mas, quando ouço meu nome, meus pés automaticamente param, me fazendo dar um passo para trás e ouvir.
— Achei estranho que a S/N não tenha contato com os pais. — Karen diz. Ela está parada na frente da pia, organizando algumas coisas no armário enquanto Shawn enxuga algumas louças ao lado.
— Por quê? — ele questiona.
— Querido, como uma garota como ela vive sozinha, sem contato com familiar algum? Eu sou mãe, sei como ficaria se meus filhos cortassem laços comigo.
— O caso dela é diferente, mãe. Não é algo que ela goste de conversar muito sobre e eu respeito isso. — Shawn diz paciente e a forma como me entende, faz com que meu coração palpite mais forte.
— E isso me faz ficar mais pé atrás ainda sobre essa garota. — a surpresa fica estampada em meu rosto quando a ouço, porque Karen parecia ter me adorado e até poucos segundos atrás pensar isso havia me deixado mais calma — Ela não me parece confiável. — então meu peito se aperta com sua conclusão.
Eu havia tentado e me esforçado tanto para parecer o mais simpática possível e ser eu mesma, porque eu sei o quanto Shawn ama sua família e o quanto a opinião deles é importante, principalmente vindo da sua mãe.
— Mãe, por Deus não diga isso. S/N é a garota mais gentil e amorosa que já conheci. Não a julgue dessa forma, por favor. — Shawn diz convicto.
— E a Camila? Você sempre foi tão apaixonado por ela e o relacionamento de vocês durou tão pouco. Sinto falta dela e bom... ela tinha uma vida mais estável e sem problemas com a família também.
— Eu não acredito que a senhora está falando isso. — Shawn revira os olhos com uma risada incrédula.
— Querido, eu sou sua mãe e prezo pelo seu bem e Camila te fazia assim, já essa moça me parece complicada demais, não vejo o que ela pode te oferecer.
Sinto uma quentura escorrer por minhas bochechas e só então percebo que é uma lágrima que escapou.
Meu peito dói porque acabo entendendo o porquê a senhora Karen praticamente me odiou, eu não tenho nada a oferecer ao seu filho, minha família é maluca e complicada demais e minha única fonte de renda no momento é o que ganho sendo caixa em um dos restaurantes renomados da cidade.
Talvez ela pense que estou tentando me aproveitar de Shawn e de tudo o que ele tem, que sou uma golpista que quer apenas status e luxo e isso me machuca profundamente.
— Não quero que fale assim dela! — Shawn se exalta e joga o pano de prato que usava sobre o balcão — Eu não estou mais com a Camila e não sinto exatamente mais nada por ela, S/N é quem me faz feliz. Não a julgue sem conhecê-la direito, por favor. — seu tom sai quase como um sussurro para a mãe.
— Tá, tudo bem. Me desculpe então por dizer o que penso. — Karen suspira voltando a guardar as louças no armário.
Quando volto para a área externa, me forço ao máximo para parecer tão bem quanto antes, logo Shawn e Karen se juntam a nós e me sinto acuada por estar debaixo dos olhos da mulher que me julgara como uma aproveitadora.
Já está ficando tarde quando resolvemos ir embora e por um lado, me sinto mais aliviada, porque vou precisar de um tempo para digerir tudo o que ouvi.
No carro, somente Shawn e eu, penso se conto ou não que acabei ouvindo sua conversa com sua mãe ou se apenas ignoro, quando todos estávamos conversando e rindo algumas vezes, Karen não mostrou nenhum repúdio sobre mim, mas seus olhares intensos e curiosos, tentando me ler, já diziam qual era o seu veredito sobre mim e isso estava me incomodando profundamente.
Não que isso fosse apenas sobre mim, mas, também sobre Shawn, porque ela é sua mãe e é claro que sua opinião é importante, eu odiaria ter uma má convivência com ela e causar conflitos entres eles, nunca me perdoaria se acabasse estragando uma família linda como aquela.
— Ei, está tudo bem? — Shawn pergunta, entrelaçando nossos dedos, seus olhos se voltando para mim por alguns segundos enquanto estamos parados no sinal.
— Sim, está sim. Seus pais e sua irmã, são maravilhosos. — digo sincera.
Eu realmente havia os adorado e mesmo tendo ouvido o que sua mãe pensa de mim, minha opinião sobre ela não mudou em nada.
Ela é uma mulher jovem, bonita e que deu seu melhor para criar dois filhos incríveis e eu a admiro por isso.
— Sei que também te acharam maravilhosa, assim como eu acho. — sorrio com seu pequeno elogio, mesmo sabendo que está mentindo sobre sua mãe — Lá pra casa, certo? — pergunta.
Mas de repente, sinto que preciso ficar um pouco sozinha e refletir bastante sobre o que ouvi, há tantas coisas se passando em minha cabeça tantos medos e receios que realmente não quero que Shawn saiba de nada.
— Na verdade, acho melhor eu ir pra minha. Tenho que terminar algumas coisas da faculdade pra segunda. — vejo nitidamente a expressão de Shawn cair enquanto dirige e isso me parte o coração.
— Podemos passar lá e você pega o que precisa e faz tudo lá em casa, prometo não te aborrecer. — sua tentativa de me convencer faz meu peito se apertar, porque sei o quanto gosta quando ficamos juntos, porque sinto a mesma coisa.
— Você não me aborrece, amor, mas, eu realmente quero terminar isso lá em casa.
Mesmo relutante, Shawn concorda e muda a rota para me deixar em meu prédio, fica quase impossível sair do carro porque seus beijos e seu biquinho triste e fofo quase me convenceram a desistir da ideia de ficar sozinha, mas, me obriguei a ser mais forte.
Já no conforto do meu pequeno apartamento, depois de um bom banho, me jogo na cama e fico horas pensando em como a impressão que havia passado para Karen era totalmente contrária de quem realmente sou. Eu sou completamente apaixonada por Shawn e nada do que ele tem financeiramente me interessa.
E não vou negar que tê-la ouvido falar sobre sua ex nora doeu bastante, eu não era nem metade do que ela era ou tinha.
E é com meus pensamentos voando para profundamente sobre tudo o que ouvi e se misturando com meus medos que eu caio no sono.
Faz exatos 4 dias que tenho “ignorado” Shawn, respondendo apenas as suas mensagens e às vezes atendendo as suas ligações.
A verdade é que talvez Karen tenha razão sobre mim, quero dizer, não sobre a parte de ser uma aproveitadora, isso nunca, meus sentimentos são reais e verdadeiros, mas, talvez ela esteja certa em me achar insuficiente para seu filho.
Dói ter que concluir isso, mas, é a verdade. Shawn é o cara mais integro, cavalheiro e de um coração enorme que já conheci, ele é como um sonho e com certeza merecia alguém que reluzisse o mesmo brilho que ele carrega.
Sei que ele iria amar que eu o acompanhasse em alguns de seus shows e até em sua turnê que está por vir, mas, como eu poderia se não tenho como me bancar nos lugares que ele frequenta e muito menos tenho como me vestir adequadamente? Eu sei, são pensamentos bobos e sem cabimento, Shawn já cansou de dizer que eu não precisaria me preocupar com nada de gastos, porque ele não se importa nenhum pouco com isso, que queria apenas minha companhia ao seu lado, mas, eu me sinto incomodada e talvez até seja orgulho, mas, não posso deixar que ele sempre pague tudo para mim.
E eu odeio ter que pensar nisso agora, mas, todos os meus medos e receios vieram à tona depois daquela noite e não estou culpando Karen por isso, entendo sua preocupação como mãe, porém, também não queria que sua impressão sobre mim fosse totalmente contrária de que quem realmente sou.
Após pegar pela minha xícara com chocolate quente que acabei de preparar, me sento no sofá e ligo a TV, um programa sobre culinária está passando prendendo minha atenção.
Hoje foi meu dia de folga do restaurante então aproveitei para adiantar trabalhos e atividades da faculdade assim que cheguei da mesma, terminando tudo apenas agora a pouco.
O sol já está se pondo quando a campainha toca me assustando, deixo minha xícara vazia na mesinha de centro e me levanto para atender mesmo não estando esperando por ninguém e quando abro a porta meu corpo todo gela.
Shawn me encara do outro lado com a feição dura e queria poder sumir nesse exato momento.
— Biblioteca? Sério? — diz incrédulo, a chateação escorrendo por suas palavras.
— Shawn, eu não... — sua voz me interrompe.
— Nós vamos conversar e vai ser agora, S/N.
Um suspiro pesado me escapa e apenas aceno com a cabeça, me afastando um pouco para o lado para ele entrar. Quando me viro, Shawn está parado de braços cruzados me encarando sério esperando que eu diga algo, mas, eu não sei como dizer nada, as palavras simplesmente estão presas em minha garganta.
— Não vai falar nada? Porque eu acho que deva ter alguma explicação para estar me evitando e ter simplesmente mentido que sairia tarde da biblioteca hoje.
— Eu não estou te evitando. — mentira.
— Sim, você está! Caramba, S/N o que está havendo? Por que de repente ficou tão distante e fria? Fui te procurar na biblioteca porque queria passar um tempo com você, nem que fosse mesmo só para ficar te olhando estudar e então descubro que você nem mesmo passou por lá hoje. — sua mágoa é nítida e me sinto um lixo por estar fazendo isso com ele, eu não queria o magoar — Você... você não quer mais continuar comigo, é isso? — sua voz vacila e um arrepio ruim sobe por meu corpo por ele concluir isso.
— Não, claro que não. Não é nada disso, Shawn. — olho para os lados buscando por alguma solução de como falar o que vem me perturbando esses dias.
Sinto seu corpo se aproximar e suas mãos envolverem as minhas, tremulas e frias. Me forço a o encarar, a dor em seus olhos agora dando espaço para preocupação.
— Fala comigo, querida. Eu estou aqui com você.
Solto um suspiro pesado e humedeço meus lábios, não há outra forma de falar se não essa.
— Eu sei o que sua mãe acha sobre mim. — sussurro.
— Como assim?
— Eu ouvi vocês conversando naquela noite. Eu tinha ido ao banheiro então resolvi passar na cozinha para ver se vocês precisavam de ajuda, então... eu acabei ouvindo tudo.
Lembrar das palavras delas fazem meu peito se apertar, porque tudo o que mais queria naquela noite era os agradar.
Shawn parece envergonhado pela mãe, suas bochechas coram um pouco e logo depois seu rosto empalidece, como se estivesse com medo de algo.
— Eu sinto muito por tudo o que ouviu, não sei o que houve com ela, minha mãe não é daquele jeito.
— Eu sei, Karen foi gentil comigo apesar de me achar uma vadia aproveitadora. — consigo soltar uma risada fraca apesar de tudo, já Shawn não acha graça alguma, voltando a me encarar sério.
— Ela não acha isso.
— Sim, Shawn, ela acha. — suspiro, me afastando.
Passo pela sala pegando minha xícara e seguindo para cozinha para preparar algo para jantar. Shawn permanece ao meu encalço, essa conversa parece estar longe de acabar.
Pego por uma panela e coloco a água para ferver para preparar o macarrão, separo os temperos e o queijo no balcão.
— E o que isso importa? Você não é nada disso, S/N. — ele diz momentos depois, parado ao meu lado, me viro ficando de frente para seu corpo alto e preciso levantar um pouco minha cabeça para o encarar.
— Shawn, sua mãe não gostou de mim, ela acha que estou com você pelo seu dinheiro e por tudo o que você tem, isso é horrível!
— Só que você não está, eu sei quem você é, sei que está comigo porque me ama de verdade, não é?
— É claro que eu te amo.
— Então?! O que ela acha sobre você não me importa se não te conhece de verdade.
— Mas importa para mim. — fecho meus olhos por um instante e então os abro o encarando — Eu entendo o lado dela, ela é sua mãe e quer te ver bem, eu não a odeio pela primeira impressão que teve sobre mim, mas, talvez ela esteja certa por querer o melhor para você. — sou sincera.
— Aonde você quer chegar?
— O que eu tenho a te oferecer, Shawn? Eu não tenho como nem me bancar nas viagens que você gostaria que eu te acompanhasse.
— Não acredito que está dizendo isso, S/N. — Shawn ri incrédulo, passando os dedos entre seus cabelos — Quantas vezes mais tenho que te dizer que isso não é importante para mim? Se minha namorada quiser rodar o mundo comigo eu não faço a mínima questão de ter que gastar com isso.
— E se sua mãe tiver razão e eu não for o suficiente para você? E se um dia você descobrir que ela estava certa e me deixar? Eu não quero me sentir abandonada outra vez Shawn, não quero. — enxugo com força as lágrimas que escorrem por minhas bochechas, eu odeio que me vejam chorar.
Shawn então entende o meu real medo despertado: ser desprezada como minha família fez comigo.
Seus braços envolvem meu corpo pequeno próximo do seu e um beijo é deixado no topo da minha cabeça. Seu calor me aquece e como um passe de mágica faz aos poucos toda minha insegurança se esvair.
Shawn segura minhas bochechas e me encara com intensidade dentro dos olhos.
— Você é mais do que o suficiente para mim e eu nunca vou te deixar, jamais! Eu amo você, S/N e sinto tanto por tudo que já passou, mas, eu não sou seus pais, eu sou seu namorado, que te daria até a lua se você me pedisse, que faria até o impossível por você. Não se esquece disso, por favor.
Shawn sabe como me acalmar e principalmente como me fazer sentir segura e amada. Meu coração se aquece com suas palavras sinceras e doces e sei que não estão sendo ditas de boca para fora, ele realmente faria tudo por mim, assim como eu faria tudo por ele.
— Eu te amo. — digo e ele sorri se abaixando para me beijar.
Seu beijo é como morfina para meus sentidos, porque me esqueço de tudo ao meu redor focando somente em como sua boca se move perfeitamente sobre a minha, sua língua me provando com carinho e desejo.
Suas mãos agarram minhas coxas e suspendem meu corpo com o impulso que dou me colocando sentada no balcão, sua boca desliza por meu queixo beijando todo meu pescoço fazendo meu corpo arder em desejo. Solto suspiros baixos sentindo suas mãos me apertando, apalpando pedacinhos de mim, estou tão entregue as sensações que seus beijos e seus toques me causam que quase me esqueço da água do macarrão.
— Meu macarrão. — digo ofegante, sentindo sua língua em meu pescoço.
— Hum?
— A água do meu macarrão, Shawn. — empurro seus ombros para o encarar.
Seu cabelo está bagunçado e seus olhos escuros, selvagens, fazendo meu ventre apertar. Faço menção de descer, mas, ele me impede e se vira para o fogão atrás de si e o desliga.
— Acho que você pode deixar para depois. — sorri se virando para mim, me pegando em seu colo e me levando para o quarto.
É manhã de sábado quando estou saindo do banheiro e paro para admirar o homem lindo adormecido na minha cama, ele está deitado de bruços, o cobertor cobrindo só até seu quadril deixando à vista suas costas largas e musculosas. Seu rosto angelical está relaxado, braços por debaixo do travesseiro e cabelo bagunçado.
O que eu não daria pra ficar horas e horas o admirando dormir serenamente?
Meu coração se acelera pelo amor avassalador que sinto por ele e não sei como suportei ficar aqueles 4 dias longe.
De repente, meu celular começa a tocar sob minha mesinha de cabeceira e o alcanço rápido para que o barulho não acorde Shawn, saio do quarto e caminho para cozinha verificando o número desconhecido e atendendo.
— Alô?
—  S/N? — a voz feminina pergunta do outro lado.
— Sou eu. Quem fala?
— S/N, querida. É a Karen. Será que poderíamos conversar? — fico surpresa por Karen ter meu número, mas isso não diminui o nervosismo que sinto por ela querer conversar comigo.
— É... claro, podemos sim.
— Você pode me encontrar daqui a meia hora no Rooster para tomarmos um café?
— Posso sim.
— Que ótimo! Espero você.
Nós nos despedimos e desligo o telefone estática tentando digerir a pequena conversa.
Fico uns 5 minutos com as mãos apoiadas no balcão imaginando mil coisas que Karen poderia querer conversar comigo à sós.
E se ela me pedir para deixar Shawn?
E se ela falar que não sou o suficiente e que não me quer em sua família?
Afasto para longe esses pensamentos deprimentes e me tento não me sentir tão ansiosa.
Me troco pondo uma leggin e um casaco moletom, penso se deveria dizer algo a Shawn, mas provavelmente não seja isso que ela queira por ter convidado apenas a mim.
Me agacho próximo ao lado da cama em que o moreno está deitado e deposito leves beijos em seu ombro e bochecha, um sorrisinho fraco aparece lentamente em seus lábios.
— Eu vou sair para comprar uns pãezinhos e uns donuts para nosso café, não demoro. — digo passando a mão por suas costas nuas.
— Quer que eu te acompanhe? — pergunta abrindo os olhos, piscando algumas vezes se acostumando com a leve claridade.
— Não precisa, amor. Pode ficar descansando mais um pouco. — sorrio fraco, torcendo para que ele não insista.
— Tudo bem. — ele sorri e se vira ficando de costas, me puxando junto para ficar parte do meu corpo por cima do seu — Leva meu cartão com você. — reviro os olhos em diversão.
— Não precisa. — me inclino e beijo seus lábios, me afastando logo para não me atrasar — Não demoro, te amo!
Ouço sua resposta enquanto fecho a porta do quarto e sinto meu coração aquecer como em todas as outras vezes.
Quando chego ao Rooster, Karen já me esperava em uma das mesas postas do lado de fora do lugar, ela acena para mim quando me vê e sigo até ela.
Ela me cumprimenta com um abraço e nos sentamos de frente uma para outra, fazemos nossos pedidos e opto por apenas um chocolate quente.
— Espero não ter te acordado ou incomodado.
— Imagina, eu já estava de pé.
Karen sorri afirmando com a cabeça.
— Você deve estar confusa sem saber porque te liguei assim e te chamei aqui para conversarmos.
— Na verdade, estou sim. — dou uma leve risada, tentando esconder o quão nervosa estou.
Nossos pedidos são postos em nossa frente e Karen espera até que a moça saia para continuar.
— Eu não vou fazer voltas porque não quero tomar muito do seu tempo, te chamei aqui porque Shawn me contou tudo que houve.
Meu corpo inteiro congela e tenho a impressão de que estou tão pálida quanto papel.
— Ele não deveria... — sussurro, receosa.
— Não, não, ele fez bem querida. Ele me disse que você se distanciou e eu vi nos olhos dele o quão com medo ele havia ficado por isso. E antes que pense qualquer coisa, ele não me mandou aqui, Shawn nem sabe que te chamei aqui, Aaliyah quem me passou seu número.
Ter feito Shawn ficar com medo de eu não o querer mais era a ultima coisa que eu queria, mas havia sido inevitável não me afastar.
Tomo um gole do meu chocolate buscando molhar minha garganta que havia ficado seca.
Karen continua.
— Quero me desculpar com você, por tudo que falei e você ouviu.
— Não precisa, senhora Karen. Eu te entendo, a senhora só estava preocupada com o seu filho e isso é normal, está tudo bem.
— Me chame de apenas Karen, por favor. — ela ri — Eu fui dura com você, te julguei completamente mal e falei coisas que não deveriam serem ditas, tanto por quando quanto por Shawn, eu quero me desculpar do fundo do meu coração, você é uma garota maravilhosa e sei que ama de verdade meu filho, você olha pra ele assim como ele te olha, com admiração, com amor e respeito, como se ele fosse tudo para você, eu pude ver isso no fim daquela noite. E do que falei sobre sua relação com sua família, eu sinto muito e eu não tinha o direito de te julgar daquela forma. — lamenta com os olhos brilhando pelas lágrimas que segura, sinto meu coração afundar porque ela realmente se sente mal contudo o que houve — Se você me perdoar, eu gostaria que recomeçássemos.
Estico meu braço por cima da mesa e seguro sua mão a apertando.
— Está tudo bem, Karen. Eu te perdoou e vou adorar recomeçar nossa relação. — sorrio recebendo o aperto de volta e uma risada verdadeira da mulher a minha frente.
Quando volto para meu apartamento me sinto mais leve de alguma forma, contente por ter tirado um peso das minhas costas por ser vista pela mãe do meu namorado como alguém que não sou.
Coloco sobre a mesa o balcão a caixa com donuts e a sacola com os pães quentinhos para começar a preparar nosso café e quando estou pegando pelas xícaras em cima do armário, sinto um corpo alto atrás de mim, alcançando facilmente, me viro, ficando de frente para ele.
— Senti sua falta. — sussurra acariciando meu cabelo, pondo uma mecha atrás da minha orelha.
— Estava um pouco cheio hoje. — ele afirma com a cabeça me encarando com aquele brilho que amo que faz meu coração acelerar e meu corpo todo esquentar de paixão.
— Eu te ajudo com a mesa. — diz com um mínimo sorriso e se abaixa pra juntar nossos lábios e se afastando cedo demais para arrumar a mesa para nosso café.
Sorrio comigo mesma o observando por um tempo, tão focado e ao mesmo tempo tão distraído, Karen tem razão, eu amo seu filho com cada fibra do meu corpo, porque ele é tudo para mim.
Me conte aqui o que você achou, seu feedback é muito importante para mim.
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rowdyslove · 9 months
𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔. | jack hughes
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jack has not moved a single inch of his body for an entire hour straight, and neither have you. the only difference here was that you were peacefully asleep on his chest while he tried his best to not wake you from your soft slumber.
he could have sworn it had just started with him explaining the events of his previous game that took place earlier that night. the complete details of his explanation he couldn’t quite recall exactly, but jack did remember so vividly how you would nod and hum in approval to show that you were still intently listening to the conversing. you were as comfortable as one could be as you slid into his bed. you immediately scooted yourself closer towards his side, where you threw one leg over his and wrapped a loose arm around his torso.
jack wasn’t surprised with your actions. you two have been dating now for way too long for his heart to thump and race at every little move you made, much unlike the ways it used to be when he was still pursuing you with every amount of affection he could think of.
but there was always something about the way you and him have gotten so used to things being like this—this kind of closeness, this kind of intimacy, this kind of comfort where you could wrap your arms around him at any given time.
and he would just accept it all with a smile and lean himself against you comfortably, instead of feeling stuck in place and hesitant to the idea of your bodies being this close.
he enjoyed it though. the fact that the two of you have reached this strong point in your relationship. the thought never failed to make his chest swell up with utter pride and adoration.
he hadn’t even realised that you fell asleep until you had stopped responding to him. and then it was just silence. it was a kind of steady silence in the room that felt all too familiar, mixing itself with the turning of the ceiling fan and the occasional loud snores heard from his brothers just across the hall.
and even though he could tell that you were asleep from the slow nudging of your cheek up against his shoulder and the gentle rise and fall of your chest pressed up close against his side, he still glanced down at you from time to time anyways to make sure. it was simply just another excuse to steal looks of you as well. he could hear your faint breaths, coming in and out as his chest heaved along; the more he focused on you, the more his breathing started to match up with yours, like he was dependant on your breathing to help his own. and your body felt as light as a feather over his, warm and subtle within his protective hold. he could tell you were safe, and he felt safe having you with him in this moment.
looking at the space around him in his room to the lovely curves of your figure—it was all something that jack could recognise as home to him.
what had initially started as a fond feeling slowly turned into one of exhaustion as the clock ticked with time. an hour passed slowly with him scrolling mindlessly through his phone, his other hand draped over your back to keep you close. but god, was his body ever starting to feel sore from not moving an inch for this long.
he glanced down at you once again after finally mustering up the courage to give your body a light shove, all in hopes to gently wake you up from your slumber. but he suddenly paused, his eyes rounding in soft lust at the sight of your small pouty lips that had unknowingly displayed themselves to him.
your head had readjusted itself from pressing against his chest to facing more upwards, in a way that jack could see a perfect view of your facial features for as long as he looked down at you. it caught him slightly off-guard. he was not expecting to see your lips so up-close like this, faintly agape but just enough for him to feel your warm breath fan over his skin.
and then it felt like he was relearning this kind of closeness all over again. he felt hypersensitive as his mind was once again introduced to the close proximity of your bodies, but seeing it in a more alluring way than before. your leg moving closer towards his lower abdomen, your hips stuck to his own, your chest pressed deeper into his chest, and your lips now brushing past the sharp skin of his jaw whenever you stirred.
jack could feel the shape of your body, just faintly, but it was enough to be the death of him. he wanted more than just the faint feel of you. he wanted all of your touch.
your eyes groggily began to open when you felt the sensation of lips softly grazing across your lips. it was clear to you that it was jack claiming the spot of your lips with his, so you were quick to shut your eyes again and respond to his slow movements. unlike the rough ways he acted when he was on the ice during a game, with you he was always very careful, and that was a trait of his that you always adored. his hand gingerly threaded its way through your hair and brushing back the strands by your ear, his body shifting to pin your back to the mattress causing your hands to raise and grip his arms for support.
the kiss was sweet and sensual; you could trace every part of his plump lips with your own, completely mesmerized by the way he pushed himself so perfectly against your frame. air built its way into your lungs as you steadily huffed through your nose, feeling as if jack was stealing all of your oxygen little by little both through your mouth and through the way his hands skillfully slid across your sensitive skin.
a whisper of a whine left your lips when he gently wedged his knee between your legs, your grip on his arms tightening. and your actions just riled him up in even more ways than one, a smirk slowly creeping its way onto his face. in response to your soft noises, jack decided to make a change in position, pulling away to sit himself up against the headboard of the bed. the air from your lungs was quickly pulled away again as he grabbed you by your hips and swiftly pulled you onto his lap with such little effort. bringing his hands up, they didn’t once leave your body as he trailed them up your sides until they met your soft cheeks, and he was quick to pull you back into him.
you held your breath, your hands flying up to his wrists and you weakly held onto him. any strength or willpower you had in you, left your entire body the second jack’s pillow soft lips pressed themselves upon yours in a harsh, bruising kiss. your lips worked together in rough harmony, sighs and whimpers leaving you all in one when jack caught your bottom lip between his lip before pulling away.
his hands slowly left your cheeks, the only warmth you felt being the heat that radiated off of his body. you looked at him with such admiration as he touched you with such gentleness, how soft he was with you despite the feverish kiss you two had just shared.
when his hand dropped down to fiddle with the hem of his oversized t-shirt that covered your frame, you furthered the space between your face and his. you could see much more clearly now, and although jack still held a tight lipped smirk across his face, his eyes were lightly hooded with a kind of tender shyness.
“care to tell why you woke me up?” you asked with a grin, letting your arms wrap over his shoulders and your fingers card through the long tufts of hair on the back of his neck. your cheeks definitely had a deep red blush spread across them, but you doubted that jack could see it through the dim lighting that engulfed the room.
“i just felt like kissing you,” he replied honestly, bringing his hand up to remove some strands of your hair away from your face and tucked them behind your ears, his gaze still weighing strong and heavy on you. his voice was low and raspy, tiredness starting to become evident in him.
jack’s lips would always be the death of you. like a poison that you would keep choosing over and over, you would always let him drown you in them whenever he wanted to without ever having to ask.
“you know, you were sleeping on me for a whole hour,” he exclaimed. “i could barely move, my body started getting sore.”
“it’s looks like you’re moving just fine now.” you hummed.
jack licked over his lower lip, his hands now moving up so his fingers could find the soft skin of your stomach under his shirt. “i can still move pretty well.” he uttered out in a seductive tone of voice.
a light knocking rummaged within your ribcage at his lustful words. you couldn’t help but grin, the corners of your lips turning up as his suggestive idea popped into your mind. jack already had his hands on your hips, keeping you still on his lap. you brought your torso forward, getting closer to him than before while also nudging your hips closer to rest on his lower abdomen. you could feel him so vividly underneath you and his breath hitched.
“you’re such a tease j,” you whispered, your eyes hooded and gazing right into his, lips tauntingly brushing past his igniting the burning heat between you both even more.
“i can change that.” he mumbled, licking his lower lip briefly afterwards.
jack slipped his hand further up underneath the fabric of your shirt, touching every bit of your torso. his fingertips grazed and burned your flesh with every touch, sending shivers running all down your spine. a breathy chuckle left his lips as he felt your back straighten up in a small arch, the husk in his voice pushing your sanity over the edge to nothing. he was looking into your eyes so deeply, but the intensity of his gaze could have been felt from a mile away.
“is this okay love?” he asked in a hushed voice, his palms grabbing a firm hold onto your waist.
you brought your lips to his for one kiss, then another, until jack finally leaned himself forward to take in the moment. your hands rested on the bare base of his neck, gliding between his jaw and his shoulders. your mind focused itself on the sweet desparastion that was evident through his kiss, paired along with the familiar possessiveness he always held for you.
when you pulled away from him, he could see your eyes sparkle with a slight bit of submission for him, and when he furrowed his brows in question to you one more time, you gave him a quick nod and a gentle smile.
in that moment, jack knew that every night he could spend with you like this, he would never want to waste a single minute of it. everything about this moment felt right, falling more and more in love with you by the second.
yet, the one thing he could ever wish for in life, was that if this lifetime with you was all just a dream, he would never want to wake up.
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sweetiepoison · 23 days
Famous Baby (social media blurb)
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Who’s (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n) Dating Now?
(Y/f/n) (y/l/n) has been in the spotlight since she was 15 so it’s no surprise her relationships have been as well. From first love to whirlwind romance , we’ve seen it all from the singing sensation. She’s mainly been in serious relationships, but the lineup is impressive.
Shawn Mendes
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(Y/l/n) and Mendes came into the spotlight around the same time. The pair met, instantly hit it off, and became the new young Hollywood “it” couple. They dated for three years from 2014-2017 and wrote a few of their hit songs about each other. (Y/f/n)’s song ‘Dandelions’ on her debut album is about Mendes. The love wasn’t one sided though, as Mendes reveled many of his love songs were about (y/l/n). After winning an American Music Award, Mendes said, “All of my songs are about her, so this award is as much hers as it is mine, she’s my inspiration.
We loved watching their young love romance evolve, but the two split in early 2017. (Y/f/n) discussed the breakup on the Jimmy Fallon show. “We just realized we were growing apart and going in different directions, but he will always hold a special place in my heart as my first love and no can ever replace that.”
Harry Styles
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The British singer is (y/l/n)’s longest and most high profile relationship. The two began dating at the end of 2017 and remained together for four years before breaking things off. Their love caught the attention of the world and had many talking. It’s believed Styles hit song, Adore you is about (y/l/n) before they were official.
The couple raised the bar for relationships. Harry took (y/f/n) on a vacation to Greece for her 21st birthday. Which she followed up by throwing him a massive surprise party with all of his close friends and family. When asked about their relationship in an interview (y/l/n) said, “Harry is the type of boyfriend girls dream of. He loves me so well and he wears his heart on his sleeves which is beautiful.”
The breakup came as a surprise to many as it seemed the couple was going strong. It didn’t last for long though as they got back together at the end of 2022 before finally calling it quits mid 2023. Neither have revealed why they split, but both have remained consistent and committed to supporting each other.
Michael B. Jordan
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During her brief break with Harry, (y/f/n) dated Creed actor, Michael B. Jordan. Despite the 11 year age gap the couple had a lot in common and spent plenty of special occasions together. Jordan helped her celebrate her 24th birthday where we got their most infamous pictures together as a couple.
The relationship lasted 10 months before they broke up and (y/l/n) was back with Styles. Despite the sudden end Jordan had only good things to say, “She’s an amazing, hardworking woman who deserves all the success she’s had.”
Auston Matthews
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The newest boyfriend on the list may be NHL superstar, Auston Matthews. An insider reveals they saw Matthews and (y/l/n) at a bar together in Toronto. They were with a group of friends including Justin and Hailey Bieber, but the two seemed particularly close. The pair was also spotted leaving together at the end of the night. While nothing is confirmed, we could definitely get behind this match.
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Day 19 of Kinkmas: Taking a Bath With Shawn
pairing: Shawn Mendes x fem!reader
warning: unprotected sex (pls be safe)
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I walk in my house, stressed by a bad day at work and see my husband Shawn.
“how’s was work?” Shawn says with that dumb smirk on his face that I love.
“a nightmare.” I said about to tear up.
I fel two hands hugging me and i look up and it’s hugging me to make my day even better.
“i know what will make you feel better.” Shawn says kissing my temple gently.
“what’s that?”
“a bubble bath.”
“if that will make me feel better then give it to me.”
Shawn picks me up bridal style and brings me to the bathroom and starts to undress me slowly and starts the warm water and get the bubbles in the tube.
I get in the tub, while in the tub I see Shawn getting undressed and getting in the tub with me.
“Are you enjoying the bath honey?”
“Mmm yes, it feels good.” i moaned.
“i just wish that you can quit that job and stay home with me.” Shawn says getting closer to me.
“I know but you know that i get paid well.” I said pouting.
“I know, i just need you to be with me, i feel lonely without you here.” He says kissing my neck slowly.
I start to moan a little louder to remind him that he can touch me.
He grabs my legs closer to him and starts to kiss my lips harder and starts to make love to me.
He picks me up to get my body dried and brings me to the our bed. He gets on me and starts to fuck me harder. I start to scream in pleasure and feel his smirk in my neck.
“Shawn, you-you’re hurting me slo-slow down ple-please.” I stuttered.
“Sorry baby, i just want to make you feel good.” He moaned.
“go on a normal speed please.”
Shawn stops and fell next to me and breathed heavily.
“That was amazing.” i say breathing heavily.
“Are you going to quit the job now?”
Shawn grabs his phone and starts to call my work.
“Mr. Larsen, my wife Mrs. Mendes wants to quit going to your office. Screw you then bastard!” Shawn sceams to the phone.
“What did he say?”
“He said, ‘that you’re the most sluttiest woman he has seen in his life.’ and I got mad and cursed.”
“So I’ve heard.”
Shawn starts to get tears in his eyes a little bit.
“Shawn, it’s okay, you got me to quit that awful job, and i’m going to be with you every day.”
“I know but the stuff that he said about you.”
“Ignore the dick head, he means nothing to you baby.”
“I’m just glad that you can stay here with me.”
“I know.” I say kissing his cheek softly.
“Round 2?” he says smirking.
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Sex on the Beach
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Pairing(s): Shawn Mendes x male reader
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 1K
Warnings: bottom male reader, top Shawn Mendes, Shawn fucks like a feral animal, spanking, some dirty talk, ass eating, and beach sex 
Summary: You and Shawn have steamy sex at a private beach. 
Hello, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I’m not dead! I just lose motivation quickly. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this!
You sigh in comfort, laying down on your stomach as you feel the sun beam down upon half of your body, the other half underneath the shade of an umbrella, and the wind cooling your body as you lay on the soft blanket that covers the hot sand. You could hear seagulls squawking in the background. 
Those creatures are most likely fighting over food. 
Loud ocean waves crash against the nearby rock formations, and the gentle waves crash against the beach sand. 
It was an amazing day to go to the beach. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your boyfriend coming close. “M/n!” 
You turn your head to the right as you see Shawn wearing nothing but his swimming shorts. You couldn’t help but admire his body. 
His lean-muscular body had some hair around his pecs and abs. His body glowed in the sunlight. He looked like he came out of a beach scene from a romance movie. You unconsciously licked your lips. 
“You like what you see?” Shawn said as he noticed your long stare. Your face turned red as Shawn chuckled before taking his place next to you. 
“You know, you need sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun! Here, let me help you.” Shawn said, pulling out the cream from the container near the umbrella. 
Shawn squirted some before getting behind you. You could feel his hands and long fingers massaging the cream over your back. 
You moan as Shawn continues massaging the cream, but that changes as you feel Shawn press his crotch against your ass. Smirking deviously, you begin to grind against his crotch. Feeling his cock getting hard.
Shawn freezes as he feels your bubble butt. He growls as his hands move down and grab your ass and knead it like it was dough. You whimpered but continued to tease him. 
“So, you wanna tease me with his fat ass?” Shawn pulls your shorts and begins to slap your ass. He smirks at the recoil and the red hand marks. You moan loudly as Shawn continues his attacks on your ass. 
Suddenly, you felt your lower half pulled up, your ass now in front of Shawn’s mouth. Shawn was salivating at the sight and dived into the canyon. You gripped the blanket tightly as Shawn’s tongue penetrated your hole.
Shawn ravaged your ass like a wild animal. Spreading your asscheeks apart and slapping them. One of his hands slowly begins to stroke your aching cock, already leaking pre-cum from the head. 
Your mind was getting foggy and it felt like your brain was turning into mush as Shawn continued to stroke your cock and eat your ass. Then, Shawn heard a loud moan when his tongue hit a certain part inside you.
‘So, that’s his prostate?’ With the new knowledge, Shawn repeatedly assaulted your prostate. Soon, you were a moaning mess as your cock throbbed in pain, needing a release. Shawn could sense you were close and began to stroke faster.
“Ahh⁓” You moan as your cock throbbed before shooting it load all over Shawn’s hand and the blanket. You were allowed to calm down for a moment before Shawn flipped you over onto your backside. 
Shawn pulled down his shorts along with his striped boxers to reveal his throbbing cock. You were mentally drooling at the sight of the thing.
His cock looked to be 6 inches (15.52cm) with some thickness as well. A prominent vein running down the center along smaller ones, nicely trimmed pubic hair, and nice egg size melons. (Melons - balls.)
“See what you do to me, baby?” He then proceeds to slap his cock against your already hard one. Shawn positions himself right in the middle, putting both of your legs to the side of his waist. 
“Are you ready for me, baby?” Shawn says, aiming his cock to your entrance. You nodded your head. Shawn slowly pushed his cock inside you. His eyes and head rolled back in pleasure as your tight heat swallowed him whole. 
“Shawny⁓” you moaned, gripping the blanket harder and arching your back. You slowly pushed back until swallowing his entire cock. Biting your lips, feeling the large cock throbbing inside. 
“F-fuck…” His nails dug into your hips as he could feel your ass clenching around him. Shawn leaned down to your neck, leaving kisses and hickies. “Fuck me like an animal.” you whispered into his ear. 
Shawn growls before pulling back, leaving only the head, then gives one big thrust. You moaned at the top of your lungs as if all the oxygen was knocked out. Shawn kept repeating the action, his cock always hitting your prostate. 
Your brain was turning into mush, the surrounding area becoming blurry. The constant abuse of your prostate was sending so many signals through your nerve system as if it was about to go into overdrive. 
It felt like you two were the only ones there, it was a private beach so of course you’re gonna be the only ones. You could hear both loud moans and groans along with the wet squelching sound of Shawn pounding your ass like an animal in heat, and skin slapping skin.
Both of your orgasms were close as Shawn thrust harder into you. You could see a small stomach bulge appearing. “I-I’m… close…” Shawn said, pulling and bringing your whole body closer to him.
“Me too!” wrapping your arms around Shawn’s neck. After a few more aggressive thrusts, Shawn gave one final thrust, flooding your insides with white. Cock throbbing inside your tight heat, kept spurting more. 
You also came to an orgasm, your cock spurting load after load onto Shawn’s abdomen, balls tightening and throbbing. 
“We should do this more often.”
A/N: It's been so long since I’ve written smut! I hope this fic was good! Bye, my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓!
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We cry because our celebrity husband doesn’t know we exist
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young-claim-catch · 4 days
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argue-out · 6 days
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mendesblurb · 25 days
We were staying in Paris
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning ⚠️: mostly fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors
Word count:~500
A/N: The story idea and concept are classic and predictable; your girl just couldn’t help but write something inspired by this picture. Also, it’s three weeks late; better late than never? And this is my first story in 2024? 🙈 P.S. Should I write a longer and maybe some more steamy story with this picture? 🤪
In the heart of Paris, in a hotel room with a balcony overlooking the city that served as the backdrop for a love story as it was unfolding in the early hours of dawn. You lay nestled in the warmth of the bed beside your boyfriend as your fingers intertwined with his. As the first tendrils of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Shawn stirred awake, his eyes blinking open to the soft glow of morning. 
He savoured the moment's stillness a little while before gently extricating himself from the embrace, slipping out of bed, and heading to the bathroom. The cool floor beneath his bare feet offers a refreshing contrast to the warmth of the bed. He was going to return to bed, but instead, he made his way to the balcony, drawn by the promise of a tranquil morning amidst the bustling city below.
As he leaned against the railing, taking in the breathtaking view before him, he couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the Parisian skyline bathed in the soft hues of dawn. The Eiffel Tower stood tall and majestic in the distance, a precious sight. Lost in thought, he reached for a cigarette, the flame casting a flickering glow on his face as he took a contemplative drag.
Unbeknownst to him, you had stirred awake in his absence, your gaze lingering on the spot where he had once laid.
There you were, quietly making your way to the balcony, and you found him lost in reverie with the smoke curling around him like a halo in the morning light. With a soft throat clearing, you announced your presence, a playful glint dancing in your eyes.
"Good morning, stranger," You greeted, voice laced with amusement as you wrapped your arms around him from behind.
A little startled, he turned to find you standing before him, a radiant smile lighting up her features as he leaned in for a kiss.
"Good morning, ma chÃrie," He greeted back before discarding his cigarette and nestling closer. It didn’t take long for his eyes to linger around you, and eventually falling upon the shirt you were wearing, a mischievous twinkle lighting up his gaze, “I believe that’s my shirt.” 
"Oh yeah, I hope you don't mind," You began, fingers tracing the fabric of the shirt, "I may have borrowed this from you,” You continued slyly as your lips curled into a grin as he took in the sight of you wearing his shirt, the fabric draping over your frame in a way that seemed almost too perfect.
"Shirt stealer," he remarked, his voice tinged with sincerity as he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Moments later, as the sun continued its ascent, casting a golden glow over the city, you both remained on the balcony, lost in each other's embrace and the beauty of the Parisian sunrise. 
"By the way, I'm never returning this shirt,” You added, breaking the silence with a mischievous grin. 
In response, Shawn just chuckled, his eyes sparkling with affection, “Thank you for letting me know," he replied, pulling  you closer than before, “But It looks better on you anyway."
Thank you for reading guys... feel free to like, reblog, follow my account, leave a comment and my chat is always open for random chats or requests... appreciate every single one of you... ❤️
Taglist (open) : @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongformendes @imaginashawnn @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes-blog @mendeslola-blog @mendesx123 @23kofmendes @jellyloml @chipofmendes @poohofmendes @wutheringmendes @shawnmendesbuddy @chocochipcookie305 @shiningshawns
Story Code:05042409
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sweetiepoison · 10 days
Famous Baby blurb
(The Leafs Game)
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A/n: I’m actually really struggling writing the next part so a throwback! Italics indicate a flashback
“Try going up one note” You suggest standing across from Justin at the piano.
Your friend asked you to come over to help out with some new music he was working on. You also were trying to write an album of your own and figured the afternoon spent working would help you as well. Justin sang the previous verse over again but higher like you suggested.
“Yeah I like that.” He commented going straight into the next verse. You hummed along joining in on certain verses creating a harmony.
“How would you feel about this song being the first I release off the new album?” Your jaw dropped at Justin’s question.
“For real?” You gasped. Justin’s return to music had been long anticipated by both fans and the media alike. And for him to want the song you collaborated on to be his intro back into the music industry was appreciated.
“Of course!” Justin exclaimed scooting back from the piano. “(y/n), you are one of the biggest names in the industry right now if not the biggest” he said putting an emphasis on the word the.
You were like a little sister to Justin, originally signing onto the same label when you were 16 and starting your career. Justin knew what it was like to be so young and in the spotlight so he looked out for you. Despite you switching labels and Justin taking a step back from music, you remained close. There was no one else he trusted more to debut his new album with.
“You’re still Justin Bieber.” You reminded him. “You don’t need my name attached for this to be successful.”
You continued practicing until the afternoon slowly turned into the evening and Hailey came downstairs with a leafs jersey on and an extra in her hands.
“Cult meeting tonight?” You asked as she handed the jersey to Justin.
“Yeah, do you want to come?” She offered.
You laughed at the thought, “Hell no.”
“C’mon, (y/n) please.”
“Come support our friend with us.” They both wore the same pouty expression.
“Auston is not my friend.”
“But we are,” Justin cut in before you could go on a rant. “And would you rather hang out with your friends or stay in by yourself tonight?”
“I’m fine with staying in.”
“C’mon everyone’s going, and it’ll be a fun night and we can go out after-“
“Fine.” You give in. “But I’m not wearing a jersey.”
It wasn’t enough for you to just not wear a maple leafs jersey. You knew one thing would piss off Auston even more. So once you all settled into your seats you grabbed your best friends hand and dragged her down to the gift shop.
“You don’t even like hockey.” She reminded you as you searched through the jerseys. “Why waste money on something you’re never gonna wear again?”
“Because, Auston will hate it.”
“And why do you care what he thinks?”
“I don’t.” You immediately snapped. “But I definitely don’t want him to think I came willingly. Plus we’re from here so why not support the hometown team.” You shrugged continuing your search.
Once you finally settled on a jersey you liked you didn’t wait for a bag and instead immediately pulled it on over your shirt. The jersey may have been petty, but you knew it would get the job done and that’s what mattered.
Justin groaned and rolled his eyes once he saw you return to your seat, “I’m not even gonna say anything.”
“Good choice.” You said sitting down next to Shawn with a satisfied smirk, actually looking forward to the start of the game.
“The arena is packed tonight. And we are not short of celebrity guests. Up in the stands we have Justin and Hailey Bieber, Shawn Mendes, and (y/f/n) (y/l/n)” The crowd cheered loudly following the announcement and the excitement only grew as your section was featured on the Jumbotron. You waved and smiled for the camera.
“It looks like there’s a rivalry going on up there.” The other announcer commented on the oppsoing jerseys you were wearing. You adjusted in your seat making it very known that you had a Kings jersey on.
“I would love to hear the trash talking that’s going on up there between Justin and (y/n)”
Once again the crowd went wild as Auston scored a goal. The group around you excitedly jumped up cheering along with others. You remained stoic looking down at your phone to check the time.
“At least pretend to be happy.” Justin leaned down to whisper his back facing the ice. “The cameras are on us.”
“Excitement for Auston is just something I can’t fake.” You finalized with a shrug of your shoulders, but the pleading look on Justin’s face was too hard to ignore. So you forced a smile throwing in a few claps.
“I’ll take it.” Justin said satisfied.
Once everyone calmed down you went back to your phone showing Shawn pictures from the vacation your family took recently. You were so absorbed in telling various stories from the trip you didn’t notice the time out that was called.
Shawn’s song, Fallin’ All in You began playing. You absentmindedly hummed along and looked up to see the Jumbotron started back up and this time with the kiss cam.
The camera suddenly panned on your section and was featuring Justin and Hailey. All of your friends instantly began cheering the couple on. And when they gave in and the crowd erupted.
Your excitement was fleeting though as the camera moved off of them and onto you and Shawn.
“Oh God.” You mumbled with a smile on your face trying to cover up any discomfort you were feeling.
You thought your immediate hesitation would be enough of an indication that you didn’t want to kiss your ex, but they persisted refusing to move the camera.
“They aren’t going to move on till we kiss.” Shawn whispered.
“Fine.” You conceded leaning back and looking over at him. “You make the first move.”
“Like our first kiss all over again.” He laughed before leaning over and kissing you. It was gentle and sweet, but had the whole arena booming with excitement.
You immediately covered your face laughing along with him as the camera stayed on you two to get the aftermath. Shawn kept his arm wrapped around your shoulders and kissed the side of your head. “Give it a second they’ll move on…And we’re good.”
You were relieved when you looked up and it wasn’t your face you were seeing on the screen. The breakup took place seven years ago and you stayed true to your word remaining friends after the split.
While there were no longer romantic feelings, Shawn was a comforting piece of your foundation. He not only maintained a good relationship with you, but your family as well. You knew he would be a part of your life for the rest of your life.
“Good job guys, no matter what happens with this game, that’s all anyone’s going to be talking about.” Justin reached over to fist bump Shawn.
“So we need to know are you guys back together.” Your best friend held out her water bottle as a fake microphone to you.
“Yeah, that kiss seemed pretty intimate.” Your other friend, Mason joined in also holding out a water bottle.
“Shut up.” You giggled pushing the water bottle away. “If any of you say we’re together I will end you.”
“Not the threats.” Mason joked, “I’m for sure telling TMZ that when they call me.”
Following the kiss cam the intensity seemed to go up for both teams, especially for one player in particular.
Auston wasn’t sure why seeing you on the kiss cam annoyed him so much, but it did. Everyone was supposed to be here to watch a hockey game and you turned it into a joke.
“Fuck.” He angrily slammed his stick against the boards breaking it before taking a seat on the bench.
“Dude, take a breather.” Mitch encouraged sitting down next to him.
“I’m fine.” Auston insisted taking a long swig from his water bottle.
“You sure because you’ve seemed tense?”
“Yeah I just want to win.” Mitch knew that wasn’t the reason, but he also knew not to push so he let it go.
Following your kiss he began playing harder. His hits were more forceful, his trash talking more heated, and his need to score at an all time. The intensity in the arena extended beyond the ice. As the game drew closer to ending fans of both teams started getting more aggressive.
“Matthews sucks. Anytime anyone gets near him he’s crying and acting like a little bitch.” A man sitting in front of you screamed at the glass. You had watched him down four beers already and become progressively drunk as the game went on.
“He’s talented, but selfish with the puck and a show off. The talent won’t last forever.” His friend next to him chimed in. They were both wearing Kings jerseys similar to the one you had on.
The way they were talking about Auston didn’t sit right with you. Any other day you would agree and probably even say those things yourself, but today was not that day.
You may have not known much about hockey, but you knew Auston was good (you would never admit that to him). And two middle aged men saying otherwise annoyed you.
“(Y/n), don’t.” Your best friend wrapped her hand around your wrist. You looked down now noticing that your hands were clenched and tapping against your leg.
“I’m not going to do anything.” You reassured her, trying to take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth.
“Are you sure? Because you have this crazy look in your eye and your extremely stiff right now.”
“I’m fine.” You seethed through clenched teeth.
“He’s overrated and overpaid.”
You took it upon yourself to tap on one of the men’s shoulder. As they turned around you cleared your throat and plastered on a tight smile. “Don’t you think this is the type of conversation you can have in your car on the ride home or maybe not even at all?”
“I can talk about whatever and whoever I want, when I want to.” The man on the right replied his beer sloshing around in his glass.
“You are two grown men talking about another grown man, be realistic.” You bit back, your attempt at being nice slowly fading away.
“You’re right we are grown men and allowed to have whatever opinion we want.” The second man replied raising his voice.
“Yeah maybe just don’t have it so loudly.” You suggested shrugging your shoulders and leaning back in your seat.
“You don’t know anything about hockey.”
“I know that right now the leafs are beating the kings.”
“Games not over yet.”
“And Matthews has scored two of their four goals.”
Despite your best attempts to keep the conversation cordial. The raised voices started gaining the attention of others around you. You knew a disagreement was one thing, but a full blown fight wouldn’t be a good look for you. As far as the public were concerned you weren’t the type of girl to be aggressive. And you would have maintained that look had one of the men not stood up so he was towering over you.
“He sucks the same way you probably get on your knees every night and suck his dick.” Any thought of being passive for your public image was out the window as you also stood not backing down.
“Excuse me.”
“You heard me.”
“No say it again I want you to hear yourself and how stupid you sound.” Image be damned. You didn’t want someone talking about Auston like that and you definitely weren’t going to allow them to talk about you like that.
“You’re nothing more than one of his sluts.” He threw his arms in the air, but before anything further could happen security was closing in on you quickly. You realized you hadn’t only caught the attention of the people around you but the whole arena as you looked up and could see yourself on the Jumbotron.
“And you’re a pathetic excuse of a human being. People pay to watch him, you’re running your mouth for free.” You had the final say as security pulled him away kicking both man out of the game. The crowd cheered watching them get escorted out, still fighting with anyone they could.
Watching them leave, however didn’t make you feel any better. You quickly picked up your bag and began climbing up the stairs before anyone could stop you. You were embarrassed that someone spoke to you like that especially in front of a crowd. You ran into the nearest bathroom locking yourself in a stall. You cursed yourself for letting your anger get the best of you. You knew this was going to be everywhere in a matter of hours. The string of texts coming into your phone from your publicist let you know that word already got to her.
“Fuck.” You groaned letting your head fall against the stall wall.
“(Y/n)?” You knew your best friend would find you. She stopped in front of the stall you were in, “I know you’re in there. I can see your feet.”
You groaned stomping your foot on the ground,“Go away.” There was no way you were opening the door.
“A security guard came over to us, Auston’s asking to see you.”
“No.” You flat out refused.
“Please.” You didn’t need to open the door to know she was biting down on her lip, a nervous habit she picked up from you. “He’s refusing to go back on the ice until he talks to you and they kinda need him.”
“Oh my god, he’s so dramatic.” You exclaimed opening the door. You usually were against giving into tantrums, but this needed to be resolved.
You begrudgingly followed security as they took you down to the tunnel where Auston was waiting.
“Are you crazy?” Auston screamed as soon as he saw you walking towards him.
Auston was confused as both teams were forced back to their benches in the middle of the game. Nothing happened on the ice to justify this, but as the crowd started to get loud and the Jumbotron featured the stands he realized it wasn’t because of what was happening on the ice, but rather off of it.
He watched as two people stood toe to toe yelling back and forth, neither backing down. But once he looked closer he realized he recognized the people around the two and then realized one of the people standing was you.
“So fucking stupid.” He mumbled, anger starting to flare up in his eyes. He continued to watch until the man raised his arm and that’s when Auston started moving before he could think. He didn’t get very far though, before multiple people were holding him back.
“Get off me.” He growled fighting against Mo, John, and Willy.
“You’re not going over there, this isn’t our arena and those aren’t our fans.” John kept his arms on Auston’s shoulders.
He continued watching as security closed in on the altercation separating you two, “fuck this.” He snapped breaking free from the hold on himself and moving towards the tunnel. “Someone get her down here.”
“Are you?” You shot back, “your holding up a whole game for this!” You motioned your hand between the two of you.
“I wouldn’t have to if you would’ve just sat down and stayed quiet!” He was pissed and didn’t care about who could possibly hear him.
“Oh yeah because I wanted a grown man yelling in my face.” You sarcastically let out, your voice going up an octave as you also got louder.
You watched as Auston shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. He had a concentrated look on his face, a look you’d seen before. This was the look Auston wore when he was trying to figure something out. But unlike before, the look didn’t go away, he was still frustrated.
“What the hell were you thinking?” He huffed pacing back and forth.
“I wasn’t, I was defending you!” You flung your arms in the air voice strained. “And based on how you’re treating me right now, I shouldn’t have.”
“I don’t need you to defend me.” Auston didn’t hold back, “people say shit all the time. You included.”
“But they weren’t me and no one besides me should say those things about you.” Your pulse was racing and it took a generous amount of self control to bring your voice back down to a reasonable level.
It felt like an eternity of silence before Auston finally replied, his voice much softer and more worn out, “You could’ve gotten hurt.”
“But I didn’t.” You watched as he leaned against the the wall hunched over. You realized that this was effecting him more than you. You were worried about your image, but Auston was worried about you. If anything would’ve happened to you, he would’ve never forgave himself. That’s not because he had any feelings for you, but because his parents raised him right (or at least that’s what he told himself when he flew off the ice and down the tunnel demanding to see you.)
“Hey, Auston.” You timidly touched his cheek forcing him to look at you. “I’m fine. Okay?” You searched his eyes for any confirmation that your words were getting through. “Plus I didn’t totally disagree with them, they did call you a little bitch.” The smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth and the deep chuckle confirmed that he was fine.
“A little bitch, huh? Not very original.”
“They also called me a dumb bitch so we have that in common.” You shrugged taking a step back.
Auston was amused, “Who would’ve thought that would be what we have in common.”
You smiled crossing your arms over your chest. You both took a second to really look at each other. You may have disliked each other, but you shared common ground when it came to dealing with hate. Auston didn’t deserve it any more than you did.
“This color looks terrible on you by the way.” Auston broke the silence lightly tugging at the jersey you wore.
“Really? You looked down at your outfit, “I think it’s sleek and flattering.”
“You’d look better in blue.” Auston stood to his full height.
“Win this game and I might consider it.” You offered side stepping to allow him to get closer to the entrance.
“No.” You shook your head, “but I do actually need you to win now. That fight can’t be for nothing.”
“This next goals for you, then.” He smirked.
“Don’t miss it like the last one.” You teased.
“Don’t get into anymore fights.” He retorted walking away and you watched as he returned from where he came.
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