#immerso sims
didilysims · 6 years
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Quick reply post because it’s slightly faster for me than @-ing, believe it or not.
@eulaliasims replied to your photo “Subtitled: It’s been 5 years and all I got was this t-shirt interview....”
That was so fun to read! Congrats on five years of Pine Lake. :D And thank god, I can finally rest easy knowing how many basements there are. (I think Middleground has, uh... like zero that I built and two in downtown lots.)
Thanks! Glad you can finally sleep at night without tossing and turning over that big question. :P I was really surprised at how few there were, considering basements are a very easy way to cram in extra space without having to deal with roofing and making extensions look nice, etc. Good to know I’m not an anomaly in the low numbers of basements category! 
PS: Middleground’s been around a while too, eh? Peeked at your old posts and tumblr told me circa 4 years, but you were playing it before posting, yes? 
@immerso-sims replied to your photo “Subtitled: It’s been 5 years and all I got was this t-shirt interview....”
Lovely read! I had smiled throughout the whole thing. Here’s to the next 5 years! ��
Ah thank you! I’m always ticked to hear I can make someone smile/grin/laugh. :D
@taylors-simblr replied to your photo “Subtitled: It’s been 5 years and all I got was this t-shirt interview....”
That was so good to read :) is there anyone in town willing to take over as mayor, I should have asked Erik who he’d have picked :/. Also is William doing a bachelor challenge? Poor guy
Thanks. :) You’re on the right track with the bachelor challenge guess. It’s another question someone had than I just ran with but didn’t have time to add it in to the big post. All the pictures and most of the text are ready, so I’ll probably post it tonight. 
Anya is the one I hope to take over as mayor. She’s definitely a lot more ruthless than Almeric, which may not make her necessarily better at the job, but I’m sure more entertaining. I’m waiting to see what happens to her in university before totally committing to that idea, though. I was pretty disappointed at how terrible at his job Almeric turned out to be. :P
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deedee-sims · 6 years
Replies :)
didilysims replied to your photoset “One requested + two from the depths of my to-do folder :) 6 natural...”
These are all super cute!
Indeed! All I need is cute hairs! :D
didilysims replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 11: Danielson on my DW! Aka, Shawn, the useless...”
Ha ha, classic date night plan B: Pizza! Megan has a fun face, and oh Shawn...please review fire safety, okay? :D
Haha, yes XD I love Megan’s face (that’s why she was my entry for the good genes challenge - although her sisters had similar faces too). Well, Shawn... let’s say he’s still a beginner fireman XD
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “Shawn met a townie, Megan, and they immediately clicked ^^”
Cuties! :D
 They are! I can’t wait the next round :D
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “The Danielsons (or at least the 3 members who appeared) had a Don’t...”
Love the lighting in these pics :)
Me too! I can’t imagine my game without the dawn/dusk lighting anymore :3
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dramallamadingdang · 5 years
Replies! :)
These go back a ways, but it doesn’t include every single reply I’ve received over the last....three weeks?...or so. I just don’t have that much time right now, but I want to do some replies. So, if you’re not included here, please don’t feel left out. I love receiving comments, and I appreciate it when people take the time to leave them. :) I’m going to do a couple replies, that have longer answers, separately, but these are the “shorter” ones. :)
Anyway, these are for @princesspiratecat, @twofingerswhiskey, @lilleputtu, @penig, @esotheria-sims, @tamtam-go92, @i-mi, @hugelunatic, and @immerso-sims.
princesspiratecat replied to your photoset “Fishin’ pond. It has too-blue water at the moment, but that’ll be...”
Why and how is that water so blue?
The “why” is because I finally installed Dreadpirate’s shader fixes to de-blue snow at night. :) For those to work, the terrain shader -- which includes on-lot water -- has to be modified, and the two water mods that Dread made to be compatible with the no-blue-snow shader fixes were Voeille’s and the blue version of Moi’s. The latter is what’s in the pic because that’s the shader I currently have installed. But, I prefer and usually use the green version of Moi’s, and I’m hoping that Dread will see her way to making a no-blue-snow-compatible shader that uses the green version, but if she doesn’t I’ll have to choose between that too-blue one or Voeille’s, and I’d probably go with the latter. Or maybe... 
twofingerswhiskey replied to your photoset “Fishin’ pond. It has too-blue water at the moment, but that’ll be...”
I know that kativip included a water overlay for ponds in a lot of theirs - it's murky green like a real pond and semitransparent. If you're interested I'll yeet you the file
That’s a possibility! :) If you wouldn’t mind passing it along, it might be an option if Dread doesn’t make a green shader... Thank you!
penig replied to your photoset “It dawned on me that when I posted this terrain default I didn’t...”
Wow. As someone from limestone desert, however, I'm looking at the mountains and thinking: Where's the strata?
You know, when I was making that terrain, I tried several different kinds of textures for the high terrain. I knew I wanted something rocky because to me it looks odd when there are giant hills of green grass on more hilly/mountainous terrains.  And because I am a (near)desert dweller, I would’ve liked to have had stratified exposed rock. So I tried that. 
But the problem is the tiling. Not making the images tileable; I can do that. The problem is how the texture tile gets “painted” on the landscape, which isn’t something that can be controlled. The more detailed the image is, the more you notice the pattern repeat when it’s painted on the terrain, and it starts looking really weird. Between that and the struggle to get things in-scale, I imagine this is why most terrain defaults aren’t too detailed.
esotheria-sims replied to your photo “We interrupt these posts to bring you….a pic of the neighborhood’s...”
Nah, I'd totally trust him and his fabulous mane with my food. Sims don't shed, so there's that. :D
There is that! :D And I wish I didn’t shed. I’ve got super-long hair, and I can’t even begin to describe the amount of time I spend unraveling my shed hair from around the vacuum cleaner’s brush. *laugh* I mean, I usually go outside to brush my hair just to reduce the amount of shed hair that hits the floor. :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “We interrupt these posts to bring you….a pic of the neighborhood’s...”
Can cooks be interacted with? Also: my game ALWAYS generates cooks with some fancy skin colour xD
They can’t be interacted with when they’re working, no. But they do walk by community lots, as was the case here, and then you can greet them. Once they’ve been greeted, they’re on the greeting Sim’s relationship panel, and then they can be called and dated and all that, so long as you’ve got the phone fix that allows NPCs to appear on the “Call this Sim” menu. I married-in a cook once.
i-mi replied to your post “Hmmmmm…So my plan to make a concrete terrain default that’s really a...”
Yes, I think more people have lush neighbourhoods, and as long as you warn people in the posts then it's up to them if they want to deal with switching defaults or not. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing it and would be happy if you ended up sharing it! :)
Oh yeah, there will definitely be all sorts of warnings. :) Someone else suggested making a dirt and a desert version, which I can do because both have 4 neighborhood-view textures, and I suspect that not many people use the dirt terrain. So, if I can make the terrain work like I want, I’ll probably make both a desert and a dirt default version.
hugelunatic replied to your photoset “It dawned on me that when I posted this terrain default I didn’t...”
The theme goes all through April! I'm excited to see what you come up with =)
Yeah, I know, but April is suddenly busy for me. *laugh* So, I’m hoping I can come up with a new tropical-island terrain before the end of April. We’ll see. :) I’m not going to be able to start working on it until we’re settled in after migrating.
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “These hills are still alive with the sound of still more screaming. :)...”
this looks so cool! are you gonna share? because *grabbygrabbyhands*
I suppose I could share the decorated terrain, sure. I’m pretty much done with editing the map. There’s not even any CC besides the volcanoes. I’m not sure it’ll look the same with different defaults in, though.
princesspiratecat replied to your post “PSA”
Welcome to my side of the world! I live in the San Bernardino mountains, but we often venture to the beach on the weekends, when we aren't working on our house. Have fun! :)
Ah, I’d rather be in the mountains. Hubby’s house is a beach house in Orange County and while it’s nice being on the beach eventually all the people on the beach get to me. That, and the traffic. I’m something of a traffic-phobe when driving. But on the plus side: Fast internet, woo! :) I’m lucky to get 4Mbps out of the satellite here, but out there....Oh, yeah. :)
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Yup! This neighborhood definitely feels like home! *laugh*”
Looks lovely! We had maybe one snowy day in Denmark this winter. Which is a shame. I love snow. :( But yeah, what can you do...
It’s funny. Given Denmark’s latitude, you’d think y’all would get a lot snow, but I guess since you’re at sea level and surrounded by water you get more of a maritime-type climate. Well, if you want snow...Come on over! :) We’re heading into melt/mud season now, though. Going to SoCal is going to be a bit of temperature shock. It’s room temperature and warmer there and it’s around freezing here. *laugh*
hugelunatic replied to your photoset “This I-don’t-know-why-I’m-doing-this neighborhood is pretty much the...”
I'm not convinced about the reddish, but I'm excited to try it out! :)
It is red, yeah, but I kinda wanted that. I used pics taken in Moab, Utah for the soil, and the soil and rock there tend toward a Mars-like orange. :) I didn’t want orange, but I didn’t want just brown, either, so I went with clay-colored, which is sort of what I’ve got around here, at least in patches.
princesspiratecat replied to your photoset “I’ve never found a dirt terrain that really satisfied me, including...”
Hmmm...I'm curious to see how my own dirt roads would look with this. But you'd probably need something a tad darker.
Feel free to try it out! I have a picture in my mind of what I’d like to do to make a matching dirt road default, but I don’t know if it’ll pan out. If it doesn’t, I’ll need to come up with something else, and I might just use yours as a template of sorts. :)
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rented-space · 6 years
immerso-sims replied to your photo “So uh - anyone know where I can grab a Takemizu neighborhood template...”
This is just criquette's desert terrain default replacement. If you remove it from your downloads, you'll have proper desert terrain again.
Oh! That was it 8D; no idea how that got in there, but thank you!
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katatty · 6 years
immerso-sims replied to your post “Updated the index page for Pleasantview Plus! I added a list of...”
I love navigation pages and tags. <3
techheaddanie replied to your post “Updated the index page for Pleasantview Plus! I added a list of...”
I love good organized tags. ��
strangetomato replied to your post “Updated the index page for Pleasantview Plus! I added a list of...”
I appreciate specific tags, especially character tags, and I agree that they're very helpful for tracking down my own posts, haha.
Oh good, glad it’s not just me! I looooooove nice tags, index pages & the like. Always so frustrating when I find new blog to follow but they haven’t tagged properly! it’s hard to catch up with the storylines etc. 
penig replied to your photoset
Crap. Puck is coughing all over this party. You're about to have an epidemic on your hands.
Hahahahaha, oh man. My game has had a long-running flu epidemic for like, 2 years, which I can’t possibly eradicate because the hood is just too big?? I’ve just let myself get used to it.
penig replied to your photo “So, here she was. Graduating. Stella was grateful to have escaped her...”
She looks apprehensive, though. But I guess that's her default expression.
Well hey, anyone would be! But yeah, she’s got a serious face.
maarkospecter replied to your photoset “Stella’s friends with both Johnny and Tank, and they find themselves...”
Never thought that Tank could apologize to Johnny lol
Right?? Given enough time and separation their relationship does tend to heal - in my experience though, usually Tank is the one apologizing and Johnny holding a grudge. In this case I Stella did influence him to appreciate Johnny but I thought it was interesting Tank picked “Apologize”!
swedishjazz replied to your photo “Hey, guess who just got asked to pledge?” “You? Ugh, we must be...”
Jessie has another thing coming if she thinks she can step on a Capp's toes. Miranda might ve chiller but she DID grow up with Juliette and Tybalt and this is not something that hardens you into a Big Bitch when appliccable
Miranda is a nice sim at heart but when you grow up in that environment you learn how to hold your own in a fight real quick!! 
techheaddanie replied to your photo “Hey, guess who just got asked to pledge?” “You? Ugh, we must be...”
Fight fight fight ������
moocha-muses replied to your photo “So, how did it go??” Stella asked, eagerly. “We’re engaged!!!”...”
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Yeeeeeeees!!! Fight, fight fight!!!  A lot of enemies in this neighbourhood have mellowed out over time so I’m excited some fresh conflict is stirring up, haha 
nerianasims replied to your photo “So, how did it go??” Stella asked, eagerly. “We’re engaged!!!”...”
Jessie's wrong (or maybe lying.) The highest rate of divorce for any group is 40%, and that's for women who get married very young, don't have any post-high school education, and have no independent means of support. For women who get married in their 20s, are college-educated, and have a way to support themselves, it's only 25% -- except probably lower than that for both groups.
Whoops, posted too soon. Lower than that for both groups because these statistics are old, from when divorce rates were at their highest in the late 70s/early 80s.
I’ve a few different statistics depending on date, location, endless variables... honestly though I doubt Jessie is an expert in the subject & think she plucked the number out of thin air, haha 
dreadpirate replied to your photoset “I could have cheated Jessie and Sarah’s relationship into the...”
Wish the "frenemies" relationship status exists in TS2
Right??? It’d be so useful for my game lmao 
tamtam-go92 replied to your photo “So, how did it go??” Stella asked, eagerly. “We’re engaged!!!”...”
Urg jessie is absolutely one of my least favourite sims. And you capture her so good.
Same, tbh. In general I’m very sympathetic to my female characters, especially romance sims, but sometimes it’s fun to just have someone be a massive bitch, haha. Heather & Roxie are (mostly) ethical sluts so I think Jessie balances out the other romance uni girls nicely! 
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knightsims · 6 years
Replies to @glabeglarn, @immerso-sims, @techheaddanie, @squeezleprime, @twofee, @scibirg
glabeglarn replied to your photo “Baby time! Ronica gave birth to not one, but two babies! She had two...”
I love the style of the nursery, it’s so bright and super adorable!
Thank you very much!  For some reason, nurseries are my favourite room to decorate - maybe because it means I can abuse bright colours without it looking garish.
immerso-sims replied to your photo “Kelly’s nephew Costel came over for a visit! I love it when sim’s...”
I love family reunions in game. Definitely creates realism :)
It wasn’t until I started playing BaCCs that I found the Family Reunion memory! I was so surprised that it was a thing.
techheaddanie replied to your photo “We interrupt the play-queue with a house I made when I had the...”
Thank you! 
squeezleprime replied to your photoset “Grimmy came for Leena :’( ”
bye Leena!
twofee replied to your photoset “Grimmy came for Leena :’( ”
I really liked Leena :( I didn’t know she was that close to death until it happened, and then there wasn’t anything I could do about it.
squeezleprime replied to your photo “While the burglary was happening in the living room, Absinthe went...”
that's great timing!
scibirg replied to your photo “While the burglary was happening in the living room, Absinthe went...”
LOL, so sad and so funny!
This is lowkey the most unfortunate thing I think I’ve ever had happen in the sims lmao
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phinae-simblr · 6 years
partheniasimblr a réagi à votre photo “Ciel d’été - Summer sky”
Quelle jolie prise de vue !
Merci parthenia, c’était une façon de saluer l’arrivée de l’été ici aussi.
immerso-sims a réagi à votre diaporama
“La municipalité du petit village de Bourg-Fleury a aménagé un terrain...”
Love this! Can I ask where are those pine trees from? Those look really realistic and something right up my alley. :)
Of course you can ! The pines are by Yolartut and you can find them here. They are my favorite pines.
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mdpthatsme · 6 years
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taylors-simblr · 6 years
A whole ton of replies!
Replies to some really old comments, and some new, under the cut
deedee-sims replied to your photoset “While Wendy is babysitting, Kate is enjoying her first day at her very...”
Love it! :D
Thank you, what an amazing compliment <3
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Wendy is still all about the animals. After feeding the chickens, she...”
That dog is so goddamn cute.
I love Snarl (and her brother Woof), I’m going to be so upset if I can’t get puppies that look something like them. It’s always nice to see what the game comes up with though, those dogs are a mix of wolf, collie and St. Bernard and they look like none of them.
penig replied to your photoset “Dean is always getting into fights, and it’s almost always with women...”
Maybe he should stop and think about that.
Oh yeah totally. I’m very tempted to follow that story, but at the same time, I like my sims to be happy and I’m not sure if the darker story will fit in...Still very tempted, so I guess we’ll see what happens.
didilysims replied to your photoset “Birthdays!! Logan in red and Fitz in grey. They both grew up so well...”
They're both fine-looking fellows! I lean more towards Logan's wider features too, but Fitz's tiny mouth is super cute. :)
kaylynn-langerak replied to your photoset “Birthdays!! Logan in red and Fitz in grey. They both grew up so well...”
Aww, they're both really cute! I love Logan's nose!
dramallamadingdang replied to your photoset “Birthdays!! Logan in red and Fitz in grey. They both grew up so well...”
I love their oval-round faces! :)
I love these boys so much :3 I already have so many plans for them (and cousin Rudy who is only 1 day younger). The weird thing is, that when I made Siobhan, I was worried that her features wouldn’t mix well with other sims, but all of her kids are super cute. 
It helps that Jay is their dad, that guy cannot have an awkward looking kid.
I love Logan’s big mouth and wide nose, but Fitz’s little mouth is very sweet. They’re both a very good mix of Siobhan and Jay. Logan = Siobhan’s eyes and nose and Jay’s mouth, Fitz = Siobhan’s eyes and mouth and Jay’s nose.
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photoset “Isa: Hello :3 Isa: What’s going on here? Isa: Boring, Look at me...”
Isa is the cutest! ♥
didilysims replied to your photoset “Isa: Hello :3 Isa: What’s going on here? Isa: Boring, Look at me...”
Those big eyes are so irresitable!
She’s adorable, I forgot how fun sim cats are. It’s been years since I’ve had a cat in a family. Dogs are great, but cats get so many fun animations
didilysims replied to your photoset “The family head to the park, where they immediately split up and get...”
Aw that's such a mean message! Treats only cost 1, right? She is flat broke!              
I was surprised at how mean it was, but still nice to see a message I’ve never seen before. I think they used every last simoleon on opening the clinic, oops :/
alawren4ever replied to your photoset “The family head to the park, where they immediately split up and get...”
Of course they still love their sims, silly message! I really love the look of the jungle gym with the decals along the legs, where did you get it?
The jungle gym is from this set by @honeywell-mts I’m pretty sure I used the same set in the school too :D
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pixelasher · 7 years
@dunne-ias replied to your post: @ashleighssims replied to your post: ...
if you load the lot with testingcheats enabled, do you get a message before it crashes? And if so, what does the message say?
got testingcheats on, no in-game error message, just goes straight to This application has crashed :(
holleyberry replied to your post: soo every time i try to load the monty family my...
Have you tried to run the Hood Checker?
i know i ran it while setting my hood up and after adding all the subhoods, including veronaville, but i’ll do that again!
welp, update on that: ran it, removed errors, still crashing :/
 immerso-sims replied to your post: @ashleighssims replied to your post: ...
Are you using meetmetotheriver’s clean templates? ‘Cause the crash happened to me whenever I would use the clean Veronaville template.
yup, almost glad to hear i’m not the only one having this issue lol
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esotheria-sims · 6 years
Some mighty late replies
@dramallamadingdang  replied to your photoset: When was the last time I posted a picture of some...
Wishing you good Simming mojo! I’d loan you some of mine, if I could, because right now I kinda have too much. :) Your hood looks lovely, though. :)
Yeah, I could really use some extra simming mojo sent my way, since, as I’ve unfortunately discovered, all these medieval lots won’t just build themselves. But you know what, I think your good wishes actually worked! :) I was able to finish one lot, half-finish another and start working on two more, which is more than I’ve done in... in months, really. I’m feeling so productive right now. *puffs up chest* 
@immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Forest lot playtest, part 2/2 (at frickin’ last). Behold the main act...”
This looks amazing. I am getting really excited for your BaCC. :)
Your enthusiasm is much appreciated! ^^ Getting my BACC hood the way I want is a slow and painstaking process (and I’m probably dragging it out more than is objectively necessary), but I’ll get there eventually! :)
@digitalangels replied to your photoset “Forest lot playtest, part 2/2 (at frickin’ last). Behold the main act...”
forest name suggestion: Foresty McForestface (I'm sorry I had to)
I’m disappointed there’s no bad dragon pun included in the title, but you still get a solid 4.6 out of 5 for the name suggestion (but honestly now, my own placeholder name isn’t much better than your joke suggestion; it’s ‘Crooked forest’ or something equally unimaginative, I forgot the exact name now. Why does coming up with toponyms have to be such a pain in the rear? D:). 
@vampireacademysims replied to your photoset “The Sweet Beginnings tag rules: so this tag is all about looking at...”
Vamps galore! :D I have some embarrassing stuff on my DA from... *goes check* ... 2008 XD
I was meaning to bully you into doing the meme and posting those pics, but since I’m replying 84 years too late and you’ve already done it, I guess no bullying is needed. x) Those are some really awesome pics though, no idea what you’re talking about. :) 
@sogoshableuniverse replied to your photoset “The Sweet Beginnings tag rules: so this tag is all about looking at...”
They all look lovely!
Aw, thank you! ^___^ I guess each version has its charms, but it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t give each of my sims a sometimes-not-so-little overhaul every now and again. :) 
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didilysims · 6 years
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On baby Ethan Everett (sheesh, last generation it was all F names...this time it’s attack of the Es), long university, and recategorizing hats for @bethlikessims @holleyberry @immerso-sims @eulaliasims @primaverasims @hexagonal-bipyramid​ @tamtam-go92 and @meetmetotheriver. 
bethlikessims replied to your photoset “Ethan: I can’t watch!  DJ: Take a look, you big goof. He has your...”
Please please please let this not end like Huck on Scandal
Seeing as I look that up to learn it’s a show, it probably won’t end the same. ;) But if it does...that would be one heck of a coincidence. 
holleyberry replied to your photoset “Ethan: I can’t watch!  DJ: Take a look, you big goof. He has your...”
Congrats, ETHAN! Now would be a good time to tell DJ the truth and you two run as far away from Armand DeBateau as you can.
Aw, leave without letting Armand meet the baby? That Family Sim would be so disappointed. :( 
immerso-sims replied to your photoset “Ethan: I can’t watch!  DJ: Take a look, you big goof. He has your...”
He's a cutie. :)
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “Ethan: I can’t watch!  DJ: Take a look, you big goof. He has your...”
Awwww! <3
primaverasims replied to your photoset “Ethan: I can’t watch!  DJ: Take a look, you big goof. He has your...”
eeee look at him!!!
Those bright blue eyes automatically add +10 to the cute. (So glad his grandpa’s eyes live on!) 
tamtam-go92 replied to your post “A few recents and a few I found buried under all the extra tumblr...”
I have one sim day as one year. And since University takes about forever compared to that I play five Semesters each season. It drives me nuts too, since I don't really enjoy playing Uni and some days/households just go on 2. speed exempt when something interesting happens. Additionally I sent teens to Uni when they are five days from growing up and steal them three days of adulthood when they have finished so they are equal with their pals that didn't go to uni
Yes, I think the 1 day = 1 year is the most intuitive RL equivalent. As long as you don’t think about the seasons lasting 5 years, 3-year pregnancies, and other in-game things that don’t quite add up. :P So I don’t even bother trying. For me, they’re not humans on earth...they’re Sims in a world with different rules. :) 
Sorry, got sidetracked...ha ha. That’s a lot of university per season. Have you tried the college adjuster to skip ahead if you get bored? It has an option to put the final exam only 2 hrs away. 
I like your idea of stealing some days from adulthood. I was always taking from teen days only, but then I found that made their teen stage way too short. Now I just add extra days to my non-uni teens, but I might try your idea next time I try to make uni fit with the main ‘hood....the ongoing quest! :P
hexagonal-bipyramid replied to your photo “Does anyone know if this hat has been enabled for outerwear anywhere?...”
Phaenoh's Great Clothing Migration V2 has the AL enabled for outerwear (http://modthesims.info/d/280521)
Ooh, thank you! I didn’t like every change it offered, but I edited it a bit and it seems to be working fine. Most importantly, the hats are showing up in outerwear--yay!
meetmetotheriver replied to your photo “Does anyone know if this hat has been enabled for outerwear anywhere?...”
The way to do it is to extract the resources from the game and then recategorize them (in SimPe). There is a tutorial on how to do this on MTS, and looking at an existing recategorizing package (by Phaenoh for example) will help too.
Thanks for the tips! It sounds a bit beyond my basic SimPE knowledge, but I’ll look up the tutorials for future reference. The mod HB linked above works for what I wanted this time, but I’m sure another time will come when I want something else recategorized... 
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deedee-sims · 7 years
Replies :)
starrsim reblogged your photoset and added:
immerso-sims replied to your photoset   “Finally, the grand opening of Griffinmere’s clinic! Heart of...”
Looks awesome!
Thank you guys! I had fun making this lot! (tried to use not that much cc though) <3
mortia replied to your photoset “Finally, the grand opening of Griffinmere’s clinic! Heart of...”
Ooh, are you making this a functional doctor's office, by chance?
It operates as a gift shop for now, because I really don’t know what else to do with it yet XD I know there are hospital mods, but they’re scary :/
didilysims replied to your post “Last Sentence meme”
Ha ha, great sentence! :D
Why, thank you! Quite informative, I can say :D
didilysims replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 10: Fields on my DW! A bit of a rocky start for...”
Io!! Poor thing...though it makes her quite entertaining (to me), so maybe not so bad? I hear you on the hospital mod too. It sounds cool, but also big, and would take some time to figure out. It's on my radar, so if I ever get around to testing it out, I'll let you know! By the way, even if it's not "fully functional" your hospital lot looks great! :)
I felt sorry for poor Io, but it made her round a bit funny :D It’s not always the most exciting to play just one sim. Yesyes, that mod is so big. I’m always reluctant to put these kind of mods into my game... It would be interesting to see how it operates for others (because I haven’t seen anyone use that mod yet as I recall?) And thank you <3
nekosayuri replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 10: Fields on my DW! A bit of a rocky start for...”
Dee, your posts are always so entertaining. :D I hope things get better for Io too!
Haha, thanks! I'm always trying to capture the funny moments of their life :D I hope that too!
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dramallamadingdang · 6 years
I feel like I haven’t done a reply post in YEARS! :D So, I figured I’d do one now. These are for @tamtam-go92, @lilleputtu, @princesspiratecat, @jennamaxon, @ellupelluellu, @penig, @ajaysims, @taylors-simblr, @skyburned, @kayleigh-83, @nimitwinklesims, @immerso-sims, and @pensblr. Mostly, about alpacas with a few other things thrown in. Like...haggis? :)
tamtam-go92 replied to your photoset “Sienna Leatherdale, Spring 2, Part 6/7 MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!  :D”
Finally some love for sienna!
I hope so! But honestly? She’s just as likely to do something dumb and violent to piss off Hattie, who can be just as jerky as Sienna is. So we’ll just have to see. :)
lilleputtu replied to your photoset “Sienna Leatherdale, Spring 2, Part 4/7 And a few days later…FOUR...”
So many pups! Excitement!
I’m totally excited to see what they’ll look like -- hopefully not all the same! -- when they grow up! If they DO all look alike, then I bet there’s something wrong with wolf genetics... :P
princesspiratecat replied to your photoset “Gabrielle Thompson, Spring 2, Part 5/6 And then it was birthin’...”
That's tough!
Single parenthood is at least a LITTLE easier in this neighborhood, since no one has a job. So, no need to arrange for childcare, at least. But since there’s also no school (yet), that also means the parents can’t get the kids out of their hair for a little while, either.
jennamaxon replied to your photoset “Gabrielle Thompson, Spring 2, Part 3/6 Child labor FTW!”
Crack that whip! Love those PJs
They are cute, aren’t they? My version of them are defaults, but the originals are Fakepeeps’s on MTS. But you’re probably aware of that. :) And yep, since the little bastards don’t go to school in this neighborhood (yet), they gotta earn their keep! *whipcrack*
ellupelluellu replied to your photoset “The last residential lot for the queer hood. It’s a beach lot,...”
Okay, I volunteer to be the idiot who keeps asking "are we there yet? .. are we there yet????" (Quote from: Mummy returns)
Heh. I’ve still got some community lots to build, but I’m hoping to start playing the neighborhood in a couple of weeks, if I can discipline myself to get ‘em built. But I think before I build those lots I’m going to get the playables installed and moved in and all that. So pictures of them will probably be the next thing I post regarding that neighborhood.
penig replied to your photoset “Arthur & Zara Stowe, Spring 2, Part 3/7 Eldest child Cohen is kind...”
There's lots of dick nerds out there.
Yeah, some, but they’re USUALLY not as common as non-dick nerds. :) Of course, I suppose it depends on the type of nerd. Sci-fi nerds are usually pretty inoffensive, and those are the kind I’ve always hung with, but gamer nerds can be real dicks sometimes.
ajaysims replied to your photo “Happy Rabbie Burns Night to all the Scots out there! :) If only I had...”
I had a really nice vegan haggis once. I'm not vegan, but I enjoyed it. I bought stuff to make scotch broth, but today and yesterday been too sick to cook. sad times.
Aside from the mashed-up sheep guts, haggis is mostly oatmeal + seasonings, and those are already vegan. (Similar to scrapple, which is mashed-up pig guts + cornmeal and seasonings, fried in patties.) So it’s really just a matter of finding something that can convincingly stand in for the mashed-up sheep guts. Maybe minced seitan? Or maybe even TVP would do.... Time to experiment! :D
taylors-simblr replied to your link “ModTheSims - nymph leaf clothing”
Oh my gosh, tumblr never gave me any notice of you replying sorry :C I'll get on with messing this mesh up right away :D
Yeah, I hardly ever get those notifications, either. :\ I have to go and look at the posts I replied to...and I rarely remember which ones that was, or even if I do, I don’t want to scroll for an hour to find them. :P Tumblr really needs some better communication tools. But they’re too busy screwing around with color schemes, I guess! :P
ANYWAY! There’s no rush at all. I’d like to makes some Plantsim outfit defaults because I’ve not found ones I really like, and I’d like to not always dress them in regular clothes. But, yeah, no rush at all. :)
skyburned replied to your photoset “I needed a break from makin’ stuffs and had a little time to kill...”
Love the monochrome blue and special love for that kinda different painting in the dining room. The garage door would have caught on those flowers all the time
Sometimes monochrome color is fun. Sometimes it makes me want to poke out my eyeballs because sometimes the shades don’t QUITE look right together. :) I kinda liked that dining room, though. 
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “I was just outside with the critters, and bearing in mind the anon who...”
So adorable!! Looks like they know where to get the good stuff from!
Oh, yeah. They’re totally spoiled rotten. God forbid you DON’T show up bearing treats. They won’t leave you alone! :)
nimitwinklesims replied to your photo “I was just outside with the critters, and bearing in mind the anon who...”
Cuteness overload!!! Also, snow! It's fun to see a pic from your real life :)
*laugh* Yeah, we’ve gotten quite a bit of snow this year so far. I’m hoping we’ll get a nice, long ski season out of it! And, hopefully, no avalanches because they’re such a pain in the ass. :p
immerso-sims replied to your photo “I was just outside with the critters, and bearing in mind the anon who...”
Awwww. I love the white one who's just standing and smiling there lol
:D That’s Blanca! She’s currently my favorite of the herd. She’s 3. Her mother rejected her when she was a baby, so for a while she lived in the house and we bottle-fed her. So, kinda got attached. The cats would sleep cuddled up with her, once she stopped freaking them out, and it was adorable! She’s going to have her first cria this spring. Hopefully she won’t be like her own mother....
pensblr replied to your photo “I was just outside with the critters, and bearing in mind the anon who...”
Too cute! I love how there appears to be a line forming in anticipation of receiving said treats.
*laugh* Yeah, they totally know the drill. Too well, I’m afraid! *laugh*
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twofee2 · 7 years
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the observatory that @immerso-sims was nice enough to upload for me ;)
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vavuska · 2 years
Looks like the Ray Ban thing is going around again, only this time it's Louis Vuitton.
I spotted this post on my dashboard and I have no doubt it's a hack similar to the ray-bans one. Do not click that link, it's almost certainly not a discount link; Don't risk your account!
@immerso-sims has been hacked: if you can read this post, you should to change your account password!
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Looks like the Ray-Bans situation is repeating itself, so let this be your reminder to not click suspicious looking links and to turn on 2 factor authentication if you're able to.
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