x-lu-post-x · 8 months
Juan José Millas -La vida a Ratos
Semana 39
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
{ closed starter | @imperfectox | based on this }
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Holden had known them her entire life, her entire life, before her mothers murder she’d constantly be told they were meant to be together, how perfect a pair they’d be. Their parents had agreed and had made it their mission to keep the pair close even after both of her parents passing. Every summer they’d invite her to their lakeside cabin and this summer had been no different. Their parent had left them for the night to go to some fancy gathering of their old friends leaving the pair alone.  She had been swimming in the lake almost all day, barely seeing the other, but Holden had felt the need to have a bath, specifically a bubble bath. As she laid in the tub, body covered by bubbles she spotted the other walking pass the door. “Hey, what are you doing right now?”
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lullcbies · 1 year
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"i know- that's why i added the were. you're too busy whatever the fuck else to deal with me, and i'm not cool with being second place." @imperfectox
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escritos-wildheart · 2 years
Dime lo que te duele, lo que no te gusta, lo que te molesta, lo desagradable de ti, no me hagas creer lo que no eres, prefiero conocerte imperfecto y humano.
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blindspct · 10 months
closed starter for @imperfectox ft. liam & mia
liam didn't spend time with anyone outside of work except for a few friends here and there. he was at an age where his family lived in a different country and his friends were busy with their own families, which was something he thought he would have by now. things just didn't work out that way and so, as he was finishing up for the evening, right before a week break for the holidays, he noticed mia still moving around the doctor's office. he stuck his head outside the door, "what are you still doing here?" he asked softly, "aren't you ready to get out of here and spend some time with your family?" he knew she could ask him the same but pretty much everyone else had left the moment the office finished with patients. "i mean, is there anything i can help you finish up?"
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emotionlcss · 1 year
﹝closed starter ⇾ @imperfectox​ based on x﹞
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it had been a long night, gavin found himself tossing and turning which obviously didn’t help with the no sleep he’d already been getting. he had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen, but it wasn’t something he could place. so when his doorbell was ringing at far too early in the morning a low groan fell from the male, as he was pulling himself up from bed. shuffling his way to the door he couldn’t even imagine who would be trying to get ahold of him at this hour. it wasn’t until he was pulling it open and seeing the face staring back at him that the gut feeling of something bad had come back. ❝ what are you doing here? ❞ 
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dcnimdreams · 2 years
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫: @imperfectox​​ !
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“what about a compromise? i’ll kill them first, and if it turns out they were friendly, i’ll apologize.”
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writermuses · 2 years
@imperfectox continued from here
Luca flinched when she cursed, not from surprise but because hearing her use that word always immediately put him back to thoughts of her naked and pinned to a wall. Maybe he was touch starved. Luca definitely had a habit of showing his love through physical touch and acts of service. No one had touched him but the occasional hug from a crying Rosie. "Don't apologize, Elle. This isn't something you planned and it's not something you did to hurt me."
Swallowing he shook his head in disbelief. "Did you see a picture or a video on my phone?" Luca scratched the back of his neck, heart twisting with the fear that only came with his nearly completely dwindled hope that Elle would remember anything at all about them. He'd told her, even before the accident, that he wouldn't lie to her. Omitting this truth had felt all too much like a lie, even though the doctors had said it was best. "Your ring's still in the music box, Elle. Now it's just got our wedding bands too. It's in the night stand on my side... on the side of the bed you don't sleep on."
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ofmusingsxandmayhem · 2 years
Cont. from @imperfectox​ || Kamiya and Gabi (x) 
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Maybe she was being harsh, but the reality was, Kamiya had really begun to get to Gabi and it was leaving the young witch confused and irritated. She tried to focus and all she could think of was her. Annoying. “Me? Avoiding you? No clue what you’re talking about, methinks you’re losing your marbles a bit.” Deflection, good idea. 
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"I just drink. I don't drive. I've got a driver to do so. Just elite stuff."
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ofdamnation · 2 years
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         ’  aw  shit  ,  hey——   you  can’t  bring  dogs  in  here  ,  ain’t  a  pet  policy  in  this  joint  .  ’    taunts  ,  referring  to  the  other’s  date  they’ve  just  walked  in  with  .     //     closed  starter  for  @imperfectox​  ,  based  on  this  plot!
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erstwhles · 2 years
continued. / @imperfectox
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The car ride is the kind of uncomfortable that makes it hard to sit still. Her sniffling combined with his guilt, the gnawing question in the back of his mind: Do I tell her? Atticus is grateful that he has the road to focus on, but it isn't long before she breaks the silence.
"You're not the problem," he says, and even though his voice is soft, it feels harsh in the fragile space between them. "I mean, I did tell you that I didn't like him. Don't let him do this to you. You don't need to sit here thinking about what you could have done differently. He was the problem." Atticus glances at her, and his mouth turns down at the corners, noting how careful she is to keep from looking in his direction. "You should have called me before going to the restaurant."
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brckensocietyarch · 2 years
{ closed starter | @imperfectox​ | based on: this }
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Going out on a date night had been Olivier’s idea and it had been so long since she’d been out on a public date. Maybe because she hadn’t decided if what she had with Teddy was over, if she had truly meant they were just on a break but it had been three months and Honey figured it wasn’t worth specify at this point. The pair hadn’t really spoken in that time, and when she had met Oliver a month and a half ago things seemed to fall into place. They had done a few at home hanging out type of things but this was making it real.  Everything had seemingly gone perfect, the pair even deciding to label themselves finally as a couple. The night ended with him dropping her home and a goodnight kiss, Honey sending him on his way when she noticed the familiar car parked out the front of her apartment. When she entered the main foyer on the complex her gaze landed on him, “What are you doing here?”
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thekingswench · 2 years
continued from here
She hadn’t really had the pleasure nor the time to talk to Lance because majority of the time she was rushing to do things and head to events. He was always around but the actress was usually focused at the task at hand. Everyone deserved to be with families and as much as she loved her mother the incessant nagging had gotten to her. “If you think a mother begging you to give her grandchildren is fun then perhaps.” Adrienne sighed as she went through her mother’s messages about how much she missed her.  “Sounds lovely.” She hummed as she shut her phone and properly looked the person she was talking to. The woman never really noticed how attractive he was as well but her features never gave that realization away. “Where are you from, Lance? If you don’t mind me asking.”
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Lancelot winces a bit at her comment. He knows what that can be like. Though he has never experienced it on his own, there's a bit of wonder about if his mother does, in fact, want these things. She never asks, though with his job and the amount of time he spends away from home, he wouldn't want to bring a child into the world without that stability.
Ah, nah, nah 'at doesna sound fun. But ', originally from Ireland, so we fink. Mam found me wanderin' in th' French countryside."
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ecmotions · 2 years
@imperfectox​ liked for a close starter Based on: THIS
Being at this party was the last place he thought he would be that night, but after the other said that they couldn’t hang out he decided why not? So, it was no doubt as to why Mason was already pretty drunk. It really didn’t take him long to do so whenever he wasn’t in that great of a mood. He had been dancing with some stranger all night and now he was allowing them to drag him upstairs. Mason followed and as the two of them made it up the stairs, the last thing he had expected was to see the stranger laying on the ground. “What the hell?” Mason questioned as he glanced over at the other who had interfered with his night.
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kiillmeromantically · 2 years
@imperfectox​ liked for a starter from this
based: linked in source
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it was just some freak accident and esme knew that. she had been carrying some shopping bags since her boss had asked her to pick up some things for the gallery. the last thing that she had been expecting was to get clipped by a bike messenger. she had been carted off to the hospital and everything was a big blur. the last thing that she remembered was being told that her ankle was badly broken. she was so out of it due to the pain and the pain meds on top of it. she was just stirring when she realized that she could hear someone asking questions to the doctor. her eyes fluttered open and she groaned as she realized just instantly where she was. it took her a few seconds to finally look around and her eyes widened at the sight of him standing there,” wh-what are you doing here?” 
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