#implied Quodo
pacificsaury · 2 years
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live record of my descent into madness with every new post
this time its odo dreaming of his two most favourite people on the station.
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agnesandhilda · 2 years
me when I’m normal about my nemesis
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hooved · 2 years
i’ll never get over the quodo forehead kiss scene. there’s so many fucking layers to it that we don’t even get into. the script clarifying that it was “(all odo)” means it was something he wanted to do, not curzon. curzon had no part in it other than lending his confidence to do it. and not only did odo decide to kiss quark’s forehead, but he grabbed his ears while he did it too. odo knows exactly what touching a ferengi’s ears does, yet he didn’t seem disgusted by that and still went for it. “have i ever told you you’re a magnificent scoundrel?”. “have i ever told you” implies this is something he’s thought about saying for a while now. like imagine odo just sitting in his office thinking “quark is a magnificent scoundrel” because that’s sure what it sounds like he was doing. quark’s stunned (and let’s be real here, given he just got grabbed by the ears, turned on) reaction, the weird little moan he does after odo shouts his order at him, his inability to stop blankly staring at odo after he comes back with the drinks, sisko’s “it’s gonna take quark a little while to get over that”. it’s fucking insane like WHAT were they even thinking with this
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chacusha · 1 month
Title: Mission to the Dominion Ratings/warnings: Teen (mainly for language and implied/fade-to-black sex) Summary: Three years after the end of the Dominion War, Quark is sent by his brother on an important assignment to the Gamma Quadrant. The only problem? Odo is his chaperon. And old feelings keep bubbling up as Odo irritatingly refuses to leave Quark's side. (A post-canon Quodo fic written for Unconventional Courtship.) Word count: 20k in 11 chapters posted so far (the full fic is roughly 30k words)
Comments: The fic isn't fully posted yet (the fic is finished, but I'll probably finish posting sometime in September), but here's what I did for the @quodo-wip-event! I started this fic two years ago in May 2022 but was unable to make either of the Unconventional Courtship deadlines in 2022 or 2023. But I wanted to finish it this year, which required pushing through a bunch of plot and worldbuilding decisions in order to just get this fic done!
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attiredpan · 2 years
Little blurb based off of The Star Ghost. After a morning encounter, Amy gets stuck running from Dhraako with Nog.
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halfblood-fiend · 4 years
Star Trek Bingo 2020: Vertical Prompt 2
Show: Deep Space Nine
Words: 1,483
Rating: General Audiences
Warning(s): none
Don’t Skip the Bill
Three Ensigns rumormonger on their first night aboard the Federation Station: Deep Space Nine.
Read it on AO3.
Quark’s bar on the Promenade of the station Deep Space Nine was more hopping than Amethyst Berns had ever imagined it was going to be. At first, when she and her friend and old Academy roommate, the Kelpian, Jelep, had received their orders to deploy all the way out here, she’d been upset. She thought it wouldn’t get any action…boring station duty instead of a starship. But from the moment they boarded their last transport crammed with all kinds of colorful people, that had proven not to be the case. After dumping their bags in their assigned quarters as soon as they could, they settled into the infectious liveliness at the most notorious joint this side of the Wormhole. People of all sorts seated themselves at the counter and gathered around Dabo tables, shouting with excitement each time the wheel spun.
Berns, Jelep, and the hanger-on that they’d caught en route, Antony Higgs, had ordered their drinks and picked an out of the way table to observe it all.
“So Berns…” the lean boy with a freckled face and mousey hair said in a hushed voice, “What makes you the most nervous about being stationed here?”
Berns scoffed and took another sip of her Risan mai-tai. This was easy. At first it had been being bored to death, but now her next biggest worry was… “Only thing I’m scared of, Antony, is the horror stories I’ve heard about running this place.”
“You mean, Chief O’Brian?” asked Jelep in a small voice. They had ordered a Sea Mule from the Ferengi bartender after their fellow ensigns had decided, but the Kelpian still hadn’t touched it, opting instead to examine their folded hands in their lap while Berns and Antony talked. Their behavior was starting to make Berns worried. She hadn’t had time to ask them how they felt about the assignment, really, between packing and preparing and then Antony who was proving to be the type of person who just never shut up.
“A little of him, but more like—” Berns started to agree when she was cut off.
“Heard he’s got a nasty temper! He’ll go off on anyone!” Antony said excitedly, leaning forward until he received a face full of Berns’ wet napkin.
That elicited a small smile out of Jelep as their translator kicked in and Berns’ chest swelled.
“No, I mean literally running this place. All this Cardassian tech?” Berns clicked her tongue. “In a word? Sucks.”
Antony rolled his eyes and leaned back in his chair. He seemed to be a little put out. Maybe that would keep him quiet.
Jelep ran their long fingers up and down their tall glass, collecting condensation. “I’m also not looking forward to the Cardassian technology.”
They shrugged and blinked their large blue eyes at Berns. “Feels a lot like the Ba’Ul’s… All this dark and metal… That’s what I am least looking forward to. Living here with that.”
Berns’ heart went out to them and she wanted to reach out and put her hand on Jelep’s arm but…thought better of it. She’d grown really close to the Kelpian during their time at the Academy but hadn’t wanted to make living together weird with…complications. She didn’t know where they stood now, but the tall and graceful alien had always mystified Berns. Stuck her heart in her throat. Gave her butterflies. All that.
Antony took a long drink of his ale and regained his composure. “Well, I’m worried about…” He leaned in close over the table, “the shapeshifter.”
Jelep and Berns had the same reaction. They blinked at him. Berns had half a mind to tell her new acquaintance that nobody had asked him what he was nervous about in the first place, but that felt mean.
“Shapeshifter?” Jelep echoed dully after a heartbeat. They shrugged. “Now I know you’re making stuff up.”
“They really have one here!”
“So soon after the war?”
Antony leaned in conspiratorially. “He was here before the war. Maybe he was a spy the whole time. No one really knew…”
Jelep coughed. “I find that extremely hard to believe. If he was here, and he was a spy, why would he still be here? You can’t believe everything you hear, crewman.”
Antony waved their words away as Berns tipped back the rest of her mai-tai.
“Why would a shapeshifter make you nervous anyway?” she asked. “Why does he have anything to do with you?”
Antony tugged on his yellow security shirt and looked up at her, appalled. Apparently, it was supposed to have been obvious. She cocked an eyebrow and shook her head at him.
Rolling his eyes, Antony said, “He’s the head of security on the station.”
“Ohhh… so you are just afraid of your senior officer,” Jelep replied.
Antony choked on his drink. “No! I am not!” Berns met Jelep’s eyes and they both smiled and looked away. “I’m…I’m just concerned for my own privacy here.”
Berns shook her head and gave Antony a steady look. “I dunno…that sounds kind of hateful…”
Jelep came to her aid, nodding. “Sounds like you are letting your preconceived notions color your perception of the Chief of Security,” they said reasonably, blinking large eyes at him.
“It’s not about that,” Antony insisted. “It’s about how he gets to just do whatever he wants to keep order around here. He’s not Starfleet, so he doesn’t have to conform to our rules! That doesn’t seem suspect to you?”
When neither one of them answered, he sighed. “Ugh, gotta explain everything. Look! He has the run of the entire station! But he’s a shapeshifter!”
Jelep collected more condensation off of their glass and wiped it gently on the napkin in front of them. “Meaning?”
“Meaning that he can shift shapes—I mean, come on! He could be anything! He can blend into the wall! He could be anywhere any time! He could be that glass!!” Antony pointed wildly at Jelep’s untouched drink.
Momentarily stricken, Jelep released their glass and looked down at it fearfully as though worried it would change at any minute. Berns laughed at him.
“He could be listening to everything we are saying at any time. You don’t see that as a privacy issue??”
Berns looked at him doubtfully.
Antony threw his hands in the air and tried again. “He could be that chair you’re sitting in, Amethyst!”
A shadow fell over their table.
“Or,” came a gravelly voice, “He could be right behind you.”
With a squeak, Antony fell out of his chair and onto the floor. Berns might have laughed, if she wasn’t trying not to stare at the Head of Security Shapeshifter in question who glowered down at them from under smooth, deep set brows. She gulped.
“More new Starfleet recruits. I do hope none of you were planning on causing any trouble on my station,” he said slowly, looking at all three of them in turn.
“N-No, sir!” Antony said in a small voice. Berns was surprised he could still talk at all.
“Good,” the shapeshifter replied slowly. “Because I’ll be keeping an eye on you…”
Odo glowered once more at each shrinking Ensign and felt his annoyance ebb from him only to be replaced by a twinge of regret.
There were some days in which he was sick of the staring and the speculating about himself, his origins, and his loyalties. On these days he felt the impulse to do something about it. It could have easily been a day where he could ignore the talk but cleaning up Quark’s latest mess for the last several hours had Odo’s head pounding. Evidently that had now become the Ensigns’ problem. He only felt a little sorry.
He harrumphed once and turned to walk back to where Quark leaned over the bar with a bemused expression, his head tilted. Odo knew he had heard the whole thing.
“Hope you didn’t just scare my customers out of paying. Again,” the Ferengi said, his eyes slipping back towards the ensigns’ table. “That’ll teach me. Should have known better than to warn you. See if I ever share juicy gossip with you ever again.”
Odo slipped onto a barstool and grunted as reply.
Quark drummed his fingers on the bar and gave Odo a searching look. One he pointedly ignored.
“Did you really have to be so harsh with them? You and I both know you can’t transform anymore.”
Something of a smile slipped onto Odo’s face. “Maybe not… but they don’t know that.”
His own smile crossed Quark’s lips for a moment and then disappeared again, all business. “I’ll have you know, that if they skip their tab, I’m sending you the bill.”
Odo rolled his eyes.
“And don’t even think about trying to trick me out of it this time. I know exactly where you sleep! The left side.”
“Don’t remind me.”
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starryoak · 4 years
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Even more of that Star Trek/Pokemon AU I posted about! This one was finished so fast because tbh I’m super excited about this one, because there’s a lot of worldbuilding here, and Odo’s backstory is slightly altered!
So, anyway, got bored one day, came upon the idea of a Pokémon/Star Trek AU where it’s kinda like ‘His Dark Materials’ and their daemons, but without all the spiritual stuff. Essentially, almost everyone, universally, has a Pokémon partner, like Ash and his Pikachu, to whom they share a special connection with.
The fact that Pokémon have a very explicit supernatural origin leads me to believe they would be the first thing people had in common with each other when first contact was made; the fact that they share common species across the galaxy is one of the main things that connects people to other species in the galaxy. The different legendary Pokémon created different worlds, and all worlds have Pokémon. I have more, but that’s for worldbuilding posts if people are interested.
And now, the fun part. Alien Pokémon!  Pokémon from other planets can vary just as much as regional variations; they can be different types, but they’re still technically the same Pokémon!, Since I did choose these Pokémon to match the character, I still wanted some essence of the Pokémon’s theme to remain, so yeah! Fun!
Every world has Pokémon on it, although each planet has different species distribution, there are 17 types and 896 individual Pokémon species known to exist currently. Pokémon can massively change over time from their environment, so a Cardassian Zoroark is different than a Terran Zoroark.
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(Cardassian Zoroark with a Terran Zoroark for scale. Click for image alone.)
Interestingly, Zoroarks aren’t very different between the Terran and Cardassian versions, they were already well adapted to sneaking around the darker caves, and remain Dark type, just adapting with an extra claw and growing slightly smaller. In fact, it’s speculated that Terran Zoroarks might have actually been the one to lose their extra claw in the less harsh Earth environment.
I chose a Zoroark for Odo because they’re associated with transformation and aren’t Dittos, because I was absolutely not gonna give him a Ditto because honestly, even with the transformation association, it just doesn’t fit Odo that well. That, and the other reason...
In this universe, I’m going with the theory that Ditto are a result of failed clones of Mew, so Dittos in the Poketrek universe were created during the Eugenics Wars during their experiments and attempts to recreate Mew.
In this universe, Odo’s life was a little bit different; when it was discovered he could transform, it sparked a debate on whether he was to be classified as a creature or a Pokémon.
Some people wanted to define Odo as a Bajoran Ditto, since his abilities are somewhat similar to the Pokémon. If he was defined as a Ditto, it would open some strange questions up, since Dittos were created by humans, and Odo was discovered somewhere where no humans had ever been, to everyone’s knowledge.
Eventually, after a lot of arguing and (painful) testing and experiments, it was decided, due to the fact that Odo was unable to copy the main defining trait of Pokémon, their moves, that he would be classified as an unknown alien. There’s still a lot of debate on this, and it means that some people still argue that Odo should be treated as a defective Pokémon rather than a sentient being.
Since Odo’s abilities were not unique, while this means he was treated less like an anomaly, it also meant that he was held up to the standards of another creature, and his inability to perfectly replicate humanoids and his slow learning was treated as evidence that he was imperfect and defective, and often was punished for his failures or pushed beyond his limits because they believed he was simply not trying hard enough.
When Odo was brought to Terok Nor and Dukat gave him the job as investigator, he was given a Zoroark as a gift to ensure his loyalty, and he named her Ital. Ital was meant to both ensure that Odo felt a gratitude to Dukat for treating him like a sentient being who deserved a companion Pokémon like most others have, and also as a threat; that Dukat could always take her away from him if he misbehaved.
Ital, however, bonded with Odo a little more than intended, and during their haste to retreat from Terok Nor, was not taken, and now Odo is her owner in more than spirit.
Ital is a Very Good Girl, and eager to please Odo, she loves solving crime and catching criminals and adores her job as Odo’s enforcer. She’s almost even more obsessed with her job than Odo is, although it’s more understandable, since she’s basically a very smart dog, she just is eager to do her job and receive the scritchies and brushies for a job well done.
While she is very much dedicated to being a Good Girl and doing her job, she does have one secret desire; she would love to just flat out eat Quark’s Meowth, Greech. It’s not even like Quark and Odo’s sexually and romantically charged rivalry or anything, it’s straight up ‘this smaller animal looks tasty and if my owner didn’t say no, I would eat him’. They still terrorize each other in a rivalry fairly similar to Quark and Odo’s, it’s just also kind of like Tom and Jerry, where one of them absolutely would kill the other given half the chance, and is only stopped by Odo forbidding her to actually eat Greech.
God, I love drawing things. If anyone wants to suggest who I should draw next, or want to know more about the AU, just ask! (be aware I already have Pokémon for most all major characters besides the Star Trek Enterprise characters and will not be changing them)
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crabbattler · 2 years
i love their bffness
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mx-paint · 4 years
Jadzia: The math thing isn't the problem. Night shift is keeping you and Quark apart, you two just need to bone.
Odo: ...What did you say?
Kira, quietly: Don't say it again!
Jadzia: I said you two need to bone.
Odo: How...dare you, Lieutenant Commander Dax!
Odo, 5 minutes later: BOOONE!
Odo, 10 minutes later: What happens in my bedroom, Lieutenant Commander, is none of your business!
Odo, 21 minutes later: BOOOOOOONNNEEE!
Odo, 40 minutes later: Don't ever speak to me like that again.
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jotunvali02 · 3 years
OMG. Where to start? Where to start?
First this ep screams QUODO as fuck.
"Frankly I don't care if you and Kira end up happily ever after!"
Liar. What was that cut on your face, then on Odo stepping out, then back on your devastated, heartbroken face? So heartbroken my heart broke too!
What was that "You're in love with her" full of spite, accusation and disappointment?
I'm also glad it didn't fall into the jealous rival trope bullshit. Odo is better than that. Shakaar is a cool guy and Odo knows that.
Quark being just "Don't let a heartbreak destroy the changeling I love.", implying it behind an excuse of "profits", of course. Because baka.
And the best is Odo saw right through it.
"I thought you were talking to me as a friend."
"....nah." >///<
He was talking to you as your future husband, baka!
And the bestest is that what does Odo do right after his future husband's speech? He goes to Quark's bar. Not to see Kira and Shakaar (cause he doesn't know they're here), but to see Quark.
And what did he do too? Spent 3 days to soundproof his floor so the thief of his heart (in every sense of the word) won't be bothered by his noise anymore.
"But it's not like I did it for you or anything, baka!" >///<
"Of course you didn't, baka." ^^
And though Odo's affection was for Kira (from what Quark thinks at least), our fav Ferengi seems nonetheless pleased his constable is able to love. Hell, he even suggested to Odo he should declare to her! Though it clearly breaks his heart, he just wants his fascist to be happy. Deep inside.
"How could I think she could love someone like me?"
Well, QUARK loves "someone like you", asshat! Oh well, he guessed it a few minutes later. ^^ Hence the soundproofing and the bar flirting. ♥
I've read this somewhere else already but I love how it's Quark's love for Odo, and Odo's self-respect, that saved our space Constable from depression.
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cemetrygatess · 3 years
I do not merely ship or not ship quodo. Like ship implies I want them to be together. Like I'm invested in their wellbeing.
No. Like... I love them but they are also bad people and in a way I wish them only the worst. BUT I think that's each other? Like I just want them to bug each other forever.
I really thinks there's one big problem with this ship and it's that canonically Quark Fucks and Odo pretty much hates all fun (which naturally includes fucking).
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kaelio · 3 years
you said two most popular pairings, what are the other two? I was figuring either kiradax or quodo - neither of which fall into the patterns people complain about in fandom, either, one is femslash, and one is goblin alien x goo alien both played by middle-aged men - but i wasn't sure WHICH one. but yeah i think sometimes people WANT to find problematic things in all their fandoms. but while it may not be your personal choices of identities, ds9 shipping bucks the trend, you gotta give us that
I think by the numbers quodo is still more popular? But if we expand it to three obviously kiradax is in there, though I think of that as a pretty non-contentious kind of ship, which is not to imply there's anything negative. I think trying to explain quodo to people who run exclusively in fandom areas with lots of prettyboys would consider it a bit startling lol
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forzafinally · 3 years
what happened was the arena site for sydney put his concert back in as TBC. The placement of it implies its this year (its not going to be, arena concerts aren't happening in sydney). What is more likely is that the original concert date is coming up soon, and they know dumb people who haven't figured out its not on will go to the site and see that box and go oh, tbc? And then they'll click and see that it was postponed ages ago and we don't know when it will be. Big acts are already booking out Quodos for next year, Dua is in November/December, Backstreet in March, Gorillaz sometime after.
The only thing I understand is that no one knows when the Sydney concert is actually happening. Am I right @sophism ?
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halfblood-fiend · 4 years
Star Trek Bingo 2020 MASTERPOST
Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it’s all done!!
I’m very glad I participated in @star-trek-bingo​ this year, it’s been a super rad and wonderful experience! Thank you to the mods who put it on and were so kind and understanding about time zones, full time jobs and computer crashes, thanks for the fun Discord and all the supportive and wonderful people I met and befriended. It was all just amazing!
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Transformation - Here, There Is No Golden Ball
A First Contact with a hyper-telekinetic race called the Haijinn turns quickly from routine to devastating when Spock has an un-frog-ettable run-in with one of the race’s priests. Captain Kirk, with the begrudging help of Bones, has to find a way to turn Spock back or doom him to a long and des-pond-ent life.
TOS, Spirk, General Audiences  Read on AO3   Read on Tumblr
Shapeshifters/Changelings - Don’t Skip the Bill
Three Ensigns rumormonger on their first night aboard the Federation Station: Deep Space Nine.
DS9, Implied Quodo, General Audiences  Read on AO3   Read on Tumblr
Chess/”Board” Games - Dungeons and Bandwagons
When Giana attempts to organize her first D&D campaign onboard the Voyager, it turns out to be a bit more complicated than she thought.
Voyager, General Audiences  Read on AO3    Read on Tumblr
Sleeper Agents - Voq in the Mirror
Ash Tyler struggles to come to terms with his own identity while he is supposed to be undercover in the Mirror-verse. His mysterious stalker complicates everything he's fought for.
Discovery, Mentioned Ashburn, Mature, Graphic Violence, Blood, PTSD   Read on AO3    Read on Tumblr
Fuck or Die - The Ex in Extra-Terrestrial
Mestral had known that this outcome was inevitable. His biological needs would always catch up with him, he had only hoped that it wouldn't come to this, to her. It's been three years since he last saw Maggie, now she was his only hope if he wanted to stay alive. He only wished she would not judge him too harshly.
Enterprise, Maggie x Mestral, Mature, Explicit Sexual Content    Read on AO3    Read on Tumblr
Borg - The Executive Director of the Borg Reclamation Project
Hugh reflects on the monumental task that lies ahead of him and takes his position on the Artifact very personally.
Picard, General Audiences   Read on AO3   Read on Tumblr
Sex Pollen/Alien Plants - Pining for Silver and Gold
Ensign Vorik has trouble putting the Voyager's current predicament into words and reflects upon the specific event that is giving him trouble. Obviously, all his crewmates falling ill is a bad thing, but as the Human idiom goes: Even thorns have roses.
Voyager, Vorik x OC, Teen and Up, Minor DubCon (but also not really?)   Read on AO3
Mentors/Teachers - Platonic
Giana and Vorik meet up for another lesson in Kal-Toh, only this time, Vorik gets wise to her game and she wants to throw herself off a cliff.
Voyager, Vorik x OC, General Audiences   Read on AO3
Transformation - Here, There Is No Golden Ball
Secrets or Lies - Ascendancy 
The last chip is about to fall, and with it, Emperor Georgiou. Michael personally sees that the last piece is in place. And next?
The Empire.
Discovery, Mirror Michael x Mirror Lorca, Teen and Up, Explicit Language   Read on AO3
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starryoak · 5 years
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yo guess who already had this drawn and only had to finish it? it’s me. More of that Star Trek/Pokemon AU I posted about! Worldbuilding!
So, anyway, got bored one day, came upon the idea of a Pokémon/Star Trek AU where it’s kinda like ‘His Dark Materials’ and their daemons, but without all the spiritual stuff. Essentially, almost everyone, universally, has a Pokémon partner, like Ash and his Pikachu, to whom they share a special connection with.
The fact that Pokémon have a very explicit supernatural origin leads me to believe they would be the first thing people had in common with each other when first contact was made; the fact that they share common species across the galaxy is one of the main things that connects people to other species in the galaxy. The different legendary Pokémon created different worlds, and all worlds have Pokémon. I have more, but that’s for worldbuilding posts if people are interested.
And now, the fun part. Alien Pokémon!  Pokémon from other planets can vary just as much as regional variations; they can be different types, but they’re still technically the same Pokémon!, Since I did choose these Pokémon to match the character, I still wanted some essence of the Pokémon’s theme to remain, so yeah! Fun!
Every world has Pokémon on it, although each planet has different species distribution, there are 17 types and 896 individual Pokémon species known to exist currently. Pokémon can massively change over time from their environment, which means that a Meowth from Earth would look much different than a Meowth from Ferenginar.
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(Ferengi Meowth shown here with an Alolan Meowth for scale. Click for image alone.)
Meowth on Ferenginar gradually became Bug type from a steady diet of nothing but bugs (this is Pokémon and I do what I want) and have grown in size slightly. Their most distinguishing feature is their headdress, which grew from the coin on a normal Meowth to a full crown, growing in their Persian rubies from birth (and becoming emeralds) instead of waiting til evolution.
I chose a Meowth for Quark because of the association with money, and then decided that most Ferengi would have cat associated Pokémon.
Ever since Grand Nagus Zek started keeping Incineroars, there’s been a trend among Ferengi to raise mostly cat Pokémon; Quark, ever the traditionalist, is no exception. His Meowth is named Greech, after a famous former Nagus. (who is not canon but whatever)
Greech is a complete gremlin beast of a cat, which is only fitting, considering who his owner is. He’s a wretched little thief who likes to pickpocket customers and has mastered using Payday to trick stupid people. (Payday generated money, in my imagination, works much like leprechaun gold in Harry Potter).
Quark claims no responsibility for any money lost by people stupid enough to fall for any tricks a Pokémon can perform. What his cat does with its fake money on its own time is none of his business and he can’t be held responsible for it, and he resents you insinuating he would use Greech as an accomplice in scams.
Greech has a lifelong rivalry with Odo’s Zoroark just like their owners have with each other. Actually, not really (for one, it’s not filled with sexual tension because they’re only Pokémon). Odo’s Zoroark just would straight up eat Greech if she was allowed to, and Greech is a little more genuinely terrified of Odo’s Zoroark. It’s mostly like a Tom and Jerry kind of situation.
God, I love drawing things. If anyone wants to suggest who I should draw next, or want to know more about the AU, just ask! (be aware I already have Pokémon for everyone besides the Star Trek Enterprise characters and will not be changing them)
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ao3feed-ds9 · 4 years
by obviouslyelementary
Odo and Quark are in a relationship, but Odo doesn't like when other people take advantage of Quark during negotiations. He's also jealous.
Quark finds that is a compromise in this whole... jealousy thing.
Words: 2048, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Quodo one shots
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Odo (Star Trek), Quark (Star Trek), Rom (Star Trek), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Odo/Quark (Star Trek), Quark & People
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Oo-mox, Implied Sexual Content, ferengi business tactics, Sweet, Jealousy, Agreements, odo doesnt want people to take advantage of his little ferengi boy, also hes jealous
from AO3 works tagged 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' https://ift.tt/2XL7Sdr
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