#implied hollow/radiance
mebis-art-dump · 7 months
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At least she got enrichment in her enclosure now
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ka-shi-kat · 1 year
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Talking with my dear friend (cofcof @alecz-obssesionz cofcof) we noticed that the family has a pattern... They're all with moths
Don't ask me about Radi and WL, there's no context
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allykatsart · 1 year
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A candle to never be relit...
This is the beginning of the end. Cut before it's time. Only appropriate for a comic of death and mourning.... But I will save my thoughts for the end.
Commission me
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Imo Hollow does have some built up resentment obviously but it so so so deeply repressed for a wide variety of reasons including the big reason that is: every single emotion is deeply repressed as a result of you know.. being the hollow knight.
And also! acknowledging in any way that it deserves to or should be angry because of everything it's been put through would be an absolutely devastating realization.
Realizing that it sacrificed everything, literally everything and suffered all for the king, their father.
Being angry or hateful towards him would be so difficult. Hollow gave everything for him,
And wants to believe that even if he didn't get what he wanted, and the kingdom fell, and the plan failed, at the very least the reason for all of that suffering was good.
That it meant something.
That it was for a good cause at least.
Oh and also also! The Radiance being trapped within it's mind and consistently making it suffer (physically and/or mentally) while also being the greatest PK hater of all time and surely not hiding that from her captor, most likely making Hollow very aware of it, and attempting to turn it against him too, the entire time, I imagine would actually cause Hollow to become even more loyal to the king.
(I acknowledge that PK is deeply flawed, and greatly deserving of any and all resentment/anger Hollow might direct at him. And Hollow should be a little more angry actually or at the very least be willing to acknowledge how badly they were treated. STILL I do not believe Hollow would so easily think this way and would intentionally repress such thoughts or feelings.)
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voldheart · 10 months
thinking about the radiance at 4am what if her physical deity form (if she had any) was located somewhere around the top of crystal peak here.
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(credit to hallownest.net)
like. why is her statue so deteriorated and cracked up specifically on the cliff side as if some sort of fight happened there. wtf.
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dairyfreenugget · 2 months
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(Alt text under read more)
Going back to my roots of drawing stupid HK jokes
I haven't drawn them in like a month it's been a struggle to try to draw them from memory 😭
ID start: A doodle of the Hollow Knight from Hollow Knight, saying "Old women are the bane of my existence." They look grumpy and exhausted, and next to them are simple headshots of The White Lady and The Radiance, implying they're the old women in question. End ID.
ID start: Continuation of the previous doodle. They turn their head away, still looking angry, saying "And old men. I'm not sexist." This time simple headshots of Grimm and Pale King are drawn next to them. End ID.
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tonythr · 8 months
Quick Slash is even cooler from a narrative perspective, and why I think the Nailsmith's story parallels the Pale King's
Cold take: Quick Slash is the best charm in Hollow Knight.
Slightly Warmer take: Quick Slash is the only S-tier charm that is great from both gameplay and lore perspective (aside from maybe Spell Twister).
The reason for this is that its existence is actually a
Here, look at this.
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So, Quick Slash is something that was created from a relatively big number of objects that were discarded and deemed imperfect, and that possess a collective will of wanting to fulfill their purpose.
You know what that reminds me of?
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A large amount of creations: check.
Discarded as imperfect: check.
Still possessing a will to find closure: check.
Being a part of a larger, more powerful thing: check.
Having a common creator who is responsible for their creation and rejection: check.
So yeah, I think that Quick Slash's lore (or at least its description) is meant to parallel that of the Vessels'.
But I wanna talk about that last point: the creator.
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It is heavily implied that the person who created and then later discarded those nails was the Ancient Nailsmith we see in the room where we get Quick Slash.
(Oh by the way I just realized that this stone ring thing on the right of that room is actually the furnace, neat.)
Judging from their Dreamnail dialogue, this Ancient Nailsmith was trying to achieve the same goal as the other, more famous Nailsmith we all know and love: creating a Pure Nail.
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And you know who else was trying to create a perfect, Pure thing while discarding many other similar things that later gained a collective will?
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That's right - it's the guy who is also responsible for creating those other discarded things we discussed earlier!
Ok, but what I really wanted to talk about here is how all of what I just said ties back to that other, more famous guy - The Nailsmith.
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We don't know for sure how the story of the Ancient Nailsmith ended, but it feels like it exists there mainly to put an emphasis on the City's Nailsmith's story; to convey that his struggle is an important theme in this narrative (because ancient means important, ok?) And, I mean, the City's Nailsmith's story also parallels that of the Pale King's in the same manner, right?
The thing is, we already know how PK's story ended.
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In trying to achieve perfection, to create an eternal Kingdom by making a Pure Vessel devoid of mind, voice and will, the Pale King doomed himself to be taken over by his regrets, by the vast emptiness of the futility of his struggles. But was it because he failed, or because that was where his story was headed all along?
What if PK succeeded? What if the Radiance was sealed forever? What if his Kingdom actually stood eternal, never to change, never to end? What if he realized he achieved his only goal in life?
And that's the part where we get to a story the ending of which is up to the player's choice.
To quote White Lady, only two obvious outcomes there are from such a thing.
The first is an honorable death by the fruits of his labor.
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If we choose to kill the Nailsmith with the Pure Nail, he dies happy, knowing that his life's goal is accomplished and having gained all the satisfaction he could from it.
The second I find preferable, a new passion.
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If the Nailsmith doesn't feel the finishing blow of the Pure Nail, he is left unsatisfied. But, while trying to resolve that unsatisfaction, he eventually finds something (and someone) that gives him a new calling, a new thing to create, a new reason to live.
And, while those are both equally valuable, equally canonic outcomes, don't you think the second one is just... better? I mean, not only does it include the achievement of the Nailsmith's goal, but it lets him live AND gives two lonely souls a partner in life! I feel like that's the thing this narrative is trying to convey. What it's trying to say about the meaning of life, about our dreams.
Maybe that was the ultimate folly of the Pale King - the inability to change. His story would've ended in the same way, regardless of whether Hallownest lasted eternally or not. He would be dead, if not by the hands of the Void, but by his own - but ultimately, by the hands of that vast emptiness of realizing that you achieved your only goal and that now all there is for you is this eternal satisfaction that slowly fades away, leaving you with nothing.
TL;DR: Quick Slash is the best because it's a metaphor for discarded vessels; perfection is overrated, try to get laid instead.
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d-buggers-org · 3 months
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mORE HOLLOW TOME + lore drop?
In this verse, kizu takes the place of hornet. the text in the dooble is copy pasted dialogue from hornet.
also lol i remembered the crystals in crystal peak have lasers in it. so i changed zettos arm to a blue crystal and thats how he uses his breaker beam.
alpha i think might take the place of the hollow knight, being possessed by moth radiance kajet.
flamey takes the place of the hive knight boss and the snail shaman, shes the one who teaches softdi how to use spells.
Zetto takes place as a mixture of the crystal guardian boss, tiso and maybbeeeee quarrel. softdi sees him a number of times after beating him in crystal peak on her journey. ultimately ending in the colosseum of fools.
nylocke is a nail master, not specifically any of the three brothers in hollow knight but yeah he teaches sofdti the nail arts. after learning the nail arts from him, you'll see him in the colosseum of fools along with zetto.
Zetto and Nylocke are both individual final bosses of the trials and in god home, you would fight both of them as a tag team. lowkey implying zetto is also a nail master. (its also funny cause they are both beetles in this au)
Webmaster is the pale king, kindar the white lady. The remaining netkings are the dreamers. Execk is herrah, bitts is lurian and rubi is monomon.
thats all i got for hollow tome lore for now, let me know if you have suggestions or ideas. i really wanna expand this au.
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I've been thinking a bit about the Warrior Dreams in Hollow Knight, and came up with a crackpot theory that I think I rather like.
Let’s start by considering a few things:
What is a god? Or a higher being, as the case may be. This isn’t really strictly established, and it’s possible that the answer may be different for each individual case, but as a rule most are presented as beings with a close connection to the Dream Realm – the Radiance, the Nightmare Heart, and Unn all operate this way. The Lord of Shades is instead the liquid Void given form, while the Pale King and White Lady are distinct in being the only truly corporeal, flesh-and-blood (or flesh-and-hemolymph, or wood-and-sap, whatever) deities around.
So let’s assume, at least for deities that spend the majority or all of their time in the Dream like the Radiance does, that a god is a fundamentally spiritual being – that is, rather than being a creature of flesh and organs and skeleton or shell, they are an entity of Essence – spirit, held together by mind, will, and memory.
Note here that this describes another type of beings that we meet repeatedly in the game – spirits, especially the Warrior Dreams. They are beings made out of spirit and Essence, which the Knight gathers into themselves after defeating them. The interesting thing about the Warrior Dreams, and about such spirits in general by extension, is that, based on the Seer’s description of them, they may not be the actual deceased people, but rather an "imprint", an echo or a memory of sorts, a dream shaped after a person that has died, and which form around something significant to the person – usually their body, or a gravestone or memorial.
"Sometimes dreams take the shape of those who have passed away. Such dreams are bountiful sources of Essence!" "You should search carefully near graves and other monuments. Why, I believe I saw an interesting gravestone here in the Resting Grounds." "If you do decide to disturb those dreams though, be prepared for a fight..."
The other thing about these spirits is that many do not realize that they are dead. Most start out thinking that they are a living, flesh-and-blood person, mistake you for a living challenger or an Infection-maddened rogue, and only realize their true nature afterwards. Their defeat is often a moment of revelation for them, as is shown with Elder Hu:
"My mind... it clears. Have we been... sleeping, child? Aah... I remember. Those proud lords... were they truly monsters? I remember their eyes now... bright and clear. Why then did I fear them so? If there was madness in that village, it was I who brought it. They were right to cast me out. When I attacked, they were right to... they were right to kill... to kill... me...? ...aah."
And some never realize at all! Galien moves on still thinking himself a living warrior during Hallownest’s glory days.
One last thing: the body of a living organism is constrained by some kind of order. Conscious thoughts and movement are a part of it, obviously, but there’s more to it than that – organs' functions, the growth of flesh and bone, the pumping of blood, the selective propagation and die-off of cells, all works under some kind of structure. Suppose that you remove that structure – all the physical organization, the conscious movement, the patterns of cellular division, just leave a mass of living flesh with an… not instinctive, even that implies a mind, just an encoded drive to spread and grow, but without any kind of structure or direction or intent. There are a few things you might call that, but "cancer" is probably the most obvious, yes?
All right, so with all that established, here is the theory:
The Radiance is dead – in fact, she died a long, long time before the game started, before the Vessels were even made. The entity that you fight is the divine equivalent of a Warrior Dream, a fragmentary and half-aware psychic imprint of a deceased being that does not know that it is dead, and the Infection is the Radiance’s essence-body, stripped of all structure and left with only an urge to grow as far and wide as possible.
In long form, the idea is that the Pale King's erasure of the Radiance’s history actually worked as intended and killed her off. The problem is that when things die, they don’t just vanish, and this left the King with two new problems to deal with.
First off, the Radiance's corpse. The Radiance is/was a spiritual entity defined along certain concepts – Light, Dreams, Unity – and these remained "imprinted" in her physical self. When her mind/soul/will/whatever died, this body "collapsed", losing the will-structure that held it together, but its component Essence was still there and retained very basic "instructions" to live, grow, and unify. This started "leaking" into individual dreams, then into individual minds, and then the material world to become the Infection – essentially a contagious spiritual cancer, not driven by a specific will or design but operating under essentially uniform behavior.
This then created a second problem. Much like Xero's grave, Elder Hu's memorial, or Gailen's corpse, the Essence-cancer that formed from the dead god's body served as a catalyst around which a dream-imprint could form – and a being as powerful and as connected to dreams as the Radiance was left one hell of an imprint.
Thus the being you fight in-game – a Warrior Dream, but sized for a god.
How much does this entity resemble the entity it formed from? At least some, surely – again, Warrior Dreams essentially resemble the person they formed from, and most of the original's personality is there – but, just like all other such Dreams, it would be missing crucial memories and fundamentally unable to truly perceive its own condition or that of the world around it. The Dream of the Radiance almost certainly thinks that she is the Old Light, that she still is the god that once was, that she is alive, and that she still fights at the height of her powers – but she is ultimately nothing more than the echo of a memory of a ghost, a half-aware, half-mad fragment of a long-dead being.
In the likeliest course of things, the story proceeds essentially as it does in-game. The Dream never realizes what it is, and the Knight just has to beat it down to nothingness the old-fashioned way. But it would be interesting, I think, to imagine a fight ending a little more like the other Warrior Dreams' do – with her finally realizing that she is dead, that she is ultimately just the faint, fragmentary echo of a being that perished long ago, and finally accepting this and letting herself die.
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darklight-owl · 1 year
The Pale King and The Radiance have so many parallels oh my God-
You don't get it the more I think about it the more these two are literally the same goddamn character in different circumstances and I'm about to list the reasons I know this.
1. Light
Ok let's get the obvious out of the way. Both the Pale King and The Radiance are described as "a light" by the seer, which already implies a connection. (Terms like The Old Light for Radiance and Beacon for Pale King allude to this as well) This could be a physical thing, but it also alludes to the type of power these two hold: both of them are capable of affecting bugs' consciousness.
The Pale King gave them sentience and The Radiance made the Infection. It's unknown whether the Moth Tribe had sentience before the Pale King but considering they were able to harness Essence for themselves it seems likely. Either way the Radiance probably gave them some kind of consciousness before the Pale King showed up.
2. "No Cost Too Great"
Ok so PK may have been the one to say the famous line but it 100% applies to The Radiance as well. Her one motivation is to be remembered, presumably out of self-preservation. To accomplish this she entered bugs' dreams and placed them under a hivemind. Not something we'd call ethical, but hey, neither is killing thousands of your own children to find one with no mind and seal it in a temple.
If we interpret Pale King's intentions as wanting to preserve his kingdom as opposed to keeping more bugs from being infected then he also falls into a similar mentality.
Hollow Knight's biggest theme in general is "all things must come to an end eventually", and The Radiance and the Pale King both cause suffering trying to counter that. One wanting to preserve her memory, the other his kingdom.
3. Overanalyzing their designs
The fuckin horn thingies
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Both of these headpieces look like crowns for obvious reasons, but The Radiance's "crown" is a lot smaller, alluding to her status as a fallen deity. (This doesn't mean anything in-universe since thanks to the statue in Crystal Peaks we know she always looked like this, but it's an interesting design choice)
If you wanna look deeper the colors between their eyes and face are inverted
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PK gives bugs a mind. Radiance takes it away. They have the same goal and the same power but do the exact opposite. So while PK has a lighter face and darker eyes Radi has a darker face and lighter eyes. This is something they share with the bugs whose minds they've altered; conscious bugs have dark eyes while infected bugs have orange pupils.
I know these details were probably not that deep upon conception but on the off chance they were I wanted to bring them up because they cool.
Anyway in conclusion we have
Similar mind powers
Similar symbolism
Similar desires
Similar "ends justify the means" mentality
We don't get much in the way of actual characterization since we only get like 4 lines out of each of them but their motives and actions seem too similar to not notice.
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theliterarywolf · 3 months
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Here are the more beastly boss monsters the firefly, abomination, crane, bell tortoise, feral beringal, and mournful aix. It was implied that the last one is the ghost of a researcher's dead wife. I think anyway I was kind of skimming that side quest.
Okay, again: Firefly and Abomination just lean too heavily into the scifi angle for me.
Loving Crane, Bell Tortoise, and Mournful Six...
Feral Beringal is just an ape, come on...
Going back to Mournful Six, however, I like how they're giving me similar vibes to The Radiance from Hollow Knight.
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9bitaleeeeex · 1 year
Random fun fact from Hollow Knight that isn't directly stated but is very much implied
Just from looking at The Knight, Hornet, and The Hollow Knight (and knowing they're siblings) we can tell that HK is the oldest, Hornet is the middle child, and The Knight is the youngest So the reason hornet is so aggressive isn't becuase she wants to protect the kingdom, its just a case of the middle child blues.
But going even farther with this we can see that one day Hornet will be as big as HK but that is assuming that HK didnt get the big boy genes from his mother. But even still Hornet's mom is big too. And going even farther we can tell that The Knight's head is going to undergo some weird ass morphing and become moreso shaped like a boomerang than it is now. We also know that this boomerang head trait comes from the pale king oddly enough despite his head both and Wyrm form and current form being a fork. we know this because both Hornet and adult HK have boomerang heads. it is also safe to assume that hornet looked similar to the vessels when she was younger.
the problem is we don't know how the morphing of the boomerang head comes. HK and The Knight are the same age as eachother as seen in the abyss during the climbing section. One theory I have for the boomerang growth is that i comes from training. We know that both HK and hornet were trained in combat so that could be where it comes from. We cann 100% rule out the posibilty of this growth coming form the influence of radiance although it is shown with traitor lord that it can physically change you. we can rule this out becuase of the pure vessel fight it shows that HK was like that before having the radiance sealed in them.
this was random and probably incoherent but i really wanted to talk about it
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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The Radiance (Hollow Knight) "The Radiance is one of the few higher beings / gods in Hollow Knight. It was previously the main higher being of the land know known as Hallownest. Then along came The Pale King. The Pale King buried The Radiance’s religious relevance with his own, becoming the knew main higher being of Hallownest. This! is because The Pale King was able to give the bugs thought, and let them have minds of their own instead of being savage beasts.
Also yes, every character in Hollow Knight is a bug. very corruption aligned as well.
Eventually, eons later, The Radiance came back, upset about being replaced. It brought about a mind-controlling plague known as The Infection. This was a mass breakout of a disease in Hallownest, which caused bugs to loose their minds and become obsessed with praising The Radiance. Not to mention the fact that orange sludge / goop drips out of the infected bugs in a really grotesque way. This is MULTIPLE elements of the corruption. Corruption of physical form, Corruption of thought, and religious corruption, as well as general themes of bugs. literally this entire game and franchise revolves around bugs.
The Pale King tries to fight back many times, sacrificing his own children and failing. By the time the player character arrives, The Knight/Ghost, Hallownest is already in a post apocalyptic state of infection, very few bugs with thought and true being remaining."
SCP-049: The Plague Doctor (SCP) "SCP-049 is a plague doctor who appears human at first, put isn’t. Yeah that mask they wear? Yeah, that’s not a mask. That’s just their face (check their wiki page, there’s a really cool photo of their bone structure). It is implied that they came into existence during The Black Plague era of humanity. They have one goal in life - to eradicate “The Pestilence”, a disease that only they know the existence of, that only they can sense or detect in any way. They have a cure that only they know and can administer - going so far as calling themselves the cure itself. While this might on the surface detract from them being a Corruption Avatar, it’s actually quite the opposite because… the people they claim are sick show absolutely NO signs of illness. They are perfectly healthy people. And the cure isn’t really a cure. Their touch literally kills people and turns them into zombies, which makes them less of the cure they claim to be, and more of a patient zero. If you haven’t read their article, I implore you check it out, it’s not too long of a read, has some awesome photos to aid with world building, and even has some PHENOMENAL voice acting to go with the interview transcripts."
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
We considered what PK would do if THK vanished, but how'd he react if they were to get infected early , just one or two moults away from 'perfect form' (I forgot the specific wording)?
Would he try to re-do the vessel plan? Would he even be able to considering that by that time WL might have already left. Or would he be forced to consider other options or maybe give up entirely?
Hmmm that's a tough one, and is difficult to predict without implimenting personal headcanons and interpretations given the scarce details we have on what actually went down before Hallownest fell. It's hard to say if WL actually left before the Infection returned, for example, because I don't believe we have concrete evidence on when she implimented her self-induced punishment, but either way I think it would have been too late to go back to desperatly breeding more vessels. We don't know the incubation time, or how long it would take to rear themto adulthood like what happened with Hollow, and we know from all the corpses in the Abyss that a vessel who could survive the climb and be deemed 'pure' was one in literal millions. Even if they were magically or physically induced to grow faster (which is a thing in reptiles at least, though its terrible for their health), it likely still wouldn't be fast enough to create a body sturdy enough to withstand the Radiance battering it from the inside out. Hollow was an adult, fully ascended god when they trapped her, and the damage they took before she broke them was astounding. A younger vessel wouldn't stand a chance. And since the Pale King and White Lady both had to take roundabout methods of confronting the Radiance, it's very likely that there wasn't anything they could do. As much as I enjoy calling PK a spineless coward, all three of them are gods of light-battling her directly would have been like fighting fire with fire. There wouldn't be anything left to come back to.
Given the fact that Hollow's faliure seems to have induced what is heavily implied to be a suicidal response in the Pale King in canon, though, I'm pretty sure that he'd simply give up. He'd likely be forced to destroy Hollow, and then the overwhelming guilt and anguish and hopelessness would have cornered him into pulling the White Palace into the Dream Realm to prevent Radi the luxury of capturing his corpse. It would have been the Fall of Hallownest, but quick and violent rather than a slow-burning sickness breaking into a fever. Might have ended up with the Radiance fully regaining her strength, too, because the populace would not understand the lengths of the sacrifices that the Pale King went to try to save them, they'd just see their king suddenly abandon them for no apparent reason. Which would have given the Radiance a strong foothold to come bursting back in demanding all give over their minds and wills to her, leading to an even worse bad end for the story of the vessels than what they got in canon
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 4 months
Infection timeline/time freeze theory
So this is the timeline as far as I could figure out, starting from the sealing of the infection within the hollow knight. But first important note~
The void has a unique power to freeze time. Or in other words time does not pass within the void, this is hinted at in different parts of the game, but would also really explain how vessels such as Ghost who spent most of their life trapped within the abyss do not age, while on the outside the hollow knight does.
So the timeline~
The sealing happens.
Hollow knight becomes infected after sleeping. Which must take some time, (enough for the statue to be dedicated for example. Just long enough for people to think they're finally safe.) but not too long, I imagine a few months to a year.
(Anyway it is easy for Hollow not to sleep because of both A- being a higher being and void entity with not as much need to, and B- the void within the black egg keeps time frozen there.) Still I can't imagine that the infection was sealed away for very long, And when it finally came back, it came back full force.
Knowing that their one hope has failed them, the king becomes desperate, He has the city gates sealed in attempt to save as many bugs as possible. (Failed attempt of course.)
He and the whole basin are slowly becoming swallowed by his regrets. (The void) During his final hours, as the fact that he doomed his child and all the dreamers, and all of it for nothing would certainly be tearing him apart.
Now the time freeze Hallownest is under, either began because the whole kingdom was so filled with regret/it's ruler especially, and the void was able to get control from that, or because the king purposely created a spell, utilizing void, to freeze time as a last ditch effort to stop the spread of the infection. Either way the void played a role here. And the Kingdom was put into a hundred year (multiple hundred year?) stasis.
And the infection still spread, though at this point most would have been driven away or had already died anyway.
Skip ahead to Ghosts arrival in Hallownest!
The zombification of the infected bugs did not happen until shortly before Ghosts arrival. The hollow knight, though very powerful and resilient, has still been slowly dying, being infected this entire time and is finally at the point of near death.
That's when Ghost is called. (And Quirrel! By Monomon.)
Radiance has more power now, and uses her power to bring to life the bodies of the infected, to aid in her escape.
When we meet Quirrel, who had arrived not long before us, he says~
"For so long I've felt drawn here. So many tales full of wonders and horrors. No longer could I resist. I just had to see it for myself. And what a time I chose to arrive! This dead world has sprung to life. The creatures are riled up and the earth rumbles. The air is thick. I wonder what could have brought it all about?"
Which implies that the dead have only recently been awoken, the Radiance only recently having gained more power. (With the hollow knight weakening.)
Anyway then the events of the game play out!
That is the timeline of the infection as far as I could figure it out! At Least my theory!
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illmoraineakoi · 1 year
Just recently beat the Hollow Knight ending again, and noticed something I hadn't before.
During the final part where Ghost/The Knight is absorbing the Infection from the Hollow Knight, there's a split second where the image of the Radiance can be seen in the orangey fog stuff.
That's not what I noticed. That's normal and obvious, if you know to look for it.
What I never realized before was that, when that happens, the Hollow Knight's sprite vanishes.
She pops them.
They die, on screen.
Usually, the little Radiance burst and the Infection smog hides most of the Knight's sprite, so it's hard to notice even when you watching for the Radiance, but I guess sometimes where the Hollow Knight collapses (and possibly where Ghost stands?) can make it a little easier to still see them when they die.
I mean, I knew they died in the quick ending, obviously, I just hadn't realized that that moment was it. I thought it happened in-between the fight and the final cutscene, in a very heavily implied sorta way.
But no, they just straight up pop when Ghost is absorbing the Radiance from them.
And a scream plays when it happens, so you can also wonder if that was the Radiance screaming in frustration as being reabsorbed by a stronger Vessel, or if it was Hollow's death cry. Fun!
Every detail of the Hollow Knight fight is so awfully depressing, I hate it.
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