#imporvised music
mysticalblizzardcolor · 7 months
Listen/purchase: Scry by Cole Pulice
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musicarenagh · 5 months
The Heart of Indie Music: Sambox's Candid Conversation on 'Imagination' Sambox is back with his latest record “Imagination” this is an intriguing fusion of techno and classic sounds, this masterpiece was created in collaboration with cellist Anita Barbereau. Buckle up and get ready for a musical trip! It’s a dance of keys and cello, presenting one vivid performance in your mind. Sambox is a musician with roots going back a lot in the 1980’s and early 1990 who are passionate about electronic music giving timelessness and easy listening quality to your tunes. In a recent interview with Sambox he made some disclosures and delved into his personal life, he stated he is inspired by the melancholic and nostalgic sides of life, using music as a powerful conductor for emotions. Recognizing the monetary difficulties that indie artists face, Sambox supports fair streaming payments by highlighting the importance of proper crediting. Sambox announces some interesting future collaborations with cellist Anita Barbereau and hails the fans for listening to real heartfelt music. Now click those links if you haven’t yet and let Sambox’s tunes take your imagination on a real feel-good adventure. It is more than music; it’s a rhythm that vibrates with the heart, making you dance and feel every pulse. Listen to Imagination below https://youtu.be/IJjHXOW_k7w Follow Sambox on Facebook Twitter Spotify Soundcloud Bandcamp Tiktok Instagram What is your stage name SAMBOX Is there a story behind your stage name ? There's no real story behind my artist name Where do you find inspiration ? Like many artists, my inspiration comes from everyday life, but the melancholy and nostalgic side is a real source of inspiration for me. It's in this melancholy that I'm able to express my artistic ideas. What was the role of music in the early years of your life ? music has played an important role since I was very young, allowing me to discover different musical worlds and to blossom. Are you from a musical or artistic family ? Yes, I come from a family of musicians, so we're all artistically inclined, but in different musical worlds. Who inspired you to be a part of the music industry ? Clearly, when I discovered electronic music in the late 80s and early 90s, I said to myself, this musical universe speaks to me and this is where I belong. How did you learn to sing/write/to play ? I trained in classical music and this has helped me a lot in the construction and realization of my compositions. Nevertheless, I'm still a pure autodidact when it comes to mastering the various software and mixing techniques. It took me many hours, even years, of work to master certain phases, and I'm still learning every day, like many artists. [caption id="attachment_53642" align="alignnone" width="1764"] Cellist Anita Barbereau[/caption] What was the first concert that you ever went to and who did you see perform ? sincerely, I don't know anymore How could you describe your music? I would describe my music as pleasant to listen to and timeless. Describe your creative process. My creative process is often the same: I stand in front of my piano and play completely imporvised until I find a chord progression or a beautiful melody that sounds good. From then on, I set to work in my home studio to embroider this idea. What is your main inspiration ? Although I'm not sad by nature, I really like melancholy and nostalgic things, because they're often situations and things in life that touch you, and by definition music is a transmitter of emotions. What musician do you admire most and why ? Difficult questions, I'd say that when a musician succeeds in moving you with his creations, he inevitably arouses admiration. Did your style evolve since the beginning of your career? Yes and no. Basically, my artistic touch remains the same, but I'm experimenting with other sound textures and I like to mix acoustic instruments with electronic music. Who do you see as your main competitor ?
I don't think there are any competitors in the art world of independent artists, but rather friends or even role models. What are your interests outside of music ? I really like the contact with water, in this case the wellness areas. If it wasn't a music career, what would you be doing ? hard to imagine, in fact, like many music fans, many will tell you they couldn't see themselves doing anything else. What is the biggest problem you have encountered in the journey of music ? As in any business, money is the key, and when you're a self-producer like me, it's hard to make big plans and invest in new equipment. If you could change one thing in the music industry, what would it be ? The best thing would be a fair payment on streaming, and for that we need a complete overhaul of the artist remuneration system. I don't know a single artist who's happy with his or her royalties. You have to live decently, and all work deserves decent remuneration. Maybe one day there won't be any human creators left, especially if you want to make music with a real soul. Why did you choose this as the title of this project ? my latest single "Imagination" is above all a place for dreams and hope in this difficult world https://open.spotify.com/artist/2FuhbRwCzNHMtzEiCRpy10?si=wbi458_qR4mEk_G9-TgL0A What are your plans for the coming months? For a year I have been working in close collaboration with cellist Anita Barbereau, we exchange a lot and we still have many projects to realize for 2024 Do you have any artistic collaboration plans No other collaborations to come. What message would you like to give to your fans ? listen, listen, again and again to my music, or if you prefer to buy it that's good too because that's what allows me to offer those who follow me or discover me authentic music that comes from the depths of heart.
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qprecords · 5 years
‘Parallel Layers’ by ememe.
1.1:35 pm 
 2.Polka Dots 
 3.Under The Neck 
4.Winds In North   
 Ememe is an experimental musician making wide range of styles. 
This album is ambient,drone album released in digital and casstte tape from Q.P Records in 2017. 
 Design and mastering by ememe. 
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black-whole · 5 years
Butch Morris demonstrates "conduction" 
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mistocore · 2 years
HAND IT OVER [*grabby hands*]
For reference, the main dancer quartet in the story are Coricopat, Mistoffelees, Plato and Victoria!
These four are INCREDIBLY close. Plato and Victoria are dating, Coricopat and Mistoffelees are best friends of four years!
Coricopat originally met Mistoffelees by commenting on his poise! He asked him how he kept his back so straight and everything took off from there!
Plato and Coricopat have known each other longest. Probably since childhood :-] ! They enjoy playing soccer together for excersize. Mistoffelees doesn't care for it so much. Victoria and him prefer to work out in the gym or practise in the studio!
The four's favourite thing to do is to hang in cafes! They find it fun to sit and write, do homework, talk, just hang out !!!
Victoria has albinism !!! She feels that this will stop her from getting a lot of roles and put a strain on her career. But, everyone around her encourages her of her abilities.
Coricopat takes gift giving VERY seriously. He WILL find out everything you love, will get you gifts based around things you want or need. He's practical, a VERY good listener. He loves watching people's faces light up as he hands them little ribboned boxes, neatly cellotaped with colourful, patterned paper.
Plato and Mistoffelees work out a LOT together. They're kinda gym bros sometimes. They love lifting weights and drinking those AWFUL protein shakes. Mistoffelees likes ones with cucumber and kale, whereas Plato likes the sweet, chcoolate-y ones.
Coricopat and Victoria shop together a lot. They're both into fashion greatly !! Coricopat loves streetwear and the big designer / hypebeast brands, Victoria is more into things that follow a dark academia theme of fashion !! She likes high waisted skirts, little blouses and loafters :]
Victoria also braids and style's cori's hair ! She always threads beads through his little braids and is gentle with his scalp.
Coricopat has hair type 4A (he's black), Victoria has 4C in an afro-style (she's black, with albinism), Plato has 2A (he's half white half chinese) and Misto has hair type 1C (he's half black, half punjabi?? I think this is the correct term ! his estranged mother is from Pakistan!)
Victoria's favourite style of ballet is neoclassical, Plato's enjoys contemporary, Coricopat loves classical and contemporary, and Mistoffelees kind of opts out of a genre however, choosing to kind of do a mix of modern ballet elements, classical leaps and footwork and imporvisation. He likes to see where the music takes him.
Coricopat's favourite food is carribbean food, he loves conch ceviche salad and gizzada tarts !! Plato enjoys korean food the most, hearty dishes of rice, meat and vegetables topped with sauces and sesame seeds. He also favours fast food, but can't eat much. Victoria loves fancy finger foods like salmon and cream cheese sandwiches, little olives and cheese boards. If she had to have a favourite food though, I'd go with some sort of strawberry shortcake or glass noodles. Mistoffelees is a sucker for rich, dark chocolates or truffles and sourdough pizza. I think he would also enjoy steak with a red wine jus and grilled asparagus >:p
Coricopat is the most sociable, followed by Plato. They love their nights out in clubs or bars. The ones they frequent, however, are completely different to Gus and Skimble's bar. Those kinds that play top 40 dance tracks and serve drinks that are way too overpriced.
Mistoffelees and Victoria, as children, loved the beach. Misto loves the salty air, the fried fish and chips in styrafoam containers, the feeling of the sand beneath his feet. Mistoffelees is a beach guy >:] for def. Victoria isn't so much in her later years.
In their class, Victoria has a one-sided rivalry with Etcetera. She believes they're in some sort of rival dynamic. They arent. She's extremely dramatic HGFJDK
Victoria's dream is to take over Jenny's ballet company! Mistoffelees would like to retire in his late years and maybe live on a farm, Coricopat wants to go into theatre and Plato does not give a fuck. He has no idea what he wants to do. All he knows is dance and soccer practise. Freeballing life.
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gambletron · 7 years
AM RADIO THEREMIN 2012- present
SIREN: DRONE Oscillations groundswell festival Hudson New York 2015
AM Radio Oscillations Place Public Performance 2, Darling Foundry, Montreal, Quebec 2013
AM Radio Oscillations w/ Jen Reimer, Sala Rosa Montreal
AM Radio Oscillations w/ Jen Reimer- Sophie Gips-Höfe Gallery, Residence Souterrain,  2013, Berlin, DE
The AM Radio Theremin is an extended instrument I created from watching a demonstration of a 3 radio theremin on Youtube.  My version has multipal roving tones and can consist of anything between 5 radios to 40 radios.  It can be created as a stand alone installation but the project was created to preform in. I like to imporvise with the sculputre using a musical saw and vox. 
You can explore more of this project in the ART section of my site.
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Rhythm Vs. Pitch
How do you embody rhythm?
How do I listen for rhythm and recognise what it is?
How do I make a choice of movement to the rhythm?
How do I choose the body parts?
How do I add everything together?
What are my patterns of creating and moving that help me or create a problem?
This week’s imporvisation lesson got me wondering how, as a dancer, I can separate rhythm and pitch. How do I train my body to follow one or the other or both at the same time?
What we look for is what we see. For example, if I always look for 4s in music I will struggle with music that isn’t in 4s.
My goals this week is to explore these questions and try to understand what is going on in the music and where in the sound is pitch and where is rhythm.
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tziviakay-blog · 7 years
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When Mr. Brainiac Knowitall, decides to imporvise on mama's candle holders from her, "Miracles Go On," music video and make it his own #original #master #creation #😱 #it #is #the #fidgetspinner #thing
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