#in 8 years i did not learn to draw backgrounds
thebluetemple · 5 months
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2024 redraw of a friend's D&D character from the first game we played together back in 2016 <3
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For all of the “Raph raised himself AND his brothers” fans out there I bring this train wreck of a thought (I’m a lil sleepy so sorry if it doesn’t make sense or if I repeat myself a lot-)
We do not in fact have any actual evidence that splinter was neglectful to the boys when they were little. In fact, we have the opposite.
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All of these flashbacks indicate that Splinter acc spent a LOT of time with his boys-
With Mikey, he was obviously coached in his art, a smol child can’t paint like that no matter how talented they are so we can see that splinter put in the time/effort to get Mikey the supplies and teach him how to do it well. Which probably means he researched and learned it himself first, idk I just can’t really see Yoshi knowing how to paint/draw that well but that’s just a theory.
With raph and Leo, their lemonade stand is structurally sound: obviously not put together by an 8 year old, and there’s a lotta lemons lyin around that were probably a bit difficult to find, and just LOOK at their faces here they are definitely familiar with this kind of father/son shenaniganizing-also just LOOK at raph. That’s a happy child, one full of excitement and happiness, not a kid who had to grow up too fast. Also his dad is literally right there in the picture
And then with Donnie, I can’t really tell what he’s doing in the background (it’s a bomb) but what i take from that screenshot is that Donnie feels safe/loved enough to come to Splinter when he gets hurt. And Splinters taking care of him!! And, Donnie is wearing clothes, which shows that he went out and got clothes for them but also didn’t force the boys to wear them if they didn’t want to (see other screenshots lol) which also goes to show that he lets his boys choose who they wanna be and what they wanna do. At any point he could’ve forced all of them to train as ninja, at any point he could’ve made clothes mandatory, and at any point he could’ve forced them to drop things that made them happy like skating or science or art but nah. He was supportive every step of the way.
Now am I saying he was perfect? No. Am I saying he couldn’t have done anything better? No. What I’m saying is that Raph acc did not have to raise himself and his brothers. Splinter acc gave them a pretty good childhood, all things considered and it kinda makes me sad when ppl bash Rise Splinter or continue the neglectful parent trope. Again, I’m not saying he did everything right, he def could have spent more time with his kids on an individual basis and he should’ve been more present, but let’s cut him some slack bc he did a really good job at raising the boys. And he got so much better as the show progressed! But that’s another post lol. I’m also not trying to take away Raphs oldest sibling syndrome, he still def has that from being the leader and watching his bros while splinter was away-I’m just saying he didn’t have to do it ALL alone.
Look in the end he’s doing his best and his best was really good for what they had. He’s a good dad, he’s not neglectful.
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basilknell · 29 days
Vasily's Literacy
I’ve been asked a couple times about Vasily’s literacy, so here’s a quick overview of stats and pertinent information laid out regarding that idea. I’ll make my statement on my own opinion towards his literacy at the end, but for now I’ll focus on exact numbers and stats without interjecting opinion.
While this post primarily pulls specific stats from When Russia Learned to Read by Jeffery Brooks, I’ve read a couple papers and other books regarding these subjects I pull general statements from as well. Please note, though, that there were no large scale official census in Russia until 1897 so some of these stats from previous years could potentially be skewed.
Source Material
First and foremost: do we ever see Vasily read or write in the series?
No. However, this can be explained quickly away. Until running into Tsukishima, Vasily was likely (incorrectly) assuming that not only did none of the Japanese characters speak Russian, but they did not use the same writing system either. It would have been a waste of resources (paper) to attempt a conversation where a drawing could suffice. Additionally, there is no other scene in the series involving him and Tsukishima that would have warranted him writing to Tsukishima either. At least, none that we see. So, him never being seen writing does not necessarily prove he is illiterate.
Vasily’s Age
With that out of the way, there’s another important piece of information we need to pin about Vasily before we continue: Vasily’s age. While Noda specified he’s the same age as Ogata, Ogata is unfortunately given no age range. But, unlike these two, Usami does have a canon age: 26. We can use Usami as a frame of reference because Noda stated Usami is, in fact, older than Ogata. Thus, this means Ogata is 25 and so Vasily is also 25.
Now, I personally tend to make these two older, but for a frame of reference we are going to pin Vasily at 25 years old. The reason this is significant is to pin down exactly when Vasily went to school. If in 1907 he was 25, then the age he was deemed ‘school age’ (8 - 11) would be around 1890 - 1893. Of course, he always could have attended school at an earlier or later age, but for conjecture’s sake, we will use the average age such as these.
As I said previously, an official census was not published in Russia until 1897, but any previous information before that typically begins around the 1870s. So it would benefit us to default to 1897 statistics, but keep in mind that the stats are skewed a tad higher than they would have been.
Rural Literacy
Literacy in the late 19th century was not nearly as bad as people make it out to be (at a rate of around 21% in 1897), but only because rural numbers brought it down. For example, in industrialized cities such as Moscow, 70% of men were regarded as being literate. There were also a plethora of schools dotting the country, from Zemstvo-funded schools, to church schools, to state schools. It was often not the lack of schooling availability that caused a decrease in rural literacy compared to urban children, but rather social aspects.
I am unable to find exact stats for rural literacy rates around the year 1890, but literacy rose from 6% in rural populations in the 1860s to 25% in 1910. It’s also best to keep in mind, however, men were far more likely to be literate than women, and the young more likely than older populations as well. So, if we were to take an increased decade raise (rounding up to about 4% every 10 years), and exclude the population numbers from including women which will be about half the population, we get around a 36%* base chance Vasily is literate when he is from a rural population (of which he is – he is from Yeleninka, a rural town in the Orenburg voisko), still not excluding elderly populations.
This is still not a very high chance, but there’s some other factors to discuss. Firstly, would have to be involving his background. The reason literacy was so low in rural areas was because, although parents did place value on literacy because it allowed for social movement and potentially higher wages, parents simply could not afford the lost labor of their children attending school. If a family had several children and could afford the loss of labor, then a child was much more likely to attend school. So, even if Vasily’s family had been described as being poor by Noda, this had no bearing on Vasily’s likeness to attend school. Given Vasily is almost entirely assured to be in the military through conscription, he very likely had brothers. And if he had brothers – he was very likely to attend school compared to single children families.
Another factor involves his family’s occupation. Families dependent on agricultural work were less likely to send their children to school because it was expected for them to work on that same farm when they were older, thus limiting their need for literacy. But, if Vasily’s family were artisans or practiced some kind of craft alongside agriculture, parents highly valued literacy in comparison, and were more willing to spare the labor loss for schooling.
Religion also played a role. Specifically, those of the Old Believer faith tended to be more literate and push to educate their children regardless of their occupational status compared to regular Russian Orthodox peasants. Aside from a general cultural insistence on preferring literacy, there is no other reason why this occurred, as the only major difference between Old Believers and Russian Orthodox peasants was a matter of ceremony (excluding some fringe Old Believer cults). If Vasily came from an Old Believer family, they'd push for him to be literate regardless of the labor loss they'd experience.
Finally, some parents preferred to send their sons to school to lower their military conscription length. While university students conscripted only had to serve 1.5 years of the required 5 year length, those who completed at least 3 years of any schooling had that length lowered to 4 years. If a family had several sons, which meant their sons were eligible to be drafted by the lotto, they would be more partial to educating said sons.
For some stats: unfortunately I could only find the rate of attendance of boys in school for 1911. Please examine these stats with a critical eye that they should be lower. 88% of boys in rural areas attended school for at least 1 year, but by year 3 this percentage dropped to about 38.5%.
*My math numbers will be off because there were a decent amount of women who were literate, just at a noticeably lower rate compared to men. For ease of math’s sake, I removed them from the population entirely, though the original percentage statistic did include them. They originally were likely less than 1% of the literate population in the 1860s statistic I used as a base.
Soldier Literacy
While it is useful to look at literacy stats of Vasily’s background (being a rural resident), what’s more useful is the literacy rates of the army for when Vasily was serving.
By the 19th century, Russia realized the value in literate soldiers – but unfortunately for Vasily, schooling for soldiers that the government had originally created in 1855 was abolished across the 1890s. But this did not mean literacy still did not rise in the military, as certain soldier ‘uncles’ brought it upon themselves to educate other soldiers. In fact, literacy in the army rose from about 21% in 1874 to about 68% in 1913 – rounded up to about a 6% increase in literacy every 5 years. Vasily would’ve been conscripted into the army by 1902, and applying the rate of increase, there was about a 51% literacy of the army in 1899, and 57% literacy in 1904. A higher than half chance for Vasily, who we see actively still in the army by 1907.
There are other factors to consider as well: Vasily’s rank and station. While the illiterate often went to the infantry units, specialized units had much higher rates of literacy. As I’ve discussed in the past, technically Vasily was in a specialized unit – the Special Border Guard Corps. His literacy chance rises higher due to this factor, as literacy was especially preferred because of the ability to read topographic maps and telegrams.
It is not Vasily’s presence in the SBGC that also increased his likelihood of being literate – it was his rank as well. While Noda removed most telling marks from Vasily of his rank, such as shoulder straps, there’s two glaring tells. Firstly, are his and Ilya’s binoculars. Ilya appears to be to be a Feldwebel (equivalent to an American First-Sergeant, British Sergeant-Major) given his position of ordering the other soldiers, and that he has binoculars which were only used by officers. He is, like Tsukishima, a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). Vasily himself also has binoculars, though one could argue this does not inherently make him an NCO because Ilya has at least two traits marking him as an NCO. After all, Vasily could have stolen his binoculars and his overcoat is one that a private would wear (Ilya does wear a private’s coat as well. Though, I have addressed before that the uniforms of the border guards gang are completely incorrect regardless of rank, so I am unsure of how much weight this should be given).
That second tell is actually Vasily’s cockade. The cockade worn on the hats of soldiers denoted generally their rank and status. So, while Vasily lacks any other visual clothing tells, his cockade can give a general idea if he is of a lower or higher rank, which does indeed change his literacy statistics.
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[Pictured are 3 cockades. The far left is the cockade of a lower rank soldier, while the cockades in the middle and far right are cockades of officers. Thank you to @rdstrpv for this image!]
This information is important because NCOs were almost demanded to be literate. It was essential for their occupation, as being able to read maps was one of the most important skills for an NCO to have. If Vasily was an NCO, which his cockade would indicate, he almost assuredly would be literate.
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[Pictured are the 3 different ways Vasily’s cockade is drawn.]
While in the anime Vasily’s cockade is given the appearance of the average lower-rank soldier, and typically this is how people place him. However in the manga, Vasily’s cockade is more ambiguous. When referencing it to the cockades above, it could pass as both a lower-rank or an officer’s cockade. The final example is of Noda’s detailed Vasily illustration that was not outsourced by an animation studio, nor constrained by swift time spent on manga panels. In this, Vasily clearly has on the cockade of an officer.
Obviously, given the anime drawing Vasily with a lower-ranking cockade and the manga is ambiguous, you could still make the argument he’s a low ranking soldier. Nonetheless, one should also consider that the government likely would’ve preferred to send a group of officers to apprehend a Tsar’s killer over, perhaps, privates, giving more credence to him being an NCO. And thus, Vasily’s literacy likeness goes up to almost-guaranteed. There were occasional examples of NCOs not being literate, but there were few and far inbetween, making it unusual that a young NCO was illiterate by 1907.
Cossack Literacy
Of course, Vasily was not necessarily in the SBGC. He could have instead been a Cossack. While the idea of an NCO and cockade still apply to Cossacks, I will still discuss Cossack literacy in the case you find Vasily to be of a lower rank.
Unfortunately exact statistical information regarding Cossack literacy has almost never been tracked before the Soviet period. Still, by the 19th century the Imperial Russian government had a special vested interest in educating their Cossacks, more so than their peasantry. There were many Cossack schools that taught everything from literacy to combat that children were almost required to attend. In fact, once entering the military at 21, Cossacks were required by the military to be literate unlike other soldiers, and if they were not literate they were mandated to pursue education while they were deployed.
This is not to say there were not illiterate Cossacks – one could finish their entire service as a Cossack without properly pursuing their literacy if they were crafty about it, similar to illiterate NCOs. But, again, this was unlikely. In comparison, Cossacks were far more likely to be able to read than that of the ordinary peasant in the army.
Final Thoughts
I’m of the opinion Vasily actually is literate, regardless of him being in the SBGC as an NCO or a Cossack. He’s a very prideful character, and it slowly became a limiting stigma that one was illiterate in Russia, even in 1907. This is not to say Vasily can’t be illiterate – many of the stats I gave showed that there was a decent chance for illiteracy, especially if he was a first-born son to a farming family and only low-ranked. But in my opinion of all the facts culminating, I find I prefer the idea of him being literate. Have fun with this information regardless, and may it help you in whatever you intend to write or draw in the future!
A big thank you to @rdstrpv for her help in answering a couple of my questions to make sure I wasn’t misrepresenting information, and for her images. She's always a big help.
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December Creator of the Month: Oh-So-Youre-a-Nerd
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is @oh-so-youre-a-nerd . We're very excited because Ascindio is our very first artist to be highlighted! We hope you will enjoy learning more about them and their work below! The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
Quick Links:
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How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
I started playing in 2016, I can't remember if I read Endless Summer or Rules of Engagement first, but I ended up deleting the app after like 2 weeks cause I couldn't stop buying diamonds 😅🤦
I re-downloaded it about, ohh idk 2 years ago?
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined the Fandom specifically on Tumblr and specifically for It Lives Within, which happened to come out right after I read the first two books 
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
I always try to seem cool and mysterious when I meet people irl, and then as soon as I open my mouth, I ruin it with some niche trivia or something, and they say,  “Oh, so you're a nerd.” 😂 Can't tell you how many times this exact phrase has been uttered to me. 
4- Pull up the first post in your archive, and tell us about it!  
This is the first Choices related post I made 😂 I was just thinking about the concept of what if characters make terrible decisions cause they're controlled by a player who is out of diamonds lol I was going to do a whole series of them (next was going to be lotr “fly on eagles to mordor?” *30 diamonds* or “simply walk”) but got lazy lol
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
Only art. God, I  WISH  I wrote too. I've thought about trying cause I have so many ideas floating around in my head, but at the end of the day, I'd rather spend my free time drawing. 
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
For Choices, since early 2022
For other fandoms, since well, forever, but I only started posting around 2017/18
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Favorite Choices book is probably It Lives in the Woods. All of the characters were so interesting, I never got bored reading it, and it had an incredible twist that made sense but I still didn't see coming. 
Favorite to create for is probably Blades of Light and Shadow though because I am such a sucker for the fantasy aesthetic.
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?.
This isn't the first Choices art I made, but it IS the first I actually shared
And honestly, I DO still like it because I still remember the way I felt absolutely POSSESSED while drawing it (I hadn't drawn anything for *months*). I would definitely change the background, though. Those trees look like shit, and they're not even the correct type for the kind of forest they're in. 
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
My favorite Choices art I've done is probably this piece. 
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10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
I definitely didn't expect this one to do well at all as it was so hastily drawn
And I was sad this piece didn't get more love, it was such a dope scene and I was so excited about how the sword turned out
11- If you could only draw one style or type of art for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? 
I'm not sure if I'm interpreting the question right, but if I had to pick like a specific type of art, it would be digital, and I would want to do fan art. I have a hard time painting anything that I don't already have a deep connection with (so original art with no story behind it is usually a chore for me), and digital art is just so incredibly convenient and not messy and so so versatile. 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
Because I use fiction as a way to safely process trauma/ grief/ other big emotions, each MC I make has a small part of me, whichever part I feel the need to explore at the time.
There's an amazing quote by Patrick Rothfuss that I feel explains it perfectly. 
It's from Wise Man's Fear
“These folk knew all about death. They killed their own livestock. They died from fevers, falls, or broken bones gone sour. Death was like an unpleasant neighbor. You didn’t talk about him for fear he might hear you and decide to pay a visit.
Except for stories, of course. Tales of poisoned kings and duels and old wars were fine. They dressed death in foreign clothes and sent him far from your door. A chimney fire or the croup cough were terrifying. But Gibea’s trial or the siege of Enfast, those were different. They were like prayers, like charms muttered late at night when you were walking alone in the dark. Stories were like ha’penny amulets you bought from a peddler, just in case.”
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most?
I have a very difficult time making the poses seem natural and flowing. My all time favorite art is Baroque/Renaissance style and how fluid the poses are, how soft the skin looks, how delicately it's all done. Obviously, I will always have my own style, but those are things that I so want to incorporate but never seem to get quite right, and it drives me crazy 😂
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
Not really. I mean, I have a ton of unfinished work, but as soon as the window of inspiration passes, I just can't get myself to care enough about it to finish it (insert Jake the Dog, “now it's gone, and I don't care about it anymore!” )
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
I would, and have.  I typically show them whatever most rendered recent picture from my Instagram because I don't post any nsfw there and usually try to post only my prettier work for this specific reason haha. (As opposed to here, I post everything here, ain't NO ONE from real life invited to see my tumblr 😂)
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
Writers: Brandon Sanderson, for sure. He's the reason I got back into art back in 2017 ish. His stories are just so emotional they push me to create. Same with @saibug1022, there is always at least one scene from every story he shares that I desperately want to draw to try to capture the emotions. 
Artists: God, sooo many, here are just like my top 3 favorites and their instagrams.
Audra Auclair
Obsessed with her unique style, and specifically the way she draws eyelids and noses
The way they draw those dripping, glowing wisps. I stare at their pieces for hours (no lie) trying to dissect them stroke by stroke to figure out how they do it.
Miho Hirano
Their art has a delicate whimsy-ness I would SELL MY SOUL to achieve 
17- Which one of your creations would you like to see a fiction written about? 
JC, this is the shit I DREAM of.
Definitely this one. 
So this is love.
This little comic means a lot to me. 
18- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
Very rarely, but I do, every so often. This is my favorite original piece.
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20-  What other hobbies do you have?
Gaming, singing, walking through the Cemetary with my wee daughter, reading, that's about it 🤷
21 - What’s your favorite emoji? 
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
I really wanted to say that I don't believe in “good” art and “bad” art (just ethical vs non-ethical). That being said, I know what it's like to hate your art, like soooo intimately. If you ever are feeling shit about your art, you can ABSOLUTELY message me (I don't care if we're mutuals or not, I don't care if we've never interacted before) and just say, “I am feeling shit about my art” and I will go through your art and tell you every specific thing I love about it and why it's wonderful. I am not joking; I am so so serious rn. 💗💗💗💗 
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thegothicalice · 7 months
Hi! I want to watch more films and well you are kinda the person to ask! So how do you find the time to watch so many films? How do you come up with what to watch and where/how do you tend to watch them?
And any other tips and tricks?
Oh boy, this is a slightly tricky question? But to start— loving movies is a full-on hobby that I make time for, including researching and learning a lot about film history, meta analysis and other things I have shelves of books about.
For one, I’ve used the tv as background noise while doing other things since roughly middle school— so it’s very common for me to watch a movie during breakfast and dinner, and do multiple movies during days off that I’m working on some kind of project. It’s a whole “if I’m not doing two things at once I can’t pay attention to either” situation. (And when I was doing 45-60 hours a week of drawing homework in college and still could find the pirating websites I can’t use anymore I watched so many movies).
I am very much a horror nerd. And in general, the horror community can be like being part of a club and being able to know director filmographies and intricacies of subgenres is part of that community— and since a lot of the actors and directors and effects people worked together in this kind of weird expanding web it makes exploring the genre kind of like a game (like I like The Thing and oh Rob Bottin worked on The Howling too and learned the craft from Rick Baker who was the first to get an Oscar for special effects makeup while working on An American Werewolf in London that John Landis directed but he also did the vampire movie Innocent Blood like ten years later and—). There’s a reason my Letterboxd watchlist never seems to dip below 600 even watching at least once movie every day.
I use Shudder a lot, but also Prime, Hulu and Tubi, and occasionally there’s stuff free on YouTube. I also hoard a lot of physical media. Since I’ve recently given up on Netflix I’ve been finding bootleg Blu-ray’s on eBay, because relying on internet when I’ve had many years of bad Wi-Fi and also a deep love of special features and commentary means physical media is something important to me (there’s a whole thing about preserving history outside of the internet’s ability to make things disappear but that’s a whole other conversation)
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(This is about 8’x5’)
Like I can have whole long diatribes about movies, because it’s a thing I get really into— I did rope one of my friends into a whole thing explaining the moral and existential concepts in Saw and Hostel II and the way to make PG-13 horror films function successfully and why 2000s horror in relation to American political landscape was Like That for almost an hour yesterday— which is why giving advice for new or casual watchers is tricky for me 😅
Anyway I have no clue if any of that was helpful but good luck!
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rainyraisin · 5 months
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My artstyle changed a lot this year, especially after my shift from ibis paint to procreate after getting my iPad (drawing on an iPad is the BEST btw 100% recommend I love it way more than a phone and it didn’t die after a month like my old wacom 💀💀). I’m relatively happy with where my art is atm and I hope to continue to improve in 2024!
Explanation of all the silly art down below! (Mostly so I can tell y’all who the fanart is for but also cause I like rambling)
January: A drawing of my Rise Leo human design I did to test out a pixel brush I found for Ibis Paint. He’s very fun to draw hehe I need to draw him more-
February: I wanted to learn how to draw the future designs of Leo and Mikey along with CJ so I planned to draw them all together! I struggled with Leo though so I just got rid of him. Sorry Peepaw 😞😞💔💔💔
March: Fanart for @beannary ‘s TLP au! I love it so much so I had to draw smth for it hehe 😈😈💥💥💥 which reminds me I need to draw more at some point- might redraw it at some point cause I’m not super happy with how it turned out but I do like the idea a lot
April: The month I created Reticent! April’s Fools was the first episode I came up with so I drew a chapter poster! It ended up being very different to the chapter cover I drew a couple months later but it’s still cool :D Leo is being weirdly affectionate to Mikey though what the heck that isn’t like him smh. Although I guess it was meant to be purposefully exaggerated sooooo 🥰
May: Reticent Casey!!! I don’t have much to say it’s just Reticent Casey HDKSGXKSHD this wasnt a very good art month
June: Krangified Donnie is literally my favourite concept ever thats it that’s all I have to say dbskdbwkh I adore Krangified Donnie and if the Rise brainrot takes over the Reticent brainrot for a while then I will probably be drawing Krangified Donnie during that time sorry not sorry
July: Reticent Chapter 3’s cover yippee!!! Still my favourite Reticent cover although Chapter 8’s is a close second (I can’t wait to post it once it’s been betaread yippee!!!). The scribble over Leo’s eyes is literally just because I was struggling to draw his eyes and i was getting annoyed dbskdbskdb it’s actually a very common issue with him (common Ret!Leo L). Also Mikey being reflected in the mirror is a reference to Mirror Man by Jack Stauber which I’ve basically considered his theme song since @aaronymous999 introduced it to me ebwjcbkwhd thank you Mr. Aaronymous! Also somebody said he was in the barbie box and I still need to draw that to this day because Mikey would’ve killed to go see Barbie.
August: RET DONNIE WOOOOO he’s being bullied again!!! I drew that piece for a colour palette challenge request and realised I got the prompt wrong so I just made it into its own thing 💥💥💥 it’s usually a flickering light gif but I chose to just use the version with the light on for this post. The photos in the background were really fun to draw hehe either April’s or Mikey’s is my favourite.
September: MY 500 FOLLOWER DTIYS YIPPEE (/my 150 follower DTIYS for tumblr). This one took me. Forever to draw and I love it to pieces hehe it was really fun to design Mikey’s room and figure out outfits for the sillies and idk the concept of a sleepover just seemed really fun to me dbskbdkdb- and all the entries I got were so so awesome I loved them all to pieces!!! I still look at them all the time hehe
October: FANART OF @endlesslogo ‘S HUMAN RISE LEO DESIGN WOOOOOO!!! This was the piece I started rendering on hehe it was so much fun to draw!!!! Although I did have a fight with rendering the hair for over an hour svsjegksbdk HOW DO PEOPLE DO IT FR!!!
November: Me and my friends were working on a crossover between our TMNT iterations so I drew all of our Karai’s together!!! Confluence Karai is on the left, created by Salem and Marine, New Stars Karai is in the middle created by Starla, and Reticent Karai is on the right created by me! All our Karais have such cool designs AHHHHH literally dead over them constantly/pos
December: Most of December I spent drawing Christmas presents so this was my present for Salem!!! Confluence!Jonatello my beloved….
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myreia · 4 months
Chapter Rating: Mature (full story rating is Explicit) Characters: Aureia Malathar (WoL), Aymeric de Borel, Thancred Waters, Hilda Ware Pairings: Aureia/Aymeric, Aureia/Thancred, Thancred/Hilda Chapter Words: 5,446 Notes: Set during the Heavensward patches. Summary: Aureia Malathar may have made a name for herself in Ishgard, but her deeds come with a hefty personal toll. Despite her victories at the Grand Melee she has never felt more unsure of herself. Her relationship with Thancred—the person she thought knew her the best—is strained, yet she cannot abandon him. Aymeric is falling for her harder with each passing day, yet she cannot bring herself to accept it. All may be fair in love and war, but at least war is predictable. Love on the other hand… Chapters: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 Read on AO3
Aureia kneels on the floor of the House Fortemps’ parlour, hands twisting nervously in her lap. Though her head pounds from the wine, it would not do well to draw attention to herself by collapsing now. Not when Alphinaud is so pale he looks sick with worry. Not when Tataru has wrung herself out with concern.
Not when Thancred stands several feet behind her, his eyes boring into her back even as he offers them his report.
“…she ran afoul of the Warriors of Darkness. I had been tracking them since the ceremony at Falcon’s Nest. Little did I know I was not the only one…”
She inhales a steadying breath and glances at Alphinaud. He sits beside her on the floor with his hands clasped around his sister’s, oblivious of everyone else in the room. Alisaie lies on the couch, bright eyes closed and her forehead damp with sweat, her breath painfully shallow. Her jacket is torn at the shoulder, old blood staining the fabric brown. Arrow wounds are dangerous at the best of times. She will be lucky if she can move the arm again.
If the poison doesn’t wreak havoc on her system first.
“…evidently she had learned of their activities and attempted to shadow them on her own. Poorly.”
Alphinaud flinches. Aureia nudges him with her elbow, offering him a tight smile. It is the best she can do. For all the cuts, bruises, burns, and various other injuries she has suffered over the years, she remains woefully inept at healing. White magic makes little sense to her. Though she understands the theories in principle, in practice they remain a frustrating challenge, one she has never improved upon no matter how hard she tries. She has long since come to terms with this gap in her skills. Most days she’s fine with it.
This is not most days.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers to Alphinaud as Thancred rattles on in the background, recounting the events to Aymeric and Count Edmont.
He smiles bleakly. “Thank you for coming.”
“I don’t know if there will be, but if there is any way I can help—”
“You presence here is more than enough, Aureia. I know you do not know my sister well, but that you came and came so quickly means more than I can express. So, once again…” He inhales a shaky breath. “Thank you.”
Alisaie groans, her expression contorting with feverish pain. Her mouth moves, indistinct words on her lips. She is still too frail to speak. However this poison has afflicted her, she is fighting through it. She is like her brother—determined, strongminded, and far too stubborn to yield and admit defeat. But a sickbed is no personal battleground. She will not make it through without help.
Alphinaud’s throat bobs and he smooths his sister’s hair back from her forehead. Though he has put on a brave face, she can already see the fractures in his composure. Unshed tears shine in his eyes, his voice cracks when he speaks, and he can’t stop shaking for more than a few seconds at a time. He is exhausted, his aether spent, his will diminished. That he cannot cure her himself must be eating him up inside. As talented a physician he is, not everyone is within his power to heal.  
The memory of Haurchefant’s final moments are not so easily forgotten.
“Here you are.”
A familiar, comforting voice speaks at her shoulder. Aureia turns to find Tataru standing beside her, carefully holding two cups of steaming tea. She smiles brightly passes one to Alphinaud and one to her. Aureia takes it gratefully, murmuring her thanks as she sips the milky liquid, brewed perfectly in the Ishgardian way. Tataru was quick to adjust to the country’s culture and customs, adapting within the first couple of weeks. She wonders sometimes whether she should take a leaf out of her book. Adaptation over resistance.
Aureia pauses and lowers the cup. An unfamiliar tang rests on the tip of her tongue. “It’s very nice,” she whispers, shooting Tataru a meaningful look.
Tataru grins and nudges her in the shoulder. “I added something a little extra,” she murmurs with a knowing smirk. “It may help with the headache.”
“I don’t have a headache.”
“Aureia, please, who do you think I am? You are not the first Scion I have had to sober up.”
She flushes, knowing she means Thancred. How does he seem to worm his way into every conversation?
“I’m quite proud to say I have a few tricks up my sleeves. And a few lectures, if you want one—”
“—though I hardly think you need it this time. I’m just happy you were having a grand time with the Lord Commander. I am very sorry your evening was interrupted.”
She sighs, shoulders slumping a little. “Don’t be sorry,” she says. “Probably for the best, if I’m honest.”
Tataru raises an eyebrow. She shoots a furtive glance behind her at Thancred and Aymeric, then rests a comforting hand on Aureia’s shoulder. The gesture speaks volumes: she will be there if she needs her.
“…but though I made every effort to cover our tracks, they caught up with us on the Ishgardian border. And in the ensuing struggle, Alisaie took an arrow to the shoulder. It was only after we had made our escape that I realized it was poisoned.”
Alphinaud’s expression twists, something akin to anger flaring in his eyes. “…only after?” he mutters quietly. “You could have noticed sooner. You could have done something.”
Aureia glances at him. “Alphinaud—”
Alphinaud drains his tea and shrugs her off. Setting the cup down, he rises to his feet and smooths down his coat, returning to his measured, composed self. Any hint of anger or frustration is gone. “Thank you for coming so quickly, Ser Aymeric,” he says, striding across the room to join them.
“Think nothing of it. How is she?”
“We have done all we can for now. Although the immediate danger has passed, the poisoned yet lingers in her blood…”
Aureia watches Alisaie, her mind wandering as Alphinaud addresses the others. Though he is weary, he speaks firmly—bravely, even—in the face of his greatest fears. If she’s honest, Aureia doesn’t know his sister well. Their time together was stunted and brief, leaving her with an impression that was unremarkable more than anything else. But the stories she heard after—from Alphinaud, from the Scions, from everyone whose lives this determined young woman had touched—cemented an idea of her in her head. Of how fiercely she loves, how passionately she lives, and the lengths she will go to protect the world she cares so much about.
It’s funny thinking on it now. Alisaie has made as much of an impression on her as she has on Alisaie. X’hrun Tia once told her that his curiosity was piqued after she spoke one too many times about her courage and her strength. That they would be independently mentored by the same red mage is an irony not lost on her.
This reunion should have been one made in kinder times, over tea and biscuits, not a sickbed. She doesn’t know the full story of what happened in the Twelveswood, but she doesn’t have to in order to understand the consequences. She knows better than anyone how recklessness can come back to haunt you. And Alisaie and Thancred are both hotheaded and reckless.
She gulps down her tea, grimacing at the aftertaste of Tataru’s special ingredient, and pushes it onto a nearby side table. Thancred is the senior Scion here and Alisaie is not even out of her teen years. It was a stupid decision to tail the Warriors of Darkness on her own and she may have gravely overestimated her abilities, but Thancred was with her. He should have kept her safe. She was in his protection and he botched it.
Aureia grits her teeth, guilt twisting in her gut. The reasonable part of her knows it’s unfair to blame him. The unreasonable part wants to.
Alphinaud’s voice cracks, shaking as he holds back tears. “…to be reunited with her only to lose her forever… Gods, even to speak the words.”
“Take heart, Master Alphinaud.” Aymeric’s voice is strong and firm, full of the warmth of confident decisiveness. “She will be in the care of our most skilled chirurgeons. Now, then. Ser Arthurioux, Ser Corentiaux, bear Mistress Leveilleur to the infirmary at once—”
Aureia glances behind her and a weight lifts from her shoulders. There’s something comforting about the way Aymeric takes control of dire situations. He—unlike anyone else she has ever known—has a way of commanding a room in the face of uncertainty. He is strong and focused, unflinching in the face of countless critical odds, only ever looking forward to the best possible outcome.
Tataru nudges her. “I see that smile,” she says wryly.
“What smile?” Aureia shoots back, brows drawn together.
Tataru gives her a knowing look.
“Apprise Captain Whitecape of the situation and inform him that she is to be treated as my personal charge—”
Alisaie’s weakened voice cuts through the commotion.
Alphinaud turns in surprise, fear and hope spreading across his face. “Alisaie?” He strides quickly to her side and drops to his knees, taking her hands in his. “Yes, I’m here. I’m here. What is it? What do you need—”
“Oh, shut it already.” She groans in pain, her eyelids fluttering, eyes not quite open. “Don’t go. Please. Is Aureia there with you? There is something I must say.”
Aureia exchanges looks with Alphinaud. “I’m here, Alisaie,” she says quietly. “I’m right beside you.”
“Good.” The young woman exhales shakily. Her breath is shallow, feverish. She may not stay conscious for long. “The Warriors of Darkness are in League with the Ascians.”
The name grips her, anger simmering deep within her chest. Pain rushes down her back in a wave, the scarred brands from so long ago searing back to life as she considers the shadowy cabal that has been haunting her every step for years. She never did get the pleasure of killing Lahabrea personally; Thordan stole that honour from her.
Fucking hells. They will never be rid of them.
“Slaughtering primals is but the first step in their plan… They make for Xelphatol to bring about Garuda’s summoning and to kill her.” Alisaie’s eyes snap open. Groaning, she pushes herself up on the pillows and seizes Aureia’s hand with surprising strength, holding it tightly as she meets her eyes. Her gaze is burning. “You must… you must stop them.”
Aureia nods. “I will.”
“Promise me.”
“I will.”  
Alisaie nods faintly and collapses into her pillows, her hand dropping from hers. Aureia sits back on her haunches, a harrowing mix of emotions welling up inside her. Anger at the Ascians, fury at these warriors for messing with forces they do not understand. Worry and fear of what might be coming. Exhaustion at the thought of another fight, and with Garuda no less.
And worst of all, the resentful frustration that once again, the fate of the world lands squarely on her shoulders. She never asked to be Hydaelyn’s champion. She never asked to be blessed with her unnatural talents. There is so much good that Hydaelyn has given her, but it has come with an exorbitant cost, one that not many understand. At this point she all but considers them a curse, but to say it aloud would make her spiteful and ungrateful.
There are too many people who look up to her now. Too many for whom she is the shining beacon of hope. Besides, she has made a promise. She has failed so many over the course of her life. She will not fail Alisaie now.
Tataru presses a gentle hand to her shoulder, shaking her out of her thoughts. “I will inform the others,” she says. With a careful bow to Edmont and Aymeric, she bids farewell and scurries towards the door, worry creasing her brow.
Aymeric sighs. “Master Thancred,” he calls, still unfinished.
Thancred’s expression is unreadable as he turns to the Lord Commander, his movements stilted and stiff. Aureia rises to her feet and crosses her arms, uncertain whether to join them or not. On first thought there is no reason why she shouldn’t, but on second thought she has no desire to. Cowardly, perhaps, but being in the room at the same time as both of them makes her uncomfortable.
She doubts Thancred has changed much during his time away. It’s too big of an ask to expect him to have any epiphanies. If anything, he looks and feels worse. Anger, resentment and envy all twisted up inside, bursting at the seams. He has been avoiding looking at her since she entered the parlour. If she forces her way in now, he may just explode—and it won’t be at Aymeric.
No. The only excusable target for Thancred’s anger is poor Emmanellain, chosen by virtue of being Edmont’s unimportant second son. It would risk a rift between the Scions and Ishgard if he brought his personal issues to a head with Aymeric. He’s not stupid enough to show him anything but curt professionalism.
And Aymeric—dear, wonderful Aymeric whose kindness she does not deserve—has no inkling of how much Thancred despises him. Even if he did, he would not know why.
She chews the inside of her lip and hangs back, lingering alone in Aymeric’s shadow as the two men speak. Alphinaud hovers at his sister’s side, watching anxiously as the knights prepare to move her.  
“I would ask you accompany Mistress Leveilleur to the infirmary—”
Out of the corner of her eye, she can feel Edmont staring at her. Judging. She has no doubt that he is fully aware of Aymeric’s feelings for her and the extent of their burgeoning relationship. House Fortemps are not gossips, but to claim the count is unaware of even the most miniscule developments in the House of Lords would be an understatement.
She rounds on him, meeting his gaze full on. A challenge. If there’s something he wishes to say to her, he best say it quickly.
“Your knowledge of her injuries may prove useful in determining her treatment,” Aymeric continues.  
Thancred nods briskly. “Of course,” he replies. “I hope it is not an intrusion, but I must ask the Warrior of Light come with me as well. I have been absent and there is business I wish to discuss with her—Scion to Scion, so to speak.” He stares past Aymeric and shoots her a significant look. “Besides, I believe she will be of great help in aiding to chirurgeons.”  
Damn it. Gods help her, she will have to indulge him or she will never hear the end of it. Though if the alternative is remaining here under Count Edmont’s scrutiny, then she would rather face Thancred than deal with an unwelcome intrusion into her personal life.
“Of course,” she says. “I am happy to help in any way I can. For Alisaie’s sake.”
His expression darkens. “Aye,” he replies. “For Alisaie’s sake.”
Silence settles between them, rough and bitter. Thankfully, no one else takes note. No one else knows.
“Then I will bid you adieu.” Aymeric’s announcement cuts through the silence. “With a long, uncertain road ahead of us, I suggest we all get our rest. I will see to the arrangements in reaching Xelphatol as swiftly as possible. If these rogue ruffians truly are in league with our mortal enemies, then we must put an end to their grand design once and for all.”
He pauses, something akin to disappointment shining in his eyes as he regards her. “It seems misfortune continues to transpire against us, my friend.”
“There’s always another crisis, Aymeric—”
“As I should know very well by now. You are a tempest, Mistress Malathar. I only pray that one day you will find refuge from the storm.” With a nod of his head, he gives her a deep, respectful bow and leaves the room, escorted by his knights.
The parting words linger in her mind, eating away at her as she and Thancred wait for Alisaie’s procession to prepare. His demeanour felt cold and far too professional after the evening they shared. What did she do? What did she say? Has she gravely offended him?
I don’t know. Maybe you have. Her stomach twists, her face flushing with shame as she thinks about the kiss. Why did she think that was a good idea? The wine emboldened her, yes, but maybe far too much. She shouldn’t have kissed him like that. Not without asking first.
Impulsive, obnoxious idiot fool.  
She curses, distracted by concern for Alisaie and worry about Aymeric that she hardly notices the cold as the procession leaves House Fortemps. The knights carry her on a stretcher, keen to make it out of the Pillars and to the infirmary before the weather takes a turn for the worse. Dark clouds gather in the night sky, blocking out the moon and the stars, and the chilled air is heavy—not with the promise of snow, but the certainty of sleet. Worse by far. The roads will be iced over tomorrow morning.
The knights pick up the pace, careful not to jostle Alisaie, the lights of their procession bobbing along in the dark. Aureia falls behind, finding it difficult to keep up with them after her evening dinner. Too much rich food and, well… Tataru’s tea may be working its magic, but she still feels the effects of too much wine and not enough water.
“Aureia.” Thancred speaks hollowly, sounding as exhausted as she feels.
She pulls her coat tightly around her body, suddenly far more self-conscious of her tunic’s open neckline than she would like. “They’re getting ahead of us.”
“Aye. Let them.”
“Some escort we are.”
“We are under no obligation to arrive at the same time as they. Despite Ser Aymeric’s heavy-handed assurances, you and I both know at most we are token support for Alphinaud. A task to keep us occupied and out of trouble while the good Lord Commander and our fellow Scions determine our next course of action. There is little real aid we can offer the chirurgeons. As comprehensive as my knowledge on poisons and the like may be, it is from the wrong perspective. They will identify the substance and determine its cure long far faster than I can.”
“Meaning you had—what was it—a week? Two weeks?—to identify the poison and you came up short.” Her tone is blunt. Rude. Seven hells, the insult feels better than she would like to admit.
He flushes, his visible eye narrowed with annoyance. “Aye,” he says finally. “That is true, I won’t deny it.”
“She could die.”
“She will not. She is in good hands now she is in Ishgard. The chirurgeons—”
“She could have died, Thancred. What in the seven hells happened out there in the Twelveswood?”
He is silent for a moment, a retort simmering on the tip of his tongue, one he can’t seem to bring himself to say. She wonders if it would be better if he started yelling at her. Get it over with. Rip the bandage off. “The situation was… complicated,” he says. “Too complicated for a verbal report in a noble’s sitting room. Not when the life of Louisoix’s granddaughter hangs in the balance. But it matters not—”
“It matters to me—”
“Regardless of whether you hear the full tale or the condensed version of events, both lead to the same ending.”
She snorts. “Do you really want to keep me in the dark?” she says. “I thought we trusted each other.”
He gives her a look. “I trust you with my life, Aureia, never doubt that. But as to the events on the border…”
“Just tell me. Before Tataru wheedles it out of you—or before Alisaie regains consciousness and throws it all out in the open.”
Thancred sighs, tilting his head back to gaze at Ishgard’s arching buttresses and tall spires disappearing into the clouded sky. The lantern light fuzzes in the misty gloom, doing little to stave off the dark. “Then count it among my growing list of failed accomplishments,” he says finally. “We escaped the Warriors of Darkness, persistent though they were. When we reached the border, Alisaie wished to continue on to Ishgard to reveal what she had learned. I chose to turn back.”
She nods, a hollow ache pounding deep in her chest. Judging from the version he told in Edmont’s parlour, she should have suspected as much. He has been bitter and resentful since his return, behaviour that has only intensified after the events at the Antitower. That he sought to somehow rectify things by confronting the Warriors of Darkness head-on, on his own…
It doesn’t bode well.
“Thancred…” she murmurs.
“At the time, I thought it to be the best course of action, the only course of action. Hampered as I am by my blasted inability to manipulate aether, we were doomed to proceed on foot. Alisaie refused outright to leave me behind. Would that I had insisted she go on ahead to safe harbour, but there is little to be gained in arguing with the girl.”
He grimaces and sticks his hands deep into his pockets. “We should have stayed the course. We were hidden. Our tracks were cleared. But I believed, in my own stupidity, that it was best to deal with them for good then remain in the shadows. I slipped out of our camp in the dead of night. Alisaie followed.
“My foolishness saw me captured. It was Alisaie who saved my hide, not the other way around. In a desperate attempt to stop me from sacrificing my own skin, she threw herself on them with all the fury she could muster. It is my fault—and mine alone—that she was injured. Alphinaud is correct, though he does not yet know the extent of it. I could have done something. I could have chosen inaction, rather than action.”
Thancred glances at her, his eye lingering on her face. “You are free to harangue me however you see fit. Gods know I deserve it and more.”
She draws to a stop, exhaling a long breath. “I’m not going to harangue you,” she says firmly. “I’ll call you a fool and an idiot—”
“But I’m not going to berate you. Thank you for being honest with me.”
He sighs and scratches the back of his neck, tugging at the ratty tail of pale hair. “There are many things I have done in my life that I am not proud of,” he says. “This one is rather high in that count.”
“Then maybe you’ve learned something from it.”
“Harsh words there, Aureia darling—”
She makes a face. If he was hoping the epithet would smooth things over, he thought wrong. “Do me a favour and never call me that again,” she says bluntly.
He nods, raising his hands in surrender, and together they press onward in silence. They have lost sight of the procession entirely, having watched it disappear into the mists some time ago. Ishgard’s streets are eerily quiet, absent of evening wanderers. They must be bundled up safely in their homes, waiting for the freezing rain to fall.
“You know you were under no requirement to accompany me, yes?” Thancred says after a moment. “You were well within your right to decline—”
“I should thank you for it,” Aureia interrupts. “Aymeric has duties to attend to and I certainly wasn’t going to stay there with Edmont eyeing me up.”
He snorts, amused. “Not caring for the good count these days, I see?”
“No. Yes. I don’t know—”
He smiles.
“—it’s all so very irritating. Ishgardian politics don’t so much as go over my head as they annoy me. It’s not that I don’t appreciate Edmont for everything he’s done, it’s that I feel he is too nosy and controlling for his own good. Look at his sons.”
“Perhaps I should not. Emmanellain and I do not share a charming history after all.”
She rolls her eyes. “What happened to Emmanellain was not his fault, but the damn pressure of living up to expectations set by a gifted brother. He has none of Haurchefant’s training or skill, and yet is expected to behave just like him. And when he inevitably fails to fulfill those demands, his father turns his eye to other, more skilled individuals.”
“Like yourself?”
“Like Aymeric.”
“Ah. Of course. Who could not fall under the mesmerizing charm of the Lord Commander.”
Aureia scowls. For a moment they were almost speaking like friends again. Almost.
They turn down a narrow street, the cobblestones slick with mist and melting snow. The rough walls of the tenements encroach on them, the rows of high windows shuttered against the dark and cold. The only light spills from lanterns that sway from the iron arches and spiked fences lining the alleyway.  
“And what of him?” she spits.
“I couldn’t help but notice you and he seem quite close,” he retorts. “Even closer than you were before my departure.”
“And? I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but you missed some developments since you’ve been gone, but we ended a war, Thancred. For good. That was reason enough for celebration—”
“So that is what you call it. And here I was wonder why I could smell wine on your breath.”
“We had dinner tonight. Is that a crime in your eyes now?”
“Nothing of the sort. I do hope you enjoy your celebrations, Aureia. Gods know you deserve all the happiness he can afford you.”
She stops short, anger burning in her chest. “Happiness?” she snarls, grabbing him by the arm. “What makes you think I’m happy with this? With any of this?”
Thancred pulls free from her grasp and rounds on her, his face inches from hers. “You’re the Warrior of Light,” he says. “Defender of Eorzea and a beacon of hope. Blessed by Hydaelyn and beloved by all. What possible reason could you have not to be?”  
“Oh, fuck you.”
“Aye, fuck me.”
She raises her chin, staring him down, and takes a step into him, her heart racing. The cobblestones are slick beneath her boots. Water drips from the gutters. The lanterns creak in the faint wind. Their breath mists in the air, rising together before vanishing into nothingness.
Somewhere far away, a distant shuttered window slams shut, the sound of its passage echoing through the neighbourhood.
They crash together in a fury. Aureia’s mouth presses against his in an open and furious kiss, her hands clutching at him as she pulls him to her. He grunts, his teeth scraping against her lower lip as he kisses her in return. She hisses his name, the syllables lost in her urgency, the heat of his lips devouring hers and her tongue in his mouth chasing away the cold. His fingers grasp fistfuls of her coat and he pushes her backwards against the alley wall.  
Her breath hitches from the force and she pulls him closer, urging him on. His kiss leaves her numb, shaking, exhilarated—somehow too much and not enough all at once. She doesn’t mind the roughness. She wants it. Whether this is desire or attraction or some gods damned way to find relief, she doesn’t care. She doesn’t know what it is.
It doesn’t matter. Not here, in this forgotten alleyway. Not with him.
The person who knows her the best.
The person she thought she knew the best.  
Aureia kisses him hard, her hands clasped around the back of his neck. He grunts, murmuring her name, the weight of his body heavy against hers as he presses her into the wall. His mouth abandons hers, leaving her cold and gasping for breath, only to close in on that soft, sweet spot beneath her ear. She inhales sharply, heat coiling deep within her, the urge to move overtaking her. Her hips move, grinding against him, an excited shiver running down her spine at the ragged sounds she draws out of him.
Thancred growls, the sound rumbling in her ear. His kisses consume her, his mouth roaming to the hollow of her throat. He slides hand beneath her coat, fingers tangling in her tunic, and yanks at the buttons. She moans at the touch and fiddles with the tie in his hair, loosening it with stiff fingers. He kisses her in response, his mouth hard on hers as he wrenches her neckline open and pulls the thin fabric of her bandeau down. Her skin prickles in the cold air, frozen by the chill yet warmed by the heat of his touch on her breast. He caresses her, running his thumb agonizingly across her stiff nipple.
She curses, her body shaking, his name lost on her tongue. She pulls the tie free and drops it, raking her hands through his hair as she chases his kiss with hers. He groans, breathless, his hips moving against hers as he pushes her hard against the wall. Her fingers find the ends of his stupid bandana, the one he insists on wearing as an eyepatch for some gods damned reason he never cared to explain. She pulls it free and drops it to the ground.
Thancred slows, his body going stiff. He still pushes her into the wall, his hand is still on her exposed breast, but otherwise he has frozen. Aureia draws back, her breath ghosting across his cheek, and meets his eyes.
One hazel. The other silver. And his look of dawning horror shatters her to the bone.
It isn’t until now that she finally understand what they have done. What they were about to do. Lost in whatever this unspoken thing lies between them, eating away at the remains of their friendship until there is nothing left.
“Aur,” he croaks. “I—”
Her eyes narrow. “No.”
He steps back immediately, the back of his hand pressed to his mouth. His loose hair falls across his shoulders as he stares determinedly at the ground, waiting for her to cover herself. She grimaces, cheeks burning, and she adjusts her bandeau and closes her buttons.
Thancred coughs, clearing his throat, and awkwardly picks up the discarded patch from the ground. Limp, stained, soaked in rainwater. “I…” he begins.
“This was a mistake,” she says firmly. “We can agree on that, yes?”
He looks away. “Would you rather hear the answer you want or the answer that’s true?”
She finishes adjusting her clothing and tugs her neckline up to its appropriate spot. “Are they not the same thing?” she retorts, folding her arms.
He closes his eyes. “Why must you be like this?” he whispers. There is no love, no hate, no feeling in his voice. Only numb exhaustion. “Very well. I cannot… I will not agree.”  
“Don’t be an ass—”
“I told you I have made many mistakes in my life. Do not ask me to add you to that list.”
Her jaw clamps shut, hurt aching in her chest.
“If you wish to talk about it, then find me at the infirmary. I will be with Alisaie and Alphinaud throughout the night, to make good on my promise. But Aureia—”
“I will not be there forever. After tonight, I will discuss this no more.”
She watches, dumbfounded, as he gives her one long, final look and turns his back on her, taking off down the alley. She does not follow. She cannot follow. There is no point in chasing after him, calling his name, doing all those things lovers are meant to do when their love is tested.
She doesn’t know if she even loves him. She doesn’t know if she should.
Aureia remains standing with her back to the alley wall when the sleet arrives. The downpour falls in a sheet, drenching her to the bone, the first ice pellets bouncing off the cobblestones. She sinks to the ground, one hand presses to her lips, the other to her neck, wincing at the bruised ache. The ghost of Thancred’s kisses are warm to the touch and have left their mark.
It is a long time before she gathers her strength and forces herself to her feet. She can’t stay here, not with hail on the way.
There is only one place she can think of to go.
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maddeningtrash · 5 months
Hey I saw your agent OCs and I wanted to learn more about them
Not sure what infos to drop so I’ll attempt some TLDRs on them. They’re agent ocs so shit about their backgrounds can change at anytime cuz of Nintendo writing 😭
Captain 3 (Anri)- Currently 21, cis male, he/him, bisexual. Joined the NSS after running away in the city to escape his abusive father. Craig Cuttlefish is like a father figure to him, and he looks up to Cuttlefish a lot. He gets lost in the metro for almost a year around when he was 16 which led to the loss of vision in one eye, some nerve damage, and the loss of his apartment, pets, and possessions due to his place getting sold while he was missing. This trauma led him to be a hermit for another year or so, only managing to cope with the help of Marie. Marie being so nice to him lead to sparks and at the age of 20, along with receiving a promotion to Cap’n status, he and Marie started to date. Currently he’s stationed as the leader of the NSS, he isn’t nearly as active in combat as he used to be due to his disabilities but is still quite powerful.
Agent 8 (Hachi)- Currently 19, cis female, she/her, lesbian. She was orphaned at a young age and has been part of the octarian army for practically her whole life. Unlike most of her peers Hachi had an intense fascination with literature and often fished books to read out of the trash, unfortunately this hobby of hers caused her to be subject to bullying— which she didn’t make any better with her somewhat annoying insistence to make others read what poems she’d make herself. Upon hearing the Squid Sisters song, she was inspired to run away from the army— believing the world of inklings were a lot more enriched with the arts than what the octos had to offer her. During her escape, she bumps into Craig and Anri— Anri and her scrap, and boom everyone’s lost. She managed to get everyone out of the metro and save the world from mass destruction, and has joined the NSS ever since. She thinks she’s not nearly given enough thanks for the whole “saving the world” bit. Through her journey in the metro she’s become a huge pop fan as well, she stans Squid Sisters and Off The Hook. Currently she lives in an apartment with Ivy, she works as a (I don’t know yet) and writes shitty romance novels on the side, with Ivy as her editor.
Agent 4 1/2 (Ivy)- currently 20, cis female, she/her, pansexual. She and her brother, Ivan, were raised in a rural village and came to the city at 15 to pursue their interests in the arts. Little did they know following the sad looking pretty lady down a manhole would lead to them becoming soldiers! Along with NSS shenanigans, Ivy would write for a webcomic she and her brother Ivan collaborated on. In recent times the webcomic has been put on hiatus due to Ivan going to college— so nowadays Ivy just couch surfs, living with her situationship friend Hachi. She has an excellent sense of vocabulary and grammar despite her appearance of being a sloth, but she doesn’t do much with her skills besides help others with their projects.
Agent 4 2/2 (Ivan)- Currently 20, trans male, he/him, pansexual. He and his sister were raised in a rural village, blah blah blah already read about it in Ivy’s. He’s always been an avid artist, drawing for a webcomic co-authored by Ivy, and as of currently the NSS is funding his college and dorm at an art school. He also scored a boyfriend named Atarime who was an ex soldier who was lost in the metro like Hachi. Currently Ivan’s just chilling as a student.
Agent 3 (Sai)- Currently 14, cis female, she/her. Ran from home and accidentally found herself in space fighting a giant bear, happens to the best of us. She’s a little shit to put it politely, chaos is always her goal. She hates authority figures of all sorts, making it a point to disobey Cap’n 3 and Agent 2 (she’s chill with Callie/Agent 1) and she is constantly vandalizing or breaking something. She also has a love of salmons, being the protector of 4 stranded lil guys she named Pipebomb, C4, Molotov Cocktail, and Greg.
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minmodulation · 1 year
New Ishiguro Interview on "Tengoku Daimayko/Heavenly Delusion" Anime (Rough Translation)
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1) When did you first learn that an anime would be created based on your story? How did you feel about it?
I heard about it from the original editor about 3-4 years ago. At first, I didn't feel anything special. After all, proposals for creating anime are quite common, although their realization remains in question. I thought, "I don't think this is a suitable story for anime, although if someone sees the value of this content as animation, it may give me more confidence in the idea that worries me."
2) What were the goals set for the anime adaptation team?
I expressed the opinion that if the plot is transferred directly from the source material, then there is no meaningful load. I love the animation style and direction in anime, so I asked them to create a work that creates a sense of the need for existence in anime format. Also, in case of disagreements between the source material and the direction, the creative vision of the director and operators should be considered a priority, and they should create what they want instead of simply following the source material.
3) How is Isiguro-sensei involved in production?
My role is almost like a final check. I look at what has been created and say "It's all good" (laughs). The project is wonderful, so my set of compliments has started to run out. The production period coincided with the COVID period, so direct communication with my team was very limited.
4) Did you discuss the original plot and other aspects with the team?
At the first meeting with the animation studio, I told the director a nearly finished plot that had not yet been drawn. I couldn't help talking about the plot, but it was difficult (laughs). It was like the situation where "a future manga artist, a student at the university, can't debut because he only tells his friends the story without drawing it" (laughs).
4.1) Each character perfectly matches their image and it's amazing.
5) What is the opinion on the anime script?
I was told that the original work has a very convoluted structure and was written blindly, so consider it a draft. Therefore, when I read the script, I thought, "Oh, I see, this is a good decision. This is the right way." I even want to redraw the manga from the beginning, transforming the anime script into a drawn project.
6) What is the impression of the cast?
I was hardly involved in the selection of actors. At the final stage, I only said something like "Increase articulation a little." The studio carefully studied the dramatic roles and chose actors that matched, so each character perfectly matches their image and it's amazing. The performer of the role of Maru is very good in strong dramatic scenes, so I think we need to add more serious scenes for Maru in the original.
7) Can you tell us what awaits us in the 3rd episode and beyond?
The 3rd episode focuses on the memories of the main character, so even from this episode, you can understand the plot. The 3rd episode was so amazing that I had something to think about for several days. I even thought that I would buy the DVD just for this episode. Anyway, I would like you to watch the 3rd episode and continue watching the anime further.
8) Is the manga better?
No, the anime version surpasses the original. Everywhere, in every place, the anime is beautiful, but if we talk about the most noticeable aspect, it's the background colors. The flawlessness of the background picture is noticeable right away while watching. I would even say that the difference in airiness between the background of monochromatic lines in the manga and the background art in the anime is simply night and day.
9) Please say a few words for manga and anime fans.
"Tengoku Daimakyou" is a project that goes against the trend, where the essence is clear from the title, where the story unfolds over four pages, and where readers simply scroll through the manga on their phone screens. I think everyone involved in creating the anime also agrees with this, and they express it in the form of super-detailed originality. We promise to answer all open questions in the original, so if you're confused, you can go back and read again, and also watch more detailed movements and direction in the anime and flip them back and forth to not miss details and impressions. We would be grateful if you could join the project.
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artamogus · 3 months
Greetings, pardon my absolutely un-prompt demeanour, not only have I drawn few and far between but lots of it are caricatures of my friends and I feel heavily uncomfortable posting them here without their consent.
although there are some things here and there i can share .
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I made homestuck edits of a lot of people on an specific discord server (a lot of everything of late has been on that specific discord server actually) and since they are bsaed on their likeness i don't feel like sharing them, this is mine though so look at me go ^v^
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Btw the little frog icon is actually based on this years old doodle by this awesome artist you should check their shit out it's crazyyy (not quite as cutesy as this doodle though :b)
Then there was the Drought (there wasn't a drought, I just spent like two months homestuckifying everyone who looked at me weird, and you get to be a homestuck, and you get to be a homestuck.) but there are some analogic doodles from then !
I randomly realized that Hatsune Miku (Crypton future media) and The King of Sorrow (Klonoa) have the same colour so look at these (there was a doodle of TKoS dancing viva viva happy but it looked so dull It's going into the forgor)
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Then someone suggested we draw Monochromatic art, I did the dullest things I could with it though (this is one colour and the background I can see through my lies) , I really need to get back to that one of these days.
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And now for the important, Redd Doodles 8=3 of the analogic variety
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And some digital doodles of both Redd and Dok (My usual persona) who are also just ocs i haven't really given a lore to yet I just hting their designs are awesome
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hehe doktopus (although i guess sweetlittleoctopussy ?)
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This is the second time i have drawn a mock up game over screen with these two
As well as somme digital conversions of my favourite analogic doodles
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Yeah... One of these days I need to learn how to draw Digitally as well as I draw Analogically 8=/
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Reaction to RWBY Crew Commentary V9
Alright, as is tradition at this point, got my copy of the Blu Ray so let's get started.
Okay, first of all, before I even hop into the commentary, I love that the title screen for the menu is Ruby falling through that mural in the OP. That is... That is so cool man! Whoever thought of that... I love you. You're a genius.
So we start off with Kerry, Eddy, Laurie (hope I spelled that right). And addressing how they had to work mostly from home on this volume and the challenges that caused.
Yeah, quick reunion was the right call. I mean, we did the Team RWBY split for two volumes (4 and 5) and then again in V8. Don't keep the girls apart again.
Little origins! Give me! Someone that starts how Ruby started...
I mean... yeah, I assumed Ruby knew about Penny from Weiss. Like... duh.
Same peeps for episode 2 but also with Paula? Again, I hope I heard that right.
Return of Blake the Book Nerd.
Yang and Blake kind of dig the Ever After, Weiss hates it, and Ruby is lost in her thoughts.
Luci improvised Little's little song.
Oh, Yang might still think this is a dream so nothing here matters... That's an idea. Everyone grieves differently...
Man I love Weiss in this episode.
"We can't have her be the butt of every joke." .... I want to see what they cut.
Episode 3! We've picked up Conner, Dustin, and Kiersi! Lost Laura and Paula.
The animation is so good man.
Putting away depression to help her friends.
Prince Trauma(TM)
Neo Scary.
Episode 4. Kerry, Eddy, Miles and Dustin.
Curious talk.
Self critic!
"She learned her lesson in the end, right?" "Oh, I'd certainly say so."
"If there's something Ruby can blame herself for, do it!"
"Cat wanted to scope out which one of the girls was weakest."
Shout out to the VAs!!
Chapter 5: Kerry, Eddy, Paula, Kiersi!
Cat is dismissive of WBY. Focuses only on Ruby.
The Blacksmith: The Ever After itself is now reaching out to Ruby.
Walking the line between the audience knowing that Ruby needs help and WBY not quite understanding how bad it is.
Making sure the emblem wasn't on Ruby's model after was a pain.
"Oh no, he's hot."
Episode 6: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Laura.
The difference between Jaune having already lived for many years with this guilt in the Ever After and RWBY who are still fresh.
How protective Kerry is of the Bee scene is amazing.
There was an idea that the vision Alyx saw was that she saw that someone in her party was going to keep her from returning home, and it ultimately is herself before the Cat kills her.
Ya'll have already seen other posts about Kerry and crew's thoughts on the Bee scene and what it means for the Yang and Blake so I won't go into all that because, yeah, can't say it better.
"They were actually in front of each other the whole time." Excuse me!
"Now she has to step up again." ....Ow.
Episode 7: Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Dustin? I think that's what I heard.
How the meeting went: "Well he can't have been doing nothing, that would be really disappointing." *Beat of silence* "Oh, that would be really disappointing." Evil geniuses.
Stuck in the pattern of trying to be the hero. Both incredibly busy and doing nothing.
"He's more lost than ever."
Fighting on a hill. I'd never considered the complications of that either.
Miles and Lindsey kill this scene man. It's so good.
Episode 8 (oh boy): Kerry, Eddy, Miles, Paula, Kiersi.
Had to cut an episode due to scheduling and budget. Scary to have to rework that.
Mad Hatter's Tea Party.
The flowers on the Tea Cups are Forget-Me-Nots.
Imposter Syndrome.
Neo landed on the Brother's Acre.
"Neither one of them won that fight." Neo and Ruby.
Episode 9: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Dustin, Kiersi.
Blacksmith is a therapist.
Weiss is the best, true.
What do the characters want?
Episode 10: Kerry, Eddy, Yssa, Kiersi, Dustin.
Aw, their kids contributed some of the background drawings for Yang and Ruby's room.
Furious Cat.
"She's the self that chose herself." "She emerges herself but different."
"I'm so happy." I love how much they love this show.
"How do we not redeem her but give her this sort of neutral path?"
Oh man, I'm tearing up before Somewhat even shows up.
Somewhat is no longer defined by having one purpose.
Dude, they keep talking about not wanting this to be filler so they had the backstory of the Brothers but I will always stand by that if the characters learn and grow as people then it will never be filler. So from the beginning this was never going to be filler.
"One small kindness, in one small moment, led to such a marvelous transformation." That line always destroys me.
Whelp, that's a wrap on the commentary for V9. Now... we wait.
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y010isaghost · 2 months
my eldest daughter(oc) turned 8 as of yesterday
(cw: feelings /hj)
it's crazy to think about how i've contemplated erasing her from existence so many times (and probably more times to come). she started out bad, then got even worse 2-3 years in, and i feel like i've just been trying to fix her(my past mistakes) for the past 5 years or so. so many unnecessary details and changes piled on top, so much poorly-thought-out worldbuilding for the sake of something rooted deeply in so many awful things. i've kinda learned to just quietly coexist with her now, and it's way better than trying to fix her or forget her entirely. she's cringe, but it's okay. she's just a byproduct of a child-to-teenager trying to be human.
anyway, here's her bday art. if you recognize her, NO YOU DO NOT. though it'd be crazy if you really did because i've only ever shared her with irl friends and a small group of folks on amino ages ago, but still, i'm definitely not the same person anymore
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(the background and lines are to emulate the look of a page of the notebook where i used to draw all my stuff)
(also man i havent drawn humans with a non-circle head shape in ages)
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opanchu · 5 months
1 5 8 20 24 25! happy new year adri i love u sm <3
1. favorite drawing from this year
DEFINITELY THIS like holy shit I outdid myself
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5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
hmmm maybe the background in the ysayle drawing! I don't often draw details cause I feel like my art is just not built for that, but the frosty branches and the snowdrop flowers in the bg fit the drawing as a whole
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8. underrated drawing you did
these two....sigh.............. OKAY my bad for drawing that first one when the barbie hype was over and for the second being fanart of an extremely underrated movie but 😭😭😭 yeah.... I feel like I should remake the second one cause it's been a while since I drew it
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20. what do you think youve improved on the most over the past year
definitely improved on putting less focus on making everything look perfect! a while ago I focused too damn hard on making everything look precise and 100% correct, completely flawless and touched up to the point it, ironically, started looking even more off but now I don't really bother with that! I often make my stuff messy and only put details on important parts, I want to convey the general vibe I'm going for which is absolutely what I want with my art and what my major inspirations for art also go for
24. what do you like most about your art style
this is a pretty hard one tbh, not bc I can't say anything good abt my art style (cause I can!) but bc I'm not good with describing it 😭😭 but I guess I like how it can look effortlessly pretty no matter what I'm drawing!
25. best advice youve recieved this year or something new you learned about art
HMMM.... also a difficult one im not really sure, but I think I learned that my art is just one specific way and I can't hate it into changing. also that taking inspiration from one thing doesn't stop me from making my art meaningful for a different thing, like how I take inspo mainly from fashion design illustration but I can still make things that are symbolic if that makes sense. I can even use fashion as symbolism if I want to ^^
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shynetyme06 · 11 months
1 - 23 :3
cracks knuckles okay
1. how would you describe your art style? uhhhhhhhh, maybe "safe" is the word rn. whenever I think of my art style, what comes to mind is just how little I've been pushing things with it. I wanna change that ;D
2. what's your favorite thing about your style? I realize I like to use semi-realistic proportions, its cool how comfortable I've gotten with drawing faces and bodies
3. what's your least favorite thing about your style? It's so static man. same thing I said for the first question, I don't think anything really looks bad, but it just is lacking in creativity in comparison to the older art that should be looking worse than what I do now. I prefer my older stuff ;D (looking at you inktobertale2021.. where did it all go wrong)
4. favorite thing to draw? regular ol people. human characters are def more in my comfort zone, which explains why I keep hitting skeletons with the humanization ray (also I prefer to draw feminine characters)
5. least favorite thing to draw? I can't even say I rlly dislike it cuz of how rarely I even do it, but I am procrastinating so hard on learning backgrounds..
6. warm colors or cool colors? cool colors are my fav, but i find it easier to work with warm ones (I used to put a cool overlay over all my warm toned drawings hgdhfg)
7. show us a WIP behold, the wip ever. this drawing... was supposed to be posted on august 2022. and then, it was supposed to be posted on dec 21st, dream and nightmares birthday. (atp if I do end up wanting to finish this idea again, I'll probably just scrap it and start over)
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8. what's the most fun and least fun parts about your process? most fun is flat color and rendering. (though I rarely do the latter anymore) and for least fun, tbh a lot of the sketching part tends to be difficult for me, sometimes its cool tho
9. show us a finished piece alongside the original sketch example from when sketching was fun
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10. how many different sketches do you usually have until your piece is finished? I think I do need to make more of at least thumbnail sketches tbh.. I usually just make one and keep editing it, trusting the process. (and that fails like 70% of the time. woww wonder why sketching isnt fun for me-) 11. show us the last thing you drew, be it a finished piece or a small doodle can this count,,
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12. show us an old drawing first deltarune drawing. here's the redraw I later made of this :3 (also old hsgdhgf)
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13. how long do you usually take one a piece? depends. I'll have like 276478923 wips started, and then I get a random idea that I just have to do right at that moment, and I'll get it done in like 1-4 hours. meanwhile old sketches start to rot and maybe if its lucky I'll revisit it before my motivation dies and my style is too different to wanna continue from where I left off 14. digital or traditional? digital all the way, i've gotten too dependent on the transform tool + liquefy ;D (and many other things tbh but I'd be here all day if I tried comparing them more jhdjdf)
15. if digital, what program do you use? procreate, the layouts on other drawing programs scare me
16. favorite media to work with when drawing traditionally pen on paper (am I understanding this right wdym media-)
17. what do you love getting compliments about? I like when people enjoy the humanizations I come up with, and also original designs in general 18. are you satisfied with the attention your art usually gets? hmmm yeah
19. how often do you draw? very often, I just don't have finished things to share most days
20. a piece from this year that you're really proud of :3
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21. something you would like to improve on the dynamicness (well, the lack of it) of everything, as said before
22. what inspires you? Ink sans and a ton of creators in this fandom (also animated shows and movies, I love animation)
23. what's something you hope people notice when looking at your art? idk tbh, just notice it at all and I'm happy :>
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m0r1bund · 2 years
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[Image: A short comic. It opens with the battered body of a dead mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), laying among its own feathers. Dried blood cakes its eyes shut. In the next frame, someone picks up the dove’s cold, limp body.
The frame pulls out to show the cyborg MarkOS, kneeling down on mechanized legs. He wears a chunky respirator under his hooded robes, and goggles that blot out his eyes. He scoops up the dove in both hands, and cradles it close to his chest. Panes of light reveal that we’re actually looking at his reflection in a window. The glass is cracked, and the cracks distort MarkOS’ reflection somewhat, but the source of the damage is hidden somewhere off-screen.
MarkOS stands up. The fractured glass comes fully into view. It's a mark of the dove’s fatal collision with the window, and it eclipses MarkOS’ profile like a halo of spidering stress fractures. Blood drips down from the raw edges of the glass, and his reflection becomes so distorted that it’s hard to make out.
He looks at his reflection—at the viewer. The shards of glass catch the light just right, and he catches a glimpse of his old self. It takes him back to a memory from another time...]
And it feels different And it feels the same
(checks my pulse) no yeah I’m still on one. Post-Killswitch ruminations. TYPHOON is full of pathos and so is MarkOS.
For those who don’t go here: hi, this is my boy MarkOS. He’s from a story about two women traveling an irradiated hellscape in the far, far future, and learning about things like love and restoration ecology and dodging the draft.
With gratitude to Archaii for sharing these broken glass resources. I love rendering glass and reflections, but for some reason, drawing believable-looking cracked glass is something that takes me 8 years. And I very much needed to get this out of my system Quickly.
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[Image: Another short comic. MarkOS presents the dead body of the mourning dove to the Doc, who is a tall, inscrutable something-or-other. She wears thick robes that resemble MarkOS’, but are somewhat fancier. They conceal her whole body from toe to tip, and her face is hidden behind a mask that looks like some sort of bird skull.
She glances over at MarkOS’ strange offering, and one has to imagine that she makes a face at it.
“That isn’t what I asked for,” She says.
MarkOS insists. He raises the dove as high as he can for her to look at it. The Doc throws her head back indignantly.
“It’s dead,” she says, waving her talons at it dismissively.
MarkOS just stands there, holding the dove up.
The Doc puts her hands on her hips and examines him, instead. “What’s wrong with you? Did one of your semantic cables come loose?”
Her lab assistant, Reyes, is off in the background repairing a doorway. Reyes looks over at the two of them, and says “Think he wants you to fix it, boss.”]
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suzy-queued · 1 year
Artist Interview
Happy Boxing Day! I was tagged by @you-are-so-much-better-than-that in this artist interview.
1. Do you post on AO3? If so, how many works do you have on AO3? If not, where do you post?
I do post on AO3 as Suzy_Queue. I have two art galleries there, one for general art and one for Kinktober 2022.
2. What is your total art count?
If you count art done for other people's stories, headers for my own stories, and Gallacrafts pieces, it's around 150.
3. What are your top 5 pieces by likes/kudos?
I use this cool website to get my full Tumblr stats. According to them:
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4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Although I'm not the fastest at it.
5. What is your current fandom, and what was the first fandom you drew for?
Currently, it's Gallavich all the way. The first fandom I remember drawing for was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, making my own comics. (they were 7th-grade-girl bad).
6. Have you ever received hate on any art?
Nope, people are very supportive, even on pieces that I know aren't that great.
7. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t drawn for yet but want to?
I can't really think of any.
8. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
The one that has lived in my brain for the longest part of my life is Han/Leia.
9. Do you draw outside of fandom?
Yeah! I was an art major in college. I've been a professional artist for 20 years and have created art for book covers, movie posters, album covers, logos. I go to figure drawing sessions at a local art school and am in a nature journaling group. I've displayed my horror art at conventions around the country.
10. What’s the an art piece you’ve drawn that came out completely differently than you expected?
This was the first piece I ever drew on a tablet with a pressure-sensitive pen. It was an experiment to learn the tools. I had no idea how it would look, and it turned out all right.
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11. Do you draw smut?
Yep! There's some smut in this gallery.
12. Have you ever had any of your art stolen or copied?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever collaborated on a piece?
I've created art for stories working with the author, but I've never co-drawn a piece of art. Unless you count playing Exquisite Corpse with my children.
14. What’s an idea you have that you have yet to draw?
Oh, I have a lot. The one I think about most is a picture of Ian and Mickey in a lineup at jail, looking disheveled, hung over, and completely in love.
15. What are your drawing strengths?
I like my compositions a lot, the flow of items throughout the picture. I feel like I'm good at drawing what I see in a realistic way, whether it's a photo or real life.
16. What are your drawing weaknesses?
Drawing from memory/imagination. I have to have reference photos of what I'm doing or I go off the rails. I need to develop more trust in my own style and lean into weird proportions and my own skewed vision.
17. What’s your favorite art piece you’ve drawn?
I'm quite partial to this book cover art I did. It's spray paint, pastel, and acrylic. It's about 4 feet tall.
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18. What is one thing you’d like to tell people about your art that they might not know?
Just because I've been doing it for a while doesn't mean I'm not still learning every day.
19. What inspires or motivates you to create for fandom?
I have a lot of emotional energy churning below the surface. Creating art and fics helps get it out. It's a much more positive outlet than letting it brew.
20. And finally, can you describe your process a little? Do you have a favorite place to draw? Do you play something in the background? Do you do research or just go for it? Give us a little insight.
I have a basement office where I write and draw. I bought a new table this year which I absolutely love. I do most of my creative work between 9-11 pm after the rest of my family has gone to bed. I do love music and play it a lot while I draw.
I research a ton. I spend a lot of time making photo compositions for every piece I draw, which are collages of body parts and other images.
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Thank you so much for the tag for this interview!
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