#in ABOUT I wrote instructions
doesnotloveyou · 1 year
"I'm not a writer but I've read books on how to write so now I know everything and can tell you you're doing it wrong"
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6vaguebook · 9 months
After watching this first two episodes of the Percy Jackson Disney+ show, my main takeaway (outside of Percy taking on THREE Ares kids with no training and not even being wet) is that Luke was done so, so well.
The actor EMBODIES him. Even before I saw him acting, one picture was enough to convince me that this man WAS Luke, despite looking nothing like him. His friendship with Percy feels so much stronger. I'm already feeling the devastation from the inevitable betrayal. Just. He's so well done.
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I've been reading Exodus lately and I've just gotten to the portions where God gives the first commands to the people via Moses (twice), and then goes on to give detailed instructions about the tabernacle and how it should be built, and I'm just... we think art is unimportant?? we think things only mean as much as their functionality?? we so easily fall into the trap of believing that beauty means nothing, that it's cheap and only worth whatever mindless distraction it brings, that it's barely more than a cheap sensual thrill, that buildings should just be practical and plain and cheap, that everything should be functional but ultimately disposable, that paintings and dresses and mugs and curtains and carpets are just pretty but have no real value, that beauty is fleeting and vain and therefore shouldn't be thought about too much, if even looked for at all... we fall into these traps so easily, and we forget that there are chapters upon chapters of painstakingly detailed plans to build one portable worship tent, and those plans have been handed down through thousands of years of human history, because beauty and art and skill in craft is important
#I have to go get ready for work now but I will come back to this#and don't even get me started on the parts about God calling specific craftsmen *by name*#he called them!! by name!!! he said 'this man is good at his job. he creates beautiful work. he will build my temple and make it beautiful'#and even more--God inspired him!!!! it was a calling of GOD for him to create beautiful carvings and tapestries and candlesticks!!!#look even if you're not jewish or christian or religious at all you have GOT to see what it means that all these incredibly detailed plans#for building this tent-temple are extremely important#because even if you don't believe in God and don't think that this is all significant bc he personally gave the instructions#and then helped preserve this record of them so we could still read them today#you do have to see how important they were to the people of that time who first wrote them down#and the extreme care that was taken to record all of those detail#AND the fact that it's been preserved for so long and we can still read all the care that was put into creating this incredible piece#of artwork and worship they made#gurt says stuff#I just. gahhfhhfj. I'm feeling emotional about chapters of the Bible that I can't even fully force myself to pay attention to#bc there's so MUCH and I'm bad at visualizing this stuff and I tend to zone out while listening to it#but the fact that it IS that much!!! that there SO MUCH DETAIL and it goes on for SO LONG that I even struggle to pay attention!!!#that this was THAT IMPORTANT to the people who wrote it and to God!!! as an artist and someone who has always cared about art#this means so much to me ok#christianity#bible verse#bible thoughts#exodus#art#theology
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fideidefenswhore · 2 days
more tudor historians need to make the distinction between ‘recorded’ and ‘reported’…
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goldkirk · 5 months
Insurance just denied the procedure for tomorrow morning. Guess I’ll go fuck myself!
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anabetel35 · 1 year
Honestly the best part about season 16 is not the fact that the ultimate technique for defeating the overlord are literally the lyrics to the theme song of the whole show, but the fact that the weekend whip canonically exists in Ninjago, bacuse in The Royal Blacksmiths, the ninja dance to it in the competition. Which means that all of the ninja knew the song through the vast majority of the series. And also that some random band managed to not only guess the correct combination of moves the ninja had to do in the correct order, but they also managed to make the song popular enough to the point where four (possibly) teenagers living in secluded places, namely a monastery out in the middle of nowhere, still knew about it and liked it enough to make it their song in a dancing/singing contest/talent show that meant a lot to one of their teammates.
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amrv-5 · 3 months
in my cutthroat careerbitch era
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wellhalesbells · 8 months
the thing that fucks me up about rereading instructions for dancing is trying to pinpoint when it is that derek becomes obsessed with stiles and realizing the answer seems to be always. from the beginning. the moment they met. that poor bastard. he probably should have tried to be a little nicer about it, though, saved them both some hardship.
I think it slides so quickly from fear and annoyance that Stiles will steal Scott away to 'Oh no, oh fuck,' I'm not even sure Derek knows himself. Poor guy hamstrung himself by starting out with the 'I'm going to scare him away' mentality then wondering where the hell that went and trying to find it again through almost every subsequent interaction (while something so much bigger and so much worse - Derek's Thoughts�� - completely eclipsed it). Meanwhile Stiles also helps cultivate Derek's dickish-ness by assuming that original motivation to be his only interest in him at all, essentially until the moment Derek tells him he's in love with him.
Which is hopefully why it seemingly comes out of left field for Stiles and the reader, because that's what I wanted.
#i mean you should definitely think: uh ohhh derek caught feeelings before that moment#but since it's stiles and scott pov - they are the bright spots in each other's worlds so they are the focus#and occasionally derek will come along and glow around the edges and distract stiles a bit but that's all he is - a momentary distraction#and he's still that when he finds out that scott may be stiles' bright spot but they don't want each other the way derek wants#and so he blurts out 'i'm in love with you' before someone else shows up to want the same way he does#and since we've been in stiles' head and only gotten to see the moments that define him and derek is in so few of those#he's COMPLETELY thrown for a loop because what do you mean?? how could derek be in love with him??#how could stiles be all his defining moments and NOT know it y'know?#(because if you got instructions from derek's pov stiles wOULD BE so many of them)#and realizing they are in different places by a lot but not wanting that to mean they can't be anything more to each other says#'give me a chance to catch up' which in my mind is the only thing and the perfect thing#that was the very first scene i wrote for that fic actually - it changed almost ENTIRELY before the end but that line stayed the same#i just love the idea that you can be totally oblivious to something so defining for someone. that people can be such enigmas#inject that shit directly into my veins pls and thank you!#sorry i just love that dynamic so i can yammer on for DAYS about it lol#thank you for the ask and yeah you're pretty dead on about that haha#instructions for dancing#sterek#teen wolf#!ask
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void-botanist · 9 months
I have come to some conclusions about Marcus and his story that I think are going to pay off.
He and Horatio don't have a romantic thing going on but they are extremely cuddly friends which also makes them the perfect pair for Sid to misinterpret. Which I think is a useful setup for Sid's whole deal and also gives me the soft nonsense I desire
Sid probably still ends up hiding at Sorian's house but for any kind of long-term parent evasion he would have to go to Marcus's because his parents would never look there. Still looking for a good excuse to make that happen. Sid and Marcus should also be friends and not just in a "thanks for testing my hair dye" kind of way
In Marcus's own as-yet-unnamed story:
In previous versions his love interest was a Hallmark-movie businesswoman type who was learning to pay attention to her own needs and desires, so that when Marcus was forced to tell her his deep dark secrets it was like she was getting her hard-won happiness stolen away from her. But I don't want to write that anymore and I want a story that is more about both of them. So I present to you:
Love interest is the bat-eared fox shifter I mentioned earlier, named Heith (for now at least - I might change my mind but that was her name in the last version). They're a traveling punk singer who is touring Aephar. Probably they look badass as fuck when shifted because that's a lot of ear real estate for piercings.
As they start to form a romantic connection Marcus is constantly worried that she's not gonna like some aspects of his life that he's not willing to give up/compromise on, like the aforementioned friendship with Horatio. But she keeps being so chill about everything, like nothing is ever a problem to her, and he slowly accepts that maybe this whole "finding love in a faraway system" thing isn't so hard.
This was the end of their tour, but Heith keeps putting off going home and her band leaves her behind to go back to whatever island they came from (believe it or not Imni and Aephar are not the only islands on Rade). She doesn't seem bothered by this either. It starts to become clear (at least to the reader) that whenever things get hard, she just dips from relationships, but things haven't gotten hard with him yet.
But then (spoilers I guess?) a military escort ship arrives from Iecunem and Marcus has to explain that the general belief that he was escaping shitty parents or a shitty job or maybe even the law when he left Iecunem is only a sliver of the story. His awful manipulative mother is now dead, and he's the heir to her kingdom. Not only that, but he has multiple spouses there and multiple children that are legally considered his. He tries to explain the complexities of this and that he'll be right back after he goes to the funeral and abdicates to his sister, but it doesn't seem like Heith is going to wait that long to disappear.
And this time, no one would really blame her if she did. This is a lot of stuff to suddenly digest. But she's also been here long enough to have considered not just running away. At the eleventh hour she shows up at the warp station to join Marcus on his trip back to Iecunem. Horatio high key had not realized that Marcus had only intended to take one other person on this trip, but when Marcus insists that he stay and take care of their collective plants instead of going to Iecunem he's also kind of relieved because he doesn't really trust anyone else with them.
Shifters taglist: @outpost51 @kk7-rbs
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applesandbannas747 · 5 months
Being my student is just microdosing on adhd
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fauxspirited · 1 year
went to philly yesterday to see a show w mans and we stayed at a really nice hotel. got v drunk but had such a great time.
and because i’m a POS, i couldn’t read him my apology note/explanation i typed up for him about why i was being the way i was on Sat, so i just had him read it. andddd we’re good again 🥰
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vanillashusband · 1 year
just trying to read info and lore about gregory is such a pain hfhfgd all the wikis do my son so dirty!! 😭 yeah sorry this poor child is a little aggressive and distrustful in a life or death situation where he's locked in a huge mall with a serial killer and robots that are literally trying to kill him but ooohh gregory evil and mean!! child bad!! 🙄 also no. i will not take any lore outside the games as canon because it is stupid and makes absolutely no sense
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
i like to think of myself as a pretty laid-back and easygoing person but the second someone asks me to do a bullshit busywork task without justifying why i should do it i become the most stubborn motherfucker alive. it doesn't matter how easy the task is, if it's stupid and pointless enough then refusing to do it instantly becomes a hill i'm willing to die on
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edwardslostalchemy · 2 years
Me: have studied science, biology, chemistry, nutrition dealing with different age groups/illnesses/demographics, cooking, management, microbiology, biochemistry, food service, pharmacology, organic and inorganic chemistry, anatomy and physiology, embryology, and a large list of other courses and programs where I've gotten certifications or I've taught
My mom: what do you mean you don't know how to prepare a letter? Didn't they teach you this in school? I think it's odd you don't know how to do this.
My mom: well at least you know how to cook.
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marnz · 2 years
gluten free sourdough starter notes; day 3
Something silly about me is that the idea of fermentation really freaks me out because I am terrified of alive bacteria and mold and fungi, which my brain lumps together for some reason. Terrified. I cannot deal with mushrooms, for example, unless I’m hiking and see them in the woods. This fear doesn’t make any sense but I still have it. Like, I learned about the bacteria in yogurt and did not eat it for 4 years. I still have to actively block out my knowledge of cheese and yogurt. I was only recently able to start eating pickles. Blue cheese, Sauerkraut, and Kimchi all freak me out. This is silly and I am actively trying to get over it. It took me a while to become alright with the idea of making sourdough due to this, but the allure of being able to cheaply make my own bread instead of paying a ton of money for gf bread from the farmer’s market or store was so powerful I decided to try and over come my fear (prompting friends and my partner to be like omg so proud of you--that’s how bad my phobia is). My rough understanding of sourdough is that it is not like cheese, it is different because yeasts are feeding on the flour rather than the flour molding (???). If I am wrong please do not tell me! So I have been reading about sourdough for a fuller understanding, esp. about different yeasts types.
 This brief article suggests that the diversity of sourdough microbial communities cannot be explained by location--and here’s another article talking about how microbial communities in sourdough are also on bakers’ skin biodome. But both articles are talking about gluten flours (wheat, rye, etc). I was wondering if there are specific yeasts attracted to rice flour, but this Serious Eats article suggests that the flour doesn’t matter as long as it converts into the right kind of sugar for microbial production. However this Scientific American article says a lot of yeasts come from the flours itself and the flour determines the flavor, I guess because of the yeasts and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) attracted to the flour/attached to it?? Hm! If this works out maybe I will also try a sorghum flour starter.
The Serious Eats article says that the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in sourdough are also at work in pickles and sauerkraut and kimchi! so I need to get over myself!! 😭
I started my gf sourdough starter, Jonathan, 3 days ago. A baker once told me to bring my mix of flour and water outside and walk through a field to attract wild yeasts so I took my starter out into the yard and took a lap around. I’m using brown rice flour based on this recipe. I also have been tying a dishtowel over the quart jar I’m using instead of using the lid. I am storing it on the top of the fridge for temperature reasons.
I was a little concerned about the starter working because I chose to use tap water and the recipe advises to not do this b/c most tap water has chlorine, which impedes the growth of the starter. However my city has some of the best tap water in the world, so I ignored this. It’s working out quite well. I’ve been feeding Jonathan 50 g of brown rice flour & 50 g of water twice a day. By last night there was some sort of liquid on top--it is possible this was hooch? The recipe says hooch forms when the starter is “hungry” so I am wondering if 50 g of flour is not enough. I hope to start switching to 100% hydration feedings (1:1:1 ratio of starter/flour/water) soon.
By this morning at 7:30 the starter had almost tripled in size and was light and springy with a lot of bubbles. The recipe advises to start discarding today. There’s still some bad bacteria in the mix since it’s only 3 days old so I can’t use the discard for anything yet. It definitely smelled sour.
I am going to try to make sourdough with this recipe. I will start with the suggested flour mix and boule shape. I am fascinated by the idea of using psyllium husk as a binder/gluten replacement. I haven’t used it before; these days I mainly use flax egg as an egg replacement. My research suggests psyllium husk is very popular with the gf sourdough community right now. Since it’s a literal husk (the recipes I’ve consulted do not advise using psyllium husk powder) I’m a little concerned about how it will mix in with the bread. I’m hoping I can start experimenting with the bread itself after I’ve had the starter for about 2 weeks.
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aspeckof-stardust · 21 days
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