#in defense of wanting. ⟹ verse; fractures.
antisatiric · 1 month
it was an honest mistake. (greetings :3)
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Simon's difficult to read, so that's about as likely to be true as it is to be complete bullshit without any effort expended in pretending it's not.
It's not like Twain is put off by people getting sentenced to horrific fates. Depending on the circumstances, life with the Guild could get pretty close to that too, and anyway Twain's ever been the type to really balk at the idea of other people suffering unless they've somehow invaded his inner circle.
But he can't help having a bleeding heart about people he's spoken to. Twain doesn't even remember his name---might have never asked for it---but having tangible knowledge someone he'd liked a little has been put through whatever Vast-related horrors he got put through before presumably dying badly isn't great.
It was a little silly to think that he could escape being a plague upon everyone he's ever spoken to just because he's not home.
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"It's whatever." He brushes off the statement even though it couldn't possibly be less whatever. "Not like I was ever gonna see the guy again, probably. I still don't have a phone, so. Kinda locks a guy outta keepin' friends in this day an' age."
He sort of envies the way Simon doesn't really care about this kind of thing. Despite that Twain's never had good things come from getting invested in other people, he's constantly fucked over into doing it again because it's almost impossible for him to not take an interest in anyone he's ever spoken to.
"He promised me drinks," Twain says. "Real shame about that."
at fault. / accepting.
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anyfight · 3 months
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NAME: Bernardo Vasquez SPECIES: Human ORIENTATION: Heterosexual GENDER: male BIRTH DATE: August 1st, 1931
Dark sad eyes, a mountain of a man. His hands are clenched and formed to fists. Formed to fight. His eyes are deep, his eyes are sad. He has seen too much.
face claim:  David Alvarez
FAMILY: Hector (father/deceased) ; Sofia ( mother/deceased) Maria (sister)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:   Anita  Núñez  ( girlfriend)
CHILDREN:  Verse dependent
He is a juxtaposition. He can be gentle and kind but quickly snap and become authoritative and abrasive. He’s always scared, but hides it behind a bravado of confidence. His fear makes him try to seek control in any fashion, this is a strength as much as it is a weakness.
His mother died of Tuberculosis when Bernardo was twelve, leaving Bernardo to be an immediate provider for his family and leaving Maria to care for their father, who suffered from early onset Alzheimer's disease. She was his primary caretaker with noted progression of the disease following a UTI and fracture hip from a fall in the night when Maria was 17. He died in the hospital from infection. Bernardo was not in Puerto Rico when this happened and learned about his death from a telegram.
Bernardo moved his family from the country to San Juan when he was sixteen and Maria was eight since he could not take care of their home and work farm life without proper help. The extended family had already begun to move and the opportunity San Juan offered in the form of industrial work was still high despite the recent end of the war. The only problem was that everyone was moving in order to find defense or industrial work. 
Bernardo's got some schooling, though he dropped out when they moved to San Juan. He found school very difficult considering that during the 1930s and 1940s Puerto Rican public schools were mandatorily taught in English per government regulations. Maria stayed home and did not attend any kind of schooling. Bernardo does not find out that she is a functional illiterate until they live together in San Juan Hill. He's very upset that she can't read any Spanish at all.
 while Maria buried their father, sold the house, and took care of his will all by herself, Bernardo was mailed the documents he needed to sign.  She asked for 50$ to get to St. Croix where she had applied for a job upon her father’s passing. Bernardo instead bought her a plane ticket to America to come live with him. He was very terrified that she would not be able to support herself, and was in denial that she had been functioning and living on her own all that time.
Bernardo's relationship with his sister is questionable at best. While they have a great love and care for one another, they don't really function well together. Maria was in charge of the home and Bernardo the finances, she was essentially his life partner while in Puerto Rico. They both became adults way too quickly. Their own father basically became their dependent child because of his Alzheimer's. Bernardo did put most of that onto Maria and in turn she kind of took care of him as well. He found America all the harder because he didn't have her with him. Because of this many of his worse habits resurface once they are reunited because they don't know how to function as normal siblings. He's very defensive and territorial about his sister.
Bernardo has always wanted to be a boxer. He wants to get good enough to fight internationally and maybe go to the Olympics since that's one of not the only place Puerto Rico is seen as a sovereign autonomous nation.
He loves the Wizard of Oz. He saw the movie in theaters with both of his parents and remembers it as the most special day because going into the city for a theater was a day trip. He has the book and has had Anita restitch it back together more times than he can count. She's offered to get him a new copy but he refuses to part with the one that he has. Dorothy dressed in red white and blue on a noble quest to go home is a very personal story to him.
Speaking of Anita, Bernardo did love her at first sight and one of the first things he said to her was asking her to marry him. This was after months of just awkwardly staring and pining after her. She laughed in his face, but made him promise to take her out on a date the next day. The rest is history. They do clash on the marriage front and this is most because of the lack of women’s rights during the time and Anita’s want to be in control of her own self as well as continue to work. While Bernardo is supportive of her dream,he also has it in his head that once they are married she can stop doing all that work and will settle down further once they have kids. He thinks this with the best intentions as he wants things easy for her, he doesn’t think beyond the projected image of women in the era: to be in the home. She was the one to convince him to move in together  and to be somewhat satisfied with cohabitation. He’s not satisfied, he’s not happy about it, but he loves her and wants her in his life as his wife.
He also neglected to tell Maria about Anita entirely. He told Anita about Maria of course, but since she was out of sight, out of mind, he didn’t really say much beyond that she was his family. So meeting Anita was a shock. Finding out they were ‘living in sin’ was a shock and it triggered a huge fight between them. He certainly doesn’t have her Catholic Conscious.  He’s definitely spiritual, but not religious like she is. Maria being in New York changed the environment between him and Anita  as Maria did not like her in the slightest. He worked very hard to get them to like each other, which made it worse. He got mad, and left them alone in the apartment for a weekend. When he came back, they were good friends. Both had been very worried about him.
On Chino (x)
On the Sharks (x)
MUN’S NOTE: The mun does not speak Spanish as a first language and may need to rely on a translation app from time to time as their knowledge of how to write/speak it is limited. correction is encouraged but please be kind.
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stmulnts-a · 1 year
MUSE'S LIFE EXPERIENCES. bold = main verse, italics = other verses (fractured, fantasy, vampire)
Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone’s Life | Invented Something  | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won A Bet | Lost A Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor’s Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Broken Someone’s Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/Uncle
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moremedtech · 1 year
The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) launched online platform to support people with osteoporosis
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The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) launched online platform to support people with osteoporosis and their caregivers. The International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) has launched the Build Better Bones platform, a new online resource that provides people with osteoporosis, and their caregivers, with practical guidance on how to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of fragility fractures through targeted exercises and bone-healthy nutrition. Most broken bones occur as a result of a fall, and the platform gives guidance on fall safety hazards in the home, how to improve balance, and other ways to reduce the risk of falling. Physical activity is an essential ingredient for bone health and a combination of balance, function-based, strengthening, and bone-loading exercises helps keep older adults physically mobile and independent. The exercise section of the Build Better Bones website contains a knowledge base about exercise, including information about the importance of warm-ups and exercising safely. The workouts are shown with easy-to-follow video animations, which can be selected according to goal and target area. Each exercise comes with instructions and can be printed in PDF form for offline use. Another unique feature of the Build Better Bones platform is the special section for caregivers, who are often close family or friends. They are undeniably important for older people with osteoporosis and those who are recovering from osteoporosis-related fractures. Often, their support helps older patients continue to live in the comfort of their own homes. Aside from providing emotional support and assistance with daily tasks, caregivers' responsibilities may include shuttling patients between physician's visits. As they may need to become well-versed in the various medical specialties, including what sort of evaluations or treatments each has to offer, the Build Better Bones platform outlines key information including treatment approaches, how to advocate for the patient, and how to take action if the person with osteoporosis suffers a fall. Build Better Bones was developed by IOF with support from scientific experts of the IOF Rehabilitation Working Group, Professor Stuart Silverman, Assistant Professor Daniel Pinto, and Professor Olivier Bruyère. Professor Bruyère stated. "For most patients, anti-osteoporosis medications are the first line of defense in preventing fractures and strengthening bones. However, targeted exercise that builds muscle strength and improves balance and physical function is very important too. We felt that there was a need for an accessible online resource that can support people with osteoporosis in their daily lives by helping them to establish a personal exercise routine and by providing key facts about bone-healthy nutrition. As many older adults with osteoporosis rely on caregivers for assistance, we have also included information that will support caregivers in providing the best possible care." "People who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis may react with dismay or confusion—and ask themselves 'What do I do next?'. The Build Better Bones platform aims to help patients move ahead proactively along their journey to building stronger bones. While we do hope that the platform will become a go-to resource recommended by physicians to their patients and the patients' caregivers, it is also a great resource for anyone who wants to learn how to take action for osteoporosis, falls, and fragility fracture prevention." Dr. Philippe Halbout, IOF CEO, noted Among IOF's 315 member organizations are many osteoporosis patient societies that will find the Build Better Bones platform a useful resource for their patient communities. "Targeted exercise, bone-healthy nutrition, and falls prevention are essential aspects of osteoporosis management. We welcome the availability of this new user-friendly IOF resource which will help people all over the world stay mobile and maintain independence as they age." Dr. Famida Jiwa, Chair of IOF's Patient Societies Subcommittee, and President and CEO of Osteoporosis Canada stated Read the full article
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sunhalf · 1 year
some stuff about soma’s biology, healing abilities, and general durability beneath the cut :
soma is, obviously, superhuman.  they possess physical strength far beyond what any human does or feasibly could, and are more durable than humans in the same vein.  that being said, revenants are still humans — just...human+.  so the base of them is still human, and they can still be wounded the way humans can, it’s just...going to take slightly more work.
breaking soma’s skin is not meaningfully harder than breaking a human’s skin.  a human is going to have a tough time doing it with blunt weaponry or fists, but stabbing them or etc will still break skin with only slightly more resistance than expected.  that being said, soma will absolutely not respond to being stabbed as they should — it doesn’t even hurt especially bad.  once you really hit muscle, you’ll start to see more resistance.  the deeper you get, the harder it is to harm.  it’s difficult to tear through their muscle, enough that someone doing a lot of stabbing will notice the difference — but, still, doable.
their bones, on the other hand, are VERY difficult to humans to break or fracture.  The vast majority of humans are going to need a weapon --- a big hammer, a well - shot arrow, a powerful gun etc.  just something that can dramatically increase the force --- to do any damage to their bones.  the bones around her chest and heart are especially durable (  soma’s body is desperately trying to protect the BOR parasite within it, which is attached to their heart  ).
revenants can regenerate / heal a limited number of times between fully dispersing, but it isn’t strictly necessary.  minor wounds, like bruises or nicks, soma can choose to heal without using regeneration just by briefly focusing the parasite’s ability to those areas.  (  they won’t usually bother with small wounds like that, though, as they don’t cause them any pain.  )  if soma wants to heal large - scale wounds quickly, though, they will need to regenerate.  the ability is extreme; if you cut off soma’s arm, so long as they’re holding the arm to the stump when they regenerate, it’ll reconnect and be fully usable again, for example.  large - scale wounds will heal on their own, even without the use of regeneration, it just takes ages --- to the point where it’s often easier to just disperse and come back fresh.
(  this can become a bit of a headache in other verses; they resist dispersing so as to avoid losing memories of their loved ones, but once they run out of regeneration this often leads to them just sitting around alone with very painful and should - be - fatal wounds in a lot of agony, waiting for days for their body to heal rather than just allowing themself the relief from pain that dispersing would give them.   )
actually killing soma will be next to impossible for humans; you need to get through their fucking Armor bones around their chest, and even then their heart itself is — very durable.  the parasite will react to defend itself, so even if you were able to open them up to get at their heart, you’d just see a shitty eldritch heart trying to eat you.  assuming you can get past the heart’s defenses, it needs to be completely and utterly destroyed, and even then — assuming you don’t hack soma up to pieces and then separate said pieces — and then keep those pieces from actually reforming, because they Will try — they’ll reform eventually.  it’ll just take a long damn time.
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heygutlcssa · 2 years
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NAME: Bernardo Vasquez
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual
GENDER: male
BIRTH DATE: August 1st, 1931
Dark sad eyes, a mountain of a man. His hands are clenched and formed to fists. Formed to fight. His eyes are deep, his eyes are sad. He has seen too much.
face claim:  David Alvarez
FAMILY: Hector (father/deceased) ; Sofia ( mother/deceased) Maria (sister)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER:   Anita  Núñez  ( girlfriend)
CHILDREN:  Verse dependent
He is a juxtaposition. He can be gentle and kind but quickly snap and become authoritative and abrasive. He’s always scared, but hides it behind a bravado of confidence. His fear makes him try to seek control in any fashion, this is a strength as much as it is a weakness.
His mother died of Tuberculosis when Bernardo was twelve, leaving Bernardo to be an immediate provider for his family and leaving Maria to care for their father, who suffered from early onset Alzheimer's disease. She was his primary caretaker with noted progression of the disease following a UTI and fracture hip from a fall in the night when Maria was 17. He died in the hospital from infection. Bernardo was not in Puerto Rico when this happened and learned about his death from a telegram.
Bernardo moved his family from the country to San Juan when he was sixteen and Maria was eight since he could not take care of their home and work farm life without proper help. The extended family had already begun to move and the opportunity San Juan offered in the form of industrial work was still high despite the recent end of the war. The only problem was that everyone was moving in order to find defense or industrial work. 
Bernardo's got some schooling, though he dropped out when they moved to San Juan. He found school very difficult considering that during the 1930s and 1940s Puerto Rican public schools were mandatorily taught in English per government regulations. Maria stayed home and did not attend any kind of schooling. Bernardo does not find out that she is a functional illiterate until they live together in San Juan Hill. He's very upset that she can't read any Spanish at all.
 while Maria buried their father, sold the house, and took care of his will all by herself, Bernardo was mailed the documents he needed to sign.  She asked for 50$ to get to St. Croix where she had applied for a job upon her father’s passing. Bernardo instead bought her a plane ticket to America to come live with him. He was very terrified that she would not be able to support herself, and was in denial that she had been functioning and living on her own all that time.
Bernardo's relationship with his sister is questionable at best. While they have a great love and care for one another, they don't really function well together. Maria was in charge of the home and Bernardo the finances, she was essentially his life partner while in Puerto Rico. They both became adults way too quickly. Their own father basically became their dependent child because of his Alzheimer's. Bernardo did put most of that onto Maria and in turn she kind of took care of him as well. He found America all the harder because he didn't have her with him. Because of this many of his worse habits resurface once they are reunited because they don't know how to function as normal siblings. He's very defensive and territorial about his sister.
Bernardo has always wanted to be a boxer. He wants to get good enough to fight internationally and maybe go to the Olympics since that's one of not the only place Puerto Rico is seen as a sovereign autonomous nation.
He loves the Wizard of Oz. He saw the movie in theaters with both of his parents and remembers it as the most special day because going into the city for a theater was a day trip. He has the book and has had Anita restitch it back together more times than he can count. She's offered to get him a new copy but he refuses to part with the one that he has. Dorothy dressed in red white and blue on a noble quest to go home is a very personal story to him.
Speaking of Anita, Bernardo did love her at first sight and one of the first things he said to her was asking her to marry him. This was after months of just awkwardly staring and pining after her. She laughed in his face, but made him promise to take her out on a date the next day. The rest is history. They do clash on the marriage front and this is most because of the lack of women’s rights during the time and Anita’s want to be in control of her own self as well as continue to work. While Bernardo is supportive of her dream,he also has it in his head that once they are married she can stop doing all that work and will settle down further once they have kids. He thinks this with the best intentions as he wants things easy for her, he doesn’t think beyond the projected image of women in the era: to be in the home. She was the one to convince him to move in together  and to be somewhat satisfied with cohabitation. He’s not satisfied, he’s not happy about it, but he loves her and wants her in his life as his wife.
He also neglected to tell Maria about Anita entirely. He told Anita about Maria of course, but since she was out of sight, out of mind, he didn’t really say much beyond that she was his family. So meeting Anita was a shock. Finding out they were ‘living in sin’ was a shock and it triggered a huge fight between them. He certainly doesn’t have her Catholic Conscious.  He’s definitely spiritual, but not religious like she is. Maria being in New York changed the environment between him and Anita  as Maria did not like her in the slightest. He worked very hard to get them to like each other, which made it worse. He got mad, and left them alone in the apartment for a weekend. When he came back, they were good friends. Both had been very worried about him.
On Chino (x)
On the Sharks (x)
MUN’S NOTE: The mun does not speak Spanish as a first language and may need to rely on a translation app from time to time as their knowledge of how to write/speak it is limited. correction is encouraged but please be kind.
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boilyerheid · 3 years
Could I request Tom avoiding/forgetting to eat in the FTAGH verse?
Tom's lost more than half a stone since his mum got put on her last strike at the clinic for hiding pills in her room - half a stone he didn't really have going spare to begin with. He'd been starting to firm up and fill out a bit since moving in with Ed, the structure of someone else's mealtimes easing him into actually eating on a regular basis despite his unpredictable schedule, but since that warning call from the rehab staff he's fallen back into his most stressed-out habits.
He reminds Ed of a hummingbird when he gets like this, flitting around and barely staying still long enough to rest, running mainly on sugar and caffeine if his prodigious coffee consumption is anything to go by. The nervous energy worries Ed, as does the fact Tom seems to consume nothing solid but sweets and the occasional piece of toast (Ed might find ketchup on toast abhorrent, but he'll happily make it for his boyfriend when it's something he'll actually eat), but he doesn't want to add to the stress by prying.
At least, until Tom gets up from the sofa one evening and experiences a head-rush so severe that Ed has to catch him before he collapses onto the coffee table. Then they're having a conversation. Immediately.
"I got a bit dizzy," Tom folds his arms defensively, flushed with embarrassment now he's come back to himself. He looks brittle like this, sharp around the edges in a way he shouldn't. "I'm fine. Sorry I scared you."
"Tom, you almost fainted. That's not fine." Ed's trying his best not to be too confrontational - he knows Tom will clam up if he starts accusing him of doing anything abnormal - but his pulse is still ringing in his ears from the fright and they do need to address this. "And you frightened the life out of me, actually."
"Sorry," he doesn't meet Ed's eyes, looking studiously at the rug and not inviting further conversation. Ed bites back a sigh, because he would be trying to pick his way through this extremely tricky knot with only his clumsy words as a tool, wouldn't he?
"Look, I know you're... finding food difficult at the moment," he can't think of how else to put it. Tom's not denying himself when he wants to eat, from what Ed can tell, he just... doesn't want to like usual. "And I know things are hard with your family right now, but you do still have to take care of yourself, darling. You'd be livid if I made myself ill like this."
"I'm not-"
"Nearly passing out is ill, Tommy," Ed very rarely snaps, so when he does it's enough to get Tom's full attention. Ed sets his hand on his knee and squeezes gently, because he's not angry but he is deeply concerned. "I'm worried about you, please talk to me."
There's a long silence during which Tom glares at the middle distance and Ed just waits. His boyfriend may be endlessly patient when it comes to helping Ed deal with his issues, but he treats his own like an offensive inconvenience of the worst kind - a display of weakness which stains his character somehow. Despite all the progress he's made, Tom's still terrible about being kind to himself.
"It's very difficult to have no control over anything," he mutters tightly, not looking at Ed and clearly hating every second of having to talk about this. At least he's pushing through to actually do it. "I know it's a bad habit, okay? But I'm not trying to do it, I'm just... I've been like this since I was little - I can't eat when I'm really stressed. I forget because I'm thinking about more important stuff, and then the idea of doing it... It's just a phase that'll pass, it never lasts long."
"What can I do to make it easier?" Ed doesn't voice any of the other questions that bubble up inside him immediately, because the answers would be for his benefit rather than Tom's. They can discuss the hows and whys later - right now he's focused on getting his boyfriend well. "It doesn't have to be anything that adds more pressure, we just need to keep you going until you're less stressed. Does that sound reasonable?"
"I s'pose," Tom admits, cautiously, and Ed gives him an encouraging smile when he finally looks up. It's a fragile thing Tom's trusting him with here, this fractured little piece of him that Ed's almost certain nobody else knows about. "If it's already there, I won't let it go to waste. I won't enjoy it, but..."
"So if I put dinner in front of you?"
"As long as you don't let me beg off and freeze it, yeah," he shrugs, arms still folded like he can hold himself together that way. Ed works his fingers gently into the crook of one elbow - a small, familiar touch to remind Tom that it's okay to let his guard down. "This is so bloody embarrassing. I'm sorry, Ned, you shouldn't have to-"
"I'm not cross, sweetheart." Ed doesn't kiss him when he's wound up so tight, but he squeezes Tom's forearm in its place. "But if the next words out of your mouth are about how I shouldn't take care of you, then I will be."
Tom, reluctantly, takes the hint.
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The tape (part 8)
Parts 1-7
Harry’s pov:
He didn’t know how long it had been. He had dozed off, his cheek resting against the back of her hand while waiting for her to wake up. He lifted his head and looked around, the curtains had been pulled closed and the lights dimmed. (y/n) was still laying perfectly still, her eyes closed as if she were sleeping. A massive black bruise was forming under her left eye and some scratches were noticeable on her cheek. He gently brushed his fingers across her cheek, wishing he could stop the pain he knew she would feel. “You must be Mr. Styles.” Harry jumped, his hands falling to his lap and his body shifting to the door. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m Dr. Ren, I’ve been following (y/n)’s case since she arrived.”
Harry stood up, extending his hand with a deep exhale. “Yes, hi, I’m Harry. Is she....is she okay?” Harry bit down on his lip. This was the moment he had been waiting for and yet he wasn't ready. He didn’t want the doctor to tell him that she wasn’t okay...that she wouldn’t wake up....that he wouldn’t be able to see her smile, or hear her laugh anymore. He could never tell her how much he loved her, or how he had been planning on proposing, the exact way she had dreamed of for so many years. He would never get to see her in a wedding dress...or pregnant...
The doctor smiled and nodded, pulling Harry from his thoughts. “She is okay. We had to administer some anesthesia to get some x-rays and scans. She has two fractured ribs, some bruising, a mild concussion, and needed a few stitches, but overall she is very very lucky. She should wake up here within the next hour or so. We will keep her overnight just to observe all of the injuries but in the morning she will be free to go as long as everything remains the same. Again, she is very very lucky. I’m not sure how she’s alive at all honestly but out of all the people involved in that accident she is by far the one with the least amount of injuries.”
Harry couldn’t help it, he dropped to his knees, tears flowing from his cheeks, his eyes looking up at the doctor. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” He would be able to see her smile, hear her laugh, hold her hand, propose...
“No problem.” Dr. Ren smiled and helped Harry up. “When she wakes up, have a nurse buzz me. Otherwise, breathe and relax. She will be just fine.” He placed a hand on his shoulder before turning and walking out.
Harry nodded and returned to his seat, a small smile playing on his lips for the first time since all of this had started. He grabbed her hand again, pulling it to his lips in relief. All that mattered was that she was okay. She was going to wake up, she was going to be bruised, but she was alive. Harry grabbed his phone, sending a quick update to the guys who were apparently still waiting in the parking lot.
He sat by the bed, waiting, watching, and hoping for a sign of movement showing she would wake up. He quietly started singing, hoping his voice would pull her form the deep sleep. A knock at the door interrupted the second verse of Watermelon Sugar. Louis, Liam, and Niall walked in. Louis was holding a giant bear, Liam some candy, and Niall flowers. Harry smiled sadly and nodded for them to come in. They all gathered around, not saying anything but taking the moment in. “She’s going to be okay.” Harry’s voice broke. He couldn’t hold back the feelings anymore, not with the guys he called brothers standing there with him.
“See...” Louis tried to think of a smart comeback but was quickly silenced, unsure of what to say.
“When will she wake up?” Niall asked anxiously. There were things he needed to say...things he needed to apologize for.
“The doctor said in the next hour she should be up....but I don’t know.”
“I’m sure she will wake up soon. Doctors know far more than any of us do.” Liam was the voice of reason, but even today he seemed shaken, worried for the girl even he had grown to love over the last 7 years. 
“Do you remember when we met her?” Louis suddenly voiced up. He was staring at her with a smile but looked around at everyone. “Harry had said a friend of his was coming and we all expected a guy...but then walked (y/n).” Louis laughed. “Harry you said the two of you were just friends.”
“We were! Kind of...” Harry smiled, picturing that day. (y/n) had walked in wearing shorts and an oversized hoodie and something about it just made his knees go weak. 
“She fit in so well with everyone. Everyone instantly loved her.” Liam recalled. “I mean she could fit in with our crazy asses.”
“Niall, you tried flirting with her for WEEKS after that first visit.”
“Harry said they were just friends!” He laughed defensively. “She was beautiful...she was funny....I mean what was there not to love?”
“When did you and her start dating Harry? Like officially....” Liam turned to Harry and Harry smiled.
“The following day. She watched our concert that night...we had back to back shows at the O2.. after the first one we just hung out and talked. I knew then she was the one. The next night I attempted to take her to dinner but that didn’t work...so we ended up eating crackers backstage and talking about everything and anything.” Harry smiled and looked over. “She was always the one...”
“She always kept up with our antics that’s for sure. I remember on the first night she had challenged me...she said that Beckham was a better player...she was wrong of course but I respected her confidence. ” Louis nodded. “It’s crazy to think we are here with her now....all of what happened with the band and we are still here and she’s still at the center of our lives. She’s all of our best friends...”
The guys all nodded and Harry wiped a tear. “I was going to propose to her.” The guys looked up, surprised but also not. “Before the tape came out...I had it planned for that weekend..I was going to take her to dinner, and then to O2...I had recreated the first date we went on...and then I was going to propose in the park we had ended up going to after. I had someone decorate it with lights and everything...I had a photographer ready.” Harry smiled and then shook his head. “And then everything happened.”
“You’ll get your chance again...” Liam stated, sure of himself.
“Yeah, we all know that you two will work things out..” Niall nodded.
“You’re all so confident.” Harry laughed. “I’m not even sure I’ll get her to come home with me.”
“She loves you.” Niall looked at Harry and smiled. “She will either end up with you or with like 20 cats.”
Louis laughed and nodded. “Haven’t you ever wondered why she stuck with us? Instead of going to her girlfriends or family. Harry she wanted you to pull yourself together. She wanted you to make things right. And clearly you did.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well she went home with you didn’t she?”
“Yeah but-”
Louis pulled out his phone and read, “no, don't need you to get me...things seem to be...better. If I need anything I’ll call but pretty sure I’ll be okay from here. xo”
“What’s that?” Liam laughed.
“That was the text (y/n) sent to me the morning after she returned home. She wouldn’t have said those things if you had continued to screw up Harry....She wouldn’t have stayed or planned to stay.”
“I just hope I can take her home...get things somewhat back to normal.”
“They will go back to normal...just hang in there.” Liam nodded and everyone looked back over at you. “We should go though...the nurse gave us limited hours before calling security or worse tweeting...”
Harry nodded and they all asked for updates as things happened. Harry had promised to call when she actually woke up so that they could again come in and see how she was doing. Once they had left, he settled back into the chair, closing his eyes briefly to reflect on everything. It hadn’t been too long, maybe 5 minutes but his eyes were still closed, causing him to miss the blink of her eye. “Haz...”
Harry’s head whipped up, the phone falling to the floor, and tears instantly falling down his cheeks as his heart skipped beats and his chest tightened. Haz.... the nickname he had come to love throughout their relationship. The nickname he hadn’t heard in what felt like forever. “I’m here....babe....” Harry choked the words out, squeezing her hand a little tighter as the sobs echoed through his chest. He watched her eyes blink a few times, confused at her surroundings, but relax when they fell on him. Her beautiful eyes, the ones that held so much love, so much laughter. He had never been happier. 
“What...what happened?” She tried sitting up and Harry gently held her down.
“Shh...baby it’s okay...I’m here....there was an accident...I need to get the doctor now, but I’ll be right back okay?”
Tears were collecting in her eyes as the realization of the situation hit. “No. Don’t leave me. Don’t go please.. Please Harry don’t leave...don’t-”
“Shhh...” Harry placed a kiss on her nose and wiped away the tears falling on her cheeks. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here okay? You’re okay. You’re safe.”
She was gasping for air when the crying started. “I...I was trying to get my phone...the car...it it came out of nowhere-”
“I know...it’s okay love. Let me just get the doctor okay? Then I’ll be right back and I won’t leave again.”
She nodded, watching him rush into the hallway to where the nurse’s station was.
Your pov:
Everything hurt. You’re body felt like it had been thrown off a 3 story building. You couldn’t really move too much without a sharp stabbing sensation in your chest. You also had a swollen lip, something you were typically used to when dating Harry but not in this way. The taste of blood was on your lips and your heart was beating a mile a minute. Harry had stepped out, but you were afraid he wouldn’t come back. You were afraid you wouldn’t see him again. You felt more tears fall down your cheeks and sucked in a breath. What if he didn’t come back...what if he had found out about Niall and everything that had occurred. What if he hated you the way you had hated him when you found out about the sex tape.q
“Babe....” Harry rushed back to the seat by the bed and frowned. “What’s wrong? What hurts?”
“I kissed Niall.” you cried. Harry looked taken back but then smiled and laughed lightly. “It’s not funny. I cheated on you and and “
“I know.” “What?”
“Niall told me what happened.”
“It’s fine. I’m not worried about that. I’m more worried about you right now.”
“(y/n)..I thought you were dead. I mean hell, you were in a serious car accident and your worried about something Niall did? I could care less about any of that shit right now. I just want you. I want to make sure you are okay...”
“You do?”
Harry laughed and pressed his lips lightly to yours. “Yes.” He breathed out a sigh of relief and touched his forehead to yours, his eyes closing until the doctor walked in. “You and your health are the only thing I even am remotely focused on right now. Okay? I love you.”
“I love you too.” You let out a shaky breath and smiled. 
“Ah there she is. How are you feeling?” The doctor walked in the room with a smile.
“Well that’s better than expected.” He smiled and Harry looked annoyed but you kept your focus on the doctor. “You have two fractured ribs, a slight concussion, and needed some stitches along your leg. Do you remember much of what happened?”
You shook your head no and held tightly to Harry’s hand. You didn’t really care to remember anything to be honest. “Just bits and pieces...”
“What does the recovery for those things look like?” Harry was nervously tapping his foot on the floor while looking back and forth from you and the doctor.
“Restricted activity, taking things easy, really resting as much as possible. The ribs will take the longest but they are something that will heal on their own. No working out, lifting too much weight, no sex.” He raised an eyebrow at Harry and you felt your cheeks blush in response.
“Got it.” Harry nodded and tried to give you a reassuring smile. “We can do that.”
“Yeah right, that seems highly unlikely for the two of them.” Louis walked into the room with a smile. “Looking good there love, better than you do most mornings.” Harry glared at him but you smiled, grateful he was also here.
“Who are you?” The doctor asked confused. 
“Oh, sorry about that yeah, hi, I’m Louis. Louis Tomlinson.” Louis shook his hand before turning his focus back to you. “You had us all in quite the panic ya know?”
“Enough Lou.” Harry nudged him and gave you a smile. 
Liam and Niall came running in as well, smiles on their face when they saw you awake and alert. “Sorry, we were planning on leaving but it seems the nurse tweeted out we were here so there’s quite a gathering downstairs...”
“Ahh...” was Harry’s only answer.
“Well, seems you have enough people here to keep you company. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask...I’ll check in later.”
“Thanks...” you mumbled watching him leave before focusing on the four boys gathered around your bed.
“So what did we miss?” Liam asked, sitting on the edge of Harry’s chair.
“They can’y have sex until her ribs heal.” Louis laughed.
“Oof, that’s rough mate, sorry.” Liam laughs and claps Harry on the shoulder.
“Shut up.” Harry shook his head and looked over at you. You were laughing at the banter, but stop and whine as the movement hurts. “Are you okay? What do you need?” Harry rushed over and was trying to assess where the pain was coming from.
Harry was always like this when something happened. It wasn’t necessarily clingy, but it was over caring and maybe a little smothering sometimes. You wouldn't complain about it though, you loved the attention and that he cared enough to be that way. You shake your head, “no, just a little sore.” You look at the unconvinced looks of Louis, Liam, and Niall and give a fake smile. “I swear. I’m fine.”
Harry’s pained expression on his face was all the confirmation you needed. Doctor Harry would not be leaving your side. “Can I have a minute....with (y/n)...” Niall interrupted your thoughts and steeped forward with a hand in his hair.
Harry looked irritated. Louis and Liam raised an eyebrow but said nothing as they stepped through the door giving their answer. Harry looked down at you, not wanting to leave. You gave him a small smile and nod, telling him that you needed the moment with Niall just as much as he had needed the moment with you earlier. Harry sighed, his head ducking to your lips. The kiss wasn’t a quick peck. It was one of possession. His eyes tore into Niall as he pulled away, placing one more light kiss on the tip of your nose. You gave him another reassuring smile and watched him walk out, the door closing as he left. You looked over at Niall, your heart racing a little more just thinking of the events that occurred before the accident. “Niall...”
“No...listen. I’m so sorry. I never should've yelled at ya like that. I should never of kissed ya. I was so out of line and so drunk that I-”
“Niall.” You stopped him, giving him a smile while shaking your head. “I don’t blame you...I mean we were both upset. I was upset. It’s all water under a bridge now. Really. The whole thing, I was thinking about it....I get it now. I mean what you did was wrong, but you did it out of a place of love and I can’t blame you for that. I appreciate you looking out for me, next time just be straight up and don’t involve the press.”
Niall wiped a tear from his eye and sat down. “I did it for myself, not for you. It was wrong. I shouldn’t have done Harry like that....I should of known it would hurt you more than it did him. I never should've put my friendship with either of you in jeopardy like that. I’m sorry for it. I really am. I’m sorry you ended up here too I mean-”
“Niall that wasn’t your fault. You can’t take the blame for that.”
“No. Seriously. Harry can’t either. Hell, not even I can. It happened. I’m okay....a little sore.....but okay. Plus I’ve got all my boys here with me.” You grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, can’t believe they let us all in here.” Niall laughed.
“Yeah how did you manage that...”
“Well....Louis may a promised the nurse a picture with Harry.....and he also may a promised her a kiss....”
You raised an eyebrow and frowned. “Did he now? Clearly I have some things to take up with Louis...”
“I wouldn’t be too worried.” Niall laughed. “Harry won’t even look at another girl besides you, let alone kiss one.”
You gave him a small smile. “I don’t know about that...”
“I do.” Niall nodded. “Harry loves you more than he loves anything....well maybe not his mom but ya know...anything that would relatively hurt you, or make you feel a certain way....especially after the tape...there’s no way.”
You were about to agree but Harry’s soft knock came to the door. He frowned at your hand holding Nialls but looked at you for permission to come in. You nodded and he walked over, still keeping his distance. He cleared his throat and smiled softly. “Sorry to interrupt...the doctor is bringing in some pain meds-”
“I don’t-”
“I know but you do....(y/n) you’re in pain....” You opened your mouth to argue the point but he gave you a look and you knew there was no point in arguing...and he was right...the longer you had been awake, the more pain you had been in.
The nurse walked in with a smile, “Dr. Ren is going to go ahead and give you something for the pain. It does tend to make people sleepy, or even a little loopy sometimes okay?.”
You nodded and watched as she added the mix to the IV. “Thank you.”
Harry wandered over to the side of the bed, smiling as he looked between you and Niall. “So...are you two-”
“We are good. Right?” you looked at Niall with a smile.
He nodded, “Of course. Harry...I know I’ve said it already but-”
“We are fine. Seriously. Youre my brother...you know I couldn’t stay mad at you for too long.” Harry walked over and placed an arm around Niall’s shoulder. “But...” He punched Niall’s arm hard, “don’t ever kiss my girl again.”
Niall laughed and you giggled. “Lesson learned.”
Liam and Louis walked in with smiles as well. “Lou” you giggled more. The pain meds were definitely settling into your system. 
“What can I do for ya love?” He raised an eyebrow and wandered over to your bed. 
“I hear you promised some girl a kiss from my boyfriend...” Harry looked up, shocked, not at the fact Louis had promised that but that you had used the word “boyfriend.”
Louis grinned and looked at Harry who glared back, clearly unaware of this arrangement. “Yeah, yeah I did. Had to get in here some way ya know. Didn’t want to miss out on any opportunities to remind you how horrible you are at picking football teams.”
“Ha that’s what you think...” you giggled.
“Hate to break it to ya but your team lost love and-”
“What the hell Louis?” Harry cut in. “Why would you-”
“Now now now...clearly none of you pay attention but the nurse who wanted the kiss was almost done with her shift...she’s probably not even here now.”
“Still...don’t you think that’s something you should've run by someone beforehand?”
“Oh I did. Liam and Niall were in full support.” Liam looked down and Niall laughed at the death glares Harry was giving. You giggled as well, earning surprised laughs from everyone. 
“You guys are terrible.” You laughed.
“How are those pain meds feeling love?” Louis asked with an eyebrow raised.
“I feel.....great” you smiled, biting your lip and glancing at Harry. His hair was falling down across his face, his eyes bright green and the tattoos spilling out from under the white t-shirt he was wearing. One of your favorite looks...besides the puffy eyes from crying. You yawned, and blinked a few times refocusing your attention on the guys.
“You look a little tired...” Liam noted.
“No I’m just-” You yawned again. 
“Just tired.” Louis finished with a grin.
“Maybe a little...” you smiled and looked at Harry who who was staring at you.
“I think a nap might be a good idea.” Harry smiled and brushed the hair back from your face. 
“I just woke up though and you-” You yawned again. “you’re all here...”
“We’ll be here when you wake up love. Why don’t we run and get a snack and then when you wake back up we can all hang out again.” Louis smiled and you nodded looking at Harry again...you didn’t want him to leave.
“I-I don’t want to be alone..”
“I’m not going anywhere.” Harry smiled and kissed your forehead nodding to the rest of the group. “I’ll let you know when she's awake.” They nodded, telling you to sleep well and then left. Harry closed the door and placed another blanket on you as you shivered. 
“H?” You yawned again.
“Yeah?” He was holding your hand again.
“Will you snuggle?” You scooted over making room for him. He shook his head but you added an extra, “please?”
“I don’t want to hurt you...” He looked at all the wires and sensors on your body and shook his head.
“I just....” you felt tears form in your eyes. “I just need to know you’re here.”
Harry sighed, wiping your tears and carefully climbing in bed. “You okay?” he asked as he settled his arm around you.
“Mhm..” you nodded, snuggling your face into his chest and feeling safe for the first time since being awake. “Thank you for being here...”
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else... now close your eyes...” Harry hummed and the sound of his heart slowly beating allowed you to drift off into a peaceful sleep.
When you woke up, the sun was just beginning to rise. The orange color sky lighting up the room. You looked around, taking in your surroundings and remembering everything that had happened. What did confuse you was the lack of bodies in your room. Harry was no longer in bed, the guys were all missing.... “Good morning.” You smiled as Dr. Ren walked in holding his charts for your progression. “How are we feeling today?”
“Much better.” You smiled. “Still kind of sore but-”
“That will probably continue for a few weeks.” He grinned. “Good thing is that you look good, your vitals are all steady...there don’t seem to be concerns with how things are progressing at all. You’re good to leave. I’ll have my nurse fill out your discharge papers unless you have other concerns.”
You shook your head and smiled. “I’m ready to go home..”
“I bet.” He did a double check of injuries and then walked back towards the door. “Good luck at home...I’ll see you back in a few weeks for an evaluation on injuries okay?”
“Okay. Thanks again Dr. Ren.”
“Anytime.” He walked back out and you let out a sigh. You were ready to go home...to get out of this bed...to get back to reality. The reality that may be a little messy but was still better than the hospital. 
“Morning love.” Louis walked in with a smile and a muffin. “Thought you might be hungry.”
You nodded and smiled, taking the muffin from him and stuffing a bite in your mouth. “WheresfHarry?” you asked through a mouthful of food.
Louis raised an eyebrow and laughed, “Sorry I don’t speak muffin.”
You rolled your eyes and swallowed. “Where’s Harry?”
“Ah...yes...about him. He left.”
“What?” Your heart sped up and your mind clouded. Why would he leave? He promised he wouldn’t...
“He had a last minute meeting with management.”
“Oh.” Your heart dropped and you chewed your bottom lip. Management again. You would’ve thought you were more important seeing as you were in the hospital.
“He asked me to come check on you and make sure you got home okay.”
“Now now cheer up. You get to go home.”
“Yeah.” You smiled and Louis gave you the look.
“You know he wanted to be here.”
“But he’s not.”
“I know....” Louis knew what you meant. He also knew why Harry had to go. It was that fine line of being in the spotlight and trying to have a normal relationship.
You stayed silent eating your muffin and Louis didn’t interrupt. He knew there was nothing to say that could help. The nurse came in with discharge papers and handed you a bag with your belongings. Unfortunately your clothes had been ruined, covered in dirt and blood. Niall had left his hoodie though from the previous night which is what you had resorted to changing into along with your shorts which didn’t seem too bad..
Louis helped you out of bed and helped you maneuver the hoodie over your arms without completely feeling the pain in your ribs and the two of you walked out. Paparazzi had gotten word of the boys location so Louis fought through the crowds of cameras, one arm protectively wrapped around your shoulders until you made it into the car. The ride home was silent, you were wrapped up in your thoughts and Louis didn’t want to bother you. “Where are we going?” you suddenly sat up straighter, Louis had missed the turn to his house. 
“Aren’t I taking you home?”
“I can take you to my place if you’d rather...”
“No...no...home is good.”
“You’re sure?” He looked over unconvinced but you nodded and smiled giving him some sort of reassurance.
He pulled into your driveway and Harry was standing on the porch waiting. You smiled, grateful you wouldn’t be left alone in the house immediately. You climbed out and Harry walked over, pulling you into a gentle but firm hug. “Welcome home babe.” he whispered, his lips pressing against your ear. You looked up and smiled but didn’t say anything, still a little upset he hadn’t been there to take you home. You shook your head and tried to push the thought out of your mind. At least he was here now. Harry didn’t seem to notice your silence but he was staring at the outfit you had changed into. “Why are you in this?” You could hear the jealousy in his voice even though he had no reason to have it.
“I didn’t have clothes there...Niall left it so I took it.” you shrugged.
“You could’ve called me. I would’ve brought you something.”
“Is it that big of a deal?” You looked into his eyes and shrugged. “No but-”
“You know if you had been there you could’ve given me something else but you weren't there were you.” You walked past him towards the door, ignoring the surprised look from Louis. “Babe I had-”
“I know. Management. Always more important..it’s fine.” You wandered in and Harry sighed, running to keep up with you.
“It’s not that they are more important....it’s just”
“That they are. Harry you always let them come between us.” You wiped a tear you didn’t even realize had begun to fall. “I needed you there. You promised you wouldn’t leave and you did.” You knew you were being a little unreasonable but you were still upset.
“I’m sorry I-”
“Whatever it’s fine. I’m going to shower.”
“(y/n) wait.” Harry grabbed your elbow but you shook free of his grip. “Babe...”
“Not now Harry.” 
Part 8 finally....this was hard to write I’m not sure why but It was kind of a killer.... I do know where the two final parts are going though so stay tuned!
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neko-steeb · 5 years
“Goodnight Puurrrrrl”
*he giggled. The joke with Pearls name was the last thing he said before drifting asleep, not knowing he wouldn’t wake up to his familiar room and crystal gems. It felt like forever before his eyes slowly opened. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned. His ears flattened to his head and his tail wrapped around his leg, something wasn’t right. He looked around and noticed he was laying in the sand of a beach. He sat up and he looked around, everything was different. His tail trembled in fear but his ears perked up with curiosity. He stood up and shook the sand off of himself before wandering around with eyes full of wonder*
“Woah, what is this place? It’s so weird but so cool!”
// @dying-steven @tired-steven-universe @fractured-steven-universe @amnesiac-steven @touch-starved-steven @cracked-ste-ven-u-ni-verse @neonstevenuniverse @enby-connie @defensive-steven and @ whoever else wants to reply!
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antisatiric · 2 months
" you didn't have to step in and help me, but you did, and i appreciate that. "
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"Yeah, well. Someone's gotta stick a leg out for the new hires."
Tsukasa's been here for a couple weeks now, so he's not really that new considering the rate of 'hire' the Guild has. But he doesn't exactly personally greet most new blood outside of his own management; Tsukasa is under Fitzgerald, after all, which Twain doesn't really think all that much good can come from.
Better than here, though. Least there's a better shot he won't be involved in the freak shit that goes on with my branch of the place.
He's seen Tsukasa perform once. With Fitzgerald, actually, as part of the guy's research into him; determining whether he actually fit the criteria to be part of Fitzgerald's division, officially. Unofficially, determining whether it was actually true that either he or his troupe had an ability.
Twain's not sure he ever got the answer to that question. He probably could have asked 44, but talking to the guy is pretty much impossible.
"I'm Mark Twain; most people just call me Twain, though. I saw you perform a few weeks ago, actually. Fitzgerald likes to take people out scouting," he rolls his eyes, "and nobody else wanted to come. Not that I did either, but I like a good show. And you were good."
He's casual as ever, stumbling over words naturally. The kind of disarming that comes from the fact that he completely means what he says. Most of the time, it's something he uses to his advantage---but in times like these, things just sort of tend to come out that way whether he wants them to or not.
"I don't work much with Fitzgerald's group; lucky I was here when I was!"
safety. / accepting.
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godkilller · 4 years
          DRABBLE    //    REDEMPTION VERSE.
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          THERE WERE STILL SPECKS OF BLOOD ON THE LIGHT BLUE WRAPPINGS, and Gin surmised it was his own, not Aizen’s, from when his Zanpakuto had been tucked within the folds of his crimson-stained white robes. Not drawn, not used in defense, no, nestled away whilst its master was cut down. A few small blemishes ultimately missed by its temporary keepers, the confiscated blade had been otherwise cleaned and stored away, kept sealed, awaiting something. Gin hadn’t seen it since that day; a whirlwind of destruction, that gleaming blade, toying with the Kurosaki kid via collapsing buildings cut like they were brittle things. Then, plunging, biting, devouring that gaping hole into Aizen’s chest, filled only by a suspended Hogyoku agleam in the pale light of its slain host... falling, falling, and falling right into his waiting hand.
          Shinso hadn’t been the last thing Gin’s right hand held, after all.
          But, the Zanpakuto had been the most familiar with that particular palm instead. Now, as the Second Division Shinigami patiently extended the sheathed weapon out for Gin to take, it felt utterly different...
          There was a seal still placed on it, akin to a muzzle for the spirit-housing sword to not so loudly beckon for its master whilst kept away, so an absence of presence, of connection, felt relatively normal; to be expected. Yet, there was more.
          SOMETHING WAS OFF. It felt... clumsy. This was not the grip meant to slay anything, this was some messy hold meant better for a broom than a sword. He turned it in his hand, then adjusted his grip lower towards the center of its sheathe to find balance as if that would help his derailed experience. Shinso was wrong. Heavier. No, lighter, not quite right. Instinctively, Gin shifted to consider slipping the sheathed blade into its place at his hip, though found he needed to switch sides mid-motion, which he did so quickly to remedy the mistake. SLOWLY, SHINSO FOUND ITS PLACE AT GIN’S RIGHT SIDE, the opposite side that he was accustomed to, adding more fuel to the fires of his disorientation.
          Rangiku was quick in thanking the guards in Gin’s stead, a cheery and upbeat tone meant to swiftly dismiss them without outright saying it; a classic, though he hoped she felt no strain in the act. Gin turned to leave halfway through, knowing full well that their anticipation couldn’t be appeased no matter Rangiku’s passive aggressive urging — they were waiting for Gin to clear the grounds in accordance with his reinstatement regulations. RIGHTFULLY NERVOUS, having at last handed back an ex-criminal his beloved and powerful weapon. Even at half-strength, Gin reckoned he could level the Gotei 13′s various barracks in the surrounding area within one fell swoop.
          That is, if he even had it in him anymore to do so.
          Rangiku caught up to him shortly, especially pleased with herself, made unaware of Gin’s quiet worry; could he even manage his Shikai at this level of discomfort and disarray ? 
          ❝ I actually got them to give you the whole day, you know, instead of the three hour limit they wanted you to do at first? I mean, that was ridiculous, who wants to train with such a strict schedule anyways? It takes me hours just to get Haineko to say a sentence of something useful to me. The last thing I’d need would be to feel rushed. ❞
          ❝ How long’s it been since ya tried talkin’ with her ? Maybe you oughtta take the day, too. ❞ Gin kept his stride despite Rangiku’s slowing a step or two in response.
          ❝ Don’t poke fun, I’m respecting her space. ❞ A huff, a pout. Rangiku’s hand flew back by habit to rest on the hilt of her sword as though a reassuring shoulder pat whilst coming to the defense of a friend. Haineko was not an easy spirit, Gin knew that much from her various complaints about any meditation being ‘time spent wasted’, mostly. HE WOULDN’T JUDGE, but he also couldn’t help but wonder... did the spirit feel like it was missing something, was Haineko so temperamental about helping Rangiku become stronger because it was a Zanpakuto with a gaping wound ? Was she unable to ascend any further because of what Aizen took ?
           That was a topic for another day. Gin smiled, instead, and kept matters light.
          ❝ Is that what they’re callin’ it these days ? ❞
         RANGIKU SHOT HIM A LOOK, the look, and Gin relented to her.
          ❝ Alright, alright — you’re right. ❞ 
          They walked towards the gates leading beyond the Seireitei together, quiet, for the rest of their route. IT WAS NICE OUTSIDE, a light breeze on a cool day, and the sun was shining past the curtain of gray that had been the previous few days, making its light feel all the warmer despite winter’s telltale chill. The two Shinigami took to a path through the Northern Rukongai, towards the mountainous range far beyond, avoiding the cleared streets for less commotion and conflict with the residents lurking within their shacks. INSTEAD, THEY TOOK THE SCENIC ROUTE, crunching leaves and swaying trees above, brisk, they both knew where to go, even if things had changed since the last century or so. The clearing was vast, outlined by barren trees towards the outskirts of a vacant skeleton row of houses left abandoned, dry dirt at their feet telltale of grounds over-farmed for rare nutrients. Rangiku idly unpacked their provisions; a decently sized blanket geared towards a picnic set-up, a few snacks packed lovingly, some sake bottles  ( of course she would )  ... and at that point Gin turned away to see her unearth nothing further, shaking his head yet smiling all the same. He surveyed their space, the trees, and hummed softly.
          ❝ Dunno — ❞ he projected his voice back to her as he gazed out, then scuffed his foot against the dirt as though testing it, an absent fidget. Looking back to her as she situated their little day outdoors, he couldn’t help but recall the tremoring fracture of Haineko as it absorbed Shinso’s impact, meant for an unconscious Hinamori. HE ALMOST BROKE HER SWORD THEN, back when he had far more control, and now...
          ❝ ... Maybe y’shouldn’t be out here with me, I might nick ya. ❞ Their eyes met for a brief moment before hers went back down to arranging their things, busywork as she thought. Gin watched. She seemed to catch his uncertainty, or at least a portion of it.
          ❝ Well... how about we start small... ❞ Rangiku replied with a gentle hum, then subsequently pat the space next to her as she situated herself onto the blanket, with Haineko on the opposing side, sheathed and set proper. Gin obeyed, approaching and slowly lowering himself down next to her as desired. He slid Shinso free from his waist, then set it down in a way which mirrored Rangiku, head tilting at her suggestion. ❝ Let’s both drop in and say hi. That’s easy, right ? ❞
          ❝ Thought y’were givin’ her space. ❞ Gin eyed her with a weakened playfulness.
          ❝ The lengths I’ll go for you. ❞ SHE DID NOT MISS A BEAT.
          Fair enough, Jinzen it was. Gin shrugged and sighed out, then took Shinso to place the sheathed blade into position across his legs within his lap. He sneakily peered at Rangiku for a moment as she also assumed the meditative position, endearingly so, especially the subtle frown of concentration caressing her expression, the fluttered eyelashes pressing closed in focus, the stray hairs tickling at her temples with the slightest kiss of a breeze. Gin hesitated only a second longer, then shifted and closed his eyes, too.
          Whipping winds rushed around him, and he was no longer seated within a pleasant clearing, dirt and grass and swaying trees, no. GIN WAS WITHIN A BARREN WORLD NOW, assaulted by snow and ice and freezing air that ripped at his form. When he opened his eyes to seek the giant serpent within his inner world, the space not even two steps ahead of him wasn’t visible past the blizzard and downpour of snow and icy mist, graying his surroundings in such brutality that nary an outstretched hand could be seen, let alone a mountainous range of sleek silver scales stretching for kilometers down a frozen lake. If he couldn’t see Shinso, then the near-blind spirit certainly couldn’t see him. GIN VENTURED OUT ONTO THE ICY SURFACE MADE SMOOTH, black shoes the sole contrast in an otherwise white outfit — ah, wait, Gin stopped to inspect himself, a jarring moment of two hands raised to observe a familiar pale outfit he hadn’t been wearing prior to entering this world; Shinso hadn’t seen him since Karakura Town, of course, so perhaps there had been a disconnect in what he was wearing when manifested... among other things which needed updating. Gin flexed his right hand, curious, and then clutched it shut. It felt cold, no aid to be given by his current environment, but it was distinctly more numb than his left. Odd.
          Clearly, they needed some catching up.
          Careful steps slid forward across the frozen water, though Gin did not fear falling through; it rarely thawed, he must’ve been just a kid when it was thinned enough for his curious childish eyes to catch fish swimming beneath his feet. Sometimes the snow died down to a gentle dusting, a pleasant whisper of winter as opposed to this oppressive force. Gin did not shiver quite yet, though shielded his eyes in searching for his Zanpakuto’s massive spirit; SURELY HE’D SPOT HIM BY NOW...
          Maybe he’d taken shelter, in which case Gin doubled back from wandering across the stilled lake, treaded back through heavy snow till it reached his knees and numbed his legs with a wet clinging chill. NOW he was shivering...
          ❝ Shinso ?! ❞ Though Gin did not normally SHOUT, he attempted to do so now, only for it to feel as though his voice had been swept away by the winds and swallowed right up. No luck, he’d just have to go looking around; the shack had to be his next best bet, perhaps his spirit wasn’t in its truest form right now, hunkered down to survive the turmoil and relentless weather beneath a rickety old wooden home not nearly big enough for a thirteen kilometer serpent dragon to squeeze into. Gin had half the mind to Shunpo over, make things quick, but with the winds and howling pelts of snow, he couldn’t quite tell which direction to go. At least, a few spare boards of wood knocked against his ankle, a hissing collision that told Gin to veer right, THERE IT WAS, somehow — almost practically buried, this pathetic thing he called home once, long ago. The raised point of its triangular rooftop was half caved, that same damned spot as always seemed to have given way for the ice and snow to pour in. The entryway was completely swallowed, snow climbing to the last few breaths of its threshold. Gin would have to dig.
          By the time an opening presented itself, his hands were sufficiently numbed, reddened and bared till he felt blistering begin from the bite of cold... but at the very least he could wedge his way inside —— small quarters, and half was obstructed from the pile pooling in at the doorway, and another opening from the roof let snow pillar upwards in the pale light filtering through. THE SHACK MADE EVERYTHING SOUND QUIETER, softened sounds kept at bay via the buried snow packing its wooden frame into place. IT WAS SMALL ENOUGH FOR GIN TO KNOW THAT HE WAS ALONE IN HERE, no one else could be curled up in any corner, and he braced himself against the neighboring wall once he finished wriggling through the snow. He shook both his hands to get feeling back into them, but his left merely stung as his right moved in numbed silence. On the dirt floor, a gleam caught Gin’s eyes.
          There, disregarded on the ground, was his blade.
          Gin took it, breathed in, and then turned to clamber his way back outside. Shinso had to be near, on the lake somewhere, for this sword to be laying around. THERE WAS NOWHERE ELSE TO GO, A SIMPLE ABYSS. Maybe the serpent had traveled across the stretching grand lake fully, into the mountainous horizon beyond ? Had his Zanpakuto spirit retreated inward so thoroughly ? Well, now Gin had the blade, so he could hone in, at the very least, if he got warm. Speaking of warm, IT WAS FREEZING ! 
         ❝ Who’re ya, HYORINMARU now ?! ❞ A futile prod at the absent spirit thusly swallowed by the winds again. Gin kept his stride onto the lake again, glad to be freed from knee-high heavy snow swallowing his every step. Here, he could glide across the sleek surface with a single step, the frozen waters only subtly dusted by snow as the winds stole all else and kicked it back up into the cold air. Gin huffed out a visible breath, then veered onwards.
          The first thrum of energy, awakening, wasn’t quite felt; his palm was completely numbed into a state of occasional biting stings, hot across the rayskin gripped within a raw palm, and Gin thought nothing of it. Until the second pulse, a shudder cracking the ground beneath his feet —— and the blade in his hand was the beacon, the epicenter for the following waves, tremors, threatening to dart another fissure across the glassy ice below. Gin fought instincts to retreat, and instead knelt down to inspect the lake’s surface. FROSTED, CAPTURED BUBBLES OF AIR AND OTHER DEBRIS WITHIN THE WATER AS IT WAS FROZEN MADE FOR AN IMPERFECT REFLECTIVE SURFACE, and thus Gin was able to squint past its thick ice and into the depths, in which a gleam of rows of silver scales laid dormant below.
          It was Shinso in all of his magnificent glory, stretching its large snake-like husk for miles beneath the ice, swirling its silver-armored hide as though frozen in the act of coiling, slithering, writhing out in a gaping expression, massive fangs shrinking Gin in size, mouth opened wide just underneath where its master now stood, forked tongue reaching blindly out for the surface it did not breech. AH, HE MUST HAVE DROWNED INTO THE ICY WATERS, capsizing during Gin’s downfall, and then stolen away by the Second Division to never recover. Locked into a frozen tomb.
          The blade beckoned within his hand, and he knew Shinso needed more than some idling observations. FREEDOM.
          Gin plunged his blade into the ice, stabbed deep, then withdrew it to stab and chip again at another spot, cutting and wedging the blade in attempts to fracture the frozen lake. IT WAS MINISCULE, HIS EFFORTS WITH A SMALL BLADE, but bit by bit ... Gin reckoned he could carve the spirit free with the dormant wakizashi in his hand, all thirteen kilometers of him if need be...
          There was blood mixed with chunks of shattered ice, shreds of snow and frozen water tainted by crimson as Gin worked with blistering hands rubbed raw in the cold. HE WAS CERTAIN HE COULDNT FEEL HIS FINGERS ANYMORE, and both hands were needed to anchor his strikes downward as he worked to free his frozen companion from the ice. Gin couldn’t let go either, his hands were both stiff and clamped shut around his weapon; like it or not, this was his only option. By now, there was an ample section around the grand snake’s snout almost to the point in which Gin could reach down and touch scales rather than ice. HE STILL HAD PLENTY MORE SNAKE TO DIG OUT, and kept to his duty despite the sting of winter beating him down. He must’ve dug for hours more, clearing out adequate space around the serpent’s head. Gin paused to breathe, having clambered his way down towards the beginnings of Shinso’s throat beneath the smooth surface, and quietly shivered into a curled position during his break. HE COULDN’T STOP SHAKING NOW...
          ❝ Th-this would be easier i-if I h...ad a shovel, y’know, ❞ Gin shuddered and clamped his jaw, then focused back on keeping his momentum, his motivation, his drive — he struck his blade back into the ice. A tremor shook the lake again, odd sounds creaking and groaning, echoing, rebounding into the abyss as the ice shifted beneath Gin’s feet. IN AN INSTANT, THE ICE BEGAN TO SPLIT, shattering and breaking apart into freezing waters below, and Gin was promptly swallowed into the depths.
          Had he not been numbed by it all prior, Gin figured his subsequent drowning into icy waters would have struck his body like a building being slammed onto his chest. His lungs instantly jolted to a choking halt, and his entire frame went rigid in arrest, sent plunging down into swirling dark water, ripping currents — falling, falling, brittle to the bone with cold Gin felt akin to dying, shards of freezing glass pelting around him, and a final gasp of his lungs expelled the last of his air. SURELY HE WAS DYING, could he even die inside his inner world ? He couldn’t remember the specifics, the logic in him whispered something but he couldn’t hear it, and everything was fuzzy.
          A solid surface struck him, lifted, until Gin breeched the surface in a splash and sputter, coughing and hacking at the water that managed to squeeze itself into his ragged breaths. THE WINDS WERE RELENTLESS STILL, merciless to his now soaked frame shivering atop the massive sleek scales of Shinso’s coiling body. From the corner of Gin’s eyes, half-shut by slickened bangs and wet hair already freezing in the winds, he saw the large shadow of Shinso’s raising head, the darting flick of his forked tongue casting a delayed dash of air displaced by its large, quick motion. Gin cracked a smile even in his pain, his shivering pathetic state.
         ❝ G-good to s...see ya, ❞ and a cough, a teeth-clattering shudder. Gin straightened the best he could, hunched for warmth he could not find, yet feeling a spark underneath the intense gaze of the serpent housing him. WAVES OF WATER CLASHED AGAINST KAMISHINI NO YARI’S MONSTROUS FORM BELOW, Gin was raised higher now, almost enough to cut above the low storm clouds up high, into the night sky beyond the gray. The serpent was its own mountain range, coils stretched beyond visibility and off across the rest of the grand lake now shattered below. HE COULD FEEL SHINSO’S RELIEF; at being released from his tomb, his state of suspended death, yet also at Gin, MORESO AT GIN, glad to see its master still alive.
          Are you alright  ( where did you go )  is Aizen still alive  ( why did you not draw me out )  why did we not fight  ( why did I feel you give in )  did we win  ( where is Rangiku )  did Ichigo prevail  ( did Karakura Town fall )  WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ? WE DID NOT FADE SO WE KNEW YOU DID NOT DIE, AND YET... WE COULD ONLY WAIT AND DESPAIR !
          ❝ We — n-need to... t-talk. ❞ 
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emo-steven · 5 years
*Steven looks around an unfamiliar place, his half lided eyes showing curiosity and confusion, though his expression was the opposite showing that he didn’t give a shit. He bit his lip and reached into his jackets right pocket, rummaging around before pulling out a pack of cigs. He took one out, put the package back into his pocket, then pulled out a black lighter with a skull on it. He put the cigarette in between his lips and lit it, putting his lighter away and taking an inhale of the thing that would surely kill him one day. He parted his lips after taking the cigarette in between his fingers and blew rings of smoke in the air.*
Where the hell am I?
@dying-steven @touch-starved-steven @tired-steven-universe @cracked-ste-ven-u-ni-verse @fractured-steven-universe @defensive-steven @steven-youniverse @steven-loves-everything and @ anyone else who wants to reply! :D
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blind-steven · 5 years
*a Steven with closed eyes fell from the sky and landed on the beach sand, the yellow specks flying everywhere. He laid there for a moment before sitting up, feeling no pain surprisingly from the impact. He looked around, although not being able to see a thing, and tried to figure out where he was. He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, getting all the sand out of his black poofy hair. He hugged himself and rubbed his arms nervously. His toes curled and buried themselves in the golden sand, trying to sense his surroundings. He kept looking around albeit it being pointless and his eyebrows furrowed in worry and confusion*
W-where am I? What’s going on?
@dying-steven @tired-steven-universe @defensive-steven @touch-starved-steven @fractured-steven-universe @cracked-ste-ven-u-ni-verse @silver-galactic-the-hybrid @depressedsteven @savage-sapphire @pink-druzy and @ anyone else who wants to reply!
((This is the same person that plays as Emo-Steven (otherwise known as Cig) I’m just playing another character since he popped into my head and I wanted to be him also, hope that’s okay!))
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carelessgraces · 3 years
FULL NAME Astoria Ileana Grim. NICKNAMES Stori. ALIASES Elena Hawke, Elizabeth Vane.
DATE OF BIRTH 22 August 1993. PLACE OF BIRTH Venice, Italy. ASTROLOGICAL SIGNS Leo sun, Libra moon, Leo rising. GENDER Cisgender woman. PRONOUNS She/her/hers. SEXUALITY Bisexual. HEIGHT 5'3". HAIR COLOR Red. EYE COLOR Brown. TATTOOS Several (found here). SCARS Several (found here).
ETHNICITY Italian, Swedish, Irish. RELIGION Stregoneria / stregheria. (notes here)
POSITIVE TRAITS Adaptable, ambitious, clever, perceptive. NEGATIVE TRAITS Capricious, hedonistic, manipulative, selfish.
PHOBIAS None. MENTAL HEALTH Healthy (situational, trauma-related symptoms).
EDUCATION Hargrove Academy (1997-2008), St. Colman Catholic Academy (2008-2011), Harvard University (2011-2015), University of California at Berkeley (2015-2016). CAREER Collector, co-owner of Belladonna Apothecary. SPOKEN LANGUAGES Fluent in Italian, Veneto, and English, reading fluency in Latin and Irish, conversational skill in Irish, Spanish, Swedish.
MAGICAL SKILL Thaumaturgy, elemental magic ( esp. water ), household magic, divination. PHYSICAL SKILL Self-defense ( krav maga ). Lock-picking, pick-pocketing.
22 AUGUST 1993 Astoria is born in Venice, Italy, to Seraphina Greengrass and Kasper Grim.
30 JUNE 2008 Astoria is formally removed from Hargrove Academy and moves in with Evander and Elyssa Vetri, who begin to teach her death magic, specifically expression.
1 MAY 2009 Evander and Elyssa bring Astoria with them to Paris, where they attempt to steal a heavily guarded grimoire. In the process, both Evander and Elyssa are killed, and Astoria is found, frightened and injured but otherwise safe, two days later.
1 SEPTEMBER 2009 Astoria moves in with her mother’s sister in Boston, MA, where she enrolls in St. Colman’s Catholic Academy to complete her education.
17 JUNE 2011 Graduation from St. Colman’s. She is valedictorian, cheer captain, and a member of the school’s girl’s soccer team. She is, also, a very active member of a community of local witches who meet in Salem.
6 SEPTEMBER 2011 The start of Astoria’s education at Harvard University, where she completes a double major in history ( focused in early modern Europe ) and folklore and mythology ( focused in witchcraft, magic, and demonology ).
20 MAY 2015 Graduation from Harvard University.
19 AUGUST 2015 Astoria begins an intensive course of study at Berkley for a master’s degree in folklore.
18 DECEMBER 2016 Graduation from University of California, Berkeley.
22 DECEMBER 2016 Astoria relocates to Dublin, Ireland, where she buys a building and opens a shop, Belladonna Apothecary, with her brother Damon. She splits her time moving forward between Dublin and Boston, when she isn’t traveling for work.
HISTORY (tw: abuse, torture, death, murder via poison, suicide attempt)
** Please note – this history is developed through extensive plotting with potterstillstinks, who writes Seraphina, Daphne, and Damon Greengrass.
This verse will be adapted as necessary to fit various other timelines and fandoms. You can see a breakdown of how I approach magic here. This is how I’ll write Astoria’s magic in this verse; any different approaches to be magic will be for verses based in specific fandoms.
The Greengrasses became titans: a family line of barons, the title bought in the sixteenth century and often more expense than it was worth, struck gold in the early days of Victoria’s reign. Generations of work as merchants and a bone-deep ambition left them well suited to fulfill the growing spiritualist interest in seances, divination, and summonings. They sold books written by folklorists and anthropoligists alongside tarot decks, candles alongside herbs, bezoars and adder stones alongside broomsticks and wands. For the more discerning clientele, they sold hands of glory, notes and diaries belonging to court sorcerers and alchemists, grimoires from medieval witches, cloaks and caps of invisibility.
    It didn’t matter much whether or not the Greengrasses believed; elevated from a barony to a dukedom, they cared more for the development of their earthly power than anything of other worlds. Their wealth and influence grew, and while the majority of the Greengrasses were skeptics, some were more open to the evidence presented to them. Among them was Seraphina Greengrass, heir to the Greengrass fortune, and when she went looking for a highly-desired grimoire she found witches, real witches, practicing their craft in Venice. With them she found Kasper Grim.
    When she suggested marriage he said yes; when she asked him to take her name he said yes; he adored her ambition and her power and wanted nothing more than to support her in it. Together they had four children: Camilla, five years after their marriage; Daphne and Damon, twins, three years later; and finally, two years after the twins, Astoria. All four of the children inherited Kasper’s gift and Seraphina’s drive. The family split their time between Venice, visiting Kasper’s parents, and Dublin, where they lived normal lives, cut off from their magic except in theory.
    As Astoria grew, she began to recognize apparently ever-increasing depths of power. She had an instinct for creating spells, often producing magic far beyond her years, and a particular knack for manipulating water. Kasper’s cousins, the Vetri siblings — also Astoria’s godparents — offered to help teach her better control, so as to keep her from causing unnecessary damage, and, trusting their family to look after their youngest, Kasper and Seraphina agreed to allow Evander and Elyssa to educate her.
    At first, it was everything Astoria had dreamed — at fourteen she left the mundane academy in Dublin to travel and study throughout Europe instead, crawling through ruins, poring over old books, copying out spells and practicing creating her own. The farther she got into her education, the stranger things became: her guardians were vehemently opposed to allowing her to study anything besides what they found useful, and often emphasized the kinds of magic that made her skin crawl. It wasn’t enough to manipulate water; they taught her instead to locate water in the body to heal, to harm. It wasn’t enough to invent spells; they taught her to push her boundaries, to create spells that had no business existing.
    The magic made her more powerful, but more volatile as well, producing frequent and excruciating headaches, often uncontrollable shaking, dehydration, and nosebleeds. As her physical health deteriorated, her attention to detail grew sharper: she realized that Evander and Elyssa would push her far beyond her limits so that they could direct her magic without her interference when she was in pain, and that without her, they were significantly less powerful than she’d imagined. They needed her, but she wasn’t sure why; when she began to ask questions, or refused to follow their orders, they began to punish her, often violently.
    Knowing that she couldn’t destroy them using only magic, she turned to logic, using Evander’s wrath and Elyssa’s pride against them. The weaker-willed they imagined her, the more they let their guard down. She first realized that they intended to use her as a human shield when she was fifteen: the Vetris brought her with them to hunt down a grimoire said to possess the means of prolonging human life, with far greater success than anything else they had encountered. The book was heavily guarded, and Astoria took the worst of the protective spells’ effects; she woke days later with no memory of the venture’s end, and only her godparents’ word that it had been a success. It became clear then that if Astoria was going to survive, her godparents could not.
    She picked a fight, knowing how it would end. The following night, her injuries treated only enough to keep her from something worse, she begged forgiveness, and she watched in silence as her tormentors choked on their own bile, the cups of coffee she’d brought them as a peace offering crashing to the floor. It had been easy enough. Just a little bit of poison. Something mundane, something they never saw coming. She used her magic to dispose of the bodies, to speed up the decomposition until they were nothing but dust. And she waited alone in that house for days until she called the police, sobbing, saying that she didn’t know where her godparents were, begging for help.
    The police who contacted her parents that night explained that the Vetris were missing. Their daughter was in shock. The x-rays taken at the local hospital showed several healed fractures indicative of abuse. What she needed most was to go home.
    Astoria wouldn’t speak until they were back in Dublin; her first day back she tried, and failed, to kill herself, and the day after she called her aunt overseas and told her that she couldn’t, wouldn’t stay in Europe. It took some convincing before her parents agreed that she would move to Boston, where she lived with her aunt as she completed her secondary education. She pursued a bachelor’s degree in history and folklore, spending her graduate education focused on history — specifically, the Italian Renaissance. After completing a doctoral degree, she and her siblings gathered together to take up the family business. Astoria, Camilla, and Damon came together, opening small occult shops in various cities; expanding, they said in magazine interviews and on the shop’s website, building off the foundation of our aunt’s store in Boston.
    They served upscale clientele, providing them with high quality magical goods and everything from spells to exorcisms to potions, and while Camilla and Damon took on major roles in sales, Astoria followed in her mother’s footsteps, and began to collect ( sometimes illegally ) artifacts for more discerning collectors. ( Occasionally, she was asked to take more than just a few artifacts — and, more and more, Astoria found herself in the business of selling secrets. )
NAME Grim, Astoria Ileana ( born Greengrass ). DATE OF BIRTH 22 August 1993. CURRENT LOCATION Boston, MA. OCCUPATION Sale and authentication of antiques ( 10th - 16th century ).
CHILDHOOD Born 22 AUG 1993 to Kasper Grim and Seraphina Greengrass in Venice, Italy. Educated in Dublin, Ireland until 2007. Withdrawn from Hargrove Academy before beginning of Fall 2008 semester. Missing, unreported, from 30 JUNE 2008 until 11 MAY 2009; presumed living with godparents, Elyssa and Evander Vetri, in London, UK. Filed missing persons report, stating that ten days prior, her godparents left her home to run errands and did not return. Medical examination showed evidence of several healed fractures ( ribs, clavicle, nose ) and active injuries ( fracture in left wrist, poorly treated compound fracture in arm recent dislocation of left shoulder ), as well as severe trauma likely due to abuse and neglect. After several interviews, and only with parents and paternal grandfather ( Aleksi Grim, also acting as her legal representation ) present, admitted that she had been abused during the eleven months she was missing. No bodies were discovered, and no evidence of foul play was found. Relocated to Boston, MA to live with maternal aunt ( Astoria M. Townsend ); changed name to Grim to avoid confusion with her aunt.
EDUCATION Completed high school education at St. Coleman’s Catholic Academy, graduated with honors ( Spring 2011 ). Attended Harvard University to double major in history and folklore & mythology ( Fall 2011 - Spring 2015 ), before attending University of California at Berkley for an intensive master’s degree in folklore ( Fall 2015 - Summer 2016 ) and Columbia University to earn a PhD in history with a focus in the Italian Renaissance ( Fall 2016 - Spring 2021 ).
CRIMINAL HISTORY Any criminal activity is suspected, not confirmed. While Grim’s godparents were heavily involved with several criminal syndicates across Europe, Grim herself seems to have escaped relative unscathed, and without much attachment in Europe. In the United States, however, Grim is linked primarily to corporate and political espionage of questionable legality, usually in the employ of Senator Adam Vega ( D-NY ). Suspected in the theft and illegal sale of several medieval artifacts, but could not be definitively tied to any.
KNOWN ALIASES None. KNOWN ASSOCIATES Elyssa Vetri ( paternal first cousin once removed, godmother. Deceased. ); Evander Vetri ( paternal first cousin once removed, godfather. Deceased. ); Senator Adam Vega, D-NY ( business associate ).
SUSPECTED ALIASES Elena Hawke, Elizabeth Vane. SUSPECTED ASSOCIATES Raymond Reddington, unconfirmed.
NOTES Criminal record consists solely of two parking tickets and two speeding tickets. Despite her godparents’ connections, Grim does not appear to pose any physical threat. Noted as charming and persuasive, but believed to be acting within the bounds of legality.
Several deaths, seemingly unconnected, all without any evidence of foul play. All victims seen with a woman, blonde hair, late twenties to early thirties, in the 48 hours prior to their deaths. No evidence found that this is the same woman.
SOCIAL CONNECTIONS Involved with Iain Blackwood from Spring 2010 - Fall 2016; engaged from Fall 2014 - Fall 2016. A handful of alleged romantic connections, none of which have been publicly acknowledged, though she was linked to Vega from Summer 2017 to Winter 2018. Have remained close friends since apparent breakup. Tends to frequent theaters; especially fond of opera, little interest in most art. Not taken particularly seriously outside of her work due to reports of a hedonistic lifestyle, though this does work to her advantage when it comes to making new social connections.
PROFESSIONAL CONNECTIONS Travels often for work. Works closely with several universities, despite preferring to sell to individual collectors ( themselves often academics associated with these universities ). Well known for her skill in negotiations and her patience, as well as her willingness to lose customers if she finds them personally unpleasant.
Her staff is varied but she travels regularly with a handful of personal guards, led by Lorenzo Vescovi, also considered a close friend. Has been trained in self-defense, but prefers not to engage physically. Some have joked that even if she did need to get violent with anyone, it’s unlikely she’d ever have to do it herself. Will only pick up a gun herself if she feels the need to make a point.
Loyal to her allies, though she has yet to be linked to any criminal activity, even when those allies are arrested. Could suggest a willingness to step back and extricate herself from any danger? If she has done so, she’s done it effectively. No one seems to have a grudge against her.
Relationship with Vega seeming to cool, though there have been no indications of a falling-out.
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hahanoiwont · 4 years
1. Whither then au, what are frisk’s thoughts about the gasters in each universe? Would the Gasters become father figure or crazy brother figure to Frisk? 2. What the Frisk’s thoughts on G sans? Would Frisk get along with G sans? 3. Which of the skeleton brothers good and evil are the most overprotective of Frisk? I
Alright alright! I am happy to answer these. Thank you :D
1. Frisk and each AU Gaster?
Okay first of all if Gaster were to be a major character, I’d pretty much have to involve a handplates AU, right? Handplates is the AU where both Sans and Papyrus were the results of an ethically dubious Gaster’s experimentation. So maybe, before Frisk is much aware of him as a person, they’re in a Handplates-type experiment AU. They get a vague impression that there is Someone who hangs over their brothers’ heads, but who or why, they don’t know. Maybe the bros take this somewhat-mysterious, traumatized child and figure Gaster might have been involved somehow? I think that would be fun and interesting.
But, Frisk won’t put that together until far in the future, so when they first meet a Gaster, it’s maybe Underswap? I want a goop-dad!Gaster. Like, kinda silly, mostly ridiculous guy. so Frisk gets to really know him as a total nonthreat, and then the more they meet him in other AUs, the more they come to appreciate him as a person--some Gasters are awkward but fun, some are friendly, some have no interest in Frisk, some are best avoided bc they're kinda evil. Eventually, they kinda figure out that he was probably pretty messed up in the handplates AU, and likely to have been the cause of their brothers' misery.
I think Frisk would consider Gaster an inconsistent friend--when he's nice, they like to hang out with him, and other times he's distant or unfriendly (read: extremely dangerous), so they give him space. They don't really hold evil Gasters against neutral/good Gasters, but they don't let their friendship with him cloud their judgement much, either.
2. Frisk and G!Sans?
Well, I think we've gotta look at G Sans's backstory here--iirc he's from an AU call EchoTale, where the world fractures, Sans and Gaster get merged into one person, and he has to run around with his verse's Frisk to fix things. In the end, he can't exist in that universe once things are put back to normal, since his component parts will be split again; so Frisk wills him into the next universe over, where he continues to explore and adventure. That puts him on the Surface, which is pretty much unreachable at this point of the fic. No good. So! Let's throw all of that out, and say Sans and Gaster just merged in a science accident in place of Gaster's fall. Still G!Sans, but with the backstory issues just sorta waved off to the side.
At first, Frisk would not like him at all. Like, sure, they have a sort of baseline affection for most monsters and for the skelebros in particular; but if they haven't met Gaster before, then they're likely to just pick up that something is wrong with Sans and feel uncomfortable. Doesn't look right, doesn't act right, goes by a different name--he'd probably get similar treatment to Blue, where they avoid him and watch him carefully when he is around, because he's an unknown factor and they don't like it.
It's probably gonna be something innocuous that relaxes them--maybe they catch him snoozing at one of his jobs, and it turns out he's not so scary when he's sleeping. He's napping in the same place many Sanses have napped before, maybe in the same position and with the same little z's floating off of him, and so they figure he must be Sans. He's just a weird, tall Sans. From G's perspective, they just turn on a dime one day and decide to befriend the hell out of him. They've had a Sans deficit and they're gonna make up for lost time.
I'm gonna say Frisk never does learn why G is weird, and never meets another Sans like him, but eventually it doesn't much matter to them. He seems older and maybe calmer in this universe, even though Sans is often apathetic to the point that you'd think he couldn't get any calmer. He's a different type of calm. They like him. It's like meeting a new person who they actually, really haven't met before, and it's nice.
3. Who's the most protective over Frisk?
hmm. I think in some ways, it depends on...what kind of protection, I guess?
Like, if we're talking physical threats, violence etc., then everyone not from a 'fell verse is out of the running. They don't have the same expectation of violence, therefore, they're less defensive against it. But, say, protective against harsh consequences of their own mistakes? Red. Protective against people hurting their feelings? Probably Shy. They're his protege and he can't have people bullying them. Protective in the sense of not wanting them to be in hard situations and have to make hard choices? Black, with Cozy as a runner-up.
As far as physically, like, being willing and able to kill someone in their defense, I'm gonna say Fell by a broad margin. He's the one who started giving them like. magic assault rifles. and he risked his job and his life by deciding not to kill them, so he's very aware that people have motive, as well as being used to the idea that he personally has to protect his family from Everything. He's trying real hard not to kill anyone these days, but he has a much lower threshold of nonsense tolerated before he stabs someone in the mouth.
If I'm gonna try to do a lineup, maybe Fell>Red>Shy>Black and Cozy>Blue>Slim? Sanses tend more towards the overprotectiveness, but Fell's pretty much got everyone beat.
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hgb94 · 5 years
I’ve got a lot of emotions about Zolf, clearly. This got...a little long. So, here are all the things I love about Zolf, and all the things about him that break my heart. Really, all the things I love about him end up breaking my heart. I’m definitely not projecting at all in here. This is 100% well thought out. 
Zolf is The Protector. It’s one of the first and most obvious of his characteristics that I noticed. He constantly tries to protect the lives of people around him, even if he barely knows them, even if he doesn’t particularly like them. It was heartwarming to see how deeply he cared for people he’d known such a short time. He knew Sasha for about 10 seconds before stepping in between her and Barret’s men. “Didn’t seem very fair odds.” He’d known Hamid for two or three days before offering to wear Barret’s ring for him. “Mr Barret, as their employer, you are dealing with me.” He didn’t even like Wilde, but he categorically refused to hand him over to Gourmand’s men in exchange for his own (and the group’s) safety. He grew to despise Bertie, but still did his best to keep him safe. And when he finally becomes enraged by Bertie and is ready to kill him, his central reason is: “I have had it with his constant endangering of the people that I like and love!” The only thing that gets him to stand down is Sasha reminding him that Bertie’s death would upset Hamid. He’s generally the one advocating for the more sensible course of action. He gets angry with Hamid for engaging in reckless heroics and yells at him for a solid 5 minutes before admitting that he feels responsible for him and he doesn’t want him to die. Sasha wants to ride the gyrocopters, and he’s citing a newspaper article about recent crashes. It was endearing and heartwarming, but by the time he left in Prague, it was heartbreaking, for three reasons.
He blames himself when the people he cares for get hurt, and when he can’t protect them, he feels useless. After the catacombs and Mr. Ceiling, he can’t walk, he can’t fight, and he doesn’t even have a weapon. Everything he did to protect them during that arc, at significant risk to himself, wasn’t enough. “I’ve been so useless.” Sasha died. Hamid got hurt. He had to sit at the top of the stairs, unable to do anything, listening to Hamid scream as he was burned by the fire elemental.  One of the only things he really has left to protect them after the catacombs is his ability to heal, which is probably why it hurts so much when Hamid refuses his healing, choosing to use a potion instead. (To my knowledge, Hamid has never willingly accepted healing from Zolf since learning that Zolf’s healing powers were connected to the whole Poseidon drowning sacrifice thing.) There in the Arc, without his legs, without a weapon or armor, healing is the only thing he feels like he can offer. And Hamid won’t let him. The world collapsed and not only can he not fix it, he blames himself for it. “I don’t think I’m powerful, I think I’m powerless! I can’t do anything about this, I can’t fix the mistakes that I’ve made. I can’t walk, I can’t get out and heal people because I need help to get down the stairs.”
He’ll do anything to protect others, but he hates asking for help himself. Honestly, although I didn’t realize it until later, this starts becoming evident at Dover. The only thing Zolf can do during his imprisonment and court-martial is provide Hamid with information to formulate a defense. He has to sit and wait and rely on his new friends to get him out of it. He was powerless. And afterward, Hamid had to push him to accept a temporary loan of 500 gold to pay off his debt to the navy. Later, when Mme. Rose asks them about their most embarrassing memory, Zolf’s is being court-martialed. When he’s lectured at the Temple of Poseidon and sent to cross the channel on a tiny boat in a terrible storm, he doesn’t ask anyone to come with him. He makes it perfectly clear how dangerous this will be, assures them that he’s the only one who needs to do this and won’t blame anyone for taking the train instead, and then waits for them to choose. In the catacombs, with his ruined leg, he focuses on Hamid. He buries the fact that he’s now effectively legless. Box that up and deal with it later, because Hamid and Sasha need him to stay calm. And on the way out of the Arc, it doesn’t matter how much he’s done for the group, he feels the need to apologize to Sasha for her having to carry him around when he’s legless. “You investigate, I’ll watch up here. Don’t want to be a burden.” When she stretches out her back at the hotel after putting him down, he apologizes again, like it’s his fault. 
The only life Zolf willingly risks is his own. When Sasha goes overboard crossing the channel, he only pauses long enough to try and make sure Hamid is safe before throwing himself after her, while offering Poseidon his life for hers. As Mr. Ceiling forms a massive robot to attack the group, he’s in a wheelchair, legless, without armor or weapons, and he hides the three of them from its sight and puts himself between it and them. When Earhart puts a gun to Sasha’s head, he shakes off his airsickness and draws her attention. “If you expect me to fear death, you’re going to be sorely disappointed.” I don’t think that was false bravado. It’s true. He doesn’t fear his death. He’s never been afraid for himself. He fears the deaths of people he loves. I would argue that is his greatest fear. 
I also love Zolf’s passion for romance novels. It’s freaking adorable at first. He’s locked in a jail cell and falls in love with a series of romance novels. “Jennifer, no!” “Richard is not the right one for you!” From the description, they’re simple, melodramatic, and predictable, and I’ve definitely read a few books of that exact genre. He loves them and they’re a wonderful escape for him. When he reacts so violently to Bertie endangering the author, Harrison Campbell, it seems a little excessive at first. And ultimately perhaps that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, the last in a long string of incidents that caused him to snap. But I get it. I have that thing. The thing that you go to on the bad days. When your mind won’t stop spinning out of control with worst-case scenarios.When you have to get out of your own head for a few hours. When you’re numb and struggling to feel anything at all. It becomes a lifeline that you hold onto when you’re drowning, and to have someone tell you that it’s trash, to mock it, to try and destroy your connection to it…I’d have tried to toss Bertie overboard too. Okay, so maybe I am projecting a little.  Zolf’s self-confidence and faith. At the start, Zolf projects a lot of confidence. He’s the leader, he guides the group, makes decisions, and he seems to know who he is, Zolf Smith, Cleric of Poseidon. He believes that he knows what his god wants, and he’s devoted to those beliefs. His confidence balances his caution and allows him to lead the group through dangerous situations while keeping a clear head. After visiting the Temple of Poseidon, he does his best to alter course to his new perception of Poseidon’s desires, but there’s a little crack, a hairline fracture in his understanding of his god and himself. And then Mr Ceiling takes a chisel and hammer to the cracks and shatters Zolf’s faith. “I saw a robot casually decide, ‘maybe I should be a god’, and do you know what, I think it could have done it, because, our gods, right, they’re like us. They’re as stupid and as fallible as us, and they screw up. If something can casually decide, ‘maybe I’ll be a god’, and I have no way of saying that it couldn’t become a god, what’s Poseidon?” He’s faced with the fallout of their choices in Paris, and he doesn’t know if they did the right thing. The economy of Paris has collapsed, chaos, riots, violence, how many people have died? Is this really better? “I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time, I can’t see into the future, but usually my decisions don’t affect millions of people!” And after his dreams from Poseidon, Zolf is filled with more questions than answers. “I don’t know why he’s…stupid dreams and symbolism and rubbish like that and not anything...just…I just want to have a conversation.” Poseidon gives him new legs, but legs aren’t answers. “I just don’t feel like I deserve them. I don’t know why I have them. I don’t know why he’s given them to me. I just don’t know.” They make their way out of Paris and see a Meritocrat destroy Eiffel’s Folly to control the rioting. He learns that his family were part of the Harlequins. Has he been working for the wrong people? And then he nearly kills Bertie and he kills any faith he had left in his ability to lead this group without putting them in danger.
In the end, all of this leads to Prague. He’s lost his faith, he’s doubting his god, he’s doubting the Meritocrats, he’s doubting his choices. “I am the weak link.” “You might believe in me, I don’t anymore.” He’s afraid he’ll crack, make choices that put them at risk, and if he can’t trust himself to protect them, why is he still here?  He has to leave. Partly to sort himself out, to deal with his own issues, but also for them. He can’t stay in command when he can’t trust his own choices. “I don’t trust myself, and I don’t trust myself around you.” If someone gets killed, that’s on him. “I know that if something happens again and I crack…I might not be able to do anything to save you.” At the end of the day, he’s still trying to protect them. He just believes that the best protection he can offer is his absence.
And...a little Sasha heartbreak as frosting on this pain cake. Zolf promised to help with her degenerative magical disease. He promised that he wouldn’t let her die. As long as she was with him, he’d be able to slow it down. They’d go do research and look into it and find someone else well-versed in magic and diseases who could cure her. He promised. And then he left. And sure, she could have done it on her own. She could have pushed “cure my disease so I don’t die” to the top of their priority list. She could have told Hamid what was happening, immediately sought out the Aphrodite lot as the cleric of Artemis suggested. She could have done that alone. But this is Sasha we’re talking about, and the only person Sasha ever trusted enough to willingly ask for help was Zolf. And she sits there, listening to him in Prague, listening to all the reasons that he feels he needs to leave. She never brings up her sickness as a reason for him to stay, never even hints at it. She listens to everything he says, and she tells him he should be free to leave. “If you’re choosing to go, then...you should have the choice. That should be allowed.”
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