#in fact all the new looks are growing on me
misctf · 17 hours
Singing a New Tune
Written for Occam's 2000 Follower Writing Challenge
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“Babe, I love you.”
Jared smiled down at Julie, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He had to imagine his girlfriend dreamed of this moment. A romantic kiss at a Tiffany Stabina concert as the star finished out her set with one of Julie’s favorite songs. A slow romantic song- one that Jared knew all too well from frequent replays in the car.  
“Anything for you babe.” He replied, holding her closely in his muscular arms, “I love you too.”
This certainly wasn’t his kind of music. And he didn’t understand the cult-like devotion to Tiffany. But seeing Julie this happy? Worth it. Still, he imagined the other straight dudes here were thinking similarly. In fact, he and the guy next to him shared several looks throughout the night. A silent comradery acknowledging they’d rather be elsewhere. And if they had been elsewhere, Jared would’ve asked the guy for his arm day routine.
“Alright babe, we ought to head out before...”
“To all my fans, I love you!” Tiffany called out, their cheers drowning Jared’s words, “You’ve all been with me from the beginning, and I am so grateful.” She placed a hand over her heart, “But you all know I’ve been criticized.” The fans all booed, “And they’ve come after you too.”
“A bit dramatic.” Jared chuckled, earning a glare from Julie.
“You wouldn’t get it.” She replied, “They go after he for everything.” The jock nodded, not wanting to risk ruining their perfect night, “But when she sings, it’s like she’s speaking directly to you. People just don’t get it.” Jared nodded. There were some things just not worth it.
“I wasn’t going to do this, but I have a new song for you all this evening!” The crowd erupted in screams and applause. Jared groaned, “They say I’m pandering? Then I’ll pander.” She continued, and the crowd got louder.
Jared knew there would be no way of getting Julie to leave now. And he silently dreaded the hours they’d be stuck in traffic. But as the song started and Tiffany’s words echoed through the stadium, his thoughts slowed.
“They say I only cater to a few.”
Jared felt lightheaded, the sound of the crowd growing distant.
“The gays and the girls, oh boo hoo.”
“Julie?” He whispered, but she didn’t respond, “Julie, please...” He felt sick. The world was spinning, everything becoming black, “Fuck, fuck, fuck...” He whispered. He couldn’t move. Was he dying? Was this it?
“But I won’t back down, I won’t apologize.” Jared looked up and saw her. Tiffany Stabina. Standing in front of him, “For making them feel alive.” She strutted towards the helpless jock.
“What...? How is this...?”
“I see you dancing in the dark, feeling completely torn apart.” She sang.
Jared yelped as he felt a cool breeze caress him. And to his horror, he realized he was nude. Butt naked in front of Tiffany Stabina no less. She grinned and approached him, circling his nude figure and wrapping her arms around him.
“Embrace your uniqueness, don’t hide.”
Jared gasped as she placed pressure on his shoulders. He felt the floor getting closer as he lost inch after inch of height. He now stood at eye level with the 5’6” popstar.
“Wait? What did you do to me?” He yelped.
“Now let my music take you for a ride.”
She ran a hand along his muscular arms. Her very touch sent a wave of pleasure straight to his dick, and he blushed as all 10 inches stood at attention. Tiffany smirked, but continued rubbing his biceps and triceps. Her sensual touch was intoxicated, and Jared watched helplessly as his proud muscles started to diminish. His biceps atrophied, followed quickly by his triceps. His slender arms giving off the appearance they hadn’t seen a gym in years. He tried to cry out, but Tiffany placed a finger to his lips, effectively silencing him. He could only watch as her hands roamed his impressive pecs. He had always been proud of his pecs, and he loved when Julie rested her head on his chest. But now, he could only watch as they flattened away.
“Wait...” He was able to force out. But Tiffany was relentless, and her hands roamed down his abs.
He shed a few tears as his abs vanished, leaving him with a flat, slender tummy. There was no way this could be happening. It had to be some type of acid trip or something. Jared kept trying to reassure himself, even as she moved to his legs and quickly destroyed his muscular thighs and calves, leaving his legs slender and dainty. His feet followed, and quickly diminished from size 13s to 9.5s in mere seconds.
“My music is my contagion, unapologetic. Now we’re gonna collide.” Tiffany continued, this time wrapping her hands around his cock, “My fans are my tribe, I won’t divide.”
Jared felt like the wind was knocked out of him from both the pain and pleasure from her touch. And he watched as she shrunk his proud member. The young jock always knew he was well endowed. And he knew how to use it too. But as he watched his dick shrink from its proud ten inches to a mere 3 inches hard, he felt his confidence diminish.
“We’ll rise together, side by side.”
Her hands made their way to his flat ass. He tried to crane his neck to see what she was about to do. But he didn’t need to see. He could immediately feel his ass expand in her hands, filling them with firm, yet jiggly fat and muscle. He let out a moan as she caressed his basketball-sized ass cheeks, and he nearly came when she gave one a firm slap.
“Pl-please stop...” He begged as she placed a hand over his neck, “You can't do thith...” His voice cracked and he winced, “What’th happening to my voithe? Why do I thound like thith?” He begged, his voice cracking, “No, thith doethn't thound right.” His voice settled a few octaves higher, his masculine tone now lost forever.
“So bring on the hate, let the critics rage. We’ll keep on dancing, it’s time to turn the page.”
As she continued to caress his now slender body, and grind against him, he felt off. His dick  softened, as her physicality became less appealing to him. Her bouncing boobs and thick lips didn’t seem to do it for him. Even her touch was losing its pleasure. And he realized in terror what was occurring.
“No, not thith!” He begged, “Come on, come, think of thomething.” He remembered the BJ Julie gave him last night, and even the lesbian porn he watched a few days ago. But his measly member stayed soft, “No... pleathe...”
He felt Tiffany’s hand on his head. His pleading eyes met hers, and he knew he’d find no mercy. His hair restyled itself, and he felt a piercing pain in his left earlobe, which suddenly adourned a diamond stud. But her touch was doing far more than making a few style alterations. In his mind, his memories were shifting. Showering after football practice? Changing in the locker room after a lifting session with his bros? Watching football with his family?
“Oh god...” He moaned, as his small dick hardened and his ass throbbed with need.
He didn’t play football. He got fucked by the quarterback in the shower after a game. He wasn’t lifting at the gym. He was doing cardio and sucking off the gym bros between their sets. He didn’t watch sports like football. He just sat and scrolled on his phone, reading up on the latest Tiffany Stabina gossip and scrolling his socials. And as his new reality cemented itself, Jared’s eyes lost their intelligent spark and became half-lidded, his brain filling with celebrity gossip and how to please guys.
“This contagion’s here to stay, and we’ll celebrate it every day.”
She kissed him on the cheek. And with that, Jared was back. The cheers of the crowd filling his ears, as Tiffany thanked her fans and left the stage. Jared smiled.
“Oh my god! That wath tho amathing!” He cheered, “Tiffany! I love you!” He yelled, “It wath like Tiffany thpoke to me.”
“You felt that way too?” Jared turned and came face to face with a man of similar build. Albeit with slightly bigger arms, “Tiffany, like, totally thpeakth for uth.” He grinned as Jared felt up his arms.
“Wait!” A voice called out behind him, “Did you see the guy I came here with?” Julie asked, looking around desperately, “I swear, he was right here. I...”
“Thorry thithter, I hope you find him!” Jared replied, turning his attention back to the guy.
“Tho weird, thome poor girl athked me about her boyfriend too.” The man replied, “Probably got drunk and left to watch football.”
“OMG tho lame.” Jared laughed. The two smiled at one another, “Tho, like...”
“Wanna go back to my place? I have her latetht album.” The man winked, and Jared shuddered as his ass throbbed with need.
“That thounds delightful.” Jared replied, pulling the man in closer, his smile widening as the man squeezed his ass, “Oh! But like firtht I totally need a thelfie! I want everyone to know I thupport Tiffany and Tiffany thupports me!” He cheered, capturing their kiss on camera and posting it to his socials.
Later that night, Jared and his lover explored one another’s new bodies. Jared gasping at the size of his lover’s cock, moaning as he felt a firm hand squeeze his ass. His moans would continue to fill the room that night. With each thrust of his new lover’s dick, Jared was in heaven. Unaware of his former life or the horror it would bring his former self to see him like this. Just another horny slut- another gay twink dedicated to Tiffany Stabina.
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plutonium-sky · 2 days
So! About the revelation I mentioned with WL and Eden statues- I’m going to give some context first. Me and @halcyon-xxy-art were discussing some Sky DND stuff, and then had an interesting idea- what if there was light corruption, alongside dark corruption?
We immediately establish dark corruption as the crystalized bodies, with the soul (light) trapped inside. The thing is, we wanted to make it so that there wasn’t any weakening of their light- it’s just that there is more darkness. After that got put out, we started thinking about what light corruption would look like, and Aria basically perfectly described a Winged Light. That’s when I had my revelation. What if Winged Lights are sky kids who got light overflow?
I’ll elaborate on that in a bit when I establish another fact we put out right after. Skykid DO have darkness inside them. It’s just hidden in a way no one would expect- it’s right in front of us. A skykid’s darkness would be their physical Body. And, if we go by that logic, their light would be everything else that the body holds- their light and Soul.
And then we added more to the corruption parts. Darkness corruption would work that the soul is trapped inside the body- and cannot return to Megabird (it would slowly weaken inside, losing its power bit by bit as the overbearing darkness drains it.) Light corruption was easy to figure out from there as well. The soul doesn’t have a body to guide it back to the cycle (it had burnt it away, and now the soul is horribly exposed, frozen in time, until a new, temporary vessel guides it back to freedom.)
The skykid’s body needs to walk alongside a delicate balance of light and dark, lest things go to SHIT for them. Too much light will result in being corrupted and overloaded by it, and the body will burn and flake away and the soul be frozen in time and space without the body to guide it back to the cycle. Too much darkness will slow them down, overtake them, eventually turning the skykid into an immovable statue, the soul covered on all sides, and it’s now trapped in a cage of its own making.
Also, absorbing WL (the lost souls of someone else) benefits us instead of harming us because all the overloaded light is still being taken by the other’s soul, not yours. Of course, a little still leaks through- and that’s why it makes flying easier. It’s a sort of…. symbiotic relationship, where the sky kid gives the soul a temporary vessel for it to rest in, while the soul helps the vessel, benefitting it as safely as it can. It takes more WL the longer you have to fly for safety concerns- if they keep on sharing the same amount of energy, the light corruption will happen once more, to a new victim, and now there will be two souls trapped beside each other.
Also, the body and soul theory is further supported by sky kids extinguishing. NORMALLY, we don’t grow crystals. By normally I mean stuff like rain and non-shard crabs. That would be a “normal” death- we aren’t corrupted, the soul and body are still in balance. There’s the pity WL too- you can still be saved. For lore reasons, I’m going to partially ignore the fact that you would still get a pity WL if you lost all of yours to a krill, shard, or shard crabs, because let’s be honest- it’s just ingame things. And, if my memory serves my right (I can’t play sky at the moment to check properly), you would grow crystals for all of those deaths- corrupted by darkness.
There’s then Eden. We run around, giving WL to the lost to darkness bodies of sky kids- or perhaps spirits. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. But, what matters is that somehow, this works in freeing them. My theory for how is that the light corrupted and overloaded soul helps balance out the dark corrupted body, sharing its light with the trapped soul inside. By the point we find the eden bodies, though, the souls are so weakened that they’re barely there- my explanation as to why we don’t see double the winged lights in orbit. They need time to recover.
The last nail in the coffin for this theory, to me, is the cutscene in eden that happens when we finally lose all of our winged light and become a statue ourselves. Where we fall in darkness, as a dark figure, then land. The light and dark of our being in a limbo meet. The light (soul) is sitting there, unmoving, trapped. Meanwhile, us, as the darkness (body) moves, going back to the light, to guide them back. This supports my “the light and soul cannot be guided without the darkness of their body” talk- because it IS the body guiding the soul here. It frees us.
TLDR? Skykids aren’t only light- they are also darkness. The light is their soul and the dark is their body. Without a body, lost because of various reasons (the one I gave is being overloaded/corrupted by light), the soul is trapped and we see this ingame as Winged Light. This creates a delicate balance where there can’t be too much light or too much dark in the soul and body. When you are corrupted by darkness, the soul gets trapped but it is still there. A normal death for a sky kid is when no crystals grow on their body. Eden statues are helped with WL because the overloaded darkness and the overloaded light balance each other out.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, hope it lived up to your expectations.
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allfortheslay25 · 12 hours
In an au where milo has siblings that aren't Maya and Ollie, what would they be like and how would it affect the canon lore in miloverse?
Finally, I can answer this ask✨
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Sorry for the long wait, I ended up pretty busy with my job and was backed up with loads of asks (I don’t like mixing my doodles unless it’s just one or two but I had HUNDREDS of asks about All for the fish and decided to just pick through and answer as many as I dared)
Anyways! For Other Kids AU (aka separate ‘what if’ AUs where the Foxes have other or more kids)
Ofc I thought of more andreil kids. What do you take me for? The aftg brainrot is my disease✋😔
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⚠️ this is not canon to We’ll Both Be Fine or Milo’s main story in general. This is a what if situation ⚠️
Admittedly, they could have been canon but andreil didn’t care about having more children. Milo was enough for them.
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The first kid is Connie (Conner David) born 2011. Andrew and Neil decide not to deletus the fetus and so Connie is born. It is actually Nicky who gets to name him :)
Milo is very happy and emotional about having a little brother and tries to involve himself in every second of his life. They grow up very close, Connie looking up to Milo a bit.
Connie likes writing, cookies with jam, and spring
Dislikes conflict, chewing gum, and his freckled eyes (has eye nevus)
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Second are the twins, Honey (Miela Marie) and Niko (Nicholas Nolan) both born 2014. Very simple decision from andreil that since Connie went well, why not test fate? And then they had twins who tried to make their lives hell. Andreil let the Foxes brainstorm names and send their best picks for andreil to choose through before narrowing it down to six (three if it’s a girl and three if it’s a boy) (they didn’t know it’d be twins) and let the foxes make a unanimous decision. The foxes decided on Nolan for a boy and Miela for a girl. Andrew and Neil ended up naming the boy Nicholas (Nicky cried about it for days) and gave Miela the middle name Marie after Abby.
Although Milo loves his new siblings, the twins are very hard to deal with and whine to him about every thing instead of andreil. The kids are also a bit air headed and tend to be hurtful without meaning to. When Milo goes to college, he finds out that they replace him with Connie who takes care of them as if they were his kids. (Admittedly, they love Connie more and it hurts Milo’s feelings)
Honey likes apiculture, traveling, food
Dislikes sitting still, sharing her things, being told what to do
Niko likes sports, napping, living life to the fullest
Dislikes being active (when it’s not sports), alcohol, explaining himself (he can’t)
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Old concept designs when I was first making them
Some facts:
- Honey and Niko don’t consider Milo their brother but not in a malicious way. In their weird minds, he’s too old and different (however, they consider him family the same way Nicky, Aaron, Kevin, and Robin are)
- Honey lives with Nicky and Erik in Germany. She goes to school there
- Connie briefly lived with Stuart in the UK for two years, studying literature and journalism
- Niko doesn’t like playing exy but he goes pro as a hockey player since it’s similar
- they all call Milo something different. Connie calls him Brother or Milo, Honey calls him Mywo (Me - Woah), Niko calls him Lio or Em
- Milo used to take the kids to school (either walking or driving) since the twins were in daycare
- each kid is represented by one of the many animals that represent Milo. The rabbit (Connie), the bird (Honey) and the cat (Niko). With them, Milo is the dog. (Each animal makes up a part of Milo’s personality)
-⬆️ specific animals: White bunny (Connie) summer tanager (Honey) orange tabby (Niko) Wolf or Fox (Milo). However if they were Milo; New Zealand rabbit, Crow, and Red Siberian cat
- Maya would not be born in this au because at that point, they’d have their hands full with the twins and there’s no reason to have another. Ollie would have not been adopted either
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dropsnectar · 1 day
Pollen and Potions: Bee-men x afab!reader
Well. More bond mating smut. And yes, their will be more parts. And more smut! Anywho, enjoy~
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Rena stared down at your bare breasts, eyes full of curiosity and interest. You leaned back into Lyiths chest, his hands moving in front of you, trying to fiddle with the buttons of your jeans. Rena smirked down at him, before reaching over with her second pair of hands and unzipping them. Lyith pulled you up, positioning your hips enough so that Rena could pull your pants off, leaving you in a pair of white panties with little bottles on them. ‘Honey’ was scribbled on the jars and you cringed internally. You had bought a bee themed panty pack a week before you had moved into the cottage. 
Rena examined your undies before throwing back her head and cackling. “What a strange garment. I wonder if it tastes as sweet as its labeled.” She took one of her hands and traced around the edges of the underwear with her fingers, achingly slow, then reaching down to the start of a wet splotch that had seeped through the fabric. Just as slowly, she rubbed back and forth against the splotch, tracing the opening of your lips. She laughed again, then took some of the slick collected on her finger to her lips.
She blinked up at you with big eyes. “They were right. Sweet as our best batch of honey.”
Your core churned with heat, her gaze making you clench around nothing. Lyiths hands moved from your waist up to your breasts, tracing little meandering lines on the skin. The sensation made your nipples perk and Rena watched them with introgue.
It occurred to you that this must be a very new experience for them, considering they were not fully mammalian. Rena used the pad of her fingers to trace around your areolas, and up the tip of your nipple, making you quiver. The skin on her first pair of hands was rougher, and it felt incredibly good. She pinched your nipples experimentally. Her other hands roamed your happy trail, down your stomach to your hips. Lyith continued to message the skin of your breasts.
Lyiths head was leaning over and into your ear. He blew into it experimentally and as you breathed out a moan came with it. All the attention and the fact that three pairs of hands were groping your body was incredibly titillating. You were getting wetter under their eyes and your sensitive nipples only made things worse. Your core pooled molten, and you felt yourself heat up.
You had never felt so open and on display, the fact that their was no door to the room making your tensions tighten. Any minute someone could come in and see you bare and moaning. That is, if they didn’t feel the wave of your lust from the hallway.
“We are all that matters right now.” Lyith breathed in your ear, putting his lips to your neck and biting down. You groaned at the shock and the sweetness of it. You could feel Lyiths growing need against your ass. Rena leaned down and started licking and nipping the skin of your breast, eventually making way to your nipples, causing you to shake. 
She noticed, and started to play with them in tandem. One of her hands had pushed your panties aside and started tracing up and down your slit. You mewled as she traced over your clit and she stopped.
She then, slowly traced over it again and, saw how you went limp. You were not able to do anything but feel sensation.
“Oh, is this a place you like, little Queen?” She purred, starting to rub it with vigor. You cried as she started to play with it, making different shapes and taking breaks to trace down to your entrance and back up again. Fuck did it feel good. You wondered if Bee-men women had clits and you looked down, surprised to see that while she did have a slit, something was starting to peak out, a long, girthy something. It had bumps and ridges, a shape you had never seen before. 
She noticed your attention shift and cooed at you.
“See what you do to me little Queen?” You felt her push her mind to yours, her rich heady arousal filling your head. You joined her and you felt her smugness at your obvious need and lust. Something about sharing your mind with her made you more sensitive, and you started moaning louder as she rubbed you and played with your wetness.
You could feel it, a sudden magic being worked and she brought one of her hands to her mouth, taking two fingers deep into it. She then pulled them out, slick and glistening under the light, then reached them down to slowly pump into you. She worked the liquid into your twitching walls, exploring. Behind you Lyith murmured praises and groaned as he humped himself into the crevice between your asscheeks, sliding around the Bee-men equivalent of precum. You didn’t see him, but his length felt long. You wondered what it looked like, when suddenly, a strong shot of warmth, like lightning started to take place between your walls.
You were a trembling shaking mess, and if you had felt needy before, your were practically desperate now. You felt a sort of fuzzy sensitiveness in your walls, a feeling adjacent to need. It was strong, and demanding, and you could barely see with how much you needed something to be inside you. You started humping into Renas hand, sliding up and down against Lyiths length as you went. All blushing, and embarrassment gone, you needed to be fucked. Right then. Right now.
A part of you knew it was Rena’s magic. She was painting more and more of this magic saliva along your walls, seemingly trying to cover every inch of it. You whine loudly into her ear, and bit her shoulder hard in frustration. She giggled at you.
“I have to do this properly if we want this to take, little one. Now keep your mind and your legs nice and open for me.” She whispered. You were sweating profusely now, the sweat on your back and chest making their fur damp in the process.
Rena’s hands continued to pump into you, angling just the right way to make you grunt and drool. Your inside was so incredibly wet, you bet the squelching sounds could be heard from the hall. Your release was so close. You were so close. You felt another nip on your shoulder as Lyith came, his voice a beautiful song. You could feel his eyes flutter along your skin, and that knowledge sent you over the edge too. You rode out the wave of blinding heat as Rena leaned down to kiss you. 
Her tongue licked at yours experimentally before completely claiming your mouth like she had your cunt. Her saliva was sweet and tasted of her magic and she continued to feed her own need for release, a need to be touched and fuck and to be fucked all inside your head. Her saliva wasn’t just an aphrodisiac, it was pining her magic to you, her mind to you, everything that she was, it was all over your insides.
She finally adjusted you, putting her girth up to your hole before murmuring a chant that sounded like a mix between human and the buzzing texture of her purrs. Her mind was full of want, of instinct and devotion.
“I give my body and mind to you. I claim you as my Queen, to serve until my mind turns quiet and my wings beat their last beat.” 
If Rena had ever been serious in her life, it was at this moment. Your gazes locked and opened yourself to her completely. You would accept all of her. Every flaw and piece.
At that moment, she pushed into you, all of her in one swift motion. You both groaned out, your minds a landscape of white sparks and fire. She started pumping, her ridges dragging deliciously against your walls. It was good thing she had prepped you, because her girth was formidable. The friction left you drooling as she fucked you dizzy. You felt like goo, barely able to keep your head upright from how intense the feelings were.
She had not just entered you physically, but you could feel herself attach to some incredibly intimate part of your mind. The harder she pumped, the more she connected and you knew she would never leave you. 
As your second orgasm started to build, you felt it. The last nail to the wall, to mount her to you forever. If you drilled it in yourself, you would be her queen until your last days. You felt a piece of her tense in worry. A scared vulnerable piece of her. She had given you everything and if you rejected her now, she would never live down the shame, never be able to take another queen.
You took all of her in your mind, cradled her as close to you as possible, and pushed the two of you over the edge. In that moment the two of you cried out, heat and pleasure crashing through your mind and forms. 
She filled you with her warm cum, your dripping cunt taking every inch as she pumped you through your high. Your hearts beat as one in that moment, and you stayed like that for an impossibly long time.
When the two of you came down, you collapsed into each other. You rolled over, her dick soft, inside you. Lyith made a happy trilling sound and sculpted himself to your back, purring and humming in a sing song way. He was actually singing now, in a celebratory tone. 
Rena could only purr and trill happily, her eyes foggy as she put her hand up to push back your damp locks.
You leaned into her touch, sated and happy. You could feel her bond in the back of your mind, next to Lyiths. You had to admit to yourself, now that the need was starting to recede, that this was a scary situation.
Your Lyith and Rena had put their lives in your hands, to heal or hurt, to command, or to reject. The power was all yours. 
“Everything will be alright. Anything scary, we will deal with it together.” Lyith breathed at you. Rena, still coming down from her high nodded, making her same trilling noise. It conveyed an emotion you didn't have human words for. It was ajoy of being seen and accepted. Of being whole. It was a vulnerable, sincere love being conveyed. You leaned over and kissed her. 
You slowly pulled her girth out of you, causing her to groan and wrinkle her nose. You turned to Lyith and kissed him as well, before laying on your back and sighing. 
I totally am going to freak out when I fully process this, you thought to yourself, before relaxing your consciousness into the embrace of sleep.
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year2000electronics · 7 hours
How did Ford's whole turning into a moth thing go in Monster Falls? Was there ever any fear before the sense of euphoria you described him having in the end
ford is pretty unique among the people who end up moving to town because he goes there on purpose, specifically for the fact that there are supernatural creatures there, and doesn’t have anyone “tethering him down” that convinces him not to leave (or maybe distracts him from looking at the obvious signs of the curse) so what ends up happening is that ford kinda makes the decision to stay in the early days/weeks of the curse starting to affect him. he’s like “you know what? i’ve been a freak all my life, and now i’ve found a place where freaks like me fit in. let it happen. this is the start of a new chapter in my life”
i think another reason he lets himself be cursed is specifically because before the portal, he probably planned to publish a paper proving the curse was real scientifically. and who better to use as a case study than himself, living proof of the curse? but of course some years go by, and even after fords fully cursed, he still has yet to determine the source of the curse, why it turns people into monsters, if there’s any pattern to what monsters get picked, NOTHING. so, desperate, he goes hunting for answers in a cave, reads aloud an inscryption, and in his dreams, he sees a glowing yellow light…
…and you know how moths get with their lights.
so yeah! very little fears! mostly excitement for discovery and stuff and a sort of feeling of being seen.
there was an incident where his wings were growing out, though.
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(they hadn’t fully grown in yet.)
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mixedupmojo · 8 hours
Weird isekai idea that I had that I just wanted to realise into the wild.
Ok so you know how there are multiple stories out there about reader getting transported into the world of journey to the west and then ending up tagging along as the pilgrims make their way west. Here's the thing most of the time these story's take place once the group has already been assembled or the reader ends up meeting Tripitaka first.
So here's the thought what if reader meets Wukong before the group has a chance to get together. Let me explain.
So imagine reader has just arrived in a strange new world and they have absolutely no clue where they are or how they got there and are freaking out really badly. So they start calling out to see if there is anyone nearby that can help them and after a good few minutes of wandering around and shouting for help they suddenly get a reply. Relived they rush towards the voice, only to find that the person that was calling to them wasn't a person but a monkey that looks to be trapped within the rock of a mountain. And it only takes them a second to realise that this isn't just any monkey but thee monkey, the monkey king, Sun Wukong himself and somehow they've been transported into the story of journey to the west. Their internal crisis soon gets interrupted as Wukong starts asking if they wouldn't mind helping him out with his situation. Knowing the story not to mention what Wukong's capable of they immediately disagree much to Wukong's outrage. At Wukongs outburst they go to leave but that’s when they realise that they still have no clue where they are and what's worse no idea who could help them except for maybe Tripitaka so they resolve to wait for him much to Wukong confusion. Realising that it might not be a good idea to tell him that they are not exactly from this world they stick with the hopelessly lost excuse. which Wukong responds with that he would be happy to help them out if they let him out which is an obvious no so things quickly devolve into a stale mate.
Days go by and they end up talking a lot, with Wukong casually trying to convince them to take off the seal every now and then and them always refusing. But as the days go by the more anxious and worried reader gets after all they have no idea at what point in the story they are and it could very well be a hundred year before Tripitaka will eventually show up. Food and shelter are also a worry as they've managed to get by due to it being summer and there is plenty to forage and a small cave nearby that they've been using for shelter but they know it won't last forever. but most of all they really, really want to go home they miss their family their friends they miss their life. More time goes by and day by day reader and Wukong bond even more to the point where the monkey king has actually grow quite fond of them and cares quite a lot to the point that he starts helping them out in what little ways he can. He even stops constantly trying to get them to remove the seal on the mountain only occasionally asking every now and then and its usually only after he see them struggling, instead he's taking the time to ask them about themselves and find out more about them and in return he tell them about himself usually stories of his glory days. eventually they come clean about the fact that they are not from this world and how they have no idea how they got here or how to get home, breaking down a bit as Wukong resolves to help in any way he can. Then one day it happens completely unprompted reader suddenly get up and start walking away at first Wukong doesn't think anything of it as they often leave to look for food and other such things but as the hours go by and they've yet to come back Wukong starts to worry think that something bad might have happened to them before he gets the horrible thought that they might have just finally got sick of waiting and left him. Stewing in his thought the monkey king slowly growing more and more enrage and heartbroken at the potential betrayal. when suddenly he can feel it, he can feel the mountain shift and he realise what they have done. It's after another few hours pass that he hears them running down the mountain catching a quick sight of them as they run past him. it doesn't take him long to realise that they are getting a safe distance away and he waits a few more hours before he finally breaks free. Meanwhile your despriatly trying to catch your breath as you watch the entire mountain explode chunks of rock flying in all directions and your barely able to make out a reddish orange blur coming towards you before your enveloped in a bone crushing hug.
Thus beings their own journey to find a way to get reader home.
I dunno I just really like the idea of Guanyin or Tripitaka turning up and Wukong not being there and all of haven freaking out because the monkey king is on the loose and no one has any idea where he is.
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muiitoloko · 1 day
Lionel Smut? 🫣
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Title: Hard and Late
Summary: Lionel’s powerful thrusts and teasing comments make it clear he’s not in any rush to leave your bed, despite the important meeting he keeps mentioning. Caught between work and pleasure, Lionel shows you just how far he’ll go to make you come first.
Pairing: Lionel Shahbandar × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut
Author's Notes: Thank you so much for your order, I truly appreciate it! 😊
Also read on Ao3
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Lionel’s body was warm behind you, his chest rising and falling slowly as he breathed against the back of your neck. But the hard press of his morning wood against your ass was impossible to ignore. You stirred slightly, and the movement made Lionel groan softly, his hips instinctively pushing forward, grinding his arousal more firmly into you.
You were barely awake, but the sensation was enough to bring you out of your sleep, your body unconsciously responding by pushing back against him, nestling your ass against his hardness. Lionel felt it instantly. His breath hitched, and he could feel himself getting even harder, his cock throbbing with anticipation.
“Bloody hell,” he muttered under his breath, his baritone voice thick with arousal, barely a whisper against your skin. "You’re going to drive me mad, darling."
His hand, which had been resting lightly on your hip, slid down, his fingers brushing against the curve of your waist as he pressed himself harder against you. He wanted you to wake up, needed you to feel how badly he wanted you. His fingers dug into your skin as he ground his hips into you again, the thin fabric of your underwear doing little to hide the fact that you were starting to get wet.
You shifted again, letting out a sleepy murmur, still caught in that hazy place between sleep and consciousness. Lionel, however, was wide awake now, his mind racing with dirty thoughts of what he was going to do to you once you were fully awake. He could already feel his cock twitching with impatience, desperate for release. He had spent the night in your apartment—small, cluttered, and with a mattress that he swore had more springs poking him than he’d ever felt in his life. But he didn’t care. You, on the other hand, had slept like the dead, completely oblivious to his growing frustration.
“Wake up, love,” Lionel growled softly into your ear, his voice rough with desire. “I need you.”
You shifted again, a little more awake this time, and the moment your hips moved back against him, Lionel let out a low, guttural groan. His hand moved to your ass, giving it a possessive squeeze as he leaned down, his lips brushing against your neck.
“Christ, do you even know what you’re doing to me?” he whispered, his voice dripping with need. “I’ve been hard all bloody night, waiting for you to wake up.”
You let out a soft, breathless laugh, the sound turning into a quiet moan as Lionel’s hand slipped lower, his fingers brushing over the damp fabric between your legs. “Looks like you’ve been busy,” you teased, your voice still thick with sleep.
Lionel shifted slightly, his face contorting in mild annoyance as yet another spring from your mattress poked into his back. "Bloody hell," he muttered under his breath, making a mental note to get you a new mattress. The thought of buying a mattress for someone amused him. Of all the gifts he had lavished on women before—jewelry, designer clothes, expensive vacations—he had never once considered gifting a mattress. And yet, here he was, contemplating it, which made him chuckle softly to himself.
You would never accept it, though. Not you, the damn proud photographer. The one woman who seemed completely immune to his wealth. Lionel both loved and hated that about you. On one hand, your refusal to take anything from him was refreshing; it showed that you weren’t in this for his money. On the other hand, it drove him insane. He was used to women fawning over him, accepting his gifts with wide eyes and open arms. But you? You had your own money, your own success, and you didn’t seem to care for his riches at all.
Well, that, Lionel thought with a smirk, or you were an incredibly skilled actress. Either way, he tried not to dwell on it too much. Not when you were pressed against him like this, your ass grinding against his hard cock, your sleepy murmurs driving him wild.
His hand slid up from your waist to your breast, squeezing it possessively, feeling the soft weight of you in his palm. “You know,” he murmured in your ear, his voice a low, gravelly purr, “it wouldn’t kill you to invest in a better mattress, love. This one is absolute rubbish.”
You let out a soft sigh, shifting your hips slightly, pressing back into him again. “This mattress is fine,” you mumbled, still half asleep but clearly enjoying the attention he was giving you.
Lionel scoffed, his fingers pinching your nipple lightly as he leaned down to press a kiss against the nape of your neck. “Fine isn’t exactly the word I’d use,” he said, his voice dripping with playful disdain. “But if you’re comfortable sleeping on something that feels like a medieval torture device, who am I to judge?”
You groaned softly, both at his teasing words and the way his hand continued to knead your breast, his touch firm yet gentle. “Not everyone can afford the finest things in life, Lionel,” you said with a hint of sarcasm, but he could tell you were smiling.
He chuckled against your skin, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as his hand drifted lower, slipping beneath the waistband of your underwear. “That’s where I come in, darling,” he purred, his fingers teasing the soft, wet heat between your legs. “Let me spoil you a little... maybe then I can spoil myself with you.”
You shivered at his words, your body arching back against him, the thin barrier of your underwear doing little to stop the rising heat between you. Lionel loved the way you responded to him, even if you pretended not to care. He knew exactly what buttons to push to make you melt.
His fingers moved in slow, deliberate circles over your clit, teasing you, making you gasp softly as he pressed himself harder against your ass, his cock twitching with anticipation. “I could make you feel so good, love,” Lionel whispered, his voice thick with lust as he kissed your neck, his teeth grazing your skin just enough to make you tremble. “I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t care what mattress you’re on.”
You let out a breathless moan, your hand gripping his forearm as his fingers moved faster between your legs, your body already humming with pleasure. “Lionel…”
“Mmm, that’s it, darling,” Lionel growled, his hand tightening on your breast, his other fingers slipping inside you, feeling the wet heat of your arousal. “You know you want it… you always do.”
You bit your lip, your body betraying you as you pushed back against him again, grinding against his cock. Lionel grinned, knowing he had you right where he wanted. His fingers pumped in and out of you, his palm rubbing against your clit, drawing soft whimpers from your lips. “Say it,” he murmured, his voice low and commanding. “Tell me you want me.”
Your breath hitched, and Lionel smirked as he felt you tighten around his fingers. “I want you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible as you gave in to him.
“Good girl,” Lionel growled, his fingers pulling out of you just long enough to flip you onto your back, his body moving on top of yours in one fluid motion. His knee pushed your legs apart as he settled between them, his cock pressing insistently against your entrance. “Now, let’s see if I can make you forget about that bloody mattress.”
Without another word, Lionel thrust into you, burying himself deep inside with one powerful motion. You cried out, your back arching as he filled you, his body pressing you into the mattress, making you feel every inch of him.
“Fuck, you feel incredible,” Lionel groaned, his hips moving in slow, deep strokes, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. “So tight… so perfect.”
Your nails dug into his shoulders, your breath coming in ragged gasps as he picked up the pace, his thrusts becoming harder, more demanding. “Lionel…”
“That’s it, love,” he growled, his lips crashing down on yours as he fucked you harder, his hips slamming against yours with each thrust. “You’re mine… all fucking mine.”
The room filled with the sound of your ragged breathing, the wet slide of his cock moving in and out of you, and Lionel’s low, guttural groans as he lost himself in the pleasure of having you beneath him. He loved the way you responded to him, the way your body gave in to every command, every touch.
“Come for me,” Lionel whispered, his hand slipping between your bodies to rub your clit, his fingers moving in quick, precise circles. “I want to feel you come around my cock.”
Your body tightened in response, your hips bucking up against him as the pleasure built, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Lionel grinned, knowing exactly how to push you over, his hips slamming into yours with a force that left you breathless.
Lionel’s grip tightened as he shifted one of your legs over his shoulder, opening you up even more for him. The change in angle made you gasp, your hands clutching at his broad shoulders as his cock thrust deeper, harder into you. You bit your lip, trying to stifle the moan that threatened to escape. The last thing you needed was another complaint from your neighbors about the noise. They were already too familiar with Lionel’s visits, and while you adored him, you weren’t ready to move just yet, despite his many offers.
Lionel’s low chuckle rumbled against your skin as he noticed your efforts to stay quiet. “Trying to keep quiet for your neighbors, love?” he teased, his voice dripping with playful malice as he leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. “I wouldn’t worry about them. If you scream loud enough, maybe they’ll just be jealous.”
You groaned softly, your nails digging into his back as you tried to focus, but Lionel wasn’t making it easy. Each thrust was deliberate, relentless, his cock filling you in a way that had your entire body trembling with the effort of staying silent.
“I’m serious, Lionel,” you whispered breathlessly, trying to keep your voice down. “I don’t want another noise complaint. They already warned me last time…”
Lionel’s eyes gleamed mischievously as he grinned down at you. “Let them complain,” he growled, his hips slamming into you with even more force, driving you into the mattress. “Maybe I’ll come down there and explain to them just how well I’m fucking you. Or better yet,” he smirked, “I’ll buy you a new place where you can scream as loud as you want.”
“Leo!” you gasped, both in pleasure and frustration as you tried to stay focused on the present. “I told you—I’m not moving. And I don’t want you buying me an apartment.”
He grinned down at you, his expression full of that cheeky arrogance you both loved and hated. “Ah, yes. The proud photographer, refusing my wealth,” he purred, his baritone voice teasingly mocking. “I still remember the look on your face the first time I walked into this shoebox. You were so bloody defensive, darling, as if I’d never seen a place like this.”
You rolled your eyes at Lionel, his arrogance as infuriating as it was attractive. “Just shut up and fuck me,” you muttered, your voice dripping with impatience. You knew that cheeky grin of his would only grow wider at your words, but you couldn’t care less right now. All you needed was him.
Lionel, always one to rise to a challenge, didn’t reject your command. In one swift motion, he pulled out of you, flipping you onto your stomach, his strong hands guiding your hips up as he positioned you on your knees. “As you wish, love,” he growled, his voice low and rough with lust.
The next moment, he thrust back into you, his cock sliding deep inside with a force that had you gasping, your body arching into him instinctively. His grip on your hips tightened as he began to move, each thrust hard and deliberate, the sounds of your bodies colliding filling the room.
You bit down on the pillow in front of you, desperate to keep quiet, but Lionel, of course, noticed. He let out a low, amused chuckle, his hips snapping forward with even more intensity. “Trying to stay quiet again, darling?” he teased, his breath hot against your ear. “Go on then, bite that pillow. I want to hear those muffled little moans while I fuck you.”
Your fingers dug into the sheets as he drove into you relentlessly, the feeling of him filling you, stretching you, making it impossible to think about anything else. Your body rocked with each powerful thrust, your back arching further as you tried to brace yourself against the pleasure that was quickly overwhelming you.
But Lionel, ever the calculating man, glanced at the clock on the bedside table, a flicker of impatience crossing his face. He growled under his breath. “Bloody hell, I’ve got to hurry…” He knew he had to be at work soon and still needed to stop by his house to change into a suit. But the thought of leaving you like this, half-fucked and wanting more, was simply not an option.
With renewed urgency, Lionel quickened his pace, thrusting into you harder, his hips slamming against yours as he chased his release. His hands slid up your back, pushing you further into the mattress, your ass still high in the air as he fucked you from behind.
“You’re going to make me late for work, love,” Lionel muttered between gritted teeth, his voice rough and thick with arousal. “But I don’t care. You feel too fucking good like this.” He grinned, his cheeky side never fully disappearing even in the heat of the moment. “I should be on my way by now, but here I am, buried inside you, watching you fall apart under me.”
You moaned into the pillow, your body trembling with pleasure as Lionel’s cock pounded into you, every thrust sending waves of heat through your core. His grip on your hips was bruising, possessive, and you loved every second of it.
Lionel groaned, his control slipping as he felt himself getting closer. “You love this, don’t you?” he growled, his voice laced with satisfaction as he watched you arch into him, biting the pillow to stay quiet. “You love being fucked by me, even when I’m in a rush. You love knowing that I’d rather be late than leave this beautiful body unsatisfied.”
His words only pushed you closer to the edge, your body responding to his every command, every thrust. You felt his hand slide down your spine, his fingers digging into your skin as he pulled you back against him, his cock hitting deeper, harder.
“Come for me,” Lionel growled, his voice low and commanding. “I want to feel you come around my cock before I leave. Make me late for work, love. Show me how much you need it.”
His words were your undoing. With a muffled cry, you came, your body shaking as the pleasure crashed over you, your walls tightening around him as you reached your peak. Lionel let out a deep, guttural groan, his own release following closely behind. He thrust into you one last time, his cock pulsing inside you as he filled you with every drop of his cum.
For a moment, the room was filled with nothing but the sound of your ragged breathing, the heat between your bodies still lingering in the air. Lionel chuckled softly, his hand brushing over the small of your back as he pulled out of you.
“Well,” he said, his voice low and satisfied, “that was worth being late for.”
You looked over your shoulder, still catching your breath, a satisfied smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you lazily watched Lionel climb off the bed. Your body felt deliciously spent, your muscles humming with the aftershocks of your recent release. “I didn’t know even the boss had a specific time to arrive at work,” you teased, your voice thick with amusement as you settled deeper into the worn mattress, stifling a yawn.
Lionel shot you a cheeky grin, the corner of his mouth quirking up in that infuriatingly charming way that always made your stomach flip. "I usually don’t," he said, standing tall as he peeled off his underwear and let them drop carelessly to the floor. His broad shoulders flexed as he stretched, giving you a view of his body before he sauntered toward the bathroom. "But today," he continued, his baritone voice echoing off the walls, "I’ve got an important meeting I can’t exactly miss."
You hummed in response, though your mind was already drifting back to the half-asleep haze you were in before he woke you up. The warm, post-sex lethargy pulled you back under, and you barely listened to him as he turned on the shower, the sound of running water filling the room. He rambled on, something about mergers, investors, and making sure everything went off without a hitch, but you were only half-awake, not that Lionel seemed to mind.
"Of course, I don’t mind being late," he continued from the bathroom, his voice carrying over the sound of the water. You could imagine him standing under the shower, water streaming over his body as he spoke, always the confident tycoon, always in control. "But today? Even I can’t charm my way out of this one."
You smirked, snuggling back into the mattress, though a slight grimace crossed your face. Damn it, Lionel was right—the springs were poking you in all the wrong places again. The thought of your conversation earlier made you chuckle. Maybe it really was time to replace this medieval contraption.
The sound of Lionel moving around in the bathroom brought you back to the present, though your eyes were already fluttering shut again. You could hear him splashing the water around, the rhythmic slap of his hand against the shower tile as he braced himself, likely going over the details of his day with his usual intensity. You stretched out on the bed, letting out a soft groan as your muscles ached pleasantly.
Lionel emerged a few minutes later, toweling off his wet hair, his body still glistening as he walked toward the dresser to grab his clothes. His eyes flicked over to you with a mischievous grin as he caught you drifting off again. “Don’t get too comfortable, love. That mattress isn’t going to make things easier for you.”
"Mm-hmm," you mumbled, barely coherent, but you couldn’t help the amused smile that curled on your lips. "We’ll see about that."
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prinzrupprecht · 11 hours
A request please, please ask Apollo x reader, how Apollo reacts when he finds out that his partner is pregnant
Unexpected Turns of Events
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Thanks for requesting! I have time on my hands to do a few requests.
Pairing: Apollo x fem!reader
Synopsis: You had no idea how’d he would react. You thought you were careful and even used protection. Yet, somehow here you are pregnant and alone. You were wondering if this was the last straw for him and if he’d leave you. Was this pretty for you? Could he handle the news?
TW: fluff and hurt comfort
WC: 1007
You were sitting alone in the infirmary room waiting for a diagnosis for your sickness as you were throwing up for the past 3 days. You were suspicious as to why and you didn’t tell your beloved how you were feeling sick either. You just had the urge to throw up at random times.
It was quiet as you kept your head in the palm of your hands. The door opened and you looked up to the doctor who smiled and didn’t seem too concerned. “Congratulations,” he said and you looked at him and it sunk into you.
“Oh no…” you muttered and a mixed feeling washed over you. Apollo never spoke to you about having kids or if he wanted any. This terrified you the most and you were careless when you two made love to one another. He took care of you and made sure you were treated right.
“Is something the matter?” The doctor tried to touch your shoulder but you jerked away and stood up.
“Everything is fine! It’s just… I have to go," you rushed out of the room panicking and scared. You wanted to go back to your room but you had no idea if he would be there. He gave up a lot for you. You wouldn’t even give him a chance unless he stopped his womanizing ways. Maybe this would make him lose all feelings for you? Your hands were shaking as your other fell on your stomach.
You wouldn’t ever abandon your child even if he wasn’t in the picture. You did everything you could for Apollo even when he told you that’s what maids are for and to not overwork yourself. The Olympus palace was big and you met everyone and they treated you as Apollo’s wife. His woman.
Even his sister Artemis approved of you because of your loyalty and love for her brother. You found your way to your shared room and walked inside. He wasn’t here but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t nearby. He rarely leaves the palace unless he was told too.
Were you going crazy? Maybe a little. You tried to hide your face in the palm of your hands as you sat on the bed facing away from the door. You wanted to be alone to figure out what you were going to do. Apollo should return soon but that doesn’t change the fact he may not want kids.
A few minutes had gone by as your heart was racing and questions flooding your head. Maybe you were overthinking it.
“You’re back?” A voice says from behind. You froze in place and barely even noticed he returned. You had gripped your knees. He couldn’t see your face but he knew right off the bat something was wrong.
“Ya, I had to leave early this morning to get a check-up from the doctor. I wasn’t… feeling well.” You left it vague. You noticed how his face went from his usual happy self to a more serious expression. He grimaced and placed a hand on your forehead.
“Are you okay? You’re not burning up,” you pulled away from embarrassment but he still was a few inches away from you.
“Uh no, it’s not that..” your hands were sweating. Apollo took note of how nervous you were. You wouldn’t even meet his eyes. And he didn't like how avoidant you were.
He didn’t care for whatever it was you were hiding. You were everything to him as he was yours. “What is it, my love?” He grabbed your face to force you to look at him. He could see how terrified you were and he was growing irritated as to why you weren’t telling him.
“I— It’s uh…” tears were forming at the corners of your eyes.
“Why are you crying? You know it’s an unsettling sight for me to see this side of you,” Apollo grabbed your hands but you pulled away. Truth was he was more scared of you leaving him than the other way around. Were you planning to leave him? The thought wouldn’t go away.
“I— I’m pre– pregnant.”
Silence suddenly covered the room. Neither of you two said anything for a good minute even when you were wiping the tears away from your eyes. Apollo pulled away and this is what you had expected. He didn’t want anything to do with you.
No. He pulled your entire body to sit in between his legs. He surprised you with his actions. “Now was that hard to say?” He playfully touched your hair and the side of your face. A grin was dancing at the corner of his lips. He didn’t mention any part of your pregnancy.
“You– you’re not mad?” Apollo’s arms were wrapped around you while his chin rested on your head. He didn’t speak for a few seconds as if he was thinking.
“No, why would I be? It was bound to happen at some point.” He didn’t care? Would he be a good father? Many questions were rushing through your mind. A sense of relief washed over you. You loosened up and felt comfortable being in his arms.
“There there, you know these things wouldn’t make me leave, right?” He chuckled while running his hand through your hair as you mumbled a quiet yes. It was natural for the man and woman to mate and have offsprings which was considered beautiful to Apollo. You were still tired and he wanted to spend the day with you. Maybe have the maids prepare you a nice bath and he’d join you.
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Note: anyway, if I get any more requests they’ll be prolonged for a couple of days to cope with the new chapter leaks.
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itsnotbird · 1 day
Orphic ~ File 7
Selcouth (adj.) ; Unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet marvelous
Bucky!Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: tw for mentions of past trauma, Bucky being obsessive hehe
Previous part here
Masterlist pinned on my blog
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Bucky stayed away.
Far away.
He hopes that it might help the fever growing inside of him, that he could sleep soundly if he forgot the way you sound while breathing. It worked in his favor, he hadn’t been needed at the compound for a week, so it was just him and his melancholy apartment.
The distance didn’t cut the thought of you out entirely.
That was the hard part.
And while he walked down the street and thought about how you were handling the colder weather coming, you were in some sort of agony.
It had the same buzz as when you were going through the horrid withdrawal, just felt a little different. You grew more comfortable in your home, you grew closer with your new family, and the days moved by without your James.
It’s the end of the week without him and you sit in the spiny chair in the meeting room with the team, listening to the new plan for the mission. You’ve slowly been understanding and remembering things, helpful things that lead to a potential deal happening in the city.
They decide who would best suit this mission, who will go undercover, who will wait in the get away van.
Your knees are curled to your chest, nails picking at the rips in your jeans and you suddenly have the urge to speak.
“I want to go.”
The room comes to a halt.
“Holy shit, she can speak.” Sam says with bewilderment.
“Of course I can speak, I just didn’t like to…I’m fine now.” You explain.
They all have a peculiar look, but they go with it.
“Blue…are you sure it’s smart for you to go?” Tony asks, mind ridden with concern.
You look over at him. “I’m in control of my power, I won’t hurt anyone.”
Steve adds in. “Are you sure you can jump into action if something happens?”
You giggle. “I was a huntress for over a decade, I think I can handle business.”
You sit straight, then continue. “Besides, I want to do more to bring this whole shindig down.”
Maybe it’s the fact they are still so stunned that you’re speaking, or something else, but they seem to comply easily.
“Alright…Blue will go with the Cap and Romanoff undercover.” Tony declares. “We need to get you in the training room…just to make sure you know what you’re doing.”
You gave him a look, knowing well that he just wanted to throw things and watch you deflect them.
And it seems that was the case for the rest of the Avengers.
“Anyone else scared?” Sam asks, standing behind the protective glass with the rest as you pull your hair up and shrug your ugly sweater off.
“Five bucks says Cap throws in the towel.” Nat bets with Clint.
“Oh you are so on.” He whispers back. “Let’s hope she doesn’t get too hurt.”
Wide eyed, they watch you hold your own in hand to hand combat with Steve, but one leg sweep and your one the ground.
The team cringes.
Then mutter to each other as you jump right back up and get a serious look in your eye.
“She’s pissed now.” Sam laughs, cheering you on.
Steve may be an advanced fighter, he’s twice your size, but he gets tossed like a rag doll with the move of your hand. A line of glowing blue strikes him, he falls backwards.
“Very impressive.” Wanda compliments.
Steve continues to come at you, and Tony laughs hysterically as he gets bashed around.
“Beautiful!” Tony claps, making you proudly smile at the praise. “What else can you do?”
“Uh…I don’t want to hurt him…” You say, unsure.
“What? He’s fine. You’re fine, right?” He turns to Steve.
Steve rolls his aching shoulder, panting slightly as he nods. “I can do this all day, hit me.”
You look at him, making sure he’s okay before you twitch your fingers, sending a bolt of electricity straight to him.
“Oh shit!” Sam exclaims, laughing in amusement as Steve stands there, twitching with bared teeth. “I know that doesn’t feel good.”
Steve falls to his knees, you immediately stop and come before him. Hand on his cheek, you ease the pain you just caused him. He breathes with relief.
“How do you do that?” He asks, getting the strength to stand.
“I can make you do anything I want you to.” You confess.
“Make him do something!” Tony urges, way too excited about this.
“Take mercy on me.” Steve whispers, a half goofy smile.
You rub his cheek, returning the smile. Looking him in the eye, your eyes glow an entrancing blue. Immediately, Steve stops any movement, completely still as you whisper to him.
“Steve…are you listening?” You ask softly.
He nods mechanically.
“Go hug Tony.” You instruct.
Like an obedient soldier, he turns and marches straight for Tony.
“No, stay the hell away from me.” Tony steps away.
Steve just follows, causing the man to panic. The team watching laughs as Tony shouts for you to reel him back in.
“Steve. Stop.” You call.
His feet halt.
“Okay…that’s scary.” Banner agrees, watching as you brake the trance.
Steve shakes his head, almost like he’s clearing the brain fog. Then, he looks to Tony. “Yeah, she’s all yours, I give up.”
“Ha!” Nat laughs in Clints face, holding her palm out for the cash.
Clint pouts as he gives her the money.
You’re shooting at the practice targets as Steve joins the rest of them. They look to him in anticipation for his words.
“Yeah.” Steve nods. “She’ll do just fine.”
Then he nurses his hurt ribs.
- - - -
A deep breath in, he steps through the first doors of the living quarters.
It was after dinner, maybe you were already asleep?
That’s a wishful thought that he doesn’t fully like.
If you were asleep, he couldn’t watch you from a distance, he couldn’t get that faint scent of vanilla and cherry that followed you.
But if you were locked in your room, he could keep his dignity.
But he’s never been a lucky man, that’s why when he makes it to the common space, he sees you very much so awake, sitting in front of the tv, watching what looked like The Breakfast Club.
Now if it were just you, he’d linger for a second, watch you, maybe sit beside you. But it’s much worse, you’re leaned into Steve with his arm around your shoulders, and Wanda is on your other side, head leaned onto Vision’s shoulder.
Bucky’s jaw sets, he glares at the scene that looks too much like a double date.
Nat comes in with a bowl of popcorn, settles on the carpet right under you. And Bruce comes to swap a few jokes with her, then joins her.
And Tony of all people, is sat in the sectional, actually enjoying the movie. Pepper, who the team hardly sees because she’s super woman and runs a business while mothering a daughter she just put to bed, comes in and the team rejoices, all smiles as she sits with her husband.
What the hell was this? A love affair?
Sam approaches behind the soldier who is glaring daggers.
“Aw, a little love fest, how cute.” He snickers, trying to rile Bucky up. “Even Clint went home to his wife, everyone has someone, huh? Oh, except you.”
“You’re one to talk.” Bucky argues.
“Well I’m a little less pathetic about it.”
He turns to look at the grinning man. “Trust me, you’re plenty pathetic.”
Then he turns back to you, how you laugh at a scene and lay more comfortably on Steve.
Like a devil on his shoulder, Sam is there, whispering.
“Aren’t they just cozy? You think Steve’s gonna make a move?”
Bucky’s metal fist clenches.
“I bet you, the next time he laughs, he’s gonna pull her a little closer…surprised she isn’t nuzzling into his neck now.”
“Sam.” Bucky warns. “If you don’t shut your mouth, I’m going to dismember your limbs.”
“Nah uh, you’re not supposed to hurt people, Doctor’s orders.” Sam states, laughing for a moment before he gets serious.
“If you want to be in Steve’s spot, then you need to man up and make a move.” He says.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bucky shakes his head.
“Oh really? So it’s not killing you that she’s close with him? You don’t want to rip your best friend off the couch right now?”
He hates that Sam’s right.
Bucky sighs, then relaxes his body. “Wouldn’t make a difference if I make a move, she doesn’t need me, she’s got enough problems to deal with. I got enough problems to deal with. Besides, she has Steve.”
Sam chuckles again. “Very poetic, man, but that was a dumb reason. And have you read her file? The girl has attachment issues, she’s close with everyone she feels safe with, doesn’t mean she has a thing for them.”
“No.” Bucky corrects. “I haven’t read her file, but apparently everyone else has.”
You lean down to ask Nat a question about the movie, and your hand rests on Steve’s knee as you do so.
Bucky’s had enough.
He leaves, walks off in the direction of his room quickly, making him a shadow.
But you feel his energy move past and you turn your head quickly, trying to find him. You only see his retreating form.
Your mood immediately deflates.
Wanda looks over at you as you slump back into the couch, questioning you silently. You just put on a smile and nod, showing her you were fine.
You weren’t fine, you had an ache that festered and festered inside of you.
Bucky wasn’t much better, sitting alone in his room for hours while he listened to the movie end and everyone settle in, going off to bed.
What catches his attention is the folder that slides under his door, a note from Sam on it that reads ‘Try to understand her the way we do’.
He crumbles it up and tosses it.
Sitting at his desk, Bucky holds the file in his hand and it’s heavy, weighted.
Slowly, he opens it.
And the air gets kicked from his lungs.
Evidence photos, countless marks and bruises, scars. There’s countless pages from your therapist, write ups from agents who you spoke with, words from Nick Fury himself who is fond of you.
Attachment issues, abandonment issues
…self destructive tendencies…
…unstable signs… night terrors…relapse of memory
Follows orders well…very intelligent…
Can be triggered by mentions of her past traumas.
Subject to panic attacks.
He feels sick, reading all of it.
And much like your actions to his file, he rereads yours multiple times until he doesn’t feel like he’s going to pass out.
It keeps him up, he lays on the floor next to his bed and thinks over everything.
When he thinks he’s exhausted enough, he shuts his eyes, only for a migraine to hit.
Yet another lasting effect from his past.
He lays there miserable for a moment too long before pulling sweatpants on and going to the kitchen, searching for something simple as Ibuprofen…that he’ll take five of them just so it will make a dent in his system.
He chugs a glass of water, then goes to sit on the couch in front of the large window in the common room. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he almost doesn’t notice the figure going into the kitchen.
Your steps are extremely light, but a blue orb follows you, illuminating your path, so he knows it’s you.
In the darkness, he sits completely still. The cloud cover moves away and the moonlight seeps in to paint him a shade of light blue.
You startle as you see him, water sloshing in your glass.
He doesn’t say a word, just watches you pause and read him.
A shirt swallows your frame, he can barely see the plaid boxers you wear.
“Hello, James.” You greet.
“It’s really ominous when you say that.” He states back, rubbing his temple now.
“Are you sick?” You ask, fiddling with the orb above you, letting it fade out.
“Just a migraine, I’ll live.” He says in a tone that gives way to his discomfort.
You come forward, setting your glass on the coffee table and stand before him.
He looks up in question. “Not any less ominous, doll.” He sighs, looking away and missing the way his nickname affects you.
“I can help.” You say. “…Won’t you let me?”
His head pounds further at the deja vu, because even though you’ve never asked him that, he’s heard those words before in his dreams.
His lips part, but no words come out.
Cautiously, you sit beside him, your touch gentle as you turn his face to you.
He watches you with those round blue eyes, feeling his heart beat wonky.
You hold your fingers an inch from the center of his forehead, and he’s further illuminated by the glow of blue. You hum, feeling the pain he feels.
“What…what are you doing?” He asks in a tone that comes out softer than intended.
“I’m just…feeling you, and trying to make it better.”
“You aren’t permanently damaged, you have feelings, James.” Dr Raynor had told him. “It’s a possibility that you are enamored by this woman.”
He isn’t sure if that’s the word. But he feels something rising in him, it’s heavy on his lungs, it makes him feel warm. Perhaps because no one has done a caring act for him in a long time, or maybe it’s because he can feel his soul reaching out and tangling itself in yours. It’s obsessive and caring and entirely strange, but it’s not wrong.
“And what do you feel?” He asks, his throat bobbing.
Your eyebrows drawn, you look into his eyes. “Just you.”
“Is it terrible?” He asks, not any hint of sarcasm.
You shake your head, pulling the pain from him, soothing his head. “You could never be terrible, I don’t think.”
Fuck. You are entirely strange and rare and marvelous.
He breathes clearer as the pain is gone. He reaches out, softly grasping your wrist and it earns a small gasp from you.
Then his palm is meeting yours like he needs to see if you’re one in the same. His touch is warm, you watch the way his hand is considerably more larger than yours.
You slow his heart out of fear that it might burst.
“Tell me why you’re always in my head.” He asks in a husky and breathless tone.
“You first.” You whisper.
He takes your hand, pressing his lips to your palm and you stop breathing entirely.
The feeling in you is new, one you’ve never felt. But he’s sitting too close, looking too good, being so gentle, you have an urge to…cry?
You watch him carefully, dissecting every move.
In truth, Bucky isn’t sure what he’s doing but he knows he wants to. He pressed the tips of your fingers to his lips, trying to understand what’s happening behind your eyes. As he pulls your hand away, it’s like your body moves on its own. You lean forward, rushing your lips to his before you can process what’s happening. You’ve kissed men in your career, all out of business, never for pleasure. This is different, this is an invisible force that wants you to latch onto him and not let go.
Bucky’s eyes widen as you kiss him almost harshly, it short circuits his brain. He can’t even process what to do before you’re ripping yourself away, completely spooked.
Not knowing exactly what to say, you just mutter an apology and rush away, back to your room.
Bucky’s left in the darkness, skin tingling.
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leighbaylee · 3 days
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written by mina leigh 𝜗᭪ , elliot fike 𝔁 m! reader | wc 2750
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summary. you’re over at elliot’s house, alone without your sister & jules. he explains the complicated situation between the trio and as you vent out your pent up frustration about the revelation, elliot comes up with a way to calm you down, not that you were imposed.
labels. bennett reader, elliot’s kinda horny, he also gets touchy, mentions of reader nicotine smoking, angry makeouts, praising, hair pulling from both parties, angst, dubcon. VIEWERS DISCRETION ADVISED.
‧₊˚ ୨୧ mina speaks. i just needed to write something with elliot & male reader after remembering elliot admitted he fucked ❝ 4 to 3 ❞ guys when jules was interrogating him
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you were in elliot’s bed, staring up at the ceiling, fingers fumbling with the buckle on your belt as elliot leaned back, reaching for your vape. the room was dimly lit, curtains drawn tight, suffocating any light that dared creep in. there was a weird tension between the two of you — not new, not entirely unfamiliar, but more pronounced now that it was just the two of you. no jules. no rue. just the silence, punctuated by the quiet hiss of the vape and the soft hum of a playlist neither of you really cared about.
elliot took a drag, his lips pressing against the cool metal, and exhaled slowly. the faint scent of nicotine and something sweeter hung in the air. he glanced at you, as you were still fidgeting with your belt but not really looking at him. elliot ran his tongue over his lower lip, hesitating for a moment before finally breaking the silence.
❝ hey, uh ... can i tell you something? but you gotta promise not to get mad alright? ❞ his voice was calm, lazy, but there was an undercurrent of something more. guilt, maybe.
you paused, your hands stilling on the belt, eyebrows knitting together. ❝ depends on what it is.? ❞
elliot took another drag, stalling. ❝ it's about rue.? ❞
the room seemed to grow colder instantly. your grip on the belt tightened instantly.
❝ what about rue? ❞
elliot sighed, sitting up straighter, letting the vape roll between his fingers. ❝ me, rue, and jules ... it's ... complicated. ❞ he glanced at you, observing your reaction, then pressed on. ❝ i mean, we've all kind of been messing around, you know? it's not exactly a secret.? ❞
you sat up too, your body suddenly tense, reaching into your pocket for your own vape. placing it on your lips, taking a long dab before exhaling sharply. ❝ what the fuck are you talking about, elliot? ❞ your voice was strained, irritation bubbling just under the surface.
elliot bit his lip, trying to figure out how to phrase it without making things worse.
❝ look, man, rue's your sister, i know that, but she's... she's been in a weird place, and jules — ❞
❝ jules? ❞ you cut him off, voice rising ❝ what the fuck does jules have to do with this? ❞
elliot looked away for a second, rubbing the back of his neck. ❝ it's not like ... like we planned it or anything. shit just happened. but ... they've been together, kinda ... and i've been there too.? ❞
you coughed, choking on nic, eyes wide with disbelief, ❝ are you fucking serious right now?? ❞
elliot leaned back, avoiding your gaze. ❝ i didn't mean for you to find out like this.? ❞
you then felt a surge of anger rush through you, your heart pounding in your chest as you reached out and grabbed elliot by the collar of his sweater, yanking him forward.
❝ so what, you just ... what the fuck, elliot? ❞
elliot didn't resist, didn't pull back. in fact, a slow, almost smug smirk spread across his lips. it was the kind of smirk that made your blood boil even more. elliot's eyes darkened, and he tilted his head, his voice low and teasing. ❝ you mad at me, y/n? ❞
you grit your teeth, pushing elliot back onto the bed. but elliot's smirk didn't fade. instead, it grew, like he'd just come up with the most brilliant idea. before you could even process what was happening, elliot surged forward, crashing your lips together in a heated, messy kiss. tasting strawberry ice gelato melting in your mouth.
for a second, you froze, caught off guard by the suddenness of it. but then, something snapped inside you, and you kissed elliot back with a fury that surprised even himself. elliot wasted no time, using the momentum to flip you both over so he was straddling your hips. his hands were everywhere — running up your sides, tangling in his hair, tugging just hard enough to make your breath hitch.
❝ fuck, ❞ you muttered against elliot's lips, your hands trailing finding their way under elliot's shirt, feeling the warm skin beneath. your mind was racing, anger and confusion mixing with something else, something you didn't want to name.
elliot's hands moved lower, toying with your belt buckle like it was some kind of game, his fingers brushing against your skin in a way that made you shiver. ❝ you're so tense, ❞ elliot whispered, his breath hot against your ear. ❝ you need to relax. ❞
you responded with a low growl, your hands gripping elliot's hips, pulling him down harder against you. the kiss grew more frantic, more desperate, and before you knew it, your fingers were tangling in elliot's hair, tugging hard enough to make elliot gasp into his mouth.
❝ you think you can fuck with my head like that and get away with it?? ❞ you muttered, your voice rough and low. elliot's smirk returned, but this time it was more breathless, more eager.
❝ is that what you think i'm doing? ❞ elliot's voice was teasing, but there was a challenge in his eyes.
you didn't bother answering. instead, you tugged elliot's hair again, harder this time, earning a low moan from him. you felt a strange sense of satisfaction at the sound, the power shifting between you, and for a moment, everything else seemed to disappear. the anger, the confusion, the betrayal - it all faded into the background as you lost yourself in the heat of the moment.
elliot's fingers fumbled with your belt buckle again, teasing, but you weren’t in the mood for games. you flipped him over once more, pinning elliot beneath you, your hands gripping the sides of elliot's face as you kissed him fiercely. you didn't feel the need to care about being careful or gentle — you just needed to feel something, anything, to drown out the whirlwind of emotions in his chest.
elliot's hands slid up your back, pulling you closer, and for a while, it was just you both. no words, no thoughts, just the raw, messy collision of your bodies and mostly your anger.
but then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. you pulled back almost forcefully, your chest heaving, your mind catching up with what had just happened. you stared down at elliot, who was lying beneath you, his lips swollen, his hair a mess from where you had pulled at it.
❝ fuck, ❞ you muttered, scrambling off the bed and running a hand through your own hair. what the hell had you just fucking done?
elliot sat up slowly, watching you with a curious, almost amused expression. ❝ you alright dude.? ❞
❝ no, i'm not fucking alright, ❞ you snapped, grabbing your jacket from the floor and shoving your vapes back in your front pockets, with trembling hands. ❝ i gotta get out of here.❞
before elliot could say anything else, you were already out the door, the sound of it slamming shut echoing in the empty house.
you didn't stop walking until you were outside, the cool night air hitting your face as you leaned against the side of the building, trying to steady your breathing. biting your now swollen lips almost making them bleed. still smelling elliot’s god damn attractive scent lingering around you. it was just so unfortunately intoxicating.
© MINA LEIGH 2023 - 2024
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thedrotter · 4 months
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as a little treat i am sharing with you little Aya doodles I've done over the last few days to unwind ww just little expressions based on lines in-game because those are always fun to draw. nothing too special just biscuit
it's Aya because upon doing bizarrely throughout playthroughs of the game for still unspecified project purposes I've gained a soft spot for her she's my daughter now my mental tier list on my favorite characters is so confusing right now
#re:kinder#fanart#aya re:kinder#aya hibino#i state shes my daughter NOW because before i didnt pay too big of a mind to her#but honestly in each different playthrough of this game i gain new appreciation for each character#because fun fact ryou was my favorite character at first just because he seemed nice and was a healer and was nice#second playthrough brought in rei and shunsuke in my mind because they ate it up wirh their roles in the story#meanwhile as time passed yuuichi started to grow on me as i realized he was a little too relatable BASICALLY THINGS LIKE THAT#and spoilers for the unspecified project mentioned in the text just because i feel like it#i also did this because having a transcript of every line just spurred me on becquse of how easy it made things#its much more fun to start doing these kind of line based doodles when you dont have to manually go througj hours of gameplay to find stuff#so just being ablr to ctrl f through a document made me very glad HEUEHEHEBEHR#im still working on it it needs proofreading and polishing on some sides but overall it should be here soon i hope#if anyones interested in it do let me know HUEHEHEBRB i will post it regardless but it would be nice to know if anyone is interested#ANYWAY#as to why Aya seems to have a purse when her sprite doesnt its because her equipment mentions her carrying a yellow pouch#its meant to be that!!!#she looks very goofy with it on made me giggle ngl#(as in. amusement)#it adds more interest to her visual design so its nice to have it there im glad its there#OH YEAH SOME COMMENTARY ON ONE OF HER LINES HERE THAT REALLY PIQUED MY INTEREST#if sayaka dies and shes there to see it (thus. you chose to bring her with you) she has this line#where it implies that shes afraid of dying which makes things sad when she's suicidal#she already states i think her desire is more to disappear than to die exactly but even then it's quite sad#like even if she wants to disappear with how gloomy she's feeling and all the things going around with her parents#shes just a little girl who doesn't want to die😭😭#it really adds a sense of realism to how depression is tackled in game at least for me#that when one is depressed and suicidal a lot of the time it's the wish for this state of suffering to end rather than to actually die#SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER ITS ONE OF THE THINGS THAT UPPED MY APPRECIATION FOR HER
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a-shadowedvales · 5 months
when jane's powers return in season four (and because they were regained by her confronting and accepting her past, rather than being retraumatised with it!) they're stronger than they ever were. when she starts getting a handle back on them, she very quickly comes to realise not only have they affected her, but her mother, too. one of the biggest losses that came about with her losing them was the fact that she could no longer visit terry in the void; while there was no real communication there, it did allow jane to sit with her, and gain a little more connection than she could in the real world. when she first visits the void after their return, it takes her three hours to find terry, something that is both unexpected and incredibly worrying. but when she does, it's something of a miracle. jane's increased strength and control over the void actually wakes terry up from her catatonic state, but only in the void. there's no way to help her mother physically, but she does do so (unbeknownst to her) mentally. terry is reborn in jane's newfound control over the vale of shadows; she becomes the woman she once was, and while her body remains frozen in a "good dream", her mind connected to jane's own allows her some freedom. jane is able to speak to her mother in the void, is able to be held by her, and while it's still unfair and jane cannot stay in there forever, it's something. this only lasts for about eight months, as each visit slowly begins deteriorating terry's physical and mental state, and jane's health begins declining after spending hours upon hours in the void each and every day.
when jane finds out these visits are actually killing her mother on the outside, she deems to stop, but terry expresses the importance of them being able to speak, that she'd prefer to die on the outside, if it meant she could have just a few months with her daughter like this. terry and jane's connection was always so strong, which ultimately led to terry "waking up" in the void, but even jane's newfound strength cannot save her from the harsh realities. each visit nearing the end of those eight months, terry fades more and more, becomes weaker in the void, and her real body eventually gives up. jane's in the void when her mother eventually passes on, and physically feels their connection weaken, like some part of her suddenly becomes lost in the shadows, a part she'll never find again. jane falls into a depressive state for weeks after her mother's death, given she's technically lost her a second time, but soon comes to realise she was lucky to have even shared those eight months together. it was better than nothing at all. there is a proper burial and funeral, (and when jane dies, she's buried next to her mother) which allows jane some sense of closure. she never fully recovers from losing terry, nor from the fact that she never had a proper relationship with her, but she does eventually find some peace with it all.
#study‚ in my dreams it's all real and my heart has so much to reveal.#IF U SAW ME POSTING THIS YESTERDAY. no u didn't.#i wanted to change things again (who is surprised!!) and decided to just rewrite it all rip.#me taking a few weeks off from this blog and then coming back with a brand new terry / jane hc? more likely than u think.#purely self indulgent too i might add!#every day i battle with making my terry portrayal canon to jane's timeline so jane can have her mother in every verse not just#selected ones.#but. her not having her mother is ultimately important to my writing of her and sfjasfjas >:( hate myself for it.#so here be a brand new addition to my timeline that gives jane SOME time with her mother!!! bc i need it for my mental health.#i imagine when terry dies her body turns to smoke in the void. almost like what happened to billy when jane was spying on him.#and he stopped her connection and faded in front of her.#and jane also visited terry a lot in the void because it allowed her to see more memories of her mother.#i hc that she had a real grasp on that before s3 when she looks into billy's memories.#terry (even in her catatonic state) WANTED jane to see what happened to her in hawkins lab.#so she'd want her to see the good stuff too. her childhood. andrew. her grandmother that raised her and becky.#all the good memories!#so when terry dies jane loses all that completely.#which leads to jane grappling with the conflict of whether or not she should have kept visiting terry in the void which eventually led to#her death.#because if she hadn't connected to her. she'd at least be able to look back on all those memories.#jane becomes obsessed within those months and barely speaks to anyone else.#in any free time she has. she's in the void with terry.#her own physical body grows very weak after a little while but she pays no attention to it and even gets into heated arguments with becky.#because becky is jane's carer and needs her safe and healthy. needs to look after her.#but jane is so adamant about the fact that this is her MOTHER and she's finally able to speak to her.#UGH i have so much to say abt this actually i sense a brand new addition to my timeline coming on.#ANYWAY. i'm emotional about them that is all.
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golvio · 1 year
Okay, so, apparently Elon put up his new "X" sign to mark his territory on the Twitter HQ building, and apparently the sign's not only a cheap, slapped-together rushjob piece of shit that uses the exact same too-bright LED lights that people complain about in modern car headlights, but it has a regularly occurring strobe effect. As in it intentionally blinks like strobe light every 5-15 minutes or so.
Not only is this peak edgelord twelve-year-old boy aesthetic, this shit could seriously injure kill people. People have been reporting that merely the video people have recorded of this dumbass sign has triggered seizures in them. (Seriously, don't look up the video unless you're 100% positive you're not photosensitive in any way, and don't post it as anything but a link with a warning anywhere that has autoplay out of courtesy for disabled viewers.) There is an apartment building directly across the street that's filled with studio apartments that, if the building plans people shared are correct, have absolutely no way to escape this blinding rave light unless the occupant hides in their bathroom.
At this point, I don't know what it's going to take for that whiny douchebag princeling to face consequences he actually feels, at least enough to be discouraged from pulling stupid bullshit like this. At what point is Daddy's Emerald Mine Money not going to be enough to keep bailing him out of consequences for violating building codes, labor laws, civil rights laws, the friggin' ADA, and not paying his damn rent like the rest of us?
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yeahlikethebird · 4 months
#it's 1am and i'm depressed and don't want to go to bed#there's such an unbelievable amount of century-defining tragedy and horror in the world rn#and i know that’s always true but jfc we know about so much more of it simultaneously now#like i'm supposed to be chill and functional in the face of war pandemic climate change forever chemicals micro plastics and fascism?#and and and?#i'm supposed to smile and ask follow-up questions when people tell me about vacations to Hawaii#rather than shaking them and saying holy fuck stop doing that please learn about the ramifications and historical context of your actions#i'm supposed to smile and give a measured response when a new coworker asks my other coworker and me#when they can/SHOULD use generative AI *for work purposes*#rather than screaming and throwing articles at them about the environmental impact of LLM bullshit#and that's all large scale#that's not getting into the fact that there's a growing family chilliness over refusal to communicate about I/P shit#or the fact that my mom is dying slowly and hates it and is worsening her relationship with my siblings little by little#or the fact that I'm peeling away at my sanity trying to process a divorce and get healthcare for my cat and dental care for myself#or the fact that it takes hours of research to find DISH SOAP THAT DOESN’T KILL THE MICROBIOMES OF THE LOCAL WATER SUPPLY#(10/10 recommend 'blueland' for that if you're reading btw)#like i'm painfully aware of the back-patting level of efficacy that i have for buying different soap and going to the farmer's market#but there's only so much i can do so i have to try to do what i can right? but it's so little and everything is so much#and my mental health is a mess; the fact that my particular neurotype is known to get more volatile with age scares the shit oit of me#like it's this bad at 33 and it gets WORSE?#my job is great for personal privilege but so *so* meaningless and redundant#and how tf do i look at all of this and not feel fucking hopeless?#i can distract myself with my garden but the candide approach was myopic even in the 17th century so it's hard to justify now#I'm so tired#just... fuck man#tag rant#i should delete this but I'll forget if you read this far i hope it wasnt damaging to your mental health#i just had to let off the brain scream pressure somewhere
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Oh can we fuck off with the realising of things that would make me happier in a gender way!!! Bro I cant even think about achieving them until I come out n that's not happening until the leavings over so stop fucking giving me concrete things I could do!!! Aaaaa!!!
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laugtherhyena · 10 months
Csm thoughts,,
#Putting these in tags cuz they're rather negative and like this people can ignore this if it shows up on search#anyways today i was showering and had a realization that like#if csm part 2 didn't exist and the manga had ended in chapter 97 i really wouldn't mind that. like at all#because so far there hasn't been anything in part 2 that stuck to me in such a way that i would be upset or miss it if it didn't exist#be it arcs world building (not big on religious allegories. that prophecy stuff really doesn't intrest me at all) or characters#in fact if it did end on the publig safety saga i probably would have liked it better#because then it would have ended and that's it. because part 2 exists i can see the story move foward#with the absence of almost everyone from part 1 and i just. miss them#so reading part 2 in general makes me inherently a little sad#and i feel like that's what blocks me from enjoying it or even growing to care for the new characters from part 2#because i don't care for any of them that much. not even asa and yoru#and this isn't me being mad at the story for killing people off. i think all deaths in part 1 happened exactly where they needed to#and the story is beautifully crafted. i just genuinely miss them#and see denji staggering about looking so tired all the time barely looking like the same guy from part one due to everything that happened#that also makes me fell just. like this pain in my chest that i can't even explain well#i don't dislike part 2 i don't think it's bad#it's just not for me and i don't think that will change anytime soon#tho i will still look up the new chapters because i wanna see what happens. tho if there ever is a part 3 i doubt i will bother reading it#hyena ramblings#rant? i guess?
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