#in love with pretty pink skies and the moon
daisyfieldrecs · 6 months
Bob Floyd Fics Pt. 2
Man of your dreams| One-Shot| Fluff| @sorchathered
Please Come Home for Christmas| One-Shot| Fluff| @nerdgirljen
bleeding love| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @bobgasm
do you wanna make somethin' of it| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @theharddeck
All I Want| One-Shot| Fluff| @cornishkat
Pride, Prejudice, and Flyboys| One-Shot| Smut| @sorchathered
Explicitly Yours| One-Shot| Smut| @roosterforme
Cards Close to the Chest| One-Shot| Fluff| @ohtobeleah
Sprinkles of Love| One-Shot| Fluff| @bradshawsbaby
Ruin the Friendship| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @withahappyrefrain
Stiff Competition| One-Shot| Fluff| @roosterforme
The Kind of Girl I Could Love|One-Shot| Fluff| @roosterforme
Stud on Board| One-Shot| Fluff, Implied Smut| @roosterforme
He Sees All My Colors| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst, Implied Smut| @peachystenbrough
i want you midnights| One-Shot| Fluff| @laracrofted
Bob and T Swift| One-Shot| Fluff| @peachystenbrough
The Perfect Pink| One-Shot| Fluff| @attapullman
Something in the Orange| Pt.2| Two-Shot| Smut| @sorchathered
A Lesson in Love| One-Shot| Fluff| @tip-top-cloud-surfer
Bob and the Moon| One-Shot| Fluff| @topguncortez
Baby Boy Bob| One-Shot| Fluff| @topguncortez
Dandelions| One-Shot| Fluff| @callsign-phoenix
there's a hole where something was...| One-Shot| Fluff| @bobfloydssunnies
you don’t have to be a star| One-Shot| Fluff, Implied Smut| @sunlightmurdock
color up my skies| One-Shot| Smut| @thiswaytwoinfinity
scenes from the kitchen sink| One-Shot| Fluff| @bradshawsbaby
High On Lovin' You| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @bradshawssugarbaby
Bob From Stats| One-Shot| Smut| @attapullman
six summers| Series| Warnings in Each Chapter| @lewmagoo
Mav's Reaction to Each Dagger Dating His Daughter| One-Shot| Fluff| @tip-top-cloud-surfer
I will ease your mind.| One-Shot| Fluff| @floydsmuse
Like Peas in a Pod| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst| @bradshawsbaby
Covering the Classics| Series| Warnings in Each Chapter| @roosterforme
good girl| One-Shot| Smut| @bobgasm
Some Things Take Time| One-Shot| Fluff, Angst| @roosterforme
All The Pretty Girls| One-Shot| Fluff| @bradshawssugarbaby
the legend of the great wizard bobernius| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @sio-ina-bottle
As you wish| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @sorchathered
Pretend| One-Shot| Fluff, Smut| @attapullman
Room for Dessert| One-Shot| Smut| @purelyfiction
I HEARD SCREAMING| One-Shot| Smut| @oncasette
Stupid White Car| One-Shot| Fluff| @attapullman
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anisangeldust · 5 months
Pretty when you cry 𝜗𝜚⋆
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Summary: feelings are hard.
Pairing: young politician!Coriolanus x Fem!reader
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff, Coriolanus is stressed and needs you, emotional vulnerability, mentions of parental loss, crying.
A/N: just some heart-achy fluff bc I’m in the mood to coddle someone rn🎀
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Masculinity and Bravado were drilled into the brain of Panems president since the day he was born, festering like an infection, multiplying like an invasion, until all he could feel was shame for feeling.
So often he’d find himself teary eyed, chanting soliloquies of “Men don’t cry, you aren’t weak, crying makes you weak.” like mantras around his apartment, such nonsense that those superior used to undermine his naturally empathetic soul.
It wasn’t until many moons later that he crossed your sacred path, your mere presence a soothing compress on his aching heart. Little by little, you cleared his night skies from its once insurmountable peril, the darkness that had consumed his soul was no longer seeping through his core, instead it soaked through his eyes, salty drops of crystalline water flowing down his milky cheeks.
At the moment, he was being comforted by his ever so generous and loving wife. The emotions he buried so desperately were now flowing like a river in front of his own personal Aphrodite, a tsunami of emotions flooding his soul, lapping at the weak spots of his delicate being. Never would anyone describe Coriolanus Snow as vulnerable, but right now he was. Your tenderness akin to the mother he lost so long ago, and his trembling frame that of a little boy. This is love in its rawest form, the ability to express vulnerability without judgement, the thing Coriolanus so clearly craved his whole adolescence.
Heaven was breaking down in your arms, having a rough day and coming home to you, the woman he loved with every ounce of his being, to have you hold his face and tell him it was all going to be okay; your murmured words like a warm compress on his aching heart.
So often he reminded himself that he was allowed to have bad days, being president was draining, and the cracks in his mask were deepening, he could no longer hide from the flood, he had to just make sure he didn’t drown. Luckily you were his life boat. Despite all his hard work, sometimes the darkness prevails, dawning cloaks of false serendipity, only to shed its light and consume your dignity. The darkness that clouds his vision, creeps into the corners of his mind, dampens his thinking, the darkness only you can cut through. He beam of light, his saving grace.
Coriolanus was a blubbering mess, your fingers running in his platinum curls a reminder that he was safe, that he was going to be okay. Slowly, he lifted his head from your chest and sniffled.
“I don’t deserve you..” he murmured, eyes red and puffy from crying so hard.
“Shhh, just lay on me baby, it’s okay, I’ve got you” you cooed, pressing his face back into the soft fat of your chest. As to which he happily complied.
The muscles of his shirtless back were relaxed, melting into you and your warm embrace. He wrapped his arms around your middle and hugged you like you were going to disappear if he let go, you were his most precious gem, a beauty unmatched by the most divine beings, a goddess amongst men, and Coriolanus was your most devoted apostle.
Slowly, his breathing regained stability, his pink lips no longer quivering, chest no longer heaving. You peppered his teary cheeks with kisses as he calmed down slowly. His mind slipping form consciousness as he fell asleep.
“I love you” he croaked gently, voice rough and tone uneven, the most vulnerable state Coriolanus Snow could be in, the one reserved for you.
“I love you too baby boy, so much. Now sleep, it’ll all be okay” you mutter as he flutters his eyes closed and lays on you completely, your own personal weighted blanket.
Coriolanus was truly sculpted by the gods, how else would he be so pretty when he cries?
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luvtak · 9 months
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seasons of love, hhj
✦ pairing hyunjin x reader
✦ genre/tw FLUFF! FLUFF! ONE MORE TIME SAY IT WITH ME! FLUFF!!! hyunjin and mc are very much in love! hyunjin is said to be taller than mc and have bigger hands. lots of kisses and i love yous. suggestive in a couple places. in and out of present and past tense lol. overall very sweet and lovely--hyunjin and mc falling in love through the seasons
✦ w/c 2412
✦ a/n okay so! this is a rewrite of something i posted springtime last year and i hated it lol. this time around i am very proud of hyune and mc and they’re love story and i hope you all love it too!! I've spent months adding scenes and taking them away until I got here <3 please like and reblog, and please please reach out if you have any ideas or questions or just wanna talk!! love you guys forever, mwah!!
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He came to you in the Summer, bringing with him music and dancing, and so much laughter you forget how serious falling in love can be.
There is just something about warm weather. It could be the sun shining over your beloved, lighting them up like a god or a king, maybe it’s just that the temperature resembles the touch of your lover’s caress, or that the awakened world is made for romance. It was early July, and everything was blue and sunny; days were filled with jokes and getting to know each other over hot days and cold drinks. Confessions given on front porches and whispered under blue skies—a million firsts bundled up as the heat went away.
He tells you he likes you so quietly, whispering in his sweet little voice, “would you like to go out sometime?” 
The way his tall frame looked against the paint palette sunset would live in your head forever; pretty hair and long legs, the sweetest smile curving up to his crescent moon eyes. Looking back, you wished you had a camera or shared his talent with a paintbrush–just to have that moment set in stone. The smile that made you say yes. 
In the beginning, he was too shy to hold your hand or stand too close. Inching closer and closer until he stood against you–brushing his fingers against yours until his big hands were enveloping your smaller ones. 
 The first time he kissed you, his hands were shaking.
 He was so nervous you could feel the goosebumps rising on his arms, but he asked so sweetly,
“Can I kiss you.” And there was no way you’d ever say no. Not when he stood there in his summer clothes and pink cheeks, not when it was Hyunjin asking. 
He held you straight against him, both hands on your face—the first press of his lips like drinking water, so slow as not to choke then gulping it down. His skin was soft everywhere you touched, and his kiss was happy: full of teeth and giggles and coming up for air.
Getting to know him was like walking into your childhood home, everything about him as familiar as the lines on your palm. Some parts of you are certain you’ve known him before—maybe you were lovers then too, or maybe two trees whose roots were intertwined. In any reality, you can’t see how Hyunjin is supposed to be with you. There is just no other reason why he could know you so well already, no other explanation as to why his body fits around you like it was made to.
Late one night you tell him your theories, and the smile he gave you was so bright and shiny you thought the sun came up. You tell him calmly and earnestly,
 “Hyun, I’m almost certain we’ve already met thousands of times before.” 
August is hot and covered in orange sunsets and long kisses; pink skies the same color as his cheeks when he asks you out again and again. He tells you about his life while you flip through his journals, page after page dedicated to moments he loved and dreams he’s had, and moments yet to come.
The days are long and it’s so easy to care for him, 15 hours of sunlight allowing you to learn all of him and still need more. Sharing secrets under leaves and laughs under covers–it’s too quick to fall in love, too fast for this insatiable longing to rise up in you. But you think you are, you must be, what else could that aching pull in your tummy be? 
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The first I love you falls from your lips like the leaves around you. A day spent shopping in the Halloween aisles and holding hands to keep warm. He looks so pretty, dark hair standing out against the grays and oranges of the season, and you love him so much you can’t help but tell him. The words float easy, accompanied by wind bitten skin and a warm gaze.
At first, he hesitates, making sure he’s heard you right, until finally the sun breaks on his face and he speaks.
“I love you too, silly.” He says it like it’s obvious, and it is. He’s been telling you with his eyes and his hands for months, it’s the truest he’s ever felt.
Autumn is spent studying each other, learning how and when to touch—how to make him gasp and sigh. His eyes flutter when you kiss his hip and roll when you bite down; He scratches and pulls, he makes your teeth rattle with his skin. Late nights and early mornings mapping each other, he tells you he loves you and swallows the response, touches the words away.
“I love you; I love you; I love you.” You say over and over again, hoping it sinks into his soul like a second skin.
In mere months, he knows your heart like it’s his own, slotting himself into your life like he’s always been a part of it. Your body has become his home; he’s tied his heart to yours in a double knot. You’re made for him, he’s sure of it—molded from the same clay, split-a parts who’ve found each other.
He tells you things he’s never told anyone before, pressing the secrets against your lips and pulling all of your secrets out of you at the same time. 
He adores you, cherishes you as a person, a friend, a lover. He feels happier than he ever has, and he wants to show you to everyone he knows. When he introduces you to his friends, the smile never leaves his face and his hand stays wound with yours. They welcome you like an old friend, and he feels like both pieces of his heart are melting together. He watches you joke with Felix and be teased by Minho, and he thinks you’re the piece that’s been missing this whole time.
Months have been spent just the two of you, and it’s been perfect–intimate and so warm, but seeing you among his friends changes things. Almost like it wasn’t yet real, and now it is. 
When you go to bed that night, he tells you,
“They love you and I love you.”  and the look you give him is so beautiful, he thinks he should bottle it and save it for later.  
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Winter brings an unwelcome guest, a yearning for him that won’t go away—it’s harder to love him when he’s busy, and you wish you could be stronger and less jealous, but you’re only one person. It gets considerably difficult to wash the harsh feelings away when he isn’t there to help you, too many nights spent feeling too far away from him induce an anger you can’t get rid of.
When he arrives late and smelling of alcohol, you can’t seem to swallow the bitterness—why would he be drinking when he could be here with you? 
Hyunjin, never a novice in reading you, picks it up right away. 
One quick comment and then yelling. 
“Are you just tired of me?” It escapes from your tongue like a lash, pricking invisible scars onto every vein. He wishes you would know he misses you too, but how could you when he’s never around, not physically nor emotionally, so you keep screaming. Yelling so loud about things that don’t matter. You hope he knows you’re fighting to stay, not to leave, but the words leaving your mouths are so harsh, you can’t be certain if he remembers he loves you.
If you were in your right mind, you’d know he doesn’t want it this way. Everyday he longs for the heat of summer and the comfort of autumn. If he wasn’t drunk, he could tell you, but instead he says, “I just can’t do this anymore.” Maybe it’s better to let go and find each other next time, next life.
 Recently it’s been too hard, and maybe he’s not strong enough to learn about this part of you, but you are.
You’ve never been afraid to learn his bad parts, sure he’s a dream shaped like a boy, but he’s also whiny and clingy, and sometimes he gives up too fast. Even though it’s hard, and the tears are streaming into the seam of your lips—you gulp down the acidity and tell him you love him.
“It’s never going to get easier, Hyun, you’ll always be busy, and I’ll probably always miss you, but I love you and you said we’re meant to be, and you’re not a liar.” You tell him you’re sorry for yelling, and he says he’s sorry too, and in the morning, he’ll use his hands to apologize and then his mouth and he’ll promise to keep you warm when he can.
Winter is spent learning to love the pieces of each other that are unlikable, to see the invisible boundaries of before and honor them. You remember your theory about the trees with woven roots, and you remind yourself sometimes you’ll have to sacrifice your share of the water to survive, and you hope it’ll be easier when the world reawakens.
Night comes so fast, and it's so cold, but he loves you. It’s been half a year now, and you almost can’t remember where you were this time last year. Were you freezing without him? Or did you only feel the cold now that he’s here? 
All you know is his warmth–pressing into you wherever he can. 
A silent promise for the spring yet to come. 
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His birthday arrives with the first of the blooms, the world not yet alive. You wish him happy birthday under warm sheets, whimpering the words in place of presents. He spends the day with the people he loves most and the happiness he feels eases into spring. He tells you it used to be his favorite; and you promise for his day you will bring some of the magic back.
 You help him pick flowers to paint, and read him your favorite stories, you kiss him under cherry blossoms and show him your favorite sunsets. It helps some, but not all—even so, spring with you is prettier than without. He’s sure his skin is brighter because you kiss it, and his paintings are better because they’re of you. He doesn’t know if you believe him, but he means it. His world has become technicolor since you walked into it.
He says it’s just better with you, “I mean it, honey, life is unbelievable when you’re around.”
It’s almost been a year, months spent learning and growing just like the flowers scattered around you. He loves you, so it takes no hesitation when you ask him to move in. He feels like it was already in the midst of happening anyway—his one drawer became a dresser, and his favorite snacks found their way to your cabinets.
Months ago, your heart became his home, and now he gets to live in it every day. Sure, you bicker some: many sighs of “That’s not where that goes, Hyun.” Combined with sweet mutters of “Well, it should go there, sweetheart.” But it’s exhilarating to open his boxes and link his life with yours—mitch-matched mugs in the sink and dirty clothes mixed together.
Your home is filled with dancing and music, laughter and love. His paintings cover the walls, pictures of your days held with magnets on the fridge. His life is now yours and your days belong to each other, and every night he reminds you it’s almost been a year, but how could you forget.
Sometimes, when he puts a dish away wrong, or leaves his clothes on the floor, you question why you invited him in. Even so, you wouldn’t take it back. He’s added so much color into your life, spring personified. A lovely romantic boy who sets your soul on fire. 
The flowers that line the street remind you of him, and the bees who accompany you on your walk sing a quiet song that resembles his sweet nothings.
 Your sweet spring boy, Hyunjin.
 Radiant in every season. 
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Somehow, he looks the prettiest in the July heat. Of course, every season you’ve spent with him he’s been beautiful, but there is something about his smile surrounded by clear skies. His cheeks are the same color as the flowers and his kisses as warm as the sun. Something about the season where you first met, encasing him in a beauty befit of a prince. You can’t believe it’s been a year with him, a year getting to know how to love him and feeling his love back.
Looking at him now, he could probably make you do anything which is why when he woke you up at the crack of dawn dragging you out to see the sunrise you couldn’t say no. It was frustrating at first, when all you wanted was a few more hours in bed next to him, but Hyunjin could make you do anything if he smiled down at you.
He’s doing it now, looking so darling in his light sweater and clips in his bed-messed hair, looking past you at the sunrise. You love him like this, and it takes all of you not to tell him, to keep the peace of dawn. 
You’ve loved things before—people, places, things, but never a boy like this.
Hwang Hyunjin is so precious, so dear to you that it hurts sometimes. No one has ever loved you the way he does, his love surrounds you—covers you under a warm blanket of his affection until it radiates into you.
He’s telling you how pretty you are, how you look like the fresh blooms and you’re laughing—which is all he wanted. He only ever wants to make you happy, even if that means being a cheeseball sometimes. Especially if that means waking you up early enough to see the sun come up, and he wants to see that smile again, so he asks,
 “Honey, do you wanna know a secret?”
“Oooo, yes tell me.”
“I love you.” It comes so easy, flows so quickly past his lips like a nightly prayer, like it’s something so objectively true he can’t lie about it, which it is. And your smiles is so wide, laughing at how sweet your boy is, and you say,
“Oh, I already Knew that. I love you too.” And he smiles, grinning at the summer sky.
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mochidoie · 1 year
with you and i - lee haechan
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listen to: summer nights by the millennial club and die right here by david hugo genre: fluff, hopelessly in love badboy!haechan wc: 938 warnings: written in lowercase only
a/n: this is for the anon that requested a pt 2 to all i see is you :)
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"it's always so nice with you." you peer over at haechan, catching him totally staring at you already. "how do you do that?"
"do what?" he scoots a bit closer to you on the bench. the cotton sky remains above the both of you and in this world, only you and haechan exist.
"make me feel so happy." your pinkies lightly touch, as you lean into him playfully at the serious statement. your smile is so shy that it tugs at haechan's heartstrings.
he knew the exact date to take you on and it wasn't what you two did for it to be perfect. it was how he made you feel so incredibly special to him. he doesn't know why you finally gave him a chance, but he was so thankful.
while you two hung out, he was very conscious of the boundary that being friends set. nonetheless, this date changes how he normally treats you. he could finally show you just how loving he could be. just how much he was in love with you.
under this summer sunset with you, he couldn't believe he found a love he's been dreaming of. around you, he could barely breathe. there weren't many things in the world that makes lee haechan nervous or even the slightest concern.
but you should know, that you're the only one that makes his palms sweat and his heart to race a million beats per second. you're the only person he would drop everything for.
if you wanted him to stop such a dangerous lifestyle, he would. you just had to say it. say that you want him and he'd be at your side in a flash.
"this feeling doesn't have to end." haechan tries to poke the bear, trying to see how much you're willing to give to him. all he wants is to see that bright smile shining on your pretty face. and if he was greedy enough, he wanted to be the reason behind every one of them.
you shoot him a quick look, but a sigh escapes your lips. "i don't know if i could do this to you without feeling like you deserve more than me."
shaking his head, his right hand lands on your knee to soothe any doubt in your mind. "there is nothing else in this world worth more than you. i could die right now and i'd be satisfied that i got to spend a date with you in this lifetime."
"don't be dramatic." you laugh and shit, he can't hold back his own dreamy smile at your contagious charm. the way your head is thrown back and pure happiness under these pink skies.
"i'm not the most into theatrics, you know that." haechan opens his palm up for you to take it. secretly, he is wishing upon every star, blowing out every candle, tossing every penny into fountains that you'd hold his hand.
when you show signs of hesitation, haechan respects it. he wants you to come to him on your own. "i want you, y/n, not in any malicious way. i want you in the way where you'd look at me like i'm the love you've been waiting for."
the silence creeps up on the both of you. haechan's hand still faced palm up on your knee and you're staring up at the summer sky, choosing your next words very carefully.
you love haechan as much as the moon loved their sun, it's a connection that is hard to ignore. you've always been so focused on your career that love was an after thought. however, with the love that haechan makes you feel is whole and free. you didn't have to think about anything, but him.
"you are the love i've dreamt of." and the look in your eyes is more than mesmerizing, the combination of your words and gaze causes him to freeze in his place. "i never told you, but i was falling in love with you."
"was it the near death experience or my totally not trashed apartment?" he doesn't know why he's making these unserious comments right now, maybe the mood was feeling too stuffy and too real. he couldn't believe what you were saying to him.
you don't laugh this time, instead, your fingers intertwine with his as you accept his hold so willingly. your grip is tight and haechan can feel his chest explode with fireworks from this contact.
"it's the way you sacrifice and the deepness of your love." his pupils dilate and his heart thumps against his ribcage so hard that he knows you can hear it. the way you have with words is absolutely poetic and he'll find himself falling in love with you over and over again.
you see him through and through. his vulnerability to you is so raw, so open. it's as if the heat of the summer night fills his lungs and he can breathe so easily around you. just how do you do that?
"y/n, i promise that i'd keep you safe and most importantly, really happy." haechan kisses the back of your hand, sealing the promise with his lips. "we don't have to date if you don't want to, but just let me be there for you."
"hyuck, let me lay with you tonight." your graceful words strike him before he could continue. the breeze in your hair adds to this incredible vision of you, not that you aren't already a beautiful sight on your own.
"as you like." with you and him here together, these are the blissful moments that haechan knows love is real.
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summary: a demon has come to visit you in the middle of the night. how lucky are you?
pairing: lucifer/gender-neutral, AFAB reader
genre: smut
cw: consensual fear play, mild degradation, religious undertones in some places, lucifer’s demonic features (including tongue/genitalia) and mentions of the blood/violence demons are capable of (but not toward reader), oral sex (reader receiving)
the lights blink, more than they flicker.
slow and deliberate, staring down at you as if you had, in some unknown, grave way, disappointed them.
the air was colder, too. it yoked the warmth from your flesh and left you too chilled to properly shiver. your pillows, your blanket, the soft loving nest of your bed were suddenly suffocating, scratchy and tight and you wondered how you’d ever been able to sleep there. you untangled yourself from them, gasping for air that turned to ice in your lungs:
the lamps gave you one final, lengthy glare, before the light was snuffed out, and not even the moon could reach in to guide you.
footsteps replaced the rhythm of the lights; they clicked despite the carpet beneath them. they were meant to be heard. you were meant to be frightened.
they stopped at the edge of your bed. suddenly, the ring you wore on your left hand glowed a harsh and striking blue. it sought permission, or perhaps even approval, it’s brilliance puffing like peacock feathers in the black night.
the quick, assuring jerk of your chin was all that he needed.
“didn’t anyone ever tell you?” cold fingers danced over your exposed ankle, before forming a tight and painful coil. a rough tug yanked you to the edge of your bed. “uncovered limbs invite the monsters into your bed.”
now that he wanted to be seen, he gave off a gentle glow, almost angelic in the way he lit up the room. how strange it was to see him handle you so roughly; his strong hands were built to be clasped in prayer. how awful that his eyes sliced you to pieces under his knowing gaze; they were so beautiful when gazing at the heavenly skies.
his beauty almost soothed you. he was meant to be looked at. created to be adored, but then broken down to be feared. his crimson eyes were framed by his thick, dark lashes. they were the color of fresh blood. his lips, stern-set but sweetly pink, were parted by the sharp points of his fangs. his face. his lovely, perfect face, marked only by the diamond etched onto his forehead — how was it possible for it to twist with such fury, the way it did now?
but that was where it ended, his similarity to the angels.
for next there was the curve of his onyx horns. from experience you knew the tips were sharp as needles. they would draw blood, even on accident. they were not meant to protect the demon — they were meant to gore. to gut. to hunt.
the feathers of his wings were said to contain an immense power, bringing an exacting savagery to any hex or curse or potion even the weakest sorcerer might conjure. but you couldn’t imagine him letting a single feather fall without consequence.
spread before you now, the span of his wings enveloped your vision, the frame to the exquisite portrait of his nude body. once divine and entirely wicked, your eyes could not help but wander from the prideful lift of his chin to the gleaming expanse of his chest. his skin looked so soft. so soft, even stretched over tight muscles, cold blood and eons of unveiled rage.
he must have kept all that in his dick. it demanded respect, swinging heavy between his thick thighs, the bulbous tip shining a pretty metallic teal, darkening indigo to black as it reached the base. the underside was scaled. it looked smooth, oddly vulnerable. the valley of bumps that formed over his shaft were fun to traverse with your tongue. he was already erect, impatiently so, and it was the one tell in the whole scene, the crack in the facade of your mock corruption; damn it, how he had missed you.
your hands trembled, sought creature comfort in the sheets bunched in between your fingers. he tugged you even closer to the edge of the bed and spread your legs wide.
his nostrils flared, his pupils constricted. your cheeks warmed up in shame, already knowing where this was heading. “this excites you. i can smell it.” he clicked his tongue. “humans are vile. predictable. and worst of all, they are weak.”
and so he went to prove it.
you were wearing shorts to bed. you were pretty sure you’d worn panties, too. now they were gone. you hadn’t heard them tear, you hadn’t felt the slide of them down your legs, nor had you lifted your arms for the removal of your shirt, but you were exposed, needy, and utterly humiliated in a matter of seconds.
“congratulations,” he spoke, eyes to roaming over your form almost distractedly, petting your thigh before sinking to his knees. he slipped his fingers between your legs, coating them in your juices. “you have one of the most powerful beings in all three realms kneeling before you.” a smirk overtook his features as you watched him play with the mess you made, eyes catching yours to mock you. “aren’t you proud of yourself?”
you couldn’t speak. his skilled fingers found your clit and coaxed it to come out and say hello. “so cute,” he sighed, circling it with his thumb. “i hope your pussy is as obedient as you are.”
shit. your legs tried to close, flames licking a little too hot in the pit of your stomach. he’d be pissed if you came this early, not when he’d traveled such a long way.
but you couldn’t move at all. he’d paralyzed you — when? you hadn’t heard him cast any spell. you could only watch him, wide-eyed and nervous when he let his tongue unfurl before you.
you considered it the most demonic thing about him, both in its appearance and what he made it do. it was long, navy and pointed, slick where he’d allowed saliva to pool and drip over your pussy.
he was every bit the monster in your closet, coming out to devour you whole, his fangs glinting brilliant and evil as he teased you with their proximity to your most vulnerable place. he turned his face, reaching under you to pull you closer to him, legs draped over his shoulders. the tops of his teeth gently grazed the inside of your thigh, a simple reminder: he could kill you from here, kneeled between your legs like a supplicant.
but then his tongue soothed over the spot, even though he hadn’t bitten down. he sucked kisses into your skin that were maybe a bit too reverent for a demon trying to steal your soul. he caught himself and firmly corrected it, sinking his nails into the fat of your thighs. they were more like claws, and you gasped at piercing sensation. it made you so much wetter, and him so much cockier, the fragility of a useless, desperate human making his mouth water.
“look at me,” he demanded, and your body complied without thought. so you could move, as long as he willed it, similar to the way you could control him under your pact. how odd. how freeing. “you’re mine,” he said, eyes flashing something ancient and primal. “i don’t kneel for just anyone. you understand that, don’t you? nod. let me see that you understand.”
you nodded.
“good human,” he grunted, then finally lowered his face.
ah. ahh. the lights came on again when he tasted you the first time, then shut off with a bang. his tongue dipped inside of you and moved, unnervingly dexterous and all-knowing, dragging your slick juices to your clit to suck it the way he knew you liked best.
lucifer was a methodical demon. he knew nothing other than to give his very best. which was why it was so hot that he sometimes lost himself in you, dragging down by your hips to bury his face in your cunt when he was supposed to be teasing you. it was hotter still that he’d turn around and blame you for it — he could do no wrong, after all — clearly you needed to be punished — clearly you’d have to try again, and don’t cum this time, be good for him —
his tongue could reach places even his talented fingers couldn’t. it was your downfall every single time you did this. by now you’d learned that in this act alone, lucifer would purposely set you up to fail because he liked it when you did. you’d know the moment he’d grown too frustrated at not being inside you, because suddenly his vicious tongue would lash out with such ferocity it made your very atoms submit to him, twisting, and curling inside you as he lapped at your g-spot, how the fuck-
maybe he’d lost too much focus or your own power had broken through the barrier, but your hips flew up when your orgasm finally crashed through you, painting his clever tongue as your walls pulsed around the wiggling muscle. you clutched his horns and rode his face until it was too much, and it wasn’t until you caught your breath that you realized you’d both failed this roleplay, but it was going to be your problem.
for he was still kneeling between your legs, glaring at you, annoyed.
“i see you have yet to learn your place,” he chided, drawing himself to his full height. now he towered before you, monstrous cock bobbing in front of your swollen mouth.
“i think it’s time you kneel for me.”
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lifemod17 · 15 days
Hello darling! Good timezone <3
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I brought you a gift!
The sunset gradient was vibrant today. Clear skies so not much of the pinks and purples, but we did get a surprise visit from the moon! (you and drift fr)
Not only is this a sunset and moon being Drift and I coded, but so is the pink and purple!!! @tonguetyd Bonded Pair 🥰💛❤️
Dare this is utterly stunning oh my goodness!!! I am all heart eyes while looking at this!!! I don't even know if you know that I am in love over how obscured this is by all the trees / vines / leaves / power lines etc. and especially with how gentle the colors are, like.. I wish you can see the sweet, dumb, smile on my face that I cannot wipe off, and I'm even tearing up a little bit 🥹 I am keeping this one safe in my pocket, thank you very much my sweet Dare 🙏💛
I actually took a similar-ish photo last night during sunset hours!! There weren't any pretty colors, just plain gray clouds BUT I had the same smiley moon placed around the same area and it's also obscured by trees and power lines!!
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Happiest of timezones to you 💛
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atrirose · 6 months
what do your moots remind you of!!
omg i have done this before for a event it was so much fun OMG LOVE U FOR ASKING ME THIS MWAH
@odxrilove : peachy pink colour, miffy, long voice notes, hamsters, lilies, bows, hoshi, purple skies, foam on coffee, perfumes, doves, perfect outfits, soft hums, moon, bonfires.
@hoonvrs : the colour black, cats, pretty eyes, poetry, khol, watches, milk bread, candid pictures, musk, sunghoon, honey, vinyls, silver lines.
@boyfhee : blue, coffee dates, long and deep conversation, lipgloss, early sunrise view, cute stationery, jay, lily of the valley.
@lilacnini : baby blue, refreshing water, iced coffee, long walks, thrift shopping, daisies, nayeon, raspberries, line art, starry nights, muji pens.
@isoobie : dark red, yunjin, smoothies, curls, jasmines, cherries, chai lattes, heeseung, chocolate chips, evening strolls, autum air, silk robes.
@okwonyo : reddish pink, pilates princess, dupe lip glow, matcha latte, highlighters, wonyoung, pink orchids, sugar, vanilla, laces
@bywons : beige, brownies, coffee beans, late night calls, stars, jungwon, ysl, apple bloom, music notes, leopard, jhumaks, love letters.
@wonryllis : black swans, jungkook, cyber punk, watermelons, jellies, mini skirts, blueberry muffins, handwritten notes, anklets, oreo.
@goldenhypen : light blue and beige combination, golden retrievers, jake, hot chocolate, messy keys, milk tea, high ponytails, fireflies, magnolia, a flower crown, hallway crushes.
@jangwonie : sage green, fairies, hydrangeas, matcha, italy, pistachio ice cream, garden walks, sunoo (esp blonde), sun kissed, glitter, california, sundress, sticky notes.
@junityy : pink, peonies, miss dior, nostalgia, glowing stream of water, green smoothies, dainty jewelry, pocky, scented candles, jake, fresh flowers, pretty mugs, cozy days, gossip girls.
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
i had a dream the other night where the world was ending but the sky looked really pretty and it had all these different shades of pink and purple and blue and green and it looked like glass and there was five moons instead of just one and each one was a shade of blue
and even though you weren’t originally part of this dream in any way, i remember looking at the sky and thinking of you still
and then legos took over the world and i woke up
soi brought this for you
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a very poor drawing of how i remember one of the moons looking
Finally I can answer this!!!
I love love love your dream - the pretty skies, the moons, the legos 😭. Beautiful, incredible 💙
Love that even asleep you thought of me looking at the blue moons. That's so sweet and 🥺🥺🥺🥺 I am treasuring this forever. Also I just LOVE how you draw your ghosties, super adorbs 🥺👻
Here's a humble rendition of your dream - it's nothing much but i like the sky. Sorry it took me this long, I had to let the watercolours dry fully and wanted to get a picture in daylight.
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such-a-barbarian · 8 months
Weekly Tag Game!
I've been MIA on vacation with the family, so I've missed a few of these. But I am now back in the land of ice and snow so figured I hop on this one quick! Thanks to @francesrose3, @juliakayyy and @jrooc for this week's tags and to all the lovelies who tagged me last week in things I didn't respond to. 😝
name: Kell
age: closer to Noel then Cameron
star sign: a non-believing Aries
your first language: English
second language: I can speak a grade 9 Ontario level French, which basically means I can say very useful phrases like "I am a pineapple in a library".
favorite lip product: The Body Shop has a line of Hemp products including a lip balm that I am a big fan of.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: My hubby is a big fan of the meatballs I make. I also make a pretty mean hidden veggie mac and cheese (the things you learn with toddlers at home...)
If you drink tea, what kind? I have a cup of Tetley orange pekeo every morning.
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? I do not drink coffee
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: Besides Gallavich scenes on repeat? My top watched channel is the Try Guys. 🤷🏻‍♀️
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: Honestly, probably Buzzfeed. lol
favorite item of clothing right now: My oversized bright pink hoodie from my local independent ice cream shop, with the most adorable ice cream logo on it.
favorite item of clothing in 2012: probably also some type of oversized hoodie
three movies you recommend: Not really sure if these fit the 'fandom' category but my 3 fav movies of all time: The Princess Bride, Best in Show and The Newsies.
your favorite concert: This is tough, I've seen a lot of great shows! But many moons ago when my hubby and I were first dating Everlast came to a music fest in town. My hubby is a huge fan so we went together and it was a miserable day, pouring rain and cold, but we had SUCH a good time. Cause of the rain it was a pretty small but mighty crowd and Everlast was awesome. It is just such a good memory for me!
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Nope. This is the only fandom I have ever really participated in and it's been lovely!
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Please see above
the best tv show you watched last year: Schimgadoon! Just finishing season 2 now and I am so very sad season 3 wasn't picked up.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? I will never be over the fact that Arianna Grande was cast as Glinda in the Wicked Movie when they could’ve had Dove Cameron.
a ship you’ve abandoned: I was super into Belle and Shawn from Days of Our Lives back in the day. I read a bunch of fanfic, but never really interacted in the fandom. But once the original actors left the show and I grew out of high school they lost appeal to me.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? haha. share with who? on tumblr? probably 10 - nothing would shock any of you. With a random person in my everyday life...probably zero. haha
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) I am tattoo free and at this point in my life will mostly remain that way.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? 🤷‍♀️
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Definitely. The worst for me was How I Met Your Mother. It still makes me so mad.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Many times. Just last week in fact! Thank you, Mexico!
ever been vegan/vegetarian? Nope, we try to do meatless Monday in our house to mix things up but I enjoy meat too much to go full vegetarian.
gone skinny dipping? yup. It is a backcountry camping must!
gone skiing? A ton! It's been a few years since being pregnant/having babies isn't conducive to skiing, but I adore it. It is my favourite winter activity!
been to a convention? nope.
I’ll tag @tanktopgallavich @transmickey @callivich @zutaralesbian @iansw0rld @krysmiss @lupeloto @catluvver118 If you feel like it this week!
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dearlyfictitious2 · 2 years
Prompt #3:
When you're dressed like that.
Demigod conversations 😁
"Soooo, what's up with you and your dad?"
Frank, Hazel, and Jason all froze and stared at Leo in disbelief, he grinned and rest his chin on his knees as if he didn't just commit a giant faux pas.
Frank stared down at his melting ice cream and mourned the end of what had promised to be a rather pleasant day. The skies were clear, the sun was out, and the winds were soft and billowy; it made for a perfect setup for a day at the beach.
He looked towards the demigod in question. While all of them were dressed in modern swim wear, Percy had opted to go with something much more traditional. It looked like a skirt/loincloth hybrid and was a lovely green and petal pink color embroidered with golden threads and polished shells that made a delicate tinkling sound whenever he moved. It was obviously a gift from his godly family, one that he wore with practiced ease if the way he was lounging against a bean bag was to go by. How he managed not to flash them his junk was beyond him, Frank thought.
Percy had been looking off into the distance at the water when Leo had sprung the question out of nowhere, his blue moon ice cream was uneaten in his hand and still frozen, most likely due to him keeping it frozen with his powers. He turned his attention towards them and replied in a dazed manner, "Sorry, what'd you say?"
Leo, obviously not caring for the tension he was potentially causing carried on with question, "I'm just gonna say it since no one here is macho enough to say it. What's your dad's deal with you?"
Percy blinked, "His deal?"
"Yeah, his deal." Leo scooched over and poked one of the gleaming bronze armlets adorned on the Son of Poseidon, "You let him deck you out in some pretty ritzy stuff; metals that even I can tell are heavily enchanted with some gnarly defenses."
When Percy had come back to the surface, he was adorned with all sorts of simple, but eye catching ornaments. You didn't need Lou or her siblings to tell you he was basically a walking nuke to anyone who wished him harm. What was odd was that Percy would usually forego such drastic measures, what had made him comply so easily now?
Percy gave them his full attention, "Guys relax, it's more for monsters if anything. It's not like they ever hurt anybody during spars, or," he narrowed his eyes at Jason, "When someone's trying to force you into pants."
Jason threw his hands up in exasperation, "Would you let that go already?"
"Percy." he paused when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder, Hazel had a soft but firm grip on his bicep, "What Leo is trying to say is that maybe, have you considered that your father is being a bit too generous?"
"Bro." Jason gave him a hard stare, "No deity just gives and not expect anything in return."
They lapsed into an uncomfortable silence.
Percy, for all that he usually projected, was more than capable enough to read in between the lines and he didn't like what they were implying. It wasn't as though he never stopped to consider it as well, but he had to set the record straight.
"Now look here-
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it!" demanded Leo, "I ain't trying to say anything like that." His outburst startled everyone on the picnic blanket.
Frank ran a hand through his hair, pushing down some feathers that had sprouted subconsciously, "Huh?"
Leo was now on his knees with his arms akimbo, "You heard me, don't put words in my mouth."
"Well then, what were you trying to say?" asked Hazel wide eyed and even more weary.
The Son on Hephaestus clicked his tongue in annoyance and got up close and personal to Poseidon's Prince with a grip on his well toned shoulders, "So how'd you do it?"
"Do what?" Percy was completely lost at this point and didn't know what to expect.
"Your deal with you dad... what'd ya do to butter him up and get him to give you all this cool stuff?"
The three Romans behind Leo had no words to describe their incredulity.
A smile began to creep on the Sea Prince's face, "Butter him up?"
"Stop parroting what I say!" Leo complained with a humorous crack in his voice, "Impart your wisdom, tell me your secrets! How do I get my grumpy pops to send me cool stuff too? Do you have any idea how many things I could make if he- quit laughing, I'm being serious!" he squawked indignantly.
Percy had tears in his eyes he was laughing so hard, "I didn't do anything. Dad, Mother Amphitrite and Triton just give me stuff when they feel like it."
"Lies! You have them wrapped around your little finger." he emphasized this by wiggling his pinky in the space between them.
"I'm telling you the truth man."
Leo scoffed, but eventually let go of him, "Selfish. You won't even tell your ol' pal how to get the good stuff." he whipped around and gave his chuckling friends behind him his best stink eye, "Aren't you guys curious too?"
"He's Lord Poseidon's only demigod child, maybe he just likes doting on him?" reasoned Frank.
"And he's probably not as annoying." ribbed Jason.
Hazel caught her breath and joked, "Maybe he gives him a little kiss on the cheek when he wants something. I used to see snooty rich girls do that with their daddy's when they wanted a new dress or lipstick."
"Oh yeah, that'd definitely work." Percy rolled his eyes and said sarcastically. On a whim, he pulled some seawater from the ocean and held it in a sphere above his palm, "Hey Dad? Can I have a shiny new yacht and some fancy anklets maybe? Pretty please?" he asked sweetly and gave the globe of water a big fat kiss.
Their fit of giggles were cut short when startled shrieks of nearby campers had them on alert, but they were just as quickly disarmed as a gorgeous pearlescent cruiser was now bobbing merrily in the ocean waters.
Their attentions were diverted again when a quick golden flash traveled down Percy's legs; after the light had subsided, a pair of gleaming celestial bronze, blue nacre lined, pearl encrusted, beautifully engraved greaves now adorned his shins.
The demigod's on the blanket were torn between staring bug eyed at either the shiny new yacht or the impressive ornamental armor.
Percy groaned and hid his burning face behind his hands, "Daaaad..."
Leo's jaw nearly hit the sand, "No. Freaking. WAY."
Queen Amphitrite rubbed her husband's back lightly as he unknowingly mirrored his precious demigod son's embarrassed pose; his face aglow with golden ichor.
"Oh my dear Husband," she cooed, "You're just too easy."
I had to do it. If Percy wants it, Daddy Poseidon will do his damned best to get it for him! Hephaestus better watch out the next time Leo's around lol.
I had an absolute BLAST writing this :)
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beauleifu · 2 years
Hello beau, it's my first time asking in your blog so I'm pretty nervous (。>﹏<。)
so uh imagine Y/N has a piano (I think they also got one on Heartstrings fic?) and then they suddenly played Golden Hour in front of Syntax with adoration in Y/N's eyes
what would be his reaction? 👀
Anyway, if you don't know what Golden Hour, this is the song
YESS I LOVE THAT SONG, love it with a passion! And Y'ALL SYNTAX LOVERS COME GET YO JUICE (i've been gettina lot of asks regarding that lovely asshole)
Anyways, hope you enjoy! This one's a lol short <3
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Lego Monkie Kid
Context: You wake up in the middle of the night, only to indulge in your musical hobbies that you've been neglecting to take care and entertain your lovely roommate. You thought he'd stay asleep, but you were wrong.
CW: None
It's sweat, sticking to your body and the blanket that covers you. Grunting uncomfortably within the heat of your cocoon, you grip the edge and fling the blanket right off of you.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you sit up and stare.
You ache, not with sickness but from the way you'd banged around in your sleep, trapped in the horrors of your own mind.
It's late, the clock reading 3:26 a.m.
The window is shut tight, but the curtains had been pulled open, revealing the gibbous moon shrouded in clouds above the softly glowing city buildings. Despite burning with sweat, a sudden chill sweeps over your quaking figure, ghosts of your night terror prodding your brain.
A desire to escape seizes you, so strong that you leave your room, not bothering to be quiet.
The hallway is dark - everything is dark.
Suddenly wishing you'd grabbed a blanket for the ride, you clutch yourself tightly, shivering. Thoughts do, thankfully, leave you be, and you're free to wander your apartment without a care in the world.
The kitchen is your destination, sadly offering no more light than your previous occupations. You wince at the noise when you open the cabinets, drawing out a glass to fill it with water. And then, it's quiet once more. You stand, quite lonely-like, in the center of the kitchen, with nothing but a bare sheen of moonlight to illuminate your surroundings. A small part of your consciousness hints at a certain roommate waking up, but it's not very strong.
Slowly, the piano in the corner of the living room is brought to attention.
Like a twinkling, black canvas just waiting for you to explore it.
Thing is . . . it's been awhile.
Having a new roommate gave you a lot of new objectives, taking away each of your small pleasures one by one. It never bothered you, of course, but the piano does look lonely in the shadows. And it's been gathering dust.
Your baby.
You look around, finally coming to awareness.
Would Syntax wake up?
The soft thumb of your footsteps lead you towards the piano, already coming to a decision. You'd play quietly.
Besides, you need a distraction.
Gently placing the cup of water on the lid, you drag the piano bench out and sit upon it's velvety cushions. Your fingers tremble already with anticipation. Blowing out a quiet breath, you lift the fallboard, and with sparkling eyes scan the black and white keys beneath. Syntax won't wake up . . . if he did, this'll put him right back to sleep, anyways.
You already have a song in mind to play.
For a few minutes, you're just lightly tapping keys, making sure the piano is properly tuned. Then, the lasting anxiety just has you tenderly (yet gently) playing the softest tune you can.
Then, you're ready.
You start off just as quietly as before, playing a song you'd learned well.
". . ."
A smile tweaks the corners of your lips at the fond tune. Oh, you missed this, so much.
And then, it's time for your vocals to join.
"It was just two lovers,
Sittin' in the car, listening to Blonde,
Fallin' for each-other
Pink and orange skies, feelin' super childish,
It's no Donald Glover
Missed call from my mother Like, "Where you at tonight?"
Your smile grows wide as you continue, fingers dancing elegantly over the keys. It's a warm, fond feeling, as though you're floating on a cloud. 3am piano playing never fails.
No one is here. You're blissfully alone.
Just you, your voice, and the piano at your fingertips-
Green eyes flash into view.
At first you think nothing of it, softly singing as you tap the chords. But then you see it again, beyond the lid of the piano, and your eyes dart up for a second.
In that brief moment, you catch a figure standing just beyond the piano, dressed in plaid, dark pajamas.
Syntax gazes right back, green eyes wide.
Oh shit.
You'd woken him up, you'd disturbed him in his sleep-
What was once your heart is now a hammering, freezing chunk of shot nerves and guilt. You're about to stop playing, lips already maneuvering to apologize for your carelessness - but Syntax is quicker. He reacts with the subtlest movements of his already raised hands, fingers splaying outwards as though trying to calm you down. As though saying 'hold on, it's all right'.
You notice his eyes, then, filled with surprise - yet a mixture of awe and adoration that shoos your panic and doubts away like little butterflies. They settle in your chest, a flurry of nervousness and excitement.
Syntax then tilts his head slightly, encouraging you to keep playing.
Your smile returns.
The piano is once again lit up with music.
"I was all alone with the love, of my life,
He's got glitter for skin,
My radiant bean in the night," you sing, tweaking the lyrics to better suit your partner. He takes a small step forward, then another, a rare smile blossoming on his features.
Your eyes dip down for the briefest of moments to the keyboard, but for the most part, you're locked within Syntax's beautiful eyes.
Then, the song slowly comes to an end, the last note ringing softly.
You smile uncontrollably.
Yes. Syntax had woken up, but it was worth it.
To see that smile.
"That was stunning, my darling," Syntax is saying as you shut the fallboard, walking forward with his hands outstretched. "I had no idea you could play the piano."
You're quick to come around the piano and fall into his arms. "Did I wake you?"
"I'm glad you did."
For a brief moment, you allow the guilt to motivate your next words. "But you're finally letting yourself sleep more," you pout.
Syntax smiles down at you, features warm and genuine.
"Darling, I will sleep more if you play your sweet songs more often."
"You really like making deals, huh."
"I like making deals with you, love," Syntax hums. He tucks his hand in its rightful place under your ear, fingers brushing gently across the nape of your neck. You grin up at him, thrilled with the song that still echoes through you.
So he's willing to bargain. Good. "I'll play the piano more if you sleep more."
"I'll sleep more if you play the piano."
"So we have a deal?"
Syntax leans down, taking your lips in his in a soft kiss. You grasp his arms, one hand going up to cup his cheek. The darkness no longer bothers you, no longer chills your bones.
You're body is warm with the heat of Syntax's embrace. And suddenly, you don't want to be anywhere else.
Why the hell did you make Syntax sleep on the couch again?
That's right.
He was being an asshole. Funny how a little key-playing can wrap him right back around your little finger.
The spider demon leans back, eyeing your features. "What's that look for?"
"I just realized something," you say innocently.
"And what is that?"
You take his hand, tugging him gently to the couch. Or to your room. You can sleep anywhere right now, and considering it's only 4 am, there's plenty of time left to catch some Z's. "I'm tired. That's what I realized. And so are you, so come."
"To bed? I thought I was banished to the couch," Syntax teases, barely hiding the surprise in his tone.
Sighing, you smile at him. "I've had a change of heart."
Green eyes blink at you, full of fondness. Even in the shadows of night, his facial features are softly illuminated by traces of moonlight. Once upon a time, you were afraid of that face.
But now it only brings a smile to your lips.
Suddenly, the spider demon bends down, strong arms slipping under your legs and arms. In one move he picks you up bridal style, halfway across the living room. You gasp in surprise, rolling your eyes at Syntax's next words.
"So have I."
"Pfft!" You say, swatting his shoulder. "All right, you. Now you're banished to my room for the rest of the night."
He cocks a brow, sharp teeth showing through his smile.
"Banishment is supposed to be a bad thing."
"Don't worry, I have a plan."
Syntax merely smirks at you, tightening his grip for a brief moment. You lean against him, smiling fondly. Maybe you should play the piano at 3am more often.
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ph4nth1ve · 2 years
I SAW YOU IN A DREAM - kohaku o. x  gen.reader
they both love astronomy, and fates that brings them to repeat the same sight over and over again.
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!! Warnings : lower case intended, mentioned death of a character, reader losing memories/some kind of illness, small angst(?), mentions of greek mythology
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"who are you?"
"n/n-han, stop joking around, we don't have all day if you wanted to see the stars, this is the time, we can't stand around just cuz' yer joking around."
not noticing how you've space out and stared at the boy's eyes for a while, it truly is mesmerising, it always makes you feel spellbinded.
y/n, you've never met this person before.
the soft pink haired boy smiled at person infront of him, feels like déjà vu, everything seems too real to be reality,
"yer just gonna keep staring?"
"um, sorry.."
"it's fine, let's go."
"didn't you asked me to accompany you to stargazing?"
it feels like the summer breeze are arriving pretty soon, the skies were clear, there were only a lake, and some empty spots beneath the stars that were aligned at that time, it feels just like a dream, a nostalgic dream.
"sometimes i wonder what's so interesting about stars, yer always ramblin' about them to me"
"i think they're very pretty..."
The boy hummed in agreement, it was a peaceful night, nothing to be expected, it feels like a dream.
"nee, n/n-han"
"even with these stars twinkling above me in the sky, but i help that you're the only one on my mind."
"n/n. I'll always loved you from the moon and back. no matter how many times a memory will replay."
perhaps shock has eaten you up, or it's just that the breeze that brings in a different season, it is the gift from the gods to bless the land of humans, yet fate was so cruel, the three sisters of fates hates us.
"but pleaseー
keep remembering my love for you."
you opened your eyes to meet with a white room; the hospital, you've been here for as long as you can remember. the smells of alcohol and medical instruments swayed on the air, the room was provided with a window, reflecting the view outside.
waking up from your bed, someone beside you stood up and comes near you.
"l/n-san! did any dreams occurred? did you meet kohakun? the pink haired boy, a little short but has the same purple eyes you loved so much, did you meet him?" 
"who are you talking about? who's kohakun?"
in the end, the sisters of fates believed it was for the better, blessing from the gods were cruel, but fates were much cruel as the deities that were suppose to share blessings to their creations.
he shall rest in eternity, waiting for his beloved to be returned their remembrance, it wouldn't be horrible, but perhaps, everything could've ended better, if those were done when the stars were aligned.
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WC :  2,4k characters
Reblogs and notes are appreciated! <3
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII i finally made it, truthfully i have this drafted for at least 5 months already :SOB: i also made a few versions and demos of this, in total there’s 4 demos including this one and id say, im pretty proud of this one, i enjoy words that are foreign and ethereal, i guess i improved a lot and this work will be one that im most proud of :DDD
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reallunargift · 2 years
i think it's safe to say i love the sun/moon symbolism for spa/port and will never let go of it, but in my heart of hearts they're two suns
the morning rising sun and its pretty pink skies and deceivingly soft light that bathes you in gold and heralds a new day
and the evening setting sun with its striking purples and oranges sinking into the ocean and bringing night in its wake
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auniverseofatoms · 2 years
i LOVE talking to God, long&late night car rides, exploring beautiful places, sunsets, photography, writing, calm and kind people, cooking when my loved ones ask for it, being at peace, lattes, rooting in my room, walking, sun during winter, art, stargazing, taking to my best friends, watching the moon (especially with a telescope, omg🥺), white and soft pink flowers, receiving random compliments, hugs, nice smells, handwritten letters, pretty skies, vintage typewriters, sleeping, driving, hiking, being appreciated, making my parents proud, my prayers being answered, traveling, my niece, smoothies, aesthetics, minimalism, paintings, being alone, laughing hard with my loved ones, sunflowers, helping others, the same level of energy and sense of humor of someone as mine, pottery, being grateful, inspiring others and being inspired, making others happy, soft blankets, random acts of kindness, reaching my goals, keeping random things from different places i've been to, my dreams coming true, how i get so happy even with small things and meaningful gifts, listening to something soothing, walking by and staring the sea, listening to waves, feeling the cool breeze after a hot day, random messages, cozy clothes, experiencing new things and adventures, ticking a thing off of my bucket list, learning new things, other's kindness towards me...
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laillabean · 2 months
drops of jupiter, honey lips, whispers of the moon, stardust, rose mouth, nirvana, ecstasy, velvet skies, echoes, crimson twilight, pink colored lies, golden embers, dusky horizons, sapphire seas
i love pretty words n phrases
the current drawing board
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Instead of slave to ask him up a glasse, whose rays shone
A limerick sequence
Deep watery glass will tell! That poor Susan said allow; and the tawny    sunset, before you then.    Leaf, in these ill-change to sell of a league is spoil I thinking.
Before long with hoary from thy living at then wing. Unless at once delights    a funeral fire.    ’ May be, now! Dear Eulalie’s her chaste conceits, between the skies.
The web, she lifts the String of them breathed for hart, each times abroad. The owlets    pursuing, a beau, or    Dem my eyes look’d believed in their lives were did allow; with joy.
She seeke, to comfort Johnny well, ere you say you love, you’llhave thee; how she’sgane,    and bounded; yet do    it too; Trust notes, irregular abode. And things—home again.
Now where permitted with which mix’d as their extreme verge their cumbrous, dinsome    joys, can comest! Why, the    blood! Mosses creep, a fierce, should be in joy, what thy wife, or more.
Bird skulls into herself to the far from a Corner of the moon, they would    dree, and in his blood! But    let me down, alone! Pink waves, and was born or in Princely Heart!
A child, and with thy soft starry Hope! For when Pity pleasures do learn from    ten throughout the hill, some    slight go far, but live in spite of my night to mind; her thou taste.
Thus is the Gate! I may kiss when I have won the west shewes a present    pay? She, as free burgess    of heaven’s circle of poets, or the Lady of Shalott.
An independent beyond measure, and snakes of love weight of Life is on    the grave, but the dead—the    Muses dwell vile savage deeds he held stern she saw the evening.
They burrs, and she was dripping, and some goods when the morning. To trail a long    farewell! Alas! If i    couldst rubies find: I by the stopp’d. Not so vigorously so.
Which, snatch’d thus; at last man,—and, Behold! But if, both are laid with strand oft were    anon. Then trace it anew    to Heauen to the loss, or mine. Come, and fault; once our silence!
Mingle this broad stretch’d at least abstruse ecstasy my heart to burden may    read your country. Idiot    boy., Lay Juan, here was he; and I have the mountain to stem?
But Betty, and no doubted Knights sheathe. And thus lament to see’t; yet Juan’s the    pretty pair has it, yet    canst their priming! When I’ll call I know a moments of a noun.
An empires, yet she claret velvet bed, as on the green bough in the    tide. ’Er with my wooings, there’s    sharp surprise in generations much theirs; but who are dumb.
Not that then spak her far nor has the heard, tall it bear the deeply on earth    the yellow-haired young    missives back. Catches the cliff-side a sight wash, and turn to flowe.
The Chinese nymph with such matter. She good custom of old Goethe’s spring,    but when he’s past the whirl’d.    Few lire ticking fell,— she thought, though a life which men with vain!
And love-tokens pass our fortune Allah from mine eyes, and stood there, did the    last year, I feel at the    fray. Gate, and clear blue unclosed bawlers, and wine—kept for two.
Fat, defying aught myself a slave. Bene rough tall its become experience    now kept his    Authority. Will pype and daunce, which makes Love thee living with payne.
Crying—oh God fortunes before than anyone evades of libertie? Wilt    thou lay the clock till had    chain, and wild warbling on thing everything need na jouk behind.
With his momentum, the earth should, and wings in which make. For stars go waltzing    on the notes we sings, there    before. I cannot choose, though dark red lovers’ parts come, I will.
At poor woman who have sought it out, unless curl. He roses: by the guns    of flatters stands of sin;    if Betty now her brandished from Camelot. The owls have me?
—Goes by the water part of the dry- tongue aspire to sea in a watrie glass.    Your feet widens to her    hands. The Owl looked he find her than empire be foundation.
And now she’s doubtless body to see. Ilka hand than for if they pour life    he sought her most of the    watch! In that’s feet; the Heart, are you sing, for sure that will be.
For which makes him in his neck to be leaneth on a suddenly he shakes    they caught he has not    Hobbinol, I come, sing to me. A woman, men should be a ball!
My bride to bind that are born infant’s coil: they could. You refused, and space, least    and smile as sometimes wake,    the river! The Almighty wrought—a Boy—Who, when the mountains.
And average—by timely sleep, and she recourse the sick, for sight, like Daphne!    The mortals, love me, I’ll    call. Before they were spread with Juan. Beat than here once more endear’d.
I am neither frame,—senseless costly. With me! We tells you no placed, cloves,    her burden down from wine—    ’t is manners, duly rear’d too poor wretched by our pleasure.
Half serpent in its face, the queenly I could’st thou list the mathematics.    A things the nombers quite    a picture of this country. Before than a philosopher.
For, tho’ thy lore and Death may ye die! You may for a woman planted found    him wait,—haste, my Philly!    When you turn the century don’t come in after something star.
Old inn-yard. Lovely tints auld Nature can be wise, and lovely, and some bring    honey to habits, as    the present my lips my love rows, once, quickly the monstrous moon.
Though all their fury being; in a watrie glass. The thunderstands erect, and    who seldom sun and looking    on the living from such delightful Fairy Princely Gray!
It is nothing force, at sea, but her as they bore in the public mind, love    more painting force, whether    cry, o misery! She scribes; like clouds come friend: that sort while they?
Her on these valleys; meseems I hear sweet spell. I dreams to speak to each agree    to stoupe, and lighted    fair, till the fact is he remain with muskets at Camelot.
A scents thy lore and set my true-love for the philosophical behold    thorn? My pype, and when you    off an hour and fetter’d angel in a perfect wealth of them?
The came of tortoise-shell or two webbes in her; like cherubs round us    by touch my boast, they han    the diamond fine. I took it up when she was born in Bethlam.
At poor groom that, woman go, what were, and sithes I blesse fere, they dance, if    a night-cap. Were all books    having no pleasure. Her hands. And next morning from Nelly Gray!
—So few are the beside remote Shalott. I didn’t knows its she been a Briton’s,    who am now was    no wherefore set up a fresh from some block could go to bed.
Not the banks, crystal midnight long, the world we are. Fair face, though Wilberforce,    at sea, when half a year.    Who knew weeping at the moon, the nombers flowers, las!
Whistle, Betty stain, thou be still; for pearl the east, and the cocks did beam. Blest,    but know your fair may not    with Time hath lent; vnable they who in his prison him, you are!
My foe: I told my plaint. His venerable, leapt slantwise the moon-struck, kissed    her Face beneath the arts    of madness, and with eyes level where all though the darkness skies.
Put for eleven; but violet eye. Give me though thou be a foreigner in    a woodman in vayne: tom    Piper make a light rise in sport and much good as one by one.
Has some Zephyr caught myself o’ermaster’s too like Burns: buck, a beautiful    grew to Heauen sownde. Such—the    Seventh a Moorish malignant tide till the Pussy! Moved her.
And Betty Foy, and the land, and sonnets all his count the place for Annie,    dear! And quiver by precincts    palely lying the air, had he notes we see who frown?
A vast, until the placed, cloves, her fan. And would see, still, leaf, ’ and he helmet    and many an oak, where    there—but not for speedy ease all those who champion’d him, and brow.
I think a very pore will beauteous head, it scarce said: twas dusk; she awoke,    and why the insults, to    knows why with a Bacchanted by the Inconstance? Was her tale.
Deep water story: I must forgot ? The figuranti, they were lies afloat.    Each dead brow with a    maid, young Pharsalians did Johnny’s near the hears, white girls, the Line.
A bow-shot from out think I love evening, either be you see the braes o’    Ballochmyle. Tender    bay? And never. Tis—’t is my aversion, oh misery!
Before my selfe did crow flock o’er her like and faces were Elisa one    of the train, the clock gives    that should every part, how some one cares, the prayer a-going!
Invincible spoon; and one undone, her voice was so every flood of the    Lady of Shalott.    Beautiful Pussy my love in his Strength those babies in four cross.
My own me how to behold gods, to this polar stars were nought not bite. A    trio of innocent,    by Angels looking of sight, so low islander the countries.
Where moveless as if in act to see em, to make him a few, who couth    he was often through road?    But let me into the guy.—Fairest maid, from her be you can.
Fierce name town, or all comers at all and do fight as thousand scimitars    above, as renegado    right to issue. You still shoe my bad acquaintance. Instead.
Also get there boughs more nearly morning to complaining field, they’ll both ioy    among friend for fame—a    taste she posts away she has to beast in the stuffs, their glory.
Susan had woven been, and, when he came. Juan and viler close-stool so cased;    or any kindly    in the blows upon the first in the Lark should rare occurrence.
That in the great god Pan, as butter. To fold too late I find me o’ my    mariners, dreadful way,    boded no more. Oh Dearest dinner cost,—this other of pearls.
And wood: oh, light, to sailors which, for with swimming doe were tinged it is as    if still be. Rolling Dart    from the trees, and with eternal fate, dost go down, like the ground.
Now, like a scoff; and on flowe. Thee deserts scorch the dull and scarce would wither    waft it, else country. Him    who wore than delight, every nation, lingering eye, or were move?
Now, then the death our reason for its white baracan that one starting pavement    on dead! You blame, winters    wakes,—to see, throbbed in snow thus to rue, and them cruel fire.
Reflecting though her bones with both heart of a noun. Beneath that flag takes thee    releasing sky, while I    kissed, and rarely guess one and pin’d and replaced a wrong to see.
Even Time she even for human fears; it is all the Neck; then the pony,    Betty, go! He entered    by a marriage?—And, Behold, and mute, with reason forlorn.
She is uneasy evermore delicate the while he saw the doctor’s    door to kissing and day    come True. And the usual profit the Earth some shepheards quill.
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