#in other news i still have gingivitis :
haldanare · 2 months
Shout out to my dentist who talked about nothing but video games while he cleaned my teeth
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Illuminate Your Smile Teeth Whitening - Smile Concepts
Teeth Whitening Sydney & Teeth Whitening Cost | Smile Concepts
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Smile Concepts offer effective and affordable solutions for laser teeth whitening. Perfect your smile today. Visit us in Sydney CBD.
Dreaming of a dazzling white smile? Our advanced teeth whitening solutions are here to transform your dream into reality. Tailored to fit your unique needs, our treatments promise a brighter, more confident smile. Don't let stained or discolored teeth hold you back. Contact us today to discover your brightest smile yet!
Why do I have yellow or dark teeth?
Day to day activities such as drinking tea, coffee, colas, red wine and smoking tobacco can cause undue stress and strain on the colour of your teeth.
If you are not happy with the discolouration of your teeth, we have a solution! Tooth whitening!
Home Whitening
Home teeth whitening is cheaper and it helps you get a better result with the new advanced materials that have been invented.
Generally you spend about an hour a day for about 7 to 14 days and your teeth will be whiter & brighter.
Office Whitening
Office teeth whitening (sometime called power bleaching) generally take about an hour to hour and a half of your time.
Examples are Pola Office, Opalescence, Zoom, Laser Smile, Rembrandt, Brite Smile, Smart Bleach, OpusWhite.
All have the same relative result.
Deep Bleaching
Involves 3 stages
One visit to the practice for priming your teeth
2 weeks of special home whitening that you wear overnight
Then the deep bleaching in the final visit in the practice with Kor Whitening
ow often can IWhiten My Teeth?
Current research shows that whitening should be done in regularly if you want to maintain a white bright smile.
This is where you have your initial teeth whitening procedure and a booster teeth whitening kit can be used to every three to six months to maintain the natural look and feel.
Is tooth whitening for everybody?
The last point to remember is that not everybody benefits from tooth whitening & therefore other solutions may be more appropriate such as Porcelain Veneers.
Are there any prerequisites to teeth whitening?
The most important thing though to consider is that you have a very healthy mouth before you carry out these procedures:
There are two conditions you should be concerned about
Gum disease like gingivitis or periodontal disease. This is caused by a collection of tartar on your teeth.
The whitening gel will whiten the tartar and damage your gums if you have any of these conditions and when in the future you get your teeth cleaned the teeth underneath will still be stained
Tooth decay. The whitening gel can creep into the nerve of your tooth causing severe pain if you have tooth decay
Therefore it is highly recommended that you have had a checkup done in the last three months before you have whitening done.
No. 1: In-Surgery Whitening
Using the latest blue light technology and whitening solution, we can whiten your teeth in as little as an hour!
Safe and very effective, your teeth will be between 6 to 8 shades lighter.
We also offer a take-home kit to top up the initial whitening treatment (this has an added cost to you office treatment) You will be given instructions and advice on the best time to use this and the continuing results you can expect.
Whitening your teeth will provide an instant lift to your smile to give you that extra confidence to show them off!
What actually happens with in-surgery whitening?

Your gums and lips are protected with barrier materials and a ‘before’ picture is taken.

The whitening gel is applied on your teeth, and the blue light activates it.
 You relax.
After three 8 to 20-minute cycles (just over an hour), the procedure is completed and an ‘after’ picture is taken.
You rinse. You smile.
How white will my teeth get?

Clinical studies show that in-surgery whitening procedures deliver up to eight shades lighter and even higher for individuals with darker teeth.
Results will vary as the starting points may be different and everyone’s teeth respond differently.
During the consultation, we will go over what you can expect for your individual situation.
What if I have sensitive teeth?

About 10% of our clients may experience a dull ache following the procedure.
Taking an analgesic almost always resolves the discomfort. It is best to avoid hot and cold drinks for the first 24 hours.
We will provide you with an information sheet on how we can help you reduce the sensitivity as much as possible.
Does it work with crowns, veneers or bonding?

In-surgery whitening treatment cannot change the colour of your crowns, veneers or bonding.
We will recommend the best course of action if we are whitening your teeth and are fitting crowns, veneers or bonding.
How long does it last?

On average, it lasts for 2-3 years, but the long-term results depend primarily on the individual.
Certain habits, such as the use of tobacco products, drinking a lot of coffee, tea, dark soft drinks and infrequent visits to the dentist for regular cleanings etc. can work against the results.
How do I keep my teeth white?

Regular professional care can help maintain the whiteness for years.
Some people may prefer to have the whitening procedure carried out every few years to maintain the whiteness or even simply topping up the whitening treatment with a take-home mini whitening kit.
Why do dentists charge differently?
Prices vary between various dentists based on
The type of material that has been supplied (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide)
The concentration of the material provided (2% all the way to 35%)
The number of tubes that has been provided for home whitening
The number of cycles in office whitening ( one cycle to 4 cycles)
Don’t be fooled with cheap prices. There are always hidden charges when you actually get the procedure done.
Also it is always safer to have a dentist do your whitening as in the dental practice we protect your gums and other tissues such as cheeks and lips from being burned.
People who claim to do whitening and are not dental professionals can cause serious damage.
There have been multiple cases of severe burns with whitening when not carried out by a dentist.
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universalinfo · 8 months
Tooth Talk: Uncovering the Pillars of Pristine Dental Hygiene
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When it comes to maintaining that dazzling smile and keeping our pearly whites, well, white, dental hygiene takes center stage. Most of us have had our fair share of dental faux pas moments (let’s not talk about that cavity from too many late-night candy binges).
But don't fret; keeping a healthy mouth is easier than you think. Dive with us into this exploration of dental hygiene and its power to fend off common oral health issues. Let’s take a look, shall we? But before that, you can also contact us to book your appointment with us.
The Basics of Dental Hygiene: Why It Matters
When you think of strong foundations, maybe massive skyscrapers come to mind. But let's bring that same concept down to our mouth: a smaller, more personal skyscraper if you will. Proper dental hygiene is the bedrock on which the health of our mouth stands.
Why so? Because our mouths are bustling cities of activity. With every bite of food, every sip of drink, and even every word we speak, we're affecting the environment inside. Just like a city needs cleaning and maintenance, our mouths do too.
But it’s not just about fresh breath or avoiding that unsightly spinach stuck between the teeth. Dental hygiene affects our overall health, self-confidence, and even our social lives. I mean, who hasn’t felt more confident with minty-fresh breath?
On top of brushing twice daily, remember to replace your toothbrush every three months. Old, frayed bristles can harbor bacteria and be less effective in cleaning. And if you've been sick, get a new toothbrush.
The Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Health
Ever thought of your mouth as the gateway to the rest of your body? It's not just a place where food starts its journey through our system. Our oral health can be a mirror, reflecting the condition of our overall health.
Studies have shown connections between gum diseases and heart diseases. Imagine the bacteria from your gums having a field day, traveling through your bloodstream, and causing inflammation in other parts of your body. It’s like those unwanted party crashers; only, this party is happening inside your body.
Furthermore, certain medications and habits like smoking can affect our oral health. They may reduce saliva flow, which plays an essential role in washing away food and neutralizing bacterial acid.
And let’s not forget about conditions like diabetes; it increases the risk of gum disease, and gum disease can, in turn, make diabetes harder to control. It’s a two-way street, emphasizing the symbiotic relationship between oral health and overall well-being.
Common Oral Health Issues Stemming from Poor Dental Hygiene
We've all been there: waking up in the middle of the night, clutching our cheek, and regretting all those times we skipped brushing or indulged just a bit too much in sugary snacks. But what are these issues we're talking about?
First, the infamous cavities; those tiny little holes that seem to have a direct line to your brain every time you drink something cold. They are formed when our sweet indulgences are broken down by bacteria, producing acids. These acids attack the outer surface of the tooth, and voila, cavities.
Then there’s gingivitis, the sneaky little gum disease that creeps up when plaque builds up on our teeth. It causes swollen, bleeding gums, and if left untreated, can advance to a more severe gum disease called periodontitis. And trust me, that’s not something you want an invitation to.
Finally, bad breath. While everyone might have it when they wake up, persistent bad breath could be a sign of poor dental hygiene or other underlying health issues. So, if you've got your brush-floss-rinse routine on point and still face this issue, it might be time for a chat with your dentist.
Everyday Tips for Maintaining Optimal Dental Hygiene
We've all been there, standing in the dental care aisle, overwhelmed by the sheer variety of toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwashes, and floss. "Do I need a medium bristle or a soft one? Is charcoal toothpaste legit?" Fear not, fellow dental warriors; here’s your trusty guide.
Brushing: It's not just about doing it; it's about doing it right. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums and use short, gentle strokes. Don't rush; play your favorite 2-minute song and brush away. And let's not forget the tongue, a haven for bacteria. Give it a gentle scrub for fresher breath.
Flossing: It's like the backup dancer that deserves its spotlight. It reaches those nooks and crannies that your toothbrush might miss. Start with about 18 inches of floss, wind most of it around your fingers and gently glide it between your teeth. 
Rinsing: A good mouthwash can help get rid of any remaining particles. Think of it as the finishing touch to your oral hygiene masterpiece. But it's also good to rinse your mouth with water after every meal. It’s a mini cleanse for your mouth until you can brush next.
And hey, remember those dental check-ups we dread? Think of them as spa days for your teeth. They deserve some pampering.
The Impact of Diet on Oral Health
Picture this: your teeth donning little armor, ready to battle every sugary and acidic villain you consume. Dramatic? Maybe. But your diet indeed plays a starring role in the epic tale of oral health.
It's not just about cutting down sugar (though that’s a significant part). It's also about when you consume certain foods. Eating sugary foods as part of a meal is better than having them as standalone snacks. Saliva production increases during meals, helping neutralize acid production and rinse away food particles.
Calcium-rich foods like cheese, almonds, and leafy greens are the superheroes your teeth need. They strengthen bone and enamel, giving teeth their sturdy shield. Also, crunchy fruits and veggies like carrots and apples are natural toothbrushes, scrubbing away particles as you munch.
Lastly, water. The unsung hero. Drinking fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay. So, next time you reach for a beverage, maybe give water the leading role.
Discovering the Excellence of Enamel Dentistry
Navigating the world of dental care can feel like wandering through a maze. But what if I told you there's a beacon of hope, an oasis right around the corner? If you're hunting for a dentist near McKinney, TX, let's talk about the magic that is Enamel Dentistry.
First impressions matter, right? Stepping into our office, you'd think you're in a cozy living room, ready for a movie marathon. There’s no cold, or clinical aura here. Instead, we've replaced it with warm greetings, infectious laughter, and an environment where you're not just another appointment; you're family.
Dr. Ravin and our incredible team are on a mission: to transform the ‘ugh’ of dentist visits into ‘can’t wait’. From the tiniest of cavities to more intricate procedures, we ensure your comfort and trust are at the forefront.
And if you're from the McKinney area in Dallas, Texas, guess what? We're neighbors. We've set up shop right in your neighborhood, eager to serve and ensure every resident wears their best smile.
So, there you have it, folks. Maintaining impeccable dental hygiene is the key to ensuring not just a gleaming smile but also a healthier life. While we've provided a roadmap to achieving optimal oral health, remember that regular visits to a professional can make a huge difference. And if you're in the Dallas TX area, come experience the unique, fun-filled approach at Enamel Dentistry. After all, who said dentist visits can't be fun? 
For our services, visit here:
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etherealdental0 · 1 year
The Best Way To Dental Care For Diabetes Patients
It can be difficult to know which Dentition is suited to which task. For example, do I want a specialist in general dentistry? Or perhaps a generalist in acute care medicine? If you’re feeling particularly saucy, could you perhaps get an O/D specialist as your dentist? The world of dentistry is still very much in its infancy, and there’s still so much to learn about the profession. However, as of right now, there are some good answers for any question that can be answered with the word ‘dentist’
Dental Cleaning
Typically, you’ll visit your Dental Care for Diabetes Patients to have your teeth cleaned. We offer a wide range of services from root canals to root grafts, and we’re proud of it! However, we don’t just clean your teeth. We also clean your gums and any other areas that may be affected by the brushing and flossing you do every day. This helps to prevent gum disease, periodontal disease, and periodontal repair – which all can lead to more regular brushing and flossing.
Dental Health
If you’re dealing with a generalised condition such as a gingivitis or periodontal disease, it’s important to get your teeth checked out. The best way to do this is with the Dental Health range. This is a specialist clinic that specializes in cosmetic and general dentistry, providing a range of services to people of all ages. Doctors who specialize in dental health can often recommend us for treatment.
Keeping Your Teeth healthy
Besides taking care of your teeth, you should also be looking out for your general health. Your overall health and your gums are closely related. Healthy gums are strong and healthy, but without teeth, they can’t protect your teeth from damage. If you’re experiencing any problems with your gums or your teeth, see your dentist right away. If your gums are not looking too good, you should see your dentist as soon as possible.
Dental Care for diabetes patients is a great way to get the proper care you need. We have a great variety of services to choose from, and we always work to exceed your expectations. If you’re looking for a new challenge, or you’re just looking for a fun way to get your teeth checked and flossed, dental care for diabetes patients is a great way to go.
Article Published by Ethereal Dental Hub
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pastelchatterbox · 1 year
I’m scared of my dentist, not god
TLDR: My dentist scares me into brushing my teeth but I would fist fight Jesus just to prove a point. So I hate brushing with a fiery passion, mainly because of the bristles and everything is mint or tastes bad(I hate mint, too spicy). So, usually when I tell the hygienist that I don’t really brush my teeth a lot because I either forget(ADHD), can’t(Depression) or can’t(Sensory), and they give the whole “Do it as much as you can, whenever you can, blah blah blah” talk, and it doesn’t do shit for me, because in the end I’m still autistic and mentally ill. But, a few days ago when I went to get my teeth cleaned, I had a new lady this time, a lovely woman who was so sweet and calming and very kind about my anxiety, an absolute angel who fucking scared me straight. I told her about my sensory issues, and she was like “Oh I have a son with sensory issues, we had to go through so many toothbrushes and toothpastes, if you can’t do bristles, just use a rag, it’ll do the job.”. Other hygienists were just like “Clean your teeth :3″ and this woman was like “Sensory issues? Well shit, other options it is then.”. She was respectful of my boundaries, what I could and couldn’t do, and instead of just telling me to try again, she gave me another option, because she new that I couldn’t just try more. During all of this lovely help, she was scraping the SHIT out of my teeth, getting rid of all the plaque and checking for cavities, yada yada. The problem with this, is the plaque has eaten away at my teeth and made them sensitive, so half the time I was in great discomfort/pain. After it was over, she took a picture of my gums and showed it to me, telling me “That will soon become gingivitis if you don’t take better care of your teeth, and if you use fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash, you can buildup your teeth to get rid of the sensitivity.”  After all of that, I decided “Oh I can’t handle this getting worse, brushing regularly it is”, and today, I used mouthwash. Those of you who use it regularly, can imagine how someone who hates mint and has never used mouthwash before reacted to using it. For those of you who can’t imagine, it was simple- It felt like I poured hot sauce into my mouth and was swishing it around for 30 seconds. The whole time I was doing this, I was in pain and crying. A terrible experience... but, it was that or bad teeth, so I did it. I tell my brother this story, saying that I went through the mouthwash experience because scary sweet dentist, and he(an evangelical) asks me(a wiccan) why god never scared me straight(He was making a pun about me being gay but I was half asleep so I didn’t get it), and so this exchange happened- Me: *dentist story* Brother: I never thought scaring you straight would ever work, how didn’t god scare you straight? Me: I would fight Jesus in a Walmart parking lot for a single skittle. I hate skittles. Brother: ... You know that wouldn’t do anything, right? Me: Oh I would lose instantly, but it’s not about winning. It’s about the audacity. it’s about proving a point.
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dzpenumbra · 2 years
Vet appointment went well. I didn't freak out the way I thought I would. Having a cat who does not do well in vets offices kept me plenty distracted, having my mom there too helped. I spent most of it just keeping her calm and answering questions. She has gingivitis, but they kinda breezed past that one. Her hips are going and I'm guessing she's in more pain there than I've been seeing. It seemed pretty obvious to the vet. So I got her on a supplement and we're probably gonna do gabapentin too. It's a weird one when you finally bring your pet to the vet after a long time and... they're just kinda officially declared elderly. She's 16 so... I kinda expected it. It just... it's always weird.
They mentioned some stuff about hyperthyroidism being a thing with older cats - symptoms being eating more and not gaining weight... and she's always hungry and never gains weight... so we tried for a blood draw. It did not go well. They took her in the other room from me, there were 3 vet techs and they tried for a good 15 minutes, it just wasn't happening. I was just pacing and looking out the window at her the whole time. It was really hard, I just wanted to be there to help reassure her. But we have a plan, and I'm just going to give her meds next time. Next appointment will be on monday.
That was pretty much my entire day. Nice chats with my mom. Stopped by the grocery store on the way home, actually went in for the first time in forever. Made buffalo mac and cheese. Played Rimworld. Tried to work on my hoodie and just wasn't feeling it. Watched a MrMoonsHouse stream. Played Session for a bit. Went to bed.
So yeah. I guess this whole getting older, coming to grips with mortality thing is really on my mind heavy. Not a surprise. And tis the season, I guess. It's just emotionally hitting me very hard. It's very visceral, very real. Much more than ever before. And it makes it hard to do a lot of things. PTSD talk, if I've ever heard it.
So... my plan is to find a specialist that I can meet online, so I can just meet digitally. I'm going to try Betterhelp. I have no idea if they're any good, I hear the name a lot and figure fuck it, I don't really know any alternatives and the state funded options just fucking blow around here. They caused the majority of the mess I'm cleaning up right now.
On a brighter note, I found out that I can change my town in the Hinge app. I changed it to my new neighborhood yesterday, and I got a like today. It's a weird feeling, like... people don't even text me. Literally the only people who contact me are telemarketers, receptionists following up on appointments and my mom. So... to have someone actually like me was a really nice feeling. Don't take that for granted, folks.
But, of course, I'm not physically attracted. So... it creates a nice little dilemma in my head. Do I use this app for friendship too? Is that weird? Do I message back "hey, I know you're attracted to me, but I'm not attracted to you. Sorry about the romantic block there. However... if you want to just like... chat and chill, I'm down to get to know eachother and see if we get along..." I feel like that's probably just doomed, honestly, outside of a fluke. Mostly because they are likely looking for a romantic partner, or a hook-up. And that way of looking at me, that attraction, will always be there. So if I start dating someone else, it could get messy. I don't know. Maybe I'm just generalizing... I just don't want to get into messy scenarios like that.
Anyway, Max is curled up with me and I'm typing at a weird angle so I think I'm just gonna call it here for tonight. Knocking a lot of stuff off the list. Still more cool stuff around the corner. Excited to finish this hoodie design and move on to the next one, I have a feeling it will be done either tomorrow or the day after. I'll share it on here when I'm done. :D
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para-ix4 · 2 years
New Beginning!!!!!!!!
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I am all the stars.
Pretty sure I have gingivitis or some kind of gum problem, they keep bleeding & are so sore. Anyways a lot has happened in the past few days. Something clicked in my head and now I can’t seem to change it - I am so sick and tired of not being chosen. I realised I love hard and care hard without the need of it being reciprocated but I think that’s changing now. I’ve distanced myself in every way I can! Deleted the playlist, deleted every conversation and most of the photos and it only felt like relief. But I am still stuck in this weird like thought circle (as follows): he was never like this in the beginning -> I swear he loved me -> it wasn’t actually love tho -> how has he become this person. But it’s not really making me feel sad anymore it’s kinda crazy. I see all the old books he once gave me and I kinda just go Eh. I don’t want to give it too much credit but I think it may be because of the cap I did (might’ve strengthened a connection or something). Anyway the only other thing that gets to me a bit is how little I or the hurt I experience actually affects him. I have been ruined by him and my life will be so different. The way I perceive love and marriage and trust and men. I don’t know how I could ever let anyone in like that again because if he could change then who couldn’t? Besides this I feel like I’m actually starting to learn who I am again and what things I like. I know I want to travel but I also really want to continue studying. Arch asked me where I see myself in 10 years and I said doing my surgery specialisation and I actually do see that for myself. Also I met my long time friend today after years of not meeting him and it was fun! I felt happy :) I’m building up motivation for University again and I started my meds yesterday (I forgot to have one today but anyway). Going back to Sydney for a week and then coming back for the wedding. I’m so excited but I have to learn all the dances. I argued with my Aunty and my mum today because they think parenting is limited to keeping a kid alive and providing basic necessities like food, water and shelter. How barbaric lol. I’m gonna study anatomy for an hour or so and then try to read a book (probably will end up on my phone). Also this is real corny but cigarettes after sex is actually … good. I started listening to them (it?group?individual person?) because Rachel posted a screenshot of a song. It’s really only up from here lmao. Oh last thing I realised the two most important things in life are being kind and respecting yourself. I think everything revolves around those two things. Oh also what is it with dudes and ignoring their issues by using women to fill up their time, like mate focus on yourself ……. Why would you want to spend all your energy on another person when you’re crooked? Anyway bye! Write in ages probably
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I bought the damn vinyl
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dentalcareservice · 2 years
Gum irritation and Periodontal Disease
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Periodontitis is commonly preceded by gingivitis (gum irritation) (gum disease). Gingivitis does not always lead to periodontitis. Gingivitis affects the majority of individuals at some time in their life, and its mild symptoms make it easy to overlook. However, if left untreated, it can lead to more serious dental issues. The good news is that by brushing your teeth, flossing, and getting regular dental cleanings and exams, you may avoid or even reverse it.
The bacteria in plaque build up in the early stages of gingivitis, causing the gums to become irritated and bleed readily during teeth brushing. The teeth are still securely anchored in their sockets, even if the gums are sore. At this time, no irreparable bone or tissue damage has occurred.
Gum and periodontal illnesses vary in that gum diseases are caused by bacteria, whereas periodontal disease is caused by plaque. Plaque is a bacterial build-up on the teeth and gums. Gum disorders can lead to tooth loss, while periodontal disease can cause bone loss around the teeth and make it difficult to eat.
How can I tell whether my gums are in good shape?
The first thing you should check for in the mirror is pink, healthy-looking gums. Gum disease has developed in if they are blue or very pale. If you have pus oozing from your gums, visit a 24 hour dentist near me.
How to prevent Periodontitis?
Gum disease is a serious dental disease that can be difficult to treat. Here are some tips to help you prevent gum disease: 1. Brush and floss regularly. Not only will this clean your teeth and gums, but it will also remove plaque and other dental contaminants that can lead to gum disease. 2. Limit your sugar intake. Sugars are the main source of carbohydrates in the diet, and they can feed bacteria that cause gum disease. Switch to low-sugar options when possible, such as fruits and vegetables. 3. Exercise regularly. Regular physical activity helps reduce inflammation and protects against diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It also helps improve oral health by strengthening jaw muscles and reducing fat around the mouth. 4. Avoid smoking cigarettes and using tobacco products. These are both major sources of tobacco smoke, which can damage your teeth and gums over time.
5. Eat a healthy diet. Quality protein, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are all good for your health, but they can also help keep your mouth healthy.
6. Practice good dental hygiene. Brush or floss at least twice a day, and rinse with mouthwash daily to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
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awinchestershell · 2 years
Guys. Let me tell you about a new discovery I’ve made. It’s called: Kid’s toothpaste.
So context, I’ve had trouble brushing my teeth all my life. My dad started me off on adult toothpaste like a jerk and idk why but it burned my mouth and made me feel nauseous and this never went away. All throughout my teen years and today in my twenties I still can’t bear to put adult toothpaste in my mouth. It makes my teeth hurt, makes my gums sting, makes my throat feel weird, and my tongue all cold and weird, and it makes me feel sick. Mix that with severe depression and a dramatic gag reflex and I literally would just refuse to brush my teeth. All my life.
In the past 11 years I’ve probably brushed my teeth less than 200 times. And I honestly don’t think that’s an exaggeration. I routinely go months at a time without brushing. I’ve never flossed even once, and I haven’t seen a dentist in years.
By some kind of godly luck, my teeth have remained inhumanly healthy despite this. I’ve had like, two cavities? And when I did see the dentist two years ago he said he didn’t see a problem except for some plaque and gingivitis.
But anyway back to my point. Kid’s freaking toothpaste. It has no fluoride or mint, and it’s strawberry flavored. And my god it doesn’t hurt my mouth at all and it doesn’t make me feel sick. The first time I brushed with this stuff I almost cried from relief.
I’m literally in the midst of a depressive episode and I’m still managing to brush my teeth every other day simply because I’m so excited that I can now?!?!
Guys!! For God’s sake if you have trouble brushing your teeth for any reason, TRY KID’S TOOTHPASTE!!
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hankwritten · 3 years
No Thru Traffic
Gen, 1k
Part of the DontNeedADiscord Pride Week, Day 6: Parade
“I’m really sorry Administrator,” I coughed into my tissue. “It really is- achoo-! It really is that bad. But at least it came after I got all that work done yesterday, right?”
The slightly pixelated Administrator on the other end of the Zoom call did not chime in in agreement. She narrowed her eyes, and I swallowed, hoping the sweat beading down the side of my face added to the charade.
After several tense seconds, the Administrator said, “very well. But I expect you early tomorrow morning to make up for the lost contracts.”
“Oh d-definitely,” I sniffed. “I’m sure it’ll be c-cleared up by tomorrow,”
“It better be. Administrator out.”
Her face hung frozen for a half second before the call dropped, replaced by a black void on my screen. I cautiously closed the webcam cover, just in case.
Then, I flew into a frenzy, wiping off the makeup I’d used put fake bags under the eyes. From my nose I removed two stubs of tissue, and took in a glorious breath now that I was freed from stuffy-nostrils. The sweat was real though. I’d never lied to the Administrator before, never to her face, and the sudden adrenaline as I realized what I’d just pulled off threatened to jitter me out of my skin.
“Yes!” I said, punching the air. “Ha! I did it!”
The exultation was short lived, as my head whipped to where my laptop was still sitting open. The call was over but…better be extra safe and power that off before I go.
I changed out of the grubby, sick-girl pajamas, and went to my closet. Habitually, my hand went to one of my numerous purple tops, but stopped just short of the hanger. Was this what I was going to wear, today of all days? Same boring work clothes I did for the other three hundred sixty-four days a year? I drew my hand back and frowned.
Screw it. Who knew when the next time I’d work up the nerve to do this again?
I began shoving hangers aside, heavy with their deep whooshing as I sorted through dozens and dozens of painfully similar button downs. Sometimes there was even a dress! How original! So I just kept searching and searching until-
There! Right at the back: an orange Hawaiian shirt I’d worn exactly once, back when I’d been forced to take my government mandated vacation. I pulled it on with gusto.
The tangles came free from my hair—I hadn’t brushed it yet that morning in order to give it that “sickly” look—and then I was in front of the bathroom mirror. Biting my lip, I looked down at the facepaints I’d bought on an impulse, thinking at the time I could paint little flags on my cheeks, but now that the time was upon me I wondered if it was too much. Already I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, how much more wild was I willing to get?
But, well, since I’d already bought them…
Fifteen minutes later, I examined myself in the mirror again, and gave a relieved sigh. Hadn’t managed to smudge a thing!
Sensible shoes, my bus pass, and then I was off.
The parade was vibrant, so much better in person instead of looking at YouTube clips later and sighing wistfully. My first day off to coincide with it ever, and all I’d had to do was a little office subterfuge. Now, as long as I didn’t end up in any photos, no one would know I’d been here at all! Everything was going to be absolutely-
“-Oof, entschuldigung, I did not see you there.” The man who’d just bumped into me adjusted his glasses. “Miss Pauling?”
“Medic?” I gaped. “What are you doing here?”
“I am here for the parade of course,” he said, gesturing around. He was dressed for it, his usual vest replaced with one of horizontal rainbow stripes. “As are you, I assume.”
“Yes but,” I stumbled over my words. “What about work?”
“Ah, the Voice? I simply told her I was sick.”
I felt my spirits sink. “Did you now.” I rubbed my face, only remembering to avoid the facepaint at the last second. “It’s fine. Great to see you actually. As long as no one else recognizes us I’m sure we’re-”
“Doktor! Miss Pauling!”
“Aw jeez.”
Pushing through the crowd to greet them was the Heavy Weapons Guy—even worse, Engie appeared to be tagging along behind him, discussing a brochure with a unicorn-costume clad Pyro.
“Did not expect to see you here,” Heavy said as he made it to our side of the street. “Thought little Pauling must work.”
“Could say the same to you guys!” I said, irritation creeping into my voice. “Don’t tell me you all just played hookey together?”
“Naw,” Engie replied. “Didn’t know any of these fellers were coming until we all ran into each other.”
“This is bad,” I began to titter. “If we’re here, then who’s at the office?”
“…Is this a bad time to tell you that Demo ‘n Soldier are coming at us from down the street?”
I whipped around. Sure enough, there they were: Soldier with rainbow-striped American flag tied around his shoulders, and Demo with his afro dyed a deep commitment to purple.
“Ahhhhh!” I couldn’t help but let out. “Why did you all have to skip work at the same time as me?”
“We all wanted to come to the parade, lass.” Then, noting my distress, Demo added with a wink, “don’t fret! The old woman won’t know a thing. Currently, I’m home in bed with the measles.”
“The measles,” I deadpanned. I turned to our now rather obstructing group. “And what did the rest of you say?”
“Gingivitis,” Soldier offered.
“Chicken pox.”
“Cat Scratch Fever,” Scout said, taking a bite from a hot dog.
“Scout!” I demanded. “When did you get here?”
He shrugged. “Don’t blame me, I was just following Spy, seeing why he was sneaking around and crap.”
“And I told you,” Spy’s voice replied, “that I was merely following the bushman and seeing what he was up to.”
Maybe I should just stop turning around. Then my coworkers would have to stop randomly appearing behind me, right?
“That’s literally everyone,” I berated them all. This time, when I rubbed my palms under my glasses, I did end up smudging the paint, streaks of white and pink running up my cheeks. “Uhg, we’re so screwed. What is the Administrator going to think when she walks in to the office and sees-”
“Absolutely no one?”
Okay. It looked like I’d have to turn around in a horrified manner one more time.
The Administrator parted the crowd around her, not the least because her shoulder pads threatened to stab anyone who got too close. Everyone shrank before her, except for Heavy maybe because I don’t think he has it in him to shrink before anyone.
“Helen,” I started, then cleared my throat. “I guess you uh…took a guess where we all went huh?”
“That I did.” She blinked down at her employees. “I must say I am disappointed. Of course, I expect something like this from these idiots, but from you Miss Pauling? Couldn’t even engineer a decent structural emergency in order to justify shirking your work. At the very least you could have flooded the building, or released feral opossums into the ventilation.”
“HEY NOW,” Soldier barked from the back of the group. “Have you been reading my itinerary? Because it very clearly says SOLDIER’S DAY PLANNER, DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU ARE SOLDIER OTHERWISE I WILL KILL YOU!”
“…Are you saying you wanted me to fabricate an emergency?” I asked, perplexed.
“It would at least have been more convincing than nine separate emails from my employees, all claiming different maladies. One of which was,” she looked at her phone, “‘A Case of the Mondays’.”
“It is actually proven that worker productivity is up to thirty-three percent lower at the beginning of the week,” Medic justified.
The Administrator stared at him. “It’s Thursday.”
“Alright, alright,” Engineer butt in. “I think we can all agree that we may have messed up a little. Told a few harmless lies about medical issues we may or may not have. But that ain’t exclusive to Miss P here! We all’ve been lying ‘round here, and it ain’t fair to single her out.”
“The laborer is right,” Spy agreed. “The blame should fall on all of us.”
One by one, to my amazement, the others spoke up, or nodded in agreement. When I glanced up at the Administrator again, she had an eyebrow raised, as though I had somehow orchestrated this as well.
“I could instruct you all to return to work, you know,” she said. “It is only fair that your recrimination should begin there. However…”
“You showed up, saw how sick it was, and decided you’re going to hang out and eat hot dogs with us instead?” Scout asked.
She glared at him. “I still have work that must be done before the end of the day. But, it appears Miss Pauling has tripled her workload in the week leading up to today, she has effectively removed any urgency from the rest of your duties. Thanks to her foresight, you are technically not needed at the office today.”
“Aih! Way to go lassie!” Demo said, squeezing me around the shoulders until only my toes were on the ground. Similar congratulations were offered, everyone getting in a pat on the back.
“You inspire great loyalty, Miss Pauling,” she said. “But do not let this happen again.” With that she turned, and disappeared into the revelry.
“Wow,” I said. “I think I’m going to have a heart attack now.”
“Have one when the parade is over!” Soldier demanded. “Look! Floats!”
There certainly were floats. As the chatter died down, and everyone celebrated their good luck, I was left standing among my friends with a new appreciation, these people who’d stuck by me when it’d counted. They were a bit of a colorful bunch but, hey, who better to celebrate pride with than them?
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moyaxhi · 3 years
high on loving you [renga]
“Someone is here for you, his name is Kyan Reki?” 
“My boyfriend?”  Or: langa gets his wisdom tooth pulled out and reki is tasked with picking him up from the dentist. langa introduces reki as his boyfriend, but they’re not exactly boyfriends yet.
It was three months ago when Langa complains that there’s soreness on his gums. Now, Langa has always had a track record for having great teeth. He’s never gotten his teeth filled (his mom made sure that his teeth were sparkly clean, practically drilled it in him when he was young), never had to get braces (there was a time where he  really wanted them, even begged for braces, and his dentist, the traitor, had said that there was no need for them.), he’s never even had gingivitis.
 Langa has always had perfect teeth.
 It was quite alarming that his teeth were feeling sore. It happened while he and Reki were together–when are they ever not these days. Reki had been showing him some of the local sweets around. A kind older woman had flagged them over while they were skating.
 “Hi Reki!” She calls out enthusiastically. Reki came to a stop in front of a house and held his board in between his hips. Langa followed and stopped as well. The older woman was wiping her hands with her apron. She wore a soft pink ruffled apron as well as a matching bandana. There was a smell of something sweet that filled the air. It smelled familiar like fresh pancakes he would have as a child back when they were in Canada, like the ones his own grandmother would make for him.
 She was smiling brightly, this was the thing in Okinawa that he noticed, everyone was smiling. They were familiar and so close to each other.
 She turned her attention to the both of them, “Wait here boys, I have something to give to you.”
 “Oh!” Reki exclaims excited, “Thank you Grandma Iki!”
 She waves her hand in dismissal. When she came out, she was holding five bags filled with sugar-coated peanuts.
 “Just made these peanut brittles today!” She handed one to Langa and gave the rest to Reki, “Make sure you share some with your sisters and your boyfriend!”
 Langa blushed at that, he spared a look at Reki, who for the most part laughed it off.
 She was already walking away, not waiting for a reply, the two of them bowed and yelled ‘thank you’.
 On their way home, the two of them were munching on the peanut brittle. Langa bit into it and immediately regretted it. It wasn’t that he didn’t like sweets, but it had been uncomfortable.
 “Ouch,” He mumbled, holding on to his cheek. Instead of biting into the brittle, he started sucking on it.
 Reki looked him over, “What’s wrong?”
 “I think,” Langa sucks air tiding away another painful throb in his jaw, “I think it’s my tooth?”
 “Huh,” Reki walks over in front of him. Too close. He can feel Reki’s breath on his skin. He was an inch taller than Reki but now, it felt like Reki was towering over him with how he scrutinised every inch of Langa’s face.  
 Langa feels a blush make its way to his cheeks, his ears, his neck. God he wishes Reki wouldn’t notice.
 Instead because whoever was up there had mercy on him, his best friend and current crush replies with, “You sunburnt again?”
 And Langa exhales mentally and shakes his head externally.
 Reki sighs. He taps on Langa’s jaw, “Did your filling happen to chip?”
 Langa shakes his head, “I don’t have any.”
 “What?! For real?” Reki cups Langa’s cheeks trying to pry his mouth open. Okay, totally not invasive at all.
 Slurred, Langa tried to say, “Yeah, I’ve never had to need them.”
 It all came out gibberish, but because he and Reki happened to share a brain cell, Reki was able to understand all of it.
 “You lucky bastard,” Reki’s eyes are still solely focused on him whilst letting go of Langa’s cheeks. Langa, feeling shy, has to avert his eyes elsewhere, “If I even forget to brush my teeth once, my teeth start to decay.”
 Reki backs away and walks forward. Langa follows and the two of them settle into a comfortable silence. The sun was setting and it coloured Okinawa in an orange-red hue. The air was cooler these days. Summer was ending soon it seemed.
 Langa kept running his tongue on the back of his left molar. The gum line, even if he couldn’t see it right now seemed to be swollen.
 Guess that meant a trip to the dentist.
 “It’s an impacting wisdom tooth.” The dentist says.
 His mother was still at work and Langa came to the dentist office by himself. His mother had offered to drive, but he was quick to shoot it down saying that he would skate to the office.
 “We’ll need to take it out,” Langa’s mouth is wide open as the dentist probed on his gums gently, “It’s going to be a quick surgery. Do you have anyone with you right now?”
 The dentist took out his dental probe. Langa shook his head, “No, I’m alone.”
 “We’ll have to get consent from your guardian.”
 Langa sighs and calls his mother mentally apologising for calling her at this hour knowing that she would be busy with work.
 “Hello?” She answers, “Langa?”
 “Hi mom,” He says, “I need your consent.”
 “Oh!” She perks up, “What for sweetie?”
 Langa sighs, “The dentist says I have an impacting wisdom tooth. So, they need to perform emergency surgery.”
 There was the sound of rustling papers on the other line. His mother must be busy in the lab then.  
 “Oh of course!” She replies more rustling, “Have them send over the forms and I’ll sign them immediately with our insurance policy.”
 With that, he hangs up.
 Seventeen years of not having a single cavity and here he is having to tide over an impacting wisdom tooth. Just his luck.
 Well, at least he has a free pass for school today.
 Langa is really hazy.
 The room is spinning. He thinks this is what it might feel like to be drunk. He’s so nauseous that he might actually puke.
 He blinks a couple of times but the lights around him are so offending he wants to hurl something at it.
 There are voices, but for the life of him, he can’t understand. His brain is short-circuiting for sure. Is this what it feels like to sit on a marshmallow? It’s so soft and warm, but also everything is displaced and it keeps spinning.
 “ I’m gonna puke,  ” He says in English  .
  Immediately, there’s the cool feel of metal as a trash bin is pushed to his hands. He puts his head in it, but then it’s too dark and he sleeps so well in the dark, so he just ends up staring into nothingness, huh, that feels really nice, he might fall asleep–
 “Langa,” someone, he’s not sure who nudges him, “Langa, it’s Dr Sawada, can you hear me?”
 “Huh?” He intelligently replies, his brain has not caught up, and it takes a minute for him to comprehend that he’s speaking in Japanese.
 He’s in Japan right now, he moved with his mom half a year ago. He met this red head, no scratch that, the love of his life here, oh and the love of his life doesn’t know, he skates, that’s right, oh and where is he right now?
 “ Where am I? ” He says in English before he remembers; Japanese, he has to speak Japanese. And so he repeats, “Where am I?”
 The Doctor, he’s going to call him Doctor with a capital ‘D’ because he can’t remember the doctor’s name all he remembers is Reki and who he wants to get the–
 Oh. Reki. Yeah. That’s right.
 With his red hair, his nice fingers, his cute freckles, what Langa would do to kiss each of the freckles on his face. What Langa would  kill for to kiss Reki.
 Oh yeah, wait the Doctor is saying something, “You’re at the dental clinic right now.”
 But he could have sworn he was on a marshmallow, “Okay.”
 “We had to give you some anesthesia.”
 “Not good?”
 Doctor Doctor laughs, “Someone is here for you, his name is Reki Kyan?”
 “My boyfriend?”
 “Sure.” Doctor Doctor walks out of the room with a smile on his face.
 Oh my god, his boyfriend Reki is here to pick him up. He could cry. What a good boyfriend. His  boyfriend .
 Reki comes in yellow hoodie and all, red hair, he’s so beautiful Langa could cry, “Langa, hey, your mom called me to pick you up.”
 That’s when Langa cries because Reki came to pick him up, he’s the best boyfriend Langa has ever had.
 Langa has fat tears coming down from his face and he groans covering his eyes with his arm.
 “Langa?” Reki’s voice is panicked and he reaches over to touch his shoulder, “Are you okay?”
 More tears come down, it’s a waterfall at this point, he’s just so overwhelmed with everything. Reki, his boyfriend, is here to pick him up and he can’t stand up from the marshmallow, and Doctor Doctor is nowhere to be found.
 “Uh,” He can hear Reki coming closer trying to pry his arms out of his face, “I don’t know what to do.”
 “He’s gonna be out of it for a couple of hours because of the anaesthesia, but he’s going to be okay.” Oh, that’s where Doctor Doctor is.
 “Oh,” Reki says because he’s so good, he’s the best Langa knows, “That’s fine. Alright buddy, come on.”
 As gently as he can, Reki is pulling him up to stand up, but his legs, oh my god where are his legs?
 He cries even harder, “My legs!”
 “What? What’s wrong with your legs?”
 “It’s gone!” Langa wails, “It’s gone and I can’t find them.”
 Reki laughs. It sounds like the best thing Langa has ever heard, but this is hardly the time to be laughing.
 “Don’t laugh at me,” Langa protests, “A good boyfriend would help me find my legs.”
 “Boyfriend?” Reki asks like it’s news to him, they’ve been boyfriends since Langa woke up and that felt like ages ago, years even. Langa has it in good account that they have been destined for each other, he knows this because he said so, “If this is your way of asking me out then it sucks.”
 His boyfriend thinks he sucks.
 “You what sucks even more?” Reki says his face so close. Oh my god Reki has a freckle under his nose, it’s so cute, he could kiss it, “Is that you won’t kiss me.”
 That does suck.
 He has to fix that.
 He’s the worst boyfriend ever.
 He cries even harder.
 “I’m the worst boyfriend ever.”
 Reki laughs and pulls Langa’s arm around his shoulder, “Yeah you are. You better ask me out again when you can remember.”
 That strikes a chord into Langa’s whole being. He turns to face Reki and as serious as he can get, he wanted to say that he won’t ever forget about Reki but all that comes out is, “I won’t remember.”
 Nailed it.
 He will know a little bit later that he did not, in fact, nail it.
 It’s not like he forgets about the whole thing.
 In fact, he remembers the whole thing in clear picturesque quality, like 1080p 4K quality.
 Langa remembers Doctor Doctor (now Doctor Sawada), remembers the marshmallow, and how he has made a fool out of himself in front of Reki.
 He’s in his room, covered in his black and blue striped blanket and all he can do is duck further into his bed and scream as loud as he can into his pillow.
 He also remembers that Reki technically  told him to give him a kiss.
 It happens like this.
 All of them are at ‘S’.
 Miya, Shadow, Cherry, and Joe all witness as Langa challenges Reki to an ‘S’.
 “Terms?” Reki says leaning onto the wall of the ramp.
 “If you win, I get to kiss you.” Langa says and he calls it a triumphant win as he witnesses Reki turn as red as his hair, “If I win, I get to take you on a date.”
 “This is all too one-sided.” Reki counters without any real bite to his words. There’s a blush sploshed on his face, “It’s a win-win for you.”
 “It’s a win-win for the both of us.” Langa says.
 “Why can’t you two be normal for once and just do things normally?” Miya, his face contorted in disgust.
 Reki laughs, “You’re the worst boyfriend ever.”
 Despite this, they gear up to get ready for the starting point. 
 At the end of the night, it didn’t really matter who won (Joe says it was Reki). 
 At the end of the night, both he and Reki were holding hands. 
 At the end of the night, Langa has given Reki about ten kisses. 
 Reki never lives Langa’s wisdom tooth extraction story down.
 “And that’s how he asked me out, he’s so lame.”
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smilesconceptssydney · 2 months
Get ready to shine with our professional Tooth Whitening Services -Smile Concepts
Teeth Whitening Sydney & Teeth Whitening Cost | Smile Concepts
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Smile Concepts offer effective and affordable solutions for laser teeth whitening. Perfect your smile today. Visit us in Sydney CBD.
At Smile Concepts Dentistry, we use the latest techniques and technology to brighten your smile safely and effectively. Say goodbye to stains and discoloration and hello to a radiant, pearly white smile you'll love to show off. Schedule your whitening treatment today and get ready to dazzle!
Why do I have yellow or dark teeth?
Day to day activities such as drinking tea, coffee, colas, red wine and smoking tobacco can cause undue stress and strain on the colour of your teeth.
If you are not happy with the discolouration of your teeth, we have a solution! Tooth whitening!
Home Whitening
Home teeth whitening is cheaper and it helps you get a better result with the new advanced materials that have been invented.
Generally you spend about an hour a day for about 7 to 14 days and your teeth will be whiter & brighter.
Office Whitening
Office teeth whitening (sometime called power bleaching) generally take about an hour to hour and a half of your time.
Examples are Pola Office, Opalescence, Zoom, Laser Smile, Rembrandt, Brite Smile, Smart Bleach, OpusWhite.
All have the same relative result.
Deep Bleaching
Involves 3 stages
One visit to the practice for priming your teeth
2 weeks of special home whitening that you wear overnight
Then the deep bleaching in the final visit in the practice with Kor Whitening
How often can IWhiten My Teeth?
Current research shows that whitening should be done in regularly if you want to maintain a white bright smile.
This is where you have your initial teeth whitening procedure and a booster teeth whitening kit can be used to every three to six months to maintain the natural look and feel.
Is tooth whitening for everybody?
The last point to remember is that not everybody benefits from tooth whitening & therefore other solutions may be more appropriate such as Porcelain Veneers.
Are there any prerequisites to teeth whitening?
The most important thing though to consider is that you have a very healthy mouth before you carry out these procedures:
There are two conditions you should be concerned about
Gum disease like gingivitis or periodontal disease. This is caused by a collection of tartar on your teeth.
The whitening gel will whiten the tartar and damage your gums if you have any of these conditions and when in the future you get your teeth cleaned the teeth underneath will still be stained
Tooth decay. The whitening gel can creep into the nerve of your tooth causing severe pain if you have tooth decay
Therefore it is highly recommended that you have had a checkup done in the last three months before you have whitening done.
No. 1: In-Surgery Whitening
Using the latest blue light technology and whitening solution, we can whiten your teeth in as little as an hour!
Safe and very effective, your teeth will be between 6 to 8 shades lighter.
We also offer a take-home kit to top up the initial whitening treatment (this has an added cost to you office treatment) You will be given instructions and advice on the best time to use this and the continuing results you can expect.
Whitening your teeth will provide an instant lift to your smile to give you that extra confidence to show them off!
What actually happens with in-surgery whitening?

Your gums and lips are protected with barrier materials and a ‘before’ picture is taken.

The whitening gel is applied on your teeth, and the blue light activates it.
 You relax.
After three 8 to 20-minute cycles (just over an hour), the procedure is completed and an ‘after’ picture is taken.
You rinse. You smile.
How white will my teeth get?

Clinical studies show that in-surgery whitening procedures deliver up to eight shades lighter and even higher for individuals with darker teeth.
Results will vary as the starting points may be different and everyone’s teeth respond differently.
During the consultation, we will go over what you can expect for your individual situation.
What if I have sensitive teeth?

About 10% of our clients may experience a dull ache following the procedure.
Taking an analgesic almost always resolves the discomfort. It is best to avoid hot and cold drinks for the first 24 hours.
We will provide you with an information sheet on how we can help you reduce the sensitivity as much as possible.
Does it work with crowns, veneers or bonding?

In-surgery whitening treatment cannot change the colour of your crowns, veneers or bonding.
We will recommend the best course of action if we are whitening your teeth and are fitting crowns, veneers or bonding.
How long does it last?

On average, it lasts for 2-3 years, but the long-term results depend primarily on the individual.
Certain habits, such as the use of tobacco products, drinking a lot of coffee, tea, dark soft drinks and infrequent visits to the dentist for regular cleanings etc. can work against the results.
How do I keep my teeth white?

Regular professional care can help maintain the whiteness for years.
Some people may prefer to have the whitening procedure carried out every few years to maintain the whiteness or even simply topping up the whitening treatment with a take-home mini whitening kit.
Why do dentists charge differently?
Prices vary between various dentists based on
The type of material that has been supplied (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide)
The concentration of the material provided (2% all the way to 35%)
The number of tubes that has been provided for home whitening
The number of cycles in office whitening ( one cycle to 4 cycles)
Don’t be fooled with cheap prices. There are always hidden charges when you actually get the procedure done.
Also it is always safer to have a dentist do your whitening as in the dental practice we protect your gums and other tissues such as cheeks and lips from being burned.
People who claim to do whitening and are not dental professionals can cause serious damage.
There have been multiple cases of severe burns with whitening when not carried out by a dentist.
0 notes
equisetumspn · 3 years
The Importance of Flossing
The first time that Dean noticed it was when he handed Cas a beer in the bunker’s kitchen when they just had come back from a hunt. Cas didn’t do as he usually did, immediately tipping the bottle back and taking a long pull. That meant that Dean wasn’t able to indulge in one of his favorite hobbies, staring at Cas’ long neck while he was busy drinking. He’d always appreciated a good-looking neck, and Cas’ really was something else. So he had a bit of a neck kink? Sue him, there wasn’t anything wrong with that. You know, apart from the awkwardness that came when you constantly ogled your friend. Your very, very good looking, now human friend.
“Cas, you okay there, buddy? If you don’t want the beer I can take the bottle to Sammy instead.”
“No. Thank you, Dean. I assure you that I am quite well” he said and took a small sip of his beer. Dean felt a bit robbed of his neck staring opportunity, but then he saw Cas flinch at the coldness of the beverage.
 Dean didn’t really think more about Cas’ reaction until a few days later when he passed him a steaming cup of coffee at breakfast. Cas recoiled again. Then Dean saw it happen over and over again in the days that followed. Cas hissed when he drank his tea. Cas turned down an offer of getting ice cream, and he never said no to ice cream. Cas almost screamed when Sam gave him some Sour Patch Kids. 
At dinner the same night Sam had given him the candy, Dean realized that Cas seemed to only chew his food using only the left side of his mouth.
When they had finished eating and Dean had cleaned up in the kitchen, he went to Cas’ room and knocked on his door.
“Come in” came the deep response. Dean opened the door and stepped inside. Cas sat on his bed, a book in his hand.
“Hey, Cas. Just wanted to ask you something.”
“Of course, Dean.” 
Dean walked up to the bed and perched on the edge of it, near Cas’ feet.
“So, uh, you seem to have been in a bit of pain lately.” Cas squinted at him.
“You don’t have to deny it. I’ve... I’ve seen you eat and drink these past few days.” Dean tried to will his blushing away, now was really not the time to think about Cas’ neck again.
“Ah yes. My mouth has been oddly painful recently.”
“Yeah, about that. I have an idea why that might be. Remember when you fell, and we talked about the importance of dental hygiene? I taught you how to brush your teeth.” Cas nodded. Dean continued. “Well, did we ever get to why flossing is good for you?”
Cas tilted his head, looking more confused than Dean had seen him in a long time. “Flossing? Like the dance? What does that have to do with my teeth?” 
Dean barked out a laugh. “What? No dumbass, not like the dance. How do you even know about that?”
“One of Claire’s friends showed me. It’s actually rather fun when you understand how to do it.”
“Man, what I wouldn’t have paid to see that” Dean muttered to himself, shaking his head, still smiling down at the floor. “No, this kind of flossing is when you pull a piece of string between your teeth to remove the gunk that gathers between them because the toothbrush can’t reach everywhere. You see, you gotta do that every day now that you can’t mojo yourself all clean and spiffy anymore”
 Dean took Cas to the bathroom and demonstrated. Cas grimaced and the floss came away bloody. Dean winced. “I think you probably have a cavity or two. Or at least some gingivitis. I’ll call the dentist tomorrow.”
 The following morning Dean called the dentist and luckily, they got an appointment the same afternoon. After lunch Dean drove them into town in the Impala. They stepped into the dentist’s office and walked up to the receptionist. Dean tried to give her a winning smile.
“Hi. We got an appointment now at two-thirty. Cas, uh, Castiel Winchester.”
“Certainly. I’ll just let them know that you are here” She hurried away and returned with a nurse.
“Castiel? Nice to meet you. If you’d come with me this way, please.”
Cas turned to Dean, looking worried. “You’ll be fine, Cas. I’ll just wait here then, I’ll see you when you’re done.” 
They disappeared.
 Dean had hardly had time to sit down in an armchair and pick up an old car magazine to flick through while he waited before the nurse came running back into the waiting room.
“Mr. Winchester! You need to speak to your husband!” She turned and ran back the way she had come.
Dean felt himself go red. His husband? He hadn’t really thought about the implications when he had booked the appointment and stated that it was for Castiel Winchester, but it wasn’t like Cas had a last name, so giving his own had seemed like the only option. Shaking himself out of his stupor, he got up and followed the nurse. 
When Dean got to the room, Cas and the dentist stood on different sides of it, glaring at each other. The dentist was clutching at her hand.
“Dean. This woman is dangerous! She has weapons and she tried to use them on me.”
“He bit me!”
Dean blinked a couple of times, trying to process the strange situation. “Sorry about that. I’ll talk to him” he said to the dentist. He turned to Cas and lowered his voice “Cas, come on, man. We talked about this, about what happens at the dentist’s.”
Cas stared grumpily at him. “I don’t like it.”
“No one likes it. Will you be all right if I stay here with you?”
Cas nodded. 
“Is that okay?” he asked the nurse. She nodded and brought him a stool so that he could sit next to the patient’s chair. 
“Cas, come on, angel, get back in the chair.” Cas climbed back, while the dentist put a bandaid on her hand. When she turned around, Dean thought that Cas looked so small and frightened in that big chair that he acted on instinct, taking Cas’ slightly clammy hand in his own.
 Half an hour later, they walked back into the waiting room, still hand in hand. The dentist had removed one of Cas’ teeth, fixed cavities in two others, and then thoroughly cleaned his teeth. Cas had gotten a new appointment in a couple of weeks to get a replacement tooth put in. Dean was really glad that he had brought several of their old fraudulent credit cards. This was going to be expensive, it wasn’t like you could get health insurance as a hunter.
When he handed one of the cards over to the receptionist to pay for the visit, Cas still clung to him, staring at him. He did seem to be a little out of it. Maybe the pain killers the dentist had given him before the extraction had hit him harder than Dean thought?
“Dean, how are you so pretty? You have so many freckles! I’m going to count them now!”
Right. Cas wasn’t just a little out of it, he was a lot out of it. Dean flushed and the receptionist giggled as she handed him the receipt. 
“Okay, let’s get you home, you weirdo.”
They turned to the elevator, the receptionist was still giggling, and Cas was still trying to count Dean’s freckles. Dean sighed. He was just happy that Sam wasn’t there, he would have laughed himself to an aneurysm by now. Cas had lost track of his counting while walking and was now pouting. Dean placed a hand on the small of his back and steered him into the elevator, he refused to look at Cas.
When they stepped out onto the street, Dean realized that Cas had been strangely quiet for someone who was trying to count someone else’s freckles. He looked at Cas who made some very weird facial expressions, it looked almost like he was trying to lick his own teeth.
“Cas? What are you doing?”
“Dean. Dean, my teeth. They are so smooth! Sooo smooth. You should feel them!”
And before he could realize what was happening, Cas threw himself at Dean, pressing his lips against Dean’s. He had rarely felt so shocked in his life, this was very far from all the scenarios he had dreamed about when thinking about kissing Cas for the first time. While his body didn’t want anything other than to respond to Cas’ soft lips, there was still a part of his brain that knew that this was wrong right now. It felt like he’d never done anything so difficult as to pull away from Cas’ persistent kiss.
“Whoa! Whoa there! While I absolutely love what’s happening here, I’m not gonna kiss you when you’re this loopy. Let’s do it for real instead when you’re back to being your sane self again. Okay?” He looked down at Cas and added “or as sane as you usually are anyway.”
He finally managed to get them both into the Impala. The ride home was silent. 
 When they at last pulled into the bunker’s garage, Dean parked and got out of the car. He walked around to the passenger’s seat and opened the door, waiting for Cas to step out. Cas did so and then he stood very still looking down at the floor, opening and closing his mouth a few times.
“Thank you for coming with me, Dean. I appreciate it.”
“Of course, Cas. Are you back to being yourself now?”
Cas nodded. “Yes. I believe so.”
“Good.” He stepped into Cas’ space and pulled him flush against himself. He pushed Cas against the side of the Impala and kissed him. Their lips moved against each other, and when their mouths opened, Dean couldn’t help but laugh into the kiss. Cas had been right.  
His teeth were really smooth.
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melodyolas08 · 3 years
Our Round the Clock Food Supplement: C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals All Natural Food Supplement
How Modern Medicine Really Work
We were raised believing that if we are sick; take a medicine and the sickness will be cured. What we don’t know is that 99% of the time, prescribed medicines only control the symptoms and do not cure the root cause of the sickness. For this reason, medicines provide temporary relief, comfort, and extend life only but never cure the cause of the sickness. For example, medicines prescribed for treatment of high blood pressure have to be taken continuously. Patients have to live under this medication (maintenance) and may suffer quality of life. Also, medicines have tremendous side effects giving rise to other health problems.
Good news is that we have “natural medicine” in our body - our immune system. To cure and prevent diseases, we should strengthen our immune system - fruits and vegetable contains very high phytonutrients/plant-based nutrients. These phytonutrients are essential for strengthening the immune system which will lead to a healthier, stronger, and sick free body. However our daily consumption of fruits and vegetables doesn’t even reach 0.1% of total of the plant foods available! Because of that, Nature’s Way, USA created C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals All Natural Food Supplement.
The C24/7 has supplement contents of 22,000 phyto-nutrients in one capsule. Its capsule is made of vegetables making it disintegrate within 15 minutes. No excipient added, thus, what you see is what you get! 100% pure natural!
1. PHYTO-ALKATECH. A powerful complex of natural Alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the Alkalinity of this formulation and also to protect and neutralize possible acid damage when it reaches the stomach. Thus, preserving the purity and potency of this breakthrough NATURA-CEUTICALS.
2. SYNER-TECH. Embodies the Science and Technology of the Combined Complimentary and Synergistic Effects of Nature’s Most Powerful elements and Phyto-chemical Nutrients. It has been proven over the years that many anti-oxidants are better taken with other anti-oxidants providing more enhanced effect as compared to taking them alone.
3. NANO TECHNOLOGY. It’s the idea of making ingredients so tiny that could easily absorb by the cells. So the nourishing effect will start at the cellular level.
C24/7 is packed with benefits for different needs, from controlling blood sugar and cholesterol, to healthy blood circulation and sexual vitality.
ü  Promotes longevity
ü  Lowers cholesterol level
ü  Protects against heart diseases and complications
ü  Helps prevent cancer of any origin
ü  Controls high blood pressure
ü  Controls blood sugar
ü  Enhances and balances the metabolism
ü  Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
ü  Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
ü  Increases the production of inherent glutathione in our body
ü  Rejuvenates the skin
ü  Regenerates liver cells
ü  Promotes healthy blood circulation
ü  Detoxifies the body
ü  Reduces fatigue, depression and anxiety
ü  Enhances sexual vitality
ü  29 Vitamins,Minerals & Trace Minerals
ü  12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
ü  12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
ü  12 Mushrooms
ü  14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
ü  12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients
ü  12 Digestive Enzymes
ü  10 Essential Fatty Acids
ü  18 Amino Acids
ü  Citrus Bioflovanoid Complex
ü  Japanese Knotweed
ü  Premium Red Wine Extract
ü  Grape Seed Extract
ü  Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content)
ü  5 Anti-Aging, Anti-Oxidant Enhancer
·         Cysteine Hydrochloride
·         Coenzyme Q-10
·         Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate)
·         Grape Skin Extract
·         Corsitine
Do I need to take supplements even if I eat a well balanced diet?
There are 40 nutrients required by the body everyday. Even with a balanced diet, factors like pollution, stress and alcohol can hinder your body from getting the proper nutrient value from food. With C24/7, it provides 22,000 Phytonutrients to our body.
What should I do if I have difficulty swallowing tablets and capsules?
C24/7 utilizes vegetable capsules (V-Caps). It is excipient free so you can pour and mix the contents of the capsule in any liquid like water of juice without reducing the effectiveness of the supplement.
What makes C24/7 different from other supplements?
There are four antioxidants that are most important in the body. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium, all of which can be found in fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants are the key factor in prevention of many diseases. However, fewer that 10% of people eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables. C24/7 ensures that you receive the minimum daily requirement with its blend of 12 whole fruits and 12 whole vegetables. With its 100% excipient free formulation utilizing V-caps (vegetarian capsule) combined with powerful “Synergistic and Complimentary ingredients”. C24/7 is the most powerful supplement in the 21st century.
Does C24/7 have any known side effects?
C24/7 has no known side effects as to date, but the effect on individual persons varies as its components balances our individual deficiencies and tries to rectify it.
Why do I feel a little bit woozy on the first two days after taking C24/7?
You feel woozy because your body was still trying to adjust to the mega dose of nutrients of C24/7, physicians calls this phenomenon as loading dose, which they claim to be quite natural while taking any type of food supplement.
I am taking other supplements and when I tried C24/7, within hours of taking I felt as if everything around me is moving fast.
C24/7 is already a complete source of vitamins and minerals, and what you are experiencing could the effects of other active ingredients from your other supplement reacting to those of C24/7. Try taking C24/7 alone and see if you would feel the same effect that you have felt before, if you do feel it again, then it is a rare probability that you may have some allergic reactions to some of C24/7 components, if not, then the other food supplement is most probably reacting to it.
I am already taking a lot of medications, is it safe for me to take C24/7?
Yes it is safe for you take it, but please be reminded that C24/7 is a food supplement and it is not design to replace your medication entirely, but it is formulated so that it can help in the healing process of your ailing body.
I am a health buff, does C24/7 helps me in keeping my body fit?
Yes, C24/7 is also ideal for health buffs like you, since it is packed with amino acids, it can help repair your muscles that was damage during heavy work outs, and helps in dissolving fats and in the process reduces your weight.
I’m not suffering from any ailments, why should I take C24/7?
It is not that only the sick who should take C24/7, but everybody else since its components help our body to strengthen our immune system and regulates our body systems, which prevents any types of diseases.
C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is manufactured exclusively for Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. (AIM Global) by Nature’s Way®, the No. 1 Premium Herbal Company in the United States.
ü  Formulated by 200 Medical Doctors, Herbalists and Scientists.
ü  Its HIGH OXYGEN RADICAL ABSORPTION CAPACITY (ORAC) – measure of its high anti-oxidant properly is independently attested by Tufts University
ü  Clinically tested on 100 Diseases
ü  Over the counter product approved by US Food and Drug Authority (FDA), HALAL, Kosher and BFAD
ü  No Therapeutically Claimed Approved
100 USES OF C24/7
Here under is the list of 100 diseases that C24/7 Natura-ceutical can help remedy, through providing the daily essentials, anti-oxidants and other nutrients the body needs on a daily basis. To learn more about the disease:
Acute and Chronic Diarrhea
Allergic Rhinitis
Atomic Dermatitis
Atrophic Vaginitis
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
Bone Fracture
Brain Tumor
Bronchial Asthma
Cancer and Tumor Formation
Cervical Ulcer
Colon Prolapsed and Bowel Pockets
Deafness of Old Age
Diabetes-Insulin Dependent Type I
Diabetes Mellitus Type II
Enteritis -Swelling of Intestines
Gastro-Esophageal Reflux   Disease (G E R D)
Heart Disease and Complication
Kidney Disease
Liver Cirrhosis
Low Sperm Count
Mascular Degeneration
Mental Tiredness
Muscle and Nerve Pain
Muscular Dystrophy
Neuro Muscular Disorder
Patients with Debilitating Disease
Piles – External Swelling
Piles After Operation
Pre Menopausal Syndrome
Prolapse of the Stomach
Rectal Tumor
Respiratory Infection
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Shortness of Breath on Children
Skin Rash
Skin Ulcer
Sore Eyes
Spinal Disease
Systemic Lupus Erthromatosis
Thyroid Problem
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getthebutters · 3 years
Bruise Soother 🩹 Butters w Arnica X Calendula
Say hello to elevated bruise aftercare, however you got them. By popular demand, Bruise Soother Butters w/ home-slow-cold-extracted arnica & calendula is here for the clumsy, kinky, post-surgical, and easy to bruise among you!
Say hello to elevated bruise aftercare, however you got them. By popular demand, Bruise Soother Butters w/ home-slow-cold-extracted arnica & calendula is here for the clumsy, kinky, post-surgical, and easy to bruise among you! Packed with the healing power of Aloe X Shea Butters, the antiseptic & analgesic effects of arnica, and the healing nutrient boost provided by calendula, Bruise Soother Butters is ready to ease your discomfort!
 2oz jar
Shelf life is 1 Year min.
Alcohol, paraben, silicone, wheat, and bullshit free
Usage: Apply a thin layer up to 3x daily. Melt between hands and apply to area. Rub in will help it absorb but if that’s too much just let it melt on you. Great to use before or after a massage or as kink play aftercare. External usage only.
Ingredients: Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Elaeis Guineensis (Sustainable Palm) Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Olea Europaea (olive) oil, Vitis vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Glycine Soja (Soybean) Oil, Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract, Arnica Montana Flower Extract, Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (Guar Gum), less than .5% potassium sorbate, Glycerin & Acetic Acid (apple cider vinegar)
Allergen info: Arnica products may cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to ragweed and other members of the Asteraceae/Compositae family (such as chrysanthemums, marigolds, calendula, sunflowers, and daisies)
 How Bruise Soother herbs works:
Calendula: A nutrition packed anti-inflammatory, healing powerhouse. One of the strongest anti-viral herbs known to humans. Also, highly anti-bacterial. Packed with flavonoids and other antioxidants. Its flower extracts are also known to soothe muscle spasms, constipation, and as such PMS and PCOS related symptoms. Speeds healing, even in slow healing wounds and ulcers. An animal study saw 90% wound closure (healing) in 8 days with calendula topicals vs 51% closure with the no treatment control. Supports circulation and blood flow to applied areas. Fights gingivitis, bad breath, and improves overall oral health.
Arnica: flowering herb related to calendula and a classic remedy recently finding new life in modern herbal remedies. Lauded for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, topical analgesic. Found often in blends for bruising, arthritis relief, muscle soreness, scrapes, dandruff, sore throats, & eczema. Today, it's primarily used for ointments, creams, gels and other external applications. Great for post-surgery care.
How The Butters works:
For pure, easy to absorb moisture, we have aloe juice. To give your skin essential vitamins and lipids we have coconut and grapeseed oil. To protect from the elements and give your skin time to fully absorb the thinner oils, we add soybean and palm oil. For extended release moisture, conditioning and protection from ashiness, I add shea. To hold that moisture to your skin, balance shine and absorb sweat, we have guar gum. Finally, to make sure you're balanced inside and out, clean and shining healthily, we add apple cider vinegar.
Nothing else you've tried will match the results or harmony that The Butters creates with the body. Inside and out, it works without worry. No one should be forced to choose between being ashy or greasy. Nor should we have to buy a menagerie of products at a hefty markup to help our body do its thing. The Butters works so well because it doesn't try to manufacture quick results; it supports and balances what you've already got.
 Please note: Use for no more than 2 weeks at a time is generally recommended. The problem should be solved by then - if not, see your doctor. Not for use in pregnant/breastfeeding persons or ingested by children. Arnica still needs more study for potential side effects and medicinal interactions. In extremely large concentrations, it can be an irritant to mucus membranes. As with all exotic plants, use with caution.
 The FDA would like me to tell you:
+ All products are for external use only, unless otherwise noted.
+ All products are preserved in some way. Adding anything, heating, or sticking dirty fingers in the products may contaminate or compromise their preservation.
+ Natural does not mean healthy and perfect for you; lead and uranium are 100 percent natural and vegan. Always use caution when exposing yourself to new materials. If you have questions or concerns, drop us a line at [email protected].
+ We don’t make medicine, but sometimes we use FDA-approved drugs. Drug facts are included with those products. All claims are made with the best available information, updated with the latest science. Once we’re bigger, we’ll be funding science of our own. Until then, we’ll have to rely on a few centuries of folk knowledge to round out our modern knowledge.
+ No “cosmetics” company is required to submit recipes to the FDA. Our facility (apartment) isn’t inspected, but it is managed to ServSafe standards.
 Unless noted:
+ Made at home with love and expertise by The Butters Hygienics Co. in Ypsilanti, MI.
Call or Text 734-221-0250
+ We use some food items and they look delicious (they’re usually even safe to taste), but it’s not food, and not meant to be eaten.
“…I was actually very impressed that it not only helped the bruises, as advertised, but helped a lot with the welts and other soreness. But I was also impressed that it has no fragrance.”
“…I can’t recommend the Bruise Soother enough! Hell, even if you’re not into impact play and just tend to bruise easily I’d recommend it- I found it super helpful in pain relief after my train incident…”
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metapianycist · 4 years
i was asked for suggestions about flossing when sensory issues are a factor!
some background information: i'm autistic and have adhd. it took many tries and a lot of experimenting before i figured out what worked for my sensory needs and executive dysfunction, so what I'm going to describe is mainly what works for my specific situation. my sensory needs might be different from yours, so i’m going to describe a few different tools for that, but flossing is still a sensation-intensive process.
my dental situation: i have tight teeth. the majority of cavities that form in my mouth are between-teeth, which my dentists say is due to my having weak enamel (a genetic thing). my dentists have reported to me that the only way i can prevent cavities in my specific situation is by flossing. i have had gingivitis in the past and i have used a fancy gingivitis mouthwash called Periomed. i also have some allergies that occasionally make my gums itchy, for which the triggers can't be completely avoided. (did you know that tree pollen allergies can make your gums itch? i learned this from a tele-dental appointment this spring when i was reporting on my gum itching and mentioned my specific tree pollen allergies.)
this is going to be very long, so i’m putting it under a readmore.
sensory stuff
the very first thing I want you to know is that if you haven't flossed in a while, some bleeding is going to happen when you floss, and it’s going to be especially uncomfortable, until your gums get accustomed to being cleaned. because of this, flossing is contraindicated in some immunocompromised people, due to an increased infection risk. if you're immunocompromised and unsure if flossing is safe for you, ask whatever specialist you see for advice about your specific immune compromising condition.
sensorily, i would say I'm not easily overwhelmed by mouth sensations other than itching, cold or tooth pain. my aversion to sticking fingers in my mouth is because of the sensations in my fingers, not the sensations in my mouth. so what works for me is tailored around that. I'm not bothered by the sensations of inadvertently poking my gums, so i don't have suggestions for that.
i don't like sticking my fingers in my mouth. traditional floss—thread on a spool—requires this. so i use floss picks instead.
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there are also this kind of floss pick, with a long handle:
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i found that for me, it was easier to manipulate the smaller floss picks, and the floss on the longer-handled one kept breaking due to how tight my teeth are.
how i use floss picks is that i move them in a back-and forth motion as if I'm slowly sawing my way between the teeth, until i get to the gumline, at which point i move the floss between the tooth and the gumline to clear out the debris. i rise the floss on the pick thoroughly before using it on another tooth. i typically use more than one pick when flossing my whole mouth, because even though i get the extra-strong floss picks, my teeth's tightness will still loosen or break the floss. they come in packs of several hundred, so if you desired, you could use a new pick for every space you floss.
another tool i find useful is interdental brushes.
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for when i can feel something stuck but floss isn't doing the job, i use these. i also have two artificial crowns in my mouth from the two root canal procedures I've had. one crown is 16 years old, and i can't clean between it and the surrounding teeth with floss alone, so i use an interdental brush.
interdental brushes come in packs and in variations for different spacing of teeth. bleeding is more common with these than with floss for me, because they are necessarily rougher. and my teeth are so tight in some spaces that i can’t get one in at all.
a final sensory suggestion
when i was telling a dentist about my gum itching over the phone this spring, she suggested that i smear sensitivity toothpaste (in the u.s., a common brand of this is sensodyne) on the itchy parts of my gums 5 minutes before brushing, to get the maximum effect of the toothpaste. smearing sensitivity toothpaste on your gums a few minutes before flossing might be helpful in reducing how sensory-intensive flossing is.
executive function
now all of that is well and good, but if you're like me, a new habit is a constant struggle against my brain, which does everything it can to sabotage any attempt to insert a new routine. i have tried all of the following for trying to start a flossing habit, and all were ineffective for me:
reminder apps
to-do lists
reminder apps with a built-in reward system
rewarding myself for flossing
habit tracking apps
this is not to say that numbers one to five won't work for you, but they're not strategies designed specifically for people with executive dysfunction. reward systems are completely ineffective for me, and reminder apps for me are useless for flossing unless i get the reminder at the precise moment that i’m brushing my teeth.
a thing that did work was the following suggestion from one of my partners:
start a habit of flossing one tooth. you can floss more if you want, but flossing one tooth per day is the minimum. it was enough to establish the habit, and i didn't feel like i was letting myself down if i wasn't able to make myself floss more than one tooth.
truth in advertising: i lapsed in flossing recently because of a really bad and painful cold sore flareup that split the corners of my mouth, and I lapsed in using mouthwash for the same reason. I'm back on track, but even though i had been flossing every day for many months, one day of lapse shattered the new routine and it was extremely difficult to start again. missing one day destroys a new habit for me even if i’ve been dutiful for months.
additional considerations
i use fluoridated antiseptic mouthwash, and i use toothpaste where the active ingredient is stannous fluoride rather than sodium fluoride, which i believe results in more fluoride ions in your mouth. i also use a battery-powered toothbrush with rotating bristles.
i am not made anxious or sensorily overloaded by dental work or cleanings and i actually find it relaxing, but in-person non-emergency dentistry is not happening in the u.s. until after the pandemic, so I'm trying to be extra vigilant about oral care.
these are some other things that are good for your teeth:
staying hydrated
using a special dry-mouth mouthwash if needed
fluoridated mouthwash (i use an enamel-restoring mouthwash after flossing)
chewing sugarless gum after a meal to help get rid of trapped food particles
getting enough calcium and vitamin D
if you ever barf, brush your teeth immediately afterward to prevent stomach acids from hurting your teeth
the bottom line is that doing anything to care for your teeth is better than doing nothing. i’ve been honest with my dentists about the problems i have with dental hygiene routines and i’ve bluntly told them about my sensory and executive dysfunction issues, and in most cases they’ve been willing to make alternative suggestions. i even managed to get a dentist to reconsider her prior opinion that using spools of floss is inherently better than using floss picks.
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