#in that way he's like Atumu i guess
bucketofchum · 2 years
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@syntaxeme ;-; that's the sad thing - no, not really
Basically it was sort of survival mode since he was a baby. The only potential source of joy in his life was probably his smol chronically ill brother Atomu (who, i think in the modern AU, does not survive to adulthood).
His life is kind of coloured only red. Hatred, anger, jealousy, bitterness.
I was reading up on essentially how he was raised in the more modern AU and it's even sadder cuz this is in the same AU where Atumu ends up adopted into a loving foster family (even though Atumu suffers his own fair share of unthinkably traumatic events) and Atamu is just sort of tortured and trained into an assassin and he hates everything about his life.
Like imagine 20-25 years of being physically tortured into compliance and not being broken. He NEVER had a break-in period. And for like 20+ years, he literally never stopped trying to escape from that life.
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sleep3deprived · 3 years
One Last Compliment
Pairing: Miya Atumu x F!Reader
Words count: 941
Genre: Fluff, Hurt, Angst
Warning: Mentions of death/dying, Language
Note: Hey guys! Fun fact, I'm currently editing this while I'm in school and thank God no ones near me to see bc that'd be embarrassing...ahaha
random update: why's my principal here *aggresively and quickly changes tabs*
ANyWays, hope you enjoy!!! This may or may not be based on a true story...
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Why did you let your dad drag you to this thing?
I mean, sure you wanted to go before, but now after realizing that your parents were going to be there at your secret boyfriend’s cousin’s wedding, you just want to crawl in a hole and die.
How were you supposed to figure out that your boyfriend’s cousin’s dad and your dad were friends? Much less, on good terms enough to be invited to his son’s wedding?
Now, instead of being able to talk freely with your boyfriend, away from school and parents, you’re pushed right into the vicinity of being overly cautious of making sure your father doesn’t catch either of you staring.
Atsumu told you about the wedding a few months ago, after complaining about how annoying getting a suit fitted was. You jokingly said, “Wouldn’t it be funny if I attended?” which resulted in him replying “No, ‘cause ‘a can’t keep ma hands off ya and if ya came with yer family, yer dad would have ma head. ‘A need to be on his good side for future reference!”.
Honestly, you wish you never had to keep your relationship a secret. But you had to explain to him that if your father- one who doesn’t want his little girl to grow up and date just yet- realizes she’s been in a secret committed relationship for the past many months, you might as well start planning your funeral.
But it can’t be controlled. However, you know you love Atsumu, and that there’s gonna be a future with the both of you, together in some way. So you weren’t very worried. Just unbelievably sure.
You just hope you can keep the secret of being together long enough to last.
Unfortunately for you, even if you wanted to spend time with your loving boyfriend at the wedding, him being one of the groomsmen made it take up all his time.
You blow the hair blocking your face out of the way, “And here I was looking all cute for him…” you pout out.
It’s a good thing you decided to put some effort into yourself today, you guessed. Besides it being a wedding and for Atsumu, somehow he got you to introduce yourself to his grandma, aunts, cousins- who you’ve made good friends with- even his fucking family friends!
You’re basically accustomed to his whole family now.
‘Shit, this might as well be my wedding.’
“Y/N-nee-san! Save me!” A small voice screamed, grabbing onto your leg.
You looked down to see Atsumu’s little cousin, one that you’ve gotten pretty close to. “Atsumu-nii is chasing me!”
You took her into your arms while you find your boyfriend run into the lounge area towards you too.
“Oh no! The scary monster is coming! I’ll keep you safe!” You tell the little girl, holding her in a way to keep your lover away.
“Monster?! Ya fell in lo- Ya know what- fine!” Atsumu says grumpily while continuing to attempt to grab his little cousin.
Both you and the little girl laugh out. You put the small one down onto the ground “Quickly! Go run away from him before he catches you!” You tell the small child while you deal with the other man child.
Once you see the child out of sight -including the area being secluded- you find Atsumu pouting when you turn back. You giggle at his antics, taking his cheeks into your hands, “I was just joking ‘Tsum ‘Tsum.” You let out a chuckle at his behaviour.
“Well, at least put some of yer attention on me! I’m startin’ to think ya like ma cousins more than me.” He tells you with a pout.
“That’s ‘cause I do. And you’re the one walking around all busy, Mr. Groomsman.” You eye at him slyly. He gasps in fake shock, putting a hand out to his chest.
“It’s not ma fault! I wanted to talk to ya more, but the damned pictures took forever…”
“And here I was thinking you’d shower me in some compliments.” You sigh out humourlessly to him.
He looks at you amusingly, before noticing him being called by some of his family members.
“Yeah! I’ll be right there!” He says right before leaving you.
Before he does, he’s right behind you, putting both his hands on your shoulders and leaning over to put his lips against your ear and whispering against it.
“Of course ya look beautiful. Especially in white. When you spin ‘round in yer dress, it’s like looking at an angel.” He says into your ear, leaving goosebumps against your skin. The feeling of his hot breath against your neck still there.
Right after Atsumu finished his sentence, he runs back to his duties, leaving you alone, a blush dusting your cheeks, biting your cheek as an attempt to suppress the smile that crosses your face.
Years later, you constantly think of that moment. You’ve been with a few men here and there, but none have ever given you a compliment as beautiful as that.
You can still feel the emotions you felt after receiving that compliment. The warmth that spread through you, how genuine he was.
Remembering how excited he was to introduce you to his family, his brain already planning for what could have been you two happily together.
After all this time, you still think about him here and there. You would be lying if you said he didn’t leave a lasting mark on you. The memories, his touch, the feeling of security and endless love.
Yet every day, you wish that compliment wasn’t one of the last ones you got from him.
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sckyie · 4 years
decisions | choice a: you stay in japan
word count: 1.4k
genre + warnings: angst to fluff; suggestive towards the ending
pronouns used: female insert (she/her)
a/n: ooooooo
Original Post | Choice B
Dear XXXX,
Thank you for your suggesting me for the higher position. I would have to respectfully decline your offer as I would not like to leave the Japan branch. It is not optimal for me to move outside the country at the moment personally. Thank you again for your offer.
Y/n L/n
You sent out the email, making you let out a sigh. You waited for Sakusa after work again and saw Atsumu like before. "Hey girl," He waves at you. You wave slightly and Atsumu noticed how you weren't as lively as before. "You okay?"
"I guess," You sighed. "Where's Omi?"
"He's showering right now. What's wrong?" Atsumu moves next to you and nudges your shoulder.
"I got an offer for a promotion but I turned it down since I'd have to move away from Omi. I would've gotten three times my pay righy now. I didn't want to leave Sakusa just like that," You explained. "Only thing is, was it worth it? I did it for him but I'm unsure it'll be worth it. I've been dating Omi for less than a year but I haven't.."
"Haven't?" Atumu asked.
"I haven't kissed him yet, I haven't even held his hand. I-I just want to hold him," You huffed. You looked up and see your boyfriend approaching.
"Get away from my girlfriend," Omi growled at Atsumu. He puts his hands up and backs away from your car.
"Later Y/n! Bye Omi," 'Sumu smiled. You and Sakusa get into the car to drive home. The ride home was quiet as you two sat in traffic. Sakusa lived nearby and you'd drop him off to practice before work.
"How was practice?" You broke the silence.
"Fine, Hinata and Bokuto were being very rambunctious today," Sakusa complained. "I also hit my wrist instead of spiking but I'm okay. How was work?"
You hesitate but sighed. "Tiring, I got declined for a promotion," You lied.
"It's alright baby," He reassured. "Let's get some food before you drop me off. My treat."
The two of you stop by to get take out barbecue and rice. You ate in the car together, enjoying each other's company. After eating, Omi hands you a hand wipe. Your hand grazes his on accident and you pulled away. "Sorry baby," You say after touching him.
"It's okay," He responds with wiping over the spot you touched.
Watching him do this action hurt you. Seeing as the man you've been dating clean off your touch made you feel unwanted. You pushed away your feelings and drove to drop off Sakusa to his place.
The next day, as the MSBY boys take a break from drills, Atsumu seats himself near Sakusa. "How's Y/n?" Atsumu asks.
"Fine, why do you ask?" Omi groaned.
"Nuthin, did she tell you about her promotion?" He asks before chugging his water.
"Yea, she got declined," Omi says putting on hand sanitizer.
"Declined?" Atsumu furrowed his brows. "She turned down that position. She told me."
"What do you mean?" He turned to look at the setter.
"She got offered a position in a different country," Atsumu explained. "She turned it down for you but she's questionin' if she should've taken it. Since you never kissed her and stuff."
The setter got up from his water break but Sakusa stops him. "What do you mean she's questioning?"
"Well, y'know she's been wanting to kiss you? She told me how you don't touch her and she doesn't know if turning the promotion down was worth it. The new job would've benefited her way more than her current pay. C'mon, practice is starting again," Atsumu says. Before Sakusa got up, he sees a text from you.
Y/n ♡: Hey Omi, I'm not in the best of moods and I have a headache so I went home early. I don't think I can pick you up today. I hope practice is well, I'll try to tomorrow, love you <3
Omi puts down his phone and gets up for practice. He joins the rest of his team, later asking if he could catch a ride with another player.
You laid on your side hugging a pillow on the couch. You took medicine for your headache so you just thought you'd rest up in the living room. You began to overthink your choice. Was it worth it declining a once in a lifetime offer? What if Sakusa breaks up with you and you made a bad choice? You squeezed the pillow tighter and felt your eyes watering.
Not long after, you found yourself crying your eyes out. You sat up wiping away your tears and walked to the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror to see your moist, rosy cheeks. You splashed yourself in the face with water as you heard a doorbell.
You dried off your face and hands as you walked to your door. You open the door to see your boyfriend standing a few feet away from the door. "Hi baby," He says.
"Omi? What are you doing here?" You tried to hide your sniffles but you couldn't mask your shaky voice.
"Wait were you just crying?" Sakusa takes a step forward. You shook your head. He could see you were hurting. Your feet were turned in, you hid your hands in the towel, and you looked away from his face. Sakusa hesitated to step forward so he just paused before talking. "Why didn't you tell me you declined the offer? You said you got rejected."
"I didn't think it was important," You shyed. "It's just a job."
"A job that you love, baby you said it yourself you wanted to get higher and you turned it down for me," Sakusa argued. He saw your eyes become glossy. Then it clicked. You watch as he steps into the house, closing the door behind him.
Sakusa takes a step closer to you and pulls off his mask. He paused but he pulled your chin up with his index and thumb. You looked at him shocked as he's never touched your face before. You panic for a second seeing him up close without his mask.
But before you could talk, he pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes slowly close as you felt your boyfriend's hand pull your body closer. His soft lips moved in sync with yours. Your cheeks flushed red as Omi pulls away. "I'm sorry Y/n," He whispers, putting his forehead against yours.
"W-what for?" You were still in shock from feeling your boyfriend's touch for the first time.
"For making you question our relationship," He says. "For making you think I never wanted to touch you. I'm sorry for not doing better. Truth is, I thought you were the one who didn't want to touch me."
"Wait what?" You chuckled softly.
"You always respected my fear and I thought you just didn't want me to touch you. I thought it made you uncomfortable, you always apologize whenever you accidentally touch me," Omi explained. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I wanted to respect your boundaries, I thought I'd be intruding your bubble. I've wanted to kiss you for a while and hold you but I was scared you were never going to kiss me," You move your face away from him. He uses his hand to turn your head to look at him again. Omi leans in once more to place another kiss on your lips. He pulls away and smiles.
"I think I like kisses," Omi chuckled. You kiss his cheek and wrapped your arms around his torso. "I promise to do better."
"Do you promise to give me kisses?" You pouted.
"I'll do you one better," He kissed your forehead. "You can get all the kisses you want, you can hug me, hold my hand, anything."
You raised your eyebrow at him. "Anything?" You chuckled. "Even cuddles?"
"Yes," He sighed thinking about how close you'd be. "Even cuddles, if you shower first."
"Then come shower with me," You joked before letting go. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'll be back." You tried to leave but he grabs your wrist and pulled you towards him.
"If I’m going to touch you, I'm cleaning you so I know you're clean," Omi says. Your cheeks flush red from his words but you hold his hand as you walked to the bathroom.
taglist: @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme @anime-corpsehusband-simp @d0llpie @elianetsantana
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bucketofchum · 6 months
Been thinking about teenAtumu growing up in his shitty foster situation, where he usually eats an average of once every 1-3 days, situation dependent.
The only money he gets are when his foster dad gives him some cash to buy basic household shit and sometimes groceries to cook for the family.
A lot of times his foster parents will order food, so Atumu gets to use the groceries for himself. He can usually make the food last about a week if he eats once a day. But sometimes the parents expect food to be ready at home, which cuts into how many meals Atumu has for himself, so it has happened that he hasn't eaten for 2-3 days. It's not every week, but it's not too rare. He averages perhaps 5 meals a week.
When he is finally enrolled into public school at age 16/17, he realizes there is a dedicated time when everyone eats. He doesn't usually have the $2.50 for daily school lunches, but he can sometimes pack his precooked lunches.
At some point, Startop notices a day when he doesn't have a lunch, and Atumu lies (poorly) that he already ate. Startop shares his lunch with Atumu, but Atumu is fairly reluctant because he knows he can't afford to pay Star back.
It has happened several times that Startop packs an extra lunch for Atumu when he notices it's a frequent occurence that Atumu doesn't have food. Atumu is clearly starving, but keeps insisting against taking the food because all he can think of is how he can't afford to be indebted when he can't pay it off. Star lives in a communal housing with his sister and her many kids and roommates, so there's always food in the house. He doesn't manage his own finances, so he doesn't understand Atumu's panic.
Atumu did try to pay Star back at some point - with cash, which Startop thought was ridiculous. Then with a home cooked meal (at the expense, of course, of Atumu eating), which Star enjoyed but didn't understand. But Atumu knew he couldn't keep accepting Star's food because he couldn't maintain paying him back. Star really never understood this idea of "paying back" - he never expected it and he never asked for it. He tried insisting against it.
Finally, they found a good compromise with Star inviting Atumu back home with him. Startop would feed him dinner, and Atumu would help tutor him and help him finish his homework. This hardly felt fair for Atumu, since schoolwork is an absolute joy for him, and it felt like an uneven trade, but Startop was able to convince him. No one had spent the time to help explain the concepts at a pace and in a way that Startop could understand, like Atumu did.
Plus, Atumu spending after school evenings with Startop meant less time with his abusive parents, which would be both a good thing and a bad thing.
At some point, Star wanted to come over Atumu's house just to see how Atumu lives, and it's a huge point of stress for Atumu. He doesn't live in a great condition and he knows his foster parents, rarely sober, can be very unpredictable. The house is hardly fit for guests.
...that's a story for another time I guess
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bucketofchum · 2 years
oh atumu is intersex??? i was wondering why he always had that certain... gnc quoi
Omg GNC quoi I'm dead
Yeah, so I havent really publicly written about it (I do recall making a post about it a few years ago), but basically in every iteration of his life, he is intersex.
It usually manifests in different ways in all of the many AUs.
But his gender non conformity mostly comes in the fact that I liked dressing him up hahaha. His own gender expression tends towards masculine and his gender identity is mostly masculine. (He doesn't really identify with a gender but would probably presume himself to be cismale in the way most cis people don't question their genders. I.e. "I guess I'd be male...? I never really thought about it.")
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In the foster brother AU that I have been rereading a lot lately, his being intersex is physically apparent (ie genitalia) and combined with his extreme social incompetence, he grows up believing there is something fundamentally wrong with him and he just craves being normal.
The reason for his intersex existence in every iteration is just because in reality he's a non-gendered demigod. But also there is no AU where he knows he is a demigod cuz also there is literally no living being alive anywhere who has living memory of this. And in most modern existences, we don't have daily interactions with god beings, so no god forms are around to inform him either (if they are even aware of it, which they usually aren't).
There is one AU that takes place ...across multiple millennia... But even then, he still mostly sees himself as only human haha. In that AU, it takes place in a time where supernatural creatures exist(ed) amongst humans, and for those who have the ability to pick up on these sorts of auras, Atumu does indeed emit a particular supernatural aura.
He is the oldest of his siblings (who are also mildly supernatural) in the same way he is, but since he's the oldest, he stole most of the god vibes. In decreasing order of age, they have decreasing levels of god vibes. (Sadge for Atomu who was born last and has like 10,000 different health complications in literally every iteration).
Anyhow no one asked about all this lmao sorry.
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bucketofchum · 2 years
Oh man so my friend just showed me the movie Bahuubali and it just got me thinking about Atumu (again yeah I know).
So basically all of these movies and stories of a guy who is rightfully the king ends up having that recognition, the rights being wronged, and he is allowed to reign as the rightful ruler.
Examples: prince and the pauper, man in the iron mask, Bahuubali, etc. I'm sure there are so many other variations of this.
So idk how many people know this, but Atumu is the first son of a King. A God, if you will. (Pharaoh at the time). But he wasn't chosen to be raised as a prince and was instead assigned to be a slave. He grew up a slave, along with his other brothers, and spent the rest of his life with this ingrained in him
He is literally super OP cuz he has the blood and soul of a demi-god, basically. But he never knows it.
He does have "super powers" to an inhuman degree, but like in subtle ways that he doesn't even (ever) realise he has them. He is indeed super strong, has insanely good other senses (sight, hearing, etc), but doesn't make anything of it cuz tbh he doesn't know how other people perceive the world.
I mean, he *knows* he is very hard to kill, so I guess there is that.
So basically there is this BASICALLY immortal demigod just wandering around, thinking like he's just a normal ass human being. "I'm just a guy". Fully capable of fucking lifting a car with his bare stick arms if he really really wanted to (never put to the rest bc when would he ever need to?). Just fully convinced he's just a normal dude.
I just find it absolutely comical that all these stories have these tropes of like "the chosen one" and Atumu is here with the firstborn God Blood running through his veins and he's just like...trying to be of worth in his life. Like he just wants to be useful. And he NEVER ends up finding out about himself.
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bucketofchum · 11 months
More Atumu shit that no one asked for.
I found some old shit from Same Age AU (also called Teen AU, but they end up growing up and becoming not teens anymore) during Atumu's "Lost Years" - 2 years during which he disappears inexplicably and Startop has no trace of him.
Well it's a bit before his Lost Years, when he is still on the map, and still exists to the government.
Context: Star and Atumu are about 24-25 years old at this point and they are living together. Atumu is working for the Federal Government. Star is trying to figure out what he wants to do (community college). Atumu has been working for the government for about a year at this point. He was recruited from his previous job. Star doesn't really know what he does but he spends less and less time at home. Sometimes multiple days. Sometimes multiple weeks. This one mission is supposed to be multiple months.
Money means nothing to someone like Atumu. He grew up so fucking dirt poor that having ANY disposable income means all his needs are met. He doesn't need more than what is necessary for survival. Money means nothing to him, but Startop means everything to him.
His handlers realised this rather quickly. Promise of good pay was not a good motivator. He'd do the work anyway without complaint. He'd do the work because they told him the pay would be good to help Star out financially. Star could live comfortably and safely with Atumu's service. He'd be working to help Star. Atumu never asked questions. He did everything he was told, because they told him they'd take care of Star. They told him Star was happy. That was the only thing that mattered to Atumu.
But he wished he could see Star. He missed Startop, the boy who befriended him in high school and who helped him move out of his abusive foster home. He owed Star everything. He missed Startop, but ...as long as Star was happy...
Startop missed Atumu but figured Atumu's work was important, so he tried not to get in the way. But despite now living together, he had never seen Atumu so little. Atumu was never home anymore. Still, the paychecks came in, the bills and the rent were paid so... I guess. Star didn't want money. He only wanted Atumu. Atumu couldn't care about the money. He just wanted Star safe and happy.
Anyhow that's the context. Atumu is working for the government. Overworked, on way too many simultaneous projects, and literally has not been home in months.
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bucketofchum · 2 years
also hi same anon as the one asking abt timelines..... I totally get where you're coming from with having super complicated feelings abt those stories. I don't know you personally so I'm not gonna assume shit, but I was in a similar situation (albeit I knew this person for way less long, more like 6 years). it felt like my comfort characters were snatched out of my hand and made someone else's property, and it was really hard to "reclaim" them because of all the gaps and holes the other person's absence left behind. but I did it eventually, I guess. I'm sure you're on a way different track when it comes to healing bc I'm a good deal younger than you nd such, but I hope you can get to a point where it isn't painful anymore because imho you deserve to have your boys.
Hey anon - thank you SO much for asking about my timelines tbh. It's honestly almost healing to talk about them bc I do care about them so much.
I have to specify that Startop is not my boy but belongs to []. I will never pretend that he's mine, and his story is not mine to tell, but his life is intertwined with Atumu's, and that makes it...hard. And in the other timeline, King is not mine. But these two characters, in those timelines, are the central focus of Atumu's life, and as much as I want to respect []'s distance from me, I cannot erase these shared experiences.
I don't think it'll ever not be painful as it seems i'll never get closure, hah, but I'm trying to become okay with it, you know? And deciding to talk about this despite all that is sort of my "moving on".
Nothing makes me heart feel as much as these stories.
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bucketofchum · 6 years
atumu gemsona thoughts
I was thinking these things yesterday. I often abbreviate Atumu as AU, which also happens to be the periodic table abbreviation for gold, or, as he would be called, Aurum.
He is incredibly soft and malleable, which makes him not a great fighter per se, but makes him basically unkillable - that is, he cannot be shattered. However, his form can be damaged very easily (being bent out of shape, damaged). His natural found form is a nugget hah so that’s how he is raw. But he can be reshaped and reformed smooth with no alterations to his physical appearance. (Headcanon that in his raw original nugget form he was monstrous -- as gems’ physical appearances are a reflection of refracted light, a golden nugget with many dents and bumps would generate a monstrous appearance.)
I guess by that strain, if his perfectly smooth form is altered/damaged in a way that is not intentional by him, that causes something almost similar to corruption where he loses his human-like appearance depending on how damaged his gem is. (Gem is used loosely here as he is not a stone -- he is a precious metal hah).
He is effectively useless in battle in terms of... if he wants to maintain his controlled, standard, polished looking form. But he can be used as a weapon -- almost as an unkillable trump card if you will. By distorting or damaging his stone, his physical appearance can be unrecognisable altered so that he is basically bestial and feral. Downside is, in that form he is basically impossible to control and displays very little cognition (cannot recognise friend from foe).
He can be poofed however (not shattered) - ofc by causing enough damage to his physical form, but the relative equivalent of “shattering” him would be melting him. In liquid form, he is unable to assume a physical appearance and is basically unconscious/’dead’. He can be cooled, though, and reshaped to the will of whomever has use for him.
Don’t have a backstory on him yet but I can think of at least a couple things...................
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bucketofchum · 7 years
Okay. Let’s talk Yumi and Atumu interactions. for @syntaxeme
Lemme pull up the tags that I had previously to works as like... talking points... hahahahah.
#he is really fucking good vision #I know I've said as a blanket rule that he has REALLLLLLLY heightened senses #but I may not have mentioned to what degree #he doesn't realise it but Yumi knows #so whenever they are looking for something #Yumi always asks him what he sees #and he's always kind of confused bc he doesn't realise not everyone can see what he sees #but he faithfully relays the information anyway #tbh Yumi is probably one of the only people who know how to navigate Atumu #think of Atumu as a superpowered computer that has too many functions #and you have to figure out how to use it
#Yumi is a very NORMAL person #which is hilarious considering he's a clone and thus not..... #technically.... #a real person #but anyhow Yumi is probably the most sensible of the group #and he's the only one who realises really what the fuck is up with Atumu #so he kind of.. manages Atumu #he's not blameless tho #which is what lead to the Yami vs Yami court trial that Atumu barely survived #because Yumi is doing his own thing and Atumu felt betrayed and couldn't comprehend it 
Okay, so we’ve established that Atumu has some crazy senses and abilities. He is stronger than any normal human being (think strength to body weight ratio of like.. an insect) and has extremely heightened senses like the ability to see farther and in extremely high detail things from a distance. He also has wild language abilities that i have discussed earlier (re: he basically knows all spoken languages and can communicate fluently in all of them as long as he hears it).
Yumi is probably the only person who has picked up on all of these. (I mean, Atemu is probably also aware, but it’s just Atumu - that’s just how he is.) So Yumi has figured out tips tricks and hax to be able to utilise Atumu’s skills and basically “manage” him.
If they’re trapped in the middle of a desert, Yumi might ask Atumu to scan the horizon (knowing full well Atumu can see farther than any normal human), and ask what he sees. Atumu will faithfully do this for Yumi, of course - it’s a strange query, but eh, who is he to question? If there is a town off in the horizon outside of the range of normal vision, Atumu’s eyesight would be good enough to read signs on buildings, etc. Same with if they’re stuck in the middle of the ocean or whatnot. Atumu would be able to direct them to the nearest land mass. Very useful to know - in terms of survival I guess.
As for languages, Yumi is also perhaps the only one who has picked up on Atumu’s weird language quirk. As I’ve mentioned earlier, if he ever catches Atumu speaking another language, he’ll just clear this throat and say “Sorry was that?” or “Say that again?” and Atumu will repeat his message but in Yumi’s spoken language. Atumu can’t really... translate.... because he doesn’t realise he is switching languages at all. That said, he also can’t comprehend that not everyone can understand everything like he does... This leads to a lot of frustration (believe me, Yumi was frustrated too before he discovered a workaround).
So. Yumi is like the “normal” foil to Atumu’s weird. Whereas Atumu finds it very difficult to adjust to any situation he is in, Yumi picks up social cues like a chameleon and can bullshit his way in any situation. Atumu... just kind of flounders and does his own thing. He sticks out like a sore thumb and it is just horribly obvious that he doesn’t belong.
How they relate to Atemu is the other thing. Atumu is eternally bound to his little brother. Atemu is his life and his meaning and he would die for Atemu in a heartbeat. (Yumi would probably also die for both of them but like ... he wouldn’t throw himself in front of a train for them. He’d try to think of another solution so he wouldn’t HAVE to die for them...) Atemu is the only thing that really gives Atumu’s life meaning or purpose and Atemu’s safety and happiness is all that matters to him at all. Yumi... would like a normal life. He’d like to settle down and meet someone nice and just.. live out the rest of his life.. normally. Without the hijinks. He tries not to put up with Atemu’s bullshit, but he kind of has to (Atemu can’t help it), and he’s annoyed that Atumu not only puts up with Atemu’s bullshit but panders to him.
He’s a softly paternal figure and sometimes he has to lay down the tough love. He, like Atumu, has a strong sense of justice. However, how they go about it is ofc very different. In the case of Yami v Yami (court trial), Atumu had been the ousted CFO of a dirty pharmaceutical company that was distributing fake drugs. Upon realising the situation he was in, he promised that the company would settle all accounts of claims -- which the company ofc did not want to do, so they promptly got rid of him since he was not in his right mind and was not representing them in their best interests. He proceeded to pick up a case pro bono for one of the spouses of a victim of the drug company poisoning, to set a precedent and allow all other victims of the fake drugs to be able to be compensated.
Yumi, on the other hand, was the head of his own law firm, and was renowned for never having lost a case -- though he always defended “obviously guilty” parties. It helps, ofc, that the jury was bought, but he was also a very good lawyer. Upon understanding the situation, he decided to take the case and defend the pharmaceutical company against Atumu’s prosecution.
I’m not gonna go into the details of the trial, but by the time the court date came, most of the jury had been bought out already and Atumu was not in good physical health. Atumu had a very factually sound case, but Yumi undermined him with cheap tricks and legal loopholes. No one in the courtroom really took Atumu seriously anyway, and he ended up losing (perhaps unsurprisingly). He felt confused, isolated, and betrayed that Yumi would do such a thing ? Deliberately saying things that weren’t true and seemingly undermining justice and he just.. felt so hurt and betrayed. But Yumi had a plan -- after winning the case, he personally settled each of the claims with money from his own savings (mind you he was in a position of tremendous wealth, esp after being paid by PharmaTech for this trial). So “justice” was sort of served anyway -- Yumi just chose a different route to take. He worked within the system, defending PharmaTech, but made sure all hurt families ended up compensated. Atumu [lost..] but he was trying to secure justice for the families that had been wronged.
HooOOooooooooo catch me talking about Yami v Yami any day tho *clenches fist*
Um anyhow. That’s perhaps it for now. I can talk about Yumi at some other point tho too ^_^;;;;;;;
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bucketofchum · 7 years
How did the two water children (Lapy and Atumu ((it was quite obvious who but lmao)) met eachother? (It's a dumb question I know)
I’m just dumb cuz I don’t have an answer ;o;
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All I know is the Lapis that Tumu met was around the time when Lapis was had just freed herself (okay Steven freed her - and healed her), and all she wanted was to go home. Perhaps she never made it out into space - perhaps she never ended up running into Jasper and Peridot and just kinda stayed on Earth, but I guess the big thing was that she was tremendously homesick and felt really alone. Being around Atumu was really different…? and around him she just felt a lot less alone and felt like she was…home? 
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this is one of the first (starts of) laptumu draws I did - Atumu’s not in it, but this legit happened in canon and my jaw just about fuckin dropped because if that isn’t the most angsty, dramatic, Atumu-like thing to say, I don’t know what is. That is 100%, 10/10, absolutely something Atumu would say.(If my handwriting is hard to read, Steven is saying “I feel like I only get to see you when something horrible is going on” and Lapis responds in the most freaking emo way “That’s just how it is with me.” I honestly can’t deal)
They’re just…so similar in a lot of ways? So I could see them confiding in each other and getting along with similar traumas and stuff. Plus they are both other worldly ethereal beings who are kind of hella OP (Lapis can control the freaking ocean and all water, and Atumu can…there’s nothing that Atumu can’t do basically). They’re just fuckin OP. But also they don’t realise it? 
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and then…I really quickly started drawing them getting increasingly comfortable around each other such that they can let loose. 
Actually, I should preface this by saying that the first, first, first official real Laptumu thing I ever drew was like…
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so idk - it seems pretty intimate but that probably happened really really early on and might essentially be how they met? Cuz I imagine Lapis isn’t just one to empathise easily. But if she saw…that he was broken too… and his back, cracked like her gem… idk man. Idk.
Sorry haha, I don’t have a good answer to this question!!
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bucketofchum · 7 years
Find out about Atumu
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Under the cut is the answer to 60 fun questions about Atumu. All the answers to the questions you never had.
1: What’s your OCs favorite color?
I don’t think he has a favourite colour, but lately he’s been a fan of the colour blue. 
2: Where does your OC work?
As a vagrant, he doesn’t really have a place of work? He’s got plenty of skills, so he can generally fit in about anywhere. However, he doesn’t have any formal schooling or official documentation of qualifications, so like...work is typically hard to get for him. He often finds himself doing either housework or farmwork for room and board.
3: What’s your OCs favorite food?
Oh gosh, all of these questions are so hard for Atumu. He...uh... he has a very bad relationship with food. So It’s hard to say that he has any favourite food? Pretty recently, he’s discovered frozen prepackaged foods like pizza rolls that have made him just about melt. But the only reason he was okay with eating it was because the family he was staying with referred to it as “not real food,” thus leading him to believe it’s not really comestible for the average person, and thus absolving him of the guilt of eating food that might otherwise feed others.
Alternatively, he is the only one who is physically capable of consuming the toxic, noxious waste that his brother cooks. I’m pretty sure he got food poisoning from that though. Either way, he’ll eat it without complaint and say??? believe?? it is good? Don’t know what’s going on in his head, but he’s been told and is convinced it’s good, even if it’s hazardous waste.
4: Does your OC prefer paper or plastic?
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5: How old is your OC?
Uhh.....old as balls. Several thousand years old? But he’s got really spotty memory, so he can usually only remember things in the past couple hundred years.
6: Does your OC have any supernatural powers?
UHHHHH!!! Basically everything about him? This will probs be answered in all the other questions.
7: Is your OC in a relationship?
No. [but I like to imagine he has a pretty cute non-canonical quasi-platonic friendship with a certain fellow water lover]
8: What are some of your OCs strengths?
Literally everything? He’s OP as fuck. One notable one that recurs is his cooking ability? He’s very, very, very, very good at cooking and what he cooks is not anything of this world. It’s very good.
9: What are some of your OCs weaknesses? 
His...rationality? He has a hard time seeing anything in anyone else’s perspective and he has a pretty darn warped sense or reality, so a lot of his reasoning (though perfectly logical in his head) is tremendously vague and makes no sense to literally anyone else.
10: What is your OCs favorite outfit?
Clothes? That fit. And cover his body.
You’d be surprised how hard that is to come by for him.
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He’s a fan of formal wear. But in general he likes clothes that fit well and are comfortable. 
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11: What animal does your OC relate to?
Idk if he personally relates to them, but I relate them to him. Otters. Moist boys.
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12: Is your OC sexually active?
Yes, but not by choice.
13: What is your OCs earliest memory?
Oof, this is a hard one. He’s got that good ol’ spotty memory. I’m sure he gets flashbacks of his childhood as a slave. So if you’re counting when triggered, his earliest memories are probably from the dungeons when he was looking out for both Atamu and Atomu, fighting for survival.
14: Does your OC have a cell phone? If so, what kind?
OH BOY. HE SURE DOES NOT. [not that he’s never had a phone. But phones don’t usually last with this boy.]
15: What makes your OC angry?
It’s been a while since he’s been angry, but I guess it depends on the scenario. He is sometimes short on patience, especially when dealing with people who have harmed his family and are ignorant of the fact. He hates anyone who hurts his family.
16: When is your OCs favorite time of year?
17: How long can your OC hold their breath?
Hours. Fucking hours. He’s a hard one to drown.
18: What kind of underwear does your OC wear?
DUDE. ANY. I think he’s usually freeballin’ - but legit. Any. None is also fine.
19: Does your OC prefer plaid or polka dots?
Probably plain? But plaid seems okay. He’s not a picky guy, and clothes that fit don’t come by very frequently.
20: What’s your OCs favorite kind of pizza?
pizza rolls
21: Who is your OCs best friend?
idk if best friend, but most important person in his life is his little brother and God, Atemu. 
22: Has your OC ever killed someone?
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23: Whats your OCs biggest secret?
That’s a mystery to me too, my friend.
24: What does your OC smell like?
In all likelihood? Dirt.
25: What time of year does your OC prefer?
Didn’t I answer this already? He’s a warm summer day kind of boy. He’s used to the heat.
26: Is your OC a human or an animal? (or something else idk) 
He’s....a human........ despite all signs to the contrary
27: What languages does your OC speak?
All of them. Literally all of them. 
28: Does your OC like anime?
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29: Can your OC swim?
Ha ha ha! His element is literally water. He can swim nonstop for days. He’s fine in the water.
30: What does your OC choose to do about the, er, hair down there?
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31: Does your OC believe in fairies? 
Doesn’t need to believe in them. He’s interacted with them. 
32: Did your OC go to college? What did they major in?
He might have gone to college once or twice over the years? I think before all the bad shenanigans started, he did get a degree in Financing, I believe. But the documentation of all that stuff is long gone, so there’s nothing to formally say he was ever educated in any way. Anyhow, for Atumu, it’s not like he could gain much more imperical knowledge from additional schooling. He might be able to gain some social skills though? Haha, lord knows he needs that.
33: Are your OCs parents dead? 
Hella dead. They been dead for thousands of years.
34: Is your OC religious?
Kind of? His brother is kind of...God.... But also there are a lot of canonical gods that also run the universe and beyond - but you don’t need to believe in them. They’re just. Around. He does believe his brother is his God though.
35: How flexible is your OC?
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36: What turns your OC on?
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37: What was your OCs first word?
gosh idk. I don’t think anyone was there to take note.
38: Does your OC have any pets?
Does his little brother count?
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39: Who is your OCs biggest enemy?
Not necessarily enemy but let’s see. Atamu is currently the self-declared mortal enemy? Just hates Tumu with a burning passion of a thousand suns. But the anger and hatred is unreciprocated. Yumi is his clone whose purpose was to kill and replace him.. originally. He’s since let that objective go, and they’re pretty good bros now. Real enemies/bad guys in the story might be the President (though he’s just hungry for knowledge and not necessarily evil... he’s just kind of evil). Governments in general seem to be the biggest enemy of Atumu and the gang, as they are the source of most of their woes.
40: What is the craziest thing your OC has done?
UM... WELL. Take a fucking pick.
He’s been strung to a helicopter by a rubber band. He’s been a lawyer against his own brother (my fave arc of his actually). He has gone through an entire junkyard trying to find the pieces of a Portuguese robot version of his brother. He’s been the mate of a nest of nagas. He’s been vivisected (oh boy yeah, forgot about that one). He’s been experimented on by multiple governments...multiple times. He’s made coconut ice cream (wild, I know).
He’s got lots of adventures, so take a fuckin pick, babes.
41: What is your OCs motto about life?
“How can I be of use?”
42: Does your OC drink coffee or tea?
He’ll drink whatever you give him, but he prefers water.
43: Who is your OCs biggest hero?
I don’t think he looks up to anyone (haha physically he can’t really - geddit - cuz he’s a giant).
44: What color eyes does your OC have?
Super green.
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45: Does your OC like reading?
Not sure if he likes it so much. He doesn’t really read for pleasure. He’s pretty well read though. Knows them encyclopaedias and dictionaries and science and math textbooks cover to cover. That good reading.
46: Is your OC loyal?
Would die for you. Has died for you already probably.
47: Does your OC tolerate violence?
48: What social class is your OC from?
He’s a slave... but like. He could’ve been king. He could’ve been God. Probably should’ve been God.
49: What country was your OC born in?
50: Does your OC cry easily?
Nah. Seldom if ever.
51: What is your OCs favorite genre of music?
He doesn’t know too much about music nowadays. But he’s pretty good with like. Instruments. That you can play. With your hands or mouth, you know. Doesn’t know much about synthesizers or electronic stuff or fancy cool effects.
52: How does your OC feel about insects?
He’s alright with them? They’re a good source of protein?
53: What is your OCs sexual orientation?
He’s sexually oriented away.
54: Does your OC smoke?
Used to? It’s been several hundred years, I feel like, since he’s had a smoke. But he’s not opposed to smoking. Just never really gets the chance.
55: What gender is your OC?
56: What kind of clothes does your OC wear?
He’ll wear anything he comes across. Anything you give him to wear. He doesn’t really know what’s “with the times” though. So even though he might feel embarrassed wearing some stuff, he’ll trust you if you tell him that it’s a normal thing for him to wear.
But given the choice, he likes really to wear loose fitting comfortable clothes cuz he doesn’t really have clothes his size. If he could get well fit formal clothes, he does like that.
57: Would you call your OC adventurous? 
Dude, all he does is go on adventures. Idk if this means he’s brave or like? Willing to go on adventures? Nah, it’s just...he kind of has to. Some people choose adventure. Some have adventure thrust upon them. Atumu is the latter.
58: Is your OC introverted or extroverted?
He’s an ambivert? He won’t try too hard to put himself out there socially, esp because he’s pretty socially clueless. But also he doesn’t really have social anxiety at all, so if he’s not talking, it’s not because he’s shy or nervous. He’s just... there’s no reason he needs to approach you.
59: What is the first thing that someone would notice about your OC?
His height? His physique? And then probably his eyes - they’re hard not to notice.
60: Does your OC enjoy nature?
He sure spends a lot of time in it... spending months walking through deserts... weeks in tundras... some days in rain forests... 
Lastly: in Arabic - اتومو
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bucketofchum · 8 years
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Since I was in the mood for redraws, I figure I’d do this one of Atumu from before I had figured out a design for him. I cut Micky out of the redraw cuz I didn’t feel like drawing a 4 year old ninja. (Story under the cut, I guess - warning more old art)
Basically Atumu was captured by government officials because he and his family are perpetual Persons of Interest due to their very strange abilities. So they managed to punch little trackers into their necks - basically like agetting a chunk of a knitting needle stabbed into your neck, embedded through muscle tissue and into the bone with some organic growth connecting to nerves on it so it isn’t so easily removed. Fortunately, Atumu is rescued from his kidnappers...by another kidnapper. Mickey is an actual baby ninja (he’s 4 years old) who is kind of mysterious and doesn’t give much background to Atumu but we find out later he’s employed by one of the clones. 
There’s a high speed action packed chase scene with an invisible helicopter and government choppers, but Mickey is prepared for it. He’s trained all his 4 years for this. He asks Atumu if he’s got a belt (of course he does - none of Atumu’s clothes fit), so Mickey clips a rope around Atumu’s belt, not realising that the belt is literally just an elastic scrunchie...
So up, up, and away Mickey and Atumu go, with Atumu trying desperately to keep both his pants on his body and his body on the rope attaching both Mickey and him to the helicopter. (Mickey has a lot of faith in Atumu’s upper body strength or else has a lot of faith in the elastic around Atumu’s waist...or he knows something he’s not telling us.)
They try to lose the government helicopters but can’t seem to, and that’s when Mickey realises Atumu must have a tracker on him. Sure enough, he finds the little black pinprick looking thin on the side of Atumu’s neck, so now he’s gotta find a way to get rid of it. He has the chopper drop them in a small dark alley while his invisible helicopter turns visible to be a temporary distraction.
In a dilapidated building, one of Mickey’s connections waits - it’s an unlicensed doctor ready to remove the tracker from Atumu. They don’t realise until they are operating that anesthesia doesn’t work on Atumu (it’s okay anyway because he has a very high pain tolerance and doesn’t seem to be raising much fuss about them literally boring a hole through his flesh and bone). He’s still asking questions, so clearly he’s not passing out with pain either. 
Their chopper gone, they have to go underground, with perfect timing, too, because by now the government lackies have followed the device to the dilapidated building.
Through a seemingly normal manhole in a very unnatural location, they end up in a tiny little submarine (looks like it could fit 3 ...maybe 4.....toddlers. Mickey folds Atumu’s gangly body into there, and it’s a cramped and uncomfortable ride deep underwater...
and I don’t feel like writing what happens next cuz it’s a pretty long saga and I feel like I’ve rambled enough. Congrats if you got this far.
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bucketofchum · 8 years
Had a dream in Atumu’s perspective. It gets weird.
-running around pool trying to hide (running around and/or jumping in and swimming - either way he was very close and about to catch up) -ran out of the area, hid behind some curtains (was very easily found but by an enemy who wasn’t quite an enemy?) - helped me hide under a pile of thick sheets “You may not be a good person but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is if you can make a positive impact on people’s lives before you die, which you have - so your life is worth saving.” he leaves and I stay hidden under the layers of covers, but apparently it’s not enough - feeling of being doused in gasoline and lit on fire Not dying -> revived? Guessing revived so that I can feel the pain of being burned alive without the relief of dying. Essentially prolonged torture? - feeling of a hole being drilled into my neck. It’s to embed a metal rod/bead (for some reason this is a very familiar feeling and it is very distressing) - he shoves a vacuum cleaner like tube down m'y throat by it is expelling air instead of sucking air out.  ??? Is this a form of torture or is he trying to give me air since I am no longer capable of breathing in my own? (Incapable of inhaling) - Too much air - chest has physically expanded and it is painful - sternum and ribs strained and chest is like a tight balloon.  I manage to pull the tube out and he lets me. It seems like he’s trying to save me and not kill me? Confusion. But now I’m realizing I am incapable of breathing on my own and I will have to rely on shoving an air power hose down my throat and forcibly fill my lungs with air - an extremely uncomfortable and moderately painful process. It becomes less painful as air slowly releases from my mouth and from the rod in my throat. My chest is like a balloon that someone is very very very slowly letting the air out of. (I’m also incapable of exhaling - air just slowly leaks out of my mouth and hole in my throat as my chest compresses) - My killer/reviver is upset when he makes another attempt to fill my lungs and I push the air hose away. ("Do you want to die this way after I went through all that effort to save you?" ???? That makes no sense. Didn't he just spend the past half hour chasing me to kill me...? but now he is trying to keep me alive and I don’t know why) - My chest can’t take another round of air like the first. It’s still deflating slowly. - When my lungs are empty and my chest is concave from the vacuum of air that is now in my body (feels like my chest is being crushed by a compactor), I take the air hose and only take in a little air. The feeling is something like trying to breathe through a straw -  feels like that’s how much oxygen I have in my body (my head is faint from lack of air) but it is much better than feeling like my chest was about to burst. I figure I will need to repeatedly do this to stay alive. - (I’m imagining life with a air tank strapped to my back as I constantly have to puff air into my body - like some sort of messed up darth vader) I have to explain myself to the guy [that I’m not trying to kill myself via asphyxiation] and all I manage is “Chest - air. Too much” and he spends a good while mocking me for my bad English. “You’ve been on this earth for what, 5,000 years and yet your English is so simple” Comic/animation frames showing scenes where I am only able to speak in disjointed fragments to provide evidence of my bad English, and I’m led to question my communication skills. For some reason it’s not excuse that I am not physically able to control my lungs but I should still be able to articulate myself eloquently in any language. I feel terrible about it.
Then I wake up
Also before everything: banned from Whole Foods a few years back prior to my exile? and there is a daily 11pm PSA about how dangerous I am + untrue slander and scare tactic propaganda I was being hidden by a friend but she kept hurting me? She had a reason for causing me pain but I don’t remember what her purpose was. She kept stabbing me with pins and saying that I would do the same to her but I definitely wouldn’t? She had a good laugh about the untrue slander and it’s more funny than upsetting but it’s still pretty upsetting because that is the remaining image of me that people have after I fought for their rights and was consequently exiled? There were also classrooms and a janitor idk.
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