#in the anglosphere
srvphm · 1 year
not a doomer cause I think there’s no way to improve things somehow but a doomer cause the people sounding the alarm the loudest aren’t heard while the ones with enough privilege to boost them are holding group meetings about how small scale actions like protests are meaningless and we need to form a coalescent party but really they’re all waiting for “the revolution” like it’s gonna materialize out of thin air in the next few years and nothing is done
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ladamedusoif · 4 months
Permission to be a nerdy expert and deeply thirsty for two minutes.
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I am begging - begging - fashion writers et al to realise that “Victorian” is a specific time period and place, not an entire century. And if you must insist on the Darcy comparison (about which more anon), then recognise that Pride and Prejudice was published in 1813, aka the Georgian/Regency period. (Victoria wouldn’t become queen for almost two decades.)
And that being said: I stand by my read of the whole look being far more 1830s European Romantic.
Now that I’ve got my nerdy twitching out of the way: I would like to hear more about the whole “making a shirt that’s nicely oversized and designed to be opened like that” design process please and thank you. 😘
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philgbtqochs · 7 months
We know tumblr is dominated by the anglosphere, but how is it distributed between its core countries?
"The five core countries of the Anglosphere are usually taken to be Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries enjoy close cultural and diplomatic links with one another and are aligned under military and security programmes." (Wikipedia)
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Reblog for bigger sample-size. I'm really curious about this!
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canisalbus · 7 months
As someone whose entire extended family lives in Sicily irl and they're all super catholic i am delighted by Machete's place of origin??? I literally feel like that meme with the anime girl that's like "(Location) mentioned!!!" anytime it comes up lol
Anyways I love reading OC lore so your blog is always a treat 😎
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vox-anglosphere · 6 months
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A tender good-night to my British friends & followers. Here's to a Happy New Year of peace & prosperity throughout the Anglosphere.
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prussianmemes · 6 months
the glassy eyed 1000 yard western euro stare you get when you tell the people sitting in you and your visibly ill girlfriend's seats that they're in your reserved seats and they go "ach... ja but your reservation is not written here there is no r-"
excuse me you germano-frankish beady eyed cocksucker, we're on a čd train and my čd ticket shows us as having these seats, and your rootless ugly white and black deutschebahn fart app doesn't even have seat reservations because despite your national stereotype you have the same organization and respect for order a gypsy does.
don't give me your "mon dieu et iz not written here" - the train is chronically overcrowded because your third world national rail company can't book properly, you've been sitting for 3 hours from shitggart and have only been looking at your insta stories while pretending to study pierre von shittenlips. i have a visibly ill and weak passenger with me but beyond the former iron curtain, despite your supposed cosmopolitan love for all, you're like the rats in the paradise experiment who actually just viciously serve themselves first above all.
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and the nerve to snicker and chat amongst yourselves once we get off... after very clearly sitting in our seats...: TOTAL WEST EURO CONTINENTAL DEATH.....
i believe now in celto-slavic racial superiority
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zhengzi · 12 days
the most recent game changer episode was a good reminder for me that my obsession with comedy is actually niche and most people out there don't share my reference pool
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The most illustrative example of how being conscious of a social dynamic is not sufficient to make you immune to it is how many people talking about "overcoming culturally Christian social conditioning" talk about Cultural Christianity like it's a subspecies of Original Sin.
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safije · 3 months
White privilege is when a person of color gets made fun of for speaking broken English while a white guy gets praised for speaking a few basic sentences in any non-European language.
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ranticore · 3 months
may i ask what your academic background is? did you or do you study biology/anthropology/related subjects? i'm really curious as to how you got to such a degree of specificity in the anatomy and culture side of your world-building!! it's really inspiring!
marine & freshwater ecology with also some years in veterinary (though i never worked in the field beyond mandatory internships, knew it wasn't for me). always loved anatomy & physiology, when i was in my veterinary course i did an elective on human anatomy for radiography and it was sooo cool. i mostly work with invertebrates now :)
as for anthropology?? i know jack shit really aside from what i've picked up through osmosis over the years and a single semester of elective forensic anthropology & primatology, which nearly exclusively focused on arranging skeletons into anatomical order in a lab and learning about human evolution before Homo sapiens. culture i just have fun with, it's the thing that has the most potential to build a fascinating setting imo, moreso than very complex or unique alien body plans or knowing what exact gases comprise an atmosphere (obligatory ymmv statement)
i've used Siren as a sort of testbed for any random idea for a culture i've ever had and thrown them all in together because it's a whole planet, so it has the diversity of a whole planet. It's why I prefer to group people based on where they're from rather than what body plan they have. The rest follows; say I have fifty different pelagic villages across the whole world, that means fifty different cultures with their own specific beliefs, building styles, communication styles, attitudes towards relationships, etc, and yes fifty different languages, but all of these are informed by the specific pressures of living underwater. a phocid from a spiral pelagic village might think the cultural practices of a phocid from an eastern pelagic village are alien and strange (and in fact they do; some of the eastern villages have active monarchies which would be all but inconceivable to anyone from the west in this time period), but a spiral phocid and a spiral shortwing would have a lot in common.
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thecruellestmonth · 4 months
Many moons ago when I was a kiddie and I saw Under the Red Hood for the first time, I turned to my mom during the credits and asked her if she'd want me to avenge her if she ever got murdered.
And of course I was fishing for an answer like, "Nooo, I want what's best for you, of course I'd want you to find peace."
But her expression got all dark and she said, "Yes. Avenge me."
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lesbianchemicalplant · 5 months
anyone who has studied math in a language other than english: is there a word in that language that's equivalent to the mathematical sense of “degenerate” / “degeneracy” but without the nazi associations?
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winxwiki · 6 months
Winx Club is the equivalent of the renaissance of magical girls.
After Sailor Moon, in Japan and overseas we got a lot of MG shows from 1996-2003 but none of them left a comparable impact (except for Doremi and Tokyo Mew Mew and only outside the anglosphere). Winx Club was the second coming of Christ worldwide. A phenomenon that Precure did not manage to repeat on the same scale outside Japan (where was it successful in the WHOLE west? Italy again).
Made by italian queer artists under a catholic director. Just like real renaissance art historically. Bloom is Magical Girl Jesus. Isn't it poetic
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canisalbus · 7 months
Vasco seems like a honeycomb (candy) type of guy tbh
Never heard of it before, but it looks nice. Apparently it's really easy to make at home as well? Is it good?? The texture seems interesting.
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vox-anglosphere · 6 months
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Oriel windows project from the upper storey of this Tudor mansion
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vinlandmapper · 2 months
George Chadington American Revolution meme
Template creator: Noonenator on CapCut
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