#in the dark cw
cloveroctobers · 2 years
RIO/MANNY x black! Reader | October Prompts!
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A/N: andddd we’re back! Back at it again with some spooky content for you. We love writing for Rio/Manny so I thought why not? Also threw another handsome man into the mix…so we’ll see how this works out! Shall we?
Prompt: #2. “Trust no one tonight.” + #4. “The house is not haunted.”
Synopsis: Rio/Manny warns you to be careful tonight and suddenly the house feels a lot bigger and creepier without him there. So you invite over a new friend you made to mainly keep you company but to show them that your mind is not playing tricks on you.
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“Trust no one tonight,” Manny’s voice tells you as you’re standing in the kitchen, hand deep into a chip bag.
Instantly a frown appeared on your face, “and what do you mean by that, Manny?”
It was mostly silent on his side of the line until you heard the acceleration of his engine before he basically ignored you, “where’s my girl?”
“You’re talking to her.”
Manny chuckled on the other line, “oh so you love me again?”
You scowled putting the phone on speaker and tossing it onto the island. It’s been five months since you brought up the idea of separation but not a divorce. Manny was your husband of eight years but the danger of his lifestyle started to become unsettling to you. Of course you were loyal, he could never say you weren’t but having him brush off the fact that he was almost burned alive scared you. He had to come clean to his Mayan Charter, that he was part of something much bigger than they knew.
Which brought on higher demands and not seeing him at all. The two of you shared a four year old and if you had to raise her yourself, you would. You preferred not to but Manny made that hard and he didn’t like you questioning him. He just expected you to, “trust the process.” He would do anything for the both of you, the two of you were his entire world and he was involved in a lifestyle that could hand him his death sentence any day. He was down for the cause and providing for his family was his number one goal.
“I never stopped loving you,” you sighed, “don’t get on my nerves Manny. What’s up?”
Manny answered, “ez’s supply got burned to a crisp so he came to myself and Mick to make a trip over the border. Let’s just say, shit went left over there and you know I don’t flee from much.”
This was true and frustrating. You didn’t need to know every detail of your man’s business but just the basics. Things like this? You needed to know. When Manny provided vague sentences and started questioning about your daughter’s whereabouts and whenever he mentioned those fucking Reyes brothers—you had questions.
Manny knew how to be strategic so if anything took a turn, he was quick on his feet to handle it. That you knew. The secret was out that Manny had his own connections and could supply what was needed. Miguel Galindo was hiding in the shadows so someone had to take over but that was not how Manny originally wanted to play it. So you left the raised ranch in Santo padre to a mid-century home out in Palm Springs, away from everyone and almost everything.
“Which is why I’m asking, where’s Maeve?”
“She’s with her aunt and uncle for the weekend remember?” You replied, “they wanted to take her and the twins to the theme park with those tickets you gave them for their birthday.”
Your younger siblings were roommates in a shared town home out in San Diego and often took Maeve to spend time with your brother’s kids. You had plans to enroll Maeve into a private school next year but would strongly consider homeschooling if Manny’s profession got significantly worse.
“Mmm, I’ll get mick on that.”
Widening your eyes you said, “damn, that bad huh?”
“Yeah, kinda. Don’t worry about it too much, mama.” Manny answered, “I’m on my way back but I don’t recommend leaving the house once nightfall comes through. Shut everything down the minute the sunsets you hear me?”
Puffing out a breath you scowled, “what if I had plans now that Maeve is with my sibs?”
“That’s cancelled, I thought that was obvious.” He chuckled.
Your eyes were rolling. It’s not like you did have plans exactly this weekend, it was supposed to be a chill one but the fact of the matter is: you could have had plans and things often have to be rearranged due to Manny’s surroundings.
“Mama?” He pressed.
“Yes. I know. Operation lockdown by 6pm until otherwise stated.”
“Trust no one.”
You repeated, “And trust no one.”
Just like that you were off the phone with a long sigh and a childish stomp of your feet. Everything from this point on was a routine: checking the time, checking the fridge for leftovers, putting some tunes on by voice command, and ran your bath water as you stripped, sitting in your bra and panties while you scrolled Twitter.
A gush of warm-like air brushed against your kitchen, almost as if someone was breathing right behind you as you sat on your bed. You whipped around, eyes scanning the ceiling in search of the placement of the vent. Yes the central heat turned on minutes after you got off the phone with Manny. That was the reason why you decided to take a bath, turning it up slightly just to keep it warm while you bathed.
Most of the vents in the bedrooms were only on the floor and not the ceiling. Rubbing at the spot, you pushed off the bed to quickly enter the bathroom with a lock of the door. Settling into the bubble bath, you plucked the flute glass off the wooden tray and enjoyed your personal time to yourself. The worry of tonight went to the back of your mind as you dozed off for some time.
A quick yank by the tips of your exposed feet had you underwater. The gasping for air made you choke, hands gripping the sides of the tub while you felt pressure on your chest, holding you down. This couldn’t be a simple mistake of dozing off? Not when it felt like something cold and solid was keeping you in place between your breasts?!
Your lungs were burning for air until you were able to feel in control of your body again. Popping out of the water, you choked lounging onto the side of the tub, cheek and ankle resting along the cool edge. Coughing you quickly wiped the bubbles off your face, glancing down at your toes to see your big toe nail appeared to be bleeding along with a dark purple ring circling your ankle.
Once you gained the strength to pull yourself out onto the tile floor you fought to gain your breath back. A towel was eventually wrapped tightly around your body, water drained, gauze secured around your toe; with your phone pressed against your ear.
Manny now had ten missed calls.
Cautiously you found some clothes to throw on, leg bouncing as you sat on your bed. You locked yourself in the bathroom but didn’t feel safe there and now you were back in the bedroom and you didn’t a hundred percent feel safe there either.
That’s when you felt it again. Warm breath against the back of your neck followed by a sinister whisper, “Malachi.”
If you ever seen Tom and Jerry? You were Tom shooting up from your bed after that. Fumbling with the door knob, you did not look behind you as you hobbled down the hallway ordering your phone to call someone else instead.
Twenty minutes later you flung the front door open, revealing a new friend you made three months ago downtown named: Max Parish. The buzz haired man stared down at you as your eyes held complete fear in them.
“What’re you still doing in the house?” Max huffed as he took in the sight of you, barely dressed.
“I can’t exactly leave.”
Max sucked his teeth now stepping into the house, “Manny would just have to understand the circumstances especially if you said someone’s in the house.”
“I’m better off taking my chances here than whatever he’s got himself messed up in out there.” You argued.
Max eyed the house. This was his first time being over at your new upgrade and it didn’t feel like something you’d pick really. In your mind, you always felt like you were being watched here. It never felt like home, not like Detroit.
“The hell am I doing?” Max muttered to himself, “go wait in the car.”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m gonna scope the house out.” He raised his jacket, showing his piece tucked in his waist band, “make sure they get the message.”
Given Manny’s lifestyle outside of his family, of course he kept a gun in the house just in case. The sight of the gun attached to Max’s body wasn’t foreign to you yet you still found yourself taking a sharp inhale. You knew how to fire a gun and had a solid hand but unfortunately you did not have the pleasure of liking them. It made you uncomfortable to know that there was one in this house especially when Maeve was around. You were waiting any second for the feds to come searching the house, (you just had to think of the worse if it ever happened, something manny got on you about) although manny didn’t have anything to hide here.
“It’s not—it’s not a person.” You mumbled out as Max started moving.
He stopped in his tracks, “you said—
“I know what I said,” you exasperated, “there’s something in this house, Max.”
A small smile played on Max’s lips then, “something?” He echoed, “like what?”
“The fucking devil! I don’t know! All i know is, one minute I’m minding my black ass business and the next, I’m being drowned in the tub and someone’s screaming in my got damn ear.” You explained to Max who rubbed at his beard.
His laugh was full of disbelief as he shook his head. “I thought you said it was something not someone.” He teased.
“I’m not making this shit up! I’m really freaked out and I would handle it myself but you’re the closest thing I got when manny’s not answering his phone!” You attempted to pace in the entry way and that’s when Max took in your full appearance.
He missed the bandage around your foot and your coils were dripping down your oversized tee. The friendship between you and Max was not instant, you met at a cafe—which sure was cliché but you payed for his drink just for him to chase you and scold you about it on your way to your cosmetology course—which so happened to be in the same building as Max’s cooking course.
It was war from that point because there maybe some things that made you uncomfortable but you did not take well to someone talking to you crazy. Being yelled at was a trigger for you and you didn’t need some 6’5 man yelling at you for being kind. Max ended up apologizing to you the week after at the next class meeting, telling you that he was simply having a bad day since it was the anniversary of his fiancée’s passing. Again that had nothing to do with you, he acknowledged that and soon ended up buying your beverage every Thursday before class.
Somehow you built a friendship around that. When either of you called the other, most of the time you were jumping to each other’s aide but not without some shit talking first on the side.
“Wait,” Max ran a hand over his buzzed head, “you said manny wasn’t picking up his phone?”
“And did you talk to him before that?”
“Yes. He told me…not to trust anyone.” Your eyes were wide, “Oh my god, get out!” You ordered.
Max raised his brows as you began shoving him backwards but he barely budged. He gripped your hands trying to get you to calm down, figuring whatever manny put into your head before these events probably increased your paranoia. From what max learned about your relationship with manny, he personally didn’t care much for him although he’s never met him, Max just felt like Manny didn’t have his priorities straight when it came to you or his child.
He kept that to himself though.
Once Max got a hold of your face, he turned your head to the side by your jaw, catching the red liquid that slid out the side of your ear.
Okay…that was concerning.
“Whatever you’re thinking had nothing to do with me. I promise,” Max gently spoke, “but could it be manny playing a trick on you?”
“No.” You shook your head, “why would he do that?”
“I don’t know.” Max lifted his shoulders, eyes glancing around this Brady bunch ass house, “you tell me.”
“He’s coming back from Mexico tonight…i assume with the Yuma and Santo Padre charter. I don’t know who stayed back but he knows I don’t care to have them around me—even if it’s for his idea of protection. The only one I trust is Mick and Manny said he was sending him off to Maeve…but why isn’t he answering his phone?” You thought out-loud.
Max hummed as he let go of your face, surveying the house once more. It was quiet, much like you would expect a home in the desert with a Mountain View to be. Perhaps it was a figment of your imagination after Manny caused you to be on alert? Majority of the time you were a homebody, if you weren’t with your daughter you’d invite a friend or two over but most of the time you were alone and without your husband.
Your eyes were in slits as you peered at your friend.
“The house is not haunted.” Max stated, “your husband set your anxiety off…if he’s not lurking in the basement or something.”
Crossing your arms you still felt upset, “I don’t think we have a basement and I didn’t do this to myself.”
Max was no therapist and it’s not like he thought you needed one or anything! It’s just it’s always a possibility when you have a lot going on in your life right? He didn’t want to say anything to make you feel worse so he inhaled.
“Okay then, shut the door. Let me check for you.” Max instructed as you swallowed the lump in your throat, first checking the time on your phone and slamming the door shut.
The man lifted a brow as you walked by him to the hallway. Slowly he followed you to see you reaching for the side of what appeared to be a abstract painting, which slid to the side at your touch. Max was in awe as the wall proceeded with the same movement, revealing a panel behind it. Your fingers flew over the monitor, punching in some numbers before you pulled the switch into a downwards position.
‘Lockdown activated.’ Flashed in bright text before the clinging of metal followed.
Max’s head turned towards the front, noticing the windows becoming dark followed by the front door clinking with more locks.
“This manny’s work too?”
“Anything for his family.” You were quiet now as you went into the kitchen before calling out, “audio off.”
Which cut off some The Mamas and The Papa’s song he was sure his red headed aunt listened to when she was growing up. Max didn’t pick up on the music playing until he realized how dejected you appeared.
“Anything for his family? Yet he’s not answering your calls? Eh, I don’t know. Something doesn’t feel right here.”
“Max,” you started pinching the space in between your brows, “the first thing I would want him to do is go to our daughter. If I’m in trouble, I’d figure it out.”
“He’s got you trained then.” Max sarcastically said, “yet I’m here and he’s not.”
Glared you hissed, “maybe I want the spirits to get your ass first just to give me enough time to get out here, did you ever think about that?”
“So a set up is it?” Max was smug, “you just put us in lockdown which means no one in and no one out. Sounds like you just killed us both dont you think?”
“I’m…really starting to hate men who’s names start with the letter ‘m.’”
“Aw, thank you, babe.” Max placed his hand on his chest mockingly while you fanned your hand at him.
Leaning against the island, you rocked back and forth slightly looking around. “You really don’t think this place is haunted?”
“I’ve seen a lot in my life but there’s only one way to find out.” Max declared, “I’ll check the place out now…since I don’t really have a choice now that you locked me in here with you. Thanks for the option by the way.”
“Oh, You’re welcome sweetie.” You gave a small smile.
Max scoffed with a shake of his head, “don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”
“And if you don’t?”
“Well…it was fun while it lasted.”
“I’m kidding! Just relax, finish your merlot…better yet, don’t.” Max had his eyes elsewhere as he slowly began to creep around the house and out of your sight.
Once max was gone you stared at the bottle, gripping it, taking a sip before you shoved it into the fridge with a sigh.
The house still didn’t feel as comforting even with max being here with you. Not only did it not feel like home but it always felt eerie, too long and separate from what a house should be. You didn’t get a say when Manny just uplifted you and Maeve to this house. Marriage was supposed to be about a partnership yet most of the time you felt like it was you on your own.
Everything felt like it was always on his terms and in a sense it made you think of “Rio” more than anything. Christopher changed his name and his image once he decided California would be your next move. You didn’t mind the move much since that meant being closer to your siblings…however there was a contrast to this ordeal; not just in the exterior of your relationship but also what should have felt like the inside of a home was anything but.
He was supposed to be that.
Which is why you brought up separation. To test Manny, to see if he rather work on this marriage or continue diving into his job. You were understanding for years! His life was constantly on the line and you were stuck always watching from the sidelines. He could never leave this life, it’s been this way since he was a teenager. Since you learned about his previous relationship, the one that mattered, before you.
You gotta go where you wanna go
Do what you wanna do
With whoever you wanna do it with
The distortion of the previous track began to play throughout the house, making you sit up straight at the bar stool.
“The hell? Audio off.” You called out just for the track to continue on with its chopped and screwed version.
Babe, you gotta go where you wanna go
Do what you wanna do
With whoever you wanna do it with
“Isla?” Max called out to you, making you snap your head to look at Max being led into the kitchen by a gun.
Hoping off the chair you winced at the pressure and gripped the island for support, “Manny?! What’re you doing?”
“I thought I made it pretty clear not to trust nobody tonight, mama.” Manny’s smooth voice was leveled as he looked at you, “Just to my surprise, you have some dude who prolly goes to Coachella to sniff coke off some girl’s asscrack, up in our house.”
Max gave the 6’1 man the side eye, “that’s very specific and judgmental of you.”
“I advise you to stop trying to talk to me before I split your shit forward.”
Max widened his eyes at you, wondering when you were going to step in. He could definitely say he personally wasn’t a fan of your husband after this.
“Okay none of that!” You yelled over the music.
Manny glanced around and it was his voice this time to say, “audio off.”
Which shut the music completely off.
Now ain’t that some shit?
“Manny…you better start talking.”
Manny grinned at you but it was anything but sweet. He nodded his head at you, “you want to start making demands when I’m just trying to have your best interest at heart tonight? What about mine? Who the fuck is this?”
“Max is my friend.” You blinked, “are you seriously threatening his life in front of me now to prove what exactly? Never mind that, let’s discuss why you didn’t answer your damn phone when I needed you huh?!”
Manny licked his lips, “I got caught up, my phone was acting up the second I got back in town like I knew it would. I got here as fast as I could…so mind telling me what’s going on?”
“That sounds like bullshit, honestly.” Max commented just for Manny to take the butt of the gun and jam it at the back of Max’s skull.
You yelped as Max dropped to his knees, groaning as he did so. Your eyes were wide as Manny smirked to himself, surveying the larger man on his kitchen floor.
“I don’t think I asked for your opinion, Coachella.”
Shaking your head you stepped forward to check on your friend but the look Manny sent you made you pause. “Max, you okay?” You asked, eyes still set on your husband who crossed his arms.
Max continued groaning, “I’ve dealt with worse. Just give me a second.”
“Ooo,” Manny nodded his head impressed, “Coachella’s got bravery which is the only explanation I can think of to why you’re entertaining him behind my back.”
Scoffing you looked away in incredulity and held up your hands. “First I thought it was me losing my sanity here but I’m convinced it’s your stupid ass!”
“Want to run that by me again, mama?” Manny stepped over Max who now laid on his back, staring up at the ceiling, dazed.
You also stepped to Manny, making your heated eyes meet his. Toe to toe you said, “I didn’t fucking stutter. Separation does not mean I suddenly went screwing other men, making you sleep in the other room does not mean I’m screwing other men. I wouldn’t do that to us. let me make this clear and final to you, I’m not screwing Max. I’m allowed to have male friends.”
“I don’t have female friends because I respect this marriage too much. I expect you to do the same…I know how jealous it makes you to see me with another so I don’t.” Manny shrugged his shoulders as if he was doing you a damn favor.
“Jealous?! Uh, no.” You pointed at him almost laughing in his face, “you don’t get to stand here and insult me. You certainly do and the difference is I trust you! I trust you to put them in their place if they ever take it there.”
“I have colleagues that are women, doesn’t exactly make them my friends.” Manny informed you, slits in his eyes while you just closed your own with a slow shake of your head.
Manny even went as far to curl a finger around one of your damp coils. He studied your face while you tried to get your thoughts together. He loved when you said your peace because that let him know you had a mind of your own, even if it pissed him off a good percentage of the time. It wasn’t about who was right or wrong, it was about who had the last word and who stood by it.
Take that how you will.
“Guys,” Max had been moaning for quite some time, almost missable as you pressed your forehead against Manny’s chin.
“What’s going on in the pretty head of yours, Hm? What happened?” Manny lightly caressed the back of your neck, squeezing and massaging the tension there.
That’s when your eyes met his again, “you need to be honest and tell me what else you’re hiding?”
He frowned.
“GUYS!” Max yelled just as his own body was lifted into the air by his feet and flung over their heads into the hallway.
Both you and Manny watched in horror as the man’s body left a dent in the wall before he fell into unconsciousness. The lights began to automatically flicker on and off along with the music playing again. Protectively Manny gripped your shoulders bringing you into his frame, pointing the glock into the air—not seeing anything to shoot at.
“We have to get to the basement.” Manny suggested.
“What? We have a basement?”
“It’s the safest for us.” He spun you by the hips, hand slipping down your arm to tighten his hand against yours and leading you through the house.
“Max,” you whispered, “we can’t just leave him.”
“Yes we can,” Manny almost smacked his lips, “as long as he’s out, she won’t get him.”
“C’mon, Isla.” Manny pulled on your arm as he led you towards the bedrooms, “or do you want her playing tennis with your body like she did max?”
Well that wasn’t funny. At least not now.
Cautiously you decided to look over your shoulder, seeing Max’s limb peeking out from behind the wall. And what did you do that for? You saw her dressed as if she was from a different decade standing over Max’s body. A gray hand pressed onto the side of the wall, long sickly fingers and black sharp nails. Her face appeared around the wall, peeking right at you, what could have been a beautiful face turned horrid.
Her jaw was down too low, eyes also black with no pupil as she screamed at you before she began floating towards you. The evoked a scream out of you but as soon as it left your lips you felt Manny yank on your arm once more, followed by him shoving you up behind a door, hand clasped over your mouth.
“Sssh,” he coached you, eyes drifting from your frightened stare as he looked at the door listening to what sounded like the clicking of heels.
“Malachi,” the woman in white called.
Which made you clench your eyes shut just as Manny carefully locked the door to your daughter’s bedroom. Keeping a finger to his lips, he guided you away from the door, taking slow steps back to the spacious closet. Sliding the barn door closed behind you, Manny went to the old diaper changing station that stood in the center of the closet. His hands went underneath it, pressing on something that slid the clothes on the rack out of the way.
With the gun he trailed it along the wall, making a symbol. Something you saw once at his grandmother’s house back in Detroit, a family crescent that was also tattooed somewhere on his back. The wall began to move, revealing a large safe. Manny tucked the gun into his waist band and quickly latched onto the handles, twisting and turning before it popped open.
He didn’t look back at you, holding his hand out and expecting you to grab it. You held your head back, staring up at the ceiling, making a silent prayer as your fingers found your husband’s. He led the way, stepping over and into the safe and helping you in as you did so. He closed the safe behind you, locking it with a scanner that went over his right eye.
You waited as he led the way, lights turning on at each step. The tunnel was cold, and illuminated in brown lighting as he led the way to the unknown.
Finding yourself sitting on a cozy tan couch in what appeared to be a control room, you sat as Manny brought you some warm apple cider in a mug you were looking for since you left Detroit. You hated warm apple cider and yet Manny came with a scooper dropping a few ice cubes into your mug. A small smile played on your lips as you stirred the beverage with a spoon before placing it on a side table near you.
“Might as well get comfortable down here, we’ll be here at least until dawn.” Manny mentioned, crouched over a control system that suddenly lit up, showing screens of the house.
He then picked up a walkie and connected it, “Mick? Maeve and Isla’s family good?”
“They’re fine.” Mick responded after some time, “they’re all having dinner.”
Your stomach rumbled at the thought. You were really looking forward to the leftover oxtail rasta pasta in the fridge. However your body was saying you were hungry but your mind was elsewhere.
“What about yall?” Mick asked.
Manny glanced over at you resting your head back on the couch, arms folded.
“We’re good…” Manny started, “first time actually seeing her tonight.”
“Word. I’ll talk to you in a bit, brother.”
Manny pulled his lips into his mouth, dropping his head a bit as he realized he had some explaining to do. Standing up he made his way over to you, plopping down so that your thighs were brushing.
“C’mere.” Manny attempted to scoop a arm across your shoulders.
You shoved him away by the chest, “no, fuck that. Start talking.”
Manny exhaled through his nostrils, tightening his jaw before he rubbed his hands against his pants, going to rest his elbows against his knees.
“You’re not going to like what I’m about to say.”
You were silent but did not falter your gaze from the side of Manny’s face.
“This house is one of the only houses in the states that belonged to my family for centuries.” Manny started, “Nick was the one to get it remodeled but I outbid him on purchasing it. Which pissed him off in the end.” He was smirking making you want to slap it right off his gorgeous face.
So you opted for shoving his knee.
He cleared his throat, “I knew we would need a place to stay once it got out to the charter that I wasn’t one hundred percent who I said I was. It was perfect at the time, secluded and away from everybody. I’m shocked homeboy even managed to get here…you know once you get to this area things start to malfunction. There’s a reason for that.”
You held your breath.
“It’s her doing.” Manny continued, “my great great great—however many great aunt who keeps calling for someone named Malachi? Which is her son, lived and died here many years ago. It was brutal.”
Your crossed legs on the floor began to wiggle now, finger pressed to your temple. Manny picked up on this, reaching for your injured foot to rest across his lap as he sighed.
“This was only supposed to be a temporary spot! A month or two tops and we would be out of here, move somewhere else or build a place someplace else. It didn’t register that it’s the anniversary of what happened to them here.” Manny told you while you glared at him.
There was so much he was still leaving out.
“You must have had so much on your mind that you also forgot to mention to your wife that you wanted to move her and your four year old to the land of the damned?” You hissed.
Manny took your words with a grain of salt, “I didn’t know things would go this far. No one told me she would be a vengeful spirit. Like I said, it was only supposed to be a couple of weeks.”
“How did she die? What happened to her and the baby, Malachi?”
“…they accused her of being a undercover witch after she decided to leave the convent back in Mexico. She had miraculously became pregnant before with a boy she decided to name Malachi, most of the sisters tried to help her and convince her to stay believing it was a blessing instead but the head nun shunned her due to the actions she did not commit. So she crossed the border, found a home, this home, gave birth, and settled. What started out as a new chapter soon found a bitter end.” Manny caressed your ankle which actually began to throb again.
Manny sniffed, “the head nun went around convincing others that my aunt was a witch…she was a real hater even after my aunt left. A religious cult that the head nun was cool with—thats ironic right? Located my aunt and stole the four month old baby boy and drowned him in the creek up the road.”
You felt nauseous at this. A hand going up to cover your mouth as you had to calm yourself down. It made better sense now, upsetting nonetheless but at least you were finally getting the basis of this house.
“I almost drowned earlier,” you said with shaky breath.
Manny sat up.
“That’s why I called you multiple times before I reached out to max. It was her, your aunt. She did that to me.” Your eyes stared down at your foot, “she’s looking for her baby.”
“Which they never found, only his blanket…the investigators only found her body hanging and badly burned.” Manny’s voice was low as he realized, “I’m so sorry, mama.”
And you knew he was.
Another thought occurred to you, “Is Maeve going to be safe?”
“As long as she’s nowhere near this house. I made sure Mick understood that.” Manny replied with a curt nod.
Some tension seemed to release from your body at this news. Manny brought your legs up to his lips, placing a kiss at the purplish bruise on your ankle. His hands then slipped up your thigh to rest there while he now tried to pull you into his lap.
This time you allowed it but you were still aggravated. There was already so much going on in your lives and now you just learned about a (rightfully) vengeful family member that you didn’t really want to meet.
“You should have told me,” you said as Manny locked his lands around your waist, “then I wouldn’t have gotten max involved.”
“fuck him though. Forget about Chef Boyardee,” Manny said from over your head making you jerk your head back, “spending all this time with my girl, my wife. I just hope you didn’t bring him around my daughter.”
“What did you say?”
“Which part?” Manny cleared his throat, sitting his body up straight with you still in his lap.
You gripped his face turning it to look right at you. And manny did but not without a side eye radiating from his long lashes.
“How did you know he’s in the culinary business?”
“I told you I got eyes everywhere,” manny boldly notified.
“Manny you got three seconds to stop playing with me before I call Malachi my damn self.” You warned.
Manny held his hands out with a quirk of his thick brows, “oh excellent idea, mama. I’ve been ready to empty out the clip again, it’s been a few hours actually and since I was being generous and didn’t do that to max thanks to my friendliness with his aunt Melissa? I dare you.”
“You are deranged!” You yelled, “how are you friendly with his aunt Melissa?”
“You wanted Maeve in private school and I want her in public school. Did some digging on Max to find that the woman who raised him, his aunt on his deceased father’s side is a school teacher. Fascinating isn’t it?” Manny told you.
Getting off his lap you should have known. This was the man you married, the man who always had a plan. You were starting to wonder did you meet Max out of pure coincidence or was this all part of whatever game Manny was playing?
“…Does max work for you?”
“Nah,” Manny smirked, “you did that all on your own, sweetheart. but…he can if he wants to get that restaurant started.”
“Is that entity even real? Is anything real with you?”
Manny frowned as you felt like you wanted to start bawling. This was all becoming too much for you to handle and you’ve been holding on for so long.
“Hey now,” Manny crouched beside you as you held your face away from him, “of course it is. I don’t play with the dead…I usually dispose of ‘em—
“Oh fuck you!” You yelled getting to you feet, almost forgetting your injured toe as you crumpled to the carpet in front of the man you married, “this isn’t a joke anymore! This is my life and I’m not going to continue with you fucking it up!”
Cradling your foot, your toe began to bleed through the gauze. Breathing air through your teeth your eyes burned with tears as Manny moved around the room for the first aid kit. He sat on the edge of the couch, gripping your ankle to cater to your wound and you let him.
Laying back on the carpet, you bit down on your lip as tears slid down your cheeks with your arms folded.
“I did too much this time, huh?” Manny asked.
Huffing you nodded your head, “yeah…and I think I’m really done.”
He was just about to place a kiss on your ankle but your words stopped him.
“Whatchu say?”
Swallowing you looked up at him saying, “I want out. I want a divorce, Rio.”
The way you said his nickname with such venom on your tongue did not sit right with him. At all so he was on you then, catching you off guard as your breath got caught in your lungs. He was hovering over you now, hands on either side of the face as he peered down at you with those dark eyes.
“Are you threatening me right now, isla? At a time like this?” He trailed his nose along your cheek, making you turn your head away from him as he spoke into your ear, “you and I both know you’re not going nowhere. We love each other too much and we took vows to each other which means something in my book. I’ll be damned if I let this ruin us.”
He still didn’t get it.
“We’ll talk about it later.” Manny pulled away from you, rubbing at his mouth as the ceiling above you rattled, “we got bigger problems right now.”
His eyes were at the monitor as he helped you up.
“W-what now?” You cleared your throat.
Manny could see Max starting to wake up on one of the monitors, which was not a good thing—for him. Moving closer, Manny stared hard at each screen with you standing behind him in utter confusion.
He lifted his head in that moment, tilting it to the side as he placed a finger to his lips. He suddenly moved away from you, staring out into the hallway as the sound of creaking followed.
“We gotta go, now!”
“Go where?! I thought here was safe.”
“We gotta go lower, mama. Right now! There’s a elevator in the back of the room. We better get on that or else.” Manny ordered, quickly moving around as he snatched up the walkie and moved over to the wall to send the weapon station down below.
“Or else, what?!”
He came back to you as your heart began to race. Manny pecked your lips, gripping the sides of your neck, “that bitch is gonna flood this area up. She’ll drown us and contrary to your belief, I care about your well-being a ton, even if you don’t think I go about it right. Your ass is mine and I’m forever yours so unless you want to see a reenactment of the titanic…we gotta get the hell up outta here, you understand?”
“Isla?” Manny quizzed.
You held his stare before you slipped your hands in his again. This time Manny allowed you to lead the way to the gated elevator, his gaze elsewhere as water ran down the opposite hallway. It was your turn to yank the lanky man beside you, hands sliding the gate shut after him. Manny was mashing on the buttons, the old elevator suddenly dropping as waves of water began to flood the room you were just in.
Some water splashed into the elevator, the amount was like someone flicking water at you in the pool. Your eyes closed, thinking this was the end but found yourselves descending just in time, to someplace else with a man you thought you knew. 
⍣ ೋ ⍣ ೋ ⍣ ೋ ⍣ ೋ ⍣ ೋ ⍣ ೋ ⍣ ೋ ⍣
Continue along with my fall anthology prompts here
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
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People-people keep saying to me, "Oh, uh... God called him home." Well... God had nothing to do with this, and I'm pretty sure that if God does exist, he has enough people to hang out with. He did not need Max, too. I needed him.
In The Dark | S04EP13
(Base PSD by @hunterschafer )
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b-frank · 2 years
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that’s it. that’s their relationship. i love them
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mythoughtsxxblog · 2 years
In The Dark Series Finale
This show was so good and then they decided to fuck everything up in the last 2 episodes...I'm fuming. Fuck this show. Max deserved better than this shit. Why tf couldn't they just give him his normal life???? His damn lemon tree...honestly as much as I loved him and Murphy, I would've much rather watched him move to Canada and get that diner of his. Write him off that way...
I legit haven't bawled my eyes out like this over a tv character's death in a long time. It's funny cause I was wondering why this show didn't get picked up for another season, now I see why. Anyways, he's still alive. I refuse to accept otherwise.
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kaaramdadon · 2 years
Murphy and Max need to stop the games. They know they belong together.
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blueparadis · 9 months
when you sit on his lap, legs spread apart from each other, folded and glued along his thighs your dragon!boyfriend knows that it is time for some "instinct inspection" or as you like to put it but he knows that it will eventually end up being much more than that; it always does: either end up him getting hard when you are done or you hurt yourself spilling blood in drops. tsk, what a waste!
but today, it is going to be more than that. . .
"Say ahh," you would order, just like other days, before grazing your index finger against his fangs. At first, it does not grow, you just feel the sharp edge of his fangs on your supple skin. what a tease you are! It grows when you pull away your hand and adjust on his lap for a better grip and angle.
"Bad manners," you would say whenever you spot him letting go of his human form. he even remembers hearing that when he lowly growling in front of strangers who were following you the other night but at times like these, when the whole world is busy, when no one is looking at you two—he can let go of it; that carefully crafted camouflaged self to fool your kind and let his dormant side take over.
"It is just a bite," he would say after sucking your blood from your wrist as he held your arm by the wrist. But it is kind of frustrating, don't you think? how you are sitting on his lap, checking if he has hunted any animals or eaten your kind or not. And when you see he has been such a good boy, slowly learning to control his habits and instincts, don't you think it's a little unfair when you don't reward him? He licks the trickling blood along your hand from up your elbow to your wrist; you can see two dots, fairly distanced and round but somehow it does not hurt.
To think that you would teach him about 'control' and 'instinct', what a naive human being you are.
Even though you are still sitting on his lap, one of his hands holding yours from where he freshly sucked your sweet blood and your other hand is holding his yet you feel something tightening around your belly. You do not stop him as his tail wraps around your body, his eyes slowly getting to glow, his skin changing, shining but before he changes completely you kiss him, kiss him with full might as if you will do the moment your lips part from his.
And when you pull away, he just takes deep breaths and says, "One more time," gulping he adds, "Please," now how could you turn that down even though he has been quite rebellious.
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himufanart · 14 days
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How you screamed as my knife slit your skull, your brain juices sticky and sweet.
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ennissg · 14 days
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Dr. Vrach sneaking out of camp to perform a ritual in the middle of the night and running into some vampire sucking on a boar
He's got too much on his mind (and, well, in it) to worry about it tonight though
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missvalentinee · 2 months
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
The final season of in the dark was rushed and it kinda sucked :)
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time I cried when a fictional character named Max died, I'd have two nickles, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it's happened twice right?
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b-frank · 2 years
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mythoughtsxxblog · 2 years
I'm watching In The Dark (the finale of season 3) and wow.....
Jess???? What the actual fuck. I want to say I understand where she's coming from because in a sense I do, but wtf?? Murphy is toxic. That's obvious, but she went through hell looking for Jess. Everyone was telling her Jess was dead, but Murphy never gave up. She kept looking for her and made things worse for her own life all to find out she faked her death and was working at some pet shop in a random town. And for Jess to tell Murphy that she ruined her life and she has nobody in her life because of her own doing?? Bitch, you have a brain of your own. Murphy didn't force you to make the decisions you did. You were both toxic and you both made shitty decisions, but don't put the blame on one person. God, I'm so upset because I was rooting for Jess. This really ruined her for me...
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kaaramdadon · 2 years
It’s fucked up how Jess is set on not being Murphy’s friend anymore when she was the only one concerned about whether she was still alive or not.
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panksage · 5 months
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Emperor is the funniest guy.
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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