#in the process of looking for the post i got tagged in i uncovered several @'s I completely missed CAN TUMBLR LIKE SHOW ME THINGS
clannfearrunt · 11 months
7 movies 7 tags!!!
I got tagged by @toadstool32 hi tiny! When I first saw this I was thinking Wow i have Never seen a movie in my life but I've had several hours to marinate and I've dug up some memories
The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T (1953) - This is the most recent movie I watched, it does show its age in like. The casual racism in the supporting cast but otherwise it was very charming and very fun.
Super Mario Bros. (1993) - I unironically love this movie it's so fun I want to play in this space I want to explore this worlddddddd. Also they destroy the twin towers
Promare (2019) - That shit was SO HYPE and very stupid but it knows what it is and it is so fun as a result. Embrace it! Also fun fact for about a year before I actually watched it I somehow thought both Lio AND Galo were girls. I think he/him lesbians Lio and Galo would rule actually just make sure not to change anything else about them
Watership Down (1978) - I love bunny war. As far as animals fiction goes this is really up there it's top notch stuff. I actually did go back and read the book after watching it the first time and I love it a lot
The Thing (1982) - I watched it for Bakura reasons you have to understand the Bakura thought process yourself though. Also for Jed the Best Dog. I liked it! I'm glad to have watched it. I cannot watch it again.
Joshua and the Promised Land (2003) - So if you want to see a movie based on a biblical story. Don't watch this one. Genuine props to the guy for making this thing almost entirely on his own but idk maybe watch veggie tales or something
Fly Me to the Saitama (2019) - This thing is so fucking funny but I think the bulk of the humor is completely un-localizable idk the entire premise is a whole bunch of petty interprefecture drama played up for laughs. Also I didn't know it had yaoi when I watched it blind with my mom. SHE knew it was yaoi. Can you give me a heads up so I don't have to play the "IS MY PARENT COOL WITH THIS" roulette
I don't think the original intent of the tag game included "write a small review / personal fun fact for each movie" but here we are I'm gonna tag uhhh
@raptorcivilization , @xerxestexastoast , @seases , @skuitti , @enigmadoodles , @beanist , ahhh fuck all the sudden I don't know who anyone is I'm tagging *PBS Voice* Viewers Like You!
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
WELL SINCE YOU ASKED! :D what's the best way to get to know your d&d OCs?? do you have a collection of info about some of your favorites somewhere? a series of memes? writing pieces? I'd love to have a good starting point to get to know them!
AHH HI HEY HELLO FIRST OF ALL I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING!! I wish I had a good, like-- something succinct to answer with, lmao. I have an OC About Page on my art blog, but it needs updating and isn't accessible on mobile :') I've been meaning to do pinned posts and/or make a carrd or something to intro all my OCs, I just need to get around to it... and like, since all I ever draw or talk about is my OCs I've been meaning to make it a point to prioritize it haha, so, I think that'll be my immediate post holidays project 🤔
as it currently stands, I tag everything related to my OCs both on main and on blujaydoodles with that OC's name, including answered asks and memes and stuff. I also keep up running '[oc name] insp' tags for everyone on main but idk if those would be of interest to anyone but me lmao, they're mostly like, vibes and shitposts and/or aesthetics that remind me of that OC in some way
for now, aside from that about page, I can at least link to their tags (on here, cause I reblog everything from the art blog anyway) :3
Elyss is my water genasi ranger! she's spent half of her life feeling isolated from and unwanted by other people and the other half of her life living alone in the woods, and has spent the entire campaign being surveilled and influenced and betrayed by forces outside her control absolutely constantly, so she has a lot of Issues around love and trust and belonging and control, and a lot of trauma that her campaign's circumstances just keep compounding :') also she's a kill machine, and also she's my longest-running dnd character and still my favorite, my beloved girl
Idri is my forest gnome rogue! she's an arcane trickster whose dad wanted her to go to Wizard College but who opted to join the circus instead because studying tomes all day sounded boring, and when her mentor at the circus died she quit to join an adventuring guild looking for fame and excitement (and to just kinda opt out of processing her grief entirely oops lol no thanks bye) Her campaign is dead in the water so I don't talk about her as much anymore but she's still my lil sunbeam and I lov her ;n;
Juniper is my human druid! She comes from a long line of druids; specifically her family are traditionally the village Wise Woman, but she ran away from home to apprentice with cartographers instead because she's a big nerd (and struggles with suffering and mortality and doesn't think she'd make a very good full time village healer at all tbh) In her campaign she's the only one without, like, Severe Backstory Trauma and she's a mom friend with a martyr complex trying to solve everyone's problems while being wildly out of her depth to relate to anybody else, so she's anxious all the time :'). Also she's FINALLY dating the monk after like two real life years of obliviously mutual pining <3
Aubree is my halfling fighter! She's a lil bit of a roughneck, but fiercely good-hearted; blunt, loud, picks fights she knows she can't win if it's worth making a stand on principle for what's right. She also has a boar called Truffles, whom she found and adopted as an abandoned runt and now rides (and dotes on, that's her best friend). She also died three sessions into her campaign, but she got better, so the story around all of that is, you know, The Whole Thing this campaign is about and oh man it's been A Lot
Melliwyk is my gnome wizard/ artificer! At the beginning of her campaign, the art of creating magic items was eons-lost in her world, so, her whole thing was trying to rediscover or reinvent that process. Now her campaign is mostly about unraveling ancient mysteries (good! her whole jam!!) and uncovering deeply evil and complex conspiracies (wuh oh, not so good!). Her whole thing is she wants to learn EVERYTHING and try EVERYTHING and her originally intended vibe is 'low wis chaotic mad scientist who is blithely unconcerned with risks or consequences', which, she's had a lot of character growth and gained a lot of depth but that's still the heart of her as a concept. Also she has Magical Narcolepsy as the result of a failed experiment, so she spends a lot of time collapsing into an ungainly heap or being carried around in someone else's backpack
Nyssa is my satyr warlock! She's one of my older dnd OCs but there's not as much to say about her because I've never been able to play her regularly :') She's a sweet, gentle creature from a small and closeknit hedonist utopian satyr flock in the woods, so when I have played her it's been a lot of playing with the dissonance in 'gentle pacifist whose warlock magic is mostly aggressive' and 'a satyr trying to navigate Society, with like, clothes and money and (as far as she can tell) no sex for some reason??'
Felix is my NEW BOY that I fixated on instantly despite only getting to play him like. three times. and his campaign probably being dead before it started :') he's a forest gnome inquisitive rogue who loves Finding Stuff Out; he spends most of his time people watching and eavesdropping and taking it upon himself to investigate mysteries just out of curiosity. he also loves small animals and is friends with, in particular, most rats, cats, and small birds
Quick n dirty rundown of other OCs I talk about significantly less, for various reasons: Kethri, my utter sweetheart halfling bard who has found herself thrust backwards in time and, to her dismay, into a position of significant social power for reasons that are still unclear; Tsakesh, my khajiit archer who just wanted to explore some dwemer ruins and examine some weird devices but ended up wrapped up in some daedric end of the world bullshittery; Ambrose, my half-elf bard who is a poet, linguist, and ancient historian studying the ruins of a lost people who all mysteriously vanished at once; and honorable mention to Indigo, my gnome circle of stars druid pirate who's only a one shot character but whom I keep drawing and thinkin about anyway because they're cool 😌
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kyidyl · 4 years
Kyidyl Does Archaeology - Part 3
(As before, parts 1 & 2 can be found via the KyidylCL tag.)
So, we’ve got the info about the site and we’ve got the prep work done, so what next? Digging! But archaeologists don’t just randomly dig, we dig in very precise ways. There’s, generally speaking, two ways to make a hole for an archaeologist (and this *doesn’t* apply to burials.  Burials are done differently.): a pit and a trench.  A pit is usually a specific size and meant to uncover a small area.  A trench is a long area that takes a cross section of a specific area and is meant for exposing lots of area.  When you’re doing a whole settlement often a trench is used because of the volume.  We’re doing a mixture, and we started with two 5ftx5ft pits (~1.5 meters for the non-americans in the crowd.  Good rule of thumb for ft --> meters is that 3ft = 1 yard = 1 meter, approximately.  It’s not exact but if you’re trying to imagine how big something is, it’s a good way of thinking about it.).  
Pit one only had 1 interesting thing and I don’t have any pictures of it really so I’m just gonna tell you about it real quick.  In pit 1 we found a feature, which is a spot where the dirt is a different color in an unnatural shape because humans did something.  This particular feature was a post hole from a palisade wall.  That’s interesting for two reasons: 1, the natives didn’t build palisades until they came into conflict with the colonizers. It isn’t that they didn’t need defenses previous to that, it’s that the people they were defending against didn’t have horses or guns.  Once the colonizers arrived, they started copying their method of defense.  2, palisade walls are made of large trees.  To cut them down they were first burned in the place where the cut was made to make cutting them easier.  And this means CHARCOAL.  
Archaeologists love charcoal.  We can date that shit really easily.  And this particular charcoal was sent out for dating.  Came back as 1700s, which makes sense for this area.  It took the colonizers a bit longer to push up into the mountains, so the dates for contact and treaties and that kind of thing are later than official first contact in the 1400s.  So that’s the latest date we have for the site.  
Now, pit 2.  Pit 2 was, and still is, the most interesting pit on the site so far (we’ve opened a number of others, but it’s...lots of plow scars and jumbled artefacts.).  Archaeologists, as I’ve mentioned, dig this kind of stuff in layers.  So for our site (and I know a few of you following me are also archs, so I need you to know this was the site director’s choice not mine. >.<), we have a sod layer, layer 2 - the plow layer, and layer 3 the layer below the plow layer.  General rule of thumb, at least the way I was taught is that you do it in increments or when the dirt changes color, whichever comes first.  So layer 2 for us is pretty thick.  Here’s what the pit looked like at the end of day 1 after we’d gotten the sod off and started bringing it down evenly: 
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The bucket is covering the test pit that’s at the center of it.  The string is the boundaries of the pit, but also we attach what’s called a datum to it.  A datum is a known spot above sea level that you use to make measurements as to how deep something is.  It’s basically a string with a line level and you stretch it out until the line level reads, well, level...and then you use a ruler from there down to whatever depth you’re measuring.  So when we find like...arrowheads and points and stuff (and this pit had several) we record where they were by saying “_____ inches BD”, or “below datum”.  
Anyway, you can see already where there are some rocks and differences in color of the dirt.  It’s honestly not all that interesting but I figured you guys might like to see the progression.  This is that same pit about 2-3 working days later, and this is where it started to get interesting: 
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Some of the difference in color there is because some soil is freshly exposed and some isn’t.  The pit in the middle is the remains of the test pit.  The lighter dirt at the bottom is sub-soil for this area, so it’s where the plow zone ends.�� The rocks may or may not have been added by people, so we record them just in case.  How you deal with rocks depends entirely on where you are digging.  In Florida, where I went to school, rocks are important because 99% of what they’ve got there is sand and shell.  So if you find rocks they were probably put there by people.  Here? Sometimes it’s just part of the ground and sometimes it’s people.  It really depends on how far down you find them.  This is about midway through the pit so it could go either way.  So we do what’s called “pedestaling” where we dig around them and let them sit on a pedestal of dirt.  You’ll see that in a lot of pics going forward.  The reason that we’ve dug those upper corners differently is because we were starting to see soil color changes and we were investigating them separately.  Good thing too, because they both turned out to be part of a large fire pit feature.  Next slide! 
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So here you can see that the dirt in those two areas that we’ve dug is a distinctly different color - it’s reddish.  Reddish dirt is a sign that the dirt has been heated, so we’re following the red dirt here.  The digging changes from going in layers to following these features.  And we’re really methodical about it so that we don’t remove too much or too little and lose the line of the feature.  Here we were lucky, all the dirt inside those features was full of tiny specs of charcoal.  And, in the upper left up there - which was my feature to dig - there were huge chunks of charcoal.  Also a really nice piece of pottery.  Well, I mean, comparatively.  It’s still just a large sherd that I accidentally snapped in two while removing but like it counts.  The square in the lower leftish is ust from like the foam I’d been sitting on.  Getting into a pit - rather than digging it from the sides - is something you do NOT do without permission and a lot of care.  Here, the ground is really solid so I wasn’t going to ruin anything by getting in there and the pit was getting too deep to effectively dig from the side, so I spent a lot of time in weird positions on the flat parts of this pit.  So, anyway, here’s a close up of the feature so you can see what I mean about the charcoal: 
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Charcoal is very, very black so when you’re digging it stands out bc nothing else is that dark or that bright.  Everything else is covered in dirt. But you can see it there in the top half - it’s those dark flecks and blobs.  There was a ton of it, and when I say a ton, I mean we got I think almost 300g just that DAY.  And y’all know how light charcoal is.  This was the stuff we sent in for c14 testing along with the palisade charcoal and it came back, if I’m remembering right, mid-1300s.  That’s a period called the late woodland. It matches up with the pottery and points we were finding, but I’ll get to that when I start in on the finds.  
Now, I thought you might need some help with this next image so I brought it into procreate and drew on it.  I know it looks like it came before the previous stage, but it didn’t.  What happened is that we brought the whole pit down deeper to expose the edge of the large features.  We also found a post hole in the process! 
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So I’ve marked the layers of dirt in the side wall for you so you can see what I mean when I’m talking about them.  I’ve also marked out the bottom of the pit bc this angle made it a little hard to see.  In the upper right you can clearly see the darker dirt of the post hole.  A post hole is exactly what the name implies - someone dug a hole, stuck a post in it, and later the post was removed and filled with moar different dirt and now it’s a different color but in a distinctly unnatural shape.  You can also see that we’ve long ago dug deeper than the test pit.  The area I’ve marked “bridge” is an area of soil that didn’t have charcoal in it between the two pits that did.  There was charcoal throughout that area - hence the blue boundary - but for the features themselves we were following the red dirt.  And if that feature on the right looks deep to you it’s because it *is*.  I dug it out and followed the charcoal and it went *under* the bridge.  
Now you guys probably don’t realize this, but this is like...stupid deep to be finding this kind of stuff.  We’re like 3ft below the surface here and still going down deeper.  Around here the rate of topsoil accumulation is like...an inch every 600 years or so.  The charcoal coming out of this pit is only 700 years old and it’s 3ft below the surface.  So we’re likely looking at a hole that was dug by the natives for their own use.  The thing that was confusing us was that we didn’t see the feature even start until we were almost at the bottom of the test pit so like...8 inches or so down.  (about 16cm.  1inch is approx 2cm.) But then I was looking through some of my earlier images of the pit and I noticed this: 
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(north is the same direction in both pics)
The rocks, the ones that could be either nature or people, approximately outlined the areas we’d found the fire pits.  This is why you document shit.  Even though this is still pretty deep to be finding this kind of thing, it at least makes more sense in the context of very disturbed site.  So there might have been more evidence higher up, but it’s in the plow layer so we’ll never know.  So what was the feature? Well, the two features were actually one feature (and you’ll have to wait till tomorrow’s post to find out how I know that.), and I think that might have been one of these: 
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(image credit)
Or something similar anyway, but I have to do more research about native cooking methods in this area of the country.  But it would fit with the two holes and a bridge of dirt with no charcoal that we saw while digging.  
Anyway I know this post is super long but I swear we’re almost done.  When we finally finished digging the damned thing it looked like this: 
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(here I’m standing on the north side of the pit, so the top is the bottom in the other pics.) 
We think that this might actually be part of another feature so it’s a little...ah...yeah it’s just weird.  Those rocks were definitely from people, so maybe they were lining the bottom of the pit or something.  If I could draw your attention to the black crud in the wall to the right of the pedestaled rocks, I’m gonna tell you one last story about this pit.  That is a burned like...conglomerate of crud.  It isn’t charcoal (charcoal is fuel for the fire, not what they were using the fire to make).  Here’s what it looked like close up: 
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(aw yis macro lense)
See those circles? Those are *seeds*.  I sent it to a former prof of mine who is an ethnobotanist for ID and she says she thinks it’s chenopodium AKA goosefoot, which was a staple food for the natives for a long time.  One variety still is: quinoa.  So basically, what we think we’re looking at is a 700 year old cooking accident.  Or, as my professor put it: 
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So forgive the length, and I hope you all enjoyed this installment.  =D 
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stonylovessteve · 3 years
SLS 2021 Creator Reveals
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We’ve reached the end of the exchange and that means it’s time to reveal the creators of all our works!
Thank you for putting so much love and effort into Stony Loves Steve 2021, you really made it a great experience. We hope everyone loved it as much as we did!
Giftees, be sure to leave a comment and kudos on your gift if you haven’t already. All our creators worked hard to make this event a success, so show them some love.
You can now post your work publicly outside of the exchange. Tag it as #stonylovessteve2021 on tumblr and we’ll reblog you. @ us @stonylovessteve on twitter and we’ll retweet you.
Below the cut is the final list of all the works produced for the exchange and the creators.
Cold as Ice, Warm my Heart by lil_aussie_girl for parkrstark (MCU, 1.5k)
The cold took away one love already, and his greatest fear is that it will do it again - before he has the chance to say those three important words.
Strength Like The Sea/A Familiar Yet Foreign Face by Lacrimula_Falsa for funkyspacegirlfriend (AU, 3k)
There had to be another explanation for the ugly burning feeling in his chest because this wasn’t a rom-com and he’d known Steve for less than a day.
After years of his father fruitlessly searching for one, Tony finally gets to meet a real-life vampire.
· · ·*‒*‒ ‒ ‒*‒ ·*‒ · ‒ ‒
No, not Anthony, because Anthony had crumbled to dust right before his eyes. But this man looked so eerily similar to him, he could have been Anthony’s twin brother. Only the eyes were different, warm brown instead of cold blue. After being woken nearly a century after he went into stasis because the pain of losing his lover Anthony was too much, Steven meets a man who looks just like him.
I Know There is Comfort Where We Overlap by jellybeanforest for ghosthan (Ults, 10k)
As a relic of a bygone era, Steve struggles with feelings of isolation and severe depression made worse by his recent breakup with Jan Pym. He secretly hooks up with random strangers chasing a sense of connection with someone, anyone. Things are going (not) well when he and fellow Ultimate, Iron Man, are tasked with infiltrating a Thai resort serving as a front for illegal arms dealing. Only catch: They must go undercover as a married couple on their honeymoon.
finding steve rogers by jacobby for geekymoviemom (MCU, 6k)
Steve sighs. “Sorry. I wasn’t a very good tour guide. Ma always told me about the town, but she never got into specifics.”
Tony takes Steve’s hand in his and places it close to his lips. “It’s your first time here too. We understand.”
After a botched mission with SHIELD, Steve takes a vacation with his family to a town in Ireland.
Things are knot as they seem by BladeoftheNebula for DepressingGreenie (AU, 3k)
Everyone assumes Captain America is an alpha and Steve doesn’t see the harm in not correcting them. After all, Alphas command respect while omegas are still considered far too delicate for leadership.
And sure, it sucks hiding his designation when he’s in love with Tony Stark, the hottest alpha he’s ever seen, but what alpha would want an omega who could lift them with one hand?
So it’s fine. It’s not as if anyone was ever going to find out his secret anyway…
A drop of love by CapAL for Perlmutt (AU, Comic)
After sleeping for 70 years Steve wakes up to a world that he doesn’t understand. As an age-old vampire he’s seen a lot of things in his life, but nothing has ever confused him as much as the bubbly Starbucks barista Tony. They meet by chance and Steve stays. He falls for him, even though he knows he shouldn’t, and together they explore modern New York, while Steve tries to hide his true nature from Tony, afraid that he would send him away if he knew the truth.
The Fake Prince and the Cat  by Neverever for Fluffypanda (AU, 5.5k)
Steve is sent in place of Prince Brock to marry the libertine Tony Stark. It's better than he thought it would be, plus he makes friends with a cat.
father to son by parkrstark for HogwartsToAlexandria (MCU, 2.5k)
Steve had been planning on asking Peter to be his son, officially, for weeks now, but he always chickened out because he didn't thik he was good enough for the boy. Funnily enough, Peter had the same idea, but when he showed the adoption papers to Steve, he didn't have the best of reactions.
The Best Half Of Me by Huntress79 for RoseRose (AU, 1.5k)
An encounter with one of his exes at a charity gala opens Tony’s eyes about how much he really loves Steve - and how much he’s looking forward to their future together.
neither here nor there by ghosthan for  Welcoming_Disaster (616, 18k)
Captain America comes back from Dimension Z changed. He has had over a decade of his life taken from him, as well as the woman he loved. Stoic, secretive, and traumatized, much of what he experienced remains a mystery to SHIELD and the world; Tony is there to help him heal, and uncover the truth about how much Steve has lost.
The Eventide Aspect by geekymoviemom for ishipallthings (MCU, T, 12k)
“Yeah, Cap, about that,” Tony says, looking rather sheepish as he scratches at the back of his neck.
“Yeah?” asks Steve.
“Well… remember those half-baked ideas that I mentioned?  I’m afraid this might be one of ‘em,” says Tony.
“Okay.  Care to explain it to someone who doesn't speak technical?”
“Ahh…” Tony trails off, mumbling under his breath again.  “Yeah.  Um… if my theory is correct, I’m thinking that when we stepped through that window, we might’ve entered another dimension.”
Looking by Robin_tCJ for Vento_Lunar (MCU, E, 4k)
After a raid on a HYDRA base, Steve's body reverts back to the way it was before the serum. Tony still wants him.
You Had Me in the First Half by Corsets_and_Cardigans for Robin_tCj (MCU, E, 2k)
Steve is on his way to meet Bucky for a movie before their football team goes away for a game. Too bad Tony has plans for him! He'll apologize to Bucky for it later.
the rest is history by starksnack for muchmoremajestic (Avengers Academy, G, 2k)
It's Steve's birthday and he usually likes to spend it alone. Of course, Tony has other ideas.
Basically just some soft AvAc fluff.
(Let Me) Love and Be Loved by HeLovedYou for wikketkrikket (MCU, T, 6k)
Steve forgets how to self-sabotage his own happiness.
He also forgets his team, his soulmate and the last three years of his life.
avengers featuring steve’s doppleganger vol 1 (FANCOMIC) by wingheads for jellybeanforrest (616, Art)
tony dates a man who looks a lot like steve. everyone can see it, everyone knows what that means, except tony, who doesn't seem to realize he's dating steve's doppelganger. steve doesn't see the resemblance either and actually comes to like tony's new boyfriend, but then one of the other avengers spills the beans that they look exactly alike to tony, who can't unsee it now and breaks up with the new guy, only for steve to be sad that his baseball-buddy won't be around anymore.
Hart Island by Amber_Skye for lil_aussie_girl (MCU, G, 12k)
Steve is acting out of character, and Tony and the other Avengers can’t work out why.
the soul of dragons by funkyspacegirlfriend for Amber_Skye (MCU, T, 2k)
Steve’s dragon companion is the largest Tony’s ever seen up close. And she captivates Tony from the very first moment.
Just in the Knit of Time by DepressingGreenie for picturecat (Avengers Assemble, T, 2.5k)
Steve only has a week to tell Tony he loves him before his secret is leaked to the world.
Learning Curve by picturecat for Huntress79 (Avengers Academy AU, G, 2k)
Freshly defrosted, Steve Rogers is the newest teacher at the Avengers Academy—an attempt to guide and teach the newest generation of heroes before they have to take on the burdens of their teachers. Steve himself has a lot of learning to do.
First Impression by veryvincible for wingheads (616, M, 7k)
The Avengers find the schematics of a deadly weapon in the hands of an up-and-coming villain. To safely retrieve the data that led to its creation and keep the city safe in the process, they have to take a very subtle approach. The man-- Jack Marshall-- has an eye for hunks and a tendency to get vulnerable with them. The team could use this to their advantage, if they have the right assets.
Enter Steve.
Dandelions and Lilies by Wikketkrikket for CapAL (AU, G, 4k)
Written for CapAL for the StonylovesSteve event 2021.
A summer job in the florists is pretty good, as summer jobs go; and when a handsome guy comes in with some very particular requirements it gets even better.
Or it would, if Steve wasn't lying about the meaning of every bouquet he sold.
Potshot by jellybeanforest for jacobby (AU, T, 2.5k)
In an expansive wasteland infested with hordes of the undead, Steve, leader of a group of ex-military operatives known as the Avengers, searches for survivors and supplies in the ruins of the old world.
That’s all well and good, but Tony would do just about anything for an American cheeseburger.
For Stony Loves Steve 2021. Based on a prompt by jacobby.
Remorse and Rapture by oliverparker for optimusprime13 (AU, E, 6k)
When Steve's mother falls ill, he's forced to move in with the family she works for. He's not thrilled about it.
Shards of Eternities by Perlmutt for starksnack (AU, T, 5k)
Rumor had it that the war would soon be over. It could not end soon enough. Until then, Anthony would wait for Steven. He would wait and protect their child. He would wait and write another thousand letters for his alpha, his mate, his husband, if only he would come home, come for him, come for them.
Two Can Play That Game by JehBeEhh for Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) (MCU, T, 4k)
Tony Stark is many things. Patient isn't always one of them. Especially not when there's a happily ever after at the end of that bout of patience.
Uncovered by mariana_oconnor for Corsets_and_Cardigans (MCU, G, 6k)
Steve didn't think the tip-off was anything more than the usual nonsensical conspiracy theory. He only went to check it out because he was curious. He definitely wasn't expecting it to be a trap.
Build Me Up Buttercup by ishipallthings for BladeoftheNebula (4k, M, MCU)
Tony sees the gold letters spelling “Stark” on the edge of Steve’s hood and his mind grinds to a halt. Steve looks good wearing his name. Too good.
(In which Steve starts experimenting with a new style. Tony does not find this infuriatingly attractive, thank you very much.)
Discovery [Art] by Fluffypanda for captainstars (Art, G, Noir)
Renowned adventurer Tony Stark discovers a carving of a lost civilization's protector.
I left my heart (at home with you) by captainstars for UisceOneLove (2k, G, AU)
It shouldn’t have surprised him as much as it did.
The man grinned at him, wide and beautiful. Steve couldn’t help sneaking another glance towards the heavens. They really lost their citizens fairly easily. Steve would like to say this was the first white robed beauty he had come across until now, but he wasn’t.
Steve moved to a cabin in the woods hoping to live the life of a hermit werewolf. When Tony Stark decided to become his new neighbor, it threw a bit of a wrench into Steve’s plans.
A werewolf and an incubus cuddling in a tree.
Raspberry Beret (I Think I Love Her) by ralsbecket for oliverparker (4k, M, 3490)
When Steve looked at Natasha, he knew in his heart that she was what put his derailed train back on its tracks. For the first time since they met, Steve felt like he had some semblance of a plan for his future. And he wanted Natasha to be a part of it.
Savior Complex by optimusprime13 for HeLovedYou (18.5k, G, AU)
Wealthy businessman Steve Rogers stumbles into barely-getting-by Tony Stark in a cemetery, and they hit it off immediately. Steve is enamored by Tony’s razor-sharp wit, his startling intelligence, and his penchant for building stuff. He has a problem though - he can’t stop wanting to save everybody around him, especially Tony - who is struggling to make ends meet. However, Tony is too proud and stubborn to accept any help from Steve. But when Tony gets kidnapped to act as bait for Steve, how far will Steve go to save Tony when it means sacrificing himself?
Through His Stomach by RoseRose for JehBeeEh (2k, G, MCU)
Steve decides he wants to try to cook with all the new ingredients he has found in this new time, but he needs someone else to taste-test his creations. Tony is holed up in his workshop, so he makes the perfect guinea pig. The two of them grow closer over several meals.
Iron & Sapphire by Becci Barnes (BeccEEE) for Lacrimula_Falsa (AU, 5k)
Steve can always sense him, long before Tony enters his cave. It makes his blue scales tremble and his big wings flutter in excitement. Tony brings light and warmth into this musty hideout he calls home. And food. And while they may be as odd a couple as you can imagine, that won't stop them from bantering and cuddling just like anyone else.
Man On The Moon by Welcoming_Disaster for veryvincible (616, 7k)
Things haven't been the same since Steve has found out about Tony's secret identity. A mission that goes wrong forces both of them to confront why.
I Love You to the Moon and Back by muchmoremajestic for mariana_oconnor (MCU, 3k)
After Steve gets attacked in the woods, certain changes start happening.
Happy Birthday to America's ass by njava97 for ralsbecket (MCU, 2.5k)
It's the night before Steve's birthday and something is very wrong.
Magic's in the Moving Portrait by UisceOneLove for neverever (AU, 9.5k)
Without his ma, Steve's lost his ability to make art. In walks new wizarding student Tony Stark, who also happens to be his new roommate. All hope might not be lost just yet for him and his brush.
Reach The Sky by Vento_Lunar for njava97 (MCU, art)
Non-serum Steve Rogers saves the world. (And Tony saves him)
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softgrungeprophet · 3 years
posted this as a thread on (private) twitter, will post it here now slightly modified and expanded up
sort of related to the tags on (this post)
i was mostly fuckin around with the "seduce kim" plan, like i know that the game doesn't offer that kind of thing, it is pretty clearly not the kind of game with actual romance options and whatnot, not that kind of rpg. don’t have to even look it up to know that, though i did see mention that there aren’t really hookups or anything of that sort when i was looking up something else, which did not surprise me. like i said, not really that kinda game.
but after the homosexual underground thought and now this stuff w/ harry's idolization of guillame le million’s smile and dazzling charm *and ass* (though i haven’t finished that thought in-game yet, so idk what the result will be, i think it’s like 60-some percent right now)
there’s also ofc the infatuation w/ the beautiful smoking man from the balcony that goes with the homosexual underground thing obviously. all these little things, and the insecurity in his own masculinity and in others', adding up to a sad, broken man, with all these little things hidden away in him
... makes me wonder how much he's really repressed. how much has he tamped down without knowing, without thinking about it, even aside from the, you know, amnesia and the woman that hurts him so much to think about
i do gotta say i like the approach i personally took with slowly opening him up and changing his worldview w/ the amnesia as a kind of barrier-removal because i think it suits all these little hidden things slowly coming to the light about him, his name, his thoughts, etc. i made the choice to use his unmoored self as a blank slate for him to question things that everyone takes for granted, to ask himself questions, and ruminate on that a lot... etc... while also having this yearning for the past, and this attachment to things he can’t quite let go... so even though i did accept the name, all of that questioning kind of expanded naturally into this stuff as well as the uhhh communism path lmao
if i’d gone a different approach and been more straightlaced cop-like (the copotype he ended up as was the sorry cop instead 😂) i guess it wouldn’t fit in the same way. or obviously if i’d embraced the physical instrument and such that balks so heavily at the queer and the androgynous and the effeminate. but that’s not the route i’m going. i mean this dude woke up from dead with amnesia several days into the investigation, hates himself, is miserable, etc. why not have this be the kind of turning of different leaves, this form of self discovery.... slowly going from only 3 empathy (i started w/ a 3/3/3/3 profile lmao) to like, 6 or 7 now i think.... becoming more in-tune with every aspect of himself, his mind, his body, his dreams, his past...
idk i like it, and i like taking him from bumbling, uncertain, forgetting, omitting the truth, to something softer and more honest though still sometimes cagey (but not necessarily weak), empathetic, but still with this instincts slowly being uncovered--observant and thorough
speaking of the beautiful man from the balcony i TRAGICALLY did not get the "kim laughing at harry for being obviously head over heels for a gay sex worker" thing, when i got the mind palace thought from him. at least i don't recognize it from what the wiki mentions, and i don’t remember any kind of skill check related to kim after the man gave harry the homosexual underground thought for processing, though i could have sworn i kept picking the “i want to talk more about you, i want to see you again” dialogue options (not a direct quote)
but that too--kim laughing--feels a little funny and relevant--
like here’s kim, who knows exactly who he himself is (though this is obvs before it’s confirmed for the player, and he’s obviously very aloof and withdrawn about himself unless you push him) and this hidden amusement at harry's oblivious infatuation
he knows what that's like, most likely. he can recognize that in another person, even as different as he and harry are, you know? at least that's how it reads to me
little pieces
everything a part of this unfurling and carefully slotting puzzle
anyway tldr i don't think harry's as straight or as masculine as he thought he was lmao
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1/2 Lost, would you mind sharing how you find fics to read? Was it through social media? Were they already mutuals you've read and enjoyed before? I don't have any sm, so I'm really intentional about browsing the eruri tag once a week or so and make sure to go back a few pages. It's not the most efficient, but it's what I've always done since stumbling upon fic several years ago, and I sort of like combing through the tag and uncovering obscure gems.
2/2 I'm curious as an avid reader and sporadic writer what other people's process is for navigating the vast amounts of fic out there. Sometimes I see a new fic that's still on the first page and has already amassed over a thousand hits and I wonder if they're incredible at self-promo? Sometimes I mourn all of the lovely fics that I'll never have the chance to read due to missed opportunities and being buried in the tag. Anyways, I'd love to hear your thoughts<3
Thank you for your ask Anon, it’s lovely to know that there are readers like you out there!  This is where I have to confess that I have never been a very prolific reader.  Most of the fic I read has either been recommended to me by friends, or has been written by people I know.  I’m very picky about what I read and I have a tendency to read the same fics and authors over and over again.  I tend not to dig through the tags on AO3 unless i’m looking for specific fics to answer a fic rec ask, but I do follow @ao3feed-erwinlevi here on tumblr, which automatically posts any fics that are tagged Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith on AO3.  Usually if I see a fic that sounds intriguing, I’ll take a quick look at it, and if it catches my attention I’ll bookmark it to read later.  As a result I have hundreds of fics bookmarked on AO3, most of which I’ve never got round to reading.
All of which makes me absolutely the worst person to be doing fic recs.  I often think that it’s kind of ironic that I somehow ended up becoming a fic rec blog when I read so little.  I keep thinking that one of these days everyone is going to realise that I just keep reccing the same half a dozen stories over and over again.  It makes me a little sad that there are hundreds of fics out there that i’m never going to be able to rec, because I’ve never got round to reading them.  I don’t suppose I can persuade you to set up a fic rec blog can I Anon?!  This is a genuine suggestion, as it sounds like you’re much better read than I am!
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wings-of-a-storm · 6 years
Guys, there has been so much good discourse about Martino’s season on here! So much so that it is hard to think of anything left uncovered. Still, in these long days since the season ended, I’ve found myself swimming in thoughts when watching certain clips.
I used to be blocked from the tag this post might not even make it in (cheers Tumblr) and was never able to really offer up my own thoughts at the time, but I’ve been writing some stuff down finally. So if any of you are interested in going back down the rabbit hole with me and immersing yourself in the artistic genius that is Skam Italia, then here goes with my first (of hopefully several) deep dives.
To this day, there is one clip that I both love and hate watching -- to the point of never knowing which sensation is going to win out. Naturally I must take a deeper look at it to figure out why it has such power over me.
That clip is Ammucchiate (3.5).
So many things about this clip fascinate me. Seriously. So many things. In this essay I will look at:
1A) The Couch Scene. I seriously love/hate this clip. The whole tone felt like a departure from the og (and that isn’t a bad thing, it just raises very different emotions in me). In fact, it feels like the whole point of the couch scene was changed in Skam Italia. It makes for very interesting viewing.
1B) Niccolò’s emotions. Ie. how very differently Niccolò reacts to Emma compared to what I was used to with Even. I love a character study.
2) The supreme UST going on between Niccolò and Martino.
3) How the absence of Earl Sweatshirt references both changes and doesn’t change Martino’s interaction with Emma (and infatuation with Niccolò).
What absolutely fascinates me is how the whole tone (and perhaps point) of the couch scene felt reversed in Italia. In og, it felt like Isak had a fairly therapeutic experience with Even on the couch, but Martino’s experience with Niccolò felt rather unpleasant. It was such an interesting divergence!
Let me explain. In og, Even’s conversation with Emma about labels was so important for Isak to hear. This new perspective on the ‘gay’ label coming from a wise older boy whom Isak admires would have helped with some of Isak’s internalised homophobia (with the added benefit of showing Isak that even if Even was actually straight and Isak had just imagined his chemistry with him, Isak could still trust Even not to judge him). All up, it felt like a pretty positive moment for Isak on that couch. The way he listened so intently to Even’s wisdom was gorgeous.
In Italia though, Niccolò ended up using the debate with Emma as a vehicle to test Martino’s sexuality -- in a way that put so much pressure on Martino and came across as almost shaming him for being in the closet. It felt like Niccolò was maybe trying to tell Martino 'I know you're not as straight as you like to appear' while testing his reaction to make sure his hunch was right. But it felt so unkind to do that to Martino in front of Emma. Was Niccolò just so pressed that Martino was giving Emma attention, he tried to force the truth from Martino? To get Martino to admit that Emma was just a smokescreen, so Nico could feel better about his chances? It was so uncomfortable to watch, whatever the reasoning…
I mean, boy can you see the differences in Isak and Martino’s faces: Isak engaged in a healthy new perspective VS Martino disconnecting in discomfort:
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I really didn’t like the way Niccolò was pushing Marti and even smirking at him, but I’d be lying if I said the changes to the tone of the scene didn’t fascinate me. If I had to sum it up, I’d suggest that in Italia, it feels like the couch scene was meant to be less about helping Martino deal with his internalised homophobia and more about being one long set of UST challenges between Niccolò and Marti. Or rather, Niccolò trying to challenge Marti (pick me not Emma!) and Marti not giving into him. That, and Niccolò being unable to contain his jealousy.
Let’s start with the jealousy.
Subjective fact: Even is cool and collected when dealing with Emma.
Subjective fact: Niccolò is a jealous force to be reckoned with when dealing with Emma.
For a clip that ticked off all the important scenes from og, it couldn’t be more apparent how different Niccolò is to Even in this clip. In og, Even catches Emma (who is very obviously immature) falling into the danger of making generalisations and draws her into a polite debate. He remains very calm and collected through it, so it comes across as him intrinsically wanting to call her out on a troubling mindset (one that would affect Isak) and show her a different perspective. (With the bonus of proving to Isak how much cooler he is than her.)
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In Italia, Niccolò heard Emma make a generalisation and just kind of pounced on her. The tone he uses and the look he gives her is of such irritability. The shift in his emotions felt so immediate; he was ready to cut her down and even got into battle position. It kind of felt like he was pouncing on her for the sake of pouncing on her -- ie. the debate he instigated became an outlet for some of the bitterness he had been harbouring towards her as his rival. In other words, their debate felt more about him than about sending Martino any secret message.
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I mean that “Hm” before getting into battle position! It was such a ‘hold my gloves’ moment. I was preparing to duck for cover because he seemed so pressed! At the time I was just like: Woah, my son, I know Emma said something dumb but this is not the way to call her out on it -- you’re escalating the situation instead of having a healthy discussion! But now I think it was a really clever way to demonstrate how Niccolò handles emotions/how his BPD might amplify his emotions/how mercurial he can be.
OR - because there are too many goddamn ways to interpret someone's reactions - was Nico trying to defend Marti? He knows (or hopes) Marti is in the closet and generalisations/labels like that from Emma would give Marti a harder time. Was Nico just being: YOU KNOW NOTHING, JON SNOW to her? Less likely since Nico added his own jab at the end, but possible.
Side note: I have to confess that even though Nico being a bit of an ass makes me uncomfortable, his ‘why the hell are you still here’ look when Emma keeps talking remains one of my favourite Nico expressions of the season. It makes me laugh every time. (That, plus going all Moses/red sea on them was A+.)
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But why was Nico pushing Marti so much on the couch? Oh let me analyse you, complex clip of wonder.
It kind of feels like Niccolò’s continual challenging of Martino’s self-image and sexuality on the couch was a way for Ludo to keep upping the ante of their UST and make us anticipate whether they were going to actually do something about it. The clip is called Ammucchiate/accumulate, after all. It felt at times like Niccolò was pushing Martino, daring him to drop Emma for him: ‘I know you aren’t straight, why are you bothering with her when you can have me?’ But Martino kept pulling back and standing his ground. And that became their alternating push and pull dance all night.
Let’s rewind for the full UST experience: Niccolò arrives at the party and basically hands Maddelena over to the girl squad so he is free to go find Martino. You can see the sly dog knew exactly where Martino was (did you see how quickly his head turned not just in the exact direction but to the exact friggen degree!). Here is where interpretations can get murkier though -- from that distance and with  Martino’s reflective glasses, it isn’t clear whether they actually make eye-contact (from Nico’s perspective, at least) before Martino grabs Emma and kisses her. Still, Martino suddenly launching himself at Emma wasn’t exactly subtle. It was a tad over the top, so surely Nico would have been at least a little suspicious?
It would mean that Niccolò has to decipher Martino’s actions though. Is it Martino just in the closet, trying to play the straight guy in front of everyone (this is coming off the cold reception Niccolò got in front of Martino’s friends earlier in the week, after all); is it Martino using Emma to prove to Niccolò that he isn’t some pathetic loser pining after him (but actually is); or is it Martino genuinely into Emma? Because although there had been chemistry between Nico and Martino, there might have been with Emma as well when Nico wasn’t around. Like ‘You were an option, Nico, but so was Emma and I’ve chosen her because you have a girlfriend’.
Nico would be hoping it is everything but the latter but the only way to find out would be to: A) get them to stop kissing (obviously the number one priority!) and then B) test Martino the first chance he gets.
So he goes straight to them and comes up with a line and excuse (karaoke -- but with all three!) to get them to stop kissing (because hell no!). And just in case the line isn’t enough, he enacts his fail-safe plan: physically separating them with his own body. I love that he was so thirsty for Martino (and perhaps territorial?), he also found excuses to actually touch his thigh, put his arm around him, do the eyebrow wiggle, and pat his shoulder on two separate occasions. What a pro. He does something similar in Halloween and you bet I’ll be doing another post on that because I looooove it.
The problem is Marti is standing firm on the anti-karaoke thing. And somehow this annoys Nico? You can see there was little mirth when Nico more or less accuses Marti of internalised homophobia/being in the closet (even though Nico tried to disguise it towards the end).
Did Marti’s refusal touch a nerve for Nico because he genuinely wanted to do karaoke with Marti and bond with him (and shut Emma out somehow in the process)? Did Nico panic a bit because it felt like Marti was pulling away from him instead of being up for anything like he was used to Marti being? Or was Nico just starting to feel irritable in general because of Emma’s presence and was losing his patience with the grey area between him and Marti? So he started to push Marti to get answers and didn’t stop at the in-the-closet accusations, going on to basically call Marti gay to his face. Nico seemed so smug after seeing Marti’s reaction to the ‘boring gay’ comment, like: ‘Gotcha! You are into me!’
I’m trying to figure out why Nico was pushing Martino so darn hard though. Did he think he would never stand a chance against Emma while Marti is in the closet so he needs to push Marti out of it? Or was he just being gelosa in culo because he was worried that Marti might actually have feelings for Emma and it’s easier to pick the pretty girl than the impossibile guy? So his jealousy got the better of him?
Of course, there is one other possibility. Nico might not have been annoyed-annoyed; he could have been concerned that Marti might have been rejecting a fun activity out of fear. In that case, his calling Marti out on that fear might have been him trying to help Marti be himself.
Either way though, Nico seemed to be challenging Marti on that couch to give up the pretense (and pick him).
But Niccolò’s meddling efforts are for nothing because the two of them leave him to dance together anyway. Nico lost the unspoken challenge he threw out to Marti (admit you’re not straight and drop Emma for me). I love the brutal shot of them walking away from Nico in favour of spending time without him. You really feel that sting as he sits alone on the couch. (He kind of deserved it though...)
The lost challenge means that Nico has to watch Martino and Emma make out AGAIN on the dance floor though. And he is so over it. His stare was so fierce! I can’t even tell where his jealousy at watching Martino kiss Emma ends and his ‘one day I am going to kiss you like this’ determination begins.
But Marti doesn’t stop kissing Emma despite their mutual eye-f---ing. He and Marti are having a thing but it’s a stalemate, so once again Nico is kind of losing. It’s incredible that we actually get to see the effect Martino kissing Emma has on him (which was missing in the og); how he and Maddelena actually stopped kissing because Nico was so vexed/upset/distracted. (I wonder if his insecurities were flaring up here: that maybe in the end he just isn’t good enough for Marti.)
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Their mutual staring was obviously the peak of their UST/challenging-each-other game and I have come to accept that the dark lighting was a good choice to emphasise that tension/seduction. I still can’t get over Nico’s laser-beam stare or how Marti was the one to start the whole thing.
But then their lust battle is interrupted by Silvia’s Parental Crisis. And surprise surprise, Nico finds a way to get close to Martino again -- he just happens to be close by when Marti needs help carrying the garbage bags out. What a coinkydink.
So hallelujah and small mercies, it is finally just the two of them outside. Nico can try to breach that distance between them and, you know, try and bring back their flirty dynamic to deal with all the intense UST. But how to start that process? The best Nico can think of is an “Elio~” tease. That will break the ice and give Nico a chance to explain about Maddelena -- that their relationship isn’t working anymore (for him at least). But he can’t leave her... (Side note: I love how personally affronted Marti seems at that, like it should have been a done deal even though he and Nico aren’t actually together.) There is no way Nico can explain to Marti why he can’t leave Maddelena though; there is no way Marti can ever know about Nico’s BPD. The best he can do is disguise both of those truth bombs as a joke.
But the silly story/projection of his own fears ends and Nico is still stuck at square one. The distance has lessened but it’s still not where Nico needs it to be. He needs to find the courage to make a move before he loses this window of opportunity.
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What could test the waters while making it obvious how Nico feels about Marti? A gentle stroke of his pinky. It’s innocent enough to explain away if things go wrong, but if it goes right, it can lead to more.
And it does go right. And Marti’s lips move into that brief pout as if he is subconsciously asking for a kiss. So finally, finally, after all that pushing and pulling all night, Nico can lean in to kiss him like he has been wanting to for so long. And Marti is smiling back at him; he wants it too. It is the best feeling.
Until reality intrudes again and they don’t get a catharsis to the UST. But it’s okay -- because at least Nico knows now that Marti is definitely into him. That will be enough for him until they can be alone again…
End challenge battle. Until Halloween.
But guuuuys, he chose a gentle pinky touch! After all the mean jabs on the couch and intense laser-beam staring on the dance floor, he goes for the sweetest, most softest thing. It stands out so much; like under all the bravado and lusty stuff, this is the precious, fragile emotion that was hiding.
I used to feel conflicted about how abrasive things felt at the party, but maybe it actually works if it helps emphasise the softness of the beautiful pinky-touching moment.
Before I leave this Ammucchiate analysis behind though, there is just one more change in the couch scene that I had thoughts on: how the lack of NAS/Earl Sweatshirt references does and doesn’t change Martino’s interaction with Emma (and infatuation with Niccolò).
In the og, my favourite part of the couch scene was actually Isak and Emma talking about NAS (yes, I liked it over the Even stuff even). I loved that it made Even present; that Even was there between them on that couch long before he physically joined them. That Even was always on Isak’s mind; that that was how much he had affected Isak. Because of course Isak had never heard of NAS before that day in Even’s bedroom, yet suddenly it was his favourite artist and how could Emma not know of his music? Isak wants to like what Even likes; it means they are connected. So even though Isak is trying to bond with Emma, it is still all about Even in the end.
I relate SO MUCH to that. I have done exactly that in my high school days. It felt like such an insightful demonstration of what being infatuated with someone can be like.
So when Marti and Emma were discussing their musical interests on the couch in Italia, I was disappointed (at first) that Marti didn’t nominate Earl Sweatshirt. I was waiting for his full blown infatuation to show, for Nico to be present without being present. But no, Marti stuck to his long-term favs (kudos to that, actually) and Emma knew who those artists were. Because she is also different to her og character and has far more in common with Marti than og Emma did. That ups the stakes for poor Nico and presents her and Marti as a potentially compatible couple.
I realised I liked that Ludo makes these small changes to make his characters different people. Sure it was a shame that I couldn’t have my ‘Nico is present without being present and that is typical infatuation’ moment, but Marti basically being on the lookout for Nico fulfilled a similar vibe and--
OH THAT’S RIGHT. Ludo was keeping it for another episode where it would actually HURT. (We can’t have nice things. What’s the fun in that? They always have to hurt!)
I’m of course referring to Marti listening to Earl Sweatshirt on his way to school in Assenze (6.1). AFTER Nico had broken up with him. AFTER he had caught Nico kissing his supposedly ex-girlfriend as if Marti meant nothing. AFTER feeling betrayed by Nico. AFTER a week of depression and self-imposed isolation.
I mean, wow. After all that, Earl Sweatshirt was Martino’s musical comfort; the artist that helped him find the nerve to get out of his house and back to school. I know Isak also used Even’s NAS to go back to school (such an iconic scene), but unlike og, we didn’t even know if Marti liked Earl Sweatshirt or bothered listening to him after Nico’s lounge-room introduction.
That is of course until we hear Marti listening to him after Nico broke his heart. And if that doesn’t pack a punch...
Like, had Marti been listening to Earl Sweatshirt all week? Had Marti actually been lying in bed, listening to Earl Sweatshirt songs because he so desperately wanted to feel connected to Nico? Because he wasn’t ready to let him go? Because he was missing him so much despite everything? And that is when he started to really connect with Earl Sweatshirt’s music to the point of using it to steel himself to go back to school?
My heart just cannot take this.
So yeh, I’m fine now that Earl Sweatshirt wasn’t referenced in Ammucchiate, but rather saved up for lethal detonation later on (I’m such a masochist, ugh).
And yes, another reason why we didn’t really need an Earl Sweatshirt reference in Ammucchiate is because technically we can claim a role reversal: that Marti was the one ever-present on Nico’s mind  because he came to the party in a Marti/Marty McFly-esque outfit. I was well fed and I didn’t even know it.
So that takes me to the end of my thoughts on Ammucchiate. I didn’t mean for it to get so long, but if you’ve read this and have your own thoughts please do let me know. :)
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marvinjspence-blog · 5 years
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elizaviento · 6 years
Manipulation (part 11)
Note:  Don’t forget to check out the amazing NSFW artwork that @ravenousscorpian created for this scene!  It can be found by clicking the #manipulation tag in my blog!
NSFW -- 3600 words
(FYI: This story is a sequel/companion piece to Assimilation, which can be found in the Rick Fic Masterpost link in my blog’s description along with additional chapters of Manipulation.  Or, you can click the #manipulation tag in this post, within my blog, to access all additional chapters.)
I was suddenly jolted awake by the creepy-crawly sensation of someone watching me. In response, my entire body jerked so violently, I nearly fell from the stool.  But, luckily I was able to balance myself just in time.  Cracking one eye, I noticed that the garage was suddenly flooded with light so I turned from the workstation to locate the source. Shielding my eyes from the blinding beams coming in from the kitchen, I was filled with instant irritation as they seared my retinas as if they were coming directly from the goddamn sun.
“W-w-what the – turn off that fuckin’ light!” I demanded, assuming it was Morty or Summer coming to pester me after another long night of lulling my conscious mind into a comfortably numb oblivion.
“I’m sorry!” she apologized, quickly stepping back into the kitchen to flip the light off.  At first, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me.  That is, until my eyes finally adjusted to the semi-darkness and I could make out her silhouette in the doorway.  Why was she here?  Surely, she should still be pissed that I’d thrown her into an alternate reality where her husband was still alive without regard to how it would fuck her head sideways and inside out.  Maybe she was here to extol her revenge.  Had she even used the inter-dimensional goggles, yet?  Had she witnessed her counterpart participating in adulterous acts with Rick D-79?
Well, if she hasn’t yet, she will soon, I thought as I stood from the stool and folded my arms across my chest.  Either way, don’t count on her coming to you for comfort, pal.  Good ol’ Rick Sanchez – smartest man in the fucking universe.  Gives the object of his misguided affection all the ammunition she needs to shoot him down and keep on shootin’ until he’s a sniveling pile of emotional, raw hamburger meat.  Brilliant! 
Figuring, to be on the safe side, I was already in the dog house with her, I opted for the more comfortable route when addressing her – snappy indifference.
“Uh – so, what’s – what do you want?  Can we talk about that Unity shit later?”
“No, that’s not it.  I’m sorry I woke you.  I’m just looking for something that I think may be in my boxes in here,” she explained, gesturing toward the other side of the metal shelving unit.
“At –” I glanced up at the clock hanging on the wall above my workstation, “– 4:15 am? What the – what is it?”  At this point, I was wondering why she even continued to speak to me, but I became completely confused with her quick reply –
“My vibrator.” She looked me square in the eye, her face entirely unreadable, and it took me several seconds to process the words that had just left her mouth.  But, as soon as I did, I knew I couldn’t allow this moment to slip away, no matter how fleeting.
“Baby, y-you don’t need that,” I said as I strode toward her.  She didn’t move away as I closed the distance and captured her by the waist.  Shuffling her back with me from the kitchen door, I closed it behind us and deftly flipped the lock.  Pressing a kiss to the top of her head, I continued, “Just sit – hop up on the counter and l-let me eat your pussy.”
She pressed her face against my chest in an obvious attempt to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks and I smirked as she inhaled and exhaled deeply before countering with, “Or… you can use it on me.”
“Hmm,” I breathed, intentionally drawing out my response just to hear her breaths huff in and out of her lungs in adorable little pants of excitement.  “I – uh – I could. But, I’m not patient – I-I-I can’t wait for you to dig through boxes, sweetheart.”  While trailing one hand up and down her spine, the mother of all scandalous ideas suddenly lit up like a fucking light bulb above my head. Pressing another quick kiss to her crown by way of apology for leaving so abruptly, I released her, produced the portal gun, entered the coordinates of the Citadel of Ricks and pressed the trigger.  “Stay here. I-I-I’ll be right back.”
The moment the portal snapped out of existence behind me, I approached the nearest directional kiosk to locate my destination as quickly as possible.  Thankfully, I had remembered the general neighborhood of the particular shop I’d come to visit and it was closer than I’d originally figured.
Hoofing the few blocks at a near run – so as not to be cited for excessive portal use – I arrived at the shady looking building sporting steel blast shutters at the edge of the red light district.  Rolling my eyes at the false sense of security the shop owner was attempting to portray, I rang the doorbell under the bold, red letter sign that read, “Ring bell for admittance.  Only one Rick at a time.  No Mortys permitted.”
A tiny security monitor emerged from a small hidden compartment above the bell with an irritated Rick peering at me from the screen.
“Yeah, what do ya want?” the sour puss spat into the microphone, his voice emitting from the tiny speaker with a warped, static quality.
“What the hell do you think I want?” I spat back, rolling my eyes as I pulled my flask for a quick swig.  Taking a glance at my wrist watch as I shoved it back into my breast pocket, I noticed this idiot had already wasted about 45 seconds with his bullshit greeting.
“You don’t have a Morty with you, do you?” he asked as I observed him reaching for the automatic door latch under the counter.
“No!” I yelled, throwing my hands up in frustration.  “Fuck!  Just let – l-let me in already!  I-I-I’m in a hurry!”
“Yeah, yeah. You and every other horny Rick in the Citadel.  Take a fuckin’ number, pal.”
I only stepped back from the monitor, dramatically twirling with my arms spread wide to showcase just how full of shit this asshole was.  I was the only mother fucker within three blocks of this dump and he had the nerve to big time me?  Fuck that.
“Okay, then, buddy.  I guess I – I’ll take my business to Big Dick Rick’s since he won’t make me pull out my cock to get – for a urethra scan just to get inside,” I bluffed.  The truth was, it was this shop or no dice because the particular item I had in mind was exclusive to Sleazy Rick’s Sex Emporium, unfortunately.
Abruptly, the tiny monitor retreated back into the hidden compartment and a second later, an obnoxious buzzer signified the disengagement of the magnetic door.  And, once I stepped inside, I was instantly assaulted with the unmistakable odor of silicone and cheap cologne.
Knowing exactly what I was there for, however, I made a beeline toward the premium power tools, snatched the item from the shelf and headed back toward the high top counter at the front of the store.
“Huh...” Ricky – as his name badge proclaimed – began, pushing the glasses up his greasy nose; moving infuriatingly slow as he picked up the box and inspected the contents. I checked my watch again – four fucking minutes now.  She’d already appeared exhausted when she sought me out in the garage and I knew I’d end up snapping this dip shit’s neck if she was asleep by the time I got back.  “You do know this is a g-spot vibrator, right?” he asked with a raised brow, obviously implying that perhaps I’d made a mistake. Surprisingly, the scowl remained even as he tried his best to crack a mocking smirk.
“Of fuckin’ course, I know that!” I yelled, yanking my wallet from my back pocket to produce the cash required for the purchase.  Tossing it on the counter, I told him to keep the fucking change and to hurry the hell up as he gingerly placed the nondescript white box in a black plastic bag.  Snatching it from his hand, I flipped him off as I exited the slum, pulled the portal gun, pressed the trigger and hopped through.
When I landed back in the garage, her head jerked up from the counter of my workstation in the same manner mine had when she’d woke me earlier and I was suddenly struck by the dark circles and puffiness under her eyes.  She obviously hadn’t slept a wink and maybe even had continued to cry long after she’d left the garage.  Perhaps she had used the goggles after all and perhaps what she saw got her significantly worked up enough to seek me out.  Cataloging that thought for further future study, I moved to stand next to her. And, as she shot me a quizzical look, I only pulled the box from the bag and handed it to her without explanation. She opened it carefully, as if it could be armed with an explosive device, and barked out a strangled laugh once she spied its contents.
“You bought me a new vibrator?” she asked, covering her eyes while she giggled like an embarrassed school girl.  “Where on earth did you get it?  You were only gone for like five minutes!”
“Not on earth,” I replied as she uncovered her eyes.  “There – there’s a Rick who owns a sex shop on the Citadel.  I knew what – uh – what I was looking for.”
“Oh, you did?” she asked, her tone playful as she removed the toy from the white velvet casing within the box.  The toy was black, made of a special material that resembled real skin and I felt my cock respond and swell to the visual of her testing the texture by rubbing the flat head against the sensitive skin of her inner wrist.  Then, she took another glance inside the box, obviously looking for a charger or instructions.
“It – it doesn’t need to be charged.  It has a battery that lasts – will outlive you.  And, it’s voice activated.  You – uh – you tell it what to do and it does it.”
“How do I turn it on?” she asked, flipping it this way and that to locate the power button.
“Just stick it – slide it in your cunt,” I explained.  She laughed again, shaking her head in disbelief.  “Now get – sit up here and take those pants off,” I instructed, grabbing her upper arm to tug her from the stool.
“Rick, I doubt you’ve sound proofed the garage, so maybe we shouldn’t.”
“You’ll just have to be quiet, sweetheart,” I assured her as I hooked my fingers in the waistband of both her pajama pants and underwear and yanked them down at once. She gasped and attempted to cover herself by pulling down the hem of her tank top while I practically reeled with unchecked lust upon spying the wet spot on the crotch of her panties.  She was ready and rearing, alright, and my mouth began to literally water as I swatted her hands away from the hem of her shirt, hoisted her up onto the counter and lifted her legs to plant both feet on the edge.
“You locked the door, right?” she asked, her voice already wavering and breathy.
“Mmhmm,” I hummed, pulling the stool over to sit between her spread legs.
Her pussy was on full display, right in front of me, and I felt my heart skip a beat at the way it glistened in the low light of the small lamp close by.  My aim had been, and still was, to destroy her in the best way with the custom vibrator, but I just couldn’t resist sliding my fingers through those slick folds; parting them slightly to peek at what was hidden within and – Jesus fuck – was it beautiful.  Before I could stop myself, I scooted closer on the stool and indulged – probing her with my tongue, sliding up and back down the folds before dipping inside. From the corner of my eye, I saw one of her hands release the counter and fly up to cover her mouth to suppress a moan.  I, however, didn’t bother to suppress mine as I slipped my tongue back up the length of her pussy and encased her engorged clit between my lips to gently suck.  In response, her hips jerked forward and the hand she’d clamped over her mouth now took a new position on the back of my neck.
“Oh fuck,” she whispered.  I continued to apply gentle suction while adding the sweeping motion of my tongue, back and forth, across the top of her clit.  “Rick.  Oh god,” she choked out and I pulled back, sensing that she was already teetering on the edge.  Releasing the most adorable whine of disappointment, her spine sagged as she clutched the counter with both hands, panting hard.
“Shhh,” I chided as I stood and pulled her in for a kiss, pushing my tongue through her lips to sweep inside her mouth.  “Taste that?” I asked when I’d pulled back.  “Fucking delicious, baby.”  I leaned in to kiss her again, a shiver working its way down my spine when she moaned into my mouth in response.
Finally ready to get down to business, as it were, I released her and plopped back down on the stool.  Wanting to make sure I had the best view possible, I placed both hands on her knees to shove them further apart while she steadied her balance by widening her arms and clutching the edge of the counter with more determination.  Then, I picked up the vibrator and positioned it at her pussy, sliding it up and down the slick slit before slowly pressing forward. Once the entirety of the business end of the toy was securely inside, I held it completely still, placed a kiss to each of her calves to calm her and then spoke the first command –
I could distinctly feel the toy spring to life as I held on to the base, the flat head no doubt expanding to apply constant pressure to her g-spot.  In response, she quietly moaned, her head lolling back.
The toy began to shimmy slightly in my fist as the tiny ball bearings pushed to the top of the flat head to roll this way and that and I wished I could observe it in action. Especially considering her reaction – her hips bucking forward as her teeth planted into her bottom lip.
I could feel the base of the vibrator heat up along with the rest of it as the pressure remained consistent and the ball bearings continued to roll and roll and roll. Her face screwed up in pleasure and her breathing became erratic as the temperature increased.
“More pressure,” she breathed, attempting to bend the toy to her will.  Smirking, I waited until she looked down on me with a confused expression when it did not do as she commanded.
“It – uh – it’s only programmed for my voice.  Or any Rick’s voice, I guess.  Factory default.”
When her face relaxed, I appeased her before she could utter a word, commanding, “More pressure.”  And, now she was close, issuing small, breathy moans as her cunt clenched around the toy; the force so strong, it jostled my wrist at the base.
“Ohh, y-you – you like that don’t you, my sweet girl?” I crooned, kissing her calf once more.  I knew one more command would completely do her in.
And, there it was.  Her entire body tensed, her hands gripped the edge of the counter so hard, I thought it may crack.  She dropped her chin to her chest, squeezed her eyes shut and screamed.
Feeling my stomach drop to my toes at the prospect that someone in this house would be awoken by their sister/aunt/best friend in the throes of a screaming orgasm had me propelling from the stool to ram the meaty part of my hand, below the thumb, into her mouth.  Instinctively, she bit down, hard, but I was much too distracted with the expression of pure, unadulterated bliss on her face to even notice.
“Holy shit,” I croaked, leaning in to kiss her temple.  She tensed again and another muffled sob escaped her as she bit down even harder.  Christ, did she just cum again? I wondered as tears leaked from her eyes and she mumbled something around my hand that resembled, “take it out”.
So, I did. Gently, I pulled the toy from her cunt and commanded, “Off,” before placing it on the counter next to her.
She was a sweaty, trembling mess – gasping for breath around my hand as I threaded the fingers of my other hand into the hair at the back of her neck and pressed my forehead to hers.  When I was sure that her involuntary screams of pleasure had subsided, I removed my hand from her mouth.
“Worth every fucking cent,” I said, awestruck.  A few minutes later, she seemed composed enough for me to pull her forward and coax her to the nearby stool.
“Rick – my god,” she said, still catching her breath as I retrieved her pajama pants and panties from the floor and handed them over.  With shaky hands, she slid them both up her thighs and slowly stood to pull them up the rest of the way.
“Don’t – uh – don’t get used to that,” I joked with a smirk.
“How can I when you’re the only one who can control it?”  Touché.
I laughed and sat on the other stool, admiring her.  I’d never seen someone practically glow the way she did after an orgasm and I wondered just how thoroughly my brain had been flooded with sense numbing endorphins for something so sappy and moronic to even cross my mind.
“Stand up and come here,” she commanded suddenly.  My heart pumped tingling sparks of excitement through every vein and artery as my body stood of its own accord, already anticipating her intentions.
When I’d situated between her legs, she went to work unbuckling my belt and loosening my fly.  Like she’d done the previous night, she slid her hand inside my briefs and wrapped her delicate fingers around my stiffening cock, slowly stroking from base to tip while looking directly into my eyes.  Licking her lips, she uttered a phrase that nearly buckled my knees before roughly yanking my pants and briefs down to pool at my ankles.
“I want you to choke me.”
“Oh fuck,” I moaned as she flattened her tongue to lick up the underside of my cock. When she reached the tip, she pulled back and thoroughly licked the palm of her hand.  Once she was satisfied that it was nice and soaked, she wrapped it around the base of my cock once more and began to blow me properly and with earnest.
“That – t-t-that’s it, baby.  God damn, that’s perfect,” I groaned, threading the fingers of both hands through her hair.  Automatically, I bobbed her head on my dick and glued my eyes to her face as it disappeared and reappeared from her mouth; her tongue painting hot stripes of pleasure that cooled just enough to shock me once again as she took my cock further and further down her throat and held it longer and longer with each pass.
“Oh – oh, sweetheart.  Fuck yeah. Eyes up here, baby.  That – thaaat’s right.  Let me – I-I-I wanna see those eyes while you – while you swallow my dick.”
Obeying like the good girl I knew she was, she flicked them upward to lock with mine.  A lightning bolt struck my cock in that moment as the blunt head hit the back of her throat and tears leaked from the corners of her eyes.  Releasing a hand from her hair to swipe a thumb under them, I issued the praise she deserved.
“That’s my good girl,” I whispered.  “You look so perfect like this.  You’re gonna – gonna make me cum, sweet girl.  You gonna take it, baby?”
She hummed around my cock in affirmation and I groaned, picking up my pace.  This was it.  I was going to cum down her fucking throat.
“Oh, fuck – oh, shit.  Here – here it comes.  Fuck!”  I strained to keep quiet as I buried both hands back in her hair and bucked wildly into the wet cavern of her mouth.  She hummed again, flattening her tongue to take my cock as far down her throat as possible, like a fucking champ.
“Ah, fuck!”
My movements stalling; my cock swelled, the pressure mounting before releasing and pulsing with each rope of cum that pumped forth and hit the back of her throat. And, she took it.  And, continued to take it until I had nothing left before releasing my dick with a wet and playful pop.
“Christ,” I said, slouching over her and catching my breath while she untangled my hand from her hair.  “You know how to suck a dick.”  No doubt, the reverence was clear in my voice and, at that moment, I just couldn’t give a shit.
To be continued...
P.S.  Special thanks to @maidservant-hecubus for so graciously allowing me to borrow her OC, Ricky, the sex shop worker.  :)
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epackingvietnam · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
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bfxenon · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
nutrifami · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
xaydungtruonggia · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
camerasieunhovn · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
ductrungnguyen87 · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes
gamebazu · 4 years
They're Simply the Best: The Top 25 Moz Blog Posts of 2020
Posted by morgan.mcmurray
Here we are again — that time of year filled with wrap-ups and lookbacks and “best of” compilations. 2020 was a year like no other, and that’s certainly reflected in the topics covered by the blogs in the list below.
We published 170 blog posts this year (including Whiteboard Friday episodes) — not too shabby for a year rife with personal and professional challenges! We’re looking forward to what 2021 has in store, but in case you missed anything, we’ve compiled the top 25 most-read pieces from the last 12 months*. You’ll find several Whiteboard Friday episodes (past and present), local SEO tips, and advice for empathetic marketing, along with the optimistic SEO predictions for 2020 and beyond — made in pre-COVID times. 
So without further ado, here are the best Moz Blog posts of 2020. Enjoy!

*The top 25 Moz Blog posts listed below were published between January 1 - December 22, 2020, and are in order by unique pageviews generated during that timeframe.
1. What Readers Want During COVID-19: Content Ideas for Every Niche
Author: Amanda Milligan | Published: March 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 49,889
Amanda tested a variety of keywords to see which ones exhibited a trend during the initial COVID-19 outbreak, and might warrant some attention from content marketers. Here's what she found. 
2. Pay Attention to These SEO Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Author: Suganthan Mohanadasan | Published: February 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 45,553
In the past several years, we've already seen a sea of change in how we think and execute on SEO, but the future holds even more change — and more opportunity. Explore a rundown of key SEO topics to keep an eye on in the future.
3. Are H1 Tags Necessary for Ranking? [SEO Experiment]
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 25, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 35,414
In earlier days of search marketing, SEOs often heard the same two best practices repeated so many times it became implanted in our brains: Wrap the title of your page in H1 tags and use only one H1 tag per page. Despite assertions from one of Google's most trusted authorities that sites "can do perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags", many SEOs didn't believe it. So of course, we decided to test it scientifically.
4. Google My Business: FAQ for Multiple Businesses at the Same Address
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: February 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,883
How should I get listed in Google My Business if I’ve got multiple businesses at the same address? How many listings am I eligible for if I’m running more than one business at my location? Get answers to your top questions in this comprehensive FAQ.
5. Google's January 2020 Core Update: Has the Dust Settled?
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: January 27, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 31,800
The January 2020 Core Update peaked from January 13-15. We dig into the numbers, including winners and losers.
6. Google's May 2020 Core Update: Winners, Winnerers, Winlosers, and Why It's All Probably Crap
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: May 14, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 24,159
The May 2020 Core Update was the second-hottest update since the August 2018 "Medic" Update. Dr. Pete takes a hard look at the numbers, including why measuring winners and losers has turned out to be a tricky business.
7. Core Web Vitals: The Next Official Google Ranking Factor
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: July 17, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 21,281
There's a new ranking factor in town: Core Web Vitals. Expected in 2021, this Google-announced algorithm change has a few details you should be aware of. 
8. SEO for 2020
Author: Britney Muller | Published: January 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,783
SEO Scientist Britney Muller offers a seventeen-point checklist of things you ought to keep in mind for executing on modern, effective SEO. You'll encounter both old favorites (optimizing title tags, anyone?) and cutting-edge ideas to power your search strategy into the future.
9. 4 Google My Business Fields That Impact Ranking (and 3 That Don't)
Author: Joy Hawkins | Published: October 23, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 20,330
Joy and her team at Sterling Sky have come to the conclusion that there are only four things inside the Google My Business dashboard that a business owner or a marketing agency can edit that will have a direct influence on where they rank in the local results on Google.
10. Crawled — Currently Not Indexed: A Coverage Status Guide
Author: Christopher Long | Published: March 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 18,354
Within Google's Index Coverage report, there are many different statuses that provide webmasters with information about how Google is handling their site content. While many of the statuses provide some context around Google’s crawling and indexation decisions, one remains unclear: “Crawled — currently not indexed”. This post will help you identify some of the most common reasons this mysterious status might be affecting your website, and how to address them.
11. How to Get Backlinks in 2020 [Series]
Author: Britney Muller | Published: June 26, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 15,523
A little creativity and smart tactics can uncover high-quality link building opportunities. This week, Britney Muller kicks off a new Whiteboard Friday series on modern link building.
12. Position Zero Is Dead; Long Live Position Zero
Author: Dr. Peter J. Meyers | Published: February 5, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 14,825
On January 22, 2020, Google started removing Featured Snippet URLs from organic listings. We take a deep dive into the before and after of this change, including its implications for rank-tracking.
13. 2020 Local SEO Success: How to Feed, Fight, and Flip Google
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: January 6, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,969
Feed Google the right information, fight spam, and flip it into an opportunity: these are the top three ways to chase local SEO success.
14. Which of My Competitor's Keywords Should (& Shouldn't) I Target?
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: February 21, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,638
Which of your competitor's keywords are worth targeting, and which can be ignored? Learn how to tell the difference in this fan favorite Whiteboard Friday.
15. 10 Basic SEO Tips to Index + Rank New Content Faster
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: October 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 13,381
When you publish new content, you want users to find it ranking in search results as fast as possible. Fortunately, there are a number of tips and tricks in the SEO toolbox to help you accomplish this goal. 
16. 7 SEO Processes That Get Easier with Increased PageRank/Domain Authority
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: February 7, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,883
What factors are affected as you improve PageRank or Domain Authority, and how? Cyrus details seven SEO processes that are made easier by a strong investment in link building and growing your authority.
17. Marketing in Times of Uncertainty
Author: Rand Fishkin | Published: April 3, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,861
Our work as marketers has transformed drastically in 2020. Our good friend Rand talks about a topic that's been on the forefront of our minds lately: how to do our jobs empathetically and effectively through one of the most difficult trials in modern memory.
18. A Beginner’s Guide to Ranking in Google Maps
Author: Alex Ratynski | Published: March 16, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,836
The majority of your potential customers still use Google to find local businesses near them. In fact, 80% of searches with “local intent” result in a conversion. This begs the question: “What’s the best way to catch the attention of local searchers on Google?” The answer: through Google Maps marketing.
19. The Rules of Link Building
Author: Britney Muller | Published: February 28, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,532
Are you building links the right way? Or are you still subscribing to outdated practices? Britney Muller clarifies which link building tactics still matter and which are a waste of time (or downright harmful) in one of our very favorite classic episodes of Whiteboard Friday.
20. How We Ranked a Single Page for 2.6K Keywords Driving 30K Monthly Searches [Case Study]
Author: Kristin Tynski | Published: May 4, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,359
In rare cases, SEOs create content that generates results so far beyond what was anticipated that a single project can greatly move the needle. Kristin walks through one such instance for her team's client, ADT.
21. Understanding & Fulfilling Search Intent
Author: Britney Muller |  Published: June 12, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 12,262
Understanding what your target audience is searching and why is more important than ever. Britney Muller shares everything you need to begin understanding and fulfilling search intent, plus a free Google Sheets checklist download to help you analyze the SERPs you care about most.
22. Title Tags SEO: When to Include Your Brand and/or Boilerplate
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: August 31, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,850
If your websites are like most, they include a fair amount of extra "stuff" in the title tags: things like your brand name or repeating boilerplate text that appears across multiple pages. But should you include these elements in your titles automatically?
23. How to Query the Google Search Console API
Author: Brian Gorman | Published: March 18, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 11,095
If you’ve been an SEO for even a short time, you’re likely familiar with Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a valuable tool for getting information about your website and its performance in organic search. That said, it does have its limitations. In this post, you’ll learn how to get better-connected data out of Google Search Console and increase the size of your exports by 400%.
24. How to Choose Google My Business Categories (With Cool Tools!)
Author: Miriam Ellis | Published: September 9, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,873
Your choice of your primary and secondary categories contributes a lot to Google’s understanding and handling of your business. With so much riding on proper categorization, let’s empower you to research your options like a pro today!
25. A Must-Have Keyword Research Process for Winning SEO
Author: Cyrus Shepard | Published: May 8, 2020 | Unique Pageviews: 10,745
Smart keyword research forms the basis of all successful SEO. Cyrus Shepard shares the basics of a winning keyword research process that you can learn and master in a short amount of time. 
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!
0 notes